SIS World - SIS Swiss International School


SIS World - SIS Swiss International School
A Glimpse of the
SIS World
SIS Swiss International School is a private day
school offering continuous education from kindergarten through to college.
Designed to fulfil the educational goals of local
as well as internationally mobile families, the SIS
programme is centred on consistent bilingual classroom instruction and peer experience in the national
lang­uage and English, culminating in a diploma with
national and international university entrance qualifications.
Our teaching philosophy is non-ideological, but
founded on clearly defined core values.
The combination of an international outlook and
close ties to the local community empowers students to take on the challenges of today’s globalised
world with confidence.
SIS has been operating schools in Switzerland since
1999, in Germany since 2008, and in Brazil since
The SIS Swiss International School is a joint venture
of Kalaidos Swiss Education Group and Klett Group.
Design concept: dezember und juli gmbh
Concept, editing: Susanne Meili
Photos: Palma Fiacco, Teams at SIS schools
Printing: Edubook AG
Circulation: 5200
February 2013
Welcome to SIS
Table of Contents
Core Values_6
School Concept_7
The SIS World_8
SIS Head Offices_38
Ambros Hollenstein, CEO SIS Switzerland
Christian Zindel, Chairman and CEO SIS Brazil
Annette Krieger, CEO SIS Germany
Dear readers,
Stimulating students and making their learning progress and success visible is one of the
core principles to which the teachers of the SIS Swiss International School commit on all
levels. During the normal course of everyday schooling, this happens through verbal and
written feedback, student portfolios, individual and collective distinctions, regular learning
development meetings with parents or students or through the exhibition and presentation
of student works and projects in our schools.
Furthermore, our yearly publication SIS World, now in its fourth issue, shows selected
examples of learning successes and experiences of the children and adolescents entrusted
to us while also offering you a glimpse of the current development of our schools.
Starting in 1999 with four students in a grade 1 bilingually taught class, SIS has now grown
into a large organisation. Around 1800 students attend our schools and kindergartens at
14 locations in three countries. Over 300 pedagogic and non-pedagogic employees now
work for SIS.
The figures, facts and milestones about our schools in Switzerland, Germany and Brazil
speak for themselves. However, you will also find statements and experience reports from
many different people involved on a daily basis at our schools: students, teachers and
principals – and even small green monsters (at SIS Suhr) and dinosaurs (at SIS Ingolstadt).
An increasing number of our schools are now outgrowing their original locations. Some
have recently relocated to new, bigger facilities (such as SIS Männedorf, which will describe
its first months in its new campus on page 12) while others are preparing such a move.
It is amazing to see how even young schools start to develop their own traditions. For
example, seventh graders from SIS Friedrichshafen will report on the health day, which was
organised for the third time this year.
Whereas some schools use the space in this issue to talk of special events or extraordinary
projects (such as the building of an electrical guitar at SIS Schönenwerd), others fascinatingly describe their successes in teaching students fundamental subjects and abilities,
such as mathematics, reading, writing or the use of modern information technology, while
giving them – according to their age – some responsibility over their own learning.
As you read this issue, I hope that you will find the excitement of the students and the
teachers contagious.
With kind regards,
Annette Krieger, CEO SIS Germany
Core Values
SIS has no ideological, political, or religious affiliations.
We believe in honesty, respect, personal responsibility, and keeping one’s word. These are
the core values we seek to instil in our students. They underpin everything we do, and are
at the heart of our interaction with the children and young adults entrusted to our care.
Our goal is to strengthen students’ cultural, linguistic, and social identity, enabling them to
• develop into committed individuals with a strong sense of personal responsibility for
their actions
• encounter other people, languages, and cultures with openness, empathy, and respect
• think and act both as global citizens and as members of their local community
International education –
local insight
School Concept
International Education – Local Insight
Our intention is that SIS students graduate as “global citizens” with a strong sense of their
origins. Our slogan “International Education – Local Insight” gives shape to SIS on all levels
and can be experienced by students, parents and teachers in a multitude of ways:
English and German (Portuguese in the case of our Brazilian school) play equal roles in
school communication – in the classroom and in all parts of day-to-day school life. As a
result, children learn to express themselves naturally and confidently in both languages.
Curriculum and Qualifications
Each SIS school’s curriculum is based on the regulations of that school’s state, supplemented by elements of international curricula.
School Environment
The community of SIS students, parents and teachers is made up of a variety of nationalities and backgrounds.
School – a Place to Learn and Thrive
SIS offers full-spectrum education in multiple locations with one shared source. With kindergarten, primary and secondary schools in one institution – sometimes even under one
roof – the SIS concept ensures a smooth transition from each level to the next, as well as
from one branch to another.
A Foundation for Independent, Life-Long Learning, Discovery and Exploration
SIS teachers use their knowledge as a resource for guiding their students in developing
independent learning skills, stimulating the children’s natural thirst for knowledge and
encouraging their joy of discovery. Our goal is to foster learning as an integral part of life,
and to offer the opportunity to become independent and critical students. SIS children are
encouraged to achieve their full potential and exceed their own expectations. At the same
time, they learn to evaluate their achievements and limitations realistically. Moreover, we
maintain close contact with parents, and regularly discuss their children’s progress and
learning style.
The SIS World
The SIS World as of spring 2013 comprises fourteen schools in three countries: Switzerland, Germany and Brazil.
Each school was given one page in this booklet, to tell a very special story of its own.
SIS Swiss International School
SIS Swiss International School
SIS Swiss International School
SIS Basel
Page 10
SIS Männedorf
Page 12
SIS Rotkreuz-Zug
Page 14
SIS Schönenwerd
Page 16
SIS Suhr
Page 18
SIS Tamins-Chur
Page 20
SIS Winterthur
Page 22
SIS Zürich
Page 24
SIS Zürich-Wollishofen
Page 26
SIS Friedrichshafen
Page 28
SIS Ingolstadt
Page 30
SIS Regensburg
Page 32
SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach
Page 34
SIS Brasilia
Page 36
SIS Basel
There’s More to Teaching Geography than
Just Teaching Geography
James Brocklehurst, Precollege and College Teacher
Teaching in the secondary school at SIS Basel requires teachers to be far more than just
subject teachers. The fact that literacy and ICT skills are highlighted in the school goals
means that SIS humanities teachers must also be language teachers and ICT teachers,
whilst still fulfilling the requirements of a rigorous subject curriculum. By integrating language and ICT skills into lessons, teachers are able to make their plans more interesting as
well as developing a wider range of skills in their students.
During the last semester, a precollege class at SIS Basel has been working on a theme
based unit that brings together a number of geography topics with a range of ICT and
lite­racy skills. The country comparison unit asks the students to carry out research into the
country they were assigned. Whilst no student is researching their native country, many of
them are researching the country from which one of their classmates originates.
At the heart of the country comparison unit is a purpose built Wiki on which all of the activities and resources are hosted. The internet has always been a wonderful resource for a
geography teacher to have as it enables the teacher to bring the world into the classroom.
With this unit however, the internet has become an even more powerful tool.
Each part of the unit is contained on a separate page within the Wiki. Model answers, sentence starters and other examples are also provided to support students learning English.
With a literacy focus, students are required to produce descriptive and comparative texts
but also more creative endeavours such as poetry and narrative writing.
Collecting information from the internet is just one of the ICT skills that the unit teaches. The
use of MS Word for word processing, Excel to produce climate graphs, creating photo collages and Google Earth tours are some other examples of how ICT is being used to make
this unit more varied and enjoyable for the students.
Another huge benefit with a project such as this is the ease with which parents can become
involved in supporting their children. Since all of the tasks and resources are hosted on the
Wiki, parents have been able to see what is being done in class, what the requirements of
each task are and offer their help when required.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International General
Certificate of Secondary
Education (IGCSE)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Swiss High School Diploma
Bilingual Swiss High School
International General
Certificate of Secondary
Education (IGCSE)
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Schweizer Maturität
Zweisprachige Schweizer
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Summer Camp
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Morgen- und Nachmittags­
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Andrew Wulfers
School Management Team /
Marie-Claude Gaëtan
Kurt Greiner
Herbert Kögler
Ulrike Müller
Ann Schmidt
IB Coordinator
Grayson McCready
Milestones / Meilensteine
Extension of school premises,
August 2012
Bezug Erweiterungsräume,
August 2012
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Erlenstrasse 15
CH-4058 Basel
Phone +41 61 683 71 40
Fax +41 61 683 71 41
Andrew Wulfers, Principal
SIS Männedorf
Our Learning Palace
Jane Löpfe, Principal
It was a race against time, but we won!
All the primary classes were able to punctually move into our wonderful new building on
Seestrasse 53, for the start of the new school year 2012/13.
The parents, children and staff were, and still are, totally overjoyed with the space, light and
modernity of the structure, which harmonises perfectly with both of the older buildings – the
Villa and the Remise.
Ranging in size from 60 to 76 m2, the classrooms are large, while the third floor room used
presently for music and theatre lessons, is undoubtedly the pièce de résistance, providing
a sensational view over the Lake Zürich. Visitors frequently speculate as to whether this
causes a distraction for the students, reducing their concentration. On the contrary, research
clearly shows that the positive resources provided by the external environment impact on
a student’s emotional life in terms of behaviour and attainment (Moore and Lackney, 1993)
and, in general, there is a measurable influence of school architecture on academic learning
outcomes (C. Tanner, 2000).
In Männedorf, we have already discovered that design of the physical environment supports
pedagogical ideas, forming a learning environment in which ambitious educational achievement can be encouraged. Our students have a place that is exciting and secure where they
can fully engage in independent learning, while the teachers have a place that inspires to
innovation. For example, the group rooms with their appealing yellow and orange glass
fronts, as well as the various playground spaces, offer open, transparent, flexible learning
and playing areas.
The design of the building certainly stimulates and contributes to our school aim of cultivating academic, social and emotional development.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Summer Camp
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Jane Löpfe-Julius
Milestones / Meilensteine
Move to new school building,
August 2012
Bezug neues Schulhaus,
August 2012
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Seestrasse 57
CH-8708 Männedorf
Phone +41 44 921 50 50
Fax +41 44 921 50 51
Jane Löpfe-Julius, Principal
SIS Rotkreuz-Zug
Establishing Relationships
Jarrod Brauer, Principal
With any new school the beginnings for many can be described as a time of excitement
and expectation. Students, parents and staff bring with them the hopes and wishes for a
happy start and the development of positive relationships with the wider school community. Developing and establishing lifelong friendships is something that is valued by all and
cherished forever.
So how should we at SIS Rotkreuz-Zug endeavour to contribute to the atmosphere of our
new school as a place that values the development of relationships? Well, we approached
this through reflection and it quickly became apparent that for us it was special events,
excursions and camps that stood out as times when people get to know each other best.
Therefore we have leapt at opportunities that have presented themselves to bring people of
our school community together.
Already in our first months we have created many varied opportunities to prove the value we
place on developing relationships with others within and outside our school. We gathered
our foundation families for a welcoming barbecue which was well received by all with the
chance to get to know others embraced. We jumped headlong into book week which saw
students have their first outing as a school to the local library. This also coincided with
student led readings by our primary students to our kindergarten children.
We danced to our first cultural experience with our Halloween disco, for many an initiation
to pumpkin making and “trunk or treating”. We travelled to explore the community by train
and foot and learnt about the things around us at museums and animal parks.
We talked to families at promotional events. We lived the local culture and had a special
visit from Samichlaus and Santa came as well. And finally we can proudly say that we are
having fun doing it!
We at SIS Rotkreuz-Zug look forward to sharing our journey and developing relationships
with many people and groups in the years to come. Moreover we look forward to the day
when past students and friends look back with a smile and say, “Do you remember that day
when we…?”
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Summer Camp
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Jarrod Brauer
Milestones / Meilensteine
Inauguration in August 2012
Eröffnung im August 2012
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Suurstoffi 7
CH-6343 Rotkreuz
Phone +41 41 757 57 11
Jarrod Brauer, Principal
SIS Schönenwerd
Wissenschaft und Technik oder warum
eine Primarklasse eine E-Gitarre baut
Jörg Wüthrich, Sekundarlehrer
Mit der Einführung der Sek P (progymnasiale Abteilung der Sekundarstufe I) hat der Kanton
Solothurn auch ein neues Fach eingeführt: Wissenschaft und Technik.
Um für die künftigen Klassen der Sek P Erfahrungen in diesem neuen Fach zu sammeln und
die Attraktivität dieses Faches aufzuzeigen, bieten wir an der SIS Schönenwerd in diesem
Schuljahr ausnahmsweise bereits für die Sechstklässler Wissenschaft und Technik an.
Erstes grosses Thema in diesem Kurs ist die Akustik und somit akustische Phänomene wie
Schwingungen, Schwebungen, Resonanzen oder Obertöne. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler
untersuchen verschiedene Instrumente und Klangkörper wie Didgeridoo, Gitarre oder Klavier. Wie erzeugen sie Töne, wie klingen sie und vor allem warum klingen sie so? Von der
Musik geht es deshalb sehr schnell in Richtung Physik, denn sobald man den Deckel eines
Klaviers anhebt und beobachtet, was passiert, wenn eine Taste angeschlagen wird, kommt
Physik ins Spiel. Genaues Betrachten, Analysieren und Beschreiben führt dann Schritt für
Schritt zur Klärung und dabei lernen die Schülerinnen und Schüler auch Grundbegriffe wie
Amplitude, Frequenz oder Klang.
Auch eine elektrische Gitarre bietet sehr viel Anschauungsmaterial, speziell in den Details.
So untersuchen die Lernenden den Hebel zum Erzeugen des Vibratos, die Stimmwirbel
mit dem Schneckentrieb und der Übersetzung werden unter die Lupe genommen und am
Elektromagnetismus des Tonabnehmers kommt man auch nicht vorbei.
Höhepunkt der Lektionsreihe ist wohl das Bauen einer elektrischen Gitarre. Korpus, Hals,
Pickguard mit Elektronik und Hardware werden zusammengebaut und eingestellt, respektive aufeinander abgestimmt. Im Fach Werken erhält die Gitarre ihre Gestalt. Dazu wurde
innerhalb der Klasse ein Wettbewerb durchgeführt, der ausgewählte Vorschlag wird jetzt
umgesetzt. Ganz am Ende werden dann natürlich noch die Saiten aufgezogen und wir sind
jetzt schon sehr gespannt, wie das Endprodukt dann klingen wird.
In unserem Alltagsleben steckt sehr viel Physik, das haben unsere Sechstklässlerinnen und
Sechstklässler bei den Instrumenten auf jeden Fall schon einmal entdecken dürfen.
A new subject, science
and technology, is being
introduced in some upper
schools in Canton Solothurn. In one of the major
study areas, “acoustics”,
music met physics when
grade 6 investigated
vibration, resonance and
harmonics. By asking
questions such as what,
how and why and by
looking inside a piano,
amplitude, frequency and
sound were explained.
The high point, building
an electric guitar, demonstrated electromagnetism.
What joy to actually play
the end product!
Facts & Figures
Joined SIS Group /
in SIS-Gruppe integriert
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary Intro
Primary School
Secondary School on three
levels (basic requirements,
advanced requirements and
precollege requirements)
Dreigliedrige Sekundarstufe I
erweiterte Anforderungen
und progymnasiale
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Summer Camp
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Cambridge Certificates
in English
School Bus
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Marc Zängerle
School Management Team /
Katrin Schmitz
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Schachenstrasse 24
CH-5012 Schönenwerd
Phone +41 62 312 30 30
Fax +41 62 312 30 40
Marc Zängerle, Principal
SIS Suhr
Ein ausserirdischer Besuch
Lucia Krüger, Stufenleiterin Kindergarten
Gutes Benehmen und Regeln sind wichtig und sollten schon in der Kindheit vermittelt werden. Wir Erwachsene geben diese den Kindern mit auf ihren Lebensweg. Doch ein ständiges «Nein, das darfst du nicht!» oder «Nein, das macht man nicht!» reizt umso mehr, alles
auszuprobieren und Grenzen zu testen.
Wie könnte man gutes Benehmen anders beibringen? Nach kurzer Suche sind wir auf das
Buch «Upps ist da!» gestossen. Das kleine, grüne Monster Upps vom Planeten Maxinix
spielt die Hauptrolle in diesem Buch. Schon das weckt Neugierde bei den Kindern. Wer ist
Upps? Was kann es? Warum lebt es nicht bei uns?
Upps reist auf einem Mondstrahl zu seinem Freund Lucas, der auf der Erde lebt, und erfährt
dort jede Menge spannender Dinge. Mit diesem Buch und viel Fantasie kann man spielerisch alles Wichtige über gutes Benehmen, Zahnpflege, Ernährung und allgemeine Regeln
Die Kurzgeschichten sind witzig und unterhaltsam. Schon nach den ersten Seiten fingen
die Kinder an, das kleine Upps mit seiner etwas borstigen Stimme zu lieben und ernst zu
Auch das Material vom Zahlenbuch haben wir eingesetzt. Denn Upps lernt auf seiner Reise
auch, wie man Einkaufen geht. Darf man alles anfassen und probieren? Muss man an der
Kasse anstehen? Wie kann man sich für das Einkaufen vorbereiten? Die Zahlenmatten wurden im Kreis ausgelegt, desgleichen auch Früchte, Aufschnitt, Brot etc.
«Ich brauche fünf Äpfel und sechs Eier, könntest du diese bitte für mich einkaufen gehen?»
Und so machten sich die Kinder mit Einkaufswagen und Einkaufstasche, begleitet von
unserem selbstgebastelten Upps, auf zum Einkaufsspiel. Sie legten die entsprechenden
Lebensmittel in der jeweiligen Anzahl auf die passenden Zahlenmatten.
In einem Rollenspiel lernten die Kinder mit Spass und Bewegung die Zahlen und den alltäglichen Vorgang des Einkaufens.
Am Ende der Geschichte kehrt Upps auf seinen Planeten Maxnix zurück, vollbepackt mit
Verhaltens- und Benimmregeln. Diese Regeln haben sich hoffentlich auch unsere Kindergartenkinder gemerkt…
Good behaviour and
rules should be a part of
childhood. “No, you’re
not allowed” and “No,
don’t do that” just strain
the limits. In a book called
“Upps ist da”, the small,
green monster and his
friend, Lucas, experience
many adventures, learning about dental hygiene,
nutrition and acceptable
behaviour. The short,
entertaining stories, often
with cross-curricular
content, endear the
monster to the children as
they explore every day life
Facts & Figures
Joined SIS Group /
in SIS-Gruppe integriert
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Marc Zängerle
School Management Team /
Lucia Krüger
Milestones / Meilensteine
joined SIS Group
January 2012
in die SIS-Gruppe integriert
im Januar 2012
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Reiherweg 2b
CH-5034 Suhr
Phone +41 62 842 97 07
Marc Zängerle, Principal
SIS Tamins-Chur
Erfolgreicher Mathematikunterricht
Lisa Cummins, Schulleiterin
An einem Abend im November 2012 sitzen die Schuleltern der SIS Tamins-Chur an
Gruppen­tischen und stecken ihre Köpfe zusammen. Da und dort sieht man Köpfe rauchen
und vereinzelt ist auch eine Schweissperle zu entdecken. Es werden Zahlen auf Zahlenmauern angeordnet, Muster für Paarzahlen aufgestellt und Rechenwege für Subtraktionen
gesucht. Einige Anwesende sind so vertieft, dass sie kaum merken, als der Referent zum
nächsten Thema übergeht. Andere fühlen sich in ihre eigene Schulzeit zurückversetzt und
haben deswegen gemischte Gefühle. An diesem Abend ist Herr Dr. Elmar Hengartner, einer
der Herausgeber des Zahlenbuchs, zu Besuch. Er zeigt anhand verschiedener Thesen rund
um das Thema Mathematik, wie das Zahlenbuch aufgebaut ist.
Er sagt zum Beispiel: «Kinder lernen leichter, wenn der Unterricht an ihr Denken anschliesst.» Auch in der Mathematik soll der Unterricht nahe am Denken der Kinder sein.
Wir erinnern uns daran, dass uns in unserer Schulzeit speziell in der Mathematik nur ein
Weg gezeigt wurde, um eine bestimmte Rechnung zu lösen. Und so haben wir diesen eingeübt. Bei der Arbeit mit dem Zahlenbuch ist ein zentraler Punkt, dass die Kinder ihre
eigenen Lösungswege suchen. Wenn sie diese gut verstehen, hilft ihnen das für viele verschiedene mathematische Aufgaben.
«Das Zahlenbuch ermöglicht dank einem spiralförmigen Aufbau eine stressfreie Entdeckungsreise in die Welt der Zahlen und Formen.» Herr Hengartner erklärt, dass die Kinder
vom Kindergarten bis zur 6. Klasse dasselbe Arbeits- und Anschauungsmaterial verwenden. Auch die Operationen sind immer im gleichen Stil aufgebaut, so dass sie das Schema
jeweils wiedererkennen.
Er erklärt auch, dass guter Mathematikunterricht stets sowohl Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten
wie auch mathematische Fähigkeiten fördert. Zudem betont er, wie wichtig das Blitzrechnen für den Aufbau von Fertigkeiten ist. So sehr nimmt er uns mit in die Welt der Zahlen,
dass die Zeit im Nu vorbei ist.
Während des Apéros haben die Eltern Zeit, Fragen zu stellen und das Blitzrechnen am
Computer auszuprobieren. Viele sind beeindruckt von den heutigen Unterrichtsmethoden
und wünschten sich, nochmals in die Schule gehen zu können.
Wir sind froh, dass wir den Eltern an diesem Novemberabend einen kleinen Einblick in den
Schulalltag ihrer Kinder geben konnten.
“Children can learn easier,
when lessons relate to
their way of thinking.”
Statements like this
were made by Dr. Elmar
Hengartner, one of the
authors of the Numbers
Book, our teaching material for mathematics. He
introduced SIS TaminsChur parents to a new
approach to mathematics
and explained how
modern maths lessons
work. Many parents felt
that they were back to
their own school days
and they all agreed that
the current maths lessons
are so much more
interesting and motivating
with the variety of material and possibilities now
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Summer Camp
School Bus
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiterin
Lisa Cummins
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Aligstrasse 5
CH-7015 Tamins
Phone +41 81 641 18 80
Lisa Cummins, Principal
SIS Winterthur
Reading is Empowering
Lawrence Wood, Principal, and Zarna Borman, Vice Principal
The big message at a recent SIS professional development day on reading was: Reading
to, Reading with, Reading by. At SIS Winterthur we believe in instilling a love of reading in
our students by using a variety of texts, including fiction and non-fiction. We are convinced
that delivering quality teaching and learning opportunities is the most important part of
improving literacy.
Reading to
Teachers regularly read to their class. In kindergarten, we begin with big books and picture
books and progress to chapter books at the primary level. Reading aloud models good
reading habits and strategies, introduces children to different authors and genres, and
finally it enhances the classroom climate.
Reading with
In our classes, all students work at the appropriate stage according to their prior know­
ledge, needs and skill attainment level. This is achieved by children being grouped with
others who have similar needs and the teacher working with these groups in supporting
their learning. We use a special assessment tool to help identify patterns in individual reading behaviour and determine what next learning steps are sensible for each child. A typical
reading lesson at SIS Winterthur will have a small ability group of students engaged in a
mini-lesson with their teacher. During the group reading sessions, students work on a learning goal, are encouraged to take risks and are given the opportunity to think critically about
the texts being read. Targeted lessons in these groups are focused on both comprehension
and processing strategies which are equally important in improving student achievement.
Reading by
During this same lesson, one or two groups might be using individualised web or computer
based learning platforms or be doing reading activities independently or with a partner.
We also provide students with reading bags and reading journals so that they can take
their levelled fluency books home to share and practise with their family. We regularly give
students a variety of opportunities to read for pleasure and we are extremely excited about
the library in the new school building. Our annual book week and after school literacy club
also contribute to the celebration of reading. Ultimately, we want our students to be excited
about reading and the unique glimpses it gives them into different places and civilisations,
both real and imaginary.
Our reading culture is a keystone of our school. It is recognisable in every classroom and
provides our students with a path to becoming independent and motivated readers during
their learning years at SIS Winterthur. The most important benefit of reading is the em­­
powerment it gives our children and the many doors it opens for their future.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
After School Care
Holiday Club
Summer Camp
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Lawrence Wood
School Management Team /
Zarna Borman
Milestones / Meilensteine
Move to new school building,
February 2013
Bezug neues Schulhaus,
Februar 2013
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Technoparkstrasse 1
CH-8406 Winterthur
Phone +41 52 202 82 11
Fax +41 52 202 82 20
Lawrence Wood, Principal
SIS Zürich
Phantasien von 1001 Nacht:
Exkursion nach Istanbul
Bernhard Nachbur, Gymnasiallehrer
Warum nicht Istanbul? – Das war unsere Frage bei der Idee, im Rahmen des Ergänzungsfachs Geographie die Realität einer Megastadt zu erleben. Denn dafür gab es Gründe: In
unserer Klasse haben wir eine Studentin, die fliessend Türkisch spricht, einen türkischen
Vater hat, der uns eine tolle Hoteladresse vermitteln konnte, und einen türkischen Onkel,
der bereit war, uns beizustehen, wo immer wir es brauchten auf dem Weg durch diese
Stadt – also wollten wir es wagen.
Istanbul – schon der Name weckt Phantasien von 1001 Nacht, und der Blick von der Dachterrasse unseres Hotels schien sie zu rechtfertigen. Wir standen, nach unserer Ankunft
gerade dem Strassenlärm entronnen, plötzlich vor einer überwältigenden Silhouette: direkt
vor der blauen Moschee und der Hagia Sophia mit ihren Kuppeln und Minaretten, dahinter
der dunkelblaue Bosporus, auf dem sich langsam Tankerriesen bewegten. Orientalische
Architektur und Meer verleihen der Stadt eine Ausstrahlung, die man in anderen Metropolen
nicht so rasch findet.
Doch Istanbul ist nicht nur Byzanz, Osmanen und Islam. Jenseits der Bucht des Goldenen
Horns, im Stadtteil Galata, liegt das moderne Istanbul. Wo sich schon im Mittelalter Genuesen und Venezianer niederliessen und heute Handel und Finanzwesen dominieren, erfasste
uns auf der grossen Flaniermeile Istiklal Caddesi eine bunte Menschenmasse wie abends
um fünf auf dem Corso in Rom. Frauen in unterschiedlichster Kleidung von Minirock bis
Schleier, Männer kravattiert bis sportlich angezogen, Familien und heitere Jugendcliquen –
alles mischte sich, zeigte sich und bummelte. Also liessen wir uns treiben, tauchten ein und
verstanden, weshalb diese Urbanität so attraktiv ist: Sie wirkt liberal, offen, entspannt und
einladend, weil sie die verschiedensten Lebensstile integriert – eine Stärke kosmopolitischer Städte.
Wir haben eine intensive und pannenfreie Exkursion erlebt. Allen, die dazu beigetragen haben, vor allem der Familie Solmaz, sei an dieser Stelle herzlich gedankt.
We went to Istanbul as
part of our geography
class. A city of international flavour, Istanbul
offers both the noise and
action of a major city as
well as charm and history
of empires past. The blue
mosque, the Hagia
Sophia and the Bosporus
all add to the atmosphere.
Beyond the cape of the
golden horn, modern
Istanbul calls – a meeting
place for young and old,
traditional and modern.
We had a wonderful
time and thank all who
contributed to make the
trip work.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International Baccalaureate
Swiss High School Diploma
Bilingual Swiss High School
International Baccalaureate
Schweizer Maturität
Zweisprachige kantonale
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Summer Camp
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Cambridge Certificates
in English
Diplôme d’Études en
Langue Française
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Marcel Stähli
School Management Team /
Harald Gräf
Valentin Grob
Janet Meister
IB Coordinator
Alfons Würms
Milestones / Meilensteine
Cantonal recognition of the
bilingual high school diploma,
June 2012; move to new
school building, August 2012
kantonale Anerkennung der
zweisprachigen Maturität,
Juni 2012; Bezug neues
Schulhaus, August 2012
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Seidenstrasse 2
CH-8304 Wallisellen
Phone +41 44 388 99 44
Fax +41 44 388 99 49
Marcel Stähli, Principal
SIS Zürich-Wollishofen
Club der jungen Dichter
Zaahira Collie, Olivia Lerch, Alyssa Niedermayr, Schülerinnen der 5. Klasse
Im Club der jungen Dichter arbeiten wir mit konkreten Schreibanlässen ebenso wie mit
verschiedenen Kreativitätstechniken. Die Texte sollen am Ende in einem Buch zusammengefasst werden.
Zwei Teilnehmerinnen berichten:
Als wir das erste Mal zum Club der jungen Dichter kamen, lag ein Stein auf unserem Stuhl.
Wir fragten uns, wozu er dort lag. Später erzählten wir uns gegenseitig, wie unser Stein
aussieht und wie er sich anfühlt. Hier ist der Steinbrief von Olivia:
Lieber Steinikus
Stell Dir vor, was mir heute passiert ist: Ich wurde in einem Schulzimmer gefunden
und dort von Schülern wahllos in alle Richtungen geschleudert und am Schluss der
Lektion hat jemand gewagt, sich mit seinem ganzen Gewicht auf mich zu setzen.
Nicht genug, ich wurde dann ins Wasser geworfen und schlug meinen Kopf am
Lavabo an, was sehr wehtat.
Im Gegensatz zu meinem früheren Leben draussen mit den anderen Steinen ist das
Leben im Schulzimmer eine hektische Sache und eine mühsame Qual. Ich bevorzuge das
langweilige Dasein in der Wildnis, trotz der kühlen und schwankenden Temperaturen.
Liebe Grüsse
Ein anderes Mal bekamen wir ein Stück roten Faden, da jede Geschichte und jedes Gedicht
auch einen roten Faden hat. Nun haben wir schon einige Geschichten geschrieben.
Zaahira interviewt ihre Mitschülerin Alyssa:
Z: «Wieso gehst du ins kreative Schreiben?»
A: «Am Anfang fand ich Schreiben ein bisschen doof. Ich wollte versuchen,
die Freude daran zu wecken.»
Z: «Was magst du am kreativen Schreiben?»
A: «Ich mag das freie Schreiben. Am meisten mag ich es, in Gruppen zu arbeiten und
dabei meine eigenen Ideen zu benutzen.»
Z: «Was gefällt dir nicht so sehr? Was möchtest du ändern?»
A: «Ich mag es nicht so sehr, dass das kreative Schreiben früh am Morgen stattfindet.
Ich fände es besser, wenn es am Nachmittag wäre.»
Z: «Was macht ihr im Schreibclub?»
A: «Wir bekommen interessante Ideen und Ansätze, die wir anschliessend in eine
spannende Geschichte oder Erzählung verwandeln. Als erstes erzählt Frau Rüdt
uns immer eine kleine Geschichte.»
The most important
things come from within!
A creative writing club
has started in ZürichWollishofen, encouraging
children to use their
Using different stimuli,
the children write creati­
vely each week. The texts
will be made into a book
on completion of the club.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Holiday Club
Summer Camp
School Bus
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Michael Peter
School Management Team /
Amy van Boyen
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Seestrasse 271
CH-8038 Zürich
Phone +41 43 399 88 44
Fax +41 43 399 88 40
Michael Peter, Principal
SIS Friedrichshafen
Unser Gesundheitstag – eine Schüler-Reportage
7. Klasse
Eine Reportage zu schreiben, ist im Curriculum der 7. Klasse verankert. Unter Anleitung
ihrer Lehrerin Annette Steinlein haben die Siebtklässler der SIS Friedrichshafen selbst eine
Reportage zu ihrem Gesundheitstag verfasst:
Schon das Betreten des Schulgebäudes war anders als sonst. In Sportklamotten schwirrten lachende Kinder durch die Gänge. Der Duft von Orangenschalen, Kürbissuppe und
Gewürzen stieg uns von überall in die Nase. Der Gesundheitstag an der SIS Friedrichs­
hafen gefiel nicht nur uns Schülerinnen und Schülern viel besser als der normale Unterricht,
sondern auch unseren Lehrern und unserer Schulleiterin: «Lehrplaninhalte wie Gesundheit,
Sport und Lebensmittel werden aufgegriffen und in praktischen Workshops mit allen Sinnen
und dem Körper erfahren», antwortete Frau Hausmann in einem Interview mit uns.
Im Akupressur-Workshop duftete es nach Rosenöl, im Yogaraum rieselte leise Entspannungsmusik in unsere Ohren. Verschiedene Yogapositionen forderten aber auch unseren
Gleichgewichtssinn heraus. Im Qi-Gong lernten wir traditionelle Kampfstellungen kennen.
Die Küchenmaschine mixte Haselnüsse, Datteln und Orangenschale mit wohlriechenden
Gewürzen zu einem schokoladenähnlichen Brotaufstrich. Die Kürbissuppe der 6. Klasse,
die bunten Obstspieße und viele andere selbst hergestellte Köstlichkeiten aller Schüler
schlugen das normalerweise gelieferte Essen in der Mensa um Längen.
Die so genannte KIGGS-Studie (Langzeitstudie des Robert-Koch-Instituts zur Gesundheit
der Kinder in Deutschland) hatte festgestellt, dass jedes fünfte Kind unter uns übergewichtig ist. Zu wenig Sport, Fehlernährung und zu viel Fastfood haben uns in diese Situation
gebracht. Ist das allein unsere Schuld?
Auf jeden Fall ist so ein Tag viel besser als normaler Unterricht. Wir durften in unseren
bequemen Sporthosen lernen, das Meditieren schaltete dabei kurzfristig sogar unsere Gehirne aus. Glücklich, ausgepowert, entspannt, satt und um nützliche Erfahrungen reicher
zogen wir am Ende dieses außergewöhnlichen Schultages zufrieden und erschöpft nach
Hause ab.
Writing a report is part
of the grade 7 curriculum
and requires students to
apply different sorts
of writing skills.
The students at SIS
Friedrichs­hafen tackled
that task and wrote a
report about their health
day – a project which
they perceived as very
informative and enjoyable
at the same time.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International Baccalaureate
(IB) projected
German High School
Diploma projected
International Baccalaureate
(IB) geplant
Abitur geplant
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiterin
Stefanie Hausmann
School Management Team /
Elena Daschmann
Anika Eitz
Carolin Wicker
Milestones / Meilensteine
Full state recognition of
primary school and grades 5
to 7 of secondary school,
September 2012
Grundschule und
Gymnasium Klassen 5 bis 7
staatlich anerkannt,
September 2012
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Katharinenstraße 55
D-88045 Friedrichshafen
Phone +49 7541 700 57 60
Fax +49 7541 700 57 62
Stefanie Hausmann, Principal
SIS Ingolstadt
Land of the Dinosours
Edmar Caie, Primary Teacher
Reading and writing are two essential skills which enable us to share other peoples’
thoughts and experiences. In grade 2 our students – among other skills they need to learn –
have to write their first stories by themselves. Although it is not always easy to get students
motivated to write their own story, we always try to stimulate and to maintain the joy of
writing. Therefore, we are looking for subjects the students are interested in – and dinosaurs
always do the trick!
Example Sentences Give a Little Bit of Help
First of all, we read two books about dinosaurs: “Harry and his Dinosaurs” and “Land of the
Dinosaurs”. Together with the children we tried to describe different dinosaurs and settings
using various adjectives. The students thought of sentences to describe the dinosaurs and
we wrote them on the board. Afterwards the children wrote their own sentences.
Writing the Story
The next task was to make our sentences more interesting by using different sentence
openers and joining words. With all this information, the students had to write their own
dinosaur story. So we started planning our draft stories with a beginning, a middle and
an end. We corrected the draft stories and finally the children wrote out their stories on
bordered paper trying to extend their stories a little more from their drafted work.
“It was fun and the stories are interesting to read. It was nice to put the story in my writing portfolio,” commented Leon. His classmate Ole says, “I liked writing about dinosaurs
because I like dinosaurs.” And Berta liked the dinosaur story because “lots of funny things
happened in the stories. My story was good because I used new adjectives.”
Our students were really creative and wrote such nice and funny stories so that we decorated our hallways with them!
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International Baccalaureate
(IB) projected
German High School
Diploma projected
International Baccalaureate
(IB) geplant
Abitur geplant
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiterin
Ann-Christin Werner, ad interim
School Management Team /
Pamela Bradley-Höllering
Marie Ott
Support / Besonderes
Inception supported by
Förderverein SISI e.V.
Gründung unterstützt vom
Förderverein SISI e.V.
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Jurastraße 2
D-85049 Ingolstadt
Phone +49 841 128 45 26
Fax +49 841 139 80 59
Ann-Christin Werner,
Principal ad interim
SIS Regensburg
Theatre and Drama on the Stage
of Language Learning
Sabine Kunst, Secondary School Teacher
In her book “Drama in Language Teaching” Susan Holden says, “…‘drama’ is applied to
classroom activities where the focus is on the doing rather on the presentation. […] The
students work on dramatic themes, and it is this exploration of the ideas and characters of
their target language which is important, for it entails interac­ting in English […] and making
full use of the various features of oral communication.”
In other words, drama in language teaching connects the students’ words to thought and
emotion as well as the body, all of which are proven to be important variables for successful
language learning. No textbook manages to offer opportunities to truly live language, but
the implementation of drama in the classroom does: we stutter, we sigh, we interrupt, we
cry out loud.
Authentic Practice of the English and German Language
Drama methods, such as improvisations, warm-up games, role-plays, and theater productions are not only valuable when practicing oral communication in language lessons,
but also for motivational purposes, inhibition breakdown, self-confidence and community
building. As a bilingual school, using the language acquisition method of immersion to
develop English and German equally, language learning is especially important. Therefore,
at SIS Regensburg, we not only foster students’ creativity and personal growth through
acting and dancing, but also contribute to a more in-depth and authentic practice of the
English and German language during performing arts (PA).
Due to the research-based positive impact of drama methods on student learning, PA plays
a very special role at our school and is a mandatory subject for our students in grade 1
through to grade 6: The PA lessons literally offer a stage for performance beyond memorised lines and roles – it expands in all areas of our students’ lives.
This is what Max Reiser, one of our grade 6 students, thinks about performing arts: “We
have performing arts once a week for two hours. We usually first do a little bit of dancing
to music, then we practise our theatre play. At the moment we practise ‘Golem’. In PA, we
learn poems, dancing or how to play theatre. What I like most about PA are the poems or
theatre plays.”
Facts & Figures
Joined SIS Group /
in SIS-Gruppe integriert
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International Baccalaureate
(IB) projected
German High School
Diploma projected
International Baccalaureate
(IB) geplant
Abitur geplant
Additional Offers /
Early Care
School Bus
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiter
Verena Simpson
School Management Team /
Sabine Kunst
Tanja Landgraf
Milestones / Meilensteine
Inauguration of preschool,
January 2012
Eröffnung Kindergarten,
Januar 2012
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Dr.-Robert-Eckert-Str. 3
D-93128 Regenstauf
Phone +49 9402 987 01 00
Fax +49 9402 9870 10 11
Verena Simpson, Principal
SIS Stuttgart-Fellbach
“The Magic Flute” with the Participation
of our Students
Roswitha Anderson, Principal, and Suzanne Füllemann, Head of Primary School
Last October the cast of the Kölner Opernkiste took our primary children on a musical
adventure. The aim was to expand the musical viewing for students in our Primary school
by inviting a live operatic group which involved the students preparing songs to be part of
the opera.
Capturing Melodies
The fantastic story of Mozart’s famous German opera “The Magic Flute”, which tells the
charming story of prince Tamino’s rescue of Pamina – the queen of the night’s daughter –
captured all staff and students by its beautiful and memorable music. The students were
in awe-stricken silence when the queen of the night handed Tamino the magic flute, which
was supposed to protect him from all evil. The queen of the night was extremely well played
by Kerstin Höfer, our grade 4 German teacher. The students trembled actively with the main
actor and his bird seller friend Papageno during his three given challenges, warning and
helping him not to fail his quest by acting convincingly up on stage or singing along with the
opera singers in the audience.
Fascinated Students
Our students sang along as part of the performance; one of our teachers and some students spontaneously joined in by playing a role in the opera. The students of grade 4 were
“I liked the performance of the Kölner Opernkiste because some SIS students were playing with the actors,” said Tobin. And Pascal added, “The Magic Flute was an amusing
play which impressed children of all ages.” Cara liked the vocals most, whereas Ferdi and
Caroline liked it “because it was funny and interesting.”
It has been proven once more, that opera music is timeless and that it has the ability to
attract students from all over the world. After the performance, the students in grades 3
and 4 reflected on the performance during music class and produced a display for parents
to see.
Facts & Figures
Established / Gegründet
Educational Offers /
Schulisches Angebot
Primary School
Secondary School
Diplomas / Abschlüsse
International Baccalaureate
(IB) projected
German High School
Diploma projected
International Baccalaureate
(IB) geplant
Additional Offers /
Early and After School Care
Morgen- und Nachmittagsbetreuung
Number of Students /
Anzahl Schülerinnen und Schüler
Principal / Schulleiterin
Roswitha Anderson
School Management Team /
Suzanne Füllemann
Jessica Wiehl
Richard Williamson
Milestones / Meilensteine
IB Candidate School,
September 2012; full state
recognition of primary and
secondary school grades 5
to 7, February 2012
IB Candidate School,
September 2012; Grundschule und Gymnasium
Klassen 5 bis 7 staatlich
anerkannt, Februar 2012
as per February 2013
SIS Swiss International School
Schmidener Weg 7/1
D-70736 Fellbach
Phone +49 711 469 194 10
Fax +49 711 469 194 30
Roswitha Anderson, Principal
SIS Brasilia
Celebrating June Festival
David Norman, Principal
Brazil is known worldwide for the carnival festival held every February and often the parades
are broadcast on news channels around the world. However, a less known but equally
famous festival named Festa Junina or June Festival is celebrated every year full of color,
music, dance and fun in the month of June.
This year, at SIS Swiss International School in Brasilia, we also celebrated the June Festival
with our 27 kindergarten students, families and friends. The students are all members of our
Kindergarten 1, 2 and 3 classes ranging from ages 3 to 6.
Traditionally, males dress up as farm boys with large straw hats and females wear pigtails,
freckles, painted gap teeth and red-checkered dresses.
Lines of flags hung from the ceiling and a stage was built in the middle of the gymnasium
for the children to perform and the parents to also participate in the dances if they wished.
The first song and dance was done in English with animal masks reflecting the festivals
connection to its traditional farming roots.
The children then performed an equally outstanding folk song and dance, in Portuguese,
with traditional Brazilian folk music playing.
Finally, two popular traditional square dances were performed: the rain dance and the mock
wedding dance, with all children and parents forming a circle, holding hands and dancing
to traditional folk music.
After all of this fun and dancing, the parents and children were then separated into groups
where they participated in stall activities like fishing for a number, throwing a ball through
the clowns mouth, wild bull riding and hoop the loop.
Traditional food was also part of the learning, cultural experience such as bolo de milho or
corn cake, and canjica, which is a sweet corn desert.
As families and children started to head home they commented on what a fantastic cultural
day they had experienced, steeped in tradition at SIS in Brasilia.
Facts & Figures
Educational Offers
Primary School
Secondary School projected
High School projected
National High School
Diploma projected
International Baccalaureate
(IB) projected
Educação Infantil
Ensino Fundamental I
Ensino Fundamental II
Ensino Médio (projeção)
Exame Nacional do Ensino
Médio (projeção)
International Baccalaureate
IB (projeção)
Additional Offers
Day School
After School Care
School Bus
Horário integral
Atividades extracurriculares
Transporte escolar
Number of Students
David Norman
School Management Team
Bacha Estevam
Bianca Garcia de Grazia
Milestones 2012–2013
IB Primary Years Programme
Candidate School,
November 2012
Escola Candidata ao
Programa Eduação Infantil
ao Ensino Fundamental,
Novembro 2012
as per February 2013
SIS Escola Internacional Brasil-Suíça
SGA/SUL, Quadra 905, cj B
BR-70390-050 Brasília – DF
Phone +55 61 3443 4145
David Norman, Principal
SIS Head Offices
SIS Switzerland
Ambros Hollenstein
Divison Managers
Schools with Kindergarten and Primary: Ivo Müller
Schools with Precollege and College: Tom Huber
Management Staff
Corporate Communications: Susanne Meili
Finance and Administration: Friedrich Bruckmayr
ICT: Bernhard Rieber
Quality Development: Janet Meister
SIS Swiss International Schools Schweiz AG
Seestrasse 269, CH-8038 Zürich
Phone +41 44 206 47 27
SIS Germany
Annette Krieger
Management Staff
Corporate Communications: Christina Heinisch
Finance and Administration: Birgit Hannah Schulte
Project and Quality Management: Ann-Christin Werner
SIS Swiss International School gemeinnützige GmbH
Rotebühlstrasse 77, D-70178 Stuttgart
Phone +49 711 6672 1380
SIS Brazil
Christian Zindel
SIS Swiss International Schools do Brasil Ltda.
SGA/SUL, Quadra 905, cj B, BR-70390-050 Brasília – DF
Phone +55 85 9201 5568