Holocaust and Judaica


Holocaust and Judaica
Holocaust and Judaica
Winter 2013
The author, Roman Kent arrived in the U.S. with his brother, as orphans having survived
the horrors of The Holocaust in Poland. Among other positions, he is the Chairman of
The American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and Treasurer of the Conference of
Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. His brother is a neurosurgeon.
The contributions of Holocaust Survivors are enormous. The lost potential of the
six million murdered Jews is unimaginable.
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Catalog Thirty-Six Winter 2013
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Payment: Check drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars. Institutions may be billed per their requirements.
Abbreviations: Vg- Very good; F – Fine; 4to – Quarto Size; dJ – Dust Jacket; illus. – Illustrated; ch –
Chipped; p – Pages; G – Good; wraps – Paper or soft cover; 32mo – 4” to 5”; 24mo – 5” to 6”; folio –
13” or larger; nd – No date.
Aaron, Arielle. I Remember Singing. A boy survives the Holocaust. A true
Holocaust story, Hugo and his family were deported to Gurs Concentration
Camp. Is parents were deported to Auschwitz, they were murdered there. Hugo
survived, came to America in 1942, from Lisbon , Portugal on the ship the
Nyassa (I arrived on the same ship in 1941). Large paperback, 186 pages,
Illustrated. Includes a Holocaust glossary – good for children. Author House.
UK, 2008. VG, Illustrated $25.
Adler, Renate, Nils-C.E. etc. In stein gehauen, Jüdische lebensspuren aus
dem Rexinger Judenfriendhof. Friedhofe der Stadt Horb. Band one,
Dokumentation des Friedhofs und des Schicksale der 300 Jahre in Rexinger
ansässigen jüdischen Gemeinde. Names of Jewish residents, date of birth, date
of death + description + some photos of gravesites. Wonderful photos, German
text, Hardcover, no dJ. 423 pages, profusely illustrated. 4T0, large format. VG,
theiss. Verlag, 1997, $55.
Afoumado, Diane. Exil Impossible, Lerrance des Juifs der Paquebot ‘St.
Louis’. Preface by Serge Klarsfeld. On June 17, 1939 the German liner St.
Louis with Jewish survivors. Cuba did not allow them to disembark, and
America closed its doors to them. It was the beginning of the Holocaust. A
tragedy. Paperback, well documented. French text, includes names, date of
birth, country of birth, and final destination, mostly concentration camps, 284
pages, L. Harmattan, 2005, Paris. VG $50.
Agar, Herbert. The saving remnant. An account of Jewish survival. Agar’s
story of the founding of Israel out of the remnant of European Jewry
emphasizes the role of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee in
providing the funds, manpower and material to transport the Jews to their new
homeland. Viking Press, 1960. 269p. Vg/Vg $23.
Aharoni, Ada and Wolf, Thea. Memories from Alexandria, Goodbye to Wars.
Hebrew text, Paperback, Illustrated, 136 pages. 1991, VG, $20.
Ahlborn, Reiner (Satz and Layout) (Forced Labor). Zwangsarbeit in Arnsberg
1939-1945. Dateu, Fakten, Hintergrunde, Abschlussdokumentation der
Geschichtswerkstatt Zwangsparbeit Arnsberg, 4T0 large format, German text,
Arnsberg 2007, Illustrated, Hardcover 250 pages, VG $65.
Akerman, Chantal. Neben Seinen Schnursenkeln in Einem Leben Kulschrank
laufen. Judisches Museum Berlin/Laconic Press, 2007, Illustrated, German text,
VG in VG dJ, $32.
Alcoff, Isabel + Stern, Mark. Why is Grandpa’s Haggadah different? The
memoirs of Mark Stern, A Holocaust survivor. Written for children and
young adults. Paperwraps, nd 20 p. F $ 12.
Alpert, Jane. Deaf People in the Holocaust. The Extraordinary Story. On the
former site of the Deaf, Berlin. “From this house, fascist bandits took 146 deaf
Jews and murdered them.
In remembrance of the dead, to remind the living. Paperwrappers, 19 pages,
illustrated, Lexington School for the Deaf, and Jewish Heritage Project, 2003,
VG $23.
10. Amsterdamse Markten Vroeger En Nu. ‘Reqlement der markten 1816. En
Paul Arnoldussen: ‘De marketing van de markten.’ Uitgeverij De Kan.
Amsterdam. Nd, wraps, illus, 47p. F $20.
11. And I Stil See Their Faces : Images of Polish Jews. The book is based on an
exhibition. Many o the photographs in this book were donated by non-jews
currently living in Poland and jews of Polish origin from all over the world.
Jewish life in Poland from the end of the last century to the Holocaust, with all
its intimacies, dignity, pride and then horror, is arrayed in an exhibit of faded
photographs culled from family albums, shoe boxes, and attics. At home and
abroad, the photos depict assimilated, observant, modern and traditional jews,
rich and poor, all creating an exuberant and foreceful world now lost. Some
sent in photos in the hope that a face would be recognized and that perhaps a
freidn had survived the roundups, the executions and the death camps. A
unique photo collection of great documental, historical and artistic value. The
pictures published for the first time are accompanied by fragments of authentic
letters or conversations showing their origin. One photograph was carried by a
daughter of her mother through two selections by Dr. Mengele at Auschwitz,
once she held it in her mouth, the second time she taped it with a band-aid to
the bottom of her foot, she was 14 years old at the time. She later found out
that her parents, sister and brother were shot to death attempting to avoid
deportation to Auschwitz. Also includes never before seen photos of Lodz
Ghetto and round ups for deportation. The book is magnificent, unique, moving
and most important. Shalom Foundation, Warsaw. 1996. Folio, text in Polish
and English, 1 . ed. Profuse illus, with photos and text, 230 pages, F condition
in F dJ. $245.
12. Anderson, Mark M. Hitler’s Exiles. Personal stories of the flight from Nazi
Germany to America. These first hand accounts reveal what it was like to
leave everything behind, (in most cases family members who could not get out),
to risk the uncertainty of escape + exile, and to start in a new country and
language, etc. New York, Press, NY, 1998. Wraps, 353p. F $18.
13. Angermair, Elisabeth. Beth ha-knesseth-ort der Zusammenkunft. Zur
Geschichte der Münchner Synagogen, ihrer Rabbiner und Kantoren.
München, 1999. Profusely illus, German text, 220 pages, F $27.
14. Angerstorfer, Dr. Andreas and andere. (and others) Jüdische Landgemeinden
en Franken II Beitrage Zu Kultur und Geshichte, Schriften des Frankische
Schweiz – Museum Band 5, 1998, Softcover, 182 pages, German text, G,
Slightly bent on corner, $25.
15. Appelfeld, A. Badenheim 1939. A novel. Badenheim, a resort town near
Vienna, describes the arrival of Jewish vacationers and how they manage to
misconstrue every signal of their fate. David Godine, 1995, Boston, paperback,
148p, F $12.
16. Aronstein, Victor. Gedenkschrift Zu Seinen 100 Geburtstag am I, November
1996. Herausgegeben Von Verein “Biographische forschungen und
sozialgeshichte e.v. He was deported to Ghetto Lodz, and then further
transported to Auschwitz in 1944 and murdered in the gas chambers with
60,000 other Jews. Illustrated paperback, German text, VG, 96 pages, 1996,
17. Arnsberg, P. Bilder Aus dem Jüdischen Leben im Alten Frankfurt.
Waldemar Kramer, Frankfurt am Main, 1970, 272p. 16mo. illus. German text,
Vg/Vg in dj chips & tears. $28.
18. Arnsberg, Paul. Die Geschichte der Frankfurter Juden Zeit der
Französischen Revolution. Volume One. Edvard Roether Verlag, Frankfurt
am main, 1992. 4 to, wraps, illus, German text, 981p. F $15.
19. Arnsberg, Paul. Neunhundert Jahre “Muttergemeinde in Israel” Frankfurt
am Main, 1074-1974. Chronik der Rabbiner. Profuse illus with full page
photographs of the leaders of the Jewish community in Frankfurt. Knecht,
Frankfurt am main, 1974. German text, 231p. F/F $45.
20. Asaria, Zvi, Dr. Die Juden in Köln. Von Den Ältesten zeiten bis zur
Gegenwart. History + tragedy. J.P. Bachem in Köln, 1959. German text,
profuse illus, includes fold out plan of the Jewish cemetery, 477p. V g/Vg $80.
21. Auschwitz Bilder und Dokumente, Eine Austellung (an Exhibition
Catalogue). Disturbing, Heartbreaking photos of Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz,
profusely illustrated. German text, Paperwrappers, Berlin-Charlottenburg, 2
bis,30. January 1966, G, rear cover corner has a tear, otherwise G, $32.
22. Baeck, Leo 50 Jahre Leo-Baeck-Preis. 1957-2007. Verliehen vom Zentralrat
der Juden in Deutschland. Includes Dr. Ehrlich, Dr. Schilling, Dr. J. Bau, Dr. H.
Kohl, Dr. Merkel. Hardcover, VG condition. German text, 457 pages, illustrated.
Hentricht Hentricht, 2007, $27.
23. Baeck, Leo Aus. Dreijahrtausend. Wissensch aftliche untersuchungen und
abhandlungen zurgeshichte des Jüdischen Glaubens. German text, JCB Mohr
Tubingen 1958. Hardcover, 402 pages, VG no dJ, $24.
24. Baer, John. Witness for a Generation. The author escaped from Germany to
Peru and Bolivia and then to the US. Most of his family perished in the
Holocaust. Fithian Pr, 1997. Paperback, 127p. F $18.
25. Baerwald, Leo Dr. and Feuchtwanger Dr. Ludwig. Festgabe 50 Jahre
Hauptsynagoge Munchen 1887-1937. Leo Baerwald of this famous
synagogue from 1918-1940. He finally was able to get out of Germany in 1940.
He came to the US and became the Rabbi of Congregation Hillel in Washington
Heights in Manhattan, the majority of German Jewish refugees settled in this
area. It was called Frankfurt on the Hudson, paperwrappers, well-illustrated 80
pages, German text published in celebration of the 50 anniversary of the
original Munich, which was destroyed by the Nazis in 1938. Munchen, 1937,
VG, $95.
26. Bakker, Piet. Een buurt Wordt Bijgezet. Wel en wee rond het Waterlooplein.
Dutch text, illustrated, Hardcover, oblong, 179 pages, no date (1950’s ?), tips of
edges of book rubbed and slightly frayed, good, tight interior, Uiterverij Andries
Blitz, Laren, Holland, $45.
27. Barnes, James J. Hitlers Mein Kampf in Britain and America. A Publishing
History 1930-1939. Paperback, 158 pages, VG, Cambridge University Press
Cambridge, London, NY 1980, $35.
28. Bau, Joseph. Dear God, have you ever gone Hungary. As number 247 in
the men’s section of Schindler’s list, he tells of his survival in Schindler’s
factory. The author, an artist, illustrated more than 60 moving illustrations of
Krakow and Plaszow. Arcade, NY, 1990. 228p, profuse illus, F/F $15.
29. Baum, Bruno. Widerstand in Auschwitz. (resistance in Auschwitz). German
text, Ex-Library illustrated, Kongress Verlag, Berlin, 1957, Hardcover no dJ, VG,
30. Becker, Heike. Vom Vorzug der Unberuhmtheit: Ein Jüdisches frauenleben
1908-2008. Alice Steinmau was born in Berlin, she survived the Holocaust. She
died in 2008. She was 99 years old. She was the last Jewish person in Arnberg,
Germany. Becker druck, Arnsberg, 2009. Profusely illustrated. Paperwrappers,
German text, 96 pages, VG, $40.
31. Behr, Hartwig and Horst Rupp. Vom Leben Und Sterben. Juden in
Creglingen. Würzburg, 1999. German text, illus, 278p. F/F $22.
32. Benoschofsky, Ilona. The History of the Museum, the Jewish Museum of
Budapest. Includes ceremonial objects, beautifully and profusely illustrated,
241 pages, Fine in Fine dJ, Corvina, 1987, $46.
33. Bentwich, Norman. They found Refuge. An account of British Jewry’s
work for victims of Nazi oppression. A compelling account of British
Jewry’s work for the victims of Nazi oppression. Includes sections on the
Central British Fund for German Jewry, the Children’s Movement and
orphans from the concentration camps 1938-1955. The Cresset Press,
London, 1956, 227 pages, F no dJ $ 34.
34. Benz, Wolfgang. Die Kindertransporte 1938/39. Rettung und integration.
Jewish the British took 10,000 children from Germany to Britain. Most of the
children never saw their parents again, they were murdered by the Nazis. This
is the heartbreaking story of some of the children and the history. Fischen,
2003, Hardcover, ex-private library, German text, 252 pages. $26.
35. Berg, Silke. Il Ghetto di Venezia. Das Erste Jüdische Ghetto in Europa.
Bergauf, Frankfurt am main, 1996, first edition, profusely illustrated, lovely black
and white photos, German text, unpaginated, VG, Hardcover, $34.
36. Bergson, Henri. Eine Abhandlung Uber Die unmittelbaren
Bewusstseinstatsachen. Eugen Diederichs in Jena 1920, German text, 189
pages, VG, $22.
37. Berle, Milton. The Friars honor Milton Berle, includes F. Sinatra, Myron Cohen,
R.W. Sarnoff, Victor Brage, Lucille Ball. Large paperwrappers, some loose
pages, profusely illustrated, G, $45.
38. Berliner, Prof. A. Randbemerkungen Zum Taglichen Gebetbuche. (Siddur),
Hardcover, German and Hebrew text, 87 pages (one loose page), M.
Poppelauer, 1909. VG, $30.
39. Berlinger, Simon. Synagoge und Herrschaft. Vierhundert Jahre Jüdische
Landgemeinde Berlichingen. Sigmaringendorf, 1991. illus, German text,
137p. issued without dJ $20.
40. Berr, Helene. Oorlogsdagboek 1942-1944. Met een Voorwoord Van Patrick
Modieno. Dutch text, 326 pages, De Geug 2000, VG in VG dJ, $30.
41. Bertelsen, Aage. October ’42. A person story of a man and his wife involved in
the rescue of Danish Jews. When asked why he helped at considerable
personal risk, Bertelsen replied, “these people were in mortal danger we had no
alternative, we had to do what we did”. Signed by Aage Bertelsen. “with best
wishes to a fellow believer in interreligious, interracial and international
brotherhood. Museum Press London, 1955, 160p, illus., Vg bottom tip cover
bumped, dJ G small chips + tears. $ 30.
42. Bentwich, Norman. Perfides Albion ? England und die Englander.
Hitachduth olej Germania we olej Austria, 1939, Tel Aviv, 1939, paperwrappers,
141 pages, VG, $ 45.
43. Benz, Wolfgang. Das Exil der Kleinen Leute. Alltagserfahrung deutscher
Juden in der Emigration. Fischer Taschenberg verlag, 1994. German text,
16 mo, paperback, 422p. F $12.
44. Bijdragen En Mededeelingen van Het Genootschap voor de Joodsche
wetenschap in Nederland, gevestigd te Amsterdam No 1. Wraps, illus with
fold-out illus, detached from wrappers, 64p. front cover has small pieces
missing. Amsterdam Inernational Antiquariaat, Menno Hertzberger, 1922-No2.
1925. Vg. Wraps, 119p. Both in Dutch text, no 1 and no 2 together $60.
45. Birnbaum, Philip Dr. (edited and translated). The PASSOVER Haggadah.
Large print Edition, in one volume, spiral bound 4to (large) Hardcover, 77
pages, Hebrew and English, published by The Jewish Braille Institute of
America, Inc. New York, NY, 1973, Large Print, VG $ 70.
46. Bloch, Erich Geshichte der Juden von Konstanz, im 19, und 20, Jahrhundert,
Eine Dokumentation. 61 illustrations, German text. This book is in memory of
the congregation from the years of 1850-1940/1942. Includes names of former
residents and dates of gravesites and includes Jewish residents and their
former addresses, and their professions. Also includes names, dates of birth,
former addresses of deportation on October 1940, and dates of residents who
managed to escape and where they went, this is a very special book.
Hardcover, 300 pages, VG no dJ Rosgarten, Verlag, 1971, $90.
47. Bohlman, Philip V. “the Land where two streams flow” Music in the
German-Jewish community of Israel. Examines musical life in the GermanJewish community of Israel and its contributions to the musical life of modern
Israel, showing the dynamic interactions between the Central Europeans and
other immigrant groups—U of Illinois Pr, Chicago, 1989. illus, Vg/Vg $22.
48. Bonne, Alfred Dr. Palästina Land und wirtschaft. Deutsche
Wissenschaftliche Buchandlung, Leipzig, 1933. German text, illus with charts +
tables, 308p. G $60.
49. Borensztajn, Jozef, Hilel. Dagboek 1945-1945. A memoir, he went from
Amsterdam to Westerbork to theresienstadt to Auschwitz. Antwerp, 1998,
Paperback, Dutch text, 213 pages, illustrated, VG, $21.
50. Borneman, John + Peck, N. Jeffrey. Sojourners. The return of German Jews
and the question of identity. An absorbing book of interviews. German Jews
who live in East and West Berlin. Discusses resurgence of Anti-Semitism.
Some describe the possibility of being both German and jewish. University of
Nebraska, Lincoln + London, 1995. Hardcover, VG no dJ. 329 pages, $23.
51. Braun, Helmuth. Dem Deutschen Volke. Die Geshichte der Berliner
Bronzegiesser Loery. Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Judischen Museums
Berlin Vom Helmuth F. Braun and Dorrmann, Michael, comes with disk, (CDRom), Dumont, Judisches Museum, Berlin, illustrated, German text, 189 pages,
paperback, Vg $28.
52. Braun, Helmuth. Dem Deutschen Volke. Die Geshichte der Berliner
Bronzegiesser Loery. Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Judischen Museums
Berlin Vom Helmuth F. Braun and Dorrmann, Michael, comes with disk, (CDRom), Dumont, Judisches Museum, Berlin, illustrated, German text, 189 pages,
paperback, Vg $25.
53. Breitbart, Morris. Awaiting a Miracle. The Holocaust Diaries of Morris Breitbart,
a survivor from Poland, he escaped from the transport train. His entire family
was murdered, Large Paperback, 40 pages, Outskirts press, Denver, Colorado,
2007, VG, $24.
54. Bruchfeld, Stephane + Levine, Paul. Tell ye your children…a book about the
Holocaust in Europe 1933-1945. A devastating and moving book, profuse
illus, 4to wraps, 82p, Sweden, 1998. F $26.
55. Buber, Martin. Ich und du. Um ein nachwort erweiterte Neuausgabe.
Erster teil. Verlag Lambert Schneider, Heidelberg, 1958. 116p. F/F $32.
56. Buttner, Ursula and Jochmann Werner. Hamburg auf dem weg ins Dritte
Reich. Entwicklungs jahre 1931-1933. illustrated, paperwrappers, 220 pages,
Ex private library stamp, German text, VG $20.
57. Cahen, B. Brieven uit de Trein Westerbork-Auschwitz (Enkele reis)
Uitgeverij Tuindorp Haarlem, 1996. 16mo, wraps, Dutch text, 31p. F $22.
58. Carlebach, Joseph Das. Hohelied Ubertragen und Gedeutet von Joseph
Carlebach. Hardcover, tiny bit ripped tip of cover, faded along backtrip, interior
VG, 135 pages, German and Hebrew text, Hermon Verlog, Frankfurt am main,
59. Charles, Daniel. Mastermind: The rise and fall of Fritz Haber. The nobel
laureate who launced the age of chemical warfare. He orchesterated the use of
Poison gas in WW1, and his research led to the development of Zyklon B used
as a killing agent to murder Jews in the gas chambers. Harper Collins, London
2005. First edition, VG in VG dJ,$28.
60. Chlenov, Michael A. Oriental Jewish Groups in the former Soviet Union:
Modern Trends of Development. 21 annual Rabbi Louis Feinberg Memorial
lecture in Judaic Studies, March 10, 1998. Paperwrappers, University of
Cincinatti, 1998, 39 pages, VG, $22.
61. Choron, Rose. Family Stories Travels beyond the Shtetel Narrative poems,
stories, about her own and other Jewish families migration from the Shtetel to
Germany, Switzerland and Palestine etc. The lithographs by Issacher Ber
Ryback. Signed in ink with a note by Rose Choron, 1983. Joseph Simon,
pangloss press, 1988, VG, illustrated in VG dJ, $30.
62. Cobbers, Arnt. Daniel Libeskind, Architekten und Baumeister in Berlin.
Architects and Master builders in Berlin. German and English, paperwrappers,
profusely illustrated, 27 pages, Jaron Verlog, 2006, VG, $22.
63. Coetzee, Linda Pimstone. Seeking Refuge: German Jewish immigration
to the Cape in the 1930’s including aspects of Germany confronting
its past. Exhibition catalogue. A beautiful catalogue begins with an
overview of the lives of German Jews in Germany over the centuries.
Describes the immigration of German Jewish refugees to Capetown from
1933-1939. Paperwrappers, 56 pages, Capetown, 2003, F $40.
64. Cohen, Herman. Jood in Palestina. Herinneringen 1939-1948, paperback,
Dutch text, 350 pages, VG, $27.
65. The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany 1951-2001.
History of the Claims Conference: A chronology, paperwrappers, large format
4T0, 31 pages, illustrated, VG, 2001, $26.
66. Congregation Habonim: The First Sixty Years 1939-1999. A special
Congregation was founded by German Jews one year (Nov. 9 , 1938). After
the horror and tragedy of Kristallnacht, paperwrappers, 4T0, large format,
profusely illustrated, unpaginated, VG, Congregation Habonim New York City,
67. Dagboek, Fragmenten 1940-1945. Dutch text. Letters Dutch Jews, Holocaust,
German occupation, Hardcover, 638 pages. S Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff,
1954, VG, $45.
68. Dalven, Rae. The Jews of Ioannina. In Northwest Greece, there is a small
community of Jews virtually unknown in other parts of the world.
A historical account, 227 pages, illustrated, Cadmus Press, 1990, Vg in Vg dJ,
69. Daniels, Fred. Nathan’s Bitterness and Salvation. Nathan was saved in
Amsterdam by Catholics, In Holland he had to live like a Catholic and undergo
Baptism. He finally returns to Judaism, Marries a Jewish woman. He
immigrated to Israel in 1968. Devora, Jerusalem, NY 2008, VG mdJ, $24.
70. Das Silber Böhmischer Synagogen. An exhibition. Das Staatliche Jüdische
Museum in Prague, 1979. wraps, unpaged (about 16p), illus, German text. F
71. de Groot, Rolf-Bernd. Jüdisches Leben in Der Provinz. Schicksale Jüdischer
Familien in Schamburg Seit 1560, erzählt und documentation. Detailed, and
very beautifully illustrated, gravestones with names and descriptions, large
format, includes names, dates of birth, place of birth, and place of deportation,
name of concentration camps. German text, color profuse. Illustations, VG,
issed without dJ, Ellert + Richter, 2008, $45.
72. Delman, Carmit. Burnt bread and Chutney. Growing up between cultures- A
memoir of an Indian-Jewish girl. Her mother was a descendant of the Bene
Israel a tiny ancient community of Jews from Western India. Her father is from
Eastern European descent. One World, NY 2002. 260 pages, Hardcover with
dJ, VG, $20.
73. Dicker, Herman Creativity Holocaust Reconstruction. Jewish life in
Wuerttemberg Past and Present. Sepher-Hermon pr. NY 1984, 234p. illus.
Vg/G small tears in dJ $ 25.
74. Didactische gids voor een bezoek aan het Joods Museum van Deportatie
en Verzet. In opdract van de Pedagogishce Commissie bij het Joods Museum
van Deportatie en Verzet be staande uit de verte gen woordigers van de
Nederlandstalige onderwijsnetlen en van het museum. Joods Museum,
1990’s? nd, 4to, wraps, Flemish text, illus, 64p. F $25.
75. Die Pesach Hagadah. Gebete und Gebrauche – für die beiden erste
pesachabende. Neuer deutscher ubersetzung von Dr. Alexander Silch.
Rabbiner in Prag. Well illustrated, red decorated cloth, backstrip has tape,
slightly rubbed along edges, 78 pages, Hebrew and German text, Prag 1889,
76. Documenten van de Jodenvervolging in Nederland 1940-1945. Joods
Historisch Museum Amsterdam. An important book. Amsterdam, 1965.
Dutch text, profuse illus, with documents (mostly in German) and some photos.
4T0, 173 pages. F $38.
77. (DVD) Die Kissinger Saga. Walter und Henry Kissinger. Zwei Brüder aus furth.
DVD (30 Minutes) in German. VG, $24.
78. Ecki, Marlen Auf brasilianischem Boden fandich eine neve Heimat.
(autobiography Texte deutscher fluchtlinge des Nationalsozialimus 1933-1945,
German text, illustrated, paperback, 364 pages, VG, Gardez verlag, Remschied
2005, Germany, VG, $48.
79. Eckl, Marlen. Das Paradies ist “Uberall Verloren” Das Brasilienbild von
fluchtlingen des Nationalsozialismus. Many Jews escaped to Brazil in the
1930’s. Including Stefan Zweig, Martha Brill, Richard Katz, etc. German text,
large paperback, 594 pages, VG, Ververt Verlag, 2010, VG, $70.
80. Efon, John M. Medicine and the German Jews a History. Investigates the
relationship between German Jews and medicine from Medieval times until its
demise under the Nazis. He demonstrates why Jews flocked to the Medical
profession in Germany. In 1933 60% of Berlin and Vienna’s Physicians were
Jewish. Yale U Press, New Haven 2001. First edition, VG hardcover in dJ, 343
pages, $42.
81. Ein Ghetto im Osten-Wilna. Vorobeichic, Moses (Bilder von) eingeleitet von S.
Schneour. Beautiful book of photographs of the jewish Ghetto in Vilnius. It was
destroyed by the Nazis a decate later. Reprint. Hentrich, Berlin 1984, Softcover,
dJ, 65 photographs, German and Hebrew text, 69 pages, VG, $50.
82. Elbogen, Ismar. Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland.
Contributions by G. Kisch, Alfred Stern, E. Taubler, Koebner, etc. No. 4,
Jahrgang.2, paperwrappers, German text, Philo Verlag Berlin 1937, VG, $30.
83. Elbogen, Ismar. Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland.
No. 1, Jahrgang 7, Contributions by I. Elbogen, A. Freimann, M. Freudenthal,
etc. Paperwrappers, 65 pages, German text, VG, 1937, $30.
84. Elbogen, Ismar. Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland.
No. 2, Jahrg No. 7, Contributions by I. Elbogen, A. Friemann, etc.
Paperwrapppers, German text. Tip of backstrip slightly torn, otherwise VG,
Philo Verlag 1937, $25.
85. Elstermann, Knut. Gerda’s Schweigen. Die Geshichte einer Uberlebenden.
She survived the horrors of Auschwitz, the Nazis killed her child there. She
came to America. After 60 years she was able to talk about what happened to
her. Be, bra Verlag, 2005, 191 pages, illustrated, German text, VG with a VG
dJ, $36.
86. Etzold, Alfred. Die Jüdischen Friedhöfe in Berlin.
(The Jewish
cemeteries in Berlin.) A moving book. Weissensee was the biggest in
Berlin. Profusely illus., with descriptions, German text, 168 pages,
Henschel Verlag, Berlin, 1991, F no dJ, $ 50.
87. Europa, Europa a true story. VHS Tape. A wonderful film of a German Jewish
boy who miraculously survived the Holocaust. New. $15.
88. European legislation on declarations of death (Survey concluded on
January 1, 1949). Compiled by the office General Counsel European
Headquarters American Joint Distribution Committee. American Joint
Distribution Comm., Paris, nd 1949? Wraps, 199 pages. G $70.
89. Farreras, Joaquim, Nadal. Girona: History and Jewish Heritage. Dalmau
Carles, paperwrappers, illustrated, in English, Hebrew, Spanish and French,
141 pages, 1993, VG, $40.
90. Fersen-Osten, Renee. Don’t They Know The World Stopped Breathing.
Reminiscences of a French child during the Holocaust years. Hidden in a
convent, separated from her parents. Luckily the parents survived. Shapolsky
Publishers. Hardcover with dJ, illustrated, 191 pages, VG with VG dJ, $28.
91. Fink, Ida. A Scrap of Time, and other stories. Stories about life in Poland
during World War II. The author was born in Poland and now lives in Israel,
Northwestern U. Press, Illinois, 1983, paperback, 163 pages, VG, $20.
92. Fleischmann, Johann. Mesusa 4 Lebensbeschreibungen und schicksale.
Spuren Judischer Vergangenheit an Aisch, Aurach, Ebrach und seebach.
Well illustrated, includes names, dates and location of deported frpm
Burghaslach. A very good book, German text, important illustrations, 392
pages, D. Fleischmann (selbsverlag) Muhlhausen, 2004, F issued without dJ $
93. Fliedner, Hans-Joachim. Die Judenverfolgung in Mannheim 1933-1945
Volume One-Dokumente. German text, in 2 volumes, Collection of important
documents about the Holocaust in Mannheim, 411 pages, Volume two – Die
Judenverfolgung in Mannheim 1933-1945. Darstellung (the History Volume
One), 259 pages, illustrated, Kohlhammer Suttgart, Berlin, 1971, both volumes
VG in VG dJ, $78.
94. Frank, Otto H. (edited). The Diary of a Young Girl. The Definitive Edition.
The story of Anne Frank and her family hidden in Amsterdam for over 2 years
until discovered in 1944 and tragically, Anne, her parents, sister and friends
were all deported into concentration camps. All were murdered. Mr. Frank was
wonderful woman who helped find the family the hiding place and who later on
found the famous Diary of Anne Frank. She recently died at 100 years old in
Amsterdam. Doubleday, NY, 1 edition, 1995, 340 pages, VG in dJ, $200.
95. Frank, Otto (edited). Reader’s Companion to the Diary of a Young Girl.
Anne Frank, the definitive edition, Anne Frank Center, 1995, paperwrappers, 39
pages, nicely illustrated. SIGNED BY MIES GIEP IN INK, Anne Frank Center
and Doubleday, $75.
96. Frankel, Dr. Z. Vorstudien zu der Septuaginta. Rabbi w/ Desden and Leipzig.
A study of the Septuaginta (The Koine or Greek version of the Hebrew bible),
Leipzig, 1841, 275 pages, German text, hardcover, Spine panel has a few tears
on cover, interior of book in amazingly good condition, $48.
97. Freise, Judith + Martini, Joachim. Jüdische Musikerinnen und Musiker in
Frankfurt 1933-1942. An exhibition in der Paulkirsche zu Frankfurt am main till
November 1990. Very detailed, paperback, 84 pages. Good, tight, slight
rubbing on corners and tips of book. $40.
98. Fremont, Helen. Helen Fremont was raised as a Roman Catholic, she later
discovered her parents were Jewish who survived the Holocaust. Paperback,
Delacorte Press, 1999, 323 pages, VG, $20.
99. Freund, Jacob. Gebet und Andachtsbuch für israelitische Frauen und
Mädchen. Lehrer an der Religionschule der synagogen-gemeinde zu Breslau
Hannah. Neueste vermehrte und verbesserte Ausgabe, Breslau, old edition.
Text in Hebew and German, 303p.Gilt top edge, Vg $40.
100. Fuchs, Hugo Rabbiner Dr. (Mossinger Ingred (edited by Exhibition Catalogue))
Zur Geshichte Der Juden in Chemnitz, text in German and English, 4T0
(large), paperwrappers, 30 pages, Chemnitz, 2010, VG, $32.
101. Furstenthal, Ernst. Abraham. German text, VG, Hardcover, 246 pages,
Jüdische Buch-Vereinigung 1936. VG, $18.
102. Garfinkle, Max. The Jews of Morocco. The history of North African Jewry.
Paper wrappers, 112 pages, illustrated, “scarce,” Zionist Youth Council, New
York, 1956, VG $65.
103. Gay, Ruth. The Jews of Germany. A historical portrait. A panorama of the
1500 year history of the Jews of Germany – from the first settlements on the
Rhine in the fourteenth century to the devastation of the Holocaust. The author
wants to remember those who lived. The lives they led and the vitality they
brought to German civilization. A special book. Profuse illus, 4to, 298p. Yale U
Pr, 1992. F/F $40.
104. Gedenkfeier Zum 50. Jahrestag des 9. November 1938. Paperwrappers, 16
mo. VG, 31 pages, German text, Jüdische Gemeinde in Hamburg. 50
anniversary of Kristallnacht. (The beginning of the Holocaust). Contributions by
Dr. Voscherau, P. Krusche, etc. $28.
105. Geiger, Ludwig. Geschichte Der Jüden in Berlin. Als festschrift Zur Zweiten
Sakular-feier-im Auftrage des Vorstandes Der Berliner Gemeinde bearbeitet
von Ludwig Geiger – Nach dem Akten Des Gett. Staats – Des Ministerial Des
Stadt und Des Gemeinde – Archivs, Nach Gedruckten Quellen und den
Matariallen Des Herr N.L. Landshuth, Ex- private library, spine taped, fair
condition, flyleaf loose, interior good, German text, Guttentag, Berlin, 1871, 357
pages, $25.
106. Geschlossene Vorstellung. Der Jüdische Kulterbund in Deutschland 19331941. Contributions by Walter Jens, Herbert Freeden, Eike Geisel,
Exhibition Catalogue. 1992 large 4T0 paperwraps, nicely illustrated in black and
white color. German text, 454 pages, VG tip very sl. rubbed, $30.
107. Geve, Thomas. Guns and Barbed Wire. A Child Survives the Holocaust.
The author lived in Germany until his imprisonment in 1943, he was deported to
Auschwitz Gross Rosen and Buchenwald Academy. Chicago Publishers, 1987.
Illustrated in color, 220 pages, VG no dJ, $38.
108. Gilbert, Martin. The Jews of Arab Lands. Their History in Maps. Profusely
illustrated, “scarce”, 15 pages, Board of Deputies of British Jews. 1976, VG,
109. Gilens, Alvin. Discovery and Despair. Dimensions of Dora. The first public
display of images from the underground tunnels of Mittelwrk, at MittelbauDora. A camp of horrors. Mr. Gilens is the only American photographer to
have a one man exhibit at Israels Yad Vashem. Profusely illustrated, text in
German and English, 143 pages. Westkruez, Berlin, 1995. VG in VG dJ, $50.
110. Glatstein, Jacob (edited). Anthology of Holocaust Literature. Writings by
survivors and victims of the Holocaust. JPS Philadelphia 1968, First edition,
Hardcover, VG with no dJ, 412 pages, $20.
111. Gluckstein, Fritz Paul D.V.M. Geltungsjude. Counted as a Jew in Hitlers
Germany. About 13,000 Jews were allowed to live in Berlin. They were Jews
married to non-Jews designated as Geltungsjuden. Those counted as Jews.
Amazing! Creatsspace 2013, Paperback, 83 pages, illustrated, VG, $22.
112. Goldschmidt, Wyman, Eva. Escaping Hitler: A Jewish Haven in Chile. The
author tells her familys story who were fortunate enough to escape from Nazi
Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. The book is based upon interviews with
Germany Jewish refugees. An important book. There are not many books on
the Jewish people that escaped to Chile. Hardcover, 232 pages, University of
Alabama Press 2103. VG in dJ, $44.
113. Grellert, Marc (Catalogue Texts). Synagogues in Germany: A Virtual
reconstruction: Containing Photographs of 15 Synagogues: and corresponding
computer reconstructions. Profusely illustrated in color, 4T0 large format,
Hardcover with dJ. 158 pages includes a DVD soundtrack has choir and
Canting with organ. VG. Text in English, $48.
114. Guang, Pan (ed. and compiled). The Jews in China. A wonderful History –
many Jewish Refugees escaped from Europe and lived their. Profusely
illustrated, 4to (large), 194 pages, F in F dJ, $ 65.
115. Gusky, Jeffry. Silent Places. (Text and Photos). Landscapes of Jewish life and
loss in Eastern Europe. A Doctor and Photographer accompanied by a Polish
guide travelled through Poland and the Ghettos and concentration camps,
where Jews lived and worked for 1000 years. He captured a moving sense of
loss. Large paperwrappers, devastating and excellent photographs. Very
special overlook, Woodstock NY 2003, Profusely illustrated, 4T0 large, Big Boo,
116. Gyulai, Kato. Zwei Schwestern Geshichte einer Deportation. Includes a
handwritten letter in ink by Linde Apel written in 2001. In VG condition.
Paperpback, Metropal, 2001. 120 Pages, illustrated, including handwritten
letter, $60.
117. The Haggadah of Passover. Text in Hebrew and English, 64 pages, Illustrated
by Sigmund Frost. Hardcore – nicely illustrated front rear covers, beautifully
illustrated interior of book in vibrant color, VG, Hardcover, slightly frayed tips of
book, 1955, $55.
118. Hale, Oren J. The Captive Press in the Third Reich. Describes what
happened to the press in Nazi Germany. Princeton U Pr, Princeton, NJ, 1964.
Wraps, 353p. F $18.
119. Halhuber, Max-Joseph. Funf fragen an Drei Generationer. Der
Antisemitismum und Wir heute, a doctor was born in 1916, a politician born in
1941 and a young man born in Austria in 1966 are asked the following
questions: 1) What are Jews in your eyes, 2) How should we teach Hitler and
the Destruction of the Jews, 3) What do you think of allowing Jews from
Eastern Europe to emigrate, 4) What do you think of Israel?, German text,
Czernin Verlag 2002, Wien. 141 pages, Hardcover, VG, $42.
120. Hamerow, Theodore. Why We Watched. Europe, America, and the Holocaust.
How could the world have stood by and done nothing to help save the Jews of
Europe. A most disturbing book, WW. Norton NY 2008, first edition, 520 pages,
VG in VG dJ, $22.
121. Harck, Ole. Julius Magnus- Austellung, Zur Geschichte der Jüdischen
Gemeiden in Schleswig – Holstein, profusely illustrated, wonderful photos.
German text, paperwrappers. 40 pages, 1985. VG, $38.
122. Harris, Maurice H. Modern Jewish History. From the Renaissance to the
close of the World War. Revised and enlarged, illustrated. Bloch Publishing,
1928. 240p. Vg no dJ $24.
123. Hassan, Isaac (ed.) Gibraltor Heritage Journal. Special edition to
commemorate the Gibraltar Exhibition at the Jewish Museum. London,
2004. Describes History of Jewish life in Gibraltar. Paperwrappers, 119 pages,
illustrated, F $ 29.
124. Hecht, D, Lappin, Eleanor – Auftakt Zur Shoah in Osterreich. Orte – Bilder –
1938 Erinnerungen. Memories of the Jewish people of the horror and AntiSemitism in Austria, paperwrappers. German text, profusely illustrated. 45
pages, Milena Verlag, 2008, VG, $34.
125. Hedin, Sven. Jerusalem. 343 pages, profusely illustrated, German text,
Brockhaus, 1918, Leizig. Some parts were loose from binding but have been
repaired, Hardcover, original edition, $22.
126. Hehlke, Robert. Festschrift 10 Jahre Jüdische Oberschule 225 Jahre
Jüdische Schule in Berlin. The history of this special school from 1778 until
1942. The Nazis certainly would not allow a Jewish school, most of the students
were deported. The school was reopened in 1993. Profusely illustrated, large
paperwraps, 4T0, German text, 148 pages, Berlin, Jüdische Oberschule zu
Berlin, 2003. VG, $50.
127. Heidenheim, Wolf. Gebetbuch fur den Versohnungsabend. Ubersetzt Von
Selig Bamberger, Victor Goldschmidt, Basel, early edition, Black cloth. German
and Hebrew text, G, tight, tips of backstrip cover slightly frayed. Victor
Goldschmidt, Verlag, early edition, $35.
128. Heidenheim, Wolf. Gebetbuch fur das Neujahrseit. Translated by S.
Bamberger. Victor Goldschmidt. Verlag Frankfurt am main, Hardcover, early
edition (1800’s?), Band IV, tips of backstrip rubbed and slight tears, otherwise
VG, $35.
129. Heiferman, Marvin (Curator). To the rescue. Eight artists in an Archive.
Since 1914 the Jdc has helped to bring relief rescue, to people caught in the
persecution, etc of the Holocaust and the horrors of terrible times. Profusely
illustrated, large paperback, unpaginated, excellent illustrations, American Joint
1998, VG, $35.
130. Heimann, Jelinek. Das Museum Judischer Alter Tumer in Frankfurt 19221938. Beautiful book profusely illustrated in much color, large format, 4T0, 237
pages, German text, VG, $75.
131. Hermes, Hermann. Deportationsziel Riga, Schicksale Warburger Juden.
Tragedy of the deportation of the Jews to Riga. German text, illustrated,
includes names, dates, places of deportation. Paperback, 148 pages, Hermann
Hermes Verlag, 1982, VG, $32.
132. Herz, Reinhold. Gedenkschrift Zum 100 Jahrigen Bestehen Der Synagoge
Zu Speyer. Die Judische Gemeinde Speyer von ihrer Wiederentstehung um die
Wende Des 18. Jahrhunderts bis auf Die gegenwart. Paperwrappers, Exlibrary, tape on spine panel, German text, 30 pages, photos of the synagogue
and the cemetery. Good condition, $ 40.
133. Hertzberg, Steven. Strangers within the Gate City. The Jews of Atlanta 18451915. A history of the Jews of Atlanta. Hardcover, 325 pages, illustrated,
Jewish Publication Society of America, Phila, 1978, first edition, VG with VG dJ,
134. Herzberg, Abel J. Brieven aan mijn kleinzoon, De geschiedenis van een
Joodse emigrantenfamilie. Dutch text, Bert Bakker, Den Haag, 1964,
paperback, VG $18.
135. Herzberg, Helqa. Door het oog van de naald. Maastricht-Luik, MechelenAuschwitz. Dutch text. Hardcover, Verbum Laren, 2006, 91 pages, VG in Vg
dJ, $24.
136. Het Proces Blokzijl. Rijksins-tituut voor oorlogsdocumentatle. Dutch text,
Veen, Uitgevers – Utrecht/Antwepen. 1989, paperback, 145 pages, paperback,
VG, $26.
137. Heuberger, George. Wer ein Haus baut will bleiben. 50 Jahre Jüdische
Gemeinde Frankfurt am Main-Anfäge und Gegenwart. Herausgegeben im
Auftrag des Dezernats Kultur und Freizet, Amt fuer Wissenschaft und Kunst.
Published on the occasion of the exhibition of the same name at the Jewish
Museum in Frankfurt, December 10, 1998 – February 14, 1999. Profusely illus,
wonderful photos of synagogues, and photos early postwar, 228 pages 4T0
(large), Jüdische Museum, Frankfurt, 1998, F no dJ, $40.
138. Hindls, Arnold. Einer Kehrte Zurück. Bericht Eines Deportierten. German text,
179 pages, VG, Deutche Verlago, Anstalt, Stuttgart, 1965, $28.
139. Hirshler, E. (ed) Jews From Germany in the United States. A collection of
essays written by a well-known historian, and shows origiinal point of view.
Farrar, Straus, NY 1955, 182p, VG/dj has tears, $20.
140. Historica Hebraica. Austellungs – Katalog. Jüdische Kunst Kultur und
Geshichte aus dem Staatlichen Jüdischen Museum Prag 1965. Eine Austellung
im Jüdischen Gemeindehaus Berlin, im Jüdischen Gemeindehaus Berlin,
Fassanstrasse 79-80. Very nice illustrations, paperwrappers, German text 176
pages of text, 41 pages of illustrations, VG, $34.
141. Hitler, Adolf. Der Grossdeutsche Freiheitskampf. Reden Adolf Hitlers vom 10
marz 1940 bis 16 marz 1941. Band II – volume 2 covering March 10th to March
16th 1941, 271 pages, German text, Zentralverlag, der NSDAP, Franz Eher
Munchen, 1942, VG no dJ $ 26.
142. Hoess, Rudolf. Commandant of Auschwitz. The autobiography of Rudolf
Hoess. Hardcover, first edition, World Publishing 1959, VG, spine panel has
fading, $24.
143. Hoskins, Franklin E. From the Nile to Nebo. Monochrome Photo illustration.
Faded-out map, beautifully illustrated. 378 pages, 85 illustrations. The Sunday
School Times Company 1912. VG, first edition, $65.
144. Hurwitz, Dr. Ariel. Yalkut Moreshut. Holocaust Documentation and Research.
60 years after the destruction of Hungarian Jewry Jewish Children in the
Holocaust. 2 Winter 2004, paperback, illustrated, 248 pages, VG, $25.
145. Huttenbach, Henry R. The Destruction of the Jewish Community of Worms
1933-1945. A study of the Holocaust in Germany. The author born in Worms
traces the agony of those Jews who did not escape with meticulous
scholarship. The crime against the Jews of Worms was never invisible and not
without the full participation of the city authorities. The book is dedicated to the
last two children born in the Jewish community of Worms. One was gassed in
Belzec extermination camp. The other survived, and her life points to the future.
The book includes names, date of birth, date and place of concentration camp
or suicide, and fate if known – most did not survive-, and photos included, 256
pages, illustrated. A publication of the memorial committee of Jewish victims of
Nazism from Worms, NY, 1981, VG in Vg dJ $75.
146. Iltis, Rudolf. Die Aussaeen unter Tränen Mit Jubel Werden Sie Ernten
(Psalm 126): Die Jüdischen Gemeinden in Der Tschechoslowaskischer
Republik nach dem Zweiten Weltkreig. Profusely illustrated with wonderful
photos, German text, 215 pages, Hardcover, Zentralverband- Kirchenverlag zu
Prag, Jüdische Gemeinde 1959, VG, $48.
147. Inhetveen, Heide. Heir ist Verborgen. Impressionen vom Jüdischen Friedhof in
Sulzbürg (Jewish cemetery in Sulzbürg). Exhibition catalogue. German text, 87
pages, paperwrappers, profusely and very well illustrated. VG with very slightly
rubbed tip of front cover. Druck Team KG 2998, $34.
148. Israelitisches Gemeindeblatt February 1919. A weekly newspaper. Large
(4to) Newspaper. Verlag von Philipp Ulmsel, Köln, 1919. German text, No.
6,11,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,28,30,38,39,47,all 20 issues
149. Isselbacher, Kurt J. Don’t Call me Cookie, a Memoir. A wonderful memoir of
Isselbacher, who was fortunate enough to escape from Germany with his
parents and Grandfather in 1936. He describes the difficulties and fear of being
Jewish in Germany. He came to America and became a very fine physician.
Signed by Dr. Isselbacher. Illustrated, hardcover with dJ, 224 pages. Privately
Printed Boston 2008, $25.
150. Jacob, Walter + Schwartz, Frederick C., (editors). Essays in Honor of
Solomon B. Freehof. Presented by Rodef Shalom Congregation Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, 1964, Hardcover, 331 pages, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1964, VG
151. Jaldati, Iin and Rebling Eberhard. Sag nie du gehst den Letzten Weg.
German Jews who thought they would be safe in Holland and immigrated there.
German text, illustrated, 488 pages, Der Morgen, Berlin 1986, dJ has chips and
tears, VG with dJ, $30.
152. Jakob, Volken + Van der Voort, Annet. Anne Frank war nicht allein.
Lebengeschichten deutscher Juden in den Niederlanden. Paperback, J.H.W.
Dietz Nachf, 1988. Illustrated, German text, 251 pages, VG, $27.
153. Jakobs, Edith, Samuel. Rose Jakobs De Roos die nooit bloeide. Dagboek
Van een onderduikster, 1942-1944. Dutch text. Sad memoir about the
Holocaust in Holland. 137 pages, VG, paperback. Uitgvereij De Arbeiderspers.
Amsterdam, 1999, $25.
154. The Jewish Emigration from Germany, 1933-1941. Exhibition catalogue.
Hebrew text, illustrated. Paperwraps, Tel Aviv, 1989, 61 pages, VG, $35.
155. Jochem, Gerhard. Gedenkbuch für Die Nürnberger opfer der Schoa.
Names, addresses, date of deportation, photos, names and date of
concentration camp. Most did not survive. They were deported to
Theresienstadt, Riga, Minsk, Sobibor, etc. Nurenberg, 1998. Profuse illus,
483p. F/F $78.
156. Johnston, Tony. The Harmonica. In 1939 when the Nazis invaded Poland
Hernyk was deported to a concentration camp as a child – his parents were
also deported and murdered. Henryk survived because he played a harmonica
for the Nazis. Beautifully illustrated by Ron Mazellan. A sad and moving story,
Charles bridge, Ma VG/Vg dJ, $27.
157. Journey to Jewish Portugal. Profusely illustrated color, paperwrappers. 67
pages, VG, $25.
158. Judische Rundschau. Jg, 22, Nos, 2-29, 31, 33-37, 39, 42, 45-47, 49, 50.
Wonderful Original Newspapers. German text, edges fragile, small tears on
edges, can be read, in a protective folder, $26.
159. Julius Hülsen. Der Alte Judenfriedhof in Frankfurt A.M. 2 edition.
Herausgeben Vom Vorstand des Israelitischen Gemeinde. Illustrations (13).
Before the Holocaust of the gravesites. “Scarce”, paperwrappers, German text,
cover has chips and some small pieces missing on corners and backstrip, text
is fine. Title page has small tear on corner, this is a scarce and rate item, $75.
160. Kacer, Kathy. Die Kinder aus theresienstadt. The children of
theresienstadt. She was also deported to Auschwitz and Mauthausen.
German text, drawings by Helga Weissova. Paperpack, 223 pages
Ravensburger Buchverlag, 2003, VG, $25.
161. Kallfass, Elizabeth. Breisach Judengasse. A wonderful history of the Jewish
History of this area, there are presently no Jews living there, and there is no
Synagogue. Many of the Jews were deported to Gurs.
A biography of many residents and the history of their occupations, marriage
and their final fate. Wonderful photographs, a detailed history, German text,
paperwrappers, profusely illustrated, large format, 389 pages, German text,
1993, a detailed and excellent history, $85.
162. Kaplan, Chaim A. Scroll of Agony. The Warsaw Diary of Chaim A. Kaplan.
Kaplan’s (a Hebrew School principle) insights into the horrors surrounding him,
come through very strongly in this most moving narrative. He discusses daily
ghetto life, and the deportations of the Jews to the camps. He did not survive.
MacMillan, NY, 1965. 1 ed. Vg/Vg $38.
163. Kaplan, Vivian Jeanette. Ten Green Bottles. The true story of one family’s
journey from War-torn Austria to the ghettos of Shanghai. This is a Jewish
family who loved Austria before the Holocaust, fortunately were able to escape
to Shanghai and survived there. St. Martin’s Press, NY 1 Edition. Hardcover,
2002, 285 pages, slight underlining does not interfere with text, VG with dJ,
164. Karas, Joza. Music in Terezin 1941-1945. A concentration camp for Jewish
People in Prague. The wonderful Jewish musicians and composers in
theresienstadt, and list of existing compositions written interezin. Hitler gathered
together many of Europes finest Jewish musicians, in this horrible existence,
many were then deported to Auschwitz. Hardcover, Beaufort Books NY 1985,
Hardcover, 223 pages, illustrated, VG, $65.
165. Karay, Felicia. Hasag-Leipzig Slave Labour Camp for Women. The struggle
for survival told by the women and their poetry. Describe an international forced
labor camp for women, attached to Buchenwald. 5000 prisoners 1200 were
Jewish. Valentine Mitchell, London, 2002. Paperback, illustrated, VG $32.
166. Katz, Josef. One who came back. The diary of a Jewish survivor. The
author a German Jew was deported to a slave labor camp and later to a death
camp, includes the pain + sorrow of the daily life in a camp. Well-written. Herzl
Pr and Bergen-Belsen Memorial Pr, NY, 1973. 277p. Vg/G $32.
167. Kedourie, Elie (ed). The Jewish World. History and Culture of the Jewish
People. Very nicely illustrated (many in color). Harry N. Abrams, NY, 1979.
Vg/Vg $25.
168. Keil, Heinz. Dokumentation über die verfolgungen der Jüdischen Burger
von ulm/Dona U. The Book is very detailed. Includes, Jewish residents in
1933, name, date of birth, profession, address, also includes Jewish soldiers,
who fought and were killed in World War 1. Another list of Jewish citizens who
escaped Germany and where and date of country they escaped to. (USA,
Israel, England). Includes a separate list of how many Jewish residents
escaped to each country.
Also includes detailed list of which Jewish residents in transport 1941 went to
Riga. Transport 1942 Izbica and transport 1942 to theresienstadt and transport
in 1943 to Auschwitz escaped to Holland and from there to Auschwitz and
finally to the total of the Jewish citizens for each camp and more. An excellent
source from this area. (Large 4T0). Paperwrappers, 423 pages, German text,
VG, Ulm 1961, $145.
169. Kent, Roman R. My Dog Lola. The author is the chairman of the American
gathering of Jewish Holocaust survivors and Treasurer of the Conference of
Jewish material claims against Germany. He miraculously survived the
Holocaust with his brother. This is the true story of Mr. Kent and his love of his
dog, Lola. He was forced to give up Lola in the ghetto. Lola was a “Jewish
Dog”. Losing Lola was the same as losing a family member. This is one of my
favorite non-fiction accounts of the Holocaust. Written for children and adults,
Signed in ink by Roman Kent. Teacher’s Discovery 2006, VG, $50.
170. Kent, Roman R. My Dog Lola. The touching true story of a young boy and his
dog during the Holocaust. Written by the Chairman of the American Gathering
of Jewish Holocaust survivors. Roman Kent and his brother miraculously
survived. The true story of Mr. Kent and his love of his dog Lola. He was forced
give up Lola “a Jewish dog”. Losing Lola was like losing a family member. One
of my favorite non-fiction accounts of the Holocaust. Written for children and
adults, illustrated, paperback, 48 pages, Teacher’s Discovery 2006, VG, $18.
171. Kienecker, Friedrich. Jenny Aloni Ausgewahlte Werke 1939 – 1986.
Ferdinand Schoningh. Paderborn, 1987, paperback, 177 pages. German text,
VG, $12.
172. King, E.G. Early Religious Poetry of the Hebrews. Cambridge, at the
University Press, 1911. 16mo,156p. Good tight, spine sl faded $35.
173. Kirchholtes, Dieter Hans. Jüdische Privatbanken in Frankfurt am Main.
Waldemar Kramer, Franfurt am Main, 1969. 24mo, German text, illus, 79p. F
no dJ $28.
174. Kirschheimer, G. We were so beloved. Autobiography of a German Jewish
community. The book is based on the wonderful film. The terror of
Kristallnacht, forced the German Jews to finally abandon there hope that the
Nazi persecution would cease. Many that were able to escape settle in
Washington Heights in New York City. We were so beloved takes Mr.
Kirscheimer on a personal quest for answers from his family and friends. They
recount there sadness, loss, terror and extreme grief as relatives disappear. An
important book. The Washington Heights community was called Frankfurt on
the Hudson-the interviews are wonderful-includes MaxFrankel of the New York
times. U of Pittsburgh Pr, 1997. illus, 367p . F/F $20.
175. Kisch, Bruno. Die Juden in Koeln. Eine Buchbesprechung mit Nachtragen und
Berichtigungen, pamphlet, Ex-library, 5 pages, German text, Sonerdruck Aus
Jahrboch des Koelnischen Geschichtsvereinsev 34-35, 1959, Good condition, $
176. Kisch, Guido. Das Breslauer Seminar. Jüdisch – theologisches Seminar
(Frenckelscher Stiftung) in Breslau 1854-1938. Gedachtnisschrift. Paperwork,
ex-private library, cover, repaired, good, tight, 1904-1938 German text, $24.
177. Klarsfeld, B. Memorial to the Jews deported from France 1942-1944.
Documentation of the deportation of the victims of the final solution in France.
The book includes a listing of more than 80,000 names of Jews deported to the
East or killed in France. Klarsfeld, NY, 1983. 4to wraps, illus, 663p. Vg $110.
178. Kleeblatt, Norman (edited by). Mirroring Evil. Exhibition catalogue. A
controversial Exhibition from the Jewish Museum in New York. When does Art
become Kitsch and offensive to memory. Large format, paperwrappers, 164
pages. Profusely illustrated, Rutgers University Press. Jewish Museum, New
York 2001, VG $23.
179. Klieger, Noah. Zwolf Brötchen Reportagen aus Auschwitz Zum Fruhstück.
The author said, “We left Auschwitz over 50 years ago. But we are not free. We
will only be free from Auschwitz when we die”. Very moving – German text, 129
pages, paperback, WJS Verlag, Berlin, 2010, VG, New. $29.
180. Kleinert, B and Printz, W. Namen und Schicksale der Juden Kassels 19331945. Ein Gedenkbuch. Includes names, occupations, addresses of Jewish
men, women and children from Kassel who were deported and in most cases
murdered in capms. Stadtarchiv-Kassel, 1986. 4to, German text, profuse illus
with photos, 247p. F&F dj $95.
181. Kluxen, Andrea, Hecht, Julia. Anti Judaismus und Antisemitismum in
Franken. German text, paperwrappers, 171 pages, Ansbach 2009, $28.
182. Koblen, Hans W. Das Schwere Wird Verschwinden. Gedichteaus Prag und
Therisienstadt. The author come from a comfortable well known family. He was
departed to therisienstadt, than Auschwitz. He died of Typhys in 1944. He wrote
20 poems in therisienstadt. His mother survived only because she could help
the Nazis as a bacteriologist, they needed her. She kept his poetry. German
text, paperwrappers, illustrations, 47 pages, Arco Verlag 2011. VG, $32.
183. Koblenz, Rechtsanwalts Kammer, Tillman Krach. Fühlte ich mich durchaus
als Deutscher. Das Schicksal der Mainzer Anwälte Jüdischer Herkunft nach
1933. Illustrated, German text, paperwrappers, 73 pages, Luchterhand, 2007,
VG, $28.
184. Koblik, Steven. The Stones cry out. Sweden’s response to the Persecution
of the Jews 1933 – 1945. Many Jews from Denmark came to Sweden and
were therefore saved. Holocaust Library, NY, 1988, paperback, 305 pages, VG
$ 16.
185. Kolb, Eberhard. Bergen-Belsen. Geshichte des Aufenthaltslagers 19431945. Verlag für Literatur und Zeitgeschehen GmbH, 1962. German text,
340p. good tight, tips of cover sl frayed, spine panel faded and repaired, $36.
186. Kolbet, Christiane (introduction). Memorbuch Zum Gedenken an die
emordeten Juden aus Adelsdorf und Weisendorf. Includes photo date of
birth, parents names, addresses, deportation date, deportation place (name of
camp), and final murder. Includes a biography of murdered victim. Includes
childrens photos and histories (The most difficult to see). Complete list of
Jewish Victims. Illustrations, German Text, Heartbreaking book. Large 4T0
Gruner Druck, 1998. Hardcover, vG, 57 pages, $110.
187. Konzentrationslager Dachau. A pamphlet, Comite International de Dachau,
Munich, 1970, profuse illus. with disturbing photos, unpaged text in German,
Russian, French and English. F $ 40.
188. Kornmehl, Ariella. Huize Goldwasser. Dutch text, 165 pages, paperback,
Vassallucci, Amsterdam, 2001, VG $ 20.
189. Korn, Salomon and Clausmeyer, Bettina. Ewers Die Synagoge an Der
Friedberger Anlage Gedenkstatte für die ehemalige Synagoge der
Israelitischen Religionsgegellschaft. Wonderful illustrations in color.
Paperwrappers, German text, 4T0 (large), beautiful book, 32 pages, Stadt
Frankfurt, VG, $28.
190. Kossler, Gottfried and Rieber, Angelika. Dass wir nicht erwunscht waren.
Novempogrom 1938 in Frankfurt am main, Berichte und Dokumente. The
tragedy of the Holocaust in Frankfurt. German text, profusely illustrated, Dipa
Verlag 1993, 176 pages, VG with no dJ, $34.
191. Kotthaus, Eckhard and Muller, Jurgen. Und Die Mitglieder der
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geshichte. Am Gymnasium Laurentianum. Die höheren
Schulen Arnsberg im Dritlen Reich. Schulalltag am Staatlichen Gymnasium
Laurentianum, am Evangelischen Lyzeum und an der Stadtischen Oberschule
für Mädchen (1933 bis 1945). German text, large, 518 pages, 4T0, illustrated,
Arnsberg 2001, VG, $70.
192. Kovner, Abba (editor). Childhood under fire. Stories, poems and drawings by
children during the Six Day War. Childrens drawings in color and black and
white. Profusely illustrated, hardcover, large format, 4T0, 96 pages, VG dJ has
some tears, $26.
193. Krach, Tillmann. Fuhlte ich Mich durchaus als Deutscher. Das schicksale
der Mainzer Anwälte Jüdischer Herkunft nach 1933. German text, 75 pages,
illustrated Luchterhand verlag 2007. VG, $24.
194. Kriegsbriefe Gefallener Deutsher Juden. Reichsbund Jüdischer. Front
Soldater. Colored front is piece by Max Lieberman. Letters sent home from
German Jewish soldiers who fought for Germany and were killed for Germany,
Berlin, 1935. German text, 94p. “scarce edition”. F $135.
195. Kriegsbriefe Gefallener Deutscher Juden (Wartime letters of Jewish
Germans killed in action). Originally published in 1935. some 100,000 Jews
fought in World War I, 12,000 were killed in action. More than one third were
decorated, more than 2000 were officers, 1200 were medical officers or
administrative officials. During Nazi regime, the Jews that had been awarded
honors and decorations had been stricken from the record, because the official
Nazi Party did not allow for Jews to have been courageous or even-as crazy as
it may sound-to have been killed in action for Germany. Seewald verlag, 1961.
German text, 134p. Vg in Vg dJ. $38.
196. Krondorfer, Bjorn. Remembrance and Reconciliation. Encounters between
young Jews and Germans. Young American Jews and non Jewish Germans
and their efforts to come to terms with the history of the Holocaust. This group
is the third generation born since the extermination of European Jews. The
grandchildren of the generation that lived during the nightmare years of 19331945. 259 pages, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1995, Vg dJ $ 26.
197. Krüger, Maren Herbert Sonneneld. Ein Jüdischer Fotograf in Berlin 19331938. A beauitful book of photographs of Jewish life from 1931-1938 in Berlin.
Berlin Museum, Abteilung Jüdisches Museum, Nicolai, 1990. 4to, German text,
profusey illus, 146p. F/F $48.
198. Laak, Gert Van. Die Nazis Nannten Sie Sara. Wie ich das leben meiner mutter
rettete (The Nazis called her Sara). How she saved her mothers life. Pendo,
Zurich, München, 2000. VG in VG dJ. German text, illustrated, $26.
199. Landau – Muhsam, Charlotte. Meine Erinnerugen. She was born in Lübeck,
Germany. She escaped from Germany in 1933 and went to Haifa, Palestine.
Illustrated, paperback, German text, 84 pages. EMG 2010. VG, $24.
200. Landjudentum im sueddeutschen und Bodenseeraum. Wissenschaftliche
Tagung Zur eroeffnung des Judischen Museums Hohenems, vom 9 bis 11 April
1991., Was detached and reglued, good, paperwrappers, 235 pages, 1988,
201. Laquer, Walter. Generation Exodus. The fate of Young Jewish refugees
from Nazi Germany. The respected author has written the collective
biography of a generation unique in history: the children of the German Jewish
families who fled Germany in the 1930’s. They were in their teens when they
fled Germany and Austria between 1933 and 1941 – a generation of refugees.
Yet their achievements in country after country far surpassed the rational
expectations of conventional wisdom. They would eventually include a
disproportionately large number of highly successful, world-renowned men and
women. The author himself, Albert Einstein, Ted Koppel, Bully Wilder, Franz
Waxman, Max Frankel, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, etc. Brandeis U Pr, New
England, 2001. Illus, 345p. F/F $25.
202. Leiser, Erwin. Deutschland Erwache! Propaganda im film des Dritten
reiches. Mit einer nachbetrachtung von Matthias Greffrath, paperback, German
text, 173 pages, illustrated, Rowohlt, 1968, Vg $ 38.
203. Lestschinsky, Jakob. Das Wirtschaftliche Schicksal Des Deutschen
Aufsteig, Wandlung, Krise, Ausblick, Schriften Der
Zentralwohlfahrstsstelle Der deutschen Juden und Der hauptselle für judische
Wanderfursorge, 1932, Berlin, Ex-library, paperwrappers, 171 pages, German
text, cover laminated, G $ 23.
204. Lewyn, Bert. On the run in Nazi Germany. Memoirs. The author born in Berlin,
a true story of his struggle to survive under the most horrendous conditions. His
parents were deported to a death camp. A moving and important memoir.
Paperback, signed by the author. 2005, illustrated, 439 pages. Newlife press,
VG, $20.
205. Linder, Bert. Condemned Without Judgement, The three lives of a Holocaust
survivor. The author was born in Austria and deported to labor and
concentration camps including Bergen-Belsen and Auschwitz. He miraculously
survived and came to the U.S. in 1951. There is a moving section when he
arrives in New York and Sees the Statue of Liberty. A moving memoir.
Shapolsky Publishers. 1995, VG w Dust Jacket, illustrated. 313 pages. $20
206. Lindwer, Willy (edited). Classic Jewish Postcards – for all occasions. Thirty
one tear and send cards from around the world. The subjects portrayed on
these cards ranged from Eastern and Western Europe, North Africa, The
Middle East, America. The Postcards were produced until World War II, when
most of the communities that used them and served as their subjects were
destroyed in the Holocaust. Wonderful reproductions in color, Schocken Books,
NY, 1996, 16 mo, F $ 26.
207. Loewenstein, Kurt. Land der Jugend. Das Buch der Kinder-Rundschau.
Profusely illustrated with black and white drawings. Illustrations by B. Gelbart,
M. Jochai, Ben Uri, M. Liebermann, T. Kober, H. Loi, H. Gumbel and others.
German text, colorful beautiful front cover, 112 pages, hardcover, VG, “scarce”.
Jüdische Rundschau 1936, Berlin. $225.
208. Low, Alfred. Jews in the eyes of the Germans. From the enlightenment to
imperial Germany. The book focuses on the German-Jewish relationship in
general and on German judgement of Jews and Judaism in particular. Phila,
1979. illus, 509p. Vg no dJ $18.
209. Lowenthal, Leopold and Lobner, Hans (compiled by). Sigmund Freud House
Catalogue. Profusely illustrated, small scrape on backstrip, soft cover, 87
pages, published by the Sigmund Freud Gesellschaft, Locker and Wogenstein.
Vienna 1975, $16.
210. Ludwig, Emil. Der Menschensohn. Hardcover, first edition 1928. Good, tight,
some fading along backstrip. Rowdet, 1928, German text, Illustrated with 12
drawings by Rembrant, good, tight, first edition, $22.
211. Maier, Manfred. The Jewish Cemetery of Worms. Description, profusely
illustrated, paperwrappers. A wonderful history. Text in English, Stadtarchiv
Worms, Revised 2001, VG, $25.
212. Malvezzi, Pierro and Pirelli, Giovanni. Letters to people condemned to death.
De Vritheid Sterft niet – brieven von Terdoodveroordeelden uit het Europees
verzet vitglver ij Pegasus, Amsterdam 1956, Dutch text, VG, hardcover, 404
pages, $65.
213. Marcovicz, Digne, M. Masel. Letze Zeugen. The memoirs and sad stories of
Holocaust survivors who survived. Many went to Israel. Profusely illustrated,
very moving, German text. Thick paperback, Carl Hanser Verlag, 2007. VG,
214. Marton, Kati. The Great Escape. Nine Jews who fled Hitler and changed the
world. Driven from Hungary by the anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, nine men
fled to the U.S. and changed the world. Some of the people that brought
enormous gifts to America were the nuclear and conmputer age. Edward Teller,
John Von Neumann, Leo Szilzard, Eugene Wigner. Two major movies, the
legendary director of Casablanca, Michael Curtiz, and Alexander Korda (The
Third Man). Two immortal photographers, Robert Capa and Andre Kertesz.
Marton follows these brilliant products from Budapest. How lucky we were for
their contributions. Hardcover, Simm and Schuster, 2006, VG with VG dJ, $23.
215. Meijer, Jaap. Van Israelieten Tot Israeliers. Anderhalve eeuw Joodse
geschiedeni 1815-1965. 1965, Illustrated, 176 pages, paperback with dJ, dJ
has small tears, VG, Dutch text, A.W. Sijthoff, 1965, $24
216. Meijer, Dr. J. Het Verdwenen Ghetto. Wandelingen door de Amsterdamse
Jodenbuurt. Dutch text, 159 pages, profusely illustrated, very good condition,
no dJ $45.
217. Melcher, Peter. Weissensee. Ein Friedhof Als Spiegelbild Jüdischer Geschichte in
Berlin. Largest Jewish Cemetary in Europe and magnificent history. German text,
Profusely illustrated, 80 pages, paperwrappers. VG, $30.
218. Melnick, Rap. The Stolen Legacy of Anne Frank. Meyer Levin, Lillian
Hellman, and the Staging of the Diary. The story of the different stage versions of
the Diary of Anne Frank and Meyer Levin’s lifelong fight to have his version
accepted. Yale U Press 1997. First edition, illustrated, VG with VG dJ, $29.
219. Messmer, Matthias. Sowjetischer und Postkommunistischer Antisemitismus.
Entwicklungen in Russland, der Ukraine und litauen. With a forward by Walter
Laguer. Paperback, German text, 533 pages, Hartung – Gorre Verlag, Konstanz,
1997, VG, $28.
220. Mihailovic, M. Judaica in Yugoslavia. A beautiful catologue of Jewish ornaments
and art objects. Decje Novine Proex Prosveta Beograd 1990. Folio, wraps, 88p.
profuse illus. in color. F $24.
221. Milton, Edith. The Tiger in the Attic. Memories of the Kindertransport and growing
up English. England took 10,000 German Jewish Children from Germany in 1939.
Most never saw their parents again. They were murdered. Describes the difficulties,
no parents being Jewish and being German. Ex-library book, her mother survived.
Illustrated, University of Chicago Press 2002, VG in VG dJ, 242 pages, $18.
222. Mizara, Lucyna. Kuitur der Galizischen Juden. Exhibition from the Mueseum In
Gdansk/Danzig. Hardcover, beautifully and profusely illustrated in color with
description in three languages, German, Polish and Russian. 311 pages, issues
without dJ, in perfect condition, Historisches Museum der Stadt Danzig/Gdansk, F
223. Moritz, Alfred. Survival 1933-1944. Living through Kristallnacht. Could not imagine
the nightmare of the Holocaust – and the fate of the millions of children who did not
survive. The book is illustrated throughout with the authors beautiful sketches and
paintings of the locations and events that marked his fugitive childhood. Color
illustrations, text in German, English and French. Shearsman Books U.K. 2009,
Paperwrappers, Profusely illustrated. 205 pages, $28.
224. Mulder, Dirk,.Bronnen van herinnering. Dutch text, paperwrappers, Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork – Van Gorcum & Comp. B.V., 1993, illustrated, 119
pages, VG, $22.
225. Mulder, Dirk. Lachen in het donker. Amusement in Kamp Westerbork. Kamp
Westerbork, Assen 1996. 120 pages, paperwrappers, illustrated, Dutch text, VG, $29.
226. Mulder, Dirk and Prinsen, Dirk. Portretten van over leven. Getuigen Van Kamp
Westerbork, Herrinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork, 1998. Paperwrappers, Dutch
text, illustrated, 95 pages, VG, $34.
227. Musik in Konzentrationslagern. Konzeption und Durchführung (I have never seen
this book before). German text, paperwrappers, well illustrated. Freiburg, im
Breisgau, 1991, 84 pages, this copy has slight cover stain. The front cover and the
first two pages are torn on the bottom. Does not interfere with the text. $48.
228. Musik in Konzentrationslagern. Konzeption und Durchführung (I have never seen
this book before). German text, paperwrappers, illustrated. Freiburg, im Breisgau,
1991, 84 pages. Small tear on bottom of first 3 pages and stain on cover. Does not
interfere with the text. $22.
229. Nachama, Andreas and Simons, Hermann. Jüdische Grabstätten und Friedhöfe
in Berlin. Eine Dokumentation. Weiseensee, Schonhauser allee. There was a large
population of Jewish people in Berlin before the Holocaust. Profusely and well
illustrated. German text, 195 pages, VG, paperwrapprs, 4T0, Henrich, Berlin 1992,
VG, $38.
230. Neher, Andre. Hommage au Dr. Schweitzer. La misericorde dans la theologie Juive.
4 page stapled pamphlet, by the well known scholar. Signed by Mr. Neber, with a
note by him in Hebrew. French text, Les editions Du Cerf. VG condition, $40.
231. Neher, Andre et Renee. Le Judaisme Nord-Africain En France. Necessite D’une
Culture Juive De Maase. A pamphlet, Paris 1964. 9 pages, VG, $26.
232. Oppenheimer, John F. Lexikon des Judentums. (Lexicon of Judaism). Detailed.
Illustrated, German text. 959 pages. VG. Bertelsmann, Gutersloh, Germany 1971.
VG with VG dJ, $30.
233. Otterman, ernard. Black Grass and other stories. The author, a child survivor, was
in Auschwitz and miraculously survived. Well written. Jewish Heritage, 2007, VG with
VG dJ, 143 pages, $24.
234. Paape, A.H. Donkere Jaren. Episoden Uit de Geschiedenis Van Limburg 19331945. Dutch text, illustrated, 167 pages. Assen 1969, Van Gorcum and Comp.
Assen, VG, Hardcover no dJ, $65.
235. Palastinakunde. The Jewish Agency for Palestine child and youth immigration
Bureau. Materialsammlung Heft II. 4to (large), paperwrappers, stapled together, 29
pages, German text, some browning of pages, Good, tight, $ 60.
236. Palestine Exploration Fund. Quarterly Statement for 1912. Funds Office, London.
Interesting photos, fold-out map. VG-g. no dj. $32.
237. Paulus, Dr. Jael B. Juden in Baden 1809-1984. 175 oberrat der israeliten
Badens. Paperwraps, German text, 256p. illus. Karlsruhe, 1984, with tables +
foldout, VG $ 40.
238. Perez, Jizchok-Lieb. Adam and Eve. Novellen Deutsch Von Alexander Eliasberg.
Benjamin Harz 1923. German text, VG, spine face slightly faded, good, tight, $25.
239. Picard, J. Die Alte Lehre Geschichten und Anekdoten. Stuttgart, 1963. Signed
by the author, German text, 241 p. Vg/Vg $25.
240. Pinkus, Oscar. The House of Ashes. A personal narrative of one man’s struggle for
survival. He was born in Losice, Poland. This is a beautifully written book. Details the
corrosive effects of fear and violence. After the war it was the Polish people that the
Jews feared, world Publishing, Cleveland, NY, 1964, first edition, 243p. F/F $ 25.
241. Pioneers Jews of British Columbia. Western States Jewish History (WSJH), Isaac
Nathan Publishing Company, 2005, paperback, 288 pages, illustrated VG $ 29.
242. Pohl, Dieter. Holocaust. Massale Moord op de Europese Joden. The history and
tragedy of the Holocaust, Dutch text, 174 pages, Verbum, Laren, 2005, VG in Vg dJ,
243. Polak-Auerbach, Lies and Polak-Basuch, Betty. Bewegtes Schweigen.
Erinnerungen Zwei Schwestern ihr Jüdischer Ursprung der Krieg und die Aufbauzeit.
The two sisters grew up in Amsterdam with a nice family life. One was in Bergen
Belsenand, the other went to Palestine.The tragedy began when they were deported
to Westerbork and Bergen Belsen. Miraculously through an exchange lies in 1944
Lies was sent to Palestine. Litblockin 2009, Dutch text, illustrated, paperback, 161
pages, VG, $21.
244. Polak, Auerbach, Lies. Bewogen Stilte oorlogsherinneringen Van Twee Zussen.
Dutch text, paperback, 117 pages, Vitgeverij, Tenhave, Tweededruck, 2005, VG $20.
245. Poller, Walter. Medical Block Buchenwald. The Personal Testimony of inmate
996, Block 36. The author, a survivor of Buchenwald, dedicated his life to the
exposure of the horrors of Buchenwald. Lyle Stuart, New York, 1961, 277 pages,
illustrated, VG in Vg dJ, $65.
246. Pop-up Card For The Jewish New Year. Brightly colored cards, very nice looking.
Representing people at the dinner table for Rosh Hashanah. Includes envelope.
Printed in Germany (1910?). Very good condition, English and Hebrew, four cards
(all the same), size is 4inches by 4 and ½ inches $62.
247. Postina- Reinhold, Eva. Das Darmstädter Synagogenbuch. Eine documentation
zur Synagogen – Einweihung am 9, November 1988. Im Aufstrag des Magistrats der
Stadt Darmstadt und der Jüdischen Gemeinde Darmstadt. German text, illustrated.
Eduard Roether Verlag, 1988. VG in VG dJ, first edition, 320 pages, $48.
248. Poteranski, Waclaw. Warszawskie Getto. W 30-leciePowstania zbroinego w
getcie w 1943r. Interpress Warszawa, 1973. Polish text, 16 mo, illus, 76p. Vg $42.
249. Pressburger, Chava (edited) The Diary of Petr Ginz 1941-1942. A moving diary of
Petr Ginz, imprisoned in Theresienstadt as a teenager. He was deported to
Auschwitz at age 14 and was murdered there. Petr was a gifted writer and artist. His
sister discovered his work. Ilan Raman, the first Israeli astronaut in space, wanted to
commemorate the Holocaust. He chose Petr’s Moon Landscape drawing to take
with him on the ill-fated Columbia Shuttle. Tragically in 2003, the Space Shuttle, with
Ilan Raman and Petr’s drawing aboard, crashed. Atlantic Monthly Press, 2004, illus,
VG, Hardcover, First Edition, 166 pages. $38.
250. Pressel, Philip. They Are Still Alive. A family’s survival in France during World War
II. In 1940 the author escaped to France. They survived with false papers etc. A very
moving memoir. Paperback, 264 pages, illustrated, Dorrance Publishing, 2004,
Signed with a note from the author, “A lot of love and tears went into writing this
book”.VG $20.
251. Purin, Bernhard. Die welt der Jüdischen Postkarten. Wonderful postcards in color
and black + white, profuse illus, German text, 4to, 136p. F $45.
252. Ramsay, Betsy. Crystal Fragments. Describes how German Jews lived in Germany
before 1933, which was very good. Had high positions in Government, etc. Describes
Kristallnacht November 9, 1938 as the horror of destructions of Synagogues,
businesses in Germany. The beginning of the horror of the Holocaust. The conflict
between those who saw the rise of Adolf Hitler as a short term tyrant and those who
realized the reality of the Holocaust. Deuora Publishing Jerusalem, NY 2008. nice,
124 pages, $32.
253. Rebiger, Bill. Jewish Sites in Berlin. A lovely book of the Synagogues, Jewish
Cemeteries, Schools, Jewish Hospitals. Illustrated and described. English text,
paperback, 32 pages, Jaron Verlag. VG, $18.
254. Robinson, Jacon and Friedman, Philip. Guide to Jewish History Under Nazi
Impact. An important bibliography and guide to the study of the Nazi impact on
Europe’s Jews. Every aspect of Jewish history during the Holocaust is covered. An
excellent resource. English, Yiddish names and subjects. 425 pages, VG with G dJ,
hardcover, tip of cover very slightly faded. Yad Vashem NY 160, $90.
255. Roegholt, Richter. De Geschiedenis Van De Bezigebij 1942-1972. Dutch text,
paperback (Jews who fought against the Nazis). Uitgeverij de Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
1972, 361 pages, VG, $34.
256. Roseman, Mark. De Villa, het meer, de conferentie Wannsee, 20 Januari 1942.
2002 Uitgeverij Balans, Dutch text, 187p $23.
257. Rosenzweig, Franz. Der Stern Der Erlosung. German text with three parts. Includes
Stellen Register, Verlag Lambert Schneider 1954. Orange cloth, backstrip somewhat
faded and pages slightly browned, tight, G, $50.
258. Rosenzweig, Adolf. Das Jahrhundert nach dem babylonischen Exile mit
besonderer Rücksicht auf die religioese Entwicklung des Judentums. Ferd,
Dümmlers Verlagsbuchhandlung Harrwitz und Gossman, 1885, title page detached
and has tears – does not interfere with text, pages browning, edges of spine rubbed
interior tight, covers fair, text in German and Hebrew, 240p. $ 65.
259. Rottger, Thilo. Die Stimme Israel Deutsch-Judische Lyrik nach 1933. KoselVerlag, Munchen, 1966, paperwrappers, German text, 100 pages, paperback, VG $
260. Runzheimer, Jurgen. Abgemeldet zur Auswanderung. Die Geshichte der Juden
in ehemaligen Landkreis Biednkopf. The tragic history from this area, includes a
list of names, date of birth, occupation, addresses, and place of immigration mostly
before 1938, and also a list of departed Jewish victims, and names of camps – such
as Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Mathausen, etc. illustrated with documents, German
text, 208 pages, Wenzel, 1992, Marburg, VG no dJ $32.
261. Ryan, Allan A. Klaus Barbie and the United States Government. Exhibits to the
report to the Attorney General of the United States. Original Edition. Large
paperback, huge book. VG, original edition, paperwrappers, August 1993, $55.
262. Ryan, Donna F. The Holocaust and the Jews of Marseilles. The enforcement of
Anti-semitic policies in Vichy France. U. of Illinois, 1996, paperwraps, 307p. illus.
F $ 18.
263. Salomon, Ernst Von. The Answers of Ernst Von Salomon. To the 131 questions in
the Allied Military Government “Fragebegen”. Account examining the rise and fall of
Nazi power in Germany by a Prussian nationalist novelist, who fought with the
Freikorps and sympathized to a degree with the Nazis. A powerful rather bitter
account of the American concentration camps, Putnam London 1954. 546 pages, VG
no dJ. $48.
264. Sander, Gordon F. De Familie Frank Die De Oorlog Overleefde. Het Verhaal Van
een in den Haag ondergedoken gezin dat de Tweede Wereldoorlog Wel Overdeefde.
Another family by the name of Frank, who fled Berlin to Amsterdam, they survived.
Uitgeverij Bert Bakker Amsterdam 2006, Dutch text, Illustrated, paperback, 364
pages, VG, $29.
265. Sanders, Ronald. In Verband Met De Vermindering Van Het Aantal Kinderen.
Dutch text, paperback, 120 pages. Includes list of names, dates of deportation, name
of concentration camp and ages. Illustrated, Free Musketeers Amsterdam 2007. VG,
266. Sanders, Ronald. The Days Grow Short. The Life and Music of Kurt Weill. Weill
known born in Berlin, worked with Brecht, fortunately escaped Berlin. Holt Rinehart
NY 1980. First edition, VG with VG dJ, $20.
267. Sannes, H.W.J. Onze Joden en Duitschlands Greep Naar de Wereldmacht. Dutch
text, 305 page, first edition, Uitgeversmáatschappij, Amsterdam, 1946, VG with VG
dJ $60.
268. Sassoon, Agnes. Überlebt als kind in deutschen Konzentrationslagern. German
text, illustrated, 166 pages. Hardcover, VG in VG dJ, Beltz 1992, $27.
269. Schalom, Bel-Chorin. Mutter Mirjam Maria in Jüdischer Sicht. Deutcher
Taschenbuch Verlag, paperback, 1982, German text, 187 pages, VG, $12.
270. Scheel, H., Simon, Hermann and Knobloch, Heinz. Und lehrt sie Gedachtnis. An
exhibition catalogue in Berlin for Kristallnacht. November 1938, profusely illustrated.
German text, Staatlisches Museen Zu Berlin. Large format, paperwrappers, VG,
Ephraim Palais. 1988, $18.
271. Schenkel, Egbert et al. Zeit ohne recht. Justiz in Bochum nach 1933.
Dokumentation einer austellung. Contributions by Norbert Frey, Andrea Low, Ingo
Muller et al. German text, Bitter, Recklinghauser, 2002. German text, VG Hardcover
no dJ, 175 pages, $40.
272. Scheurenberg, Klaus. Überleben flucht und andere Geshichten aus der
Verfolqungszeit des Naziregimes. The author was deported to Therisienstadt at
age 18. He miraculously survived. Paperwrappers, German text, Front cover slightly
creased, G, 63 pages, Edition Hentrich 1990, $18.
273. Schieb, Barbara (Herausgeber). Walter Herzberg Kunstler, Karikaturist,
Humanist. 1898 bis 1943. German text, profusely illustrated, 4T0. Large
paperwrappers, 160 pages, Dollins and Galitz Verlag 1998, VG, $32.
274. Schlichting, Nicola. Offnet die tore von Erez Israel. Das Judische Dp. Camp Belsen
1945-1948. When the war finally ended and Bergen-Belsen was no longer a
concentration camp it became a displaced persons camp for the sick and tortured
Jewish people. The Dp. Camp was in Germany. Antogo Verlag, paperback, German
text, 107 pages, F $ 28.
275. Schlor, Joachim. Denkmal für die Ermordeten Juden Europas. Memorial to the
murdered Jews in Europe. Text German and English. A brilliant and moving memorial
designed by American Architect Peter Eisenman. Prestel, paperback, 65 pages, VG,
276. Schonfeld, Martin. Gedenktafeln in West-Berlin. Memorial stones, plaques, etc in
Berlin. In memory of. Desribes the various stones all over Berlin. Profusely illustrated
and describes in detail. German text, profusely illustrated, VG, Aktives Museum
Berlin 1993. Paperwrappers, VG, $40.
277. Schrag, Paul J. Heimatkunde de Geshichte einer deutsch Jüdische familie. VG,
German text, no dJ, Verlest bei Kindler, 162 pages, 1979, $26.
278. Schroder, Gustav. Heimat Los Auf Hoher See. After Kristallnacht in Germany
November 1938, most Jews in Germany tried to get out of Germany. One of the last
hopes was the Ship of St. Louis leaving Hamburg to Cuba in 1939. It was a luxuty
linar. Aboard were 936 Jewish Refugees. Theyw ere never permitted to enter Cuba
or the U.S. They were finally admitted into Holland, Belgium, and England. Other
than the 288 who went to England most did not survive and were sent to
concentration camps. Captain Schroder cared about the Jewish refugees onboard he
did everything in his power to try and stop the ship from going back to Germany. He
did the best he could. Most of the passengers perished. It was the beginning of the
Holocaust. Hitler saw what he could get away with. Anything that he wanted A
tragedy. This book has important photos. Captain Schroder was honored by Yad
title page). Meiner liebe Schwester. He was the captain of the St. Louis in 1939,
“SCARCE”, Hardcover, German text, 47 paes, spine label is missing, otherwise good
condition, Beckerdruck, Berlin, first edition, 1949. $375.
279. Schuhbauer, Rolf. Nehmt dieses Kleine Heimatstuck. Spuren und stationen der
Leidenswege von Mullheimer und Badenweiler Juden Zwischen 1933 und 1945.
German text, illustrated. 192 pages, a very nice book. Edition 1 Sell 2001, VG, Issued
without dJ, $38.
280. Schwarz, Karl. Die Juden in der Kunst. Mit funfzig Tafeln in Tiefdruck und neun
Textbildern. History of Jewish art from antiquity to the present. Includes synagogues,
manuscripts, religious objects, book art, painters and sculptors. Der Heine-Bund
Berlin, 1928, Welt-Verlag Beglin, Hardcover, 228 pages, German text, VG, $65.
281. Sharenow, Robert. The Berlin Boxing Club. Harper Collins first edition 2011. VG
with VG dJ. Text in English, 404 pages.
Fourteen year old Karl Stern was Jewish, not religious. He was bullied in Berlin for
being Jewish. Max Schmeling, the well known boxer and German national hero,
makes a deal with Karl to give him boxing lessons. Schmeling is forced to associate
with Hitler and the Nazis. He now has to think about keeping his family safe in Berlin.
This is a work of fiction. $28.
282. Shmeruk, Chone. Peretz’s Vision of Despair. Interpretation of Y.L. Peretz’s bay
nakht oyfn altn mark. Critical edition of the play. Yivo Institute, NY, 1971. Yiddish
text, 362p. Vg no dJ $28.
283. Sie Sind Nicht Vergessen Bericht über die letzten Ruhestatten der am 22
October 1940 Nach Sud Frankreich Deportierten Badischen Juden.
Herausgegeben vom Oberrat der Israeliten Badens. Karlsruhe Verantwortlich Werner
Nachmann. Very moving and excellent photos of Gurs. A separate listing of the
murdered with names, dates of birth, dates of murder, separate listing from Gurs,
from Von Noe, Camp de Recebedou, and Riversaltes. Paperback, “scarce”,
German text, Badenia Verlag 1958, VG, 68 pages, $125.
284. Sielemann, Jurgen. Hamburger Jüdische Opfer des Nationalsozialismus
Gedenkbuch. Alphabetized names of former Jewish residents from Hamburg who
were deported to various concentration camps and murdered. Includes date of birth,
family name, place of birth and place deportation. Hamburg 1995. 450 pages,
Hardcover, VG, $100.
285. Sijes, Ben. Ik Vergat nog iets te Vertellen. Dutch Text, 81 pages, Hardcover with dJ
(dJ has small piece missing from bottom of page), otherwise VG, H.J.W. Becht,
Amsterdam 1978, $38.
286. Sim, Dorritt M. In My Pocket. These are about the only three English words a
young German Jewish girl knows when she leaves her homeland. This story is
based on the author's own experience in the kindertransport program, which
relocated Jewish children. The author draws on her own experience as a German
Jewish refugee. The story of a young girl's discovery of the power of memory. She
grew up in Scotland. Her parents were deported and did not survive. A sad and
wonderful book written for young children. Harcourt Brace, 1996. 1st. ed. 4to
unpaged. beautifully illus. by G. Fitzgerald. F/F $25.
287. Slier, Deborah and Shine, Ian. Hidden Letters. Letters found to the author’s parents
from a forced labor camp in German occupied Holland 60 years after the war. The
letters were annotated and illustrated, profusely illustrated, over 300 illustrations and
original documents, flip was murdered in Sobibor. A beautiful book, 4to, Hardcover
with dJ, 193 pages, Star Bright Books, VG with VG dJ $40.
288. Somers, Erik. Voorzitter Van de Joodse Raad. De herinneringen Van David Cohen
1941-1943 (about the Jewish Council). Dutch text, paperwrappers, 222 pages,
illustrated, VG, $34.
289. Sonnert, Gerhard. What Happened to the Children Who Fled Nazi Persecution. A
study of refugees from Europe to the US during the 1930’s and 1940’s.
Fleeing persecution from the Nazis. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Lists of professions
(amazingly successful), academic achievements, “to all those who persevered
despite great odds”. 265 pages, VG in VG dJ, $27.
290. Spiegel, Marga. Bauern als retter. Wie eine Jüdische Familie üeberlebte.
Describes the very difficult circumstances. Illustrated, large paperwrappers, 177
pages, German text, Lit Verlag Berlin 2009, VG, new, $45.
291. Spiess, Alfred. Unternehmen Tannenberg. Der anlass zum Zweiten Weltkrieg.
Paperwrappers, German text, illustrated. 239 pages, Zeitgeshichte Berlin 1989. VG,
292. Standecke, Monika. Dirndl, Truhen, Edelweiss. Die Volkskunst der Brüder Wallach
Dirndls, Trunks and Edelweiss. The folk art of the Wallace Brothers. Exhibition
Katalog from the Jewish Museum München from 2007. Two brothers opened a store
in 1900 in Munich. The Wallace Brothers also deals with the looting of Jewish
property in the late 1930’s. A beautifully illustrated catalogue, chiefly color, 4T0 large
format, paperwrappers, 64 pages, Edition Minerva 2007, VG, $40.
293. Stehkämper, Hugo. Die Jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus aus Köln.
Gedenkbuch. Memorial Book. Names, date of birth, name of concentration camp,
date of murder if known. Köln, 1995. 4to, wraps, German text, 555p. Vg $95.
294. Stein, Mathilda, Wertheim. The Way It Was. The Jewish world of Rural Hesse.
Mathilda grew up in rural Germany and came to the US in 1934. She felpe o bring the
rest of her family here. They escare the worst of the horrors of Hitler. The author felt
she did not know about her ancestry. Twenty one years ago she went to Germany to
do extensive research on her family and the area of Hesse which included
Lauterbach and Ahgenrod where her father lived as a child. The book is a detailed
account of the lives of Jews in the rural villages of Hesse. It took 25 years to
assemble this book and research it. A wonderful book, 4to (large format), illustrated,
427 pages, paperwrappers, Frederick Max Publications, 2000, VG $85.
295. Steinberg, Maxime. Extermination, Sauvetage et resistance des Juifs de
Beligique (Extermination of the Jews in Belgium). Hommage des Juifs de Belgique a
leurs heros et Sauveurs 1940-1945. A monument dedie auf 242 heroes Juifs de
Belgiuqe tombes dans la resistance a l’occupant Nazi. Includes a list of names,
dates of birth of the Jewish heroes from 1940-1945. Illustrated, photos, French
text, paperwrappers, tiny crease on front cover, 1979, VG, $135.
296. Steinberg, Meyer Dayan. Responsum on problems of adoption in Jewish law.
Edited and translated by Rabbi Maurice Rose. Office of the Chief Rabbi, London,
April 1969. Second impression, 1972, paperwrappers, stabled, G, $26.
297. Stern, Bruno Meine. Jugend erinnerungen an eine Wurttembergsche Kleinstadt
und ihre Jüdische Gemeinde. Paperwrappers, illustrated, German text, VG. W.
Kohlhammer 1968. Has a small piece torn off spine panel, otherwise VG, 166 pages,
298. Tausendpfund, Walter and Wolf, Dr. Gerthart Phillip. Die Jüdische Gemeinde Von
Schnaittach. Aus dem Wechselvollen leben der Juden im Herrschaftsgabiet
Rothenberg. German text, illustrated, 64 pages, paperwrappers.
VG, Verlag Korn und Berg 1981, VG, German text, $29.
299. Tillion, Germaine. Ravensbrück. An Eyewitness Account of a Women’s
Concentration Camp. Anchor Books, 1975. Paperback, 24mo, 256p. Vg $26.
300. Timm, Angelika. Hammer, Zirkel Davidstern. Das gestörte Verhaltnis der DDR zu
zionismum und staat Israel. Very good Hardcover, 614 pages. Bourier verlag, Benn
1997. $22.
301. Tutorow, Norman E. War Crimes, War Criminals and War Crimes Trials. An
annotated bibliography and source book. One of the most detailed and best books
with in depth information about the Holocaust. Detailed descriptions. Hardcover,
Greenwood Press 1986, VG, $135.
302. Ulrich, Michael. Dresden Nach der Synagoge brannte die Stadt. Dr. Ulrich is a
Catholic priest. Chronik des Gedenkens Von 1938 bes 2000. Dokumente Berichte,
und persönliche Zeugnisse. Paperback, German text, 178 pages, illustrated,
Evangelische Verlag Sanstalt, VG, $15.
303. Uttenweiler, Bernhard. Schicksal und Geschichte der Jüdischen Gemeinden
Ettenheim, Altdorf, Kippenheim, Schmieheim, Rust, Orschweier, Ein
Gedenkbuch. 1938-1988. Detailed information about each area, names and
addresses of Jewish residents, wonderful photos, gravesites, Historischer Verein fuer
Mittelbaden 1988, VG, $100.
304. Van Dam, Drs. C. Jodenverfolgung in De Stad Utrecht, 1930-1950. Dutch text,
well illustrated, 151 pages, De Walburg Pers Stichtse Historische Reeks, Utrecht,
1985, Vg in Vg dJ $60.
305. Vees, Adolf. Das Hechinger Heimweh Begegnungen Mit Juden. The history and
tragedy of the Jews from Hechingen. Moving memoir, German text, illustrated,
paperback,192 pages. Silberburg Verlag 2004, VG, $25.
306. Vega, Alares L. Het beth Haim van Ouderkerk. Beelden van een PortugeesJoodse Begraafplaats. The Beth Haim of Ouderkerk aan de Amstel-images of a
Portuguese Jewish cemetary in Holland, 1994. Profuse illus, English and Dutch text,
72p. F $26.
307. Verdi requiem: Terezin 1944. In 1944 in Terezin a performance of the Verdi
Requiem took place unlike any performance of that work before or since. After the
concert most of the Jewish prisoners were deported further and did not survive.
This concert was given again at Carnegie Hall in 1990. Dedicated to the singers,
instrumentalists, conductor who performed in 1944 at the concentration camp
Terezin, illustrations from Terezin, unpaged (about 11 pages), 4to paperwrappers,
VG $ 18.
308. Verzeichnis der Wahlfahigen Mitglieder der Jüdischen gemeinde zu berlin im
Jahre 1907. Xeroxed copy in a hardcover book, 188 pages, includes names and
addresses of members of the Jewish community in Berlin, Ex-library, Jacoby and
Comp., Berlin, 1907, VG condition, $ 55.
309. Vidal, Pedro Riera. The Jews in Toledo and their Synagogues. A collection of
photographs that show the architecture and design of the Toledo Synagogues.
Illustrated with photos, 12 mo, VG – good, slightly rubbed tip of spines. Toledo
1965, soft cover, 49 pages of text, good condition, $28.
310. Video VHS. Weapons of the Spirit. During World War II in the village of Le
Chambon in France 5,000 Jews were sheltered by 5,000 Christians. Pierre Sauvage
born and protected there, returns there to tell the story. Jewish Heritage Video
Collection. VG, $20.
311. Video VHS. The Holocaust in Memory of Millions. The story of the Holocaust
hosted by Walter Cronkite at the United States Holocaust Museum. The Discovery
Channel. VG. This combines original footage and personal photography with oral
histories by those who survived. Contribution by Elie Wiesel, who survived
Auschwitz. The Discovery Channel. VG, $18.
312. Video VHS. The Last Days. Steven Spielberg. The Shoah Foundation. Academy
Award Winner. Wonderful tape. New, $20.
313. Vieth, Harald. Von der Hallerstrasse 6/8 Zum isebek und Dammtor. Jüdische
schicksale und Alltägliches aus Harvestehude – Rotherbaum im Hamburg seit der
Jahrhundertwende. Paperwrappers, 4to (large), 105 pages, Hamburg, 1991, German
text, Jewish life in Hamburg before the Holocaust, Very nice photos, F $ 28.
314. Vilna Ghetto posters. Jewish Spiritual Resistance. Most of the Jews of Vilna were
executed. The book describes the tragedy and horror of these events and the dates.
In 1944 after Vilnius was liberated, former prisoners returned and found some
valuable ghetto posters. They are the chronicles of the cultural life of the Vilna
Ghetto. This became the basis of the postwar Jewish Museum from the Collection of
the Vilna GAON Jewish State Museum of Lithuania, 2001, 16 posters in color,
Yiddish text, paperwrappers, unpaged, illustrated, F $ 45.
315. Vishniac, Roman. A Vanished World. A magnificent book about the European Jews
and life in Europe from 1934-1939. Breathtaking photography by the world famous
Roman Vishniac. Taken before the tragedy and horror of the Holocaust. Mr. Vishniac
never forgot. I personally met and spoke with him and his wife Edith. The pain of the
Holocaust never left him. His commentary is moving and informative. His wish and
obsession was not to forget. This treasure of a book is signed by Mr. Vishniac with
Edith’s name included. It says, “WE WILL NEVER FORGET”. First edition, Farnan
Strauss 1983. VG w VG dJ. $1,100.
316. Vogel, Rolf. Ein Stück von uns. Deutsche Juden in deutschen Armeen 18131976. Eine documentation. 12,000 Jewish soldiers were killed fighting for Germany
during World War I. V. Hase and Koehler Verlag, 1977, Mainz, 397p. German text,
F/dJ chips + tears. $ 29.
317. Von Koppenfels, Johanna. Jüdische Friedhöfe in Berlin. History and descriptions
of the Jewish cemeteries in Berlin. Profuse illus, 24mo, wraps, German text, Berlin
2002. 71p. F $24.
318. Vormeier, Barbara. Menschen in Gurs. Erinnerungen an ein Frunzosisches
internientungslager (1940-1941). The horror of Gurs. German text, paperback, 403
pages, George Heintz Worms 1977, VG, $65.
319. Voyage of the St. Louis. The story and tragedy of the St. Louis passengers. More
than 900 passengers escaped Nazi Germany. They left Hamburg in 1939 to Cuba.
The Jewish passengers were not allowed to enter Cuba. Had to turn back to
Belgium, Holland, etc and exterminated by the Germans. This is what I think was the
beginning of the Holocaust. The book includes a list of the names of the passengers,
who were on the St. Louis. The Holocaust Museum is still searching for information
about all passengers on this tragic sailing. Paperwrappers, 1999. US Holocaust
Museum, Washington D.C., $24.
320. Wagenaar, L. Opperrabbijn Te Arnheim. Het Jodendom. Paperwrappers, Dutch
text, VG, Baarn, Hollandia-Drukkerij 1907, $55.
321. Wagner-Tauber, Lina. Jüdische Märchen und Sagen. Dem Madrasch Nacherzählt.
A collection of Jewish stories from the Midragh retold for childen by Miss Tauber, a
well known Jewish Zionist and author. A rare Jewish children’s book. VG, tight, the
spine panel is faded, 94 pages. M.W. Kaufman Leipzig 1930. First edition, rare,
German text, $125.
322. Walker, Fay + Rosen, Lea. Hidden. A Sister and Brother in Nazi Poland. A
touching memoir of two siblings from a comfortable family in Poland – who fight for
survival in hiding etc. who struggle to make sense in a world that has gone mad.
University of Wisconsin Pr. 2002, 227p. illus. F/F. $ 20.
323. Weber, Ronald. The Lisbon Route. Entry and escape in Nazi Europe. An account of
how reaching Lisbon was a momentous step toward escape from Nazi Germany. As
late as 1941, I was one of the lucky ones who left Berlin with my parents and sister
on the Nyassa from Lisbon to New york and arrived in June 1941. Ivan R, Dee 2011.
358 pages. VG in VG dJ. $40.
324. Weil, Grete. Last Trolley from Beethoven Straat. A novel based on the memories
of the round-up of the Jews in Amsterdam during the Holocaust. The author was
hidden in Amsterdam during the war. David R. Godine, Boston. 160p. F/F $23.
325. Wein-Mehs, M. Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur der Stadt Wittlich. Die
Beiden Kultbauten der Juden in Wittlich die alte und die Neue Synagoge.
Wittlich, 1991. Wraps, German text, profuse illus. Photos of synagogues. 75p. F.
326. Welch, Henry and Kryger, Rose. A Passover in Rome. A Jewish family’s
autobiographical account of their odyssey in Russia. A moving memoir. Vantage
Press NY 2004, illustrated, 214 pages, VG in VG dJ, $48.
327. Weltsch, Robert. Deutsches Judentum Aufstieg und Krise. Gestalten, Ideen,
Werke. Vierzehn Monographien, German text, 426 pages. Deutsche Verlags –
Anstalt, Stuttgart 1963, VG in dJ, $24.
328. (Wiener Library). Edited by Ilse Rwolff before volume four, after volume four edited
by Helen Kehr, 6 volumes all in hardcover, very good condition, catalogue
series no. 1. Persecution and resistance under the Nazis, second (rev. and enl.)
edition, 208 pages, 1960, catalogue no. 2, from Weimar to Hitler Germany, 1964,
1918-1933, second (rev. and enl.) edition, 268 pages, catalogue series no. 3,
German Jewry, its history, life and culture (1958), 279 pages, catalogue series no. 4,
after Hitler Germany, 1945-1963, 261 pages, 1963, catalogue series no. 5, prejudice,
racist, religious, nationalist, 1971, 385 pages, catalogue series no. 6, Germany
Jewry: Part II additions and amendments to catalogue no. 3 1959-1972, 1978.
Published by the Institute of Contemporary History by Vallentine, Mitchell in London,
6 volumes together $ 250.
329. Wiesel, Elie. The Town Beyond The Wall. A novel about a concentration camp
survivor goes to his hometown in Hungary. His sad experiences in flash back – and
the psychology of death camp survivors. Bergen – Belsen Memorial Press NY –TelAviv 1967, 178 pages, VG, Hardcover, $40.
330. Wiesenthal, Simon. Moordenaars onder uns. Dutch text, VG, Hardcover, 368
pages. Elsevier Publishing Amsterdam 1967, illustrated, VG, $29.
331. Wijker, Manfred. Activiteiten Van De Anne Frank Stichting in De Sovjetunie
1900-1992. pamphlet, 31 pages, Dutch text, illustrated, Amsterdam, 1992, Anne
Frank Stchting, VG $29.
332. Wilhelm, Peter. Die Judische gemeinde in der Stadt gottingen (von den Anfagen
bis zum Emanzipation.) Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht in Gottingen, 1973, Ex-library
(from a private library), German text, rebound, 143 pages, 16 illustrations, VG $ 22.
333. Winter, A. The Ghetto of Riga and Contivance 1941-1945: A Survivor’s Memoir.
The author, born in Germany, was deported to Riga, Latvia in 1941. From there, he
was deported to Theresienstadt, and was liberated in 1945. He had to work in the
crematoria with the disposal of the bodies of Jews who died after the typhus
outbreak. In 1947, he participated in the Nuremberg Trials. Monroe, CT, 1998.
Wraps, 241p. F. $29.
334. Wojak, Irmstrud and Hepner, Lore. Lieve Kinderen. Brieven uit Amsterdamse
ballingschap naar de Nieuwe Wereld 1930-1943. Paperwrappers, Dutch text, 259
pages, illustrated, $28.
335. Wolfenstein, Haus. Von Juden in Steglitz, Beitrage Zur Ortsgeschichte.
Herausgegeben von der initiative Haus Wolfenstein. 75 pages, paperback, corners
bent and slightly rubbed along backstrip, G, $18.
336. Wolfsberg, Oskar. Zur Zeit und Geistesgeschichte Des Judentums. Verlag Die
Gestaltung, Zürich, 1938. Signed by the author. G. Tight. Tip of backstrip slightly
frayed and sunned. $29.
337. Worm, Aldred + Kuba, Andreas. A Letter to the Stars. Briefe in den Himmel. Schüler
Schreiben gedischte. 80,000 Jews from Austria were murdered by the Nazis. This is
a memorial to the lives of the murdered Jews by the students. Profusely illustrated
paperwrappers. Large format, German text. 272 pages. Letter to the Stars, Vienna
2003. VG, $35
338. Yad Washew Exhibitions. January – March 1960. Paperback, front cover detached
and chipped. Rear cover chipped. Works of Jewish artists in concentration camps,
drawings of Synagogues by Joseph Cempla. Documents, interior good, covers poor,
Jerusalem 1960, $12.50.
339. Yoran, Shalom. The Defiant. A true story, a memorable and haunting account. The
extraordinary Jewish resistance displayed. He survived and went to Israel after the
war. St. Martin’s Press First Edition 1996. VG in G dJ, 293 pages, illustrated, $25.
340. You Are My Witnesses. Selected quotations at the United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum. Very moving quotations by various people. Heinrich Heine, Elie
Wiesel, Leo Baeck, etc. Paperwrappers, spiral bound, United States Holocaust
Museum, Washington D.C. 48 pages, color, illustrated, VG, 2007, $25.
341. Zide, A. Zidovske Pamatky Hermanove Mestci. Czech text, pamphlet, 12 pages, G,
1992, $12.
342. Ziegler, Gabriele and Grundler, Franz. Gedenke und erzähle. Die Jüdischen
Familien Baum, Wilmersdorfer und Bruckmann in Naburg. The tragedy of these
families. German text, paperback, illustrated, small book, 34 pages. Obendorfer
Nabburg 2007, VG, $26.
This catalogue is dedicated to the Perl and Heimann families.
Their future generations survive.
Top L. Evelyn's Paternal Great Grandparents, Johanna Leubuscher
and Markus Perl.
Top R. Paternal Grandparents, Siegfried and Marie Perl deported from Berlin in1942 to
Theresienstadt. He died of starvation, she was deported to Auschwitz and murdered.
Maternal Grandparents. Selma and Siegmund Heimann. She was deported to Raval and
murdered 1942. He died of a broken heart after his business was taken from him in 1938.
Top L. The Perl family in New York.
Top R. Passport photo of Evelyn’s mother, Friedel Perl in New York.
Evelyn with her two sons, Eric & Paul in 1998.
Evelyn's grandchildren, Max, Lily, Samantha & Olivia.
Evelyn & Eleanor Perl (twins), in Berlin, just before their escape.
The Perl Family escaped Berlin forLisbon, Portugal in May 1941.
They travelled on The NYASSA from Lisbon and arrived in New York June 14, 1941.