Newsletter 6
Newsletter 6
Die Heimat Carpathia Vereins Nachrichten Carpathia Club, Inc. - Deutscher-Donauschwaben Kultur Verein 38000 Utica Rd., Sterling Heights, MI 48312 Carpathia Jugendgruppe Celebrates Koenigsball Board of Directors President: John Huth Jr 1st Vice President Arthur Beneker 2nd Vice President Mike Talan Recording Secretary Michelle Egger Corresponding Secretary Rosina Kuhlmann Treasurer Karin Schwalbe Membership Secretary Ruth Seiberling Ticket Chairperson Maria Dosenberger Press Secretary Anton Matye The Carpathia Jugendgruppe celebrated their annual Königsball in February. This years Royalty were Jugend Königin Angela Dietz, Jugend König Darin Lenhardt, Prinzessin Debbie Karaun and Prinz Andrew Beattie. The evening started with a wonderful dinner prepared by our talented kitchen staff. Emcee Anton Matye then introduced several speakers including Jugend Leiter, AnnaMarie Tittjung, current President, John Huth and Ehren President Franz Pelvay. Following the speeches, the Carpathia Royalty made their entrance, escorted by Schleppeträger Johnny Tisch and Even Schleis, flower girl Maria Nova and guards Danny Kapraun and Christian Matye. After the Royalty einmarsch, the Deutsche Schule performed a short march program. Following this, the Carpathia Kindergruppe performed a short, march and dance program. The highlight of the evening, was the elegant program performed for the Royalty by the Jugendgruppe. The program was choreographed by Mr. Steve Talan. The main hall, where the performances were held, was decorated especially nicely this year, thanks to König Darin Lenhardt and his court. Darin went the extra mile in designing the decorations for the evening. With help from the court, the Jugend and several parents, the hall was transformed into a classic European ballroom from days gone by, under Darins direction. Bar Chairperson Ron Blasius Hall Manager Adam Medel Hauswart Manfred Pfropper Trustees Karin Beattie Helmut Egger Mary Ann Huth Linda Schwager Hansi Kiesler Performs to a Sold Out Crowd German Television and Singing personality, Hansi Kiesler performed to a packed house at the Carpathia Hall in April. Along with Hansi Kiesler, the Alpen Hippies and singing Comedian Blummi, the crowd was entertained with song and laughs late into the night. During intermission Mr. Kiesler signed CD‘s and posed for photographs with fans. Club Phone Number/Hall Rental 586-978-2292 - Newsletter 248-828-9464 - Tickets 586-781-6734 PRESIDENTIAL NOTES May 7, 2007 The first year of my Presidency has come and gone. Times do go by fast sometimes. I’ve spent most of the first year getting a good understanding of the total operations of the Club. What an eye-opener it has been. I’m not saying that it’s good or bad but there are definitely more challenges than what I expected but with the help of the Board we will try and get some of that fixed in the second year of my term. On April 20th and 21st a group of people from the Club attended the Annual Verband Der Donauschwaben meeting in Akron. This weekend is very special to me because it gives me the opportunity to converse with all the Club Presidents throughout the US. It’s great to see a group a people with so much passion for their culture. Everything is well with the Verband and all the Clubs. This year was an election year. There are 4 people from Carpathia that were elected to national positions. Karin Schwalbe is the Treasurer, Mike Talan is the Sportleiter, Carsten Grotloh is the Archivist, and I’m the President of the North Region. The Akron Verein were wonderful hosts. Next year the meeting is at Carpathia. I also want to remind everyone that we will be having a Tag Der Donauschwaben and Father’s Day picnic on the Club property the weekend of June 16th and 17th. Please mark your calendars for that weekend. I expect to see each of you out there supporting our Club. Look for the flyers around the Club in the future detailing the events for the weekend. In closing, I want to thank everyone for all their hard work over the last year. Without your dedication there would be no Club. John Huth, Jr. President of Carpathia THANK YOU This page generously supported by Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt and Altas Tool, Inc. Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. CARPATHIA GEMISCHTER CHOR Nordamerikanischen Sängerfest Der Carpathia Gemischte Chor war sehr beschaeftigt im letzten Monat. Zuerst nahmen wir Teil am Kommers des Michigan Saengerbezirkes am 14. April, 2007. Drei unserer Sänger wurden geehrt mit der goldenen Ehrennadel des Deutschen Chorverbandes fuer 50-jaehrige Mitglied-schaft im Deutschen Chorleben und das waren unsere Leiterin, Theresia Olsavsky, Anna Hammer und Anton Brandelik. Mit der Silbernadel fuer 25 Jahre wurden Franz Kemmer und Stefan Psotka geehrt. Die Nadeln wurden von mir als Bezirkspraesidentin überreicht. Es war ein schöner Abend zusammen mit den anderen Choeren des Bezirkes. Dann kam unsere Fahrt nach Evansville, Indiana, wo das 59. Sängerfest des NordamerikaniSchen Saengerbundes statt fand vom 27.-29. April. Schon um 5 Uhr morgens fuhr der Bus am Freitag mit uns los, denn wir mussten ja abends schon mit den anderen Mitglieder des Bezirkes im Roberts Stadium singen. Alle Anwesenden wurden begruesst und willkommen geheissen von Paul Bockstege und Glen Boberg, den Festpraesidenten des Sängerfestes. Die beiden Herren, zusammen mit ihrem Komitee vom Germania Maenner- und Damenchor in Evansville, hatten sich viel Mühe gegeben, ein schönes Fest für uns zu organisieren. Dann wurde der neue Vorstand des Nordamerikanischen Sängerbundes offiziell installiert. Ich habe die grosse Ehre nun die Präsidentin des NASB zu sein, und noch dazu die erste Frau, die dieses Amt innehaelt. Dann sangen alle 7 Bezirke des NASB ihre auserwählten Lieder. Unter der Leitung von Erwin Aufdemberge gaben alle Saenger des Michigan Saenger-Bezirkes ihr Bestes und erhielten auch viel Applaus fuer “Mala Moya”, gesungen vom Maenner-Massenchor, und “Schwarzwaldmaedel” Potpourie gesungen vom Gemischten Massen-Chor. Am Samstag in der Frühe wurden dann die Proben für das Massenchor-Konzert gehalten, und vor dem Konzert am Abend gab es ein “Dinner”, nicht so koestlich wie wir es von unserer Küche gewohnt sind, aber so gut wie bei uns, wird eben nicht überall gekocht. Fast 60 Vereinsfahnen wurden stolz hereingetragen von ihren Mitglieder. Eine war schöner als die andere. Auch unsere Fahne wurde von Ron Blasius getragen und er wurde von unserer Leiterin, Theresia Olsavsky und Theresia Nowak begleitet. Nach ein paar kurzen Ansprachen, fing das Konzert an. Es war wirklich ein Ohrenschmaus was wir dann zu hören bekamen. 1,500 Sänger sangen aus voller Kehle, angefangen mit “Freude schooner Goetterfunken” von Beethoven. Sie sangen Volkslieder und Schlager, im Männerchor, Damenchor und gemischten Chor. Einige Lieder wurden auch von einem Orchester begleitet. Ein jeder von euch sollte einmal so ein Saengerfest sehen, dann haetten wir vielleicht mehr Sänger in unserem Chor. Nach den Konzerten an beiden Abenden ging es dann mit einem Tanz weiter, entweder im Roberts Stadium, oder im Germania Clubhaus. Am Sonntag fuhren wir dann wieder zeitig nach Hause, machten einen Abstecher in “Amish Country” in Indiana, und kamen wieder wohlbehalten am Carpathia Club an. Es war ein schönes Erlebnis für alle, die mit uns gekommen sind. Wenn ihr diese Vereinsnachrichten bekommt, dann ist unser Bankett zusammen mit der Frauen-gruppe auch schon vorbei. Ich kann euch aber versichern, dass auch dieser Abend schoen war. Neue Sänger sind natuerlich immer bei uns willkommen. Wer Lust und Liebe zum Deutschen Lied hat, wir üben jeden Dienstag von September bis Mitte Mai, um 7:30 Uhr abends. Kommt, und schaut euch mal bei uns um, wir sind wirklich nette Leute. Wir wuenschen allen Mitglieder und Freunden des Carpathia Clubs einen schönen Sommer. Mit frohem Saengergruss Blondine Klimach Volume 1.05 Die Heimat May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Carpathia Jäger Bankett By Monica Forest W ere you daring enough to taste the great outdoors? Many people had their chance at the Carpathia Jäger Bankett held on March 10th. It was an evening filled with delicious cuisine, music, friends and fun. Tom Forest then continued by thanking the many people that help the group during the year. Tom specifically mentioned his Vorstand, Bela Frenczli and the Carpathia Chor. A special thanks also went to Mike O’Connor and the Jägermeister company for their support. The evening began with a wonderful dinner of Reh (Venison), Wildschwein (Wild Boar) and Schnitzel. As usual, the Carpathia Club served a delicious and savory meal that impressed everyone. The generous serving sizes were a hit and I even noticed many couples sampling each other’s choices. This year, the venison was donated by Arthur Beneker who has helped out the Jäger many times in the past and by Ariel Pscheidl, Oskar Pscheidl’s 13 year old granddaughter, who donated the first deer she ever got to the Jäger. The kitchen staff, Art, and especially Ariel were all applauded during the evening. The Jäger realize the importance of the youth of Carpathia. Recently, the Jäger changed their bylaws to allow junior members at 12 years of age and Tom introduced four new members: Joe and John Reiter, Nick Talan, and Steven Seiberling. All of them have taken hunter’s education and all of them have been out in the field. In Tom’s words, “most importantly, these young men seem genuinely excited at the sport and this is what we need if we want the Jäger, and hunting in Michigan, to be around for a long time.” After dinner, the program opened with the new Jäger President, Tom Forest, welcoming the many guests at this popular event. Other groups that attended were the Deutsche Amerikanischer Schützen Verein, the Detroit Area Kolping Society, the German American Cultural Center, the Austrian Society, the Swiss Society, GBU Saxonia, Nordamerikanischer Sängerbund, and the Jägermeister company. Unfortunately, Carpathia Jäger’s good friends from the Rhine Danube Sportsmen Club in Leamington, Canada, could not attend, but we’ll see each other soon at our Friendship Trap Competition. After the opening, it was Carpathia President John Huth’s turn to say a few words. John told the guests about a deer hunting story that happened this past season. After much text messaging and a good hunt, everyone got a buck including Nick, Mike Talan’s teenage son. Actually, almost everyone got one. Sorry you weren’t lucky, John, but thanks for sharing your humorous hunting story. Tom reminisced about hunting for European hare in Canada and wants to make sure that tradition continues. Another tradition is a Jäger song. It was sung by the group and actually sounded very good. Tom then awarded the Luftgewehr (air rifle) shooting medal to Tony Brandelik, Sr. who has won for three years in a row. The Luftgewehr competition is held at the end of each monthly Jäger meeting. Imagine holding a ten pound gun, aiming at a target more than thirty feet away and putting five shots into a group the size of a pencil eraser. That takes skill. After the singing and the award, the band Enzian started playing again and made sure the dance floor was full for the rest of the night. It was good to see many new faces and even some teenagers at the event. Later in the evening, everyone had a chance to see if they were lucky with the raffle. The raffle had especially good prizes this year including overflowing gift baskets, sporting equipment, and special prizes generously donated by the Jägermeister company. Late in the evening, Enzian played a song that certainly had the audience waving their arms and clapping. If you were there, you know which one I mean - I’ll have to learn that one myself! Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Carpathia Jäger Bankett Con’t After the band was gone and the lights turned off, the last remaining group of friends got the hint. In the middle of talking and laughing with good friends, sometimes you just don’t want the night to end. We all agreed to say “to be continued….” If you missed the Jäger Bankett this year, please mark your calendars for next year or visit the Jäger Konigsball on October 13th. If you don’t want to wait for the fun, feel free to drop in and introduce yourself to the Jäger. They’re a friendly group that welcomes new members. . Carpathia Untergruppen Untergruppe Leiter/Leiterin Telephone Nummer Chor Resi Olsavsky 586-574-1146 Frauengruppe Irene Dietz 586-752-6265 Fußball Kurt Seiberling 586-286-4535 Jäger Tom Forest 586-781-4505 Rentnergruppe Anna Fellinger 586-781-5685 Schule Irene Dietz 586-752-6265 Jugendgruppe AnnaMarie Tittjung 586-294-9414 Volume 1.05 Die Heimat May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Carpathia Gemischter Chor Wir trauern um den Verlust unseres Dirigentenn, George E. Beverest, aber wir dürfen nicht aufhören mit unserem singen, denn das Leben muß weiter gehen. Der Carpathia Chor sang für George im Beistattungsheim und nahm auch an dem Trauergottesdienst teil. Zur Zeit übt der Chor zusammen mit den anderen Chören des Michigan Sägerbezirkes unter der Leitung von Erwin Aufdemberge. Wir bereiten uns vor auf den Kommers am Samstag, den 14. April 2007 in der Carpathia Halle. Der Carpathia Chor Fährt auch zum 59. Nationalen Sängerdundes, welches in Evensville, Indiana stattfinden wird, vom 27-29 April 2007. Es ist immer ein schönes Wochenende mit den deutschen Chören von vielen Staaten in den USA. Man freut sich alte Freunde wieder zusehen und neue Freundshaften zu knüpfen. Die Konzerte am Freitag und Samstag sind natürlich der Hauptpunkt. Am Freitag singen die einzelnen Bezirke, so wie unser Michigan Sängerbezirk und am Samstag singen alle Sänger von allle Chören zusammen. Die Lieder, die am Sägerfest gesungen werden, könntihr auch bei unserem Kommers hören. So kommt unt hört uns zu, und stellt euch dann vor, wie diese Lieder klingen, wenn sie von fast 1600 Sänger vorgetragen werden. Am Samstag, den 12. Mai 2007 haben wir dann unser Konzert Bankett zusammen mit der Carpathia Frauengruppe. Das Essen wird ab 7:00pm serviert und das Programm folgt danach. Eintrittkarten kosten $18.00 für Mitglieder und $20.00 für Gäste. Kommt und unterstützt den Chor und die Frauengruppe. Unser Chor sucht immer neue Sänger, so wenn ihr Lust und Liebe habt zur Musik, kommt und singt mit uns. Wir proben jeden Dienstag um 7:30 Uhr abends. Jeder von euch kennt das alte Sprichwort: “Wo man singt, da la dich ruhig nieder, denn böse Menschen haben keine Lieder:” Dieser Spruch gilt bei uns ganz bestimmt. Mit frohem Sängergruß Blondine Klimach. Volume 1.05 Die Heimat May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Der Carpathia Chor hat einen guten Freund und Dirigenten verloren George E. Beverst Er verstarb nach kurzem Leiden am 10. Febuar 2007. Er war ein ausgezeichneter Musiker und Dirigent. Schon in den 50ger Jahren war er aktiv im Deutschen Chorleben. Er war erste Student, der die „Junior Year in Munich“ Ehrung vom GACC bekam. Seine Liebe war de Musik, und diese Liebe teilte er mit unseren Chören. Er war Dirigent der Concordia Chöre, des Reingold Mannerchores, des Deutschen Kinderchores, Des GBU-Saxonia Chores und des Carpathia Chores. Er war 26 Jahre lang unser Dirigent. Er war immer bestrebt unseren Chor zu verbessern, was ihm auch gelungen ist. Er schrieb und arrangierte Lieder für uns, welche beim Publikum guten Anklang fanden. Wir sind ihm dankbar für all sein Bemühen und seine stete Treue zu unserem Chor. Er wird uns immer in guter Erinnerung bleiben und wird uns fehlen. Gott Gebe Dir ewige Ruhe, George Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Frauengruppe Ein Dankeschoen von Stefi Schultz Liebe Frauengruppe; fuer zwoelf Jahre war ich eure Leiterin und ich bin sehr stolz darauf! Doch einmal kommt der Tag wo man sagt es genug. Ich danke allen Frauen fuer die tuechtige Mitarbeit. Wenn ich Hilfe brauchte ihr alle ward immer da um den Verein zu unterstuetzen. Beim Backen, Fish Fry, Picnic, Mode Show hier zaehle ich nur einige auf. Ich denke besonders gerne an unser 40 jaerhriges Jubilaeum zurueck. Was ein grosser Erfolg und schoener Abend es war! Die Jahre waren aber nicht nur mit Arbeit verbunden, ich denke auch an die Ausfluege die wir machten, wieviel Sapss und Freude wir zusammen hatten. Natuerlich moechte ich mich auch bei den Presidenten, Franz Pelvay, Annemarie Gerhardt und John Huth und dem Vorstand die waehrend der Zeit in Amt waren, bedanken. Hiermit wuensche ich der Frauengruppe und ihrer Leitung Leiterin Vize Leiterin Sekretaerin Irene Dietz Maragrete Pelvay Elisabeth Toepfner Viel Erfolg und beste Zusammenarbeit. Ich danke nochmals allen von Herzen Eure Stefi Schultz Come visit out website at The newsletter and other club news will be available on-line, for your convenience. Any suggestions for the website can be sent to Hal Mayer at Volume 1.05 Die Heimat May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. you o d e r e Wh rself u o y e e s living in nt? retireme People these days are dreaming bigger than ever when it comes to their retirement. As Ameriprise financial advisors, we believe people who write down their dreams are much more likely to achieve them. That’s why we are proud to offer the Dream BookSM a tool designed to help you identify and envision your life goals. With the Dream Book, we can map out where you want to go, and through sound financial advice, figure out the best way to get you there. 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Wir danken Herrn Becker fuer die muskalische Begleitung mit seinem Akkordeon. Nach vielen Jahren beteiligten sich die Schueler auch wieder am Koenigsball. Ich moechte mich besonders bei dem Lehrpersonal Ingrid Wasserbaech, Elke Becker und Tony Matye fuer hervorragente Unterstuetzung und Mitarbeit bedanken. Wichtige Daten: Wir haben keine Schule am Karfreitag (6.4.07) No School 6. April Schulabschlussfeier 11. Mai 7 pm Wir laden alle herzlich dazu ein. Achtung: Wir brauchen Lehrer und Aushilfslehrer mehr Information (586) 762-6265 Osterhaeslein Drunten an der Gartenmauer hab ich gesehn das Haeslein lauern. Eins, zwei, drei legts ein Ei, lang wirds nimmer dauern. Kinder, lasst uns niederducken! Seht ihrs aengstlich um sich gucken? Ei da huepfts, ei da schluepft’s durch die Mauerlucken? Und nun sucht in allen Ecken, wo die schoenen Eier stecken, rot und blau, gruen und grau und mit bunten Flecken. Herzliche Gruesse und frohe Ostern Irene Dietz 10 Volume 1.05 Die Heimat May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Jager changes was to allow members’ children as young as 12 years old to This year’s hunting season is join the group as Junior Jäger. Since drawing to a close, and the Jäger then, four new members, Joe and are moving into their slow period of John Reiter, Steven Seiberling, and the year. With most of the hunting Nick Talan, have joined the group. over, and before the trap shooting Welcome to all the new members! season starts again, we have time to look back over the previous year. The Jäger held our annual Wild Many of the Jäger were successful Game dinner on March 10th. Menu in their hunting endeavors this year, choices consisted of Wildschwein and we will be enjoying the benefits (wild boar), Reh (venison), and of of our success on the table for many course Schnitzel. I would like to months to come. thank all those Jäger that donated game and their time to make the Earlier this year the Jäger held their meal a success. We would also like elections. After many years of to thank Arthur Beneker, service, Steve Psotka decided to step who has donated game several times down from the position of Oberjäger. before, and a special thanks to Ariel As a result, this year’s elections Pscheidl, granddaughter of Oskar were more exciting than most. In Pscheidl, who donated her very the end, many of the positions on first deer to the Jäger for this year’s the Jäger Vorstand are held by new banquet. The Jäger would also like people. Tom Forest took over as to thank Bela Frenczli for all his Oberjäger, Rob Seiberling will serve help preparing the game, and all the as Stellvertreter Oberjäger, Rob ladies in the kitchen for their usual Halsall will serve as Schriftführer, outstanding job in preparing the and Steve Psotka, who can’t seem to meal. Thank you all very much. get away from the Jäger board, will take over as Schatzmeister. Several The Jäger give out only one award other officers were elected to one at the banquet in March. As most year terms – Eric Rausch will repeat of you know, after each meeting the as our Shießmeister, Alex Rausch group holds an air rifle competition. and Bob Hammer will serve as We add up the scores over the Vergnuegungs Obmann, and John entire year, and award a medal to Klimach will act as the group’s the shooter with the highest overall Jagd Führer. Congratulations to all score for the entire year. For the of the new officers, and thanks to all third year in a row the contest of the old officers for all they have was won by Tony Brandelik, done over the past few years. Sr. Finishing next (a somewhat distant second since Tony shot so In addition to holding elections for well) was Bob Psotka, followed officers, the Jäger also made some closely by Fred Koberstein, who changes to our bylaws. One of the tied the Jäger freehand record in 11 the final competition of this year. Congratulations to all of the top shooters This year we will once again have our friendly trap shooting competition with the Rhine Danube Sportsmen from Leamington, Canada. We will have two shoots this year, one at Leamington and one in the Detroit area. The Jäger haven’t fared so well in recent years, but we are eternally hopeful. Regardless of how well we do, we always have a good time – the guys from Leamington are as friendly as can be and, as we have found out in recent years, gracious winners! The Jäger are always looking for new members. If you are a member of Carpathia Club and are interested in hunting, shooting, or just camaraderie, feel free to give our president, Tom Forest, a call at (586) 781-4505 or, if you prefer, simply come to one of our monthly meetings, held the first Thursday of each month at the club. Tom Forest, Jäger President. Die Heimat Volume 1.05 Carpathia Club, Inc. CARPATHIA MEMBERS ANNOUNCEMENTS PAGE Für unsere Mutter Maria Hammer Viel Glück zum 95 Geburtstag Von Resi und George Phillip und Anni Adi und Mary auch von den Enkel Kinder und eur Enkel Mr and Mrs Pautz celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on January 5th of 2007 HAPPY 50th ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD Love Rick 12 May 2007 Volume 1.05 Die Heimat May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Carpathia Club is offering Carpathia Wear!! Premium Golf Shirts with the Carpathia Logo. Sizes in S, M, L, XL and XXL Offered in both Mens and Womans Cuts Price $35.00 Cut on dotted line and return with check Order Form Please return to Adam Medel at the Club Office or mail to: Carpathia Shirt Order 38000 Utica Rd. Sterling Heights, MI 48312 Name.............................................................. Price is $35.00 Each Address.......................................................... City................................................................. Total Number of Shirts Ordered.................... Zip.................................................................. Phone Number............................................. Enter Number Desired for Each Size Amount Enclosed........................................ Check Number............................................. Mens S M L XL XXL Womans S M L XL XXL 13 Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Fruehlingsgruss LIEBE MUTTER Fruehling kam ins Land gezogen, Kuckucksruf erschallt. Saaten schiessen, Blumen spriessen, Neu sich schmueckt der Wald. Sing Kuckuck! Laemmer spielen auf den Wiesen, Kaelblein folgt der Kuh, Boecklein springen, Voegel singen, Hoert ihr den Kuckuck? Sing Kuckuck. Ach wie wunderschoen singst du. Sing Froehlich immer zu Wir waeren nie gewachen, und moistens nuichnt gekaemmmt, die Styruempfe haetten Loecher und schmutzig wer das Hemd. Wir essen Fisch und Honig und Blumenkohl und Zimt,wWenn du nicht taeglich sorgets, dass alles klappt und stimmt. (aus einem deutschen Liderbuch) Wir htten nasse Fuesse und Zaehne Schwarz wie Russ und bis zu beiden Ohren die Haut voll Pflaumenmus. Fruehlingsgruss Wir koennten auch nicht schlafen wenn du nicht nochmals kaemst, und uns, bevor wir traeumen in deine Arme naehmst Leise zieht durch mein Gemueht liebliches Gelaeute; Klinge, kleines Fruehlingslied, Kling ghinauys ins Weite Und trozdem! Sind wir alle auch manchmal eine Last. Was waerst du ohne Kinder? Sei froh das du uns hast!! Sprich zum Voeglein, das da singt auf den Bluetenzweige,m Sprich zum Baechlein, das da klingt Dass mir keines schweige! Wer sich nach der Decke streckt, dem bleiben die Fuesse unbedeckt. Zieh hinaus bis an das Haus Wo die Veilchen spriessen! Wenn du eine Rose schaust, Sag, ich lass sie gruessen. 14 Die Heimat Volume 1.05 Carpathia Club, Inc. Einige Sprueche Ein bisschen mehr Friede und weniger Streit. Ein bisschen mehr Guete und weniger Neid. Ein bisschen mehr Wir und weniger Ich. Ein bisschen mehr Kraft, nicht so ziemperlich. Und viel mehr Blumen waehrend des Lebends, Denn auf den Graebern bluehn sie vergebens. Peter Rosegger Unter Blumen soll Dein Leben fliessen wie ein sanfter Bach, und das groesste Glueck auf Erden wuensch ich Dir jeden Tag. Am guten Alten in Treue Halten, am kraeftigen Neuen Sich staerken und freuen wird niemand gereuen. E. Geibel 15 May 2007 Volume 1.01 Newsletter April 2006 Carpathia Club, Inc. Carpathia Kickers Kicker’s Corner In preparation for this article I really had no clue as to what I was going to write about. I didn’t think I should just submit a blank page. So I thought I would write what makes being a member of the Kickers so much fun. It’s about going to the club on a Friday night during the summer when there is a soccer game going on. You will more than likely see 300 people (and 300 coaches) in attendance, many of them old time players, and / or life long supporters of the Kickers. These people come well before the game starts to enjoy a great dinner and a beverage as, well as meet with friends. After enjoying the game its back into the members bar where you replay the game over and over and over again. Most of these fans can hardly wait until the next game. Go to the club on Tuesday and Thursday nights when the Zwergle Fussball is going on. Take a look at the smiling faces of the 125 children (ages 3-6) trying their best to master the game and impress the coaches. Watch their sad faces when their parents come to tell its time go home and all the want to do is to keep playing with their new friends. It’s about traveling to a tournament with your team for the weekend. You have been practicing and playing for months, and the tournament is a chance to show what you can do against teams from outside your league. Tournaments are as much for the parents as it is for the players, especially if there is golf course, casino, or a beer emporium nearby. Kids will more than likely get along, but the parents always seem to need some sort of extracurricular activity to get them motivated. It’s about traveling on a cold February morning with my wife Ruth, along with three other couples to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Cleveland Concordia soccer club. While we were at the party I saw a lot of the guys that I played against, oh so very long ago. We all had a great time reminiscing about the good old days. Like the time in 1975 when a certain U-18 team from Detroit, beat a powerful soccer team from the Cleveland Concordia soccer club, to win the Donauschwaben tournament in it wasn’t about a chance to rub it in again (although I did just a little bit), it was great to be with old friends, and see what was new in there lives. It’s about going to the club on a Thursday night to meet the boys. You talk about the upcoming season and what should have been done in years past. The conversation turns to games and tournaments from year’s gone by. You might tell the same story every month, but might embellish it just a bit with each retelling. No one interrupts you because they haven’t heard the new version yet and they can’t wait to hear how it ends this time. The Kickers are about so much more than just the wins and losses. It’s about being part of a family, a club, making great memories and friends. Now don’t get me wrong I still like to win as much as the next guy. The Kickers are about developing lasting, and lifelong friends that you would do anything for. When I started my team 11 years ago, I told my them that it would be more important for me to be invited to their high school graduation party, wedding, or the baptism of their child then it would be to win a state championship . We never won the state cup, but last year I went to 18 graduations and I couldn’t have been happier. Hopefully I will be invited to 18 weddings; I just pray that they’re not all in the same year. Kurt 16 Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. CARPATHIA KICKERS 1ST AND RESERVE SCHEDULE 2007 F May 18 6:30 Carpathia B Intra SC B Carpathia S S May 20 May 20 2:00 4:00 Carpathia B Carpathia A FC Lightning Detroit United Carpathua Carpathia May 25-28 US NATIONAL DONAUSCHWABEN TOURNAMENT Mansfield F June 1 6:30 Carpathia A Mi Celtic Carpathia S S June 3 June 3 2:00 4:00 Carpathia B Carpathia A FSC Rangers River Plate Carpathia Carpahia F June 8 6:30 MPSL League Cup 1st Round Carpathia S June 10 TBD MSA State Cup 1st Round TBD F June 15 7:00 Carpathia B Port Huron SC Carpathia S June 17 S June 17 F June 22 2:00 4:00 Carpathia B Carpathia A Italian American Detroit Eagles FC Carpathia Carpathia 6:30 MPSL League Cup Quarter Final Carpathia S S June 24 June 24 4:00 TBD Carpathia B MSA State Cup Inter Booters 2nd Rnd Carpathia Carpathia F June 29 6:30 Carpathia A White Eagles Carpathia S July 8 S Ju;y 8 F Ju;y 13 2:00 4:00 Carpathia B Carpathia A Metro Rangers B Plymouth Premier Carpathia Carpathia 6:30 Carpathia B Italian American Carpathia F July 20 6:30 MPSL League Cup Semi Final Carpathia S S July 22 July 22 3:00 5:00 Carpathia B Carpathia A Port Huron SC Detroit Eagles Carpathia Carpathia F July 27 6:30 Carpathia A Michigan Stars Carpathia S S July 29 July 29 1:00 5:00 Carpahia B Carpathia A FSC Lightning Detroit United Visteon Carpathia TH Aug 2 6:30 Carpathia B Inter-Booters Carpathia F Aug 3 6:30 MPSL League Cup Final Carpathia S S Aug 5 Aug 5 2:00 4:00 Carpathia B Carpathia A Lancers MI Celtics Carpathia Carpathia F Aug 10 6:30 Carpathia A Metro Rangers A Carpathia S S Aug 12 Aug 12 2:00 5:00 Carpathia B Carpathia A Hellas SC White Eagles Carpathia Wanda Park F Aug 17 6:30 Carpathia A Intra SC Carpathia 17 Volume 1.05 Die Heimat Carpathia Club, Inc. Carpathia Kickers Con’t ZWERGEL FUßBALL TO START JUNE 25 Carpathia Kickers Soccer school will be starting this June and will be on Monday‘s and Wendesday at the Carpathia Club fields. The school will run from June 18 through August 8th and is open to members as well as non members. Children, ages 3 to 7, will be introduced to the basics of soccer and will have the opportunity to join the Under 6 Carpathia House League after the school has ended. Cost is $60.00. Children will be provided with two tee shirts and a soccer ball. For more information on the soccer school, please call Anton Matye at 248-828-9464. This page sponsored by Greene Metal Products 18 May 2007 Volume 1.05 Die Heimat May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Carpathia Jugend Gruppe Jugend Gruppe Forms Parent Committee The Carpathia Jugendgruppe has formed a parent committee similar to that of a PTA or PTO. The committee consists of 3 parent members of the Jugend, elected by the parents, the Jugend Leiter, the Leiter Assistants and an elected Treasurer and Secretary. Also on the committee are the Royalty of the Jugend. The committee was organized to help the Leiter and the Jugend create a direction for the future, address any issues that Parents feel need to be addressed as well as help solve any issues that arise. This years committee���� is: AnnaMarie Tittjung Cindy Schleis Christine Pesta Cindy Usleber Chris Pesta Ann Kloss Diane Matye George Schleis Darin Lenhardt Angela Dietz Andrew Beattie Debbie Kapraun Jugend Leiter Kindergruppe Kindergruppe Kulturegruppe Secretary Parent Representative Parent Representative Parent Representative Jugend Jugend Jugend Jugend JUGENDGRUPPE HOPING TO RE-ESTABLISH SCHUEPLATTLER GRUPPE The Carpathia Jugengruppe is looking rejuvenate the Schuhplattler Gruppe. If you are an ex-Schuhplattler and are interested in helping us from a new group, please contact us. In addition, we are interested in starting a Kinder Schueplattler Gruppe. If your young son or daughter is interested in joining the Schuhplattler Gruppe, please contact Carsten Grotloh or Anton Matye. Children will be accepted from Kindergarten age on up. 19 Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Congratulations to the new GACC Board of Directors President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Recording Secretary: Corresponding secretary: Membership Secretary: Treasurer: Trustees: George Schemmel Herbert Ochs Willi Grotloh Hilda Langegger Marianne Krenzer Hedwig Richiert Eberhard Wasswebaech Helen Gassel, Edith Kuplent, Frank Sinz, Peter Walter, Rudi Walter $5 0t os po ns Organized by his fellow Buttlochs or a ho le Saturday, June 2nd, 2007 10:30AM Registration 11:30AM Shotgun Start 18 Holes at Crackelwood- $85 per person Golf, Lunch & Dinner Scramble Best Ball Format s ize r r P o o • D /50 0 •5 “Famous” Crackelwood Buffet Dinner only $30.00 for non golfers (after 5:00PM) Cash Bar Jägermeister Holes Incredible PRIZES! Vegas Betting Holes Here’s to you Bob! Name:_____________________ Phone (____) ____-________ Email: ________________________ Hole Sponsor: ____ (Y/N) Player 1:___________________ Player 2: _________________ Player 3:___________________ Player 4:__________________ If you are signing up for less than a foursome, then provide the names of other golfers. A). No. of golfers ____ x $85 = _______ (A) B). Hole(s) _____ sponsored x 50 = _______ (B) C). Dinner only ______ x 30 = _______ (C) Total ________ (A+B+C) Mail to: Rob Hanschu 413 Park Avenue, Royal Oak, MI 48067 Make checks payable to: Rob Hanschu. Email: (586) 781-0497 All money must be paid by May 15th, 2007 20 Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. German-American Cultural Center Community Talk By Agnes Neumann Hello everybody! What is there or what could I write about. It’s tough; it depends on when it gets printed. No fun for anybody to make an effort to inform people about upcoming events when they get to read about it everything is in the past already. So I will tackle the rest of 2007 today. This is election month at the GACC. March 11 we elected 4 directors at large. The GACC board of directors consist of 1 delegate of each affiliated organization and 12 directors at large, who have a 3 year term each and are elected by the GACC membership. Terms were up this year for Willi Grotloh, Eberhard Wasserbaech, Frank Sinz and Agnes Neumann. All 4 were reelected. On March 19 at the Board of Directors meeting we will elect the Executive Board for 20072008. Maybe we will be able to get the new names in before printing happens. which he received the German-American of the Year award from the GACC in 1990. He passed away a few weeks ago. He will be missed by many. Now just a look ahead to the rest of the year: August 12th is Deutscher Tag at the beautiful Austrian Park. It’s # 57 and what I call it, “Homecoming Day” October 6th we will have the 20th anniversary of German-American Day which we began celebrating October 6th 1987! Over the years we had some wonderful celebrations with pride in our German American heritage. This year is going to be special, so plan on celebrating your heritage too and plan on being there. This also will be the evening where the GermanAmerican of the Year for 2007-2008 will be announced. All clubs and individuals will be asked April 11 we will have our annual Spring Luncheon again to participate in the nominations. Fashion Show at the Carpathia Hall. Doors open at There are many events indoor and outdoors this year. 11:00 AM with a refreshing lunch being served at Calendars of events 2007 are available in the lobby of noon, followed by Spring fashions by Lord & Taylor. the Carpathia Club. You also find flyers there. Pick This again is a fund raiser for Wayne State University’s some up and you won’t miss anything. “Junior Year in Munich” program. Donation again is I hope you enjoy a beautiful summer! See you $20.00. All seats are reserved. Please call (586) 978- around! 8663 for reservations. Until we talk again, I remain As every year there will be a raffle which is always Sincerely, a big contributor in our effort to raise money for the Agnes Neumann Junior Year in Munich Scholarship Fund. The GACC contributes to this event for more than 50 years. Many years ago, one of our early recipients of this scholarship was Mr. George Beverst. He was the music director of the GBU Saxonia-Rheingold and the Carpathia Club mixed chorus for many years. As such he enhanced many lives with the culture of German music, for 21 Volume 1.05 Die Heimat May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Im Garten – by Rose Bering Warm weather is finally here! This is the gardener’s favorite time of year - a time when we can work in our garden again. One of my favorite things to do is to divide the perennials that I already have growing in the garden. There is nothing more satisfying than taking a favorite plant, digging it up, and making 3 out of one, simply by dividing the roots. By next year, you will have 3 plants the same size as the one you just separated. I plan my “dividing days” by paying attention to the weather report. If you divide the day before it rains, mother nature will water your newly divided plants for you! You should water a newly divided plant daily for the first week, every other day the second week, and every 3rd day for the 3rd week until it is established. DIVIDING PERENNIALS The three main reasons for dividing perennials are to control the size of the plants, to help rejuvenate them, and to increase their number. Dividing and replanting keeps rapidly spreading perennials under control. Dividing will rejuvenate old plants, keeping them vigorous and blooming freely. Dividing perennials is an easy and inexpensive way to gain additional plants for your garden or to share. WHEN TO DIVIDE In general, it is best to divide spring and summer blooming perennials in the fall, and fall bloomers in spring. By dividing the plant when it is not flowering, all the plant’s energy can go to root and leaf growth. If you divide in the spring, allow enough time for roots to settle in before hot weather. Spring division is ideally done in the early spring as soon as the growing tips of the plant have emerged. Spring divided perennials often bloom a little later than usual. Never divide perennials on hot, sunny days. Wait until a cloudy day, ideally with several days of light rain in the forecast. Most perennials should be divided every three to five years. Some perennials such as chrysanthemums and asters may need to be divided every one or two years or they will crowd themselves into non-flowering clumps of leaves and roots. Bleeding hearts and peonies may never need to be divided unless you want to increase your stock. Signs that perennials need dividing are flowers that are smaller than normal, centers of the clumps that are hollow and dead, or when the bottom foliage is sparse and poor. Plants that are growing and blooming well should be left alone unless more plants are wanted. PREPARE TO DIVIDE AHEAD OF TIME Water plants to be divided thoroughly a day or two before you plan to divide them. Prepare the area that you plan to put your new divisions in before you lift the parent plant. Prune the stems and foliage to 6 inches from the ground in order to ease division and to cut down on moisture loss. LIFT THE PARENT PLANT Use a sharp pointed shovel or spading fork to dig down deep on all four sides of the plant, about 4 to 6 inches away from the plant. Pry underneath with your tool and lift the whole clump to be divided. If the plant is very large and heavy, you may need to cut it into several pieces in place with your shovel before lifting it. SEPARATE THE PLANT Shake or hose off loose soil and remove dead leaves and stems. This will help loosen tangled root balls and make it easier to see what you are doing. Perennials have several different types of root systems. Each of these needs to be treated a bit differently. 22 Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. SPREADING ROOT SYSTEMS Spreading root systems have many slender matted roots that originate from many locations with no distinct pattern. Plants with spreading root systems include asters, bee balm, lamb’s ear, purple cornflowers and many other common perennials. These can crowd out their own centers. Some can be invasive unless divided frequently. They can usually can be pulled apart by hand, or cut apart with shears or knife. Large, vigorous plants with thickly intertwined roots may need forceful separation with digging forks. Put two forks back to back in the center of the plant and use them to pry the pieces apart. Divide the plants into clumps of three to five vigorous shoots each. Small or weak and woody divisions should be discarded. Discard the center of the clump if it is weaker than the outside edges. CLUMPING ROOT SYSTEMS originate from a central clump with multiple growing points. Many have thick fleshy roots. This group includes astilbes, hostas, daylilies and many ornamental grasses. It is often necessary to cut through the thick fleshy crowns (the central growing area between the roots and the leaves and stems of the plant) with a heavy, sharp knife. You can also pry apart these roots with back to back digging forks. Keep at least one developing eye or bud with each division. If larger plants are wanted, keep several eyes. RHIZOME DIVISION Rhizomes are stems that grow horizontally at or above the soil level. Bearded irises are the most common perennial with this type of root system. Divide irises any time between a month after flowering until early fall. Cut and discard the rhizome sections that are one year or older. Also, inspect rhizomes for disease and insect damage. Damaged rhizomes should be trimmed and treated, or discarded if too badly damaged. Iris divisions should retain a few inches of rhizome and one fan of leaves, trimmed back halfway. Replant with the top of the rhizome just showing above soil level. 23 Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. TUBEROUS ROOTS Dahlias are an example of perennials with tuberous roots. The tubers should be cut apart with a sharp knife. Every division must have a piece of the original stem and a growth bud attached. After division they can either be replanted or stored for spring planting. DIVIDING LARGE, TOUGH ROOTS If the root mass is very large, or tight and tangled, you can raise the clump 1 to 2 feet off the ground and drop it. This should loosen the root mass, and you can pull the individual plants apart. This is not a good method for plants with brittle roots such as peonies. Plants that have very tough, vigorous root systems (agapanthus, red-hot pokers and ornamental grasses) may have to be divided with a shovel, saw or ax. You can also vigorously hose off soil to make the root system easier to work with. PLANT THE DIVISIONS Never allow divisions to dry out. Keep a pail of water nearby to moisten divisions until they are planted. Trim all broken roots with a sharp knife or pruners before replanting. Plant the divided sections immediately in the garden or in containers. Replant divisions at the same depth they were originally. Firm soil around the roots to eliminate air pockets. Water well after planting. Botanical Name How Often To Divide Common Name Season To Divide Asters (Aster) Every year or two to control spread and maintain vigor. Spring Astilbe (Astilbe) Every 2 to 3 years as plants become crowded. Early Spring or fall. Bearded Iris (Iris) Every 3 to 4 years. After flowering up to September. Method Of Division Spreading root division. Replant outer growth and discard the centers of older plants. Spreading root division. Needs division for best bloom. Rhizome root division. Beebalm (Monarda) Every 3 years to control rampant growth. Spring or fall. Spreading root division. Bellflower (Campanula) Every 2 to 3 years or as the plant becomes crowded. Spring or early fall. Spreading root division. 24 Volume 1.05 Die Heimat May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Botanical Name Common Name How Often To Divide Season To Divide Method Of Division Blackberry Lily (Belamcanda) Every 3 to 4 years after bloom is finished. Rhizomes should be treated as iris. Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia fulgida) Every 3 to 4 years. Early spring or fall. Spreading root division. Blanket Flower (Gaillardia grandiflora) Every 1 or 2 years to maintain vigor. Early spring. Bleeding Heart (Dicentra) Rarely needs division. Early spring. Cannas (Canna) Every 3 or 4 years, or as desired to increase stock. Spring. Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum) Every year or two. Spring. Cranesbill (Geranium) Every 2 to 4 years. Spring or fall. Daylily (Hemerocallis) Every 3 to 6 years or as desired to increase stock. Spring, summer or fall. Ideal time is after bloom is finished. Garden Peony (Paeonia) For plant increase, rarely needs division. Divisions may wait up to 3 years before blooming. September or October. Garden Phlox (Phlox paniculata) Every 3 to 4 years. Early spring or fall. Hosta (Hosta) Rarely need division and will reach their best form if not divided too often. They can be divided as needed for plant increase. Early spring or early fall. 25 Spreading root division. Fleshy root division. Be gentle with brittle roots. Fleshy root system. Spreading root division. Spreading root division. Divide fleshy roots into segments with roots. Divisions with three or more shoots will bloom sooner. Divisions should have three to five well-developed eyes (buds for next year’s growth). Plant peonies with the eyes no deeper than 1 inch below the surface. Spreading root division. Fleshy root division. Divide into clumps with one to three eyes. A wedge can be taken from an established plant, which will soon fill back in. Volume 1.05 Die Heimat May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Botanical Name Common Name How Often To Divide Season To Divide Lambs-ear (Stachys byzantina) Every 2 to 3 years. Spring or early fall. Method Of Division Spreading divisions. Discard weak centers. Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus) When flowering slows due to crowding. Spring, summer or fall Fleshy clumping roots are large and brittle. Do not divide unless needed to improve bloom. Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis) Divide for plant increase as desired. Early spring. Can be divided as clumps or single “pips”. Ornamental Grasses Every 3 to 4 years. Spring for most grasses. Many grasses do not tolerate fall division. Very dense fibrous root system may require the use of an ax or saw to divide. Purple cone-flower (Echinacea) Every 4 years. Spring or fall. Spreading root division. Red-hot-poker (Kniphofia) Divide only for plant increase. Spring or fall. Fleshy clumping root system. Divisions may take 2-3 years to bloom. Tall sedum (Sedum ‘ Autumn Joy’) Clump divisions. For plant increase. Spring. Tickseed (Coreopsis) Every 1 or 2 years to maintain vigor. Spring or fall. Wormwoods (Artemisia) Every year or two for spreading wormwoods like ‘Silver King’ and ‘Valerie Finnis.’ Spring. 26 Spreading root division. Discard weak center. Spreading root division, or remove excess and dead center. Do not divide woody artemesias. Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Why retire young? Below is a very interesting study comparing age at retirement vs. age at death. The average person who works until age 65 dies 18 months after retiring while the person retiring at age 50 lives to be 86 years old. For those contemplating working another few years before retiring, realize you are losing two years of your life for each year you work beyond age 55. Optimum Strategies for Creativity and Longevity By Sing Lin, Ph.D. Member of National Council of Chinese Institute of Engineers – USA/Greater New York Chapter, and Member of Board of Director of National Taiwan University Alumni Association – Greater New York (March 2002) 1. Most Creative Years in the Life The Nobel Laureate, Dr. Leo Esaki, delivered the distinguished lecture entitled “Innovation and Evolution: Reflections on a Life in Research” in the University of Texas at Dallas in the afternoon of Feb. 23, 2002 during the 2002 US National Engineering Week. In this lecture, Dr. Esaki indicated that most of the great discoveries and innovations by the Nobel Laureates occurred at the average age of 32 even though the Nobel prizes were awarded 10 or 20 years afterwards. Furthermore, Dr. Esaki indicated that the peak creativity of most scientists occurred around the age range of 20 to 30 years. As one gets older, the experience increases but the creativity decreases steadily with the age. It is, therefore, very important to stimulate, encourage and cultivate many young people to get interested in science and engineering at their young age and to provide the optimal R&D environment for these very powerful young scientists and engineers to unleash their very strong creativities during their most precious and creative years around the age of 32. 2. Longevity Vs. Retirement Age The pension funds in many large corporations (e.g., Boeing, Lockheed Martin, AT&T, Lucent Technologies, etc.) have been “Over Funded” because many “late retirees” who keep-on working into their old age and retire late after the age of 65 tend to die within two years after their retirements. In other words, many of these late retirees do not live long enough to collect all their fair shares of pension money such that they leave a lot of extra-unused money in the pension funds resulting in the over-funded pension funds. Dr. Ephrem (Siao Chung) Cheng provided the important results in the following Table 1 from an actuarial study of life span vs. age at retirement. The study was based on the number of pension checks sent to retirees of Boeing Aerospace. 27 Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Table 1 – Actuarial Study of life span vs. age at retirement Age at Retirement 49.9 51.2 52.5 53.8 55.1 56.4 57.2 58.3 59.2 60.1 61.0 62.1 63.1 64.1 65.2 Average Age At Death 86.0 85.3 84.6 83.9 83.2 82.5 81.4 80.0 78.5 76.8 74.5 71.8 69.3 67.9 66.8 Table 1 indicates that for people retired at the age of 50, their average life span is 86; whereas for people retired at the age of 65, their average life span is only 66.8. An important conclusion from this study is that for every year one works beyond age 55, one loses 2 years of life span on average. The Boeing experience is that employees retiring at age of 65 receive pension checks for only 18 months, on average, prior to death. Similarly, the Lockheed experience is that employees retiring at age of 65 receive pension checks for only 17 months, on average, prior to death. Dr. David T. Chai indicated that the Bell Labs experience is similar to those of Boeing and Lockheed based on the casual observation from the Newsletters of Bell Lab retirees. A retiree from Ford Motor told Dr. Paul Tien-Lin Ho that the experience from Ford Motor is also similar to those in Boeing and Lockheed. The statistics shown in the Pre-Retirement Seminar in Telcordia (Bellcore) indicates that the average age that Telcordia (Bellcore) employees start retirement is 57. Therefore, people who retire at the age of 65 or older are minority as compared to the number of early retirees. The hard-working late retirees probably put too much stress on their aging body-and-mind such that they are so stressed out to develop various serious health problems that forced them to quit and retire. With such long-term stress-induced serious health problems, they die within two years after they quit and retire. On the other hand, people who take early retirements at the age of 55 tend to live long and well into their 80s and beyond. These earlier retirees probably are either wealthier or more able to plan and manage their various aspects of their life, health and career well such that they can afford to retire early and comfortably. These early retirees are not really idling after their early retirements to get old. They still continue doing some work. But they do the work on the part-time basis at a more leisure pace so that they do not get too stressed out. Furthermore, they have the luxury to pick and chose the types of part-time work of real interest to them so that they can enjoy and love doing that “fun” work at a more leisure pace. The late retirees are small in number, tend to die quickly after retirement and disappear from the population of old people beyond the age of 70. Late retirees, therefore, have very little weight on the statistical average life expectancy of the population of “old people” dominated by the early retirees. Several years ago, a Japanese friend of mine told me that most Japanese people retire at the age of 60 or earlier. This may be one of the factors contributing to the long average life span of Japanese people. 28 Volume 1.05 Die Heimat May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. 3. Changing Trend of US Pension Plans The traditional pension plans of many major US companies used to place a lot of value on the experience of long-term older employees by increasing the pension money rapidly and nonlinearly for long-term employees as their age + service year increases beyond the threshold of the rule of 75. Most long-term employees cross this critical threshold at about the age of 55. On the other hand, the early retirees incur very heavy penalty in pension and in other associated retiree benefits (e.g., employer paid medical insurance, employer paid life insurance, death benefits for family, etc.) when they retire before they meet the rule of 75. However, in recent few years, many large US corporations are switching from their traditional retirement pension plans to the new portable Cash Balance Plans. The new portable cash balance plans are much more favorable to the younger employees but are very unfavorable to the long-term older employees. Some older long-term employees found that when their employers switched from the traditional pension plans to the cash balance plan, their pensions were reduced by 30% to 50%. One of the implications of this trend towards the new cash balance plan is that the US corporations are now placing more value on the higher creativity and adaptability of younger employees and less value on the experience of the older employees. This is consistent with the accelerating pace of innovations and technology advances. The creative and dynamic younger employees are better positioned, than the older employees do, to keep up with the faster pace of technology advances. 4. Conclusion and Recommendations The most precious, creative and innovative period in your life is the 10-year period around the age of 32. Plan your career path to use this precious 10-year period wisely and effectively to produce your greatest achievements in your life. The pace of innovations and technology advances is getting faster and faster and is forcing everybody to compete fiercely at the Internet speed on the information super-highways. The highly productive and highly efficient workplace in USA is a pressure-cooker and a high-speed battleground for highly creative and dynamic young people to compete and to flourish. However, when you get older, you should plan your career path and financial matter so that you can retire comfortably at the age of 55 or earlier to enjoy your long, happy and leisure retirement life into your golden age of 80s and beyond. In retirement, you can still enjoy some fun work of great interest to you and of great values to the society and the community, but at a part-time leisure pace on your own term. On the other hand, if you are not able to get out of the pressure-cooker or the high-speed battleground at the age of 55 and “have” to keep on working very hard until the age of 65 or older before your retirement, then you probably will die within 18 months of retirement. By working very hard in the pressure cooker for 10 more years beyond the age of 55, you give up at least 20 years of your life span on average. 29 Volume 1.05 Die Heimat Carpathia Club, Inc. HANSI KIESLER SHOW 30 May 2007 Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. • “MORE THAN JUST A SOCCER CLUB” • Open Tryouts for 2007-08 – Public is invited to attend!! • First-class facility complete with fields, locker rooms and Est. 1952 members club!! • College scholarship funding to eligible players!! • Very affordable soccer fees!! • High quality training programs by elite trainers!! • USSF and NSCAA licensed coaches and trainers at every age level!! Age U09 U10 U11 Gold U11 Blue U12 U13 Gold U13 Blue U14 U15 U16 U17 U09 U10 U11 U12 U14 U16 U17 B-date 8/1/987/31/99 8/1/977/31/98 8/1/967/31/97 8/1/967/31/97 8/1/957/31/96 8/1/947/31/95 8/1/947/31/95 8/1/937/31/94 8/1/927/31/93 8/1/917/31/92 8/1/907/31/91 8/1/987/31/99 8/1/977/31/98 8/1/967/31/97 8/1/957/31/96 8/1/937/31/94 8/1/917/31/92 8/1/907/31/91 Tue Thu Tue Thu Sat Sat Sat Sat Sat Mn Fri Tue Fri Tue Sat Tue Sat Mn Sat Wd Sat Wd Fri Sat Fri Sat Sat Thu Sat Thu Fri Mn Sat Tue Fri Mn Date 6/19 6/21 6/19 6/21 6/16 6/23 6/16 6/23 6/16 6/18 6/15 6/19 6/15 6/19 6/16 6/19 6/16 6/18 6/16 6/20 6/16 6/20 6/15 6/16 6/15 6/16 6/16 6/21 6/16 6/21 6/15 6/18 6/16 6/19 6/15 6/18 Time 6:30p – Dusk 6:30p – Dusk 6:30p – Dusk 6:30p – Dusk 12p – 2p 10a – 12p 12p – 2p 10a – 12p 10a – 12p 6:30p – Dusk 6:30p – Dusk 6:30p – Dusk 6:30p – Dusk 6:30p – Dusk 2p – 4p 6:30p – Dusk 12p – 2p 6:30p – Dusk 10a – 12p 6:30p - Dusk 10a – 12p 6:30p - Dusk 6:30p – Dusk 2p – 4p 6:30p – Dusk 2p – 4p 2p – 4p 6:30p – Dusk 2p – 4pm 6:30p – Dusk 6:30p – Dusk 6:30p – Dusk 2p – 4p 6:30p – Dusk 6:30p – Dusk 6:30p – Dusk • One of the few clubs to offer soccer programs from youth to adult!! Championship teams in every league!! • If you are seeking a true club environment, then this is the place for you!! BOYS Location Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Carpathia Club Bishop Gallagher Carpathia Club Bishop Gallagher Carpathia Club Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Carpathia Club Bishop Gallagher Carpathia Club Bishop Gallagher Carpathia Club Bishop Gallagher Carpathia Club League MYSL Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Carpathia Club Bishop Gallagher Carpathia Club Carpathia Club Bishop Gallagher Bishop Gallagher Carpathia Club Carpathia Club Bishop Gallagher GIRLS K I C K E R S Coach Tony Matye Phone 248.828.9464 Randy Mathy USSF “D” Ed Mueller USSF “E” Marty Hagen 586.933.3710 Bill Plunkett USSF “E” James Doyon USSF “E” Phil Murphy USSF “D” Mike Dolan USSF “D” Bruce Wilden USSF “D” Keith McVettie USSF “E” Jim Lawson USSF “E” 586.804.9380 MYSL Marty Hagen 248.267.1219 MYSL S. Moracinni USSF “D” Giulio Galui USSF “D” Bruce Wilden USSF “D” Randy Mathy USSF “D” Rich Kern USSF “D” John Huth USSF “D” MYSL MYSL MYSL MYSL MSPSP Bound MYSL MYSL MSPSP MYSL MSPSP Bound MYSL MYSL MSPSP MYSL MSPSP PLAYERS SHOULD BRING: CLEATS, SOCCER BALL, WATER, LIGHT AND DARK SHIRT CARPATHIA CLUB IS LOCATED AT: 38000 UTICA ROAD BETWEEN SCHOENHERR AND HAYES ROADS IN STERLING HEIGHTS BISHOP GALLAGHER ATHLETIC COMPLEX IS LOCATED ON: UTICA ROAD BETWEEN 16 MILE ROAD AND MORAVIAN FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT ALL OUR TEAMS, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www. OR CONTACT MIKE DOLAN (YOUTH COORDINATOR) @ (586)630.2603. 31 586.801.8770 248.267.1219 517.927.9688 248.496.9368 586.630.2603 248.601.1525 586.779.6735 T R Y O U T 586.557.8393 586.914.1112 586.739.1110 248.601.1525 586.933.3710 810.333.6791 586.731.9013 S C H E D U L E Volume 1.05 Die Heimat Carpathia Club, Inc. CRO-FEST 32 May 2007 Volume 1.05 Die Heimat Carpathia Club, Inc. CLUB CLEAN UP 33 May 2007 Volume 1.05 Die Heimat May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. KÖNIGSBALL 34 Volume 1.05 Die Heimat Carpathia Club, Inc. 35 May 2007 Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. TO ORDER TICKETS FOR CLUB EVENTS CALL: MARIA DOSENBERGER AT 586-781-6734 Carpathia Web Site FISH FRY SCHEDULE 2007 JUGENDGRUPPE 1/5 2/16 3/30 5/11 6/22 8/3 9/14 10/26 SENIOREN 1/12 2/23 4/6 5/18 6/29 8/10 9/21 11/2 CHOR 1/19 3/2 4/13 5/25 7/6 8/17 9/28 11/9 FRAUEN 1/26 3/9 4/20 6/1 7/13 8/24 10/5 11/6 JÄGER 2/2 3/16 4/27 6/8 7/20 8/31 10/12 11/23 KICKERS 2/9 3/23 5/4 6/15 7/27 9/7 10/19 Carpathia Hall 586-978-2292 • January 20 – Dirndl Ball • February 10 – Koenigsball • February 18 – Carpathia Annual Membership Meeting • March 10 – Jaeger Bankette • March 18 – Ladies Card Party • May 12 – Frauen & Chor Bankette • May 13 – Mother’s Day • June 16 & 17 – Tag Der Donauschwaben & Father’s Day • July 14 & 15 – Summerfest • September 8 – Hawaiian Abend • September 28, 29, 30 – Oktoberfest • October 13 – Jaeger • October 20 – Wein Fest • October 21 – Senior Card Party • October 27 – Halloween Party • November 10 & 11 – Kirchweih • December 8 – Kickers Banquet • December 16 – Carpathia Christmas Party • December 31 – New Years Eve 36 Die Heimat Volume 1.05 May 2007 Carpathia Club, Inc. Carpathia Club, Inc. 38000 Utica Rd. Sterling Heights, MI 48312 586-978-2292 Presorted Standard Mail U.S. Postage Paid Sterling Heights, MI Permit 105 Die Heimat would like to thank our past sponsors for their support: A.H. Peters Funeral Home Ethnic Bakery Richard Gerstner DDS John and Holger Car Service Kaul Funeral Home Keil and Associates CPA Northern Metalcraft Anna and Peter Ess Dorthy and George Mink Deluxe Stamping I.G. Tool Co. Marka Rollshutter and Awnings Wujek-Culcaterra Funeral Home It is my hope that you will continue your generous support of our newsletter Sincerely, Editor....Anton Matye 37