

Welcome to
Dear new arrivals
We are happy to welcome you to our municipality – your new
residence situated between the mountains and the lake.
It is our concern to enable our foreign fellow citizens to become
acquainted as soon as possible with the local conditions in our
country and the community. For this purpose, you will find in this
brochure the most important addresses, telephone numbers and
Internet sites of authorities, schools, counselling and translation
services, German and integration courses, sports and activity clubs
and many other useful information. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to call 071 858 30 40 where people will
be glad to help you directly or by leading you to the external
competent authorities.
We hope that our information helps you to find your way around
your new residence quickly and easily so that you can feel at
home soon.
Road Traffic and Shipping Department Canton SG
(Strassenverkehrs- und Schifffahrtsamt Kanton SG)
Driving –and vehicle test, change of foreign driving
licences (within 12 months), etc.
St. Leonhardstrasse 40 und Moosbruggstrasse 11,
9001 St. Gallen, 058 229 22 22
GEMEINDEVERWALTUNG – www.rorschacherberg.ch
Gemeinde Rorschacherberg
Goldacher Strasse 67, 071 858 30 40
Opening hours:
Mon 08.00 - 11.30 a.m. / 02.00 - 06.00 p.m.
Tue till Thu 08.00 - 11.30 a.m. / 02.00 - 05.00 p.m.
Fri 08.00 - 11.30 a.m. / 02.00 - 04.30 p.m.
Residents‘ Registration Office (Einwohneramt):
Registration and cancellation within 14 days, passport,
alien’s passport, residence permit, prolongation of
residence permit, family reunification, compulsory
health insurance, change of address within the
municipality, authentication of signatures and
documents etc.
Civil Registry Office (Zivilstandsamt):
Registration of birth, marriage or death. Certificates of
birth, marriage and death etc.
The regional Registry Office is located in the City Hall of
Rorschach, Hauptstrasse 29, 071 844 21 47
Branch Office (AHV-Zweigstelle)
Information on old-age pension and survivor’s
benefits insurance (AHV), disability insurance (IV),
supplementary policies, premium reduction, health
insurance company, child benefits, night parking
permits, etc.
Other Departments in the Municipal Hall
(Weitere Abteilungen im Gemeindehaus)
Municipal Office, Chancellery, Tax Office, Land Registry
Office, Social Services (Social Welfare, Guardianship
Office), Burial Services (Registration of deaths), Building
Administration, Technical Services (electricity and
water supply)
The Debt Enforcement Office is located in the City Hall
of Rorschach, Hauptstrasse 29, 071 844 21 66
Garbage Disposal (Abfallentsorgung)
The garbage is collected once a week. The garbage
schedule comes every year by mail and is obtainable at
the municipal hall. Special garbage bags (A-Region) for
household waste, obtainable at the municipal hall or
e.g. at Coop, Migros etc.
Arbitration Board for Tenancies and Leasehold
(Schlichtungsstelle für Miete und Pacht)
Free advice for tenants and landlords
Secretariat City Hall Rorschach, Hauptstrasse 29
071 844 21 47
Legal Advice of the Lawyers’ Association St. Gallen
(Rechtsberatung des St. Gallischen Anwaltsverbandes)
Every Thursday, 04.30 - 07.00 p.m., free legal advice
Bleichestrasse 11, 9000 St. Gallen, 071 227 10 20
Translation Service (Übersetzungsdienst)
Translations, also for legal purposes
Handels- und Dolmetscherschule St. Gallen,
Hodlerstrasse 2, 9008 St. Gallen, 071 245 30 35
or Telephone Directory: „Translations (Übersetzungen)“
SCHOOL – www.schulenrorschacherberg.ch
School Administration (Schulverwaltung)
Application for kindergarten and school, German
course for foreign mothers, school holiday schedule
Gemeindehaus, Goldacher Strasse 67, 071 858 30 96
International Schools – www.standort.sg.ch
The private schools focus on internationally- oriented
families. The medium of instruction is English.
Regional Employment Placement Centre (RAV)
Regionales Arbeitsvermittlungszentrum
Support in search for employment, counselling, courses
and educational offers, clarification of earning-related
benefits and unemployment benefits;
Berneckerstrasse 12, 9435 Heerbrugg, 058 229 97 77
Vocational, Studies and Career Advice
(Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung)
Personal advice for young people and adults
Teufenerstrasse 1/3, 9001 St. Gallen, 058 229 72 11
Studies Advice: 058 229 72 33
Recognition of Foreign Diplomas
(Anerkennung ausländischer Diplome)
www.bbt.admin.ch oder www.crus.ch
Gap Offers for Young People without Apprenticeship
(Brückenangebote für Jugendliche ohne Lehrstellen)
Amt für Berufsbildung, Davidstrasse 31,
9001 St. Gallen, 058 229 38 76
Important Telephone Numbers
Apprenticeship Market (Lehrstellenbörse)
Teufenerstrasse 3, 9001 St. Gallen, 058 229 72 92
Police emergency call
Free Legal Advice Labour Law
(Kostenlose Rechtsberatung Arbeitsrecht)
Tue 09.00 - 11.00 a.m. and Thu 03.00 - 05.00 p.m
or by appointment
Labour Union Federation (Gewerkschaftsbund SG),
Lämmlisbrunnenstrasse 41, 9000 St. Gallen,
071 222 61 36
Fire brigade
Medical emergency cases
Toxicological info centre
GERMAN / INTEGRATION – www.integration.sg.ch
German Courses for Foreigners
(Deutschkurse für Fremdsprachige)
Fr. 225.– per semester, Location: Burghaldenschulhaus,
Burghaldenstrasse 9, 9400 Rorschach
Enrollment: Schulsekretariat Rorschach, 071 844 21 81
German Course for foreign Mothers and Children
(Deutsch für Mutter und Kind – MUKI)
Including child care, Fr. 225.– per semester,
children Fr. 35.– per semester,
Location: Mariabergschulhaus, Mariabergstrasse 33,
9400 Rorschach
Enrollment: HEKS in-fra, Amriswil, 071 410 16 83
Regional Office for the Integration of Foreigners
Gossau – St. Gallen – Rorschach
Information and advice
Silvia Maag, ARGE Integration Ostschweiz,
Multergasse 11, 9001 St. Gallen, 071 228 33 93
Infant Care Counselling for Mothers and Fathers
Opening hours.: Tue and Fri, 02.00 p.m. - 05.00 p.m.
Mariabergstrasse 25, 9400 Rorschach, 071 845 11 25
Youths-, Family- and School Counselling Centre
(Fachstelle für Jugend, Familie und Schule)
Dufourstrasse 2/4, Postfach 303, 9400 Rorschach,
071 844 49 00
Youth Clubs (Jugendtreffs)
Information at the Youths-, Family- and School
Counselling Centre, 071 844 49 00
Day Care Centre Rorschach-Rorschacherberg
Washingtonstrasse 48, 9400 Rorschach, 071 841 91 92
Day Care Families (Tagesfamilien)
Regional Agency
Sabine Hanselmann, Rosenhalde 25a,
9404 Rorschacherberg, 079 649 93 03
Emergency Doctors Rorschach 0900 141 414
Emergency Dentists Rorschach 0900 144 002
Extended Hand
Telephone Help for Children and Youths
0800 800 800
TCS-Roadside Assistance (car)
Playgroup for children at pre-school age
Jolanda Lüchinger, Seebleichestr. 3, 9404
Rorschacherberg, 071 855 64 76
City library (Stadtbibliothek Rorschach)
Opening hours:
Mon 04.00 - 06.00 p.m., Wed 03.00 - 06.00 p.m.,
Fri 05.00 - 07.00 p.m., Sat 10.00 - 12.00 a.m.
Hauptstrasse 15b, 9400 Rorschach, 071 841 13 31
Toy library (Ludothek Rorschach)
Place to borrow games and toys for children
Opening hours:
Wed 04.00 - 06.00 p.m.,
Sat 10.00 - 12.00 a.m.
Hauptstrasse 15b, 9400 Rorschach,
076 405 44 08 or 071 855 82 08
MUKI – Mother and child gymnastics
(Mutter und Kind Turnen – MUKI)
Nicole Jann, Steighalde 10, 9404 Rorschacherberg,
071 508 26 56
Sports and Leisure Clubs – www. rorschacherberg.ch
A directory of sports and leisure clubs is published
on the municipality’s homepage under the heading
„Leisure/Culture (Freizeit/Kultur)”
Tourist Information Rorschach
Information about regional sports-, leisure- and
recreational offers
Hauptstrasse 56 / Hafenbahnhof,
9401 Rorschach, 071 841 70 34
Social Services of the municipality
Goldacher Strasse 67, 9404 Rorschacherberg, 071 858 30 19
Social Service of the Evangelical Reformed Church
(Sozialdienst der evang.- ref. Kirchgemeinde)
Signalstrasse 34, 9400 Rorschach, 844 54 13
Catholic Social Service (Katholischer Sozialdienst)
Kaplaneiweg 3, 9400 Rorschach, 071 841 21 82
Divorce Advice St. Gallen (Scheidungsberatung St. Gallen)
Beratungsstelle für Familien, Frongartenstrasse 16, 9000 St. Gallen, 071 228 09 80
Women‘s Centre (Frauenzentrale)
Budget and debt advice, family planning, general information,
information brochures, etc.
Bleichestrasse 11, 9000 St. Gallen, 071 222 22 33
Victim Support Foundation (Stiftung Opferhilfe der Kantone SG/AI/AR)
Counselling offices for violence-affected women, men, children and teenagers.
Teufenerstrasse 11, 9001 St. Gallen, 071 227 11 00
Debt advice / legal advice in debt matters
(Schuldenberatung / Rechtsberatung in Schuldenangelegenheiten)
Analysis of budget- and debt-situation, restructuring solutions, etc.
lic. iur. Markus Hoby, Waisenhausstrasse 17 / Postfach, 9006 St. Gallen, 071 222 33 81
Pro Senectute
Advice and different services for senior citizens
Regionalstelle Rorschach, Reitbahnstrasse 2, 9401 Rorschach, 071 844 05 16
Registering with the health insurance is compulsory! You will get information at the
municipal hall, from the health insurance companies or at www.comparis.ch
Doctor: see Telephone directory: Doctors „Ärzte“
Dentist: see Telephone directory: Dentists „Zahnärzte“
Hospital (Kantonsspital Rorschach)
Heidenerstrasse 11, 9400 Rorschach, 071 858 31 11
Cantonal Hospital of St. Gallen (Kantonsspital St. Gallen)
Rorschacher Strasse 95, 9000 St. Gallen, 071 494 11 11
Regional Advice Centre for Addiction Problems
(Regionale Beratungsstelle für Suchtfragen)
Signalstrasse 15, 9400 Rorschach, 071 841 96 04
Evangelical Reformed Church (Evangelisch-reformierte Kirchgemeinde)
Signalstrasse 34, 9400 Rorschach, 071 844 54 10
Catholic Church (Katholische Kirchgemeinde)
Mariabergstrasse 18, 9400 Rorschach, 071 841 22 81
Grafik: Atelier Rot / Fotografie:a.saleem@fotosaleem.ch
Eastern Switzerland Children‘s Hospital (Ostschweizer Kinderspital St. Gallen)
Claudiusstrasse 6, 9000 St. Gallen, 071 243 71 11