VOT I'ME X) TV '! «r r. ~'~~ s .. ~-r ra~ . rr )AIRO, r~~ cl:!!:!! '.-., ' '' I 1 (::Icr.'ail 'l ', -'t '. i[: j C ]c»n ) c>yn];>» 1 Cri<llebaugh Poy Scout accom»anied G. to SI>.lca»e last Wcdncs- Patrol Leader's GOVERNME>IT >A<S FOR IN BANG'S TEST j REACTORS ' copven-, .. I . "1! cicrlr»» >11'>il j T) .. r. C»<I I tl]cr ct!'s»:!rc»«]i[r '- St»<!C»ts TT~I]..' » ! ('»! ' ]'l Fl'P,S [. on>e Foi ]]~-,l:r!.!y; r )»] i . iii 1 I«.'< !!»''»'!- '' ]., w)] !!~!»I!c.: -'. I -19 Ol'NT. i.'.:: F 'OM LT:L/ sj'; !' )it ',, ~,, v, <, .- 1 )>i —.!u'» c > E'TTON 'S ~ !, I C ] I 1 ui c]', i> I 9u,()( 0 r!I!O»t c,,«», ]C.. „!c','«!cl D'«! !':<gs !I 1»!) ).I!».'. N»»'! I!c'.il'j-;ter, w!«».. »,»!,> ««]c»],» >. 'l! s. C:Iy<1<.'Al c(r<.»»»<) ho»1c., I, -c»,, I ~ "'! '! ' ' '.1 »»<], <)'cc'htcz'>c!,1. t)]c»cc.,-c.]<] i>=i >ng ! - 'c ! -» rplc'n>c» L c. !» r ci> c, I >>';] y!s! ! '!!','1'c rc)<! t!ycs hc!'c. "lip)'!) . I !c'onlL'='c I'uteri e!!tcr] «+Ic'r ]Air,;!n<l i] rs, Gqr<l I "! El>c prob»! Iy hi]„'ner Icyc! o[ I!C>» I) I'.. Flc-'!«»Rn )l!ss ]'»! >(<l;! ("!»!»>I» '-. w I. ] ic-.«»a.l, <] il!. »ii<1 Mr,. prices <h!s 'ca. <>»»1(!y il<» hc rc]lect- !>tc»<1 j!)<r ]N o!rthwc'tcr» ))» t»c -'s c'«l- I'.I'!><» <«!<1 I'!]Ccn I!'Ic.i!!!.Rn, )'[r. and rl ! 1< s ccl in ]':1'grcr I>]a»t»! p's»> 1 'a., j h!. rc 8)» i]r;«>c,,]Is<] .']» "I I ! I«)1!- i I -- 1). 1, 1'<'sh]il;!» »»d i[t', !>>ld p>c:c»t;>rice eye) ca!«! ]< I c m;!in- <];!ys »i,l> hcr,>:!rc>ii-. i)1, «!<1 T., [:, Ye»ni a»cl .-<» ii';!y»c at S]]«] ~~]"-I Cw.js]o» 1'!i»ccl !1 '!c!'c!gc1.. I»c'! '"<) Rh< ''c '>c» ( c»]»]»»gs cl>»>>c> I Il!«>l<sclylng 1>4y!>Cc!11 'CT)l )»y'p>l 1 <'<1<»1'th!s I.[cnc )Ir=,. R. ]i Nu. 'i!'.;!»>I A[ra, I l. . 'rl:: and !!»Prove']'',,!!!l, jz!!: '»'.! ('! r, Al!'. !!»d )I!'.-'. !>,I! (. I"IW>ord <,1C 'c!'»P)>I) c .]'«c a»<I l''»I;! jc']»C.' 1.'u»t !!S !! >'C.-'»li '!!:!']ic' .'! . )c'»»!c. ' '1 I!!!)c c)»»;!'Ic! ]..c'!' ~;,<].'CI!!! Icpo>1 I]> si! «!!io», say.. a ! « '«» I! ! t;]s;] c:] '.'' ', Th»»l<."'» >rii'! Mr. l11»'I I><»t 'I'l(.'<'I:!! . »»Ply ct] I>c.'»s !''!!c.Cu!- <!!!,!»> )~L«y )Co!;; >»„', !(»]<.y !'il'ltl il ]''(.O»A>']<if,'t ( I>'~!1 )<' !c!1»1>rkl 1 c«']'>c!'!'..!..c«! iI !]!c!)~oc>)] l ct]>! ])c".:» )>.''Cc. i, C 1')3]. ii!( ': ''"' 'j')c'! i '." i"-~Y BE "~]'J S(TU ION l''I''I c) -" " '" .') El J 'OI < j'Ai!'I'.j', ' V> ')! ),'1; ~]" << ]1',~ +-„I-;!s> f>>,'! { lcIr. Rnd I [la. B lans C ]alivaricd '-'S SP.',N I" T[LIN>S iTVI)]:.=!c V/AY c),, CAMERON !a.-t OUT ii cd»c.-<lay nii,!1! i Ihe ) <»].>Ir..tcr: t<]CO!C t!1C Opl]<irtu»j(y, Miss I".tta B]urn Marries oi Rri!ig ii[r.;«]d i] rs. Ra) -', '" I »> ! ' 1' j!ri:.ns;!I'tcr ihc l>asl.eih;!)I .' of dau;htcr ..[iss Hc»riciia Ij]»>», c)'ci ','!»]c.".'!'I w'crc over, I)!c sc):c>c>I ho>1<c i']r. r«!c! X[l s. A. II. j)]»»> a»<l A! '!I !I!c Rider horne. bc.'rt Glc»», Juj'»etta, >vere ii»iie<l in ' !» <]l ' r; I » ! ! !!-.] h .1d marriagc iVcd].c.-.<]:cy ai'!Crno<»»; t tl!e, ilr. j ri;!»s h:«I just arrived f1»»11 j '!1"'>':-r»c'> Cha" [~)<!go~>d. 'f!ie iVor!cy an<1 this bci»g thc first time .Lc>vjsto]i 1,!!>hera» parso»a;rc, I < ii', 'i, att~ a» I "-!1<) ..~ -' rs, hail the opporRcv. iV!]i)am Sc'hi>;!rz pear[or>»j»gr t'!e y»!;! f':»')" OI't:!nd 'nf !."']! r,;!>'e! 1)', »];!<I< the »1;t thc'. cc! cn>o 1), 'l l]c bc:t ivi, hes <ll»»<'1. h<1. 1"":c» '::.»!ilv w<' '-!»».1<»:C»»»<I ci». 'hc>» !! ro»sinrr, nojsv few m!»»t< s., thc co»ll!11»>li v >s cxtcndcd to oil I]otel c<!!c-] 1!>c js.c»c)r]ck t<!w.» and They w j)I »]']]cc thej! hc>>»<i in tl!c hcy w <re tr!kr» d»!y» give» t!c:its;!nd thc di» s»]>sided. former O]<lag rc;idence, -. R<])]t, Damn>a! Cll hdc] They h:«I a goo<1 rioisy ti»]c oi it, j "[r a»d BITS OF INTEREST FROM FRIDAY, j)j'.( I]cocle<i !» i> ]c>y »<>» CI I;;t ~ > 1 'l, < "! I., B'c!!Ct t ! j i[r '>I- P I i)rj,i[!. ~ atc .1»cl low yicl<IS ra'1>cr '! !,j! i[r. 1 .-.Pu»t GERMAN th;«! re<1»ccd an<1 )Irs. <.c!c din»cr g»csts AND U. S. WAYS c])>crt U'il't on ac<i 'c j )Ir. Graybcal R»d f 1!»»ksg! y!n ' ilrs. 1 Pl»»icd acreage. Sn!it)i ..Pc»t t'e ili.-'. Gcorgean ' In The U, S. A,. Gj', B.".>'.]Ctt, >ord. at indicofl!e 1)34 croP of '!ycclc-cnd at home. di. ease»nder the Federal-State A nc'w dc!!1 ii 'lsh!»gio», !N<]> Tl;.!'l<! Thomas a!1<! ,''ate<1 in Noyc»>bc>'o j!!] ) 548 QQQ )'[1. and I operative agreement is proyi»g very c»]'orcc]nc>>t pro>n!.-C<l ivas hy <.Odc in cntcrtai»c I )[r.'. a»<j I famil Undergoes OPe ation ba([s, con>pareil «iih ]2, 8(],()()p ba<» dairymen I;l»1lli''C! C ThR»k. )rjyj»gr y1S>to>'S a' !vit!> Idaho pop»lar tl'!rongl!;!»»1'I»>c(]]a]c RA tod!!y N cw'!Sto», I oi Phillips, 00('] h r !qr fat)>er, Geo. a»c'l thc ]cj33 59 [ L, ras I [ and taken cattle t was beef I ihc ]i»me of AIrs. I To<ye]]'s mother, purebred brce<lers of . Adeline Rodgers w.ith a c;!rry over dcce»trajiz:]t!On of con>pli>»cc i!ia! hi»r ednes<iay ]927-3[ average I»d»stry Ani!nal ii of ti>e»ew R»reau hospital to a Lewjsto» 'cry into tcn Poiyerf»l regi»n;!1 otficcs )[r. Rnd )[r~. Silyie Conk. a]'.<] the current niar)<et year of ] t an operation laboratory is kept b»sy taking care of I.. L. Yenni and D. E. Flesh>»an where shc undenyent and ilr. and AIrs. Dea» 7()0 ppp cia»ghter fhc total !yajlablc I<> 1c!»oye blue eagles an<1 direct court; ! ivcrc Leiviston visitors iVcdncsday. bags for an infection in one of he'r ]ow'«, the l>lo<3 samp]cs sent j» bv ],ctcrj 'Pro''" to a statement 8, right were Th;!»ksgiying clay guests supply for this year's marl.ctings and, limbs. )1'rs, Rodgers accn>npanied herr nal!a»s," according n]pve >'cp <><]]. home in T.eiyist<». Cia»de C the bags returni»g home Fri<lay. Miss Rodgers, n>ac)c hv Dr T A Whjtp director a- ol .al>pl'ox]»lately fi>QQ,QQQ ]>ags less vancement of thc cocle po]ice p s, ' had I-ohma]T )I> i[rs. Carl and 'of the Bureau of Animal Industry. thc Tvec]c-end'r at their homes in ' spe»t is repored as doing well. of, w'hich began with the appointment and Mr. children, their din»er guests ppp 'han "At a»d 9pp di, appearance ]933 t]TC T.e>yiston. White said, Dr. Continuing, Kellogg At .Qccial assistfi-! )I> I e»-ohn]a>i an<1 family, ]iir. A co»t,»»cd G. St>u>leigh Arnold, Rs th~>T average r>»d Schoeffler, 'egi»ning of this ivork iyhich is C'»mmings Otto 'Attorney General Mrs. Mr. and a»t to )[iss Irw'j» Mr..-. El!»cr. T.ohman, and ! high cluring of di appearance )eye] approp-, Relief Federal the F nanced by cases. N Herbert Brunseik, Carl Mustoc, Euthis year w o»]d exhaust thc present ,in charge of 'iation, there ivas some confusion and E<]>» («>d a fri<.nd troni r),Insco>y. 'raig werc visitors at the Virgil nlotorcu T Southwjck, Irene and ent<>are . F. V un-,' )[r )Irs. and 1'n haf'> cst ]935, sbme si>ppl!cs before because hampered the work spend to state'»cl't Thursday I"']ay: C-l>as tl'Is dc Kellogg to Mr. less import- are 1»ade. The hortaqe dinner Tha»ks(rjyjng Tj»»).sqjvjng that it C a>g At- dairymen did not understand A ivf Arnold': to»>or)'[r. arrival 'XVith Thanksgiving with Mr, and Ivfrs. fa»]ill. »»<I and. 13errc»TR» )[rs. Jalce the in Mrs. Jesse prono»need is most or of beans and tamily, yith his sister contract 'ivas necessary to sign a roiv, I believe you >vill agree a ncw lee )[ustoe, They returned home on 'greement w jth the government be- and )Ir an<1 Mrs. Stciyart Compton 'into class, iyit» most ot)>cr classes, g ' "RI P '"'""". ' )[rs. Minnie Bla'nkcnship and fame'I '" t ,'ore they could have their animals a»d amily of I.eiyiston. From Wenatch'ee Wc have tl'c f'nest ki»<1 place. of Sather Allen r)' a»'] )Irs. carry-, enourrh proyid<. 'arge to a!iy vi. it 1 M ' nd *M s. D k I< il others' vyere reluctant to sign tested; ' . iyith the justice depart- ''at Wegner an<i rMr. and )Irs. Aruthur and Dcoba]d )Mrs, Genesee )fary r jntp into [936 on Thanksgiving. not p c! i oyer I.apwai < ) d because t ey the agreement »1 cut. Clarkston, dinner Sr., Tha»ksgiv»g Carl Wegner, >yere iVegner son and and Wyon>ing in Idaho, DciV)»ter spent Thanksgiving Procluction A. clause. in<iemnity the understand ' ! were over-night guests Tuesday night:. "For the benefit'f those 1th his folks Rt Moscoiv. h who h are! guests of i[r. and iMrs. iV. B. Deo- Montana, states producing principalIn Germany . of Mr. Rnd XiIrs. Aug. F. Mr. anil Mrs. A. G. Peters iyere ly Great ).Ort]ierns, totals 1,750,000', d it should) ) ]he statedd: bald still uninformed, f and j>ow'er visitors at the home -of )Ir. and Mrs. 21.— >i'frs. Ben Cummings Absolute Noy. Mr. an<i Berlin, j 2,3]9.()<)0 To Kennewick jth w bags! bags, compared that before any testing can he done P F. Wegner, the cattje owner must. sign an agree- family and )[r. and )'[rs. Herman ;chir. and )Irs. August dinner iyere and family >n the hands of D!. Kar] Goer-! Sch»pfer P]aced at. Mr ]y[r. R»d iVegner; himse]f to! Gladys and binds he in ivhich Wegner ment Glenn and Mrs, Virgii F)eshnian and holidays wrjth slaughter or have s]aughtercd a]) re- j guests of )Tr. and )'[rs. N. E Walk],- the crop of Great Northcrns is about <lelcr, new nazi commissar for prices! sPent the Thanksgiving clay. decree .'divided the l'[a>»ijy 'fhursday evening. ! acting 400,000 bags less than in 1933, but j A government animals: to safeguard the rc er nn Thanksgiving relatives at Kennewick. <jj»..had as Plummer wjt]T leaders in! Stella 'ation districts, )[rs. into Ra]ejg]t and of 410,000 I To[>ma» carry-over Dw jght estimated the new ani maining herd in purchasing From Spokane sonThanksgiv!ng day Mr bags on September to Goerdelcr, and 'mith spent the week-end at honie. each responsible fcguards»ergi>est the brings [, )Ir. and Mrs. Bresgal off pn <ane .'and ii'[rs. Robbins, Mr. an<1 Mr~. avaj]able supply up to a level slightly I made his dictatorship co]»piete over a»d Mr and Mrs !Ed Jphnspn that he iyill retest his herd from jand. arrison! are visiti»g at the Lyle Davjdz, above the 1933 disappearance. daughter and "laud Germany wi.l pa) for! famiiy of Ke]]ogg spent the weekCraig thc amounts time to time in accordance iyith the j boule. ~ Mrs. Jennic Pl»mmer, Roy P]ummc<rs ';>oq')I.. encl, visiting rc]]],>~ Because of the higher prices of iyhat she has to ,accredited herd .plan of the state." . '~" ere" '"1'" '>t I Other Items Of Interest IvanCraig,Ver!T„Wj 'Thousand'>ayk fine s~pc'i>0 tjie iyeek-end at Oi''iyo, thego]<er)>-Mrr<a»d,)Irs. Sn>]th .the Mnlicrt next year »yeats during Under thi.=.contract, I and .Tack Plummer. m'ent inde!»nifies the owner accord;ng.'»ger as a res»lt of the reduced supply of 'ened for firms w'hjch change pr>ces home. I Ii[r. and Mrs. Jan>c )f Ly)e Jr livestock. There pro'bably wjjj be an )Ir. and Mrs. Ward Howe]] werc appra>cd ia]uc np to „>n dav iyith Mr, Ly]e's parthe spe»t From Stroke Recovering visitors on Friclay. for j T.e!yiston of beans substitution mum of $20.00 for gracles a >d $ 50.00 j j increased L~ le, at and )'[rs. )]rs. 'A[:!nly iVatso» and received herc meat l>y and higher been )[r, 'or regstered purebred cattle. In ad- j has Even though meats. visiting r. and Mrs. Car Koepp an former children spent Thanksgiving of 'Sam Alexander, ily, prices do not prvoide this stimulus to, friends The Rjdcr a»d Mc( rcary fa>1>jjjes bean consumption, the small supplies 'esident of Genesee noiy residing at at the J. E. Fleshman home. h ! ut f ] d their dinners and ate at the son ]>Vajter and Mrs, Cool'nd of 'beans may necessitate imports in XVRI]owa, Ore., that he is now rcceive more than thc appraised)"'g t home, A[cCreary in Thanksgiving affectErickson spent stroke from a partial )Iiss ,covering some claseses. 'alue 0of the RT animal. . For p examp]e, the j .'[r. and rMrs. Rayb»rn Brians )'Irs. Otto Si'lf low is a patient in oivner and the veterinarians acting as The tariff of 3 cents a pound ing his left side. The paralysis iyas Clarksto!i visiting Mr. and Mrs. Claud Mrs. Brian's the day w'jth bean prices the result of a spinal injury received! Cook. domestic that Colfax hospital. the reactor co(v, sPC»t means ' 1 {' ! 1 )lr.. ..— ca»'.as ~ Tho!»a.='<[iss ']»»« i , , ',into j 't 'he ~ '""',Q(]0 , , ', 'f! «jn«at „, I ', Wegner.,ll ) 'ene 'c'»" ,'iy ""'" I ., < ','rrangement „,; ' I ', i[i. B! I S!n>a]s'pntajntajnsa»jtarysa :, ', ' .s< ~ "' 's 'ord J. )I. '' I appraisers agree that ! !brother, Sam Sivayne, at Orofino enter-'a Blum H, grade, has a va)ue of $ 40.00. S]ie is A, Mrs. Mr. and down motored Br!Rns haiing thc tained the following at dinner Thurs- sojd for s!Rughter a»d brings teaching.. he is where w]icii]j from iVorjcy, day: Mr. and !Mr.. Gus Blum and 'ivner $ ]Q.pp sa]vage, ivh>ch and )'Irs. T. E. Poindexter from j Rev. A)~bright indemnitv 20.00 added to the $ family, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Mosco~v, motored to fan)jly and nets $30.00, a tidy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert the government, guests of dinner were where they Etta Blum and Albert sum fc r a diseased cpw, Brunseik, a buy.,'i ~ I Ho!»er Campbell spent the weekon him cents a pound when a tractor overturned Genesee News. an<1 visiting his mother, Mrs, <Vill]a>u takes place.'about tivo years ago.— much importation Winilred ]ifrs. and Bond. grow.ers Alexander may With improved prices, visitors at the M. R. married Thanksgiving Kendrick >vere of Baker 1935 bean acreage. their An! expand average as large as planted in 1934 about a year ago and went from here Vincent home iyere Mr, and Mrs. iyould produce 12.000,000 bags ass»]» to iVR)loiva to live. While he. is not B. Brooks of Spokane, Mr. and <Mrs. Hosing average yields and average al>an ! so well 1<noiyn here, there are many Hoskins and Chet. and Beulah Rollef. on. 1 Mrs. Eugene a Robert Draper Mrs. and Mr. 'Tvho recovery kins, his for speedy will hope these tests in making donment. This supply iyould be equal Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Wegner and,! veterinarian and familv, Roy Craig, Ruby a»d. to! ) rs Llddle An>el»lg e»tertalned at to the average disappearance of beans., to normal health. son Edward ivere callers at the A.>this sectioll of the country. A card 'inner Mr. and Mrs. iVard Ho!yell and B»<l Heffel John Vincent. t, iirould County this Benjamin, above quantity him or L. V. An increase to H, Blum home I'ridav evening. Mrs, Alex I-arson visited )fr. and Arrivals New end even w!11 at the bring you mean the carryover Ioscom, that: 1 Mrs. Ida Si]f]oiv and Otto Sj]f]ow'e't, R. Vin'ce»t Sunday, Mrs. M. and information. ormation. mn.:c comPlete corn )etc in of 1935 ivould be increased, and the Mr „»d Mrs Fr»cst Stc>gers and chi)dren were guests at the Aug j entertained the room F»qi>a s Miss would be reflected in! ]»g j» Hubbard pill!ch, near Juliaetta j O. Wegner home for 'Thanksgiving dinnei'uests M<'. and Mrs, Lester j larger supply n'>others Thanksgving at a party p» Personal Mention the 1935 acre-'arc loiver prices, Holding t'hc prpud Pare»ts of a 7j< ppu»d d>»»el', Crocker and family and Mr. and Mrs. afternoon. Wednesday that planted in close to 1934! on age Roy'amey was a Lewiston D at their home Spn w hp arrived M.)) Mrs. Fmma Brunseik, Mrs. Amalie'rs. d f Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crocker Rnd most of the danger )[onday Dcccnihcr 3 >yould eliminate Bleck, Russell Rodgers and Herman 'aller Tuesday. Ve1of recurrance of the heavy carryoverj Jack Pickerd of Troy ivas a caller Mr a]id Mrs Rov F»]»>ctt pf Bc~r>fanljly, Mrs. Ameling and Miss 'Silfloiv were dinner guests Thursday d f and Mrs. visited Mr. A»le]i»g I»la 1929-33 2 coi»1»oil during the period ','here Tuesday evening. ridge are a!So thc proud parents of .of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Brammer. seven pounds, iVard How'ejl Saturday. R few Blanche Harris is spending fine hoy, iyeighing a and IMielke Fred Mrs. and r. Mr. f M S po k ane.. H L h r d Gordon Peters and A. A. Go Mr. and F. Boys Judging ho>ne n on Tuesday home Farrington lwho caine to their f S son Herbert and Mr. and Mrs. Ed-,days and the Rose and Mrs M C D were Sunday visitors Char]ie Craig Four boys of the Kendrick F, F. Decem],er 4 s . and Mrs. N. E. >>VR]ker were )I„ win Mielke were dinner guests of! and.Mrs. I.loyd Craig. Mr. A. chapter went on a potato judging babes in both in-lof and Mothers Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman Thurs-! business visitors in Lewiston Tuesday. J George Baugh spent Mrs, Mr. and contest at SPokane o>T Saturday, Nov.!stances are doing nicelv. "day. at Le]and. and Monday Sunday 'boys the were 17. making trip The Mr. and Mrs. L. Harrison were iston were Kendrick visitors Friday Mrs. F]la Robeson and Ava LorFound Gold Nugget Nolan Weeks, Roy Fairfield, Harry I.ewiston visitors on Friday. daughter Marie ate Th'anksgiving <linj raine and Neal Craig spent the week. Schoef'fler. Mr.] «Thar's go)d;n the»1 thar hj'j]s fpr! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoeffler andi Mrs. Everet't Keye of Spokane is ner at the Geor e Havens home on Wegner and Willard ! end at Agatha visiting. Grover went with them. They left sari> > accprd»ig tp F )wood pear family were visitors in Lewiston dur- spending a few days at the home of A Mrs. Philip Daugheitv and Mr. and arrived Spo4:45 a>id M'rs, N. B. Long. Kendrick at at soil residing just north of town for '-ing the Thanksgiving holidays. )her mother, Thailksgiving at the spent day,faililly looked kR»e 8:]5. The at boys Mr. over,,he butchered a hen the other rs. Stella Plummer le f t Sunday dinner guests Mr. and M . Otto Rev. and Mrs. O. G. Eh]en enter-I Daughcrty Rnd family. home of Clyde 'to until time for the contest to Spokane an make or Sacramento, Calif., a sma]1 piece! that had (with>n !ts crop tained the following at a Thanksgiv-! Schupfer and fami]y Mrs N B start. They had 100 netted gem po pf gp!d and Pcarspn says >t >s the j Mrs. Gray'heal called on Mrs. Hund 'ng dinner: Mrs. Augusta Haiens, Mr. extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Two classes of net- or] jnal meta] a>]d had npt )>cen Rnd Mrs. Crawford Monday afternoon, and Mrs. Dave Dennler Rlld son, Mrs. G. K, Ppulas, d tatoes to grade. Mr nd M E T L of Irish cob- sn>e]tcd Thc i»ccc was sma)] but! Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Locke were one class ted gems, Mr. and 'Mrs. Silvie Cook and fan>i]y 'Kuni Dennier, ]]Mrs. SoPhia Hutchi-, I.ewiston visitors Wednesday. class of earliest of all',, one blers and Dean <Mr. Mr. and »doubted],r the rea] stuff son and son Harold, the Rev. George,daughtei'nd Oic Lien and A t L, )>[r. and )Mrs. Frank Bresgal and Ten potatoes to be graded potatooes. Lew Jain visitors the were at Herman,lWright Finke, the Messrs. George, Mi ai>d Mrs J h F of Spokane visited relatives family orally. A Correction Martin, Walter and Thomas Dennler ho»>e, near Genesee, Sunday. to Fverett vacation. the Thanksgiving Y. The judging took .place in the of the! and Miss Emma Dennler. In writing up the party sister and her family, visited Thev went and the A. building 'ay M. C. boys to Wellpini't, Wash., after spend- G Jones 'd Mi'. Rnd Mrs. Edwin Mielke and att th t e clu 1 ], >, h e ld Bridge B d f Af ! Afternoon Thursday' GprPeters, G, Mrs. A, the following contest swim]mug and, her mother, the with holidays 'erbert Mielke wer e callers at the ing d )I I M Jack Wppdward p f the B h wife evenThursday and Peters don drove about town for a time before Mrs. Lydia Ameling, and other re]evening off lastt John Schwarz home Thursday. M d Creary on Monday j ing; Philip Daugherty's Thursday Rnd starting for home, arriving at 9:00.' iveek, the names of the atives. and Harrison and h h hostesses! Mr. Mrs. Lyle ' Friday night; Mr. and Mrs. I.]oyd had a The boys all good time. ' family were callers Sunday afternoon! I e f t outt Th ey 1»a<vertently I were mere.!Craig Frlda: Mrs. V]r il Paid Com-Hpg Checks NT at the Clyde Daugherty home. B, lonle besides Mrs, McCreary, Mrs. F. H. S u I ~ h-, M M s. L 1 H d Surveyors Still At Work I.ast Saturday C. H. Skinner, chair >s. Miss Marie Schwarz called Thurs-j Rider, Mrs. F.. H. T.mery an returning night, tp Spp. Saturday given Contrari to the infornlation day evening at the home of Rev. and !man, Rnd Arthur Cameron, treasurer f Boyd. I~ I Helen Sunday. jkane of weeks ago Iof the corn-hog organization for this Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Long Mr. and the Gazette a couple O. G. Eh]en. by a survevor, there are still some of! Paid off the first installment (Mrs F Miss Emma Hartung and Mrs. Idalcpunty g Change at TelePhone Office the men at work in this district. They! in! here, Payments in the county ivi[1 Stoneburner the holidays spent Br>dgc clifb was Afternoon With the resignation of Miss Etta Gu]ch'he lamount to between $23,000 and $24,- Barbara Jean and Mrs Fverett Keye are working on the Wauncher Spokane. on Wcd- Blum from the operating entertaine<i force of pleasantly very road, doing cross-section wo>k. Rc and 000, the payment being on the ratio Mielke Herbert and Edwin f S pkan )[rs. H. Ra- the telephone company last Saturday R. afternoon by nesday doesn't the fact, there of 'erbert Schwarz were Orofino visit- jof $2.00 Per head for hogs and ]5c Mrs F H Fmcr h d a d]»Ref gardless s in p evening, it leaves the switch-board activity in the i»cy w'th three ta seem to be much . ors last Tuesday. !per bushel for corn. r, an gues s jg ey score. made high hands. for the Blum Thompson B. neiy H. practically Lewiston sector of the Kendrick-ArMr, and IMrs. C. L. Wegncr an1d! and Miss Kathryn Emery, a student werc served 'isters, Misses Henrietta and Laura, ' row road (Ross Higliway). Thc sai»c Delicious refreshments with evening fami]y vj)i)ed Saturday at the U. of I. In the evening Mr. nc«»eet-'had had charge of the day board for Thc of l>lay. close the at bounced Ross over are The regular monthly meeting o'I ! Rnd )[r. Rnd Mrs, A. E. Spekker. Mrs. Hig)ey took the party to holes Gov. Haro)d Thomas 'many years, and had given universal )[rs. still there a»d the same bou)ders a« ing iyill be with club wil] Mrs. Fred Mie)ke and Mrs, Tnhn Kendrick Commercial thc Kendrick Theatre to see "Flying j sitisfaction. in the ivheeltracks and everyone who,. Schwarz called Tuesday afternoon at!held in the dining room of the Raby D The day operators are Misses Phyltravel that 'highway" Hotel Monday evening, December 10. the Emma Hartung home. Litt]e Miss Janie Carroj] entertained is compelled to and A»nabelle Davis Cummings a mixed car will ship lis D:>ye Gentry Herbert and Ernest Schwarz and Dinner ivi]1 be served at 6:30. All at the hoi»e of her )Rrents Mr a»d knows each and every jolt by its! !board is in charge of Satnight market and the Spokane the to of stock aren't and they nai>>cs first name say, Herbert Mielke spent the week in! >»embers and those interes'ted in civic! ]M>ss Marie Sch>(arz jurday night. that would look good in print, (Contjnued on last page) affairs are asked to please be Present.j Spokane on business. I i -' should 'before !be about 4>j~ 'Ir. ] j I j j ]jv,'r. j [rr. j I j j j ', I 'uring '„M I j j .f th.. I ',.. j F]-h- ™d I , 'rs. I ; I " I rs... j " " " y'-', j I j j — ''P I j I THE KENDRICK GAZETTE FRIDAY, DECEMBER CHURCH 7, 1934 NOTICES Full Gospel Mission 10 a. m. Sunday schoo]. Church services at 11:00 a. m All are cordially invited to attend these services. ...(.'iTit2('OU1'..f.'c".etc Church Juhaetta Frederick O. Sapp, Minister Church School at 10:00 a. m. Young People's at 7:00 p. m. Preaching Services at 8:00 p. m. Preaching will be at Arrow at 11:00 a. m. on each 2nd and 4th SundayAt Swetwater each 1st and 3rd Sunday. think.... Lehnd Methodist Homed L GraybeaI, Pastor Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching services at 11:00 a. and 8:00 p. m. Epworth League at 7:15 p. m. bill.... you per day. service..... ? In how many ways do you use electric for what other Besides the basic service of lighting, Check over the following purposes are you using electricity? ~ , Water Heating Radio Refrigeration Toaster Washing ~ 0 Vacuum 0 ~ — Ironing Percolator Air Heating Curling Iron Cleaner t in of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Johnson and family were dinner guests at the Caus Day. Clark home Thanksgiving Miss Marie Fix was home for the LAIrs. >% %%% Mrs guests Thanksgiving of Rev. and Mrs. Wa']tet ('N %I ISm ~ „/~ ~8 I4 o ig lS LOST Ihl amgunv j< j j j j j DOES NOT GET VNT, EVEhl VAIEN. j fr.=w: jj 7 IT IS lhE'S SWIMMING fhl g n>(np(nnn n(>, OUR POLICY - - se "vIee ypu nee(I aIld ckeserve; that er1'ors be eIjmj]1ated sp far as Is human}y ppss1bIe and that ypur I3robICI]1S be gjven Oul'nost, Coul teous Conin>< 0]11v as 1>(re adhere tp this poljcy can we cpn Inue p ~.rosper j In This Bank Are Guaranteed Under Terms of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation i/ i ~ ~ |wQ came out the week-end f1om with horn«o]ks't ~ n I ICE ~ tB t>(w l Ml. 9:00 A. M. te 12 Fooii —1:00 P. M. tO 8:00 P j j j j g 4 j j j j a "A IIome Ban-kaa Banking Hours: . DR. KLLIQT' Supplr The Time to Begin Treating Horses for Bots is TwentyEight Days after the First Killing Frosts. At t'hat time the work of the Bot Fly is completed for the season. The time to be was fixed gin the treatment by the zoological division of the U. S. Bureau of Animal An Attendant of the studies in Industry, precise life cycle of the adult the Bot Fly. ,parasite AVe wil] have several thousBot Caysu]es o'n hand and to the time, is right when treat your horses 'the 'price is just one-half 'that of last in we order year 'because The quality quantities large is also better than that of last year. — — — at the Office at A]I Times During PbOne 41 IdnhokLfcen>e V>55 the Week Genesee ~ ~ Ira Fix and Mike Nye helped Sam Mr. and ]Mrs. W. H. Weyen and Taber butcher two hogs >Monday. sons and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kent Thanksgiving and daughter spent CAVENDISH with Mr. and 55<frs. Ed. Kent. Edgar Bohn and Me]vin Garner and (Mrs. Geo. Crabb was operated on the 'Weaver boys were home for ]ast Friday at Spokane. She is getting along nicely. Dnn Lyons sPent the week-end, in<nrf H((ng nf Krngrirk «f>f(rg (rifi( with his par- h;s sister. Mrs. Ceci] Choate, and his eluding Thanksgiving, ents. aunt, Mrs. Jeter Candler, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Israe! and Thanksgiving day there was a comCarri chi]clren, Mr. prance Aunt munity dinner in the hall, with a large and Arley Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Be ) .I!-I(i>f~ >j" 195@ .; AX.'ES Plenty to eat. There were ser ices De]os gaper spent Thanksgiving ivithliand >n >he 1T>oT'» iilg aft'CI"I>oon a'l>d even>ng, iss p va and George Smith. and Mrs. Neil Vaughan and I.ouis Pry and Bud Alexander with Mr. visited her children parents, up fron> C]arkston priday and SaturE, Xlrs. W. Tarry, Sunday. and (]ay. Miss Or]a Huffman is helping infra. Mr. and Airs. Sic] Dicks were dn>vn from Trny last lAlonday io visit Mr. Frank LeBaron with her houseivork, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Recce an(1 son Dicks'ioiher, A>frs. Etta Dickc. who Dav at the Bert hog been very il!. She is improving. ~spent Thanl'sgiving iMr. and Airs. F<lgar Bohn and:Card home at Southwick. Margaret <!aug!>ter, 'Airs. McPhee and clove, and Lee card returned hnme with the to visit friends during an<] Mr. ai.<! Airs. Foster them Arthur holidays, with Mrs. Mat- Thanksgiving SPent Thanksgiving I eBaron came home for Alarshall tie Gar»er and He is alien(ling high Ramie Hunt has just finished 'builcl- Thanksgiving. school in clarkston. new machine shed. in' Mr. and Afro. F. E. AfcGuire had Mr. and 'Airs. W. H. AVeyen have, Day Afr. and recently purchased a good-lookincr, as guests Tlianksgiving i>seel car. l> o AV A Recce and Bc<>>a> d Arias!ian Grayson returne(] la.>land Alr.. Evereit Blackburn and litSaturday evening from Troy, ivhere tie son and Mr. and A]rs. I., J. Recce she has !>con caring for Mrs. Jim and sons. ]>]rs. Virgil Peterson calle(1 on Miss Parrington au(l baby. on(] IA]i.«Bohn one day Air . C, F. Harris spent severa] Alarsierr clays last week visiting re]a>ives in !asi week. I were'r. Are Now Due aid Payab'.e. i That We be af]!e. tO prplnptly r Supply the bank- ~ Garner I. TIIRIR. TRUE y Elect War:lec arec . family were Day at the home O. G. Eh]en at and Miss Gibbs went to her home at Genesee for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Richardson and guests at Paul ivere Thanksgiving 'the Ralph Richardson home. 1 Sr., ancl family George 'Dennler, at the S. dinner Thanksgiving ate S. Taber home. Mrs. Roy Glenn and ]><fr. and guests were Thanksgiving children home. Richardson the Ralph Adolph Dennler went to Spokane for the holidays. on Miss Frieda Denn]er returned ... " or. gag QgTUQ$ $ O.D ~ CNLliSN Rebekahs The Rebekah BANK ON 'rHIS»ng THE ZODIAC j Me]vin aIL%'%~W~ ~~~~~~~~~) YOU ] to K. Dennler Greer to spend SouthDe]os Baker came over from Mrs. McPhee and son Cleve spent ,wick to visit Hayse Hunt. and Sunday with Mr. and Saturday B]anch Harris spent Ze]]a and ' Mrs. Claude pippinger at Orofino. several days last week visiting at Park. (T»s Week) Mr. and Mrs. Harley Perryman Mr. and i%mrs. Robert Hall and son spent the wek-end in Kendrick. Miss Joan Grino]ds and friends of Lewiston returned to their school Paul. were Moscow visitors both Satand Sundi>y. work Monday after spending Thanks-'urday Miss Fl]a Dennler was an overgiving vacation with her parents, Mr, Thursday sne>t of Tkefmn, night kfr>. >nke Grfnold>. The ridge was we]] represented in Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Taber and Kendrick Saturday when peop]e went q J 'ec at the Ben were visitors corn-hog al]otment family in to get their home Sunday. We>(herby g rkrrk> Lloyd philips from Moscow was p, Tedd Vaughan h gi Miss Iris K Keeler 1 andd T V a v'sitor 'at the Fix home Thanksar spent Thanksgiving Day in Ken- Hunt and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Eldie Hunt and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Ray But1er and chi]dren spent last Sunday arith Mr. and Airs. Fred Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Nevlyn Whybark! and IDAHO Veterinary w>uter. -(. Mr~ KENDRICK, :NfmsER Mrs. K. Dennler, George, Sherman and Martin started Friday for Calithe fornia, where they will spend THE WASHINGTON WATER POWER CO. went to Coeur d'Alene Thursday visit relatives a couple of weeks. Co. Clearwater Vollmer FIX RIDGE just about the cheapest thing electric service, therefore, you buy? Use more of itI LINDEN NEWS ITEMS (Last Week) OF CHLORATES AT WF HAVE A BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY NOXIOUS WEEDS. IT KILLING OUR WAREHOUSE FOR AGENT BENJAMIN. COUNTY BY WAS FURN'ISHED US Communion. There are many other uses, some- of which may apply ('ourr use When you consider this widespread home. electric service you realize the VALUE of it. ISDn — THE KENDRICK GAZETTE Officers 8:00, choir study and prayer meeting. lodge met Tuesday Pub]isha>c] every Friday at Kendriej>> practice. officers the fo]]owing when Idaho, by night, Friday evening at 6:00 Ladies Aid Ruth term: new were elected for the P. C. McCrcary Supper and Bazaar. F lizabeth Cook, Hill, noble grand; Independent in Politics Long, recording Pearl vice-grand; The Laatiaeran Chmch retary; Ethel Emery, treasurer. Otto G. Eblaaaa, Paitor Subscription $1.50 per year retary! Ethel Emery, treasurer. Cameron, Emanuel: Entered at the postoffice at Kee9:30 Sunday school. SPECIAL as a'ecnd-c]ass .mai1 Idaho, drick, 10:30 Divine Services in German, $ 1.50 matter. in German. Communion Wave Permanent Oi] Croquingole Juliaetta, Zion: WILMA SCHULTZ I:00 p. m. Sunday school. Lewiston, Ida. Ha>iona>@Editor>alA»ociatioo 1227 Idaho Street, 2:00 Divine services in German with 1934 48-2x hst: it:.oorking — n Community Church Poindexter, Paa>tor American Ridge: 10:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 11:00 a. m. Sunday school. Kendrick Community Church: ]0:00 a, m. Sunday school. ,. I]:00 a. m. Morning Worship. 6:00 p. m. Young Peop]e's. 7:30 p. m, Fvening Worship. 7;00 Bible 'ednesday evening: was your electric service bill for last month? Bivide this amount by 80 and discover what this s'ervice cost — You will need trap nests but they must be of to hold the eggs after your hens >the basket type of O. K. Egg and pullets have received a few feeds hens. Mash. There is none better ask the an T. Earl How much slowing-up on your laying hens have begun about layslow are egg production, or your pullets Mash. ]jng, give them 0. K. Egg If An electric light and O. K. Egg Mash is all you need to bring your egg production up to standard. Kendrick appliances? various E M Community as you look at your that it covers 80 days of service? ellectric service That during those 80 days electricity was "right there" when you pressed a switch for lighting, or for the use of your Bo you ever stop to l"I. „i>n..,;Gkg V.iAS..-.: I j j Pay your taxes at THE FARMERS BANK and obtain your receipt I ~ family., at ~ Once M>'eposits Hours 9:00 to 12 Noon 1'00 to 3 00 P M Saturdavs 9:00 to 12:00 Noon i H>y r ifnn( ilni r I the mrr(in .= here Sat»rday evening an(1 ivent to Snuihwick Sunday to hn]d meetings. >4]iss D<fte]i»e >IVhybark of Lapwai anc! Ra][>h Bo!ic af>d sister of Southivick were week-e»d guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Whybark and family. >r (hr kV. eveni>>g. It is 5 mr nnw. snov'nd THE FARMERS BANK Snn(iny to Inn]c like winter The grouncl is 1vhite io beginning here with I'.. Tnrr A. I ' it is still snowing. trip to Letvis-1 k~ ion Sat»r(](>v, re>»r»i»g Su»dav, >V. A. Recce made H '( E. Clarke, Pres. N. S. Vollmer-Hopkins, Vice-Pres. %. J. Carroll, Cashier Thursday's ADS LOGAL DR CHARLES. SIMMONS Eye Rfahs Rneciei ai B; 7, 1934 sg g g pygmy g kk kg k gktf kI] g gkitg k kg gk k g k tig g k]t it Isli cxxzxzxxzxxxxxzxxzzxxxxxxxxxxxxxzxxxxxxxxxxx>cxzx+zxx>:: Markets Wheal ~ FRIDAY, DECEMBER GAZETI'E T HE KENDRICK ~g S; I A D Q U A R TER —FOR- ~ "1. 5i. j,, „100 ....,....................... u . — iGufls Supplies —Electric Fishing Tackle — PI~ster Bosr Ammunition Beans ing F I F F dp p Ih] b: lb,i> v i i II e P»d there jS bght WheB TEXACO High Pow ,and " --"--- Wood Work, g, Wagon or Dis c Shrpening Autos, Machine and Gun Repairing FRANK CROCKER l'state McDoweB's J. J. t'e to ~ ~ k k k creditors of and all persons claims against the said de- six months within vouchers of this publication after the first notice, to the said Georgia G. Rowe at Room 6, Lewiston National Bank Building, Lewiston, Idaho, the same being the place for the transaction the bnsine ~ of said e*iaie in the state of Idaho. Signed a»d dated at Moscow Ida- ho, this 7th day of November, 1934. GEORGIA G. ROAVE, Executrix. EDWARD C. BUTLpR, Attorney AND for the executrix. Residence and postoffice Lewiston, Idaho. November Date ot first publication RELIABLE, COURTEOUS SERVICE attendant. Stock of goods at Kendrick Phone 143 Kendrick or 6R Troy, or see N. E; Walker, Kendrick, or Smith Bros., Le]and. lady equipment, COOK S p BA R BE R FaCIaIS a SpeCialty Bobbing Hair I Lbr. ppiirnum SCi~ qilP I— ~casse. wO..---Kid Ez oac.s i~a, . ti k W ~ Phone 632 KendriCk, IdahO CAVENDISH tDe]ayed) with Mr. and Mrs. pverett Ti 1 on Tuesday. Jj/ Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Whybark a»d night Bolick were Mo»clay at the IVi]] Dygert home. d Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Whybark 'vere B]ackburn Suiiday a>id Su>>day iiiglii guest- at Ralph guests ~ a 1 lij] f i —for 49SlateYears The Public'$ FIRST-Choice ~rluuu tO Chan<le Wlthuut uub]ueh ualul aau nutlue and lO any Tuesday di»ncr guests at the Will Dygeri hoinc were Miss Bowen a>id hliss Marsiers, who is helping with at Caveiidjsh. ca»lpaign tlie revival Ralph Bolick was also a dinner guest at the Dygert home. took a load of hogs hfr. and AIrs. Arlie 'yvhybark, pasGeorge Wells Tuestor of Le»ore U. B. church, went to where he is also pa;tor. Harrisburg, from here attended at Southwicl< Friday ~ ~ ' Orville Choate to Lewiston for day. Quite a numbei the '.basket social evening. Mrs. Aletha Lillie, who has been teaching in the upper room, wi]1 hc unable'o teach tliis week. She had to take hcr mother, Ihfrs. George Crabb, Mrs. to Spokane for an operation. crabb is very sick and ha. lieen in Lewisto» for some time. Mir. a»d hfrs. Charles Pitcher and fvalee Blacl<burn were Orofin<i visita ors Friday. of Orofi»o was Claud Pippinger this of iNovember, 20th day '934 ABE GOFF, LENORE NEWS NOTES Fugene and Irene Southwick left for Ke]logg, morning Wednesday Idaho, where they will spend the vacation with their sisThanksgiving ier and family, 1fr. and lire. Alice Mustoe. Mr. and Mrs. 'h[yrt Lee were I.ewistoi> ~isiiprs Wcdiiesdsay Vfcror and Emnia Rasa were Lewiston visitors Wednesday. Emma Haag, Victor Haag and Velma Kates were Moscow visitors Wediiesday. Miss June Smith return-them to spend the cd home with season. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the Thanksgiving Ella Hanks home were Mrs. Foster with Will annexed of »P T"««]ay Administrator to went h]iss Et]>el Shoemake the estate of Ellen A, Beard, De Friday to take care of 47 5 Southhvick ceased. the new l>oy at the Ben Pressnall home. NOTICE Lee Card of Southivick spent Satnight >vith Gilbert Bloom a»d urday I will not be responsible for any Su»dav night >vjth the Fd. Recce's. fby my wife, Ver]a bills contracted h» evangelight, hfr. ffarotera, t] 1 t ft and a friend are holding daughter FVERETT CROCKER 47-3 revival meetings in the ha]1 this week. They have ibeen holding meetings i:i WANT ADS South<vick an<1 began here last KV (130 nese]ay. FOR SALF.—One Caterpillar ' Pi There divas a .community dinne; i» or will take in trade lighter ma- the ],a]] Tha»ksgivi»c dav chine; one 1927 Buick sedan in Su»day visitors at the Jeier gangsplendid shape, $ 100; one three- le„ho»>e,vere h[rs. J. R. King a»d H. P. Fairbanks engine; one Chev- Mrs Ray Kiiig 32-volt rolet 28 Power plant'ne Mr. Clay has been quite sick ihe De]co electric Power plant; 1ya-2 pant >veek but is some better now or and 3-inch centrifugal water pumps; ime for u c >ering time It seems too bee bute]iering ~ I I ~ ~ ~Q Your Car. They give the I IOngest QOQ skid 'mileage I uS anb-freeZe yOur Car. We feature Let prestone an" ~>co.".o> ~ C'ILVIE KENDRICK GARAGE CO. DEOBALD BROS., Props. KENDRICK IDAHO ~ I 842 — I Service 'll I I - Kendrick, - - Idaho P'"'" " ', 'rieda '. I Cattle, Hogs and Sheep. Woo]. and 'c>ul try Ca]] EMMETT 4 CO ~ " — — I DR. GEO, W. McKpEVpR — — I B. N. — — fooling... I Hides li L son I s Day and Night " ij] III i Donald, Xifr. and Iy]cpadde» and Mra Wf]»>er Hanks and sons a»d Carl a»d Ra]i h Hanks. hfr. and Mrs. Neal Vaughan, and and last, but "Shoot The Works" cartoon a»d whatnot at spent. the day Sunday children "The Valley Cow parnoi least Happy Cavendish v ith Mrs. Vaughan's h;mse]f (Ben The O]d hfaestro and Dust Hungry '- y boys Rusty, ys ents. Bernie, of radio fame) yowsahl it; that Suf>dobvn" a local aggregation Haag a»<1 daughter Mrs. Anna ' ' of give you an . intrepretation went io Moscow for a time and all t Maestro and song. music Haag's owboy health. on account of h]rs. Harve is helping Frisbee Gale and a bit of conniving Had Tonsils Removed couP]a lovers into each a to help pugene and Irene Souihwick reIsa'belle ]Malnarich of Juliaetta had Hear hot it ii other's arms! Boy, from >k]onda night home turned on Tuesday of all the lads play her tonsils removed and Bernie Ben Thanks. ere theyy spent ~e ogg where Ke]]ogg, p s . ng I n> Dreaming With My Fyes Wide la..t week, pieces w«k She is «cov«j»g v«y»>eely. oth«««hj»g Ope»," »d m»y in splendid'f«p p hfcGujre spe»t Tue dav ff< program aiid pj{i socja] was lac-8 pick-up truck school house shape, $60; one nearly new Dodge, and that i>ight with her daug]>ter, given at the Vaughan And of course there will be episode I Wednesday night, $4001 Mrs. I . J. Recce and family. Have Moved To, Spokane 10 of "Gordon of Ghost City" No. the ca]]ed at Wi]] Mrs. Dygert Several new plow rolling coultersI Ed. Recce took a load of wood to Mrs Julia Brocke and son Ken ho>v know to you will ]ust have Henry Schetzle home Sunday at ha]f price: Case and O]iver',. Lewiston Saturday. moved to Spokane, where have neth positions terrible of thc out ]Mrs. Henry Scheizle had a stroke they got shares for tractor plows; one 2is a student at the Kinmao and Kenneth week last left in were they of paralysis Saturday evening. bottom Oliver tractor 1]ow at $20.I LENORE NEWS NOTES Business college. Frieda Haag an<1 Edna Ba'r»eit there's the rest of the show, comedy, All of above ai Jaliaeiia. W F. <Defayedf 49-2x i hfr. and hfrs. Dar<vi» Tarry oi stayed Satur'day night at the Henry FHREN'S Ju]iaeita Southivick werc Sunday <]inner guests Schetzle home. June Smith reiur»ed home Sunday Dance At Troy at the Leroy Southhvjck home, at Haag's. stafter a fciv days'isit riclce Pa-1 those from Cream Amnng the at Troy The next dance Ry Mrs. S, A. Vaughan spent Sunday vi]in» will il>e on >Vedi>ca<lay. Dec. ten<li»g the revia] ca»ipaig» at CavSchetzle's. at Heiiry 12, with Walt Allen's music. Fvery- 'nclish Su»clay night were Mr. and Leroy Scyuth>vick a»d Alfrecl Hnl49-lx Mr;-. AVjf>fie]d Pov-(1! u ill daughie. one ave]coine. were I.evriston visitors on li»gsworth So»i]iMrs. Harvc Pauline, Mr. and ; , Saturday. wjr]'. Eugene a»d Irc»e, kkkkkk@k kk Sn»th>vick hfrs. a«<1 I.eroy Mr. and a hfr. a»d i>frs, Norman ]h.c>i<cc a!icl sons, Bi]lie Knl<er a»cl Bcyh]hie hf;,c family sPent Su»day after»oon at thc t] ) To all points in the United Statea Johnco» home. HAVE + hvere Thursday gue. is at ihc Harve JimVictor Hang iiurchascd a For(] car k Sp»ihwjck ]>pi>>e In Old Post p Off Office Bldg. Phone .av'very ikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk'kkkkkkkkkkkkt ...' - ho. Dated rice - Platz FuneraI Parlors 1] ~ ~ ~ anwill with signed administrator »execl of thc estate of Ellen A, Beard, deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims against the said deceased to exhi'bit them with the necessary vouchers withi» six months after November 23, 1934, the date of the first publication of .this notice to 'he said Administrator at hloscow, Idaho, at the office of Or]and 8 Goff; the same being the place for the iaasaciion of the basins;s of said estate in Latah County 1 State of Ida- COOK, Prop. ~ ta} fino one day last week. Th e p robate C ourt of I ata 0 R O]son 0] off OroVl L R. L, h if hfr. andd Mrs. t t t f Id off Sackett k f y~ state t t o Mrs. Margaret E and th e fino o t Matter tt h M IIn the ELLEN A. BEARD, Deceased. Spokane visited at the. Arilliir Sack < .d evening. Notice is hereby given by the under- ett home Friday In I h< 5 ~ TO CREDITORS NOTICE if H k I Auto — — — EVERYTHING FOR BUILDING k ~ u k — LICENSED EMBALMER UNDERTAKER — — E „of PrICKgRD — — — h< sary unChea l u li having ivxeais Coal Ojl in your Chrysolite e Water Pipe —" -Plumbing Suppkea aud Fixtures Iampu There jS »O better. 31 8 it f t ...........................,................ - I Hog Wire Staples I "„WILLARD BATTERIES Nails THE WORLD' Field Fence ~ „" STANDARD Handles, All Kinds Binder Twine NoTICE To cREDITORs ~ Bale Ties n k Axes Pitch Forks Shovels BATTERY RECHARGING— In The Probate Court of Latah ~ rPS ure LinSee oi k County, State of Idaho Cement find Lime I Blackslnith Coal E V E R G R E E N S E R V IC E S T ATION ~ In the Matter of the Estate of Ii ~ Stoves GEORGE W. WRIGHT, Deceased kRugS and Lineleum Kendrick, Idaho ~ k J. F. Brown, Prop. I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Ik k St and Fittings tt Stove P d F Pipe ~ rxxxxxxxzxxxxxxxx zxx zzzzzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzxxx xxzx'. executrix of the k by the undersigned Snd RepSlrs of George W. >fVright, deceased, k JOhn Deere ImplementS II, — — — GENERAL REPAIR SHOP yOu llae ~ Dental Surgeon Office Phone 812 Kendrick, Idaho I Ii aacia" f ~ kkkkkki BROWER WANN CO >leaf .,b~~ I '1 '"'a „i<I,ay ,'Raii 'I'axas I Directors Funeral WE Nhfsyeh j means of bringing you comfort and privacy and above a]] Specialized Service. I 'o Pho + 275 HARDWARE Kendric]r, k k Co. Idaho u i w k DRAYIIbICI We move anything Loose NET LIJihtE OF MURRAY ESTES Attorney-at-Law 8 1:., >LSO— NICE LINE OF DRESS SHOES l i k, MOSCOW IDAHO il iiil II URQUHART BUILDING I Those hnmc from the U. of I. for Thanksgivi:ig vacalinn ivere Elms»»d George Jo»es, Ronald, Gsai], Alcie a»f! EXANPLP'S OP ROUND TRIP FARES >ea) i 'etty YOUR INSPFCTIONI Miss . mg u.; R and ACCeSSOrieS,.lr k'AIRED k HERE . k -'hRS. Bldgoou> Sieve»s >peek-e»cl ai the K. 1I . -. i 'llr: —:. ilo, nf a u;1 pare»is -.-«EER HAVE YOUR CAR RE" + hfi.dre<1 I:iiio;:;i BUTTE......,......... $ ]4.01 ihc «pe»i D. Ingle ST. hn»>e. rfIr s;, liab]'oy, ]>nrf> hRkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk f~ Kcudl'lck, i '-- idabo 1 cad Sixnilar Lovr Fares to All Other Points Tickets are good on the deluxe jaref>cc h]orev fu;fde a hu''icn I,trip to 1 rwjstnn Tucsllay. The A»«-c h]cfcfrc arrl .'b. D. ]fly'E ';;»iily '.: 1 .".Jaf>k I:jvjf>I. f!i»fie<'i u ~ l Mecii. 1 ad $ 18.70 $ 61.65 >b Berth in sleeping car extra, at reduced rates I ' i i, . Asscri .«JF»<y I pi»of, ww wwO ie For information <tnd fares to any point see your local ag=-nt 'hone .'". .,:43.79 PAUL....,......., e SpQKANE ' 654 EEERETT cRocfmR Return limit, Midnight, Jan. 15, 1935 A e'OR that's k DAILY Pg.8 tu)ISa.f,' BIG BEAR RIDGE k ]]]] I] KENDRICK If A and ~ 1 tii'atfgf kgkk t f]LCE'FEC,FRRtta~I T THE KENDRICK GAZET'1 E I RIDAY, DECEALBER 7, 1934 ".—~~~)"'~~xxxxx „. ~~~~— Al -'''2-e~~C'f'1C Alr. .„;.W'~"rfj~~z."-KZK581<wtz "r,, et% :i P:IPQ — IIi I'herc Fol!is Well tlHt we C have now !i;i<1 ii cern, on around a»(l:ihout, sonic of )vhich lasted soinc of ivhich di<!n't, cBut B >lover-tiic-lcs., it'f,'-s f'fin>0 fo0 !>eri<lgcs — !', 0I'l!;it ' 'i) \viiifci i<!co;>zc to fliiiilc 1!ic old l>o.,sy furnislics hay', oil up thc answer. Give lier fhc sc!3ai"<for, !!>!iig tllc i'csiilt to us and w,e'1!. <10 flic rest )vc'll huy pi'odiic't i'iglit no)v tlic icslll'tailf —and ni a l>on t Yoililg — — with '4>.":v We are proud of our meat line. The choicest of meats at the most reasonable of prices. We invite you to try them and be convinced for yourself. Cured Meats —Also. Kendrick Cash Grocery PHONE 192 . Gco, g ic 'i- ! i Af>'<i E!)tertaincd p'~j "4!',") A! O,id,!I <)ii !!ii !..',ih ". w p l rs !'.- .,: <.) Cniii„D>. i ibl c V=X%>3 j ! s C ~ g g I „s,',<I'st< p pI Ol-sS r ~.mZ SI-IADES pn,-, II y tfg Gjos/es z>g Ilt I<I CJ>loves COLD MORNI!.IPS C.".LL FOR WARI~I GLOVES. y WE HA4'E A CONf jl~Ã>TE LILsE CAN.P.II,S,,j~I-:<~i'.T:<i) LEATHER SEE THEM. F,:CII„g Cj.OVI<,'S — jP RULE >z s g IN THE POPULA>'., LI",.~.>,ING I (I>r<> > ll ~As Specials Grocery m l Sat. and Mon.,Dec. 8 and 10 s II IGA OATS, 40-oz.. Paci<age 3PC ~ JULIAETTA ITEMS has gone to winter with Kendrick Loses Game Kendrick dropped the fourth basket!ball game of the season to Bovill here last Wednesday night, by a score of 22-31. They lost to a much larger and more experienced but team, 'howed surprising strength in the first half. Ramey was high point man for the Tigers. i 'eorge Behrens Corrects Statement W. F. Behrens wishes to correct . II an error )vhich appeared in a local! g daily paper. This article stated that I lost $60,000 in the tractor business the past years and that I have made ~ that back again in the mining busi-, P ness. This figure should read $ 16,000 I! ihstead of $60,000. It further stated that I operated the Deadman mine, which should read!j II the "Deadwood Mine," and that we! took out $ 18,000 )vorth of gold this g season, which should have read $8,000 or probably some over $ 10,000, g the correct figures. These errors were not of the edi- g ' j j tor who printed them, only a miswhich, however, doesn't understanding, do us any good in our home town unless corrected. After selling the mining property to J. E. Perrin and Dave Henderson for a fair price, we were left a fair profit for this year's work. )8C-- )I I ) OC 4P DATES, Bulk, 2 Pounds for play is, proving one of the most exever staged. It is citing mysteries packed full of tense moments, riotous laughs, and 'thrills from beginning to end. The Idaho Serenaders a quartet from the U. of I., wi'll furnish music between acts and a short musical comedy before the first curtain. Fveryone is promised an enjoyable evening. Don't miss i'! Be sure and see "The Yellow Shadow" at the evenKendrick Theatre, Wednesday Adv. ing, Dec. 12, at 8 p. m. " SPECIAL PRICES ON CHRISTMAS "„Old Fashioned Chocolate Drops, 2 Lbs. for "„Christmas Mix, Pound For Her: > SHADE, DAINTY GREEN GLASS TEA SERVICE, NEW PEWTER TABLE ITEMS, SALT AND PEPPERS, SANDWICH TRAY, COVERED CAKE BOARDS, DECORAPERCOLATORS, OVEN GLASSWARE, TABLE TIONS, ELECTRIC MIXERS, GRAVEY AND CONDIMENT DISHES, AN'D LOTS AND LOTS OF OTHER DAINTY AND USEFUL ITEMS. A CARD TABLE> LAMP >< ~ R u -- A Com- plete TOYLAND For Kiddies Gum Drops, Pound .:„..organ s i Phone N2 ! F. L Higtoif, A. Red, 2 Cans SARDINES, OVAL —Mustard —DARK, 10-Lb. Pail M4 I 0 MILK —TALL CANS, 2 for I. G. A. No. 2'/zs, 2 Cans for IIOMINY — PINEAPPLE — SLICED, No. 2'/zs, 2 Cans ~ I. / PINEAPPLE —SLICED, FLATS, 2 Cans ]SC ~ ) / CHILE CON CARNE — I. G. A« 2 Cans ) 8C P I :V.:eat .3e >artment f j GRAIN FED BEEF, Choice Steaks, Lb. / GRAIN j ) 2!/zg ) FED BEEF, Choice Cut Roasts, Lb. OC ) g CHICKENS, Dressed and Drawn, Lb. g ~ y f SO . In Wood, Pound g I f IC I I lt k3 10c 12c 17c cQ1 I ', ~ g H l ." II grocery ) PC BACON, MORRELL'S PRIDE, Sliced, i/z-lb. CANDY 25c 8C lI or Tomato SYRUP I M INCE MEAT —Aged >< :Cene ,roc.~ ..—..c.w. I. G. —.— Cream Mix, Pound Yuletide Mix with two Free Christmas Boxes With Every Pound, Pound 15c Bring in your Sears-Roebuck or any other Candy Price List and We Will Save You Money on Your Christmas CandyI — SALMON, g ~ QUALITY MEATS AT L. G. A. LOW PRICES — tzzzrzzrrrxzzzzxzzzzzzzzzzzrzxzzzxxzrxzxzxzxrzzxxxxx>4 A FLASHLIGHT, POCKET OR HUNTING KNIFE, PACKSACK, HUNTING CAP> GUN, LANTERN, HAND OR BELT AX/ FISHING TACKLE AND HiOSTS OF OTHER ITEMS GELATINE DESSERT, 4 Packages II Junior Play Coming Dec. 12 "The Yellow Shadow," Junior class j BISQUICK, Large Package ', — And Last But Not Least t ) A I — Gifts Selected From Our Stock May We Suggest For Him: r l> ('~1 ' — — %we w ~ 'Afr. her daughter. is spending Buchanan ! Mrs. Lulu 'the Thanksgiving holiday season with her daughter and family, Mrs. Morgan, at Potlatch. Mrs. Edith Grant and Joan are with 'home Thanksgiving spending folks at Rosetta. Mr, McWilliams spent the wee!rBazaar and Dinnei end in 1<fosco<v visiting friends and The ladies of the Community church transacting business. R. I; Bishop of Spokane spent will hold their annual bazaar and Mr. tvith his parents, Thanksgiving dinner in the church basement this (Friday) evening. The bazaar wi11 and Mrs, D. A. Bishop. start at 2:30 and a turkey dinner will D. A. Bshop picked a 'bo<vl of ripe be served at 6 p. m. Adults, 50c, red raspberries on Thanksgiving Day 49-1 from his patch "Can you beat it<" children, 25c. Sunday school )vas <ve11 attended at the Baptist church today and plans >>VAN)PED Saddle horse. Phone are under )vay for a Christmas tree 49-x and program. 492X. J. L. Jolinson. Mr. and Mrs. Dawald of Atliena, seaOregon, spent the Thanksgiving son )vith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! W. K. Gregory. Miss Eileen Francis spent the weekend in Moscow with home folks. =- )>'g~ ', — -=- z Ilail Thanksgiving progran> Wedevening )vas very >lit<eh cii-! II joycd l>y those who attended, The pie, supper and fish pond brought us the! $ vf>d W o<o>o0/''(o i>cat sum of $ 15.45. Those vvho enjoyed Thanksgiving dinneis a)vay from home were as fol-, 10)vs: Mr. and <Airs. Wm. Ha<iden an(1, pl !11!cn Berry of Orofino at the Wm.'g Co)vger home; Mr. and Mrs. Hon>er ALSO 13ctts at the R. S. Befts hon)e, John 'II INSTALLMENT TENTH Mr. and 1>irs, Glen Betts'dt AA ed!gate, OF an<! children at the C. A, Betts 'P BUCK JONES hon>e; Rcv. Geo. Finke at the Rev.; IjI IN O. G. Ehlcn home in Canlcroll, "GORDON OF GHOST CITY" Aliss Mildred Gibbler and her 0 father, of the Sunnyside school, near lII Peck, came out to enjoy our pro.-; ON THE STAGE SPECIAL ~ and spend the night at the Glen 'P gram THE Betts home. HAPPY VALLEY COWBOYS II ihlrs. Oscar Lawrence and children and Rusty, Dusty, Hungry vacation <vith spent the Thanksgiving Sundown her mother, Mrs. Nick Deamo and! gS f;<nilly, at Myrtle. Of Kendrick AIr. and Mrs. John Starr returned In Cowboy Music and Songs home this week-end from their trip! II to Spokane. COMEDY AND CARTOON Elberteen and Irene Martin <vere II Show at 8:00 o'lockhome over the Thanksgiving holidays., Dean Luce is doing chores at the Admission 25c 10c Crabb ranch this week. The IIj x~x&xxxAKxl ~MR% family )vent to Spokane, )vhere Mrs. Crabb had an operation Friday. Mrs. Hulda Buchanan Potlatch to spend the (c> s Our nesday '<bungalo)v" )vith a l>rand-new bulit I on the chassis of a ne)v truck. He says he intends to go down into California and maybe farther and doesn't intend to return to this part of the country. until next June, He may be able to stand the Sinclairites, Townsendites and various other kinds of ites that long but )ve doubt it very much. 4l WithUseful "'ct~e ~"Ztae '' I';":.Ckii -'.:„":.:;z-, ~-J+ 'w .4~%irae err~.. s"~ nelaaxu ewm~y~~cz~~ and ! GOLDEN Mx~xxxxx~z — Di':( I )I> ! <~ !>,~ At Bridge Charles Riggle Passes Cl.aries Ri. glc, a foriner I~cndrick rc.-i<lent, died at his lioine at Spok;inc i!ri<lge, Wash., on Tuesday, of f i>is 0 ccl;. Hc <vas mail carrier oui of K«nd> ick on Route 2 fni'iliiiiy AL'ii's ,'i 11 8 wiis <iccccdcd 13y Evi'.i'cf t 1'';<set', ' Deari Wr<ight Has New House Dean Wright, )vh0 recently disposed of part of his wordly goods at a sale on his place near Agatha, drove into town the other evening Mcrr =--' 0 i !ic i I prices- ~ <I 1 —nllnd- We invite you to try the goocls we feature. We are sure you will like both the price and quality. DON'T FORGET— i i A!r.;.0! Airs. relatives. — T)rice. I, ~ it I Cranston- Alexander 10!Sc!>li Alexander ot Juliactta and ( i anstoil A~iay of Spok;tile obiiiilicd a license to ivcd in Spol(anc oii T<iiisdav of this weel. IS at fair I I>I QpeC1~." 1!:ivcn'nd I!r, I >'2 (!av cvciiiiig, "'-@OR@~ SPIRIT not fair items at a quality g being Mr. and A1'r, 1..!.. ir 0!i!':, Ali. i<It(1 Al i s. 11. )3. !)0 1'',>':0!1 «ii(l !A!i'. <!ii<1 Airs, 1'. Vi. I!i.'i!ci'. Tlion>p soil i)i(!dc liigli =0!)>'r, an <1 Ai r.=. B ill C a rig and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Peavey of and Mrs. 1".nos Fckman drove to Nezperce spent a few days visiting Yalcinia, 'Wednesday evening to spend with IMr. and "AIrs. 13ill Peavey an(1 Thanksgiving. Mr. an<1 Mrs. F.. Bird. A nuniber of the "ridgers" took Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Taylnr mo- in the dance at Pine Grove Thi(i'sday tored to. Boise to spcn<l Thanksgiving nigh t. i%fr. and Afrs, George Rice visited Thursday ivifh A1r. and Mrs. Oliver Clark. 'Afr, and hilrs. Bill Peavey dined Thanksgiving day in Le<visto<L Mr. and Afrs. Keith Clark and famdinner )vith Thanksgiving ily ate Reta and William "Clark, Others Laurence present >vere Lester and Erkman and Walter Lce Nye. visited ThursEmma Heimgartner HOL'IDAY clay nigl)t <vith Evelyn Heimgartner. IN THE AIR Peavey and Mr. 13ird were Mosco)v callers Monday. cl e c o rations Christlllas Mr. and Mrs. Keith Clark and are making their appear- Walter Clarl'vere Lewiston callers ance and with this sea- Monday. Roy and Ray AVcdin of Moscotv son thoughts of good things <vere down to the ranch for the to eat are uppermost in our <vcek-end. nlincls and that's the very Mrs. Sophia IIutchisoi1 <vas a caller thought we have ln in Juliaetta Saturday. good things to eat and we Mr. and Mrs. Li>iarion Gruell of are featuring quality mer- Lewiston visited Sunday at the Bill Clark home. chandise — Al %5. %%K %k VL %L %E %L 3 '<tt5, Miss I"au!0 nests !.hc tip," 'Air. THE r:.i co no, By C!Col'ge, little ( I'i'i tcn cii D < cuter t<iini'!1 * Ii! '!Igc, iwo i;i!>!cs l>cing in i)1.!y, t!:!'. Bathing Beau< y: 'So you'e a college hoyt What ever mbade you go fo college ". t0 scc Hil>1: Oli, I waiifcd thiiigs iii the .Rah." who FIX RIDGE NEWS — Alii<>: thanks'or use glass coivs. You lil<e it pure, fresh, sweet aiid rich a real linc of creain )vc l>clicvc our milk 1)as all --these !cat<<res plus thc — I ill.—you ":,.'.A";1r~ Ala!ron: 'L)0 you !(00)v Al ay? Gushing — Let's tall- — ig 1)lv duug h ter — payment. liini<lli ii)!'eam i!! i:. r wc !(i>0<v:ioiv it i;)il! o<I by >0,.<!;h>c, into sfci.ili::cd can=" c00!c!! an(I fi!tered .fared an! ai i! fiiic.c 1 again, aii! thcii b!)filed in .-<0;i instcrilizc<1 I <!ifle a>id deliver <!;it. i'our <I, r f r only qii:ii'f. - c pci cleanest fo ivc Carroll, 'Al an<1 1 >, ,< ~,CIS'fA of the BESTAl TORIAL ED TO ED>. J. rs. AVad! 'I, Kcc»<. c i<! ruii!i! <! !Air. anil Airs. 'i or!; f )'! '.i! r. aii(l I!.r-., 1'.. Wo! i!<, .',! i', j WE NEED MORE CONTENTED HAROLD THOMAS, Editor stt!tt Iiccvcr., r-. W. Al'< 24 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ DINNE„S TI-IANKSGIVING CRgajgimslnn z 'The Home of Good Things To >< I Phone 5S2 J n! x x x x xxx x x x x x x x x x z x x z x x x x z x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x r x x x x r r x a L Mgg. 1 hone 182 Eat and %'ear" I Phone 182 s a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa