bärenreiter vocal music


bärenreiter vocal music
Sacred and Secular
Stage Works........................ 34–39.
Choral Works.................... 4–29
by Edition Numbers ....... 52–54
Solo Voice........................... 40–47
Popular Choral Music
and Collections............... 30–33.
Facsimiles............................ 48–51
by Composers ...................... 55
Abbreviations and key to figures
Bc / bc
Basso continuo
Czech text
German text
English text
French text
Bärenreiter Edition
Bosse Edition
Editio Bärenreiter Praha
Süddeutscher Musikverlag Vocal score (includes all solo
voices, choral voices and
a piano reduction)
Performance material
available on sale
Performance material
available on hire
Content valid as of February 2011.
Errors excepted and delivery terms
subject to change without notice.
Cover design with a photograph
by Edition Paavo Blåfield.
E-Mail: paavo@blofield.de
Karl Vötterle GmbH & Co. KG
International Department
P.O. Box 10 03 29
D-34003 Kassel · Germany
E-Mail: info@baerenreiter.com
Printed in Germany
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The Musicians’ Choice
The Bärenreiter
Vocal Music Catalogue
has been compiled to give you
a large overview over the many
editions in our extensive vocal
publishing programme.
This catalogue contains all the
Bärenreiter sacred and secular
choral music repertoire. International
popular choral works/collections as
well as a considerable selection of
stage and solo voice works are also
included. To round the catalogue off,
all the facsimiles concerning
vocal works are presented.
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel
Magnificat Wq 215
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7517
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Wie schön leuchtet der
Morgenstern / How bright and
fair the morning star (Ger/Eng)
Cantata for the Feast of
Annunciation Day
Urtext / Ed. M. Wendt
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 10 001-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 001-91 Choral score
TP 1001
Study score
Christ lag in Todes Banden /
Christ lay by death enshrouded
Cantata for Easter Sunday
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by E. R. Barthel
BA 10 004-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 004-91 Choral score
TP 1004 Study score
Bleib bei uns, denn es will
Abend werden (Ger)
Cantata for Easter Monday
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by H. Ruf
BA 10 006-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 006-91 Choral score
From: Bach, Christ lag in Todes Banden · BA 10 004-90
BWV 12
Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen,
Zagen / Weeping, crying,
sorrow, sighing (Ger/Eng)
Cantata for the Feast of
St. Michael
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 10 012-90 ° V.s.
TP 1012 Study score
BWV 18
Gleichwie der Regen und
Schnee vom Himmel fällt /
Like as the Raindrops and
Snow from Heaven fall;
Leipzig Version (Ger/Eng)
Cantata for Sunday Sexagesimae
Urtext / Ed. W. Neumann
Piano reduction by
W. Stockmeyer
BA 10 018-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 018-91 Choral score
TP 1018 Study score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Bach, Johann Sebastian
NE W 2011
BWV 39
Brich dem Hungrigen
dein Brot (Ger)
Cantata for the 1st Sunday after
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
BA 10 039-90 V.s.
in preparation
BWV 45
Es ist dir gesagt, Mensch, was
gut ist (Ger)
Cantata for the 8 th Sunday
after Trinity
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by W. Stockmeier
BA 10 045-90 ° V.s.
TP 1045 Study score
BWV 62
Nun komm, der Heiden
Heiland (Ger)
Cantata for the First Sunday
of Advent
Urtext / Ed. W. Neumann,
G. Raphael
Piano reduction by G. Raphael
BA 10 062-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 062-91 Choral score
TP 1062 Study score
BWV 68
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt
Cantata for Whit Monday
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr / A. Mendel
Piano reduction by A. Dürr
BA 10 068-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 068-91 Choral score
BWV 51
Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen /
Praise ye God thruout creation
Solo Cantata for the 15th Sunday
after Trinity
Urtext / Ed. M. Wendt
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 10 051-90 ° V.s.
TP 1051 Study score.
BWV 78
Jesu, der du meine Seele /
Jesu, by Thy Cross and Passion
Cantata for the 14th Sunday
after Trinity
Urtext / Ed. W. Neumann
Piano reduction by
W. H. Bernstein
BA 10 078-90 ° V.s.
TP 1078 Study score
BWV 21
Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis /
Lord my God, my heart and
soul were sore distrest
Cantata for the 3rd Sunday
after Trinity
Urtext / Ed. P. Brainard
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 10 021-90 ° V.s.
TP 1021 Study score
BWV 56
Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne
tragen / I will my cross-staff
gladly carry (Ger/Eng)
Cantata for the 19 th Sunday
after Trinity
Urtext / Ed. M. Wendt
Piano reduction by A. Kroupova
BA 10 056-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 056-91 Choral score
TP 1056 Study score
BWV 80
Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott /
A Mighty Fortress is Our God
Cantata for the Feast of
Urtext / Ed. F. Rempp
Piano reduction by E. R. Barthel
BA 10 080-90 ° V.s.
TP 1080 Study score
BWV 31
Der Himmel lacht! Die Erde
jubilieret / The Heavens laugh,
the earth exults in gladness
Cantata for the 1st Easter Day
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by O. Kroupova
BA 10 031-90 ° V.s.
TP 1031 Study score
BWV 61
Nun komm, der Heiden
Heiland (Ger)
Cantata for the First Sunday
of Advent
Urtext / Ed. W. Neumann,
G. Raphael
Piano reduction by G. Raphael
BA 10 061-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 061-91 Choral score
TP 1061 Study score
BWV 36
Schwingt freudig euch empor
Cantata for the First of Advent
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by G. Müller
BA 10 036-90 ° V.s.
TP 1036 Study score
Discover baerenreiter.com
BWV 91
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ
Cantata for Christmas Day
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr, G. Raphael
Piano reduction by G. Raphael
BA 10 091-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 091-91 Choral score
TP 1091 Study score
BWV 106
Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste
Zeit / Mighty God, His time
is ever best (Actus tragicus)
Urtext / Ed. R. Higuchi
Piano reduction by E. Wernhard
BA 10 106-90 ° V.s.
TP 1106 Study score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Bach, Johann Sebastian
BWV 130
Herr Gott, dich loben alle wir /
Lord God, we praise Thee all
of us (Ger/Eng)
Cantata for the Feast of St. Michael
Urtext / Ed. M. Helms
Piano reduction by E. Wernhard
BA 10 130-90 ° V.s.
TP 1130 Study score
BWV 132
Bereitet die Wege, bereitet
die Bahn (Ger)
Cantata for the 4th Sunday of
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr, G. Raphael
Piano reduction by G. Raphael
BA 10 132-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 132-91 Choral score
BWV 134
Ein Herz, das seinen Jesum
lebend weiss (Ger)
Cantata for Easter Tuesday; third
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr, G. Raphael
Piano reduction by G. Raphael
BA 10 134-90 ° V.s.
From: Bach, Wake ye maids! hark, strikes the hour · BA 10 140-90
BWV 140
Wachet auf, ruft uns die
Stimme / Wake ye maids! hark,
strikes the hour (Ger/Eng)
Cantata for the 27th Sunday
after Trinity
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by A. Dürr
BA 10 140-90 ° V.s.
TP 1140 Study score
BWV 147
Herz und Mund und Tat und
Leben / Heart and lips, thy
whole behaviour (Ger/Eng)
Cantata for the Feast
of Visitation B.V.M.
Urtext / Ed. U. Wolf
Piano reduction by O. Kroupová
BA 10 147-90 ° V.s.
TP 1147 Study score
° = Performance material
available on sale
BWV 158
Der Friede sei mit dir (Ger)
Cantata for Easter Tuesday
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by A. Dürr
BA 10 158-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 158-91 Choral score
BWV 166
Wo gehest du hin (Ger)
Cantata for the 4th Sunday
after Easter
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by A. Dürr
BA 10 166-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 166-91 Choral score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Johann Sebastian Bach
The Complete Cantatas, Chorales and Motets
19 study scores in paperback
“The today extant repertory of some
180 church cantatas – with over a hundred
hours of music – offers an exceedingly rich
vocal-instrumental treasure trove from all of
Bach's creative periods. The unusual musical
wealth of the cantatas is reflected not just in
the complete body, but also in the individual
cycles, in larger and smaller groups of works,
and also in individual works. They all owe
their unmistakable character to the various
stages of Bach's life and to the composer's
inexhaustibly changing ideas.“
Christoph Wolff
Bärenreiter‘s unique edition, which
encompasses more than 11,000 pages,
contains all cantatas together with the
motets, chorales and sacred songs in
the Urtext of the New Bach Edition.
All corrections from the Bach Institute,
Leipzig are included. As a special extra,
the rediscovered aria Alles mit Gott und
nichts ohn’ ihn is also enclosed. Furthermore there is an additional index volume
with an introduction (Ger/Eng)
by Christoph Wolff.
Johann Sebastian Bach
The Complete Cantatas,
Chorales and Motets
Bärenreiter Urtext. Study scores
19 volumes with more than 11,000 pages
TP 2004
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Bach, Johann Sebastian
BWV 172
Erschallet, ihr Lieder (Ger)
Cantata for Whitsunday;
C maj version
Urtext / Ed. D. Kilian
Piano reduction by D. Kilian
BA 10 172-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 172-91 Choral score
TP 1172 Study score
BWV 175
Er rufet seinen Schafen mit
Namen / He calleth His own
sheep each by name (Ger/Eng)
Cantata for Whit Tuesday
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by A. Dürr
BA 5138-90 ° V.s.
BA 10 175-91 Choral score
TP 1175 Study score
BWV 176
Es ist ein trotzig und verzagt
Ding (Ger)
Cantata for Trinity Sunday
Urtext / Ed. R. Freeman
BA 5128-91 ° Choral score
TP 1176 Study score
BWV 208
Was mir behagt, ist nur die
muntre Jagd
“Congratulatory Cantata“ (Ger)
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by A. Dürr
BA 10 208-90 ° V.s.
From: Bach, Christmas Oratorio BWV 248 · BA 5014-90
BWV 211
Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht/
Be silent, not a word
“Coffee Cantata“ (Ger/Eng)
Urtext / Ed. W. Neumann
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 10 211-90 ° V.s.
TP 1211 Study score
BWV 212
Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet/
The Chamberlain is now our
Squire “Peasant Cantata“
Urtext / Ed. W. Neumann
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 10 212-90 ° V.s.
TP 1212 Study score
Christmas Oratorio
BWV 248 (Ger/Eng)
Urtext / Ed. W. Blankenburg,
A. Dürr
Piano reduction by A. Dürr
BA 5014-90 ° V.s.
Choral parts also available
TP 85 Study score
The Complete Cantatas,
Chorales and Motets
TP 2004 à page 7
Freut euch alle BWV 207a (Ger)
Festive chorus for mixed choir
(SATB) and piano; woodwind
ad lib.
Arranged by U. Zimmer,
Piano part by R. Schweizer
BA 6905 ° Score; Choral score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Lutheran Masses
BWV 233-236 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. E. Platen
Piano reductions by A. Köhs
- Mass in F maj BWV 233
BA 5182-90 ° V.s.
BA 5182-91 Choral score
- Mass in A maj BWV 234
BA 5183-90 ° V.s.
BA 5183-91 Choral score
- Mass in G min BWV 235
BA 5184-90 ° V.s.
BA 5184-91 Choral score
- Mass in G maj BWV 236
BA 5185-90 ° V.s.
BA 5185-91 Choral score
Magnificat in D maj
BWV 243 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by E. Müller
BA 5103-90 ° V.s.
BA 5103-91 Choral score
TP 2 Study score
Magnificat in E-flat maj
BWV 243a (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. A. Dürr
Piano reduction by E. Müller,
C. Heimbucher
BA 5208-90 ° V.s.
TP 58 Study score
Mass in B min
NE W 2010
BWV 232 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. U. Wolf
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
New revised edition
BA 5935-90 ° V.s. à pages 10-11
Facsimile edition
ISBN 978-3-7618-2194-7
à page 50.
Still available:
Mass in B min BWV 232 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. F. Smend
Piano reduction by G. Müller
BA 5102-90 ° V.s.
Choral parts also available
TP 1 Study score
Mass in B min, early versions
Missa BWV 232I (version of
1733). Credo in unum Deum
BWV 233II/1 (early version in
G maj). Sanctus BWV 232III
(version of 1724) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. U. Wolf
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 5293-90 ° V.s.
Motets BWV 225-230 (Ger)
Urtext / Ed. K. Ameln
Piano reduction by O. Kroupová
BA 5193-90 V.s.
BA 5193
Choral score
Motets · Separate Editions
Singet dem Herrn ein neues
Lied BWV 225 (Ger)
Motet for two mixed choirs
Urtext / Ed. K. Ameln
BA 5129 ° Score; Choral score
Der Geist hilft unser
Schwachheit auf BWV 226 (Ger)
Motet for two mixed choirs
Urtext / Ed. K. Ameln
BA 5130 ° Score
BA 5131
Choral score
Jesu, meine Freude BWV 227
Motet for mixed choir (SSATB)
Urtext / Ed. K. Ameln
BA 5132 ° Score; Choral score
Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei
dir BWV 228 (Ger)
Motet for two mixed choirs
Urtext / Ed. K. Ameln
BA 5133 ° Score; Choral score
Komm, Jesu komm BWV 229
Motet for two mixed choirs
Urtext / Ed. K. Ameln
BA 5134 ° Score; Choral score
Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden
BWV 230 (Ger)
Motet for mixed choir (SATB)
and bc
Urtext / Ed. K. Ameln
BA 5135 ° Score; Choral score
Motets of Doubtful
Ich lasse dich nicht, du segnest
mich denn BWV Anh. 159 /
Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt
BWV Anh. 160 (Ger)
Motets for two mixed choirs
Urtext / Ed. F. Rempp
BA 5239
St. John Passion BWV 245
Urtext / Ed. A. Mendel
Piano reduction by W. H. Bernstein
BA 5037-90 ° V.s.
Choral parts also available
TP 197 Study score
St. Mark Passion BWV 247
A reconstruction. (Ger)
Ed. A. H. Gomme
Piano reduction by A. H. Gomme
BA 5209-90  V.s.
Gomme has added passages from
Reinhard Keiser's setting of the
Passion (a setting highly esteemed
by Bach, who performed it several
times), thereby allowing this
lost work to be performed in its
entirety. A detailed preface (Ger/
Eng) sheds further light on this
unique reconstruction.
St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
Urtext / Ed. after M. Schneider
by A. Dürr
Piano reduction by A. Dürr
BA 5038-90 ° V.s.
Choral parts also available
TP 196 Study score
St. Matthew Passion Early version BWV 244b
Urtext / Ed. A. Glöckner
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 5099-90 ° V.s.
° = Performance material
available on sale
 = Performance material
available on hire
BACH · Mass in B Minor BWV 232
Bärenreiter in conjunction with the Bach
Archive Leipzig proudly presents the new
revised edition of the Mass in B minor.
New findings and insights:
For the first time the “Dresden parts” of 1733
which were largely written by Bach are included
as valuable additional source material.
I. Missa
Johann Sebastian Bach
1. Kyrie
Klavierauszug / Piano reduction: Andreas Köhs
Soprano I
Ky ri e,
ri e e
i son, e le
Soprano II
Ky ri e
i son,
le i son, e
i son.
Ky ri e
e le
i son,
ri e
ri e
ri e,
ri e
i son.
Ky ri e,
Ky ri e,
Latest scientific examination methods:
For the first time, annotations by J. S. Bach and
C. P. E. Bach can be differentiated by using ink
analysis (x-ray spectography of over 500 places
in the score). This method also enables
in-depth-analysis of areas which have been
eroded to a large extent by iron ink gall erosion.
Mass in B minor BWV 232
Edited by Uwe Wolf
Full score, paperback
BA 5935-00
Full score, hardcover/clothbound
BA 5935-01
BA 5935a
© 2010 by Bärenreiter-Verlag, Kassel
“It is tremendously important, this
New Bach Edition – Revised of the Mass
in B minor by J. S. Bach! One of the major
works by J. S. Bach is now finally
available in a scholarly edition, as it
should be. Congratulations!”
Ton Koopman
“Uwe Wolf has undertaken a thorough
and careful examination of all surviving
materials by J. S. Bach – manuscripts,
paper, ink, etc. From this we will be able
to gain new confidence for the individual
elements of our performances.”
Masaaki Suzuki
Bach Collegium Japan
Vocal score (Latin)
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 5935-90
Study score
TP 1232
●Edited by the Bach Archive Leipzig, the
internationally recognised centre for Bach
●Based on the respective volume published
in the new 15 volume series New Bach Edition revised (NBArev)
●Urtext edition reflecting the latest research
and scientific source examination
●Full performance material available on sale
in high quality Bärenreiter Urtext editions
Tromba I in D
Tromba II in D
in a Revised New Edition
Tromba III in D
SCORE File: B33-035.MUS
Timpani d, A
Project: A&O 6k 20.10.09
File Date:08-24-*9 Time: 09:49 Print data: 1.08 2.1 2.4 300 3
4a. (4.)* Gloria
Flauto traverso I
Tromba I in D
Tromba II in D
Flauto traverso II
Tromba III in D
Timpani d, A
Flauto traverso I
Oboe I
Flauto traverso II
Oboe II
Oboe I
Oboe II
Fagotto I, II
Fagotto I, II
Violino I
Violino II
The Dresden parts
Violino I
Valuable information to the readings of the
scoreIIof the Missa can be drawn
from the “Dresden parts” of 1733, largely
written by Bach
himself. The different readings
of the parts are clearly differentiated from
the readings of the autograph score by the
use of passages printed in grey.
SCORE File: B33-174.MUS
Project: A&O 6k 20.10.09
Soprano I
Soprano II
Continuo (bez.)
File Date:08-24-*9 Time: 10:39 Print data: 1.08 2.1 2.4 300 3
* In Klammern geben wir die Satznummerierung nach NBA II/1 und II/1a.
Soprano I
From: J. S. Bach, Mass in B Minor: Gloria · BA 5935 Full score
Soprano II
scientific methods3
i Pa
All corrections, additions and alterations by
Bach’s son and places
which remain
dit, a scen doubtful
dit in
(because of iron gall ink erosion) appear in the
edition in square brackets.
i Pa
a scen4 dit,
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* In Klammern geben wir die Satznummerierung nach NBA II/1 und II/1a.
scen dit
Continuo (bez.)
i Pa
i Pa
dit, a scen dit in
i Pa
i Pa
i Pa
i Pa
Detram i De Pa
i Pa
a scen dit,
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scen dit
scen dit
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dit in
scen dit
coe lum,
scen dit in
dit in
From: J. S. Bach, Mass in B Minor: Symbolum Nicenum, Et resurrexit
BA 5935 Full score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Symphony No. 9 in D min
op. 125. Finale (Ger)
Urtext / Ed. J. Del Mar
Piano reduction by E. Wernhard
BA 9009-90 ° V.s.
TP 909 Study score
Facsimile edition NE W 2010
ISBN 978-3-7618-2169-5
à page 48
Berlioz, Hector
La damnation de Faust (Fr/Ger)
Text by the composer,
A. Gandonnière, G. de Nerval
Urtext / Ed. J. Rushton
Piano reduction by E. Wernhard
BA 5448-90  V.s.
L’Enfance du Christ /
The Childhood of Christ
(Fr/Eng) Sacred Trilogy
Text by H. Berlioz
Urtext / Ed. D. Lloyd-Jones
Piano reduction by E. Wernhard
BA 5451-90 (Fr/Ger)  V.s.
BA 5451-73 (Fr/Eng)  V.s.
Grande messe des morts
“Requiem“ (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. J. Kindermann
Piano reduction by M. Töpel,
D. Woodfull-Harris
BA 5449-90  V.s.
TP 332 Study score
Messe solennelle (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Macdonald
Piano reduction by E. Wernhard
BA 5463-90  V.s.
TP 333 Study score
From: Beethoven, Symphony No. 9 in D min · BA 9009-90
Roméo et Juliette (Fr)
Symphonie dramatique
Text by E. Deschamps
Urtext / Ed. D. K. Holoman
Piano reduction by E. Wernhard
BA 5458-90  V.s.
TP 334 Study score
Te Deum (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. D. McCaldin
Piano reduction by O. Taubmann
BA 5782-90  V.s.
Bruckner, Anton
Sacred Songs (Ital/Ger)
for mixed choir (SSAATTB, SATB
and SSATB)
SM 2815 Singing score
Te Deum WAB 45 (Lat)
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7524 Score
Buxtehude, Dietrich
Befiehl dem Engel, dass er
komm / Command the Angels
BuxWV 10 (Ger/Eng)
Choral cantata for mixed choir
(SATB), strings and bc
Ed. B. Grusnick
BA 541 ° Score with parts BA 541-91 Choral score
Cantate Domino /
Lobsinget Gott, dem Herrn
BuxWV 12 (Lat/Ger)
Motet for soloists (SB) ad lib.,
choir (SSB) and bc
Ed. B. Grusnick
BA 542 Score
BA 542-91 Choral score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Buxtehude, Dietrich
Der Herr ist mit mir
BuxWV 15 (Ger)
Cantata for mixed choir (SATB),
strings and bc
Ed. B. Grusnick
BA 3198 ° Score with parts
BA 3198-91Choral score
In dulci jubilo BuxWV 60
(Lat/Ger/Eng) for mixed choir
(SAB), two violins and bc
Ed. B. Grusnick
BA 620 ° Score with parts
BA 620-91 Choral score.
Jesu, meine Freude / Jesu,
my heart’s treasure BuxWV 60
(Ger/Eng). Cantata for soloists
(SSB), mixed choir (SSB), two
violins, bassoon (violoncello)
and bc
Ed. B. Grusnick
BA 487 ° Score with parts
BA 487-91 Choral score
Laudate Sion Salvatorem /
Praise him, Christians
BuxWV 68 (Lat/Eng)
Christmas cantata for soloists (SB)
ad lib., choir (SSB), strings and bc
BA 481 ° Score with parts
BA 481-6 Choral score
Magnificat anima mea
BuxWV-Anh.1 (Lat/Ger/Eng)
Motet for mixed choir (SSATB),
strings and bc
Ed. B. Grusnick
BA 543 ° Score with parts
BA 543-91 Choral score
Missa brevis (Kyrie and Gloria)
for mixed choir (SSATB) and bc
Ed. W. Gurlitt
BA 265 Choral score,
playing score Das neugebor‘ne Kindelein /
The newborn babe, the
heavenly child (Ger/Eng)
BuxWV 13. Cantata for mixed
choir (SATB), strings and bc
Ed. B. Grusnick
BA 717 ° Score with parts
BA 717-91 Choral score
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine
NE W 2011
In nativitatem
Domini canticum H. 416 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. J. Schwindt
Piano reduction by J. Schwindt
BA 7673-90 ° V.s.
To appear in May 2011
Charpentier composed In nativitatem
Domini canticum during his period
as maître de musique at the church
of St Louis in Paris (around 1690).
It is in the tradition of the oratorios
of Carissimi and his contemporaries,
but is more easily described as a
“Grand Motet” or “Histoire sacrée”,
a genre in which Charpentier excelled.
For the first time this work,
prepared by the acknowledged
Charpentier expert Joel Schwindt,
is presented in a scholarly-critical
edition where all sources have been
Caldara, Antonio
Stabat Mater (Lat)
for soloists (SATB), mixed choir
(SATB) and orchestra
Ed. H. Schroeder
SM 2600-90 ° V.s.
SM 2600-91 Choral score
Regina coeli laetare (Lat/Ger)
for choir (SATB), piano (organ)
ad lib.
Ed. T. Kohlhase
BA 6236 Choral score, playing score
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine
Messe de Minuit pour Noël
H 9 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. SchauerteMaubouet
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 7592-90 ° V.s.
Te Deum H 146 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. SchauerteMaubouet
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 7593-90 ° V.s.
 First Urtext edition of this work
 An important addition to the
repertoire for Christmas
 Straightforward, clear piano
 Foreword (Ger/Eng) and critical
commentary (Eng)
Te Deum H 148 (Lat)
for mixed choir (SATB) and bc
Urtext / Ed. H. SchauerteMaubouet
BA 7591 Score
Distler, Hugo
Geistliche Chormusik op. 12 (Ger)
Nine motets for mixed choir
(SATB) a cappella
BA 6483 Singing score
Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (Ger)
Chorale partita on
“Weihnachtsgeschichte“ op. 10
for mixed choir (SATB)
BA 681 Singing score
Singet dem Herrn ein neues
Lied (Ger)
Motet on Psalm 98/1, 4-9a op. 12/1
from Geistliche Chormusik op. 12
for mixed choir (SATB)
Gothic print
BA 751 Choral score Lobe den Herren, den
mächtigen König der Ehren (Ger)
Chorale-motet op. 6/2,1
for mixed choir (SATB)
Gothic print
BA 589 Choral score 13
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Fauré‘s Requiem in an Urtext edition
Fauré, Gabriel
NE W 2011
Requiem (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. C. M. Stahl,
M. Stegemann
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 9461-90 ° V.s.
To appear in May 2011.
The Messe de Requiem is
probably the internationally
best-known and most frequently
performed work by Gabriel
Fauré. The composer’s first
version was limited to just five
movements and small-scale
forces with low strings, harp
and organ. The work was then
expanded several times
culminating in the version for
large orchestra of 1900. This
orchestral version forms the
basis of this edition.
Despite its comparatively long
period of gestation, the Requiem
forms a stylistic unity. Unlike other
requiem settings, the composer
foregoes any theatrical gestures
in this work. A restrained dynamic
range together with graceful
melodic writing for both soloists
and choir give the work a gentle
and optimistic character.
The vocal score is based on the
volume of the Complete Works
of Gabriel Fauré (BA 9461) to be
published in 2011. It is important
to note that this vocal score is
also compatible with the first
small-scale version as well as the
second chamber orchestra version.
 High-quality Urtext based on
the Complete Works of
Gabriel Fauré .
Performance material
available on sale
 Foreword (Ger/Eng)
 First systematic evaluation of
all sources.
 Based on the large orchestral
version of 1900
 Vocal score suitable for all
versions of the requiem
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Distler, Hugo
Totentanz (Ger)
Motet no. 2 from Geistliche
Chormusik op. 12 for mixed choir
(SATB) and flute ad lib.
BA 752 Choral score Vorspruch “Wer sich die Musik
erkiest“ op. 19 (Ger)
for mixed choir (SATBB) from the
Möricke-Chorliederbuch, Part 1
BA 1519 Choral score Die Weihnachtsgeschichte (Ger)
for soloists (SSTB) and choir (SATB)
Gothic print
BA 690 Singing score
Dvoøák, Antonín
Mass in D maj op. 86 (Lat)
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7511 Score
Requiem op. 89 (Lat)
Piano reduction by K. Šolc
H 2924-90 V.s.
H 3213 Study score
Six Moravian Duets (Cz/Ger)
for mixed choir (SATB) and piano
arranged by Leoš Janáèek
Ed. V. Nìmec
H 7718 Choral score Stabat Mater op. 58 (Lat)
Piano reduction by K. Šolc
H 1882  V.s.
Stabat Mater op. 58 (Lat)
Ed. J. Kachlík, M. Srnka
Vocal score based on Dvoøák‘s
original piano version
New revised edition
H 7920  V.s.
Te Deum op. 103 (Lat)
Piano reduction by K. Šolc
H 4523-90 V.s.
Eben, Petr
Salve Regina und
Sonnengesang des Franz
von Assisi (Lat/Ital [Umbrian])
for mixed choir (SATB)
BA 6429 Singing score
Ubi caritas et amor dei (Lat/Ital)
for mixed choir (SSATBB)
BA 5404 Singing score
Fauré, Gabriel
NE W 2011
BA 9461-90 à page 14
Let God arise HWV 256b
Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4266-90 ° V.s. Requiem op. 48 (Lat)
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7513 Score
The Lord is my light HWV 255
Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4268-90 ° V.s. .
Furrer, Beat
enigma (2006) (Ital)
After a text by L. da Vinci
for mixed choir a cappella
(divided into 4 groups)
BA 9341 Score
Psalm ”Gloria tibi Domine”
(1997) (Lat)
for mixed choir a cappella
BA 7533 Singing score
Handel, George Frideric
Alexander’s Feast HWV 75
Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day
Text by John Dryden
Urtext / Ed. K. Ameln
Piano reduction by K. Ameln
BA 4001-90  V.s.
Anthem for the Funeral of
Queen Caroline HWV 264
(Eng/Ital) Original unabridged
Urtext / Ed. A. Landgraf
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4267-90 ° V.s.
As pants the hart HWV 251e
Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4265-90 ° V.s.
I will magnify thee HWV 250b
Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4264-90 ° V.s.
° = Performance material
available on sale
 = Performance material
available on hire
My song shall be alway
HWV 252 (Eng/Ger)
Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4292-90 ° V.s. .
O come let us sing HWV 253
Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4293-90 ° V.s. O praise the Lord with one
consent HWV 254
Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4291-90 ° V.s. .
O sing unto the Lord HWV 249a
Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4263-90 ° V.s.
Athalia HWV 52
(Eng, partially Ital)
Text by Samuel Humphreys
after Jean Racine's Athalie
Urtext / Ed. S. Blaut
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4082-90  V.s.
Dixit Dominus HWV 232 (Lat)
Psalm 109 (110)
Urtext / Ed. E. Wenzel
Piano reduction by E. Wenzel
BA 4002-90 ° V.s.
BA 4002-91 Choral score
Esther HWV 50a (Eng)
First Version 1720. Text by John
Arbuthnot and John Pope
Urtext / Ed. H. Server
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4047-90  V.s.
Israel in Egypt HWV 54 (Eng/Ger)
Includes versions 1739 and 1756-7
Urtext / Ed. A. Landgraf
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4063-90  V.s.
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Handel, George Frideric
NE W 2010
The Occasional Oratorio was
composed as a reaction to a
political event which shook the
whole of England: the Jacobite
rebellion of 1745-46 against the
Hanoverian monarchy. Handel,
who was working on the oratorio
Judas Maccabaeus at the time,
composed the oratorio quickly
and reused some movements from
earlier works. With the choice of a
libretto by Newburgh Hamilton he
demonstrated his support for the
monarchy. The work was first
performed on 14 February 1746
at the Covent Garden Theatre in
Jephtha HWV 70 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. K. Nott
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4014-90  V.s.
Messiah HWV 56
Urtext / Ed. J. Tobin
Piano reduction by M. Schneider
BA 4012-90 (Ger/Eng) ° V.s.
BA 4012-73 (Eng) ° V.s.
TP 175 Study score.
Facsimile edition
ISBN 978-3-7618-2109-1
à page 49
Ode for the Birthday of Queen
Anne HWV 74 (Eng/Ger)
Urtext / Ed. W. Siegmund-Schultze
Piano reduction by I. Chrysander,
W. Siegmund-Schultze
BA 4007-90  V.s.
BA 4007-91 Choral score
La Resurrezione HWV 47
NE W 2011
Oratorio in two parts
Urtext / Ed. T. Best
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4096-90  V.s..
in preparation
Samson HWV 57 NE W 20
(Eng) Oratorio in three parts
Text by Newburgh Hamilton
Urtext / Ed. H. D. Clausen
BA 4099-90  V.s.
in preparation
Saul HWV 53 (Eng/Ger)
Text by Charles Jennens
Urtext / Ed. P. M. Young
Piano reduction by H. Moehn
BA 4020-90  V.s.
Theodora HWV 68 (Eng)
Text by Thomas Morrell after
Robert Boyle’s The Martyrdom of
Theodora and Didymus (London,
1687) and the play Théodore,
vierge et martyre by Pierre
Corneille (1645).
Urtext / Ed. C. Timms
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4085-90  V.s.
Utrecht Te Deum HWV 278 (Eng)
Urtext / Ed. G. Hendrie
Piano reduction by L. H. Nysten
BA 4246-90 ° V.s.
Handel, George Frideric
NE W 2011
Occasional Oratorio HWV 62
(Eng) Oratorio in three parts
Text by Newburgh Hamilton
Urtext / Ed. M. Channon
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4089-90 ° V.s.
For the first time this seldomly
performed oratorio which
nevertheless contains wonderful
music is available in an Urtext
edition based on the Halle Handel
Edition. All available sources have
been consulted. Further
movements which Handel added
for later performances are included
in the appendix.
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Haydn, Joseph
The Creation / Die Schöpfung
Hob. XXI:2 (Ger/Eng)
Libretto by Gottfried van Swieten.
Urtext / Ed. A. Oppermann
Piano reduction by A. E. Müller,
A. Köhs
BA 4648-90 ° V.s.
 Based on the Urtext from
the Joseph Haydn Works,
published by G. Henle Verlag
 The contemporary piano
reduction by A. E. Müller
has been revised by
Andreas Köhs
 The musical text of the full
score is closely reflected in
this piano reduction, more
closely than in other editions
currently available
Die drei- und vierstimmigen
Gesänge (Ger)
No. 1 Hob. XXVb:3 for STB and
piano, No. 2 Hob. XXVb:1
for SAT and piano, No. 3-11
Hob. XXVc:1-9 for SATB and piano
Ed. P. Paumgartner
BA 901
Choral score, playing score
Missa brevis in F maj
Hob. XXII:1 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. J. Dack, G. Feder
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4644-90 ° V.s.
From: Haydn, The Creation Hob. XXI:2 · BA 4648-90
Missa brevis Sancti Joannis de
Deo “Little Organ Mass“
Hob. XXII:7 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. C. Robbins
Landon, K. H. Füssl, C. Landon
Piano reduction by H. Moehn
BA 4653-90 ° V.s.
TP 95 Study score
Missa Cellensis in honorem
Beatissimae Virginis Mariae
“Cecilia Mass“
Hob. XXII:5 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. J. Dack, G. Feder
Piano reduction by O. Kroupová
BA 4643-90 ° V.s.
Missa Cellensis “Mass for
Mariazell“ Hob. XXII:8 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. C. Robbins
Landon, K. H. Füssl, C. Landon
Piano reduction by H. Moehn
BA 4654-90  V.s.
BA 4654-91 Choral score
Missa in angustiis “Nelson
Mass“ Hob. XXII:11 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. G. Thomas
Piano reduction by H. Moehn
BA 4660-90 ° V.s.
TP 98 Study score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Haydn, Joseph
Missa in B-flat maj “Creation
Mass“ Hob. XXII:13 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. I. Becker-Glauch
Piano reduction by J. Sommer
BA 4656-90 ° V.s.
BA 4656-91 Choral score
Missa in B-flat maj “Harmony
Mass“ Hob. XXII:14 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. F. Lippmann
Piano reduction by H. Moehn
BA 4659-90 ° V.s.
TP 97 Study score
Missa in B-flat maj “Theresa
Mass“ Hob. XXII:12 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. G. Thomas
Piano reduction by H. Moehn
BA 4661-90 ° V.s.
TP 99 Study score
Missa in E-flat maj in honorem
Beatissimae Virginis mariae
“Great Organ Mass” Hob. XXII:4
Urtext / Ed. J. Dack, M. Helms
Piano reduction by O. Kroupova
BA 4646-90 ° V.s.
From: Haydn, Missa in B-flat maj “Harmony Mass“ · BA 4659-90
Missa in Tempore Belli “Mass in
Time of War“ Hob. XXII:9 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. C. Robbins
Landon, K. H. Füssl, C. Landon
Piano reduction by H. Moehn
BA 4652-90 ° V.s.
BA 4652-91 Choral score
TP 94 Study score
Missa Sancti Bernardi von
Offida “Heilig“ Mass
Hob. XXII:10 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. C. Robbins
Landon, K. H. Füssl, C. Landon
Piano reduction by H. Moehn
BA 4651-90 ° V.s.
BA 4651-91 Choral score
 = Performance material
available on hire
Missa Sancti Nicolai
“Nicolai Mass“ Hob. XXII:6 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. J. Dack, M. Helms
Piano reduction by O. Kroupová
BA 4645-90 ° V.s.
Sechs Psalmen
Hob. XXIII: Anhang (Eng/Ger)
Based on an English psalm
adaptation by James Merrick .
for mixed choir (SAB)
Ed. U. Zimmer
BA 6232 Choral score
° = Performance material
available on sale
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Haydn, Joseph
The Seasons / Die Jahreszeiten
Hob. XXI:3 (Ger/Eng/Fr)
Libretto by Gottfried van Swieten
Urtext / Ed. A. Raab
Piano reduction by A. E. Müller
BA 4647-90 ° V.s.
Haydn’s oratorio The Seasons
was composed directly after the
first successful performances
of The Creation. The Seasons
has however been greatly
overshadowed by The Creation
for a long time and yet this work
has far greater changes of style
between popular Singspiel and
great oratorio than The Creation.
The Seasons continues to impress
and remains part of the core
repertoire to the present.
 Urtext edition from the
Complete Edition Joseph
Haydn Werke, published by
G. Henle Verlag
 New straightforward piano
 Clear and uncluttered
appearance on the page
The Seven Last Words of our
Saviour on the Cross Hob. XX:2
(Lat) Libretto by Gottfried van
Urtext / Ed. H. Unverricht
Piano reduction by H. Unverricht
BA 4655-90  V.s.
TP 92 Study score
Stabat Mater Hob. XXbis (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. M. Helms, F. Stoltzfus
Piano reduction by E. R. Barthel
BA 4642-90 ° V.s.
Haydn, Michael
Laudate pueri Dominum (Lat)
for female/boys‘ choir (SSA),
strings and bc
Ed. I. Sulyok
BA 6219 ° Score
BA 6219-91 Choral score
Janáèek, Leoš
Drei gemischte Chöre (Cz/Ger)
for mixed choir (SATB)
Ed. J. Trojan
BA 6389 Choral score
From: Haydn, The Seasons · BA 4647-90
The Eternal Gospel /
Vecné evangelium (Cz/Eng/Ger)
Cantata for solo voices (ST),
mixed choir (SATB) and orchestra
Urtext / Ed. L. Faltus, M. Štìdroò
Piano reduction by L. Faltus
BA 6860-90  V.s.
Hradcany Songs
Words by F. S. Procházka
for female choir (SSAA)
H 4248 Choral score The Lord’s Prayer (Cz/Ger)
for mixed choir (SATB) and ensemble
Ed. B. Štìdroò
H 3712 Score
Unfinished Mass in E-flat maj
(Lat) for soloists (SATB), choir
(SATB) and organ
Ed. V. Petrzelka
BA 5421 Score
True Love (Folk Poetry)
(Ger/Eng) for male choir (TTBB)
H 3026 Choral score
Krenek, Ernst
Sechs Mottetten op. 169 (1959)
(Ger) after words by F. Kafka
for mixed choir (SATB)
BA 3945 Score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Liszt, Franz
Christus (Lat)
Oratorio on passages from the
Holy Bible and the Catholic liturgy
Urtext / Ed. D. Friddle
Piano reduction by the composer
BA 7680-90  V.s.
Loewe, Carl
NE W 2010
Das Sühnopfer des neuen
Bundes (Ger)
Libretto based on the Holy
Scriptures by William Telschow.
Urtext / Ed. C. Mücke
Piano reduction by the composer
BA 7678-90 ° V.s.
Martin, Frank
Mass (Lat)
for two mixed choirs
BA 5419 Singing score
Martinù, Bohuslav
Romance from the Dandelions
For solo soprano and mixed choir
H 2997 Choral score
Discover baerenreiter.com
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix
Elijah op. 70 (Ger/Eng)
Text compiled by the composer
from the Old and New Testaments
Urtext / Ed. D. Seaton
Piano reduction by the composer,
partially adjusted by A. Köhs
BA 9070-90 ° V.s.
 Urtext edition including .
numbers from the original .
version for the first time
 English and German singing texts
 Critical commentary (Eng).
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix
Die erste Walpurgisnacht
op. 60 (Ger/Eng)
Text by Johann W. von Goethe
Urtext / Ed. J. M. Cooper
Piano reduction by the composer
BA 9072-90  V.s.
St. Paul op. 36 (Ger/Eng)
Urtext / Ed. J. M. Cooper
Piano reduction by the composer,
partially adjusted by A. Köhs
BA 9071-90 ° V.s.
This Urtext edition edited by the
Mendelssohn scholar Michael
Cooper is based on all critical
NE W 2010
 First critical Urtext edition reflecting the latest research
sources. As well as the principal
version of the work, the score also
includes for the first time numbers
which were composed for the
first version and subsequently
removed. This gives not only an
insight into the history of the
composition of the work, but also,
with the complete performing
material, into the performance of
the original version.
. Critical commentary (Eng)
Three Motets op. 69 (Ger/Eng)
for mixed choir (SATB)
Urtext / Ed. M. Cooper
BA 8937
Choral score
Separate editions (without
introduction and critical
Lord now lettest Thou Thy
servant depart in peace /
Herr, nun lässest du deinen
Diener in Frieden fahren
for mixed choir (SATB)
BA 8934
Choral score
My soul doth magnify the Lord /
Mein Herz erhebet Gott, den
Herrn (Ger/Eng).
for mixed choir (SATB)
BA 8936
Choral score
O be joyful in the Lord /
Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt
for mixed choir (SATB)
BA 8935
Choral score
Three Psalms op. 78 (Ger/Eng)
For mixed choir (SSAATTBB) and
Urtext / Ed. H. Hoshino
BA 8941
Choral score
Separate editions (without
introduction or critical
Psalm No. 43
Judge me, O God / Richte mich,
Gott und führe meine Sache
for mixed choir (SSAATTBB)
BA 8939
Choral score
Psalm No. 22
My God, why hast Thou
forsaken me / Mein Gott, warum
hast du mich verlassen (Ger/Eng)
for mixed choir (SSAATTBB)
BA 8940
Choral score
Psalm No. 2
Why rage fiercely the Heathen /
Warum toben die Heiden
for mixed choir (SSAATTBB)
BA 8938
Choral score
Denn er hat seinen Engeln
befohlen / For He shall give
His angels charge (Ger/Eng)
for mixed choir (SSAATTBB)
Ed. C. Heimbucher
BA 8933
Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt
walten (Ger)
Cantata for solo soprano, choir
(SATB) and strings (organ)
Ed. B. Oswald
BA 6380
BA 6380-91 Choral score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix
(1809-1847) /
Bach, Johann Sebastian
W 2010
St. Matthew Passion BWV 244
Urtext / Ed. K. Winkler
Piano reduction by K. Winkler
BA 9088 
Complete performance material
including vocal score available
on hire.
After his death, Johann Sebastian
Bach quickly fell into obscurity.
This suddenly changed on 11
March 1829 with Felix Mendelssohn
Bartholdy’s performance of Bach’s
St. Matthew Passion at the
Berlin Sing-Akademie. At first
Mendelssohn did not present the
full-length work but reduced it
to approximately half of its
original extent. He brought the
orchestral forces into line with .
the instruments available in the
late 1820’s. This shortened version
of the St. Matthew Passion,
with its romanticized sound
palette, has itself experienced a
rediscovery in recent years.
 First ever critical edition of
Mendelssohn’s version
Concordance linking
Mendelssohn’s version with
Bach’s original (New Bach
 Foreword (Ger/Eng) and
critical commentary (Ger/Eng)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Alma Dei creatoris
K. 277 (272a) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4889-90 ° V.s.
BA 4889-91 Choral score
Ave verum corpus K. 618 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by C. Heimbucher
BA 4946-90 V.s.
BA 4946 Playing score
From: Mozart, Ave verum corpus K. 618 · BA 4946-90
Benedictus sit Deus
K. 117 (66a= 47b) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4884-90 ° V.s.
Betulia liberata
K. 118 (Ital/Ger)
Text by P. Metastasio / E. Schmidt
Urtext / Ed. F. Tagliavini
Piano reduction by H. G. Kluge
BA 4521-90  V.s.
Dixit et Magnificat
K. 193 (186g) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. K. G. Fellerer,
F. Schroeder
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 5340-90 ° V.s.
BA 5340-91 Choral score
Exsultate, jubilate
K. 165 (158a)
BA 4897-90 ° V.s..
à page 45.
 = Performance material
available on hire
° = Performance material
available on sale
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Hosanna in G maj
K. 223 (166e) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. M. Holl
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 5347-90 V.s.
BA 5347
Playing score
Inter natos mulierum
K. 72 (74f) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. M. Holl
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4788-90 ° V.s.
BA 4788-91 Choral score
Kyrie in D min K. 90 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. M. Holl
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 5346-90 ° V.s.
Kyrie in D min K. 341 (368a)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4702-90 ° V.s.
BA 4702-91 Choral score
Kyrie in F maj K. 33 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. M. Holl
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 5345-90 ° V.s.
Laudate Dominum
from the Vesperae solennes
de Confessore K. 339 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. K. G. Fellerer,
F. Schroeder
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 5339-90 ° V.s.
Litaniae Lauretanae B.M.V.
in B-flat maj K. 109 (74e) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer,
R. Federhofer-Königs
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4890-90 ° V.s.
BA 4890-91 Choral score
Litaniae Lauretanae B.M.V.
in D maj K. 195 (186d) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer,
R. Federhofer-Königs
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4891-90 ° V.s.
Litaniae de venerabili altaris
Sacramento in B-flat maj
K. 125 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer,
R. Federhofer-Königs
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4763-90 ° V.s.
BA 4763-91 Choral score
Missa brevis in G maj
K. 140 (Anh. 235d) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4736-90 ° V.s.
BA 4736-91 Choral score
Missa in C maj “Trinity
Sunday Mass“ K. 167 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4783-90 ° V.s.
BA 4783-91 Choral score
Missa brevis in F maj
K. 192 (186f) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4770-90 ° V.s.
BA 4770-91 Choral score
Litaniae de venerabili altaris
Sacramento in E-flat maj
K. 243 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer,
R. Federhofer-Königs
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4892-90 ° V.s.
BA 4892-91 Choral score
Misericordias Domini
K. 222 (205a) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4789-90 ° V.s.
BA 4789-91 Choral score
Missa brevis in G maj
K. 49 (47d) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4769-90 ° V.s.
BA 4769-91 Choral score
Missa brevis in D min
K. 65 (61a) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 5341-90 ° V.s.
BA 5341-91 Choral score
Missa in C maj “Dominicus
Mass“ K. 66 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4791-90 ° V.s.
BA 4791-91 Choral score
Missa in C min “Waisenhaus
Mass“ K. 139 (47a) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4858-90 ° V.s.
BA 4858-91 Choral score
Missa in C min “Waisenhaus
Mass“ K. 139 (Lat)
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7521
Missa brevis in D maj
K. 194 (186h) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 5342-90 ° V.s.
BA 5342-91 Choral score
Missa in C maj “Sparrow Mass“
K. 220 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 5343-90 ° V.s.
BA 5343-91 Choral score
Missa in C maj “Sparrow Mass“
K. 220 (Lat)
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7522
Missa in C maj “Great
Credo Mass“ K. 257 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4859-90 ° V.s.
BA 4859-91 Choral score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Regina coeli in C maj
K. 108 (74d) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4886-90 ° V.s.
BA 4886-91 Choral score
Missa brevis in C maj
“Credo Mass“ K. 257 (Lat)
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7520
Regina coeli in B-flat maj
K. 127 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4887-90 ° V.s.
BA 4887-91 Choral score
Missa in C maj K. 258 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4851-90 ° V.s.
BA 4851-91 Choral score.
Missa in C maj “Organ
Solo Mass“ K. 259 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4852-90 ° V.s.
BA 4852-91 Choral score
Missa longa in C maj K. 262 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. W. Senn
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4853-90 ° V.s.
BA 4853-91 Choral score
Missa brevis in B-flat maj
K. 275 (272b) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. M. Holl
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 5344-90 ° V.s.
BA 5344-91 Choral score
Missa in C maj “Coronation
Mass“ K. 317 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. M. Holl
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4880-90 ° V.s.
BA 4880-91 Choral score
TP 316 Study score
Missa in C maj “Coronation
Mass“ K. 317 (Lat)
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7519
Missa in C maj
“Missa solemnis“ K. 337 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. M. Holl
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4881-90 ° V.s.
BA 4881-91 Choral score
Missa in C min K. 427 (417a) (Lat)
Credo in unum Deum, Et
incarnatus est, Sanctus, Hosanna.
Reconstructed and completed by
Helmut Eder
Urtext / Ed. M. Holl
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4846-90 w V.s.
TP 255 Study score
Regina coeli in C maj
K. 276 (321b) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4888-90 ° V.s.
BA 4888-91 Choral score
Scande coeli limina K. 34 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4882-90 ° V.s.
BA 4882-91 Choral score
Shorter Sacred Works
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7523
Tantum ergo K. 142
(Anh. 186d) (Lat)
Mozart’s arrangement of
Friedrich Zachow’s Tantum Ergo
with newly composed Amen
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4752-90 ° V.s.
BA 4752-91 Choral score
Tantum ergo K. 197 (Anh. 186e)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4753-90 ° V.s.
BA 4753-91 Choral score
Te Deum laudamus
K. 141 (66b) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4885-90 ° V.s.
BA 4885-91 Choral score
Requiem K. 626 (Lat)
Mozart’s fragment in the
version completed by
Franz Xaver Süssmayr
Urtext / Ed. L. Nowak
Piano reduction by H. Moehn
BA 4538-90 ° V.s.
TP 152
Study score
Requiem K. 626 (Lat)
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7518
Sancta Maria, mater Dei
K. 273 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4751-90 ° V.s.
BA 4751-91 Choral score
° = Performance material
available on sale
 = Performance material
available on hire
Veni Sancte Spiritus K. 47 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4883-90 ° V.s.
BA 4883-91 Choral score
Venite populi K. 260 (248a) (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4899-90 ° V.s.
BA 4899-91 Choral score
Vesperae solennes
de Confessore K. 339 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. K. G. Fellerer,
F. Schroeder
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4894-90 ° V.s.
BA 4894-91 Choral score
Vesperae solennes
de Dominica K. 321 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. K. G. Fellerer,
F. Schroeder
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4893-90 ° V.s.
BA 4893-91 Choral score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Gioachino Rossini‘s Petite Messe solennelle
Th e Claud e Palisc a Pri
Winner of the Claude Palisca
Prize 2010 awarded by the
American Musicological Society
for Best Musical Edition.
NE W 2010
Petite Messe solennelle (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. P. B. Brauner,
P. Gossett
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 10501-90 ° V.s.
This edition presents Rossini‘s
original chamber music setting
of the Petite Messe solenelle
for two pianos and harmonium.
This unusual instrumentation
is entirely in keeping with the
Neapolitean keyboard tradition
of the 18 th century which was
cultivated in France during
Rossini‘s day. It forms a distinct
contrast to the style of
large-scale sacred compositions
as written by, for example Liszt
and Bruckner.
 Based on the Urtext of the series
Works of Gioachino Rossini
 Foreword (Eng/Ital/Ger)
 With a separate harmonium part
and one part for pianos I and II
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
(1756-1791) /
Handel, George Frideric
The Messiah K. 572 (Ger)
Text by C. Jennens / C. D. Ebeling
Urtext / Ed. A. Holschneider
Piano reduction by E. Barthel
BA 4529-90 V.s.
Pachelbel, Johann
Christ lag in Todesbanden /
Christ lay in grim death’s
prison (Ger/Eng)
Easter Cantata for soloists (SATB),
choir (SATB), strings, bassoon
and bc
Ed. H. H. Eggebrecht
BA 2875 °
BA 2875-91
Choral score
 “… it is very difficult to
imagine anyone arriving at a more
scholarly, accurate, and practically
useful text than this.”
(Classics today)
Magnificat anima mea (Lat)
Motet for mixed choir (SATB)
and bc
Ed. H. H. Eggebrecht
BA 2877 Singing score
Nun danket alle Gott / Now
thank we all our God (Ger/Eng)
Motet for mixed choir
(SATB+SATB) and bc
Ed. H. H. Eggebrecht
BA 2873 Singing score, playing score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
Schubert, Franz
Vespro della Beata Vergine /
Vespers (Lat)
A reconstruction / Ed. M. Bruno,
E. Higginbottom, R. Ross
Piano reduction by M. Bruno
BA 7675-90  V.s.
Purcell, Henry
Evening Service
Magnificat and Nunc dimittis
(Ger/Eng) for soloists (SSATB or
small choir) and choir (SATB)
Ed. J. Just
BA 2923
Choral score
O, sing unto the Lord / Singt,
o singt dem Herrn (Ger/Eng)
Anthem for soloists (SATB), choir
(SATB) and strings
Ed. J. Just
BA 2901 °
BA 2901-91 Choral score
Rossini, Gioachino
Petite Messe solennelle
BA 10501-90 à page 25
Ryba, Jakub Jan
Czech Christmas Mass (Cz/Ger)
for soloists (SATB) and mixed
choir (SATB)
H 5572
Saint-Saëns, Camille
“German Mass“ D 872 (Ger)
Second definitive version
Urtext / Ed. M. Kube
Piano reduction by M. Kube
BA 7599-90 ° V.s.
BA 7599-91 Choral score
Missa in A-flat maj D 678 (Lat)
(Second version)
Urtext / Ed. D. Finke-Hecklinger
Piano reduction by O. Kroupová
BA 5623-90 ° V.s.
BA 5623-91 Choral score
Missa in B-flat maj op. post. 141
D 324 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. R. Dalmonte
Piano reduction by O. Kroupowa
BA 5621-90 ° V.s.
BA 5621-91 Choral score
Missa in F maj D 105 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. T. Pecker Berio
Piano reduction by O. Kroupová
BA 5624-90 ° V.s.
BA 5624-91 Choral score
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt
SWV 380 (Ger)
Motet no. 12 from Geistliche
Chormusik 1648 for mixed choir
Urtext / Ed. W. Kamlah
BA 512 Choral score Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr,
zu dir SWV 25 (Ger)
Psalm no. 130 for two mixed
choirs (SATB+SATB) and bc
Ed. W. Ehmann
BA 1717 Choral score,
playing score .
Missa in C maj op. 48
D 452 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. P. Scattolin
Piano reduction by O. Kroupová
BA 5622-90 ° V.s.
BA 5622-91 Choral score
Oratorio de Noël op. 12
“Christmas Oratorio“ (Lat)
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7514
Schütz, Heinrich
Missa in G maj D 167 (Lat)
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7512 Score
Die schöne Müllerin
arranged for mixed choir
a cappella (SATB)
BA 6596
Singing score
Cantate domino canticum
novum SWV 81 (Lat)
Motet no. 29 from Cantiones
sacrae 1625
for mixed choir (SATB) and bc
Ed. G. Grote
BA 1969 Choral score,
playing score
Das ist je gewisslich wahr
SWV 388 (Ger)
Motet no. 20 from Geistliche
Chormusik 1648 for mixed choir
Urtext / Ed. W. Kamlah
Gothic print
BA 520 Choral score Deutsches Magnificat 1671
“Meine Seele erhebt den
Herrn“ SWV 494 (Ger)
from Der Schwanengesang
for two mixed choirs
Transposed one tone higher.
Ed. K. Ameln
BA 2155 Choral score
Die mit Tränen säen SWV 378
Motet no. 10 from Geistliche
Chormusik 1648
for mixed choir (SSATB) and bc
ad lib.
Urtext / Ed. W. Kamlah
BA 510 Choral score Die sieben Worte Jesu
Christi am Kreuz SWV 478 (Ger)
for soloists (SATTB), mixed choir
(SATTB), strings and bc
Solo voices available separately
Ed. B. Grusnick
Gothic print
BA 1577 °
BA 1577-91
Choral score Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Schütz, Heinrich
Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre
Gottes SWV 386 (Ger)
Motet no. 18 from Geistliche
Chormusik 1648
for mixed choir (SSATTB) and
bc ad lib.
Urtext / Ed. W. Kamlah
BA 518 Choral score Gib unsern Fürsten und aller
Obrigkeit SWV 373 (Ger)
Motet no. 5 from Geistliche
Chormusik 1648 for mixed choir
Urtext / Ed. W. Kamlah
BA 505 Choral score Ich bin ein rechter Weinstock
SWV 389 (Ger)
Motet no. 21 from Geistliche
Chormusik 1648 for mixed choir
Urtext / Ed. W. Kamlah
Gothic print
BA 521 Choral score Ich weiss, dass mein Erlöser
lebt SWV 393 (Ger)
Motet no. 25 from Geistliche
Chormusik 1648 for choir
Urtext / Ed. W. Kamlah
BA 525 Choral score Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt
SWV 36 (Ger)
Psalm no. 100 for two mixed
choirs (SATB+SATB)
Ed. W. S. Huber
BA 480 Choral score Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt
SWV 493 (Ger)
Psalm no. 100 from Der
Schwanengesang for two choirs
(SATB+SATB) and bc
Urtext / Ed. W. Steude
BA 5924 Choral score,
playing score Matthäus-Passion SWV 479 (Ger)
For soloists (TB), individual voices
from the choir and mixed choir
Urtext / Ed. F. Schmidt
Gothic print
BA 300 Score
BA 300-91 Choral score
Selig sind die Toten SWV 391 (Ger)
Motet no. 23 from Geistliche
Chormusik 1648 for mixed choir
(SSATTB) and bc
Ed. W. Kamlah
Gothic print
BA 523 Choral score
Singet dem Herrn ein neues
Lied SWV 35 (Ger)
Psalm no. 98 for two mixed choirs
Ed. W. Ehmann
BA 2398 Choral score Spes mea, Christe Deus /
O meine Hoffnung, Jesus
SWV 69 / Turbator, sed non
pertubator / Furcht störet,
doch nichts zerstöret den Trost
SWV 70 (Lat/Ger)
Motets nos. 17 and 18 from
Cantiones sacrae 1685
for mixed choir (SATB) and bc
Ed. G. Grote
BA 1967 Choral score,
playing score Tröstet, tröstet mein Volk
SWV 382 (Ger)
Motet no. 14 from Geistliche
Chormusik 1648 for choir
Gothic print
Urtext / Ed. W. Kamlah
BA 514 Choral score Verba mea auribus percipe
SWV 61 / Quoniam ad te
clamabo SWV 62 (Lat/Ger)
Motets nos. 9 and 10 from
Cantiones sacrae 1625
for mixed choir (SATB) and bc
ad lib.
Urtext / Ed. G. Grote
BA 1959 Choral score,
playing score Verleih uns Frieden genädiglich
SWV 372 (Ger)
Motet no. 4 from Geistliche
Chormusik 1648 for choir (SSATB)
Urtext / Ed. W. Kamlah
BA 504 Choral score
Smetana, Bedøich
Czech Song (Cz/Ger).
Cantata for mixed choir (SATB)
and orchestra
H 7402 V.s.
Telemann, Georg Philipp
NE W 2011
Donnerode TWV 6:3
Oratorio in two parts
Urtext / Ed. W. Hobohm
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 5900-90  V.s.
in preparation.
Du aber, Daniel, gehe hin (Ger)
Funeral cantata for soloists (SB),
mixed choir (SATB), flute, oboe,
strings and organ
Ed. G. Fock
BA 3583 °
Score BA 3583-91
Choral score
Der jüngste Tag wird bald sein
Ziel erreichen / The Last of Days
shall reach its destination
TWV 1:301 (Ger/Eng)
Cantata for the Second Advent
Urtext / Ed. U. Poetzsch-Seban
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 7671-90 ° V.s.
Seither, Charlotte
All’aperto (2004) (Ital)
Text after F. Petrarca for mixed
BA 8596 Singing score
Discover baerenreiter.com
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Telemann, Georg Philipp
Die Hirten bei der Krippe
zu Bethlehem TWV 1:797 (Ger)
Sacred Cantata
Urtext / Ed. W. Hobohm
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 5852-90 ° V.s.
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ /
We praise your name
TWV 1:612 (Ger/Eng)
Cantata for the Second Day
of Christmas
Urtext / Ed. U. Poetzsch-Seban
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 7676-90 ° V.s.
Laudate Jehovam “Auf! Lobet den Herren“
(Lat/Ger). Psalm no. 117 for mixed
choir (SATB), two violins and bc
Ed. E. Valentin BA 2900 ° Score
BA 2900-91 Choral score
Nun komm der Heiden
Heiland /
Come thou of man the Saviour
TWV 1:1174 (Ger/Eng)
Cantata for the First Sunday
of Advent
Urtext / Ed. U. Poetzsch-Seban
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 7677-90 ° V.s.
St. John Passion (1745)
“Ein Lämmlein geht und trägt
die Schuld“ TWV 5:30 (Ger)
Urtext / Ed. W. Hirschmann
Piano reduction by O. Kroupová
BA 5310-90  V.s.
From: Telemann, Die Hirten bei der Krippe zu Bethlehem · BA 5852-90
Trojahn, Manfred
Ave Maria (1991) (Lat)
for mixed choir (SSAATTBB)
BA 7234 Singing score
Drei geistliche Gesänge (2004)
(Lat) for four-part female choir
BA 8594 Singing score
° = Performance material
available on sale
Vivaldi, Antonio
Introduzione al Gloria.
Gloria in D maj RV 642, 589 (Lat)
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7515 Score
Magnificat RV 610/611 (Lat)
arranged for soloists (SATB),
mixed choir (SATB) and organ
Choir&Organ series
BA 7516 Score
Sacred and Secular Choral Works
Famous works by Antonio Vivaldi
Vivaldi, Antonio
 Attractive choral pieces which
can be combined to form a
short mass
W 2011
Gloria RV 589 (Lat).
Urtext / Ed. M. Bruno
Piano reduction by M. Bruno
BA 7674-90 ° V.s.
BA 7674-91 Choral score
To appear in May 2011.
NE W 2011
Kyrie RV 587 (Lat)
Urtext / Ed. M. Bruno
Piano reduction by M. Bruno
BA 8950-90 ° V.s.
To appear in May 2011.
Today the Gloria RV 589 is
one of Vivaldi’s best-known
compositions and one of the
most frequently performed sacred
vocal works from the Baroque
period. Vivaldi wrote the Gloria
as a self-contained work in the
style of a concertante mass.
However, it was probably also
performed within church services.
The scoring of the solo voices
(SSA) suggests that the work
was written during his period at
the Ospedale della Pietà, around
1716. In the twelve movements
of the Gloria, Vivaldi displays the
whole range of his mastery from
festive, sublime outer movements
and tender, transparently scored
solo passages.
The same mastery has also been
applied to the Kyrie RV 587, scored
for two choirs and two groups of
stringed instruments. The date of
its composition remains unclear.
It is a purely a choral work
without solo passages.
Both works can be performed
independently but can also be
combined as a kind of short mass.
These new editions contain some
re-evaluations in phrasing and
performance practice which go
beyond what other editions have
to offer.
 Vocal score as well as choral
score available for the Gloria
 Foreword (Ger/Eng)
Straightforward, clearly presented
piano reductions which preserve
the character of the orchestral
VIII. Qui tollis peccata mundi
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Violino II
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Popular Choral Music and Collections
Best of Jazz im Chor
for mixed choir (mostly SATB)
Ed. C. Schönherr
BE 488 Choral score.
The series Jazz im Chor has found
great acclaim in German speaking
territories over the last twenty
years. We have now brought
together the most attractive
and frequently sung pieces in
a single volume and made this
available internationally to choirs
interested in singing jazz. The
edition includes energetic jazz
standards, heart-rending ballads
and joyful gospel numbers. This is
a collection which is always worth
 (SATB, if another scoring is
not indicated): Lullaby Of Birdland
(with solo) / Blue Monk / It’s
When the Music Starts to Play /
I Set My Sail (SAATB) / Spain /
Wave / Black Orpheus / Brazilian
Love Affair (with electric bass ad
lib.) / Journey to Brazil (SAATB) /
Hold on (SSAB) / Walk Together
Children / I Long for Deliverance
(with solo) / HE Is Always Close
to You (SAATB)
NE W 2011
for female voices
Ed. G. Buckland
BA 7598
To appear in July 2011.
After the success of Christmas
a cappella (BA 7573), Graham
Buckland has now turned his
attention to an edition for female
voice choir. This collection
includes many well-known
Christmas melodies in traditional
as well as more popular settings
from many countries around the
world including the USA, UK,
France, Germany, Austria, Poland
and the Czech Republic. All pieces
are arranged for two female voice
parts with a piano accompaniment
but a third optional voice part
is also included in many cases.
This edition presents one of the
most comprehensive collections
of Christmas choral settings for
female voices.
 Collection of international
Christmas songs for female
voice choir
 A selection: A child this day is
born / Es ist ein Ros entsprungen /
Entre le boeuf / Joy to the world /
Les anges de nos campagnes /
O Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf /
Orientis partibus / Quando nascette
ninno / The Carol of the Drum /
The first Nowell
 Mostly SATB
 Flexible scoring from unison
songs, traditional four-part
harmonies, through to
twelve-part arrangements
The greatest strength of
this collection is its sheer scope,
containing over 170 carols many
of which are the traditional
favourites. For this fact alone,
many choirs will find this book
excellent value for money.
(Church Music Quarterly)
for mixed choir (SATB)
Ed. G. Buckland
BA 7573
 Traditional as well as more
popular settings
 More than 170 easy to learn
Christmas a cappella
Discover baerenreiter.com
 For two to three parts with
piano accompaniment
 A Christmas collection
encompassing styles and
traditions from all over Europe
 A selection: A boy was born
in Bethlehem / Deck the halls with
boughs of holly / Ding dong!
merrily on high / Go tell it on the
mountain / Jingle Bells / Ihr
Kinderlein, kommet / Il est né,
le divin enfant / Joy to the world /
Leise rieselt der Schnee /
We wish you a Merry Christmas
Popular Choral Music and Collections
However, repertoire for several
voices which is not too difficult
yet sounds good, is hard to find.
This new collection offers a
treasure trove of the most beautiful
gospel and spiritual numbers which
every choir will want to sing over
again and again.
The arrangements are varied in
character and the melody moves
through the different voice parts.
The scoring ranges from simple
four-part writing to sonorous
ten-part textures.
64 Spirituals a cappella
for mixed choir (SATB to 10 parts)
Ed. G. Buckland
BA 7574
NE W 2011
Spirituals and gospels are booming;
the number of gospel choirs,
workshops and concerts are
increasing all over the world.
 Includes many well-known
highlights as well as lesser
known works.
 Incorporates a variety of
musical styles and scorings .
 All texts in English
 A selection: Go down Moses
/ Amen / Michael row the boat
ashore / Rock my soul / This little
light of me / The Gospel train
Chor aktuell NE W 2010
Female Voices
Ed. K. Suttner, S. Kalmer,
K. Ehmer, M. Frey
BE 2498
Chor aktuell Female Voices
contains more than 70 choral
arrangements of sacred as well
as secular songs from all over the
world which cover musical styles
such as pop, gospel, avant-garde
and folk. Many pieces include a
piano accompaniment and guitar
chords. An appendix presents text
translations in German and English
and a helpful thematic listing of
the contents.
 72 songs in many musical styles
for female voices (SSAA and
 Medium technical difficulty
 Ideal for amateur choirs and
 A selection: Solvieg’s Song /
Mister Sandman / It’s my Party /
Kum ba yah / Silent Night / Come
again (Dowland) / Hebe deine
Augen auf (Mendelssohn) /
Hodie Christus natus est
Distribution rights for Europe
and Japan
Popular Choral Music and Collections
Weltmusik für Chor /
World Music for Choir
for mixed choir (SATB)
Ed. R. Dost
NE W 2011
BE 468.
With audio CD.
To appear in April 2011.
This volume contains specially
chosen pieces from Argentina,
Bosnia, Brazil, Canada, Finland,
Italy, Scotland, South Africa and the
Ukraine in attractive arrangements.
The eight songs are all clearly based
on a particular national song, but
are partly new compositions.
The accompanying CD includes
complete performances of all the
pieces as well as all the vocal parts
recorded individually. Detailed
and instructive commentaries on
background, interpretation and
pronunciation are also included in
From: Hits from Jesus Christ Superstar · BE 429
Hits from Jesus Christ Superstar
4 pieces for mixed choir (SATB)
a cappella
Ed. S. Kalmer
BE 429 Choral score
Stevens, Cat
NE W 2010
Wild World (Eng)
For mixed choir (SATB).
Ed. S. Kalmer
BE 727
Groove Sisters
for female voices (SSAA) and piano
Ed. M. Carbow
BE 499 Choral score
Groove Sisters brings together
rock-jazz songs and gospel
numbers in a selection for female
voices. The arrangements come
with a piano accompaniment
which can be used in rehearsals
and performances. All the pieces
can also be sung a cappella.
 Everything’s alright / I Don’t
Know How to Love Him / The Last
Supper / King Herod’s Song.
Worldwide distribution rights
excluding USA and Canada
 A selection:
He Is Always Close To You /
He Is The Lord / I Set May Sail /
He Is Making Us Sing /
Free Your Soul / A Rainy Day /
Lift Your Head Up High
PraiSing Russland
A collection of sacred Russian
choral music (Russ/Eng)
for mixed choir (SATB)
BA 7560
PraiSing Sweden
A collection of sacred Swedish
choral music (Swed/Eng)
for mixed choir (SATB)
BA 7555.
Popular Choral Music and Collections
Let‘s Get Singing
Music from around the world for mixed choir
rle GmbH & Co.
Karl V
Gustav Bosse
 Of moderate difficulty
ng, public performance
 Includes sacred as well
as secular pieces and
Christmas music
e work reprod
ner of th
g, h
 For mixed choir,
mostly SATB
r is
Over 100 pieces from
more than 30 countries
Audio CD
Spoken Texts
99 tracks, approx. 70 minutes
ISBN 978-3-7649-2437-9
Let's Get Singing
for mixed choir, mostly SATB
Ed. K. Suttner, S. Kalmer,
B. G. Mettke, M. Frey
BE 2439-01
This collection offers choral works
in many different languages.
Apart from English and German
songs you will find Finnish,
Serbian, Portuguese and Greek
ones. There are also contributions
from Africa, Latin and North
America, Canada, Brazil and even
from Korea and Samoa.
In order to assist choirs with the
interpretation of these
international pieces, the content
of each text is clearly described
in English and German in the
appendix to the edition.
Essential help regarding the
pronounciation of these many
foreign languages has been
provided. Native speakers have
recited each text to match the
rhythm of the song. This is
available on an audio CD.
Stage works
Berlioz, Hector
Béatrice et Bénédict
(Fr/Ger) H. Berlioz
Urtext / Ed. H. Macdonald
Piano reduction by J. S. Durek
BA 5443-90 V.s.
Lélio ou Le Retour à la vie
(Fr/Ger/Eng) H. Berlioz
Urtext / Ed. P. Bloom
Piano reduction by E. Wernhard
BA 5447-90 V.s.
Arrangement of Christoph
Willibald Gluck‘s “Orphée et
(Fr/Ger) P. L. Moline
Urtext / Ed. J. M. Fauquet
Piano reduction by K. H. Müller
BA 5462-90  V.s.
Adam, Adolphe
Le Toréador ou l’Accord parfait
(Fr/Ger) Opéra bouffon in two
T. Sauvage
Urtext / Ed. P. Prévost
Piano reduction by K. H. Müller
BA 8701-90 V.s.
The vocal score is based on the
first scholarly-critical edition of
the opera. This appears in the
series L'Opéra français edited by
Paul Prévost. Here the spoken
dialogue text is integrated with
the music for the first time.  Based on the Urtext of the
new series L’Opéra français
 Original French text with
singing German translation
 Extensive preface (Fr/Ger/Eng)
Beethoven, Ludwig van
(Ger) J. Sonnleithner
Urtext / R. Didion, H. Lühning
Piano reduction by H. G. Kluge
BA 9011-90 V.s.
Les Troyens
(Fr/Ger) H. Berlioz
Urtext / Ed. H. Macdonald
Piano reduction by E. Wernhard
BA 5442-90 V.s.
Chabrier, Emmanuel
NE W 2011
L’Étoile (Fr/Ger)
Opéra-bouffe in three acts
E. Leterrier, A. Vanloo
Urtext / Ed. H. Macdonald
Piano reduction by K. H. Müller
BA 8708-90  V.s.
To appear in June 2011
With L’Étoile, Chabrier composed
a light-hearted opera which has
increasingly enjoyed revivals in
recent years.
Chabrier was a master of the
sensitive and complicated art of
musical comedy, a field where
he can be compared in equal
measure to Offenbach, Rossini
and Mozart.
Bizet, Georges
(Fr/Ger) L. Halévy, H. Meilhac
Urtext / Ed. F. Oeser
Piano reduction by F. Oeser
AE 129-90  V.s.
. = Performance material
available on hire
This vocal score is based on
the full score edited by Hugh
Macdonald which will be
published in 2011 as part of the
series L’Opéra français..
Authoritative Urtext edition
based on the series L’Opéra
 Original French text with a
German singing translation.
 Comprehensive foreword
Stage works
Dvoøák, Antonín
Rusalka op. 114
(Cz/Ger/Eng) J. Kvapil Urtext / Ed. J. Burghauser
Piano reduction by K. Šolc
BA 9510-90 V.s.
Gluck, Christoph Willibald
Vienna Version of 1763/64
(Ital/Ger) P. Metastasio
Urtext / Ed. G. Croll
Piano reduction by W. Wiechert
BA 5774-90  V.s.
L’Ile de Merlin ou
Le monde renversé
(Fr/Ger) L. Anseaume
Urtext / Ed. G. Haußwald
Piano reduction by T. Hauschka
BA 2293-90  V.s.
Discover baerenreiter.com
From: Gluck, Ezio · BA 5774-90
Iphigénie en Aulide
Paris version of 1774
(Fr/Ger) M. du Roullet
Urtext / Ed. M. Flothuis
Piano reduction by H. Moehn,
M. Töpel
BA 2301-90 V.s.
Orfeo ed Euridice
Vienna version of 1762
(Ital/Ger) R. de' Calzabigi
Urtext / Ed. L. Finscher,
A. A. Abert
Piano reduction by H. Moehn
BA 2294-90  V.s.
Iphigénie en Tauride
Paris version of 1799
(Fr/Ger) N. F. Guillard
Urtext / Ed. G. Croll
Piano reduction by J. Sommer
BA 2287-90 V.s.
Orphée et Euridice
Paris version of 1774
(Fr/Ger) P. L. Moline
Urtext / Ed. L. Finscher
Piano reduction by J. Sommer
BA 2282-90 V.s.
Stage works
Handel, George Frideric
4. Aria
Acis and Galatea HWV 49a
(Eng/Ger) J. Gay, A. Pope, J. Hughes
Urtext / Ed. W. Windszus
Piano reduction by M. Pacholke
BA 4039-90 V.s.
Alcina HWV 34
(Ital/Ger) Libretto adapted
by unknown author after
A. Fanzaglia
Urtext / Ed. S. Flesch
Piano reduction by M. Töpel,
O. Kroupová
BA 4061-90  V.s.
Pri va
Je der
Ariodante HWV 33 (Ital/Ger)
Libretto adapted by unknown
author after A. Salvi and L. Ariosto
Urtext / Ed. D. Burrows
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4079-90 V.s.
Ezio HWV 29 (Ital/Ger)
Libretto adapted by unknown
author after P. Metastasio
Urtext / Ed. M. Pacholke
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4086-90 V.s.
Giulio Cesare in Egitto HWV 17
(Ital/Ger) N. F. Haym after
G. F. Busani
Urtext / Ed. Fr. Zschoch
Piano reduction by K. H. Müller
BA 4078-90 V.s.
d’o gni
muss hier
con for
ver sa
e pur
Kei ne
Hoff nung
L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed
il Moderato HWV 55
(Eng/Ger) J. Milton, C. Jennens
Urtext / Ed. J. S. Hall, M. V. Hall
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4023-90 V.s.
Amadigi HWV 11 (Ital/Ger)
Libretto presumably adapted by
G. Rossi after A. H. de la Motte
and P. Quinault
Urtext / Ed. J. M. M. Knapp
Piano reduction by M. Schelhaas
BA 4031-90  V.s.
Fl. trav., Viol.
per me
auf das
ra non
mei ner
no , non
Viol., Va.
BA 4078a
From: Handel, Giulio Cesare in Egitto · BA 4078-90
Orlando HWV 31
(Ital/Ger) Libretto adapted by
unknown author after C. S. Capece
Urtext / Ed. S. Flesch
Piano reduction by M. Pacholke
BA 4027-90  V.s.
Lotario HWV 26
(Ital/Ger) G. Rossi
Urtext / Ed. M. Pacholke
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4074-90  V.s.
Ottone HWV 15
(Ital/Ger) N. F. Haym NE W 2010
after S. B. Pallavicini
Urtext / Ed. F. McLauchlan
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4077-90  V.s.
Oreste HWV A11
(Ital/Ger) Libretto adapted by
unknown author after G. G. Barlocci
Urtext / Ed. B. Baselt
Piano reduction by H. G. Kluge
BA 4045-90  V.s.
Riccardo primo,
Re d‘Inghilterra HWV 23
(Ital/Ger) P. A. Rolli
Urtext / Ed. T. Best
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4081-90  V.s.
Rinaldo (1711) HWV 7a
(Ital/Ger) G. Rossi
Urtext / Ed. D. R. Kimbell
Piano reduction by M. Rot
BA 4033-90 V.s.
Rodelinda, Regina
de' Longobardi HWV 19
(Ital/Ger) N. F. Haym
Urtext / Ed. A. V. Jones
Piano reduction by M. Rot
BA 4064-90  V.s.
Rodrigo (Vincer se stesso
è la maggior vittoria) HWV 5
(Ital/Ger) F. Silvani
Urtext / Ed. R. Heyink
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4083-90 V.s.
Stage works
Handel, George Frideric
Tamerlano HWV 18
(Ital/Ger) N. F. Haym
Urtext / Ed. T. Best
Piano reduction by M. Rot
BA 4052-90 V.s.
Tolomeo, Re d’Egitto
HWV 25
(Ital/Ger) N. F. Haym
Urtext / Ed. M. Pacholke
Piano reduction by M. Pacholke
BA 4058-90 V.s.
So - no
con- ten - ta ap - pie
Ich hab bei mei - nem
So - no con- ten - ta ap - pie
Ich hab bei mei - nem Liebs
L’anima del filosofo ossia
Orfeo ed Euridice
Hob. XXVIII:13
(Ital/Ger) C. F. Badini
Urtext / Ed. H. Wirth
Piano reduction by E. R. Barthel
BA 4658-90 V.s.
Armida Hob. XXVIII:12
(Ital/Ger) Presumed to be
N. Porta
Urtext / Ed. W. Pfannkuch
Piano reduction by G. Müller
BA 4662-90 V.s.
Il Mondo Della Luna
(Ital/Ger) Libretto adapted by
unknown author after C. Goldoni
Urtext / Ed. G. Thomas
Piano reduction by H. G. Kluge
BA 4682-90 (hardback)  V.s.
NE W 2011
(Ital) A. Striggio
Urtext / Ed. R. Alessandrini
Piano reduction by
R. Alessandrini
BA 8793-90 V.s.
in preparation.
Haydn, Joseph
L‘isola disabitata
Azione teatrale Hob. XXVIII:9
(Ital/Ger) P. Metastasio
Urtext / Ed. C. Siegert /
G. Thomas / U. Wilker
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4664-90 V.s.
Il ritorno d‘Ulisse in patria
(Ital) G. Badoaro
Urtext / Ed. R. Alessandrini
Piano reduction by
R. Alessandrini
BA 8791-90 V.s..
Lo Speziale Hob. XXVIII:3
(Ital/Ger) Libretto adapted by
unknown author after C. Goldoni
Urtext / Ed. H. Wirth
Piano reduction by E. Wernhard
BA 4641-90 V.s.
Xerxes / Serse HWV 40
(Ital/Ger) Anonymous libretto
after N. Minato, S. Stampiglia
Urtext / Ed. T. Best
Piano reduction by A. Köhs
BA 4076-90 V.s.
La fedeltà premiata
Hob. XXVIII:10
(Ital/Ger) Libretto adapted by
unknown author after G. Lorenzi
Urtext / Ed. G. Thomas
Piano reduction by M. Schelhaas
BA 4697-90 (hardback)  V.s.
Monteverdi, Claudio
Orlando paladino Hob.
(Ital/Ger) N. Porta
Urtext / Ed. K. Geiringer
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4663-90 V.s.
- so al
ap - pres - so al
das höchs - te
ap das höchs - te
ve - des nem
ro be - ne
ge - fun - den;
- si, oh
Di - o!
se - hen,
ro be - ne
ge - fun - den;
ca - ro,
mei - - - si, oh Di - o!
Ge. ca - ro,
ve - des mei
se - hen,
- vavon
che- il mio
- ben- tro
- va - i,
-- -- cken,
Herz ich drü - cken;
Ge. drü
- va - - i, or che il mio ben
- va - i, En.
mein Herz tro
cken, darf an
drü - cken;
pe - gno,
ca - - ra, la man
di spo - so;
Treu - e
- ne Hand zum Pfan - de! ca - - ra, la man
- gno,
di spo
- so; hier mei - ne Hand
Treu - e
- de!
fz p BA4664a Si.
ap -
pres -so al
ca - ro
- höchs
-- -- den, das
- te Glück
ge - fun
ca - ro be - - ne, ap ap - pres
-soal - - den,
das höchs - te Glück ge - fun
- re i
mo ti,
du nur das Po - - chen
Könn - test
Se del mio co - re i
mo - ti,
Könn - test du nur das
Po - chen
- rar pos - s’i - - o
cheil mio
ben tro
più spe
mehr? Die Liebs - te
Herz ich
Was will
darf an
il mio
ben tro Che più spe- rar pos - s’i - o
or che
Was will ich mehr? Die Liebs
darf an mein Herz ich
- di d’a - mo - rein
Nimm als Be - weis der
- di d’a - mo- re in
als Be - weis der
- pres
- so,
höchs - te,
- so,
- pres
höchs - te,
From: Haydn, L‘isola disabitata · BA 4664-90
BA 4664a
- do
le mie
Kum - mer ist ver der
scor - do le mie
der Kum - mer ist
ver - sti,i - do - lo
ve - dre
wür - dest du ver dann
- lo - sti, i - do
- dre
dann wür - dest du ver ac - can - toa suoi
ih - ren lie - ben mit
ac - can
- toa suoi
ih - ren
lie - ben
più fi - do ed a - mo
Und stär - ker kön - nen
più fi - do ed a - mo Und stär - ker kön - nen
Stage works
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
The Abduction from the
Seraglio (Die Entführung
aus dem Serail) K. 384 (Ger)
J. G. Stephanie d. J. after Bretzner
Urtext / Ed. G. Croll
Piano reduction by E. Epplée
Revised edition
BA 4591-90  V.s.
TP 311 Study score.
Facsimile edition
ISBN 978-3-7618-1881-7
à page 51
Apollo and Hyacinth K. 38
(Lat/Ger) P. Rufinus Widl O.S.B.
Urtext / Ed. A. Orel
Piano reduction by K. H. Müller
BA 4516-90  V.s.
Ascanio in Alba K. 111
(Ital/Ger) G. Parini
Urtext / Ed. L. F. Tagliavini
Piano reduction by K. H. Müller
BA 4504-90  V.s.
Bastien and Bastienne K. 50 (46b)
(Ger) F. W. Weiskern, J. H. F. Müller
Urtext / Ed. R. Angermüller
Piano reduction by E. Epplée
BA 4570-90  V.s.
La clemenza di Tito K. 621
(Ital/Ger) C. Mazzolà
Urtext / Ed. F. Giegling
Piano reduction by E. Epplée
Revised edition
BA 4554-90  V.s.
Facsimile edition
ISBN 978-3-7618-1886-2
à page 51
Così fan tutte ossia
La scuola degli amanti K. 588
(Ital/Ger) L. Da Ponte
Urtext / Ed. F. Ferguson, W. Rehm
Piano reduction by R. Baumann
Revised edition
BA 4606-90 (hardback)  V.s.
TP 314 Study score.
Facsimile edition
ISBN 978-3-7618-1884-8
à page 51
Il dissoluto punito
ossia il Don Giovanni K. 527
(Ital/Ger) L. Da Ponte
Urtext / Ed. W. Plath, W. Rehm
Piano reduction by H. G. Kluge
Revised edition
BA 4550-90 (hardback)  V.s.
TP 279 Study score.
Facsimile edition
ISBN 978-3-7618-1883-1
à page 51
La finta giardiniera K. 196
(Ital/Ger) Presumably G. Petrosellini Urtext / Ed. R. Angermüller, D. Berke
Piano reduction by E. Epplée
BA 4578-90 (hardback)  V.s.
Der Schauspieldirektor K. 486
(Ger) J. G. Stephanie d. J.
Urtext / Ed. G. Croll
Piano reduction by H. Vogt
BA 4512-90  V.s.
Die Schuldigkeit des Ersten
Gebots K. 35
(Ger) I. A. Weiser
Urtext / Ed. F. Giegling
Piano reduction by K. H. Müller
BA 4513-90  V.s.
Idomeneo K. 366
(Ital/Ger) G. Varesco
Urtext / Ed. D. Heartz
Zaide (Das Serail) K. 344 (336b)
Piano reduction by H. G. Kluge
(Ger) J. A. Schachtner
Revised edition
Urtext / Ed. F. H. Neumann
BA 4562-90 (hardback)  V.s.
TP 322 Study score
Piano reduction by H. Moehn
NE W 2011
in preparation.
BA 4510-90  V.s.
Facsimile edition
Die Zauberflöte /
ISBN 978-3-7618-1880-0
The Magic Flute K. 620
à page 51.
(Ger) E. Schikaneder
Urtext / Ed. G. Gruber, A. Orel
Lucio Silla K. 135
Piano reduction by M. Schelhaas
(Ital/Ger) G. De Gamerra
Revised edition
Urtext / Ed. K. Kuzmick Hansell
BA 4553-90  V.s.
Piano reduction by E. Epplée
TP 155 Study score
BA 4590-90 (hardback)  V.s.
Facsimile edition
Mitridate, Re di Ponto
ISBN 978-3-7618-1885-5
à page 51
K. 87 (74a)
(Ital/Ger) V. A. Cigna-Santi
Urtext / Ed. L. F. Tagliavini
Offenbach, Jacques
Piano reduction by E. Epplée
BA 4541-90 (hardback)  V.s.
La Belle Hélène
Le nozze di Figaro /
(Fr/Ger) H. Meilhac, L. Halévy
The Marriage of Figaro K. 492
Ed. R. Didion
(Ital/Ger) L. Da Ponte
Piano reduction by K. H. Müller
Urtext / Ed. L. Finscher
AE 511-90  V.s.
Piano reduction by E. Epplée
The Tales of Hoffmann
Revised editions
(Eng/Fr) J. Barbier / Ed. F. Oeser
BA 4565-90 (hardback)  V.s.
Singing translation by
Piano reduction by F. Oeser
K. Honolka
AE 333-02  V.s.
BA 4565-92 (hardback)  V.s.
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Singing translation by
N. Brieger/F. Layer
NE W 2011
TP 320 Study score
To appear in April 2011
Facsimile edition
ISBN 978-3-7618-1882-4
à page 51
Il re pastore K. 208
(Ital/Ger) P. Metastasio
Urtext / Ed. P. Petrobelli, W. Rehm
Piano reduction by E. Epplée
BA 4599-90  V.s.
Platée OOR IV.10
(Fr) J. Autreau / Ed. M. E. Bartlet
Piano reduction by F. Saint-Yves
BA 8853-90  V.s.
Rossini, Gioachino
NE W 2011
Le Comte Ory
(Fr) E. Scribe, C. G. Delestre-Poirson
Urtext / Ed. D. Colas
Piano reduction by H. G. Kluge
BA 10508-90  V.s.
in preparation
Stage works
Gioachino Rossini · The Barber of Seville
New Urtext Editions
NE W 2010
The Barber of Seville
C. Sterbini
Urtext / Ed. P. B. Brauner
Piano reduction by R. Baumann
BA 10506-92(Ital/Eng)  V.s.
BA 10506-90(Ital/Ger)  V.s.
TP 411
Study score.
Rossini’s The Barber of Seville is
without doubt the composer’s
best-known work and one of
the most frequently performed
operas in the entire repertoire.
This vocal score corresponds
with the recently published and
highly acclaimed Urtext critical
edition (BA 10506) in the series
Works of Gioachino Rossini and is
available in two versions: ItalianEnglish and Italian-German. The
two versions of the vocal score
offer revised and modernised
singing translations in English
and German respectively.
All the appendices of the full
score are included in the vocal
score. These offer variants
on individual arias, additional
numbers composed for particular
performances and the transposed
versions of numbers 5, 6 and 11.
 Urtext edition based on the series
Works of Gioachino Rossini
 All versions and transpositions
included in the appendix
 Especially user-friendly due to
two separate versions (Ital/Eng
and Ital/Ger)
 Singing English and German
“By reproducing Rossini’s text
with such fidelity to the details
of his notation, we can see not
just what Rossini wrote, but also
come to understand why. And here’s
a news flash: It turns out that he
knew what he was doing, and was
in fact a lot smarter than subsequent
generations of publishers and
performers felt inclined to concede.
Appreciating this fact will encourage
musicians to create interpretations
truer to both the letter and the
spirit – not just of this perennially
refreshing masterpiece – but also of
lesser-known works by Rossini and
his contemporaries, on which this
score shines a bright new light.
The importance of Brauner’s
achievement in this last respect,
especially, cannot be overestimated.“
Solo Voice
Die Gesänge zu Schemellis
“Musicalischem Gesangbuch”
1736 BWV 439-507 und
Sechs Lieder aus dem
Klavierbüchlein für Anna
Magdalena Bach 1725
BWV 511-514, 516, 517 (Ger)
for high voice and piano
Ed. M. Seiffert, G. von Dadelsen
BA 888
Choral score,
playing score.
Barraqué, Jean
Ave Maria, gratia plena
Ave Maria Settings for Solo Voice
and Organ (Lat)
Ed. P. Wagner
BA 8250
This collection contains
arrangements from the late
Romantic period through to
the early modern. It sets a new
standard in terms of the range
and the broad stylistic features
of popular as well as unknown
compositions. Included are original
Ave Maria settings specifically
arranged for medium voice and organ.
 Please find the complete
contents at www.baerenreiter.com.
Bach, Johann Sebastian
The Aria Book.
Based on the Urtext of the
New Bach Edition
Ed. C. Lehmann
Each volume contains a detailed
booklet in English with notes
on performance practice and
suggestions for teaching
BA 5211-04
“Alles mit Gott und nichts
ohn’ ihn“ BWV 1127 (Ger)
Aria for Solo Soprano, two
Violins, Viola and Continuo.
Urtext / Ed. M. Maul
Performing Edition
BA 5246
The aria consisting of twelve
verses is written for solo
soprano, strings and basso
continuo and opens with the
words Alles mit Gott und nichts
ohn’ ihn. It was composed in
1713 to celebrate the 53rd
birthday of Duke Wilhelm Ernst
of Saxe-Weimar who employed
Bach as court organist from
1708 until 1717.
This vocal work is Bach’s sole
contribution to the genre of
strophic aria. Each verse is
accompanied by basso continuo
and followed by a lively string
ritornello, making this work a pièce
d’occasion of exquisite quality.
Facsimile edition
ISBN 978-3-7618-1870-1
à page 50
BA 5213-04
“Taken together, these
volumes constitute a minicourse
in the singing of Bach arias ...
They would be an excellent
addition to all studio and music
school libraries.“
(Journal of Singing)
 = Performance material
available on hire
Chant après Chant (1965-66)
for six percussionists, solo
soprano and piano
Text by the composer and
H. Broch
BA 7362
Score with parts
Berlioz, Hector
Les nuits d'été (Fr)
Six mélodies avec un petit
orchestre for high voice and piano
With English and German song
text translations
Urtext / Ed. I. Kemp
Piano reduction
by D. Woodfull-Harris
BA 5784-90  V.s.
Les nuits d'été (Fr)
Six mélodies avec un petit
orchestre for medium voice and
With English and German song
text translations
Urtext / Ed. I. Kemp
Piano reduction
by D. Woodfull-Harris
BA 5786-90  V.s.
Solo Voice
Berlioz, Hector
pour voix haute et piano (Fr)
Songs for High Voice and Piano.
With English and German song
text translations
Urtext / Ed. I. Rumbold
Volume I
BA 5984
Volume II (includes Les nuits d‘été)
BA 5985
 Please find the complete
contents at www.baerenreiter.com
Buxtehude, Dietrich
Singet dem Herrn (Ger)
Cantata for soprano solo, violin
and bc
Ed. K. Matthaei
BA 121 Score and parts
Dvoøák, Antonín
Biblical Songs op. 99
(Cz/Eng/Ger) for voice and piano
H 1758 Soprano (Tenor)
H 1560 Alto (Baritone)
Gypsy Songs op. 55
(Cz/Eng/Ger) for voice and piano
H 1559 Tenor (Soprano)
H 1739 Alto (Baritone)
Moravian Duets op. 20, 32, 38
for soloists (SA) and piano
H 337
Full score
Rusalka’s Song to the Moon
Text by Jaroslav Kvapil
for soprano and piano
H 4460 Piano reduction
Furrer, Beat
auf tönernen Füssen (2001)
(Ger) for voice and flute
after a text by F. Mayröcker
BA 7783 Playing score
From: Handel, Gloria · BA 4248-90
Handel, George Frideric
Crudel tiranno Amor (Ital)
Cantata con stromenti HWV 97b
Version for solo soprano and
keyboard instrument. Facsimile
edition with an enclosed vocal
ISBN 978-3-7618-1915-9
Gloria HWV deest (Lat)
for solo soprano, two violins
and bc
Urtext / Ed. H. J. Marx
Vocal score by A. Köhs
BA 4248-90 ° V.s.
George Frideric Handel
Italian opera was at the centre of
Handel’s output for over 35 years
with solo arias constituting one of
the most important elements in
Baroque opera. Dramatic roles, with
their various moods and reactions,
are characterised through arias.
A large number of Handel’s operas
also contain at least one entire scene
for two to three voices. These
numbers make use not only of
similar lyrical or expressive forms
of expression such as the arias, but
also employ contrapuntal elements
as found in Handel’s chamber music.
Based on the Bärenreiter vocal
scores five aria albums as well as
one volume for duets, trios and
ensembles have been published.
All editions include some of
Handel’s best-known arias/vocal
ensemble movements together
with some less well-known numbers
of equally high musical quality.
Aria Albums
from Handel's Operas
Urtext. Selected and with a
foreword by Donald Burrows
Male Roles for High Voice
Recitatives and arias from: Alcina,
Ariodante, Giulio Cesare in Egitto,
Imeneo, Lotario, Radamisto,
Rinaldo, Rodelinda, Serse (Xerxes),
BA 4296
Female Roles for High Voice
Recitatives and arias from: Alcina,
Ariodante, Giulio Cesare in Egitto,
Imeneo, Riccardo primo, Rinaldo,
Serse (Xerxes), Tamerlano, Tolomeo,
Re d’Egitto
BA 4295
NE W 2011
and Contralto
Recitatives and arias
from: Amadigi, Ariodante, Ezio,
Flavio, Giulio Cesare in Egitto,
Lotario, Orlando, Radamisto, Rinaldo,
Rodelinda, Serse (Xerxes), Tamerlano
BA 10253
The arias display various distinctive
technical features whereas the
ensemble movements make additional
demands such as reflecting the
differences out of dramatic situations
that arise. Most pieces are presented
with the preceding recitative or,
in a few cases, in the context of
an entire scene. All are arranged
chronologically reflecting the order
in which the operas were composed. The forewords by Donald Burrows
contain detailed notes on Handel’s
singers and on the arias/vocal
ensemble movements in the
context of the operas.
 Unbeatable collections of
Handel’s most beautiful arias
and ensembles
 Musical text based on the
Urtext vocal scores of the
Halle Handel Edition
 Text translations (Eng/Ger)
 Detailed forewords (Eng/Ger)
by the leading Handel expert
Donald Burrows
Arias, Duets, Trios and Ensemble Scenes
Tenor. NE W 20
Recitatives and arias
from: Alcina, Ariodante, Ezio,
Lotario, Rodelinda, Rodrigo,
BA 10254
Recitatives and arias
from: Ariodante, Deidamia, Ezio,
Giulio Cesare in Egitto, Imeneo, Lotario, Orlando, Radamisto,
Riccardo Primo, Rodelinda,
Serse (Xerxes), Tolomeo
BA 10255
Duets, Trios and
Ensemble Scenes
from Handel's Operas
Urtext. Selected and with a
foreword by Donald Burrows.
12 duets from: Ariodante, Flavio,
Giulio Cesare in Egitto, Orlando,
Rinaldo, Rodelinda, Sosarme,
Tamerlano, Tolomeo and 3 trios/
ensemble scenes from: Alcina,
Imeneo, Tamerlano
BA 4297
Solo Voice
Handel, George Frideric
Volume I: Salve Regina
BA 9257
NE W 2010
Volume II: Alma Redemptoris
Mater / Ave Regina coelorum /
Regina coeli / Ave maris stella
BA 9268
Nine German Arias
HWV 202-210 (Ger)
for soprano, one solo instrument
and bc
Urtext / Ed. W. Siegmund-Schultze
BA 4245 Score with set of parts
These two volumes contain an
anthology of works by composers
such as Johann Michael Haydn,
Bruckner, Gounod, Dvoøák, Elgar,
Grieg, Liszt, Mendelssohn which
have been arranged for medium
voice and organ without
compromising any of the
originality of the pieces.
Aria Albums
from Handel's Operas (Ital)
Urtext. Selected and with a
foreword by Donald Burrows
- Female Roles for High Voice
BA 4295
- Male Roles for High Voice
BA 4296
- Mezzo-Soprano
and Contralto
BA 10253
NE W 2011
- Tenor
BA 10254
NE W 2011
- Bass
NE W 2011
BA 10255.
Duets, Trios and Ensemble
Scenes from Handel's Operas
Urtext. Selected and with a
foreword by Donald Burrows
BA 4297
àArias, Duets, Trios and Ensemble Scenes
see pages 42-43
Krenek, Ernst
The Ballad of the Railroads
(1944) (Eng/Ger)
Song cycle op. 98
Text by the composer
for middle voice and piano
BA 3956 Singing score,
playing score
Maintz, Philipp
Septemberalbum/Acht (2006)
(Ger) Text by R. Winkler
For female voice and piano
BA 9339 Score
Discover baerenreiter.com
Marian Hymns from the
18 th to the 20 th Centuries
for Solo Voice and Organ (Lat)
Ed. and arranged by P. Wagner
 Practical performing edition
for use in the mass and at
church concerts
 Well-known settings of
moderate technical difficulty.
Solo Voice
[Vier Lieder (1830)]
1. Mai 1830
[1.] Der Tag
Ludwig Ernst Friedrich Robert
ent -
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix
Lieder for high and medium
voice and piano (Ger)
Urtext / Ed. E. Asti
BA 9085
This edition contains 46
previously unknown songs by
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy:
settings of poems by Scott/Storck,
Matthisson, Hölty, Heine, Gellert
and others are waiting to be
From the Lied zum Geburtstag
meines guten Vaters, a joint
composition with his sister Fanny
and one of Mendelssohn’s first
surviving compositions, to works
from his period of study with Carl
Friedrich Zelter, the songs span
his entire period of compositional
activity. Popular texts such as
Ich denke dein by Friedrich von
Matthisson (set by composers
including Schubert, Beethoven,
Weber and Wolf), Erinnerung by
Heinrich Heine (set by Schumann,
Cornelius, Franz and others) are
now available in Mendelssohn‘s
settings. Also included is his only
song cycle Vier Lieder of 1830.
These four songs are linked by
motifs in a dramatic narrative
der Kind - heit
, noch
da - mals
mei - ne
klei - ne
be - wusst,
and piano · BA
and medium
disch war
mein Glück
be -
BA 5374
would be an
“These volumes
excellent addition to singers’ and
BA 9085
“For all those who love Lieder
teachers’ libraries for practical use
this publication is of the highest
and to music school libraries for
importance – a treasure trove in
comparison with other scholarly
fact. These days there are few
(Journal of Singing)
publications of nineteenth century
Complete Songs for high voice
music that might be termed
(Ger) With English song text
indispensable.“ (Graham Johnson)
Urtext / Ed. E. A. Ballin
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
BA 5330
Completion of pieces surviving
in fragmentary form
The Aria Book. Based on the
Urtext of the New Mozart Edition
Ed. C. Lehmann
Each volume contains a detailed
booklet in English with notes
on performance practice and
suggestions for teaching
Transposition of songs
originally written for medium
voice to high voice range
BA 5371-04
BA 5372
Includes previously unknown
songs by Mendelssohn and
variant versions
- schwan
Volume 1
Volume 2
(without booklet)
Complete Songs
for medium voice (Ger)
With English song text translations
Urtext / Ed. E. A. Ballin
BA 5328.
Exsultate, jubilate K. 165 (158a)
(Lat) with additional material from
the Salzburg version
Urtext / Ed. H. Federhofer, R. Münster
Piano reduction by M. Focke
BA 4897-90 ° V.s.
Solo Voice
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Musique vocale profane /
Secular Vocal Music (Fr)
Urtext / Ed. J. P. C. Montagnier,
S. Bouissou
Volume 1
Cantatas for high voice, Canons
BA 8946 Folder with score
and parts
Volume 2
Cantatas for low voice and for
two voices, Airs
BA 8948 Folder with score
and parts
Pintscher, Matthias
Lieder und Schneebilder (2000)
(Eng) after poems by
E. E. Cummings
for solo soprano and piano
BA 7785 Score
Scartazzini, Andrea
im traum habe ich mit dir
geredet – göttin – Kypris (1999)
for mezzo-soprano solo and
4 instrumentalists
BA 8293 Score
(To be published in 11 volumes)
Urtext / Ed. W. Dürr
With a prefatory note (Ger/Eng)
by Christoph Prégardien and
Andreas Staier.
Volume 1
From “Erlkönig“ (op. 1) to
“Die schöne Müllerin“ (op. 25)
BA 9101 high
BA 9121 medium
BA 9141 low
Volume 2
From “Ariette“ (Rosamunde op. 26)
to “Die Allmacht“ (op. 79,2)
BA 9102 high
BA 9122 medium
BA 9142 low
Volume 3
From “Der Wanderer an den
Mond“ (op. 80,1) to “Iphigenia“
(op. 98,3), including“Winterreise“
(op. 89)
BA 9103 high
BA 9123 medium
BA 9143 low
Volume 4
Op. 105-108; D 906-990C
(incl. “Schwanengesang“ D 957)
BA 9104 high
BA 9124 medium
BA 9144 low.
NE W 2011
Volume 5
from “Hagars Klage“ (D 5)
to “Der Geistertanz“ (D 116)
BA 9105 high
BA 9125 medium
BA 9145 low.
in preparation
Die schöne Müllerin
op. 25 (Ger)
NE W 2010
Urtext / Ed. W. Dürr
BA 9117 high
BA 9137 medium
BA 9157 low
 Famous song cycle available
for the first time in a separate
 Foreword by Walther Dürr
discussing the history of the
work’s composition and
sources (Ger/Eng)
 With an English translation
of the song texts by
Richard Wigmore
Winterreise op. 89 (Ger)
Urtext / Ed. W. Dürr
The Appendix includes Wasserflut,
Rast, Mut and Der Leiermann in
Schubert's original keys.
BA 9118 high
BA 9138 medium
BA 9158 low
Sappho Lieder
(2002) (Ger)
for solo bass voice and piano
BA 8559 Score
Schubert, Franz
Auf dem Strom D 943 (Ger)
op. post. 119 for high voice,
horn (violoncello) and piano
Urtext / Ed. W. Dürr
BA 5635.
The Shepherd on the Rock
D 965 (Ger) op. post. 129
for high voice, clarinet and piano
Urtext / Ed. W. Dürr
BA 5619
From: Schubert, Die schöne Müllerin · BA 9117 high
Solo Voice
Schumann, Robert
NE W 2011
Dichterliebe op. 48 (Ger)
Urtext / Ed. H. Ewert
BA 7851
To appear in April 2011
This new edition presents the
work based on the first edition.
It takes Schumann’s autograph
score into consideration, an
autograph score where there
have recently been discussions as
to whether it should be presented
as an independent alternative
version. The four lieder omitted by
Schumann from the printed edition
are included in the appendix.
 High-quality Urtext edition of
this well-known song cycle
 Appendix includes four lieder
by Schumann which he did
not include in the original cycle.
 Comprehensive foreword and
critical commentary (Ger/Eng)
 Im wunderschönen Monat
Mai / Aus meinen Tränen sprießen /
Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die
Sonne / Wenn ich in deine Augen
seh’ / Ich will meine Seele tauchen /
Im Rhein, im heiligen Strome /
Ich grolle nicht / Und wüssten’s
die Blumen / Das ist ein Flöten
und Geigen / Hör’ ich das Liedchen
klingen / Ein Jüngling liebt ein
Mädchen / Am leuchtenden
Sommermorgen / Ich hab’ im Traum
geweinet / Allnächtlich im Traume /
Aus alten Märchen / Die alten bösen
Lieder / Appendix: Dein Angesicht
op. 127, 2 / Lehn’ deine Wang’
op. 142, 2 / Es leuchtet meine
Liebe op. 127, 3 / Mein Wagen
rollet langsam op. 142, 4
Seither, Charlotte
One-woman-opera (2004) (Ger)
for voice and hand percussion
BA 9301 Score
(Duration 14-18 mins.).
Spohr, Louis
Six German Songs op. 103
for voice, clarinet and piano (Ger)
Ed. F. O. Leinert
BA 7571
Telemann, Georg Philipp
Harmonischer Gottesdienst
72 Solo Cantatas for voice,
instrument and basso continuo
Urtext / Ed. G. Fock, U. Poetzsch
Three volumes for high voice
- Advent and Christmas
BA 5891 Score with parts .
- Lent and Easter
BA 5892 Score with parts .
- Cantatas for the Sundays
after Trinity
BA 5893 Score with parts
Three volumes for medium voice
- Advent and Christmas
BA 5894 Score with parts.
- Lent and Easter
BA 5895 Score with parts .
- Cantatas for the Sundays
after Trinity
BA 5896 Score with parts
Wolf, Hugo
Songs for Solo Voice and
Organ (Ger) arranged by
Max Reger
Urtext / Ed. M. G. Kaufmann
with the assistance of A. Becker
BA 8418
From: “Hör’ ich das Liedchen klingen“
This Urtext edition contains ten
songs from the Spanish Songbook
and four songs to poems by
Eduard Mörike, all in arrangements
by Reger that are noteworthy for
their highly sensitive approach to
the originals. What was originally
chamber music with a spiritual
inclination has become church
music suitable for performance
in services and sacred concerts. 47
Ludwig van
Symphony No. 9
op. 125
For the first time the facsimile presents
all parts of the manuscript.
In his commentary the great Beethoven scholar
Lewis Lockwood describes the plea which
Beethoven wanted to deliver at that time with this
work and how views of this have changed over the centuries.
Jonathan Del Mar, the renowned editor of Beethoven’s works,
comments on noteworthy passages in the autograph manuscript and
allows the reader to share in the composer’s working process.
Martina Rebmann, Director of the Music Department at the
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, traces the history of the autograph
manuscript which reflects an episode in German history.
 “What a joy for all of us to have a readily
available facsimile of Beethoven 9 at last.
Del Mar’s work on the symphonies has become
the gold standard of contemporary editing for
us all, an astonishing work of scholarship which
is miraculously practical. These two virtues are
not often bedfellows … I welcome his guiding
hand on this new project, and look forward to a
fascinating exploration.” (Sir Simon Rattle)
Facsimile of the autograph score in the
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer
Kulturbesitz, the Beethoven-Haus Bonn and
the Bibliothèque nationale de France.
Documenta musicologica II, 42
422 + 11 pages of facsimile and 40 pages
introduction (English/German/Japanese),
format: 37 x 40 cm; half-linen, hardback
Bärenreiter Facsimile
ISBN 978-3-7618-2169-5
George Frideric Handel
HWV 56
Facsimile of the autograph score
in the British Library, London.
Edited by Donald Burrows.
Documenta Musicologica II, 40
284 pages of facsimile and a 56-page
introduction (Eng/Ger/Jap); half-linen
Bärenreiter Facsimile
ISBN 978-3-7618-2109-1
14 April 2009 was the 250th anniversary of
Handel's death. To mark this jubilee year, the
British Library and Bärenreiter joined forces
to make the autograph score of the Messiah
available in a meticulously reproduced,
lavishly published facsimile.
The renowned Handel scholar Donald Burrows
introduces the characteristics of Handel’s
manuscript, describes the history of the work’s
composition and explains the differences
between later versions of the Messiah,
as reflected in the conducting scores.
A two-page sketch from the Fitzwilliam
Museum Cambridge completes the publication.
No distribution
rights for the UK.
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Sebastian
“Alles mit Gott und nichts
ohn' ihn“ BWV 1127
Aria for Solo Soprano, Strings
and Basso continuo. Facsimile of
the autograph from the Herzogin
Anna Amalia Library Weimar.
In collaboration with the Bach
Archive Leipzig edited by Michael
Maul with a preface (Ger/Eng).
Facsimiles of Bach's Works and
Writings · New Series I /
Documenta Musicologica II/33
24 pages with CD; half-cloth
ISBN 978-3-7618-1870-1
The enclosed CD contains the
world première recording of
this aria, with the soprano Elin
Manahan Thomas and The English
Baroque Soloists conducted
by Sir John Eliot Gardiner.
Monteverdi, Claudio
Mass in B min BWV 232
Facsimile of the autograph score in
the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin.
Linen-bound with silver embossing
ISBN 978-3-7618-2194-7
in preparation.
Buxtehude, Dietrich
Herr, ich lasse dich nicht
BuxWV 36
Facsimile of the autograph set
of parts in the Uppsala University
Library including a new full score
critical edition. Edited by P. Wollny
with a foreword (Ger/Eng). Series
Documenta Musicologica II/37
ISBN 978-3-7618-1958-6
Handel, George Frideric
Performing edition
BA 5246 à page 40
L'Orfeo. Favola in Musica.
Reprint of the first edition, Venice
1609 and from Act V of the
Mantuan libretto 1607.
Documenta Musicologica I/39.
(Ger/Eng/Fr). Hardcover
ISBN 978-3-7618-1167-2.
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
W 2010
“Allein zu dir,
Herr Jesu Christ” BWV 33
Cantata for the 13th Sunday
after Trinity. Edited by Christoph
Wolff and Peter Wollny.
Autograph score, original parts,
text from 1724. Facsimile series
Bachscher Werke und
Schriftstücke, New Series, Volume V
Boxed set of 24 pages (score),
54 pages (parts), 16 pages (text)
and 16 pages (commentary)
ISBN 978-3-7618-2201-2
Crudel tiranno Amor
Cantata con stromenti
Version for voice and keyboard
instrument HWV 97b.
Facsimile and transcription of
the autograph score, preserved
in the Bavarian State Library
Munich. Facsimile and Edition.
Edited by Berthold Over and the
Bavarian State Library Munich
in collaboration with the editorial
staff of the Halle Handel Edition.
Facsimile edition in four-color
printing with a transcript and
enclosed vocal part. Series
Documenta Musicologica II/34.
32 pages and 8 pages insert;
ISBN 978-3-7618-1915-9
 Published to commemorate the
325th anniversary of Bach’s birth
on 21 March 2010
 Limited edition of 100 copies
 Net proceeds go to the Bach
Archive Leipzig.
For further information
please ask for the brochures
“Beethoven, Symphony No. 9“,
SPA 304 (Eng), SPA 305 (Jap).
Messiah HWV 56
Bärenreiter Facsimile .
ISBN 978-3-7618-2109-1.
à page 49
“Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen
wünscht Papageno sich“
Facsimile of the aria from The
Magic Flute with an afterword
by Silke Leopold (Ger/Eng/Jap)
incl. vocal score.
36 pages; cloth-bound
ISBN 978-3-7618-1775-9
Mozart‘s Great Operas (PHI)
à page 51
Discover baerenreiter.com
Great Operas
Great Operas
ckard Humanities Institute (PHI), Los Altos, Ca.
The Packard
e International Mozarteum
SalzburgInstitute (PHI), Los Altos, Ca.
e autograph scores of the seven great MozartMozarteum
operas Foundation, Salzburg
present the autograph scores of the seven great Mozart operas
Now comp
Now comp
as, his brilliant contribution
The Facsimiles
operas, hisofbrilliant
d culture, are unequalled
in sevensgreat
Mozart contribution
manuscripts heldThe
in Facsimiles
to music theatredifferent
and world
culture, are unequalled in
s Consolidation of Mozart manuscripts held in
acterisation and musical
their depth of human
s Highest
level of precision
reproduction different places
s Highest level of precision in reproduction
e, all seven opera scores
and authenticity of colour through use of the
Through happy coincidence,
all seven opera scores
and authenticity of colour through use of the
plete in Mozart’s manuscript.
latest technology
have survived almost complete in Mozart’s manuscript.
latest technology
Le nozze di Figaro K. 492**
K. 366 with ballet
K. 367**
Don Giovanni K. 527**
ISBN 978-3-7618-1883-1
Die Entführung aus dem Serail
K. tutte
384*K. 588**
Così fan
Die Zauberflöte
Le nozze di Figaro K. 492**
K. 620**
Don Giovanni
La clemenza
di Tito K. 527**
ISBN 978-3-7618-1883-1
K. 621*
ISBN 978-3-7618-1886-2
Così fan tutte K. 588**
ISBN 978-3-7618-1884-8
With with
bound and half leather
gold embossed
Format: 34 x 26 cm. Cloth-bound and half leather with gold embossed lettering
Each opera % 248.00
* 1 facsimile + text volume
ext volume
** 2 facsimile volumes + text volume
he USA and Canada.
No distribution rights for the USA and Canada.
e Mozart‘s Great Operas, in English (SPA 180).
Please ask for the brochure Mozart‘s Great Operas, in English (SPA 180).
Die Zauberflöte
K. 620**
ISBN 978-3-7618-1885-5
La clemenza di Tito
K. 621*
ISBN 978-3-7618-1886-2
Index by Edition Numbers
AE 129-90 ................34
AE 333-02 ................38
AE 511-90 ................38
BA 121 ..................... 41
BA 265 ..................... 13
BA 300 ..................... 27
BA 300-91 ................ 27
BA 480 ..................... 26
BA 481 ..................... 13
BA 481-6 .................. 13
BA 487 ..................... 13
BA 487-91 ................ 13
BA 504 ..................... 27
BA 505 ..................... 27
BA 510 ..................... 26
BA 512 ..................... 27
BA 514 ..................... 27
BA 518 ..................... 26
BA 520 ..................... 27
BA 521 ..................... 27
BA 523 ..................... 27
BA 525 ..................... 27
BA 541 ..................... 12
BA 541-91 ................ 12
BA 542 ..................... 12
BA 542-91 ................ 12
BA 543 ..................... 13
BA 543-91 ................ 13
BA 589 ..................... 13
BA 620 ..................... 13
BA 620-91 ................ 13
BA 681 ..................... 13
BA 690 ..................... 15
BA 717 ..................... 13
BA 717-91 ................ 13
BA 751 ..................... 13
BA 752 ..................... 15
BA 888 .....................40
BA 901 ..................... 17
BA 1519 .................... 15
BA 1577 ................... 27
BA 1577-91 .............. 27
BA 1717 .................... 27
BA 1959 ................... 26
BA 1967 ................... 27
BA 1969 ................... 26
BA 2155 ................... 26
BA 2282-90 .............. 35
BA 2287-90 .............. 35
BA 2293-90 .............. 35
BA 2294-90 ............. 35
BA 2301-90 .............. 35
BA 2398 ................... 26
BA 2873 ................... 25
BA 2875 ................... 25
BA 2875-91 .............. 25
BA 2877 ................... 25
BA 2900 ................... 28
BA 2900-91 ............. 28
BA 2901 ................... 26
BA 2901-91 .............. 26
BA 2923 ................... 26
BA 3198 ................... 13
BA 3198-91 .............. 13
BA 3583 ................... 27
BA 3583-91 .............. 27
BA 3945 ................... 19
BA 3956 ...................44
BA 4001-90 .............. 15
BA 4002-90 .............. 15
BA 4002-91 .............. 15
BA 4007-90 .............. 16
BA 4007-91 .............. 16
BA 4012-73 .............. 16
BA 4012-90 .............. 16
BA 4014-90 .............. 16
BA 4020-90 ............. 16
BA 4023-90 ..............36
BA 4027-90 ..............36
BA 4031-90 ..............36
BA 4033-90 ..............36
BA 4039-90 .............36
BA 4045-90 .............36
BA 4047-90 .............. 15
BA 4052-90 .............. 37
BA 4058-90 ............. 37
BA 4061-90 ..............36
BA 4063-90 ............. 15
BA 4064-90 .............36
BA 4074-90 ..............36
BA 4076-90 .............. 37
BA 4077-90 ..............36
BA 4078-90 ..............36
BA 4079-90 .............36
BA 4081-90 ..............36
BA 4082-90 .............. 15
BA 4083-90 .............36
BA 4085-90 ............. 16
BA 4086-90 .............36
BA 4089-90 ............. 16
BA 4096-90 ............. 16
BA 4099-90 ............. 16
BA 4245 ...................44
BA 4246-90 .............. 16
BA 4248-90 .............. 41
BA 4263-90 .............. 15
BA 4264-90 ............. 15
BA 4265-90 .............. 15
BA 4266-90 .............. 15
BA 4267-90 .............. 15
BA 4268-90 .............. 15
BA 4291-90 .............. 15
BA 4292-90 .............. 15
BA 4293-90 .............. 15
BA 4295 ............ 43, 44
BA 4296 ............ 43, 44
BA 4297 ............ 43, 44
BA 4504-90 .............38
BA 4510-90 ..............38
BA 4512-90 ..............38
BA 4513-90 ..............38
BA 4516-90 ..............38
BA 4521-90 ..............22
BA 4529-90 .............. 25
BA 4538-90 .............. 24
BA 4541-90 ..............38
BA 4550-90 ..............38
BA 4553-90 ..............38
BA 4554-90 ..............38
BA 4562-90 ..............38
BA 4565-90 ..............38
BA 4570-90 ..............38
BA 4578-90 ..............38
BA 4590-90 .............38
BA 4591-90 ..............38
BA 4599-90 ..............38
BA 4606-90 .............38
BA 4641-90 .............. 37
BA 4642-90 .............. 19
BA 4643-90 ............. 17
BA 4644-90 ............. 17
BA 4645-90 ............. 18
BA 4646-90 ............. 18
BA 4647-90 .............. 19
BA 4648-90 ............. 17
BA 4651-90 .............. 18
BA 4651-91 .............. 18
BA 4652-90 .............. 18
BA 4652-91 .............. 18
BA 4653-90 .............. 17
BA 4654-90 ............. 17
BA 4654-91 .............. 17
BA 4655-90 .............. 19
BA 4656-90 ............. 18
BA 4656-91 .............. 18
BA 4658-90 ............. 37
BA 4659-90 .............. 18
BA 4660-90 ............. 17
BA 4661-90 .............. 18
BA 4662-90 .............. 37
BA 4663-90 ............. 37
BA 4664-90 ............. 37
BA 4682-90 .............. 37
BA 4697-90 .............. 37
BA 4702-90 ..............23
BA 4702-91 ..............23
BA 4736-90 ..............23
BA 4736-91 ..............23
BA 4751-90 .............. 24
BA 4751-91 .............. 24
BA 4752-90 .............. 24
BA 4752-91 .............. 24
BA 4753-90 .............. 24
BA 4753-91 .............. 24
BA 4763-90 ..............23
BA 4763-91 ..............23
BA 4769-90 . .............23
BA 4769-91 ..............23
BA 4770-90 ..............23
BA 4770-91 ..............23
BA 4783-90 ..............23
BA 4783-91 ..............23
BA 4788-90 ..............23
BA 4788-91 ..............23
BA 4789-90 ..............23
BA 4789-91 ..............23
BA 4791-90 ..............23
BA 4791-91 ..............23
BA 4846-90 ............. 24
BA 4851-90 .............. 24
BA 4851-91 .............. 24
BA 4852-90 .............. 24
BA 4852-91 .............. 24
BA 4853-90 ............. 24
BA 4858-90 .............23
BA 4858-91 ..............23
BA 4859-90 .............23
BA 4859-91 ..............23
BA 4880-90 ............. 24
BA 4880-91 ............. 24
BA 4881-90 .............. 24
BA 4881-91 .............. 24
BA 4882-90 .............. 24
BA 4882-91 .............. 24
BA 4883-90 ............. 24
BA 4883-91 .............. 24
BA 4884-90 .............22
BA 4885-90 ............. 24
BA 4885-91 .............. 24
BA 4886-90 ............. 24
BA 4886-91 ............. 24
BA 4887-90 .............. 24
BA 4887-91 .............. 24
BA 4888-90 ............. 24
BA 4888-91 ............. 24
BA 4889-90 .............22
BA 4889-91 .............22
BA 4890-90 .............23
BA 4890-91 .............23
BA 4891-90 ..............23
BA 4892-90 ..............23
BA 4892-91 ..............23
BA 4893-90 ............. 24
BA 4893-91 .............. 24
BA 4894-90 ............. 24
BA 4894-91 ............. 24
BA 4897-90 ....... 22, 45
BA 4899-90 ............. 24
BA 4899-91 ............. 24
BA 4946 ...................22
BA 4946-90 .............22
BA 5014-90 ................ 8
BA 5037-90 ................ 9
BA 5038-90 ............... 9
BA 5099-90 ............... 9
Index by Edition Numbers
BA 5102-90 ................ 9
BA 5103-90 ................ 9
BA 5103-91 ................ 9
BA 5128-91 ................ 8
BA 5129 ..................... 9
BA 5130 ..................... 9
BA 5131 ...................... 9
BA 5132 ...................... 9
BA 5133 ..................... 9
BA 5134 ..................... 9
BA 5135 ..................... 9
BA 5138-90 ................ 8
BA 5182-90 ................ 8
BA 5182-91 ................ 8
BA 5183-90 ................ 8
BA 5183-91 ................ 8
BA 5184-90 ................ 8
BA 5184-91 ................ 8
BA 5185-90 ................ 8
BA 5185-91 ................ 8
BA 5193 ..................... 9
BA 5193-90 ................ 9
BA 5208-90 ................ 9
BA 5209-90 ................ 9
BA 5211-04 ..............40
BA 5213-04 ..............40
BA 5239 ..................... 9
BA 5246 ............ 40, 49
BA 5293-90 ................ 9
BA 5310-90 .............. 28
BA 5328 ................... 45
BA 5330 ................... 45
BA 5339-90 ..............23
BA 5340-90 .............22
BA 5340-91 ..............22
BA 5341-90 ..............23
BA 5341-91 ..............23
BA 5342-90 ..............23
BA 5342-91 ..............23
BA 5343-90 ..............23
BA 5343-91 ..............23
BA 5344-90 ............. 24
BA 5344-91 .............. 24
BA 5345-90 ..............23
BA 5346-90 .............23
BA 5347 ...................23
BA 5347-90 ..............23
BA 5371-04 .............. 45
BA 5372 ................... 45
BA 5374 ................... 45
BA 5404 ................... 15
BA 5419 ................... 20
BA 5421 ................... 19
BA 5442-90 ..............34
BA 5443-90 .............34
BA 5447-90 ..............34
BA 5448-90 ............. 12
BA 5449-90 ............. 12
BA 5451-73 .............. 12
BA 5451-90 .............. 12
BA 5458-90 ............. 12
BA 5462-90 ..............34
BA 5463-90 ............. 12
BA 5619 ...................46
BA 5621-90 .............. 26
BA 5621-91 .............. 26
BA 5622-90 .............. 26
BA 5622-91 .............. 26
BA 5623-90 .............. 26
BA 5623-91 .............. 26
BA 5624-90 .............. 26
BA 5624-91 .............. 26
BA 5635 ...................46
BA 5774-90 .............. 35
BA 5782-90 .............. 12
BA 5784-90 .............40
BA 5786-90 .............40
BA 5852-90 .............. 28
BA 5891 ................... 47
BA 5892 ................... 47
BA 5893 ................... 47
BA 5894 ................... 47
BA 5895 ................... 47
BA 5896 ................... 47
BA 5900-90 ............. 27
BA 5924 ................... 27
BA 5935-00 .............. 10
BA 5935-01 .............. 10
BA 5935-90 ......... 9, 10
BA 5984 ................... 41
BA 5985 ................... 41
BA 6219 ................... 19
BA 6219-91 .............. 19
BA 6232 ................... 18
BA 6236 ................... 13
BA 6380 ................... 21
BA 6380-91 .............. 21
BA 6389 ................... 19
BA 6429 ................... 15
BA 6483 ................... 13
BA 6596 ................... 26
BA 6860-90 ............. 19
BA 6905 ..................... 8
BA 7234 ................... 28
BA 7235 ................... 28
BA 7362 ...................40
BA 7511 .................... 15
BA 7512 .................... 26
BA 7513 .................... 15
BA 7514 ................... 26
BA 7515 ................... 28
BA 7516 ................... 28
BA 7517 ...................... 4
BA 7518 ................... 24
BA 7519 ................... 24
BA 7520 ................... 24
BA 7521 ...................23
BA 7522 ...................23
BA 7523 ................... 24
BA 7524 ................... 12
BA 7533 ................... 15
BA 7555 ................... 32
BA 7560 ................... 32
BA 7571 ................... 47
BA 7573 ...................30
BA 7574 ................... 31
BA 7591 ................... 13
BA 7592-90 .............. 13
BA 7593-90 .............. 13
BA 7598 ...................30
BA 7599-90 .............. 26
BA 7599-91 .............. 26
BA 7671-90 .............. 27
BA 7673-90 .............. 13
BA 7674-90 .............. 29
BA 7674-91 .............. 29
BA 7675-90 .............. 26
BA 7676-90 .............. 28
BA 7677-90 .............. 28
BA 7678-90 .............. 20
BA 7680-90 ............. 20
BA 7783 ................... 41
BA 7785 ...................46
BA 7851 ................... 47
BA 8250 ...................40
BA 8293 ...................46
BA 8418 ................... 47
BA 8559 ...................46
BA 8594 ................... 28
BA 8596 ................... 27
BA 8701-90 ..............34
BA 8708-90 ..............34
BA 8791-90 .............. 37
BA 8793-90 .............. 37
BA 8853-90 ..............38
BA 8933 ................... 21
BA 8934 ................... 21
BA 8935 ................... 21
BA 8936 ................... 21
BA 8937 ................... 21
BA 8938 ................... 21
BA 8939 ................... 21
BA 8940 ................... 21
BA 8941 ................... 21
BA 8946 ...................46
BA 8948 ...................46
BA 8950-90 ............. 29
BA 9009-90 ............. 12
BA 9011-90 ..............34
BA 9070-90 .............. 20
BA 9071-90 .............. 21
BA 9072-90 .............. 21
BA 9085 ................... 45
BA 9088 ...................22
BA 9101 ...................46
BA 9102 ...................46
BA 9103 ...................46
BA 9104 ...................46
BA 9105 ...................46
BA 9117 ....................46
BA 9118 ....................46
BA 9121 ...................46
BA 9122 ...................46
BA 9123 ...................46
BA 9124 ...................46
BA 9125 ...................46
BA 9137 ...................46
BA 9138 ...................46
BA 9141 ...................46
BA 9142 ...................46
BA 9143 ...................46
BA 9144 ...................46
BA 9145 ...................46
BA 9157 ...................46
BA 9158 ...................46
BA 9257 ...................44
BA 9268 ...................44
BA 9301 ................... 47
BA 9339 ...................44
BA 9341 ................... 15
BA 9461-90 .............. 14
BA 9510-90 .............. 35
BA 10 001-90 ............. 4
BA 10 001-91 ............. 4
BA 10 004-90 ............ 4
BA 10 004-91 ............. 4
BA 10 006-90 ............ 4
BA 10 006-91 ............. 4
BA 10 012-90 ............. 4
BA 10 018-90 ............. 4
BA 10 018-91 ............. 4
BA 10 021-90 ............. 5
BA 10 031-90 ............. 5
BA 10 036-90 ............. 5
BA 10 039-90 ............. 5
BA 10 045-90 ............. 5
BA 10 051-90 ............. 5
BA 10 056-90 ............. 5
BA 10 056-91 ............. 5
BA 10 061-90 ............. 5
BA 10 061-91 ............. 5
BA 10 062-90 ............. 5
BA 10 062-91 ............. 5
BA 10 068-90 ............ 5
BA 10 068-91 ............. 5
BA 10 078-90 ............. 5
BA 10 080-90 ............ 5
BA 10 091-90 ............. 5
BA 10 091-91 ............. 5
BA 10 106-90 ............. 5
BA 10 130-90 ............. 6
BA 10 132-90 ............. 6
BA 10 132-91 ............. 6
BA 10 134-90 ............. 6
BA 10 140-90 ............. 6
BA 10 147-90 ............. 6
BA 10 158-90 ............. 6
BA 10 158-91 ............. 6
BA 10 166-90 ............. 6
BA 10 166-91 ............. 6
Index by Edition Numbers
ISBN 978-3-7618-
BA 10 172-90 ............. 8
BA 10 172-91 ............. 8
BA 10 175-91 ............. 8
BA 10 208-90 ............. 8
BA 10 211-90 ............. 8
BA 10 212-90 ............. 8
BA 10 253 ......... 42, 44
BA 10 254 ......... 42, 44
BA 10 255 ......... 42, 44
BA 10 501-90 ........... 25
BA 10 506-90 ..........39
BA 10 506-92 ...........39
BA 10 508-90 ...........38
1167-2 .....................50
1775-9 .....................50
1870-1 .............. 40, 50
1880-0 ............... 38, 51
1881-7 ............... 38, 51
1882-4 ............... 38, 51
1883-1 ............... 38, 51
1884-8 ............... 38, 51
1885-5 ............... 38, 51
1886-2 ............... 38, 51
1915-9 .............. 41, 50
1958-6 .....................50
2109-1 ....... 16, 49, 50
2169-5 .............. 12, 48
2194-7 .....................50
2201-2 .....................50
TP 1 ....................... 9
TP 2 ....................... 9
TP 58 ....................... 9
TP 85 ....................... 8
TP 92 ..................... 19
TP 94 ..................... 18
TP 95 ..................... 17
TP 97 ..................... 18
TP 98 ..................... 17
TP 99 ..................... 18
TP 152 ..................... 24
TP 155 .....................38
TP 175 ..................... 16
TP 196 ....................... 9
TP 197 ....................... 9
TP 255 ..................... 24
TP 279 .....................38
TP 311 .....................38
TP 314 .....................38
TP 316 ..................... 24
TP 320 .....................38
TP 322 .....................38
TP 332 ..................... 12
TP 333 ..................... 12
TP 334 ..................... 12
BE 429 ..................... 32
BE 468 ..................... 32
BE 488 .....................30
BE 499 ..................... 32
BE 727 ..................... 32
BE 2437 .................... 33
BE 2439-01 .............. 33
BE 2498 .................... 31
H 337 ..................... 41
H 1559 ..................... 41
H 1560 ..................... 41
H 1739 ..................... 41
H 1758 ..................... 41
H 1882 ..................... 15
H 2924-90 ................ 15
H 2997 ..................... 20
H 3026 ..................... 19
H 3213 ..................... 15
H 3712 ..................... 19
H 4248 ..................... 19
H 4460 ..................... 41
H 4523-90 ................ 15
H 5572 ..................... 26
H 7402 ..................... 27
H 7718 ..................... 15
H 7920 ..................... 15
SM 2600-90 ............. 13
SM 2600-91 ............. 13
SM 2815 ................... 12
TP 411 .....................39
TP 909 ..................... 12
TP 1001 ...................... 4
TP 1004 ...................... 4
TP 1012 ...................... 4
TP 1018 ...................... 4
TP 1021 ...................... 5
TP 1031 ...................... 5
TP 1036 ...................... 5
TP 1045 ...................... 5
TP 1051 ...................... 5
TP 1056 ...................... 5
TP 1061 ...................... 5
TP 1062 ...................... 5
TP 1078 ...................... 5
TP 1080 ...................... 5
TP 1091 ...................... 5
TP 1106 ...................... 5
TP 1130 ...................... 6
TP 1140 ...................... 6
TP 1147 ...................... 6
TP 1172 ...................... 8
TP 1175 ...................... 8
TP 1176 ...................... 8
TP 1211 ...................... 8
TP 1212 ...................... 8
TP 1232 .................... 10
TP 2004 ................. 7, 8
Index by Composers
Adam, Adolphe 34
Ave Maria, gratia plena 40
Gluck, Christoph Willibald 35
Groove Sisters 32
Offenbach, Jacques 38
Handel, George Frideric .
15, 16, 25, 36, 37, .
41, 42, 43, 44, 49, 50.
Haydn, Joseph .
17, 18, 19, 37.
Haydn, Michael 19.
Hits from Jesus Christ Superstar .
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel 4
Bach, Johann Sebastian 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22,
40, 49
Barraqué, Jean 40
Beethoven, Ludwig van 12, 34
Berlioz, Hector 12, 34, 40, 41
Best of Jazz 30
Bizet, Georges 34
Bruckner, Anton 12
Buckland, Graham 30, 31
Buxtehude, Dietrich 12, 13, 41, 49.
Caldara, Antonio 13
Chabrier, Emmanuel 34
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine 13
Chor aktuell Female Voices 31
Christmas a cappella 30
Christmas for female voices 30
Distler, Hugo 13, 15
Dvoøák, Antonín 15, 35, 41
Eben, Petr 15
Fauré, Gabriel 14, 15
Furrer, Beat 15, 41
Janáèek, Leoš 19
Krenek, Ernst 19, 44
Let's Get Singing 33
Liszt, Franz 20
Loewe, Carl 20
Maintz, Philipp 44
Marian Hymns from the 18th
to the 20 th Centuries 44
Martin, Frank 20
Martinú, Bohuslav 20
Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix 20, 21, 22, 45
Monteverdi, Claudio 37, 49
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 22, 23, 24, 25, 38, 45, 49, 51
Mozart‘s Great Operas 51
Pachelbel, Johann 25
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista 26
Pintscher, Matthias 46
PraiSing Russland 32
PraiSing Sweden 32
Purcell, Henry 26
Rameau, Jean-Philippe 38, 46
Rossini, Gioachino 25, 38, 39
Ryba, Jakub Jan 26
Saint-Saëns, Camille 26
Scartazzini, Andrea 46
Schubert, Franz 26, 46
Schumann, Robert 47
Schütz, Heinrich 26, 27
Seither, Charlotte 27, 47
Smetana, Bedøich 27, 38
Spirituals a cappella 31
Spohr, Louis 47
Stevens, Cat 32
Telemann, Georg Philipp 27, 28, 47
Trojahn, Manfred 28
Vivaldi, Antonio 28, 29
Wolf, Hugo 47
World Music for Choir 32