concordia nachrichten 2013-11 web
concordia nachrichten 2013-11 web
Nr. 515 November 2013 87 1 Nachrichten 138 JAHRE 138 YEARS 3 - 2011 ISSN 0384-952X Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141 Internet: or for e-mail: 2. November 2013 Stiftungsfest Volkstrauertag Woodland Friedhof Ute Falke / 17. November 2013 CONCORDIA IM NOVEMBER/DEZEMBER Klub Vorschau/Club Events SUNDAY Halle MONDAY Halle Concordia in November 2nd Schenke – D.J. Christa Hall - Stiftungsfest 9th Schenke – Edelweiss Trio 16th Schenke – D.J. Christa Hall - Mardi Gras Grand Opening 17th Woodland Cemetary – German Remembrance Day Service 19th to 24th Schenke Northern Kale Dinner Special 23rd Schenke – T.C. Alpine Echos 24th Hall – Ladies Group Christmas Bazaar 26th Schenke – CLOSED IN THE EVENING FOR A PRIVATE PARTY 30th Schenke – Black Forest Band Jaegerstube 1.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing 7.00–8.30 8.30–10.00 6.00–7.00 7.00–8.00 TUESDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00 Schenke 7.30–10.00 WEDNESDAY Halle 6.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 3.00–5.30 Jaegerstube 7.00 pm Jaegerstube 7.30–10.00 Weinstube Concordia in December 1st Hall - Children's Christmas Party 3rd Hall - Seniors Christmas Party 7th Schenke - Edelweiss Trio 14th Schenke - Black Forest Band 15th Hall - Choir Christmas Concert 21st Schenke - D.J. Christa 24th – 26th Club Closed for Christmas 28th Schenke - T.C. Alpine Echos 31st Schenke - New Years Eve Celebration Office Telephone Extensions & Info Line Front Office Membership Banquet Inquiries Manager Payroll Accounting Group Events 7.30 19.00 Weinstube 7.00 pm THURSDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 8.00–10.00 Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00 Eisstock 7.00–10.00 Schenke 9.00 FRIDAY Victoria Bowl 6.45 Jaegerstube 8.00 101 101 101 102 103 104 Gemischter Chor Männerchor Kinderchor Jugendchor Kinder & Junior Garde Narrenzunft Skat-Gruppe Enzian Group Senioren Gruppe (1st Wed. of month) Ladies Group (1. Wednesday of month) Horticultural Group (2nd Wed. of month) Bowlers (3rd Wednesday of month) Tennisgruppe (Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat) Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month) Senioren Garde Table Tennis Group Schach/Chess Eisstock-Gruppe Fussball/Soccer Bowlers “Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month) Reservations 105 General Inquiries 105 Ticket Sales 105 Portier/Doorman 106 You can call the extensions or announcements by using any touch tone telephone. 2 Bericht des Präsidenten Wenn ihr diese Zeilen lest, haben wir das diesjährige Oktoberfest hinter uns. Die Vorbereitungen sind immer anstrenged und nervenaufreibend. Bitte endschuldigt, wenn manche Personen eine protzige Antwort auf ihre Fragen bekommen haben. Unsere Gesetzgeber finden jedes Jahr neue Vorschriften und machen für 3 uns den Auf- und Abbau im Zelt immer schwieriger. In 3 Wochen ist alles wieder weggeräumt und mann kann sich wieder erholen. Wir hoffen wieder auf ein erfolgreiches Oktoberfest, ohne grosse Zwischenfälle und Probleme. Ein ausführlicher Bericht über das Oktoberfest 2013 folgt im nächsten Nachrichtenblatt. Der Volkstrauertag findet am 17. November auf dem Woodland Friedhof statt, anschliessend Kaffee und Kuchen im Schwaben Klub. Euer Präsident Karl Braun President’s Report By the time you read this Bulletin, Oktoberfest will be over and everything will have been put away for another year. While very important and valued, the preparations are always stressful for the people that are involved with the set up and take down of our tent. This year, our Health and Safety representative tried to make it harder to complete the set up and take down. It is impossible to keep people out of the tent, especially our members and staff, while there is work Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries Public Suite 604, 30 Duke Street, W. Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W5 Tel: 578-8010 Fax: 578-9395 e-mail: M.M.President’s Walters, Q.C. (1921-1997) Report Adolf Gubler, M.A., LL.B. A r e a s o f Pra c t i c e I n c l u d e : Powers of Attorney Wills and Trusts Estate Planning and Administration Real Estate and Mortgages Corporate Law Business and Commercial Law Weekend and Evening Appointments Available English and German Spoken being done by the set up crew, despite this being a Health and Safety issue. The workers for the groups should understand that they are putting the person in charge from the Concordia Club in a very difficult position. We just hope everything goes smoothly and without major incidents. My full report of the outcome for this year’s Oktoberfest will be in the next Bulletin. Reminder: The German Remembrance Day event is on November 17th at the Woodland Cemetery, and afterwards there will be Coffee and Cake at the Schwaben Club. Your President, Karl Braun Skat-Gruppe Am 3. und 10. September 2013 wurde um den Ann Wolf Pokal gespielt. Wir gratulieren allen Gewinnern. 1. Markus Kallweit mit 2312 Punkten 2. Oswald Radtke mit 2298 Punkten 3. Lothar Dahlke mit 2293 Punkten 4. Matthias Schuster mit 2171 Punkten 5. Nick Zeis mit 2157 Punkten Das nächste ist Oktoberfest. Wir hoffen auf ein erfolgreiches Jahr. Wie immer allen Gut Blatt. Gertrud 4 From the Manager’s Desk As I am writing my report we are in the middle of Oktoberfest so I will keep it brief this month. Stiftungsfest We will be celebrating our 140th birthday on Saturday, November 2nd! Hope to see all our members there to join in the festivities. Kale Week Chef Andreas will be serving the traditional Kale Dinner the week of November 19th to the 23rd! Please make your reservations now to enjoy this wonderful meal. Seniors Christmas Party For all of our members over the age of 65 we will be having our annual Christmas Dinner on Tuesday, 5 December 3rd starting at 5:30p.m. Tickets will be available for purchase in the club office for $18.00 per person. New Year’s Eve Hard to believe that another year has passed so quickly! We will be following the same format for reservations again this year. Dinner vouchers can be purchased at the office at which time you can select your table. The cost will be $60.00 per person which will include a 5 course dinner and dancing to ring in the new year. The Schenke does sell out very quickly so don’t delay in purchasing your tickets for this year! European Vision of Fashion CAMBRIDGE TRAVEL/MKI Two River Cruises: 1. The Legendary Danube Marzanna Calujek 2. Burgundy & Provence Wine Cruise - Oct. 27/2013 India - April 4/2013 The President’s Tour Venice/Croatia/Slovenia • CUSTOM MADE DRESSES • WEDDING GOWNS CASUAL WEAR • ALTERATIONS Master Dressmaker Designer 80 Wellington St. N. Kitchener, Ontario Bus: (519) 571-9169 (Corner of Waterloo Street & Wellington Street) June 19/2013 Sept. 27/2013 For information on any of the above: Please call or e-mail Mike. Phone: 519-622-7777 Toll Free: 1-800-294-0656 e-mail: Tico Reg. # 50019761 CONCORDIA BOWLERS Concordia Kegler Unser Oktoberfest ist schon wieder vorbei. Der Kegelvorstand möchte sich bei allen die uns ausgeholfen haben recht herzlich bedanken. Jetzt stehen unser Turkey Roll und die Weihnachtsfeier vor uns. Bitte notieren Sie sich die wichtigen Daten. Well, Oktoberfest has come and gone. The committee would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who volunteered to work in our booth. We now have our Turkey Roll and Christmas Party to look forward to. Please take note of the important dates. Finally, best wishes go out to our bowlers who are celebrating a birthday this month: Turkey Roll/Cosmic Bowling December 13th November 1. Diane Hennebry 4. Lilo Grüneberg 10. Heidi Schumann 11. Käthe Zensner 14. Anita VanReenen 28. Karin Kruse Christmas Party December 22nd (Main Hall – 12:00p.m. Until next time, Monica Kauck, Bis zum nächsten Mal, Monica Kauck IMPORTANT DATES: YOUR COMFORT IN RETIREMENT 483 and 507 OTTAWA STREET SOUTH, KITCHENER, ONTARIO Mailing Address: 483 Ottawa Street S., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5H1 Tel. (519) 745-1200 • Fax (519) 745-0467 Attraktive 1-SchlafzimmerWohnungen in gewohnter heimischer Atmosphäre Call Karin for information 6 Senioren-Gruppe Unsere Gruppe traf sich zwar wie immer am ersten Mittwoch im Monat, aber leider waren wir so eine kleine Gruppe das wir einfach nur einen Kaffeeklatsch hatten. Aber auch wenn es nichts zu berichten gibt, will ich den Bericht nicht ausfallen lassen und erfreue Euch daher alle mit einem Gedicht. DIE ENTWICKLUNG DER MENSCHHEIT von Erich Kaestner Campers Greetings! My first priority in this report, is to apologize for a couple of omissions from October's report. I missed two people in the list of Camper’s Committee members, Alex Thoene, and Tony Savage. Sorry about that!!! Einst haben die Kerls auf den Baeumen gehockt, Behaart und mit boeser Visage; Dann hat man sie aus dem Urwald gelockt Und die Welt asphaltiert und aufgestockt, Bis zur dreissigsten Etage. The camping season has now come to a close for 2013, I hope everyone has already winterized their trailer. Da sassen sie nun, den Floehen entflohn, In zentralgeheitzten Raeumen. Das sitzen sie nun am Telefon, Und es hersscht noch genau derselbe Ton Wie seinerzeit auf den Baeumen. Over the winter, the Camper’s Committee will be meeting, and planning events, and improvements to the recreational facilities at the Farm. We’re always open to new or improved ideas and suggestions. Please feel free to email them to, or drop them off at the club. So haben Sie mit dem Kopf und dem Mund Den Fortschritt der Menschheit geschaffen. Doch davon mal abgesehen und Bei Lichte betrachtet, sind sie im Grund Noch immer die alten Affen. Ursula Harfmann Schriftfuehrerin 7 Our Halloween Party was a great success, with lots of great costumes, and some great talent. Special thanks goes out to Andrew (Musik Meister) Saur who kept us entertained when everyone else was too shy! Keep those special moments in your life present with a completely customized photo book or calendar you will treasure forever. Call us today for more details. 13-31 McBrine Dr., Kitchener, ON T 519.748.0363 email: Concordia Chöre Alle guten Dinge müssen zu einem Ende kommen. Es ist mit großer Trauer verkünden zu müssen, dass unser geliebtes und bekanntestes Mitglied der Concordia Chöre, Dr. Alfred Kunz, von seiner Position als Leiter zurückgetreten ist. Er wird nicht mehr die Concordia Chöre dirigieren. Alfred, zusammen mit seiner Frau Dana, hat seinen Rücktritt im Oktober 2013 verkündet. Der Vorstand akzeptierte seinen Rücktritt und teilte dies dem Chor am Montag den 7. Oktober mit. Obwohl er nicht mehr dirigieren wird, werden Alfred und Dana immer ein Teil der Chorfamilie sein, und wir werden sie auf vielen Veranstaltungen in der Zukunft sehen. Wir alle haben großen Respekt für ihn. Er hat die Concordia Chöre fuer 47 Jahre geleitet, aber jetzt fängt ein neuer Abschnitt an. The Show must go on! Der Chor Vorstand sucht einen neuen Dirigenten und alle Veranstaltungen werden wie geplant stattfinden. Wir danken Ulrike Ryzebol und Annemarie Kruger im Voraus für ihre Hilfe als Dirigenten. Marisa Strban wird ebenfalls zur Verfügung stehen uns am Klavier zu begleiten. Im Namen der Concordia Chöre, wünsche ich Alfred viel Erfolg im Ruhestand! Wir hatten unser Oktoberfest und es ging ganz gut. Viele haben geholfen, die Buden aufzubauen. Wir haben neue Dekorationen! Ich weiss, dass es immer schwerer wird zu helfen und wir bedanken uns im Voraus. Kommende Daten: November 17, Woodland Cemetery, 2.30pm Dezember 7, Christkindlmarkt Dezember 15, Weihnachtskonzert, 7.30pm Lied Hoch, Andre Schilha CONCORDIA CHOIRS All good things must come to an end. It is with great sadness to announce that our beloved and most well-known member of the Concordia Choirs, Dr. Alfred Kunz, has resigned from his position as conductor. He will no longer be conducting the Concordia Choirs. Alfred, along with his wife Dana, tendered his resignation in October 2013. The choir board accepted his resignation 8 and announced this to the choir on Monday, October 7. This being said, Alfred and Dana will always be part of the Concordia Choirs family, and we will be seeing them on many occasions in the future. We all have deep respect for him as he conducted the Concordia Choirs for 47 years, but a new chapter has started. Since the show must go on, I am writing this before our Oktoberfest. Many have been working hard to set up the booths. Thanks to all who helped with the booths both in setup and in running them. We have some newer decorations! We all know it’s getting tougher to run them so any help is greatly appreciated. The Show must go on! Upcoming dates: The choir board is looking for a new conductor and all events will continue as planned. We thank Ulrike Ryzebol and Annemarie Kruger in advance for their conducting skills. Marisa Strban will also be available to accompany. November 17, Woodland Cemetery, 2:30pm On behalf of the Concordia Choirs, I wish Alfred the best of success and relaxation in his retirement years. 9 December 7, Christkindlmarkt December 15, Christmas Concert, 7:30pm Yours in song, Andre Schilha Concordia Soccer Group The 2013 soccer season came to an end on Sunday October 6th with a 2-0 win in the cup final. The Concordia team finished an impressive year, winning three major titles: League Champions, Playoff Champions and Challenge Cup victors. It truly was a extraordinary year for the team. They ended up winning every possible trophy. We will be heading to the league banquet on Saturday, November 2nd to pick up all the hardware. In addition to the previously mentioned awards, we also won the title of most sports- manlike team as we received only 2 yellow cards during the entire season. I would like to thank Ike, Jack and Nino for all of their help on the sidelines this year. A big thank you goes out to our president Dieter for his leadership and support. Lastly, I would like to thank the players for their hard work and dedication to each other this year. They can hold their heads high and should be very proud of doing the treble. We will have big targets on our backs next season but this group will be ready for the challenge. Gerard 10 Treffpunkt Once you see this, Oktoberfest will be long over. We hope everyone enjoyed themselves and that all the groups, including the Club itself, enjoyed a profitable Oktoberfest. Early in October the Treffpunkt journeyed on a Wine Tour in Niagara Region. 3 wineries were visited and much wine was ‘eingekauft’! First stop was Di Profio Wines. Next was Pillitteri Estates Winery. And last, but not least Reif Estate Winery was visited. All tours were very interesting as well as very tasty! Thank you Dietmar for your tireless planning and organizing for such a fantastic day. See pictures. Since most of us are too busy for a Thanksgiving dinner, we are all looking forward to a gathering after Oktoberfest is finished and all the clean up is done. As usual, the Hatchwells are hosting, and we anticipate lots of great food and drink to celebrate. See you at the next Club event - Stiftungsfest. Don’t forget to keep up the Blood Donations. We are almost at our target number of donations, and hope to surpass the goal! Dietmar 11 has acquired a few prizes already for our draw in January. Anyone who has donated more than twice is eligible to win something! Keep up the good work, and be sure to use our Partners for Life number: CONC010846. Sandra Ladies Group Christmas time is just around the corner and everyone is busy baking, shopping and crafting. We hope that all our ladies are busy baking and or making crafts for the bazaar. Hope to see all our Concordia Club members and friends at our Bazaar!!! Elisabeth Rowsell Well the Ladies Group Bazaar is also nearly here. In fact it is on Sunday, November 24 and doors open at 1:00 PM. One must be in line to buy cookies. Also on December 1st. is the Children’s Christmas Party. Doors will open at 1:30 pm. Deadline to register the children is Friday, November 22. Please call the club at 519-745-5617 ext. 105. For information, contact: Mike Gillespie, Partner KPMG LLP 115 King Street South, 2nd Floor Waterloo, ON N2J 5A3 Tel: 519-747-8800 Fax: 519-747-8830 AUDIT • TAX • ADVISORY 12 Tischtennis Gruppe Liebe Tischtennis-Freunde, wenn ich diesen Bericht schreibe, drehen sich alle Gedanken um das bevorstehende Oktoberfest. Das Festzelt steht bereits seit einiger Zeit und unser TT-Stand ist fertig dekoriert. Vielen Dank an die zahlreichen Haende beim Aufbau. Wie bereits im letzten Nachrichtenblatt geschrieben, hoffen wir wieder auf einen guten Erfolg fuer unsere Gruppe und fuer den gesamten Klub. Terminvorausschau: Unsere Jahreshauptversammlung findet am 07. November 2013 um 20:30 Uhr in der Jaegerstube statt. Auch in diesem Jahr stehen Vorstandswahlen an. Bitte erscheint Corner Bench with Table alpine design, custom alle, damit genug Kan- Traditional made, table 75 x 45 inches, corner didaten fuer die anste- bench ca. 79 x 100 inches, loose cushion pads for chairs and bench. henden Wahlen zur Any fair offer will be considered. Verfuegung stehen. 519-581-1316 Unsere diesjaehrige Weihnachtsfeier findet wieder am ersten Samstag im Dezember, also am 07. Dezember 2013 um 18:00 Uhr in der Jaegerstube statt. TABLE TENNIS GROUP Dear Friends, When I write this report everybody has the upcoming Oktoberfest in his mind. The Tent has been finished a few weeks ago and our TT-Booth looks good and is ready for business. Many thanks go to all helpers for decorating our booth. As already mentioned in my last Bulletin report, we hope for a successful Oktoberfest not only for our Group but for the whole Club. Preview: Our annual Group meeting will take place in the Jaegerstube on November 07th, 2013 at 8:30 p.m. Since we will have elections for our Group Committee please attend this meeting and make yourself available as candidates to fill the vacant positions. Our Christmas party is scheduled for December 07th., 2013, starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Jaegerstube. Details will be discussed at our annual meeting. Eckhard Michalski IMMOBILIEN UND FINANZIERUNG SIND VERTRAUENSSACHE WHEN IT’S A MATTER OF TRUST HOME REALTY INC 4169 King St. E, Kitchener, ON, N2P 2E8 13 MARCUS KALLWEIT Bus: (519) 570-4663 Cell: (519) 590-3056 Email 1. KG Narrenzunft Concordia Hello to all Concordia Members and Friends! We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Its hard to believe Oktoberfest 2013 has come and gone. The Pretzel booth was well visited during the festive week and many of you had a chance to enjoy them! A special thank you to those members and friends who helped set up and take down the Pretzel booth. A lot of effort goes into this process and we cherish all of you for taking time to have made this a successful Oktoberfest! November 16th Opening Karneval’s 47th Season As November begins we are preparing for the Opening of Mardi Gras on November 16th!! Its not too late to get your tickets for this event! Doors opening at 7 pm with the Proclamation of the Opening of our 47th Karneval Season at 8:11pm. Enjoy performances by the Narrenzunft Garde and music by The Edelweiss Trio plus 50/50 draw. Tickets for this event are $12 and can be purchased through the Concordia Club. 519 745-5617. Until next time Alaaf und Helau Joan Trautrim Th e Co n co rd ia L ad ie s G ro u p in vite s yo u to th e ir An n u al CHRISTMAS BAZAAR S u n day, No ve m be r 24 th , 2013 D o o rs o p e n at 1:00 p m – M ain H all Crafts - Cookies - Cakes - Café Eve ryo n e is w e lco m e 14 Welcome to. . . The Schenke Open 6 days a week CONCORDIA DAILY FEATURES TUESDAY through FRIDAY THURSDAY EVENING: WEEKLY LUNCHEON SPECIALS CHEF’S NIGHT SPECIAL or SOUP SANDWICH COMBO TUESDAYS: BUY ONE, GET ONE FOR 1/2 PRICE purchase one entree and get the second of equal or lesser value at half price!! 2 Wiener Schnitzel Dinners with Potatoes and Vegetables only $17.99 FRIDAY EVENING: FRIDAY NIGHT BUFFET all your favorites and much more only $15.95 WEDNESDAY: SATURDAY EVENING: BAVARIAN BUFFET Lunch: $10.95 Dinner: $14.95 DINE & DANCE Live Entertainment All prices plus applicable taxes Gratuity not included Certain exclusions/conditions exist as of August 2008 Regular Menu & reasonable prices SUNDAY: 11:00am - 2pm BRUNCH $17.99 Reservations are recommended 15 Wichtige Veranstaltungen Important Events PREVIEW - NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2013 2. Nov. 16. Nov. 17. Nov. 24 Nov. Stiftungsfest Main Hall Mardi Gras Grand Opening Main Hall German Remembrance Day Service Woodland Cemetary Ladies Group Christmas Bazaar 1:30 - 5:00 pm, Main Hall 1. Dec. Children’s Christmas Party Main Hal 2:30 pm, Main Hall 3. Dec. Seniors Christmas Party Main Hall Bitte reservieren Sie ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintrittskarten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig. 17 Erreichen Sie Ihre Immobilien Träume! - Achieve Your Real Estate Dreams! Ihre Quelle für Immobilien in der Region Waterloo - “Your Source” for Real Estate in Waterloo Region Denis Pellerin Sales Representative Phone: 519-742-5800 ext. 2334 Not intended to cause or induce the breach of an existing representation agreement Service disponible en Français EST. 1989 THE EVOLUTION OF ALTERNATIVE BAKING Proud maker of the official Oktoberfest Pretzel for more than 15 years. Old or New Residential - Commercial Industrial Your local supplier of ORGANIC, WHOLEGRAIN, EUROPEAN STYLE and GLUTENFREE PRODUCTS. 105 Lexington Road, Unit #3 Waterloo, ON N2J 4R8 Thursdays and Saturdays at St. Jacobs Market Tel: (519) 725-1920 - Fax: (519) 725-0295 200 Lorraine Avenue #3 Kitchener, ON N2B 3R5 Phone: (519)744-6675 14 Eby St. N. Kitchener, ON N2H 2V6 Phone: (519)744-4643 PLUMBING AND HEATING Serving Southern Ontario Water Softeners Water Purifiers Water Heaters Heating & Air Conditioning 1-38 McBrine Place, Kitchener ON N2R 1G8 Phone 519-748-4588 - Fax 519-748-4584 Email: Concordia Club Board of Directors 2013/2014 President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: 1st Secretary: 2nd Secretary: 1st Treasurer: 2nd Treasurer: Directors: Manager Committee Members Arbeitsgemeinschaft Archives Bulletin Christkindlmarket Club Buildings Club Historian Club Ombudsman Club Rental Properties Concordia Seniorenhaus Economic Affairs Employee Liaison 19 Karl Braun Eckhard Michalski Peter Schoepke Ali Nowak Sarah Fretz Peter Schoepke Robert Kerr Hans Malthaner Peter Bergen Mike Brasch Bob Nowak Joe Liebel Alexandria Thoene Ronny Horvath Ruth Rajna Karl Braun Eckhard Michalski Alexandria Thoene Hans Malthaner Joe Liebel Rob Kerr Peter Bergen Ronny Horvath Joe Liebel Hans Malthaner Karl Braun Leo Tukums Horst Beyerle Bob Nowak Ronny Horvath Karl Braun Eckhard Michalski Peter Schoepke Karl Braun Rob Kerr Ali Nowak Entertainment Sarah Fretz Hans Malthaner Alexandria Thoene Farm Committee Eckhard Michalski Peter Bergen Finance Committee Peter Schoepke Ali Nowak Rob Kerr Karl Braun Float Committee Mike Brasch Ronny Horvath German Culture Eckhard Michalski Honorary Member Hans Malthaner Ali Nowak Karl Braun Long Range Planning Peter Schoepke Eckhard Michalski Ali Nowak Karl Braun Membership Bob Nowak Miss Concordia Alexandria Thoene Nominations and Bylaws U. Werner Schlueter Karl Braun Ali Nowak Oktoberfest Chair Hans Malthaner Oktoberfest Inc. Peter Schoepke Hans Malthaner Eckhard Michalski Rob Kerr Sales and Marketing Peter Schoepke Rob Kerr Joe Liebel Security Rob Kerr