parliamentary committee of investigation final report to investigate
parliamentary committee of investigation final report to investigate
RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE OF INVESTIGATION FINAL REPORT TO INVESTIGATE MILITIAS ACTIVITY IN THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO. RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE OF INVESTIGATION (RESOLUTION No. 433/2008) PRESIDENT: STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER MARCELO FREIXO VICE-PRESIDENT: STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER CIDINHA CAMPOS RAPPORTEUR: STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER GILBERTO PALMARES FULL MEMBERS: STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER PAULO MELO STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER PEDRO PAULO STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER JOÃO PEDRO STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER ANDRÉ CORRÊA 2 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 1. BACKGROUND 2. ORGANIZATION AND MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE 2.1 - Organization 2.2 - Members 2.3 - Chair, Organization, Vice-President Election and Rapporteur Appointment 2.4 - Operation 3. DURATION 4. DOCUMENTS 4.1– Official Letters Issued 4.2.– Documents Received, attachments by subject and testimonies 4.2.a – Administrative documents 4.2.B – Work Methodology. Documents received and testimonies/meeting - by attachment 4.3 – Call Notices 4.4- Minutes 5. SUMMARY OF SESSIONS 6. PRAISES, CREDITS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 7. RAPPORTEUR’S VOTE 3 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 1. BACKGROUND The institution of the Parliamentary Committee of Investigation was requested by the State Assembly Member MARCELO FREIXO in February 2007, due to the extremely serious situation of militias in the communities of the State of Rio de Janeiro, with strong evidence of participation of civil and military police officers, military firemen and Prison Guards. Such situation required the public administration to provide a prompt solution in 2008, when reporters of the “O DIA” newspaper were kidnapped and tortured in a Rio de Janeiro slum. 2. ORGANIZATION AND MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE 2.1 - Organization The Parliamentary Committee of Investigation was organized upon the Draft Resolution no. 626/2008, under the provisions of Art. 30 of the Internal Regulations of the Rio de Janeiro State Assembly, with first duration of ninety (90) days, extensible for more sixty (60) days, comprising nine (9) members. The Draft was approved and produced Resolution no. 433/2008 published in the Official Gazette of 11.06.2008. 2.2 - Members In accordance with Act “E”/GP/No. 018/2008, published in the Official Gazette of 13.06.08: The President of the Rio de Janeiro State Assembly, pursuant to the powers granted by articles 20, item III, paragraph “a” and 24, head provision of the Internal Regulations, RESOLVES: “To appoint as full members to the Parliamentary Committee of Investigation – “CPI”, organized under Resolution no. 433/2008, the State Assembly Members Mr. MARCELO FREIXO – PSOL - Author, Mr. PAULO MELO – PMDB, Mr. GILBERTO PALMARES – PT, Mr. PEDRO PAULO – PSDB, Mr. JOÃO PEDRO – DEM, Mr. ANDRÉ CORREA - PPS and Mr. PAULO RAMOS – PDT. Rio de Janeiro, June 12, 2008. 4 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY State Assembly Member JORGE PICCIANI President.” NOTE: The Official Gazette of 24.09.08 published the Official Letter CTLS - AP No. 58/2008, of 12.09.08, by which the State Assembly Member PAULO RAMOS, a member to the CPI, notifies his withdrawal and appoints the State Assembly Member CIDINHA CAMPOS to replace him as full member. The order to the Official Letter is: “TO BE PRINTED” NEW MEMBERS AFTER ACT “E”/GP/No. 025/2008 - OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF 25.09.08 PRESIDENT: VICE-PRESIDENT: RAPPORTEUR: MEMBERS: STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER MARCELO FREIXO STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER CIDINHA CAMPOS STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER GILBERTO PALMARES STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER PEDRO PAULO STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER JOÃO PEDRO STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER ANDRÉ CORREA STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER PAULO MELO During the 19th Ordinary Meeting held on October 30, 2008, the State Assembly Member CIDINHA CAMPOS was appointed to take over as Vice-President with retroactive office since 25.09.08, and the proposal was unanimously approved upon voting 2.3 - Chair, Organization, Vice-President Election and Rapporteur Appointment 2.3.1 - Pursuant to the Regulations, the State Assembly Member MARCELO FREIXO took office as the President to the Committee 2.3.2 - On June 19, 2008, at 9:30 AM, in room number 311 of Palácio Tiradentes, the headquarters of the Legislative Branch in the State of Rio de Janeiro, a Committee Organization meeting was held, with the purpose of electing the Vice-President and the Rappourter. The election took place with the initial casting of votes, being the State Assembly Member PAULO RAMOS was elected as Vice-President, and the State Assembly Member GILBERTO PALMARES was elected as Rapporteur to the Committee. 2.4 - Operation After organizing and providing the general standards to its operation, the Committee held one (01) Organization Meeting, twenty (20) Ordinary Meetings, three (03) Extraordinary Meetings and one (01) Closure Meeting. 5 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 3. DURATION The Committee started operations on June 19, 2008 and ended its first ninety (90)-day ruling period on September 15, in the same year, and, after an extension of sixty (60) days, its activities were concluded on November 14, 2008. According to the Internal Regulations of the Rio de Janeiro State Assembly, the Committee is entitled to another fifteen days to submit the Report to the Provisional Committees Division, which shall have five days to send it to the General Office of the Governing Board. 4. DOCUMENTS 4.1– Official Letters Issued No DATE ADDRESSEE/NAME 001 19.06.08 1st Secretary 002 19.06.08 Editor SUBJECT ALERJ O DIA 003 19.06.08 Editor 004 19.06.08 Editor 005 19.06.08 Editor 006 19.06.08 Mr. Celso Athaide 007 19.06.08 Mr. Rossino Castro Diniz 008 19.06.08 Dr. José Mariano Beltrame 009 19.06.08 Dr. Cesar Rubens M. de Carvalho 010 19.06.08 State Ass. Picciani 011 19.06.08 Editor 012 19.06.08 Editor 013 19.06.08 Editor COMPANY/ POSITION Jorge Secretary Appointment Material about militias requested O GLOBO Material about militias requested JB Material about militias requested EXTRA Material about militias requested CUFA Material about militias requested FAFERJ Material about militias requested SSP/Head of Civil Material about militias Police Dept. and requested Military Police Cmd. SEAP Attendance of Messrs. Ocian and Antonio Salustiano requested President of ALERJ Com. Operation in the holyday season O DIA Documents request - classified O GLOBO Documents request - classified JB Documents request - classified 6 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 001 19.06.08 Editor 015 19.06.08 Dr. José Beltrame EXTRA Mariano Documents request classified SSP’s Head of Civil Documents request - classified Police Dept. and Military Police Cmd. President of ALERJ Private room requested SEAP Material about militias requested SEAP Documents request - classified 016 19.06.08 State Ass. Jorge Picciani 017 20.06.07 Dr. Cesar Rubens M. de Carvalho 018 20.06.08 Dr. Cesar Rubens M. de Carvalho 019 20.06.08 Dr. Sergio Luiz Côrtes da SESDEC/CB Material about militias Silveira MERJ (Fire requested Dept) Cmd. 020 20.06.08 Chief of Police Valdinho Federal Police Material about militias Jacinto Caetano Commissioner in Rio requested de Janeiro 021 20.06.08 Gen. Mario Madureira Head of the Eastern Documents request – classified. Military Command General Staff 022 20.06.08 Dr. Cesar Maia about militias Mayor of the City of Material requested Rio de Janeiro 023 23.06.08 Dr. Sergio Luiz Côrtes da SESDEC/CB Documents request - classified Silveira MERJ Fire Dept. Cmd. 024 26.06.08 State Ass. Jorge Picciani President of ALERJ Computers request 025 26.06.08 Chief of Police Sergio DPC’s Full Officer Police officers attendance Simões Caldas requested 026 26.06.08 Chief of Police Marcus 35th Police Station Call Antonio N. Pereira 027 26.06.08 State Ass. Graça Matos 1st Secretary Amends O. L. 001/08 028 26.06.08 Drs. Ignácio Cano and UERJ (State University Studies on militias of their João Trajano Santo Sé of Rio de Janeiro) authorship requested 029 26.06.08 Dr. Marfan M. Vieira MPERJ Documents request 030 26.06.08 Dr. Marfan M. Vieira MPERJ Documents request 031 27.06.08 Dr. Jailson S. e Silva Observatório das Studies about militias requested Favelas 032 27.06.08 Drs. Julita Lemgruber and CESEC Studies about militias requested Silvia Ramos 033 27.06.08 Dr. José Cláudio S.Alves UFRRJ Studies about militias requested 034 27.06.08 Dr. Luiz Eduardo Soares UERJ Studies about militias requested 035 30.06.08 Dr. Marcelo Burgos PUC/RJ Studies about militias requested 036 30.06.08 Dr. Michel Misse UFRJ/IFCS Studies about militias requested 037 30.06.08 Dr. Roberto Kant de Lima UFF Studies about militias requested 038 30.06.08 Drs. Gláucio Soares and IUPERJ Studies about militias requested Luiz Antonio Machado 039 30.06.08 Dr. Alba Zaluar UERJ Studies about militias requested 040 30.06.08 Dr. Jacqueline Muniz IBCCRIM Studies about militias requested 7 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 041 30.06.08 Dr. Geraldo Tadeu IBPS Monteiro 042 30.06.08 Dr. Manuel Thedim IETS Studies about militias requested requested Studies about militias requested requested 043 30.06.08 Dr. José Mariano State Department of Assignment of Workers Beltrame Security 044 02.07.08 Dr. Tarso Genro Minister of Justice Assignment of Worker 045 02.07.08 Col. Gilson Pitta Lopes Mil. Police Cmd. O. L. 008 and 015 restated (*) 046 03.07.08 State Ass. Jorge Pres. of ALERJ Computer supplies requested Picciani 047 03.07.08 State Ass. Jorge Pres. of ALERJ Printer and fax requested Picciani 048 08.07.08 Col. Gilson Pitta Military Police Cmd. Worker Assignment requested 049 10.07.08 c/o Vanessa A.Cortes VIVA RIO Studies about militias requested requested 050 10.07.08 c/o Mrs. Rafael Dias JUSTIÇA GLOBAL Studies about militias requested requested 051 10.07.08 Chief of Police Marcus 35th Police Station Call to Clerk Antonio N. Pereira 052 10.07.08 Dr. Marfan M. Vieira MPERJ Prosecuting Attorneys Invited 054 24.07.08 Col. Ubiratan Ângelo about militias C. Mendes Studies requested requested University 055 22.07.08 Mr. Roberto Wider TRE Electoral maps requested 056 24.07.08 Ms. Jacqueline Muniz IBCCRIM Invitation 057 24.07.08 Mr. Haroldo Lima ANP Invitation 058 24.07.08 Mr. Marfan Vieira MPERJ Off.Ltrs 029 & 030 reiterated 059 24.07.08 Mr. Cesar Maia Rio de Janeiro City Conf. the acc. of answer and Mayor restates O.L. 022 060 24.07.08 Dr. Cesar Rubens M. SEAP Conf. the acc. of answer and de Carvalho restates O.L. 018 061 24.07.08 Dr. José Mariano SSP/Head of Civil Conf. the acc. of answer and Beltrame Police Dept & MP restates the complementation Cmd. 062 24.07.08 SSP/Head of Civil SSP/Head of Civil O.L 019 & 023 restated Police Dept & MP Cmd. Police Dept & MP Cmd. 063 25.07.08 Mrs. Valéria Galvão DGRH Information on worker (*) requested 064 25.07.08 Dr. Cesar Augusto Federal Revenue Information requested Barbiero Regional Office Deputy 065 28.07.08 Editor O DIA O.L. 002 & 011 restated 066 28.07.08 Editor O GLOBO O.L. 003 & 012 restated 8 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 067 28.07.08 Editor 068 28.07.08 Editor 069 31.07.08 Dr. Jailson Souza e Silva 070 31.07.08 Drs. Julita Lemgruber and Silvia Ramos 071 31.07.08 Dr. José Claudio S. Alves 072 31.07.08 Dr. José Ignácio Cano and J. Trajano S. Sé 073 31.07.08 Dr. Marcelo Burgos 074 31.07.08 Dr. Michel Misse 075 31/07/08 Dr. Roberto Kant 077 31/07/08 Dr. Alba Zaluar 078 31/07/08 Dr. José M. Beltrame 079 31.07.08 Dr. Geraldo T. Monteiro 080 31.07.08 Dr. Manuel Thedim 081 31.07.08 Dr. Luiz Eduardo Soares 082 31.07.08 Dr. Cláudio Ferraz 083 1º.08.08 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 096 097 JB EXTRA Observatório das Favelas CESEC O.L. 004 & 013 restated O.L. 005 & 014 restated O.L. 031 restated UFRRJ O.L. 033 restated UERJ O.L. 028 restated PUC UFRJ UFF UERJ SSP IBPS IETS UERJ O.L. 035 restated O.L. 036 restated O.L. 037 restated O.L. 038 restated Investigation requested O.L. 041 restated O.L. 042 restated Invitation O.L. 032 restated DRACO’s sheriff Invitation ALERJ Public Security Accusation Cmd./ MPERJ Human Rights Prosecutor 07.08.08 Dr. Douglas Giovannini Ultragáz Invitation 06.08.08 C/O Vanessa Cortes Viva Rio O.L. 049 restated 06.07.08 C/O Rafael Dias Justiça Global O.L. 050 restated 07.08.08 Dr. Cesar Augusto Federal Revenue Name included Barbiero Deputy Officer 07.08.08 Dr. Sergio Bandeira de SINDIGÁS Invitation Melo 08.08.08 Dr. Marfan Martins Vieira MPERJ Santa Cruz Prosecuting Attorney invited 08.08.08 Chief of Police Pedro 32nd Police Station Invitation Paulo P. Pinho 08.08.08 Dr. Rossino C. Diniz FAFERJ O.L. 07 restated 11.08.08 State Ass. Luiz Paulo e ALERJ O.L. CP 35/08 answered Comte Bittencourt Comptroller’s Office 11.08.08 State Ass. Luiz Paulo e ALERJ O.L. 092 amended Cmd. Bittencourt Comptroller’s Office CLASSIFIED 11.08.08 Dr. Marfan Martins Vieira MPERJ O.L. 029 restated 11.08.08 Dr. Marfan Martins Vieira MPERJ O.L. 030 restated 11.08.08 Dr. Marfan Martins Vieira MPERJ Invitation 11.08.08 Dr. José Mariano SSP Invitation Beltrame 9 - RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 098 14.08.08 Dr. Roberto Wider TRE 099 14.08.08 Dr. Douglas Giovannini 100 14.08.08 Dr. Sérgio Bandeira de Melo 101 14.08.08 Dr. Haroldo Lima 102 21.08.08 State Ass. Luiz Paulo e Cmd. Bittencourt 103 25.08.08 Dr. José Ignácio Cano 104 26.08.08 J. Roberto Wider ULTRAGÁS SINDIGÁS '05 26.08.08 Dr. Marfan M. Vieira 106 27.08.08 Dr José M. Beltrame 107 1º.09.08 Dep. State Ass. Valdinho J. Caetano 108 02.09.08 City Coun. Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz 109 02.09.08 Col. Bombeiro Pedro Marco C. Machado 110 04.09.08 Mr. Eduardo Gomes Rocha 111 04.09.08 J. Roberto Wider 113 10.09.08 Cmd. Luiz André Ferreira da Silva 114 10.09.08 J. Roberto Wider (*) ANP ALERJ Comptroller’s Office UERJ President of the TRE Attorney General State Security Office Federal Police Regional Department Rio de Janeiro City Council Rio de Janeiro Fire Dept Cmd. Director of ALERJ TV President of TRE Rio de Janeiro City Council President of TRE Data acc. conf. clarifications requested Invitation Invitation and Invitation Documents sent Invitation O.L. 055/08 terms restated Invitation Information sent Information sent Call Attendance of Firefighter Sgt. Cristiano Girão requested Copies to all meetings recordings requested O.L. 098/08 restated Call 115 10.09.08 Dr. José M. Beltrame Identification of areas with activity of militias to the Army requested Copies to the testimonies sent 116 10.09.08 Security backup requested 117 10.09.08 118 10.09.08 (*) 119 11.09.08 State Security Office Dr. José M. Beltrame State Security Office Col. Gilson Pitta Lopes Mil. Police General Cmd. State Ass. Aloisio President of the Freitas Rio de Janeiro City Council State Ass. Luiz Paulo e ALERJ Comte Bittencourt Comptroller’s Office Attendance of Sgt. Luiz Monteiro da Silva requested Notifies the call to the City Coun. Luiz André F. da Silva Documents sent 10 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 120 12.09.08 State Attorneys Christiane Monnerat and Marcia Velasco 121 16.09.08 City Coun. Sebastião F. da Silva 122 16.09.08 City Coun. Ezequiel D.Lourenço 123 16.09.08 J. Roberto Wider MPERJ Copy to documents sent Duque de Caxias City Council Duque de Caxias City Council President of TER Call 124 16.09.08 Representative Marcelo Itagiba 125 16.09.08 City Coun. Josinaldo F. da Cruz 126 16.09.08 Representative Marina Magessi 127 17.09.08 Dr. Marcia T. Velasco House of Representatives RJ City Council House Representatives State Attorney Call O.L. GP 598/08 acceptance confirmed Invitation Call of Participation date confirmed 128 17.09.08 Human Rights Permanent Committee’s Department 129 17.09.08 Dr. Rivaldo Barbosa Security Dept. Assistant Secretary 130 17.09.08 Lt. Col. Carlos Eduardo Head of 1st DPJM / Ribeiro e Souza PMERJ (RJ Military Police) 131 18.09.08 Lt. Col. André Leonardo Commander of 18th P. Fernandes RJ Military Police Batallion 132 18.09.08 Col. Gilson Pitta Lopes PMERJ General Commander Copy to testimonies of 16.09.08 sent Accusation sent Accusation sent Copy to testimonies of 16.09.08 sent Copies to procedures requested Copy to report on psychological exam requested Mariano State Dept of Security Police protection requested 133 19.09.08 Dr. José Beltrame 134 25.09.08 Col. Gilson Pitta Lopes 135 25.09.08 136 25.09.08 137 25.09.08 138 25.09.08 140 30.09.08 PMERJ General Commander City Coun. Geiso P. S. Gonçalo City Turques Council Getulio R. Gamas Marco Aurelio F. Moreira Drs. Christianne State Attorneys Monnerat and Marcia T. Velasco Dr. José Mariano SESEG Beltrame Attendance of 3rd MP Sgt. Geiso P. Turques requested Call Call Call Copy to testimony sent Accusation received testimony notified 11 during RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 141 30.09.08 Dr. José Mariano Beltrame 142 01.10.08 Dr. José Mariano Beltrame 143 01.10.08 Chief of Police Valdinho J. Caetano 144 01.10.08 Dra. Marcia Velasco SESEG Accusation received during testimony notified Anonymous reporting sent SESEG Federal Police RJ Sup State Attorney Anonymous reporting sent 145 01.10.08 State Ass. Jorge Babu 146 01.10.08 Mr. Elton Babu 147 07.10.08 J.Dr. Antonio Eduardo F. Duarte Pres. of Justice Court 3rd Civil Chamber 148 07.10.08 Dr. Rodolfo Pinheiro de Head of Civil Moraes Registry of Legal Entities 149 07.10.07 J. Dr. Gustavo Leite CGU 150 07.10.08 Dr. Claudio Ferraz Chief of DRACO 151 07.10.08 Rep. Marcelo Itagiba 152 08.10.08 Mr. Edson Santos L. House Representatives dos City Council 154 08.10.08 Dr. Arolde de Oliveira 155 08.10.08 156 08.10.08 157 08.10.08 158 08.10.08 159 08.10.08 160 08.10.08 161 08.10.08 of Copy to testimonies of 30.09.08 sent Invitation Call Whole Records of Proceedings no. 2008.065.00017 requested Copies to Bylaws & Minutes of GMs of Local Dwellers Association Copy to whole Disciplinary Adm. Inquiry filed by Ordinance 074/2007 Copy to investigation to the records of MPRJ 200700116763 proceedings requested Schedule of participation confirmed Copy to testimonies by City Coun. Josinaldo F. da Cruz sent Invitation City Dept. of Transportation Dr. Rogério Onofre Pres. of DETRO. Invitation Mr. Sergio Loureiro Pres. of Invitation SINTRAL/RJ Dr. José Mariano Security Secretary Invitation Beltrame Mr. José Antonio Felix President of NET Invitation Mr. Luiz Eduardo B. da President of SKY Invitation Rocha BRASIL Mr. Giovander C. President Invitation Silveira of ABTELMI N Mr. Leila Loria President of TVA Invitation 12 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 162 08.10.08 Mr. Luiz Antonio S. da SINTTEL President Silva 163 08.10.08 Mr. George Paiva SINDIME ST President 164 08.10.08 Chief of Police Federal Police Valdinho J. Caetano Superintendent 165 08.10.08 Dr. José Mariano Security Secretary Beltrame 166 08.10.08 Dr. Ronaldo ANATEL Sardenberg 167 14.10.08 Mr. Helio Ricardo A. de President of Souza SINDTRANSRIO 168 14.10.08 Mr. Sebastião Faria President of DETRAN 169 14.10.08 Mr. Sebastião Faria President of DETRAN 170 14.10.08 Dr. Rogério Onofre President of DETRO 171 15.10.08 Dr. Rodolfo Moraes P. de Head of Civil Registry of Legal Entities 172 16.10.08 J. Alberto Mota Moraes TER 173 16.10.08 Dr. Eliana Polo SRRF 174 21.10.08 Rep. Marcelo Itagiba House of Representatives 175 21.10.08 Mr. Adilson Alves Mendes 176 23.10.08 Rep. Marcelo Itagiba 177 28.10.08 Dr. José Mariano Beltrame 178 28.10.08 Mr. Adilson A. Mendes 179 30.10.08 Chief of Police Aluisio de Freitas 180 03.11.08 Chief of Police Valdinho J. Caetano 181 04.11.08 Mr. Cesar Maia 182 04.11.08 Mr. Luiz Antonio S. da Silva Invitation Invitation Invitation Invitation Invitation Invitation Invitation List of violations by alternative transportation requested List of violations by alternative transportation requested O.L. 148/08, changing the community’s name restated O.L. 153 restated O.L. 064 restated Acceptance of ans. confirmed and new date for participation suggested Head of 9th RGI Certificates requested Office City Participation rescheduled Council Security Secretary Accusation on subdivision of “Retiro dos Motoristas” sent th 9 RGI Office Certificates requested President of Dept. of Transportation’s City Council Head Board members’ official authority confirmed Federal Police Copy to inquiry Superintendent requested RJ city Mayor Whole content of the proceeding for granting authorization and exemption of property tax (IPTU) SINTTEL President Invitation 13 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 183 06.11.08 Rep. Marcelo Itagiba House Representatives of Questions sent (*) Official letters cancelled 4.2.– Documents Received, attachments by subject and testimonies 4.2.a – Administrative documents No. DATE COMPANY SUBJECT O.L.06994/1212/ 2008 O.L. GP/cem no. 28-A O.L. GDN No. 083/2008 O.L. GDN No. 086/2008 17.07.08 SESEG/ CINPOL Reply to O.L. 008 and 015 24.07.08 Rio de Janeiro City Hall Rep. Natalino’s office Rep. Natalino’s office O.L. GDGP No. 34/2008 AL O.L. GP/CEM no. 28-a 07.07.08 O.L. CP No. 35/2008 07.08.08 - 04.09.08 O.L. Gab Cmdo no. 198/2008 O.L. no. 2772/2008GAB/SESEG O.L. no. 2244/2558/2008 05.09.08 GVNDRDP/No. 0166/08 24.09.08 26.06.08 02.07.08 24.07.08 10.09.08 - Reply to O.L. 022/2008 Transcription and video of meeting of 26.06.08 requested Invitation to Santa Sofia Church’s priest to provide clarifications to the CPI suggested Rep. G. Palmares Proposals for resolution presented RJ City Hall – Reply to Official Letter 022/2008 Military Coordination Legislature Documents related to Rep. Comptroller’s Natalino Guimarães requested Office Sahione Attachment of power of attorney Advogados required CBMERJ 2nd Sgt. Firefighter Cristiano Girão Matias introduction SESEG Copy to the testimony by City Coun. JOSINALDO F. DA CRUZ requested PMERJ/1st DPJM Copy to the testimonies by City Coun. Head LUIZ ANDRÉ F. DA SILVA and by Mr. LUIZ MONTEIRO DA SILVA City Coun. Copy to audio and video JOSINALDO F. recordings of his testimony to the DA CRUZ CPI requested 14 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY O.L. no. 3126/2008/GAB/ SESEG O.L. GDDB/141/08 13.10.08 SESEG Reply to O. L. no. 157 16.10.08 O.L. 3171/2008 28/10/08 Rep. Domingos Brazão 9th RGI Office Recordings to all CPI hearings requested Reply to O.L. 175/08 4.2.B – Work Methodology. testimonies/meeting - by attachment Documents received and Considering the complexity of the matters discussed and the high quantity of documents received, the methodology used was arranging the matters by attachments (militia hotline (disque-milícia) and other accusations, intelligence, security and justice, election, finance, press and academic), and specific analytical summaries were produced, as well as all the relevant documentation was placed into proper appendixes, as follows. a) APPENDIX TO ACCUSATIONS I. MILITIA HOTLINE AND OTHER ANONYMOUS General analysis of accusations received about militias with 129 pages. II. Militia hotline, totaling 1,162 accusations. III. Other anonymous accusations, totaling 44: 3.1. Official letter ALÔ-ALERJ no. 251028 of August 8, 2008 – Anonymous accusation about the Carobinha, Barbante and Villar Carioca communities involving civil police officers and militias. 3.2. Official Letter ALÔ-ALERJ no. 251294 of September 2, 2008 – Anonymous accusation about militia actions in Taquara. 15 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 3.3 Official Letter ALÔ-ALERJ no. 251654 of September 2, 2008 – Anonymous accusation about João Magalhães’ performance in the extermination group in Belford Roxo. 3.4. III. Official Letter ALÔ-ALERJ no. 251947 of October 2, 2008 – Anonymous accusation about militiamen activity in Nossa Senhora da Glória district in Macaé. 3.5. III. Official Letter ALÔ-ALERJ no. 252108 of October 14, 2008 – Anonymous accusation about a possible clandestine cable TV and telephone spy center in Praça da Bandeira. 3.6. Anonymous accusation about militiamen activity in Campo Grande region sent by Official Letter no. 106/08 of August 27, 2008 by the Parliamentary Committee of Investigation, intended to investigate the militias activity in the State of Rio de Janeiro, to the State of Rio de Janeiro Secretary of Public Security. Document with 18 pages. 3.7. Other anonymous accusations reporting on militias, clandestine security and other matters, totaling 36 reports, including Official Letter CDDH no. 130/07, of 23/10/08, of the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights, reporting militia activity in the subdivision of Retiro dos Motoristas. Global Total of anonymous accusations: 44. b) INTELLIGENCE DOCUMENTS APPENDIX– CLASSIFIED/CONFIDENTIAL I. Intelligence Report # 02624/1212/08-C2CB, of March 25, 2008, by the Intelligence Department of State of Rio de Janeiro, with two (02) pages. II. Intelligence Report no. 4604/1212/08-C2BM, of May 21, 2008, by the Intelligence Department of State of Rio de Janeiro, with one (01) page. 16 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY III. Intelligence Report no. 05390RL/1212/08-C2CB, of June 11, 2008, by the Intelligence Department of State of Rio de Janeiro, with 03 (three) pages. IV. Intelligence Report no. 6103/1212/08-C3MB, of June 23, 2008 by the Intelligence Department of State of Rio de Janeiro, with 02 (two) pages. V. Intelligence Report no. 6001RL/1212/08-C2BM, of June 23, 2008, by the Intelligence Department of State of Rio de Janeiro, with 01 (one) page. VI. Official Letter no. 2183/0001/98 of July 23, 2008, Public Security Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro, sending confidential report by the Intelligence Department about militias, with 52 pages and one recorded media (CD-ROM) of the same content. VII. Official Letter SEAPGS no. 623/2008 of July 31, 2008 of the Penitentiary Administration Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro, sending classified report about militias, originated from the Intelligence Superintendence of the Penitentiary System (SISPEN), with eight (08) pages. VIII. Order no. 000088-08-SS30/S31/PM2 by EMG/PM2 of July 31, 2008, sending confidential documents about militias in the State of Rio de Janeiro, with seventy four (74) pages. IX. Official Letter no. 7849/1212/2008 of August 11, 2008, by the Coordinating Intelligence Office of State of Rio de Janeiro Civil Police, sending media (CDROM) with confidential data about militias in the State of Rio de Janeiro. 17 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY X. Intelligence Report no. 8159RL/1212/08-C2CB, dated August 20, 2008, by the State of Rio de Janeiro Subdepartment of Intelligence, with one page. XI. Official Letter no. 8365/1212/2008 of August 26, 2008, by the Coordinating Intelligence Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro Civil Police, forwarding the confidential and urgent Intelligence Report, no. 8129/RL/1212-C2BM dated 19/09/08, with one page. XII. Intelligence Report no. 8462/1212/08-C2CL, dated August 27, 2008, of the State of Rio de Janeiro Subdepartment of Intelligence, with one page. XIII. Intelligence Report no. 8980RL/1212/08-C2CB, dated September 9, 2008, of the State of Rio de Janeiro Subdepartment of Intelligence, with 02 (two) pages. XIV. Intelligence Report no. 9891RL/1212/08-C2AS, dated October 1, 2008, of the State of Rio de Janeiro Subdepartment of Intelligence, with 02 (two) pages. NOTE: availability subject to specific legislation c) SECURITY AND JUSTICE APPENDIX - volume I 1. Document w/o no., of 11.06.08, from the 35th Police Station, Services Requested, Internal Memo 058281-1035/2008; 18 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 2. Document w/o no., of 11.06.08, from the 35th Police Station, Services Requested, Internal Memo 058269-1035/2008; 3. Copy to Pretrial Release Request by ANTONIO SANTOS SALUSTIANO and OCIAN GOMES RANQUINE SALUSTIANO, dated as of 12.06.07; 4. Official Letter SEAPGS No. 541/2008, of 27.06.08, from SEAP in reply to Official Letter 017/08; 5. Official Letter 2962/2008/OF, of 18.07.08, from TJ (Superior Court) Campo Grande office, with Testimony Term attached; 6. Official Letter w/o no. from the 35th POLICE STATION, dated as of 22.07.08, in respect to the detention of of Parliamentary Officer in flagrante delicto; 7. Official Letter 3044/2008/OF, of 23.07.08, from TJ - Campo Grande Office, with copy to pages 360/362 of the records of the proceeding 2008.205.018917-0; 8. Police Report no. 030-03438/2008, of 27.07.08 from the 30th POLICE STATION; 9. Official Letter 3211/2008/OF, of 31.07.08, from TJ - Campo Grande office, with copies to the testimonies on pages 163/165 of the records of proceeding 2008.05.018286-1; 10. Official Letter 3216/2008/OF, of 31.07.08, received from TJ - Campo Grande office, with copy to the Defendant Term of Interrogation in proceeding 2008.205.022043-6; 11. TJ – special body – 31/07/08 – witness testimony – defendants: NATALINO JOSÉ GUIMARÃES et alli; 12. Official Letter 3240/2008/OF, of 01.08.08, from TJ - Campo Grande Office, with copy to the statements provided by the defendants in proceeding 2008.205.022375-9; 13. Official Letter 3381/2008/OF, of 11.08.08, received from TJ - Campo Grande office, with copy to the statements provided – proceeding 2008.205.006707-5; 14. MPERJ (State of Rio de Janeiro State Attorney’s Office) – Official Letter AFAOCRIM no. 434/2008, of August, 2008, reply to Official Letter CPI 058/08, with copies to documents in respect to the State Assembly Members BABU and NATALINO attached; 19 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - volume 2 15. Official Letter 1319/1405/2008, of 14.08.08, from DRACO; 16. Documents delivered by the Chief of Police Pedro Paulo Pontes Pinho, during meeting held on 14.08.08; 17. Official Letter no. 447/08, of 20.08.08 from the 2nd Justice Prosecution to the 1st Criminal Court of Santa Cruz – MPERJ – about the activity of militias in that area; 18.- Official Letter 369/08, of 01.09.08, from State Assembly Member JORGE BABU, waiving the confidentiality of his telephone, bank and tax information; 19. Department of Security – Official Letter no. 2698/2008-GAB/SESEG of 04.09.08, in reply to Official Letter 008/08; 20. Award in respect to Proceeding 2007.001.034901-0 in respect to the criminal charge against JOSINALDO FRANCISCO DA CRUZ; 21.- MPERJ - Official Letter AFAOCrim no. 494 de 09/09/08 with Information Documents no. 2008.062.00014, accusation against JORGE LUIZ HAUAT, of 27/08/08; 22. Official Letter 7142-SJ of 11.09.08 from the Military Police in reply to Official Letter 008/08; 23. MPERJ – Official Letter no. 067/08 of 08.09.08 – 1st Investigations Office, 19th Criminal Investigation Prosecution – IP (Police Investigation) no. 003/07– accusations against JOSINALDO FRANCISCO DA CRUZ, ANDRÉ LUIZ DA SILVA MALVAR and RAPHAEL MOREIRA DIAS; 24. MPERJ – Official Letter no. 068/08 of 08.09.08 – accusation against – re.: IP no. 003/07 – DH OESTE JOSINALDO FRANCISCO DA CRUZ; 25. MPERJ – Official Letter no. 069/08 – of 08.09.08, procedure investigating crime of child exploration in the district of Gardênia Azul; 26. MPERJ – Official Letter no. 070/08 of 08.09.08, re.: IP no. 044/04 – DH OESTE, accusation against CRISTIANO GIRÃO; 27. MPERJ – Official Letter 074/08 of 15.09.08, 1st investigations office – 19th Criminal Investigation Prosecution, with IPs 450/07. 5104/08 and 004/08 attached; 20 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 28. MPERJ – Official Letter 077/08 de 18.09.08, 1st Investigation Office – 19th Criminal Investigation Prosecution, re.: IP 6447/06 from 32nd POLICE STATION, proceeding filed by MARCIO DE OLIVEIRA GUEDES. 29. Document of 19/12/02, from SESEG/PMERJ, delivered during the testimony of Mr. LUIZ MONTEIRO DA SILVA on 16.09.08; 30. Document of June/04, delivered during testimony of the City Council Member JOSINALDO FRANCISCO DA CRUZ on 09 and 23.09.08; 31. Official Letter no. 2960/00009/SESEG/RJ-08, dated as of 25.09.08, received from the State Department of Security, in reply to Official Letter no. 083/08; 32. Official Letter 487/2578-2008, dated as of 26/09/08, from 18th Military Police Battalion, in reply to Official Letter 131/2008; 33. Official Letter no. 040/2008 of 29.09.08, from the Parliamentary Comptroller’s Office of the Rio de Janeiro State Assembly (ALERJ) – complaint against State Assembly Member NATALINO GUIMARÃES; - Official Letter 4250/2501/2008 of 30/09/08, from PMERJ – General Command, in reply to Official Letter 132/08; 34. Official Letter no. 4250/2501-2008, of 30/09/08, from State of Rio de Janeiro Military Police General Commander’s Office, in reply to Official Letter no. 132/08; 35. Documents in respect to the testimony of Mr. MARCO AURÉLIO FRANÇA MOREIRA (newspaper clipping from “O DIA” /copy to accusation/ Public Interest Statement/ copy to the Statement against C. Girão); -Volume 3 (3 batches) 36. Official Letter AFAOCRIM No. 539 DE 30/09/08, from MPERJ, in reply to Official Letter 030/08, with proceedings attached; - Volume 4 (2 batches) 37. Official Letter 793/2008-SEESP-SEPRI/SETOE of 14.10.08, from Justice ANTONIO EDUARDO F. DUARTE, Reporting Justice of the Superior Court (TJ) Special Office, attaching copy to the accusation 2008.065.00017 (11 people accused), in reply to Official Letter 147/08; 21 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Volume 5 Documents associated to the testimonies by Rep. JORGE BABU and his brother, ELTON BABU on 07.10.08; 39. Request w/o no. of 15.10.08, by Mr. MARCELO B. PENNA, for him to be called to testimony to the CPI; 40. Material delivered at meeting discussing about private security on 21.10.08; 41. Official Letter from the 35th POLICE STATION, of 21/10/08, providing information about ALEXANDRE DA SILVA MONTEIRO; 42. Shipping Receipt from the 32nd POLICE STATION, dated as of 23.10.08, with Ordinance, Police Report and Term of Statement by Mr. GEISO PEREIRA TURQUES in respect to Castelo das Pedras interdiction; 43. Official Letter no. 087/2008 – 19th PIP (Police Investigation State Attorney's Office) of 23.10.08, with copy to information document no. MPERJ 2008.00146307, in respect to Castelo das Pedras attached; 44. Official Letter CGU/GAB no. 7746/0006/2008 of 28.10.08, of SESEG/CGU, with copy to order SAD 074/2007 attached, in reply to Official Letter 149/2008; 45. Official Letter 106/2008 – 13th PIP, of 31.10.08, with copies extracted from investigation proceedings 030-3090/2008 and 2070/2008, on WALLACE CASTRO FERNANDES attached; 46. Official Letter no. 749/2008/SRRF07/Difis, of 31/10/08, from the Federal Revenue Superintendent’s Office in the 7th Fiscal Region, rejecting the request in Official Letter CPI No. 064/08 - Volume 6 47. Official Letter no. 277/2008 – DELEFAZ/DREX/SR/DEPF/RJ, from MJ. Federal Police Department of 10.11.08, with copies to IPL no. 1585/2008 – DELEFAZ/DREX/SR/DPF/RJ attached. - Volume 7 48. DRACO/IE – Final Report of 23.10.07; 49. DRACO/IE – Report of 03.12.07; 50. DRACO/IE – Final Report of 21.02.08; 22 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 51. DRACO/IE – Re.: IP No. 022/08 DRACO-IE; 52. Official Letter 2840/2008/OF, of 09.07.08, from TJ –Campo Grande Office– Proceeding 2008.205.015142-6; 53. Official Letter 2846/2008/0F, de 09.07.08, from TJ –Campo Grande Office- Proceeding 2008.205.018917-0; 54. Statement given by ANDRÉ LUIZ COSTA DE PAULA ; 55. MPERJ – Accusation against NATALINO JOSÉ GUIMARÃES and others, of 22.12.2007; 56. Proceeding MPERJ 2008.00056583, attached to 2007.00116763; 57. Proceeding MPERJ 2008.00009350; 58. Copy to Criminal Proceeding 2008.068.00004; 59. Copy to proceeding MPERJ 2008.214.00007; 60. Copy to proceeding MPERJ 2008.00029219; 61. Copy to proceeding MPERJ 2007.00116650; 62. Copy to proceeding MPERJ 2008.00073700; 63. Copy to Police Investigation 035-05850/2008; 64.Official Letter 3307/2008/OF dated as of 06.08.08, from TJ –Campo Grande Office; 65. Copy to APF 035-07601/2008 (Record of Detention in Flagrante Delicto) from the 35th POLICE STATION, of 13.07.08; 66. Police Investigation from the 35th POLICE STATION, Proc. 03507460/2008, of 09.07.08; 67. Hard copy about proceedings 2007.021.024799-2 and 2004.021.003984-7; 68. Copy to APF035-06071/2008, from the 35th POLICE STATION, of 04.06.08; 69. Copy to photographs delivered by the 35th POLICE STATION. 70. Official Letter GDN No. 078/2008 of 19.06.08 from State Assembly Member NATALINO’s office about bomb thrown at the 35th POLICE STATION and unfounded accusations. - Volume 8 Copies to testimonies in respect to Security and Justice - Mr. Ocian Gomes Ranquine Salustiano and Mr. Antonio Gomes Salustiano (1st OM) - Chief of Police Marcus Antonio Neves Pereira and civil police officers Marco Antonio Barbosa and Lícinio Modesto Ferreira (2nd OM) - State Attorneys Jorge Magno and Bruno Stibich and Court Clerk Salvador Correia das Chagas (4th OM) - Chief of Police Cláudio Ferraz (7th OM) - Chief of Police Pedro Paulo Pontes Pinho (8th OM) - Security Secretary José Mariano Beltrame (10th OM) 23 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Dr. Antonio José Campos Moreira (11th OM) - City Council Member Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz and City Council Member-elect Cristiano Girão Matias (12th OM) - City Council Member Luiz André Ferreira da Silva (Deco) and Mr. Luiz Monteiro da Silva (Doen) (13th OM) - Representative Marina Magessi, City Council Member Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz, Duque de Caxias Council Member Sebastião Ferreira da Silva (Chiquinho Grandão) and Duque de Caxias Council Member Ezequiel Domingues Lourenço (Quiel do Canarinho) (14th OM) - City Council Member Geiso Pereira Turques (São Gonçalo), Mr. Getúlio Rodrigues Gamas and Mr. Marco Aurélio França Moreira (Marcão) - State Assembly Member Jorge Babu and Council Member-elect Elton Babu – (16th OM) City Council Member “NADINHO DE RIO DAS PEDRAS”’s testimony Appendix - CONFIDENTIAL. Representative Marcelo Itagiba’s Appendix: 1. Official Letter CPI No. 124/08 of 16.09.08 – participation scheduling requested; 2. Official Letter no. 84/2008 of 18.09.08 – request denied by Rep. M. Itagiba; 3. Official Letter CPI No. 151/08 of 07.10.08 – new scheduling restated; 4. Official Letter no. 093/2008-GDFMI, of 08.10.08, in reply to Official Letter CPI 151/08 scheduling it for 24.10.08; 5. Official Letter CPI No. 174/08 of 21.10.08 – Reply accepted and new participation date suggested; 6. -Official Letter no. 095/2008, of 21.10.08 – in reply to Official Letter CPI no. 074/2008, date scheduled maintenance requested; 7. Official Letter CPI no. 176/08, of 23.10.08 –new participation dates suggested; 8. Official Letter no. 184/2008, dated as of 23.10.08, received from Representative MARCELO ITAGIBA; 24 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 9. Official Letter no. 183/08 of 06.11.08, questions sent to Representative MARCELO ITAGIBA. d) ELECTORAL APPENDIX 1. Official Letter GP No. 481/08, received from TRE, dated as of 05.08.08, in reply to Official Letter no. 055/08; 2. Official Letter GP No. 598/08, of 10.09.08, received from TRE, in reply to Official Letter 098/08 3. Official Letter GP 707/08, from TRE, of 17.10.08, in reply to Official Letter 153/08; 4. CDs delivered by TRE with electoral data of 2004, 2006 and 2008 as requested; e) APPENDIX ABOUT FINANCES 1. Official Letter no. 083/2008/CG-DG, from ANP, dated as of 15.08.08, in reply to Official Letter 057/08; 2. Material delivered during meeting with cable TV and telecommunication companies on 14.10.08; 3. Material delivered during meeting with authorities connected with alternative transportation on 14.10.08; 4. Official Letter no. 1958/2008/er02-ANATEL (National Telecommunications Agency), of 21.10.08, with copies to reports about clandestine supply of cable TV services and list of non-granted institutions with services suspended. 5. Official Letter DETRO/PRES No. 1307/08, of 04/11/08, in reply to Official Letter 170/08 6. Official Letter w/o no., of 27.08.08, received from ULTRAGAZ, suggestions sent; 7. Official Letter PRES/SBM/153/08, of 28.08.08, received from SINDIGÁS, suggestions sent; - Material delivered by SINDTRANSRIO during meeting held 21.10.08 25 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 8. Copies to the following testimonies / meetings related to Finances: From 9th OM - ANP (National Oil Agency) - Mr. Waldyr Luiz Gallo, Mrs. Sheyla Cristina M. de Oliveira and Mrs. Kátia de Souza Almeida; - SINDIGÁS - Mr. Ricardo Tonietto - ULTRAGAZ - Mr. Douglas Giovannini - State of Rio de Janeiro LPG Distributors Labor Union - Mr. Maurício Rodrigues FROM 17th OM: - DETRO - Mr. João Cassimiro, Major Marli de Souza and Major Sergio Perfeito - SMTR - Mrs. Rosaura Maurício dos Santos - SINTRAL - Mrs. Sergio Loureiro and Walmir de Oliveira - STATE DEPARTMENT OF SECURITY – Chiefs of Police Rivaldo Barbosa de Araújo and Gilson Emiliano Soares - NET - Mr. Fernando Mousinho and Mr. Ilmerson Gomes - ANATEL - Mr. Edílson Ribeiro dos Santos and Werner Steinert Junior - SKY - Mrs. Roberta Westin and Mr. Renato Neves Tonini - TV A - Mr. José Ricardo Ferreira - ABTELMIN - Mr. Giovander César Silveira - SINDISMET - Mr. Jorge Oliveira FROM 18th OM - State Department of Security - Mr. Roberto Sá and ASPOPP – Lt. Valdenir Azevedo de Souza and Mr. Antonio Carlos Bastos Sampaio - (18th OM) 26 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - DETRAN - Mr. Rodrigo da Silva Ferreira - SINDTRANSRIO - Mr. Hélio Ricardo Almeida de Souza f) PRESS APPENDIX 1. Classified reply from newspaper “O DIA” with attachments; 2. Reply from newspaper “O DIA” with attachments. g) ACADEMIC APPENDIX 1. Document sent by Dr. ROBERTO KANT from UFF; 2. Document sent by Dr. JAILSON DE SOUSA SILVA from Observatório de Favelas; 3. Official Letter no. 032/08 of 12.08.08, from Cândido Mendes University, with data about violence; 4. Documents in respect to the lecture by Dr. JACQUELINE MUNIZ and Dr. DOMÍCIO PROENÇA JUNIOR; 5. Message from Ms. ALBA ZALUAR, with attachments; 6. Message from Mrs. VANESSA CORTES from VIVA RIO with the attachments mentioned; 7. "SEMINÁRIO SOBRE MECANISMOS DE REPRESSÃO AO CRIME ORGANIZADO (Presentation on Mechanisms to Check the Organized Crime) Project Model" – to be held by suggestion of Mr. CLAUDIO FERRAZ, Chief of Police of DRACO; 8. Copies to the following testimonies / meetings in respect to academic contribution - Dr. Jacqueline Muniz and Dr.Domício Proença Junior (6th OM) - Dr. Luiz Eduardo Soares (7th OM) - Dr. Ignácio Cano (11th OM) 27 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 4.3 – Call Notices Twenty five (25) Call Notices were issued and published in the Official Gazette of the Legislature. 4.4- Minutes One (01) Minutes of Establishment, twenty (20) Minutes of Ordinary Meetings, three (03) Minutes of Extraordinary Meetings and one (01) Minutes of Closing Meeting were drawn up. 5. SUMMARY OF SESSIONS MEETING DATE MATTER/CALLS STABLISHMENT 19.06.08 VICE-PRESIDENT AND RAPPORTEUR ELECTION, AFTER DELIBERATING MEETING st 1 O.M. 26.06.08 DEPONENTS: 1) Mr. OCIAN GOMES RANQUINE SALUSTIANO and 2) Mr. ANTONIO GOMES SALUSTIANO nd 2 O.M. 03.07.08 DEPONENTS: 1) Dr. MARCUS ANTONIO NEVES PEREIRA - CHIEF OF POLICE FROM THE 35th POLICE STATION 2) Mr. MARCO ANTONIO BARBOSA and LÍCIO MODESTO FERREIRA - POLICE OFFICERS rd 3 O.M. 10.07.08 DELIBERATING MEETING 4th O.M. 17.07.08 DEPONENTS: 1) STATE ATTORNEYS JORGE MAGNO AND BRUNO STIBICH 2) mr. SALVADOR CORREIA DAS CHAGAS - 35th POLICE STATION CLERK th 5 O.M. 24.07.08 DELIBERATING MEETING 6th O.M. 31.07.08 GUEST: Dr. JACQUELINE MUNIZ WITH Dr. DOMÍCIO PROENÇA JUNIOR 7th O.M. 07.08.08 DEPONENTS: 1) CHIEF OF POLICE OF DRACO – Dr. CLAUDIO FERRAZ 2) Mr. LUIZ EDUARDO SOARES 84th O.M. 14.08.08 DEPONENT: CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE 32nd POLICE STATION, Dr. PEDRO PAULO PONTES PINHO 28 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 9th O.M. 20.08.08 GUESTS: 1) ANP – Mr. WALDYR LUIZ GALLO ALONG WITH MRS. SHEYLA CRISTINA M. DE OLIVEIRA and MRS. KATIA DE SOUZA ALMEIDA 10th O.M. 21.08.08 11th O.M. 28.08.08 1st E.M. 12th O.M. 02.09.08 09.09.08 13th O.M. 16.09.08 14th O.M. 23.09.08 2nd E.M. 15th O.M. 24.09.06 30.09.08 3rd E.M. 16th O.M. 1°.10.08 07.10.08 2) SINDIGÁS – Mr. RICARDO TONIETTO 3)ULTRAGAZ – Mr. DOUGLAS GIOVANNINI 4) STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO LPG DISTRIBUTORS LABOR UNION – Mr. MAURÍCIO RODRIGUES GUEST: PUBLIC SECURITY SECRETARY – Dr. JOSÉ MARIANO BELTRAME GUESTS: 1) PROFESSOR DR. JOSÉ IGNÁCIO CANO GESTOSO and 2) STATE ATTORNEY DR. ANTONIO JOSE CAMPOS MOREIRA DELIBERATING MEETING DEPONENTS: 1) COUN. JOSINALDO FRANCISCO DA CRUZ (NADINHO) 2) 2ND SGT. FIREFIGHTER CRISTIANO GIRÃO MATIAS DEPONENTS: 1) COUN. LUIZ ANDRÉ FERREIRA DA SILVA (DECO) 2) Mr. LUIZ MONTEIRO DA SILVA (DOEN) GUESTS: 1) REPRESENTATIVE MARINA MAGESSI DEPONENTS: 2) COUN. JOSINALDO FRANCISCO DA CRUZ (NADINHO) 3) DUQUE DE CAXIAS COUNCIL MEMBER SEBASTIÃO FERREIRA DA SILVA (CHIQUINHO GRANDÃO) 4) DUQUE DE CAXIAS COUN. – EZEQUIEL DOMINGUES LOURENÇO (QUIEL DO CANARINHO) DELIBERATING MEETING DEPONENTS: 1) Mr. GEISO PEREIRA TURQUES 2) Mr. GETULIO RODRIGUES GAMAS 3) Mr. MARCO AURÉLIO FRANÇA MOREIRA DELIBERATING MEETING GUEST: 1)STATE ASSEMBLY MEMBER JORGE BABU DEPONENT: 2)Mr. ELTON BABU 29 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 17th O.M. 18th O.M. 19th O.M. 20th O.M. CLOSING 14.10.08 GUESTS: 1)DETRO – Mr. JOÃO CASSIMIRO, Major MARLI DE SOUZA and Major SERGIO PERFEITO 2)SMTR – Mrs. ROSAURA MAURICIO DOS SANTOS 3) SINTRAL – Mr. SERGIO LOUREIRO AND WALMIR DE OLIVEIRA 4)SESEG – Chiefs of Police RIVALDO BARBOSA DE ARAUJO and GILSON EMILIANO SOARES 5)NET – Mr. FERNANDO MOUSINHO and ILMERSON GOMES 6)ANATEL – Mr. EDILSON RIBEIRO DOS SANTOS and WERNER STEINERT JUNIOR 7)SKY – Mrs. ROBERTA WESTIN and Mr. RENATO NEVES TONINI 8)TV A – Mr. JOSÉ RICARDO FERREIRA 9) ABTELMIN – Mr. GIOVANDER CESAR SILVEIRA 10)SINDISMET – Mr. JORGE OLIVEIRA 21.10.08 GUESTS: 1)SESEG – Sr. ROBERTO SÁ – Security Assistant Secretary 2) ASPOPP – Lt. VALDENIR AZEVEDO DE SOUZA, Mr. ANTONIO CARLOS BASTOS SAMPAIO 3) DETRAN – Dr. RODRIGO DA SILVA FERREIRA 4) SINDTRANSRIO – Mr. HÉLIO RICARDO ALMEIDA DE SOUZA 30.10.08 DELIBERATING MEETING 06.11.08 DELIBERATING MEETING 13.11.08 APPROVAL OF FINAL REPORT NOTE: In October, the State Assembly Member GILBERTO PALMARES, the Committee’s Rapporteur, made a technical visit to comunidade Vila Canoas to learn the project developed by NET together with ABTELMIN, aiming at implementing a basic tier of cable TV services in the location. 30 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 6. PRAISES, CREDITS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Committee could not leave unmentioned the people and institutions which contributed direct or indirectly for this CPI to achieve its goals. PRAISE Vinícius George de O. R. da Silva - Chief of Police - Coordinator Marcus Luiz O. Pires - Chief of Police – Data Analyst Marcos F. Monsanto – Police Inspector – Data Analyst Sueli G. da Rocha Santos – Legislative Expert – Secretary Rosa Leal – Assistant to the Rapporteur State Assembly Member Gilberto Palmares ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - Security Secretary - Mr. José Mariano Beltrame - Intelligence Sub-Secretary - Mr. Rivaldo Barbosa - Assistant Secretary: Mr. Roberto Sá - Head of Civil Police - Mr. Gilberto da Cruz Ribeiro - Chiefs of Civil Police: Dr. Cláudio Armando Ferraz, Dr. Marcus Antônio Neves Pereira, Dr. Eduardo Soares and Dr. Pedro Paulo Pontes Pinho - Chief of MP Higher Command - MP Col. Antônio Carlos Suarez David - State Attorney: Dr. Antônio José Campos Moreira - State Attorney: Jorge Magno Reis Vidal, Bruno de Lima Stibich, Márcia Teixeira Velasco and Christiane Monnerat - Federal Police Commissioner: Dr. Valdinho Jacinto Caetano - Electoral Regional State Attorney - Dr. Silvana Batini César Góes - Militia hotline - Mrs. Vergínia Diraimi Berriel, Lúcia Rodrigues dos Santos, Regina Célia Barbosa da Fonseca and Mr. Ivanilson Eduardo da Silva - Isabel Mansur Figueiredo, Fernanda Gonçalves Chaves and Paula Musumeci Soares – Assistants to State Assembly Member Marcelo Freixo - DETRO and DETRAN CREDITS - To newspaper “O DIA”, represented by its Chief Editor, Alexandre Freeland, its Executive Director, Ana Miguez, and reporters João Antônio Barros and Thiago Prado. - To the Academics: Jaqueline Muniz and Domício Proença; Luis Eduardo Soares; and Ignácio Cano. - ANP - ANATEL - SINDIGÁS - ULTRAGAZ - SIND. DOS VENDEDORES DE GLP DO RJ 31 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - SINTRAL - SINDTRANSRIO - NET - SKY - TVA - ABTELMIN - SINDISMET We would like also to show our appreciation to the employees of the following Departments of ALERJ: Support to Special and Investigation Committees; Tachygraphy; Security; Social Communication; TV ALERJ; Sound Service; Printing; Minutes and Publications; e Information Technology. Last, but not the least, we thank the military and civil police officers and all the other professionals who provided personal security to the authorities of this CPI. SPECIAL CREDIT To the dwellers of communities ruled by militias, who were of extraordinary contribution by providing extremely detailed reports to the militia hotline and also to other reporting means. 7. RAPPORTEUR’S VOTE 32 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY CHAPTER I DEFINITION AND HISTORY 33 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The term ‘militia’ exceeded its dictionary definition since groups of State agents started to rule many communities as a whole in the poorest regions of the city of Rio de Janeiro by using violent methods, playing unlawfully the role of police officers and judge. Such term was incorporated to the State of Rio de Janeiro public security lexicon and, as from 2004, press agencies began using it, upon the staggering increase of militias. It was further consolidated after the assaults occurred in the late December 2006, deemed as retaliatory acts by drug dealers factions to the “militias” spread to the city. In the early 2007, the new state authorities of Rio de Janeiro made a public manifestation against militias and dismissed Civil Police Inspector Felix dos Santos, accused of leading the militia of Rio das Pedras. In August 2007, Kelson’s slum community leader, Jorge da Silva, reported to several authorities, and he is kidnapped and murdered on September 7 because of that. In December 2007, the city Council Member Josinaldo, also known as Nadinho, is accused of being the head of the militia of Rio das Pedras slum and he is arrested. Other Public administration members are arrested after that, accused of leading militias, the State Assembly Member Natalino Guimarães and the city Council Member Jerominho, in special. On May 14, 2008, reporters of O Dia newspaper, during an attempt to produce articles on the matter were cruelly tortured by militiamen. The fact broke out great public commotion and was propagated by all national and international media, raising interest on the matter. The Rio de Janeiro State Assembly, while perceiving this popular outcry, approves the creation of the CPI of Militias. During the hearings held by the CPI of Militias and throughout the months between June and November, researchers, Security professionals, chiefs of police and the State Prosecutor’s Office members were unanimous as to the definition to the term. 34 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY For the Chief of Police Marcus Neves, from the 35th Police Station, militias are armed groups composed of Public Administration agents and people recruited from communities in need, including former drug dealers, that dominates a certain area by means of force and terror and illegally explore services of alternative transportation, gas and cable TV. The goal of such groups is financial, with high and easy profits. Researchers Jaqueline Muniz and Domício Proença, however, question the use of the term “militia”, as, in their opinion, those groups are more like gangs comprising former and police officers in activity who sell security against themselves. According to Proença, militia means: “group of armed people willing to provide unlawful security. Any and all group performing illegal activity.” The Chief of Police Pedro Paulo Pinho, from the 32nd Police Station, agrees with the researchers abovementioned regarding the military police. According to him, Rio de Janeiro has nowdays a “polícia mineira (mining police)”, phrase that qualifies the police officer who hunts for criminals and intimidates the community. According to the Chief of Police Cláudio Ferraz, from the Organized Crime Unit (Draco), militias fit to the international concept of organized crime. The highly organized standard; and the kinds of businesses undertaken by the criminal corporation’s entrepreneur, offering illegal goods and services, such as drugs, prostitution, the profit of which being invested in legal economy sectors are some of the features qualifying, as well as the application of violent methods to achieve prominent positions or to dominate the market, the maximum profits without big investments, costs reduction or labor control; taking advantage of the corruption in the police force and in the Judiciary Branch; and establishing relationship with the politicians; intimidating and murdering, either to neutralize the power of law or to reach favorable decisions by politicians or to achieve their own goals. Public attorney Antonio José Campos Moreira, from the State Prosecutor’s Office also notes that “militia” is technically the criminal organization. He emphasizes that “the organized crime cannot be without the support from the State – whether by the police, the public administration, even by the Judiciary Branch, or the State Prosecutor’s Office scope”. On August 28, 2008, sociologist Ignácio Cano was heard by the CPI and submitted his research based on articles published in the newspapers “O Globo” and “O Dia”, between January 2005 and September 2007, containing the word “militia” or the phrase “policia 35 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY mineira”, as well as the records of the Disque-Denúncia (crime hotline) between January 2006 and April 2008. Ignacio Cano tries to answer some key questions by performing the quantitative analysis of the data researched. The first question was ‘what is the meaning of militias?’. Considering the complications of providing only one meaning to the phrase, as it deals with an extremely dynamic reality, and several events, in the last two years in special, changed this picture significantly. Cano defines militia considering five grounds which must be simultaneous: 1. the control of a territory and its inhabitants by an illegal armed group. 2. the coercive nature of such control 3. individual profiting prospects as a major motivation 4. the protection of dwellers and the establishment of order as legitimate object 5. active and admitted participation of State agents The first ground, domination by an illegal group, results from the State absence, leading the arbitrariness to replace the rule. If militias are composed of members of the security authorities, the “law breakers” could be taken to Court and be judged. However, the illegal nature of these groups is an obstacle. The second ground is coercion, essential to keep control. Where there is no coercion, it is probably a private security case, when the initiative is from the user who controls the service. When it comes to militias, the initiative is from the militiamen themselves, who control the alleged beneficiary. Even so, the level of coercion ranges considerably. In some cases, the dwellers are directly threatened if, for example, they don’t pay the protection fees, which can be considered as extortion. In other cases, coercion is subtler and residents fear for what might happen to them if they fail to pay for the “service”. In fact, the militiamen offer paid protection against themselves. 36 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The third ground is the individual profit motivation. If restoring the order and protecting the community were the only aim, State agents could and should do it as public employees. However, if they did so, a private income source would be deprived. Therefore this is the core ground to oppose to what Ignácio names as “freeing myth”. The militia’s goal is not to free anyone, but to generate individual income. The sale of protection services is not the only source of income to militias, which profit from the direct control of several economic activities, including the alternative transportation and sale of gas, water, ambush cable TV or even internet services, a clear exemplification of its contemporary profile compared to the traditional group's domination. The three grounds above – territory control, coercion and profit – do not distinguish militia from other armed groups, such as drug dealers, for example. The two aspects remaining – the justification and the participation of state agents – are the most remarking features. The justification of protecting dwellers is one of militias’ core aspects. They present themselves as protection against crime threat, disorder and, ultimately, against evil, personalized by the drug dealer. Unlike drug dealing, justified by sheer violence, militias cannot present themselves as another organized crime group, but as an alternative to drug dealers. Therefore, their justification is based on the other, as a "better harm” The ground is the participation of State agents, which has to be disclosed in the region so that everyone knows that the militia is comprised of police officers, firefighters, etc. Such disclosure is important as it state the differential compared to drug dealers gangs. While the corrupted police officer receiving money from drug dealers acts with discretion not to be identified, militiamen is pleased to say that they are police officers, prison guards or firefighter. 37 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Such publicity on their public position fulfills several purposes. First, grounding the attempt to justify militias in opposition to criminality – in other words, militia would be a State Assembly Member in the slums. The second is assuring the security technical capacity, as the professional hired is from the public safety. In third place, police backup, should drug dealers attempt to take over, which strengthens the position of militiamen in the community. Then, further inhibition to dwellers resistance, as the extortion is performed by the State. The last advantage of disclosing the police officer condition is being in agreement with the police. It is clear when we picture that in the war between the police and the parallel authority, if police officers take the parallel authority over, the war ends in a glimpse and the insecurity caused by police raids must end. SOURCES The Academics were unanimous in pointing out that the context where militia urgency is in has connection to the security policies options, in addition an own and cumulative logic pertaining to the organization of such corporations in the light of a cronyism system that keeps power and favors exchange by means of independence and insubordination. Academics Jaqueline Muniz and Domicio Proença also stressed that the responsibility degree in the performance of government and governance, that, in dissociation to the true public interest, collaborated to the appearance, territorial growth and expansion both of criminal businesses and political-electoral and war branches of militias, as known nowadays, from the year 2000 in Rio de Janeiro. 38 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Fear also raises an “informal justification” to the controlling groups. It plays with insecurity to enable the “punishers”, “heroes” or any kind of “freedom fighter” offering security to be true and accepted. This is how illegal and informal market of security expand and source the security informal privatization, due to a political choice of not offering a public security alternative to the population over the last years. Sociologist Luis Eduardo Soares considers that the source of militias lies on informal and illegal private security, most of it held by former and members in activity of the public security sector who seek this second job first to increase their income due to their short salaries. If there were any repression – as provided in law – to the private security second job, police officers would address their salary demands to the public security entities, the State. And the State budget allocated for this area would collapse in consequence of it, according to the sociologist. Soares believes the budget allocated to the area of Public Security to be out of reality and not updated and the existence of private security enables such steadiness. Legal private security is harmed as result to the foregoing and a hierarchy degradation process within the institutions starts. Soares explains: “on Monday, the superior member in the hierarchy imposes obedience to those inferior to him, a colonel requires a soldier to carry out certain procedures or actions. On Tuesday, they are partners in the illegal activity; on Wednesday they meet again in the battalion or in the police station.” How do they recognize each other? How will they define their relationships? He deems as evident the corroding of the institutional hierarchic relations in the end. Another element he stresses as important is the fact that on the days he works for public security, the police officer involved in private security ends up submitting the plans and strategies defined in public institutions to the interests of his private clients. 39 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Moreover, work shifts turn into irrational, without chance to be corrected, as it would make the second job of the police officer unfeasible. From the public security institution's point of view, this irrational shift is necessary in order to make the police officer’s salary supplementation feasible. Therefore, they submit to despicable, humiliating and plain insufficient salaries leading them to work illegally, deprived of all labor guarantees – without registration there is no way to prove the labor relationship and, therefore, the employer has no liability. The fact that most police officers dies in off days, according to Soares, is due to such phenomenon. Actually, the “off day” is spent on duty at private, illegal and informal security services. From the testimony mentioned, we may stress that the public agent “privatization” is the end of a scale where the privatization of the State, the public security, the police and, ultimately, the police officer itself are within. Thus, the conditions so that priority is no longer meeting the population demands are placed, and the perpetuation and expansion of several informal economic activity networks headed by the strength use monopoly agents – which should be legitimate – take place. Militias are presented herein as sort of “metastatic degradation” of this process. Therefore, Soares believes not to be possible to take care of public security institutions with efficiency and leave the decisive issue of public budget unaddressed, to the extent of the police officers salary issue, necessarily involving political reassessments as to the relevance and priorities. The head of the 35th police station, chief of police Marcus Neves, during testimony to the CPI on July 3, 2008, reported, regarding the evolution of militias: “Eight years ago these militiamen groups had the ‘‘justified’ purpose of expelling drug dealers from certain locations. The aim was at fostering self-defense, i.e. police officers residing in low income areas organized themselves and understood they were acting with justification while removing mostly drug-dealing criminals from these communities. Drug-dealing here includes the associated crimes, such as murder and vehicle theft. Those police officers gather themselves with the idea of repressing such groups. However they understood that such gathering would be promoted only if provided with a corporate structure; they required financial resources, therefore they started exploring certain activities, among which alternative transportation, which is the main source of financial resources of militiamen.” Still according to the chief of police, the monthly profit of the biggest militia, known as Liga da Justiça (Justice League), of Campo Grande, is about R$ 2 million. 40 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The attorney from the State Attorney General‘s Office’s, Jorge Magno, also made association of the growth of militias to the exploration of alternative transportation during a hearing held on July 17, 2008. According to him, “News about these paramilitary groups, vulgarly known as militiamen, were first heard after the alternative transportation was established, grew and started delivering high profit. Before that, in the Western Area of the city, Campo Grande in particular, I had several cases of private security, groups that worked with private security, slot machines, i.e. unfortunately everything that Rio de Janeiro has been having for a while now. With the alternative transportation and its high profit delivered, with almost any taxes to be paid, these groups got organized and transferred their activities to the alternative transportation, which generated power and confrontation, due to the large amounts delivered.” Chief of Police Pedro Paulo Pino from the 32nd Police Station, has developed an important degree scale to illustrate the appearance and adaptation of militias, divided in three levels. Level 1 comprises the paramilitary extermination groups created under the militia of Rio das Pedras twenty years ago, when families from Northeastern Brazil hired to work in the construction works in Barra da Tijuca settled in that area. The very own dwellers, in the absence of the state, gathered to prevent the entry of drug dealers, muggers, and thieves, founding also the Local Dwellers’ Associations. In level 2, community leaders start being supported by the Associations and collect fees from those wishing to live in the community. In this level, the fees are not for the sale of the property but to register in the community. Still in level 2 the Associations start to support political candidates in order to have a representative to their interests in the public administration. 41 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY In level 3, community leaders envisage the possibility of new earnings and start to charge for services of natural gas supply, cable TV, and alternative transportation. In this level, the paramilitary groups no longer need the Local Dwellers’ Associations, now controlled by them. From this point, they start running themselves instead of supporting "outside” politicians. The chief of police mentioned the story of Zezinho Orelha, accused by means of the Militia Hotline of being the head of a militia in Curicica. The chief of police declared to the CPI: “There is a legendary character in Curicica, of whom everybody has probably heard about – people even say that a soap opera aired by TV Globo was inspired on him – the so-called Zezinho Orelha. Zezinho Orelha is a former military police officer, a local dweller; he established a paramilitary group that I would qualify as of level 1 (…) What level 1 paramilitary group was that? It was a group where he, as a military police officer, associated to other police officers and other police agents – I am not sure, , it was 20 years ago – and he started taking care of those communities which in fact were recently invaded communities (…) From then on, Zezinho Orelha became famous. However, his attempt to get to the level 3 was impaired as he fails to be elected as city council member. (...) Level 1 is exactly the lightest of the paramilitary groups, when they are constituted, as in the case of Rio das Pedras for example. How was Rio das Pedras born? There was already a low income community in Barra since the 60s, which increased a little in the 70s, followed by the real estate quick development in Barra da Tijuca, started with Barramares in the 70s, between 76 and 77. And who did the builders hire to work in their constructions? People from Northeastern Brazil, who came to work in such constructions. And where did they settle? In Rio das Pedras, as it was close to the construction sites. Thus, they settled there and in no time they dominated Rio das Pedras, not allowing any drug dealer to take over that community to establish drugs sale points there. While they prevented drug dealers to establish there, they rid that community of wicked people. And who are these wicked people? Thieves, muggers, and even some drug-addicts. Thus, they go on ‘cleaning’ the community and the community grows, becoming famous. ‘In Rio das Pedras there is no drug dealing’, and people keep on going to live in Rio das Pedras. Therefore, it became what Rio das Pedras is today.” 42 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY During testimony to the CPI on August 21, 2008, the State Secretary of Public Security Dr. José Mariano Beltrame, stated that militias are today one of the greatest real threats to the State, emphasizing the fact that in Mexico, for instance, militia groups have evolved to become what they call there as “narco-insurgency”, i.e. militia acting in drug dealing. MODUS OPERANDI The militias establishment history in the city of Rio de Janeiro has no linear expansion. According to sociologist Ignácio Cano, it shows advancements and retrocession due to the dynamics of local territory. On one hand, we have an armed invasion context, on the other, a subtler and progressive domination, specially in the Western Area of the city. Several occupied communities did not have drug dealing nor organized crime before the militia arrived. In many of them, there is a connection to the political articulation structures already existing and to the old political cronyism. The local dwellers’ associations of several of these communities were then controlled by militias, which place there a person of their choice, exactly as drug dealers used to do. And how do militias operate? In general they watch over the community by means of using armed guards who work in shifts with larger groups working at night. Ignácio Cano stated that militias have a higher degree of organization than that of drug dealers. Registration, meetings, receipts, care and appraisal to the instrumental rather than symbolic value of weapons are details that reveal a more “contemporary” type of domination. Cano recognizes that the difference between militiamen and drug dealers is not absolute and this is very clear in the excesses and arbitrariness perpetrated by militiamen, including rape, as reflected in reports to the Criminal Hotline. 43 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY In a testimony to the CPI, the chief of police Claudio Ferraz described the situation in Campo Grande, in the Western Area, where patrolling vehicles with 25, 30 men in uniforms, equipped with rifles and communication systems, work under the command of the reported militiamen. There are records of similar practice in Volta Redonda, in Região dos Lagos, in Macaé, in several communities, whether large or small, provided they have potential to produce informal taxes, since there are cases where communities were taken over and then abandoned. There are also records of communities that have been “sold”, as a fenced farm, with land, inputs, equipment and animals, so considered. The sale is made to the drug dealers or to whoever is interested in it. There are several modus operandi for occupying a community. When there is drug dealing in the intended area, use of force is applied, including illegally using the public position and the State official security devices. When there is no drug dealing, but the inhabitants resist, militiamen start to rob houses and businesses. Dwellers and businessmen intimidated and trapped by the situation start to contribute financially with monthly fees set by the militiamen. But there are also smaller communities that accept the presence of militiamen without resistance. In order to keep dominating, it is common practice to expel people connected to crime, criminal factions and drug dealers’ relatives. At first they act in a violent way in the conquered area, spanking, torturing and killing drug-addicts and criminals who resist complying with them. Dwellers may also suffer the same punishment when they fail to pay the monthly dues or ‘fees’. Curfew is a normal practice in militia areas. Those who refuse to pay suffer retaliation, such as mugging, aggressions, spanking, torture, expelling from the community and are even murdered. Those killed have their bodies disposed of in clandestine cemeteries, and are harder to be found by police. 44 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY intelligence agencies and other entities indicate the possibility of existing 171 communities under militia domination. There is no information about date of occupation, members and possible currais eleitorais1 on many of them. The Sub-department admits that in several cases they are extermination groups rather than militias. SIPMERJ, however, indicates 81 dominated areas and Cinpol shows 144. Another datum displays quantitative distribution of members involved in militia groups, where Military Police public agents are predominant, especially those earning the lowest salaries in the corporation. It is important also to highlight the high number of civilians integrating militias, as if working as a paramilitary were an occupation. Chart - Militiamen Quantitative (Source: Security and Intelligence Sub-department - SSI) Militaries Prison Guards Firefighters Civil Police Officers Military Police Civilians 1 N.T. Curral Eleitoral is an area over which a certain politician has voting influence. 45 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY According to the graph, civilians represent people who are not part of public security. They are mostly residents of the invaded community who adhered to the militia and started to work even holding guns. The possibility of civilians from other communities being connected to militiamen is not excluded. Information by SIPMERJ listed 96 military policemen involved with militias. Cinpol, on the other hand, listed 44 people. Militias’ growth and expansion in the State of Rio de Janeiro demands the research to what extent has drug dealing been affected by the constitution and expansion of paramilitary groups and which communities did not have any drug dealing activity but dominated by militias. Such study will be ground to understand the militia phenomenon and to what extent it can develop in the State. The Intelligence Sub-department assessment on the communities possibly controlled by militias demonstrates that number of militiamen has increased, specially in areas where there was no drug dealing, i.e., small communities or city areas that were not of interest to drug dealers due to its geographical condition among other factors and did not offer resistance. Out of the 171 communities where the militias were found, 119 communities did not belong to any criminal faction, representing almost 70%. Those previously dominated by criminal factions totaled 52%. Another important aspect – indicated by the agencies – shows that the power is spread by several different groups, some prominent ones, specially due to media coverage and evolution of their leadership in the political scenario in Rio de Janeiro. The consensus among Intelligence Services is that the most important and best structured militias are found in the area of Jacarepaguá and in the districts of Campo Grande. 46 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY None Intelligence Sub-department also listed a total of 102 detentions of people involved with militias, comprising those still under arrest and those appealing at liberty. 47 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Period: 01/02/2007 to 21/07/2008 – Source: SSI Militiamen Civilians Military Police Officers Civil Police Officers Prison Guards Military Officers 48 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY CHAPTER II THE MOST IMPORTANT MILITIAS 49 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Data on the most important militias mentioned herein are mainly based on testimonies given to the CPI by the Security area authorities, specially chiefs of police acting in areas where the presence of such groups is more notable – Pedro Paulo Pinho from the 32nd Police Station (Curicica, Jacarepaguá) and Marcus Neves, from 35th Ppolice Station (Campo Grande) -, the head of the Organized Crime Unit (Draco), Cláudio Ferraz; State Secretary of Public Security Mr. José Mariano Beltrame; and prosecutors appointed by the State Prosecutor’s Office, Jorge Magno and Bruno Stibich, who work in the area of Campo Grande. Members of the legislature or candidates accused of pertaining to or receiving support from militias in their electoral campaigns were also heard. Dr. Cláudio Ferraz evidenced that the action by militiamen in Jacarepagua is major as the area (Rio das Pedras, Gardênia Azul and Praça Seca) constitutes a more profitable region for militias than the Western Area (Campo Grande). Ferraz also shown that the militia groups have already spread to several areas of the capital, such as the districts of Quintino, the suburban low income area, as well as to many other cities, such as Volta Redonda, Macaé, and Região dos Lagos. The chief of police stated that as soon as he took office in Draco on March 23rd, 2007, he received an order from the state secretary of Security, Dr. José Mariano Beltrame, to apply due diligence in the investigation and prevention of crimes committed by militias. Ferraz declared that “there was a great concern by the Security Secretary’s Office to start this work, specially considering that they had already detected the dangers offered by the maintenance of such group even for the administration of the State of Rio de Janeiro public security itself.” During testimony given to the CPI, the secretary of Security emphasized that intensifying the combat against militias delivered a decrease of 50% in homicides in the Western Area, which, according to Beltrame, “demonstrate how much militias have always killed there.” The head of the 32nd Police Station, chief of police Pedro Paulo mentioned several politicians connected to militia groups of Jacarepagua, including city council members Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz, “Nadinho” (DEM) and Luiz André Ferreira da Silva, “Deco” (PR); the then candidates Cristiano Girão (PMN) and Luiz Monteiro Doen (PTC); and former candidates Epaminondas de Queiroz Medeiros Junior (DEM) and Marco Aurélio França Moreira (Marcão). He also mentioned the political partnership of the local militias of Jaarepagua, where Cristiano Girão, accused of heading the militia of Gardênia Azul, 50 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY joined Marcão; and Deco joined Doen, which does not prevent them to fight one another when conflicting interests arise. The head of the 32nd Police Station has shown how the lack of regulation for alternative transportation delivers a broad and profitable extortion, corruption and murder network explored by militiamen, as it has always been with the Jogo do Bicho (The Animal Game). He displayed how militiamen invade broad areas, divide and then sell them to residents. He highlighted Marcão’s community in special as an example of a paramilitary group that was born and died. Upon mapping the action by militias in the area, the chief of police started by Vila Sapê, where a military police officer called Betinho acts. “Vila Sapê – explains the chief of police – is one of these communities in Curicica where we haven’t recorded any kind of the so-called ’greater evil’, for instance, homicide, torture, kidnapping, captive. In my opinion, Bentinho’s militia is still in level 1, level 2. Then we have the militia of Military Police PGs militia in Cidade de Deus. (…)Cidade de Deus is no longer a little slum for a while now. It is a complex already. You have there Block 13, Block 15, Caratê, APs”. He mentioned several names of heads of militias in the area, such as Lica and Doen. As per the chief of police, they both have entered into “a gentlemen’s agreement” and divided the Praça Seca region: Deco has Chacrinha and Deon, Favela da Chácara. Information received by Militia Hotline allows us to produce the following table of leaderships in Jacarepagua: Anil - CP Gérson Boanerges and MP Sgt José Nilson Rogaciano Pereira (“Nilson” or “Nison Paraíba”). Curicica – Comunidade Dois Irmãos and César Maia – Ret. MP Eduardo José da Silva (“Zezinho Orelha”). Curicica – Comunidade Vila Sapê - MPBentinho and Valdino Silva Junior (“Juninho Cerol”). Gardênia Azul – Divided in two leaderships. Sgt FF Cristiano Girão Matias (“Girão”) would control Gardênia Azul, except for the area known as “Comunidade do Marcão” that would be controlled by Marco Aurélio França (“Marcão”). 51 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Praça Seca – The district would be divided into two leaderships. In the areas of Comunidades São José Operário, Bateau Mouche, Chacrinha, Mato Alto and Bela Vista, lead by city council member Luiz André Ferreira da Silva ("Deco") and in the area of Comunidades da Chácara, Quiririn and Urucuia, leadership would be of MP Sgt Luiz Monteiro da Silva ("Doen"). Largo do Tanque – Former State Assembly Member Álvaro Lins and MP Janjão. Taquara - Comunidade Nova Aurora, former MP Silvério. Taquara - Jardim Boiúna, Lote 1.000, Santa Maria and Pau da Fome, led by "Juninho Cerol" and Evandro. Rio das Pedras – The community has had as leaders PC Félix, who was murdered, and city council member Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz ("Nadinho"). Nowadays, the leadership would be shared by a group including PM Major Dilo Soares Júnior ("Dilo"), MP Capt. Epaminondas de Queiroz Medeiros Júnior ("Queiroz"), MP Sgt Res Dalmir Pereira Barbosa ("Dalmir"), Dalcemir Pereira Barbosa ("Dalcemir") and Getúlio Rodrigues Gamas ("Getúlio"). As far as Rio das Pedras is concerned, chief of police Pedro Paulo said that in a more recent phase the area could be divided in B.F. and A.F. – before and after Felix, respectively. The chief of police declared: “The thing there, which is well defined already, is that city council member Nadinho wanted to take Rio das Pedras over. Therefore, he made a partnership with the people from Campo Grande, namely state assembly member Natalino and city council member Jerominho, with the purpose of eliminating Felix and taking Rio das Pedras over with Nadinho, making a great complex. (...) But things were different: with Félix’s death, Dalmir – who is a MP – s, Dalcemir, his brother, and several others in there (Beto Bomba, Major Dilo, MP officer and all) did not allow Nadinho to take Rio das Pedras over, as they were loyal to Felix and knew who had killed Felix, and who gave the orders. Therefore they did not allow that at all. They isolated Nadinho and took over the group command in Rio das Pedras.” After that, the chief of police stated that there is contradictory information about Epaminondas Queiroz, known as captain Queiroz. Some say he would be part of a group formed by Dalmir, Dalcemir and Major Dilo and other are sure that he also abandoned the ship. In the chief of police Pedro Paulo’s opinion, the group leading the militia of Rio das Pedras is formed today by MP Dalmir Pereira Barbosa, who is alleged not to have a criminal record; Paulo Eduardo da Silva Azevedo, known as Paulo Barraco; Fabiano Cordeiro Ferreira, known as “Mágico”; Beto Bomba (Jorge Alberto 52 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Moreth), accused of homicide; Getúlio Rodrigues Gamas, owner of Cooperativa Rio das Pedras, an alternative transportation cooperative; and Dalcemir, Dalmir’s brother. Prosecutor Bruno Stibich, heard on July 17, 2008, also mentioned in his testimony Pedra de Guaratiba as an area with militia actions. According to the prosecutor, an investigation by the Civil Police Comptroller’s Office with telephone interception allowed the identification of the main parts to that militia, including the name of a legislature member. When asked about who this member would be, he stated it was state assembly member Jorge Babu. Prosecutor Jorge Magno, on the other hand, drew a parallel between the militias of Rio das Pedras and of Campo Grande. He declared to the CPI on July 17, 2008: “The source of the militia of Rio das Pedras is different than that of the Campo Grande’s, even because of the formation of the community of Rio das Pedras. The first one was called “polícia mineira”, with criminal purpose, but different from what militias are today. And Rio das Pedras has intimate relation with the militia of Campo Grande, due to the murder of the former “head” – Tostes –, a crime imputed to Malvar, who is city council member Jerominho’s son-in-law. (…) Rio das Pedras has today this connection with the militia of Campo Grande due to such homicide.” As far as the militia of Campo Grande is concerned, the so-called Liga da Justiça and whose symbol would be a bat from the cartoon character Batman, the chief of police Marcus Neves insisted that: “in Campo Grande, militia has name and last name, Jeronimo Guimarães and Natalino Guimarães. They are the incorporation of militia in Campo Grande.” City council member Jerônimo Guimarães, “Jerominho”, was elected for the first time in 2000 by PMDB party with 20,560 votes, with a curral eleitoral in poor communities in the Western Area, which assured his reelection in 2004, with 33,373 votes. He did not run in 2008, as he was in jail. Out of those 33,373 votes earned in 2004, 20,072 were from five electoral districts, all of them within Campo Grande. In the 244th district, he got 12.82% out of the valid votes from that district. In electoral sections located in the Ciep Oiticica, at Estrada Guandu-Sapê, the percentage of valid votes increased to 30.42%. He is arrested in Bangu 8 prison. 53 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY State assembly member Natalino Guimarães, also in Bangu 8 prison, was elected by DEM party in 2006, with 49,405 votes, out of which 27,474 were from only five electoral districts. At the 245th district he earned 6,988 votes, corresponding to 15.67% of the valid votes cast there. In the six sessions located in the Ciep Nação Xavante, at Vila Nova, he earned 28.75% of valid votes. He intended to run for mayor of Seropédica. He is a defendant in an Electoral Court proceeding where he faces charges for fraud of electoral domicile. At the State of Rio de Janeiro Superior Court, he is the defendant in a criminal proceeding 2008.068.00004 (classified) and criminal proceeding 2008.065.00001. Alerj Comptroler’s Office has accused him and requested his removal from office due to improper parliamentary behavior. In PI 035-05850/2008, Carlos Eduardo Marinho dos Santos, Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra and others state that the Liga da Justiça, upon direct orders from Natalino, used to kill in order to impose Carminha´s candidacy in the Western Area. Known as Carminha Batgirl, she is the daughter of city council member Jerônimo Guimarães Filho. She was arrested and taken to the maximum security federal prison of Catanduvas/PR and she was there on October 5, 2008 when she was elected city council member to the Rio de Janeiro City Council with 22,068 votes by PT do B. She was released from prison by court decision. An analysis of Carminha’s election shows that out of the 22,068 votes she had, 17,156 came from only two districts (245th – Campo Grande and 246th, Santa Cruz). In a testimony officially given at TJRJ on July 31, 2008, the attorney André Luiz Costa de Paula, in the records of criminal proceedings 2008.068.00004, documented that the Liga da Justiça had taken over the location known as “Ocupação Olga Benário Prestes”, expelled residents and placed there other people who had the duty to pay back by voting for Carminha Jerominho. Further in his testimony, the chief of police Marcus Neves has informed that the group Liga da Justiça started getting organized about eight years ago and had a broader dimension when its leaders started taking positions in the public administration and the political structure of the State, particularly the Municipal and State Assembly. 54 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The chief of police declared to the CPI: “They impose their hegemony by means of force, terror, killing indiscriminately whoever opposes their intention of territory domination. (…) We have at least 11 police investigations instituted by me over the past four months to investigate crimes committed by militiamen, among which, extortion, gang formation, and homicides. We have made over these past four months ten arrests of people directly connected to militia groups. We have four arrest orders that will be fulfilled over the next days, already issued by the Judiciary Branch, with pronouncement by the Public Prosecutor Office. These orders will be fulfilled in the next few days, and they involve people directly connected to militiamen acting in the Western Area of the city. We sure have great difficulty in collecting evidence, especially testimonies, during certain investigations. Why? Because those who are willing to testify against this power – so-called parallel power – die. There are statistics from P2, which is the Military Police’s intelligence service, from RP Monte, that states that over the past three years, at least 98 homicides were committed by this militia group. Therefore, people are afraid and live in fear and we have a great difficulty in working with direct testimony evidence. The legal mechanism we used, upon discussing these issues with the prosecutor and the public attorney so that we could address also the question of the evidence’s legitimacy was starting working with indirect witnesses, which are those who heard somebody say that certain people are part of militia groups or are actively participating in militias. These evidences are being brought to the police investigation and used for representation by means of provisional remedies. The State Prosecutor’s Office and the Judiciary Branch have been accepting these evidences and producing warrants of arrest and search that are delivering actual effects. Such judiciary police activity caused an obvious reaction by these groups, resulting in an explosive artifact been thrown at the entrance of 35th Police Station. This is clear and evident.” In the same testimony, chief of police Eduardo Soares stated that the Liga da Justiça dominates 90% of the area of Campo Grande and this domination is not higher only because leaders were supposedly tolerating some policemen to act in isolation. The chief of police has brought several slides displayed during the hearing, showing people who were allegedly executed by the group; all of them with elaborated cruelty in order to “serve as an example to the population”. The chiefs of police also accused Luciano Guimarães, former military police officer, the son of Jerominho, who, according to chief of police Marcus Neves, would be responsible for planning the crimes, especially homicides. He alleged also that a P2 research shows that the group has already committed 98 homicides. 55 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY In his testimony to the CPI, chief of police Eduardo Soares stated: “Campo Grande is, in particular, dominated by this Liga da Justiça . Campo Grande has 296 km² and a population of over one million already. There were only two occasions when they left Campo Grande to commit crimes, one of them against Chico Bala, in Região dos Lagos. They were arrested, and the seized rifles they held at the time belonged to the Seropédica’s police station, which was broken into by Jerominho’s militia. Those rifles were seized when they attempted to kill Chico Bala. The second occasion was when they went to Rio das Pedras, and ended up getting arrested as well. Therefore, their boundaries are within Campo Grande, as they have no support and nowhere to hide outside of it. (…) Just to show that one thing has not to do with the other, Jerominho has a son who happens to be a city guard. He has already presented many occurrences at the police station, we had long conversations. He is sorry about his father being involved in it, but he says he is nothing to do with it. He is an excellent person, the City Guard itself is also very collaborative THE BOMB AT THE 35th PS On June 26, 2008, one week after the CPI establishment, the rapporteur, state assembly Gilberto Palmares, demanded that Antônio Santos Salustiano and Ocian Gomes Ranquine Salustiano, father and son, fisher and student, respectively, be heard, after both families request. They were in jail for 15 days, accused of having produced the bomb thrown at the entrance to the 35th PS. According to the Police Report drawn up upon the detention, 85 units of treme-treme, 470 units of busca-pés, 15 12x1 fireworks boxes, 37 pyrotechnical effect firework units, coloring material, 9 fuses and zero gram of gunpowder were found in the house of both. The Testimony Term written by the police officers declared that, at the moment of the arrest, both declared being connected to the representative Natalino Guimarães and the city council member Jerônimo Guimarães (Jerominho). 56 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The first to be heard by the CPI members, Ocian denied knowing Jerominho and Natalino. He said his father is a fisherman and is producing pyrotechnical shows with fireworks for ten years in Church events, by request of the local priest. He denied his or his father's knowledge of the parliamentary members at any moment. According to him, the only reference made to both was when they got to the police station. The chief of police welcome them saying that Natalino and Jerominho were his enemies and that father and son should confess their connection with the bomb. Ocian assured that he did not know how to make any firework and that his father was only who knew how to handle with the material. Under the CPI members request, Ocian reported the arrest stating that he woke up with the police officers breaking into his house, pointing him guns, with two hooded men. The police officers did not justify the arrest, although being questioned about it In his testimony, Antônio Salustiano confirmed that he works as fisherman and is known throughout the region as such. But he is also known as the author of the pyrotechnical shows for the Church celebrations. Antonio told that the day he was arrested, early in the morning, he was in the backyard of his house selling fish, when a car parked and several men armed with fusils came to him. He declared as follows: “They entered, there was a lot of police officers, armed with many kinds of guns, as I said. They handcuffed me, sat me onto the Styrofoam container lid, called my son; searched through my entire house; asked me if the fireworks were mine, I told them they were. They searched through it all. One of them took my fish scale and said it was to weigh gunpowder. I told him it was to weigh fish, but he was not kind, you know? My son told me: ‗dad, be quiet, he may do something against you‘. I was quiet. I asked about the charge, and they told me that I would know at the police station, and only when we got there. It was crazy. 57 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Now, I want you to listen to me, pay attention. How come the public administration break into the house of a person working and supporting his low income family with a hooded man, you do not even know who he is, and throws you into a black maria? I spent fifteen days in Polinter with my son, in pain inside there, you know? Now, I want to know whether this chief of police who said we thrown the bomb at the police station will submit the hooded guy who accused us, if he will answer to the humiliations we have been through, before the authorities as well. It is so easy taking an ordinary person, an innocent person, known by all his neighbors, as I live there for over 44 years. I have never been to the Police. I wonder which were the grounds, which were the data making him break into my house that way to arrest me and my son, who have never been involved in anything illegal, you know?. When he was questioned about the material seized in his house, Antonio declared that he does not manufacture it. ¯All the material found in my house is industrialized and with receipts from the fireworks store. All the employees of the firework store, of which I am client for over ten years, offered me their help, they would come and testimony, if necessary. I was never interested in manufacturing fireworks. What I know and am really interested in is pyrotechnical show. . Among the documents received by the CPI was a letter from the priest of Santa Sofia Church, Parampathu Kuriarose Kuncheriyh, known as priest Tiago, in which he declares that ¯Antonio Santos Salustiano and his son Ocian Gomes Ranquine Salustiano are dwellers of this district, and I have known them for fifteen years now, who provide pyrotechnical services on the important dates to the parish. They are good and honest hard working men. A copy to an electronic invoice of the store where both affirm having bought the material to produce the fireworks was also received. The 2nd Ordinary Meeting of the CPI, held on July 3, 2008, chief of police Marcus Neves, head of the 35th DP, was questioned about the presence of hooded men during the arrest of Antonio and Ocian. He said that this procedure is applied whenever the informants’ identity has to be preserved. In respect to the father's and son's statement of representative Natalino and city council member Jerominho being mentioned by the chief of police upon their arrival to the police station, dr. Marcus Neves explained that the head of the operation was the deputy chief of police. 58 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY In testimony to the CPI in a private session, the police officers who made the arrest stated they found bombs in Antonio's house and that they would have reported it in the Police Report. These bombs, however, were not mentioned in the PR, what made the assembly members question the fact. According to the police officers, a mistake might be happened upon typing. Such contradiction led the CPI to call the clerk to testimony as well. Some time after the testimonies to the CPI, and deeper investigations on the bomb, the chief of police Marcus Neves gave his testimony in court acknowledging that father and son had no connection to the assault. THE ACCUSED OF HEADING MILITIAS First accused to testimony in the CPI of Militias, on September 9, 2008, the city council member Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz, known as Nadinho de Rio das Pedras (DEM), started stating by his own will that the former Security Secretary Marcelo Itagiba and the inspector Marina Magessi — currently representatives by PMDB and PPS, respectively, and composing the CPI of Wiretaps in the House of Representatives —, in addition to the former Civil Police head, Álvaro Lins (PMDB), would have their campaign supported by militiamen from Jacarepaguá. Nadinho detailed the relationship between politicians and areas controlled by militias in Jacarepaguá, Rio das Pedras and surroundings in particular. In addition to Itagiba (who, according to Nadinho, is always visiting the community), Lins and Magessi, the representative Domingos Brazão (PMDB) was also mentioned as having made campaign in Rio das Pedras. Comparing the Security Department activity in the prior and current governments, city council member Nadinho stated: ¯Rio das Pedras is now under a very strong intervention to fight militia. According to him, the inspector Félix dos Santos Tostes, murdered in February 2007, and the Local Dweller’s Association of Rio das Pedras supported the candidacies of Marcelo Itagiba and the others mentioned, as well as that of PMERJ Captain RR Queiroz, who did not win the election for representative by PDT. Queiroz is currently in DEM 59 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Nadinho pointed out that Rio das Pedras is a community comprised of 80% of Northeast citizens who came to RJ for work. He said that he was elected city council member with 34,764 votes, spread by 97 out of the 98 electoral zones of the city of Rio de Janeiro, and denied having a curral eleitoral, i.e., concentration of votes in the 179th electoral zone. He stated also that he had 5,464 votes in the Western Área, spread between Pechinha and Anil, in addition to other three thousand votes in the Alto da Boa Vista and Barra da Tijuca. He said that he had 1,500 votes in Curicica and Taquara, as well as almost one thousand votes in Camorim, Recreio, Vargem Grande and Vargem Pequena. He said also that in the 179th electoral zone (comprising Itanhangá, Muzema, Rio das Pedras, Tijuquinha and Cidade de Deus) he had totaled only 15 thousand votes, which would be less than 20% of his total votes. When he was asked whether there was militia in Rio das Pedras, he confirmed: "If you ask any 10, 12 year-old child in Rio das Pedras, they will tell you that militia is there. He denied however receiving any support from inspector Felix in his election in 2004. He denied also the information provided by the State Prosecutor’s Office stating that he had hired gunmen outside the State to kill the prosecutor Márcia Velasco, who accused him for the death of inspector Félix. When he was questioned on the testimony given by the president of the alternative transportation cooperative of Rio das Pedras (Coop Rio das Pedras), Getúlio Rodrigues Gamas, to the State Prosecutor’s Office, stating that the city council member said he would be killed if he did not change the Justice testimony about Felix’s death, Nadinho denied the occurrence of such. The threats were submitted by Getúlio directly to the State Prosecutor’s Office, which sent the documents to the 32nd PD (Jacarepaguá), requesting that actions should be taken. In the documented report, Getúlio said Nadinho threatened him of death if he did not change his testimony in respect to the proceeding pending in the 4th Justice Court, in which Nadinho is accused of planning the murder of inspector Felix. Getúlio alleges Nadinho hired two gunmen from Ceará to kill him. Still under the testimony, the city council member would be pressing Getúlio to make campaign in his vans. The 19th PIP of the 1st CI of the MP-RJ, therefore, requested the establishment of a new Police Investigation at the 32nd PS accusing Nadinho, of duress crime during the proceeding 60 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Nadinho is accused of the death of Félix dos Santos Tostes, together with the former civil police officer André Luiz da Silva Malvar (the son-in-law of city council member Jerominho). Malvar was arrested again in July, in the Northeast, after he ran away from prison. His first detention was in flagrante delicto, while he was carrying strong armoring, along with Ricardo Teixeira, the so-called “Batman”, and José Carlos Silva. He is deemed as responsible for the assault to PMERJ SGT “Chico Bala” in Região dos Lagos, which ended up with the death of his wife and his step son. At that time, Malvar was arrested with a gun which was found out after analysis to be the same used to kill Félix In his testimony to the CPI, Nadinho insisted in denying any personal relationship with Malvar and he was contradicted by the vice-president, Assembly Member Cidinha Campos, who mentioned the State Assembly Official Gazette published on September 28, 2007, where the designation of Eliane Calmon Malvar to City Council Member Nadinho de Rio das Pedras’s Office appears. On the other hand, the Official Gazette of September 4, 2008 lists the dismissal of several people, including Hellen Patrícia Guimarães Malvar.. Answering to another question, he confirmed giving the Pedro Ernesto Medal, the greatest order of the City, to the assembly member Natalino Guimarães, to inspector Félix Tostes dos Santos and to Beto Bomba, who, on October 17, 2008 was designated as president to the Local Dweller's Association of Rio das Pedras.In his defense, City Council Member Nadinho stated: "I know that this whole accusation has a political ground. My brother was killed three days before an election I would win. And my father was also shot close to another election. My wall is written with the sentence 'Fora Nadinho (Get Out Nadinho)' and you still think I am a militiaman?".When he was asked if he had any agreement with Félix, Nadinho denied. Some days later, the Committee received a document, signed by the city council member, under which he entered a political-electoral agreement with Félix to the 2004 elections. Nadinho was obliged to acknowledge the existence of such document in his second call.The city council member, together with his lawyers, requested that the testimony was partially given in private, when he revealed the activities of the militia of Rio das Pedras (gas control, “gatonet”, alternative transport, security, water and real estate market), named its main components and their roles. This testimony is duly appended to the security and justice attachment 61 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The list of goods delivered to the Electoral Regional Court upon his candidacy, includes: Real Estate Property at Rua Nova, 100 - Rio das Pedras – estimated amount R$ 55,730.00 Real Estate Property at Estrada de Jacarepaguá, lot 3504 – estimated amount R$ 15,000.00 Vehicle Santana, year 2006 – LUX 8392 – estimated amount R$ 24.970,00 Total amount estimated: R$ 95,700.00 In the State of Rio de Janeiro Board of Trade (JUCERJA): The records state that until February 14, 2008, Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz (“Nadinho”) was managing partner of the company Semeando Cidadania Futebol Clube LTDA, located at estrada do Capenha, 1127, bloco IV, apt. 103, Jacarepaguá. His entrance to the company was in August 23, 2006, with the capital of R$ 2,400.00. There would be also other goods, including an apartment in Condomínio Rio II, bloco Prudence, AP. 102, Rua Constantini, in the name of third parties, which is crime of false statement (arts. 350/351 of the Electoral Code, the art. 299 of the Criminal Code serving as confirmation). At that same day, the CPI heard the Fire Brigade/RJ Sargent Cristiano Girão Matias, then a candidate to city council member. Together with two lawyers, he stated that there is no militia in his community, Gardênia Azul. He said:- "I cannot understand what is a militia and what is not, but if it is the domination of alternative transportation, 'gatonet', gas extorsion and sell, this does not happen in Gardênia Azul. My role there is to protect the community ". And he added: - "I am a fireman, military officer, and I cannot take anyone smoking, consuming drugs or robbing in front of my house and in the community. When I see any of these, I make arrests. I have already arrested many people, and, when it is necessary, I ask the police to go there". While he was speaking about the community support to candidates to political offices, Girão assured that Álvaro Lins and Marcelo Itagiba, among others, were well received in Gardênia Azul and in the other communities, including Rio das Pedras, Curicica and Praça Seca. Emphasis is given to the fact that Marco Aurélio França, known as Marcão, in his testimony to the CPI, stated that Girão did not allow his enemies to make campaign within his area, and mentioned the episode occurred in 2004, inside Esporte Club Gardênia Azul, when the candidate Rogério Bittar (PSB) tried to make his campaign and was impeded. 62 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Girão confirmed also that he was special assessor to the Rosinha government, in 2005, designated by the Government secretary Rodrigo Bethlem. He said that at that time he asked Rodrigo Bethlem to install a police station in the community and his request was accepted. He admitted his omitting of several goods in his statements of goods presented to the Federal Revenue and to the TRE (art. 350/351 of the Electoral Code, the art. 299 of the Criminal Code serving as confirmation). In order to explain his patrimonial evolution, he stated to the CPI: I have bought an apartment for R$ 70 thousand in that little tower at Av. Sernambetiba, a farm in Silva Jardim and a car. Two of which were stolen and the others were sold, but I forgot to discharge them. According to Girão, the Av. Sernambetiba apartment, where he lives, is in the name of his former partner due to an agreement made after the end of the marriage. Girão blamed his accountant for the omissions in his statements to the TRE and to the Federal Revenue (art. 350/351 of the Electoral Code, the art. 299 of the Criminal code serving as confirmation). According to him, after the press accusation, he would have rectified the statements He had also stated having only one Toyota Hilux estimated in R$ 176 thousand and shares of two companies. However, as disclosed by press, the notary's offices and Detran/RJ proved that Girão had also acquired a farm in Silva Jardim, estimated by real estate brokers in R$ 300 thousand, in addition to four cars and one motorcycle. Data crossing between Federal Revenue and COAF evidenced that Solange Ferreira Vieira, officially former wife of Cristiano Girão, acts, in fact as front man. The official divorce would serve to cease their bond. Solange, who has never had her Labor and Social Security Booklet (CTPS) signed, had banking activity in the last five years with amounts twenty times above her declared revenue. The banking activity ceased in 2007, with the publication of the investigations involving Girão. In 2006, when they were already officially divorced, the sergeant transferred to Solange the real estate property where he lives nowadays, in Barra, for R$15 thousand, although such property is estimated by the City Hall in R$ 500 thousand. Solange was also junior partner of the former huband in two stores in Gardênia Azul: C. Lages and Girão Madeiras. 63 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Reports of the intelligence services connected to the Public Security Department evidence that other people act together with Girão: a fireman named Nonato (Raimundo Nonato Altino de Lima); the fire force sergeant Jorge Luiz de Souza, known as Ganso; his brother, Carlos Fernando de Souza, known as Zeca; the civil police officer Wallace de Almeida Pires, known as Robocop; and the PMERJ José Rogaciano Pereira, known as Nilson Paraíba. Official documents display also that when Girão tried to be elected as city council member in 2004, Juvaldo Gomes de Oliveira, known as Chico Palavrão was killed. Chico Palavrão was murdered because, as local dweller, he did not allow a Girão’s political campaign plate to be placed at his house. The victim’s wife, without protection, refused to testimony on the fact and the case was filed at that time On September 16, 2008, the CPI heard the City Council Member Luiz André Ferreira da Silva - Deco (PR) – and the 2nd MP sargent and candidate to city council member in the capital of Rio de Janeiro (PTC), Luiz Monteiro da Silva, known as Doen. Emphasis is given to the fact that in the elections on October 8, 2008, Deco had 12,497 votes, but he was not elected, remaining as deputy. Doen, as well, had 4,047 votes, and stayed out of the City Council /RJ In his testimony, Deco stated that in the Chacrinha region, where he lives and acts, there is no militia. "My only activity is of city council member. I tried to enter to the Military Police, but I failed in the psychological test. I was in the army for six years and I work since I have left. My money bought what I have, including with financing”, added the city council, the owner of one Mercedez Benz truck, one Saveiro car, one Bora car, one room and a park vacancy in Praça Seca. He admitted that his brother, known as “Zé do Gás”, has an illegal gas dealership in the area where he acts. And he defended himself stating he is not responsible for his brother’s acts. Deco admitted also having two community centers and that one of them is constructed in a land owned by the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro. He stated that he got some indications with mayor César Maia, as well as three brothers, his wife and his mother-inlaw were designated in his office in the City Council of Rio de Janeiro 64 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The city council member — accused with Doen for the death of a military police officer and a professor on December 31, 2007 — was informed by the committee's president, assembly member Marcelo Freixo, that he is also investigated for more two homicides in the Western Area. The 32nd PD has recently concluded an investigation (032-00004/2008) of a double homicide occurred on December 31, 2007, having as fatal victims the PMERJ Marcílio Barbosa Macedo and the information technology professor Washington Estevam Ribeiro, both homosexual and residing in the community of Chacrinha. Both were found with the hands tied behind them and with ropes on their necks. According to the investigations, the crime was motivated by a discussion on the money collection from the commerce in the region. The MP Marcílio Barbosa would not have passed accordingly the amounts to the local paramilitary group, challenging Deco. The victims’ corpses were found in January 1, 2008, by MPs from the 18th MPB at Estrada Arroio Pavuna (known as Estrada do Urubu), in a soccer field. Based on the investigations, the 32nd PS accused for this double homicide: Hélio Albino Filho, known as Lica (refer to IPs 028-00878/2003 and 028-01136/2006); Luiz André Ferreira da Silva, known as Deco; the PMERJ sgt. RG 33.694 Luiz Monteiro da Silva, known as Doen; João Monteiro da Silva (known as João do Facão, Doen’s brother) and Paulo Ferreira Júnior, known as Paulinho do Gás. In his testimony about the fact in the 32th PS, Deco denied the allegations, stating he has never seen Paulinho do Gás (Paulo Ferreira Júnior) before. Later investigations proved that Paulinho, in 2007, was allocated in Deco’s office. The investigation was forwarded, with the issuance of arrests order, to the 19th PIP of the 1st CI of MP-RJ, as a witness detailed the crime Deco was also accused by investigation in the 28th PS (Campinho) for the homicide, in 2003, of Paulo Roberto Durange. The corpse was found at Rua Cândido Benício, in Praça Seca. At that time, the same Helio Albino Filho, Lica, was accused. Deco alleged to the CPI that this investigation was already filed. And he also denied to the CPI that Lica worked in his political campaign, but documents evidence that Lica was a donator to his campaign. 65 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Right after, in his testimony, the PMERJ Luiz Monteiro da Silva, Doen, contradicted Deco. He confirmed that he worked in Deco’s political campaign and that their agreement was terminated because the city council member failed to comply with his promises. According to Doen, they were introduced by insistence of people in the community. He stated having visited Deco’s social center and after that, having taken the candidate to his community. Doen confirmed having officially stated na estate estimated in R$ 269 thousand, acquired with his wage as PMERJ sergeant. He told also that one of his brothers is owner of vans cooperative and another is accused of homicide. As well as Deco, the candidate admitted that his social center was built in an invaded land. He revealed that he had a meeting in 2008 with mayor Cesar Maia and the candidate Solange Amaral (DEM) to talk about elections. When he was asked about the homicides he is accused of together with Deco, Lica and others, Deco answered: "The chief of police said the dead man would have collected money in the community for Deco and failed to transfer the money, but I do not know about that. This is their investigation ". Doen was also inquired about information from the Civil Police Intelligence Center about a possible plan to kill the 32nd PS chief of police, Pedro Paulo Pontes Pinho, and blame on Deco. Doen denied it all. On september 23, 2008, the representative Marina Magessi (PPS); the Duque de Caxias city council members Sebastião Ferreira da Silva (PTB, known as Chiquinho Grandão) and Ezequiel Domingos Lourenço (PDT, known as Quiel do Canarinho), in addition, once more, to the city council member Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz, Nadinho do Rio das Pedras, were heard by the CPI. The representative Marina Magessi said she had not had many votes in areas dominated by militias, since her expressive voting was in Alto da Tijuca and Barra da Tijuca, where there is no militia or traffic. She said she went only once to Rio das Pedras, invited by the deceased inspector Félix Tostes, and she met many politicians of several parties there. When she was asked the names of the politicians who were there, the representative refuse to give them, stating that she would not do it to avoid them to be dragged to the CPI, as she were, due to a spontaneous mention by city council member Nadinho do Rio das Pedras. 66 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY According to Magessi, the true organized crime to be fought at the time should be the groups who “dare to threat, assault and even kill the chiefs of Police" to impede the State to investigate their crimes. She said she was a police officer for more than 20 years, but she was never interested in the subject militia, as it would be recent. In her interpretation, until 2005, there were only “punishers” who did not charge anybody and “cleaned” the area of bandits, not letting teenagers to use drugs, nor anybody to perform criminal activities in there, which allow the dwellers to sleep with their doors open. The representative thinks as the most serious thing they did were homicides to be investigated by the stations, and, when the case had much disclosure, the investigations should be performed by Draco, a specialized police station which, according to the representative, receives direct orders from the Security Secretary himself rather than from the Police Head. The CPI president contested the representative assuring that official data from the Security Department evidences the existence and evolution of militias as organized crime since the year 2000. Moreover, they evidence that 65% of the areas dominated by militias had never had traffic. The representative confirmed, after being asked several times about it, that, although she had headed CINPOL, the intelligence center of the Police responsible to feed all the Police agencies, she was never interested in investigating militias, confirming that she always focused on the combat to the drug dealing. Her stating that the combat to the organized crime is a responsibility of the Security secretary lead the CPI to confirm the need to call the former Security secretary and currently representative, Marcelo Itagiba. Called again by the CPI to render clarifications on a commitment term entered with inspector Felix Tostes, the city council member Nadinho de Rio das Pedras confirmed he really signed the document under which they enter into an agreement to the 2004 elections. In the document signed by several people, Nadinho gets support to his election to city council member and agrees with the requirement of being held responsible before the others if he failed to comply with the terms thereunder. The CPI understood it as a clear death threat to whom failing to comply with the agreement of constitution of a curral eleitoral. The city council member disagree with this interpretation and restated that all charges against him are police records at the 32nd OS and criminal hotline accusations made by his enemies. According to him, if he really were amilitiaman, nobody would have the guts to act against him like that, including painting the wall of his house, nobody does that against the real militiamen of Rio das Pedras 67 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Emphasis is given to the fact that on October 17, 2008, the CPI was informed, through Disque Milícias (Militias Hotline), that, as well as the certificate of Luciano Guinâncio Guimarães was false, Nadinho would have bought certificates of Bachelor in Psychology, em Campo Grande, for himself and his wife Adriana, right from the college owner. The accusation informs that Nadinho would be the real owner of an apartment in Condomínio Rio II, bloco Prudence, AP. 102, rua Constantini, although it is in the name of third parties. The same accusation states that the former MP Arlindo Marginário (accused in the Vigário Geral murder) was allocated in the city council member Verônica Costa’s office by Nadinho’s request, to whom the former MP works. And that the city council member’s brother, Luciano Francisco da Cruz, known as "Piu-piu", as well as "Zezé Bala", Júlio Costa Silva (known as Badu), "Marcelo PM" (who would be a corporal from the 18th BPM), Pitbull, "índio PC" and a former sargent named Bruno, would collaborate also to Nadinho in criminal activities. The accusation says that in that day, October 17, 2008, "Beto Bomba" would be elected as president to the Local Dweller’s Association of Rio das Pedras, to remain as front man to the group comprising Dalcemir, Dalmir, major Dilo among others. COAF report indicates that PMERJ sgt. Dalmir purchased R$ 5 millions in insurance policies, in three operations held on August 18 and 28, 2006. Still in 2006, he bought a penthouse in Barra da Tijuca, paying R$ 300 thousand in cash. Furthermore, the brothers Dalmir and Dalcemir, although appearing as the owners of tourism and transport companies, as well as former owners of the restaurant Estação Azul de Rio das Pedras, they never appeared to the Social Information National List (CNIS), of the Ministry of Social Security, as connected to these businesses. The same COAF report indicates also that PMERJ captain RR Queiroz’s wife paid R$ 1.8 million in policies in 2007. In 2000, she bought an apartment in Golden Green, a high class condominium in Barra da Tijuca, which is estimated in the market in R$ 1.8 million. Captain Queiroz would also have been a partner to the security company Protec. 68 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The CPI heard at the same session the city council member Chiquinho Grandão, who denied knowing of militia activity in the areas where he acts, specially in São Bento de Duque de Caxias, explaining that the 7,511 votes he got in the 2004 election were really concentrated in the 79th Electoral Zone because it is the area of his political activity. He denied having three community centers and confirmed that he supports a center. When he was asked on the Investigations 567/94, 59th PS (larceny by trick), 003/97 of the DPF – Nova Iguaçu – Art. 50, III of the L.6766/79 – 1st Federal Court of S. J. Meriti (criminal use of urban soil; art. 50 – known as land grabbing) and 93/99 of the 125th PS – S. Pedro da Aldeia, re. Art. 10 of L. 9437/97, illegal possession of gun –.Proc. No. 4788 of the 2nd CV), he answered that he was discharged of the last and the other two were filed. In documents of official agencies, however, the proceedings are not appearing as filed. The fourth deponent heard in the same session, city council member Quiel do Canarinho, explained the concentration of 40% of the votes in the 126th Electoral Zone was due to the activities of his deceased father in the region, who gave his name to a school. He denied any illegal behavior, stating he does not know of the existence of data against him in the security agencies and received the support of the representative Paulo Ramos, of the same party of Quiel, and who declared to know him for many years. The representative protested against the use of data that, according to him, may serve at times not only to disgrace good men, but also to make the CPI lose its credit. The other members to the CPI agreed with him. In the session of September 30, 2008, the inactive sergeant and city council member of PSC by São Gonçalo, Geiso Pereira Turques, candidate to reelection as Geiso do Castelo, mentioned by other deponents as regular participant of the weekly meeting of the head of the militia of Rio das Pedras and manager of the Castelo das Pedras; Getúlio Rodrigues Gamas, the president of the Vans Cooperative of Rio das Pedras; and Marco Aurélio França Moreira (Marcão), from the community Novo Rio, also in Jacarepaguá, deputy representative. Reelected on October 5, 2008, with 4,090 votes, Geiso declared to the Committee that he is no longer responsible for the club Castelo das Pedras, being only a promoter to the concert house. According to him, Castelo is in fact a social center (Centro Social e Cultural Rio das Pedras, located at Estrada de Jacarepaguá, 3.600, Rio das Pedras, Jacarepaguá, RJ). According to Geiso, Castelo is exempted from taxes as it is considered as non-profit, which does not impede him to take 30% from the tickets revenue to pay his promoter job and around R$ 3 thousand to keep the social center 69 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY working. The city council member said he did not know of the existence of militias in Rio das Pedras as he is in São Gonçalo most of the time. Emphasis is given to the fact that the statements mentioned above were forwarded to the prosecutors of the 19th PIP of the 1st CI of MP-RJ, who requested the chief of police Pedro Paulo Pontes Pinho to establish the Police Investigation, IP 032-07743/2008. Copy to the Ordinance of establishment was sent to the CPI, documenting that Geiso Pereira Turques and his sister, Ivana Turques de Souza, without prejudice to the others still under analysis, incurred in crime of misrepresentation (art. 299, Criminal Code) when they registered Castelo das Pedras as non-profit social center. They have failed to pay city, state and federal taxes. The same Ordinance states that both siblings have already opened another center, named "Espaço Cultural Porto da Pedra”, in São Gonçalo, under the same model. As to Castelo das Pedras, although they were already promoting shows for tem years, only after the testimony to the CPI and the consequent establishment of investigation, the owning siblings requested authorization for the events. The place is very famous in the whole city, having authorities and artists as customers On October 29th, 2008, the chief of police Pedro Paulo has closed Castelo das Pedras, under the terms of Res. SESEG 013/2007 and of the Acts/RJ infringed as well 5,265/2008, of 19.6.2008; 2526/96; 3716/01 and 4331/04; 4335/04, all of these expressly mentioned in the testimony given by Geiso Pereira Turques to the chief of police on October 31, 2008. It is important to mention that, the Rio’s Local Government has recently exempted the dance club operating in the same space from taxes in this year. The official letter 087/2008, dated as of October 23, 2008, sent to the CPI by the 19th PIP of the 1st CI of MP-RJ, indicates the infringement to the rules in Res SESEG 013/2007, once the establishment is still working 70 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY In his testimony to the CPI, however, Geiso declared that he goes to Rio das Pedras only to work in the office or to participate in the soccer game promoted and managed by the local dwellers’ association members (Dilo, Dalmir, Dalcemir etc), every Monday. Emphasis is given to the fact that the information received by the CPI accounts that this Monday soccer houses the meetings of the local head of the militia. The city council member Geiso said he had an apartment in the amount of R$ 400 thousand and a jet boar of 32 feet, which was not included in the statement to the Electoral Regional Court (art. 350/351 of the Electoral Code, the art. 299 of the Criminal Code serving as confirmation). He stated that there is not militia in Alcântara, where he has his political activity, but drug dealing. According to him, otherwise as stated to the CPI, including by other deponents, he has never seen any MP Colonel, commander from the 18th BPM or chiefs of police participating in the soccer game in Rio das Pedras. He declared to know Getúlio, from the van cooperative of Rio das Pedras; major Dilo, habitué of Castelo das Pedras; the brothers Dalmir and Dalcemir, and Dalmir is always seen in the room of the board of the local dwellers’ association. The same session heard Mr. Getúlio Rodrigues Gamas, who confirmed to be the president of the local vans cooperative since March 2008. Getúlio said he lived six years in Rio das Pedras, but eight years ago he moved and today he lives outside the State, in a place he is not willing to identify, as the is threatened of death. Getúlio accused the city council member Nadinho of planning his death, after his testimony to the 32nd PD about the death of inspector Felix. The testimony given to the 19th PIP of the 1st CI-MPRJ detailed and identified a long list of integrants to the Liga da Justiça, that, according to Getúlio, would have been taken to Rio das Pedras when the brothers Natalino/Jerominho were there negociating with the city council member Nadinho the subdivision of the services economically under exploration in that community Getúlio mentioned on that matter the threats he has been suffering from Nadinho. He mentioned also the fact that, upon the arrest of the militiamen from Liga da Justiça, papers with relevant information including the deponent car plate and photograph, as well as those of other people who should be killed by the group lead by Jerominho e Natalino, were found. The finding of papers with such content was confirmed by chief of police Marcus Neves, from the 35th PS. 71 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Getúlio stated also that in a certain occasion, Nadinho took André Luiz da Silva Malvar, Leandrinho Quebra-Ossos (Leandro Paixão Viegas, also known as Fantasma) and others from the Liga da Justiça to Rio das Pedras so that they got to know the vans cooperative presided by the deponent. Getúlio assured Nadinho would have agreed the death of Félix with the Liga da Justiça leaders so that the profit earned with the exploration of the several illegal services in Rio das Pedras could be shared among them. In such division, the Liga da Justiça would have the vans cooperative and, therefore, right after Félix was dead, Getulio would have witnessed a meeting of the Liga da Justiça with Nadinho. He said also that Félix was killed soon after he left the mechanic workshop of Márcio de Oliveira Guedes, murdered in November 2006 (IP 032-06447/2006, of 30.11.2006). Márcio was the owner of "M.G. Automecânica" (Av. Eng. Sousa Filho, 1106, Rio das Pedras, phone 0055-21-3116-1130), and would have been killed by the same group of the Liga da Justiça which murdered Félix as he did not collaborated with the plan to kill the inspector. Nowadays, Márcio's widow runs the workshop, according to Getúlio. According to Getúlio, he, major Dilo, the brothers Dalmir and Dalcemir, and inspector Felix supported Nadinho, making even donations to his campaign to city council member. He said that in the 2006 elections, he and the whole group of Rio das Pedras supported the former Security secretary Marcelo Itagiba, as well as the PMERJ captain Queiroz (Epaminondas de Queiroz Medeiros Júnior). He confirmed that the cooperative he presided, as well as all the others of Jacarepaguá, supported the candidate to mayor Marcelo Crivella in the 2008 elections. Getúlio confirmed the Areal Cred Fomento, financial company from Rio das Pedras, was owned by the trio Dilo, Dalmir and Dalcemir. The three were already his partners in many companies, which are closed today. In the end of his testimony, Getúlio confirmed that Adeildo Alves Cunha, brother of Adelmo Alves Cunha, assessor to the city council member Nadinho in the Council, was murdered (IP 032-04079/2008, of 08.06.2008 > refer to IP 6377/2005) and all the owners of Areal, including him, appeared in the Police Report as involved in the homicide. The Police Report lists: Beto Bomba, "Getúlio da cooperativa", "Dalcemir da cooperativa", "Dalmir PM", "Paulo Barraco PM", "André PM" (André Luis Pinto de Souza, the author of another homicide, which had as victim the mother of Romarinho no Beco do Baiano), "Egino or Higino de tal"; "Roberto de tal"; "Ricardo de tal"; "Mágico" (Fabiano Cordeiro Ferreira); "Luciano de tal", also known as Russo; and "Caveirinha". 72 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Getúlio confirmed to the CPI that Adeildo owed money to Areal – he would have borrowed R$ 1 thousand with Jorge Alberto Moreth, known as "Beto Bomba". As per Adelmo Alves Cunha statements in the IP of the 32nd PS, although his brother Adeildo has paid much money in interests, the group wanted more R$ 30 thousand. Getúlio confirmed also knowing "Paulo Barraco" (Paulo Eduardo da Silva Azevedo, former MP). According to Getúlio, the cooperative he presides has 339 vans, 312 of which legalized. They all travel by several routes and each one carries between 250 and 300 people a day, charging R$ 2 of each passenger. The cooperative receives a monthly fee for each van, which, according to the line, ranges between R$ 120 and R$ 299. He said also he is a gun collector for around three years and that he and the brothers Dalmir and Dalcemir were accused in the Police Investigation 50/2003 of the DH-West, as the authors to the murder, in Vila Isabel, of the SMTU office head Paulo Roberto da Costa Paiva. According to Getúlio, the three of them were not mentioned in the proceeding. It is important to highlight that, in order to investigate such death, the Police Investigations 020-05114-2003 and 0133/DRACO/2003 were also opened, in which the MP Chico Bala (Francisco César Silva Oliveira, refer to APF 537/118/2007 and RO 12501930/2007) and the city council member Jerominho’s electioneerer, Aldemar Almeida dos Santos, known as Robin, dead on May 17, 2005 (RO 035-03351/2005) appear as having participated in the murder. Robin was always with Ricardo Teixeira Cruz (former PMERJ soldier, known as Batman, expelled from PMERJ in 1992, when allocated in the Shock Battallion; refer to IP 035-06350/2008). In charge of clandestine gas deposit, Batman ran away in October 27, 2008 from the Maximum Security Penitentiary Bangu 8, where he was arrested since August 2007. He left by the front door and there are accusations of him paying R$ 2 million to the SEAP employees. It should be registered also that the proceeding ALERJ 3991/2007, of February 09, 2007, designates Eduardo Teixeira Cruz, Ricardo Batman’s brother, to CCDAL-9, in state assembly member Natalino’s Office. 73 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The same session heard Mr. Marco Aurélio França Moreira, known as Marcão, deputy representative. Marcão said he is the leader of Comunidade Novo Rio, with around 1,500 inhabitants, bordering Cristiano Girão's leadership, who, according to Marcão, is the all-mighty of Gardênia Azul, acting as a real sheriff. Despite that, Marcão assured his knowledge on militia derives from what he learns by the news. According to him, the gas supply to his community comes from Gardênia Azul, as well as “gatonet”, of which central is managed by a woman known as “Loura”. The vans providing services to his community are also from the Gardênia Azul cooperative. He confirmed that Girão controls everything in Gardênia Azul community, including the charge of security fee, the only service Girão could not extend to Marcão’s community. When the state assembly member Gilberto Palmares asked whether there was gatonet in his house, Marcão said yes and that the Girão’s community clandestine central has never charged him by anything, probably due to his leadership in the other community. He assured that there is no drug dealing in the area. Marcão said the land on which the community lies was evicted by governor Anthony Garotinho (Proceeding E-09/150.234/2001 and E-15/368/2002, in act dated as of April 02, 2002 and published in the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro (DORJ)) and he constructed there the Centro Social Comunitário do Marcão, CNPJ (Brazilian Registry of Legal Entities) 04.718.893/0001-66, of which he is president. A second area was bought from Sondotécnica Engenharia de Solos S/A (deed from the 18th Notary’s Office, book 6827, page 104/106, act 050, of 10.03.2006), with RGI, in the amount of R$ 2.1 million, payment shared by the community members. The land was divided among the cooperated, who, by resolution of the meeting creating the community, had to hire Marcão’s contractor services. R$ 6 thousand was charged from each dweller. Therefore, it is important to check the copy to the IP 032-05339/2007, sent to this CPI. The document has several accusers declaring in the 32nd PS that around thousand people paid to Marcão R$ 1,500 each, in cash, plus R$ 6 thousand in installments, for a land of around 27 m2 with a house already constructed, but they had not received it yet. Marcão had already against him the IP 032-05027/2003 (attempt of qualified homicide), IP 032-04252/2004 (qualified extorsions in sequence) as well as an APF issued on 31.10.2007, by flagrante delicto of qualified double theft (APF 032-06703/2007) in the Centro Social Comunitário do Marcão and in Marcão's restaurants (“RLPP – Restaurante Point do Pontal”, CNPJ 08.706.953/0001-81, located in Recreio, at Rua Gilka Machado, 162, in Praia do Pontal). 74 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Marcão said he made many records in the 32nd PS, due to constraints by Girão, even in 2004, when the declarant was in campaign supporting the candidate Rogério Bittar (PSB), inside Esporte Club Gardênia Azul. At that time, Girão took the microphone from his hands and said in front of many witnesses that only those indicated by him, Girão, could make campaign there. And if he, Girão, was not elected, "people would suffer the consequences ". Marcão said he informed all these not only to the 32nd PS (03204598/2004; 032-02273/2004), but to judge Marcus Faver, the then president of TRE-RJ (Protocol 41211/2004), to the General Unified Comptroller’s Office of the Civil, Military and Military Fire Brigade, but nothing seemed to be done about that. He warned that, should he be murdered, the first to be investigated must be Girão. He said chief of police Pedro Paulo teases him, maybe because he is black, while protects Girão. He confirmed that there were many comments in the place about a maid of sgt. Girão, who would have been tortured after being caught in a theft and was never seen again. When he was shown a list of investigations against him – by the State Prosecutor’s Office by fraud and irregular installment charging by urban land (art. 50, I and III, qualified by art. 50, sole paragraph, item I, all in Act 6,766/79 c/c art. 171, head provision – at least fifteen times -, under art. 71 of the Criminal Code and under art. 69 of the certificate mentioned above, as well as in the accusation signed, on 30.06.2008, by prosecutors Márcia Teixeira Velasco and Christiane Monnerat, in the light of the Police Investigation 5339/2007, of the 32nd PS), registries in the 32nd PS, of community dwellers alleging that Marcão obliged them to pay R$ 7.00 monthly (RO 4252, of 10.09.2004, from the 32nd PS) - Marcão admitted he was caught by stealing electric energy in the Centro Social as well as in the restaurant. He confirmed the existence of the monthly charge of R$ 7.00, but he said the payment is facultative and destined to the cooperative. On October 7, 2008, the CPI held a session with the assembly member Jorge Babu (Jorge Luiz Hauat, of PT) and his brother Elton Jorge Hauat (Elton Babu, elected city council member on October 5, 2008, by PT, with 11,279 votes). Their calling was due to documentation received by the CPI, in which several agencies of the State indicates the assembly member as head of militia and his brother as candidate to the same militia 75 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The assembly member Jorge Babu, as Civil Police Inspector/RJ, was subject matter of investigation of the Internal Comptroller’s Office of the PCERJ (IP 031/2007), which ended up accusing him for extortion and conspiracy formation. He was also accused by the State Prosecutor’s Office as head of militia, responsible for several crimes in the Comunidade da Foice, in Pedra de Guaratiba (Information Parts 2008.062.00014). The State Prosecutor’s Office pronounced the detention of all indicated, but the assembly member Jorge Babu was released due to constitutional protection, according to the records (judge Antonio Eduardo F. Duarte, rapporteur to the proceeding 2008.065.00017). In compliance with the warrant of arrest issued by judge Antonio Eduardo F. Duarte, days before the 2008 elections, in the records of proceeding 2008.065.00017, in the local dwellers’ association of Comunidade da Foice, together with Elton Babu electoral propaganda were found letters of dwellers and copies to voter’s registration cards, as well as payment receipts, as evidences to the existence of curral eleitoral and purchase of votes. In their call by the CPI to explain the facts, Jorge and Elton Babu preferred their sessions to be closed. The assembly member Jorge Babu denied all facts and said he is teased due to his political opinions. He assured that no evidence of militia activity was shown against him, and asked the accusation made by the General State Prosecutor’s Office to be read with further attention by the CPI. According to him, Jorge Babu, the accusation would be found as nonsense, and so it was, as the Justice Court did not even receive it. The assembly member added that he has never seen any accusation failing to be received by the Judiciary Branch, but he is sure of his discharge. As far as the city council member elected Elton Babu testimony concern, he denied the curral eleitoral constitution and the purchase of votes, stating that he got only 54 votes in Favela da Foice 76 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY As to the representative Marcelo Itagiba, on September 16, 2008 an official letter was sent requesting the appointment of date, place and time for his collaboration by testimony to the CPI. The representative said he was not available. But he sent another official letter, stating his 70,057 votes were due to his combat to crime. And he did not schedule date, place and time for his session. After receiving a new official letter from the CPI, dated as of October 7, 2008, the representative sent his answer, scheduling his testimony to October 24, 2008, at 10 AM. After the deliberating meeting required, the Committee, on October 21, 2008, informed that the session could not be held on the date and time scheduled, suggesting October 31, 2008 to be the new date, at the same time. In another official letter dated as of the same October 21, 2008 the representative Marcelo Itagiba answered he had no other date available, only that he suggested. Due to the incompatibility of agendas, the Committee, on October 23, sent another official letter to the representative Itagiba, demanding him to choose any date and time which he found best, until November 7, 2008. It suggested, however, the date of November 3. On the same day, October 23, around 7:30 PM, the representative Itagiba answered, informing that despite all the documented communication, he would come on the next day, i.e., October 24. And so he did, but with no effect, as the CPI was not under meeting, as he was prior informed. He met the CPI's president, assembly member Marcelo Freixo, participating in a public hearing of the Permanent Committees of Human Rights and Public Security, and rushed to tell that he could not appear in any date until November 07, and suggesting written questions to be sent. During a meeting on October 30, the Committee, without choice, decided to send written questions. The questions were approved during the meeting of November 6, 2008 and immediately forwarded to the representative’s office, who confirmed their acceptance. The whole documentation regarding these facts is attached in a specific appendix." 77 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY In the light of several evidences presented by the records of this CPI of your failure to take effective measures to combat militias during your office as the State of Rio de Janeiro Security subsecretary and secretary, period in which they had great growth, and of your, to say the least, participation in governmental actions which provided physical, logistic and human support to the militia activity in areas where their control and their leaders are public and notoriously known, in addition to your making electoral campaign within these areas, with explicit support from several militia leaderships, with many votes from these, the Committee decided to make the following QUESTIONS TO THE REPRESENTATIVE MARCELO ITAGIBA 01) Were you a coordinator/head of the Federal Police (FP) Intelligence? 02) Were you a Federal Police commissioner in Rio de Janeiro, after being chief of the Drugs Combat Unit? In which period? 03) Were you a Security subsecretary of the State of Rio de Janeiro in the administration of the then secretary Garotinho? In which period? 04) Were you a Security Secretary of the State of Rio de Janeiro? In which period? 05) Did you know the city council member/RJ Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz of DEM ("Nadinho de Rio das Pedras")? What was/is your level of acquaintance? 06) Did you know the Military Fire Brigade/RJ sargent Cristiano Girão Matias ("Cristiano Girão" or "Girão"), recently elected as city council member in Rio de Janeiro by PMN? What was/is your level of acquaintance? 07) Did you know Getúlio Rodrigues Gamas, president of the Vans Cooperative of Vans de Rio das Pedras ("Getúlio das Vans")? What was/is your level of acquaintance? 08) Did you know the Civil Police inspector Félix dos Santos Tostes ("Inspector Félix" or "Félix")? What was your level of acquaintance? 09) During a testimony given to this CPI on 09.09.08, the city council member Nadinho de Rio das Pedras, said, spontaneously, that, in the last government (Rosinha Garotinho) there was no combat to militias. When he compared the prior and the current activity of the Security Department, the city council member Nadinho stated that now: “Rio das Pedras is now under a very strong intervention to fight militia”, and then he said this did not happened in the prior government 78 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Nadinho said also that the deceased inspector Felix (on which you published an article) made, together with other leaderships from Rio das Pedras, your campaign for representative in that region. 09.1) What do you have to explain, accurate and concretely, about all statements above? 09.2) Did you make personal campaign in Rio das Pedras, and inside Castelo das Pedras, in particular? If so, please say when and whether you were together with other candidates or politicians already holding office; 10) With the same spontaneity as above mentioned, sgt. Cristiano Girão said to this CPI that you, as well as the former representative Álvaro Lins dos Santos, not only made campaign within areas dominated by militias, but, as he emphasized, have been to: Rio das Pedras, Curicica, Gardênia Azul and Praça Seca. - What do you have to explain, accurate and concretely, about all statements above? 11) Getúlio das Vans from Rio das Pedras, has declared as well, before this CPI, that he has supported your campaign within Rio das Pedras, as well as all the leaderships of that area did (Félix Tostes, MP major Dilo, the brothers Dalmir and Dalcemir). - What do you have to explain, accurate and concretely, about all statements above? 12) The representative Marina Magessi, also during her testimony to this CPI, said that there was no combat to militias before her candidacy, and said also that her whole activity was focused on drug dealing and that the investigations to militias were your responsibility, as Security secretary, which was not fulfilled. - What do you have to explain, accurate and concretely, about all statements above? 13) What were the concrete and effective measures taken to combat militias while you were Security subsecretary and then Security secretary? 13.1) Did you enacted any law that prevented the participation of police officers in militia groups? 79 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 13.2) How many people and who were accused or arrested? 13.1) How many illegal activities were stopped? 13.2) How many crime spots were shutdown? How many servants from the security area were removed from their functions? 13.6) How many of them had their gun, badge, uniform, vest and other estates returned? 13.7) Have any police officer been punished for participating in a militia group? Who were they, what kind of punishment they had? 14) In 2005, you, as Security secretary, established the first Community Policing Station in Rio das Pedras, by request of the Local Dweller’s Association. 14.1) Who made the request at that time? 14.2) Who was the president of that Association? 14.3) Which were the military police officers who went to work there? 14.4) Who designated them to this job? 15) Cristiano Girão, in the same testimony mentioned above, added that, during the Rosinha Garotinho’s Government, he had a position of trust in Palácio Guanabara, he was a special assessor. He said also that he got that way a police station to be placed inside Gardênia Azul, in that period, when you were the Security secretary. 15.1) Who were the police officers designated to work there? 15.2) Who nominated them? 15.3) Did you intermediate such police officers nominations and allocations, or the placement of the police station? 16) You know as we do of the difficulty we face when making campaign in areas dominated by criminal groups. The authorization from the “owners” of these areas, such as Rio das Pedras and Gardênia Azul, was a requirement so that we could go there. In spite of that, in Vitória – Muzema farm, at the same region, the space where they held/hold balls was with a chart of your campaign back grounding the stage. 16.1) Who allowed you to make your campaign in that area? And what about in that farm? 16.2) Did you appear to the ball on 27/09/2006 where your chart was starring the stage? 16.3) Who are/were the in charge of managing such space? 80 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 16.4) Do you know who are/were the habitués to the place? 16.5) Did you know the Vitória Farm is a place of pedophilia practice? 17) Did you made campaign (“dobradinha”) with the former Civil Police head, Álvaro Lins, the then candidate to the state assembly, in the 2006 elections? 18) How many votes did you have in the regions of Rio das Pedras and of Gardênia Azul in the last elections? What do you think that may have helped such an outstanding voting? 19) Are you aware that these areas are dominated by militias just now, despite the whole disclosure and notoriously of this facts for so many years? 20) Did you write an article to the newspaper O Dia with the name “A quem interessa a morte do Félix? (To whom does Felix’s death bother?)”. What was your intention with this article? Was it a “tribute to Félix”? 21) How did you met Félix? Who introduced you to him? Did you know he were always armed with fusil by the streets of Rio de Janeiro, even in his days off? 22) Did you appear to the pagodes on Sundays, at the main square of Rio das Pedras? 23) Were you introduced to the community in such square? By whom? 24) Do you know the journalist Débora Farah? Did you know she was the main assessor to Félix? 25) Did she participate somehow of your campaign to representative? 26) Did you keep phone and/or radio communications with Félix? What were the numbers and/or IDs (of yours and his) used? 27) Did you use to visit Félix’s house in Condomínio Floresta Country Clube? 28) Did you think his life style and estate were compatible to his police officer wage? 29) Did you have any influence on Inspector Félix’s allocation to the Office of the then head of the Civil Police Ricardo Hallack in 2006 (he succeeded the Chief of Police Álvaro Lins when he left to be candidate to the state assembly? 30) Did you know Inspector Félix was a militia leader in Rio das Pedras? 81 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 31) Taking into account that you had several offices in the Security area, was the information on criminality in the State the main source? 32) Were you aware in the several positions you held of the existence of the groups socalled militiamen? If so, what information did you received? When? 33) What do you think about the militiamen groups current activity and that of the time when you were Security secretary? 34) What do you think of the last government security agencies’ opinion of militia being a least evil? 35) Did you ever think that way as well? The Representative Itagiba did not answered. This Committee, with duly grounds and after the deliberation required, decided to cease the secrecy of estate, tax and banking data of several people subject matter to investigation. The Committee has forwarded such demand to the Federal Revenue on July 25, 2008. In meetings with the then commissioner’s office, he said everything was correct and the information would be sent to the CPI. However, due to the extreme delay in the answer, the Committee has formally and personally restated the data request, and on November 3, 2008, the answer was that the state CPI has no power to cease secrecies. Because of that, the Committee appealed to the Assembly Attorney’s Office, who appealed to the Highest Federal Court to get a decision forcing the Revenue to provide the information on the possible militia leaderships in the Cities of Rio de Janeiro and Duque de Caxias. Unfortunately, the Highest Federal Court did not accept the preliminary request. Therefore, this Report does not include the data the CPI deems as important to outline a more accurate board of militias activity. The data requested to the Federal Revenue are the following: 82 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY PROBABLE MILITIAS LEADERS IN THE CITY OF RIO DE JANEIRO AND DUQUE DE CAXIAS, WITH POSSIBLE FIGUREHEADS OR DUMMIES Rio de Janeiro Campo Grande Leaders: Jerônimo Guimarães Filho (“Jerominho”) CPF no. 368.640.487-72 Natalino José Guimarães (“Natalino”) CPF no. 482.943.817-72 Luciano Guinândo Guimarães (“Luciano” / Jerominho’s son) CPF n° 081.874.697-14 André Luiz da Silva Malvar (“Malvar” / Jerominho’s son-in-law) CPF no. 014.060.887-73 Figureheads/ Dummies Eliene Guinâncio Guimarães (Jerominho’s wife) CPF no. 892.532.647-72 Vera Lucia Rabello da Silva Guimarães (Natalino’s wife) CPF no. 026.200.207-86 Carmen Glória Guimarães Carneiro (Jerominho’s daughter) CPF no. 078.992.947-38 Helen Patrícia Guimarães Malvar (Malvar’s wife/ Jerominho’s daughter) CPF no. 037.945.767-99 Cesar Guinâncio Guimarães CPF no. 035.597.227-13 Honório Gurgel Leaders: Fabrício Fernandes Mirra (“Mirra”) CPF no. 051.683.807-51 Fábio Gomes Coutinho (“FB”) CPF no. 052.068.597-02 Jacarepaguá - Rio das Pedras Leaders: Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz (“Nadinho”) CPF no. 001.487.361-03 CPF no. 025.706.877-58 Epaminondas de Queiroz Medeiros Júnior (“Queiroz”) CPF no. 670.872.217-87 Dalcemir Pereira Barbosa (“Dalcemir”) CPF no. 790.943.687-49 Dalmir Pereira Barbosa (“Dalmir”) CPF no. 693.476.707-15 Getulio Rodrigues Gama (“Getúlio”) CPF no. 496.103.687-00 83 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Dilo Pereira Soares Júnior (“Dilo”) CPF no. 981.037.507-78 Figureheads/ Dummies: Maria Tereza Oliveira de Queiroz (Queiroz’s wife) CPF no. 010.446.967-61 Eliana de Queiroz Medeiros (Queiroz’s relative) CPF no. 659.674.617-87 Glaucia Costa Alves (Queiroz’s current de facto partner) CPF no. 851.698.707-87 Rosangela Alcântara Barbosa (Dalmir’s wife) CPF no. 814.159.077-49 Madalena Barros Turques (Turques’s relative) CPF no. 339.767.401-87 Andréa de Souza Santana Soares (Dilo’s wife) CPF no. 910.608.507-53 Felix dos Santos Tostes (deceased) CPF no. 455.374.887-87 Deborah Farah (connection with Félix) CPF no. 785.319.187-15 Gardênia Azul Leader: Cristiano Girão Matias (“Girão”) CPF no. 004.668.847-10 Figureheads/ Dummies Sueli Castro Girão (Girão’s wife) CPF no. 492.292.307-15 Solange Ferreira Vieira (Girão’s business partner) CPF no. 730.772.247-04 Fábio Menezes Leão (Fabinho / Connection with Girão) CPF no. 003.353.977-43 Curicica Leader: Eduardo José da Silva (“Zezinho Orelha”) CPF no. 591.711.037-91 Praça Seca and Campinho Leader: Luiz Monteiro da Silva (“Doen”) CPF no. 591.282.167-68 Praça Seca Vila Valqueire Leader: Luiz André Ferreira da Silva (“Deco”) CPF no. 018.625.427-08 84 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Bangu Leaders: Enio Sena Fiocchi (“Ênio”) CPF no. 825.075.467-00 Flávio Sena Fiocchi (“Flávio”) CPF no. 020.864.107-60 Figureheads/ Dummies: Luciana dos Santos Fiocchi (Flávio’s wife) CPF no. 020.908.517-75 Duque de Caxias Leaders: Sebastião Ferreira da Silva (“Chiquinho Grandão”) CPF no. 997.352.707-06 On the 3rd, the press publicized the indictment, by the Federal Police (PF), including for money laundering, of several militia members, as well as some of their wives. That led the CPI (Parliamentary Committee of Investigation) to immediately address official letters, formally and in person, to the PF, in order to obtain the corresponding documentation. The copy to the said inquiry (IPL no. 1585/2008- DELEFAZ/DREX/SR/DPF/RJ) was sent to the CPI, listing the indicted persons per criminal organization, extortion and money laundering, as follows: Military Firefighter Sergeant and elected City Councilor CRISTIANO GIRÃO; City Councilor JERÔNIMO GUIMARÃES FILHO; State Assembly Member NATALINO GUIMARÃES; PM (Military Police) Captain EPAMINONDAS DE QUEIROZ M. JÚNIOR; PM Major DILO PEREIRA SOARES JÚNIOR; PM Sergeant and City Councilor GEISO PEREIRA TURQUES; PM Sergeant DALMIR PEREIRA BARBOSA; Journalist DALCEMIR PEREIRA BARBOSA; Civil Police Officer FABIO MENEZES LEÃO; Former PM Sergeant ÊNIO SENA FIOCCHI; Military Firefighter Officer FLÁVIO SENA FIOCCHI; Also indicted for money laundering, GLAUCIA COSTA ALVES (Captain Queiroz’s current de facto partner) and ANDREA DE SOUZA SANTANA SOARES (Major Dilo’s wife). 85 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY List of people over which there are evidences of involvement with militias: Luciano Guinancio Guimarães, Jerominho’s son, fomer SD PMERJ; André Luiz da Silva Malvar, former Civil Police Officer; Eduardo Marinho dos Santos; Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra; Álvaro Lins dos Santos (former Civil Police Chief and former State Assembly Member/RJ); Luiz Monteiro Doen (PTC; sergeant, of the 22nd BPM – Military Police Battalion); Epaminondas de Queiroz Medeiros Junior (DEM; Captain RR PMERJ); Glaucia Costa Alves (Captain Queiroz’s wife); Marco Aurélio França Moreira; Eduardo José da Silva ("Zezinho Orelha"; CPF [Individual Taxpayer’s Register] n° 591.711.03791); Getúlio Rodrigues Gamas; Ricardo Teixeira, a.k.a. "Batman"; José Carlos Silva (former PM, expelled in 1999, a.k.a. Tropeço); Mazinho (Josimar José da Silva, former civil police officer, already dismissed); Marciel Paiva de Souza; "Marquinho Desipe" (= Marco Antonio dos Santos Lopes, registration number 822.668-3, IFP (Identity Card) 9.341.484-5); Jorge Luiz de Souza, a.k.a. Ganso; Carlos Fernando de Souza, a.k.a. Zeca; civil police officer Wallace de Almeida Pires, a.k.a. Robocop; PMERJ José Rogaciano Pereira, a.k.a. Nilson Paraíba; João Monteiro da Silva (a.k.a. João do Facão, Doen’s brother) ; Paulo Ferreira Júnior, a.k.a. Paulino do gás; Hélio Albino Filho, o Lica; Marco Aurélio França Moreira; Ivana Turques de Souza; Leandrinho Quebra-Ossos (= Leandro Paixão Viegas, also known as Fantasma); Jorge Alberto Moreth, a.k.a. "Beto Bomba"; "Paulo Barraco" (= Paulo Eduardo da Silva Azevedo, reformed PM – Military Police Officer); PM sergeant Chico Bala; Ricardo Teixeira Cruz (former SD PMERJ, a.k.a. Batman, expelled from the PMERJ in 1992); PMERJ Alfredo Carlos Cândido de Oliveira; military skydiver from the Brazilian Marine Corps Carlos Eduardo Marinhos dos Santos (a.k.a. Marinho and others); Fabrício Fernandes Mirra ("Mirra") CPF n° 051.683.807-51; Fabio Gomes Coutinho ("FB") CPF n° 052.068.597-02; Dalcemir Pereira Barbosa ("Dalcemir") CPF no. 790.943.687-49; Dalmir Pereira Barbosa ("Dalmir") CPF n° 693.476.707-15; Dilo Pereira Soares Júnior ("Dilo") CPF n° 981.037.507-78; Andrea de Souza Santana Soares (major Dilo’s wife); Enio Sena Fiocchi ("Ênio" - former SGT PM) CPF no. 825.075.467-00; Flávio Sena Fiocchi ("Flávio" - CB Military Firefighter Corps) CPF no. 020.864.107-60; Fábio Menezes Leão (PCERJ Inspector); Alexandre Barbosa Batista, CB PMERJ RG 58.214, as known as "Batista"; Jean Cosmo Ferreira de Almeida; Jorge Henrique Alves dos Santos, CB PM RG 62.362, a.k.a. "Rambo"; Luciano Severino da Silva; Wilbert dos Reis de Souza, a.k.a. Tuiuiú; Noelson Ribeiro de Azevedo, a.k.a. "Playboy"; Tiago Costa Dantas (APF 022-0693/2007); Flávio 86 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Ferreira dos Santos; Gelson dos Santos Reis, a.k.a. Xaxá; Fernando Cesar de Souza Barcellos (PMERJ, 16th BPM); André Luis de Oliveira Lima (CB PMERJ); Antônio Souza dos Santos; Francisco Pereira da Silva Filho; Pedro Henrique Carvalho de Oliveira; Alexander Santos da Silva; Diego Fonseca dos Santos; Itamar Clementino de Oliveira; Edmar Luiz Martins Ribeiro;Carlos Jorge Silva Ramos (a.k.a. Tati PM, SD PMERJ, RG 69.400); Alan Moreira da Silva; Eduardo Chagas; Alexandre da Silva Monteiro (a.k.a. Popeye, former SD PMERJ; born on 02.21.1971); Juninho Perneta (Edson Lima Calles Júnior); Júlio César Oliveira dos Santos (PM, RG 35.944), a.k.a. "Julinho Tiroteio"; Civil Police Inspector Jairo Mello de Souza, 176.401-8; Marco Antônio dos Santos Lopes (a.k.a. "Marquinho Desipe"); Gladson dos Santos Gonçalves (Civil Police Officer); Alcemir Silva (a.k.a. Fumão); Alexandre Walter Costa, a.k.a. Ventura, who is a Military Police Officer; José Carlos Silva (former PM, expelled in 1999, a.k.a. Tropeço); CB PMERJ of the 27th BPM Wellington Vaz de Oliveira; sgt. PM of the 25th BPM Francisco César Silva Oliveira (a.k.a. Chico Bala); CB PMERJ of the 27th BPM Rogério Alves de Carvalho; Raphael Moreira Dias; Fábio Gomes Coutinho, a.k.a. FB (would be assistant to city councilor Luis André); Alexander Dantas de Mello Alves, a.k.a. Dantas or Pera; Marcos Gregório Siqueira da Silva, a.k.a. Zero; Luciano Galdino Carneiro, a.k.a. Luck; Adilson de Andrade Pessanha, a.k.a. Russo; Nelson Siqueira Gonçalves Filho, a.k.a. 888.350-6); Robson da Silva Lacerda, a.k.a. Gago or Geléia; Felipe Evangelista Adão, a.k.a. Angolinha; André Marcos de Souza; Damião Juvino da Silva; Erinaldo Juvino Silva, a.k.a. Nem or Farinha; Eliseu Adão, a.k.a. Angola; Alex Domingos da Silva, a.k.a. Sacura or Sakura; Ricardo Batista dos Santos (sgt PM, RG 48.712); Sd PM Fabrício Fernandes Mirra ("Mirra"); Adilson de Andrade Pessanha; André Marcos de Souza; Felipe Evangelista Adão ("Angolinha"); Luciano Galdino Carneiro; Robson da Silva Lacerda; Odinei Fernando da Silva (Civil Police Inspector , at the 22nd DP (Police Department), a.k.a. Águia or Zero Um); Davi Liberato Araújo (a.k.a. Zero dois); Alexandre de Souza Ferreira (a.k.a. Broa); José Antônio Rachel de Souza (who called himself Paulo, but who is known as "Boi"); André Luis de Mattos (a.k.a. Cocada); Wilson de Souza Guimarães and Gladson da Silva Leite (a.k.a. PI); Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra (former PMERJ); Vanderson Navegantes Azevedo; Luciano Sabino da Silva; Wallace Moreira de Oliveira; Rodrigo Mendes de Jesus; PMERJ Airton Padilha de Menezes (PMERJ, RG 47.357); "Escangalhado" (Herbert Canijo da Silva, former PM, Identity No. 06.864.150-5); former PM "Popeye" (= Alexandre da Silva Monteiro); "Gaguinho" (= 3rd SGT BM RG 14123, Carlos Alexandre Silva Cavalcante); 87 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Marciel Paiva de Souza; Tiago Nogueira de Barros;Fábio Pereira de Oliveira (a.k.a. Fabinho Gordo); reformed PMERJ Gelson Torres; André Luiz da Silva Senra (a.k.a. Cabeção); Daniel Salles Santana; Samber Barbosa de Souza; Juarez de Oliveira Alves; PMERJ Marcelo Domingues (a.k.a. Cavalo); Roberto Borba da Conceição (a.k.a. Dedé); Adriano Gonzaga dos Santos (a.k.a. Camelo); PM Róscio Ferreira de Barros; Eduardo Ferreira de Andrade, who claims to be an officer from the Fire Department; PMERJ William de Paula; PMERJ Marcelo Ribeiro da Silva; PMERJ Renato Neves de Carvalho; PMERJ Wilson Vaz da Silva; Luiz Antônio Félix da Rocha; Wilton Rodrigues de Oliveira; Guilherme Carlos Silva; Vagner da Silva Dantas; Clauton Augusto Brito; Moisés Pereira Maia Júnior (PM); Leonardo Nunes Cassiano (CPF 096.664.777-77); Roni Salvino Batista (Identity No. 08337208-6); Maria das Graças Bernardes; PM Alexandre Broa; Airton Padilha de Menezes (reformed PM, RG 47.357); SGT PM Alonso dos Santos Olanda; Luis Fernando Pereira Garcia Júnior; Gledson Barboza da Cruz; Wagner Rezende de Miranda; Carlos Jorge Cunha (Lieutenant-Colonel of the PMERJ); Carlos Eduardo Marinho dos Santos (a.k.a. Marinho, marine skydiver); Alfredo Carlos Cândido de Oliveira; Davinilson Freitas dos Santos (a.k.a. Júnior); Sebastião Soares Nogueira Neto (a.k.a. Tiãozinho); Carlos José Dias; Thiago Sant‘Anna dos Santos; Leonardo Moraes de Andrade; Roberto de Lima; Antônio Carlos dos Santos Pinto (a.k.a. Aranha); SD PM RG 58.573 Marcelo Adrien de Cerqueira, of the BPVE (Police Battalion on Special Routes); Cláudio Márcio Ribeiro de Castilho (a.k.a. Claudinho); PMERJs: Adilson de Almeida Siqueira; Átila Luis Castro de Souza; Fábio Fortunato Costa; Ricardo de Azevedo Tinoco; Ulisses da Costa Batista and Sílvio Pacheco Fontes; Cláudio Márcio Ribeiro de Castilho (a.k.a. Claudinho); Michel Cunha de Carvalho; Silvio Pacheco Fontes (PM); PM Ivilson Umbelino de Lima (RG 65.421, RPMont, a.ka. Bibico;), Marconi Alves do Nascimento (PM of 24th BPM), PM Adjan Jardim Matoso Pereira, Alessandro Barroca Lima (former PM), Paulo Sérgio Lopes da Silva, Ozeas Gonçalves de Almeida Filho (former PM), Bruno César de Santana (former PM), Wallace Luigi da Silva Langa (a.k.a. PQD, Brazilian Army Officer, at the Parachute Infantry Battalion, in the Military Borough), Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra (former PM), Carlos Eduardo Benevides Gomes (a.k.a. Filé, PMERJ, Civil Police Officer José Lino Filho, registration number 264.623-0-, serving at the 63rd DP; 2nd TEN (Tenant) Edmar Silva de Souza; 1st TEN Luiz Torquato da Silva; Antonio de Souza dos Santos; Jorge Henrique Alves dos Santos; Alexandre Barbosa Batista; Roberto Ramos dos Santos Júnior; Fernando César de Souza Barcellos; Alessandro Fiel Lopes; Antônio Sérgio Fraga de Andrade Júnior; SD PM Carlos 88 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Henrique Garcia Ramos; SD PM Jeferson Carlos Rocha Alves and SD PM Rodolfo Jorge da Cunha Ramos; SGT Cláudio Germano da Silva; Wagner de Souza e Souza; Denys de Almeida de Oliveira; Eduardo Henrique Eugênio da Silva; Felipe Augusto Wenderroscky de Souza and Eduardo Augusto Fernando de Souza; Alexander Dantas de Mello Alves; Edmar Silva de Souza (tenant); Luiz Torquato da Silva (tenant) and Sebastião Carlos dos Santos (SGT); Jorge Antônio Marcelino; Sérgio Alves Fernandes; Roberto Ramos dos Santos Júnior; Carlos Vicente Lopes Caldeiras; Izan Chaves de Melo; PM Cláudio Rodrigues de Azevedo, of the 1st BPM; Luis Carlos Vieira Silvério and Alexandre Luis Martins; 2nd SGT Fernandes of RCECS (Coronel Enyr Cony dos Santos Regiment); Marcos Lourenço Rocha; Alessandro Fiel Lopes; Toni Ângelo Souza de Aguiar; and SD PM Kenedy of the BPVE; João Carlos Leite; Sidnei Torres Mattos; Antônio Carlos Batista Martins; Alex Correia Pereira; Edson Ferreira Brandão; Márcio Patrocínio Pereira; Wilton de Figueiredo Silva; Marcelo Fagundes Alvarenga and Leandro Silva da Conceição; José Carlos Rangel Sales and Márcio Luis Nacif dos Santos; Allan Botelho Freire; Alexandre de Oliveira Nogueira; Marcio do Espirito Santo Mendonça; Luis Correa de Souza (PMERJ, RG 45.545); Juliano Gomes Soares; Jaider Reis de Siqueira; Vander Bruno Peçanha Alves; João Batista Florêncio da Silva; Alexandre Gomes Peres; Alexsander Marques dos Santos; Cristiano da Silva Canellas; Rodrigo Barbosa Ramalho (PMERJ, RG 79.152); Joel Pinto Filho; Ediney do Nascimento Gomes; Ricardo de Jesus Bezerra; Washington Luis da Silva e Silva (PMERJ); Artur Alves de Oliveira (PMERJ, RG 60.338); Renato Medeiros da Silva; Ricardo Bezerra de Jesus; Marcio Fontela Gomes; Braz Pereira Morais; Luciano Pereira Morais; Vanildo Chagas de Almeida; Rodrigo Correia Lima Furtado (PMERJ), Rodrigo Barbosa Ramalho (PMERJ of BPTUR – Tourist Police Battalion, RG 79.152) and his brother, Marcelo Barbosa Ramalho, Luis Cláudio Nascimento Macedo, a.k.a. Coelho and Clayton Sampaio de Campos; Gerson Machado, Daniel Quintanilha da Silveira and Jair Tostes da Gama; PMERJ, of the 27th BPM, Carlos Eduardo Benevides Gomes, a.k.a. Filé; military firefighter Wallace Castro Fernandes. List of notified people, requiring complementary investigations: Separately, as such people who are yet to be investigated shall have their names withheld. 89 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY CHAPTER III ELECTORAL PERFORMANCE 90 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY This analysis was made from the names of candidates denounced for possible liaisons with militias groups, invited or summoned to testify at the CPI. While analyzing these data, electoral maps, particularly in proportional elections, patterns of vote concentration are noticed in several locations denounced by various sources as being areas controlled by militias. Analyzing the votes per sections, locations and electoral zones of politicians investigated by the CPI in 2004 and 2006, it was possible to observe concentration of votes in some of the identified candidates with the areas claimed to be controlled by militias. It is worth reminding that this, by itself, does not mean that such candidates are necessarily connected with the militias from areas where they obtained concentration of votes. Nevertheless, due to the crossing with other accusations made by several sources to the CPI, high patterns of vote concentration can be deemed as a significant evidence. However, it is necessary to better analyze the correlation of different information sources and understand how the militias interact and/or enter the world of parliamentary politics. This summary points out at patterns of vote concentration of parliamentary candidates compatible with an electoral corral, established by means of coercion and/or patronage, in areas identified by the CPI as controlled by militias. From the data sent to the CPI by the Regional Electoral Court of Rio de Janeiro, a survey of the votes per location was carried out. In order to fully understand the dimension of the analyzed data, it is worth remembering the meanings of the venues they refer to, such as electoral zones, voting locations and sections. Electoral Zone is a state geographical delimitation which generally coincides with court divisions or judiciary districts of a state. Within each zone, there are its respective voting locations, or addresses where the electronic voting machines are placed, or sections. Considering the possibility of concentration of votes due to coercion and/or patronage, we sought to analyze the concentration of votes by location. For each analyzed candidate, the total of valid votes was considered in each voting location in the 2004 and 2006 elections and how many voters cast their votes on them. The list of these figures in percentage represents the concentration of votes per location. 91 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Such locations where the subjects of the CPI investigation presented a concentration equal or higher than 15% were pointed out as having a high concentration of votes. If we analyze the electoral history in the country, we shall notice that the average pattern of vote concentration per location of candidates in proportional elections varies around 10% when there is no electoral corral. Therefore, we have established as parameter, the concentration of 15% of votes in voting locations as a benchmark of an extremely high pattern. The tables presented in the text identify, for each subject of the CPI investigation, the locations where high concentrations of votes have been observed. In addition to pointing out the degree of voting concentration per location, the tables indicate the respective location and the neighborhood where it is situated. The order in which the investigation subjects are presented is the same in which they have been invited/ summoned to testify at the CPI. NADINHO DE RIO DAS PEDRAS Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz (as known as Nadinho de Rio das Pedras) ran in 2004 for the office of city councilor with number 25100, by Brazilian political party PFL, and was elected with a total of 34,764 votes. 66.90% of these votes come from zones 179 (which includes Rio das Pedras, Gardênia Azul, Anil, Jardim Clarisse, Pechincha, cidade de Deus and Jacarepaguá), 13 (which includes Freguesia, in Jacarepaguá) and 119 (which includes Barra da Tijuca, Alto da Boa Vista and Itanhangá) as shown in graph 1. There is also a concentration of votes in voting locations within the same zones that can be observed in table 1 and graph 3. In addition to Nadinho de Rio das Pedras having been the most voted candidate of Zone 179, obtaining there 24.03% of the votes, the same zone represented, in the 2004 elections, with 15,239 votes, 43.84% of the candidate’s total votes. Of the votes from that zone, 13,509 came from Rio das Pedras, that is, 38.86% of the candidate's total votes were cast in electronic voting machines of Rio das Pedras, as it can be observed in graph 2. 92 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Graph 1 – DISTRIBUTION OF VOTES OF NADINHO DE RIO DAS PEDRAS PER ZONE NADINHO’S VOTING PER ZONE zone 179 zone 13 zone 119 OTHER ZONES Source: TRE/RJ (Regional Electoral Court/ Rio de Janeiro) 93 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Table 1 – CONCENTRATION OF VOTES OF NADINHO DE RIO DAS PEDRAS, IN THE 2004 ELECTION, BY DISTRICT CONCENTRATION OF VOTES BY LOCATION NADINHO DE RIO DAS PEDRAS 2004 CONCENTRATION LOCATION 69,03% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL RIO DAS PEDRAS (Municipal School) 65,13% CIEP LINDOLPHO COLLOR (State School) 64,51% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL JORGE AMADO (Municipal School) DISTRICT RIO DAS PEDRAS 63,84% CIEP GOVERNADOR ROBERTO DA SILVEIRA (State School) 60,12% CIAC EUCLIDES DA CUNHA (School) 19,11% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL VICTOR HUGO (Municipal School) 14,38% COLEGIO MV 1 (Private School) JACAREPAGUÁ 16,62% ITANHANGA GOLF CLUB ITANHANGA 28,14% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL MARIA CLARA MACHADO (Municipal School) ITANHANGA Source: TRE/ RJ 94 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Graph 2 – CONCENTRATION OF VOTES OF RIO DAS PEDRAS IN NADINHO RIO DAS PEDRAS’S VOTING Voters who voted in Nadinho Voters who did not vote in Nadinho Source: TRE/RJ 95 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Graph 3 – CONCENTRATION OF VOTES OF NADINHO BY LOCATION, IN THE DISTRICT OF RIO DAS PEDRAS, IN THE 2004 ELECTIONS CIAC EUCLIDES DA CUNHA CIEP LINDOLPHO COLLOR ESCOLA MUNICIPAL RIO DAS PEDRAS ESCOLA MUNICIPAL JORGE AMADO CIEP GOVERNADOR ROBERTO DA SILVEIRA ESCOLA MUNICIPAL VICTOR HUGO LOCAL VOTING PERCENTAGE CONCENTRATION OF VOTES OF NADINHO PER VOTING LOCATION IN RIO DAS PEDRAS VOTING LOCATIONS Source: TRE/RJ Nadinho de Rio das Pedras was also the most voted candidate to the office of city councilor of Zone 13 in the 2004 elections. This zone represented, with 5,465 nominal votes, 15.72% of the candidate’s total votes, reaching 12.23% of this zone electorate. Finally, in zone 119, more specifically in Itanhagá, the candidate’s voting in question is not so expressive anymore as in other mentioned zones, although he presents a considerable concentration of votes, even if lesser, in two locations of this zone. 96 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY GIRÃO Cristiano Girão Matias was candidate to the office of city councilor in 2004 by Brazilian political party PPS and ran with number 23233. In that election, Girão was not elected, but became a deputy councilor. In 2004, he received 7,745 votes, and 3,344 were in zone 179, that is, 43.18% of Girão’s votes in 2004 came from this zone. Whereas in 2006, he was candidate to State Assembly Member by Brazilian political party PHS, running with number 31233. Also in this year, he was not elected, but became a deputy State Assembly Member. In the 2006 election, he obtained a total 13,083 votes, of which 3,916 came from zone 179, totaling 29.93% of the cast votes. In this zone, Cristiano Girão was the third most voted candidate for State Assembly Member. We can notice a high concentration of votes in this candidate in the voting locations of Gardênia Azul, which can be observed in tables 2.1 and 2.2 respective to years 2004 and 2006. In 2004, when there was only one voting location in the district, the candidate obtained 1,504 nominal votes, equivalent to 37.96% of Gardênia Azul's votes. In 2006, there were two voting locations in Gardênia Azul, where the candidate obtained 1,559 votes, representing 27.96% of Gardênia Azul's votes. Table 2.1 – CONCENTRATION OF GIRÃO’S VOTES, IN THE 2004 ELECTION PER DISTRICT CONCENTRATION OF VOTES PER LOCATION GIRÃO 2004 CONCENTRATION 37,96% LOCATION DISTRICT ESCOLA PROFESSORA HELENA LOPES GARDÊNIA ABRANCHES (School) AZUL Source: TRE/RJ 97 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Table 2.2 – CONCENTRATION OF GIRÃO’S VOTES, IN THE 2006 ELECTION, PER DISTRICT CONCENTRATION OF VOTES PER LOCATION GIRÃO 2006 CONCENTRATION LOCATION ESCOLA DISTRICT MUNICIPAL HELENA LOPES ABRANCHES (Municipal School) 25,32% CRECHE MUNICIPAL GARDENIA AZUL (Day GARDÊNIA AZUL Nursery) 32,58% Source: TRE/RJ DECO Luiz André Ferreira da Silva, a.k.a. Luiz André Deco, ran, with number 56770, to the office of City Councilor in the 2004 elections by Brazilian political party PRONA. He was not elected, but became a deputy councilor. He obtained 5,348 votes, and 49.83% of these votes, which in absolute numbers add 2,665 votes, were in zone 185, which covers Campinho and Praça Seca. In only one place, he achieved 780 nominal votes, which represent 14.58% of the total votes reached by him. Table 3 – CONCENTRATION OF DECO’S VOTES, IN THE 2004 ELECTION PER DISTRICT CONCENTRATION OF VOTES PER LOCATION DECO 2004 CONCENTRATION LOCATION DISTRICT 26,40% CIEP ADELINO DE PALMA CARLOS PRAÇA SECA Source: TRE/RJ 98 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY MARINA MAGGESSI MARINA TERRA MAGGESSI DE SOUZA ran in 2006 to the office of Federal Representative with number 2315 by Brazilian political party PPS. With 55,031 votes, the candidate was elected with an extremely expressive voting, spread per several state zones. In none of the zones, Marina Maggessi concentrated votes per voting locations in an expressive manner, except for zone 119 which includes Itanhangá, Barra and Alto da Boa Vista, see table 4. She was the second most voted candidate to the office of federal representative in zone 119 in 2006. In this zone she obtained 2,943 votes. The candidate obtained 27.48% of the Alto da Boa Vista votes. Table 4 – CONCENTRATION OF MARINA MAGGESSI’S VOTES, IN THE 2006 ELECTION PER DISTRICT CONCENTRATION OF VOTES PER LOCATION MARINA MAGGESSI 2006 CONCENTRATION LOCATION 37,20% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL JOSÉ DA SILVA ARAÚJO 31,34% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL MATA MACHADO DISTRICT ALTO DA BOA 26,98% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL MENEZES VIEIRA 24,68% COLÉGIO SANTA MARCELINA VISTA Source: TRE/RJ Marina Maggessi obtained over 500 votes in more than 20 zones, exceeding one thousand votes in some of them. In none of these zones, however, there is an expressive concentration in voting locations. In zone 179 Maggessi obtained only 697 votes, which compared to the average voting standard, represents a modest result. Likewise, in zone 185 she only received 459 votes. 99 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY CHIQUINHO GRANDÃO SEBASTIÃO FERREIRA DA SILVA ran in 2004 to the office of city councilor by Brazilian political party PDT with n° 12640. With 7,511, Chiquinho Grandão was elected city councilor in the municipality of Duque de Caxias. It was practically in Zone 079 that he was elected, as 77.87% of his voting was concentrated there (see graph 4). In absolute numbers, there were 5,849 nominal votes in this zone, representing 8.65% of voters. The votes were especially concentrated in the districts of Parque Fluminense, São Bento and Muisa, see table 5. Graph 4 – CONCENTRATION OF VOTES OF CHIQUINHO GRANDÃO IN ZONE 79 NOMINAL VOTES IN CHIQUINHO GRANDÃO PER ZONE zone 079 other zones Source: TRE/RJ 100 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Table 5 – CONCENTRATION OF CHIQUINHO GRANDÃO’S VOTES, IN THE 2004 ELECTION PER DISTRICT CONCENTRATION OF VOTES PER LOCATION CHIQUINHO GRANDÃO 2004 CONCENTRATION LOCATION DISTRICT 19,52% Escola Municipal Paulo Freire (Municipal School) PARQUE FLUMINENSE 18,41% Escola Municipal Minas Gerais (Municipal School) PARQUE FLUMINENSE 19,27% Escola Estadual 7 de Setembro (State School) SÃO BENTO 17,35% Escola Municipal Nísia Vilela Fernandes (Municipal School) SÃO BENTO 16,39% 118 Vereador Vilson Campos Macedo SÃO BENTO 15,03% ASPAS Instituto Profissional São Bento SÃO BENTO Source: TRE/RJ GEISO DO CASTELO DAS PEDRAS GEISO PEREIRA TURQUES ran for the office of city councilor of São Gonçalo, in 2004, with number 14567 by Brazilian political party PTB. He became a deputy councilor obtaining a total of 4,456 votes, of which 2,697, or 60.53% came from zone 133 (which includes Amendoeira, Santa Isabel, Pacheco, Dummyl and Sacramento). In this zone, the candidate was the most voted. 101 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Despite the importance that this zone had in his voting, only one place presented a more expressive concentration, as it can be observed in table 6, with 649 nominal votes. Table 6 – CONCENTRATION OF GEISO TURQUES’S VOTES, IN THE 2004 ELECTION PER DISTRICT CONCENTRATION OF VOTES PER LOCATION GEISO PEREIRA TURQUES 2004 CONCENTRATION LOCATION DISTRICT 14,84% ESCOLA ESTADUAL ELISA MARIA DUTRA SACRAMENTO Source: TRE/RJ MARCÃO MARCO AURELIO FRANÇA MOREIRA, ran for the office of federal representative in 2006 by Brazilian political party PSC with number 2080. He achieved a total of 14,878 votes, of which 45.36% came from zones 179 (which covers Gardênia Azul, Rio das Pedras, Anil, Pechincha, and Cidade de Deus) and 182 (Curicica and Taquara). Marcão was the most voted candidate to the office of federal representative in Zone 182 and the second most voted in zone 179. In both zones, concentration of votes in the candidate are observed, as it can be seen in table 7. Marcão achieved 14.75% of the voters’ votes from Anil and 23.82% of the voters’ votes from Gardênia Azul. 102 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Table 7 – CONCENTRATION OF MARCÃO’S VOTES, IN THE 2006 ELECTION PER DISTRICT CONCENTRATION OF VOTES PER LOCATION MARCÃO 2006 CONCENTRATION LOCATION 23,93% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL HELENA LOPES ABRANCHES (Municipal School) DISTRICT GARDÊNIA CRECHE MUNICIPAL GARDENIA AZUL 23,62% AZUL (Day Nursery) CLASSE EM COOPERAÇÃO JULIANO MOREIRA 20,96% TAQUARA (Juliano Moreira Cooperation Class) 18,83% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL LINCOLN BICALHO ROQUE (Municipal School) CURICICA 16,51% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL MAL. CANROBERT P. DA COSTA (Municipal School) ANIL Source: TRE/RJ JORGE BABU JORGE LUIS HAUAT, ran in 2004, for the office of city councilor by Brazilian political party PT with number 13444 and was elected. He obtained a total of 24,532 votes, of which 64.31% came from zones 240 (which includes Santa Cruz), 125 (Santa Cruz, Cosmos and Paciência), 25 (Santa Cruz, Sepetiba, Pedra de Guaratiba and Praia da Brisa), 241 (Santa Cruz, Cosmos and Paciência) and 246 (Santa Cruz, Cosmos, Campo Grande, Paciência and Inhoaiba), see graph 5. In addition to having presented concentration of votes 103 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY in several localities of the mentioned zones, as it shall be observed in table 8.1., he also appears amongst the most voted candidates for the office of city councilor in all of them. Graph 5 – CONCENTRATION OF VOTES OF JORGE BABU IN THE 2004 ELECTION 2004 NOMINAL VOTING OF JORGE BABU PER ZONE other zones Source: TRE/RJ Babu was the most voted candidate to the office of city councilor in zone 240 with 4,846 votes, the second most voted in zones 25 and 125 with 2,953 and 4,044 votes respectively, the third in zone 246 with 2,336 votes and the fourth in zone 241 with 1,547 votes. 104 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Table 8.1- – CONCENTRATION OF JORGE BABU’S VOTES, IN THE 2004 ELECTION PER DISTRICT CONCENTRATION OF VOTES PER LOCATION JORGE BABU 2004 CONCENTRATION LOCATION 16,72% C.E. VANIA DO AMARAL MATIAS EDDE (State School) 15,84% COLEGIO OLIVEIRA FERREIRA V(Private School) 15,49% CIEP ROLAS - PRIMEIRO DE MAIO (State School) 14,86% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL ESPECIAL DR. HELIO PELEGRINO (Municipal School) 14,63% E.M. MERALINA DE CASTRO (Municipal School) 13,42% CASA DA CRIANCA JOAO CORREA (Children’s Shelter) 13,35% COLEGIO CUNHA MELO (Private School) 13,30% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL JOAQUIM DA SILVA GOMES (Municipal School) DISTRICT SANTA CRUZ Source: TRE/RJ Whereas in 2006, Babu ran for the office of State Assembly Member by PT with number 13444 and was also elected. He reached a total of 32,563 nominal votes, of which 64.42% came from zones 25, 125, 240, 241 and 246, see graph 6. 105 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Graph 6 – CONCENTRATION OF VOTES OF JORGE BABU PER ZONE IN THE 2006 ELECTION 2006 NOMINAL VOTING OF JORGE BABU PER ZONE other zones Source: TRE/RJ The candidate’s votes reproduced the standard of voting concentration per location (see table 8.2), observed in the preceding elections, keeping him amongs the most voted candidated in those zones: in zones 25 (with 5,812 votes), 125 (with 5,106 votes) and 240 (with 5,377 votes). He was the second most voted candidate in Zone 241 (with 2,386 votes) and the fourth in zone 246 (with 2,295 votes). In 2006 Santa Cruz had 40 voting locations, where 137,636 valid votes were distributed, of which 15.24% were for Jorge Babu. 106 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Table 8.2 – CONCENTRATION OF JORGE BABU’S VOTES, IN THE 2006 ELECTION PER DISTRICT CONCENTRATION OF VOTES PER LOCATION JORGE BABU 2006 CONCENTRATION LOCATION 17,33% E.M. MERALINA DE CASTRO (Municipal School) 16,77% COLEGIO OLIVEIRA FERREIRA (Private School) 15,47% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL JOAQUIM DA SILVA GOMES (Municipal School) 15,28% GP 392 MARIO DE ANDRADE 15,20% C.E. VANIA DO AMARAL MATIAS EDDE (State School) DISTRICT SANTA CRUZ 14,72% COLEGIO CUNHA MELO (Private School) 14,37% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL FERNANDO AZEVEDO – EMFA (Municipal School) 14,27% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL TENENTE RENATO CESAR (Municipal School) 13,73% ESCOLA MUNICIPAL PROFESSOR JOAO CARLOS VITAL (Municipal School) 14,35% CIEP HILDEBRANDO DE ARAUJO GOES (State School) PEDRA DE GUARATIBA Source: TRE/RJ 107 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY MARCELO ITAGIBA MARCELO ZATURANSKY NOGUEIRA ITAGIBA was elected with 70,057 votes for federal representative by Brazilian political party PMDB in the 2006 elections, in which he ran with number 1518. In zone 179 (which covers Rio das Pedras, Gardênia Azul, Anil, Pechincha and Cidade de Deus), in addition to having the most voted candidate to the office of federal representative, it was also the zone where he obtained the highest number of votes (4,085 which is equivalent to 5.83% of his votes). Within this zone, the only place where the candidate presented concentration of votes is situated, as per table 9. Table 9 – CONCENTRATION OF MARCELO ITAGIBA’S VOTES, IN THE 2006 ELECTION PER DISTRICT CONCENTRATION OF VOTES PER LOCATION MARCELO ITAGIBA 2006 CONCENTRATION LOCATION DISTRICT 18,16% Escola Municipal Adalgisa Monteiro (Municipal School) RIO DAS PEDRAS Source: TRE/RJ Eleições de 2008 In addition to the profile study of the concentration of votes of the CPI investigation subjects in the 2004 and 2006 elections, we also had the opportunity of observing the voting of some candidates to the office of city councilor in the 2008 elections, as these date were sent in .pdf file to the CPI by the TRE/RJ. Nevertheless, there was no information such as the total valid votes per zone, location and section in those files. Thus, it was not possible to tell the voting concentration percentage in each location. 108 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY However, it was possible to indicate the zones where the candidates present a different voting profile from the rest. We noticed that the candidates to the office of city councilor in 2008, Cristiano Girão, Elton Babu and Carminha Jerominho present evidence of concentration of votes. Cristiano Girão’s voting, city councilor elected by Brazilian political party PMN in 2008, with a total of 10,445 votes, presented different patterns in zones 13, 179 and 180, repeating those from his two last candidatures. Whereas Elton Babu, who was a first-time candidate, could be elected with 11,279 votes, by PT. The zones that present the highest number of votes per section are zones 25, 125, 240 and 241, similar to his brother Jorge Babu. Finally, Carminha Jerominho, elected with 22,068 votes, by Brazilian political party PTdoB, presents a very different voting pattern in zones 122, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245 and 246, which includes Campo Grande. CONCLUSION By analyzing the electoral profile of the candidates focused by the militias CPI, we concluded that the votes of Nadinho de Rio das Pedras, Girão, Deco, Chiquinho Grandão, Geiso Turques and Marcão present a high concentration of votes which indicates the existence electoral corrals, that is, by means of coercion and/or patronage, in areas identified by the CPI as controlled by militias. Considering the standard of voting concentration per location of Jorge Babu, together with the ranking of most voted candidate in the zones where concentration was presented, we can affirm that there are evidences of electoral corral that must be investigated by the Public Prosecution Service. Marcelo Itagiba, who was secretary of Public Security of the State of Rio de Janeiro, between 2003 and 2006, present evidence of use of electoral corral in zone 179, especially in Rio das Pedras, a place controled by militia. Marina Maggessi had a concentration of votes in the region of Alto da Boa Vista, Itanhangá and Barra, areas, however, not identified by the CPI as controlled by militias. Ezequiel do Canarinho does not present signs or indication of electoral corral. 109 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY PROPOSED FORWARDINGS It is understood as necessary that the Public Electoral Prosecution Service investigate those candidates who presented evidence of electoral corral. Likewise, it is being forwarded to the TRE, in order to avoid the formation of electoral corrals by means of coercion or patronage, the urgency of emphatic preventive actions in the future elections as well as a comparative study of the deviant patterns of the voting profiles of all candidates. It is recommended to the competent body, a complete analysis of the voting profile of elected city councilors Girão, Carminha Jerominho and Elton Babu regarding the 2008 election. It is also indicated to the Public Electoral Prosecution Service the need to investigate the list of other elected candidates who have been denounced to the CPI due to involvement with militias. They are: • City Councilor Nelson Ruas dos Santos ("Capitão Nelson") - PSC (Social Christian Party), elected with 6,095 votes by the municipality of São Gonçalo; • PM (Military Police Officer) Jonas Gonçalves da Silva ("Jonas e Nós") – candidate to city councilor by the Municipality of Duque de Caxias, Political Party, PPS – Socialist People’s Party – elected with 7,085 votes; • Mayor Carlos Bussato Júnior ("Prefeito Charles" or "Charlinho") – Candidate to reelection for the City Hall of Itaguaí, Political Party PMDB – Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, reelected with 49,579 votes, 90.8% of valid votes; • City Councilor Vicente Cicarino Rocha ("Vicentinho") – Candidate to City Councilor for the City of Itaguaí, Political Party PMDB – Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, number 15.615, elected withh 4,712 votes; • City Councilor Marcos Antônio Caetano de Souza ("Marquinhos Seropédica") Candidate to Political Party PMDB – Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, number 15234, elected with 1,038 votes; • PM (Military Police Officer) Sérgio Roberto Egger de Moura - PSC (Social Liberal Party), elected with 1,883 votes. 110 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY CHAPTER IV - FINANCE 111 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The primary income source of militias, the provision of security, is no longer the main financial support of such groups. Nowadays, in accordance with the data presented during witness hearings and documents sent to this CPI, the main income source of the militias is in the exploitation of licensed public services: alternative means of transportation, gas sale, access to subscription-based television services and internet. 1. Alternative means of transportation From the mid-90s, the vacuum left by the Public Power in the public transport area gave rise to a new activity: the transportation of passengers in vans and even automobiles. The activity, initially classified as pirate (illegal), grew at the shadow of an economic crisis, of state-owned companies privatization and mass dismissal of workers who saw in this informal work a form of income. From the initial exploration of routes not served or unsatisfactorily served by official public transport companies, the transportation in vans and Volkswagen Kombis, already called alternative or complementary, expanded itself throughout the metropolitan region. In such way, that between 2000 and 2001, according to data from unions that gather workers and alternative transport cooperatives, it reached the figure of 20,000 vehicles offering the service. The stiff opposition from public transport companies, the registration of vans and the increase of inspection by the Public Power were important factors, undoubtedly, to reduce this number. But, one of the main causes for this reduction is not within the official State. The good financial results, arising from the repressed demand of dwellers from the most poverty-stricken and distant areas, attracted the attention of drug dealers and militias who saw in there an opportunity to increase their profits by monopolizing the service. By hearing the authorities in charge of inspecting and regulating this services, as well as representatives from workers' unions, it is possible for this CPI to affirm: the alternative transport in the city of Rio de Janeiro, almost 15 years after its start, is a lawless land. A great part of cooperatives was taken by force by the militias, more than 2/3 of vans and Volkswagen kombis about town are not legal, among some of those that have some kind of authorization to exploit the service, most do not comply with 112 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY the annual inspection law, the inspection bodies can't simply reach an agreement regarding the number of alternative transport in Rio de Janeiro and the Municipal Secretary of Transports does not know who are the responsible people for the cooperatives and how much the same make with this service provision. In the hearing held on October 14th 2008, with the attendance of Detro (Department of Road Transports) representatives, of SMTR (Municipal Secretary of Transports) and Sintral (Union of Alternative Transportation Workers), major Sérgio Perfeito, from Detro, declared that the agency does not know how many vehicles are registered to exploit alternative transportation in the city of Rio de Janeiro, as it does not have access to SMTR data bank. SMTR representative, Mrs. Rosaura Maurício dos Santos, on her turn, based on Ordinance 123 of the City Hall, declared that the number of licenses is around nine thousand, of which approximately 5,840 already are active licenses. According to her, the Secretary is making a new registration to allow vans that could not be regularized in 2001 to be able to do so now. According to her, the registration would be made by Sindtransrio (Union of Passengers' Public Transport Cooperatives of Rio de Janeiro), with a deadline of 90 days for completion. Asked about the number of cooperatives that currently work in Rio, Mrs. Rosaura said that there is an average of 20 to 30. The inaccuracy of the numbers is due to, in accordance with SMTR representative's statements, the fact that the registration requested by Sindtransrio, has not been completed yet. According to Mrs. Rosaura’s statement, the Public Authority has no idea of how many illegal vans currently circulate in the city of Rio. In intermunicipal transport, from public tender held in October 2007 and that registered 1,805 vans, nowadays there are 691 legal vans according to Sintral president, Mr. Sérgio Loureiro. Of this official total, 491 vans are in the metropolitan region. In the last count held by the Union, there were 48 cooperatives registered in SMTR in the city of Rio de Janeiro. He estimates that 10 thousand illegal vans currently circulate in the capital of the state. Responsible for the inspection, in the whole state, Detro, in accordance with Major Perfeito, has several fixed points in the capital, mentioning the neighborhoods of Barra da Tijuca, Itanhangá, Grota Funda, Campo Grande, Santa Cruz, in addition to patrol inspection. According to him, the areas in which the agency has met the greatest inspection difficulty are the neighborhoods of Ramos and Bonsucesso. Until some months ago, the area where Detro found more difficulties to inspect was the West Zone, 113 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY especially Campo Grande and Santa Cruz. According to the major, in Barra da Tijuca's fixed point around 30 to 40 vehicles are daily seized. The procedure adopted by Detro as to seizing illegal cars is to take them to the City Hall public storage. To have them back, owners need Detran (State Traffic Department) release and make the payment of fees charged by Detro. The fine value for illegal transportation of passengers is R$ 1,800.00. If the individual is a recidivist caught in flagrante delicto within a year, the fine has its value doubled. The vehicle withdrawal from circulation could only be possible if the Lei do Desemplacamento (Plate Removal Act), passed in 2002 and effective throughout the state, would be complied with. The Act sets forth that vehicles caught in illegal transportation of passengers shall have their plates seized. According to Major Perfeito, the illegal vehicle should be sent by Detro to Detran, which is not done, as there is no one in Detran to receive a car in those conditions. He claims that noncompliance with the Act is due to the lack of regulation, as the owner loses a property, as the car without plate serves no real purpose, only for scrap. In testimony provided to the CPI, on October 21st , Detran representative, Mr. Rodrigo da Silva Ferreira, clarified that the Code of Transit establishes that the plate is assigned to the vehicle, appears with the registration of such vehicle and accompanies it until its write-off. The vehicles that make passenger’s transport receive a red plate. If an illegal vehicle for passenger’s transport uses the red plate, the Code sets forth the plate seizure. In this case, the owner can search for a Detran division, and provide the change for the correct plate, a grey one, and circulate again. Mr. Rodrigo defends this procedure considering the definitive plate removal, which represents the vehicle loss, an unconstitutional act due to harming the right to property. Also in the October 14th hearing, whicle describing the alternative transport operational structure, Mr. Sergio Loureiro highlighted the need for a distinction to be made in order to prevent that everybody is treated the same way. According to him, Sintral is an entity that represents legalized workers, that is, those who have a license granted by the municipal administration to offer the alternative transport service. Mr. Sergio Loureiro considers the militias action in the sector as result from the lack of intervention of the granting power, crediting the start of the dispute for space, lines and cooperatives to a bad registration practice. 114 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY According to this testimony, the public tender that led to the 1,805 licenses, was made without the participation of representatives from the stakeholders. And he criticized the study prepared by Detro technical area, which divided the bidded areas based on a Monthly Operational Bulletin of Bus Companies (BOM), of 1998. The study, in accordance with the explanations given by Major Perfeito, was based in the regulated public transport peak and, thenceforth, calculated a demand of 20%, defining then, the new lines per city according to the quantity of transported passengers. The metropolitan population corresponds to 76% of the State of Rio de Janeiro, emphasized Mr. Sérgio Loureiro, adding: I don’t understand a technical study, a demand study in a bidding process, that leaves a region such as Jardim Catarina to downtown São Gonçalo without any van. Leaving Santa Isabel to Rio de Janeiro without any van. Defining a number, for instance, of van from Itaguaí to Campo Grande (with) only four cars operating. Then, indeed, we understand that this study was guided, it had an interest, of course. It was especially for that that we, from the union, are against this type of bid. According to Sintral representative’s testimony, the sector is currently organized between freelance workers and those who integrate cooperatives. The freelance workers are usually organized by lines whereas cooperatives manage passageways and manage the whole operation. Also, according to his testimony, the cooperative members pay fees to the cooperatives and this payment leads to the belief that many of them are identified as militias, even if they aren’t. There are cooperatives, he states, that have a structure with workshops, sale of spare parts and towing to serve the cooperative members upon the payment of fees. At the hearing held on October 21st 2008, Mr. Helio Ricardo de Almeida Souza, Sindtransrio representative, union that gathers cooperatives, emphasized that the alternative transport is not an arm, but one more victim of the militias. He assigned the lack of preparation of the Public Authority to the fact that van drivers are being extorted, obliged to pay toll. He accused Detro of not having been equipped by donations from Fetranspor (Federation of Passenger’s Transport Companies of the State of Rio de Janeiro) and, therefore, to act only over the alternative transport, be it legalized or not. He said that pirate buses are not inspected and some of them circulate even with motorbike plates. When assessed, they pay a fine of R$ 190.00, whereas vans pay R$ 1,800.00. He mentioned a research made by the Union that, within 20 minutes at Avenida Presidente Vargas, spotted 15 115 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY buses from several companies circulating without the inspection seal. He cited bus line 125 as one that has more pirate buses than legalized ones, and Oriental, Feital, Andorinha companies. According to Mr. Helio, Sindtransrio has already delivered a series of denouncements to the Public Prosecution Service, the last of them was in September 2008. He denied being responsible for the registration of vans, according to the SMTR representative’s statement. In accordance with his testimony, the registration is made by the Secretary website. While describing the militias performance in the segment, Sindtransrio representative said that in April 2006, Santa Cruz Cooperative was attacked by militia members who arrived at the head office and informed that from then on, the administration was under their charge. Despite the fact of having been denounced to the Public Prosecution Service, to the Secretary of Public Security and to the State Government, the cooperative members continued without protection, paying toll to the militia. Nowadays, pursuant to his report, the situation is serious in the whole city of Rio de Janeiro, as alternative transport drivers are extorted by militia groups, drug dealer groups and even by armed individuals, who oblige them to pay toll. The profit obtained by the militias, be it by charging additional payment, be it by direct exploitation through the cooperatives controlled by them, is high. According to Sintral vice president's statement, Guilherme Biserra, to O Globo newspaper, of August 27th 2008, the van drivers pay on average R$ 50.00 of toll/day. Considering the number of illegal vans that circulate and legalized vans which are extortion victims, the annual collected value can reach R$ 145 millions. The same article informs that there would be 15 cooperatives with eight thousand vehicles in the West Zone. In Campo Grande, the driver of one of these cooperatives while reaching the final spot after a working day was forced to give R$ 800.00 to an armed police officer. Asked by the forwarding agent if he had a warrant to do so, the police officer would have answered: “my warrant is my rifle”. It was also possible to reach a number of the profit derived from the alternative transport exploitation while making a mathematical operation from the testimony provided by Getúlio Rodrigues Gamas at the hearing held on September 30th 2008. Accused of being one of Rio das Pedras militia members, Getúlio, president of Rio das Pedras Cooperative, informed that his cooperative has 339 vans and that each car transports 250 passengers on average per day, at the unit price 116 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY of R$ 2.00. From these data, it can be concluded that, on a single day, the turnover reaches the figure of R$ 169,500.00, and in the end of the year, it can reach a gross profit over R$ 60 million. 2. The gas sale On June 11th 2008, a coordinated action of supervisors of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP) and of the Civil Police fined and closed a clandestine deposit of kitchen gas in Campo Grande. In the clandestine deposit 5,180 gas cylinders were found that would be distributed to 34 communities in the city of Rio, including an area that would go from the West Zone to the South Zone as it would arrive at Rocinha. The discovery was one more example of the acting of the militias in a branch of the economic legal activity that, in view of the precariousness of the State inspection, has become one of the most profitable income sources for criminal groups. Declaration made by the vice president of the Union of LPG Resalers of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Sirgaserj), Maurício Rodrigues, to O Globo newspaper of August 27th 2008, shows that 90% of the gas sold in the low-income communities of Rio is monopolized by dealers or militiamen. Though the ANP has a price fixed for the product, residents of the communities dominated by armed groups pay amounts higher than the fixed price, and the cylinder can reach up to R$ 45.00, in accordance with Sirgaserj. When the price is the same as that of the fixed one, the residents are even obliged to acquire the product in companies determined by the militiamen or dealers. In the hearing held on August 20th 2008, with the presence of Mr. Waldir Gallo, Mrs. Sheyla Cristina de Oliveira and Kátia de Souza Almeida (ANP); Mr. Ricardo Tonietto (Sindigás); Mr. Douglas Giovannini (Ultragaz) and Mr. Maurício Rodrigues (Sirgaserj), the representative of ANP declared that there are in the whole state of Rio 1,415 LPG resellers accredited by distributors and 185 resellers authorized as per terms of Ordinance no. 297/2003. Whereas the representative of the Resellers’ Union estimates that the number of illegal ones is around 15 thousand. On the other hand, the ANP has only six supervisors working at each month, and half of them comes from other states as in the state of Rio the agency only has three contracted supervisors. 117 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Clandestine sale of gas is disseminated. It takes place in supermarkets, cars and even pharmacies, despite the legislation in force establishes rules for transport and storage. The official resellers are classified in eight categories – from Class I to VII and Special Class - for effect of the maximum quantity allowed for storage. The resellers included in Class I can stock up to 40 cylinders of 13 kilograms; those of Class II, up to 120; those of Class III, up to 480; those of Class IV, up to 960; those of Class V, up to 1,920; those of Class VI, up to 3,840; those of Class VII, up to 7,680 and those of the Special Class over 7,680. This classification, nevertheless, does not prevent any reseller from buying any quantity from the distributors. It is enough that the reseller, regardless of classification, alleges that the requested quantity will be bought immediately and, so, without storage need, to acquire the product. According to the ANP, the distributors have a list of accredited resellers, inclusive with address, for issuance of invoice. The problem is that the sector faces serious problems, in addition to the proliferation of clandestine resellers, such as the constant theft of loads. A truck transports up to 1,000 cylinders, and this stolen volume goes to clandestine deposits. The representative of Sindigás highlighted the importance for a distinction to be made between the criminal groups and the non-authorized resellers. He defends that the treatment is differentiated, noticing that the bureaucracy confuses the regularization and that the small reseller is damaged. Whereas the representative of Ultragaz, one of six distributors that operate in the state of Rio, affirmed that even though the clandestine reseller is not a good business for the distributors, it is necessary to remember that the problem of non-authorized resellers is an old one and a great deal of the large current resellers made their way up from scratch. In official letter sent to the CPI on August 27th 2008, Ultragaz suggests the conjugation of efforts to accelerate the regularization of the resales. In accordance with the document signed by Mr. Douglas Giovannini, the LPG reseller has been meeting with enormous difficulty to transpose the bureaucracy of several state-owned bodies responsible for the issuance of the documents required by the ANP for granting the operational authorization. These difficulties – continues Ultragaz official letter – are caused by the Fire Department that, having legislation conflicting with the ANP legislation, issues release document that is not accepted by the Agency. Or they arise from obstacles 118 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY in the obtainment of operation license at the municipal agencies responsible for such issuance. A coordinated effort, such as for example, the assembly of a task force to regularize these resellers would really reduce this problem. Further on, the document says: We understand, in the same way as the ANP and Sindigás, that is really important the execution of a covenant between the Fire Department and ANP, in so far as it would be enable a better inspection,preventing that adventurers could unduly trade the LPG. We are not, however, favorable to the limitation of product supply due to the reseller class. Our opinion is that this would be a measure that in addition to going against legal obstacles that might be easily overcome by judicial means, is not really effective. For Ultragaz, to forbid the resale operation that,with great difficulty, is trying to survive, by limiting its sale capacity, only encourages the action of clandestine resellers to increase. Whereas Sindigás, in official letter sent the CPI on August 28th 2008, makes the following proposals: That a covenant is executed between the ANP and the Fire Department so that these entities can join forces to enforce police power in the performance of LPG resale activity; That once it is identified that a certain resale is administered or controlled by militias , it shall be immediately communicated to the ANP so that the latter, immediately, revokes the authorization on basis of article 19, of Ordinance 297/03 of ANP; That the distributor responsible for the supply is also informed so that this one suspends the supply of the said establishment, if the same is being carried out directly by a distributor company. In his testimony to the CPI, the representative of Sindigás informed that only in a clandestine company located in Rio das Pedras around 3 thousand cylinders are sold daily, indicating a daily turnover higher than R$ 20,000. Based on denouncements received by the Disque Milícia (a hotline for anonymous denouncements) and documents of the Department of Security, it is possible to conclude that it relates to RP 2006 Distribuidora de Gás Ltda, a company that belonged to an inspector of the Civil Police, Félix Tostes, pointed out as chief of the militia in Rio das Pedras, and which today would be in the name of a widow, Maria do Socorro Barbosa and two other partners. 119 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 3. The “gatonet” Baptized as such by the population, the “gatonet” is the illegal operation of capture and distribution of paid TV signal in its several modalities: cable, satellite or MMDS (microwave). Since the service was introduced in Brazil, union entities and others that defend the democratization of communications are struggling to secure the access of the low income population not only to subscription TV, but, also, to the access to dialed or broadband Internet. Unfortunately, the high price of the service and the absence of public policies that could guarantee the democratization of the access formed the necessary situation for, in a first moment, residents of low income communities and condominiums, some even from the middle class, to start to pirate the signal. From this breach, which is committed in the whole country, armed groups like the militias and dealers, saw in the great demand the possibility to earn money with the illegal exploration of the services. In the hearing held on October 14th 2008, representatives of Net, Sky and TVA operators explained how the “gatonet” works, an even unsuitable term as the whole illegal operation begins with the Sky signal, operator that uses satellite technology. Lawyer Renato Tonini, who provides service in the area of anti-piracy to Net and Sky, described the clandestine scheme as follows: Net depends on cables. It has to be physically present in those places. Very different from Sky. Sky does not need cables, it is through radio transmission, electromagnetism. Then what happens with Sky is the fact that it transforms itself, in areas where Net does not arrive – because cable network did not arrive there, because it is distant from the large centres, for any technical reason it is not there – Sky changes in the initial point of the clandestine agent. The person who intends to introduce this clandestine activity of communication acquires ten, 15 decoders, makes 15 subscriptions, each one of them dedicated to a specific channel and, by technical means, it distributes there in those networks, and then, sets cables in those networks, those locations and from there the service is provided and charged. TVA, which uses the MMDS technology, of microwave transmission, also declared being a victim of similar scheme to that of Sky. The operator works in the metropolitan region, with concession and license for a radius of 25 km from Morro do Sumaré, where its antenna is located. TVA subscriber, such as that of Sky, needs to acquire an antenna and a decoder to receive the signal and a card to decode. In 120 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY both cases, the operators are a target of systematic theft of decoders that serve as initial point of transmission. Thenceforth, the signal is open to a small local cable network and distributed to residences. According to Mr. Fernando Mousinho, Net representative, the operator is affected by the theft of cables, but as it has an anti-fraud system the programs distributed by the illegal stations are from Sky or TVA. The representative of Net pointed out that the clandestine activity harms the whole process value chain: content personnel, infrastructure personnel, pole personnel, Ecad (Central Office of Collection and Distribution of Copyrights). Affirming that Net has been trying to fight the “gatonet” offering alternative solutions like the Netfone packages which at the cost of R$ 39.00 they include television, broadband and telephones services, he reported the pilot experience initiated in Favela do Batan (Batan Slum) from a request of the Department of Security. The offered package is going to cost to the residents around R$ 30.00 and the operator will be responsible for receiving the signal and, in a partnership with the Residents' Association, to promote the training of the technicians who are going to distribute the signal. The idea – he said – is to engage people from the community, community technicians, the community administration, the community customer service, a service room in the location so that there is partnership. This procedure was questioned by the CPI members, considering that many residents' associations are dominated by the militias. Mousinho defended the option reaffirming that the partnership is important to engage the people from the community. According to him, Net will not have profit with the package, it will only be avoiding losses as the company already has a cable network in Batan and it was obliged to leave the area because of the action of the militias. The representatives of the operators were unanimous in affirming that the lack of access of the low-income or more distant communities to paid TV service takes place due to the actual risks in the areas dominated by the dealers or militias. However, from the reports of other participants, it was possible to note that even areas without traffic or militia record do not have access to the paid TV. As, in general, these are areas inhabited by low-income population or shadow areas, thus, where the signal has more difficulty to reach, the possible conclusion is that there is a lack of commercial interest by the companies. These ones guaranteed during the testimony to the CPI that they want to serve low income communities with packages at affordable prices, arguing that the turnover of operators basically comes from the monthly payment charged to subscribers. 121 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The president of Abetelmim (Brazilian Association of Telecommunications Companies and Image Improvement and Similar Activities), Mr. Giovander César Silveira, reported the process experienced by the antenna operators since subscription television was regulated in the country. The antenna operators began their activities in the Sixties installing collective antennas for improvement of the image of open television and charging for the service maintenance. With the regulation of the paid TV, the companies of these professionals, in spite of being holders of operation permits and CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer’s Register), started to be a target of the inspection agencies and prevented from working. Giovander sees in this action a discrimination against a work that is similar to the offered in upscale condominiums. This collective system issue in condominium or community – he protested - we ask officially to Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) why a condominium has a collective antenna from Tecsat, TVA, has Net, has open TV and the community cannot have anything? Anatel answered that, in the case of the community, I could make partnership with any operator, to use sector technology. We searched for all – Sky, TVA. TVA went to the community, did a technical feasibility study, we negotiate the contractual part. There was a problem with the programmers, it was solved, but in the last minute the partnership was not accomplished. According to Mr. Giovander, in addition to inspection agencies, the antenna operators started to be victims of the militias, who took hold of the regularized companies. Many people had to abandon the communities leaving everything behind – the company, equipment, the house. Abetelmin had to change its headquarters from Jacarepaguá to the city centre due to pressure of the militias and many antenna operators were forced to move to another state, since they were at death risk. Often confused with militiamen, around 30 antenna operators are still working throughout Rio de Janeiro. The project that obtained more results is the one developed in Vila Canoas, in a partnership with Net granted by Anatel. It is an experience of open channels, official channels of the Cable TV Act such as educational and legislative channels, allowing that the community has quality access to approximately twenty channels. Giovander proposed that the initiative of the Department of Public Security in Batan, which includes paid channels, is spread to other communities, in a joint effort between the operators and Abetelmin. In document sent to the CPI, Anatel made a list of clandestine subscription TV stations sealed during the years of 2006, 2007 and 2008. Of the denunciations received by the Agency only in June and July 2007, most of them referred to 122 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY stations installed in the West Zone and many of them mentioned police and Army officers as the responsible ones. The amounts charged by the militias for the subscription TV service, in accordance with the denunciations received by the Disque Milícias, vary from R$ 50.00 to R$ 60.00 for the installation; and from R$ 20.00 to R$ 40.00 for the signal. In a community with 4 thousand residences it is possible to suppose that the turnover of the militias with this service is around R$ 1 million yearly. 4. Private security For at least two decades, private security has become an essential item in the budget of companies, businessmen and upper middle class families. Irrigated by the fear that scares the cities, private security became a highly lucrative and competitive business, in such a way that Security professionals estimate that there are currently in the country between 1 million and 200 thousand and 1 million and 800 thousand people working in this field. The vast majority of companies, legal or clandestine, and of professionals in this market is constituted by policemen, former policemen, members and former members of the Armed Forces. In the city of Rio, especially, there are whole middle class districts where it is practically impossible to walk in any street without finding a watchman with a vest with the following word “APOIO” (SUPPORT) written on. Terrified, the residents start to pay this private security guard believing that they are protecting their lives and their property. But if in the middle class districts the employment of a private security guard is usually an option of free choice by the residents, in low income communities, the families and shopkeepers only have an alternative: to pay for what is charged to avoid being a victim of punishment that goes from intimidation to aggression and even expulsion from their homes. In need of official police surveillance and taken by the drug traffic, many communities, at a first moment, saw the appearance of the militias as a benefit. The illusion vanished soon. To secure their power under the territory when there is no traffic in the targeted place and the population resists, the militiamen start to rob the houses and the shops. The residents and shopkeepers intimidated and cornered by the situation, start to contribute financially with monthly amounts stipulated by the militiamen. 123 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Today, in accordance with denunciations made to the Disque Milícias, the charging for security, in many areas, has a degree: if the resident has car or motorbike, the amount is higher. Generally, the fee is around R$ 15 to R$ 20 and when it is not paid directly at the Residents' Association, there is a collector who circulates from door to door. The great difference of the security provided by the militias regarding private security, in spite of both are under the responsibility of former policemen and policemen in their days off, is that the militias act in the public space, in the streets, taking on the role that should be of the official State. They install gates and observation posts, they carry out daily patrols in uniform, using radio communication and heavy guns. In some communities, they even impose curfew. They act, like representatives of the State, totally at the margin of Law. They sell protection against the violence practiced by themselves. 124 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Diagram of the militia’s financial collection Residents’ Security Shopkeepers’ Security Deviation of Cable TV Signal Commission in Real Estate Rental Internet Commission in the purchase and sale of real estate property Additional Payment in Water Sale Additional Payment in gas sale Alternative transport Food Allowance Parties and Stalls Generally, we can say that the economic control practiced by the militias is by means of coercion of the residents to pay for: Security fee Differentiated fee for residents who have vehicles Installation and monthly fee for cable TV and Internet services Control and additional payment in the gas and bottled water sale Charge for food that compose the allowance for militias Fee that varies from 10 to 50% of the real estate sale Fee for registration of real estate Fee to allow constructions in the community 125 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Control and collection of alternative transport fees: mototáxi (a type of motorbike taxi), vans and Volkswagen kombiCollection of fee for the operation of street vendors’, parties and popcorn stallsCharging for the installation of gates and observation posts in the communities. According to denouncements received by the Disque Milícias, the amounts charged vary in accordance with the controlled area and the controlling group: Residents’ Security from R$ 15,00 to R$ 70,00 Shopkeepers’ Security from R$ 30,00 to R$ 300,00 Cable TV installation from R$ 50,00 to R$ 60,00 Cable TV signal from R$ 20,00 to R$ 40,00 Internet from R$ 10,00 to R$ 35,00 126 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY CHAPTER V DISQUE MILÍCIA AND OTHER RECEIVED DENOUNCEMENTS 127 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The establishment of a Disque Milícia to enable the participation of society in the explanation of the militias action was the first CPI decision as soon as it was installed. From June 30th 2008 to October 31st 2008, 1,162 denouncements received by the Disque Milícia were analyzed and other 42 anonimous denouncements. The received denouncements present important data that justify the service which was provided to the population. It is evident in the reports, that several districts of the City of Rio de Janeiro count with the presence of paramilitary groups, known as militias. It was also found the presence of militias in other cities of the State of Rio de Janeiro. The data obtained was analyzed and treated with care, considering, inclusively, the aspects in which lack of information and counter-information are observed. It is worth mentioning that the received denouncements – in nearly all of them - present compatibility with the history and set of information and knowledge acquired from other sources, mainly, from intelligence agencies of Rio de Janeiro and the State Prosecution Service. It is impressive, in the crossing of denouncements with the cited sources, the equivalence as to the names of those involved, the controlled communities, the amounts charged and other data related to the militias. With the denouncements it was possible to know the modus operandi used by these groups, the illegally exploited services, the connection with the political area, the participation of militia members as candidates to the city councilor election in the municipalities where they act. A predominant factor in the denouncements is that paramilitary groups are led, almost in their totality, by state public agents: civil police officers, military police officers, military fire fighters and Desipe agents, in addition to members of the Armed Forces, which facilitates the action and maintenance of power in the controlled communities. They also show that the involved public servants work in the public service, in many cases, in the area where they act as militia members, using the resources provided by the State, such as vehicles and arms, for the fulfillment of their goals. In addition to that, they had and still have the connivance of the police department officers and the area battalion. The City of Rio de Janeiro concentrates a large part of groups called militias. To map the militias action area, the same 128 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY geographical division of Rio de Janeiro Municipal Administration was used, according to data gathered at the City Hall Website: 160 districts divided in 33 RA – Administrative Regions, where most denouncements are concentrated. The municipalities were also divided by mesoregion, with information from the State Government Website, that lists 92 cities. Militias acting in the City of Rio de Janeiro 1.1. I Administrative Region of the Port Zone, composed by the districts of Caju, Gamboa, Santo Cristo and Saúde. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia did not receive denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.2. II Administrative Region, Downtown Rio de Janeiro. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received a total of three denouncements related to the City Center about usury and parking lot charging. 1.3. III Administrative Region of Rio Comprido, composed by the districts of Catumbi, Cidade Nova, Estácio and Rio Comprido. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia did not receive denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.4. IV Administrative Region of Botafogo, composed by the districts of Botafogo, Catete, Cosme Velho, Flamengo, Glória, Humaitá, Laranjeiras and Urca. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received three denouncements related to the illegal security in Botafogo. 1.5. V Administrative Region of Copacabana, composed by the districts of Copacabana and Leme. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received one denouncement related to a possible gang involving police officers. 129 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 1.6. VI Administrative Region of Lagoa, composed by the districts of Gávea, Ipanema, Jardim Botânico, Lagoa, Leblon, São Conrado and Vidigal. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received five denouncements related to illegal security in Ipanema and São Conrado. 1.7. VII Administrative Region of São Cristovão, composed by the districts of Benfica, Mangueira, São Cristovão and Vasco da Gama. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received a total of three denouncements related to the district of Benfica about drug dealing in the Community of Arará, a possible start of militia and data about former PM Luiz Barbosa Bernardo who would be preparing to kill a Military Police commander known as Valdir. Conjunto dos ex-Combatentes. - Group formed by: former Desipe (Department of Penitentiary System of Rio de Janeiro) - Time in Operation: 6 years - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Alternative transport - Leader: Jorge Luiz Pereira Turques – Would be a former Desipe member, would reside in the Block of former Soldiers at bloco 22, entrada B, aptº 301 in Benfica. - Other useful data: - Would be the author of several killings in Tijuca, being the victims: Carlos André Batista da Silva, Ana Paula Goulart, Willian da Silva Marinheiro and Thalita Carvalho de Mello. 1.8. VIII Administrative Region of Tijuca, composed by the districts of Alto da Boa Vista, Praça da Bandeira and Tijuca. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received ten denouncements related to illegal security and possible militia activity start in Tijuca. Praça da Bandeira – Vila Mimosa - Group formed by Military police officer 130 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ security R$ 20.00; shopkeepers; gas R$ 45.00; cable TV signal and alternative transport. - Forms of intimidation: Threats and death. - Leader: PM Verner Luiz Meireles – Would serve in the battalion of Mesquita. - Other useful data: - Clandestine cable TV station, located at Rua Barão de Iguatemi, 46, aptº 303, in Praça da Bandeira. - They rope minors for prostitution in Vila Mimosa. 1.9. IX Administrative Region of Vila Isable, composed by the districts of Andaraí, Grajaú, Maracanã and Vila Isabel. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received one denouncement related to the illegal security. 1.10. X Administrative Region of Ramos, composed by the districts of Bonsucesso, Manguinhos, Olaria and Ramos. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received nine denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.10.1. Manguinhos – Amorim Community - Group formed by: Civilians, civil and military police officers. - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ security; shopkeepers; cable TV signal and alternative transport. -- Forms of intimidation: Threats and death. - Leaders: Civil Police Department Chief João Castro – Would serve in Miguel Pereira Police Department. PM Toni – Would serve in the Battalion of Miguel Pereira. PC Winder Burock Moreno Military Police Officer Bandeira – Would serve at the 22nd BPM. - Members: “Cb PM Dudu”, “Jotinha” and “Ronaldinho”. - Other useful data: - Informant would be someone from the Police Intelligence and said that: the group would have branches in Kelson’s Slum in Duque de Caxias and São João de Meriti and would have as leaders: 131 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Police Department Chief João Castro from Miguel Pereira PD, PM Toni from Miguel Pereira Battalion and PC Winder Burock Moreno. The aforementioned people would perform money laundering, invest and finance several militias of Rio de Janeiro. The money laundering would be made in auto dealers, one of them, Burock e Castro, situated at Avenida Automóvel Clube, 1980, in São João de Meriti across from the 21st BPM. They would have more than 35 shops, consigned loan companies, among which: BC Credit, situated in the same auto dealer. In the countryside, they would have more than 59 shops. They would also have a Property Security Firm at Rua Rosa da Fonseca in Bonsucesso and several shops, one of them, a supermarket at Rua Rosa da Fonseca. Beside the supermarket there would be a deposit for stolen merchandise. The group would finance robberies in security companies of São Paulo. They would have lost a ton of cocaine in Itatiba, São Paulo, which was seized by the police. - They would have planned the murder of judge Alexandre, who acted in the investigation of the jackpot machine mafia. - They would be financing an attempt against the Police Ombudsman. - There would be around 200 phantom bank accounts at Unibanco (Brazilian bank) of Bonsucesso. 1.10.2. Ramos – Borgauto Invasion - Overall Data: Start of a militia in an abandoned building - former Borgauto company- located at Avenida Brasil, which became a slum. - Group formed by: Civilians and military police officer. - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ security R$ 25.00; gas; cable TV signal and alternative transport. - Forms of intimidation: Threats and death. - Leader: Officer Afonso – would reside at Rua Araguari, next to a gym. - Members: Lenilson and “Tico”. 1.11. XI Administrative Region of Penha, composed by the districts of: Brás de Pina, Penha and Penha Circular. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received 11 denouncements related to the administrative region, and one denouncement was about an extermination group in Brás de Pina that would be led by brothers PC Adilson Menezes and André Menezes da Costa who would be a former police officer. 132 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Quitungo Public Housing - Group formed by: Civilians, civil and military police officers. - Number of militia members: 30 (according to informants). - Name of Militia and/or symbol: “Galáticos” - Time in Operation: 4 years - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ Security From R$ 20.00 to R$ 30.00; gas; shopkeepers; cable TV signal monthly fee from R$ 25.00 to R$ 30.00 and installation R$ 50.00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats and aggression. - Used weapons: Pistols, machine guns and rifles. - Leaders: PM Márcio Lima – Would use nextel number 7856 2520 and a red EcoSport car. “PM Saquel”- Would serve in the 16th BPM. PC Sidney – Would serve in the 16th BPM. - Members: PC Goga, “Bebezão”, “Cesar Bocão”, Charles, Elton, “Marquinho da Kombi”, “Nem”, “Repolhão” and Rodrigo. - Other useful data: - Police officers from the 38th DP and 27th DP would connive with the militias. - They would have closed the passage of Rua Tucumaré and built a wall at Rua Piquiri. 1.12. XII Administrative Region of Inhaúma, composed by the districts of Del Castilho, Engenho da Rainha, Higienópolis, Inhaúma, Maria da Graça and Tomás Coelho. 133 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received 17 denouncements, and in Bonsucesso there was the record of five denouncements related to illegal security and others from the districts of: 1.12.1. Del Castilho – Guarda Community Inhaúma - Águia de Ouro - Group formed by: Civilians and military police officer. - Number of militia members: 60 (according to informants). - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ security R$ 15.00; shopkeepers R$ 50.00 and 10% to 20% fee in the sale of real estate property. - Payment and/or meeting place: At CBTU (Brazilian Company of Urban Trains) Engine Room. - Used weapons: Pistols and rifles. - Leader: SD PM Fabrício Fernandes Mirra (“Mirra”) - Members: Marcelo e “Marcelo Pit Bull” - Other useful data: - They would have forbidden the placement of posters of candidates to political posts. In the Community of Águia de Ouro only posters of candidate to city councilor Fernando Morais – Police Department Chief could be placed which was supported by “Mirra” and “Marcelo Pit Bull”. - Military Police officers of the 3rd BPM who patrol the community would connive with the militia. - Inside the community, entering by Rua Pirajibe, there would be a warehouse where a taxi company has already been established and nowadays would be used as a place for torture. The militia members use to torture and burn bodies in the place. - They would use a taxi company located inside the community, as a clandestine cemetery. 1.12.2. Higienópolis - Group formed by: Civil e policial militar - Number of militia members:02 - Name and/or symbol: “Águia de Prata” 134 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ security from R$ 20.00 to R$ 30.00 (support t-shirt). - Forms of intimidation: - Used vehicles: KBF 0520 (silver Fox car with gyroscope), AHP 9234 (silver Palio car) and KQF 0520 (black car) - Members: “PM Gege” Geraldo Felipe Santana – Would be the President of the Residents’ Association of Higienópolis. - Other useful data: - On July 1st 2008, militia members disappeared with a man who was a paper scavenger. - Cable TV signal stations would operate at Ruas Estréia and Airá. 1.13. XIII Administrative Region of Méier, composed by the districts of Abolição, Água Santa, Cachambi, Encantado, Engenho de Dentro, Engenho Novo, Jacaré, Lins de Vasconcelos, Méier, Piedade, Pilares, Riachuelo, Rocha, Sampaio, São Francisco Xavier and Todos os Santos. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received 35 denouncements related to the administrative region, and 11 related to clandestine security. 1.13.1. Engenho de Dentro - Fernan Cardim Community - Number of militia members: 08 (according to informants). - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ security R$ 15.00 to R$ 20.00; shopkeepers R$ 30.00; gas R$ 36.00; cable TV signal R$ 30.00; Internet R$ 30.00 and soccer field rental R$ 40.00 to 60.00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, torture and death. Those who do not pay the monthly fee, do not have access to mail. - Member: “Binha” - Would be responsible for the monthly payment collection. “Dinho” - Other useful data: 135 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - They would throw the bodies of victims at the former factory of Sorvete Sem Nome. - They would have put several gates in the community. - Vehicles of the 3rd BPM would provide coverage and deliver the guns which are used by the militia members. - The residents’ association would be used as place for torture. - O The group would have the protection of candidate to City Councilor Police Department Chief Fernando Moraes. 1.13.2. Pilares - Number of militia members: 08 (according to informants). - Time in Operation: 02 years - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ Security R$ 20.00 and gas. - Forms of intimidation: Threats - Members: Sgt Ref (Reformed Sergeant) Moraes Cb Ivanildo (“Tim”) – Would serve at P2 of the 16th BPM. Aldo – Would use a vehicle with plate KZW 0151 (silver Golf car). João – Would be Aldo’s brother. - Other useful data: - They would be installing a gas deposit at Rua Jacinto Rebelo and a cyber café at Rua Lídia. - The militia members distribute leaflets with phone number 7843.2712. - They would use vehicles from the civil police of the 24th DP and Polinter with plates LKP 5656, LHC 9760 and LAH 8173. 1.14. XIV Administrative Region of Irajá, composed by the districts of Colégio, Vicente de Carvalho, Vila Cosmos, Vila da Penha and Vista Alegre. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received three denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.14.1. Irajá - Start of a possible militia at Ruas: Honório de Almeida and Ferreira Cantão. 136 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Group formed by: Civilians and non-identified members. - Number of militia members: 04 (listed in the Disque Milícia). - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ Security R$ 30.00; gas and cable TV signal. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression and torture. - Leader: Mário Jorge - Members: Bruno, “Cicinho” e “Dodô”. 1.14.2. Vicente de Carvalho - Conjunto Ipase - Group formed by: Civilians, military police officers, former police officer. - Number of militia members: 11 (listed in the Disque Milícia). - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Cable TV signal: R$ 150.00 for the installation and R$ 30.00 for the monthly fee and gas R$ 37.00. - Used vehicle: Next to Juramento: GSK 8099. - Leader: Sgt Ref PM Wladimir Mamede – Candidate to City Councilor for the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party PSB – Brazilian Socialist Party, number 40140, he was not elected, he obtained 4,023 votes. - Members: Sgt Artur, Cb Jorge, “PM Cosminho”, PM Márcio (“Marcinho”), ”Jorge Mijão”, “ex-PM Paulinho”, Felipe, Marluce, “Marinho” and “Nadinho”. - Political Influence: State Assembly Member Dionísio Lins - Other useful data: - Next to Morro do Juramento at Conjunto Ipase, candidate to city councilor Wladimir Mamede, “Jorge Mijão” and State Assembly Member Dionísio Lins, would be involved with the militia and would gather in a house with the name ANAC at Rua Anajás. - They would be selling plots of land at Rua Nove. - The militia members of Conjunto Ipase would use phone: 3477-0900 for contact. 1.15 - XV Administrative Region of Madureira, composed by the districts of Bento Ribeiro, Campinho, Cascadura, Cavalcanti, Engenheiro Leal, Honório Gurgel, Madureira, Marechal Hermes, Oswaldo Cruz, Quintino Bocaiúva, Rocha Miranda, Turiaçu and Vaz Lobo. 137 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received 63 denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.15.1. Campinho - Fubá and Pedra Rachada Community. Osvaldo Cruz - Group formed by: Civilians, civil and military police officers. - Number of militia members: 14 (listed in the Disque Milícia). - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ security R$ 15.00 to R$ 20.00; shopkeepers R$ 35.00; gas; stalls R$ 15.00 per week, cable TV signal R$ 50.00 for the installation and R$ 35.00 for the monthly fee (obligatory), cyber café, stalls, fee of 30% in the sale of real estate property. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, expulsion of residents and death. - Used weapons: Pistol and rifles. - Payment and/or meeting place: - At Falcon Field in Osvaldo Cruz. - At the Residents’ Association at Ladeira Felizardo Alves, across from Multi Market. - At Tomeló Field. - At Rogério’s Hairdresser at Rua Comendador Pinto. - The militia members would use fuel that would be taken from official vehicles. - Leaders: Sgt. PM Marcos Vieira Souza (“Falcon”) – Would be assigned to the civil police and would charge for the residents’ security in the area of Madureira next to Brasil Novo Club. He would be a militia leader in Oswaldo Cruz, where he would act with other police officers who would gather at Social Center "Quem Ousa Vence". “PM Janjão” – Would serve in Sulacap. - Members: PC Tarcisio, 1st Sgt PM Goulart Vital Pereira (“Goulart”), Cb PM Wellington Alves Barbosa (“Nan”), “PM Janine”, “PM Mondegão”, “Junior”, Léo, “Neguinho”, “Ovo”, Renato da Silva, Rogério and (“Zimba”). - Members from the District of Osvaldo Cruz: Geison, Macalé and André Peçanha. 138 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Political Influence: State Assembly Member Domingos Brazão and city councilor Chiquinho Brazão. - Other useful data: - A candidate to city councilor known as Wagner, hangs out in the district in the company of militia members. - They circulate in vehicles with "Haras Scafura" sticker. - Parties in residences can only be made with the militia’s authorization and if they are extended after the defined time, the resident shall have to pay R$ 200.00. - They would hang around the community in official vehicles, wearing uniforms of the civil police. - There would be a clandestine cemetery located on the top of Morro do Fubá, nexto to Light (electricity company) tower. - They would approach female youths and teenagers from the locality, even when accompanied, causing embarrassment to the residents. - Aggression, torture and murder place: in a blue house on top of Morro do Campinho, after the field and next to a day nursery. - The invasion of Fubá Community would have been carried out by approximately 120 men. - At Rua Comendador Pinto, next to Campinho Olympic Village, a cyber café would be established, which is next to a barber shop and would belong to the militia members. 1.15.2. Cavalcante – Streets: Antonio Saraiva and Visconde de Saraiva - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ Security: with car R$ 25.00 and without car R$ 15.00, shopkeepers, cable TV signal, internet, gas and alternative transport. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression and expulsion of residents. - Used weapons: They carry them ostensibly. - Leader: “Chuchu” 1.15.3. Honório Gurgel – Palmeirinha Community Rocha Miranda - Muro Amarelo - Group formed by: Civilians and military police officers. 139 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Number of militia members: 15 (listed in the Disque Milícia). - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ security R$ 10.00 to R$ 20.00; shopkeepers R$ 20.00 to R$ 40.00; food market vendors R$ 10.00 per week, cable TV signal, gas, food allowance, alternative transport and fee on the sale of real estate property. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, torture, expulsion of residents and death. - Used vehicles: LBD 1333 - Leaders: Sd PM Fabrício Fernandes Mirra (“Mirra”) Sd PM Marcos Gregório Siqueira da Silva (“Zero”) - Members: PM Antunes, PM Carvalho, Adilson de Andrade Peçanha (“Peçanha” or “Russo”), Alex Domingos da Silva (“Sacura”), Elenilson Souza da Silva (“Nil”), “Índio”, Jeferson, Leandro, “Nilo”, “Reizão”, “Tchuck”, “Tucano” and Vítor. - Other useful data: - They would have disappeared with Bruno, 22 y.o. - On a Saturday, July 19th 2008, they would have murdered street vendor Teixeira, as he refused to pay the stall fee. - Police officers from the 9th BPM would connive with the militia and would give support with official vehicles. - “PM Douglas”, ”PM Chico”, “Coringa” and “Guli”, and would be extorting alternative transport drivers in Caxambi, saying that they are members of “Mirra” group. They would use vehicle with plate number LOJ 6393. 1.15.4. Rocha Miranda – Barro Vermelho and Rua Pão de Açúcar - Leaders: PM Monteiro – Would reside at Rua Peiba, next to shipping company Xará, would serve at the 9th BPM and would use a Celta car with plate number 7540, would circulate with a rifle inside the car. - Other useful data: - They would keep pistols, revolvers and rifles in a bar at Estrada do Barro Vermelho, 951 – Rocha Miranda. 140 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 1.15.5. Quintino - Dezoito and Saçu Slums - Group formed by: Civilians, civil and military police officers. - Number of militia members: 29 (listed in the Disque Milícia). - Time in Operation: 01 year - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ Security R$ 10.00 to R$ 15.00; shopkeepers R$ 20.00 to R$ 200.00; cable TV signal: installation R$ 50,00, monthly feer R$ 20.00; gas R$ 35.00, street market vendors, gate, stalls R$ 20.00, placement of gates R$ 25.00, gate keys R$ 15.00, water barrel, food allowance, fee in the sale of real estate property and alternative transport. - Forms of intimidation: Aggression, expulsion of residents and death. - Used vehicles: KYZ 2779 (plate from Campinas - SP), KWN 1803 and LCV 0505. - Contact number: 7645-0506 - Used weapons: Revolver, pistols and rifles. - Payment and/or meeting place: Rua Martins Junior, 276, at the Residents’ Association at Rua Torres de Oliveira, in a blue house in the shape of a small castle, at the headquarters of Bloco Carnavalesco (Carnival Block) Bafo do Leão in Água Santa and in the end of Rua Alfredo Gonçalves in a green house. - Leaders: PC Márcio (“Marcinho”) – Would have a tattoo with the drawing of a tiger on the arm. “Deco” – Would use phone number 7823-4621 and vehicle with plate LTR 0333. Marcos Faria Pereira and Sandro. - Members: PM Leonardo Paiva da Costa (“Léo”), “André Pipoca”, “Batatinha”, “Cabral”, Claudácio, “Dande”, Denílson, Diogo, Edmilson José dos Santos, Francisco Barbosa de Barros (“Paraíba”), “Fred”, “Ganso”, “Gato”, Jeferson, José Carlos Ferreira da Costa (“Nho Nho“), Lindemário, Português”, “PQD”, Rafael, Reinaldo (“Cabeça”), “Renan”, “Reros”, Ricardo, Tiago and Willian. - Other useful data: - Police officers from the 3rd BPM would support the militia using vehicles: LKO 7093 and LPD 3158 that would be from the 9th BPM and the 24th DP. 141 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Shopkeepers would be forced to buy beverages with militia members. - The militia members’ takeaways would be brought by police officers using vehicles from 3rd BPM. - They would be making the registration of real estate properties in the community saying that they were Municipal Administration workers. The residents that do not have deed of possession would lose the real estate property. - The Batman symbol shall be changed by another symbol and the residents would be pressured to vote for the son of late Albano Reis and for candidate to the office of Mayor Solange Amaral and that other candidates would be indicated. - In the payment booklet given to residents there would appear phone number 7645-0506. - They would be seen at Rua Engenheiro Alfredo Gonçalves, in the Residents’ Association. On the same street, after an Assembly of God Church, there is a house with aluminum gate, where the group’s arms would be kept, which would even have a .30 caliber machine gun. - They would go to Várzea de Oliveira Club. - They would provide collection receipts at the Residents’ Association. - The cable TV signal station would be at Rua José Mariano, 56, fundos – Piedade and the collection of monthly fees would be made with a green Voyage vehicle that has an in-built ladder and a sticker with the wording “Seg Portões”. - They would have installed gates at Streets: Engenheiro Alfredo Gonçalves and João Ercílio against the residents’ wish. 1.15.6. Vaz Lobo - Group formed by: Military police officer - Number of militia members: 40 (according to informants). - Time in Operation: 06 years - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security; shopkeepers R$ 40,00; gas, party stalls R$ 450,00; cable TV signal R$ 20.00 (Compulsory). - Forms of intimidation: Robbery of shops, threats, aggression and death. - Used weapons: Revolvers, pistols and rifles. 142 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Leader: Sgt Ref PM Wladimir Mamede – Candidate to City Councilor for the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party PSB – Brazilian Socialist Party, number 40140, he was not elected, he obtained 4.023 votes. 1.16 - XVI Administrative Region of Jacarepaguá, composed by the districts of: Anil, Curicica, Freguesia, Gardênia Azul, Jacarepaguá, Pechincha, Praça Seca, Tanque, Taquara and Vila Valqueire. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received 176 denouncements related to the administrative region, two of them related to illegal security in Vila Valqueire. 1.16.1. Anil – Anil Canal - Group formed by: Civilians, civil and military police officers. - Number of militia members: 10 (listed in the Disque Milícia). - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security; shopkeepers; cable TV signal and alternative transport. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, torture and expulsion of residents. - Leaders: PC Gérson Boanerges Ribeiro de Freitas (“Gersinho”) - Would be owner of Boanerges Supermarket. 3rd Sgt José Nilson Rogaciano Pereira (“Nilson” or “Nilson Paraíba”) – Would be the owner of a cooperative in Madureira. - Members: Alex, Bruno, Estênio, Estefano, Francisco Almeida dos Santos, Robson, Valdeci and Valdea. - Other useful data: - The group formed by Gérson, Estênio, Estefano and Bruno would be involved in gun traffic and cargo theft. The used guns would be kept in the district of Chacrinha in the Town of Japeri. 1.16.2. Curicica - Dois Irmãos and Cesar Maia Community - Group formed by: Civilians and military police officers. - Number of militia members: 18 (listed in the Disque Milícia). 143 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ security, shopkeepers, gas, cable TV signal from R$ 25.00 to R$ 35.00; alternative transport R$ 300.00 per week; vans R$ 280.00 per week; performance of construction works R$ 150.00 to R$ 1,000.00 and stalls R$ 80.00. - Forms of intimidation: Robberies, aggression, torture and expulsion of residents. - Used weapons: Revolvers, pistols and rifles. - Leader: PM Ref Eduardo José da Silva (“Zézinho Orelha”) – Would be responsible for Samba School in Parque Curicica. - Members: Ten Brito, “Sgt Geraldinho”, PM André Geraldo Pereira, “PM Betinho”, PM Cláudio, PM Junior, “PM Jimi Clife”, “PM Pereira”, “Bela”, Brito (“Geraldinho Filho”), “Luizinho”, “Marcão”, “Olho de Vidro”, Orlando, “Pit Bull”, “Ritche” and “Ronald”. - Other useful data: - Police officers from the 18th DP would connive with the militia. - The group would control the Communities of Vila Sapê and Morro Dois Irmãos. - The group would receive support from men connected to former State Assembly Member Álvaro Lins who would be responsible for Vila Sapê. - They would be installing security cameras on poles. They would already be installed: across from number 120 and 75 of Rua da Bondade. After the installation, they would have started to charge R$ 90.00 per resident. And in front of number 60, the group would have installed a white tent where the militia members would be sitting. 1.16.3. Curicica - Vila Sapê - Group formed by: Civilians, military police officer and military firefighter. - Number of militia members: 07 (listed in the Disque Milícia). - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 15.00; shopkeepers R$ 80.00; gas R$ 40.00; cable TV signal R$ 25.00 and Internet R$ 40.00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, torture and expulsion of residents. - Used weapons They carry rifles and pistols ostensibly. - Leaders: PM Betinho Valdino Silva Junior (“Juninho Cerol”) 144 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Members: BM (Military Firefighter) Marcelo de Sá Sobral, “Alexandrinho”, “Chouriço”, “Luizinho” and “Tito”. - Informants’ motivation: - The informant has been threatened. - Other useful data: - They keep the guns used by the militia at the Residents’ Association, at Rua A. The place is also used for the practice of torture. - They expel residents and rent their houses. - Police officers from the 18th BPM and 32nd DP would connive with the militia. - There would be a clandestine cemetery in the end of the community, on the top of a hill. The body of a female Engineer, recently killed, could be in the place between Sapê Community and Quarto Centenário. 1.16.4. Freguesia - Group formed by: Military police officers. - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ Security, shopkeepers, gas R$ 35.00 and stalls. - Used weapons: Pistols and rifles. - Members: “PM Dimitrius”, PM Renato, “PM Bula” and Fernando. - Political Influence: The militia would be supporting city councilor candidate Marcelo Piuí. 1.16.5. Gardênia Azul - Group formed by: Politician, civilians, civil police officers, firefighters and former firefighters. - Number of militia members: 100 (according to informants). - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security, shopkeepers R$ 30.00 per week and R$ 100.00 per month; cable TV signal R$ 30.00; gas R$ 38.00; street stalls with a single fee of R$ 3,000.00; 10% fee in the sale of real estate property, St. John's party stall R$ 200.00 per day; popcorn cart R$ 15.00 per week and alternative transport. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, robbery and death. - Payment and/or meeting place: At Community Center Cristiano Girão and at the residents’ association, where the militia guns are kept. 145 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Leaders: 2nd Sgt BM Cristiano Girão Matias (“Girão”) – Candidate to the office of City Councilor for Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party PMN – National Mobilization Party, number 33.123, elected with 10.445 votes - He would have a lover that is a judge and who would give him protection. - He would be candidate to the office of city councilor in the forthcoming elections and would be threatening residents to vote for him. - Most cyber cafés of the locality would belong to "Girão". - He would have deceived approximately one thousand people, in transaction involving the building of real estate property in plots of land in Gardênia Azul. - He would be receiving the support of “Marreco”, who would be involved with Realengo’s militia. “Marreco” would be placing poster of “Girão” campaign in Realengo and would be forbidding other candidates to make their campaigns. Marco Aurélio França (“Marcão”) - He would command “Comunidade do Marcão” (Marcão’s Community) inside Gardênia Azul, would have broken off with “Girão” and would have approximately 10 men in his group. - He would have several real estate properties rented and an apt. in Barra and a restaurant in Recreio dos Bandeirantes. - His wife would be called Francisca Ilane da Silva França Moreira, shewould have an Astra car and many real estate properties and shops. She would be the owner of Naci Fashion shop, which would function next to the Association. - Members: PC Inspector Wallace de Almeida Pires (“Wallace” or “Robocop”), Cb Glauber, BM Flávio, “Dedé”, Eliomar Barreto da Silva (“Bá”), Fábio, Juarez, “Naldo” and “Zeca”. - Other useful data: - Connivance of police officers from the 18th DP and 32nd DP. - The group would have more than 500 apartments in Gardênia Azul. - They would be forbidding candidates to make campaign in the community. - They would have shared a soccer field in lots, whose land belongs to the City Hall and would be selling the lots for R$ 6,000.00. 1.16.6. Jacarepaguá - Pica-Pau Community 146 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Group formed by: Civilians, military police officers and a former police officer. - Time in Operation: 04 years - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ Security R$ 25,00; shopkeepers and cable TV signal, - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression and death. - Members: Aspiring PM Araújo, Police Officer Léo, “former Police Officer Marcão” and Ronald. - Other useful data: - The militia members would have contact with police officers from the 18th DP. - They would have murdered two brothers who refused to pay the militia, whose bodies were found carbonized in Abolição. 1.16.7. Jacarepaguá - Rio das Pedras Community - Group formed by: Politicians, civilians, military police officers and former military police officers. - Time in Operation: 10 years - Number of militia members: 37 (listed in the Disque Milícia). - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security between R$ 10,00 and R$ 50,00, shopkeepers R$ 50,00 and R$ 200,00, Mult Market delivery service R$ 20,00; stalls R$ 30,00; gas R$ 39,00, cable TV signal R$ 18,00 and alternative transport R$ 270,00 to R$ 325,00 per week. - Forms of intimidation: Expulsion of residents and theft of properties. - Former Leader: City Councilor Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz (“Nadinho”) – Candidate to City Councilor for the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party DEM Democrats, number 25.100, he was not elected, he obtained 16.838 votes - He would be trying to retake the community control and would have ordered the murder of "Dinda" (Otacílio’s ex-wife) and PC Félix. - In 1994, "Nadinho", "Marquinhos" and "Me Leva" would have murdered: Renato (secretary of the community shopkeepers), a couple in 2000 and a man knowns as "Me Leva". Together with Félix, Dalmir and Mário, they murdered Zé Artur and threw the body in Jacarepaguá Lagoon, with a stone tied to his neck. - He would have murdered his brother in 2003. 147 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - He would have the protection of Anselmo and of former PM Arlindo who would have taken part in Candelária massacre. - He would meet State Assembly Member Natalino and former Sd PM Luciano everyday in three different places: In Franco across from Mundial Supermarket, at Moinho das Massas and at Oficina do Chopp. - He would be involved with the jackpot machine business. - Approximately 50 machines would have arrived on 10/07/2008 for the bars of Rua Nova, Velha, Areal and Areal II and whenever the police arrives at the place, the machines are removed. The machine deposit would be in the former Bingo across from Mult Market and in the Van Cooperative at Antiga RP-1000, where the duns used by the militia are kept. - At PC Félix Tostes’s death, he would have been seen in an official vehicle, carrying a rifle. - He would deposit R$ 2,900.00 monthly in the bank account of André Malvar’s wife for the payment of Police Officer Félix Tostes’s death. - He would be forcing the area shopkeepers to sell their establishments to him, for a price much lower than the market value. - He would have bought a Psychology graduation diploma for him and his wife, in the amount of R$ 5,000.00, aimed, in case of imprisonment, to have the benefit of a special cell. The diploma would have acquired directly with the educational institution principal. - He would have an apartment at Condominium Rio II at block Prudence, apt. 102. The property would be in the name of “Junior”. Men, who came for Favela do Piraquê (Piraquê Slum) in Campo Grande, would be living there. - They would be plotting the death of: “Jorge Macedo”, Maria do Socorro (wife of late inspector Félix Tostes) and Getúlio Rodrigues Gama. - Current leaders: Maj PM Dilo Soares Junior (“Dilo”) – Together with “Dalmir”, he would be the owner of the van and Kombi cooperative and would be working with “Beto Bomba” as an usurer. Cap. PM Epaminondas de Queiroz Medeiros Junior (“Queiroz”) – He would control, together with “Índio”, the clandestine cemetary area behind a condominium of old buildings, next to Supermarket Mult Market, where approximately 50 bodies would have been thrown which are buried or eaten by crocodiles. 148 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 3rd Inactive Sgt PM Geiso Pereira Turques (“Geiso”) – Candidate to City Councilor for the City of São Gonçalo, Brazilian Political Party PDT – Democratic Labor Party, number 12.567, elected with 4,090 votes; - He would be known as “Geiso do Castelo das Pedras” and on 08/09/2008 he would have held a meeting in São Gonçalo, where he would have said that he is the gas owner and would have received R$ 200,000.00 from Jacarepaguá’s militia for his political campaign. - He would have connections with “Eduardo Gordo” who, would also be a candidate to city councilor. Dalcemir Pereira Barbosa (“Dalcemir”) – He would use vehicle with plate number KWC 1007 and a Hilux car, bulletproof, with plate HCC 5119. Getulio Rodrigues Gama (“Getúlio”) - Seria o dono da Cooperativa do Rio das Pedras e andaria com um veículo Hilux de placa HWC 4333. -- According to the informant, Getúlio would have affirmed in testimony that he would have donated two thousand shirts for the political campaign of “Nadinho” for city councilor, some time ago, but in fact, the shirts would have been sold for R$ 15.00 or R$ 20.00. The van drivers would have been forced to acquire two shirts and to wear them while on duty. - Members: “PC Di Gato”, PC Fernando, Sub Ten Maurício, Adelmo, Sgt PM Eli José da Penha, “PM Higino”, PM Jorge Alberto Moreth (“Beto Bomba”), PM Paulo Eduardo da Silva Azevedo (“Paulo Barraco”), “PM Paulo Sapo”, PM André Luis Pinto de Souza, PM Fabinho, “PM Fininho”, Ex-PM Arlindo, Ex-PM Maginário, Anselmo, “Badu”, “Café”, “Chicão”, “Chico Brechó”, “Duarte”, Eli Bittencourt, Joaquim Pontes Miguel, João Francisco, “Fininho”, “Índio”, Leomar, Luciano, Maurício (“Maurição”), Rogério, “Silva” ("Piu Piu”), “Zé da Penha”, “Zezé” and Zieldo. - Other useful data: - The militia’s money laundering would be made in a credit establishment. - Militia members Arlindo, “Badu” and “Zezé”, approached in Rio das Pedras Community, resident and canvasser of City Councilor Jardel Zaad, forbidding him to make campaign, saying that the community would belong to “Nadinho”. - In the community they would be placing political propaganda posters of candidates: Fernando de Moraes (Police Department Chief) and “Marcelo Piuí” and other candidates would be forbidden to make campaign in the place. 149 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Marcelo Henriques Batista (“Marcelo Piuí”) – Brazilian Political Party PHS – Solidarity Humanist Party, number 31.031 – elected with 3,200 votes. - José Fernando Moraes Alves (“Fernando Moraes”), PR – Republican Party, number 22007, elected with 19.762 votes. - The Residents’ Association would be providing the documentation of possession of plots of land and houses of Rua Maranhão, upon the payment of R$ 1,000.00. The residents would be forced to pay and register the real estate properties. - At Estrada de Jacarepaguá, near number 3267, close to the houses, they would be constructing a building without permit and with a clandestine electricity connection (known in Brazil as “gato”). - The group gathers every Monday for a soccer match at the association square from 9 PM to 10 PM. - A meeting would have occurred on Sep 16th 2008 where they would have decided to transfer the properties to “dummies”. The properties involved and the new owners would be: Estrada do Jacarepaguá, 3475 (building) and at Rua do Comércio 11, all of them in Rio das Pedras, (“Paulo Capixaba”); Estrada de Jacarepaguá, 3474 - Rio das Pedras, (Zé da Penha"); Estrada de Jacarepaguá, 3473 – building in Rio das Pedras, (“Eli”), who would be the President of the Residents’ Association of Rio das Pedras. In the same meeeting, they would have discussed the possibility of killing “Adelmo” who would have denounced the group to the press. 1.16.8. Praça Seca - São José Operário, Bateau Mouche, Chacrinha, Mato Alto e Bela Vista. - Group formed by: Politician, municipal guard and civilians. - Number of militia members: 30 (according to informants). - Name and/or symbol: “Pessoal do Deco” - Time in Operation: 04 years - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 10.00 to R$ 15.00; shopkeepers R$ 20.00; ; cable TV signal monthly fee R$ 20.00 to R$ 30.00; Internet R$ 40.00; gas R$ 38.00; stalls R$ 200.00; moto-táxi and alternative transport. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, death and expulsion of residents. - Used weapons: Pistols, rifles and knives. - Leaders: 150 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Vereador Luiz André Ferreira da Silva (“Deco”) – Candidate to City Councilor for the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party PR – Republicab Party, he was not elected, he obtained 12,498 votes. - He would have participated in the murder of Inspector Antonio Rafael Gonçalves, at the time, serving at ICCE. - He would be intimidating the residents, asking for their CPF (Individual Taxpayer’s Register) and voter’s card saying for them to vote on him, otherwise they would suffer retaliation, even by losing their houses. - Together with his group, he would be forcing residents to put in their houses, banners and political posters with his photo together with candidate to Mayor Marcelo Crivella and would be forbidding other candidates to make campaign in the place. Hélio Albino Filho (“Lica”) - He would drive an EcoSport car with plate KXZ 1652 and would be owner of a scrap metal yard at Rua Comandante Luiz Souto. - He would command Mato Alto Community and would be partner in an auto repair shop located at Estrada André Moura, 20 - Taquara. - He would be selling illegal plots of land that would be behind a scrap metal yard. - The business would be carried out at Rosenberg’s office, known as “escritório dos nordestinos" (Brazilian northeastern people’s office). - Members: GM (Municipal Guard) Paulo, “Baiano”, “Ceará”, Clinton, Gonçalo, Ivonete, Jeferson (“Boi”), João, Jorge de Souza Paiva, Moisés, “Pará”, Paulo Miguel Marinho, Rogério (“Rossi”), Rosenberg, Sheila, “Valinho” and Vitor. - Informants’ motivation: - He had his car stolen by the militia members and was expelled from the community. - Other useful data: - Police officers from the 28th DP would connive with the militia. - The group would have murdered: Michele, 30 years old, Débora, 14 years old (nearly two years ago), Leandro, 21 years ago, "Sementinha" (nearly two years ago), Thaís who was pregnant (nearly seven months ago) and her body would have disappeared, Carlos Henrique, four years old and Thiago on June 16th 2005 whose body has not been found yet. - They would have murdered a young male of 16 years old on Aug 1st 2008, whose body was thrown next to a scrap metal yard. 151 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Near the City’s Water Tower, on top of the hill, there would be an underage prostitution hangout and a clandestine cemetery. - They would have invaded a plot of land, and would be selling the lots between R$ 2,000.00 and R$ 5,000.00. - On Aug 17th 2008, Disse's group would have murdered three young men, and one of the bodies was thrown at Rua André Rocha. 1.16.9. Praça Seca - Chácara, Quiririm, Urucuia e Luiz Beltrão. - Group formed by: Politician, civilians and military police officers. - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 10.00 to R$ 15.00; shopkeepers R$ 30.00 to R$ 200.00; cable TV signal; Internet R$ 40.00, gas and alternative transport. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, death and expulsion of residents. - Leader: 2nd Sgt PM Luiz Monteiro da Silva (“Doen”) – Candidate to City Councilor for the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party PTC – Christian Labor Party, number 36.007, he was not elected, he obtained 4,047 votes. - He would have a bank account at Itaú bank branch no. 5658 of Praça Seca, used for deposit of money collected by the militia, in addition to having a cyber café at Rua Urucuia in Vila Valqueire, next to the Social Center. - Members: Sgt. PM Miro, PM Flávio, João Monteiro da Silva (“Joãozinho”), Paulo Ferreira Junior (“Jiraya” or “Paulinho do Gás”), - Other useful data: - Police officers from the 28th DP would connive with the militia. 1.16.10. Tanque - Largo do Tanque - Group formed by: Politicians, civilians, military police officers and military firefighters. - Number of militia members: 30 (according to informants). - Time in Operation: 03 year - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 10,00 to R$ 30,00; cable TV signal; fee for garage space in buildings, gas; alternative transport: moto-táxi R$ 20,00; Kombi R$ 100,00 per week and a 50% commission on the purchase and sale of real estate properties. 152 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Forms of intimidation: Aggression, kidnappings, expulsion of residents and death. - Leaders: Former State Assembly Member Álvaro Lins “PM Japão” - Usaria um veículo Gol de cor branca. - Members: PM Jorge, PM Robério, BM Fábio, André, “Andréa Barraqueira”, “Beto”, Cícero, Júlio, Junior, Jorge, Marcão, Marcelo, “Márcia Boca de Sapo”, “Penha” (“Bolão”), “Paraíba”, Roberto and “Xuxa”. - Other useful data: - In the previous election for the office of State Assembly Member, the residents were forced to put posters in their houses and to vote for State Assembly Member Álvaro Lins. - The group invaded an abandoned building at Rua Cândido Benício, 3835 in Jacarepaguá, which would be occupied by homeless people and would have implemented a rental system of R$ 200.00. If the person does not pay, he/she is expelled and the apartment is sold for the price of R$ 6,000.00 or R$ 7,000.00. - They would have put a young man inside a Fiat Uno car with plate LFC 1183 and disappeared with the body. Doorkeepers Cícero, Júlio, “Beto” and “Marcão” would be working for the militia. 1.16.11. Taquara - Group formed by: Civilians, military police officers. - Time in Operation: 10 years - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ Security R$ 30,00; shopkeepers; cable TV signal R$ 50,00 for the monthly fee. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, and expulsion of residents and shopkeepers. - Used weapons: They carry rifles and pistols ostensibly. - Used vehicles: KOM 0066. - Members: Damião Juvino da Silva, Erivaldo, Gilson Ferreira da Costa e Josenilda Ferreira de Oliveira. 153 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Other useful data: - Damião’s brother would have been arrested with City Councilor Jerominho. - The militia group would come from Favela da Palmeirinha (Palmeirinha Slum) - There would be an extermination group in the neighborhood formed by: Sgt EB Everton, Sgt MAR Eduardo, Amarilso and “Bira” who would work at Hospital Santa Maria. 1.16.12. Taquara - Nova Aurora Community - Group formed by: Civilians, military police officers and former military police officers. - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 15.00; shopkeepers R$ 50.00; cable TV signal monthly fee R$ 25.00 and installation R$ 50.00; gas R$ 38.00 . - Forms of intimidation: Threats and expulsion of residents. - Used weapons: They carry rifles and pistols ostensibly. - Leaders: “Former PM Silvério” - Members: “Sgt PM Ross”, Julio Cesar Peixoto, Danilo Alves da Silveira, Nilton and “Tota”. - - Other useful data: - The militia members would be forcing residents to use material from the political campaign of Elton Jorge Haut (“Elton Babu”). 1.16.13. Taquara - Jordão Community - Group formed by: Civilians and military police officers. - Number of militia members: 20 - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 10,00; shopkeepers R$ 40,00 to 60,00; cable TV signal R$ 25,00; gas and a 30% fee in the sale of real estate property. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression and death. - Used vehicles: LOL 7678, KUI 6081, LPJ 5577, KMX 1566, LOX 0123 and LSF 0041. - Members: “Cb Mello”, PM Sebastião de Souza, Rubens e “Tião”. - Other useful data: 154 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - There would be a clandestine cemetery at the highest part of Jordão Community. - The group lawyer would carry a pistol and drive a red Fox car with plate number LSX 2208. - The militia members would be forcing residents to vote for candidate to City Councilor “Elton Babu”. - They would have the support of Cap. PM Cleiton de Goes from the 18th BPM who would have a cyber café at Rua do Jordão, 627 – phone: 2423 4640, Taquara. 1.16.14. Taquara - Jardim Boiúna, Lote 1000, Santa Maria and Pau da Fome. - Group formed by: Civilians and non-identified members. - Time in Operation: 05 years - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ Security R$ 15,00; shopkeepers R$ 50,00 (they provide receipts); cable TV signal: R$ 60.00 for the installation and R$ 25.00 for the monthly fee. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, expulsion of residents and robberies. - Used vehicles: LNK 5073, LNN 1754 and LNQ 5073. - Used weapons: They carry rifles and pistols ostensibly. - Leaders: Evandro – He would use mobile number 7838-2102. “Juninho Cerol” – He would drive an Astra car with plate number LNQ 5073 and a Palio car with plate number LNN 1754 and would live at Rua Bamposta in a locality known as lote 1000. - Members: “Bira”, “Feijão” e “Marcelo” (“Gorila”). - Other useful data: - They would use the following phone numbers: 8161-3267 and 2443-5563 for contact. - They would be threatening to burn shops if shopkeepers do not fulfill their payment obligations. - They would be selling lots at Estrada dos Teixeiras. - The group would have connections with Realengo’s militia. 1.17. XVII Administrative Region of Bangu, composed by the districts of Bangu, Padre Miguel and Senador Camará. 155 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received 23 denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.17.1. Bangu – Guandu do Sena - Group formed by: Military Police officers - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ Security R$ 10.00 and alternative transport. - Members: PM Daniel e PM Lucio. 1.17.2. Bangu - Jardim Bangu and Cancela Preta - Group formed by: Civil police officers, military police officers, former military police officers, military firefighters, Desipe agents and civilians. - Number of militia members: 13 (listed in the Disque Milícia). - Time in Operation: 01 year - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 20,00; shopkeepers; gas; water barrel, stalls R$ 10,00 to R$ 30,00 per week; and alternative transport R$ 70,00 - Used vehicles:LCJ 4661, LCK 0897, KQD 8034 e MPT 2789. - Leaders: Former PM Ênio Sena Fiocchi; Sgt Flávio Sena Fiocchi Sgt Pacheco - Estaria lotado no 1ºBPM. Desipe Ricardo PM Marcos – He would one of the leaders of Cancela Preta militia, would serve at BOPE (Special Operations Battalion) and would drive a Fiat car with plate number KOH 4594. - Members: 2nd Sgt PM Ademir Nunes, PM Luiz, PM Marcos, “PM Marquinho”, “PM Túnel”, Desipe Luiz Claúdio Siqueira, former Sgt. Enoque, “Gordinho” and Walmir. - Informants’ motivation: - He would have been expelled from the community. - Other useful data: - André would be connected with the Residents’ Association and would have connections with State Assembly Member Natalino and City Councilor Jerominho. 156 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - They would have installed a security camera system at Rua Capão Bonito, 13.- They would be selling lots at Rua Jacunda, in Jardim Bangu, which belong to the City Hall. - Nearly 3 months ago, they would have killed a young man at Rua São Perdão, 45. - They would be distributing leaflets with mobile number 8516-4476. - They would control the cable TV signal at Batan Community. - Gas truck with plate number LSM 7783 would deliver the gas, being convoyed by militia members in car with plate LNP 2423. - The used guns would be hidden in Catiri, in a bar that would be in the end of Rua da Coca-Cola. 1.18. XVIII Administrative Region of Campo Grande, composed by the districts of Campo Grande, Cosmos, Inhoaíba, Santíssimo and Senador Vasconcelos. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10//2008 the Disque Milícia received 131 denouncements related to the administrative region. Campo Grande: Agulhas Negras, Bela Vista, Centro, Vila Ieda, Conjunto Amazonas, Barbante, Carobinha, Comunidade Magarça, Conjunto Votorantim, Santa Margarida, Vila Nova, Vila Califórnia, Santa Maria, Santa Rosa, Rio da Prata, Vila Nova, Vila Califórnia and Tinguí. Inhoaíba: Vilar Carioca and Conjunto BNH. - Group formed by: Politicians, civil police officers, military police officers, former military police officers, former civil police officers, Desipe agents, military fire fighters, military officers of the Armed Forces, municipal guards and civilians. - Number of militia members: 132 (listed in the Disque Milícia). - Time in Operation: 12 years - Name of Militia: “Liga da Justiça” (Justice League) - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security, shopkeepers, cable TV signal R$ 35,00, internet, gas, food allowance, jackpot machine protection and alternative transport with toll charges for vans in the west zone: daily fee of R$ 15,00 to R$ 35,00, specific fee for Campo Grande from R$ 60,00 to R$ 70,00, fee for registration of real estate property and a 30% commission in the sale of real estate property. 157 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, torture, expulsion of residents and death. - Used vehicles: HUB 3531, LKO 6827, CDC 1115, and LNE 8127. - Payment and/or meeting place: Av. Padre de Caminada, in a Council Building across from the Army Engineering barracks. - Leaders: State Assembly Member Natalino José Guimarães ("Natalino" or “Mata Rindo”) - He would be constructing at Rua DW, quadra 45, lote 27, in Recreio dos Bandeirantes, a five-storey building with 50 rooms, on a 15X40 plot of land, to sell the real estate properties in the future. The construction is illegal and would have been interdicted by the City Hall, interdiction number 02370969. City Councilor Jerônimo Guimarães Filho (“Jerominho”) - The militia members gather at a pizzeria located in front of Cosmos train station. - His group would have murdered the president of Conjunto Esperança Association. - He would have three moneylending offices downtown. The clients would be threatened in case of payment delay. The offices would be at: a) Rua Uruguaiana, 118, room 510, phone: 2232.9198, 7861.9888. Ricardo is the agent. b) Avenida 13 de Maio, 47, room 807 – Phone. 9346.4956 , 2240.2907. PM Queiroz is the agent. c) At Avenida 13 de Maio, 45, room 1504 – Phone.: 3905 6707 – Dr. Ricardo would be the agent, who would be the lawyer of PM Luiz Carlos and of the militia. He would use phone number 3026.2425 and 3026.9063. Former Sd PM Luciano Guinâncio Guimarães (“Luciano”) - He would control unlicensed alternative transport of Ilha de Guaratiba x Campo Grande route. - He would be involved in the murder of Almir Salgado and, together with his group, he would have murdered on October 29th 2007 correctional officer Diélson Correa at Av. Brasil. 158 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - He would have as bodyguards: Douglas Midas (“Jiló”) and PM Carlos Ary Ribeiro (“Carlão”) - He would have attended a party at Estrada do Cabuçu, 3405, where a police officer lives, whose mother is called Solange. - Intermediary leadership: Fábio Pereira de Oliveira (“Fabinho” or “Fabinho Gordo”) – He would reside at Rua do Encantamento, next to no. 180, at former Rua 53 and at Rua Ivatuva, at former Rua 34, lote 04, quadra 85. He would have a Golf car with plate LOZ 8759 which would be used by “Vitinho” and a black Meriva car. Leandro Paixão Viegas (“Leandrinho” or “Quebra Ossos”) - He would reside at Rua Brotas, 25 at sub-district Bela Vista, where he would keep guns and where he his brother would also live who would be a former inmate. - On 07/07/2007 he would have murdered PM Luiz Cláudio Batista and would be threatening the dead man’s family. Insp. PC André Luiz da Silva Malvar (“Malvar”) Carmen Glória Guimarães Carneiro (“Carminha Jerominho”) – Candidate to City Councilor for the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party PT do B – Brazilian Labor Party, number 70.670, elected withh 22,068 votes; - She would be receiving the support of Alfredo (“Boi”) who would be an employee of State Assembly Member Picciani who would not be acquainted with Alfredo's activities with the militias. - He would be putting posters of his political campaign on houses, without authorization from the residents. - At Rua Soldado Joaquim Lobo State Assembly Member Natalino and City Councilor Jerominho, would be forcing the population to make political propaganda for “Carminha Jerominho” and would be sending death threats to Dr. André de Paula – leaseholders’ attorney – e Antonio Louro. Former Sd PM Ricardo Teixeira Cruz (“Batman”) - Even imprisoned, he would continue commanding the sale of gas in the Community of Vilar Carioca in Inhoaíba. 159 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Members: Civil police officers: “PC Robinho” Military police officers: 1st Sgt PM Wilson Vaz da Silva, Sgt PM Alonso dos Santos, Sgt PM Lucio, Sgt PM Marcos Siqueira (“Rambo”), Cb PM André Oliveira (“Papel”), Cb Monteiro, Cb PM Roscio Ferreira de Barros, Sd PM Daniel, Sd PM Renato Neves de Carvalho, PM Alexandre de Freitas, PM Anderson de Souza Maciel, PM Carlos Ary Ribeiro (“Carlão”), “PM Fabinho”, PM Júlio Cesar Ferraz (“Julinho”), PM Márcio, PM Marcelo Querino Domingues (“Cavalo”), PM Marcelo Ribeiro da Silva, PM Moisés Pereira Junior (“Chopão”), PM Moraes, PM Paulo Sérgio Gomes Cabral, PM Pinheiro, PM Ricardo Carvalho Santos, PM Roberto Borba da Conceição (“Dedé”), PM Silvio Pacheco Fontes (“Silvinho”), PM Toni Ângelo Souza de Aguiar (“Toni”), PM Uanderson, PM Valdeck, PM Willian de Paula, Former Police Officers: former PM Fabiano, former PM Jesus (“Broa”) and “former PM Sandrinho”, Military officers (police or armed forces): Ten Rodrigo Silva, Sub Ten Assis, Sub Ten Jorge (“Jorjão”), “Cb Leão” and Cb Willian. Military firefighters: “BM Cafu” and BM Ronaldo, Correctional Officers: Reudir Pereira (“Radar”) Municipal Guards: GM França Military officers of the Armed Forces: Major Aer (Air Force) Jonhson dos Santos Civis: Adriano Gonzaga dos Santos (“Camelo”), Alessandro Junior, Alex, Aline, Álvaro Belford, André, Aroldo (“Aroldinho”), “Bibi”, “Bigu”, “Biro-Biro”, “Boy”, “Branco”, “Bicudo”, Carlos Henrique, Carlos Max, Claúdia, Clauton Augusto Brito, Cristiano, “Cabra”, “Cacareco”, “Chumbinho”, “Darlan”, “Dentinho”, Deivid Anderson Guimarães, Douglas Midas (“Jiló”), “Duzinho”, Eduardo Ferreira de Andrade, Éden, Esmael, Fabiano (“Bibi”), Fábio de Souza Mello, Felipe, “Fofo”, “Furacão”, Guilherme Belote, “Hamburgão”, Ivonei, Jackson, Jessé, Jorge Monteiro (“Jorge Buldog”), José Luiz, ”José Pretinho”, Leandro, Lílian, Luis (“Mortadela” or “Gordão”), Luis André de Souza de Sá, Luiz Antonio Felix da Rocha, Marcelo Rios, “Marcio Pidão”, Maurício, “Maciel”, “Matuto” (“Grande”), “Maxwell”, Michel Cunha de Carvalho, “Mineral”, Moisés, “Moreno”, “Naldo”, “Nildo”, “Papa”, “Passos”, “Pastor”, “Paulinho Bilíngüe”, “Quinho”, Rafael, Reginaldo, Reinaldo (“Sprinter”), “Renan”, Ricardo, “Robocoop”, Robson, Rodolfo, Ronaldo (“Saraiva”), Roni Sabino Batista, Vando, Valnei, “Vitinho”, Wagner da Silva Dantas, Wallace, Wanderley Rocha Fonseca, Wilton Rodrigues de Oliveira, “Tatai”, “Zé Brinquinho” and “Zinho”. 160 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Informants’ motivation: - The militia members would have taken her real estate property. - Apparently desperate, she ended the call crying. - Other useful data: - Nearly 3 months ago, militia members would have killed Marcio Moreira de Oliveira at Rua Antônio Chagas, at the sub-district of Vila Califórnia. - They would receive daily fees of R$ 500.00 from 13 Kombi drivers of line 42 that covers the route Carvalho Ramos X Campo Grande. The payment would be made at the line’s final stop, at Big Big bakery. - In Vila Jardim, in Condominium Vilage Aquarius, EROS company would have installed an illegal cable TV signal for the militia. The company would be established at Estrada do Moinho, next to Escola Municipal (Municipal School) Jesus Soares. - RPMONT military police officers would receive bribes daily from 1 PM at Rua Ético, in front of camelódromo (Brazilian term for street vendors' place). The payment would be made by the occupants of a silver Pólo car. - The militia members would have taken the real estate property from an informant located at Rua Paulo Fontenes, 06, Barbante – Campo Grande and would be using the property as a meeting place. - Alexandre Freitas, “Ten. Rodrigo Silva and Cb. Monteiro would be planning to kill a relative of 35th DP Chief – Marcus Neves. - He was waiting for a reliable agency to make the denouncement. - A homicide at Barbante Community would have occurred, whose victim was a man who worked in a drugstore and was on a motorbike. The murderers would have used a vehicle with plate number KRJ 1097. - Majors Sodré, Veloso and Terra would be responsible for the security of West Shopping Entertainment Venue, in Campo Grande, and would have connections with the militia members. - The cable TV signal station would be at Rua Simão Cury, 55 in Rio da Prata. A military police officer member of the militia would drive a BMW car, plate number LNG 6127 and would have two shops, a cyber café and JB Informática, located in front of Estrada do Cabuçu, 3405. - City councilor Jorge Marotte would have connections with the drug traffic, the jogo do bicho (Brazilian term for the “animal game”) and the “Liga da Justiça” militia, having awarded city councilor Jerominho and State Assembly Member Natalino with the Title of Iguaçu Citizen. In Nova Iguaçu there would be several 161 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Denouncement made to the Disque Milícia informing that in Campo Grande, at the 4th Metropolitan Region of Education, militia members would be threatening school headmasters from the region saying that the school meals could only be supplied by company Home Bread Indústria e Comércio LTDA, CNPJ 00.768/165/0001-08, at Estrada do Tindiba, 316 - Jacarepaguá, in spite of having several other registered companies. He also informed that the mentioned company would be involved in frauds at Faetec – Fundação de Apoio as Escolas Técnicas (Technical School Supporting Foundation), and such fact was publicized in several newspapers. In the anonimous denouncement, the following operational scheme takes place: 1st step: Teacher Rita – Administrative Manager of Coordination IV would make phone calls to large schools requesting to make the groceries at company Home Bread / São Judas Tadeu. This request favors her cousin, named Péricles, salesperson of the mentioned company. 2nd step: If the headmaster does not accept the friendly request, he receives another call or a notice from Coordinator Lílian, the maximum authority of the State in that region, so that Teacher Rita’s request is accepted. 3rd step: If the headmaster continues to resist, he is visited by militiamen, under the command of Mr. Júlio Varela, showing him the importance of collaborating with the group. 4th step: If the headmaster continues resisting, an ill will operation is started against the School until the headmaster is dismissed. Concluding, the denouncement says that headmistress Minerva of Ciep (State School) 305 - Heitor dos Prazeres in Pedra de Guaratiba, Headmaster Max of Ciep 382 – Aspirante Fco. Mega in Magalhães Bastos and the former headmaster of Colégio Estadual (State School) Zarur in Vila Kenedy have already been dismissed due to this scheme. Campo Grande Administrative Region - Group formed by: Civilians, military police officers and former military police officers - Name and/or symbol: “Comando Chico Bala” - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security, shopkeepers; gas; and alternative transport. 162 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, robberies, torture and death. - Leader: Sgt PM Francisco César Silva de Oliveira (“Chico Bala”) - Members: “PM Ronald Bortolozo” PM Sérgio de Lima (“De Lima”). Ex-PM Alan Moreira da Silva Ex-PM Alexandre da Silva Monteiro (“Popaye”) Ex-PM Eduardo Chagas Ex-PM Herbert Canijo da Silva (“Escangalhado”) Sgt BM Carlos Alexandre Silva Cavalcante (“Gaguinho”) Carlos Mendes da Silva Filho Graça. - Other Members: CB Alfredo, Former PM Sandrinho, Former Sgt EB Bruno “Betinho”, Derley, “Gordo”, “Juju”, “Marcelo Cavalo”, “Pit Bull” and “Riquinho”. Reinaldo, “Roni”, and Simone - Other useful data: - With the weakening and imprisonment of several militia members known as “Liga da Justiça”, “Chico Bala” group would be taking advantage to take on alternative transport and other illegal services that the former group used to exploit. - They would have killed a man known as “Bin Laden”, with 27 gunshots. 1.19. XIV Administrative Region of Santa Cruz, composed by the districts of Paciência, Santa Cruz and Séptica. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received 95 denouncements related to the administrative region. Paciência - Conjunto Manguariba, Jardim Palmares, Cosmos, Sete de abril, Nova Jersey and Gouvêa. 163 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Santa Cruz - Alvorada, Centro, Cesarinho, Cesarão, Chatuba, Conjunto João XXIII, Conjunto Morada do Império, Fomento, Guandu 1 and 2, Jaqueira, Novo Mundo, Pedrinhas, São Fernando and Urucânia. Sepetiba - Conjunto Nova Sepetiba. - Group formed by: Politicians, civilians, civil police officers, military police officers, former police officers, military officers of the Armed Forces and Desipe agents. - Number of militia members: 140 (listed in the Disque Milícia). - Name and/or symbol: : “Liga da Justiça” (Justice League) - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 10.00; shopkeepers R$ 50.00 to R$ 250.00; cable TV signal monthly fee R$ 30.00 and installation R$ 50.00; gas R$ 38.00; Stalls R$ 10.00; commission in the sale of real estate propery and alternative transport. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, robberies, torture and death. - Used vehicles: LBB 7326, LHH 6941, KYK 1078, KMO 8364, LJT 5066, LBG 2893, KNK 0052 e KQM 6978. - Used weapons: Revolvers, pistols and rifles. - Payment and/or meeting place: - At Piscina Bar establishment, at Rua 25 - Conjunto Urucânia. - At the Pet shop of Rua Romeu Cuco, in Cesarinho. - At Avenida do Contorno across from the bakery, in a bar known as Amendoeira. - At the Residents’ Association of Conjunto Liberdade. - At "Beto" Electronic Shop. - In Sepetiba at Recôncava’s beach, at Marcelo’s kiosk and at Pizzaria de Samuel. At Bar do Caveirão at Rua General Olímpio, from 10 PM - Leaders: State Assembly Member Natalino José Guimarães ("Natalino" or “Mata Rindo”) 164 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY City Councilor Jerônimo Guimarães Filho (“Jerominho”) Former Sd PM Luciano Guinâncio Guimarães (“Luciano”) State Assembly Member Jorge Luis Hauat (“Jorge Babu”) – He would be the militias’ leader in Alvorada, Mundo Novo and Chatuba in Santa Cruz and downtown Sepetiba. He would have connections with “Natalino” and “Jerominho”. Intermediary leadership: Leandro Paixão Viegas (“Leandrinho” or “Quebra Ossos”), Júlio Cesar Oliveira dos Santos (“Julinho Tiroteio”) Elton Jorge Haut (“Elton Babu”) Candidate to City Councilor for the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party – Labor Party, number 13.444, elected with 11,279 votes - He would lead part of Sepetiba and would have received electoral support from the militia of Jordão and Nova Aurora Communities in Taquara. - Members: Civil Police Officers – Del Pol (Police Dept. Chief) David, PC Inv. (Civil Police Investigator) Willian, “PC Marquinhos” and “PC Kessinho”. Military Police Officers – Ten Cel PM Gaspar, Ten Cel PM Adeilson Borges Teixeira, Major Marcelo, Ten. PM Bianchini, Cap. PM Sodré, Sub Ten PM Carlos Leite, Sgt PM Antunes, Sgt PM Luiz Brasil, Retired Sgt João Batista Rosa Viana, Sgt PM Jorge Fernandes (“Jorge Louro”), Cb PM Alessandro Fiel Lopes (“Fiel”), Cb PM Flávio, Cb M. Alves (“Cinho”), Cb PM Mauro, Cb PM Moura, CB Willian, PM Alessandro, PM Alexandre Barbosa, PM Alexandre Paulino, PM Alves (“Sinho”), PM Beraldo (“Alex Cabeção”), PM Carreira, PM De Lima, PM Davidson Rosas, PM Gilder, PM Guilherme, “PM Jorginho”, PM Júlio Cesar Ferraz, PM Junior, PM Lourenço, PM Luiz Claúdio Crow, PM Marcio, PM Mauro, PM Moisés Pereira Maia Junior (“Moisés”), “PM Noquinho”, PM Paulo, PM Rosado, PM Sandro, PM Toni Ângelo Souza de Aguiar (“Toni”), PM Rondovi, PM Rozaes and PM Valnei. Former police officers – Sgt PM Eduardo, former PM Jesus (“Broa”) and former PM Tião Pepe. Military officers (police or armed forces): Sgt Barbosa and Robinho. Correctional Officers: Reudir Pereira (“Radar”) and Rogério.. Military officers of the Armed Forces: Sgt Aeronáutica Carlos Boyer Civis: Sgt Aeronáutica (Air Force) Carlos Boyer Civilians: André Couto, Alex, Aline, Augusto, “Batata”, “Bernard”, “Beto Bronson”, “Beto Perneta”, “Betinho”, “Bico”, “Bozar”, Bruno, “Bizuca, Charles, Cláudio, “Caolho”, Carina, Carlos Augusto (“Guto Negão”), Carlos Barbosa (“Carlinhos”), Carlos Henrique 165 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY (“Gordinho”), Cássio, “Caveira”, “Cecel”, Celso (“Boca Rasgada”), Celso (“Cobra”), “Chiquinho Sepetiba”, “Chumbinho”, “De Paula”, “Dedé”, Delson, “Dentinho”, “Derley”, “Digão”, “Douglas”, “Dudu Gordo”, Eduardo, “Evandro Grande”, Ezequias Bezerra, Fábio, “Falcão”, Flávio, Fred, “Gorilão”, “Guga”, Hélio, Ilson, Jean, Jerônimo (“Gê”), Joaquim, Jorge Luiz, José Luiz, Leandro Soledade de Jesus, “Lemos”, Leonardo (“Leo” or “Lava Jato”), “Leto”, Luiz Carlos, “Lobão”, Luis (“Mortadela” or Gordo”), Luís André, Maécio, “Marcelinho Carioca”, “Marcelo Buraco”, Márcio, Marcos, “Marinho”, Nadiso”, “Nem”, “Neto Bronson”, “Ninho”, “Naldinho”, “Pará”, “Paulinho”, “Paulão”, Ricardo da Silva Martins, Rogério (“Negão”), Rodney, Samuel, Sandra, Saulo, Thiago, “Vaguinho”, Valverde, “Vangle”, Wallace (“Matador”), “Xaropinho” and “Zeca”. - Payment and/or meeting place: - At the Pet shop of Rua Romeu Cuco, in Cesarinho. - At Avenida do Contorno across from the bakery, in a bar known as Amendoeira. - Other useful data: - There would be a clandestine cemetery in Fazenda Nova Índia. - Cap PM Sodré – Regiment of the Mounted Police -, Sgt. Costa and Sgt. Lourival would receive R$ 3,000.00 in order to avoid bothering the communities. - The cable TV signal station would be at Rua Lídice, 04 - Paciência. - The Internet station at Rua Caminho do Furado, s/n - Paciência. - There would be a jackpot machine deposit at Rua Urucurama, on the corner of Paçuaré in Cosmos. - On July 10th 2008 Sete de Abril Community militia would have murdered a young man at Rua Enconha. - They would be wearing uniforms from a company with the wording “Arca da Aliança”. - In Cosmos, the militia members would be requiring residents to remove the plate of their candidates so that the campaign material of “Carminha Jerominho” is placed. - PM Marcio would work at State Assembly Member Jorge Babu’s office and would be a member of the militia at Conjunto Nova Sepetiba. 166 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Denilson would be responsible for the charging of the cable TV signal at Largo do Arão in Sepetiba, says that the money collected belongs to State Assembly Member Jorge Babu. - The militia members would be making electoral campaign for candidate Israel. - They would have a clandestine cemetery at Estrada do Furado, behind Morro da Urucânia. The place would be used for the practice of torture. - Militia members using vehicle with plate number LBG 2893, which would belong to State Assembly Member Jorge Babu, would be imposing to residents that material from the political campaign of “Carminha Jerominho” should be placed on the houses of João XXIII Community. The car would also be used in the political campaign of Elton Jorge Haut (“Elton Babu”). - “Chiquinho Sepetiba” would be the militia’s candidate in Sepetiba. Other candidates could not make campaign in the place. - The militia that operates in Conjunto Morada do Império would be called “Grupo dos 10” and would have connections with Cb Brasil who would be one of the responsible for the militia of Pedrinhas Community. They would be planning to kill “Chico Bala”. - Police officers from the 27th BPM and 36th DP would connive with the militia. - The militia members would have murdered PM João in Pedra de Guaratiba. - The cable TV signal station would be at Rua São Tarcisio, 120. - The monthly fees would be paid at Travessa, 58, casa 06 – Sepetiba. - They would meet at Bar do Osmar in front of the Market. - The gas deposit would be at Rua Três, in a large house. - At Rua Cinqüenta e Três, house 39, there would be a Pirate Radio. - They would have put railroad tracks in the end of Rua General Olímpicos. - Men using vehicle with plate number LBG 2893, which would be used by State Assembly Member Jorge Luis Hauat (“Jorge Babu”), would be imposing to residents that material from the political campaign of candidate Carmen Glória Guimarães Carneiro (“Carminha Jerominho”) should be placed on the houses of João XXIII Community. The car would also be used in the political campaign of Elton Jorge Haut (“Elton Babu”). - The militia would have the connivance of police officers from the 27th BPM and the 36th DP and would have invaded and expelled a resident from his house situated at Avenida João XXIII next to number 19B, taking the real estate property by force. - Police officers from the 36th DP would connive with the militia. - The militia members would have murdered PM João in Pedra de Guaratiba. 167 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - The guns would be kept at Travessa Margino, 17 linked to Travessa do Piaí, 10 in Sepetiba. 1.20. XX Administrative Region of Ilha do Governador, composed by the districts of Bancários, Cacúia, Cidade Universitária, Cocotá, Freguesia, Galeão, Jardim Carioca, Jardim Guanabara, Moneró, Pitangueiras, Portuguesa, Praia da Bandeira, Ribeira, Tauá and Zumbi. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received nine denouncements related to the administrative region. Ilha do Governador – Barbante Community, Vila Juaniza and Boog Woog. - Group formed by: Military police officers from the Communities' DPO (Police District). - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 10.00; shopkeepers R$ 30.00; cable TV signal R$ 25.00; gas R$ 42.00; alternative transport: Kombi R$ 30,00 and moto-táxi R$ 25,00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, expulsion of residents and curfew. - Armas utilizadas: Escopetas, pistolas e fuzis. - Leaders: “Cb PM De Paula” – He would serve at the 17th BPM. PM Luiz Artur PM Roberto Forasteiro - Members: Military Police Officers – – PM Andrade, “PM Batman”, PM Rafael and “PM Urso” (all of them would serve at the 17th BPM). Civilian: “Metanol”. - Other useful data: - They would have turned the DPO into a militia post and would charge for the illegal services while on duty and in uniform. The three shift work members would be involved. That would be the same group that operates at Boogie Woogie Slum. 168 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 1.21. XXI Administrative Region of Ilha de Paquetá (Paquetá Island) From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia did not receive denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.22. XXII Administrative Region of Anchieta, composed by the districts of Anchieta, Guadalupe, Parque Anchieta and Ricardo de Albuquerque. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received 83 denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.22.1. Anchieta Guadalupe – Gogó da Ema Community and Camboatá Ricardo de Albuquerque – Cavalheiro da Esperança - Group formed by: Military police officers, military firefighters, former criminals, watchmen and civilians. - Number of militia members: 46 (listed in the Disque Milícia). - Time in Operation: 01 and a half year. - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 10.00 to R$ 30.00; shopkeepers R$ 50.00; gas R$ 35.00 to R$ 38.00; cable TV signal R$ 25.00 to R$ 30.00; Internet R$ 25.00; copy to keys R$ 3.00; water barrel R$ 5.00; vendors’ stalls, 10% to 50% commission in the sale of real estate property and R$ 150.00 for documentation at the Residents’ association. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, robberies, aggression, torture, expulsion of residents and death. - Used weapons: Shotguns, pistols, machine guns and rifles. - Used vehicles: LAJ 9969, LOP 3718, KIN 1046, KXI 0566, LUX 9425, KOG 5030, KOM 5288, vehicles number 3012, 3153 and 3156 of the 14th BPM. - Payment and/or meeting place: - At the Residents’ Associations located at Streets: Nagóia and Esmal de Souza Melo. - At Vila Esperança they meet at Rua Carlos Prestes, 32. - Leaders: 169 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Sgt PM Edmilson – He would be the owner of Cooperpavuna Cooperative and responsible for the deviation of Cable TV signal in the villages located at Estrada Rio do Pau, in Anchieta. Cb PM Jair Barbosa Tavares (“Zico” or “Zico Bacana”) – Candidate to City Councilor for the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party, PSDC – Social Christian Democratic Party – number 27.773, he was not elected, he obtained 3,311 votes. - He would be controlling the militia at Eternit Community in Guadalupe, he would have connections with the militia of Palmeirinha Community in Honório Gurgel, controlled by SD PM Fabrício Fernandes Mirra (“Mirra”). Anderson – He would reside and act at the Condominium at Estrada do Rio do Pau, no. 1.073 in Anchieta. “Bicudo” – He would reside and act in the Condominium situated at Estrada do Rio do Pau, 1073, block 01, 3rd Floor, in Anchieta. “Fabinho” – He would use the vehicle with plate number LPA 6087 and act in the Condominium of Estrada do Rio do Pau, no. 1.073 in Anchieta, where his wife Taís would work. He would support Candidate Alexandre Cerruti and would be forcing residents to give their CPF and Identity numbers. - Members: Military police officers: “3rd Sgt PM Tião”, PM Cláudio (“Cabeção”), PM Ivan, PM João, “PM Macumba” and “PM Pica-Pau”. Military firefighter: BM Alexandre, BM Amarildo, “BM Gordinho”, “BM Luis Porquinho”, “BM Santiago”, “BM Tucano”, BM Wagner, BM Wallace and BM Willian. Civilians: Alex, “Babalu”, “Claudinho” (“Vigilante”), Cleiton, “Chacal”, “Chocolate”, “Dentinho”, “Dida”, “Dudu”, “Grande”, Eliseu, Júlio, “Juninho”, “Junior”, Leandro, Luciano (“Bigode”), Luiz Henrique Platino, “Maninho”, Marcos (“Marquinho”), “Neném”, “Nino”, “Paulo Macarrão”, “PQD”, Renato, “Russo”, “Sorriso” and Taís. - Informants’ motivation: - They want their freedom respected. - Her husband would have been killed by the militia. - Other useful data: - They invaded a City Hall Lot, located at estrada Rio do Pau, 1073 in Anchieta and would be selling the apartments. 170 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - They would be putting gates at streets Himalaia, Nagoia and José Marcelino in Anchieta, preventing the free access of residents. - They would pay bribe to police officers fo the 39th DP and 14th BPM. - They would be removing several plates of candidates to city councilor in Anchieta and forcing residents to put plates from the campaign of City Councilor Alexandre Cerruti who is candidate for reelection in the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party DEM – Democrats, number 25123, reelected withh 17,142 votes; - The militia would also support candidate to city councilor Júlio Brasil who would be Federal Police Dept. Chief, candidate to reelection for the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party PTB - Brazilian Labor Party, who was not elected, he obtained 5571 votes and City Councilor Silvia Pontes – Candidate to City Councilor for the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party DEM – Democrats, number 25.025, she was not reelected, she obtained 11,536 votes. - The group would be connected with 2nd Sgt Bm Cristiano Girão Matias (“Girão”) who acts in the district of Gardênia Azul. - Sgt Edmilson, Anderson, “Bicudo” and Fabinho, would control the area of Anchieta. - Cb PM Jair Barbosa Tavares (“Zico” or “Zico Bacana”), “Bicudo” and “Fabinho”, would control the area of gogó da Ema Community and Camboatá. - BM Wallace would have celebrated the death of a police officer occurred on July 29th 2008, in Honório Gurgel and would have said that he belongs to State Ass.Natalino “gang”. - Involvement of police officers from the 9th BPM and 14th BPM. - They would have put an observation post at Rua Hungria and would have warned that they will charge residents. - The cable TV station would be located at Rua Pedra Rasa, 165. - They receive the protection of vehicles: LNS 2177 from the 14th DP – Wallace drives this vehicle - and LAM 4531 from the 64th DP. - A man known as Maurício would have been killed by the group on June 21st 2008. - The cable TV station would be located at Rua Pedra Rasa nexto to number 167. 1.22.2. Guadalupe - Conjunto 29 de Abril - Group formed by: Civil and military police officers. - Number of militia members: 10 (according to informants). 171 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Leaders: PM Peterson Feliciano de Menezes – He would serve at the 16th BPM. - Members: PM Márcio, “PM Bruxo”, Fernando Cipriano da Silva and Maurício. - Other useful data: - There would be several robbed cars in the place. - City councilor Rosa Fernandes would have put gates inthe community and shortly afterwards, the militia was established. - The militia would also support candidate to City Councilor CB PM Jair Barbosa Tavares (“Zico” or “Zico Bacana”). 1.22.3 Ricardo de Albuquerque – Pompéia Region - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ Security R$ 20,00; and cable TV signal: monthly fee R$ 35,00 and installation R$ 50,00. - Forms of intimidation: Beating - Leaders: “PM Ref Galego” - Residiria na Rua do Algodão, 322. - Integrantes: “PM Ref. Serginho” - Other useful data: - In the place only campaign for Candidate to City Councilor Silvia Pontes could be made. - The cable TV station would be located at Rua Pedra Rasa nexto to number 167. 1.23. XXIII Administrative Region of Santa Teresa From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia did not receive denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.24. XXIV Administrative Region of Barra da Tijuca composed by the districts of Barra da Tijuca, Camorim, Grumari, Itanhangá, Joá, Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Vargem Grande and Vargem Pequena. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received 19 denouncements related to the administrative region. There are denouncements about: - Swindle in the Region of Barra da Tijuca. - Illegal security in condominium in the District of Itanhangá, related to company Warrions Zeladoria Patrimonial Simples LTDA. 172 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Security charging in the streets of Matoso and Hadock Lobo in Tijuca, and PM Augusto from the 6th BPM being the responsible, who provides the mobile numbers 7841.4723, 7816.8867, ID 55*7102 e 55*792. 1.24.1. Recreio dos Bandeirantes – Terreirão Community - Group formed by: Politician, civilians, military police officers and military firefighter. - Time in Operation 02 years - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security; shopkeepers R$ 30,00 to 80,00; cable TV signal R$ 35,00; alternative transport and commission in the rental and sale of real estate property. - Leaders: 2º Sgt Bm Cristiano Girão Matias (“Girão”) Marco Aurélio França (“Marcão”) - Political Influence: The militia members would be connected with City Councilor Jorge Mauro who has a cultural center in the Community, where they would keep the vehicles used by the militia. - Members: Alcir Matias Machado, Fernando Rodrigues (“Fernandinho”), Frederico, Jadilson da Conceição, “Novaes” and “Pequeno”. 1.24.2. Vargem Grande – Camorim - Group formed by: Civil police officers, military police officers, former military police officers and civilians - Time in Operation: 05 years - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ Security and shopkeepers; gas R$ 35,00; cable TV signal R$ 30,00; internet signal: R$ 100,00 for the installation and R$ 30,00 for the monthly fee. - Used weapons: Pistols and rifles. - Leader: Former PM Ref Fábio (“Borracha”) – He would live in Camorim in front of actor Stênio Garcia’s house. - Political Influence: State Assembly Member Natalino and City Councilor Jerominho - Members: PC Marcos Sena, Sgt PM Ref Fábio Gilberto Pires Corrêa, Former PM Ronaldo Rocha, Margarete and “Zinho”. 173 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Other useful data: - The Police Dept. officers from the area would connive with the militias. 1.24.3. Vargem Pequena - Boca do Mato - Group formed by: Civilians, military police officer and former military police officer. - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ Security R$ 10,00; shopkeepers and cable TV signal, Installation R$ 50.00; and monthly fee of R$ 30.00 (compulsory) and fee to perform works in residences and in the sale of real estate property. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, expulsion of residents and death. - Leader: PM Luiz Otávio Falcão – He would be the President of Boca do Mato Residents’ Association and would live at Rua Beija Flor, where a cable TV station would be located and security cameras would be installed at the street entrance, on the half of Rua Claudio Jacobi, at the square and Rua Aimoré. - Members: Former Pm Fábio, Marcio Castilho, “Cemar” and “Péler”. - Other useful data: - They would be installing security cameras in the community. - The residents’ mail would be delivered at the Residents’ Association, and further sent to the addressees. 1.25. XXV Administrative Region of Pavuna, composed by the districts of Acari, Barros Filho, Coelho Neto, Costa Barros, Parque Colúmbia and Pavuna. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received 18 denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.25.1. Barros Filho – Communities: da Linha, Mata Quatro and Eternit. - Group formed by: Civilians and military police officers. - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ Security R$ 25,00 to R$ 30,00; shopkeepers; cable TV signal and stalls R$ 30,00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, expulsion and death. - Used weapons: Pistols and machine guns. 174 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Payment and/or meeting place: Final stop of bus 362 at Praça de Barros Filho and at Miller Factory at Dona Lena’s bar. - Leader: SD PM Fabrício Fernandes Mirra (“Mirra”) CB PM Jair Barbosa Tavares (“Zico” or “Zico Bacana”) - Members: Eliseu, “Cosme”, “Junior”, e “Tucano”. - Other useful data: - Jonatan, Eliane, Julio and Anderson would have been killed by militia members. - They have built an observation post near Mile Factory. 1.25.2. Coelho Neto - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ Security R$ 15,00 to R$ 20,00; and cable TV signal. - Leaders: Del Pol Altair Queiroz – He would serve at the 40th DP and live in the neighborhood. - Members: PC Álvaro Benito, PC Álvaro de Souza, “PC Neto”, PC Ricardo Góes, PM Morgan, Adriana de Paiva Couto, Denis Roxo, Jadilson Sampaio Couto Junior, Marcio Souza da Silva (“Manga”), Marco Antonio, Mário Augusto Santos de Oliveira. - Other useful data: - The residents would be signing a list and paying a fee for the campaign of candidate to city councilor Alexandre Cerruti and the candidate’s canvassers would be going to the community to remove material from the political campaign of other candidates. 1.25.3. Pavuna (Street: Amaral Ornelas) - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ Security from R$ 15,00 to R$ 25,00 - Other useful data: - Police officers using vehicles from the 9th BPM would support the militia. 1.26. XXVI Administrative Region of Guaratiba, composed by the districts of Barra de Guaratiba, Guaratiba and Pedra de Guaratiba. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received 19 denouncements related to the administrative region. 175 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 1.26.1. Pedra de Guaratiba - Piraquê and Da Foice Communities - Group formed by: Civilians and politician. - Number of militia members:18 (according to informants). - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ Security R$ 10,00; shopkeepers R$ 50,00; cable TV signal R$ 30,00 and gas. - Used vehicles: LOP 3718 e KIN 1046. - Payment and/or meeting place: In a deposit at Rua da Matriz. - Leader: State Assembly Member Jorge Luis Hauat (“Jorge Babu”) - He would command the areas from Piraquê to Santa Cruz and the militia members connected to him would be registering the name and voter’s card of Santa Cruz and Pedra de Guaratiba residents saying that it is form the district improvement and that they have to vote for his brother Elton Jorge Haut (“Elton Babu”). - Members: Cesar, Cleber, “Lilico”, Alfredo, “Antonio Magro”, Elson, “Coronel” (“Professor”), “Marcinho” (“Faxineiro”), “Mirinho”, Ronaldo, “Rubinho” and “Russo”. - Other useful data: - They would pay bribe to police officers of the 43rd DP. - In the Foice Community, there would be a clandestine cemetery in a forest behind the slum, next to a jackfruit tree, there would be a well with several bodies. 1.26.2. Guaratiba - Jardim Cinco Marias - Group formed by: Civilians - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 10,00; shopkeepers R$ 50,00 to 300,00; stalls R$ 20,00; cable TV signal R$ 20,00; gas R$ 40,00 and fee in the sale of real estate property worth R$ 5,000.00 to R$ 10,000.00. - Used vehicles: HEX 6390 (silver Palio, plate from Belo Horizonte), KYM 6109 (black Opala), LCS 1520 (black Santana), BST 4862 (blue Santana) - Leader: Sgt PM Jurani Ferreira – Candidate to City Councilor for the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian Political Party PSL – Social Liberal Party, number 17.017, he was not elected, he obtained 3.064 votes. 176 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - He would use phone number 7844-0852. - Members: PM André, Alan, “Betinho”, “Dodô”, Ênio, Eurico, Ferreira, “Paulinho” and Raimundo. - Other useful data: - On television channel 4 of the community, the following message would be appearing: “attention to SUEY system clients located in Pingo D’Água. The monthly fees will be charged, search for Ênio and Eurico” and “To 5 Marias SAT clients, please look for Raimundo." 1.26.3. Guaratiba - Jardim Maravilha - Group formed by: Politicians, and civilians. - Illegal exploitation of services with collections of: Residents’ Security and additional payment on the gas. - Leaders: State Assembly Member Natalino José Guimarães (“Natalino” or “Mata Rindo”) City Councilor Jerônimo Guimarães Filho (“Jerominho”). - Members: - Alfredo, “Caolha”, “Lilico”, “Luiz Pedala” and Marcinho. - Other useful data: - They would be selling a single plot of land to several people, through real estate broker Obravim for the amount of R$ 13,000.00. - Between March and May, “Luiz Pedala” and Marcinho killed Rafael in front of bar Maré Mans, that belongs to Marcio’s uncle and is in front of City councilor Jerominho's association. - “Lilico” would be a former parliamentary assistant to City Councilor Jerominho and would be a member of the militia. 1.27. XXVII Administrative Region of Rocinha composed by the district of Rocinha. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia did not receive denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.28. XXVIII Administrative Region of Jacarezinho composed by the district of Jacarezinho. 177 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia did not receive denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.29. XXIX Administrative Region of Complexo do Alemão composed by the district of Complexo do Alemão. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received one denouncement related to the administrative region and not related to militias. 1.30. XXX Administrative Region of Maré composed by the district of Maré. Communities: Vila Esperança, Vila do João, Vila do Pinheiro, Conjunto Pinheiro, Praia de Ramos, Timbau, Hercílio Dias, Baixa do Sapateiro, Nova Holanda, Ruben Vaz, Parque União and Roquete Pinto. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received one denouncement related to the administrative region. Roquete Pinto Community - Group formed by: Civilians and military police officer. - Number of militia members: 20 (according to informants) - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 5,00; shopkeepers R$ 30,00; cable TV signal R$ 35,00; Internet, gas R$ 38,00, swimming pool stalls R$ 15,00 per week, and a 10% fee in the purchase and sale of real estate property. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression and expulsion of residents. - Members: Cb Afonso, Denílson, “Tico” and Wedel. - Other useful data: - DRAE vehicle with plate number JFO 0867 would always be in the Community. - DPO police officers would take part in the militia. 1.31. XXXI Administrative Region of Vigário Geral composed by the districts of Cordovil, Jardim América, Parada de Lucas and Vigário Geral. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received four denouncements related to illegal security in the district streets 178 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 1.32. XXXII Administrative Region – There appears no record at the City Hall of the State of Rio de Janeiro. 1.33. XXXIII Administrative Region of Realengo, composed by the districts of Campos dos Afonsos, Deodoro, Magalhães Bastos, Realengo, Sulacap and Vila Militar. From 30/06/2008 to 31/10/2008 the Disque Milícia received 41 denouncements related to the administrative region. 1.33.1. Realengo – Sub-district Barata - Leaders: City Councilor Jerônimo Guimarães Filho (“Jerominho”) César Moraes Gouveia (“César Cabeção”) – He would have acquired a large number of properties and would be the president of Cooperative – Cooper Prata, whose head-office is near Cassino Bangu. Everyday, 14 military police officer stay in the place providing the security of Cesar, who would pay R$ 150,00 per day to the policemen. - The Van and Kombi drivers would pay R$ 1.200,00 per month to the cooperative. If they don’t pay, they are threatened and in some cases, killed. 1.33.2. Realengo – Sub-district Periquito - Group formed by: Civilians, military police officers and military firefighters. - Number of militia members: 50 (according to informants). - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security; shopkeepers, gas R$ 35,00; cable TV signal R$ 35,00; and fee in the sale of real estate property and alternative transport. - Forms of intimidation: Aggression, aggression, expulsion of residents and death. - Used weapons: Rifles - Payment and/or meeting place: : At Clube Forró do Gilberto. SD PM Fabrício Fernandes Mirra (“Mirra”) - Members: Daniel Fernandes Basílio, “BM Carlão” and “Prisco”. - Other useful data: - The residents’ houses that pay the monthly fee to the militia have an identification on the wall. The ones that do not have it, would be robbed. 179 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 1.33.3. Piraquara - Name and/or symbol: “Águia de Prata” - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ Security and shopkeepers - Forms of intimidation: Threats and robberies. - Phones: 8130-1522, 7820-5226 and 7814-3201. - Members: Anderson e Moura 1.33.4. Realengo - Council Building Dom Pedro and Sub-District Cohab - Group formed by: Civilians, military police officers, military firefighter and a former police officer. - Number of militia members: 10 - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security, shopkeepers R$ 30,00; gas 38,00 (the deposit would be obliged to give R$ 2,50 per cylinder to the militia members), party stall R$ 50,00, cable TV signal R$ 25,00 and alternative transport. - Used vehicles: KZZ 9193 - Used weapons: They carry them ostensibly. - Payment and/or meeting place: - At Bar do Pedrão, located on the corner of streets Monsenhor Monjor and Capitão Teixeira. - Leaders: Sgt Carvalho, - Members: “PM Leozinho”, Cb BM Guerra (“Guerreiro”), “former PM Dito”, “Brinquinho”, “Caveira“, “Diego”, “Macedo”, “Marcão” and Mauro. 1.33.5. Realengo - Sub-district Capitão Teixeira - Group formed by: Civilians and former military police officer. - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Shopkeepers’ Security R$ 50,00 weekly and cable TV signal R$ 30,00 and gas. - Leaders: Sd PM Dark – he would be responsible for the murder of “Carlinho Maluco”, a fact occurred in Campo do Realengo. 180 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Members: Carvalho and “Boda”. 1.33.6. Realengo - Sub-districts of Jardim Água Branca, Jardim Batan and Jardim Novo. - Group formed by: Civilians, civil police officers, military police officers and former police officers. - Number of militia members: 20 - Name and symbol: “Águia” (Eagle) - Illegal exploitation of services with collection of: Residents’ security R$ 10.00; shopkeepers R$ 40.00; cable TV signal R$ 30.00; water barrel R$ 7.00 and gas R$ 37.00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression (they use a baseball bat) and expulsion of residents. - Used vehicles: CLX 0690 e LCX 0690. - Used weapons: Pistols, rifles, grenades and baseball bat. - Payment and/or meeting place: - In the end of Rua Frederico Faldage. - At Rua Álvaro Ribeiro de Souza. - At Rua Prof. Mario Brant, 75 (grey gate). - At Rua Salvador Sabat, 45 (Payment central, at a clothes’ shop). - Leaders: PM Marcos Antônio Alves da Silva (“Marcos”) – He would live at Rua Arrozal, 101 and at Rua Juncal, block 16 aptº 101. He would serve at Bope and would drive two Fiat cars, one of plate number KOH 4594 and another of plate number KQD 8034. He would have participated in the torture of O Dia newspaper journalists. Cb PM Charles – He would be from the 14th BPM and of the leaders of Jardim Novo militia - Members: PC Adriano, PM Anderson (“Dantes”), PC Charles, PM Henrique, "PC Grande”, PM Valdeck, "PM Volnei", “Policial Dudu” ex-PM Dos Reis, Alex (“Riquinho”), Amaral, Daniel Fernandes Basílio, Fabrício, Gilson Amaral, “Hulkinho” and Reginaldo Faria Fernandes (“Naldo” or “Naldinho”). - Other useful data: 181 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - They would be taking away houses of dwellers that do not have the documentation of the property. - They would have murdered "Dida" and "Dieguinho". Dida’s body was found abandoned next to the ditch. - The police cars numbers 54 3316 and 54 3248 of the 14ºh BPM (Military Police Battalion) would be used to provide services to the militiamen. 1.33.7. Realengo - Community of Mangueiral - The group includes: civil and military policemen. - Time of existence: 8 months - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of the dwellers R$ 25.00; trade and rate of 30% over property sales. - Forms of Intimidation: Threats and deaths. - Leaders: “Roberto” (“Beto PM”) - Members of the group: “Dida”, Diego, Michel and Sabrina. - Other useful data: - The militia would have a real estate agency in the community. 1.34. XXXIV Administrative Region of the district of Cidade de Deus. In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received three accusations related to the administrative region. Cidade de Deus - Conjunto Habitacional da PM - The group includes: - Number of militiamen: 10 - Time of existence: 1 year and 6 months - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers, trading, cable TV signal (mandatory) R$ 30,00 and market stalls. - Forms of intimidation: Threats and expelling of dwellers, - Weapons used: they professedly carry pistols and rifles. - Leaders: Syllas Belchior da Silva - Members of the group: “PM Bebezão”, Military Policeman Max Corrêa Guimarães, “Marquinhos” “Sidney Boi”. 182 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Militias in the Metropolitan Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro 2.1. Metropolitan Region of the Baixada Fluminense (Rio de Janeiro’s Lowlands): Belford Roxo, Duque de Caxias, Guapimirim, Japeri, Magé, Mesquita, Nova Iguaçu, Nilópolis, Paracambi, Queimados and São João de Meriti. An accusation was made regarding the clandestine security service in São João de Meriti. 2.1.1. City of Belford Roxo In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received nine accusations related to the City. Areia Branca - The group includes: Civilians and military policemen. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Cable TV signal R$ 30.00. - Líder: Military policeman José Eduardo Silva Farias (“Zé Cachorro”) – Candidate for City Council Member in the City of Belford Roxo, Political Party PMN – Partido da Mobilização Nacional (Party of National Mobilization), his candidature was considered unqualified by the Electoral Justice. - He would be coercing the local dwellers to vote on him promising not to charge for the cable TV service in November and December. - The group would also operate in the districts of Pian and Palmeirinha. - Members of the group: “Carlão”, “Pedrão” and Rodnei. District of Nova Aurora - The group includes: Civilians and military policemen. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers, trading, cable TV signal R$ 35.00; water deviated from the Cedae (State Company of Water and Sewage) R$ 30.00 and alternative transportation. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, expelling of dwellers and deaths. 183 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Members of the group: Military Police Sergeant Humberto, Military Police Sergeant Pedro Antonio José (“Tito”), Domerice dos Santos José (“Devagar”), “Luiz do Posto” and “Xandão”. - Other useful data: - They would have killed 8 people in one week. - They would charge for the services using official vehicles. - Policemen of the 34th Police Station, 54th Police Station, DHBF (Division of Homicides of the Rio de Janeiro’s Lowlands), and 39th BPM would be conniving with the militiamen. - They would be taking houses away from dwellers in the location of Terra Branca. - On June 30th, 2008, the group murdered the Prison Guard Luiz Cláudio, commonly known as "Belo", at Rua Carlos Chagas. “Luiz do Posto” and “Xandão” would have fired guns. - They would have murdered the CB Launier of the 3rd DPJM (Military Judicial Police Precinct) in the district of Piam. - In the district of Santa Amélia and in the Communities of Alvorada and Santa Marta would be implementing militias. District of Santa Amélia - The group includes: Civilians - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 50.00; natural gas and cable TV signal. - Forms of intimidation: Threats and aggression. - Weapons used: Pistols - Members of the group: Geovani - Motivation of the accusers: - The person was forced to abandon the residency. District of Santa Marta - The group includes: Civilians, military policemen and a former politician. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 10.00. - Place for payment and/or meeting: Mercado da Naide (Naide’s Market). 184 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Members of the group: Former City Council Member Marcão (“Tico”), Military Policeman Henrique (“Riquinho”), Léo and Japonês. Loteamento Jardim Novo Lar - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 10,00; water misappropriated from the Cedae, natural gas and construction material. - Leader: Francisco Xavier de Jesus ("Andrada" or "Andrade o Homem da Água") - candidate for City Council Member in the City of Belford Roxo, PMN - Partido da Mobilização Nacional (Party of National Mobilization), number 33,230, he was not elected, he received 1,081 votes. - He would be forcing dwellers to change their polling place to Belford Roxo. - Members of the group: Marcelo Marcos - He is believed to be son of Andradas. 2.1.2. City of Duque de Caxias In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received twenty-six accusations related to the City. - In the district of Paulicéia, Glauter is believed to control the entire district. He charges for the cable TV and demands that beers be bought in his establishment District Corte Oito - The group includes: Civilians, military policeman and former military policeman. - Time of existence: 4 years - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Natural gas, cable TV signal, installation R$ 50.00 and monthly fee R$ 30.00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats and deaths. - Weapons used: Pistols and rifles. - Leader: “Nenéu” - He is believed to reside at Rua Ipanema, 927 – Corte Oito. He supposedly has a radio transmitter in his house by means of which he would be in contact with penitentiaries and he would be responsible for the cable TV centrals 185 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY operating at Ruas Ipanema, 778 and Fernando Vieira, 2730 – Corte Oito – Duque de Caxias. He is believed to be using the radio number 7829 3802 – ID 55*164. - Members of the group: Military Policeman Ronaldo (“Di Deus”), “ex PM Felipão” and Moisés. - Other useful data: - The cable TV centrals would operate at Ruas Ipanema, 778 and Fernando Vieira, 2730 – Corte Oito – Duque de Caxias. - Policemen from CORE are believed to have accepted bribe from the cable TV centrals. District of Doutor Laureano - The group includes: Civilians and military firefighter. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 30.00; trading R$ 30.00 and cable TV signal. - Forms of intimidation: Threats. - Leaders: “BM Adriano” and “Roberto”. District of Jardim Gramacho - The group includes: Civilians - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 50.00, natural gas and cable TV signal R$ 30.00. - Leader: Military Policeman Jonas Gonçalves da Silva (“Jonas é Nós”) - candidate for City Council Member in the City of Duque de Caxias, Political Party, PPS - Partido Popular Socialista (Socialist Popular Party)- elected with 7,085 votes. - Members of the group: “Evandro Magrinho”, “Fabinho do Vitória Régia” and Piquet. - Other useful data: - They would be responsible for the slaughter in Duque de Caxias that made seven victims. - The militiamen are believed to be responsible for the security of Mayor Washington Reis. - Supposedly, there is a scheme involving the Chief of Police of the 60th Police Station and the previously mentioned mayor for deviating fuels from Petrobras. 186 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Districts: Jardim 25 de Agosto, Parque Beira Mar, Vila Operária and Vila São Luiz Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security, natural gas -- and cable TV signal from R$ 25.00 to R$ 35.00. Forms of intimidation: Threats. -- - Leaders: “Haroldinho” (Candidate for City Council Member by PSDB) – He would have taken control of the militia taking the place of someone that was killed about 3 months ago in Nova Iguaçu. He would use a beige-colored Corolla car and is believed to control the cable TV centrals. - Other useful data: - Addresses of the Cable TV Centrals: Vila Operária at Rua Raul Soares, 279 – District of Beira Mar, next to the Fábios garage. Vila São Luiz at Rua 14 de Julho, 101 – Loja A and in District 25 de Agosto at Rua Sebastiana de Carvalho, 160, next to the Colégio Adventista (Adventist School). District of Nova Campina - The group includes: Civilians and military policemen. - Number of militiamen: 7 (according to the accusers).. - Name or Symbol: “ONG G7” - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 30.00; trading R$ 30.00; natural gas, cable TV signal and alternative transportation R$ 70.00 per week. - Forms of intimidation: Threats. - Weapons used: Pistols and rifles. - Place for payment and/or meeting: In the hangar beside the Court of the Samba School Grande Rio. - Lideres: Military Policeman Santana - Integrante: “Bitoca” - Outros dados julgados úteis: - The ONG operates at Rua 31, Parque Paulista – Duque de Caxias. District of Pantanal 187 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - The group includes: Civilians, civil and military policemen. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers, trading from R$ 10.00 to R$ 50.00 and cable TV signal - Forms of intimidation: Threats, robberies and deaths. - Weapons used: Handguns, pistols, e shotguns. - Leader: Marcelo Ramalho: It is believed that he resides at Rua Maria Nunes Correa, 33 with Rua Eça de Queiroz and would be using a white-colored Palio car, license plate HEA 4042 - He would be Rodrigo Ramalho’ brother and owner of a store in the district. - On August 7th, 2008, he would have murdered a young man known as Tiago. His body was found at Rua Gomes Freire, next to the Vila São José. - Members of the group: Civil Policeman Guilherme, Military Policeman Alexandre Pereira, Military Policeman Artur, Military Policeman Bragança, Military Policeman Celso, Military Policeman Fabinho, Military Policeman Flávio ("Nica"), Military Policeman Rodrigo Ramalho, Edson, ”Juninho”, “Linhares (“Didinho”), “Kiko”, “Marcão”, “Marcelo MM”, Milton, Ronaldo and “Zé Paulo” - Other useful data: - The weapons used by the group are stored in a bar in front of the Mercado do Jair (Jair’s Market), at Rua Eça de Queiroz. District of Pilar - Group includes: Civilians, military policemen, military firefighters and ex-convicts. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers, trading, natural gas R$ 38.00 and cable TV signal. - Members of the group: Military Policeman Araújo, Military Firefighter Gilson, “Cavalinho”, Guilherme and “Sandro” (ex-convict). Military Policeman Jonas Gonçalves da Silva (“Jonas é Nós”) - candidate for City Council Member in the City of Duque de Caxias, Political Party, PPS - Partido Popular Socialista (Socialist Popular Party) -- elected with 7.085 votes. - Other useful data: - They would be forcing dwellers to vote for the Candidate “Jonas é Nós”. District of Saracuruna - Vila Uruçai. - The group includes: Civilians, military policemen and former military policeman. 188 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Moto-taxi monthly fee R$ 600.00 and cable TV signal R$ 25.00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, death. - Members of the group: Military Policeman Felipe, former Military Policeman Abel, Ana Paula (“Paulinha”) and Rubens. 2.1.3. City of Japeri In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received two accusations related to the city. Engenheiro Pedreira - The group includes: Civilians and military policemen. - Time of existence: 2 years - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Cable TV signal: Monthly fee R$ 24.00 and installation R$ 50,00, and Alternative Transportation. - Forms of intimidation: Threats. - Other useful data: - The group’s office would be located at Praça Olavo Bilac, 65, 2º andar, Engenheiro Pedreira – Telephone: 2664-3155. 2.1.4. City of Magé In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received two accusations related to the city. District of Tênis Clube - The group includes: Civilians and military policemen. - Number of militiamen: 10 (according to the accuser) - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 30.00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats and robberies. - Leader: Military Policeman Adriano – He is believed to be a member of BOPE (State Police Special Operations Battalion) and reside at Rua Farmacêutico Deodoro Pinto. - Members of the group: Military Policemen Felipe and Marcelo. 189 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 2.1.5. City of Mesquita In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received one accusation related to the city. District of Edson Passos - The group includes: Military policeman and e military firefighter. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers, trading and cable TV signal R$ 30.00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggression, expelling of dwellers and deaths. - Weapons used: Pistols and rifles - Members of the group: Military Policeman Amauri and “BM Gugu”. 2.1.6. City of Nilópolis In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received four accusations related to the city Centro (Downtown) - Time of existence: 02 years - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 15.00; trading R$ 40.00 and cable TV signal monthly fee R$ 18,00, sales in R$ 40,00, and alternative transportation, market stalls. - Leader; Evandro José dos Passos Junior (“Vandinho”) - Candidate for City Council Member in the City of Nilópolis, Political Party PPS - Partido Popular Socialista (Socialist Popular Party), number 23,456. He was not elected with 1,305 votes. - Other members of the group: Military Policeman Cícero, Military Firefighter Gláucio, “BM Tião”, “Jorge Nei”, “Perninha” and “Jr Pneus” - Other useful data: - The is believed to have already murdered 15 men due to the “alternative transportation war” and would be imposing the curfew at 10 p.m. 190 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - There would be collusion of the mayor of Nilópolis, Farid Abraão, Ricardo Abraão and of the Representative Simão Sessim. The militiamen would work as bodyguards for Farid Abraão. - The militiamen allegedly own a bakery and would force the dwellers to buy bread from it. - They would be recruiting adolescents from 13 to 14 years old in Nilópolis, and would be promoting parties in the Samba School Beija-Flor where they would deal drugs and have orgies. Comunidade Paiol - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 20.00; trading, cable TV signal: installation R$ 50.00 and monthly fee R$ 25.00, market stalls R$ 40.00, assembly of iron bars R$ 10.00 and market stalls. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, robberies in houses, expelling of dwellers and tradesmen. - Vehicles used: White Blazer - Leaders: “Marquinhos” – He would be candidate for City Council Member. Ricardo da Silva Carvalho Sérgio Henrique da Silva – He is believed to have been approved in the last official examination for the Military Police and would be Sandro’s brother. - Other members of the group: Civil Policeman Fábio, Military Policeman Sandro, Cleiton and Maurício. - Motivation of the accusers: He was expelled from the community - Other useful data: - The militiamen would belong to the 20th BPM. - They would be placing iron bars at Avenida Rio do Pau. 2.1.7. City of Nova Iguaçu In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received fifty-eight accusations related to the city. District of Austin - The group includes: Civilians and military policemen. - Time of existence: 1 year 191 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Exploração irregular de serviços com cobrança de: Security of dwellers, trading, natural gas and cable TV signal. installation R$ 60.00 and monthly fee R$ 30.00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats - Weapons used: Pistols - Leader: Military Policeman Ítalo – He would belong to the 22nd BPM. - Members of the group: Military Policeman Robson and Júlio. Districts of Comendador Soares, Jardim Nova Era, Jardim Pernambuco, Palhada and Rosa dos Ventos. - The group includes: Civilians and military policemen. - Number of militiamen: 70 (according to the accusers). - Name and/or Symbol: “We are a Community” or “Jura – We are a Community” - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers from R$ 20.00 to R$ 30.00; trading R$ 20.00 to R$ 40.00; natural gás, cable TV signal: installation R$ 50.00 and monthly fee from R$ 25.00 to R$ 30.00; market stalls R$ 10.00 to R$ 15.00; water, moto-taxi and alternative transportation. - Forms of intimidation: Threats and robberies in stores and houses with the purpose of forcing payment. - Weapons used: Pistols, rifles and machine guns. - Place for payment and/or meeting: Centro Comunitário Somos Comunidade (Community Center We are a Community). In the districts of Palhada and Rosa dos Ventos in the Padaria do Rogério (Rogério’s Bakery) or in the Mercado Carioca (Rio de Janeiro Market) and at Rua Moquetá 86, beside restaurant Siri Galeão in a threestory house. - Leader: Military Police Corporal Juracy Alves Prudêncio (“Jura”) - Candidate for City Council Member in the City of Nova Iguaçu, Political Party PRP – Partido Republicano Progressista (Republican Progressist Party) - number 44.123. He was not elected with 9.335 votes. - He would be the leader of an extermination group in the aforementioned areas, he would be forcing dwellers to vote on him saying “heads will roll” if he is not elected. - He would be counting the number of dwellers per house. - In the district of Ouro Verde, they are forcing dwellers to vote on “Jura”. 192 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - He would be making death threats to a candidate for City Council Member known as "Marquinho da Padaria" from the Parque da Palmeiras. - The militiamen would be using car stickers with the name “Jura”. - Armed men are forcing dwellers to put posters of candidate Jura in lampposts, saying that dwellers have to vote on him. - Jura would be connected to Itaguaí’s militia and would be using a Nextel radio: 24*2819. - He would be controlling the moto-taxis of Morro Agudo and Austin. - He is believed to meet with Odinei – imprisioned in Campo Grande - charged for throwing a bomb at a Police Station. - He would be planning to kill Lieutenant Sidney of the Comptroller’s Office, responsible for arresting two members of the group. - He would have support from police cars - He would be supported by “Jerominho”, who is believed to support Jura with the condition that he kills the chief of police Marcus Neves. - The militiamen would be using car stickers with the name “Jura”. - Police officers from the 52nd, 56th, 58th Police Stations and the 20th BPM would be conniving with the militiamen. - The Centro Social Somos Comunidade (Social Center We are a Community) would be located at Avenida Jardim Pernambuco, in Comendador Soares, where the dwellers would pay for services,including cable TV, of which the fee is paid in monthly installments. - The Rádio Tropical AM 830 (Tropical Radio AM 830) promotes the Centro Social in the program Papo do Esporte (Talk about Sports) from 6 to 7 p.m. - They are forcing dwellers to put electoral posters and vote on Jura. - Jura would have lost the elections and would be saying that he is going to kill “Nelson Bornier” for putting him in a weak party. - Members of the group: Civil policemen: Civil policeman Marcelo and civil policeman Matias.. Military policemen: Military policeman Ari, Military policeman Carlos (“Carlão”), Military policeman Gláucio, Military policeman Joel, Military policeman Marcelo e Military policeman Matias Civilians: Aguinaldo, “Bagunça”, “Bira”, “Branco”, “Carlinhos Boca”, Dalton, “Digão”, Fábio, Joelson, José, Junior (“Calunga”), Lázaro, Marquinho, Ricardo, Roger, Samuel, Ubiraci, Wilson, and Washington.. - Other useful data: 193 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - In the Jardim Nova Era, the weapons used by the militia would be hidden in the Internet cafe at Estrada da Palhada, between the ditch and the catholic church, next to number 2500 and in a car wash in front of it - In Valverde and Cabuçu, the militiamen would be forcing dwellers to vote on candidates: André Cabral – connected to the Local Government Authority and "Jura" – connected to State Assembly Member Natalino and Councilman Jerominho. - Police officers from the 52nd, 56th, 58th Police Stations and the 20th BPM would be conniving with the militiamen. - At Av. Jardim Pernambuco, in Comendador Soares, wopuld be the location of the Centro Social Somos Comunidade, where dwellers would pay for the services, including cable TV signal, of which the fee is paid in monthly installments. - The Rádio Tropical AM 830 (Tropical Radio AM 830) promotes the Centro Social in the Program Papo do Esporte (Talk about Sports) from 6 to 7 p.m. District of Vila de Cava - Number of militiamen: 15 (according to the accusers). - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of tradesmen, cable TV signal: installation R$ 40.00 and monthly fee R$ 25.00, and alternative transportation - Leader: Military Policeman Flávio dos Santos Moreira or Moura (“Flavinho”) Candidate for City Council Member in the City of Nova Iguaçu, Political Party PRP – Partido Republicano Progressista (Republican Progressist Party) - number 44.345. He was not elected with 2.189 votes. - He used to belong to the 20th BPM, he would be using cars, such as EcoSport and Vectra, and would be the owner of COPENIC in the Vila de Cava. He would be recruiting 1,500 people, paying R$ 50.00 each for them to vote on him. Comunidade do km 39 (community of km 39) - Members of the group: Civilians and military policemen. - Number of militiamen: 8 (according to the accusers). - Time of existence: 01 year. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of tradesmen, cable TV signal: installation R$ 50.00 and monthly fee R$ 25.00 - Weapons used: Pistols - Leader: “Flávinho” 194 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Members of the group: Military Policeman Louzada, “Jorginho da Padaria”, “Jorginho da Praça do Rala Coco” and Robson. - Other useful data: - The group would be connected to the militia “Liga da Justiça” (Justice League). Tinguá - Number of militiamen: 6 - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Cable TV signal: installation R$ 50.00 and monthly fee R$ 25,00; natural gas and water. - Leaders: “Marquinho Juruna” - Members of the group: “Grilo” 2.1.8. City of Queimados In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received three accusations related to the city. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: cable TV signal with a monthly fee of R$ 30.00. - Weapons used: pistols - Vehicle used: LFT 8303 (a blue Beetle car) - Members of the group: Ronaldo ("Gordo") - Other useful data: The cable TV central would be located at Rua Nena, 24 in Queimados. 2.1.9. City of São João de Meriti In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received two accusations related to the city. Éden - Comunidade do Morro do Castelinho - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 30.00 and trading R$ 50.00. - Weapons used: pistols and rifles 195 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Leader: Luiz (“Coquinho”) – He would have a contact inside the 64th Police Station named Joel, who would facilitate the group’s operations. - Members of the group: Military Policeman César, Gabriel, “João Bolinha” and Valmir. - Other useful data: - They would be selling drugs and charging car tolls. - Gabriel and “João Bolinha” would be owners of a slab factory. Districts of Grande Rio, São Mateus, Tomazinho and Vila Rosali - The group includes: Civilians, military policemen and military firefighters. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers, cable TV signal R$ 35.00 and Internet access R$ 35.00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats, aggressions and deaths. - Leaders: Chief of Police Reginaldo de Oliveira “Robinho” - Members of the group: Civil Policeman Reinaldo, Civil Policeman Ronaldo, Military Police Sergeant Teles, Military Policeman Anderson, “PM Bartolo“, Military Policeman José Ricardo, Military Policeman Lúcio, Military Firefighter Wallace, Retired Military Policeman Cunha, Military Policeman Ref. Jorginho, Adriano Dias de Almeida, Bruno (“Mosca”), Hudson Prudente dos Santos, Henrique (“Trakinas”), “Júlio Bombeiro”, Lázaro, “Luiz Coquinho”, Michel, “Rafael”, Rodney (“Nariz”), Ronaldo, “Vaval” and Vitor. Fabinho, - Other useful data: - A clandestine security central would be located at Rua Antonio Teles de Menezes, 30. 2.2. Metropolitan Region of the Micro-region de Itaguaí, comprising the cities of Itaguaí, Mangaratiba and Seropédica. 2.2.1. City of Itaguaí In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received sixteen accusations related to the city. Districts of Engenho and Jardim Uêda 196 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - The group includes: Civilians, politicians and military policemen. - Number of militiamen: 31 (listed in disque-milícia (militia hotline). - Time of existence: 7 months - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 15.00; cable TV signal R$ 50.00; natural gas R$ 42.00; market stalls R$ 10.00 per week, and alternative transportation. - Forms of intimidation: appropriation of properties without documentation by force, threats and deaths. - Weapons used: Pistols, shotguns and rifles. - Place for payment and/or meeting: At Rua Bernardo Pereira, 586, casa 19, quadra 14, District of Engenho in Itaguaí. - Leaders: Dr. Rafael – He would be a Judge in Itaguaí. Mayor Carlos Bussato Junior (“Prefeito Charles” or “Charlinho”) – Candidate to reelection for the Local Government of Itaguaí, Political Party – Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement) , reelected with 49,579 votes, 90.8 % of the valid votes. - He would have invested money in the militia and ordered the militia to take the area. - He would provide fuel for the militiamen. - Council member Vicente Cicarino Rocha (“Vicentinho”) – Candidate for City Council Member in the City of Itaguaí, Political Party PMDB – Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement), number 15,615, elected with 4,712 votes. - He is believed to pay the papers so they would not disclose the deaths and rapes that happen in the district. City Council Member José Galliaço da Costa (“José da Prata”)- Candidate for City Council Member in the City of Itaguaí, Political Party – Partido Verde (Green Party), number 43,667, he received 967 votes and was not elected. - Members of the group: Dr. Alessandra Bilac, Civil Policeman Felipe de Paula, Civil Policeman Jorge, Military Policeman Sargeant Lima, Sgt Military Policeman Sargeant Luciano, Military Policeman Sargeant Marcelo, Sargeant Silvio, Military Police Corporal Alexandre, Military Policeman Cláudio de Carvalho Garrido, Albertino, Alexandre Guedes dos Santos, Anderson, Ednaldo, Eduardo Melo, Elídio, Ermon, José Domingos, Lizan Cesar, “Mamão”, Mariza, Maurício, “Nenén”, Salomão (“Pit Bull”), Rubens, Sérgio Melo, Sueli and “Teixeira”. - Other useful data: 197 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - A woman named Silvana would have been arrested and put in a police car and delivered to a militiamen group that took her to the district of Engenho, where it is believed that she was beaten, tortured and raped. - The accuser provided the possible location where Silvana was being tortured. The information was sent to Draco that went to the location, found blood spots, and started an investigative inquiry. - They would demand payment for deeds of the dwellers, and if they did not submit the documents, the militiamen would take their properties away. - The community leader Jorge Martins (“Pinóquio”) was murdered by 4 (four) hooded men riding in a green car in Itaguaí. According to the accuser, Jorge would have participated in a communitarian event in the Trade Association of Itaguaí, where he would have discussed with Mr. Elídio – current chairman of the local dwellers’ association – who would have handled the bylaw of the association in the election day for a militiamen group that was present in the place and wanted to have candidates for the election without being members of the association. In the meeting, Jorge also would have asked Elídio about the construction of an artesian well, promised by the City Council Member Vicente Rocha - Chairman of Itaguaí’s Council – who would have asked voting card and document numbers of the dwellers at the time he promised to build the well. Elídio would know who killed Jorge. - Ednaldo, Elídio, Ermon and Sueli would have held a meeting to talk about Jorge Martins -former chairman of the Federation of Itaguaí Associations. On the day following the meeting, Jorge would have been ambushed and killed. 2.2.2. City of Mangaratiba In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received six accusations related to the city. Among the accusations, there are facts related to the agrarian conflict. District of Conceição de Jacareí - The group includes: military policemen: - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers, trading, market stalls and cable TV signal. - Forms of intimidation: Threats and expelling of dwellers and tradesmen. 198 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Leaders: Military Police Sergeant Reinaldo - Members of the group: Military Police Sergeant Jonas and Military Police Sergeant Crisóstomo - Other useful data: - The members of the group work in the Police Station of Conceição de Jacareí. - They are delimiting lots that belong to the dwellers. - They warned that they will establish a militia and will collect fees from the dwellers. District of Praia Grande - The group includes: military policemen - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 30.00 and parking spaces by the beach R$ 5.00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats - Members of the group: Military Policeman Sérgio (“Serjão” or “De Lima”) and Military Policeman Délcio 2.2.3. City of Seropédica In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received four accusations related to the city. - The group includes: Politicians - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Market stalls and mototaxi from R$ 60.00 to R$ 100.00 per week. - Leader: City Council Member Marcos Antonio Caetano de Souza (“Marquinhos Seropédica”) - Candidate for City Council Member in the City of Seropédica, Political Party PMDB - Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement , number 15234, elected with 1,038 votes. He would be the "dummy" of State Assembly Member Natalino and of the City Council Member Jerominho in Seropédica and would have granted the title of Citizen of Seropédica for both of them. - The laundering of the money collected would be made in a car shop in Campo Grande. - Members of the group: Gérson Domingues de Souza (“Gérson do Moto-táxi”) - Candidate for City Council Member in the City of Seropédica, Political Party DEM – Democratas (Democrats), number 25,222, was not elected. He received 319 votes. - He would be responsible for the moto-taxi stand that has 30 motorcyclists. 199 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Members of the group: Military Police Sergeant Josias and Military Policeman Rogério. 2.3. Metropolitan Region of the Micro-region of Macacu- Caceribu, comprising the Cities of Cachoeira de Macacu and Rio Bonito. In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received one accusation related to the city. City of Rio Bonito IIn the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received one accusation about the irregular installation and charge of cable TV signal. The central would be located at Rua Pedro Luiz, 81 – Praça do Cruzeiro. 2.4. Metropolitan Region of the Micro-region of Serrana, comprising the Cities of: Petrópolis, São José do Vale do Rio Preto and Teresópolis. In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) did not receive accusations related to the city. 2.5. Metropolitan Region of the Micro-region of Vassouras, comprising the Cities of Engenheiro Paulo de Frontim, Mendes, Miguel Pereira, Paracambi, Paty de Alferes and Vassouras. In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) did not receive accusations related to the city. 2.6. Metropolitan Region of the Cities of Itaboraí, Niterói, São Gonçalo and Tanga. In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received twenty accusations related to the city. 2.6.1. City of Niterói In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received five accusations related to the city. - The group includes: military policemen. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of trading from R$ 30.00 to R$ 50.00 and cable TV signal. 200 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Leaders: Military Policeman Damião and Military Policeman Cristiano. - Members of the group from downtown Niterói: Military Policeman Damião and Military Policeman Cristiano - Members of the group: Ponta de Areia Military Police Major Wagner, Military Policeman Fábio, “Adriano Boinha” and Cleber de Souza Pecinha (“Binho Pecinha”). - Other useful data: - In the district of Ingá, they would be providing a illegal cable TV signal. The person in charge is known as "Murico". 2.6.2. City of São Gonçalo In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received fifteen accusations related to the city. One accusation was related to a extermination group in Porto da Pedra. The main member of the group would be “Paulinho do Bar”. Jardim Catarina - The group includes: Civil and military policemen - Number of militiamen: 14 (listed in disque-milícia (militia hotline). - Time of existence: 2 years - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 30.00; trading R$ 100.00 per month; alternative transportation from R$ 50.00 to R$ 115.00 per week, cable TV signal: installation R$ 60.00 and monthly fee R$ 30.00. - Forms of intimidation: Threats and force the alternative transportation drivers to wash their cars in the Lava Jato dos Meninos (Boys’ Car Wash). - Vehicles used: KQM 4520 - Weapons used: Shotguns, pistols and rifles. - Place for payment and/or meeting: In the Lava Jato dos Meninos, which belonged to the group and in the Bar do 3 KKK. - Leaders: City Council Member Nelson Ruas dos Santos (“Capitão Nelson”) - Candidate for City Council Member in the City of São Gonçalo, Political Party, PSC - Partido Social Cristão (Social Christian Party), number 20.136, elected with 6.095 votes. 201 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY City Council Member Edson da Silva Mota (“Mota da Copasa”) - Candidate for City Council Member in the City of São Gonçalo, Political Party PSL - Partido Social Liberal (Social Liberal Party), number 17.231, he was not elected with 1,444 votes. Dr. Anestor Magalhães - Members of the group: Sub-Lieutenant Menezes, Military Police Corporal Emérson, Military Police Corporal Rosário, Military Policeman Aldair Corrêa (“Daizinho”), Military Firefighter Corporal Luciano Andrade, Military Firefighter Luciano Andrade, André do Vale, “Dum”, Ervin, Felipe Alexandre dos Santos and “Rogério Playboy”. - Motivation of the accusers: The accuser received a death threat. - Other useful data: - The group would also be in control of the slot machines in the region and would be connected to the illegal lottery bosses (“bicheiros”). The contact would the bicheiro Crébio , who uses a EcoSport car, license plate KZV 9961. - They would be supported by André do André do Vale ("Guma") and Felipe Alexandre President of the Cooperative Coopah – who uses a car with license plate LBN 0831. Rio do Ouro - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers, taxi R$ 30.00 per week; cable TV signal: R$ 60.00 for the installation and a R$ 30.00 monthly fee, trading R$ 30.00 and Internet café ("Lan house”). - Leaders: Alexandre - Other useful data: - The 75ah Police Station would receive an "gatonet" (illegal cable TV). - The car used to install the cable TV would be a Palio with license plate ending in 1403. Militias in the Mesoregion of the Litoral Lowland Region - Região dos Lagos (Region of Lakes) – of the State of Rio de Janeiro, comprising the Cities of Araruama, Armação de Búzios, Arraial do Cabo, Cabo Frio, Casimiro de Abreu, Iguaba Grande, Maricá, Rio das Ostras, São Pedro da Aldeia, Saquarema and Silva Jardim. 3.1. Cities of Araruama and Saquarema 202 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received a total of ten accusations related to the cities. Araruama - Praia Seca and Bacaxa Saquarema In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received four accusations related to the cities. - The group includes: Civilians, military policemen, military firefighters and former police officers. - Number of militiamen: 60 (according to the accusers). - Name and/or Symbol: Águia (Eagle) - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 30.00 and trading R$ 50.00; natural gas R$ 535.00, cable TV signal, mineral water and alternative transportation – vans R$ 100.00 per week. - Forms of intimidation: Threats and robberies. - Leaders: Captain Frederico Military Policeman Nilton Nascimento Neto – his General Register in the corporation would be 73,817 and he would belong to the 25th BPM in Cabo Frio, in the 3rd Company. - He would be the owner of the Security Firm Power Night, which operates in Bacaxá, using black outfits, radio transmitters and cars with the militia’s logotype. - He would have built a luxurious house in Bacaxá, next to the former joinery Marcetram and it is believed that his mother lives next door to him. “Military Police Sergeant Chico Bala” – he would belong to the 25th BPM. Military Policeman Sérgio Roberto Egger de Moura - Candidate for City Council Member in the City of Araruama, Political Party PSC - Partido Social Liberal (Social Liberal Party), number 17.000, elected with 1,883 votes. - Members of the group: Retired Military Police Sergeant Gilberto, Sergeant Laurindo, Corporal Ângelo, Corporal Marcelo Siqueira Machado, Military Policeman Maciel, Military Policeman Sarmento, Military Policeman Wantuil, Military Firefighter Rivelino Terra de Melo, former Military Policeman Sidnei Leonardo, Mariângela and Wanderley de Oliveira. - Other useful data: 203 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - They would be involved with drug traffic, and car and cargo theft. - The group is believed to have killed Sergeant Claudio Pereira on October 9th, 2007. - Companies involved with the group: AGL Serviços Especiais de Praia Seca "Power Night" – It would not have neither a CNPJ (Brazilian Registry of Legal Entities) number, nor records in the Federal Police. - Other useful data: - The group affirms to dwellers that they are supported by politicians and police officers of Araruama’s police station. - They would place an eagle sticker in the walls of houses. - They murdered the owner of a pastry shop in the city’s downtown area approximately three months ago. The motivation for the action was that the victim had refused to pay the security fee for the company “Power Night” that would belong to Nilton Nascimento Neto. - It is believed that the group collects about R$ 1 million each month. 3.2. City of Armação de Búzios In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received one accusation related to the city regarding the clandestine security service. 3.3. City of Cabo Frio In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received one accusation related to the city. - The group includes: military policemen - Number of militiamen: 6 (according to the accusers). - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security R$ 15.00 to R$ 20,00; trading R$ 20.00 and cable TV signal R$ R$ 20.00. - Weapons used: Shotguns and pistols. - Leaders: Colonel Adilson Nascimento – He would belong to the 25th BPM and would receive R$ 40,000.00 per month deriving from illicit activities. - Other useful data: 204 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - The group would own a clandestine casino at Av. Joaquim Nogueira, in the district of São Cristovão, where there would be gambling at the back of a restaurant called “Na pressão”. - Accusation related to a possible conspiracy or militia in the land subdivision Long Beach, located at Avenida Amaral Peixoto, KM 132, 2nd Precinct of Cabo Frio. There appears that the fact was already sent to the Federal Justice. 3.4. City of Maricá In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received one accusation related to the city regarding the clandestine security service in the district of Itaipuaçu and misappropriation of cable TV signal. 3.5. City of Rio das Ostras In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received one accusation related to the city regarding the clandestine security service in the district of Jardim Mariléia. 3.6. City of São Pedro da Aldeia In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received two accusations related to the city. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 30.00. - Leader: Military Police Sergeant Francisco César Silva de Oliveira (“Chico Bala”) - Other useful data: -The cable TV central would be located at Rua Bernardino Costa, 203, apt. 303 – São Pedro da Aldeia. Militias in the Mesoregion of the Center of the State of Rio de Janeiro, comprising the Cities of: Areal, Bom Jardim, Cantagalo, Carmo, Comendador Levy Gasparian, Cordeiro, Duas Barras, Macuco, Nova Friburgo, Paraíba do Sul, Santa Maria Madalena, São Sebastião do Alto, Sapucaia, Sumidouro, Trajano de Moraes and Três Rios. 205 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) did not receive any accusations related to the cities. Militias in the Medium-sized Region of the Northeast of the State of Rio de Janeiro, comprising the Cities of: Aperibé, Bom Jesus de Itabapoana, Cambuci, Italva, Itaocara, Itaperuna, Laje de Muriaé, Miracema, Natividade, Porciúncula, Santa Cruz, Santo Antonio de Pádua and São José de Ubá. In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received three accusations related to the cities. 5.1. City of Miracema In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, there appears an accusation related to the city regarding the clandestine security service and misappropriation of cable TV signal. 5.2. City of Santo Antônio de Pádua In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received two accusations related to the city, one regarding the clandestine security service and others related to the militiamen: Military Firefighter Joaquim Eiras Torres and his uncle Joaquim, who is believed to be an ex-convict and would be the father-in-law of the Chief of Police. The accuser informed that they both would be using Orkut’s community “Fofoqueiros 24hs”. Militias in the Medium-sized Region of the North of the State of Rio de Janeiro, comprising the Cities of: Campos de Goytacazes, Carapebus, Cardoso Moreira, Conceição de Macabu, Quissamã, Macaé, São Fidélis, São Francisco de Itabapoana and São João da Barra. 6.1. City of Macaé In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received two accusations related to the city. - Time of existence: 2 years - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 15.00 and trading R$ 20.00.. 206 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Leaders: Major Santos – He would have been the Secretary of Traffic of Rio das Ostras and would be implementing the militia in the district of Nossa Senhora da Glória, using the company Máster Prestação de Serviço Gerais e Prevenção Tática, headquartered at Avenida Amaral Peixoto, w/ number. Military Police Sergeant Elias – He is believed to be placed in Macaé. 6.2. City of São Francisco do Itabapoana In the period of June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received two accusations related to the City, one about drug traffic involving “Rui” and “Vinicius” that would also be attracting girls to prostitution. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of dwellers R$ 5.00 and trading R$ 40.00. - Leaders: “Rui” - Other useful data: - The group would be selling drugs in the district of Gargaú in São Francisco de Itabapoana. Militias in the Medium-sized Region of the South of the State of Rio de Janeiro, comprising the Cities of: Angra dos Reis, Barra do Piraí, Barra Mansa, Itatiaia, Parati, Pinheiral, Piraí, Porto Real , Quatis, Resende, Rio Claro, Rio das Flores, Valença and Volta Redonda. In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received seven accusations related to the cities. 7.1. City of Angra dos Reis In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received one accusation related to the city regarding the clandestine security service and a possible militia implementation. 7.2. City of Barra Mansa and Volta Redonda 207 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received six accusations related to the cities regarding illegal security service and involvement of Military policemen of the State of Rio de Janeiro with slot machines. 7.2.1. Barra Mansa - Santa Clara and Volta Redonda - The group includes: Military policemen and civilians. - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Cable TV signal. - Leaders: Military Police Coronel Kleber dos Santos – He would be the commander of the th 28 BPM and the leader of the group of the Ana Bom district. Major Jorge Silva – He would use the telephone number 9824-7997, and would be the leader of the Comunidade Santa Clara and of the Rua Nelson Godoí. There would be 16 slot machines in a bar, located at Rua Simpatia in Barra Mansa, that would belong to the Major, who is believed to be implied in the charge for parking spaces and security service in night clubs. The Major would have has a previous involvement with the sale and supply of drugs, and would control approximately 50 police officers. Ex-judge Francisco Chagas – He would be involved with the militiamen and slot machines. - Motivation of the accusers: - Beatings. - Other useful data: - They would control the slot machines of the Vila Nova clubs and Termas Nova Cap. - The clandestine cable TV central would be located at Rua Julieta Espíndola de Matos, 325. - 7.2.2. City of Barra Mansa – S.Francisco de Assis - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Cable TV signal R$ 30.00. - Members of the group: - Military Policeman Pablo – He would belong to the 28th APETRAN (Association of the Owners of Alternative Transportation). 7.3. City of Parati, in the State do Rio de Janeiro. In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received one accusation related to the city. - The group includes: military policemen 208 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Number of militiamen: 6 (according to the accuser). - Time of existence: 4 years - Irregular service exploitation requesting payment for: Security of tradesmen, taxi drivers and alternative transportation. - Leader: Military Policeman Almir da Silva Botelho (“Botelho”) - Candidate for City Council Member in the City of Parati, Political Party PMDB - Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement) number 15,666, he was not elected and received 48 votes. - He would have been assigned to work as bodyguard for a Representative. - Members of the group: Military Policeman Marquinhos. - Other useful data: - They would operate in downtown Paraty and in the bus station. - They would be placing stickers in the commercial establishments that pay the monthly fees. 7.4. City of Resende In the period from June 30th, 2008 to October 31st, 2008, the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) received one accusation related to the city regarding the clandestine security service involving Sergeant Nilton (“Niltinho”) and Liutenant Thales, both from the 27th BPM . The accusations ratify the data already known regarding the areas where the militias operate in the City of Rio de Janeiro and indicate new areas that deserve attention of the Public Security of the State, as displayed in the graph. 209 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Accusations per Administrative Region of the City of Rio de Janeiro Campo Grande and neighboring regions; and Jacarepaguá and neighboring districts. The group from Campo Grande, knoen as “Liga da Justice” (Justice League), would control the Administrative Region of Campo Grande (districts of Campo Grande, Cosmos, Inhoaíba, Santíssimo e Senador Câmara) with 168 accusations; Administrative Region of de Santa Cruz (districts of Paciência, Santa Cruz and Sepetiba) with 95 accusations and the Administrative Region of Guaratiba (districts of Barra de Guaratiba, Guaratiba and Pedra de Guaratiba) with 19 accusations. The second larger area controlled by the militias is located in the Region of Jacarepaguá (districts of Anil, Curicica, Freguesia, Gardênia Azul, Jacarepaguá, Pechincha, Praça Seca, Tanque, Taquara and Vila Valqueire), with 176 accusations.. 210 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The other administrative regions would also display a number of accusations that indicates the appearance and increasing growth of militia groups in the regions, mainly in the regions of Anchieta, Madureira, Realengo, Méier and Bangu. It appears that other militia groups would be gathering, growing and controlling several areas. We may mention two groups: one leaded by Military Police Sergeant Fabrício Fernandes Mirra (“Mirra”), which would count on 60 members and would control the militias in the Communities of Guarda in Del Castilho, Águia de Ouro in Inhaúma, Palmeirinha in Honório Gurgel, Muro Amarelo in Rocha Miranda, Pio 12, Da Linha, Mata Quatro and Eternit in Barros Filho; and other leaded by Segeant Edmilson, Military Police Corporal Jair Barbosa Tavares (“Zico” or “Zico Bacana”), Anderson and "Bicudo”, counting on about 50 members and would control the militias in the district of Anchieta, in the Communities of Gogó da Ema and Camboatá in Guadalupe, and Cavalheiro da Esperança in Ricardo de Albuquerque. 211 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Accusations from other Cities in the State of Rio de Janeiro The other cities displayed a smaller number of accusations, so they do not call for a more detailed analysis. In view of the group of accusations made to the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline), it was possible to identify 86 accusations related to the clandestine private security service. In the City of Rio de Janeiro, the districts that registered only one accusation were: Barra da Tijuca, Bento Ribeiro, Cascadura, Centro, Engenho de Dentro, Inhaúma, Itanhangá, Jacaré, Laranjeiras, Madureira, Maracanã, Praça da Bandeira, Quintino, Realengo, Recreio dos Bandeirantes, Sulacap and Taquara. Districts with two accusations: Cascadura, Ipanema, Irajá, Quintino, Lins de Vasconcelos and Vila Valqueire. Districts with three accusations: Guadalupe, Botafogo, Piedade and São Conrado. Districts with four accusations: Pilares and Corvovil. Districts with five accusations: 212 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Bonsucesso. The district of Tijuca was the one that registered the higher number of accusations related to illegal private security: ten accusations. The other cities registered only one accusation with relation to illegal security: Angra dos Reis, Araruama, Armação de Búzios, Duque de Caxias, Guapimirim, Macaé, Maríca (Itaipuaçu), Parati, Resende, Rio das Ostras, Santo Antônio de Pádua, São João de Meriti. Cities with two accusations: Barra Mansa, São Francisco de Itabapoana and Volta Redonda. Cities with four accusations: Saquarema. The following list displays the accused in the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline) that were candidates in the 2008 elections, showing the city, area of operation, candidate name, political party and number of votes. Candidates in Rio de Janeiro mentioned as militia members: 1. Carmen Glória Guimarães Carneiro ("Carminha Jerominho"), Campo Grande and Santa Cruz PT do B (Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro – Brazilian Labor Party) Elected with 22,068 votes.. 2. Elton Jorge Haut ("Elton Babu") Sepetiba, Santa Cruz and Communities of Jordão and Nova Aurora in Taquara. PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores – Workers Party) Elected with 11,279 votes 3. 2nd Military Firefighter Sergeant Cristiano Girão Matias ("Girão") Gardênia Azul PMN (Partido da Mobilização Nacional – National Mobilization Party) Elected with 10,445 votes 4. Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz ("Nadinho do Rio das Pedras") Rio das Pedras DEM – Democratas (Democrats) He was not elected – 16,838 votes 213 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 5. City Council Member Luiz André Ferreira da Silva ("Deco") Communities: São José Operário, Bateau Mouche, Chacrinha, Mato Alto and Bela Vista. PR - Partido da República (Republic Party) He was not elected – 12,498 votes. 6. Francisco Félix Valente ("Chiquinho Sepetiba") Sepetiba DEM - Democratas (Democrats) He was not elected – 10,450 votes. 7. 2nd Military Police Sergeant Luiz Monteiro da Silva ("Doen") Praça Seca – Communities of Chácara, Quiririm, Urucuia and Luiz Beltrão. PTC Partido Trabalhista Cristão (Christian Labor Party) He was not elected – 4,047 votes. 8. Retired Military Police Sergeant Wladimir Gonçalves Mamede ("Mamede") Vicente de Carvalho - Conjunto do IPASE and Vaz Lobo. PSB - Partido Socialista Brasileiro (Brazilian Socialist Party) He was not elected – 4,023 votes. 9. Military police corporal Jair Barbosa Tavares ("Zico" or "Zico Bacana") Guadalupe – Communities of Gogó da Ema, Eternit and Camboatá. Ricardo de Albuquerque - Cavalheiro da Esperança and 29 de Abril.. PSDC - Partido Social Democrata Cristão (Social Christian Democratic Party) He was not elected – 3,311 votes 10. Military Police Sergeant Jurani Ferreira ("Jurani") Guaratiba - Jardim Cinco Marias PSL - Partido Social Liberal (Social Liberal Party) He was not elected – 3,064 votes. 11. Mareio Amaral Castilho ("Mareio") Vargem Pequena in the Community Boca do Mato PRB - Partido Republicano Brasileiro (Brazilian Republican Party) 214 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY He was not elected – 2,690 votes.. 12. Military Policeman Israel Barbosa Gonçalves ("Israel da Cehab") Campo Grande: PTB - Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro (Brazilian Labor Party) He was not elected – 1,697 votes. City of Belford Roxo 1. Francisco Xavier de Jesus ("Andrada" or "Andrade o Homem da Água") Loteamento Jardim Novo Lar PMN - Partido da Mobilização Nacional (National Mobilization Party) He was not elected – 1,081 votes City of Duque de Caxias 1. Military Policeman Jonas Gonçalves da Silva ("Jonas e Nós") Jardim Gramacho and District of Pillar PPS - Partido Popular Socialista (Popular Socialist Party) Elected with 7,085 votes. City of Nilópolis: 1. Evandro José dos Passos Júnior ("Vandinho") PPS Partido Popular Socialista (Popular Socialist Party) He was not elected – 1,305 votes. City of Nova Iguaçu 1. Military Police Corporal Juracy Alves Prudêncio ("Jura") Districts: Comendador Soares, Jardim Nova Era, Jardim Pernambuco, Palhada and Rosa dos Ventos PRP - Partido Republicano Progressista (Republican Progressist Party) He was not elected – 9,335 votes. 2. Military Policeman Flávio dos Santos Moreira ("Flavinho") Vila de Cava PRP - Partido Republicano Progressista (Republican Progressist Party) 215 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY He was not elected – 2,189 votes. City of São Gonçalo 1. City Council Member Nelson Ruas dos Santos ("Capitão Nelson") Jardim Catarina PSC - Partido Social Cristão (Social Christian Party) Reelected with 6,095 votes.. 2. 3rd Retired Military Police Sergeant Geiso Pereira Turquês ("Geiso") Rio das Pedras - Rio de Janeiro PDT - Partido Democrático Trabalhista (Democratic Labor Party) Reelected with 4,090 votes. 2. City Council Member Edson da Silva Mota ("Mota da Copasa") São Gonçalo PSL - Partido Social Liberal (Social Liberal Party) He was not elected – 1,444 votes. City of Itaguaí 1. Mayor Carlos Bussato Júnior ("Prefeito Charles" or "Charlinho") Districts of Engenho and Jardim Uêda PMDB - Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement) Reelected with 49,579 votes, 90.8 % of the valid votes. 2. City Council Member Vicente Cicarino Rocha ("Vicentinho") Districts of Engenho and Jardim Uêda PMDB - Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement) Reelected with 4,712 votes. 3. City Council Member José Galliaço da Costa Districts of Engenho and Jardim Uêda PV Partido Verde (Green Party) He was not elected - 967 votes. 216 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY City of Seropédica 1. City Council Member Marcos Antônio Caetano de Souza ("Marquinhos Seropédica") PMDB - Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement) Reelected with 1,038 votes. 2. Gérson Dominigues de Souza ("Gérson do Moto-táxi") DEM – Democratas (Democrats) He was not elected - 319 votes. City of Araruama 1. Military Policeman Sérgio Roberto Egger de Moura ("Egger") PSC - Partido Social Liberal (Social Liberal Party) Elected with 1,883 votes. City of Parati 1. Military Policeman Almir da Silva Botelho ("Botelho") PMDB - Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement) He was not elected - 48 votes. Candidates mentioned in the Disque Milícia as allegedly supporting the militias 1. Chief of Police José Fernando Moraes Alves Jacarepaguá - Comunidade do Rio das Pedras PR - Partido da República (Republic Party) Elected with 19,762 votes 2. Alexandre Cerruti Anchieta, Guadalupe, Camboatá and Coelho Neto DEM – Democratas (Democrats) Elected with 17,142 votes 3. City Council Member Silvia Pontes Anchieta DEM - Democratas (Democrats) 217 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Sher was not elected – 11,536 votes 4. Marcelo Henriques Batista ("Marcelo Piuí") Freguesia and Rio das Pedras PHS - Partido Humanista da Solidariedade (Solidarity Humanist Party) Elected with 3,200 votes 5. Júlio Brasil Anchieta PTB - Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro (Brazilian Labor Party) He was not elected – 5,571 votes Lists of accused people: by name, part of the name or commonly known as 229 people were mentioned by the name, 277 were mentioned by part of the name, and 424 were mentioned by their “commonly known as” (424); totalizing nine hundred and thirty (930) people mentioned as being militiamen in the Disque Milícia (Militia Hotline). 218 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The graph shows the numeric distribution of accusations, divided per categories referred to. G ua A rd rm s ed Fo rc Ju es di ci ar y B ra nc h C i ty G ua rd ic ia ns Pr is on li t Po N ot Id en t i fi ed M il i ta ry i li M f fi ta ry O re m Fi O l ic e Po C iv il en ce rs ffi f fi O l ic e Po C iv ili ta ry ce rs an s oo ll r s ss s aa aass aadd ráiroio piapa iroio re ita vi c c i l i r c d d c i i á i a i i cc t aa C íítt iáiá iiff cici M nuini ili m ooll ddi i rm is r nntt o u nncc P r m P a u e u e e A e i A i MM tt idd iis aa r rJJ lic be nni i aass d e o e iiaa d e e o ç ç r r m c ã d c d rr PP ii P n uaa oll Bo PPoo FFoo o eess GGu PPo t t ã nn g ór ggee A e A d r a t ili M iiss ivv CCi M i li ce r Listed in Disque-Milícia (Militia Hotline) Relacionados no Disque-Milícia Disque-Milícia Relacionados no Area subject to the Action of Militias within the State of Rio de Janeiro The proliferation of groups named as militias within the State of Rio de Janeiro is also in place in other cities of the State, to which they arespreading. We cannot consider that militias act only in communities and/or slums, as it is clear — in mentioned study — that, when we refer to the area subject to the action of these groups, we mean communities, slums, subdistricts, districts, condos, streets or even small cities, which renders difficult the fact that we need a specific number connected to communities. Thus, we came to an agreement to refer to these whole set as areas; and, after assessing the data shown below, we found out overall 171 areas under control of militias, distributed as follows: 219 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY City of Rio de Janeiro............................................................................. 118 Baixada Fluminense (Rio de Janeiro's Lowlands).................................... 34 Region of the City of Itaguaí..................................................................... 05 Cities of Niterói and São Gonçalo ............................................................ 04 Littoral Zone of Rio de Janeiro (so called Região dos Lagos — Region of Lakes) 05 Região do Norte Fluminense (North of the State of Rio de Janeiro) ........ 02 Região Sul Fluminense (South of the State of Rio de Janeiro) ................ 03 1. City of Rio de Janeiro 1.1 7th Administrative Division of São Cristóvão: São Cristóvão - Conjunto dos ex-Combatentes 1.2. 8th Administrative Division of Tijuca: Praça da Bandeira – Vila Mimosa 1.3. 10th Administrative Division of Ramos: 1.3.1. Manguinhos - Comunidade Amorim 1.3.2. Ramos - Invasão da Borgauto (Avenida Brasil) 1.4. 11th Administrative Division of Penha, consisting of the following districts: Brás de Pina, Penha and Penha Circular. Conjunto Habitacional do Quitungo 1.5. 12th Administrative Division of Inhaúma 1.5.1. Del Castilho - Comunidade do Guarda 1.5.2. Inhaúma - Águia de Ouro 1.6. 13th Administrative Division of Méier: 220 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Engenho de Dentro - Comunidade Fernan Cardim 1.7. 14th Administrative Division of Irajá: 1.7.1. Irajá - Ruas: Honório de Almeida e Ferreira Cantão. 1.7.2. Vicente de Carvalho - Conjunto Ipase 1.8 - 15th Administrative Division of Madureira: 1.8.1. Campinho - Comunidade do Fubá 1.8.2. Campinho - Pedra Rachada. 1.8.3. Osvaldo Cruz 1.8.4. Cavalcante - Roads: Antonio Saraiva and Visconde de Saraiva 1.8.5. Honório Gurgel - Comunidade do Palmeirinha 1.8.6. Rocha Miranda - Muro Amarelo 1.8.7. Quintino - Morro do Dezoito 1.8.8 Quintino – Morro do Saçu 1.8.9. Vaz Lobo 1.9 - 16th Administrative Division of Jacarepaguá 1.9.1. Anil - Canal do Anil 1.9.2. Curicica - Comunidade Dois Irmãos and Cesar Maia 1.9.3. Curicica - Vila Sapê 1.9.4. Freguesia 1.9.5. Gardênia Azul 1.9.6. Jacarepaguá - Comunidade Pica-Pau 1.9.7. Jacarepaguá - Comunidade do Rio das Pedras 1.9.8. Praça Seca - Morro São José Operário 1.9.9. Praça Seca - Comunidade Bateau Mouche 1.9.10. Praça Seca Chacrinha - Mato Alto 1.9.11. Praça Seca - Bela Vista 1.9.12. Praça Seca - Comunidade da Chácara 221 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 1.9.13. Praça Seca - Comunidade Quiririm 1.9.14. Praça Seca - Urucuia and Luiz Beltrão. 1.9.15. Tanque - Largo do Tanque 1.9.16. Taquara - Centro 1.9.17. Taquara - Comunidade Nova Aurora 1.9.18. Taquara - Comunidade do Jordão 1.9.19. Taquara - Jardim Boiúna 1.9.20. Taquara - Lote 1000 1.9.21. Taquara - Santa Maria 1.9.22. Taquara - Pau da Fome 1.10. 17th Administrative Division of Bangu 1.10.1. Bangu – Guandu do Sena 1.10.2. Bangu - Jardim Bangu 1.10.3. Bangu - Cancela Preta 1.11. 18th Administrative Division of Campo Grande: 1.11.1. Campo Grande – Agulhas Negras 1.11.2. Campo Grande - Comunidade Bela Vista 1.11.3. Campo Grande - Centro 1.11.4. Campo Grande - Vila Ieda 1.11.5. Campo Grande - Conjunto Amazonas 1.11.6. Campo Grande - Barbante 1.11.7. Campo Grande - Carobinha 1.11.8. Campo Grande - Comunidade Magarça 1.11.9. Campo Grande - Conjunto Votorantim 1.11.10. Campo Grande - Santa Margarida 1.11.11. Campo Grande - Vila Nova 1.11.12. Campo Grande - Vila Califórnia 1.11.13. Campo Grande - Santa Maria 1.11.14. Campo Grande - Santa Rosa 222 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 1.11.15. Campo Grande - Rio da Prata 1.11.16. Campo Grande - Vila Nova 1.11.17. Campo Grande - Vila Califórnia 1.11.18. Campo Grande - Tinguí 1.11.19. Inhoaiba - Villar Carioca 1.11.20. Inhoaiba - Conjunto BNH 1.11.21.Santíssimo 1.12. 19th Administrative Division of Santa Cruz: 1.12.1. Paciência - Conjunto Manguariba 1.12.2. Paciência - Jardim Palmares 1.12.3. Paciência - Cosmos 1.12.4. Paciência - Sete de abril 1.12.5. Paciência - Nova Jersey 1.12.6. Paciência - Gouvêa 1.12.7. Santa Cruz - Alvorada 1.12.8. Santa Cruz - Centro 1.12.9. Santa Cruz - Cezarinho 1.12.10. Santa Cruz - Cesarão 1.12.11. Santa Cruz - Chatuba 1.12.12.Santa Cruz - Conjunto João XXIII 1.12.13. Santa Cruz - Conjunto Morada do Império 1.12.14. Santa Cruz - Fomento 1.12.15. Santa Cruz - Guandu 1 and 2 1.12.16. Santa Cruz - Jaqueira 1.12.17. Santa Cruz - Novo Mundo 1.12.18. Santa Cruz - Pedrinhas 1.12.19. Santa Cruz - São Fernando 223 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 1.12.20. Santa Cruz - Urucânia 1.12.21. Sepetiba - Conjunto Nova Sepetiba 1.13. 20th Administrative Division of Ilha do Governador: 1.13.1. Ilha do Governador - Boog Woog. 1.13.2. Ilha do Governador - Comunidade do Barbante 1.13.3. Ilha do Governador - N. S. das Graças 1.13.4.Ilha do Governador - Vila Joaniza 1.14. 22nd Administrative Division of Anchieta: 1.14.1. Anchieta 1.14.2. Camboatá 1.14.3. Guadalupe - Comunidade do Gogó da Ema 1.14.4.. Guadalupe - Conjunto 29 de Abril 1.14.5. Ricardo de Albuquerque – Cavalheiro da Esperança 1.15. 24th Administrative Division of Barra da Tijuca: 1.15.1. Recreio dos Bandeirantes - Comunidade Terreirão 1.15.2. Vargem Grande - Camorim 1.15.3. Vargem Pequena - Boca do Mato 1.16. 25th Administrative Division of Pavuna: 1.16.1. Barros Filho - Comunidades da Linha 1.16.2. Barros Filho - Mata Quatro 1.16.3.Barros Filho - Eternit 1.16.4. Coelho Neto 1.17. 26th Administrative Division of Guaratiba 1.17.1. Pedra de Guaratiba - Comunidades Pira quê 1.17.2. Pedra de Guaratiba - Da Foice 1.17.3. Guaratiba - Jardim Cinco Marias 1.17.4. Guaratiba - Jardim Maravilha 224 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 1.18. 30th Administrative Division of Maré: 1.18.1. Comunidade Roquete Pinto 1.18.2. Comunidade do Piscinão de Ramos 1.19. 33rd Administrative Division of Realengo: 1.19.1. Realengo - Barata 1.19.2. Realengo - Sub-bairro Periquito (Periquito Subdistrict) 1.19.3. Realengo - Conjunto Habitacional Dom Pedro 1.19.4. Realengo - Cohab 1.19.5. Realengo - Capitão Teixeira 1.19.6. Realengo - Jardim Água Branca 1.19.7. Realengo - Jardim Batan 1.19.8. Realengo - Jardim Novo 1.19.9. Realengo - Mangueiral 1.20. 34th Administrative Division of the district of Cidade de Deus. Cidade de Deus – Conjunto Habitacional da PM 2. Metropolitan Region of Baixada Fluminense (Rio de Janeiro's Lowlands): 2.1. City of Belford Roxo 2.1.1. Bairro Nova Aurora (Nova Aurora District) 2.1.2. Bairro Santa Amélia (Santa Amélia District) 2.1.3. Bairro Santa Marta (Santa Marta District) 2.1.4.Loteamento Jardim Novo Lar . 2.2. City of Duque de Caxias 2.2.1.Bairro Corte Oito (Corte Oito District) 2.2.2. Bairro Doutor Laureano (Doutor Laureano District) 2.2.3. Bairro Jardim Gramacho (Jardim Gramacho District) 225 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 2.2.4. Bairro Jardim 25 de Agosto (Jardim 25 de Agosto District) 2.2.5. Parque Beira Mar 2.2.6. Bairro Nova Campina (Nova Campina District) 2.2.7. Bairro Pantanal (Pantanal District) 2.2.8. Bairro Pilar (Pilar District) 2.2.9. Bairro Vila Operária (Vila Operária District) 2.2.10. Bairro Vila São Luiz (Vila São Luiz District) 2.2.11. Distrito de Saracuruna (Saracuruna District) - Vila Uruçai 2.3. City of Japeri Engenheiro Pedreira 2.4. City of Magé Bairro Tênis Clube (Tênis Clube District) 2.5. City of Mesquita Bairro de Edson Passos (Edson Passos District) 2.6. City of Nilópolis 2.6.1. Centro 2.6.2. Comunidade Paiol 2.7. City of Nova Iguaçu 2.7.1. Bairro Austin (Austin District) 2.7.2. Bairros Comendador Soares (Comendador Soares Districts) 2.7.3. Bairro Jardim Nova Era (Jardim Nova Era District) 2.7.4. Bairro Jardim Pernambuco (Jardim Pernambuco District) 2.7.5. Bairro Palhada (Palhada District) 2.7.6. Bairro Rosa dos Ventos (Rosa dos Ventos District) 2.7.7. Bairro de Vila de Cava (District of Vila de Cava) 2.7.8. Comunidade do km 39 2.7.9. Tinguá 2.8. City of Queimados 2.9. City of São João de Meriti 2.9.1. Éden - Comunidade do Morro do Castelinho 226 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 2.9.2. Bairros do Grande Rio (Districts of Grande Rio) 2.9.3. São Mateus 2.9.4. Tomazinho 3. Metropolitan Region of the Micro-region of Itaguaí: (5 areas) 3.1. City of Itaguaí 3.1.1. Bairro do Engenho (Engenho District) 3.1.2. Bairro Jardim Uêda (Jardim Uêda District) 3.2. City of Mangaratiba 3.2.1. Distrito de Conceição de Jacareí (Conceição de Jacareí District) 3.2.2. Distrito de Praia Grande (Praia Grande District) 3.3. City of Seropédica 4. Metropolitan Region of the Cities of Niterói and São Gonçalo. 4.1. City of Niterói 4.1.1. Downtown Niterói: 4.1.2. Ponta de Areia 4.2. City of São Gonçalo 4.2.1. Jardim Catarina 4.2.2. Rio do Ouro 5. Littoral Lowland Region – Region of Lakes: 5.1. City of Araruama 5.1.1.Praia Seca 5.1.2.Bacaxa 5.2. City of Saquarema 227 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 5.3. City of Cabo Frio 5.4. City of São Pedro da Aldeia 6. North Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro: 6.1. City of Macaé 6.2. City of São Francisco do Itabapoana 7. South Region of the State of Rio de Janeiro: 7.1. City of Barra Mansa – Bairro Santa Clara (Santa Clara District) 7.2. City of Volta Redonda 7.3. City of Parati LIST OF SOME OFFICIAL RELEVANT DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED TO THIS PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEE OF INVESTIGATION (CPI) I - Final Report of Draco/IE (Chief of Police Cláudio Ferraz), (RO (Police Report) 053/DRACO/2007, identifying a large number of people, including civil and military policemen listed therein, involved with the group of conjunto Marcílio Dias, also known as Favela Kelsons, in the district of Penha. On thorough report, Mr. Cláudio Ferraz traces the history of militiamen of Kelsons, with primary basis on declarations and hints given by Jorge da Silva Siqueira Neto, kidnapped on September 7th, 2007, in the district of Rocha Miranda. His charred body was found in Campo Grande (040-03228/2007). After broad examination, the following persons are listed as militiamen: 1) 228 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Alexandre Barbosa Batista > CbPMERJ IDENTITY CARD 58.214, known as “Batista” and one of the leaders of such militia > see IPM (Military Police Investigation) ordinance 193/2538/2007, CIntPM 19.087/2007; 2) Jean Cosmo Ferreira de Almeida; 3) Jorge Henrique Alves dos Santos > CbPM IDENTITY CARD 62.362, commonly known as “Rambo” (see IP (Police Investigation) 49/1405/2007, of September 4th, 2007 and IPM ordinance 193/2538/2007, CIntPM 19.087/2007); 4) Luciano Severino da Silva (APF (Record of Flagrante Delicto) 02200321/2007); 5) Wilbert dos Reis de Souza > commonly known as Tuiuiú (IP 022-00347/2007); 6) Noelson Ribeiro de Azevedo, commonly known as “Playboy”; 7) Francisco Airton Costa do Nascimento (Military Fire Officer), murdered by Tiago Costa Dantas (APF 022-0693/2007); 8) Luis Cláudio de Souza Vargas, commonly known as Tubarão, PMERJ with IDENTITY CARD no. 63.218, which died on February 11th, 2007 (RO 022-0966/2007); 9) Flávio Ferreira dos Santos; 10) Gelson dos Santos Reis, commonly known as Xaxá; 11) Cleyton Bernardo de Oliveira, commonly known as “Moto Serra”, already murdered (RO 022-06455/2007); 12) Fernando Cesar de Souza Barcellos (PMERJ, 16º BPM; see RO 022-08465/2006, of December 19th, 2006; see IPM ordinance 193/2538/2007, CIntPM 19.087/2007); 13) André Luis de Oliveira Lima (CbPMERJ; see RO 022-08465/2006); 14) Antônio Souza dos Santos (see IPM ordinance 193/2538/2007, CIntPM 19.087/2007); 15) Francisco Pereira da Silva Filho; 16) Tiago Costa Dantas; 17) Pedro Henrique Carvalho de Oliveira; 18) Alexander Santos da Silva; 19) Diego Fonseca dos Santos; 20) Itamar Clementino de Oliveira; 21) Edmar Luiz Martins Ribeiro II – Report Draco/IE (Chief of Police Cláudio Ferraz), dated December 3rd, 2007, which points out several people as responsible for militias in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro, both belonging to the group led by Josimar José da Silva, commonly known as Mazinho (formerly a civil policeman), and of the group known as Liga da Justiça (Justice League). On this report, Mr. Ferraz addresses several procedures and proceedings, where several names of people involved in territorial dispute are stated, including on the initial was between Mazinho’s militiamen and the Liga da Justiça’s ones (later on, after subdued, Mazinho starts to work for the leaders of Liga da Justiça). On such instrument, Mr. Cláudio Ferraz refers to the proceeding 2005.205.003910-2, deriving from RO 035-3506/2005, which included, as fatal victims of these conflicts: Alcirlei de Freitas, Ilson Lopes, Carlos Nalberto da Silva and Nazareno Alves Silva, and, as surviving victims, Carlos Jorge Silva Ramos (commonly known as Tati PM, Private of PMERJ, IDENTITY CARD 69.400) and Mércia Maria de Albuquerque Rangel. Warrant of arrest was issued for the following persons: Josimar José da Silva (Civil Policemen, commonly known as Mazinho), Alan Moreira da Silva, Eduardo Chagas, and Alexandre da Silva Monteiro (commonly known as Popeye, ex-SdPMERJ; see also proceeding 229 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 2008.025.025013-1 and IP 035-8323-2008; born on February 21st, 1971, residing at Estrada do Cabuçu, no. 2908/202, Campo Grande, State of Rio de Janeiro, son of Paulo Roberto Monteiro and Maria Nilce da Silva Monteiro, with outstanding warrant of arrest). After this, Mr. Ferraz refers to proceeding 2005.205.005941-1, deriving from RO 043-00907/2005, on which Marcelo Eduardo dos Santos Lopes was victim. In this proceeding, Lopes alleged the occupants of five cars attempted to shoot him, stating, also, the cars transported 20 militiamen of Liga da Justiça. He managed to see and identify Luciano Guinâncio Guimarães, Juninho Perneta (Edson Lima Calles Júnior); Leandro Paixão Viegas, commonly known as “Leandrinho Quebra Ossos”; Júlio César Oliveira dos Santos (Military Policeman, identity card 35.944), commonly known as “Julinho Tiroteio”; Ricardo Teixeira Cruz, commonly known as “Batman” (formerly an sdPMERJ). Lopes also alleged that the group was taking over van lines of the region, subduing owners by using firearms. Lopes and its partner Rodrigo Silva da Costa, actually a missing person, as stated on RO 016-09150/2006), after expelled from Cooperouro by Liga da Justiça, headed for the Federal CGU (Government Comptroller’s Office) and 1ª DPJM (1st Military Judicial Police Precinct) to report the facts. Another Cooperouro’s partner, Civil Police inspector Jairo Mello de Souza, 176.401-8, also reported the fact to the Public Prosecution Office. In this event, Souza asserted he went, together with Almerindo Francisco de Abreu Filho, commonly known as Chiquinho, to talk to Natalino in the latter’s place. They were received and this place by Natalino, Luciano Guinâncio Guimarães, Juninho Perneta, Ricardo Batman and others, all of them armed, which included 4 rifles. Later on, Souza goes to Public Prosecution Office, Police Internal Comptroller’s Office and Draco in order to officially deny his declaration. On June 8th, 2005 Rodrigo Silva da Costa make a RO 035-05038/2005, alleging that Leandro Paixão Viegas, the “Leandrinho Quebra Ossos”, tried to kill him. And, on June 15th, 2005, there was another attempt against the life of Marcelo Eduardo dos Santos Lopes, who recognized Luciano Guinâncio Guimarães, Leandro Paixão Viegas and Ricardo Teixeira Cruz (Batman). The fact was witnessed by Fábio Gomes de Lara, who confirmed that the City Council Member Jerominho was inside a silver car which was part of the convoy. Witness Ricardo Felipe dos Santos Lima also confirmed the facts. Witness Ronaldo Pereira added that the attackers said they were revenging accusations made himself and Costa at CGU, also confirming that Jerominho was present in the area together with his son, Luciano. Marco Antônio dos Santos Lopes (commonly known as “Marquinho Desipe”) also rendered a deposition and confirmed such facts; and, as brother of Marcelo Eduardo dos Santos Lopes, and as he was present with him during the attempted homicide, he was able to confirm the facts, including the participation 230 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY of Jerominho in this fact. Depositions rendered on IP 035-05850/2008, show that Marquinho Desipe worked for Liga da Justiça, committing crimes directly ordered by Natalino, and also to help Carminha "Batgirl" for electoral purposes, as he was, by the end of 2007, inside Natalino’s house, together with more than 20 militiamen, carrying heavy armament, to coerce "Marinho Pitbull" (Carlos Eduardo Marinho dos Santos to hand over land at Condomínio do Parque dos Eucaliptos, where a social center would be constructed to support the candidature of Carminha “Batgirl”. Marinho Pitbull is a marine paratrooper, who, as interrogated within proceedings 2008.205.018917-0, said his nicknames were "Caveira" and "Pqd". It is worth noting fact recorded on proceeding 2005.205.011122-7 (deriving from RO 043-01504/2005), where Marquinho Desipe was, in fact, the first successor of Mazinho (formerly of Liga da Justiça, who undertook all responsibilities, and, afterwards, Mazinho subdued and became an ally of Liga da Justiça). Marquinho Desipe murdered Almerindo "Chiquinho" on September 30th, 2005. A police car of 43rd DP, which was present in the location, recorded there were also there: a Meriva (this car was described to be present during attempted homicides and, afterwards, was recorded to be stolen by Ricardo Batman); brothers Natalino; Jerominho; as well as Luciano Guinâncio, son of Jerominho. Another witness, Marcelo Teixeira da Cunha, stated he was the true owner of Cooperouro, asserting Marcelo Eduardo dos Santos Lopes never was a member, and not really a president of said van mover’s cooperative named Cooperouro. It is worth noting that, soon after such attempted homicides, Cooperouro was headed by the duo formed by Juninho Perneta (= Edson Lima Calles Júnior) and Gladson dos Santos Gonçalves (Military Policeman), both unequivocally members of Liga da Justiça and front men of Natalino/Jerominho.. We also call attention to proceeding no. 2007.900.009487-5 – Operation began by Draco on December 26th, 2007, to dismantle militiamen’s conspiracy which acts in West zone of Rio de Janeiro. In such event, warrants of arrest were issued for the following people: - City Council Member Jerônimo Guimarães Filho ("Jerominho") - Civil Police Inspector André Luiz da Silva Malvar - Military Policeman Júlio César Oliveira dos Santos ("Julinho Tiroteio") - Alcemir Silva - Edson Lima Calle Junior (“Juninho Perneta”) - Gladson dos Santos Gonçalves; 231 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Leandro Güinâncio Guimarães - Leandro Paixão Viegas (“Quebra-Ossos”) - Ricardo Teixeira Cruz (“Batman”). Ahead on the same report, Mr. Cláudio Ferraz analyzed proceeding 2006.205.001149-1, deriving from RO 043-00177/2006, where the death by bullet of firearm (PAF) of Alex da Silva Peixoto, commonly known as Lequinho, was investigated. Peixoto was supposedly killed by Mazinho (currently former military policeman Josimar José da Silva) and the City Council Member Jerominho. Mazinho and Jerominho are reported to have undergone dramatic conflicts before joining forces, under the command of Jerominho (“Grupo Mazza Apóia Natalino” (Mazza Group Supports Natalino) > sticker found on seized car). Alex Lequinho was accomplice of Marquinho Desipe (= Marco Antônio dos Santos Lopes). Later on (on January 25th, 2006), Alex Lequinho is murdered, considering a witness named Nilma (sister-in-law of Lequinho and considered as cousin by Marquinho Desipe due to affection) points out that Reginaldo Naldinho was one of the murderers of Alex Lequinho. Alex Lequinho’s brother, José da Silva Peixoto Filho, also confirmed that Reginaldo Naldinho was the murderer, adding that Reginaldo Naldinho was also helped by gunman Alexandre Walter Costa, commonly known as Ventura, which is PMERJ and bodyguard of Reginaldo Naldinho, considering that Ventura was the “mercy killer” of Alex Lequinho. Another witness, Jaqueline, girlfriend of Reginaldo Nanaldo, presented her version of the facts, and Reginaldo Nanaldo and the PMERJ Ventura had their warrant of arrest issued. Marco Antônio dos Santos Lopes, Marquinho Desipe (brother of Marcelo Eduardo dos Santos Lopes, both victims of attempted homicide by the Natalino/Jerominho’s group), in addition to killing Almerindo Chiquinho (proceeding 2005.205.011122-7, as mentioned before, witnessed by Jeferson Luís de Souza Laurindo da Silva, an employee of brothers Nanaldo and Naldinho), he has had warrant of arrest issued for being involved with the killing of Reinaldo da Costa e Silva (commonly known as Nanal or Nanaldo, RO 016-12098/2006), considering that, the brother of such victim, that is, witness Reginaldo da Costa e Silva, commonly known as Naldinho, is witness of the homicide of Almerindo Chiquinho, also murdered by Marquinho Desipe, the same way as Reinaldo Nanaldo was witness of the murder of Almerindo Chiquinho, and, thus; with such new homicides (one completed against Nanaldo, and the other attempted against Naldinho), Marquinho Desipe is supposed to have attempted to hush witnesses of the crime against Almerindo Chiquinho. And, when Marquinho Desipe killed Reinaldo Nanaldo, he also attempted to kill Reginaldo 232 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Naldinho, just because the brothers were together, but only Reginaldo Naldinho managed to survive, and, thus; the latter witnessed that one of the murderers of Reinaldo Nanaldo was Marquinho Desipe; but Desipe has not acted severally. Yet on the same report, Mr. Cláudio Ferraz refers to APF 537/118/2007, recorded at 118th DP, RO 125-01930/2007, of August 27th, 2007, in which both were arrested, in Araruama, in Km 30 of Via Lagos (Roadway RJ-124): a Military Policeman by the time (although recently fired), André Luiz da Silva Malvar (son-in-law of Jerominho); former sdPMERJ Ricardo Teixeira Cruz, commonly known as Batman; José Carlos Silva (former Military Policeman, expelled in 1999) and the CbPMERJ of 27th BPM, Wellington Vaz de Oliveira. Such elements, in dispute over the control of alternative transport business, had just shot against the Military Policeman Sergeant of the 25th BPM, Francisco César Silva Oliveira (commonly known as Chico Bala), who led a faction of the illegal paratransit, and, thus, the group which was enemy of Liga da Justiça was accused of killing the rest of Chico Bala’s relatives: Maria Clara Silva de Oliveira (Chico Bala’s wife) and her son, a stepchild of Chico Bala, Yan Coutinho da Silva, who was only 13 years old; as well as murdering Luan Santos Braga. The militiamen caught in flagrante delicto carried: three rifles, two M-9 grenades, five pistols, 44 chargers, four ninja hoods, two telescopes, five Nextel radios and three talkabouts. Also on the same report on militias, Mr. Cláudio Ferraz, of Draco, refers to ROs 03502142/2007 and 036-01870/2007 and 036-00371/2007. On April 11th, 2007 former Military Policeman sergeant Ilton Nascimento (“Iltinho Mongol”, referred on 0689211035/2008?), expelled from Military Policeman because of involvement in the killing of two civil policemen and who was the owner of a cooperative of vans. On April 14th, 2007, six cars, full of men carrying heavy armament (Luciano Guinâncio Guimarães, Ricardo Batman and others) were at the headquarters of the cooperative of vans Rio da Prata, in Bangu, and they said to César Moraes Gouveia (commonly known as César Cabeção and brother of the drug dealer Pedro Jorge Gouveia Filho, commonly known as Pedrinho do Vilar Carioca or Pedrinho da Prata, who is arrested) that, if he resisted to the taking over of the cooperative by such group of Liga da Justiça, he would have the same end of Ilton Nascimento, as well as Denise Indaiá (who was murdered on January 26th, 2007, RO 036-00371/2007), who also ran business in the field of illegal van cooperatives. On April 16th, 2007 the following persons rendered depositions at Draco on the extortions committed by the group of Jerominho and Natalino: Cláudio Márcio Ribeiro de Castilho (from Cooper oeste), Iberê César dos Santos, Carlos Vinício dos 233 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Santos and Iuri de Menezes, who made accusation 043/DRACO/2007 against Liga da Justiça. The IP 035-10385/2006 is mentioned on such report. All of this began with Juarez Marcelino Dutra, commonly known as Ravengar, owner of vans which covered roadway stretch from Campo Grande to Rio da Prata 10 years ago, recording the RO 03506431/2005, as he was being extorted by Fumão (= Alcemir Silva), and other members of Liga da Justiça (Leandrinho = Quebra Ossos or Fantasma, that is, Leandro Paixão Viegas; Luciano; Edson Lima Calles Jr = Juninho Perneta, Rogério (who probably is the cbPMERJ of the 27th BPM, Rogério Alves de Carvalho, arrested together with Representative Natalino, who was called to the Office of the Representative Natalino by proceeding ALERJ 3985/2007, of February 9th, 2007) and the Military Policeman Gladson dos Santos Gonçalves). Thus, Juarez made the RO 0080/DRACO/2005 on July 29th, 2005, against the conspiracy of Liga da Justiça referred to above, which was headed by Jerominho/Natalino. On October 4th, 2006, Juarez was murdered (RO 03510385/2006). The report by Mr. Cláudio Ferraz also mentions the proceeding 2007.001.034901-0 (deriving from IP 003/1943/2007, DHOeste), of the 4th Jury Court, which caused the City Council Member Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz (Nadinho de Rio das Pedras) to be committed for trial by jury, the same way as were committed the Civil Police Inspectors (fired afterwards), Raphael Moreira Dias (requested and placed at the Office of State Assembly Member Natalino) and André Luiz da Silva Malvar (son-in-law of Jerominho and also placed at the Office of State Assembly Member Natalino), due to responsibility for murdering, on February 22nd, 2007, of the Police Inspector and militiaman of Rio das Pedras, Félix dos Santos Tostes (RO 016-02236/2007). Raphael Moreira Dias, Police Inspector at the time, was requested and placed at the office of State Assembly Member Natalino, at Alerj, one week after murdering of Félix. André Luiz Malvar, son-in-law of the City Council Member Jerominho, was arrested in flagrante delicto in the event of the assault against the Military Policeman Chico Bala (= Francisco César Silva Oliveira, which wound up with killing of Maria Clara, Yan and Luan > APF 537/118/2007 and RO 125-01930/2007), and, in the event of such detention in flagrante delicto, Malvar carried a firearm that the expert examination of Carlos Éboli Forensic Institute (ICCE) proved to be the same used for murdering the Inspector Félix dos Santos Tostes. While finishing the report, determining the detention of the indicted persons referred to, Mr. Ferraz refers to Police Investigations 068/2007 and 077/06-DRACO-IE. 234 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY III – Draco/IE Report (Chief of Police Cláudio Ferraz), dated February 21st, 2008, which referred to RO 033/1405/2008, investigating militiamen’s groups in place at communities of Palmeirinha (Guadalupe), Fernão Cardim (Del Castilho), Águia de Ouro (Del Castilho) and Guarda (Del Castilho), having as suspect the PMERJ Fabrício Fernandes Mirra, identity card no. 69.950, placed at the Railway Battalion, who is commonly know as Mirra and is currently arrested. Other integrant of the militiamen’s conspiracy are as follows: Fábio Gomes Coutinho, commonly known as FB (allegedly a assistant of the City Council Member Luis André); Alexander Dantas de Mello Alves, commonly known as Dantas or Pera; Marcos Gregório Siqueira da Silva, commonly known as Zero; Luciano Galdino Carneiro, commonly known as Luck; Adilson de Andrade Pessanha, commonly known as Russo; Nelson Siqueira Gonçalves Filho, commonly known as Nelsinho (prison guard, registration no. 888.350-6); Robson da Silva Lacerda, commonly known as Gago or Geléia; Felipe Evangelista Adão, commonly known as Angolinha (which was involved in the double homicide recorded with number 05406817/2007); André Marcos de Souza; Damião Juvino da Silva; Erinaldo Juvino Silva, commonly known as Nem; Eliseu Adão, commonly known as Angola (the kidnapper referred to on RO 040-00226/2007; see also RO 030-324/2007 and RO 039-02804/2005); Alex Domingos da Silva, commonly known as Sacura or Sakura (former paratrooper of Brazilian Army; see RO 4838/2004 of 30th DP and RO 030-2324/2004 of the same 30th DP; consider, also, that the several accusations received during the entire progress of this CPI, by the Militia Hotline, point out that this same militiaman continues to work together with Mirra and other persons referred to herein, and also that, after the accusation against a conspiracy, the acts performed ahead in time of the accusation are new and autonomous crimes of conspiracy); Ricardo Batista dos Santos (Military Police Sergeant, identity card no. 48.712). Wiretappings also showed connection of such militiamen’s group with the militiamen brothers and Members of Parliament Jerominho and Natalino, being the latter involved in the purchase of rifles from the Mirra’s group. In relation to the group’s activity, also refer to CGU procedures no. E32/1842/0006/05 and E-32/1910/0006/05. We would like to emphasize proceeding no. 2007.024.003744-6 – Draco and Security and Intelligence Sub-department (SSI) put into practice the "Operação Leviatã” (Leviathan Operation), by means of wiretapping authorized by the Justice of Itaguaí, aiming at arresting militiamen who act in Rio de Janeiro, in the following favelas: da Palmeirinha, in Guadalupe; Fernão Cardim, do Guarda, Águia de Ouro and Belém-Belém, all of them in Del Castilho; and in Morro da Coroa, in Méier. Search and seizure warrants and warrants of arrest were issued against the following persons: - Military Policeman Private Fabrício Fernandes Mirra (“Mirra”) 235 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY - Fábio Gomes Coutinho (“FB”) - Military Police Corporal Alexsander Dantas de Mello Alves - Military Policeman Sergeant Marcos Gregrório Siqueira da Silva - Desipe Nelson Siqueira Gonçalves Filho - Adilson de Andrade Pessanha - Alex Domingos da Silva (“Sacura”) - André Marcos de Souza - Damião Juvino da Silva - Eliseu Adão (“Angola”) - Erivaldo Juvino da Silva ("Farinha" or "Nem") - Felipe Evangelista Adão (“Angolinha”) - Luciano Galdino Carneiro - Robson da Silva Lacerda IV - Draco/IE Report (Chief of Police Cláudio Ferraz), dated July 31st, 2008, with reference to IP 022/08 (deriving from RO 1401/1405/2008, de 25.05.2008), which investigated the militiaman’s group that, at Favela do Batan, Realengo, West Zone of Rio de Janeiro, kidnapped the group of reporters for newspaper O Dia. These investigations found militiamen Odinei Fernando da Silva (Civil Police Inspector, placed at 22nd DP, commonly known as Águia or Zero Um); Davi Liberato Araújo (commonly known as Zero dois); Alexandre de Souza Ferreira (commonly known as Broa, RO 03304215/2007 > Broa is referred to on IP 035-05850/2008, where some people formally declared they had seen Broa committing crimes ordered by Natalino and for the purpose of bringing electoral benefits to Carminha "Batgirl"), this latter, as detailed on the report, is a member of Liga da Justiça. The following persons are also referred to as members of the group on the report: José Antônio Rachel de Souza (who presented himself as Paulo, but who is commonly known as “Boi”); André Luis de Mattos (commonly known as Cocada); Wilson de Souza Guimarães and Gladson da Silva Leite (commonly known as PI). We would like to emphasize proceeding no. 2008.900.005160-0 – Draco Investigations led to detention, on August 2nd, 2008, of Davi Liberato de Araújo ("Zero Dois"), one of the militia’s leader at Favela do Batan, in Realengo, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, who is accused of involvement in the torturing of reporters from newspaper O Dia, which took place in such favela on May 2008. Later on, on June 17th, 2008, the accused militia’s leader, known as Civil Police Inspector Odnie Fernando da Silva (“Zero um”), which surrendered at Draco. 236 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY V - Record 2846/2008/OF, of July 9th, 2008, sent to this CPI by Law Judge of the 2nd Criminal Court of Campo Grande, with reference to proceeding 2008.205.018917-0, deriving from APF 035-06401/2008, where the following people were accused of armed criminal conspiracy: militiamen Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra (former PMERJ, who, on May 28th, 2008, together with "Marinho", allegedly went to meet Natalino, and were victims of attempted double homicide, committed by Liga da Justiça), Carlos Eduardo Marinho dos Santos (marine corporal and paratrooper, commonly known as "Marinho" or "Pitbull", who left jail in the event of APF 035-064091/2008, but who was a member and local leader of the same conspiracy, in such a way he was also accused on proceeding 2008.205.018917-0; Marinho, on IP 035-05850/2008, dated May 28th, 2008, as well as Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra, were victims of attempted homicide committed by Liga da Justiça, when heading for second meeting with Natalino; on interrogatory of proceeding 2008.205.018917-0, Marinho Pitbull stated he was previously arrested due to firearm possession; said that during assault he was subject together with Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra, Marciel, Luciano and Leonardo also had involvement of the same, considering that the one supposed to administer the Condomínio dos Eucaliptos (Eucaliptos Condo) and build the Social Center to benefit the candidature of Carminha "Batgirl", all ordered by the Representative Natalino, was Marciel, in fact; he denied the nickname of Pitbull, stating, however, he was commonly known as "Caveira" and “PQD"), Vanderson Navegantes Azevedo (arrested in flagrante delicto on June 13th, 2008, APF 035-06401/2008, at Condomínio Parque dos Eucalíptos, in a place called Barbante, Campo Grande, due to conspiracy; proceeding 2008.205.018917-0), Luciano Sabino da Silva (arrested in flagrante delicto on June 13th, 2008, APF 035-06401/2008 > proceeding 2008.205.018917-0, at Condomínio Parque dos Eucalíptos, in a place called Barbante, Campo Grande, due to conspiracy; is referred to on IP 035-05850/2008, as, together with Marciel, being responsible for delivering a message to the Representative Natalino, who intended to meet Marinho, who, while heading for the meeting together with Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra, were shot by the Natalino’s gang, which aimed at obliging the establishment of a Social Center at Condomínio dos Eucalíptos to benefit the candidature of Carminha Jerominho) and Marciel Paiva de Souza (arrested in flagrante delicto on June 13th, 2008, APF 035-06401/2008 > proceeding 2008.205.018917-0, at Condomínio Parque dos Eucalíptos, in a place called Barbante, in Campo Grande, due to conspiracy. Marciel went, together with Luciano 237 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY referred to above, carrier of message from Natalino to Marinho), who acted in Campo Grande, at the place called Condomínio dos Eucaliptos. VI - Record 2840/2008/OF, dated July 9th, 2008, submitted to CPI by Law Judge of the 2nd Criminal Court of Campo Grande, with reference to proceeding 2008.205.015142-6, deriving from APF 5476/2008 of the 35th DP, where Wallace Moreira de Oliveira and Rodrigo Mendes de Jesus are accused of aggravated robbery VII - Record 3216/2008/OF, dated July 31st, 2008, submitted to this CPI by Law Judge of the 2nd Criminal Court of Campo Grande, with reference to proceeding 2008.205.022043-6, deriving from APF 035-07670/2008 of the 35th DP, where the PMERJ Airton Padilha de Menezes is accused (PMERJ, identity card 47.357; see Police Investigation 035-05850/2008, investigating crimes of Liga da Justiça), of armed criminal conspiracy and possession of several types of firearm, who is allegedly a member of militiamen’s conspiracy Liga da Justiça (Jerominho, Natalino, Luciano, Carminha Jerominho etc.). On the interrogation of this proceeding, Airton Padilha asserted that he used to visit the place of the Representative Natalino, that his wife was a Representative’s assistant Natalino, with assignments such as writing letters to electors and placing political signs for Carminha, candidate for City Council Member, asserting also that the actual persons who carried out detention were the former policemen "Escangalhado" (Herbert Canijo da Silva, former Military Policeman, IFP 06.864.150-5); former Military Policeman "Popeye" (= Alexandre da Silva Monteiro; also refer to proceedings 2008.025.025013-1 and 2005.205.003910-2; is born on February 21st, 1971, residing on Estrada do Cabuçu, no. 2908/202, Campo Grande/RJ, son of Paulo Roberto Monteiro and Maria Nilce da Silva Monteiro; has an outstanding warrant of arrest); the Military Policeman "Chico Bala" (= sergeant PMERJ Francisco César Silva Oliveira) and the firefighter "Gaguinho" (= 3rd Military Firefighter Sergeant identity card no. 14123, Carlos Alexandre Silva Cavalcante).. VIII - Record 3044/2008/OF, dated July 23rd, 2008, submitted to this CPI by Law Judge of the 2nd Criminal Court of Campo Grande, with reference to proceeding 2008.205.018917-0, deriving from APF 035-06401/2008 of the 35th DP, where Vanderson Navegantes Azevedo, Marciel Paiva de Souza, Carlos Eduardo Marinho dos Santos (marine corporal, respectively commonly known as Marinho, Pitbull, Caveira and PQD) and Luciano Sabino da Silva, were accused of conspiracy. 238 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY IX - Record 2962/2008/OF, dated July 18th, 2008, submitted to CPI by Law Judge of the 2nd Criminal Court of Campo Grande, with reference to proceeding 2008.205.013578-0, deriving from APF 1218/2007 of the 43rd DP, where Tiago Nogueira de Barros is accused of aggravated robbery and extortion, amongst other misdemeanors. On the interrogation, he stated that, in fact, he was arrested by militiamen who would kill him, and, also, the policemen/militiamen who arrested him, had killed his brother, Luiz Carlos Nogueira de Barros, albeit the Chief of Office of the 35th DP did not want to record the militiamen’s name, because they worked at that very Police Station.. X - Victim or third-party plaintiff statement term rendered by lawyer André Luiz Costa de Paula, OAB/RJ (Brazilian Bar Association of Rio de Janeiro) 33.926, on the records of IPL 2564-STF, before Federal Police (refer, for similar sense, to record of OAB, CDHAJ/091/2008 dated February 20th, 2008; and other victim or third-party plaintiff statement term, with the same sense, rendered by the same lawyer, on February 11th, 2008 to Attorney General Marcelo Pereira Marques, District Attorney José Campos Moreira and Chief of Police Cláudio Ferraz), reporting on the militiamen’s group formed by Natalino, Jerominho and other members of Liga da Justiça, which acted in the community named Olga Benário, located at West Zone. Another victim or third-party plaintiff statement term rendered by the Public Ministry of the Rio de Janeiro may be found attached, concerning the same group. The following persons participated of this term: the attorney general Marcelo Pereira Marques, the district attorney Antônio José Campos Moreira, and the Chief of Police Cláudio Ferraz. Find below some of the militiamen referred to, who were accused of several crimes, including coercion of victim during investigations: Representative’s brothers Jerominho and Natalino; Leandrinho QuebraOssos; Russo, Idalete; Gladson; Litigo; Maurição; Pedala and Edson Lima Calles Jr (= Juninho Perneta). This Committee also received the victim or third-party plaintiff statement term of the same lawyer, rendered as part of prosecution no. 2008.068.00004 (defendants: Natalino and other members of Liga da Justiça). XI - Record 074/08, of September 15th, 2008, of 19th PIP, by means of which the Attorney General Christiane Monnerat and Attorney General Márcia Teixeira Velasco forwarded copies to IPs 041-00450/07 of 41st DP (victims Jorsan Machado de Oliveira and Antônio Paulo da Costa -commonly known as "Paulinho da Caricó" -, involved with the militia at Morro da Caixa Dágua, located at the district of Jacarepaguá, provided that the corporal of PMERJ Jorsan, on recordings of PF, was allegedly talking to Álvaro Lins, making sure to this latter he would support Rogério Andrade, for the slot machine mobs; suspects of double homicide: City council member Deco and Lica) and IP 032-05104/08 (victim André Luiz Soares de Oliveira, whose corpse was found, on July 16th, 2008, at Caminho do Rio Pequeno, Taquara; suspects: militiamen under orders of 239 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY City Council Member Deco and his group) and IP 004/08 (victim Washington Estevam Ribeiro; being suspect the militiamen: Deco, Lica and others) of the 32nd DP, who investigate homicides occurring in different areas of Jacarepaguá. XII – Records AFAOCrim 494, dated September 9th, 2008 and AFAOCrim 434 of August/2008, where the District attorney Antônio José Campos Moreira reports accusations against Representatives José Luis Hauat (= Jorge Babu) and Natalino Guimarães, due to involvement in militias, each one of them with their own conspiracies. XIII – Accusation provided by the Public Ministry/RJ against some members of so-called Liga da Justiça, which are as follows, as referred to on records: Natalino José Guimarães, Jerônimo Guimarães Filho (commonly known as Jerominho), Luciano Guinâncio Guimarães (Jerominho’s son), Edson Lima Calles Júnior (commonly known as JuninhoPerneta), André Luiz da Silva Malvar (Jerominho’s son-in-law), Ricardo Teixeira Cruz (commonly known as Batman, former sdPMERJ), Leandro Paixão Viegas (commonly known as Leandrinho Quebra Ossos or Fantasma), Gladson dos Santos Gonçalves (Military Policeman), Júlio César Oliveira dos Santos (commonly known as Julinho Tiroteio, Military Policeman, identity card 35.944), Fábio Pereira de Oliveira (commonly known as Fabinho Gordo, referred to in depositions on IP 035-05850/2008 as active member of conspiracy Liga da Justiça, committing crimes ordered by Natalino and for the benefit of Carminha, the ‘Batgirl’; assigned to work at the Office of the Representative Natalino on March 2nd, 2007, on Proceeding ALERJ 3994/2007, CCDAL-8) and Alcemir Silva (commonly known as Fumão), against which the Attorney General, Marfan Martins Vieira, on December 22nd, 2007, rendered accusation due to armed criminal conspiracy, which was based on investigations and charges arising out of Police Investigation 028/2006, of Draco-IE. Such accusation entitled to institute prosecution, in progress at the Special Court of the TJRJ (Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro), 2008.068.00004, and the declarations rendered by defendants of such prosecution were already submitted to this committee. XIV – Procedure 2008.00056583, attached to 2007.00116763, coming from Electoral Regional Public Attorney’s Office, reporting electoral abetting crimes at the District of Santa Cruz (West Zone), which were allegedly committed by the Representative Jorge Babu (militia of Comunidade da Foice, at Pedra de Guaratiba).. 240 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY XV – Procedure 2008.00009350, also arising out of Electoral Regional Public Attorney’s Office, coming from declaration rendered by retailer Marcos Oliveira Catolé, reporting on the electoral crime committed by nine conspirers of so-called militia of Comunidade da Foice, at Pedra de Guaratiba, for the benefit of Rio de Janeiro Assembly Member Jorge Babu, who, by the way, disseised his property. The following procedures have the same Procedures insomuch as they refer to the same militiamen’s conspiracy of Comunidade da Foice: 2007.00122586, the 2007.00116763, the 2008.00032784, the 2008.00056583, the 2008.00009350, all of them of the Rio de Janeiro State Public Ministry/RJ, reporting, additionally, that crimes for possession of firearms and militiamen's conspiracy, headed by the Representative Jorge Babu. Such facts also entitled to SAD 074/2007 = Proc.: E09/5359/0006/2007, at CGU (Unified General Comptroller’s Office), whereadministrative torts are investigated jointly by the Civil Police Inspector Jorge Luiz Hauat and the retired PMERJ Gelson Torres, in addition to other seven militiamen not identified yet in the militia of Comunidade da Foice, according to the significant administrative ordinance XVI – Copy to prosecution no. 2008.068.00004, in which some defendants are militiamen of Liga da Justiça referred to in item XIII above, with accusation made during session of Special Court/TJRJ of April 7th, 2008. XVII – By means of record 447/08, dated August 20th, 2008, the Attorney General Luiz Antônio Corrêa Ayres, of the 2nd Office of the Attorney General before the 1st Criminal Court of Santa Cruz, forwards several copies, all of them referring to some militiamen of Liga da Justiça referred to above and others, by means of which the City Council Member Andréa Gouveia Vieira forwarded, to such Office of the Attorney General, several briefs, and copies to accusation and judgment referring toproceedings 2008.206.000298-3, 2008.206.002337-8 and 2008.206.003333-5 were delivered to us. Basedon IP 068/07 of Draco-IE, the Public Ministry brought an accusation against Luciano Guinancio Guimarães and Ricardo Teixeira Cruz (Batman), both due to aggravated extortion, and, thus, while hearing the proceeding 2008.206.002337-8, having already transferred the case of Guimarães, the court gave judgment against the remaining defendant, Ricardo Batman (ex-sdPMERJ), condemning him to nine-year confinement due to crime of extortion against Iberê César dos Santos and Carlos Vinícius dos Santos, who were responsible for Cooperativa Rio da Prata. 241 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY In its turn, based on IP 0047/2008, of the 36th DP, the Public Ministry brought an accusation against André Luiz da Silva Senra (commonly known as Cabeção) and Daniel Salles Santana, due to possession of firearms, receipt of stolen products and criminal solicitation of a minor. Such accusation gave rise to proceeding 2008.206.000298-3, where Santana was dismissed and Senra was condemned. The same record reveals that, based on IP 4995/2007, also of 36th DP, the Public Ministry accused Samber Barbosa de Souza and Juarez de Oliveira Alves of aggravated homicide and armed criminal conspiracy. Lastly, the record also covers record submitted by City Council Member Andréia Gouveia Vieira to several authorities, including the PGJ (Attorney General’s Office), as well as to this CPI (Record GVAGV 219/08, dated June 24th, 2008, of the Office of the City Council Member at City Council of Rio de Janeiro) reporting several acts of a number of militiamen, all of them, however, acting at West Zone (Campo Grande and Santa Cruz), receiving orders of Liga da Justiça. On such record, parliamentary members Jerominho, Natalino and Coronel Jairo are referred to as leaders of the group, which was said to consist of the following members: the PMERJ Marcelo Domingues (commonly known as Cavalo); Roberto Borba da Conceição (commonly known as Dedé); Adriano Gonzaga dos Santos (commonly known as Camelo); the Military Policeman Róscio Ferreira de Barros, who was bodyguard of the heirs of Castor de Andrade; the SdPM Daniel, who is accused of using his wife (Rosimar Rodrigues do Carmo) as front woman, while he asserts he works for Representatives Colonel Jairo, Jorge Babu and Natalino; Eduardo Ferreira de Andrade, who asserts he is an officer of the Fire Brigade; the PMERJ William de Paula; the PMERJ Marcelo Ribeiro da Silva; the PMERJ Renato Neves de Carvalho; the PMERJ Wilson Vaz da Silva; Luiz Antônio Félix da Rocha; Wilton Rodrigues de Oliveira; Guilherme Carlos Silva; Vagner da Silva Dantas; Clauton Augusto Brito; XVIII – Copy to procedure 2008.214.00007, by means of which the Public Ministry of Rio de Janeiro accused the Representative Natalino José Guimarães and a few other members of Liga da Justiça, namely: Luciano Guinâncio Guimarães (former Military Policeman, son of Jerominho and nephew of Natalino), Fábio Pereira de Oliveira, Rogério Alves de Carvalho (cbPMERJ of the 27th BPM), Júlio César Pereira da Costa (proceeding ALERJ 4568/2007, who assigned him for the CCDAL-8, for the Office of the Representative Natalino) and Moisés Pereira Maia Júnior (Military Policeman placed at the office of Representative Natalino, requested from the PMERJ under proceeding Alerj 7237, dated February 7th, 2007). All defendants were accused due to the portion investigated of the IP 035-07943/08, of the 35th DP, deriving from different facts of the prosecution 2008.068.00004, referred to in item XVI, considering that this new accusation refers 242 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY facts happening from the night of July 21st to July 22nd, 2008, at Representative Natalino’s place, who, together with other persons already referred to on this report and in the respective proceeding, were arrested in flagrante delicto by the 35th DP, while several other conspirers (around seven) managed to flee. Maia Júnior and the Military Policeman "Bibico" were the ones who broke out the gunfire against Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra and "Marinho Pitbull" on May 28th, 2008, directly ordered by the Representative Natalino, aiming to bring electoral benefits to Carminha "Batgirl", as detailed on records of IP 035-05850/2008. XIX - Copies to the procedure MPRJ 2008.00029219, where, through record AFAOCrim 237/2008, dated April 30th, 2008, the District Attorney Antônio José Campos Moreira reports measures required to the Chief of the 36th DP (Santa Cruz), targeted at investigating new crimes to members of Liga da Justiça, ordered by parliamentary members Jerominho and Natalino. Such record brings several briefs, which shows that incognitos alleged there was one militia in Santa Cruz, led by parliamentary members Natalino and Jerominho, and that members called "Leozinho" and "Lavajato" were on the front line of the activity, acting in two different addresses, both of them in Santa Cruz, where they extorted van drivers, and paid bribes to civil policemen, thus characterizing crimes of armed criminal conspiracy, extortion and solicitation of bribe. Ordered by the PGJ (Attorney General's Office), the fact was forwarded to the Coordination Office of Security and Intelligence, where the Tenant Colonel Gilson Chagas and Silva Filho, working at there as Operational Support Manager, assigned the Military Policemen of GAP for the investigation, and, by the end of this investigation, presented final and approved report, which was based on facts, video recordings and copies to ROs 03602142/2007, 036-01471/2008, 036-05112/2007-01. "Leozinho" was identified as Leonardo Nunes Cassiano (CPF (Brazilian National Register of Legal Persons) no. 096.664.777-77), who, ordered by the parliamentary members referred to above, extorted, according to findings of such report, R$ 79.00 over the Thursdays and more R$ 64.00 over the Saturdays from every van driver, and Leozinho uses mobile phone number 8695-7249, ID 55*6445, and acted both on street Lopes de Moura, besides property no. 20 (COOPER São Sebastião), and in no. 75 (Cooperoeste), both, according to such report, taken over by the militia. Such report adds that Mr. Paulo Roberto Marinho confirmed that men carrying firearms, calling themselves as "morcegos negros" (black bats), that is, a faction of Liga da Justiça, took control of such cooperatives. The report also states that 243 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The Civil Police’s police car with car plate no. KZZ3250 was filmed to be in place at the location and contacting Leozinho. XX – Copies to procedure MPRJ 2007.00116650, forwarded by record AFAOCrim 518/2007, of October/07, on which the District Attorney Antônio José Campos Moreira requested measure to the Chief of the 35th DP (Campo Grande) at the time, in view of the torts attributed to the group led by the parliamentary members Natalino and Jerominho. Such record also referred to other procedures in progress at the PGJ (Attorney General's Office), investigating a number of crimes resulting from the same militia headed by parliamentary members Natalino and Jerominho, i.e., the MPRJ:2007.00096544, 2007.00004600, 2007.00058111 and 2007.00063730. The record also contains copy to a report made by GAP after investigating two different areas of Campo Grande, with telephone numbers informed by interviewed dwellers, which, according to such dwellers, mean that the telephone calls made prove the existence of militias in the location, exploiting several services, such as cable TV signal and others, militia led by parliamentary members and brothers Natalino/Jerominho. XXI – Copies to questionings already made under prosecution 2008.068.00004, already referred in item XVI above, including this item already stated the defendants’ names. XXII – Copies to procedure MPRJ 2008.00073700, reporting other torts committed by the group led by parliamentary members Natalino and Jerominho, at ConjuntoHabitacional Votorantin. Such record also mentions that individuals working for said parliamentary members, namely, Roni Salvino Batista (identity card no.083372086) and Maria das Graças Bernardes, who were president and treasurer, respectively, of the Conjunto Votorantin Dwellers’ Association, were believed to use such association on behalf of Liga da Justiça, extorting dwellers and van drivers XXIII – Transcription of indictment under proceeding 2007.001.034901-0, where the City Council Member Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz (Nadinho), André Luiz daSilva Malvar and Raphael Moreira Dias were indicted due to death of the Police Inspector and militiaman Félixdos Santos Tostes, and the expert examination of Carlos Éboli Forensic Institute (ICCE) found out that one of the firearmsfound with Malvar (Jerominho’s son-in-law), in the event of detention in flagrante delicto of Malvar due to assault against the PMERJ sergeant Chico Bala ( = Francisco César Silva 244 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Oliveira, see APF 537/118/2007 and RO 125-01930/2007), where the family of the latter was decimated, and such firearm under Malvar’s possession was seized, and found also to be used in the homicide of the chief of the militia in Rio das Pedras, the Inspector Félix dos Santos Tostes. Thus, this is only one out of several facts that connect the militia Liga da Justiça with the militia of Rio das Pedras, this latter headed by the City Council Member Nadinho. Although subjective, another evidence of the connection between the two militiamen conspiracies was the deposition rendered by Getúlio, both at the 19th PIP of the 1st CI of MPRJ, and before this CPI, in which Getúlio stated there was connection of Nadinho to the conspiracy Liga da Justiça. XXIV – Police Investigation 035-05850/2008, which investigates the double attempted homicide committed on May 28th, 2008 against the former Military Policeman Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra and the marine corporal Carlos Eduardo Marinho dos Santos (commonly known as: Marinho; Pitbull; Caveira and Pitbull; see his interrogation on the records of proceeding 2008.205.018917-0), fact that was performed by a huge number of militiamen of Liga da Justiça, under direct orders of Natalino and aiming at creating electoral advantages for Carminha “Batgirl”. In one of the documented depositions, the following militiamen were mentioned as members of such conspiracy: Fabinho Gordo (placed at Office of the Representative Natalino); the Military Policeman Bibico (one person who broke out the gunfires); the Military Policeman Moisés Pereira Maia Júnior (another person who broke out the gunfires, placed at Office of the Representative Natalino by Proceeding ALERJ 1663/2007, being requested by the PMERJ through proceeding ALERJ 7232/2007, dated February 7th, 2007; was arrested on August 29th, 2008, together with Carminha Jerominho), the Military Policeman Silvio; the Military Policeman Juninho or Julinho Ferraz; Rodrigo Ozéias; CbPM of RPMont Augusto; Expedito; the Military Policeman Alexandre Broa; CbPM Henrique; Marco Antonio Santos Lopes (commonly known as Marquinho Desipe); former Military Policeman Luciano Guinancio Guimarães; Augusto; Tony; Tiago; Ricardo Português, sergeant of the 27th BPM; Airton Padilha de Menezes (retired Military Policeman, identity card no. 47.357 > see proceeding 2008.205.022043-6); Military Police Sergeant Alonso dos Santos Olanda (requested by the PMERJ for the Office of the Representative Natalino through Proceeding Alerj 3094/2007; was arrested on August 29th, 2008, together with Carminha); the Military Police Sergeant Antunes, of the RPMont; the sdPM Kennedy of the 5th BPM; Marciel Paiva de Souza (arrested in flagrante delicto on June 13th, 2008, APF 035-06401/2008 > proceeding 2008.205.018917-0, at Condomínio Parque dos Eucaliptos, in a place called Barbante, in Campo Grande, due to conspiracy; Marciel was, together with Luciano referred to above, carrier of criminal message of Natalino to Marinho); Luciano Sabino da Silva (arrested in flagrante delicto on June 13th, 2008, APF 035-06401/2008 > proceeding 2008.205.018917-0, at Condomínio Parque dos 245 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Eucaliptos, in a place called Barbante, in Campo Grande, due to conspiracy; is mentioned on IP 035-05850/2008, as, together with Marciel, carrier of the message by the Representative Natalino intended to set up a meeting with Marinho, who, while heading for the meeting, was hit by gunfires by the Natalino’s crew. He was together with Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra, who was also hit. Natalino aimed at force the establishment of a Social Center at Condomínio dos Eucaliptos, which would bring electoral benefits to Carminha Jerominho). XXV - Record 3240/2008/OF, dated August 1st, 2008, sent to this CPI by Law Judge of the 2nd Criminal Court of Campo Grande, with reference to proceeding 2008.205.022375-9, deriving from APF 7750/2008 of the 35th DP, indicating Luis Fernando Pereira Garcia Júnior and Gledson Barboza da Cruz as defendants, charged due to possession of illegal firearm s, and, according to depositions, members of militia at the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro. XXVI - Record 3307/2008/OF, dated August 6th, 2008, sent to this CPI by the Law Judge of the 2nd Criminal Court of Campo Grande, with reference to proceeding 2008.205.022958-0, deriving from APF 7937/2008 of the 35th DP, indicating Wagner Rezende de Miranda as defendant, charged due to armed criminal conspiracy and possession of illegal firearm. During da Miranda’s interrogation, he confessed he was friend of the PMERJ sergeant Chico Bala in the past (the latter’s name is Francisco César Silva Oliveira, see APF 537/118/2007 and RO 125-01930/2007), who used to visit da Miranda’s place, although at that moment, after assault against Chico Bala, decimating the latter’s family, Chico Bala chased the deponent, being, together with a former Military Policeman known as "Popaey", the authors of his detention, and the defendant confessed, in judicial interrogation, he continued to work for both the Representative Natalino and for the City Council Member Jerominho XXVII - Record 067/08, dated September 8th, 2008, where the 19th PIP of the 1st CI of the MP-RJ refers to IP 003/07, of DH Oeste, where accusation of Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz (Nadinho), André Luiz da Silva Malvar and Raphael Moreira Dias of the death of Félix dos Santos Tostes is stated. Such accusation, dated November 19th, 2007 will later on cause the indictment of these three individuals, on proceeding 2007.001.034901- 0. The briefs of IP 032-06391/2008 are stapled to such record. They derive from MPRJ 2008.00118853, which investigates coercion during the proceeding supposedly brought up by Nadinho against Getúlio Rodrigues Gamas, who rendered countless declarations at the Public Ministry, as made also to this CPI, being remarkable 246 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY that, at both moments, Nadinho was linked to the broad conspiracy of the West Zone known as Liga da Justiça and led by Jerominho and Natalino. It is important to notice that Malvar (Jerominho’s son-in-law) and the firearm seized from Malvar’s possession in the event of his detention in flagrante delicto (APF 537/118/2007 and RO 12501930/2007) was equally used in the homicide of Félix dos Santos Tostes, which makes this a objective proof of the connection of Nadinho with the conspiracy of Liga da Justiça. XXVIII – Record 070/08, dated September 8th, 2008, of the 19th PIP of the CI of MP-RJ, demanding measures, which, in their turn, gave rise to IP 044/04 (RO 311/1943/2008, dated November 10th, 2004) of DH/Oeste, concerning Cristiano Matias Girão, accused of conspiracy. XXIX – Copy to the accusation (generated by information briefs 2008.062.00014), deriving from IP 031/07 of COINPOL, indicating the following defendants: Jorge Luiz Hauat (Jorge Babu, Representative/RJ), Carlos Jorge Cunha (Tenant Colonel of PMERJ), Carlos Eduardo Marinho dos Santos (commonly known as Marinho, paratrooper marine corporal; see proceeding 2008.205.018917-0), Alfredo Carlos Cândido de Oliveira, Davinilson Freitas dos Santos (commonly known as Júnior), Sebastião Soares Nogueira Neto (commonly known as Tiãozinho), Carlos José Dias, Thiago Sant‘Anna dos Santos, Leonardo Moraes de Andrade, Roberto de Lima, Antônio Carlos dos Santos Pinto (commonly known as Aranha). It is important noticing that, by indicating all these persons, charged of several crimes, including armed criminal conspiracy, Coinpol (Chief of Police Luiz Alberto R. M. de Oliveira), not only ordered arrest and confinement without bail for all of them (expect for Representative Jorge Babu, due to constitutional prohibition), but also officially stated a series of search and seizure warrants, issued for several locations. And the Public Ministry (Deputy District Attorney Marija Yrneh Rodrigues de Moura, representing District Attorney Marfan Martins Vieira) endorsed all documents warranties. In addition, the Special Court of the TJRJ (reporter Superior Court Judge Antônio Eduardo Ferreira Duarte) issued warrants of arrest and search and seizure warrants under records 2008.065.00017. We highlight, after performing searches and seizures, and in compliance with the warrants of arrest issued: a) In the bakery located in Comunidade da Foice, at Rua Francisco Brusque, at the corner of Rua Antônio Rayol, in the District of Pedra de Guaratiba, where the warrants of arrest were issued, and one of the places explored by the militiamen organizations, 247 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY we found several slot machines and notebooks with records of such transactions, as well as gas bottles to be sold and money in cash; b) At Rua Teixeira de Pinho, 49, 102, Piedade – Rio de Janeiro, residence of Carlos José Dias (3rd Military Fire Sergeant of RR), the following materials were seized: A T-shirt of the Civil Police, a ballistic vest, ballistic vest covers, cell phones and chips, and information on the Fire Brigade. In other words: The same material used by the militiamen organizations, confirming the information of Coinpol, which requested the search and seizure warrant for this reason c) In the residence of Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra (Rua Rodolfo Garcia, 80, Campo Grande/Rio de Janeiro, Former Private of PMERJ – Id. Card 62.254), who was also investigated as a member of the militia organization managed by the State Assembly Member Jorge Babu, the following materials were found and seized: A green T-shirt with the word “APOIO” (STAFF) printed; a notebook containing records of several payments; a vigilant record card of the Federal Police; a gas compensator for 40 caliber pistols; an envelope containing the sentence “Marcelo Segurança” (Security Guard, Marcelo) printed on it, among others; d) When the warrant of arrest was executed in the Local Dwellers Association of Comunidade da Foice (Rua Francisco Brusque, 111, Jardim Guaratiba), a considerable amount of residents’ mails could be found, as well as campaign materials for the City Council related to Elton Babu, who is the brother of the State Assembly Member Jorge Babu. The President of the Local Dwellers Association is Mrs. Rosana Pereira da Silva, Id. Card 07.749.936-6. Several names and voting card numbers of residents, as well as payment receipts performed to those persons. Thus, this action constitutes an electoral crime and formation of illegal electoral zone (articles 299 and 301 of Electoral Code), provided that the Local Dwellers Association was being used for that purpose. e) The Military Policemen were duly found and arrested, in accordance with the warrants of arrest judicially issued. It is worth noting that in Cred PM – Cooperative of Mutual Credit of Military Policemen – located at Praça Olavo Bilac, 28, 1509, Centro/Rio de Janeiro, we clarified that the Private Military Policeman, Marcelo Adrien de Cerqueira, Id. Card 58.573, from BVPE (Special Police Battalion) made the telephone call in benefit of the militiamen organization, which was recorded during criminal negotiations. And, according to the seizures content, the candidate for the City Council – Elton Babu – was a member of such organization as well 248 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY XXX – Copy to APF 035-07601/2008 (criminal gang formation and illegal firearms license), where a great number of Military Policemen and other Militiamen from Liga da Justiça were arrested in Clube Hot Point on July 13th, 2008. Notwithstanding, several firearms and vehicles were also seized, provided that such militiamen took over the management of the aforementioned club by means of illegal measures executed against Mr. Carlos Anderson Pinheiro. Cláudio Márcio Ribeiro de Castilho (commonly known as “Claudinho”), who became the club’s manager, was the right-hand mand and security guard of Jerominho’s son, the Former Military Policeman Luciano Guinâncio Guimarães. This APF also presents a relationship between Liga da Justiça (headed by Jerominho/Natalino) and Comunidade da Foice militias. Thus, the first measure adopted by Claudinho when he became the club’s manager was to designate the best cabin, which belonged to the previous manager (Carlos Anderson Pinheiro), to the State Assembly Member Jorge Babu. According to the APF, the following Militiamen and Military Policemen were arrested in flagrante delicto: Adilson de Almeida Siqueira; Átila Luis Castro de Souza; Fábio Fortunato Costa; Ricardo de Azevedo Tinoco; Ulisses da Costa Batista and Sílvio Pacheco Fontes. The following civilian militiamen were also arrested: Cláudio Márcio Ribeiro de Castilho (commonly known as Claudinho) and Michel Cunha de Carvalho. The testimonies stated that the Military Policemen worked for the civilian Claudinho, who provided security services, among others, to Luciano Guinâncio, Jerominho’s son. The Civil Police Inspector in DRFA (Division of Theft and Robbery of Vehicles), Renato Machado Ferreira, registered under No. 852.641-0, witnessed the moment of such detentions and was also notified to provide further clarifications. The Military Policeman Ronald Silvio Guerino Bortolozzu testified the occurrences. Ronald and Chico Bala (Military Police Sargeant Francisco) were duly authorized to provide services at 35th Police Station. The Civil Police Inspectors Luiz Renato de Carvalho (registered under No. 265.982-9) and Lício Modesto Ferreira (registered under No. 266.253-4) clarified that the defendant Silvio Pacheco Fontes (a Military Policeman mentioned in the IP 035-05850/2008 testimonies as an active member of Liga da Justiça, who committed crimes ordered by Natalino, and also to provide electoral benefits to Carminha) and Michel Cunha de Carvalho provided security services to Fábio Gordo (advisor of State Assmebly Member Natalino), while the others worked for Claudinho, who provided services to Luciano, Jerominho's son. XXXI – The Official Letter 2698/2008-GAB/SESEG, as of September 04th, 2008, provided information concerning the militiamen investigated by CGU (Unified General Comptroller’s Office). 249 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY XXXII – Copies to APF 035-07943/2008, as of July 22nd, 2008, informing the reasons for the detention of the State Assembly Member Natalino José Guimarães and other defendants arrested in flagrante delicto, who are still in jail, to the Honorable President of the Rio de Janeiro State Assembly (ALERJ), after the analysis of the Rio de Janeiro State Assembly (ALERJ) (Resolution No. 471/2008, as of August 06th, 2008, a general section that approved the maintenance of Natalino in jail by means of 43 votes, while only 5 did not approve it), hereby requests the detentions before the Judiciary Power. The following individuals were arrested together with Natalino: The Military Policeman Rogério Alves de Carvalho (Corporal of the 27th Military Police Battalion); Júlio César Pereira da Costa (Natalino’s advisor in the Rio de Janeiro State Assembly – ALERJ); Fábio Pereira de Oliveira (commonly known as Fabinho Gordo, Security Guard); the retiree Prison Guard Wagner Resende de Miranda. According to Marcus Neves, they are members of militia organizations. Natalino’s security guard, known as Fabinho Gordo, was shot in the hand. Júlio César, Wagner Resende and Fábio Pereira were transported to Ary Franco Penitentiary, in the District of Água Santa. Seven individuals, who were attending the meeting in Natalino’s dwelling, ran away through a gate located in the house backs, including Natalino’s nephew, Luciano Guinancio Guimarães, the son of the City Council Member Jerônimo Guimarães, also known as Jerominho (PMDB) – who was arrested in last December.. XXXIII – The Official Letter 067/08, as of September 08th, 2008, where the 19th PIP of 1st CI MP-RJ, based on the IP 003/07 of DH-Oeste, has sent us a copy to the accusation presented against Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz, André Luiz da Silva Malvar and Raphael Moreira Dias, which is related to the murder of Inspector Félix dos Santos Tostes XXXIV – The Police Investigation 035-07460/2008 investigates the formation of an armed gang named Liga da Justiça, which is composed of members who were already identified, such as the State Assembly Member Natalino Guimarães; the City Council Member Jerominho Guimarães Filho; the Military Policeman Ivilson Umbelino de Lima (Id. Card 65.421, RPMont, commonly known as “Bibico”; such individual is mentioned by the witnesses in the records of IP 035-05850/2008, who committed several crimes ordered by Natalino, in order to provide electoral benefits to Carminha “Batgirl” – he shot both Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra and Carlos Eduardo Marinho dos Santos on May 05th, 2008); Marconi Alves do Nascimento (Military Policeman of the 24th Military Police Battalion, who was arrested in fragrante delicto on February 28th, 2008, who was in front of Natalino’s house together with the Military Policeman Adjan Jardim Matoso Pereira. 250 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Their personal documents were inside the house, while Marconi was carrying a 45 caliber pistol full of ammunition and with its serial number violated); Alessandro Barroca Lima (Former Military Policeman, who was arrested in flagrante delicto, APF 035-06487/2008, due to the illegal firearms license and formation of armed gang on June 15th, 2008, in Carobinha Favela, in the District of Campo Grande); Paulo Sérgio Lopes da Silva (arrested in flagrante delicto, APF 035-06487/2008); Ozeas Gonçalves de Almeida Filho (Former Military Policeman, who was arrested in flagrante delicto, APF 035-06487/2008, due to the illegal firearms license and formation of armed gang on June 15th, 2008, in Carobinha Favela, in the District of Campo Grande), Bruno César de Santana (Former Military Policeman, who was arrested in flagrante delicto, APF 035-06487/2008, due to the illegal firearms license and formation of armed gang on June 15th, 2008, in Carobinha Favela, in the District of Campo Grande), Leandro Paixão Viegas (commonly known as “Leandrinho Quebra-Ossos” or “Fantasma”);Edson Lima Calles Júnior (commonly known as “Juninho Perneta”); Wallace Luigi da Silva Langa (commonly known as “PQD”, Brazilian Army Corporal, registered in the Paratrooper Infantry Battalion, in the District of Vila Militar, who was arrested in flagrante delicto on May 20th, 2008, APF 035-05552/2008, since he was carrying a firearm. Besides, there was an arsenal of firearms inside his house); Marcelo de Gouveia Bezerra (Former Military Policeman; refer to IP 035-05850/2008 as of May 28th, 2008); Carlos Eduardo Marinho dos Santos (Paratrooper Marine Corporal, commonly known as "Marinho", "Pitbull", "Caveira" and "PQD" > refer to APF 035-06401/2008 > proceeding 2008.205.018917-0; and IP 03505850/2008); Vanderson Navegantes Azevedo (arrested in flagrante delicto in APF 03506401/2008 > proceeding 2008.205.018917-0); Luciano Sabino da Silva (arrested in flagrante delicto in APF 035-06401/2008 > proceeding 2008.205.018917-0; also refer to IP 03505850/2008); Marciel Paiva de Souza (arrested in flagrante delicto in APF 035-06401/2008 > proceeding 2008.205.018917-0; also refer to IP 035-05850/2008); Carlos Eduardo Benevides Gomes (commonly known as “Filé”, Military Policeman who was arrested in flagrante delicto, APF 035-06090/2008. Such detention has caused the launching of a bomb to the 35th Police Station); Ricardo Teixeira Cruz (commonly known as “Batman”, Former Military Policeman). The records stated that one of the victims of Liga da Justiça was the Civil Policeman José Lino Filho, registered under No. 264.623-0-, in the 63rd Police Station. According to IP 03506347/2008, this Policeman was inside the Blazer-type vehicle (plate No. DHI1938) parked beside the 35th Police Station, when the aforementioned bomb was launched.. XXXV – The Official Letter 7142, as of September 11th, 2008, from the PMERJ Comptroller’s Office, which states that several Military Policeman belong to militiamen organizations, chiefly the Major Dilo Pereira Soares Júnior, the Captain RR Epaminondas de Queiroz Medeiros 251 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Júnior and the 3rd Sergeant Dalmir Pereira Barbosa, the 2nd Lieutenant Edmar Silva de Souza, 1st Lieutenant Luiz Torquato da Silva, the Sergeant Luiz Monteiro da Silva (Doen), Marcos Gregório Siqueira da Silva (Private), and Fabrício Fernandes Mirra (Private). All militiamen to be investigated are listed in the records. The following militiamen are being investigated, respectively, in the records presented below: 1) Ordinance IPM 193/2538/2007, CIntPM 19.087/2007 > Antonio de Souza dos Santos; Jorge Henrique Alves dos Santos; Alexandre Barbosa Batista; Roberto Ramos dos Santos Júnior; Fernando César de Souza Barcellos; Alessandro Fiel Lopes; Antônio Sérgio Fraga de Andrade Júnior; 2) Ordinance IPM 0349/2538/2007, CintPM 15.276/2007 > confidential, provived that it includes the Commander of the 25th Military Police Battalion, which was sent to the 2nd Public Prosecution/AJMERJ according to the Official Letter 2769/2538/2008; 3) Ordinance IPM 0322/2538/2008, CintPM 13.528/2008-08-25 > Major Dilo Pereira Soares Júnior; Captain RR Epaminondas de Queiróz Medeiros Júnior; 3rd Military Poice Sergeant Dalmir Pereira Barbosa; 4) Ordinance IPM 055/2538/2008, CintPm 06.185/2008, where the Military Policemen of 18th and 9th Military Police Battalion were investigated. However, there is no qualification related to the militiamen; 5) Ordinance IPM 0010/2538/2008, CintPM 10.546/2008> Military Police Private Carlos Henrique Garcia Ramos; 6) Ordinance IPM 0108/2538/2005, CintPM 01.856/2005 > Military Police Private Jeferson Carlos Rocha Alves and Military Police Private Rodolfo Jorge da Cunha Ramos; 7) Summary Investigation, Ordinance 118/2559/2007, CintPM 23.322/2007 > Sergeant Cláudio Germano da Silva; Wagner de Souza and Souza; Denys de Almeida de Oliveira; Eduardo Henrique Eugênio da Silva; Felipe Augusto Wenderroscky de Souza and Eduardo Augusto Fernando de Souza; 8) Summary Investigation, Ordinance 0010/2558/2008, CintPM 03.823/2008 > Alexander Dantas de Mello Alves; Marcos Gregório Ciqueira da Silva and Fabrício Fernandes Mirra; 9) Summary Investigation, Ordinance 0142/2538/2008, CintPM 13.475/2008 > Edmar Silva de Souza (Lieutenant), Luiz Torquato da Silva (Lieutenant) and Sebastião Carlos dos Santos (Sergeant); 10) Summary Inquiry, Ordinance 0721/2538/2005, CintPM 05.501/2005 > Jorge Antônio Marcelino; Sérgio Alves Fernandes; Roberto Ramos dos Santos Júnior; Carlos Vicente Lopes Caldeiras; Izan Chaves de Melo (20th Military Police Battalion BPM, who took part in the robbery aggravated by death and concealment of Ye Guoe’s corpse, a Chinese citizen, on July 17th, 2007, together with the Military Policeman Cláudio Rodrigues de Azevedo and the Civil Policemen Marcelo Gomes Costa and Fabiano Amaral Bernardes; proceeding from the 28th Criminal Court and IP of the 16th Police Station); Luis Carlos Vieira Silvério and Alexandre Luis Martins; 11) Summary Inquiry, Ordinance 0276/2538/2008 > 2nd Sergeant Fernandes of the RCECS; Marcos Lourenço Rocha; Moisés Pereira Maia Júnior (who works in Natalino’s office); Alessandro Fiel Lopes; Toni Ângelo Souza de Aguiar; and Military Police Private Kenedy of the BPVE; 12) 252 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Summary Inquiry, Ordinance 0284/2538/2008, CIntPM 26.536/2007 > 2nd Sergeant Luiz Monteiro da Silva, Id. Card 33.694, of the 22nd Military Police Battalion; 13) Summary Inquiry, Ordinance 0265/2538/2008, CintPM 00.549/2008 > João Carlos Leite; Sidnei Torres Mattos; Antônio Carlos Batista Martins; Alex Correia Pereira; Edson Ferreira Brandão; Márcio Patrocínio Pereira; Wilton de Figueiredo Silva; Marcelo Fagundes Alvarenga and Leandro Silva da Conceição; 14) Summary Inquiry, Ordinance 0146/2538/2008, CintPM 13.669/2008 > José Carlos Rangel Sales and Márcio Luis Nacif dos Santos. XXXVI - Report concerning the proceeding 2007.021.024799-2 (Duque de Caxias), where the detention of several militiamen are presented, to wit: Allan Botelho Freire; Alexandre de Oliveira Nogueira; Marcio do Espirito Santo Mendonça; Luis Correa de Souza (PMERJ, Id. Card 45.545); Juliano Gomes Soares; Jaider Reis de Siqueira; Vander Bruno Peçanha Alves; João Batista Florêncio da Silva; Alexandre Gomes Peres; Alexsander Marques dos Santos; Cristiano da Silva Canellas; Rodrigo Barbosa Ramalho (PMERJ, Id. Card 79.152); Joel Pinto Filho; Ediney do Nascimento Gomes; Ricardo de Jesus Bezerra; Washington Luis da Silva e Silva (PMERJ); Artur Alves de Oliveira (PMERJ, Id. Card 60.338); Renato Medeiros da Silva; Ricardo Bezerra de Jesus; Marcio Fontela Gomes; Braz Pereira Morais; Luciano Pereira Morais; Vanildo Chagas de Almeida. Likewise the proceeding 2004.021.003984-7, the following individuals were charged: Rodrigo Correia Lima Furtado (PMERJ), Rodrigo Barbosa Ramalho (PMERJ of BPTur, Id. Card 79.152) and his brother, Marcelo Barbosa Ramalho, as well as Luis Cláudio Nascimento Macedo, commonly known as “Coelho”, and Clayton Sampaio de Campos (cousin of Recruit Eduardo Vasconcelos Sampaio). Victims: Cláudio José Dantas Bastos e Eduardo Vasconcelos Sampaio (Military Policeman, Id. Card 82.682) – deceased - and Luiz Orlando Pontes da Vila, commonly known as "Nandinho" - survived XXXVII - Copy to APF 035-06071/2008, as of June 04th, 2008, where Gerson Machado, Daniel Quintanilha da Silveira and Jair Tostes da Gama are still in jail due to clandestine radio operations (article 183 of Law 9.472/97). The radio was used by Liga da Justiça to display illegal political advertisement. Thus, the prisoners were also filed for gang formation. Copy to APF 035-06090/2008, as of June 04th, 2008, which presents the detention of the Military Policeman Carlos Eduardo Benevides Gomes of the 27th Military Police Battalion, commonly known as “Filé” (Police Investigation 035-07460/2008), a member of Liga da Justiça, due to the illegal firearms license and misrepresentation, since he was carrying a false driving license. 253 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY According to the records, this detention has caused the launching of a bomb in front of the 35th Police Station. XXXVIII – – We received the Official Letter AFAOCrim 539, as of September 30th, 2008, which is related to the MPRJ 2008.00091941. We also sent copies to proceedings associated with the militias, as previously mentioned. XXXIX – We received the Official Letter 793/2008-SEESP-SEPRI/SETOE, as of October 14th, 2008, related to the accusation 2008.065.00017. We also sent copies to documents. XL – We received the Official Letter E-09/109822-1035/2008, as of October 21st, 2008, where the Chief of 35th Police Station, Marcus Neves, informs the qualification of the Former Military Policeman Alexandre da Silva Monteiro, commonly known as “Popeye”, the son of Paulo Roberto Monteiro and Maria Nilce da Silva Monteiro, who was charged for homicide in process 2008.205.025013-1, and with warrant of arrest yet to be enforced.Such data has been already included in the report, since “Popeye is duly mentioned. XLI – We received a copy to the institution ordinance of IP 032-07743/2008, which investigates crimes committed, according to the Prosecutors’ analysis of the 19th PIP, by Geiso Pereira Turques and, according to the statements testified herein before this Parliamentary Committee of Investigation, by the City Council “Geiso do Castelo”. XLII – Official Letter 1958/2008/ER02-ANATEL, as of October 21st, 2008, which sent copies to accusations related to the militiamen organizations that were monopolizing services regulated by Anatel XLIII - Official Letter CGU/GAB No. 7.746/0006/2008, as of October 28th, 2008, which sent copy to SAD 074/2007 records concerning the group of the State Assembly Member Jorge Babu, who was also filed in PAD 31/2007, in the same CGU. XLIV – Official Letter 106/2008, as of October 31st, 2008, sent by the 13th PIP of the 1st CI of the Public Prosecution Office in Rio de Janeiro, informing this Committee about the accusation of another militiaman, who was acting in “Gogó da Ema” Community, in the District of Guadalupe. This individual is supposed to the Military Firefighter 254 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY WALLACE CASTRO FERNANDES, whose accusation was registered in the records of IP 03090/2008 of the 30th Police Station. XLV - Official Letter 040/2008, where the Parliamentary Comptroller’s Office of the State City Council Alerj decides to file and to propose the impeachment of the State Assembly Member Natalino José Guimarães. According to the Official Letter, the Parliamentary Comptroller’s Office defines the breach of decorum as: - - “the behavior presented by the holder of legislative mandate, and expected by similar authorities and by the citizenship, within the public and private scope”. The Parliamentary Comptroller’s Office also clarifies that: - “The breach of decorum represents the individual’s misbehavior. The breach of decorum may occur due to the practice of any act that may be not approved by the citizenship and/or similar authorities, such as the impeachment of the Representative Barreto Pinto, who took some pictures wearing boxer shorts for the Magazine “O Cruzeiro” in 1949. Then, he was impeached by the House of Representatives. The institution of criminal investigation against the State Assembly Member Natalino, according to the Official Letter above, is also supported by the Supplementary Law 35/79, Article 35, VIII, which requires “an irreprehensible behavior in the public and private scope”. Thus, the Comptroller’s Office of this honorable State City Council hereby concludes that any magistrate (or parliamentary authority) will be “reprehended in case of potential visits to inappropriate locations, where unlawfulness and criminality may be observed; and also in case of any relationship maintained with widely known delinquents, people that make the violation of law their profession”. According to our Parliamentary Comptroller’s Office, such behaviors would be enough to constitute a breach of decorum. 255 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION AND PROPOSALS 256 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The Parliamentary Committee of Investigation, earmarked to discuss the appearance and ascension of militias in Rio de Janeiro, concludes its tasks five months after its constitution. We are convinced that the phenomenon of militias, despite being a recent operation, resulted from very antique practices. This operation revives an historical culture of violence towards the poorest communities - sometimes ideologically justified by conservative segments – which is represented through the actions of “polícia mineira” (clandestine police), “justiceiros” (punishers), or “matadores" (serial killers), who decided to eliminate those individuals considered undesired for the community, such as drug users, criminals, and delinquents responsible for small and large crimes. The secular ideological bombing was posed by dominant classes, preaching order and repression before any deviations. This procedure has obviously contaminated the population segments, which occasionally admitted and supported such practices. The recrudescence of violence, not only connected with the trade of illegal drugs, has established a security obsession within the middle-class society, which may be currently observed in gated communities (or closed condominiums), as well as in the great access to the shopping centers, considered a security oasis. We recently stated the increase of closed streets with gates and security booths, as well as the private security offered to local tradesmen and dwellers, which are generally informal and illegal. Concerning the public security professionals, the wide-known "bico" (sideline job) assures a complementary income to the low salaries paid by the State. The lack of control regarding the illegal private security may be easily observed. Some policemen, who are formally called by local dwellers and tradesmen to avoid violence, are informally hired by the community to provide security services in the neighborhood. As this service increases, much more practices of “justice” will occur, just like the murder of a delinquent teenager, who was arrested and murdered by a member of the “support” staff”. After the testimonies by the public safety agents to the Parliamentary Committee of Investigation, we may conclude that, due to the lack of financial resources, the Security Management 257 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY set forth priorities earmarked for the action and combat to the private security, where other public areas are not included. It is worth noting this lack of priority, since the authorities' behavior, which is quite permissive, provides an auspicious scenario to the creation and increase of militias. The Mayor César Maia, who was responsible for uttering an explanation concerning the increase of militias within popular communities, has given them a status of “self-defense communitarian groups”. During a testimony to the Parliamentary Committee of Investigation, the Chief of Police Marcus Neves, who currently plays an important role to combat the militias, admitted that, at first, he considered them a “secondary evil”. If the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro and a graduate and experienced Security Professional may tolerate such practices, the population, victim of assaults and drug dealers, will obviously follow the same logic. We are completely sure that the State’s omission to promote public policies for social and economic inclusion, as well as the connivance of authorities responsible for assuring the public security, is the main reason related to the increase of militias – State Assembly Members illegally using the State instruments to extort, threaten and subjugate thousands of citizens in popular communities. It is worth noting that the current Public Security Management of Rio de Janeiro has making a great effort to prohibit such practices, and also to eliminate criminal organizations, through the institution of investigations and the detention of their members. Furthermore, this Parliamentary Committee of Investigation must also highlights that the systemic combat to the militias is not able to commit arbitrary acts against the citizens, according to precept “the end justifies the means”. The case regarding the fisherman and his son, accused of having produced the bomb thrown at the entrance to the 35th Police Station, exemplifies that the act of urging is the enemy of legality. There are several evidences of inadequate procedures performed by the Police, like the use of hoods and false information. Antagonistic information was also provided by the 35th Police Station. While the policemen stated that materials to produce bombs were duly found and seized, the Police Report recorded by the Clerk of 35th Police Station states the contrary information. The fisherman and his son remained in jail for 15 days, provided that the single evidence against them was the fact to be widely known in the region as manufacturers of bombs for June Parties, including to the local parish 258 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY We must also charge the responsibility and partnership of businessmen who legally explore public concessions, which is currently the main criminal income of militias. We cannot accept that gas distributors close their eyes to the clandestine sales and deposits, in order to assure the large-scale trade of their products. We cannot accept that the access to the internet and cable TVs (including open TV in some areas), which is critical to the information democratization, may be denied to the population and popular communities due to their prohibitive prices, as well as the lack of interest to meet some non-economically attractive areas. It is worth remembering that the State does not charge a corresponding debit for cable TV systems, since they have a tax privilege to pay only 10% of ICMS (State Goods and Services Tax), while other telecommunication services pay 30%.. The economic power of militias increases due to the lack of companies legally licensed to provide these services. In testimony to the Parliamentary Committee of Investigation on September 30th, 2008, Mr. Marco Aurélio França Moreira, commonly known as “Marcão” and accused of heading a militia in Jacarepaguá, has sincerely admitted that “his” community, including him, use “gatonet” (illegal cable TV). According to him, the TV signal was received from the neighbor community, Gardênia Azul, which is managed by the Military Police Firefighter Cristiano Girão, elected a City Council Member in the last City Election. In the testimony attended by the representatives of cable TV systems, there were no satisfactory clarifications to justify why Net (cable technology) codifies its signal to impede the transmission piracy, while Sky, whose signal is deviated and the programming is broadcasted in the clandestine trade, does not take technical or logistical measures to prohibit the irregular use of signal. It is worth highlighting the initiative of the Public Security Secretary, Dr. José Mariano Beltrame, who is seeking for a partnership with Net to provide an attractive cable TV programming to the dwellers of Batan community. Despite of the action of militias, we must also remember that most providers of cable TV services are not illegal. A project in Vila Canoas (São Conrado) community has been developed by the service providers. 259 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY TJ Telecomunicações, a branch of Abetelmim, provides a basic option with open, legislative and educative channels at low prices. However, the neighbor communities use a complete programming of Sky that is irregularly offered, since the operators and authorities do not take any corrective measure The State must supervise and punish the clandestine persons. If the companies do not present an effective social responsibility, by adopting initiatives that enable the legal access to cable TV and broadband internet, with fair prices equivalent to their economic power, the "gatonet" or "skymiau" (illegal cable TVs) will increase even more, providing more gains to the militias.. Considered representatives of the State, carrying firearms, controlling the gas, the public transport and utilities in several communities, the militias also decided to enlarge their powerfulness in the Legislative Power. Over these six months, the Parliamentary Committee of Investigation heard candidates and parliamentary members who were not related to the militias operation, neither in the reports of Security Agencies nor in the accusations provided to the Militia Hotline, or in the testimonies during the CPI. They did not admit any relationship with the militias, as well as the support of militiamen during their electoral campaigns. The Military Police Firefighter Cristiano Girão, accused of extortion by the Federal Police, admitted to be a kind of sheriff in the community where he lives, prohibiting the entrance of drug dealers and arresting delinquents. Almost all deponents declared themselves as communitarian leaders, and justified their actions as a defense to the community interests. Most of them supported candidates to elective offices in all levels (City Council, State Assembly, House of Representatives) arising out the Security Agencies. A balance comprising the votes received by each candidate presents that some of them had an expressive number of votes in areas managed by the militias. During the CPI, two parliamentary members and a candidate to the City Council were arrested – the City Council Member Jerominho, the State Assembly Member Natalino Guimarães and the Candidate Carminha Jerominho. 260 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The parliamentary members are waiting trial, while the candidate was released elected, just like other defendants. In the beginning of November, the Federal Police accused several persons, including some elected parliamentary members, and some of them were heard by the Parliamentary Committee of Investigation As presented above and based on the entire documentation analyzed by the Committee, which is attached herein for any consultation, this Parliamentary Committee of Investigation, in order to defend the Democratic State Ruled by the Law and according to its constitutional responsibilities, proposes what follows: 1. Consider militias as armed groups for the practice of several extortions and irregular exploration of public utilities, managed by members of Public Security Institutions and/or Armed Forces and earmarked for illegal economic purposes. In general, they are directly or indirectly represented by parliamentary members to support this criminal activity, relying on the tolerance of authorities in the Executive Power (political-electoral arm); 2. Political charge of parliamentary members in case of evidences concerning the militiaman practices, constituting a breach of decorum. Thus, the impeachment of the following authorities must be requested: 2.1 State Assembly Member Natalino José Guimarães (Former DEM); 2.2 City Council Member in Rio de Janeiro, Jerônimo Guimarães Filho, “Jerominho” (PMDB); 2.3 City Council Member in Rio de Janeiro, Josinaldo Francisco da Cruz, “Nadinho de Rio das Pedras” (DEM); 2.4 City Council Member in Rio de Janeiro, André Ferreira da Silva, “Deco” (PR); 2.5 City Council Member in São Gonçalo, Geiso Pereira Turques, “Geiso do Castelo” (PDT); Charges concerning the State Assembly Member Natalino must be directed to the Ethics Committee, reinforcing the representativeness of the Comptroller’s Office from this State Assembly. In relation to the other parliamentary members, remittance of authenticated copy to the Final Report concerning this Parliamentary Committee of Investigation and other documentation that may be needed to the State Assembly.. 261 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The original copy to the Final Report of this Parliamentary Committee of Investigation, as well as other documentation that may be needed concerning the reelected candidates Geiso Turques and Chiquinho Grandão, must be directed to the Electoral Public Ministry, due to the practice of electoral crimes related to electoral phony, collection of suffrage by means of violence/coercion and/or abuse of economic/political power (illegal electoral zones). The Final Report and relevant documentation must be sent to the State Public Ministry, due to the crimes concerning armed gangs, extortion and others (homicides, tortures, threats, thefts of energy and water, among others), as well as potential administrative dishonesty, in order to make applicable accusations with the relevant requirements for preventive detentions or police investigations, where the correspondent representativeness for temporary detentions must be immediately charged, if needed. Likewise, proceedings regarding the crimes of illegal "broadcasting" of cable TV signal, money-laundering, tax evasion, among others, must be sent to the Federal Public Ministry. Copies must be directed to the State Public Security Department, including the Unified General Comptroller's Office, in order to take the administrative-disciplinary actions against the City Council Member Geiso, aiming at his expelling, as well as the seizure of properties that may be used or held by him, especially firearms. Notwithstanding, specific authorizations related to firearms license must be revoked, if any.; 3. Political charge of City Council Members in case of evidences concerning the militiaman practices: 3.1 Carmen Glória Guinândo Guimarães, "Carminha Jerominho" ou "Carminha Batgirl" (PTdoB); and 3.2 Cristiano Girão Matias, "Girão" (PMN). The original copy to the Final Report of this Parliamentary Committee of Investigation, as well as other documentation that may be needed, must be directed to the Electoral Public Ministry, due to the practice of electoral crimes related to electoral phony, collection of suffrage by means of violence/coercion and/or abuse of economic/political power (illegal electoral zones).. 262 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY The Final Report and relevant documentation must be sent to the State Public Ministry, due to the crimes concerning armed gangs, extortion and others (homicides, tortures, threats, thefts of energy and water, among others), as well as potential administrative dishonesty, in order to make applicable accusations with the relevant requirements for preventive detentions or police investigations, where the correspondent representativeness for temporary detentions must be immediately charged, if needed.. Likewise, proceedings regarding the crimes of money-laundering, tax evasion, and illegal "broadcasting" of cable TV signal, which is practiced by the Fire Officer Cristiano Girão, must be sent to the Federal Public Ministry. Copies must be directed to the State Public Security Department, including the Unified General Comptroller's Office, in order to take the administrative-disciplinary actions against the Fire Officer Cristiano Girão Matias, aiming at his expelling and immediate leaving of his mandate, as well as the seizure of properties that may be used or held by him, especially firearms. Notwithstanding, specific authorizations related to firearms license must be revoked, if any. Besides, the Civil Police must investigate the torture and disappearance of Mrs. “Wilma", who worked for Girão and was accused of theft by him. 4. Require, by means of an Official Letter, the Representative Marcelo Itagiba to answer some questions that were established and included in this Report by the Rio de Janeiro State Assembly, provided that the Representative neither accepted our summon to attend the Parliamentary Committee of Investigation, nor answered any questions per written. Such answers are extremely important, since the Representative received a great number of votes in areas controlled by the militias. In testimony, the Representative Marina Magessi has affirmed that the militias were not battled because the Security Department did not give such order, which was managed by the Representative Marcelo Itagiba. Request the Management Board and the Permanent Committee of Security to follow the answers receipt. Even afterwards, these answers must be attached to the records of this Committee. 263 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 5. The accusation of the Public Ministry, as well as any others received by the Militia Hotline that accused the State Assembly Member Jorge Luiz Hauat, “Jorge Babu” (PT), of heading a militia in Santa Cruz and Guaratiba, must be sent to the Comptroller’s Office of ALERJ, in order to follow the proceeding in progress. Relevant copies must be directed to the State, Federal and Electoral Public Ministries, in order to be aware of such issues, and also to take the applicable measures. A proceeding, with equivalent nature and for the same purposes, must be directed to the State Public Security Department, including the Unified General Comptroller's Office (where an administrative-disciplinary proceeding already exists); 6. Copies to the records concerning the City Council Member "Elton Babu" must be sent to the Electoral Public Ministry, for investigations and other applicable procedures, due to the accusations received by the Parliamentary Committee of Investigation, including by the Militia Hotline, that he would be the candidate of the militia in Santa Cruz and Guaratiba. 7. The political responsibilities of the last State and City Governments must be pointed out from 2000, which is directly related to the development of militias in Rio de Janeiro due to the government omission and, in case of the Mayor César Maia, due to the public statements that revealed a permissive behavior before the militiamen. 8. Institution of investigations in relation to the elements in these records (related to the conclusion of these proposals), by sending what follows: The Final Report and relevant documentation must be sent to the State Public Ministry, due to the crimes concerning armed gangs, extortion and others (homicides, tortures, threats, thefts of energy and water, among others), as well as potential administrative dishonesty, in order to make applicable accusations with the relevant requirements for preventive detentions or police investigations, where the correspondent representativeness for temporary detentions must be immediately charged, if needed.. 264 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Likewise, proceedings regarding the crimes of money-laundering, tax evasion, and illegal "broadcasting" of cable TV signal, which is practiced by Marco Aurélio França, "Marcão", must be sent to the Federal Public Ministry”. Copies that may be needed to the State Public Security Department, including the Unified General Comptroller's Office, the State Department of Penitentiary Administration, the Military Commands of Army, Navy and Air Forces in this Region, concerning the applicable administrative-disciplinary measures. The expelling of militiamen members, including the immediate leave of their mandates, as well as the seizure of properties that may be used or held by him, especially firearms. Notwithstanding, specific authorizations related to firearms license must be revoked, if any. 9. Announce all defendants mentioned in the records of this Parliamentary Committee of Investigation (listed apart), who must be duly investigated within the criminal and/or administrative-disciplinary scope, as the case may be. The Final Report and other briefs must be sent to the Public Security Department, including the Civil Police, in order to perform the due criminal investigations. Concerning its responsibilities, this proceeding is identical to the Regional Superintendence of Federal Police. Copies that may be needed to the State Public Security Department, including the Unified General Comptroller's Office, as well as the State Department of Penitentiary Administration, the Military Commands of Army, Navy and Air Forces in this Region, concerning the applicable administrative-disciplinary measures, in order to investigate the behavior of members possibly involved with the militias. We recommend the transfer of these officers for administrative units that are not controlled by the militias.. The subjects investigated by the Parliamentary Committee of Investigation of the Rio de Janeiro State Assembly must be sent to the State Public Security Department, to the Federal Police, to the State, 265 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Federal and Electoral Public Ministries; to the Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air) and also to the Brazilian Intelligence Agency, earmarked for the procedures of intelligence, criminal and/pr administrative that may be needed, within the scope of each jurisdiction. 10. Regulation of Parliamentary Code of Ethics in the City Councils, as well as the implementation of Comptroller’s Offices and Ethics Committees, as implemented in this State Assembly and others, in order to facilitate the process of investigation and punishment of parliamentary members. Thus, copies to the Final Report must be sent to the City Councils; 11. A Department for Repression of Criminal Actions must be created, which must also include specialized agencies of the Civil Police, the Public Ministry, and the Judiciary Power, among others, in order to carry out an adequate combat to the organized crime by means of a combined, systematical and permanent action; 12. Legal and effective implementation of a career plan, which may enable the policemen and other professionals of the public security, who experience concrete lifethreatening events, may be exclusively dedicated to their professions with social- familiar dignity; 13. Permanent improvement of the process for the selection and formation of public security professionals, by means of prioritized partnerships with public universities; 14. Institutional strengthening of devices earmarked for the internal control, so that the Comptroller’s Offices may become immune to inadequate mismanagement, as well as internal or external pressures; 15. An external Comptroller’s Office must be created, out of the structure of the Public Security Department, which must provide its own positions, functions and career plan. 16. The Public Ministry must effectively perform the external control of the Police, and must also check the entire security system; 266 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 17. Effective implementation of social controls, such as independent Complaints Offices, autonomous Communitarian Committees, and security agencies; 18. Institution of the Police by means of an Organic Law the may provide a basic structure and administrative/financial autonomy, among others, in order to be a permanent agency of the State, focused on the society, which must also protect the police system from spurious political mismanagement; 19. Recommend that the Security Department provides strategies to avoid the retake of control in areas where the traffic was expelled. For the purposes of items 11 to 19, copies must be sent to the State Government and to the State Security Departments, as well as the Penitentiary and Health Administration, including the Fire Brigade Command, the State Public Ministry and the Court of Appeals; 20. The Fire Brigade must be disarmed/demilitarized, due to the number of members that are involved with militiamen activities, as well as other criminal activities, chiefly because they usually have a firearm license. Besides, the Fire Brigade activity is eminently related to the civil defense and health, a fact that is duly acknowledged by the State Government and also by the Corporation Command in Rio de Janeiro; 21. The legal typification of “militia” crime must be approved, by keeping the state competency to make investigations, accusations, proceedings and trials, also considering the existence of a legal device for "federalization", including for the breach of the Human Rights, if the Member State is unable – or even committed – to be applicable; 22. Change the electoral laws in respect to the torts of abuse of political/economic power, establishing a 6-month term after the installation for the filing of the applicable judicial actions. Change, also, including the 8-year ineligibility penalty, after the final decision from the Electoral Justice, as well as to allow the commission adjournment, when necessary, during the process, 267 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 23. Typify the electoral tort as abusive use of any social center or similar – when the undue political or economic power exercise to electoral purposes happens in a minimally structured and permanent way, in relation to a significant quantity of citizens, among other aspects – to have the penalty doubled when related to abuse of power, incurring no liability damage for public employee resulting from administrative dishonest; 24. When referring to collection of suffrage crimes, increase the existing penalty and provide, also, the ineligibility for eight years 25. Typify the crime as "curral eleitoral" (illegal electoral zone) – when that collection of suffrage reaches a certain group, in a determined region, among other aspects – having the penalty doubled, both the deprivation of liberty and the ineligibility penalties; 26. Create laws to limit the gas retailment according to the distributor’s class; 27. Change the Complementary Law 105/2001, to express the State CPI Constitutional Power-Duty to disclosure information; According to items 20 to 27, submit copies to the Final Report to the National Congress. 28. Development of an efficient system, by the Public Ministry and the Electoral Justice, to regulate, control and inspect social/community centers, to avoid that they act with patronage/assistance purposes, enabling illegal electoral zones and even money laundry under philanthropic disguise. Send copy to the Final Report to the Electoral Public Ministry and to the TRE 268 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 29. Request from the TRE, with the purposes to avoid formation of illegal electoral zones by means of coercion or patronage, quick preventive actions concerning the next elections as well as a comparative study on the deflecting standards of the electoral profiles of all candidates; Send copy to the Final Report to the TRE. 30. Wider control and inspection by the City Hall and the State Government of Rio de Janeiro of the sites located in unprivileged communities, in order to avoid the illegal occupation of the urban ground, as well as allotment and illegal sale; 31. Effective establishment, by the State and City Governments, of dwelling policies regarding segments with lower acquisitive power, as well as the regularization of sites and buildings already inhabited; 32. Development of a public campaign to elucidate on the risks of hiring illegal security; 33. Promote a urgent discussion about the Security Budget, providing improvements on incomes and on life conditions of the security professional, reducing informal jobs; 34. Develop, in Rio and other cities, together with the City Guards, a policy based on the ostensible presence of the policing in districts and places with major criminal rates, inviting for such discussion community representatives and local commercial associations, in order not to make room for the illegal security; 35. In the same way, redistribute the police contingent, specially the military police’s, based on the criminality rates (ratio between the number of crimes and the area population); 36. Development of a Committee on private/illegal security in Rio de Janeiro, to be composed by Federal Police representatives – organ responsible for registering, monitoring and inspecting private security companies – and 269 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY by Rio de Janeiro State Public Security Department – that should prevent and repress illegal security on the streets, aiming at adopting measures and partnerships to inspect better the operating companies and not to allow the proliferation of illegal private security in the State; 37. Legalization of the alternative transportations of the city and intercity by the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro e the State Government with the proper regulation, register, control and inspection, under permissions individually granted; 38. Adoption of public policies and legal proceedings to stimulate the legal alternative transportation. Extension of the stimulus of exemption from IPI and ICMS, given to taxi drivers and car rental companies to acquire new cars, to the legalized alternative transportation; 39. Establish, by means of a convention with the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), to Fire Brigade the competency to inspect the gas retailers; 40. That the State Government, beginning with the Public Security Department, give place to discussion with the companies and entrepreneurs providers of services that are illegally explored by militias, aiming at obtaining affordable prices to underprivileged communities, stimulating and multiplying experiences like those of Batan and Vila Canoas communities; 40. Establishment of a policy by the State and Cities Governments aiming at registering the small telecommunication service providers, in order to include them in the state and cities programs to support the income generation and the professional qualification; 42. Discuss with the State Government and the Confaz (National Council of Finance Policy) the establishment of a counterpart, from the cable TV companies that have their ICMS reduced, offering affordable prices including access to broadband internet; 43. That the State, Cities and Federal Governments: a) Democratize the distribution of publicized amounts to provide alternative, communal and educative communication vehicles, committed 270 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY to the part of the population which are most affected by the militias; b) Contribute to broad the plurality and diversity of the available information sources, including community radio stations; c) Develop tax incentives for communication vehicles dissociated from the prevailing model, like in Sweden, France, Norway and Germany; d) Potentialize the human right to communication through its citizens; and e) Strengthen the citizens’ participation tools for definition, monitoring and assessment of the communication policies. 44. That the State requires technical, managerial and logistical measures from the cable TV systems, especially those using satellite technology, to repress the criminal exploration of the service; 45. Establishment of the Alerj’s Science and Technology Committee and that the Science and Tecnhology and Public Security State Departments promote events together with the cable tv channels and telecommunications area microbusiness; 46. Creation of the Local Dweller’s Association and Cooperatives List, together with monitoring standards, to check if these institutions are under the legal requirements and their regulations. Such list will serve as well as element to be analyzed to partnerships constitutions with the Government; 47. Send it to ANP (National Petroleum Agency) and to Sindigás (National Labor Union of LPG Supply Companies), suggesting changes to the gas distribution system, with the effective registration of gas bottles dealers and the strict inspection to the consumer sales point, in addition to the creation of an identification system to the bottles, with batch number and unit (bar code); 271 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 48. That the State invest in hiring, by public selection test, of inspectors to act in normative agencies, ANP and Anatel in special; 49. Discuss the city and state legislation to regulate the services of small service providers in the telecommunications field, aiming at fostering partnerships with the operators; 50. Charge from cable TV companies the presentation of periodical reports on the irregular use of the service provided and forward them to the Public Security State Department. The Granting Power will create a standard to punish the companies failing to present such reports; 51. That the State charge the cable tv operators, in special those using satellite technology, technical, managerial and logistic actions to impede the service criminal exploration; 52. Send it to Anatel (Brazilian Telecommunications Agency) and to the cable TV systems, aiming at a better control and inspection, suggesting the possibility of supplying the cable TV signal to low-income communities at an accessible price, consistent with the income of the dwellers and directly to their houses From 30 to 52, copies to the Final Report to the Federal Government, including ANP (Brazilian Oil Agency), ANATEL and the Federal Police, State Government, including the Public Security Department and to the Local authorities of the cities where actions of militias were registered, to the State and Federal Public Ministries, as well as to this State Assembly, if relevant.. 53. Suggest to political parties that they take the applicable ethical measures in respect to its affiliates denounced/accused by the CPI, the judiciary police and by the Public Ministry; Send a copy to the Final Report to the Political Parties that include militiamen accused by this Committee... 272 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 54. Recommend that political parties apply a better control and inspection when affiliating candidates and preparing list of names for the elections; 55. Recommend that political parties instruct the city council members that are going to be part of the new City Councils, especially those in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and that they incorporate the discussion with the purpose of creating a Code of Ethics, a Comptroller’s Office and a Council of Ethics. Send copies to the Final Report to the Political Parties in this State.. 56. Encourage the civil society (Brazilian Bar Association, Brazilian Press Association and others) to follow the electoral proceedings of the community associations and cooperatives, respecting their autonomy; 57. The Brazilian Bar Association should create a Complaints Office for potential accusations against the militias, as well as to provide attorneys familiarized with this subject to the population; 58. The Brazilian Press Association and the Trade Union of Journalists: a) Comply with the professional sworn; b) Check the compliance with the Code of Ethics for the Brazilian Journalists, chiefly Article 7, and Paragraph IV, which sets forth: “The journalist shall not disclose the identity of persons that may be threatened, explored or under life-threatening situations. The individuals’ voice and/or physical characteristics, as well as the address of his/her dwelling or workplace, among others, shall be not disclosed”; and c) Act in such a way that the journalistic companies do not expose their professionals, and also guarantee their physical and psychological integrities, with no losses to the investigative journalism. Send copies to the Final Report to Brazilian Bar Association, Brazilian Press Association and the Trade Union of Journalists. 273 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY List of Other Defendants Involved with Militias (Total: 218 defendants) Political Area Álvaro Lins dos Santos – Former Chief of Civil Police, and Former State Assembly Member/Rio de Janeiro. Civil Policemen (08 defendants) Inspector Odinei Fernando da Silva ("Águia" or "Zero Um") – Belong to the 22nd Police Station Inspector Fábio Menezes Leão Inspector Jairo Mello de Souza – Registered under No. 176.401-8. Inspector Wallace de Almeida Pires ("Wallace" or "Robocop") Policeman Gladson dos Santos Gonçalves Policeman José Lino Filho – Registered under No. 264.623-0 – Belong to the 63rd Police Station. Former Inspector André Luiz da Silva Malvar ("Malvar") Former Policeman Josimar José da Silva ("Mazinho") Military Policemen (67 defendants) Lieutenant Colonel Carlos Jorge Cunha Military Police Major Dilo Pereira Soares Júnior ("Dilo") – Individual Taxpayer’s Register No. 981.037.507-15 Military Police Captain Epaminondas de Queiroz Medeiros Júnior ("Queiroz") 3rd Military Police Sergeant Dalmir Pereira Barbosa ("Dalmir") - Individual Taxpayer’s Register No. 693.476.707-15 2nd Military Police Sergeant Luiz Monteiro da Silva ("Doem") – Belong to the 22nd Military Police Battalion. 3rd Military Police Sergeant José Nilson Rogaciano Pereira ("Nilson" or "Nilson Paraíba") Military Police Sergeant Alonso dos Santos Olanda Military Police Sergeant Francisco César Silva de Oliveira ("Chico Bala") Military Police Sergeant Ricardo Batista dos Santos – Id. Card 48.712 Military Police Corporal André Luis de Oliveira Lima Military Police Corporal Alexandre Barbosa Batista ("Batista") – Id. Card 58.214 Military Police Corporal Jorge Henrique Alves dos Santos ("Rambo") – Id. Card 62.362 Military Police Corporal Rogério Alves de Carvalho – Belong to the 27th Military Police Battalion. Military Police Corporal Wellington Vaz de Oliveira - Belong to the 27th Military Police Battalion Military Police Private Carlos Henrique Garcia Ramos Military Police Private Carlos Jorge Silva Ramos ("Tati") – Id. Card 69.4000 Military Police Private Fabrício Fernandes Mirra ("Mirra") – Individual Taxpayer’s Register No. 051.683.807-51 Military Police Private Jéferson Carlos Rocha Alves 274 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Military Police Private Marcelo Adrien Cerqueira – Id. Card 58.573 – Belong to BPVE. Military Police Private Card Marcos Gregório Siqueira da Silva ("Zero") Military Police Private Rodolfo Jorge da Cunha Ramos Military Police Private Adilson de Almeida Siqueira Military Police Private Adjan Jardim Matoso Pereira Ref. Military Policeman Airton Padilha de Menezes – Id. Card 47.357 Military Policeman Fiel Lopes ("Fiel") Military Policeman Alexandre de Souza Ferreira ("Broa") Military Policeman Alexandre Walter Costa ("Ventura") Military Policeman Artur Alves de Oliveira – Id. Card 60.338 Military Policeman Átila Luis Castro de Souza Military Policeman Cláudio Rodrigues de Azevedo – Belong to the 1st Military Police Battalion. Military Policeman Carlos Eduardo Benevides Gomes ("Filé") Ref. Military Policeman Eduardo José da Silva ("Zézinho Orelha") – Individual Taxpayer’s Register No. 591.711.037-91 Military Policeman Fábio Fortunato Costa Military Policeman Fernando César de Souza Barcellos - Belong to the 16th Military Police Battalion. Ref. Military Policeman Gelson Torres Military Policeman Ivilson Umbelino de Lima ("Bibico") – Id. Card 65.421 - Belong to RPMONT. Military Policeman Jair Tostes Gama - Belong to the 27th Military Police Battalion. Military Policeman Jorge Alberto Moreth ("Beto Bomba") Military Policeman Júlio César Oliveira dos Santos ("Julinho Tiroteio") – Id. Card 35.944 Military Policeman Luis Correa de Souza – Id. Card 45.545 Military Policeman Marcelo Querino Domingues ("Cavalo") Military Policeman Marcelo Ribeiro da Silva Military Policeman Marconi Alves do Nascimento – Belong to the 24th Military Police Battalion. Military Policeman Moisés Pereira Maia Júnior ("Moisés") Ref. Military Policeman Paulo Eduardo da Silva Azevedo ("Paulo Barraco") Military Policeman Renato Neves de Carvalho Military Policeman Roberto Borba da Conceição ("Dedé") Military Policeman Rodrigo Barbosa Ramalho – Id. Card 79.152 – Belong to BPTUR. Military Policeman Rodrigo Correia Lima Furtado Military Policeman Ricardo de Azevedo Tinoco Military Policeman Roscio Ferreira de Barros Military Policeman Silvio Pacheco Fontes ("Silvinho") 275 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Military Policeman Toni Ângelo Souza de Aguiar ("Toni") Military Policeman Ulisses da Costa Batista Military Policeman Washington Luís da Silva e Silva Military Policeman Willian de Paula Military Policeman Wilson Vaz da Silva Former Military Police Sergeant Enio Sena Fiocchi ("Enio") – Individual Taxpayer’s Register No. 825.075.467-00 Former Military Police Private Alexandre da Silva Monteiro ("Popeye"), who was born on February 21st, 1971 Former Military Police Private Luciano Guinândo Guimarães ("Luciano") – The son of the City Coucil Member Jerominho. Former Military Police Private Ricardo Teixeira Cruz ("Batman") – Excluded in 1992 Former Military Policeman Alessandro Barroca de Lima Former Military Policeman Bruno César de Santana Former Military Policeman Herbert Canijo da Silva ("Escangalhado") – Id. Card 06.864.150-5/IFP Former Military Policeman José Carlos da Silva ("Tropeço") – Excluded in 1999 Former Military Policeman Marcelo de Gouveia de Bezerra Former Military Policeman Ozeas Gonçalves de Almeida Filho Military Firefighters (03 defendants) 3rd Military Fire Sergeant Carlos Alexandre Silva Cavalcante ("Gaguinho") – Id. Card 14.123 Former Military Fire SergeantFlávio Sena Fiocchi – Individual Taxpayer’s Register No. 020.864.107-60 Military Firefighter Wallace Castro Fernandes Prison Guard (02 defendants) Marco Antônio dos Santos Lopes ("Marquinho Desipe") – Registered under No. 822.668-3, Individual Taxpayer’s Register 09.341.484-5 Nelson Siqueira Gonçalves Filho ("Nelsinho") - Registered under No. 888.350-6 Soldiers of the Brazilian Armed Forces (02 defendants) Brazilian Navy Corporal Alfredo Carlos Cândido de Oliveira - Marine.. Brazilian Army Corporal Wallace Luigi da Silva Langa ("PQD") – Belong to the Paratrooper Infantry Battalion, in the District of Vila Militar. Soldiers of Non-Identified Corporations (05 defendants) nd 2 Lieutenant Edmar Silva de Souza st 1 Lieutenant Luiz Torquato da Silva 276 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY 2nd Sergeant Fernandes – Belong to RCECS Sergeant Cláudio Germano da Silva Sergeant Sebastião Carlos dos Santos Civilians (130 defendants) Adilson de Andrade Pessanha ("Pessanha" ou "Russo") Adriano Gonzaga dos Santos ("Camelo") Alan Moreira da Silva Allan Botelho Freire Alcemir Silva ("Fumão") Alex Correia Pereira Alex Domingos da Silva ("Sacura" ou "Sakura") Alexander Dantas de Mello Alves ("Dantas" or "Pêra") Alexander Santos da Silva Alexandre de Oliveira Nogueira Alexandre Gomes Peres Alexandre Luis Martins Alexsander Marques dos Santos André Luis de Mattos ("Cocada") André Luiz da Silva Senra ("Cabeção") André Marcos de Souza Andréa de Souza Santana Soares – Individual Taxpayer’s Register No. 910.608.507-53, the Wife of Major "Dilo" Antônio Carlos Batista Martins Antônio Carlos dos Santos Pinto ("Aranha") Antonio de Souza dos Santos Antonio Sérgio Fraga de Andrade Junior Braz Pereira Morais Carlos Eduardo Marinho dos Santos ("Marinho") Carlos Fernando de Souza ("Zeca") Carlos José Dias Carlos Vicente Lopes Caldeiras Cláudio Mareio Ribeiro de Castilho ("Claudinho") Clauton Augusto Brito Clayton Sampaio de Campos 277 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Cristiano da Silva Canellas Dalcemir Pereira Barbosa ("Dalcemir") - Individual Taxpayer’s Register No. 790.943.687-49 Damião Juvino da Silva Daniel Quintanilha da Silveira Daniel Salles Santana Davi Liberato Araújo ("Zero Dois") Davinilson Freitas dos Santos ("Júnior") Denys de Almeida de Oliveira Diego Fonseca dos Santos Edmar Luiz Martins Ribeiro Ediney do Nascimento Gomes Edson Ferreira Brandão Edson Lima Calles Júnior ("Juninho Perneta") Eduardo Augusto Fernando de Souza Eduardo Chagas Eduardo Ferreira de Andrade – Fire Brigade Officer Eduardo Henrique Eugênio da Silva Eliseu Adão ("Angola") Erinaldo Juvino Silva ("Nem" or "Farinha") Fábio Gomes Coutinho ("FB") - Individual Taxpayer’s Register No. 052.068.597-02, the Advisor of the City Council Member Luis André ("Deco"). Fábio Pereira de Oliveira ("Fabinho" or "Fabinho Gordo"). Felipe Augusto Wenderroscky Felipe Evangelista Adão ("Angolinha") Flavio Ferreira dos Santos Francisco Pereira da Silva Filho Gelson dos Santos (Xaxá) Gérson Machado Getulio Rodrigues Gama ("Getúlio") Gladson da Silva Leite ("Pi") Gláucia Costa Alves - Individual Taxpayer’s Register No. 851.698.707-87, the Wife of Captain Queiroz Gledson Barboza da Cruz Guilherme Carlos Silva Itamar Clementino de Oliveira 278 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Hélio Albino Filho ("Lica") Ivana Turques de Souza Izan Chaves de Melo Jaider Reis de Siqueira Jean Cosmo Ferreira de Almeida João Batista Florêncio da Silva João Carlos Leite João Monteiro da Silva ("Joãozinho" or "João do Facão"), the Brother of "Doem" Joel Pinto Filho Jorge Antônio Marcelino Jorge Luiz de Souza ("Ganso") José Antônio Rachel de Souza ("Boi") José Carlos Rangel Sales Juarez de Oliveira Alves Juliano Gomes Soares Leandro Paixão Viegas ("Leandrinho Quebra Ossos" or "Fantasma") Leandro Silva da Conceição Leonardo Moraes de Andrade Leonardo Nunes Cassiano - Individual Taxpayer’s Register No. 096.664.777-77 Luciano Galdino Carneiro ("Luck") Luciano Pereira Morais Luciano Sabino da Silva Luciano Severino da Silva Luis Carlos Vieira Silvério Luis Cláudio Nascimento Macedo ("Coelho") Luis Fernando Pereira Garcia Junior Luiz Antonio Félix da Rocha Marcelo Barbosa Ramalho Marcelo Fagundes Alvarenga Marciel Paiva de Souza Márcio do Espírito Santo Mendonça Márcio Fontela Gomes Márcio Luis Nacif dos Santos Márcio Patrocínio Pereira 279 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY Marco Aurélio França Moreira ("Marcão") Marcos Lourenço Rocha Maria das Graças Bernardes Michel Cunha de Carvalho Noelson Ribeiro de Azevedo ("Playboy") Paulo Ferreira Júnior ("Jiraya" or "Paulinho do Gás") Paulo Sérgio Lopes da Silva Pedro Henrique Carvalho de Oliveira Rafhael Moreira Dias Renato Medeiros da Silva Ricardo de Jesus Bezerra Roberto de Lima Roberto Ramos dos Santos Junior Robson da Silva Lacerda ("Gago" or "Geléia") Rodrigo Mendes de Jesus Roni Salvino Batista – Id. Card 08.337.208-6 Samber Barbosa de Souza Sebastião Soares Nogueira Neto ("Tiãozinho") Sérgio Alves Fernandes Sidnei Torres Mattos Thiago SantaAnna dos Santos Tiago Costa Dantas - APF 022-0693/2007 Tiago Nogueira de Barros Vagner da Silva Dantas Vander Bruno Peçanha Alves Vanderson Navegantes Azevedo Vanildo Chagas de Almeida Wagner de Souza e Souza Wagner Rezende de Miranda Wallace Moreira de Oliveira Wilbert dos Reis de Souza ("Tuiuiú") Wilson de Souza Guimarães Wilton de Figueiredo Silva Wilton Rodrigues de Oliveira 280 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY List of Other Defendants Involved with Militias (Total of 879 defendants, according to the name or nickname) NOTE: Separate list, since the individuals who are being investigated must not have their identifications disclosed! 281 RIO DE JANEIRO STATE ASSEMBLY In accordance with the aforementioned issues, the Rapporteur suggests the following Draft Resolution: DRAFT RESOLUTION No /2008 HEREBY APPROVES THE FINAL REPORT AND CONCLUSIONS OF THE Parliamentary Committee of Investigation CONSTITUTED BY RESOLUTION no. 433/2008, WHICH IS EARMARKED TO INVESTIGATE THE MILITIAS WITHIN THE STATE OF RIO DE JANEIRO Claimant: Parliamentary Committee RESOLUTION no. 433/2008 of Investigation CONSTITUTED BY THE Rio de Janeiro State Assembly DECIDES THAT: Article 1 – The Final Report and Conclusions of the Parliamentary Committee of Investigation, constituted by Resolution No. 433/2008, are duly approved; Article 2 – This Resolution must be effective from its publishing date, where the provisions to the contrary must be revoked Committee’s Room, on November 14th, 2008 State Assembly Member GILBERTO PALMARES - Rapporteur 282