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GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. Personal guide for: EMail: Product category: gifa.12 - Surface treatment Search Criteria: • • • • • • • • Company Figures Company Profile Contact Persons Exhibitors with address and hall location Hall map for each exhibitor News / Product News Product groups with descriptions and illustrations main_prod_no Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Postfach 101006 40001 Düsseldorf Germany Tel. +49 (0)221 / 45 60-01 Fax +49 (0)221 / 45 60-668 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 1 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 2 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. Exhibitors Contents 1 Exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 AGTOS GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 DIAMANT Metallplastic GmbH . . . . . . . 1.3 Eisenwerk Würth - Würth Strahlmittel . . . 1.4 Godfrey & Wing, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 LOI Italimpianti, LOI Thermprocess GmbH 1.7 Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH . . . . . 1.8 Ultraseal International . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 WISTA s.r.o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 WIWOX GmbH, Surface Systems . . . . . 1.11 ZELEZNIK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Fairground Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hall Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Hall 09 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Hall 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Hall 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Hall 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Hall 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 6 7 9 10 13 17 20 24 26 28 32 34 34 36 38 40 42 AGTOS GmbH Address Gutenbergstr. 14 48282 Emsdetten Germany Phone +49 2572 96026-0 Fax +49 2572 96026-111 Internet address E-Mail Stand Hall 16, A48 (Page 42) Product Overview gifa.12.06 AGTOS GmbH Surface treatment plants Product Details gifa.12.06 AGTOS GmbH Surface treatment plants Steel mill tumble blast machine The tumble blast principal has been recognized for decades as the most effective blasting process for removing sand, scale and burrs from heavy or sharp-edged mass production parts that require the robust steel mill design found in our Model MR tumble blast machines. Mounting screws secure the machine’s steel plates to links in the caterpillar tread. These links are then joined together with appropriate connecting elements. The tumbling motion of the mill ensures that work pieces are © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 3 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 4 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. exposed to the abrasive stream during the entire blasting period. extremely tiny work pieces. Machines of this kind can be filled and emptied in a variety of ways: with an automated loading device and take-off conveyor, or with other equipment already integrated in the rest of the production line. Machines of this kind can be filled and emptied in a variety of ways. These include an automated loading device and take-off conveyor, manual loading and unloading in semi-automatic mode, hoisting equipment or direct unloading into containers provided by the customer. Hanger-type blast machine Hanger-type blast machines are among the most flexible types of blasting equipment. They are used to remove rust, scale, sand and burrs from many kinds of work pieces. Hanger-type machines are also used for the finish blasting of sensitive work pieces or to roughen work piece surfaces for subsequent coating. DIAMANT Metallplastic GmbH As a rule, hanger-type blast machines are offered either for batch or continuous processing. However, there are many intermediate designs that are oriented towards different kinds of overhead conveyor systems. In many cases, different processes such as blasting, painting and subsequent drying can be interconnected via the overhead conveyor system. This makes it possible to tap an enormous potential for streamlining the process workflow. Additional processing variants are created by using different kinds of work piece holders to assist in the process of feeding work pieces to the blasting machine. In many cases, standard holders such as disks, baskets or rods can solve the application challenges. However, the increasingly detailed needs of our customers often lead to the creation of tailor-made solutions. Address Hontzlarstr. 12-14 41238 Mönchengladbach Germany Phone +49 2166 9836-0 Fax +49 2166 83025 Internet address E-Mail Stand Hall 10, J54 (Page 36) Product Overview DIAMANT Metallplastic GmbH gifa.12.03 Impregnation plants gifa.12.05 Surface treatment materials Rubber belt tumble blast machine The tumble blast design has been recognized for decades as the most effective blasting process for removing scale, rust and burrs from mass production parts that require the rubber mill design found in our Model MG tumble blast machines. The tumble blast machine’s endless rubber mill continuously turns the work pieces and exposes them to the abrasive stream for the entire blasting time. The use of a rubber mill ensures a relatively gentle tumbling motion. Because clearances are kept small, it is also possible to blast © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Product Details gifa.12.03 DIAMANT Metallplastic GmbH Impregnation plants Polymerwerkstoffe DIAMANT ist der führende Anbieter von Polymerw- 5 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 6 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. erkstoffen für hochwertige Komplettlösungen in der Gießereitechnik. Das attraktive Sortiment reicht von der Herstellung der Druckdichtigkeit des Bauteils, über die Reparatur von Lunker bis hin zum Verschleißschutz an Kokillen und der Abdichtung von Feuerungsanlagen. Product Overview Eisenwerk Würth - Würth Strahlmittel gifa.11.03.001 Shot-blasting abrasives, metallic gifa.11.03.002 Shot-blasting abrasives, inorganic, nonmetallic Polymerwerkstoffe gifa.11.03.003 Shot-blasting abrasives, organic DIAMANT ist der führende Anbieter von Polymerwerkstoffen für hochwertige Komplettlösungen in der Gießereitechnik. Das attraktive Sortiment reicht von der Herstellung der Druckdichtigkeit des Bauteils, über die Reparatur von Lunker bis hin zum Verschleißschutz an Kokillen und der Abdichtung von Feuerungsanlagen. gifa.11.03.004 Shot-blasting abrasives, others gifa.12.05 Surface treatment materials newcast.01.04.098 Shotblasting abrasives gifa.12.05 Surface treatment materials Product Details gifa.12.05 Eisenwerk Würth - Würth Strahlmittel Address +49 7136 9898-0 Fax +49 7136 25480 Internet address E-Mail Stand Hall 16, B20 (Page 42) Surface treatment materials Stahl-Strahlmittel VERA - Der strahlende Gewinn für Sie! Jagstfelder Str. 14 74177 Bad Friedrichshall Germany Phone Eisenwerk Würth - Würth Strahlmittel Länger: Die Lebensdauer von VERA�® liegt 20–30 % über der Lebensdauer von marktführenden hochgekohlten Stahlstrahlmitteln (Kohlenstoffgehalt größer 0,8 %). Gegenüber asiatischen Qualitäten realisiert sich so bis zu 50 % Vorteil. Schneller: Aufgrund der außergewöhnlichen Haltbarkeit und dem daraus resultierenden groben Betriebsgemisch sowie der exzellenten Aufhärtung während dem Einsatz erzielt VERA® eine hervorragende Putzleistung auf den Oberflächen. Besser: Die Lebensdauer und die Strahlintensität der Strahlmittel werden © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 7 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 8 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. im genormten Verfahren nach DIN 50315 ermittelt und als end result is an expected across-the-board V6 fuel efficiency improvement of six to eight percent - in addtion to new levels of V6 performance and refinement. Standzeit in der Anzahl der Strahldurchgänge [Dg] bzw. als Almen-Intensität (Durchbiegung in mm) angegeben. Godfrey & Wing’s CFi fully automated vacuum impregnation was selected to seal the blocks after considering all traditional impregnation options. Given the highly machined state of the engine block castings after vacuum impregnation, it was imperiative that the blocks employ the most robust impregnation technology available while eliminating failure modes common with vacuum impregnation. With a zero tolerance for contamination and damage, coupled with a leak specification below 2cc/min, the challenge had to be met with the advances found in the GW CFi. Hier beweisen sich die eindeutigen Vorteile von VERA�® gegenüber anderen Stahlstrahlmitteln! In addition the CFi is fully integrated into the machining line, affording an enormous savings in WIP, transportation and the hidden costs of business. Godfrey & Wing, Inc. Address 220 Campus Drive 44202 Aurora, Ohio USA Phone +1 330 562-1440 Fax +1 330 562-1510 Internet address E-Mail Stand Hall 15, F12 (Page 40) Company News 03/24/2011 03/25/2011 Underwriters Laboratories Group has once again added Imprex 95-1000A. The Underwriters Laboratories Group has once again added Imprex 95-1000A, our high performance impregnation sealant, to the UL listing. UL, as they are commercially known, is a non-profit organization that tests and classifies nearly 20,000 products against their own UL standards which primarily focus on products safety, especially for the safety of our Imprex 95-1000A, to be used in the impregnation of fuel components and devices. Godfrey & Wing, Inc. The UL group has just completed their product testing of Godfrey & Wing’s Imprex 95-1000A porosity sealant and once again found it in compliance with their requirements giving our customers a superior product. For more information contact Godfrey & Wing, Inc. Continuous Flow Impregnation (CFi)and Imprex Sealants on the Chrysler V6 PentaStar Engine Block Godfrey & Wing’s Continuous Flow Impregnation (CFi) is used on Chrysler’s new DOHC V6 PentaStar cylinder block. Product Overview gifa.12.03 via email at process- Godfrey & Wing, Inc. Impregnation plants This new family of V6 engines features an aluminum die cast block, dual variable valve timing (VVT) and a two-stage oil pump, among other technologies. The © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 9 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 10 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. lubrication and release properties over the widest range of application temperatures. The Acheson brand also includes ladle coatings, low pressure & gravity die coatings, hot-spot lubricants, plunger lubricants and a range of other speciality products for the diecaster. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Address Henkelstr. 67 40589 Düsseldorf Germany Phone +49 211 797-0 Fax +49 211 798-4008 Internet address Multan® high performance coolants provide for economic metalworking and forming of light metals, cast iron, steel alloys and non-ferrous metals. Loctite® offers high-performance adhesives, sealants and chemical products. For example: the Loctite Kit system allows for the impregnation of light-alloy castings to overcome issues of porosity. Alodine® is the ideal corrosion protection for light metals. It ensures the preparation and primer for painting and covers also the etch passivation as pretreatment for subsequent welding or bonding. E-Mail Stand P3® cleaners are high quality alkali, acid and neutral aqueous cleaners for efficient process-, parts- and maintenance cleaning. Hall 11, J35 (Page 38) Ceramishield® is a range of ceramic coatings to replace traditional anti-spatter in the MigMag welding process. Product Overview Henkel AG & Co. KGaA gifa.12.05 gifa.10.03.004 Release agents for die-casting gifa.12.03 Impregnation plants gifa.12.05 Surface treatment materials gifa.13.02 Welding installations and accessories Surface treatment materials Henkel Product Details gifa.12.03 Henkel is the manufacturer of many leading brands used in light-alloy die-casting: Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Impregnation plants Henkel Multan® high performance coolants provide for economic metalworking and forming of light metals, cast iron, steel alloys and non-ferrous metals. Henkel is the manufacturer of many leading brands used in light-alloy die-casting: Acheson® die lubricants provide diecasters with the opportunity to achieve the lowest possible process costs by delivering best-in-class © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Acheson® die lubricants provide diecasters with the opportunity to achieve the lowest possible process costs by delivering best-in-class lubrication and release properties over the widest range of application temperatures. The Acheson brand also includes ladle coatings, low pressure & gravity die coatings, hot-spot lubricants, plunger lubricants and a range of other speciality products for the diecaster. 11 Loctite® offers high-performance adhesives, sealants and chemical products. For example: the Loctite Kit system allows for the impregnation of light-alloy castings to overcome issues of porosity. Alodine® is the ideal corrosion protection for light metals. It ensures the prepara- © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 12 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. tion and primer for painting and covers also the etch passivation as pretreatment for subsequent welding or bonding. P3® cleaners are high quality alkali, acid and neutral aqueous cleaners for efficient process-, parts- and maintenance cleaning. Ceramishield® is a range of ceramic coatings to replace traditional anti-spatter in the MigMag welding process. gewählt. Nun bestellte das Unternehmen für die nächste Ausbaustufe einen weiteren Zweikammer-Schmelzofen TCF bei der LOI Thermprocess, ein Unternehmen der LOI Italimpianti Gruppe. Das neue Recyclingsystem wird über eine Tagesleistung von 150 Tonnen Flüssigmetall verfügen, das ausschließlich aus Schrott gewonnen wird. Es werden unterschiedliche Aluminium Blechschrotte eingeschmolzen. Das so gewonnene Flüssigmetall wird zu neuen Walzbarren verarbeitet. Die LOI Thermprocess Anlagentechnik wurde von Alunorf aufgrund ihrer herausragenden Leistungsfähigkeit und der umweltverträglichen und energieeffizienten Arbeitsweise gewählt. Address Am Lichtbogen 29 45141 Essen Germany Kontaminierter Schrott kann ohne Vorbehandlung eingesetzt werden. Die integrierte Abgasbehandlung sorgt für eine sichere und effiziente Verbrennung von Schadstoffen. Der Recyclingofen ist mit einem Regeneratorsystem ausgestattet, das eine hohe Wärmerückgewinnung aus dem Abgas des Ofens erzielt. Die verringerte und gekühlte Abgasmenge reduziert die Investitionskosten für die Filteranlage. Gleichzeitig gewährleistet das LOI-Regeneratorsystem die für die Umweltverträglichkeit erforderliche schnelle Abkühlung der Abgase. Phone +49 201 18911 Die Erweiterung des Alunorf Recycling-Centers wird im Herbst 2011 den Probebetrieb aufnehmen. Fax +49 201 1891310 Die LOI Thermprocess Recyclingtechnik TCF ist weltweit mit Erfolg im Einsatz und produziert insgesamt derzeit täglich ca. 2.000 Tonnen Flüssigmetall. Internet address E-Mail LOI Italimpianti, LOI Thermprocess GmbH Product Overview Stand 10.02.2011 gifa.01 Foundry plants and installations, planning, construction, engineering gifa.02.02.005 Hearth-type electric melting and holding furnaces gifa.02.02.009 Other electric melting and holding furnaces gifa.02.03.001 Crucible melting and holding furnaces, fuel-heated Hall 09, C62 (Page 34) Company News LOI Italimpianti, LOI Thermprocess GmbH LOI Italimpianti, LOI Thermprocess GmbH Aluminium Norf bestellt zweiten Zweikammer-Schmelzofen (TCF) bei LOI Italimpianti Aluminium Norf GmbH, Neuss, das weltgrößte AluminiumWalzwerk investiert weiter in hochmoderne Anlagentechnik für das Aluminium-Recycling. Als Herzstück für sein neues Recyclingzentrum hatte Alunorf im Jahre 2008 die LOI Thermprocess Recycling-Technologie © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 13 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 14 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. gifa.02.03.002 Hearth-type melting and holding furnaces, fuel-heated thermpro. Softening annealing gifa.02.03.003 Rotary furnaces thermpro. Other annealing processes gifa.10.01.002 Pouring equipment, dosing thermpro. Heating, Preheating / Non-ferrous metals gifa.10.01.003 Pouring equipment, heated (pouring furnaces) thermpro. Holding at temperature (solid phase) / Non-ferrous metals gifa.10.01.006 Pig casting machines gifa.10.06.001 Continuous casting machines and plants gifa.12.04 Galvanizing plants gifa.14.04 Heat treating furnaces and installations metec.06.01 Ingot casting metec.06.02 Continuous casting / non-ferrous metals metec.07.17 Reheating and heat treating furnaces (steel) metec.08.08 Reheating and heat treating furnaces (non-ferrous metals) thermpro. Hardening thermpro.01.07.003 Pouring / Non-ferrous metals thermpro. Nitriding thermpro. Postheating / Non-ferrous metals thermpro.01.07.015 Other thermal processes / Non-ferrous metals thermpro.01.08.002 Tempering / Steel and Iron thermpro. Gas carburizing thermpro. Galvanizing thermpro. Carburizing / Steel and Iron thermpro. Carbonitriding thermpro. Remelting / Non-ferrous metals thermpro. Nitrocarburizing thermpro. Stress-relieving annealing thermpro.01.08.013 thermpro. Homogenization annealing / Non-ferrous metals thermpro. Quenching thermpro. Solution annealing thermpro. Tempering / Steel and Iron thermpro. Artificial ageing thermpro. Case hardening © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 15 Sintering / Steel and Iron © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 16 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. thermpro. Annealing Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH thermpro. Malleablizing Address Vorstadt 1 96190 Untermerzbach / Bayern Germany thermpro. Heating, Preheating / Steel and Iron Phone +49 9533 924-0 thermpro. Holding at temperature (solid phase) / Steel and Iron Fax +49 9533 924-300 thermpro. Postheating / Steel and Iron Internet address thermpro.02.04 E-Mail Stand Hall 16, C35 (Page 42) thermpro. Quenching and tempering Quenching equipment thermpro. Burner / Gas firing equipment thermpro. Recuperator burner / Gas firing equipment Product Overview thermpro. Burner / Oil firing equipment thermpro. Recuperator burner / Oil firing equipment © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 17 Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH gifa.10.03.007 Trimming machines for die casting gifa.11.01.004 Decoring equipment gifa.11.02.001 Pneumatic blast cleaning machines gifa.11.02.002 Airless shot-blasting machines gifa.11.02.003 Pressure water blasting plants gifa.11.04.001 Deflashing machines gifa.11.05.006 Grinding technology, others gifa.12.06 Surface treatment plants © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 18 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. Product Details gifa.12.06 Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH Surface treatment plants Long Life Turbines At 01.01.2011, Rösler acquires Rutten, a world leader for over 20 years in the area of Long Life Shotblasting Turbines. Rutten has been a tireless innovator of shotblast materials and this founded the revolutionary C-Turbine with curved blades. And now its most recent research effort, corroborated by intensive testing, has yielded a new concept: the Gamma-�®-Turbine which is equipped with active double-sided bladings. The patended Rutten C-Turbines and the patended Rutten Gamma-�®- Turbines stand out for: Increased abrasive projection speed Exceptional wear resistance (extra strong alloy) Reduction of energy consumption Extreme long service lives (C-Turbines 8 times, Gamma-�®- Turbines from 8 to 16 times) Adaptable blast image Increasing the shotblasting result (C-Turbines 50% up to 70%, Gamma-�®- Turbines 45% up to 58% higher shotblasting power compared to conventional turbines) Reduced shot consumption Very low consumption of spare parts Reversible turbines, blast pattern regulator and pre-accelerator (Gamma-�®- Turbine) ponents. These media ensure that the required dimensional tolerances of the load area of the teeth are maintained, and that the inside surface of the bearing seat is also smoothed down to the specified value. Another positive side effect of this particular mass finishing process is the removal of peaks on the parts surface generated by the preceding manufacturing process. This results in several significant benefits: The parts do not require a special run-in period and the risk of micro-pitting which usually occurs, when a part is exposed to pressure, is drastically reduced. At the same time the friction, for example in a transmission, is reduced increasing the time between service intervals. The Rösler mass finishing process produces surface readings as low as Ra = 0.02 µm. Of course, the overall processing time required for achieving such surface conditions depends on the surface roughness of the raw parts. For example, with a surface reading on the raw part of Ra = 0.9 it takes about 2 hours of processing time to reduce the Ra value down to Ra = 0.35. This new mass finishing process can, of course, also be used to replace the manual grinding of the running surface of large bearing rings and the deburring of brass bearing cages for large bearings. The replacement of manual labor with this mechanical process not only produces significant cost savings, but it also results in a significantly improved control of the deburring and grinding process with absolutely repeatable and consistent finishing results. Ultraseal International Address Godiva Place CV1 5PN Coventry United Kingdom Phone +44 2476 258444 Fax +44 2476 551402 Internet address E-Mail Stand Hall 11, G04 (Page 38) Mass finishing of large gear and bearing components The pre-defined surface finishes that are required for the optimal operation of large gear components are usually generated with costly and time-consuming CNC grinding systems. With a mass finishing process specifically developed by Rösler, the costs for such applications can be reduced to about one third of the costs of the CNC grinding process. The fact that the Rösler system allows the simultaneous finishing of several parts in one single batch is an additional benefit. Depending on the weight and geometry of the parts to be processed, rotary or tub vibrators may be utilized allowing the finishing of parts with a weight of up to 3 metric tons (6,600 lbs) and an external diameter of up to 2500 mm (100 inches). Specially developed grinding media are utilized for finishing the surface of the tooth section of such gear com- © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 19 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 20 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. Company News 03/18/2011 Ultraseal International ULTRASEAL INTERNATIONAL OPENS JAPAN OFFICE Ultraseal International, the world-leading provider of solutions to the eternal problem of porosity in metal castings, has opened an office in Japan. The company has also been at the forefront of the design of impregnation equipment, developing its own Sealant Recovery System for recycling sealants. It manufactures a range of both conventional top-loading and innovative frontloading impregnation machines and also offers customers a full support service, including analysis and quality control from its own laboratories. Headquartered in Coventry, UK, Ultraseal International is part of the Norman Hay Group plc and has a global presence with operations in the United States, China and India as well as a further 20 agents/distributors throughout the world. The UK-based company with a global reach is expanding its operations in the Far East to serve the increasing demand for its innovative products. These include its market leading Rexeal 100 recyclable sealant and a range of front-loading impregnation equipment that can be incorporated into a production line and is ideally suited to modern lean manufacturing processes. 04/01/2011 The office in Osaka, the historic commercial capital of Japan, is run by newlyappointed General Manager Hiroki Kashiwa who has considerable knowledge and experience of Ultraseal International’s products as he previously worked for Ultraseal International’s former long-standing agents in Japan. Gary Lloyd, Managing Director of Ultraseal International, said: “We are delighted to open our office in Japan under Mr Kashiwa who already knows our customers and has a wealth of knowledge about the impregnation process and our products. “Having our own dedicated Ultraseal International office in Japan will enable us to support customers throughout the Far East, in particular Japanese manufacturers that are expanding into mainland China where our Rexeal 100 recyclable sealant is swiftly becoming the solution of choice for reliably and permanently solving the problem of porosity in castings.” Officially launched at the Japan Die Casting Congress & Exposition held in late 2010 at Yokohama, Ultraseal International’s Japan office has already won an order from a Japanese company setting up an operation in Thailand and is in negotiations with another that is establishing a manufacturing facility near Shanghai, China. Ultraseal International produces a range of methacrylate-based sealants and was the first in the world to market a recyclable sealant, Ultraseal MX2, which operates a closed loop cold wash system compared to conventional processes, in which 90% of the sealant is washed away, along with lots of water. ULTRASEAL INTERNATIONAL STRENGTHENS ITS TOP TEAM Three key appointments made Ultraseal International, the world-leading provider of recyclable sealants that reliably and permanently solve the problems of porosity in metal castings, has strengthened its management team. The UK-headquartered company with a global reach has created three new key appointments to underpin its drive to bring the environmental benefits of its innovative technology to a wider audience. Stephen Hynes is Ultraseal International’s first Strategic Marketing Director and will have global responsibility for promoting the brand. Tim Butler is Ultraseal International’s new global Sales Director. He also has responsibility for the Lubrolene range of water-free die-casting lubricants for which Ultraseal International has exclusive European distribution rights . Bob Remler has been appointed Vice President Sales of Ultraseal America, Inc and is based at Ann Arbor, MI, will drive Ultraseal’s growth in the Americas. Ultraseal International has its headquarters in Coventry, UK, and has a global presence, with operations in the United States, Japan, China and India as well as a network of more than 20 agents/distributors around the globe. Its innovative range of recyclable sealants – including the new generation Rexeal 100 – use far less chemicals and water than conventional systems in which 95% of the sealant is simply washed away. Ultraseal International also produces a range of ground-breaking, front-loading impregnation equipment that can be easily incorporated into a production line. Ultraseal International’s new generation of recyclable sealant, Rexeal 100, has improved environmental credentials and enhanced effectiveness, operating across a wider temperature range from -50C to 220C. © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 21 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 22 02/15/2011 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. Water-free Release Agent Establishes Hold in European Automotive Market Lubrolene’s Water-free Release Agent (WFR) continues to establish its leading position in the European automotive foundry market. After securing business with some of Japan’s largest automotive OEMs - Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Daihatsu and Suzuki – Lubrolene usage is now rapidly growing in Europe with a number of large OEMs changing over parts of their production process and the rate of trials increasing rapidly with others in the supply chain. The development of water free solutions in HPDC has been led – almost uniquely – by Lubrolene of Japan. The proving of the technology and its adoption as a readily acceptable and production proven solution started in the Japanese automotive industry but now it is no longer a uniquely Eastern manufacturing practice. In partnership with its European distributor - Ultraseal International - Lubrolene WFR is applied by micro-mist technology and delivers these typical benefits over the water based lubricants: •Dramatically increases die life due to less heating and cooling •Allows faster cycle times due to lubricant adhesion at higher temperatures •Eliminates down-time caused by blocked nozzles •Eliminates residual water and reduces porosity rejects •Gives considerable environmental and cost benefits through spraying 0.1% of current spray volumes Mr Sharat Nath, Managing Director of Ultraseal India, said “After 25 years, Ultraseal India has built an enviable customer base that includes some of the world’s best known automotive brands, as well as having established a market leading product range. This longevity in the market place and first mover advantage has created competitive advantage in terms of global product approvals, world class quality and market and product application knowledge that adds great value to our customers’ business”. Product Overview gifa.12.03 Ultraseal International Impregnation plants WISTA s.r.o. Address Dlouhé díly 414 763 02 Zlín - Louky Czech Republic Phone +420 577113430-1 Fax +420 577113436-7 India’s leading supplier of impregnation sealant and equipment is celebrating Internet address 25 years since its inception as a private limited company in India. A technical and financial collaboration with Ultraseal International of the United Kingdom, Ultraseal India continues to build upon its reputation as a pioneer in introducing new impregnation technology. After being first to market with vacuum impregnation technology and thermo curing impregnation sealant (methacrylate), the company is now increasingly converting major automotive OEMs in India to the use of recycling impregnation sealant that not only improves the cost competitiveness of the process but also substantially reduces the environmental impact - less water usage and up to 90% of the sealant is recovered and reused through a sealant recovery system (SRS). Rexeal 100, the world leading impregnation recycling sealant brand, includes benefits such as improved process stability, increased thermal resistance and increased hydrophobic properties. E-Mail Stand Hall 16, C22 (Page 42) 02/15/2011 Ultraseal India Celebrates 25th Years in Business © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 23 Product Overview gifa.12.06 WISTA s.r.o. Surface treatment plants © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 24 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. Product Details gifa.12.06 WISTA s.r.o. Surface treatment plants Blast Cleaning Cabinet DUKE Arc spray gun LD / U 2 with the nozzle for wire diameter 1.6 mm, 2.0 mm or 2.5 mm Wire feed set with DC motor (either on a small console or as a separate device) which can be used to feed the wire into the nozzle through up to 15m long loom. Special mobile power source with all control and regulation functions. Technical data: 100% duty cycle at 300 A, 28 V 400 V, 50 Hz, 11 kVA Compact DUKE blast cabinets are used for general dry abrasive blast cleaning. The enclosure is made of quality steel, designed for work efficiency and practicality. Its compact and practical design provides space saving and favorable work ergonomic. Maximum working air pressure is 7 bar (102 psi). Tables Workpieces are placed either directly onto a rotary table or into a table mounted fixtures. Wide opening door allow simple and fast loading.Blast wheels are mounted above the table on the top of the blast cabinet.Self standing or integral dust collector unit. High pressure greatly increases the performance and efficiency of blasting. Features: Wire Mesh Belt Economic system with the blasting cabinet, cyclone separator and dust collector in 1 unit Compact, ergonomic design provides space saving and userfriendliness Easy commissioning - just connect to the compressed air and electrical feed Large glass visor and interior lights ensure high visibility inside the cabinet Wire Mesh Belt Treated parts are placed onto a horizontal wire mesh belt conveyor which passes through the blast chamber Blast chamber is lined with special manganese steel Optional equipment: Loading cart Turntable Hard fixturing for nozzles Automation Kit Bag dust collector Cartridge dust collector Suitable for high production rates, can be placed as part of production line without without interupting material flow Blast wheels are located above and below the conveyor under different angles to ensure that all workpiece surfaces are exposed to the blast stream - CWB line Hand Metallization Coating Equipment Blast wheels are located only above the conveyor, designed for finishing of flat panels, ceramics and concrete pavers, etc. - TRL line OSU- Hessler 300A LDU- 2 Push Multi-purpose equipment with great applicability in corrosion protection. If necessary, the device can be in minutes switched over to coating application of steel, zinc, aluminum, etc. Set includes: © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 25 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 26 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. WIWOX GmbH, Surface Systems Address Product Details WIWOX GmbH, Surface Systems Niermannsweg 3-5 40699 Erkrath Germany WIWOX 3CD Phone +49 211 159888-0 Mechanical processes Fax +49 211 159888-11 Elektrochemische-Entgratanlagen Internet address E-Mail Stand Hall 16, E03 (Page 42) Product Overview gifa.12.06 Surface treatment plants Precision burr removal using electrochemical processes, polishing and finishing through controlled removal of layers from metallic surfaces in single work stages, manually or fully automatically within just a few seconds. WIWOX GmbH, Surface Systems gifa.11.02.001 Pneumatic blast cleaning machines gifa.11.02.002 Airless shot-blasting machines gifa.11.02.003 Pressure water blasting plants gifa.11.03.001 Shot-blasting abrasives, metallic gifa.11.03.002 For all components made of steel, stainless steel, aluminium and brass. Greatest surface purity and minimization of surface roughness as well as on indentations and in concealed holes. ZELEZNIK Address Sopotnica 7244 Zvan Demir Hisar Former Yugoslav Rep. of Macedonia Shot-blasting abrasives, inorganic, nonmetallic Phone +389 47 272418 gifa.11.03.003 Shot-blasting abrasives, organic Fax +389 47 272523 gifa.11.03.004 Shot-blasting abrasives, others Internet address gifa.12.06 Surface treatment plants E-Mail gifa.22.03 Dust extraction systems Stand Hall 16, H51 (Page 42) © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 27 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 28 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. Product Overview ZELEZNIK gifa.11.03.001 Shot-blasting abrasives, metallic gifa.12.05 Surface treatment materials newcast.01.01.007 Wear-resistant cast iron newcast. Shell moulding (Ferrous castings) newcast.01.04.006 Building machinery components (Ferrous castings) newcast.01.04.007 Mining machinery components (Ferrous castings) newcast.01.04.010 Crusher jaws newcast.01.04.098 Shotblasting abrasives Product Details gifa.12.05 ZELEZNIK Surface treatment materials Production Program Steel Shot Production Program Steel Shot © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 29 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 30 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. The Bright World of Metals 28 June – 2 July 2011 • Düsseldorf, Germany Rheinbad CARAVAN CENTER Hallen/Halls 10 – 13 15 – 17 Hallen/Halls 9 + 10 Hallen/Halls 3+4+5 Hallen/Halls 13 + 14 Nord/North Autobahn/ Motorway A44 0,5 km 8a 8b 78 U-Bahnhof Tram Station (Nord-Ost)* (North-East)* Messe Nord *Nur für Pendelbusse (nicht bei allen Veranstaltungen geöffnet) *For shuttle buses only (not available for all events) Polizei, Fundbüro Police, Lost property office Logistikzentrum Logistics Center 6 Pendelbusspur Shuttle bus 7 7a 0 9 5 Messe-Einfahrt/Tor T 1 Fair entrance/Gate 1 3 r ame erd Rott 17 Be 11 ckb usc hst raß e 79 Duisburg e Ost/East 897 CCD Pavillon hst raß e Nordpark 78/79 Am Löbbecke Museum + Aquazoo 722 in Ha Da n zig er S traß e 896 CCD Ost/CCD Süd Kongresse/Congresses S to 450 ckume m r Kirc 4k m m 4k adt km enst City 4 Inn 722 722 Düsseldorf Fashion House 2 896 m Restaurant Café 897 B8 1 Halle/Hall 7.0 Verbände/Associations Institutionen/Institutions Hochschulen/ Colleges and universities Kais ers rw ert her Stra ß 722 4k Congress Center Düsseldorf Congress Center Düsseldorf Magazin Storeroom Inn ens tad t CCD Süd CCD Ost Werkstatt Workshop City Cit y ße Stra 15 14 16 2 Süd/South © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 13 4 CCD Stadthalle Rhein R Rh hei he ein n 10 Freiligrathplatz Zoll, Spediteure Customs, Forwarders 722 78 12 0–2 F Ai lugh rp af or e n t3 3 km km 78 Heinz-Ingenstau-Str. 897 896 Düsseldorf Fashion House 1 Thewissen weg Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Postfach 10 10 06 40001 Düsseldorf Germany Tel. +49 (0)2 11/45 60-01 Fax +49 (0)2 11/45 60-6 68 32 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. 2.1 Hall 09 C62 LOI Italimpianti, LOI Thermprocess GmbH © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 34 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. 2.2 Hall 10 J54 DIAMANT Metallplastic GmbH © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 36 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. 2.3 Hall 11 G04 Ultraseal International J35 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 38 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. 2.4 Hall 15 F12 Godfrey & Wing, Inc. © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 40 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. 2.5 Hall 16 A48 AGTOS GmbH B20 Eisenwerk Würth - Würth Strahlmittel C22 WISTA s.r.o. C35 Rösler Oberflächentechnik GmbH E03 WIWOX GmbH, Surface Systems H51 ZELEZNIK © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 42