Curriculum Vita
Curriculum Vita
Curriculum Vita THOMAS PLÜMPER October 12, 2015 Professor of Quantitative Social Research Vienna University of Economics Institute of Social Research DA3 Welthandelsplatz 1 1020 Wien Austria phone: +43.1.571405 mobile: +43.664.1627583 email: skype: thomas.pluemper webpage: Citizenship: German Researcher ID: G-7559-2011 Education Habilitation (Political Science) University of Konstanz, 2001 Ph.D. (Political Science) Free University of Berlin, 1995 (Dr. rer pol., summa cum laude) Diploma (Political Science) Free University of Berlin, 1991 (with distinction) BA (equivalent) Political Science and Economics, Free University of Berlin Previous Academic Positions University of Essex (2005 – 2015) 12.12 – 09.15 09.12 – 11.13 10.07 – 09.15 10.06 – 09.15 10.05. – 09.07 Director of the Institute for Social Science Data Analysis Head of Department of Government Professor of Government Director of the Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis Reader of Government 10.04 – 09.05 05.98 – 09.04 Professor of Comparative Politics (Lehrstuhl-Vertretung) Assistant und Hochschuldozent for International Relations University of Konstanz (1998 – 2005) Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne (1995 – 1997) 04.95 – 06.97 Post-Doc Scholar University of Potsdam (1994 – 1995) 09.94 – 03.95 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Thomas Plümper 1 Visiting Affiliations, Research Positions, and Temporary Fellowships 09.15 – .. 09.12 – .. 07.06 – .. 06.06 – .. 09.05 – 08.11 09.02 – 07.03 03.01 – 06.01 07.99 – 08.99 07.98 – 08.98 Visiting Professor, University of Essex Research Associate, CAGE, University of Warwick Fellow, IIIS, Trinity College, Dublin Fellow, PRIO, Oslo Visiting Scholar, Max-Planck-Institute of Economics, Jena Fellow, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, EUI, Florence Visiting Scholar, Center for West European Studies, University of Pittsburgh GAAC Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies in Behavioral Science, Stanford University GAAC Fellow, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin Main Academic Services and Organizational Activities European Political Science Association 07.14 – 06.15 08.12 – .. 07.11 – 08.12 06.10 – .. 06.10. Chair of Program Committee, EPSA Executive Director Chair of Program Committee, EPSA Council Member, EPSA Founder of the European Political Science Association European Consortium for Political Research 01.04 – 06.10 Convener, Standing Group on Political Economy, ECPR Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft 02.99 – 04.04 Sprecher, Arbeitskreis für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie Editorial Boards 07.13 – .. 06.12 – .. 01.10 – .. 07.09 – .. 07.07 – 06.12 01.07 – .. International Interactions Political Science Research and Methods European Journal of Political Research Journal of Theoretical Politics Political Analysis Journal of European Public Policy Honors and Awards 2013 2005 2004 2004 2002 1995 ESRC Transformative Grant Political Economy of International Finance Award Department of Government, Students’ Teaching Award SAGE Prize for the best article published in EU Politics Suedwestmetall-Habilitationspreis Max-Planck Gesellschaft, Post-Doc Fellowship Thomas Plümper 2 1992 1991 Dissertationsstipendium, Land Berlin FU Berlin Travel Fund Grant Income UK 2013 2012 2008 Germany 2006 2004 2002 2000 various European Union 2004 ECSR, 250.000 Pound British Academy, 270.000 Pound British Academy, 10.000 Pound DFG, 50.000 Euro DFG, 130.000 Euro VW-Foundation, 155.000 Euro VW-Foundation, 135.000 Euro Land Baden-Wuerttemberg, 18.000 Euro FP 6, 120.000 Euro under review: app. 1.000.000 Euro (ERC) In preparation: 250.000 Pound (ESRC) Media BBC: Economic Crisis, Monetary Policy, Euro ZDF: Economic Crisis Al Jazeera London: International Terrorism Wirtschaftswoche: Economic Crisis, Euro Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Natural Disasters, Higher Education Policies, Academic Fraud Deutschlandfunk: Economic Crisis Sanlian Lifeweek (China): Economic Crisis Metro: Famine and Food Aid SWF Spiegel Consultancy Iraq Central Organization of Statistics and Information Technology United Nations Research Unit World Bank United Nations Development Program Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau Refused: Central Intelligence Agency, USA Thomas Plümper 3 Publications Metrics SSCI Articles: 43 Citations: 1028 h-index: 16 Google Scholar Citations: 3972 Citations since 2010: 2619 h-index: 29 I10-index: 62 Thomson Reuter Researcher ID: G-7559-2011 Statistical Software Components 2015 ROBUST – Stata module to compute the robustness of two estimates (with Eric Neumayer) EFFECT – Stata module to compute the effect of a variable for an observation (with Eric Neumayer) 2009 SPMON – Stata module to create spatial effect variable for monadic data (with Eric Neumayer), SPAGG – Stata module to create aggregate source or target contagion spatial effect variable for directed dyadic data (with Eric Neumayer), SPSPC – Stata module to create specific source or target contagion variable for directed dyadic data (with Eric Neumayer), SPUNDIR – Stata module to create directed dyad contagion spatial effect variable (with Eric Neumayer), SPDIR – Stata module to create directed dyad spatial effect variable for directed dyadic data (with Eric Neumayer), 2007 XTFEVD – Stata module to estimate a fixed effect vector decomposition model (with Vera E. Troeger) Thomas Plümper 4 Refereed Journal Articles 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Income Inequality and Inequality in Longevity (with Eric Neumayer), American Journal of Public Health, forthcoming. W, (with Eric Neumayer), Political Science Research and Methods, forthcoming. Free-riding in Alliances. Testing an Old Theory with a New Method, Conflict Management and Peace Science 32:3, (with Eric Neumayer), 247-268. The Peer-Effect in Counterterrorist Policies, International Organization 68:1 (with Eric Neumayer and Mariaelisa Epifanio) 211-234. The Political Economy of Natural Disaster Damage, Global Environmental Change 24:1 (with Eric Neumayer and Fabian Barthel), 8-19. International Terrorism and Counterterrorism, International Interactions 40: 4, (with Eric Neumayer) 579-589. Health Spending, Out-of-Pocket Contributions, and Mortality Rates, Public Administration 91:2 (with Eric Neumayer), 403-418. Conditional Spatial Policy Dependence, (with Eric Neumayer), Comparative Political Studies 45:7, 819-849. Fixed Effects Vector Decomposition, (with Vera Troeger) Political Analysis 19: 2, 147-164. Earthquake Propensity and the Politics of Earthquake Mortality (with Phil Keefer and Eric Neumayer), World Development 39:9, 1530-1541. Foreign Terror on Americans, Journal of Peace Research, (with Eric Neumayer), 48:1, 3-17. Fear of Floating and de Facto Exchange Rate Regime Choice with Multiple Key Currencies, (with Eric Neumayer), International Studies Quarterly 64:1, 145166. Making Spatial Analysis operational: Ado-files for generating Spatial Effect Variables in Monadic and Dyadic Data, (with Eric Neumayer), Stata Journal 10:4, 585-605. The Level of Democracy During Interregnum Periods. Recoding the Polity2 Score, Political Analysis 18:2 (with Eric Neumayer), 206-226. Spatial Effects in Dyadic Data, International Organization 64:1 (with Eric Neumayer), 145-166. Specification Problems in the Analysis of Spatial Dependence, European Journal of Political Research 49:3 (with Eric Neumayer), 418-442. The Friend of my Enemy is my Enemy. International Alliance and International Terrorism (with Eric Neumayer), European Journal of Political Research 49:1, 75-96. Contagion Effects in International Terrorism (with Eric Neumayer) Conflict Management and Peace Science 2009 2008 International Terrorism and the Clash of Civilization. British Journal of Political Science 39: 4 (with Eric Neumayer), 711-734. Famine Mortality and Rational Political Inactivity, World Development 37:1 (with Eric Neumayer), 50-61. Why is there no Race to the Bottom in Capital Taxation? International Studies Quarterly 53:3 (with Vera E. Troeger and Hannes Winner), 761-786. The Computation of Convergence, or: How to Chase a Black Cat in a Dark Room, Journal of European Public Policy 16:7 (with Christina Schneider), 990-1011. Fear of Floating and the External Effects of Currency Unions, American Journal Thomas Plümper 5 of Political Science 52:3, (with Vera Troeger), 656-676. 2007 2006 2005 2004 Spatial Multiparty Competition with Abstention and Biased Voters, Electoral Studies 27 (with Christian W. Martin), 424-441. Efficient Estimation of Time-Invariant and Rarely Changing Variables in Panel Data Analysis with Unit Effects, Political Analysis 15:2 (with Vera Troeger), 124-139. Discriminatory EU Membership and the Redistribution of Enlargement Gains, Journal of Conflict Resolution 51:4 (with Christina Schneider), 568-587. The Gendered Nature of Natural Disasters: The Impact of Catastrophic Events on the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 97:3 (with Eric Neumayer), 551-566. Too Much to Die, too Little to Live: Unemployment, Higher Education Policies and University Budgets in Germany, 1975-2000, Journal of European Public Policy 14:4 (with Christina Schneider), 631-653. Academic Heavyweights. (Yet) another Ranking of Political Science Journals, European Political Science 6:1, 41-50. Berufungsdeterminanten in der deutschen Politikwissenschaft, 1990-2004, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 48: 1 (with Frank Schimmelfennig), 97-117. Ohne Substanz. Eine Antwort an Gross und Jungbauer-Gans, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 48:3 (with Frank Schimmelfennig) Der deutsche akademische Arbeitsmarkt. Genderaspekte, Femina Politica (with Frank Schimmelfennig) The Unequal Burden of War: On the Effect of Conflicts on the Gender Gap in Life Expectancy, International Organization 60:3 (with Eric Neumayer), 723-754. Regulatory Conditionality and Membership Selection in the EU. Evidence from a Heckman Selection Model, British Journal of Political Science 36:1 (with Christina J. Schneider and Vera E. Troeger), 17-38. The Euro and Monetary Policy Autonomy in European Non-Euro Countries, European Union Politics 7:2 (with Vera E. Troeger), 213-234. European Integration, Policy Autonomy and Party Competition: Introduction, European Union Politics 7:2 (with Jakob deHaan), 163-166. Instabilität von parteipolitischen Programmen: Der Einfluss der Zahl der Parteien, Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie 5 (with Christian W. Martin) Panel Data Analysis in Comparative Politics: Linking Method to Theory, European Journal of Political Research, 44: 2 (with Vera E. Troeger and Philip Manow), 327-354. Number of Parties, Endogenous Partisan Preferences and Electoral Turnout Rates: A Stochastic Equilibrium Analysis, Social Science Computer Review 23:3, (with Christian W. Martin) 347-359 The Internal Value of External Options. On the Impact of EU Conditionality on Regulatory Reforms in Transition Countries, European Union Politics 5:3. (with Walter Mattli), 307-330. Publications and Citations of Italian Political Scientists, Journal of European Public Policy (with Claudio Radaelli), Government Spending in Democracies and Autocracies, in: Constitutional Political Economy, 15:3 (with Kjell Hausken and Christian Martin), 239-259. Stammwähler und die opportunistische Wahl parteipolitischer Präferenzen, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 10:2 (with Christian Martin), 1-31. Thomas Plümper 6 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 Democracy, Government Spending, and Economic Growth. A Political-Economic Explanation of the Barro-Effect, in: Public Choice, 117:1/2 (with Christian Martin), 27-50. Publikationstätigkeit und Rezeptionserfolg der deutschen Politikwissenschaft in internationalen Journalen, 1990-2002, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 44:4, 529-544. Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade and Capital Controls in Transition Countries, 19932000, in: Communist and Post-Communist Studies 36: 2 (with Thilo Bodenstein and Gerald Schneider), 231-243. Exploring the Dynamics of International Trade by Combining the Comparative Advantages of Multivariate Statistics and Network Analysis, in: Journal of Social Structures 4:1, (with Lothar Krempel), 1-22. The Demand-Side Politics of EU Enlargement: Democracy and the Application for EU Membership, in: Journal of European Public Policy 9:4 (with Walter Mattli), 550-574. Containing Contagious Financial Crises: The Political Economy of Joint Intervention into the Asian Crisis, in: Public Choice 111:3/4 (with Kjell Hausken), 209-236. Export Specialization, Industrial Policy, and Economic Performance, in: Review of International Political Economy 8:4 (with Michael Graff), 661-688. Die Politik wirtschaftlichen Wachstums in autoritären Staaten, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 42: 1, 79-100. Regimetyp und Wirtschaftswachstum. Ein Kommentar (nicht nur) zu Herbert Obinger, Swiss Political Science Review 7:3 (with Christian Martin), 45-66. Bringing Putnam to the European Regions: On the Relevance of Social Capital for Economic Growth, in: European Urban and Regional Studies 7:4, (with Gerald Schneider and Steffen Baumann), 307-317. Steuerwettbewerb und Steuerreformen, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 40: 3, (with Günther Schulze), 445-457. International Division of Labour and Global Economic Integration: The Case of Trade in Passenger Cars, in: Journal of World System Research 5:3, (with Lothar Krempel), 487-498. The Impact of Actor Heterogeneity on the Provision of International Public Goods, in: International Interactions 25:1, (with Kjell Hausken), 61-94. Die Erkenntnisgrenzen der Diskursanalyse. Ein Kommentar zu Rieger und Leibfried, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 39:3, (with Philip Manow), 590-601. Hegemons, Leaders and Followers: A Game-theoretic Approach to the Postwar Dynamics of the International Political Economy, in: Journal of World System Research 3:1 (with Kjell Hausken), 35-93. Regulatory Competition and International Cooperation, in: Journal of European Public Policy 4:4, (with Philipp Genschel), 626-642. Kommunikation und Kooperation in der internationalen Bankenregulierung, in: Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 3:2 (with Philipp Genschel), 225253. Hegemonic Decline and International Leadership, in: Politics and Society 24:3 (with Kjell Hausken), 273-295. Souveränität im gegenwärtigen internationalen System, in: WeltTrends 12, 147160. Quasi-rationale Akteure und die Funktion internationaler Institutionen, in: Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen 2:1, 49-77. Thomas Plümper 7 1994 Die begrenzte Voraussagefähigkeit der Theorien internationaler Politik, in: WeltTrends 4, 130-149. under review Issue Salience and the Partisan Effect in Counterterrorist Policies (with Mariaelisa Epifanio), European Journal of Political Research (r&r). Case Selection in Qualitative Research (with Eric Neumayer and Vera Troeger), Sociological Methods and Research. Not so harmless after all. Fixed Effects as Identification Strategy, American Journal of Political Science. work in progress Missing Girls in Immigration Communities, (with Richard Traunmueller) Robustness Tests for Sensitivity Analyses (with Richard Traunmueller) Altitudes and Politics (with Alejandro Quiroz Flores) Shrinking Panel Estimation (with Vera E. Troeger) Books (monographs) 2015 2014 2012 2007 2003 1996 Tax Competition and Income Inequality, in preparation, with Vera Troeger. Robustness Tests for the Analysis of Observational Data, 1st draft, with Eric Neumayer. (in negotiations with Cambridge UP and Princeton UP) Effizient Schreiben, 3rd edition Oldenbourg Verlag, München Effizient Schreiben, 2nd edition Oldenbourg Verlag, München Effizient Schreiben, Oldenbourg Verlag, München Der Wandel weltwirtschaftlicher Institutionen: Regimedynamik durch ökonomische Prozesse, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin. Edited Volumes 2004 2003 2002 2001 1999 Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie 3, VS, Wiesbaden (Public Choice Yearbook) Politische Integration, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen. (Political Integration) Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie 2, Leske und Budrich, Opladen. (Public Choice Yearbook) Jahrbuch für Handlungs- und Entscheidungstheorie 1, Leske und Budrich, Opladen. Globalisierung und wirtschaftliche Integration: Beiträge zu einem populären Konzept, Nomos, Baden-Baden (co-edited by Andreas Busch). (Globalization and Economic Integration) 1996 Lexikon der internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen, Oldenbourg, München. (Dictionary of International Economic Relations) 1994 Ernst Fraenkel: Völkerrecht und Internationale Beziehungen, Oldenbourg, München (co-edited by Günther Doeker). Thomas Plümper 8 Special Issues (Journals) 2006 1999 1994 European Integration and Partisan Politics at the National Level, European Union Politics 7:2. Steuerwettbewerb, Vetospieler und die These der blockierten Anpassung, Politische Vierteljahresschrift 40:3 and 40:4. Wirtschaftspolitik, Initial 5:1. Thomas Plümper 9 Thomas Plümper 10