gErMAn WOrld - Ace Infoway


gErMAn WOrld - Ace Infoway
In Memoriam
The World Mourns
Helmut Schmidt
Discover Switzerland’s
Largest Ski Region
Franka Potente
My Life in L.A.
Mein ganz normales Leben in L.A.
WINTER 2015 / 2016
$3.50 / ISSUE | WINTER
(USA) | ISBN 1558-7568
2 WINTER 2015
Liebe Leser,
auch dieses Jahr neigt sich schon wieder zu Ende und die
meisten von uns sind in leichtem bis schwerem Feiertagsstress.
Man wünscht einander zwar besinnliche Weihnacht, doch hier
in Amerika ist das eher ein realitätsferner Wunsch. Ich kenne
kaum jemanden, der nicht aus beruflichen oder privaten Gründen gerade jetzt sehr unter Anspannung steht und von Termin
zu Termin hetzt.
Es gilt, Prioritäten zu setzen, damit man nicht im Strudel der
Geschäftigkeit vergisst, worum es eigentlich bei Weihnachten
geht: Zeit mit Familie und Freunden zu verbringen und einander
zu zeigen, wie sehr man einander liebt und schätzt. Das kann
in Form eines Geschenkes sein, das kann aber einfach auch Zeit
sein, die man jemandem schenkt. So sieht es jedenfalls unsere
Titeldame Franka Potente. In einem Interview nannte sie einmal
„Zeit” das kostbarste Geschenk, das man einem Mensch geben
kann. Und auch sie muss, seit sie Mutter von zwei Kindern ist
und ein Familienleben in L.A. hat, Prioritäten setzen. Wie sie das
macht und wie sie nicht nur als Schauspielerin in Amerika und
in Europa viel Erfolg hat, sondern auch noch eine viel beachtete
Buchautorin wurde, lesen Sie in unserer Titelgeschichte.
Wie immer hoffe ich, dass wir Sie informativ unterhalten und Sie
uns auch 2016 die Treue halten.
Wir bedanken uns bei all unseren Lesern und Kunden für die
Unterstützung in diesem Jahr und freuen uns auf ein neues Jahr
mit Ihnen!
Alles Gute für 2016 wünscht Ihnen im Namen des German World
Petra Schürmann
Making Time for
One Another
Dear Readers,
© Tshombe Sampson
Z eit haben für einander
With the year of 2015 coming to a close,
most of us are engulfed in more or less
stressful preparations for the holidays. We
wish each other “a peaceful or restful Christmas,” but here in the U.S. the time leading up to Christmas is anything but
restful. I personally do not know anybody who is not under extraordinary
pressure right now due to tight deadlines rushing back and forth.
It is very important to set our priorities, so that we do not forget in the
whirlwind of activities what the true meaning of Christmas is all about: To
spend time with family and friends showing how much we love and cherish each other. This can be expressed in the form of presents or simply by
making time for the people that are special to us. This is, at least, the opinion of our cover star Franka Potente, who once mentioned in an interview
that making time is the most precious gift that we can give to each other.
And as a mother of two children with an active family life in Los Angeles,
she knows about juggling different priorities. How she does it all – combining her family responsibilities with her successes in both America and
Europe as an actress and as a respected book author in Germany – is the
story our cover feature reveals.
As always, I hope that we inform you in an entertaining way, and that you
remain our loyal reader.
We’d like to thank all our readers and customers for their support and
patronage in 2015, and we are looking forward to sharing more GermanAmerican stories with you in the new year.
On behalf of all of us at German World I wish you all the best for 2016!
Petra Schürmann
WINTER 2015 3
ContENTS m
Franka Potente:
© Dollar Photo Club
My Life in L.A. | Mein Leben in L.A.
8 - 10
14 -15
26 - 27 Real Estate: Insider Looks at the Markets in
New York and Los Angeles
One of the sublime ski runs in the Engadin. See page 40 for more.
20 - 25 Germany in …California / …Florida /
…Illinois / …New York / …Texas
46 - 49 German TV in the U.S.:
DW-TV Programs for January & February
In Memoriam: Helmut Schmidt
In Brief: News From Germany
German Companies in the U.S.:
Cautious Optimism for 2016
Spooky: Krampus Fever in Los Angeles
A Trabi for the L.A. Berlin Sister City Committee
19 Entertainment With a German Touch by Katja Lau
Cover Photo: Actress Franka Potente arrives at the FX’s ‘The Bridge’ Season 2
Premiere at Pacific Design Center on July 7, 2014 in West Hollywood, California.
(Photo by Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage)
28 - 31 Learning German in the U.S.: Gift Ideas,
Quiz & Ask the Expert
40 - 42 Skiing in Switzerland: Discover Engadin St. Moritz
Travel News: Flying High with Air Berlin, Condor, Lufthansa & SWISS
Petra Schürmann
Editorial Director & Editor in Chief
Petra Schürmann
Senior Editor /English Language Editor
Jenny Peters
Ida Sophie Winter
4 WINTER 2015
Alexander Hast, Katja Lau,
Edeltrudis Matzak, Jan Rothe,
Tshombe Sampson
Art Director
AMF Graphics | Anna-Maria Furlong
Sandra Kashani / Hiltrud Altit
Ph: 323.876.5843 / 310.801.0424
Marianne Beland, Berlin
32 - 35 Festive Delights for the Holidays
36 - 39 Gift Ideas and Great Finds for Your Next Party
Mailing Address, Inc.
PO Box 3541 | Los Angeles, CA 90078
Ph: 323.876.5843
Subscriber Services
Phone Ph: 323.876.5843
is published quarterly by, Inc.
Subscription rate: $12.95/year
Single copy: $3.50/issue
Send address changes to, Inc.
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Entire contents © 2002-2016 by, Inc.
unless otherwise noted on
specific articles.
All rights reserved.
Printed in the USA by
Southwest Offset Printing,
Gardena, CA.
WINTER 2015 5
Editorial Staff m
SENIOR editor
Jenny Peters
Jenny has covered the entertainment,
lifestyle and travel worlds as a freelance
journalist since 1989, with credits including Variety, USA Today Weekend, the Los
Angeles Daily News, Scholastic, Cosmopolitan, Mademoiselle and many other
domestic and international outlets. She was
the Editor in Chief of both Brentwood and
Scene magazines and is a voting member
of the Broadcast Film Critics Association.
Anna-Maria Furlong
Anna was born and raised in GarmischPartenkirchen, Germany, and studied
architecture/graphic design in Munich.
After moving to the U.S. in 1988, she left
her “prints” behind in Arizona, Washington, D.C., Nebraska and Missouri. Since
1998 she lives in the southwestern Texas
desert. She specializes in culture communication and multi-language publications.
Katja Lau
Ida Sophie Winter
Katja began her journalism career in
1994 as a freelance reporter for various
local radio and television stations; in
1997 she moved to Los Angeles. She currently produces TV shows and documentaries for the European market. She also
produces live feeds from California for
the German news station N24.
Sophie is majoring in Journalism,
French and International Studies at
the Missouri School of Journalism. She
has contributed to Al-Fanar Media and
NOW Lebanon as well as well as to German World Magazine. In addition, she
works with the Moroccan-American
High Atlas Foundation toward sustainable agriculture in Morocco.
Tshombe Sampson, Esq., JD, MBA
Alexander Hast
Jan Rothe, Intern
Tshombe is a graduate of Dartmouth College
where he earned a B.A. degree in Economics. He also holds an MBA with an emphasis
in Finance and a Doctorate of Laws from
Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of
Business and from Pepperdine’s School of
Law. Tshombe has been active in the German community in L.A. for many years. He
has a passion for photography, and his work
has appeared in exhibits, other international magazines and calendars. The current
GW issue features some of his photos taken
at this year’s Burning Man festival in Nevada
and at the film festival GERMAN CURRENTS
in Hollywood.
Starting out as a journalist in 1982 in Germany, Alexander was trained in photography,
editing and reporting for print, TV and radio.
He worked for SWF, Rhein-Zeitung, Stern, Spiegel, Südwest-film, Infosat and many others. He
moved to Los Angeles in 1997 where he lives
today with his family. Alexander is the cofounder of Inc. and has
his own company AHA Media, a website and
eMarketing consulting business. He supports
GW with eNewsletter production, translations and editing.
Jan, born in San Francisco and raised in Munich, finished school in 2014 and spent four
months in America. He studied English at
language schools in Boston and Los Angeles
before he started his internship with German
World. He contributed to the current German
World issue as a writer and also kept the German World website
up to date. Back in Germany he is continuing
his studies, focusing on North American history and literature. His passion is working as
a radio journalist.
6 WINTER 2015
WINTER 2015 7
Orbituary Helmut Schmidt
Zum Tod von
Helmut Schmidt
Deutschland verabschiedet sich von
seinem früheren Bundeskanzler
“Wir verneigen uns
in tiefem Respekt vor
einem großen Deutschen
und Europäer.”
– Angela Merkel
Helmut Schmidt with the omnipresent cigarette. Photo: dpa
ast zwei Wochen nach dem Tod des früheren deutschen Bundeskanzlers Helmut Schmidt fand das Staatsbegräbnis am 23. November in der Hamburger Hauptkirche Sankt Michaelis im Beisein
von 1.800 geladenen Gästen statt. Tausende erwiesen ihren
Respekt bei der nachfolgenden Prozession, die den Sarg durch
Schmidts Heimatstadt Hamburg nach Ohlsdorf begleitete, wo
Schmidts Leichnam später verbrandt und in der Familiengruft in
einer privaten Zeremonie beigesetzt wurde. Helmut Schmidt war
von 1974 bis 1982 Bundeskanzler gewesen, und wird als einer der
bedeutendsten Staatsmänner Europas in die Geschichte eingehen.
Eine Reihe internationaler Prominente waren unter den Trauergästen, u.a. Schmidts langjähriger guter Freund, der frühere
französische Staatspräsident Valery Giscard d’Estaing, sowie der
der frühere US-Außenminister Henry Kssinger, Italiens frühere
Präsident Giorgio Napolitano, und NATO Generalsekretär Jens
„Der Tod Helmut Schmidts ist eine herbe Zäsur,” Bundeskanzlerin
Merkel in ihrer Ansprache. Sie würdigte ihren verstorbenen Amtsvorgänger als eine partei- und generationsübergreifende „Instanz”.
Hamburgs Erster Bürgermeister Olaf Scholz würdigte den verstorbenen Altbundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt als Staatsmann und
„öffentlichen Intellektuellen”. „Wir haben einen Giganten verloren”,
sagte Scholz.
Viele Deutsche verbinden mit Helmut Schmidt vor allem die Erinnerung an den Mann, der im Herbst 1977 dem RAF-Terrorismus
entschlossen die Stirn bot. Dieser hatte mit der Entführung des
Arbeitgeberpräsidenten Hanns-Martin Schleyer und der Lufthansa-Maschine “Landshut” in die somalische Hauptstadt Mogadischu seinen Höhepunkt erreicht. Ziel beider Terrorakte war die
Freipressung von RAF-Terroristen aus deutschen Gefängnissen aber Helmut Schmidt blieb hart. Es sei ihm darum gegangen, „die
Fähigkeit des Staates zu beweisen, seine Bürger gegen Gefahren
zu schützen”, so begründete er später seine konsequente Haltung.
8 WINTER 2015
Helmut Schmidt with his beloved wife Loki
who died in 2010. Photo: dpa
In Memoriam:
Helmut Schmidt
Germany says its last farewell
to the former Chancellor
“Helmut Schmidt’s death was a
bitter event for us all.”
– Angela Merkel
lmost two weeks after the passing of former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, a state funeral with a ceremony in Hamburg’s St. Michael’s church and 1,800 invited guests took place in
his home city of Hamburg. Thousands paid their respects during a
later funeral procession on November 23, 2015. Helmut Schmidt
was Chancellor from 1974 to 1982, and will be remembered as one
of Europe’s most distinguished statesmen.
A number of international guests, including Schmidt’s longtime
friend, former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing, former
U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, along with Italy’s former
president, Giorgio Napolitano, and NATO Secretary General Jens
Stoltenberg, also paid their last respects.
Hamburg’s mayor Olaf Scholz (SPD) described the late former
chancellor as the city’s greatest son. “We have lost a giant,” Scholz
said, adding that it was barely comprehensible that “future social
and political debates must be held without him.”
Orbituary Helmut Schmidt
Chancellor Angela Merkel paying respect to her predecessor.
The state funeral on November 23, 2015 at St. Michel’s Church in Hamburg.
Schmidt ließ in
einer äußerst riskanten Aktion die
Schmidt with former U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
von einem Spezialkommando des Bundesgrenzschutzes befreien. Wären dabei Geiseln ums Leben gekommen, so verkündete Schmidt später, wäre er vom Amt des Bundeskanzlers sofort
zurückgetreten. Es war der Höhepunkt seiner politischen Karriere.
Immer wieder äußerte sich Schmidt kritisch zur Entwicklung der
Europäischen Union, zu einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft in
Deutschland und dem Afghanistan-Einsatz der Bundeswehr. Der
Sozialdemokrat erhielt sich dabei aber immer ein ungebrochen
hohes Ansehen in der Bevölkerung.
Im Jahre 2011, nach zwölf Jahren Abwesenheit von der politischen
Bühne, hielt er beim SPD-Parteitag in Berlin eine viel beachtete
Rede. Allen Fremdheitsgefühlen seiner Partei gegenüber zum
Trotz blieb Helmut Schmidt bis zu seinem Tod ein engagierter
Beileidsbezeugungen aus aller Welt erreichten das Bundeskanzleramt nach dem Tod von Helmut Schmidt– auch aus der Welt
der Musik. Selbst als Bundeskanzler nahm Schmidt sich Zeit für
tägliches Klavierspielen – und er machte auch zwei sehr viele
beachtete Tonaufnahmen.
Helmut Schmidt sah in der Musik so etwas wie ein Lebenselixier.
„Johann Sebastian Bach hat die voll zutreffende Bemerkung
gemacht,” erzählte der Altkanzler einmal, „Musik diene der
Rekreation des Gemütes. Für mich persönlich war das auch immer so.”
1981 erhielt der Bundeskanzler einen Anruf aus London vom
befreundeten norddeutschen Berufsmusiker Justus Frantz.
Zusammen mit einem weiteren Pianisten, Christoph Eschenbach,
wollte er Mozarts Konzert für drei Klaviere und Orchester aufnehmen. Ob er die dritte Partie übernehmen könne? Schmidt sagte
zu. Das Ergebnis ist ein respektables Tondokument.
In einem NDR-Interview zum Tod des Altbundeskanzlers beschreibt Justus Frantz den früheren Schmidt als „höchst begabt”
und erinnert sich daran, dass auf seinem Flügel zu Hause die Bilder
zweier Komponisten standen: Bach und Gershwin.
Schmidt. musikalischen Vorlieben gingen aber auch über die Klassik hinaus: Er hatte ein Faible für Jazz, Swing und Rock. Zu seinen
Favoriten gehörten Dave Brubeck und die Beatles. Als Verteidigungsminister in der Regierung von Willy Brandt rief Schmidt
A large crowd lined the streets on Monday
as the funeral cortege, accompanied by a
police escort, made its way to the cemetery in the district of Ohlsdorf, where
Schmidt’s body was later cremated and Former U.S. Secretary Henry
buried in the family tomb in a private Kissinger at the state funeral.
Helmut Schmidt was a politician of principles, which he would
defend against his own Social Democratic party which he joined
in 1946 if need be.
For many Germans, Helmut Schmidt earned respect first and foremost with his handling of the infamous ‘German Autumn’ in late
1977, when West Germany was terrorized by the left-wing urban
guerrillas of the Red Army Faction (RAF). The German Autumn
reached its high point when the RAF kidnapped industrialist Hanns
Martin Schleyer and hijacked the Lufthansa airplane Landshut with
the help of the allied Palestinian group PFLP, landing in Mogadishu, Somalia. Their aim was to force the release of RAF terrorists
from German jails. But Helmut Schmidt dug in his heels, refusing
to meet the kidnappers’ demands. He later explained that his goal
was to demonstrate “the state’s ability to protect the public against
threats.” In a highly fraught mission, Schmidt had the West German
counterterrorism group GSG 9 storm the Landshut airplane. All
passengers were freed. Had any hostages died, it later emerged,
Schmidt would have most certainly resigned as chancellor. As
it was, the events marked the high point of his political career.
Schmidt remained consistently critical of developments in the EU,
the feasibility of a multicultural Germany and the Bundeswehr’s
mission in Afghanistan, but continued nonetheless to enjoy the
respect of the German public.
In 2011, after a 12-year absence from his party, the SPD, he gave
what was hailed as a landmark speech at an SPD convention in
Berlin. He might have harbored mixed feelings about his party
throughout the decades, but he remained a staunch Social Democrat till the end.
Condolences on his death have been pouring in worldwide, also
from the music world. Even as Chancellor, Schmidt took time for
daily piano practice - and he participated in two respectable recordings.
All photos: Bundesbildstelle.
Schmidt being sworn in in 1974.
WINTER 2015 9
Orbituary Helmut Schmidt
“Let us insure that music is made
and sung in our homes and schools,
so that those who come after us can
learn to find joy and pleasure in it.”
- Helmut Schmidt
die Bundeswehr-Big Band ins Leben, und
später, als Regierungschef, unterhielt er
nähere Bekanntschaften zu den Dirigenten Herbert von Karajan, Kurt Masur und
Leonard Bernstein.
Auch als Autor von 30 Büchern betätigte
sich der Altbundeskanzler und Mitherausgeber der Wochenzeitung Die Zeit. Als
großer Intellektueller kannte er die Schriften
von Literaten und Philosophen wie Immanuel Kant, Max Weber, Karl Popper und
Mark Aurel.
So schrieb er auch einmal: „Lasst uns also
dafür sorgen, dass in unseren Wohnungen
und dass in unseren Schulen gesungen
wird und Musik gemacht wird. Auf dass die
Nachwachsenden lernen, daran Freude zu
haben.” ¦
Quelle: Deutsche Welle. Der komplette Nachruf so viele weitere
Dossiers über das Leben und Wirken von Helmut Schmidt auf – Stichwort „Nachruf Helmut Schmidt”
Short Bio
Helmut Schmidt
In 1981, Helmut Schmidt followed a call of
musical director Justus Franzt and recorded
a Mozart’s Triple Concerto with another
pianist, Christoph Eschenbach in London.
It was a solid performance. In an interview
with NDR (North German Broadcasting)
after the death of the onetime statesman,
Justus Franz described Schmidt as “highly
gifted” and recalled that portraits of two
composers, Bach und Gershwin, adorned
his grand piano at home.
Schmidt’s musical interests weren’t limited
to classical. He adored jazz, swing and rock
‘n’ roll; Dave Brubeck and the Beatles were
among his favorites. As Defense Minister in the Brandt administration, Schmidt
founded the Bundeswehr (Federal Army)
Big Band. Later, in the chancellery, he
maintained close contact with the conductors Herbert von Karajan, Kurt Masur, and
Leonard Bernstein.
Elected lawmaker of the Social Democratic Party in Germany
Hamburg’s State Interior Minister
Defense Minister, later Minister of Finance and of Economic Affairs
Election as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
Voted out as Chancellor
Became co-publisher of Die Zeit
The author of 30 books, he was a co-publisher of the newsweekly “Die Zeit” after
leaving office. His lively mind also reached
out to the thoughts of men of letters such
as Immanuel Kant, Max Weber, Karl Popper,
and Mark Aurel. Then there is this passionate appeal from Schmidt’s pen: “It’s all
about maintaining and continually creating living music culture anew. Let us insure
that music is made and sung in our homes
and schools, so that those who come after
us can learn to find joy and pleasure in it.”
Stepped down as lawmaker
Died at the age of 96
Born in Hamburg, Germany
1939 – 1945 Served as a soldier in WWII
10 WINTER 2015
“From Johann Sebastian Bach comes the
apt statement that music is for the recreation of the soul. And that’s how it’s always
been with me.”
Source: Deutsche Welle. For a full obituary and many other articles
about Helmut Schmidt and his political career, visit -> keyword “Helmut Schmdit – Germany’s Elder Statesman”
News From Germany
n Angela Merkel Named Time’s Person of the Year 2015
he news magazine has named German Chancellor Merkel its Person of the Year for 2015. She is the third
post-war Chancellor to be named, after Konrad Adenauer (1953) and Willy Brandt (1970).
Angela Merkel is the most powerful woman in the world, the leader of the country that drives the European
economy, and may help determine the fate of the greatest refugee crisis since World War II. “Merkel had
already emerged as the indispensable player in managing Europe’s serial debt crises; she also led the West’s
response to Vladimir Putin’s creeping theft of Ukraine,” TIME editor Nancy Gibbs said in a statement. Europe’s
most powerful leader, who is allegedly afraid of dogs, is a refugee from a time and place where her power
would have been unimaginable, TIME writes. In the GDR, where Angela Merkel grew up, the Iron Curtain
Time used a painting by
found literal expression in the form of the Berlin Wall.
Northern Ireland-based artist
“A good compromise
“For asking more of her country than most politicians would dare, for standing
Colin Davidson as its cover.
firm against tyranny as well as expedience and for providing steadfast moral
is one where
leadership in a world where it is in short supply, Angela Merkel is TIME’s Person of the Year, “ Gibbs says
everybody makes
a contribution. “
AFP journalists have also chosen Angela Merkel as the most influential figure of 2015 after the German
- Angela Merkel
chancellor stamped her mark on the European migrant and Greek financial crises. ¦
n Suspended FIFA chief Blatter
faces ethics commission
(AP) In December 2015, suspended FIFA President Sepp Blatter has
appeared before the soccer body’s ethics commission to answer
corruption charges. Switzerland has also frozen millions in
accounts suspected to be linked to bribes.
The 79-year-old is under
criminal investigation in
Switzerland over questionable payments worth 1.8
million euros ($2 million)
made to Platini in 2011.
Separately, FIFA is also under investigation by U.S.
officials for corruption.
Swiss authorities have agreed to a request from Washington to
freeze a “high double-digit million amount” deposited in accounts
in Switzerland suspected to be proceeds of a pervasive bribery
World soccer’s governing body is suffering its worst corruption
scandal in its history. U.S. Prosecutors have charged 39 individuals
and two companies over suspected bribes of more than $200 million
paid for football marketing and broadcasting rights deals. The suspended FIFA chief is expected to plead innocent before a panel of
four judges after entering the governing body’s headquarters for
the first time since October.
Blatter faces a lifetime ban from soccer if found guilty of bribery
connected to the $2 million payment FIFA made to Platini. Blatter
did, however, get an unlikely endorsement on Thursday from Russian
President Vladimir Putin. He said Blatter had made important contributions to soccer and “deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.” ¦
- jar/sms (AP, Reuters, AFP)
n Syrian Refugee Becomes
an Internet Hit
(DW) It’s a story that has moved the Internet:
A Syrian refugee by the name of Alexander
Assali cooks meals every Saturday and distributes them to Berlin’s homeless. His small
act of charity has brought him worldwide attention after a Facebook post by Tabea Büttner
(pictured below, right).
Tabea told Deutsche Welle (DW) that Alex has been dishing out
the Syrian meals for three months now. Tabea and Alex know each
other through a sort of shared-living space called “Refugio-Haus”
in Berlin, where refugees live together with Germans in a communal apartment environment.
Every Saturday Alex goes out on the street and distributes food to
the homeless, even though he doesn’t have much, Tabea writes in
her Facebook post. “I never met anyone like him who lost everything and still gives everything,” she told DW.
Alex came to Germany a few years ago after fleeing Syria. The IT
engineer’s path to this country, however, was continually interrupted due his need to make money.
Alex’s Saturday handouts are a means of giving back to Germany.
He cooks the food himself, usually Syrian cuisine. That her photograph would ultimately result in this much media hype is something neither Alex nor Tabea could have expected.
She also hopes that the image will
change how others perceive refugees - particularly after the terror
attacks in Paris resulted in many negative reactions toward Syrian refugees, given that one of the attackers
reportedly entered the EU as a Syrian
refugee. ¦
WINTER 2015 11
News From Germany
DAAD’s Measures for Refugees
In view of the growing number of refugees
entering Germany, DAAD organized a conference with university representatives in Berlin
at the end of September 2015 to determine
current needs and necessary measures. DAAD
has already implemented several measures
which support refugees, for example last
year’s “Leadership for Syria” scholarship program. They, along with the universities, receive ongoing support and consultation from
the DAAD.
he latest set of measures for
refugees builds on feedback
from DAAD and complements
its funding instruments. For instance, the DAAD Info Centre in
Bonn, which fields questions and
offers advice to interested parties, will be entrusted with further responsibilities. “I’m pleased
that the DAAD is regarded as an
expert organization,” said DAAD
President Professor Margret Wintermantel at the press conference, “if any organization
has experience with integrating foreign students, then it’s the DAAD.”
Germany’s Federal Minister of Education, Professor Johanna Wanka, underscored the
value of the work of the DAAD: “If integration is to truly succeed, then it shall happen
largely through education.” She emphasized that the “best possibility to implement the
measures is to rely on the longstanding cooperation with the DAAD.”
refugee is eligible to study at a German university, especially when the refugee
status is recognized or when the application for asylum is still being processed
and the individual only holds the “tolerate” status. Many universities offer special programs for refugees, such as trial courses.
The procedures for applying and gaining admission to a German degree program are
the same for a refugee as for
other international univer- • General information for asylum seekers:
sity applicants. The individual
must have a university en- • Information for foreigners living in Germany:
trance qualification and suf-
ficient language skills. The • Information about the recognition of foreign professional language of instruction at qualifications:
German universities is usu- • More information on
ally German. However, there or
are many courses and degree
programs offered in English, particularly master’s degree programs.
If the secondary school-leaving certificate does not automatically qualify the person
for admission to German university, that individual will have to take a test called the
“Feststellungsprüfung” (qualification assessment examination). Students can prepare
for this test by attending a foundation course in Germany. Foundation courses are programs at universities which offer subject-related courses in specific disciplines.
There are various ways to cover the expenses as a student in Germany. The best possibility is to apply for government funding called “BAföG”. Some universities pay for certain fees or waive them altogether. The good news is that German universities charge
low or no tuition fees.
Source: German-American Exchange Service.
12 WINTER 2015
WINTER 2015 13
German-US Trade Relations
n GABO 2016: Gute Aussichten für n GABO 2016: German Companies Expect Fachkräftemangel bleibt größte Herausforderung.
Lack of skilled workers remains key challenge.
Von Jan Vater
deutsche Unternehmen in USA 2016
eutsche Unternehmen
in den USA wollen
weiterhin wachsen, einstellen und investieren. Dies war
das Ergebnis des German
American Business Outlook
(GABO) 2016, eine jährliche Umfrage unter 1.900
deutscher Unternehmen in
den USA, ihre Marktprognosen, sowie die Attraktivität der USA als Wirtschaftsstandort evaluiert. Die Umfrage
wird von den Deutsch-Amerikanischen Handelskammern, dem
Delegierten der Deutschen Wirtschaft, sowie Roland Berger
Strategy Consultants herausgeben.
„Allein im letzten
Jahr haben deutsche
Firmen Investitionen in
Höhe von 224 Milliarden
US-Dollar in den USA
Laut GABO 2016, erwarten 97% der deutschen
Unternehmen für 2016
wachsende Einkommen,
während 75% planen, im
kommenden Jahr Neueinstellungen vorzunehmen.
Während Firmen sich hinsichtlich des Wachstums
der US-Wirtschaft moderat
zuversichtlich zeigen, erwarten die Unterneh-men den Markt mit
ihrem Unternehmenswachstum zu übertreffen. Basierend auf
der starken Nachfrage nach Produkten und Dienstleistungen
führen deutsche Unternehmen nicht nur neue Produktlinien
ein und investieren in Forschung und Entwicklung; 41% mehr
als noch im vorherigen Jahr planen ebenso ihre Produktionskapazitäten zu erhöhen um der anhaltenden Nachfrage nachkommen zu können.
Um ihre Wachstumspläne realisieren zu können, bleiben
deutsche Firmen auf der Suche nach qualifizierten Arbeitskräften – und beäugen den Arbeitsmarkt in den US kritisch.
Martin Richenhagen, Vorsitzender der Deutsch-Amerikanischen
Handelskammern USA sagt: „Deutsche Unternehmen in den
14 WINTER 2015
to Continue to Outperform Market
By Jan Vater
erman companies in
the US continue to
grow, hire and invest. The
German American Business
Outlook (GABO) 2016, an
annual survey highlighting the state of German
companies in the United
States, their outlook for
future growth, and the attractiveness of the US as a
business location, reports
that 97% of German firms
expect positive revenue
growth, and 75% plan to
expand their workforce in
2016. The survey was conducted among 1,900 US subsidiaries
of German companies by the German American Chambers of
Commerce, the Representative of German Industry & Trade, and
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants.
While confident in a moderately growing US economy, German
subsidiaries expect strong revenue growth to continue. Due
to the strong demand for their products and services, German
firms are not only focusing on introducing new product lines
and investing in research and development. 41% more companies
than in 2015 are also planning to expand their manufacturing
capabilities to meet the sustained demand.
In order to keep up with their growth prospects, German companies continue to search for qualified employees – and look at the labor market in the US critically. Martin Richenhagen, Chairman of
the German American Chambers of Commerce of the USA highlights: “With German firms ready to expand, skills remain a key
topic for German-American businesses. While three-quarters of
our respondents plan to hire, the labor market’s current skills
gap remains a challenge for 69%. As a result, German companies
see investments in education and better access to a skilled workforce as critical factors to make the US even more competitive.”
To facilitate a fast and sustainable development for skilled workers, the GACCs are supporting several vocational training initiatives in cooperation with companies, partner organizations, and
German-US Trade Relations
“Last year alone,
German companies
invested $224
Billion in the US.”
USA wollen expandieren, und damit einhergehend bleibt
die Arbeitsmarktlage ein zentrales Thema. Drei-Viertel der Befragten planen neue Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen, zugleich bleibt
für 69% der Fachkräftemangel eine Herausforderung. Daher
schätzen deutsche Unternehmen Investitionen in Ausbildung
und Zugang zu Facharbeitern als wichtigste Faktoren bezüglich
der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der USA ein.” Um zeitnah und nachhaltig die benötigten Fachkräfte auszubilden, treibt die AHK USA
zahlreiche Initiativen voran, welche die gemeinsame Einrichtung
von Ausbildungsprogrammen mit Unternehmen, Partnerorganisationen und Hochschulen nach deutschem Vorbild vorsehen.
educational institutions throughout the United States.
Das Handelsabkommen TTIP, das Handelshemmnisse abbauen
und den Marktzugang verbessern soll, bleibt nach wie vor für
viele Unternehmen relevant. „Allein im letzten Jahr haben
deutsche Firmen Investitionen in Höhe von 224 Milliarden USDollar in den USA vorgenommen. Der erfolgreiche Abschluss
von TTIP sowie des aktuell verhandelten Transpazifischen
Partnerschaftsabkommens (TPP) würden weiteres Wachstum
fördern und Vorteile auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks schaffen,”
sagt Thomas Zielke, Delegierter der Deutschen Wirtschaft in den
USA. ¦
The 2016 GABO also revealed that the topic of Industry 4.0 and
the Industrial Internet of Things is receiving more attention. The
main benefits German companies expect are the automation of
production processes and enhanced external connectivity with
customers and suppliers. Data security and the actual implementation of cyber-physical systems remain the top challenges,
and companies of all sizes will need to address those issues to
reap the rewards of smarter production. ¦
Weitere Information unter
More information on
TTIP, which would reduce tariffs
and improve market access, remains important for many companies. “Last year alone, German
companies invested $224 Billion in the US. They would not only
benefit from TTIP, but also from a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),
which will be voted on soon” says Dr. Thomas Zielke, Representative of German Industry and Trade.
WINTER 2015 15
Franka Potente
Franka Potente in July 2015 at the “The Bridge” press conference in Beverly Hills. Photo: gettyimages/Vera Anderson
Photo: Courtesy FX
Franka Potente with her husband
Derek Richardson.
Mein ganz normales
Leben in L.A.
My Life in
Los Angeles
Von / By Petra Schürmann
ranka rennt nicht mehr” titelte STERN im August
2015 sehr passend, nachdem der Reporter die
deutsche Schauspielerin und ihre Familie bei Dreharbeiten
auf Island traf. Ihre Familie, das sind Ehemann und Schauspielkollege Derek Richardson sowie ihre beiden Töchter
Polly (4) und Georgie (ca. 20 Monate). Kaum zu glauben,
aber wahr: aus dem rothaarigen Punk, der als Lola in Tom
Tykwers preisgekrönter Komödie „Lola rennt” durch Berlin
sauste, ist eine Ehefrau und Mutter geworden, die lieber
Serienrollen in L.A. annimmt, als für einen Hollywood
Blockbuster wie „Bourne Identity” zu Dreharbeiten durch
die Welt zu fliegen.
16 WINTER 2015
ranka Does Not Run Anymore” was the title of an article
published by German magazine STERN in August
2015, after the reporter met the German actress and her
family at a film location in Iceland. Potente’s family includes
her husband and acting colleague Derek Richardson, as well
as their daughters Polly (4) and Georgie (about 20 months). It
is hard to believe that the red-haired punk girl who ran as Lola
in Tom Tykwer’s award-winning 1998 comedy “Run Lola Run”
through the streets of Berlin has become a wife and mother,
one who prefers to accept roles in local film or TV productions
in Los Angeles instead of flying around the world to star in
more Hollywood blockbusters.
Franka Potente ... as an advocate for PETA. ... with Matt Damon in Bourne
Identity a blonde .... with Johnny Depp in “Blow” ... in her breakthrough role as “Lola” in “Run Lola Run”
eit Franka Potente als Lola 1998 ihren schauspielerischen Durchbruch hatte, wenig später in “Blow” (2001) an der Seite von
Johnny Depp spielte und schließlich durch ihre Rolle als „Marie”, Matt
Damons Freundin, in „Bourne Identity” (2002) international berühmt
wurde, ist sie eine der erfolgreichsten deutschen Schauspielerinnen
in der amerikanischen Filmindustrie geworden und hat zeitweise
Millionenhonorare verdient. Fast unbemerkt vom deutschen Publikum
hat sie sich in Hollywood etabliert, mit Rollen in den U.S.-Serien „Dr.
House” und „American Horror Stories” und als „Eleanor Nacht” in der
zweiten Staffel von U.S.-Erfolgsserie „The Bridge” – übrigens an der
Seite von Diane Krüger, einer anderen deutschen Erfolgsgeschichte
in Hollywood.
Bevor sie 2011 Mutter wurde, hat sie auch auch noch viele deutsche
Filmangebote angenommen. Jetzt nur noch, sofern es mit dem
Familienleben vereinbar ist. So wie die ARD-Produktion “Solveig
Karlsdottir” mit Dreharbeiten auf Island. Der Film wird 2016 von
der ARD gezeigt. Ehemann Derek spielte darin eine der männlichen Hauptrollen, die Kindern gingen für einige Monate in einen
isländischen Kindergarten. „Für mich,” so Franka Potente im STERN
Interview, „ist wichtig, dass ich in Los Angeles drehen kann. Dass ich
meine Kids morgens sehen kann und sie nachmittags vom Kindergarten abhole.”
Ganz offen packt sie auch das Thema Figur, Idealgewicht, Diät an.
Nach eigener Aussage gönnt sie sich selten eine Pizza oder Spaghetti,
da sie leicht zunimmt. Um für ein Fotoshooting besonders fit auszusehen, lässt sie eine Woche vorher auch jeglichen Alkohol und
Zucker weg. Außerdem entwickelte sie mit ihrem Fitnesstrainer
Karsten Schellenberg ein Programm, das jedermann leicht nachmachen kann, wie sie in ihrem 2009 erschienenen Buch „Kick Ass
– Das alternative Workout” beschreibt.
Während der ersten Schwangerschaft schrieb sie dann ihren ersten
Roman „Allmählich wird es Tag”, der im Mai 2015 auch als Taschenbuch im Piper Verlag herauskam. Schon 2010 hatte Piper eine Sammlung von zehn Kurzgeschichten von Franka Potente unter dem
Titel „Zehn” herausgebracht. Sie alle spielen in Japan, wo Franka
beruflich längere Zeit verbrachte und hinterher, fasziniert von Land,
Menschen und Kultur, immer wieder hinfuhr. Ihr Held in „Allmählich
wird es Tag” ist allerdings ein Amerikaner, Ende 40, der sich plötzlich
in einer absoluten Lebenskrise befindet und alles verliert. Die Geschichte spielt in L.A. Sehr treffend beschreibt Franka Potente, die
ince Franka Potente had
her breakthrough as an
actress in “Lola” and later
played opposite A-listers like Johnny Depp in “Blow” (2001) and as
Matt Damon’s love interest “Marie” in “The Bourne Identity” (2002)
and its sequels, she has quietly become one of the most successful
German actresses in the American film industry, often earning millions
per movie. Almost unnoticed by German audiences, Potente became an established working actress in Hollywood with roles in U.S.
TV series like “House, M.D.,”“American Horror Story” and in the second
season of FX’s award-winning crime drama “The Bridge” playing the
bad-ass Eleanor Nacht and – according to the New York Post – adding
a cutting edge to the drama. This was also the first time that Potente
and Diane Kruger, another German success story in Hollywood,
appeared together in an American production.
Before having her first child in 2011, Franka Potente accepted many
offers from Germany. Today, she is only interested if the work is compatible with her family life. That includes the production of “Solveig
Karlsdottir” for ARD, Germany’s first public channel, which was shot
in Iceland. Potente’s husband Derek was cast in one of the male
leading roles, so while the couple worked, their kids attended an
Icelandic kindergarten. “For me,” explained Franka Potente in her
interview with STERN, “It is important that I can work in L.A., that I
can see my kids in the morning and pick them up from kindergarten
in the afternoon.”
She demonstrates a similar down-to-earth approach with regards
to staying in shape and dieting. According to Potente, she rarely
indulges in pizza or pasta since she is prone to gain weight easily.
If she wants to look extra fit for a photo shoot, she does not consume any alcohol or sugar for one week prior to the specific date.
Together with her German fitness coach Karsten Schellenberg, she
co-authored a book in 2009 with the title “Kick Ass – Das alternative Workout” (available in German only) that sums up the training
methods that worked for her.
During her first pregnancy, Potente also wrote her first novel,
“Allmählich wird es Tag” (“Slowly, A New Day Is Dawning”), which
was released as paperback in May 2015 by Piper. Back in 2010, Piper
also published her ten short stories in a volume called “Zehn
Stories.”These all take place in Japan where Potente had spent some
extended time for a film production. Fascinated by the country, the
WINTER 2015 17
Photo: Courtesy FX
Photo: Courtesy ARD/Degeto
Left: Franka Potente with
husband Derek and actress
Diane Krueger at the after-party
of the “The Bridge” premiere.
Right: Franka in the new German
crime series “Solveig Karlsdottir”,
shot in Iceland, which will be
aired on ARD/Das Erste starting
in Spring 2016.
selbst seit fünf Jahren fest in L.A. lebt, das tägliche Leben in der
Millionenstadt während der letzten Rezession. Ihre Sprache ist eindringlich, die Sätze sind kurz. Nur langsam enthüllt sie dem Leser
die Hintergründe der Krise, in die ihr Romanheld gerät. Wie sie auf
das Thema gekommen sei, wird sie oft gefragt. „Ich hatte immer dieses
Bild im Kopf eines übergroßen, stark aussehenden Mannes, der aber
innerlich völlig fragil und zerbrechlich ist,” erzählt Franka in einem Interview auf „Mich hat auch dieser Lebensabschnitt interessiert,
in dem sich Tim (der Romanheld) befindet, und in dem ich mich
jetzt auch langsam befinde. Und das ist der Abschnitt, von dem
man, glaube ich, wenn man jünger ist, immer denkt: Wenn ich mal
erwachsen bin, dann will ich dies und jenes haben. (…) Wenn man
dann irgendwann soweit ist, die zwei Kinder hat, das Haus, dann
betrachtet man sich eigentlich als angekommen und die Frage, die
sich dann stellt, ist: Wo geht’s denn jetzt eigentlich hin? Denn man
lebt ja noch eine Weile.”
Eine Rückkehr nach Deutschland kommt für sie nicht mehr in Frage,
da ihr Mann Amerikaner ist und die Kinder in L.A. aufwachsen. Ob
Los Angeles nun ihre Heimat sei? „Man richtet sich ein, “ so Potente.
Sie lebten sehr europäisch, da ihr Mann von der Ostküste stamme.
Heimweh hat sie nicht, weder nach ihrer westfälischen Heimatstadt
Dülmen noch nach Berlin, wo sie viele Jahre lebte. „Meine Eltern
und Freunde kommen oft zu Besuch,” erzählt sie.
Von einer eigenen Produktionsfirma mit 45 habe sie immer geträumt, so Potente. Jetzt möchte sie lieber als nächstes ein Drehbuch
schreiben und Regie führen. Das Romanschreiben interessiert sie
zur Zeit nicht. Schade, denn ihr erster Roman ist wirklich lesenswert.
Egal, was Franka Potente als nächstes tun wird, sie wird sicherlich
nicht weg von Los Angeles dafür rennen. ¦
Books by Franka Potente (all titles in German only):
Los Angeles – Berlin. Ein Jahr.
Co-Autor Max Urlacher. Herder Verlag. 2005.
Kick Ass – Das alternative Workout.
Co-Autor Karsten Schellenberg mit Illustrationen von Jim Rakete.
Mosaik im Goldmann Verlag. 2009.
Zehn Stories. Piper Verlag. 2012
Allmählich wird es Tag. Piper Verlag. 2014.
18 WINTER 2015
people and their culture, she returned to Japan many times. The
hero in her novel, though, is an American man in his late ‘40s who
suddenly finds himself in the worst crisis of his life and loses everything. Potente takes the reader to L.A., where she has lived permanently for more than five years. Very poignantly, she describes the
lifestyle in the metropolis during the last recession. The language
of her novel is intense, sentences are kept short. Very slowly, she
lets the reader in on the background of the main character’s crisis.
When asked how she came up with this plot, she said in an interview on “I always had this picture in my head of a super
tall, strong-looking man who, however, is very fragile and sensitive
on the inside.” And she continued: “I was interested in a story during
this particular period of life in which Tim [the hero in the novel] finds
himself and which I have reached as well. When you are young, you
have certain ideas of what you want to be or want to have once you
are grown up. And when you have suddenly reached that point, you
might want to consider yourself as having arrived. However, you will
still live for quite a while. So, what comes next?”
For Franka Potente “next” certainly does not mean a return to her
native Germany. Her husband is American and their kids are growing up in L.A. When asked if she feels at home in the City of Angels,
she simply says, “You adjust.” According to her, they live a pretty
European lifestyle, since her husband is from the East Coast. She is
not homesick, neither for her native town of Duelmen in Westphalia nor for Berlin, where she lived for many years. “My parents and
friends are visiting us frequently,” she says. She has always dreamt of
having her own production company by the age of 45. However,
she currently feels more inclined to write a script and to direct a
movie. Writing another novel is not of any particular interest for her
right now. And that’s truly a pity, because her first novel is a really
noteworthy debut.
No matter what Franka Potente chooses to do next, one thing is
certain – she’s not running far from Los Angeles as she fashions the
next chapter in her already fascinating life. ¦
Interview with Franka Potente online on (in German only)
Bruno Ganz shines with “Heidi”
eidi, the orphaned girl from the Swiss
Alps invented by Swiss book author
Johanna Spyri, has already thrilled millions of children around the world. Now
she’s back in cinemas, with Bruno Ganz
playing her grandfather, the “Alm-Öhi.”
The movie, which was successfully released in Germany on December 10,
is a hit with critics as well. Everyone is
raving about newcomer Anuk Steffens,
the 10 year old who is playing Heidi.
Bruno Ganz’s performance is celebrated as “heartwarming” and “authentic.”
American audiences have to be patient,
though. There is no release date for
“Heidi” set in the U.S. quite yet. ¦
“Labyrinth of
Lies” find its way
to the Oscars?
Michael Fassbender is up
for a Golden Globe Award!
is incredible performance as Steve Jobs in “Jobs” has already
earned Michael Fassbender shining reviews by film critics around
the world. Now his portrayal of the late Apple founder was also recognized by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association with a nomination
for Best Actor in a drama. His co-star Kate Winslet is also nominated
for her performance. Maybe all the critical acclaim makes up for the
fact that the film bombed at the box office and woll stir up some more
audience interest for “Jobs.” ¦
n August German Films announced that Giulio Ricciarelli’s debut
feature “Labyrinth of Lies” will be Germany’s official Oscar entry for
this year. A good choice it seems, the film was just short listed and is
now one of only nine feature films competing for this year’s Academy
Award for Best Foreign Language Film. Only five will get nominated.
“Layrinth of Lies” is tells the true story of a young public prosecutor,
Johann Radmann, who sets out in the 1950s to expose the full story
behind the mass killings at Auschwitz. This led to the first Auschwitz
trial in Frankfurt, in the face of great political and social opposition in
West Germany. Alexander Fehling plays Radmann, for which he won
the Bavarian Film Award for best actor.
Critics believe the gripping drama has a good chance to win the
trophy. It’s biggest competitor is “Son of Saul” from Hungary which
already won the Grand Prix in Cannes this year. Good luck! ¦
Elke Sommer celebrates her 75th birthday!
t is hard to believe when you look at her but Elke Sommer, one of the most successful German Hollywood “imports,”
just turned 75! Elke Sommer was actually born as Elke Schletz in Berlin on November 5, 1940. Seven decades later
she has quite a life to look back on. Besides her extremely successful on-screen career, she has also had success as a
singer, director, producer and painter. For over twenty years, she is been happily married to the German hotel manager
Wolf Walther. Elke is still busy and has numerous projects in the works but – as she said recently – one thing will never
change: Her personal happiness plays the first fiddle in the symphony of her life. Happy Birthday Fräulein Wunder! ¦
WINTER 2015 19
Northern California
January 14 – 20, 2016
Film Festival Berlin & Beyond Turns 20
Thanks to the initiative of former Goethe-Institut director
Dr. Ingrid Eggers, the first German film festival on the West Coast was
established. Since 1996, Berlin & Beyond has been a cultural gateway for
the American public to experience the universal spirit and vision of filmmakers from this global region. Dotted with red carpet premieres, the
festival welcomes top talents and films of the year from major hits to
award winners to noteworthy discoveries of world cinema’s independent film scenes.
This year, the festival will take place at three locations: From January 14-17, 2016, at the iconic
Castro Theatre in San Francisco and from January
18-20, 2016, at the Goethe-Institut San Francisco in
Downtown. For the first time ever, the festival will
continue in California’s Central Valley at the University of the Pacific’s Janet Leigh Theatre on January
31, 2016.
Don’t miss America’s leading annual showcase of
contemporary film productions from Germany,
Austria, Switzerland and beyond. This year’s festival will open with “Who Am I - No System Is Safe”
(Who am I - Kein System ist sicher) by Baran bo Odar
20 WINTER 2015
starring German heartthrob Thomas Schilling and the talented Hannah
Herzsprung. Schilling is expected to be at the opening. The line up further includes the award-winning movie “Jack” by Edward Berger, and
“We are young. We are strong.” by Burhan Qurbani.
For more information and updates visit
German-language Church
Services in San Francisco
St. Matthew’s Church
with Pastor Kerstin Weidmann
Dec 24, 4PM German Candlelight Christmas Service;
6PM Bilingual Candlelight Christmas Service
Regular Schedule: First Sunday: Bilingual GermanEnglish service at 11AM
All other Sundays: English service at 9:30AM and German service at AM
Other events: The choirs Freundschaft Liederkranz, Golden Gate
Men’s Choir and Pacific Saengerbund practice and perform at St. Matthews. KinderHaus San Francisco, a German preschool, meets on Fridays in two sessions from 8.30AM to 5PM
Check for more information
or call (415) 863-6371
Location: 3281 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103
Inspiring People
Elke Miller and Fred Schumacher
This summer, two individuals from
very different backgrounds and
from opposite regions in Germany
By Petra Schuermann
– Bavaria and North-Rhine Westphalia – received official acknowledgement for their dedication to promote
German culture in the U.S. They are Elke Miller, the Munich native who founded the Goethe International Charter School (GICS) in L. A. and the trilingual
preschool Kigala in Santa Monicia, and Ferdinand (Fred) Schumacher (from
Düsseldorf), who helped a Bavarian beer brand succeed in the U.S. What unites them
both is their inspiring can-do attitude, their energy and infectious dynamism.
he Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, May
24, 2015, was an especially memorable day
in Elke Miller’s life, as the founder of the first
(and only) German-English immersion school
in L.A. and the owner and director of the trilingual preschool Kigala was honored by the
Federal Republic of Germany. More than 100
people gathered on that beautiful afternoon
at Villa Aurora to celebrate as Miller was awarded Germany’s Cross of the Order of Merit, for
the establishment of German education and
support of German culture and community in
Los Angeles. Looking back, Ms. Miller, who not
only gathered a dynamic group of dedicated
parents to found the GICS in 2004, but also
chaired the board for 10 years, simply does not
know how she managed to juggle the many
challenges that came with this ambitious project throughout the years, while also raising
two daughters and working a full-time job. She
was moved to tears when Deputy Consul General Stefan Biedermann presented her with the
Cross of the Order of Merit.
of America, LLC, which became the
franchisor for all of the Hofbräuhaus
locations in the United States and
“It was Fred Schumacher,” stated
Stefan Gastager, “who built the very
foundations for the success of the
Hofbräu brand in the United States.”
– gw/ps
1 Elke Miller with founding parents Renate Craft (l.) and Karin Shaw (3rd f.r.), her daughters and close
friends. 2 Vice Consul Biedermann congratulates Elke Miller after the ceremony. 3 Elke Miller with her
daughters Jessica (l.) and Stephanie (r.) 4 Fred Schumacher with the certificate from Hofbrau in Munich.
5 Fred Schumacher and Stefan Gastager (r.), CEO of Hofbrauhaus of America
One month later, it was a special moment for
Fred Schumacher when he entered the Hofbräuhaus in Las Vegas, Nevada, on June 30,
2015, for it was the day of his official retirement
from the Hofbräuhaus of America franchise
that he founded in 2005. During the festive retirement dinner, Stefan Gastager, CEO of Hofbräuhaus of America, LLC, presented Schumacher with a special certificate from Hofbräu
brewery in Munich, signed by CEO Dr. Michael
Möller and Dr. Markus Söder, the Finance
Minister of Bavaria, which acknowledges Fred
Schumacher’s tireless work in bringing the
Hofbräu brand to the United States. Schumacher
first imported Hofbräu beer to the U.S. in 1997
and worked hard to grow the import market,
which resulted in a well-organized and highly
profitable division for Hofbräu beer in the U.S.
In 2005, Schumacher founded Hofbräuhaus
WINTER 2015 21
Discover Works of German Artist Hans Feyerabend
Work samples of Hans Feyerabend were
shown in cooperation with Gallery
Junggeburth at the Spectrum Art Fair
Miami from December 3 to December
6. The works “Wave” (Detail), “Railroad
Bridge” and “Girl Turquoise” (Detail) were
on display. In case you missed the art
fair, you can visit the artist’s studio at
German Officers Visit Southern Command in Tampa
On October 14, 2015, Honorary Consul Norma Henning welcomed a
group of German Youth Officers during their visit to Florida. Discussions
on current issues of American culture, life and politics were enhanced
by an in-depth briefing on Tampa’s history with Cuba and recent developments in Cuban-American relations from the former and current
Chairmen of the Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce, Jose Vivero
and Ronald Cristaldi.
Consul General Juergen
Borsch at European Union
Center of Excellence FIU
Dr. Lukas Danner, Christine I. Caly-Sanchez, Rocio Pellerano,
Consul General Juergen Borsch, Dr. Markus Thiel at the European
Union Center of Excellence FIU.
On November 9, Consul General
Juergen Borsch gave a speech in
honor of 25 years of Germany’s Reunification at the European Union
Center of Excellence FIU in front of
a group of students and professors.
Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Day of German
Unity at the Biltmore Hotel
The German Consulate celebrated
the 25th Anniversary of German
Unity in the Grand Ballroom of
the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables.
Iris Kröner, Deputy Consul General Michael Kröner, Iris Borsch, Consul General Juergen Borsch
Consul General Juergen Borsch (©
and Mrs. Borsch welcomed about
300 distinguished guests who enjoyed this lovely evening.
Studio Hans Feyerabend,
1942 SW 9th Street in Miami.
Visits by appointment only.
Call (305) 281 -6094 or
for more information.
Event Tips
American German Club of the Palm Beaches Presents:
December 19 at 5PM: Annual Christmas Party
Special Performance by “Heimatklänge”
Tickets incl. Dinner: $35 | Reservations: (561) 294-2770
December 31 at 7PM: New Years Eve Celebration
Music by Bob Houston Trio (8PM to 1 AM)
Tickets (incl. Dinner, Midnight Champagne): $110/person.
Reservations: (561) 294-2770
Location: 5111 Lantana Road, Lake Worth, FL
Information: or
call: (561) 966-7865 |
German-American Social Club (GASC)
in Cape Coral Presents:
Every Friday Night from 5.30PM to 7PM
Live Music, German-style Dinner & Dancing.
Open to the public. $4 for non-members
December 18 at 5.30PM
Christmas Concert at the GASC
Source: Consulate General of Germany in Miami;
German Church Service in Florida
Sunday, December 24, 2015 at 3 PM
German Christmas Eve Church Service in Coral Gables
with Pastor Jochen Pajunk
as Greta in “Mad
Gables Congregational United Church of Christ, 3010
De Soto Blvd., Coral Gables, FL
Meeting Nina for an interview in Culver City.
22 WINTER 2015
December 31, 2105, at 6.30PM
New Year’s Eve Celebration
with music by “Europa Band”
January 30, 2016, at 5.30PM
Maskenball “Wild West”
with music by “Alex Meixner Band”
Admission: $6 (members). $10 (non-members)
Location: GASC Club House, 2101 SW Pine Island Rd., Cape Coral
Information: or call (239) 283-1400
German - American Friendship Award bestowed upon George Glotzbach, Denny Warta and Fabian Schmahl
On October 8, Consul General Quelle officially presented the German-American Friendship Award to two very worthy
recipients, George Glotzbach and Denny Warta. Both recipients hail from New Ulm, Minnesota, “the most German town
in the U.S.,” where they form a team of German cultural ambassadors.
Mr. Glotzbach’s ancestors arrived in New Ulm from Germany in 1855; Mr. Warta’s family a little bit later, in 1871. Warta
spoke German exclusively until he began school at age 5. Both served in the American Armed Forces before beginning
their business careers. The two have been active in promoting German-American culture in New Ulm for over a quarter
of a century, and the results are evident to anyone who makes the trip to New Ulm!
A few days, later, on December 14, Cincinnati resident Fabian Schmahl received the German-American Friendship Award
from Deputy Consul General Mario Soos on behalf of Ambassador Wittig at the Consulate General.
Mr. Schmahl is the President and CEO of ThyssenKrupp-Bilstein. He was instrumental in bringing a segment of the Berlin
Wall to the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center in Cincinnati, where it is on permanent display. Mr. Schmahl
is also very active with the European-American Chamber of Commerce and the Munich Sister Cities Association.
Consul General Quelle (l.) congratulates
Mr. Glotzbach.
Established by the German Embassy in Washington, D.C. in 1981, the German-American Friendship Award honors people who have rendered outstanding services to German-American relations.
Top: Consul General Quelle
welcoming the congregation.
Below: Erich Himmel, Chairman of
the Commemoration.
October 4
German-American Day celebrated in
Consul General Quelle addressed a large congregation of German-Americans celebrating
German-American Day (Oct 6) at St. Benedict
Church, Chicago, on Sunday, October 4th. Twentyfive associations paraded and presented their
flags. Erich Himmel, Chairman of the Commemoration, welcomed the guests. Mr. Quelle outlined
the chronological sequence of the first proclamation of German-American Day, approved by
U.S. Congress in 1987, and the reunification of
Germany on October 3, 1990. He concluded,
“After 25 years we can proudly state that
Germany has truly grown together.”
Exhibition: Pop Art Design
(Through March 27, 2016)
Organized by the Vitra Design
Museum in Weil am Rhein, Germany
Location: Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago,
220 East Chicago Ave
January 20, 2015 - 5.30 PM – 7.30 PM
GACC Midwest presents: European Business Networking
Location: The Drake Hotel Chicago, 140 E. Walton Pl
More events at
Film Series”Migration”at the Goethe-Institut:
January 19 at 6 PM: Land in Sight
25 German Unity Day celebrated at
Union League Club
On Thursday, October 1, Consul General Herbert
Quelle hosted a reception at the Union League
Club of Chicago on the occasion of the 25th
cele-bration of German Unity Day (Oct 3, 2015).
The reception was wellattended by members
of the German-American community, including
representatives of numerous social clubs and
cultural organizations, the German International School of Chicago,
the Goethe-Institut Chicago and the German-American Chamber of
Commerce of the Midwest. Representatives of Illinois, Governor Bruce
Rauner and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, were on hand to present
official proclamations.
Source: Consulate of Germany in Chicago.
January 26 at 6 PM: New Land
February 2 at 6 PM: Turkish Kraut (Rotkohl und Blaukraut)
February 9 at 6 PM: Tour Abroad
February 16 at 6 PM: Half-Moon Truths
February 23 at 6 PM: Color of the Ocean
Location: Goethe-Institut Chicago, 150 N. Michigan Ave, #200
Information: (312) 263-0472
More events at
February 28, 2016 – 2 PM
Concert: Prismatic Memory
Spektral Quartet presents “Bagatellen” by Hans Thomalla at the
Frequency Festival
Location: Art Institute of Chicago, Fullerton Hall, 111 S. Michigan Ave.
WINTER 2015 23
New York
A.J. Scherman Named GACCs’ Trainee of the Year
Trainee of STIHL Inc. Honored at the Annual GermanAmerican Business Outlook
By Jan Vater
n December 14, 2015, the German American Chambers of Commerce (GACC) presented the GACC Award for Trainee of the Year
to A.J. Scherman of STIHL Inc. The GACC Trainee Award sponsored by
FESTO and Lufthansa recognizes outstanding individuals working for
German subsidiaries who have demonstrated excellence in their workforce training programs.
A.J. Scherman is currently enrolled in the four-year Mechatronics Technician apprenticeship program at STIHL Inc. in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
STIHL’s apprenticeship program is adapted from the German model of
vocational training. In this “dual system,” trainees split their time between hands-on training and classroom education. Scherman was one
of only five applicants out of 300 who were offered a spot in the highly
sought-after apprenticeship program. He is currently working on a
project in STIHL’s Technical Training Center to upgrade and modify their
Festo training simulators.
& Greater Washington, DC
The jury’s decision was influenced by Scherman’s dedication to work
full time and attend college classes, all the while supporting his family
and maintaining a 4.0 grade point average.
Scherman said “Mechatronics is the future of the manufacturing world
and the gateway to where I ultimately want to end up – which is being
an engineer.”
Virginia Beach-based STIHL Inc., one of several manufacturing facilities
in the STIHL Group, is the headquarters for their U.S. operations.
More information at
Bern E. Deichmann
Awarded with Germany’s
Cross of the Order of
n early September, 2015, Bern
E. Deichmann, the President
Emeritus of the GermanAmerican Heritage Foundation
of the USA®, was awarded the Cross of the Order of Merit of the
Federal Republic of Germany.
Ambassador Peter Wittig notified Mr. Deichmann of the decision by the
President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Joachim Gauck, to bestow on Bern this very high honor in recognition of Deichmann’s “long
and distinguished meritorious service to German-American relations.”
Among other achievements, Bern Deichmann was the driving force
behind building the first and – so far – only German-American Heritage
Museum in the nation’s capital. The “Bundesverdienstkreuz” was presented to Mr. Deichmann, who was surrounded by family, friends and
colleagues, at a private reception hosted by Ambassador Wittig at his
residence in Washington, D.C.
New York:
For upcoming events in Greater New York visit -> Calendar or Featured Events york
Washington, D.C.
For upcoming events in Washington D.C. visit -> German Information Center -> Events
24 WINTER 2015
Photo ©
German Memorial Day in Fort Reno
On November 15, 2015, Germany’s “Volkstrauertag,” German Air Force Liaison Officer
for U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence &
Commander of U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery School, Colonel Ingo Kresser, along withConsul Jochen Olbricht and German Honorary Consul in Oklahoma City, Charles Wiggin,
as well as Italian Army Liaison Officer Major
Mattia Marcotulli and U.S. military personnel
and many other participants, gathered to place flowers and flags on the
graves of the fallen soldiers at the Fort Reno Post Cemetery in Fort Reno.
All speakers honored the victims of both World Wars and expressed
their deepest condolences to the grieving families and to the French
people regarding the terrorist attacks in Paris, France. “Volkstrauertag” is
Germany’s official annual day of remembrance, a day for mourning the
dead that also serves as a reminder of how precious peace is.
On October 31, 2015, Consul Jochen Olbricht
had good news for the German Saturday
School in Houston. He handed over a check
to the principal of the school, Dr. Ute Eisele,
Consul Jochen Olbricht and Dr. Ute Eisele and also presented the German Language
Diploma to the 45 eligible students who successfully passed the DaF (Deutsch als Fremdsprache) test, a German national language
With this check the German Government
acknowledges the excellent work of the German Saturday School in Houston.
More about Deutsche Samstagsschule HousStudents receiving the ton:
German Language Diplom
25 Years of German Unity at the University of Houston
© Bea Binmore
© Bea Binmore
Handover of Language Diploma at the
German Saturday School Houston
In cooperation with the German Consulate
General in Houston, the University of Houston opened its International Education Week
on November 15, 2015, with the poster exhibition “The Path to German Unity.” The exhibition was on display at the Library of the
University of Houston through December 18,
Source: Consulate General of Germany in Houston. - www.germany.
Dr. Hildegard F. Glass, German Program
Director, Leah Scott, MBA, Global
Strategies and Studies and
Deputy Consul General Reindl.
December 24, 2015 – 4PM
Weihnachtsmesse (German Christmas Mass)
With guest preacher Pastor Janning Hoenen
Location: First Evangelical Lutheran Church,
1311 Holman Street, Houston, TX 77004
January 14, 2016 – 6PM – 8PM
GACC New Year’s Reception - Houston Office
Location: Hotel ZaZa 5701, 5701 Main Street, Houston, TX 77005
Event fee: Free for GACC South members, $35 for non-members
February 6, 2016 – 5PM – 6.30PM
Bach in the Court of Weimar
Concert of Bach Choir and Orchestra Houston.
Location: Alice Pratt Brown Hall Shepherd School of Music,
6100 Main Street , Houston
Organizations & Businesses:
AMF Graphics, El Paso, TX | Contact:
n German-American Chamber of Commerce
1900 West Loop S., Ste 1550, Houston, TX 77027, (832) 384-1200
1170 Howell Mill Rd, Ste 300, Atlanta, GA 30318, (404) 586-6800
n German
Gift House |
n German Center Houston, 6510 Sewanee, Houston, TX 77005
n German
Language Center Houston |
n German-Texan Heritage Society, PO Box 684171, Austin, TX 78768
Information: (512) 467-4569
n Houston-Leipzig Sister City Association, 2353 Rice Blvd.,
Houston, Texas 77005 |
Learn German!
n The German School of Dallas, PO Box 610114, Dallas, TX 75261 |
n German International School of Dallas, 12411 Templeton
Trail, Farmers Ranch, TX 75234 |
German Church Services
n Christ
Lutheran Church, 3001 Lovers Lane, Dallas, TX 75225
Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1311 Holman Street,
Houston, TX 77004
n First
WINTER 2015 25
© Alex Siewert, Fotostudio Spandau
Germany’s Official
Representative in Texas:
Consul General Ricarda Redeker
Real Estate
& Trends
for Buying
Real Estate
The Los Angeles
Real-Estate Markets:
Where Do You Want to
Hang Your Hat?
The Culver Hotel in Culver City, close to Santa Monica.
By Tanya Stawski
There are plenty of wonderful places to own a home in Los
Angeles; so many, in fact, that it is not easy to choose where to
settle. Every neighborhood offers something a bit different, special and appealing.
Do you love the mountains? The beach? The bustling big city life? It’s all here in the City
of Angels – even neighborhoods with small town charm.
heviot Hills and Rancho Park are both situated within a short drive of Fox Studios and
Sony Studios. Cheviot Hills provides excellent views of much of the Los Angeles Basin,
and has often been the site for the filming of motion pictures and television shows, including “Laurel and Hardy” in the 1920s and ‘30s, and the hit TV show “Modern Family” from
2009. Cheviot Hills’ gently rolling hills are reminiscent of the Cheviot Hills area of Scotland,
which is how the area got its name. Almost all of the area that today is known as Cheviot
Hills was within the Spanish land grant of Rancho Rincon de los Bueyes.
From the 1920s to 1953, the streetcar line known as the Santa Monica Air Line of the Pacific
Electric Railway ran along the southern edge of Cheviot Hills, and provided passenger
service between Cheviot Hills, downtown Los Angeles and downtown Santa Monica. Rancho Park, though a small residential neighborhood in West Los Angeles, is one of the few
districts in Los Angeles where fall foliage can be seen. Nestled between Westwood and
Cheviot Hills, Rancho Park is mostly filled with single-family homes and tree-lined streets.
Culver City, with its condos and traditional and Spanish-style homes, is a town of galleries,
shops, cafes and entrepreneurial businesses. Culver City has been a focal point for motionpicture studios since the 1920s and more recently for television production, having been
home to MGM Studios, the Culver Studios and now Sony Pictures Entertainment. Home
of the Kirk Douglas Theatre, Helms Bakery and the Culver Hotel, Culver City’s condos, traditional homes and Spanish-style homes offer a combination of urban living and small
town charm. The newly built light rail line which will connect Santa Monica and Culver City
with Downtown L.A. has added to Culver City’s attractiveness and the value of properties
bought here.
Los Feliz is an area richly immersed with history dating back to the 19th century. Los Feliz
is located just south of the Santa Monica Mountains and adjacent to Hollywood to the
north and east. The area features the Griffith Observatory, the Greek Theatre and the Los
Angeles Zoo. Los Feliz homes offer a welcoming and cohesive community recognized for
its chic sophistication.
Venice is a beachfront district on the Westside of Los Angeles, known for its bungalows,
cottages, condos and oceanfront properties. A short walk from some of the finest and
trendiest beachside restaurants and bars in Los Angeles, Venice offers surfing, kayaking, boating, biking, boogie boarding and outdoor summer concerts. The famous Venice
Beach Strip and Muscle Beach are a short walk away from most homes. With its variety of
bungalows, cottages, condos and oceanfront listings, Venice is an ideal retreat for family,
friends or couples, for work or play, and is one of Los Angeles’s most sought-after neighborhoods. ¦
26 WINTER 2015
About the
Tanya Stawski is
a real-estate agent
with Sotheby’s International Realty in Beverly
Hills, California. Born and raised in Germany,
Tanya has lived in Boca Raton, Boston and
Chicago prior to moving to Beverly Hills. She
speaks German, English and Farsi fluently
and is conversant in Spanish. Tanya has a
master’s degree in business from the International Business School in Germany and is
a member of the Los Angeles Association of
Tanya and her clients’ listings have been featured in various media outlets such as the Los
Angeles Times and The Wall Street Journal.
Tanya has worked with international buyers
and sellers, investors and first-time buyers.
Her current listing portfolio covers homes
between $600,000 and $12.5 million.
For more information
email us at
or call Tanya at 310-801-6033.
Additional information is on
All photos: Courtesy Sotheby’s International Realty®
Real Estate
German World is very happy to announce that two German-American real estate agents – one in New
& Trends
York and one in Los Angeles – have joined us to share some of their insights and offer up some
tips to maneuver your way through both of these highly interesting markets.
New York’s
Best Buying Option
for 2016: The Bronx!
By Denise Thirkill
For individuals and investors who are priced out of Manhattan
and Brooklyn, the Bronx might be the last relative
affordable market in New York City.
he average price per square foot in the Bronx is $268 as compared
to $1,497 in Manhattan. Although some experts say that the rest
of the City is further along in the economic development cycle, the
Bronx is getting very experimental. Residential projects, and some
key commercial and retail projects are reshaping the Bronx. Restaurants are opening and we are seeing a renaissance for the borough.
n Related Companies, the driving force behind Hudson Yards, has deployed its $300 million
equity fund to acquire workforce housing in the borough.
Scott Rechler’s RXR Realty, which paid $1.2 billion for 230 Park Avenue this year, is actively
hunting for opportunities in the South Bronx. Even developer Gary Barnett, who sold a $100
million penthouse at One57, appears to be focusing on the neighborhood.
n Extell Development Company bought the former Whitestone Multiplex Cinemas at 2505
Bruckner Boulevard for $41 million from David Lichtenstein’s Lightstone Group, which paid $30
million for the site in 2012.
There have been indications of urban regeneration in the Bronx for decades, but now that real
estate’s big boys are finally discovering the neighborhood, confidence is high that this Bronx
About the
boom is real. There is a huge amount of infrastructure here that doesn’t exist in other places.
There are 6 subway lines (the 2, 4, 5, 6, D and B trains). The parks are already here, and there are
some real institutions in the Bronx that help support it, such as Montefiore
Medical Center, Bronx Lebanon Hospital, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Denise Thirkill was born and raised in
The Bronx Zoo, Fordham University and the Botanical Garden. Investing in
Germany. She speaks English and Gerthe Bronx, Inwood, and Washington Heights can be a good move, especially
man fluently and has lived in New York
for more than nine years. Denise is a
for first-time home buyers, with housing values slowly increasing as interest
Licensed Real Estate Associate and
rates and home prices remain low.
works as an exclusive buyer’s agent
at Elika Associates, which is a premier
New York City firm that specializes in
exclusive buyers’ representation. Elika
Associates is a member of the National Association of Exclusive
Buyers Agents (NAEBA). Denise is a member of the Real Estate
Board of New York (REBNY) and has access to all listings in New
York City. Whether you are a U.S. citizen or a foreign Investor,
Denise caters her service to your specific needs. Denise strives
to help buyers achieve their dream home ownership, without unpleasant surprises, and without being over sold on a property.
For more information contact Denise Thirkill at
917-624-5578 or at
The neighborhood is mostly scattered with townhouses and co-op apartments. A spacious three-bedroom, three-bathroom co-op is priced just
under $850K. One-bedroom units go as low as $150K. Keep an eye out for
apartments in the beautiful Art Deco co-op buildings that line the Grand
Concourse. There is also a massive waterfront development planned and a
proposed new neighborhood in the works known as the “The Piano District,”
similar to the artist district So-Ho, perhaps the new Soho, to be called “Sobro.”
Six residential buildings will rise on a 1.2-million square foot development
site, with coffee shops, art galleries and restaurants soon to join, according
to the developers Somerset properties and the Chertit Group. This would be
the most transformative project in the past 50 years. It might be a good idea
to grab an affordable property here right now, before prices become
prohibitive. ¦
WINTER 2015 27
FerienspaSS für Deutschlerner & Familien
„Ticket nach Berlin“
echs junge Deutschlerner reisten quer durch Deutschland
und mussten dabei spannende Aufgaben lösen: Sie fuhren ein
Seifenkistenrennen, balancierten auf einem Surfbrett und verschönerten als Guerilla-Gärtner die Innenstadt von Bremen.
In zwei Teams aufgeteilt, machten sich die jungen Leute auf den
Weg quer durch Deutschland nach Berlin: Für Eric aus Kamerun,
Nichole aus Australien und Almudena aus Spanien begann die
Reise im Norden Deutschlands auf der Insel Pellworm. Nasser aus
Ägypten, Kristina aus Russland und Jonas aus Norwegen starteten am Fuß der Zugspitze. Auf ihrem Weg mussten Aufgaben
gelöst werden, um Tickets zu sammeln und das Spiel zu gewinnen. Teamgeist, Kreativität und Mut waren gefragt. Und natürlich
mussten alle ihre Deutschkenntnisse unter Beweis stellen, um erfolgreich zu sein. Die unterhaltsame Abenteuerspielshow „Ticket
nach Berlin“, ein Projekt des Goethe-Instituts und der Deutschen
Welle gefördert durch das Auswärtige Amt, besteht aus 19 Videofilmen von ca. fünf Minuten Länge und ist ideal für die Ferien, um
eine Sprachlern-Tour fernab aller Reiseführer und Lehrbücher zu
machen. Die sechs jungen Leute haben während der Dreharbeiten zu „Ticket nach Berlin“ zudem Reisetagebuch geführt und ihre
persönlichen Eindrücke von Deutschland dokumentiert. Auch
diese Videos stehen zum Herunterladen zur Verfügung.
Die Szenen sind nicht gestellt, die Sprache ist authentisch, die
Herausforderung für die jungen Deutschlerner sind echt. Niemand kannte vorher die Städte und die Aufgaben, die dort gelöst
werden mussten. Die Show ist auch eine Einladung zum Mitlernen
28 WINTER 2015
und Entdecken: Sie zeigt, wie das alltägliche Leben in Deutschland
aussieht, wie die Deutschen ticken und wie die Fremdsprache angewandt werden kann.
Machen Sie mit! Auf oder geht’s los!
Tipp für Deutschlehrer & Selbstlerner:
Zu allen 19 Folgen von „Ticket nach Berlin“ wurden Arbeitsblätter, Lehrerhandreichungen und Glossare zum Ausdrucken erstellt, mit denen Grammatik, Wortschatz und
landeskundliche Kenntnisse vermittelt werden. Außerdem
gibt es zu jedem Video das Manuskript zum Nachlesen
als Download. Interaktive Übungen ergänzen die Didaktisierungen und Tipps für Lehrende. Geeignet sind die
Sprachlernmaterialien sowohl zum Selbstlernen als auch
für den Kursunterricht auf dem Lernniveau B1 und B2.
Source: Cornelsen Verlag Newsletter ( Text von Andreas
Westhofen, Institut für Internationale Kommunikation Düsseldorf e.V.
10 Reasons
to Learn German
Business: Knowing the language of your
German business partners improves your relations
and therefore your chances for effective communication and success.
Career: Knowledge of German increases
your job opportunities with German and foreign
companies in your own country and abroad.
Communication: Developments in
media, information and communication technology
require multilingual communicators. Many important websites are in German. Germany is ranked
number 5 in terms of annual publication of new
understanding: Learning
German provides you with an insight into the
way of life, and culture of German speaking
countries. It will broaden your horizon.
Exchange: A wide range of exchange
programs like the DAAD and GAPP exists for both
school and university students between Germany and many countries in the world.
Science and Research: German is the
second most commonly used scientific language.
Germany is the third largest contributor to research and development and offers research fellowships to scientists from abroad.
Study/work in Germany: Germany
awards a generous number of scholarships and
other support to study in Germany. Working holiday visas are available for young foreigners, and
special visas are offered to skilled workers and
The Arts & Philosophy: German is
the language of Goethe, Kafka, Mozart, Bach and
Beethoven. Indulge in reading and/or listening
to their works in their original language.
Tourism industry: Tourists from Germanspeaking countries travel wide and far, and are
the world’s biggest spenders when on holiday.
They appreciate German-speaking staff and tour
Travel: Make the most of your travels in
many European countries where German is widely
spoken, especially in Eastern Europe.
Source: The Goethe-Institut.
Page 50
WINTER 2015 29
Deutsch lernen?
Von Petra Schürmann
iele unserer Leser sind Amerikaner, die Deutsch entweder als Kind , für den Beruf
gelernt oder durch einen deutsch-muttersprachlichen Partner gelernt haben. Die
meisten unserer Leser leben in zweisprachigen Familien und möchten ihr Deutsch gern
aktiv halten oder ihre Kinder zu einem deutschen Sprachprogramm anmelden. Welche
Möglichkeiten gibt es für die diversen Altersgruppen? German World sprach mit Julia
Ibold, Beraterin für den Deutschunterricht in Los Angeles.
The English version of this article can be found on -> Education
GW: Frau Ibold, viele unserer Leser sind Amerikaner, die einige Jahre in Deutschland stationiert
waren, dort teilweise Deutsch gelernt haben und
ihre Kinder auf eine deutsche Schule geschickt
haben. Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es für ältere
Berufstätige (30 - 60) und Pensionäre in USA?
JI: Die Möglichkeiten sind sehr unterschiedlich in den einzelnen Staaten. In
einigen großen Städten gibt es Goethe-Institute, die übrigens auch Online-Kurse anbieten. Oft bieten die örtlichen Samstagsschulen auch Erwachsenenkurse an, so z.B.
die German School of Dallas, die Deutsche
Samstagsschule Houston oder der kalifornische Schulverbund GASA. In einigen
Staaten gibt es diese Möglichkeiten leider
nicht. Dort sollte man sich an die Community Colleges wenden oder in deutschen
Geschäften auf Kontaktsuche gehen.
üben (Deutsche Welle, Step into German, Duolingo, Lingonetz, deutsch-portal,
Deutschdrang, pasch-net etc.)
GW: Wo finden junge Eltern, die ihre Kinder
zweisprachig erziehen möchten, Rat, um eine
passende Schule oder Sprachprogramm zu finden?
JI: Den besten Überblick bezüglich Deutsch
über bilinguale Schulen oder Samstagsschulen in den USA haben wohl wir neun
BDUs (Berater für den Deutschunterricht).
Sieben Kollegen gehören zur ZfA (Zentralstelle für das Auslandschulwesen), zwei
zum Goethe-Institut. Eine genaue Übersicht über die Zuständigkeiten findet man
GW: Gibt es Bücher, die Sie für Kleinkinder, Kinder und Jugendliche empfehlen?
Julia Ibold
Beraterin für den Deutschunterricht
in Sükalifornien, New Mexiko, Texas,
Arkansa, Oklahoma, Louisiana. Die
Berater für den Deutschunterricht
(BDU) der Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen (ZfA) in den USA
haben in ihren Regionen einen Überblick über öffentliche
Schulen mit Deutschprogrammen und betreuen gleichfalls
Samstags-, Teilzeit- sowie Immersionsschulen. Diese Schulen
führen in der Regel zum Deutschen Sprachdiplom (DSD) der
ZfA-Fachberater in USA:
Los Angeles, CA / Region Südwest:
Julia Ibold -
Olympia, WA / Region Nordwest:
Natascha Milde -
Chicago, IL / Region Mitte:
Anka Fehling -
Denver, CO / Moutain States (CO, IA, KS, MO, NE):
Irene Mrazek –
Atlanta, GA / Region Südost:
Michael Göttert -
San Francisco, CA / Region Nordwest:
Alexander Wildgans -
Richmond, VA / Region Nordost:
Friederike Braun -
Mehr Informationen unter
GW: Wie können junge Amerikaner, die als JI: Hier ist die Auswahl riesig. Es kommt auf
Kinder in Deutschland waren und jetzt Stu- die Interessen und natürlich die deutschen
denten sind, am besten ihre Deutschkenntnisse Sprachkenntnisse an. Für Lerner sind die
Mini-Guide to Learning German in the U.S.
JI: Abgesehen davon, dass der persönliche Austausch mit Muttersprachlern
natürlich die beste Möglichkeit ist, eine
Sprache aufrechtzuerhalten, empfehle ich
immer, deutsches Fernsehen zu schauen.
Viele deutsche Fernsehsender haben eine
kostenlose Mediathek mit Filmen, Serien
und Nachrichten, die man online jederzeit
abrufen kann, und deren Sprache aktuell
und authentisch ist. Gerade auch die Nachrichten sind interessant, um eine vielleicht
andere Sicht auf die Weltgeschehnisse zu
bekommen. Ein 24-Stunden Programm von
Deutsche Welle mit exzellenten Nachrichtensendungen, Journalen und Dokumentarfilmen ist darüberhinaus über DishNetwork
und in vielen Regionen auch über Kabel zu
Weiterhin bieten zahlreiche Webseiten,
die Möglichkeit, spielerisch oder auch
akademisch Deutsch zu lernen und zu
Goethe-Institut Locations: | | |
30 WINTER 2015
Lektüren der Schulbuchverlagen Klett,
Cornelsen, Hueber ideal, da sie auch Vokabelhilfen bieten. Oft lesen Kinder auch gern
Bücher, die es in Englisch und Deutsch gibt,
wie z.B. Harry Potter oder viele Bücher von
Cornelia Funke. Als meine Tochter in der Grundschule war, hat sie die Lola-Reihe von Isabel
Abedi verschlungen.
GW: Deutsche Welle bietet exzellente Sprachprogramme gratis auf Für wen
sind diese Programme besonders geeignet?
JI: Die Deutsche Welle bietet unter der
Rubrik „Deutsch lernen“ tatsächlich eine
wunderbare Auswahl für Jugendliche und
Erwachsene für sämtliche Sprachniveaus
(A1-C1) an. Hier gibt es Online-Sprachkurse,
langsam gesprochene Nachrichten, Podcasts, Spielshows, Telenovelas. aktuelle
Musik-Clips von „PopXport“ und auch Materialien für Deutschlehrer, die die Arbeit im
Klassenraum oft erleichtern und aufpeppen.
Books & School Material: | |
Online Classes: -> Deutsche Sprache >-> Learn German
Saturday Schools
In Southern California, Arizona & Nevada:
In Northern California: GASANC:
In the Northeast: GLSC:
German Mega Package on DISH –
DW-TV on PBS, Comcast, Rogers, TimeWarner, Verizon FiOS
(Contact your local cable provider for more information)
Useful Links: | | | | |
Work Visa Options
for German,
Austrian &
Swiss Citizens:
The H-1B Visa Lottery
and Beyond
By: Bernard P. Wolfsdorf, Esq. and Joseph J. Shepherd, Esq.
he Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 H-1B visa Cap
filing season will open on April 1, 2016
and will likely close within five business
days. Thus, there will only be one week
during which private industry employers
are able to file H-1B visa petitions for a
start date of October 1, 2016, when the FY
2017 begins. U.S. employers would be wise
to identify which employees require H-1B
sponsorship, and begin developing their
H-1B filing strategies as well as any alternative visa options, as soon as possible.
Each FY, approximately 85,000 H-1B visas
become available for what is referred to
as the “Cap.” U.S. employers may file a petition requesting a Cap number up to 6
months prior to the beginning of each FY,
i.e., April 1. During the first five business
days of April 2015, approximately 233,000
H-1B petitions were filed, necessitating a
random lottery to select the petitions that
would be awarded a Cap number, as has
been the case in Cap seasons before.
For FY 2017, the Cap will likely be reached
by April 7, 2016 (a window of 5 business
As recent H-1B Cap seasons suggest, we
can expect another one-week filing period
within which the fate of hundreds of thousands of talented foreign nationals will be
left to a luck-of-the-draw lottery. Private
employers seeking an H-1B Cap number
for a start date on or after October 1, 2016
must file their petition between April 1,
2016 and April 7, 2016. Otherwise, they will
have to wait until the next H-1B Cap season opens in April 2017 for a chance to win
a Cap number for a start date on or after
October 1, 2017 – a long 18-month waiting
Alternative Options
For those who do not win an H-1B Cap
number, or who prefer not to leave things
up to chance, there are several alternative
U.S. work visa options worth considering.
For example:
E-1 (Treaty Trader) or E-2 (Treaty Investor)
work visas are available for Swiss, Austrian,
and German nationals who seek to direct
and develop a Swiss, Austrian, or Germanowned enterprise (respectively) in the U.S.,
or who will work for one in a managerial,
executive, or essential capacity. The U.S.
enterprise must have the same nationality (e.g., majority ownership) as the visa
applicant. E-1 trading enterprises must
have at least 50% of their continuous and
ongoing trade between the U.S. and the
treaty country. E-2 investment enterprises
must already be real, operating businesses
when the visa application is submitted.
L-1 (Intracompany Transferee) work visas
requires a sponsor, namely a U.S. company
that is a branch, affiliate, parent, or subsidiary of a company abroad where the foreign national has been working in a managerial or executive (L-1A) or specialized
knowledge (L-1B) position for at least one
continuous year in the three year-period
prior to transferring to the U.S.
O-1 (Extraordinary) work visas are for individuals of extraordinary ability or achievement in sciences, education, business, athletics, the arts, and the motion picture or
television industries. A sponsor is required,
and can be either a U.S. employer or a U.S.
agent. Extensive documentation about the
applicant’s accomplishments in the field,
such as major awards, high salary, press,
U.S. Visa Update
for more information
Mention “German World” for a
FREE initial consultation
official rankings, and holding leading or
critical positions with high-profile or very
successful companies, is required to meet
the high standard of proof for this work
visa category.
German World readers are invited to call
I-800-VISA-LAW, email Joseph J. Shepherd
at or Bernard
Wolfsdorf at
Mention German World for a free initial
consultation. ¦
Ab o u t th e Au th o r s
Joseph J. Shepherd is a midlevel associate in the firm’s Santa
Monica office. Licensed in Massachusetts, he advises employers,
institutions, investors, individuals,
and families regarding all aspects
of U.S. immigration and nationality law. Mr. Shepherd currently serves as a Member of the 2015
- 2016 AILA National ACES Committee and previously served as a Member of the 2014 - 2015 AILA
National LGBT Immigration Issues Working Group.
Mr. Shepherd has authored numerous articles
published by AILA and Bender’s Immigration Bulletin, including Immigration Options for Artists &
Entertainers, 2nd Ed. and the Inside Immigration
Monograph Series.
Bernard Wolfsdorf, Esq., is
past president of the 14,000-member American Immigration Lawyers
Association (AILA) and is managing
partner of the 19-lawyer Wolfsdorf
Immigration Law Firm. He has been
selected as “Immigration Lawyer of the Year 2013”
by Who’s Who Legal, the official research partner
of the American and International Bar Association.
WINTER 2015 31
32 WINTER 2015
WINTER 2015 33
34 WINTER 2015
WINTER 2015 35
36 WINTER 2015
Winter Time …
Great Reads
Time for Reading!
B oo k s by H elmut S chmidt
Men and Powers: A Political Retrospective
Former Federal Chancellor of West Germany Helmut
Schmidt writes a candid account of his encounters and
confrontations with key leaders from the United States, the
Soviet Union and China.
32 pages of photos and 5 maps.
Hardcover, 410 pages | Published in January 1987
second edition in February 1990 | Random House.
Available at
n Außer Dienst: Eine Bilanz
After serving as Federal Chancellor of West Germany, Helmut
Schmidt reflects on the years of political upheaval and historic changes there since the end
of the Cold War. He ponders the current political situation and speculates on Germany’s
future. He also speaks about very personal issues: his experiences during WWII, his decisions,
his short-comings, his religious beliefs and about death.
Published in September 2008 | Language: German | Available at
Helmut Schmidt: Seine besten ZEIT-Artikel | By DIE ZEIT
Helmut Schmidt served as Senator of the Interior in Hamburg, Defense Secretary, Secretary of
Finance and Federal Chancellor (1974 – 1982) of the Federal Republic of Germany. He shaped
Germany’s politics after WWII more than any other head of state, and remained a discerning
critic of politics until the very end. Since 1983, Schmidt was co-publisher of the German weekly
“Die Zeit.“ This e-book is a collection of his most important articles from 1983 – 2014, covering
topics with regards to politics of the interior, security, Europe and global affairs.
Published December 7, 2015, as an e-book | Language: German | Available at
Allmählich wird es Tag | By Franka Potente
German actress Franka Potente has lived in L.A. permanently since 2010.
After publishing a collection of short stories set in Japan (“Zehn,“ published by Piper Verlag), she released her first novel in 2014 “Allmaehlich
wird es Tag“ (“A New Day Is Dawning“ – available only in German). It is
the story of a successful man in his late 40s whose life suddenly takes a
downturn when his wife leaves him out of the blue. Set in Los Angeles,
this psycho-dramatic novel is not only a very gripping coming-of-age
story that shows Potente as a very talented writer and sensible observer,
but the book also gives great insights into life in Los Angeles.
Published in March 2014 as a hardcover, in May 2015 as paperback by Piper Verlag. Language: German
Available at
Expand your German | Expressions from the World of Reading
schmökern, in Büchern schmökern (verb) to read with joy, to immerse oneself in reading (of books)
Bücherwurm (noun) Literally: book worm; a person who enjoys reading and has little interest in other activities
belesen, eine belesene Person (adj.) well-read, a well-read (educated) person
Buchverlag (noun) publisher / publishing company
Buchautor (noun) book author
Neuerscheinung (noun) new release
WINTER 2015 37
Great Finds for Any Occasion
Introduce your
American friends to some
Feuerzangenbowle Set
(Hot Punch Bowl)
that will make any party
or celebration special.
F rom A ustria
F rom G ermany
athering with friends around a “Feuerzangenbowle” has been a longtime favorite during the
cold winter months in Germany. The tradition gained extra popularity
thanks to the famous Heinz-Rühmann movie “Die Feuerzangenbowle.”
A traditional German punch bowl set includes a pot and a fire tong
which is placed across the top of the bowl. To make the drink, pour
mulled hot wine into the bowl, then dip a sugar cone in rum and place
it on the fire tong. Put a little bit of rum on a ladle, put the bottle of
rum aside and light the rum in the ladle with a match. Pour it over the
sugar cone so that the rum and sugar are slowly dripping into the hot
wine. Pour more rum over the cone until cone has melted. The glass
bowl can also be used all year long for serving soup, sauces and other
hot drinks.
A six-piece set is available at German Deli for $99.
By Petra Schürmann
Bring Viennese
to America
ith coffee from Julius Meinl, coffee mugs from and delicious handmade cookies from
Vienna Cookie Company in New York, you are all set for creating an
authentic Kaffeehaus experience in the U.S. Julius Meinl’s headquarters
in the U.S. is in Illinois, but you can order coffee, gift items and fabulous
Austrian chocolates online at
Find the mugs at
Cookies from Vienna
Cookie Company in
New York can also be
ordered online. The
company was started
by Austrian native Heidi
Riegler who learned
baking from her grandmother using recipes
that were passed down
through generations. I
recently tasted her incredible “Sandbusserl” (Viennese hazelnut-chocolate cookies), Linzer Keks (Linzer cookies) and “Vanille Kipferl” (Vanilla
Crescent cookies). All of them are a true delight, almost melting in your
mouth. The “Sandbusserl” was voted winner of the WNYC Holiday Cookie
Contest by New York Times food columnist Melissa Clark. The price of
$35 for a medium-sized cookie gift box seems steep but it comes in
a very pretty box, and its content is completely authentic, filled with
unique tastes.
F rom S witzerland
Dettling Reserve
Cherry Kirsch
(Cherry Brandy)
istilled from only the best types of cherry
grown in top locations of Switzerland.
Dettling Reserve Cherry Kirsch is a sophisticated digestive to crown any festive dinner. Its
typical mild and soft taste results from storing
the Kirsch in demijohn bottles for a period of
three to four years.
Available at Duggan’s Distillers in the U.S.
38 WINTER 2015
Tips for Valentine’s Day
Diamonds Are AGirl’s Best Friend …
Diamonds were used for engagement rings as early as
1477, when Archduke Maximilian of Austria proposed
to Mary of Burgundy. Today, the precious stones are still
used as a symbol of lifelong commitment, but cutting and
polishing techniques perfected over the centuries have
resulted in a vast array of choices that can seem overwhelming. There are four essential qualities that you
should consider when shopping for diamond jewelry, known
as The Four Cs: Cut – Color – Clarity – Carat (Weight)
…But How to Choose the Right One?
By Edeltrudis Matzak
plus the optional fifth C, the Certificate.
A diamond’s cut has a
considerable effect on
the stone’s overall apshallow
pearance. Cut grade
(which ranges from Poor to Ideal is a measure of a diamond’s reflective
qualities, or what consumers generally perceive as brilliance. When a
diamond is cut with the correct proportions, light is returned out of
the diamond’s top. If the cut is too shallow or too deep, light escapes
out the bottom or flows through the sides.
Tip: Don’t confuse a diamond’s cut with its shape. The
term shape refers to the diamond’s outward appearance (e.g., princess, round, or pear).
Carat Weight
The weight of a diamond is measured in carats. A carat, which is equal to
0.2 grams, is divided up into 100 points. A diamond with 50 points,
for instance, is a 1/2-carat stone. Generally speaking, a higher carat
weight corresponds to a larger diamond, but the cut of a stone can
also affect how big it appears to be.
Fun fact: The most common engagement-ring sizes are 1/2 carat,
1 carat, and 2 carats.
Tip: Don’t confuse carat with karat, which is the measure of
the purity of gold.
A certificate is a comprehensive report for a diamond, detailing its
weight, cut, and overall quality. Certificates can also give buyers
peace of mind by serving as proof of the diamond’s quality. RepuLess is more when it table grading laboratories that provide reports and documentacolorless
near colorless
comes to the color of a tion include GIA, IGL, IGI, and AGSL.
diamond. Color actually
refers to a diamond’s Certified vs. Uncertified:
lack of color, with grades Certification offers tangible proof of the quality of the diamond
signifying the white- you are purchasing. That said, there is no physical difference beness of a diamond. A tween a diamond that is certified and one that is not.
very faint yellow
light yellow color grade of D (abfaint yellow
solutely colorless) is the
highest possible, while Z (noticeable color) is the lowest. Since color
is a result of the composition of the diamond, it never changes over
Nearly every diamond has tiny imperfections or inclusions. A diamond’s clarity measures the size, number, and position of these
tiny imperfections. Most inclusions are microscopic and do not
affect the diamond’s beauty in any noticeable way. Clarity grades
range from flawless (no inclusions) to 13 (inclusions visible under
10x magnification and in some cases to the naked eye).
Unlike The Four Cs,
a diamond’s shape
is evident at first
glance. Round and
princess are the
most popular diamond shapes; other common shapes include
emerald, pear, and oval.
WINTER 2015 39
© Dollar Photo Club
Entdecken Sie
Engadin St. Moritz
Die größte Wintersportregion der Schweiz
Von Jenny Peters
Engadin St. Moritz
Switzerland’s largest winter sports region
By Jenny Peters
chon vor 150 Jahren konnten das Engadin und St. Moritz ihre
ersten Winter urlauber begrüßen, eine Tatsache, die diese
reizende Schweizer Region ausgiebig in der Saison 2014-2015
gefeiert hat. Und dieses Jahr gibt es für die Region noch mehr
Gründe sich zu freuen, denn die Wintersaison begann bereits am
17. Oktober 2015, als Engadin St. Moritz das erste Gebiet im Kanton
Graubünden war, das die Skipisten eröffnete und mit der Diavolezza Seilbahn Skifahrer und Snowboarder zu den Gletscherpisten brachte.
Anfang Dezember ging es dann so richtig los mit der Wintersaison
in Engadin/St. Moritz, als am 4. und 5. Dezember das legendäre
St.-Moritz-Stadtrennen began mit der Corvatsch Schneenacht
und dem großen Ski- und Snowboard-Testrennen von Corviglia.
Engadin St. Moritz ist ein spektakulärer Ort mit vier Hauptgipfeln
und Schneegarantie auf insgesamt 350 Kilometer Piste. Weitere
150 Kilometer an Wanderwegen und mehr als 220 Kilometer
Langlaufstrecke machen diesen riesigen “Freiluftspielplatz” zu
einer der größten und abwechslungsreichsten Wintersportgegenden der Schweiz.
Besucher können nicht anders als von der Vielzahl an Sport- und
Freizeitangeboten begeistert zu sein. Hinzu kommen noch eine
Reihe kultureller Angebote, die herrliche regionale Küche und
saisonale Sonderveranstaltungen jeder Art. Die Region profitiert
sehr von dem weltberühmten alpinen Luxusort St. Moritz mit
seinen eleganten Geschäften, erstklassigen Restaurants und
Luxus-hotels. Aber der eigentliche Star der Region ist die Natur
selbst. Allein der Blick von den diversen Bergen und Gletschern auf
das umliegende Bergmassiv und das Tal ist einfach überwältigend.
40 WINTER 2015
t has been 150 years since the Engadin and St. Moritz first welcomed winter tourists, a fact that lovely Swiss region celebrated
with gusto throughout the 2014-15 season. And there’s even
more to revel in this year, as the new winter season got off to
an early start on October 17, as Engadin St. Moritz was the first
Graubünden destination to open, with the Diavolezza cable car
revving up to bring skiers and snowboarders to the slopes of that
icy glacier.
Then things really got going into the Engadin St. Moritz winter
season, as the legendary St. Moritz City Race rolled out on December 4 and 5, 2015, complete with Corvatsch Snow Night and
the grand ski and snowboard test on Corviglia.
Engadin St. Moritz is a spectacular place, with four major peaks
boasting 350 km of pistes with guaranteed snow; 150 km of hiking trails and more than 220 km of cross-country trails. This massive outdoor playground is recognized as one of the biggest and
most varied areas for winter sports in Switzerland.
Visitors cannot help but be inspired and enthralled by the wide
array of sports and leisure activities on offer, the wealth of cultural
activities, the fantastic tastes of its regional cuisine and the multitude of events that happen here every season. The region owes
much of its appeal to St. Moritz, that sophisticated alpine destination filled with chic shops and world-class resorts and restaurants.
However, the star of the Engadin region truly is nature itself. Just
taking in the views from the mountaintops is an overwhelmingly
grand experience.
The 2015-16 winter season is highlighted by one top event after
the other. Whether it’s the spectacular races on the St. Moritz-
WINTER 2015 41
In der Wintersaison 2015/2016 folgt ein Veranstaltungshöhepunkt dem anderen, so zum Bespiel die spektakulären Wettkämpfe auf den olympischen Bobrennbahnen von St. Moritz-Celerina,
Reitsport der Spitzenklasse bei der St. Moritz Schneepolo-Weltmeisterschaft und beim St. Moritz White & Night Turf oder das
2016 St. Moritz Gourmet Festival. In diesem lebendigen Ort ist
immer etwas los.
Celerina Olympia Bob Run, top-class equestrian
sports at the St. Moritz Snow Polo World Cup
and the St. Moritz White Turf (with the newly
launched “Night Turf”) or the 2016 St. Moritz
Gourmet Festival, there’s always something going on in this bustling town.
Im März 2016 wird St. Moritz das absolute Zentrum der internationalen Skiwelt sein, wenn die besten Ski-Athleten bei der Endrunde
der Audi FIS Skiweltmeisterschaft am Corviglia vom16. bis 20. März
gegeneinander antreten und um die große Kristalltrophäe kämpfen.
Das Finale der Weltmeisterschaft ist nicht nur der absolute Höhepunkt dieser Wintersaison sondern auch ein Vorgeschmack auf die
alpinen FSI Ski-Weltmeisterschaften 2017, deren Gastgeber
St. Moritz zum fünften Mal sein wird.
In March 2016, St. Moritz will truly be the center of the skiing
universe. For from March 16 to 20, the world’s best alpine skiers
will be competing at the AUDI FIS Ski World Cup Finals on Corviglia, going for victory in the World Cup and the win of that large
crystal-ball trophy. The World Cup finals are not only regarded as
the season’s highlight, but also as the preliminary event leading
up to the 2017 World Ski Championships, when St. Moritz will be
playing host to the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships in 2017
for the fifth time.
Ob Sie nun in naher Zukunft oder später das Engadin und St. Moritz
besuchen wollen, Schnee im Winter ist garantiert. Eine Reise in
die Schweiz im Winter wird daher auf jeden Fall zu einem coolen
Schneeabenteuer, das Sie nie vergessen werden. ¦
So no matter if you chose to visit now or later, one thing is certain
in Engadin St. Moritz -- there’s always winter snow! Which makes
taking a trip to Switzerland’s winter playground a chilly, non-stop
adventure you’ll never forget. ¦
On a Green Note:
Hotel Tips
Bever Lodge***
Hotel Saratz****
Switzerland’s first entirely
timber-built modular hotel
is due to open in Bever on
11 December 2015. Thanks
to its modular design the
new hotel was built in only
nine months. And with
its 41 attractively priced
rooms the Bever Lodge
has boosted the number
of beds in the 3-star hotel
The 4-star superior Hotel
Saratz in Pontresina looks
back on 150 years of history. The establishment’s
history, which began in
1865, is showcased with
an exhibition in the hotel
grounds that includes
wooden carvings by
Graubünden artists Maria
and Peter Leisinger.
42 WINTER 2015
Grand Hotel des
Badrutt’s Palace
At the Kempinski Grand
Hotel des Bains, awardwinning chef Matthias
Schmidberger will take
charge of the entire catering operations from the
start of the 2015/16 winter
The Badrutt’s Palace Hotel
will be celebrating its 120th
anniversary in 2016 and,
to mark this occasion,
every month it will publish
a story from its twelve
decades of history, along
with package offers and
other specials.
On Corviglia the newly
built natural reservoir at
Lej Alv is to be commissioned for the first time.
With a capacity of just
under 400,000 m3 it is
filled during the snowmelt without the use of
any pumps whatsoever.
The electricity saving
is the equivalent of
2,000,000 kWh or a 16%
annual reduction in the
total electricity needs of
the Engadin St. Moritz
Mountains AG.
For more information visit
Airline News
Atmosfair Ranking 2015: airberlin Shows
Best CO2 Efficiency Worldwide
Condor: Winner of
Service Champion
Award 2015
The environmental protection agency atmosfair recently published its 2015 Airline
Index, which compares the greenhouse gas
emissions of the 198 largest airlines, evaluating their CO2 efficiency levels. According
to atmosfair, airberlin has taken first place
for its low CO2 emissions and excellent efficiency. With an average airplane age of just
six years, airberlin has one of the youngest
fleets in Europe, and has operated a very
ambitious “Eco-Efficient Flying Programme”
since 2008.
In the consumer
conducted for “Germany’s largest
service ranking” by Service Value GmbH on
behalf of the newspaper Die Welt, Condor
is one of the few companies that made it to
the gold category.
airberlin’s XL Seat
airberlin is offering 40 additional XL seats in
Economy Class on its entire long-haul fleet
(type A330) with 15 cm of extra leg room.
The XL seats are located in the front rows of
the cabin, which allows for quick boarding
and disembarking. The fee is 79.99 euros
or 10,000 TopBonus miles per route (and
no charge for FlyFlex fare, Gold or Platinum
with airberlin
airberlin treated its passengers on flights
between Germany, Austria and Switzerland to a cup of
mulled wine and Aachener Printe cookies
every day after 4 p.m. during Advent. To add
to the Christmas cheer, airberlin also offered
the transportation of a Christmas tree with
no extra charge.
New Nonstop Flights to Frankfurt from Austin
From June 2016 to September 2016, Condor
introduces a new nonstop service twice a
week from Austin, Texas, to Frankfurt. Condor will also resume its nonstop service to
Frankfurt from Baltimore in May (through
September, twice a week). Condor continues
its six daily nonstop flights from Las Vegas
to Frankfurt through October 2016.
Drive-Through Check-In for Condor Passengers
in Frankfurt
You can now take advantage of Condor’s
new drive-through check-in the night before your flight takes off (from 4 p.m. to 8
p.m.). The facility is located off Autobahn A5
near “Cargo City South.” Parking is free. Service fee is 10 euros per passenger.
New Premium
Economy Class
Since Summer
2015, the new
Premium Economy Class has
been offered on Lufthansa routes flown
by a Boeing 747-8 (including Chicago, Los
Angeles, Washington, D.C.) and all routes
flown by Lufthansa’s A380s. The new class
offers a more comfortable seat, more legroom, double free-baggage allowance, premium meals, access to LH Business Lounges
for 25 euros and much more.
New Fleet Flagship Boeing 777-300 ER in
Service Soon
The new long-haul twinjet will start service
between Zurich and New York from February 2016. SWISS also now offers more frequencies on the Zurich-Miami routes (14/week).
Winner of “Europe’s Leading Airline Business
Class” Award
Swiss International
Air Lines (SWISS),
part of the Lufthansa
has again been
voted “Europe’s
Leading Airline Business Class” in the annual World Travel Awards. Lufthansa has
also earned two 2015 awards: “Europe’s
Leading Airline,” and “Europe’s Leading Airport Lounge” for its First Class Lounges in
WINTER 2015 43
Southern California
Have yourself a scary little Christmas...
Krampus Fever
in Los Angeles
By Petra Schuermann
midst the usual “most magical time of the
year” theme that blankets the world during
the holiday season, a figure from ancient European folklore has had an unexpected Renaissance across Europe, and has now come into
America as well. It’s The Krampus.
Krampus has been famous in the Alpine regions of Germany,
and Austria, as well as in parts of Hungary, Slovenia and the
Czech Republic for centuries. December 5, the night before St. Nicholas Day, is celebrated there as
Krampusnacht (Krampus night). Krampus is a horned beast, a mix between a man, a personified
devil and a giant goat, who accompanies St. Nicholas on his way. Tradition has it that St. Nicholas (der Heilige Nikolaus, the historic origin of today’s commercialized Santa Claus), protector of
sailors, fishermen, salesmen and – above all – children, rewards kids who have been good with
sweets and gifts, while Krampus beats the naughty ones with his branch of twigs and even
abducts them to his underworld.
Two Americans can be credited with bringing the folklore of Krampus to the U.S.: Chicagobased graphic designer and book author Monte Beauchamp, and Al Ridenour. Ridenour, from
Pasadena, Calif., became fascinated with the figure of Krampus when studying Germanic languages in Berlin. He founded the production company Krampus Los Angeles and initiated the
Krampusfest Los Angeles in 2013. This year, he brought 15 members of the Moor Troupe from
Maishofen, Austria, and members of the Bay Area group Beast Bay Krampus to L.A. to introduce Angelenos to this fascinating dark side of Christmas. On November 28, at the GoetheInstitut, Ridenour gave a presentation about the historic roots of Krampus with The Krampus
and nearly a dozen of his monstrous relatives present, showing off their handmade costumes
and beautifully carved scary masks. Next up was a Krampus Ball on December 5, a Krampuslauf
(run) with a group of Krampuses roaming noisily through the streets of Downtown L.A. and
finally a Nikolausspiel (Nicholas-Krampus Play) on December 13. On December 11, Alpine Village
Center in Torrance co-partnered with Al Ridenour and presented a concert with Krammpstein,
a Krampus-costume-wearing rock band. Instead of the usual Schuhplattler music, Rammsteinlike sounds erupted in the Alpine Steinhaus, and entertained the crowd for more than three
hours moderated by Alpine Village’s John Baumgaertner.
Don’t miss Krampusfest 2016! Visit for details.
Captions: 1, 2 Krampuslauf in downtown L.A. | 3 Krammpstein in action 4 Krammpstein Concert at Alpine Village 5 A Krampus at the
Krammpstein concert. Photos: Paul Porter 6 Krampus event at the Goethe-Institut. 7 Krampusfest Los Angeles founder Al Ridenour (r.) with
his production partner Al Guerrero.
Who is Krampus? Explaining the horrific Christmas Devil (National Geographic)
How Krampus, the Christmas “Devil,” Became Cool (National Geographic)
Krampus by Monte Beauchamp (available on
Additional Reading
January 15 -1 6, 2015:
Don’t Miss GAMGA’s Karneval Gala in Las Vegas!
44 WINTER 2015
Southern California
Santa Claus
Came in a Trabi, Not a Sled
All photos: Tshombe Sampson
The L.A.-Berlin Sister City Committee commemorated 25
Years of German Reunification in a Very Special Way
By Petra Schuermann
he members of the L.A. Berlin Sister City Committee have always
been treated to a very nice Christmas party at the beautiful residence of their president, Rosemarie Reisch. This year, however, on December 6, Ms. Reisch had a special surprise for the attending guests:
Santa Claus rolled into the courtyard of her residence riding in a Trabi.
L.A. Berlin SCC supporter (and Reisch’s longtime friend) Helmut Bauch steered that
iconic East German vehicle bringing Santa Claus to the party. Bauch, who owns the
oldest surf school in Germany located on Lake Constance, is also a savvy art collector
and a part-time resident of Palm Springs, California. He saved the Trabi a couple of
years ago from being demolished, had it fully restored and even smog checked,
eventually getting it officially registered in California. He created quite a stir on the
roads of California while driving the Trabi all the way from Palm Springs to the vineyards of Napa Valley and finally back to L.A., before giving it as a gift to Ms. Reisch.
She immediately decided to donate this icon of GDR culture to her organization. The plan is to rent out the Trabi for film productions or to individuals, all
in order to raise additional funds for the organization.
The L.A. Berlin SCC, whose mission is to foster and further the relationship
between the two sister cities of Los Angeles and Berlin, both through cultural
exchanges and Berlin-related events and programs in L.A., will celebrate its
50th Anniversary on June 27, 2017, with Mr. Trabi in a leading role.
The party on December 6 continued after Santa’s visit on a festive note with
music, a singalong with The Caroling Company, and a happy toast to the
25th Anniversary of German reunification, celebrated worldwide on
October 3, 2015.
For more information visit or for Mr. Bauch’s surf school
1 Santa Claus arriving at the party. 2 Petra Schuermann posing with Mr. Trabi and sponsor Helmut
Bauch. 3 Rosemarie Reisch welcoming Helmut Bauch. 4 Berlin-friend Tom LaBonge, former City
Councilman of L.A., with H. Bauch. | 6 H. Bauch with Consul General Neumann, Santa Claus, and
R. Reisch. | 7 Longtime friends: Dentist Dr. Joseph Goodman and Petra Schuermann. | 8 The
Caroling Company delighting the audience. Margitta Luebke on the left. | 9 R. Reisch with Corina
Danckwerts (r.) and her family.
WINTER 2015 45
46 WINTER 2015
WINTER 2015 47
48 WINTER 2015
WINTER 2015 49
“The last issue (Fall 2015) with Nina
Franoszek on the cover was the
best issue ever. Congratulations!”
- Ron K., MD
“Thank you for continuing to print.
It is simply a nice feeling to hold a
printed product in your hands.”
- Susie W., IL
“Great idea to publish the feature
articles in both languages. My
grandson (15) enjoys reading
something else in German than
school books.”
- Else K., FL
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send us feedback? Please contact us at
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50 WINTER 2015
WINTER 2015 51
52 WINTER 2015