SIS World - SIS Swiss International School


SIS World - SIS Swiss International School
A Glimpse of the
SIS World
SIS Swiss International School is a private day
school offering continuous education from kindergarten through to college.
Designed to fulfil the educational goals of local
as well as internationally mobile families, the SIS
programme is centred on consistent bilingual
classroom instruction and peer experience in the
national lang­uage and English, culminating in the
national high school diploma and/or the International
Baccalaureate Diploma (IB).
Our teaching philosophy is non-ideological, but
founded on clearly defined core values.
The combination of an international outlook and
close ties to the local community empowers students
to take on the challenges of today’s globalised world
with confidence.
SIS has been operating schools in Switzerland
since 1999, in Germany since 2008, and in Brazil
since 2009.
The SIS Swiss International School is a joint venture
of Kalaidos Swiss Education Group and Klett Group.
Design concept: dezember und juli gmbh
Concept, editing: Susanne Meili
Photos: Palma Fiacco, teams at SIS schools
Printing Switzerland/Germany: Edubook AG
Circulation Switzerland/Germany: 4.850
Circulation Brazil: 800
March 2015
Welcome to SIS
Table of Contents
Core Values_5
School Concept_6
The SIS World_8
SIS Head Offices_42
Dear readers,
In the nineteenth century, the English author William Makepeace Thackeray compared
the world to a looking-glass that “gives back to every man the reflection of his own face.”
Along these lines, SIS World once a year provides an overview of all SIS schools whereby
each school is given the opportunity to describe an event or activity of the past twelve
months that illustrates its individual character within the larger SIS cosmos; and it is a
large cosmos indeed, filled with a plethora of languages and a rich variety of cultures. SIS
has schools in Switzerland, Germany and Brazil, but geographical distance does not imply
three unconnected worlds.
On the contrary, common core values, coherent structures and quality standards as well
as a homogeneous school profile guarantee a viable network of stability and continuity across
the numerous SIS schools. However, similar to different languages that may share the same
linguistic origin, but have developed individual features over time, our various schools in
different locations nurture their individuality and develop their identity and unique school
profile in close relation to the community and culture they are situated in. Identification
happens locally, which is why the unified SIS structures and processes implemented by all
of our schools are enriched by a characteristic, local touch, whether this be inspired by a
German, Brazilian or Swiss background.
In all three countries, the SIS world is evolving fast: when the first issue of our yearbook
was published in 2011, twelve schools with a total of about 1.450 students offered us a
glimpse of their everyday lives at SIS. In 2015, almost twice as many students learn and
excel at the sixteen existing SIS schools. This successful development bears witness to
the great popularity our high quality, bilingual school concept enjoys with parents and
children across different cultures. Building on our experience, we will continue to do our
best to prepare the students entrusted to our care for their future as independent, responsible
and committed citizens of the world. Our aim is to offer them an open and respectful
environment in which learning is experienced as meaningful and filled with joy – just like
the following pages of this sixth issue of SIS World.
With this in mind: may education make a better world go round!
Best regards,
Ambros Hollenstein
Delegate of the Board of Directors
Andrea Furgler, CEO SIS Brazil
Dr. Ursula Gehbauer Tichler, CEO SIS Switzerland
Ann-Christin Werner, CEO SIS Germany
Ambros Hollenstein, Delegate of the Board of Directors
Core Values
SIS has no ideological, political, or religious affiliations.
We believe in honesty, respect, personal responsibility, and keeping one’s word. These
are the core values we seek to instil in our students. They underpin everything we do, and
are at the heart of our interaction with the children and young adults entrusted to our care.
Our goal is to strengthen students’ cultural, linguistic, and social identity, enabling them to
• develop into committed individuals with a strong sense of personal responsibility
for their actions
• encounter other people, languages, and cultures with openness, empathy, and respect
• think and act both as global citizens and as members of their local community
School Concept
International Education – Local Insight
Our intention is that SIS students graduate as global citizens with a strong sense of their
origins. Our slogan “international education – local insight” gives shape to SIS on all levels
and can be experienced by students, parents and teachers in a multitude of ways.
English and German (Portuguese in the case of our Brazilian schools) play equal roles in
school communication – in the classroom and in all parts of day-to-day school life. As a
result, children learn to express themselves naturally and confidently in both languages.
Curriculum and Qualifications
Each SIS school’s curriculum is based on the regulations of that school’s state, supplemented
by elements of international curricula.
School Environment
The community of SIS students, parents and teachers is made up of a variety of nationalities
and backgrounds.
School – a Place to Learn and Thrive
SIS offers full-spectrum education in multiple locations with one shared source. With
kindergarten, primary and secondary schools in one institution – sometimes even under
one roof – the SIS concept ensures a smooth transition from each level to the next, as well
as from one branch to another.
A Foundation for Independent, Life-Long Learning, Discovery and Exploration
SIS teachers use their knowledge as a resource for guiding their students in developing
independent learning skills, stimulating the children’s natural thirst for knowledge and
encouraging their joy of discovery. Our goal is to foster learning as an integral part of life,
and to offer the opportunity to become independent and critical students. At SIS, children
are encouraged to achieve their full potential and exceed their own expectations. At the
same time, they learn to evaluate their achievements and limitations realistically. Moreover,
we maintain close contact with parents, and regularly discuss their children’s progress and
learning style.
The immersion method, involving instruction by native-speakers, exposes students to the
rational, emotional, and cultural dimensions of the second language. This is the foundation
for developing complete fluency.
SIS faculty members are all native speakers of their language. The language they use for
teaching is not only their native tongue but is also their language for spontaneous expression of thoughts and feelings – in the classroom, on the school yard, at lunch, parties and
Scientific studies and our experience show that:
• Years of instruction using the immersion method results in near-native competence
in the second language.
• The best results are usually achieved through extensive early immersion prior to the
start of formal schooling.
• Development of the mother tongue is not adversely affected.
• The immersion method not only promotes children’s language acquisition, but also
their cognitive development – for example, linguistic awareness, creativity and their
ability to “think out of the box.”
Within the scope of the immersion method, children use the second language to engage
with the world in a playful and completely natural way. They are immersed in an environment where only the foreign language is used. As result, they learn unconsciously, lose
their initial inhibitions – and the foreign language becomes second nature.
Children begin by developing a passive understanding of the new language. This is
achieved through the use of pictures, gestures, and symbols, for example. Then students
gradually begin to actively use the second language. In other words, the foreign language
is acquired in a similar way to the mother tongue – with the child’s linguistic development
and knowledge of the world progressing hand in hand.
At SIS Swiss International School, children can learn both English and German (Portuguese
in the case of our Brazilian schools) through immersion – even if they are native speakers
of neither language.
The SIS World
The SIS World comprises sixteen schools in three countries: Switzerland, Germany and Brazil. Each school was given
one page in this booklet to tell a very special story of its own.
SIS Swiss International School
SIS Swiss International School
SIS Swiss International School
SIS Basel
Page 10
SIS Männedorf-Zürich
Page 12
SIS Rotkreuz-Zug
Page 14
SIS Schönenwerd
Page 16
SIS Suhr
Page 18
SIS Tamins-Chur
Page 20
SIS Winterthur
Page 22
SIS Zürich
Page 24
SIS Zürich-Wollishofen
Page 26
SIS Friedrichshafen
Page 28
SIS Ingolstadt
Page 30
SIS Kassel
Page 32
SIS Regensburg
Page 34
SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach
Page 36
SIS Brasilia
Page 38
Escola Suíço-Brasileira Rio de Janeiro
by SIS Swiss International School, Brazil
Page 40
SIS Basel
The Importance of Teamwork at SIS Basel
Andrew Wulfers, Principal
As the old adage goes, “there is no I in team.” At the SIS Basel, teamwork is indeed at the
very heart of what we do, and it’s what keeps our school strong and growing. Whether
the teaching, extra-curricular activities, special events, or professional relationships with
parents and other staff members, teamwork constitutes the foundation of our work.
The power of collaboration shows up in many ways. First of all, bilingual instruction
inherently means that our teachers must work closely together to plan, synchronise and
integrate our ever-expanding and rich curriculum, a task that would be unthinkable done
alone. In addition to the creation of the curriculum itself, special events such as the SIS
Basel Running Challenge, Winterfest, Summerfest, project weeks and school camps are
also the products of extensive collaborative effort, involving many planning meetings of
teachers, and frequently also parents, parent representatives and the PEA (Parents Eltern
Association). The intensive planning regiment could never be orchestrated by one teacher
alone and relies on groups of well-intentioned and hard-working individuals.
Another potent example is SIS Basel’s recent transition to become a cantonal Matura
school – a complex process that presented us with many challenges. Even before the
Department of Education reached their final affirmative decision, SIS College teachers had
been invited to join teams from public schools working together to formulate and develop
new curricula to be used in the Canton’s colleges. This teamwork experience fortified SIS
teachers with the knowledge necessary later to carry out the exclusive duties of synthesising
a special curriculum based on Cantonal requirements and SIS Basel’s unique bilingual
Finally, in a school, the office staff are also integral in the smooth running of all events
and often act as coordinators for many different parties. If the office team doesn’t work
together, spiriting information between teachers, parents and, often times, students, there
would be a fundamental breakdown in communication that would leave an otherwise
perfect event in rubble.
The efficacy of teamwork is what makes a school run smoothly. It’s what makes the SIS
Basel what it is. No amount of hard work from one individual can match the hard work of
In the words of the American writer Helen Keller, “Alone we can do so little; together we
can do so much.”
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International General
Certificate of Secondary
Education (IGCSE)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Swiss High School Diploma
Bilingual Swiss High School
International General
Certificate of Secondary
Education (IGCSE)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Schweizer Maturität
Zweisprachige Schweizer
Language Certificates /
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Morgen- und Nachmittags­
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Andrew Wulfers
School Management Team /
Adrian Bürgi, Marie-Claude Gaëtan, Kurt Greiner, Herbert Kögler,
Ulrike Müller, Ann Schmidt
IB Diploma Programme
Grayson McCready
Milestones / Meilensteine
Official recognition of the
bilingual Swiss Matura, May 2014;
Move to the new gym facilities,
October 2014
Genehmigung des gymnasialen
Lehrganges zur zweisprachigen
Schweizer Maturität, Mai 2014;
Bezug Turnhallen-Neubau,
Oktober 2014
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Erlenstrasse 15
CH-4058 Basel
Phone +41 61 683 71 40
Fax +41 61 683 71 41
Andrew Wulfers, Principal
SIS Männedorf-Zürich
Stärkung positiver Verhaltensweisen:
Respekt, Verantwortung und Zusammenarbeit
Roger Hunziker, Lehrer Primarschule
Unter dem Motto «learn – care – grow – succeed» will die SIS Männedorf-Zürich Ver­
haltensweisen und Haltungen stärken, die für die Entwicklung der Kinder und für die
Schulgemeinschaft wichtig sind. Unter den genannten Schlüsselbegriffen lassen sich
Verhaltensweisen und Werte mit den Schülerinnen und Schülern so besprechen, dass
sie als System sinnvoll werden. Es gehört z.B. einiges dazu, eine gute Lernerin oder ein
guter Lerner zu sein! Man muss aufmerksam und offen sein für Neues, aber auch mutig, anstrengungsbereit und ausdauernd. Kein Mensch wird erfolgreicher Fussballer, eine
innovative Ärztin oder eine respektierte Lehrperson, wenn er nicht an den Grenzen des
bereits Gekonnten arbeitet, dabei teamfähig ist und seine Trainer und Lehrer respektiert.
Diese Beispiele zeigen, dass viele unserer Werte die Kinder als Teil einer Gemeinschaft
ansprechen. Wie beim Musizieren im Orchester tragen alle Lehrenden und Lernenden
Mitverantwortung für die Atmosphäre an unserer Schule. So geht es bei unserem Motto
nicht nur um das eigene Wohlergehen und Können, sondern auch um das des grösseren
Ganzen: Das des Tischnachbarn, der Klasse und der Schule. In den Versammlungen
zeigen wir den Schülerinnen und Schülern auf, dass sie immer eine Wahl haben: Für überlegte, konstruktive Handlungen oder aber unbedachte, nachlässige.
Alle zwei Wochen schenken wir ausgewählten Kindern Aufmerksamkeit, die sich in den
vier Bereichen ausgezeichnet haben. Unser Blick richtet sich damit auf diese Beispiele für
gute Entscheidungen. So, wie junge Musizierende grosse Konzerte erleben sollten, so wird
hier im positiven Sinn anschaulich, woran wir in der Schule arbeiten: An einer farben­frohen,
kognitiv herausfordernden und respektvollen Atmosphäre der Neugier auf die Welt, die die
Kinder immer wieder zum Überschreiten ihrer Leistungsgrenzen auffordert.
Under the motto ‘learn –
care – grow – succeed’,
SIS Männedorf-Zürich
has introduced a set of
values allowing students
to reflect about what it
takes to be successful,
to reach individual goals,
and to contribute to their
communities. Each key
term addresses many
attitudes and behaviours,
including respect,
responsibility and
cooperation. To encourage positive attitudes,
selected students receive
awards at bi-weekly
assemblies to showcase
outstanding behaviour:
good judgement, initiative, caring for others,
effort, and participation
will lead to success.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Dr. Anja Gottwald
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Seestrasse 57
CH-8708 Männedorf
Phone +41 44 921 50 50
Fax +41 44 921 50 51
Dr. Anja Gottwald, Principal
SIS Rotkreuz-Zug
Holiday Clubs
Jarrod Brauer, Principal
It is always great to get positive feedback from parents about how their child enjoys
coming to school to learn alongside their peers. It is also nice to know that some students
look forward to the release of the upcoming holiday club programme so they can convince
their parents that they should be inscribed.
Presently at SIS Rotkreuz-Zug, three holiday clubs are timetabled annually within Cantonal
school holiday periods. The first in August affords existing and new students the chance to
meet up prior to the first day of school, establish friendships and, for some, settle nerves
prior to the first school day of a new academic year. The autumn and sports holidays provide
some extensive opportunities to explore the local area or engage in creative activities at
Varied Activities
When compiling an after school care programme, more often the activities for the week
or a given day will revolve around a central theme. Most recently, Switzerland was the hot
topic which had students engaging in a number of cultural and recreational experiences
in and around the greater Zug area. Students had the chance to initially follow in the footsteps of our ancestors. Local history was explored through visits to two local museums
offering exhibitions about the Middle Ages. The high point for students was without doubt
having the opportunity to try on the clothes of the knights and maidens, which presented
some humorous photo opportunities. Students moved into the present with a farm safari
highlighting local food production, still an important part of our Canton, and a very popular
visit to a local chocolatier with just a little quality control being done. Kite making and test
flights in the Hinterland were also a feature which aligns to the outdoor life one holds dear
in Switzerland.
Developing Relationships
Suited for all ages, such clubs really are a place where students strengthen their relationships
with classmates. This supports our continued development of community and camaraderie
seen throughout our school. Getting to know others develops an appreciation of their
values, which transcends into daily school life and a more harmonious environment in the
playground. We like to boast that as a developing school everyone knows everyone in our
school community.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School (as
of August 2015)
Sekundarschule (ab
August 2015)
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Jarrod Brauer
Milestones / Meilensteine
Occupation of new school
building, August 2014
Bezug Neubau,
August 2014
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Suurstoffi 41c
CH-6343 Rotkreuz
Phone +41 41 757 57 11
Jarrod Brauer, Principal
SIS Schönenwerd
An Energetic Day
Robyn Sokolinski and Konrad Noll, Secondary School Teachers
As part of their studies related to energy, the secondary students spent a morning visiting
the hydropower station in Gösgen, and in the afternoon, they had a tour of the nuclear
power station in the same area.
This hydropower station is one of the biggest river power stations in Switzerland and
generates an output of 300 GWh. It was built in 1917, so its main building looks quite
historical and elegant. After a complete modernisation of its machinery in the years 1997
to 2000, it can now produce 12 % more electricity with the same amount of water. It also
became very eco-friendly because of a new fish ladder for migratory fish species.
On our visit, we were given a short introduction before we proceeded on a tour through
the power station. A first highlight were the impressive grills where the water enters the
powerhouse and are cleaned of immense amounts of driftwood and other rubbish which
floats on the river. After that, we went to the main hall of the powerhouse, which is as big
as a cathedral and contains five huge generators that are connected directly with the
big turbines below. We climbed down a steep ladder leading to a small room between a
generator and its turbine. There, the revolving arbor was visible and the air was breathtakingly
hot and noisy. Then we were led to a long eerie tunnel below the turbines and the flowing
water. There, water was steadily trickling down through thin micro fissures, creating little
stalactites. Everything was vibrating, and we could just feel how much energy is being
delivered by the mighty flow of the Aare river.
During the twenty-minute walk from the hydro station to the nuclear power station, the
students were given a map so that they could try to navigate their own route on foot, but
one clever classmate activated the GPS on his mobile phone … oh, how easy life is nowadays
with modern technology!
The nuclear power station in Gösgen is the second largest in Switzerland and has been
delivering energy since 1979. It has an output of 1.020 MW, which is equivalent to about
10 % of the total electricity needs of the Swiss population. We were divided into groups
of about five people and passed through the very strict security control. This was the
beginning of an interesting tour of the large power station terrain. Highlights here were the
spaceship-like control-room, the powerhouse with even more vibration, space and noise
than the one at the hydropower station, the sky-high cooling tower with its mighty water
vapour cloud and strong inflowing air stream, and, last but not least, the huge two-metre
thick concrete dome of the reactor building.
After this tour, we used the opportunity to learn many interesting details about the nature
of nuclear power and radioactivity by studying the exhibition at the visitor centre in detail.
This concluded our long but exciting and informative excursion to two of the main sources
of our electricity.
Facts & Figures
Joined SIS Group /
in SIS-Gruppe integriert
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary Intro
Primary School
Secondary School on two
levels (advanced requirements
and precollege requirements)
Language Certificates /
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
School Bus
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Marc Zängerle
Zweigliedrige Sekundar­
stufe I (erweiterte Anforderungen und progymnasiale
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Schachenstrasse 24
CH-5012 Schönenwerd
Phone +41 62 312 30 30
Fax +41 62 312 30 40
Marc Zängerle, Principal
SIS Suhr
On the Road to Reading
Barbara Neuhold, Kindergarten Teacher
As adults, it is sometimes challenging for us to think back on a time when we were learning
to read and write. How does this process really take shape, and what are the necessary
foundational skills that need to be in place in order to ensure success for young readers
and writers on the path to literacy development?
A critical first step in this process is the development of students’ alphabet knowledge.
This refers to having a familiarity with not only the letters of the alphabet, but also their
corresponding sounds and proper formation. Armed with this knowledge, letters that once
appeared meaningless and abstract in isolation suddenly offer the capacity for being
combined together and spoken as recognisable words.
In kindergarten, we have been exploring various letters through our weekly alphabet study.
In developing our alphabet knowledge, we have utilised a multi sensory approach that has
allowed us to engage all of our senses in learning as we uncover the relationship between
these letters and their sounds. For each new letter learned, a corresponding character,
sound and motion were introduced, thereby allowing us the opportunity to learn not only
visually and auditively through pictures, stories and letter chants, but also through body
movements and a variety of kinaesthetic learning tasks.
With this essential groundwork in place, some basic sounds under our belt, and a growing
understanding of the letter-sound relationship, we were ready to initiate the next step of
the reading process. As we explored how words could be segmented or broken down into
their component parts, suddenly our letter knowledge began making sense, as the sounds
we had spent so much time learning about became identifiable in everyday words around
us. How truly exciting that what began as simple repetition of weekly letter rhymes had
blossomed into the beginnings of us as emergent readers. And what a rewarding sight to
see how eager we were to apply our newly acquired knowledge and skills!
Facts & Figures
Joined SIS Group /
in SIS-Gruppe integriert
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Marc Zängerle
School Management Team /
Lucia Krüger
Milestones / Meilensteine
Cantonal recognition,
June 2014
Kantonale Anerkennung,
Juni 2014
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Reiherweg 2b
CH-5034 Suhr
Phone +41 62 842 97 07
Marc Zängerle, Principal
SIS Tamins-Chur
Expo – When Students Become Teachers
Janet Meister, Division Manager
Once a year, a special event takes place at SIS Tamins-Chur called the expo. This day
is very much looked forward to by the students as they become the teachers and their
parents become the learners. Both kindergarten and primary students take the lead in
showcasing their learning to their parents, leading them through activities and at the same
time demonstrating their own understanding.
In preparation for this year’s expo, students chose a learning activity that they had completed
with their teachers at school and planned a ten minute lesson for the parents. Stations
were set up and parents had the opportunity to circulate around the different activities.
Parents soon were immersed in the way students learn at SIS Tamins-Chur, in the topics
studied in class and in the challenge of learning in another language.
In primary English, the parents were asked to classify animals, use thinking tools for analysis,
complete a computer activity on the smartboard and partake in maths games.
When visiting the primary German class, parents were read two stories and had to
compare them using a Venn diagram, they learnt about animals in winter time and they
made geometrical shapes out of paper and toothpicks.
The kindergarten kept with their theme at the time: science experiments. Here the students
took their parents around a couple of experiments in each kindergarten room. Their main
focus was to make predictions about what would happen and think about the how and
why. Experiments ranged from dissolving, the difference between solids and liquid and
magnetism in the English kindergarten to floating and sinking and water experiments in
the German kindergarten.
Parents entered into the spirit of the expo with great enthusiasm. They attentively listened
to the students explaining their topic, involved themselves in the activities and asked
meaningful questions. The students were naturally very proud to become teachers for the
day and to share their knowledge and the SIS way of learning with their parents.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
School Bus
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiterin
Lisa Cummins
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Aligstrasse 5
CH-7015 Tamins
Phone +41 81 641 18 80
Lisa Cummins, Principal
SIS Winterthur
Bilingual Maths Instruction
Zarna Allen, Vice Principal, and Julia Neale, Primary Teacher
At SIS Winterthur, literacy, music, sports, art and design, history, science, geography and
mathematics can all be taught in German and in English. While the learning objectives do
not necessarily change from one language to another, the resources certainly can. Immersion
is not just about speaking to our students in the language of instruction, but also providing
learning resources in that same language. This means some of our resources will be
coming from German speaking countries and others from English speaking countries.
Maths, however, presents a unique challenge.
Almost all formal maths instruction in schools is based on scope and sequence. At SIS,
scope refers to the learning objectives which come from state guidelines as well as the SIS
organisation itself. The sequence defines in what order these objectives are taught. Scope
is important in all subjects, but in certain subjects sequence may not be terribly relevant.
Most educators agree that it is very important in maths. Without scope and sequence,
there is the risk of extemporaneous content delivery and the missing of significant learning
as well as unnecessary repetition. For example, children should first develop good number
sense before using calculators or learning algorithms.
Finding English and German maths resources with compatible scope and sequence that
meet the local curriculum requirements proved to be a very difficult task. While there are a
variety of bilingual maths resources in Spanish and English, there were no German/English
bilingual maths resources available for us to evaluate. Eventually, SIS decided to develop
its own bilingual resource. One of the most widely used maths resources in Switzerland is
the “Schweizer Zahlenbuch.” SIS reached an agreement with the publisher to develop an
English translation of all of the student and work books for the kindergarten and primary
school levels. This gives us the opportunity to use a common scope and sequence in both
The SIS curriculum also uses a variety of different themes within the individual maths
strands providing flexibility in regards to the distribution of the content between the two
languages. It also greatly simplifies it by providing professional development to our
teaching staff. The “Swiss Numbers Book” gives our students and teachers a coherent
and sensible maths resource with relevant and interesting cultural themes.
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Price list
kg Früchte als
der Preis für ein
ldern ist sowohl
Auf den Preisschi
Gewicht angegeb
der Preis für das
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3 kg
2 kg
A Erstelle Preisliste
1 kg 1,500 kg
750 g
Gewicht Orangen
250 g
und in welcher
Schreibe auf, wie
berechnet habt.
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B Erklärt einande
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Hier siehst du
sie. Gehe möglich
Heft und ergänze
davon in dein
A Nüsslisalat
Gewicht Preis
100 g
200 g
300 g
400 g
500 g
600 g
700 g
800 g
900 g
1 kg
ProportionaPreistabellen sind
Gewicht und Preis,
Preis, Litermeng
Stückzahl und
und Preis … sind
Der kg-Preis, der
entspricht dem
der Literpreis …
E Bestimme
D Benzin
C Draht
B Mangos
0,5 m
1,5 m
2,5 m
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Erstelle eine Preistabe
kosten Fr. 2.80.
lle für 1 bis 12
B 4 Schoggiköpfe
Erstelle eine Preistabe
kosten Fr. 9.90.
C 3 Paar Socken
noch bleibt.
wie viel Geld dir
3. Berechne auch,
Preise aus Aufgabe
4 Nimm die
für Fr. 10.– ?
A Wie viele Eier
st du für Fr. 10.–
köpfe bekomm
B Wie viele Schoggi
st du für Fr. 100.–
Socken bekomm
C Wie viel Paar
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100 g
200 g
300 g
400 g
500 g
600 g
700 g
800 g
900 g
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D Petro
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list for 1
Fr. 2.80.
C 3 pairs
Write a price to 12 eggs.
of socks
cost Fr. 9.90.
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list for 1
prices from
to 12 pairs
A How
3. Also calcu
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B How
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3 Arbeitshef
page 56
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Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Lawrence Wood
School Management Team /
Zarna Allen
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Technoparkstrasse 1
CH-8406 Winterthur
Phone +41 52 202 82 11
Fax +41 52 202 82 20
Lawrence Wood, Principal
SIS Zürich
Sponsorenlauf für Afrika
Harald Gräf, Stufenleiter Gymnasium
Im Mai letzten Jahres fand mit grossem Erfolg ein Sponsorenlauf zugunsten der Hilfsorganisation JAM (Joint Aid Management) statt, an dem unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler
Geld für die tägliche Versorgung mit Nahrungsmitteln der Schülerinnen und Schüler der
Alto Colondo Primarschule in Angola sammelten. Diese Nahrungsmittelverteilung ist ein
Hauptgrund, weshalb afrikanische Eltern ihre Kinder in die Schule schicken.
Gespendet wurde das Geld von Familienangehörigen und Freunden der SIS Schülerschaft. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler machten sich im Vorfeld des Laufs auf die Suche
nach Sponsoren, welche für jede volle Runde einen freiwilligen Betrag spendeten. Vor dem
Sponsorenlauf sammelten die älteren Schülerinnen und Schüler des Gymnasiums in der
Umgebung der Schule, etwa auf dem Zwicky-Areal, Abfall ein und erhielten für jeden vollen
Abfallsack zehn Franken auf das Sammelkonto.
Beim Sponsorenlauf entlang dem Chriesbach zeigten die Läuferinnen und Läufer jeden Alters viel Engagement für diese gute Sache. Trotz warmen Temperaturen rannten
sie mit vollem Einsatz, angefeuert von Eltern und Frau Knechtli, der Vertreterin der Hilfs­
organisation JAM.
Nach dem Lauf betrieben die Schülerinnen und Schüler auf dem Sportplatz diverse
Stände mit Kaffee und Kuchen, Selbstgebasteltem und Geschicklichkeitsspielen. Als um
18 Uhr unser Schulleiter Marcel Stähli die gesammelte Summe bekannt gab, herrschte
gespannte Stille. Der Erfolg war überwältigend: Über 15.000 Franken sind zusammen
gekommen! Und damit deutlich mehr als die angestrebten 11.000 Franken, mit denen die
Schülerinnen und Schüler in Angola ein ganzes Jahr lang mit Nahrungsmitteln versorgt
werden können.
In May, SIS Zürich
held a charity event for
schooling and food in
Angola. The event was
conducted in the form of
a run, where the number
of completed laps got
sponsored. Trash collection from the area was
also part of the event.
A market was set up in
school and artifacts, coffee and cake were sold,
resulting in a collection of
over 15.000 Swiss francs.
This surpassed our target
of 11.000 Swiss francs,
which is what would have
been needed for schooling and food for a year.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International Baccalaureate
Bilingual Swiss High School
International Baccalaureate
Zweisprachige Schweizer
Language Certificates /
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Marcel Stähli
School Management Team /
Harald Gräf, Valentin Grob, Bridget Grubenmann, Pia Mathes
IB Diploma Programme
Alfons Würms
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Seidenstrasse 2
CH-8304 Wallisellen
Phone +41 44 388 99 44
Fax +41 44 388 99 49
Marcel Stähli, Principal
SIS Zürich-Wollishofen
First Annual Poetry Jam
Carlotta Benthin, Victor Benthin and Maurycy Codourey, Grade 6 Students
The poetry jam is an evening for students to perform two of the poems we have written in
front of our parents at the end of our poetry topic. It took place in the school aula and was
a chance for students and parents to have fun watching and performing original poetry. It
was a really cool night and a cool way to finish the topic and our year.
The poems that we performed were written in a variety of places: at Landiwiese beside
the lake, the school playground, and also in the classroom, staring out open windows.
We really enjoyed getting in touch with nature and looking closely at the world around us.
When it was our writing time in school, we would head out into nature and sit silently and
just watch what was happening. We would watch the trees and how they moved, the sky
and all its colours, and the lake with all the moving boats. We learned about personification
and we were able to give these things in nature human actions and personalities, which
helped the images we put into our poems.
During the poetry topic, we sixth graders worked with the first graders and helped them
edit and practise their poems. We helped them practise their poems by listening to them
one on one, and also in groups. This helped them with their confidence to perform at the
event and they did a great job on stage. It was a lot of fun working with them and we made
some good friends, and because we enjoyed working with them so much last year, we
have begun working with our little mates again this year.
The event itself was a lot of fun with lots of cheering, finger clicking and laughter. The finger
clicking happened at the end of each poem instead of clapping and it made the event really
fun. We really enjoyed getting on stage in front of a big crowd and all of the excitement and
nervousness, which we felt, made this a night to remember.
The poetry jam was really cool and we can’t wait for the next one this year!
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
School Bus
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Michael Peter
School Management Team /
Ryan Howard
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Seestrasse 271
CH-8038 Zürich
Phone +41 43 399 88 44
Fax +41 43 399 88 40
Michael Peter, Principal
SIS Friedrichshafen
Einfach Klasse: Zeitung lesen kann Spaß machen!
Annette Steinlein, Stufenleiterin Unterstufe Gymnasium
»Das Portfolio zum Thema Zeitung hat mir großen Spaß gemacht, obwohl ich das Zeitunglesen anfänglich mühsam fand. In der Tat habe ich aber in den letzten vier Wochen mehr
Zeitung gelesen als je zuvor. Bisher war ich nicht wirklich an Zeitungsinhalten interessiert.«
(Ossian, Klasse 7)
Die Klassenstufen 6 und 7 haben an dem Zeitungsprojekt »Klasse« des Südkuriers, Lokalzeitung der Region Bodensee und Schwarzwald, teilgenommen und vier Wochen lang die
tägliche Ausgabe erhalten. Lernziel dieses Projekts war der Umgang mit Informationsmedien als eine wichtige Kernkompetenz. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler setzten sich mit der
eigenen Mediennutzung auseinander und beschäftigten sich mit regionalen sowie internationalen Themen und Nachrichten. Texte verstehen und für eigene Zwecke nutzen können,
das ist der Anspruch, der dem Begriff Lesekompetenz zugrunde liegt.
Im Umgang mit einer Tageszeitung können sich die Kinder auf der einen Seite hervorragend im selektiven und überfliegenden Lesen üben, und sie können auf der anderen Seite
durch die Auseinandersetzung mit einem Artikel ein tieferes Textverständnis und damit ein
Verständnis von einem bestimmten Sachverhalt entwickeln. Hier wird die Entwicklung der
Lesekompetenz genauso gefördert wie der Erwerb von regionalem und globalem Wissen.
Zeitungslektüre bietet hierfür eine Fülle von Anknüpfungspunkten.
»Erschüttert war ich, als ich herausfand, mit wie viel Cannabis um den Bodensee gedealt
wird, oder welche Kriege momentan stattfinden, in denen auch junge Menschen oder
Kinder involviert sind, oder wie die Länder sich gegenseitig drohen.« (Ossian, Klasse 7)
Dieses Projekt, hat uns allen großen Spaß gemacht und wir haben viel dabei gelernt.
Entstanden sind daraus Portfolios; die Aufgabenstellungen zu den selbst gewählten Artikeln kamen aus den verschiedenen Kompetenzbereichen des Deutschunterrichts. Die
Schülerinnen und Schüler konnten ein Fachwortlexikon anlegen, aus einem Bericht ein
Märchen schreiben oder einen Synonym-Stern erstellen. Am meisten Spaß machte es,
aus alten Schlagzeilen etwas Neues zu erstellen, hier ein phantasievolles Ergebnis von
Zoé aus Klasse 7.
So ermöglicht die Zeitung den Schülerinnen und Schülern, individuellen Interessen zu folgen,
sie weiterzuentwickeln sowie aktuelle Themen in Diskussionen mit anderen zu vertiefen.
The learning objectives of the newspaper
project with the regional
daily ‘Südkurier’, which
involved grades 6 and
7, were concentrated
on managing information in the media as an
important core competence. Students worked
with their own media
usage and engaged
with regional as well as
international topics and
messages. All in all, the
newspaper project gave
students the opportunity
to follow their individual
interests and to deepen
their knowledge on current issues.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International Baccalaureate
(IB) planned
German High School
Diploma planned
International Baccalaureate
(IB) geplant
Abitur geplant
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiterin
Stefanie Hausmann
School Management Team /
Dr. Susanne Dietrich, Anika Eitz, Lena Glabe,
Annette Steinlein
IB Diploma Programme
Shane Lions
Milestones / Meilensteine
International Baccalaureate
(IB) Candidate School,
May 2014
International Baccalaureate
(IB) Candidate School,
Mai 2014
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Katharinenstraße 55
D-88045 Friedrichshafen
Phone +49 7541 700 57 60
Fax +49 7541 700 57 62
Stefanie Hausmann, Principal
SIS Ingolstadt
History Lesson in Dachau
Bryan Banker, Secondary School Teacher
The Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site, located an hour away from SIS Ingolstadt,
not only provides a sobering look at what humans are capable of doing in the name of
ideology. It is also an incredible opportunity to gain valuable historical insights. Last
November, grades 8 through 10 took advantage of living near the infamous memorial site
as part of their history courses.
Having studied post-holocaust philosophy for much of my early academic career, I had
the opportunity to apply a deeper knowledge concerning this dark period in my classes.
Visiting the memorial site and similar historical locations nearby enables the students to
connect with their studies.
In preparation for the trip, students learned about both the Second World War and about
the atrocities that Nazi Germany committed. Much of our study was focused on the
historicity of anti-semitism not only in Germany but in all of Europe, beginning in the Middle
Ages and re-emerging in the Germany of the 1920s and 1930s. From this historical
background, classes looked to better understand the Nazi rationale in perpetrating
genocide. Visiting Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site provided a realisation for
many of our international students, who perhaps grew up outside Germany without this
history. One of the many important questions they asked concerned how genocide can be
localised. How could something like this happen so close to home?
Upon arriving in Dachau, many students expressed a certain sadness found in the solemn
atmosphere at the memorial site. Our guide began with providing some historical background
on the camp and then led discussions on the role of the camp during and after the war.
Students felt sad when visiting the camp and were respectful of the solemnity of what
happened there. Grade 10 student, Patrick Probst, later wrote that he could still smell
charred wood, which reminded him of how so many people died. Students asked great
questions throughout the tour and the guide generously praised their appropriate behaviour
and attention. Both teachers and students felt the weight of the day, the significance of the
memorial site, and were grateful for this thought-provoking trip.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas and Certificates /
Abschlüsse und Zertifikate
International Baccalaureate
(IB) planned
German High School
Diploma planned
International Baccalaureate
(IB) geplant
Abitur geplant
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Dr. Robert Parr
School Management Team /
Pamela Bradley-Höllering, Marie Ott
IB Diploma Programme
Tim Kaboth
Support / Besonderes
Inception and growth
supported by Förderverein
Gründung und Aufbau
unterstützt vom Förder­
verein SISI e.V.
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Stinnesstraße 1
D-85057 Ingolstadt
Phone +49 841 981 446 00
Dr. Robert Parr, Principal
SIS Kassel
Strukturiertes Lernen für fünfjährige Kinder
in der Eingangsstufe
Sebastian Koch, Schulleiter
Charlie, Melin und Rocco sind an Händen, Armen und teilweise auch im Gesicht mit Farbe
beschmiert. Gerade steht Kunstunterricht auf dem Stundenplan und die Kinder haben
Apfelhälften in verschiedenen Farben bemalt und auf A3 Papier gedruckt. Farbenfrohe
Kunstwerke mit unterschiedlichen Mustern sind entstanden, die später im Klassenzimmer
ausgestellt werden.
Rund um den Apfel im Mathematik-, Deutsch- und Sachunterricht
In der Eingangsstufe, in der Kinder ab fünf Jahren spielerisch an die Inhalte des Grundschulunterrichts herangeführt werden, spielt passend zum Herbst in allen Fächern das
Thema Apfel eine wichtige Rolle. Im Matheunterricht erschließen die Kinder den Zahlenraum von eins bis zehn und erledigen in Kleingruppen an verschiedenen Lernstationen
spielerisch unterschiedliche Additionsaufgaben: An einer Station werden ganze Äpfel verwendet, an einer anderen Apfelkerne und an einer dritten werden am Smartboard Mengen
sortiert, gezählt und ebenfalls addiert.
Im Sachunterricht probieren die Kinder mit verbundenen Augen unterschiedliche Apfel­
typen und geben in Partnerarbeiten eine Vermutung über Farbe und Name des Apfels ab.
Am folgenden Tag steht ein Ausflug in die Natur an, um zu sehen, wo und wie Äpfel wachsen. Später werden die Kinder noch den Wachstumszyklus des Apfels näher kennenlernen
und ihr eigenes Apfelmus kochen.
Im Sprachunterricht werden die Buchstaben des Wortes Apfel genauer unter die Lupe
genommen. Der Fokus liegt zunächst auf dem Erkennen der unterschiedlichen Buchstaben
und den zugehörigen Lauten. Anschließend werden die Buchstaben in schriftlicher Form
geübt. Selbstverständlich geschieht dies in den beiden Unterrichtssprachen Deutsch und
Englisch, wobei eine Lehrkraft immer bei einer Sprache bleibt und die jeweilige Unterrichtssprache leicht an der Tafel anhand einer Deutschland- bzw. Englandflagge identifizierbar ist. Zum Abschluss der Lerneinheit versuchen sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler
an Akrosticha (Gedichte, bei denen die Anfangsbuchstaben der Verszeilen ein Wort oder
einen Satz ergeben), ebenfalls in Deutsch und Englisch.
Alle Lerneinheiten wechseln sich immer wieder mit freien oder angeleiteten Spielphasen
ab und werden sehr spielerisch aufbereitet. Charlie, Melin und Rocco würden den Kunstunterricht am liebsten gar nicht beenden und noch weitere Kunstwerke erstellen!
In the reception class of
SIS Kassel, children at
the age of five learn and
explore contents of the
primary school curriculum in a very playful way.
Experiences of the everyday life of the children
are included to make the
lessons as authentic as
possible. During autumn,
for example, the children
experimented with apples: They painted apple
pictures, counted apples
and seeds, examined
the letters of the word
apple in German and
English, tried the apples
and guessed what sort
of apple it is and cooked
apple purée!
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Reception Class
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Principal / Schulleiter
Sebastian Koch
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Milestones / Meilensteine
Inauguration, September 2014 Eröffnung, September 2014
Support / Besonderes
Inception and growth
supported by Wintershall
Holding GmbH
Gründung und Aufbau
unterstützt von der
Wintershall Holding GmbH
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Johanna-Waescher-Straße 15
D-34131 Kassel
Phone +49 561 316 68 30
Sebastian Koch, Principal
SIS Regensburg
School Assemblies
Marie Winkler, Student Grade 10
Excitement and laughter fill the room, as the students of grades 7 to 9 present the modern
version of the main theme of “Wilhelm Tell” at one of our school assemblies. After having
read the novel during their German lessons, the students performed the main scene of
the book in which Wilhelm Tell has to shoot an apple which was placed on the head of his
son Walter. The students used youth language and even the teachers had to giggle while
watching this great performance. The modern interpretation of this classic showed what
the students had learned in their German lessons leading up to the assembly.
Visitors at our Assembly
We sometimes have visitors at our school assemblies, for example right before Christmas
Break, Santa Clause and his angel surprised us. They gave each one of us a small present
and talked to us what works well and what could be improved at our school.
Some of our assemblies are dedicated to share learning outcomes of project days, for
example our integration days at the beginning of the school year. As part of the project
“The Body as a Team,” we were divided into different groups and each group had to
create a certain part of the body without having received any specific instructions. At the
assembly, we tried to put the individual pieces of the body together and realized that the
parts of the body did not fit together because they had different shapes and sizes. As part
of the reflection, we realized the significance of clear and proper communication when
completing a project.
A Shared Time for all Students
There are certainly a lot of different definitions of what a school assembly is or should be.
For us at SIS Regensburg, the weekly school assembly is a time for all of us, young and
old, to get together and share our learning. During the school day, the classes of primary
and secondary school often do not have time to exchange the new insights and skills they
have acquired. Therefore, it is even more exciting whenever we present our learning during
the Friday afternoon assembly and share it with the students from other grade levels.
Our school assembly is not only a place to share learning, it is also a place to discuss problems
like bullying, which is luckily not a problem at our school. However, being informed and
knowing how to handle it when being bullied or knowing someone who is being bullied is
definitely useful.
Our school assemblies play an important role for our school community. Our whole school
is united, we get to know our schoolmates a little better, and find out amazing things about
each other.
Facts & Figures
Joined SIS Group /
in SIS-Gruppe integriert
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Bilingual Preschool
Bilingual Primary School
English-Speaking Primary School
Bilingual Secondary School
English-Speaking Secondary
Zweisprachiger Kindergarten
Zweisprachige Grundschule
Englischsprachige Grundschule
Zweisprachiges Gymnasium
Englischsprachige Sekundarschule
Diplomas and Certificates /
Abschlüsse und Zertifikate
International General Certificate
of Secondary Education (IGCSE)
International Baccalaureate
(IB) planned
German High School
Diploma planned
International General
Certificate of Secondary
Education (IGCSE) geplant
International Baccalaureate
(IB) geplant
Abitur geplant
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittags­
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiterin
Verena Simpson
School Management Team /
Tanja Landgraf, Janett Maslowski, Nicolle Regitz
IB Diploma
Programme Coordinator
Stefanie Braun
IB Primary Years
Programme Coordinator
Margreeth van der Veen
Milestones / Meilensteine
PYP Authorisation, January 2015
PYP-Akkreditierung, Januar 2015
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Erzbischof-Buchberger-Allee 23
D-93051 Regensburg
Phone +49 941 9925 93 00
Verena Simpson, Principal
SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach
Kindergarten zum
»Haus der kleinen Forscher« zertifiziert
Jessica Wiehl, Stufenleiterin Kindergarten
»Läuft Wasser bergauf?« oder »Wie können wir ein Haus aus Plastikflaschen bauen?«
Fragen aus der Lebensumwelt von Kindern bieten vielfältige Anlässe zum Forschen und
Die Stiftung »Haus der kleinen Forscher« setzt sich für die frühe Bildung von Kindern im
Kita- und Grundschulalter in den Bereichen Naturwissenschaften, Mathematik und Technik
ein. Sie unterstützt pädagogische Fach- und Lehrkräfte dabei, Fragen, Ideen und Anregungen der Kinder aufzugreifen, um Kinder auf ihrer Entdeckungsreise durch die Welt der
alltäglichen Phänomene bestmöglich zu begleiten.
Um zum »Haus der kleinen Forscher« zertifiziert zu werden, müssen naturwissenschaftliche,
mathematische oder technische Bildungsinhalte ein fester Bestandteil im Alltag der Kinder
in der Einrichtung sein. Die Projekte, Beobachtungen und Versuche in diesen Bereichen
müssen dokumentiert werden und die pädagogischen Fach- und Lehrkräfte besuchen
regelmäßig Fortbildungen zu diesem Thema.
Da die Erzieherinnen der SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach bereits regelmäßig mit den Kindern
forschen, hat unsere Einrichtung in allen Qualitätsbereichen überzeugt und wurde deshalb
als »Haus der kleinen Forscher« zertifiziert.
Experiment »Flüssiges Trio«
Wussten Sie als Kind im Alter von drei bis fünf Jahren, dass sich manche Flüssigkeiten
nicht vermischen, auch wenn man sie nacheinander in dasselbe Glas schüttet? Können
Sie sich vorstellen, dass ein Popcorn mitten im Glas schweben bleibt, auch wenn man es
hinunterdrückt? Versuchen Sie es!
Sie benötigen ein kleines Glas Sirup oder Honig, ein kleines Glas Wasser mit Lebensmittelfarbe, ein kleines Glas Pflanzenöl, ein hohes Glas, zwei Teelöffel, eine Weintraube, ein
Popcorn und eine Schraubenmutter.
Lassen Sie den Sirup über einen kleinen Löffel ins hohe Glas einlaufen. Schütten Sie dann
langsam das gefärbte Wasser dazu. Nun lassen Sie über den zweiten Teelöffel das Öl in
das Glas einlaufen. Die Flüssigkeiten vermischen sich nicht, sondern bleiben getrennt.
Wenn man nun eine Weintraube und eine Schraubenmutter in das Glas fallen lässt, sinken
sie nach unten. Doch sie bleiben in verschiedenen Schichten stehen und sinken nicht beide
auf den Boden des Glases. Das Popcornstückchen kann nun in die Wasserschicht gedrückt werden und wird nicht wieder nach oben schwimmen.
Solche Experimente führen immer wieder zu Aha-Erlebnissen bei unseren Kindergartenkindern. Wir freuen uns sehr darüber und wünschen allen Kindern und Erwachsenen weiterhin
viele spannende Entdeckungen und erkenntnisreiche Momente!
“Does water run uphill?”
Questions out of the daily
life of children offer many
possibilities to explore
and do research. The
SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach
Preschool has been
certified as ‘Haus der
kleinen Forscher’ (‘House
of little explorers’). This
foundation supports
children’s education in
preschools and primary
schools in the area of
science, maths and
technology by offering
specific training for
teachers and providing
them with diverse materials and documentation.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas and Certificates /
Abschlüsse und Zertifikate
International Baccalaureate
German High School
International Baccalaureate
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Thomas Hackmann
School Management Team /
Ruben Ebert, Suzanne Füllemann, Jessica Wiehl,
Richard Williamson
IB Diploma Programme
Roswitha Anderson
Milestones / Meilensteine
Accreditation International
Baccalaureate (IB), June 2014;
Full state recognition grades
8 to 12, April 2014
Akkreditierung International
Baccalaureate (IB),
Juni 2014;
Staatliche Anerkennung
Klassen 8 bis 12, April 2014
as per March 2015
SIS Swiss International School
Schmidener Weg 7/1
D-70736 Fellbach
Phone +49 711 469 194 10
Fax +49 711 469 194 30
Thomas Hackmann, Principal
SIS Brasília
O PYP e o Programa de Investigação
Hayley Waghorn, Professor de Educação Infantil
Na SIS Swiss International School Brasília, o trabalho colaborativo foi fundamental para
a elaboração do Programa de Investigação (POI) do PYP. Primeiramente, recebemos e
fizemos a análise de todos os itens do Programa durante reuniões de planejamento
colaborativo. Após essa etapa, iniciamos a adaptação e edição das unidades trabalhadas
pela Escola Suíço-Brasileira Rio de Janeiro para o contexto sociocultural em que estamos
inseridos, pois no Brasil, tanto os aspectos culturais como o currículo sofrem variação de
acordo com a região.
Nós, professores e professoras, nos empenhamos para garantir que todas as Unidades
de Investigação fossem criteriosamente avaliadas. Em algumas Unidades, fizemos algumas
alterações, preservando a ideia central e, basicamente, as linhas de investigação. Nas
demais Unidades, optamos por outras abordagens e ideias centrais. Para isso, recorremos
ao Online Curriculum Centre do IB para buscar outras opções de Unidades. Enquanto
pesquisávamos outras soluções para nosso planejamento, enviamos o Programa de
Investigação da Escola Suíço-Brasileira RJ para a nossa consultora IB fazer suas observações gerais. Durante o período de revisão feito pela consultora IB, organizamos todas as
Unidades de Investigação, adequando-as à realidade da SIS Swiss International School,
Todo o trabalho de revisão foi feito de forma colaborativa. Inicialmente, entre os professores
e professoras de cada ano (Infantil I, Infantil II, Infantil III, 1º e 2 º anos). Em seguida, pela
equipe inteira durante algumas semanas. A cada semana, priorizamos uma Unidade e
todos fizeram a exposição de seus temas, ideias centrais e linhas de investigação. As
sugestões, depois de avaliadas, foram incluídas, e as alterações necessárias foram feitas
nesse momento.
Over the past two years,
SIS Brasilia has been
developing teachers,
curriculum and learning
environments to be in
line with the International
Baccalaureate’s Primary
Years Programme (PYP).
The PYP prepares students to become active,
caring, lifelong learners who demonstrate
respect for themselves
and others and have the
capacity to participate in
the world around them.
The article outlines the
Programme of Inquiry
(POI) curriculum development process.
Facts & Figures
Established / Fundado
Educational Offers /
Oferta educacional
Primary School
Educação Infantil
Ensino Fundamental I
Additional Offers /
Ofertas adicionais
Day School
After School Care
School Bus
Horário integral
Atividades extracurriculares
Transporte escolar
Number of Students /
Número de alunos
Principal / Diretor
David Aaron Norman
School Management Team /
Gestão escolar
Bianca Garcia de Grazia
as per March 2015
SIS Escola Internacional Brasil-Suíça
SGA/SUL, Quadra 905, cj B
BR-70390-050 Brasília – DF
Phone +55 61 3443 4145
David Aaron Norman,
Escola Suíço-Brasileira Rio de Janeiro
by SIS Swiss International School
The Personal Project
Soraia Dale-Harris, IB Middle Years Programme Coordinator
The MYP Personal Project is the synthesis of a five year study throughout which a number
of personal, social and academic abilities and skills are developed.
At the Escola Suíço-Brasileira Rio de Janeiro by SIS Swiss International School, it is a
moment of great expectation, of great achievement and accomplishment. At the beginning
of grade 5, the students start their journey. They meet the personal project coordinator for
the first time, and from that day on, they set weekly meetings. They all choose a supervisor
who will provide further guidance and support.
Towards the end of it, each student provides a report (1.500 to 3.500 words), which must
include information of the four criteria factors against which they will be assessed. Two
copies of the report are made available at the school library. At the end of the personal
project process, the students, parents and supervisors celebrate the hard work that has
accompanied their learning by a public presentation where a board of examiners will
evaluate their outcomes.
As Robert Harrison, MYP coordinator at Ellen Glasgow Middle School in Fairfax County,
Virginia, USA, noted: “It is an out-of-class process that is undertaken in addition to a rigorous
class load. Parental support and guidance are crucial.”
In 2013 we held our first personal project public presentation. The projects were brilliantly
presented for a panel of three evaluators. These students paved the way for the great
success of 2014.
As the last year's MYP students put it:
“A great chance to do what I really wanted.”
Thiago Tostes
“I’m honoured to have the opportunity to share my passion with others.”
José Marcos Caseira
“Good training for the IB Diploma.”
Luciano Damaceno
Facts & Figures
Joined SIS Group /
Integrado no grupo SIS
Educational Offers /
Oferta educacional
Primary School
Secondary School
High School
Educação Infantil
Ensino Fundamental I
Ensino Fundamental II
Ensino Médio
National High School
International Baccalaureate
Exame Nacional do Ensino
International Baccalaureate
Language Diplomas /
Diplomas de língua
Deutsches Sprachdiplom
Cambridge Certificates in
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Additional Offers /
Ofertas Adicionais
Day School
After School Care
School Bus
Number of Students /
Número de alunos
Principal / Diretor
Andrea Sandro Furgler
IB Diploma Programme
Rachel Guanabara
IB Middle Years
Programme Coordinator
Soraia Dale-Harris
IB Primary Years
Programme Coordinator
Anderson Vidal
Milestones / Marcos
Occupation of new school
building, February 2015
Horário integral
Atividades extracurriculares
Transporte escolar
Inauguração da nova
unidade, fevereiro 2015
as per March 2015
Escola Suíça-Brasiliera Rio de Janeiro
by SIS Swiss International School
Rua Corrêa de Araújo 81 Barra da Tijuca
BR-22611-060 Rio de Janeiro
Phone +55 21 33 89 20 89
Andrea Sandro Furgler,
SIS Head Offices
SIS Switzerland
Dr. Ursula Gehbauer Tichler
Divison Managers
Tom Huber
Janet Meister
Management Staff
Corporate Communications: Susanne Meili
Finance and Administration: Friedrich Bruckmayr
ICT: Bernhard Rieber
Quality Development: Janet Meister
SIS Swiss International Schools Schweiz AG
Seestrasse 269, CH-8038 Zürich
Phone +41 44 206 47 27
SIS Germany
Ann-Christin Werner
Regional Manager
Verena Simpson
Management Staff
Corporate Communications: Christina Heinisch
Finance and Administration: Birgit Hannah Schulte
Project and Quality Management: Johannes Linsenmeier
Quality Development: Roswitha Anderson
SIS Swiss International School gemeinnützige GmbH
Rotebühlstrasse 77, D-70178 Stuttgart
Phone +49 711 6672 1380
SIS Brazil
Andrea Sandro Furgler
Management Staff
Finance and Administration: Carolina Valle
Estrada do Joá 3516
Barra da Tijuca, BR-22611-022 Rio de Janeiro RJ
Phone +55 21 33 89 20 89