prix italia - events management
prix italia - events management
ITALIA Under the High Patronage of the President of the Italian Republic | Under the Aegis of the President of Rai PRIX ITALIA THE POWER OF STORYTELLING THE CREATIVITY LABORATORY INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION FOR RADIO, TELEVISION AND WEB TORINO 19/24 SEPTEMBER 2015 PROGRAMME ENTRIES SPECIAL PRIZES SPECIAL PRIZE 373 PRESIDENT OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 375 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life ENTRIES AND REGULATIONS SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 401 For Young Talents A Day at Expo REGULATIONS GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS 409 ENTRIES AND REGULATIONS GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS 459 ENTRIES AND REGULATIONS SPECIAL PRIZE SIGNIS 479 SPECIAL PRIZES TV PROGRAMMES SPECIAL PRIZES SPECIAL PRIZE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC Once again again this thisyear, year,PrixPrixItalia Italia is awarding a Special the President of theRepublic. Italian The Republic. Once is awarding a Special Prize Prize offeredoffered by the by President of the Italian prize will The prestigious Silver Cup will be allocated to the best Radio or TV programme entered in the official competition be allocated to the best Radio or TV programme entered in the official competition that best celebrates the important role that best celebrates the important role of women and, in particular, their strength and courage. The programme ofhighlights women and, particular, theirempowerment strength and courage. Theand programme highlights issues equality. relating toThe thejury empowerment issuesinrelating to the of women the promotion of gender is com- of women the promotionrenowned of genderpersonalities equality. Theinvited jury isbycomposed posed ofand internationally Prix Italia.of internationally renowned personalities invited by Prix Italia. PRIX SPECIAL DU PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ITALIENNE Comme chaque chaque année, année, lelePrix PrixItalia Italiadécerne décerneununPrixPrix spécial alloué le Président la République italienne. Comme spécial alloué par par le Président de ladeRépublique italienne. La prestigieuse récompense – une coupe en argent – sera attribuée pour cette édition au programme radio ou TV, La prestigieuse récompense sera attribuée pour cette édition au programme radio ou TV, en lice dans la catégorie en lice dans la catégorie officielle, qui rendra hommage au rôle de la femme en soulignant sa force et son courage. officielle, rendra hommage rôle de femme en soulignant sa force et son courage. La coupe irasexes. au programme La coupe qui ira au programme quiaumettra en lavaleur la femme et exaltera le principe de l’égalité entre les qui mettra en valeur la femme et exaltera le principe de légalité entre les sexes. Le jury, invité par le Prix Italia, est Le jury, invité par le Prix Italia, est composé de personnalités de renommée internationale. composé de personnalités de renommée internationale. SPECIAL PRIZES PREMIO SPECIALE DEL PRESIDENTE DELLA REPUBBLICA ITALIANA Anche quest’anno PrixItalia Italiaassegna assegnail ilPremio PremioSpeciale Specialeofferto offertodaldalPresidente Presidente della RepubblicaItaliana. Italiana. Il prestiAnche questanno ililPrix della Repubblica Il prestigioso gioso riconoscimento, una Coppa d’argento, andrà al programma radiofonico o televisivo, in concorso nella riconoscimento andrà al programma radiofonico o televisivo, in concorso nella sezione ufficiale, che megliosezione promuova il ufficiale, che meglio promuova il principio di parità di genere e rappresenti efficacemente l’importante ruolo delle principio di genere e rappresenti efficacemente ruolo delle donne e, indi particolare, loro forza e il donne e, diin parità particolare, la loro forza e il loro coraggio. Lalimportante giuria è formata da personalità chiara fama lainternazioloro coraggio. La giuria è formata da personalità di chiara fama internazionale invitate dal Prix Italia. nale invitate dal Prix Italia. SPECIAL PRIZES SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life FRANCE ARTE FRANCE Banking Nature Nature, le nouvel Eldorado de la finance La Natura, il nuovo Eldorado della finanza The Invisible (R)evolutions L’urgence de ralentir L’urgenza di rallentare GERMANY ARD The Propaganda War Over GM Crops Les OGM ou la guerre des propagandes La lotta di propaganda sulle coltivazioni OGM ZDF Thirst! Quelle soif ! Sete! Hunger! La faim ! Fame! ITALY SPECIAL PRIZES RAI The Universe is a Free Meal! L’univers c’est un repas gratis ! L’universo è un pasto gratis! Presa diretta – Save the Sea Presa diretta – Il faut sauver la mer Presa diretta – Salviamo il mare 376 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life MALTA PBS Malta – Watering an Island Malte – l’île et l'eau Malta – Annaffiare un’isola Malta: Tuna or Dorado Malte : thon ou dorade ? Malta: tonno o dorado? NETHERLANDS NPO Zapp Your Planet Zappe ta planète Cambia il tuo Pianeta SAN MARINO (REPUBLIC OF) RSMTV On the Ancient Salt Route Sur l’ancienne route du sel Sull’antica rotta del sale SPAIN A Country Worth Eating Un pays à croquer Un paese tutto da mangiare Food Planet Planète aliment Pianeta Cibo 377 SPECIAL PRIZES RTVE SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life FRANCE ARTE FRANCE NATURE, LE NOUVEL ELDORADO DE LA FINANCE Nature, le nouvel Eldorado de la finance Ce documentaire raconte l’histoire de la mainmise bancaire et financière planétaire sur les ressources vivantes. Animaux et végétaux sont désormais transformés en produits bancaires et cotés en bourse. Un nouveau marché se développe : les espèces vivantes disparaissent, elles prennent donc de la valeur. L’environnement devient un capital spéculatif. Quel en sera le prix pour la nature et les hommes ? La Natura, il nuovo Eldorado della finanza Questo documentario si occupa del potere che le banche e la finanza mondiali esercitano sulle risorse viventi. Animali e vegetali si sono ormai trasformati in prodotti bancari, quotati in borsa. Si sta sviluppando un nuovo mercato: le specie viventi spariscono e assumono valore economico. L’ambiente diviene un capitale speculativo. Quale sarà il prezzo per la natura e gli uomini? SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Denis Delestrac, Sylvie Feydel Production: ARTE France / Via Decouvertes Producing organisations: ARTE France, Via Decouvertes Coproducing organisation: ARTE France Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 3/2/2014 Original language: French Sales: Java Films Running time: 87’ 20’’ Banking Nature We investigate the commercialization of the natural world. Protecting our planet has become big business with companies promoting new environmental markets. This involves species banking, where investors buy up vast swathes of land, full of endangered species, to enable them to sell "nature credits". Companies, whose actions destroy the environment, are now buying these credits and new financial centres have sprung up. Many economists believe that the best way to protect nature is to put a price on it. But others fear that this market could lead to companies having a financial interest in a species’ extinction. The market in nature credits is bound to crash - like the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008. What guarantees do we have that our natural inheritance will be protected? Should our ecological heritage be for sale? 378 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life The Invisible (R)evolutions Individual and collective initiatives are gathering momentum around the world to face and cope with the continual acceleration of our lifestyles. These alternatives are our last defence against ecological, economic and social disasters, and are also contributing towards building a new world. L’urgence de ralentir Face à l’accélération de nos modes de vie, désormais érigée en norme globalisée, des initiatives individuelles et collectives émergent et travaillent à redonner sens au temps. Derniers remparts aux catastrophes écologiques, économiques et sociales annoncées, ces alternatives contribuent à façonner le monde de demain. L’accélération financière et technologique globalisée mène notre système à l’épuisement et vers des catastrophes écologiques, économiques et sociales inéluctables. Mais partout dans le monde, des citoyens refusent désormais de se soumettre au diktat de l’urgence et tentent de redonner sens au temps. En Europe, en Amérique Latine, aux Etats-Unis et en Inde, des initiatives individuelles et collectives émergent et proposent des alternatives soucieuses de privilégier un rapport attentif, patient et fertile au temps. ARTE FRANCE L’URGENCE DE RALENTIR Direction: Philippe Borrel Production: Cineteve Script: D’après une idée originale de Noël Mamère Producing organisations: ARTE France, Cineteve Coproducing organisation: ARTE France Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 2/9/2014 Original language: French Running time: 84’ 21’’ SPECIAL PRIZES L’urgenza di rallentare Il ritmo sempre più serrato del modo in cui oggi viviamo, diventato ormai globalizzato, comporta la nascita di una serie di iniziative, da parte del singolo e della collettività, volte a poter dare nuovamente senso al tempo. Si tratta dell’ultimo baluardo per riformulare il mondo di domani a fronte di catastrofi ecologiche, economiche e sociali annunciate. La velocizzazione finanziaria e tecnologica globalizzata sta portando il nostro sistema all’esaurimento e ad inevitabili catastrofi ambientali, economiche e sociali. Eppure, in tutto il mondo, i cittadini sono ormai stanchi di doversi sottomettere al diktat della fretta e cercano di ridare un senso al tempo. In Europa, America Latina, Stati Uniti ed India, diverse sono le iniziative di singoli e della collettività che potrebbero rappresentare una valida alternativa che privilegi un rapporto con il tempo che sia attento, paziente e fecondo. FRANCE 379 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life GERMANY ARD Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland SPECIAL PRIZES ARD EXCLUSIV IM ERSTEN: DIE PROPAGANDASCHLACHT UM DIE GENTECHNIK Direction: Stephan Keicher, Mike Lingenfelser Script: Pia Dangelmayer, Astrid Halder, Hendrik Loven, Mike Lingenfelser, Ulrich Hagmann Photography: Aqulies Alturria, Alexander Kraeft, Thomas C. Mayer Sound: Matthias Junken Editing: Kilian Schmid Producing organisations: ARD,Bayerischer Rundfunk Coproducing organisation: Deutsche Welle Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 8/7/2014 Original language: German Dubbed in: English Running time: 28’ 30’’ The Propaganda War Over GM Crops The genetic-engineering industry says one of the world’s most serious problems - declining food supplies - is as good as solved. Global agro-technology corporations like Monsanto say their products can deliver larger harvests on smaller fields - and will use fewer pesticides and herbicides as well. But many experts have serious doubts about these claims. In many parts of the world, genetically-modified crop yields are down. And there’s been an increase in the amount of resistant weeds and pests, so farmers have to use more chemicals to get rid of them. Despite growing criticism, the big agrotechnology companies continue to put pressure on governments around the world to open new areas to genetically-engineered farming. Our reporters travel to Germany and other European countries, the U.S., and South America to find out whether the industry’s claims of "better farming through technology" are true. Les OGM ou la guerre des propagandes L’industrie des biotechnologies et du génie génétique affirme que l’un des plus graves fléaux qui afflige notre planète – la pénurie de réserves alimentaires – est en passe d’être éradiqué. Les holdings spécialisées dans les biotechniques agricoles, comme le Groupe Monsanto, vont même jusqu’à prétendre que leurs cultures produisent de meilleures récoltes sur des terrains plus petits et nécessitent moins de désherbants et de pesticides. Une affirmation qui fait sourciller la communauté scientifique. Un peu partout dans le monde, les cultures d’OGM perdent du terrain, tandis que les mauvaises herbes et les parasites résistants se développent en contraignant les agriculteurs à multiplier les produits chimiques. En dépit des critiques et des soupçons, l’industrie des biotechnologies continue de mettre la pression sur les gouvernements pour qu’ils facilitent les cultures d’OGM. Nos reporters ont sillonné l’Allemagne, plusieurs pays d’Europe, les Etats-Unis, l’Amérique du sud pour vérifier si les biotechnologies sont réellement une avancée pour l’agriculture comme l’affirment les industriels du secteur. La lotta di propaganda sulle coltivazioni OGM L’industria genetica afferma che uno dei problemi più seri del mondo – la penuria di scorte alimentari - è praticamente risolto. Le holding agro-tecnologiche globali, come Monsanto, sostengono che i loro prodotti sono in grado di fornire maggiori raccolti in campi più piccoli – usando perfino meno pesticidi e diserbanti. Ma molti esperti hanno seri dubbi in merito. In molte parti del mondo i raccolti provenienti da coltivazioni modificate geneticamente sono diminuiti. Ed è invece aumentato il quantitativo di erbe infestanti e parassiti. Gli agricoltori si trovano quindi nella condizione di utilizzare sempre più prodotti chimici per liberarsene. Nonostante le critiche si siano intensificate, le grandi aziende agro-tecnologiche continuano ad esercitare pressioni sui governi affinché dedichino nuovi spazi alle coltivazioni OGM. I nostri reporter viaggiano in Germania ed in altri paesi europei, negli Stati Uniti ed in Sud America per capire se sia vero o meno che la tecnologia può migliorare l’agricoltura, come sostenuto dagli industriali. 380 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life Quelle soif ! La pénurie d’eau menace des milliards d’êtres humains et personne n’est épargné : ni les pays riches, ni les pays en développement. Pendant des décennies, l’industrie, le citadin et l’agriculteur ont puisé sans compter dans les réserves. Aujourd’hui, les nappes aquifères se tarissent et il faudra plusieurs siècles avant qu’elles ne se régénèrent. Pendant ce temps, le réchauffement de la planète continue de bouleverser le cycle de l’eau, des saisons et d’altérer le climat. La désertification a déjà entamé les terres cultivables en Asie, en Europe et en Amérique en générant une nouvelle version du colonialisme : l’accaparement des terres. En quelques mots, les pays riches s’approprient des terres des pays pauvres. Bien que notre planète soit principalement composée d’eau, un pourcentage infime est utilisé pour notre survie. Les nouvelles cultures, adaptées à la sécheresse, pourraient être la bonne réponse à cette émergence ? Comment gérer l’eau plus efficacement ? Claus Kleber et Angela Anderson nous guident dans un périple émouvant où nous découvrirons que les populations de la planète sont toutes étroitement liées entre elles et dépendantes les unes des autres. Sete! La scarsità d’acqua minaccia miliardi di persone in tutto il mondo, sia nei paesi in via di sviluppo sia nelle nazioni ricche. Per decenni, le industrie, gli abitanti delle città e l’agricoltura hanno continuato a perforare i loro pozzi sempre più profondi. Oggi molte falde acquifere si stanno prosciugando e ci vorranno secoli perché si rigenerino nuovamente. Nel frattempo, il riscaldamento globale provoca dei cambiamenti profondi nel ciclo delle piogge ed altera radicalmente le zone climatiche. La desertificazione distrugge la terra coltivabile in Asia, in Europa e nelle Americhe, creando una nuova forma di colonialismo, il Land Grab: i paesi ricchi prendono la terra dai paesi poveri. Anche se gran parte del nostro pianeta azzurro è coperto di acqua, solo una piccola percentuale di essa può essere usata per la nostra sopravvivenza. Le nuove colture, che tollerano la siccità, potranno risolvere questo problema così urgente? Come possiamo utilizzare l’acqua in maniera più efficace? Claus Kleber e Angela Anderson ci conducono in un viaggio emozionante mostrandoci come tutte le popolazioni del globo siano strettamente dipendenti le une dalle altre. 381 GERMANY ZDF Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen DURST! Direction: Angela Andersen Production: Alexander Hesse Script: Angela Andersen, Claus Kleber Music: Nils Kacirek Photography: Thorsten Thielow Sound: Axel Lischke Editing: Ramin Sabeti Producing organisation: Gruppe 5 Filmproduktion Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 11/11/2014 Original language: German Subtitled in: English Running time: 43’ 30’’ SPECIAL PRIZES Thirst! Water scarcity threatens billions of people worldwide, in developing countries and as well in rich nations. For decades, industries, city dwellers and agriculture have persisted in drilling their wells deeper and deeper. Today many aquifers run dry and will need centuries in order to replenish. Meanwhile global warming triggers changing rainfalls and radically alters climate zones. Desertification destroys arable land in Asia, Europe and the Americas, resulting in a new form of colonialism: land grab – rich countries taking the land from the poor. Although our blue planet has plenty of water, only a tiny percentage can be used for our survival. Can new drought or salt tolerant crops solve this urgent problem? How can we use water more effectively? Claus Kleber and Angela Andersen take us on an emotional journey and explore just how closely connected we are with people across the globe. SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life GERMANY ZDF Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen HUNGER! SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Angela Andersen Production: Alexander Hesse Script: Angela Andersen, Claus Kleber Music: Nils Kacirek Photography: Thorsten Thielow Sound: Axel Lischke Editing: Ramin Sabeti Producing organisation: Gruppe 5 Filmproduktion Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 5/11/2014 Original language: German Subtitled in: English Running time: 53’ 15’’ Hunger! Why do so many people suffer from hunger while we produce food in abundance? Are globalisation, corruption, lack of technology the only reasons? What are the ecological and social consequences of extensive agriculture and meat production? Hunger has many different faces. People worldwide are coping with huge challenges: desertification is hitting China, southern Europe and the US, land grabbing threatens small farmers in Africa, technologies like GMOs carry unforeseen risks, while also raising hope in India, Latin America or Australia. The film does not simply place blame on the usual suspects in industry and politics, but highlights everybody’s role in the "hunger game". Claus Kleber tells the story from a very personal perspective. He visits farmers and executives, people who struggle to feed their kids as well as others aiming to feed the world. La faim ! Pourquoi autant de populations souffrent aujourd’hui encore de la faim, alors que nous produisons de la nourriture en abondance ? La mondialisation, la corruption, le manque de technologies de pointe sont vraiment les seules explications à ce fléau mondial ? Quel est l’impact écologique et social de l’agriculture intensive et de la production de la viande ? La faim dans le monde a de multiples facettes. Les hommes sont confrontés à de nouveaux défis : la désertification qui sévit en Chine, dans le Sud de l’Europe et aux Etats Unis ; l’accaparement des terres, de la part des pays riches, qui menace le petit agriculteur africain ; les biotechnologies, telles que les OGM qui ont un facteur risque aux conséquences encore inconnues, mais qui font espérer des pays, tels que l’Inde, l’Amérique latine et l’Australie. Ce documentaire n’est pas seulement un "j’accuse" contre l’industrie et les politiques, il met en lumière les responsabilités de tout un chacun sur le "grand échiquier de la faim". Claus Kleber aborde le sujet de façon très originale en allant directement chez l’agriculteur, les dirigeants politiques etchez ceux qui luttent au quotidien pour que leurs enfants puissent manger ou qui se battent pour nourrir la planète. Fame! Perché così tante persone soffrono la fame, mentre noi produciamo cibo in abbondanza? Globalizzazione, corruzione, mancanza di tecnologia possono essere le uniche ragioni? Quali sono le conseguenze ecologiche e sociali di agricoltura intensiva e produzione di carne? La fame ha molte facce diverse. La gente di tutto il mondo sta affrontando sfide enormi: la desertificazione sta colpendo la Cina, il Sud Europa e gli Stati Uniti, l’accaparramento delle terre da parte dei paesi ricchi minaccia i piccoli agricoltori in Africa, le tecnologie come gli OGM comportano rischi imprevisti, alimentando al contempo le speranze in India, in America Latina e in Australia. Il film non si limita ad incolpare i soliti sospetti dell’industria e della politica, ma evidenzia il ruolo di ognuno di noi nel "gioco della fame". Claus Kleber ci racconta la storia da un prospettiva molto personale. Si reca da agricoltori e dirigenti, persone che lottano per nutrire i loro figli così come altri il cui scopo è sfamare il mondo . 382 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life The universe is a free meal! The home to cooks, the school of renowned chef Gualtiero Marchesi. Two days and as many as 4 uniform changes: from the kitchen to the arrival and unloading of the food, to the patisserie to serving at the tables. Shortly after the Big Bang, the universe was a soup of indistinguishable particles. And Maestro Marchesi looks like he has arrived in The Higgs’ Field! Will our hero succeed in cutting an apple for Gualtiero Marchesi? Each story from the fEASYca series, broadcast on Rai Scuola, becomes an on the road laboratory so as to "extract" each concept of physics concealed inside, from the deepest and most highly complex to the simplest and instinctive. L’univers c’est un repas gratis ! A l’école du légendaire Gualtiero Marchesi. Dans le royaume des cuisiniers, il faut savoir porter plusieurs casquettes. En deux jours, quatre changements d’uniformes : de la cuisine au déchargement des marchandises en passant par la pâtisserie et au service à table. Tout de suite après le big bang, l’univers était un « bouillon » de particules indifférenciables et l’arrivée du grand Chef Gualtiero Marchesi prend très vite des allures de champ de Higgs ! Notre héros sera-t-il capable de couper une pomme pour le précurseur de la nouvelle cuisine Gualtiero Marchesi ? Chaque histoire de la série fEASYca, diffusée sur Rai Scuola se transforme aussitôt en un laboratoire on the road d’où l’on « extrait » tous les concepts et théories de physique qu’il renferme, des plus complexes et sophistiqués, aux plus simples et intuitifs. RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana L’UNIVERSO È UN PASTO GRATIS! Direction: Tiziana Maiorino Script: Fabio Maiorino, Tiziana Maiorino, Emilio Santoro Editing: Gianni Arcuri Actors: Fabio Maiorino, Gualtiero Marchesi, Students, Chefs and Teachers of the International School of Italian Cuisine Alma Producing organisation: Rai Scuola Coproducing organisation: 1 plus 1 film Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 16/9/2014 Original language: Italian Subtitled in: English Running time: 51’ 22’’ SPECIAL PRIZES L’universo è un pasto gratis! A scuola dal leggendario Gualtiero Marchesi, nella casa dei cuochi. Due giorni e ben 4 cambi di uniforme: dalla cucina, allo scarico merci, alla pasticceria al servizio da tavola. Poco dopo il Big Bang, l’universo era un "brodo" di particelle indistinguibili. E l’arrivo del Maestro Marchesi assomiglia tanto al campo di Higgs! Riuscirà il nostro eroe a tagliare la mela per Gualtiero Marchesi? Ogni storia della serie fEASYca, andata in onda su Rai Scuola, diventa il laboratorio "on the road" per "estrarre" tutti i concetti di fisica in essi nascosti, dai più complessi e profondi a quelli più semplici e intuitivi. ITALY 383 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life ITALY RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana PRESA DIRETTA SALVIAMO IL MARE Presa diretta – Il faut sauver la mer Un long périple autour de la planète pour parler de nos mers et de nos océans qui sont malades et doivent être sauvés. La santé de la mer est une émergence mondiale qui nous concerne tous. Presa diretta a sillonné la mer Méditerranée en constatant qu’elle est l’une des plus polluées par le plastique qui s’incruste dans la chaîne alimentaire à travers le poisson et altère l’écosystème. Tous les êtres vivant en milieu marin, des plus gros aux plus infimes, sont contaminés par des substances polluantes et, de fil en aiguille, le danger arrive sur notre table. Presa diretta – Salviamo il mare Un lungo viaggio in giro per il mondo per raccontare che i nostri mari sono malati e hanno bisogno di essere salvati. Lo stato di salute del mare è una vera e propria emergenza mondiale. E ci riguarda da vicino. Presa Diretta ha viaggiato attraverso il Mediterraneo per scoprire che è uno dei mari più inquinati dalle plastiche e che queste entrano nel ciclo alimentare del pescato. Grandi e piccoli abitanti del mare sono aggrediti dalle sostanze inquinanti e il pericolo arriva così sulle nostre tavole. SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Andrea Bevilacqua Production Manager: Marco De Angelis A programme by: Riccardo Iacona, in collaboration with Maria Cristina De Ritis Music: Daniel Bacalov Photography: Gianni Tosti Editing: Filippo Gamen, Samantha Roberts Title of series: Presa diretta Producing organisation: RAI 3 Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 15/3/2015 Original language: Italian Subtitled in: English Running time: 67’ 16’’ Presa Diretta – Let’s Save the Sea A long voyage around the world documenting how our seas are sick and are calling out to be saved. The health of the seas is nothing short of a true and proper global crisis. And it effects us all. Rai TV Documentary Presa Diretta travelled around the Mediterranean to discover how today it is one of the most polluted seas in the world with plastic, via fishing, now entering our food cycle. Seaside villages and cities alike are assailed by pollution and the poison has likewise arrived on our plates. 384 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life Malta – Watering an Island Nowadays, the effective use of water in Malta is a real problem. Agriculture and other economic activities use too much water in relation to available resources. This documag presents the experience and the fight of a couple of farmers and the technologies for water sustainability to reduce water consumption and improve rationalization. Malte – l’île et l’eau A l’heure actuelle, Malte est confrontée à un problème concret : sa mauvaise gestion de l’eau. L’agriculture et plusieurs autres activités de l’île consomment trop d’eau et risquent d’épuiser ses réserves. Ce documentaire d’approfondissement met en avant les nouvelles technologies de pointe visant à une meilleure gestion et soutenabilité de l’eau et montre le combat de deux agriculteurs qui veulent rationaliser leur consommation. PBS Public Broadcasting Services MALTA - WATERING AN ISLAND Direction: Adrian Paul Spiteri Production: Godfrey Smith Music: Terry Devine- King Photography: Adian Borg Ghigo Sound: Leslie Galea Editing: Jeremy Dalli Title of series: Joussours Producing organisations: PBS, RAI, ASBU Coproducing organisations: CYBC, ERTU, FR3, JRTV, PBL, RTVE,TELEVISION TUNISI Year of production: 2013 Broadcast date: 25/11/2013 Original language: Maltese Subtitled in: English Running time: 9’ 34’’ SPECIAL PRIZES Malta – Annaffiare un’isola Al giorno d’oggi, Malta combatte con un problema reale: un utilizzo poco efficace dell’acqua. Le risorse di acqua disponibili sono inferiori all’effettivo utilizzo della stessa in agricoltura ed altre attività. Questo documentario presenta l’esperienza e la lotta di due agricoltori e le nuove tecnologie per la sostenibilità dell’acqua, utili a ridurre il suo consumo ed a migliorare la sua razionalizzazione. MALTA 385 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life MALTA PBS Public Broadcasting Services MALTA: TUNA OR LAMPUKI Malte : thon ou dorade ? A travers le regard d’un pêcheur, ce documentaire soulève la question de la soutenabilité de la pêche au thon et nous parle de la dorade, une espèce menacée de surpêche. Malta: tonno o dorado? Questo documentario guarda con gli occhi di un pescatore i problemi della sostenibilità legati alla pesca del tonno e alla sovrapesca del Dorado. SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Adrian Paul Spiteri Production: Godfrey Smith Script: Adrian Paul Spiteri Music: Terry Devine- King Sound: Leslie Galea Editing: Jeremy Dalli Title of series: Joussours Producing organisations: PBS, RAI, ASBU Coproducing organisations: CYBC, ERTU, FR3, JRTV, PBL, RTVE,TELEVISION TUNISI Year of production: 2013 Broadcast date: 25/11/2013 Original language: Maltese Subtitled in: English Running time: 9’ 33’’ Malta: Tuna or Dorado This docu-mag takes a look through the eyes of a fisherman at the problems of sustainable fishing for tuna and the overfishing of Dorado. 386 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life Zapp Your Planet Zapp Your Planet is all about creating awareness for children, between the age of 8 to 12, about environmental problems on our planet. Broadcast in 2014, the programme was all about the plastic soup in the oceans (the huge expanse of floating marine debris). During the show, 4 popular television hosts battled each other in various exciting games to become the best guide for an expedition. The best guide wins an expedition with two kids to a country hit by plastic soup . NETHERLANDS Zappe ta planète Zappe ta planète est une émission ludique et éducative pour inciter les enfants de huit à douze ans à prendre conscience des grands maux environnementaux dont souffre la planète. L’émission, diffusée en 2014, aborde le grave problème du plastique dans les océans. Pendant l’émission quatre animateurs stars du petit écran se défient en surmontant des épreuves palpitantes pour décrocher le titre de meilleur guide d’expédition. Le vainqueur remportera une expédition au cours de laquelle il guidera deux enfants dans un pays pollué par les déchets plastiques. Direction: Robert Fortuijn, Marlou Wens Production: Maurice Lubbers, Miranda Van Es Editing: Paul Ekelmans Actors: Evelien Bos Title of series: Zapp Your Planet Producing organisations: EO, NCRV Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 30/3/2014 Original language: Dutch Subtitled in: English Running time: 50’ ZAPP YOUR PLANET SPECIAL PRIZES Cambia il tuo Pianeta Questo programma ha lo scopo di rendere i bambini dagli otto ai dodici anni consapevoli dei problemi ambientali del nostro pianeta. Nel programma, andato in onda nel 2014, si trattava la problematica dell’incredibile "zuppa di plastica" presente nelle acque degli oceani. Durante lo spettacolo quattro conduttori televisivi famosi competono tra loro in vari giochi emozionanti per diventare la migliore guida per una spedizione. La guida migliore vince una spedizione con due bambini in un paese colpito dalla problematica della plastica. NPO Netherlands Public Broadcasting 387 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life SAN MARINO (REPUBLIC OF) RSMTV Radiotelevisione della Repubblica di San Marino SULL’ANTICA ROTTA DEL SALE Sur l’ancienne route du sel Reparcourir la route du sel, des salines de Cervia jusqu’à Venise, est depuis une dizaine d’années l’attraction touristique de la Riviera. L’été, l’on peut voir d’anciennes nefs chargées d’or blanc sillonner l’Adriatique en mettant le cap sur la Pointe de la Douane. La République de Venise, qui voulait le monopole du sel en Méditerranée dès le 12e siècle, finit par racheter la cité de Cervia et ses salines. Sur la route du sel est aujourd’hui un itinéraire touristique, ponctué de ports et de points d’abordage, pour découvrir les créations que nous offre la nature, mais c’est surtout une belle rencontre entre des peuples et des cultures. Sull’antica rotta del sale La rievocazione storica del trasporto del sale da Cervia a Venezia è da oltre dieci anni un evento dal forte richiamo turistico delle estati della Riviera Adriatica. Antiche imbarcazioni da lavoro tornano a solcare una rotta antica, cariche del prezioso minerale, fino Punta della Dogana di Venezia. Indietro nel tempo, fino al XII secolo, quando Venezia acquisì le saline di Cervia, allargando il controllo sulla produzione e il commercio del sale in tutto il Mediterraneo. Tanti gli approdi toccati nell’itinerario, in un viaggio che fissa il legame fra l’uomo ed i prodotti della sua terra, ma che è prima di tutto incontro fra popoli e culture. SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Anna Sirotti Production: San Marino Rtv Script: Anna Sirotti Photography: Cristian Torelli Editing: Paolo Di Lorenzo Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 14/1/2015 Original language: Italian Subtitled in: English Sales: Mr. Giuseppe Cesetti Ph: +378 0549 882008 Running time: 36’ 54’’ On the Ancient Salt Route The historical re-enactment of the transportation of salt from the village of Cervia to Venice is an event, highly popular with tourists, which has been held on the Adriatic Riviera for the past ten years. Old wooden boats, loaded with the precious mineral, sail down the original route until they reach the Venetian warehouses. The pageant takes us back to the 12th century, when Venice bought Cervia’s saline, enabling it to exert control of production and sale of this "white gold" and therefore extend its grip in the whole of the Mediterranean. During their voyage, the boats make several stops, creating a journey strengthening the bond uniting man and the earth’s produce and, above all, a meeting between different people and cultures. 388 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life A Country Worth Eating Imanol Arias and Juan Echanove, two prestigious actors and longstanding friends, discover the scenery and people in a country united by what they eat and drink. They travel across Spain to investigate gastronomy and scenery, to enjoy the diversity founded firmly on Spain’s common roots. While the red tuna of Almadraba is the protagonist of this adventure in Cadiz, Imanol and Juan also learn about bluefin tuna traps, investigate the carnival culture of Cadiz, eat out on tapas with friends, admire some of the city’s traditions and marvel at its age-old businesses and arts and crafts. Un pays à croquer Imanol Arias et Juan Echanove, acteurs célèbres et amis de longue date, décident de faire un tour de l’Espagne pour découvrir son terroir et ses populations unies par la bonne bouffe et le bon vin. Un périple dans le pays de la gastronomie, avec ses paysages époustouflants et sa diversité, où l’Espagne enfonce ses racines. Au cours d’une étape à Cadix, le thon rouge d’Almadraba fera figure de star. Imanol et Juan se feront toute une culture sur les pièges à thons à nageoires bleues et sur l’histoire du Carnaval de Cadix tout en grignotant des tapas avec des amis. Une occasion pour découvrir les us et coutumes et les merveilles architecturales de cette grande ville d’art et d’artisanat. RTVE Radiotelevision Española UN PAÍS PARA COMÉRSELO Direction: Irene Arzuaga Production: Antonia Prieto, Javier Cuadrado, Miguel Ángel Bernardeau, Marcos Esteban Script: Michel Goñi, Cristina Lago Editing: José Luis Picado Actors: Juan Echanove Y Imanol Arias Producing organisations TVE Coproducing organisation: Grupo Ganga Producciones Year of production: 2012 Broadcast date: 9/4/2014 Original language: Spanish Running time: 42’ 7’’ SPECIAL PRIZES Un paese tutto da mangiare Imanol Arias e Juan Echanove, due attori prestigiosi ed amici di lunga data, vanno alla scoperta del territorio spagnolo e di un popolo unito dal buon bere e dal buon mangiare. Viaggiano in tutta la Spagna per studiare gastronomia e paesaggi, per godere delle diversità su cui si fondano saldamente le radici della nazione. Il vero protagonista di questa avventura a Cadice è il tonno rosso di Almadraba, ma Imanol e Juan scoprono anche tutto quello che c’è da sapere sulle trappole utilizzate per pescare il tonno a pinna blu, sulla cultura del carnevale di Cadice, mangiano delle tapas con amici, ammirano alcune delle tradizioni e meraviglie della città con le sue attività secolari di arti e mestieri. SPAIN 389 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life SPAIN RTVE Radiotelevision Española PLANETA COMIDA Planète aliment Comment on mange ? Combien de calories avale-t-on chaque jour ? Est-ce qu’on mange seul ou en famille ? Quels sont les facteurs qui influencent notre alimentation ? Et est-il vrai qu’on est ce qu’on mange ? Cette émission répondra à toutes ces questions en faisant défiler différents styles de vie selon différents types d’alimentation. Un périple autour du monde, où les climats, les religions et l’histoire ont modelé les habitudes alimentaires des populations. Dans le détail, on découvrira sur quoi se base le régime alimentaire méditerranéen. Le réalisateur et son équipe sillonneront le Sud de l’Europe pour découvrir les spécialités culinaires des pays de la Méditerranée et pour comprendre comment chacun d’eux décline les aliments selon leur culture. Pianeta Cibo Come mangiamo? Quanto cibo ingeriamo durante il giorno? Mangiamo da soli o con la nostra famiglia? Quali fattori influenzano quello che mangiamo? Siamo ciò che mangiamo? In questo programma rispondiamo a tutte queste domande, mostrando differenti modi di vivere attraverso il cibo che ingeriamo. Viaggiamo attraverso il mondo, notando come il clima, la religione o la storia abbiano plasmato le diverse abitudini alimentari del nostro pianeta. Il programma cerca, nello specifico, di spiegare su cosa si basa la dieta mediterranea. La nostra squadra viaggia attraverso l’Europa del sud per conoscere il cibo ed il diverso utilizzo che ne viene fatto, da un paese mediterraneo ad un altro. SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Javier Reboredo, Antonio Boneu Production: Urbana Gil, Joan Carles Pallarés, Elena Escamilla, Macarena Fernández, Laia Lluch Script: Alberto Blesa Editing: Antonio Lava, Irlanda Tambascio Producing organisations: TVE, Mega TV Coproducing organisations: TVE, Mega TV, Plis Plas Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 2/11/2014 Original language: Spanish Subtitled in: English Running time: 51’ 27’’ Food Planet How do we eat? How much food do we eat during the day? Do we eat alone or with our family? What factors influence what we eat? Are we what we eat? In Food Planet we answer all these questions, showing different ways of life through the food we eat. We travel around the world and see how climate, religion or history have shaped the different food habits of our planet. Food Planet focuses on explaining what the Mediterranean diet is based on. Our team crew moves through southern Europe to get to know food and the different use that is made of it from one Mediterranean country to the next. 390 SPECIAL PRIZES SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life REGULATIONS SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life REGULATIONS 1 The Special Prize -"Expo 2015 Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life" is promoted by the "Milano Expo 2015 Spa". Expo 2015 is set to be an universal event providing a showcase for tradition, creativity and innovation in the food chain sector. The Expo’s theme intends encouraging concrete and effective answers intrinsic to problems concerning human food and nutrition linkages, both in terms of food safety (drinkable water and food that is safe and healthy), as well as food security (food/water that is in adequate supply and easily accessible for every people of the planet), within the context of sustainable development. 2 This year two prizes are being awarded: - A prize of Euro 4.000 gross to Prix Italia member television broadcasters; - A prize of Euro 4.000 gross (divided into two separate prizes respectively of Euro 2.500 gross and Euro 1.500 gross) for young talents worldwide (A Day at Expo 2015). This prize has its own separate set of rules. 3 The Special Prize, "Expo 2015 Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life", reserved for member broadcasters of Prix Italia, is devoted to: - television programmes focusing on nutrition in terms of vital energy for our planet, indispensable for sustainable development based on a correct and constant nutrition of the body, respect for every human’s fundamental practice, on health. In particular the "Prize" is for programmes dealing with themes such as: improving food quality and security; ensuring healthy and high-quality nutrition for every human, wiping out hunger, drought, child mortality and malnutrition, eradicating famine and pandemic disease; preventing the new epidemics and diseases of our time; promoting innovation in research, technology and business practices along the entire food supply chain to improve the nutritional value, conservation and distribution of food; providing education in proper nutrition and encouraging more healthy lifestyles, especially among children, adolescents and the elderly; heightening the awareness of "food traditions" in terms of the value of cultural and ethnic heritages as expressed in culinary traditions. The purpose of this "Special Prize" is in this way to celebrate television production excellence in line with Prix Italia’s own general goals; - television programmes promoting Milano Expo 2015. The prize will be awarded by an international jury which will convene in Torino during the Prix. 4 Each broadcaster may submit a maximum of two television programmes. Programmes that have been entered in the official section of the TV or another Special Prize competition may also compete. The competition’s winning programme must show the Prix Italia logo in the credits and the promotional material. 5 Competing programmes must not have already been entered in previous Prixs. 6 Competing broadcasters must be up-to-date with payment of membership fees. 7 To participate, please see the Special Prize entry form (Special Prize Expo 2015 for Prix Italia Members) posted on the Prix Italia website: The programmes in competition should be sent in the format and before the deadline set by the Secretariat (entry form and synopsis by 30th March – programme and additional material by 30th April). 394 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life The programmes should be preferably subtitled in English or at least accompanied by a written translation in the aforesaid language. Competitors are moreover requested to also provide photographic material and information about the entered programmes. 8 By submitting the signed entry forms, organisations authorise: - the widest possible broadcasting of the entries, making it as easy as possible for the programmes to be used by the organisations requesting them; - the listening or viewing of programmes by delegates, accredited members of the press, observers, academics or persons invited by the Secretariat; - the placing, in Prix Italia’s central digitalized Archive, of a copy of the submitted programme. The Archive may be exclusively consulted by members of Prix Italia. On special request, consultation may be authorized for the purpose of documentation, study or academic research. It is not possible to download programmes; - Prix Italia to produce a promo DVD at the most containing up to 3 minutes of each programme running in the competition; - the use of up to 3 minutes of each work in competition in programmes which have especially been made by Rai to promote and report the Festival. - The use on the Internet, for the purpose of promo, of clips of the competing programme. These clips, lasting 60 seconds, should be written in the entry form by the submitting Organisation; - the promotional and no-profit posting on the Prix Italia site of the winning programmes. These programmes will be online, with no possibility of download, for up to five days after the Festival. Prix Italia intends in this way to celebrate the creativity of the winners and the quality of their works posting on its site every award-winning programme. The showcasing of the programmes on the Prix Italia website must be specifically authorised on the entry form. Were the submitting organisation not to have provided the Prix Italia Secretariat with the latter authorisation, the programme is nonetheless eligible to compete. 9 The Prize money will be awarded by the Expo 2015 Spa to beneficiaries named by the winning broadcaster. 10 For anything not envisaged in this set of Regulations, please refer to the Prix Italia Radio and TV Regulations. 395 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life REGLEMENT 1 Le Prix Spécial « Expo 2015 – Nourrir la Planète, Energie pour la Vie » est promu par la société Expo 2015 spa. L’Expo 2015 est un évènement de portée universelle pour donner de la visibilité à la tradition, à la créativité et à l’innovation dans le secteur de l’alimentation. Le thème de l’exposition veut apporter des réponses concrètes et efficaces aux problèmes liés à l’alimentation et à la nutrition humaine, aussi bien en matière de sécurité des aliments food safety (nourriture et eau saines, salubres et sûres), qu’en matière de sécurité alimentaire food security (nourriture et eau suffisantes facilement accessibles à toutes les populations de la planète), dans une optique de développement durable. 2 Deux prix sont prévus pour l’année courante : - une récompense de 4.000,00 euros brut réservée aux télédiffuseurs membres du Prix Italia ; - une récompense de 4.000,00 euros brut (à répartir sur deux prix, dont l’une de 2.500 euros brut et l’autre de 1.500 euros brut) à attribuer aux jeunes talents du monde entier (A Day at Expo 2015 - Une journée à l’Expo 2015) qui fera l’objet d’un règlement à part. 3 Le Prix Spécial « Expo 2015 - Nourrir la Planète, Energie pour la Vie », réservé aux membres du Prix Italia, est dédié aux : - programmes TV qui ont pour objet l’alimentation, en tant qu’énergie vitale de la Planète, nécessaire à un développement soutenable, basé sur une alimentation correcte et constante du corps, sur le respect des pratiques fondamentales de la vie de tout être humain et sur la santé. Il vise en particulier les programmes traitant de sujets tels que : le renforcement de la qualité et de la sécurité de l’alimentation ; la garantie d’une alimentation saine et de qualité à tous les êtres humains pour éliminer la faim, la soif, la mortalité infantile et la malnutrition en enrayant les famines et les pandémies ; la prévention des nouvelles grandes maladies sociales de notre époque ; l’innovation dans la recherche, la technologie et l’entreprise et dans toute la filière alimentaire de façon à améliorer les caractéristiques nutritives des produits, leur conservation et leur distribution ; l’enseignement des règles de nutrition correcte pour favoriser de nouveaux styles de vie en particulier chez les enfants, les adolescents et les personnes âgées ; la valorisation de la connaissance des « traditions alimentaires » en tant qu’éléments culturels et ethniques. Le Prix Spécial veut ainsi récompenser la qualité de la production TV en accord avec les principaux objectifs du Prix Italia ; - programmes TV qui promeuvent la manifestation Milan Expo 2015. La récompense sera attribuée par un Jury international qui se réunira à Turin au cours du Festival. 4 Chaque télédiffuseur pourra soumettre deux programmes au maximum. Les productions inscrites dans la session officielle du concours TV ou autre Prix Spécial peuvent également participer. Le programme récompensé devra afficher le logo Prix Italia sur son générique et le matériel de promotion. 5 Les programmes en lice ne devront pas avoir été présentés dans les précédentes éditions du concours. 6 Pour pouvoir participer les télédiffuseurs devront être en règle avec leur cotisation annuelle. 7 Pour participer, les concurrents devront remplir le formulaire d’inscription (Special Prize Milano Expo 2015 for Prix Italia Members) disponible sur le site web du Prix Italia Les programmes en compétition devront parvenir dans les délais et les conditions indiqués par le secrétariat (inscription et 396 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life synopsis des programmes non au-delà du 30 mars – Programme et autre matériel complémentaire non au-delà du 30 avril). Si le programme est édité dans une langue différente de l’anglais, il devra être sous-titré ou accompagné d’une traduction en anglais. Les concurrents sont, en outre, invités à fournir du matériel photos et de la documentation illustrant lesdits programmes. 8 Les organismes adhérents doivent faire parvenir en temps utile au Secrétariat le formulaire d’inscription dûment signé et autorisant : - la plus ample diffusion des productions en lice en facilitant par tous les moyens leur mise à disposition aux organismes qui en feront demande ; - les délégués, les journalistes accrédités, les observateurs, les chercheurs et experts, ainsi que les invités du Secrétariat à prendre vision et/ou écouter les programmes en compétition ; - le dépôt dans les Archives numériques du Prix Italia de tous les programmes présentés. Il est précisé que l’accès aux Archives est réservé aux membres du Prix Italia. Cependant, dans certains cas et à la demande explicite, les productions pourront être consultées à des fins de documentation, d’études et de recherches académiques. Le téléchargement des programmes reste toutefois rigoureusement interdit ; - la réalisation, à la charge du Prix Italia, d’un éventuel DVD promotionnel de l’œuvre présentée d’une durée maximum de 3 minutes ; - l’utilisation de 3 minutes maximum de chaque œuvre participant au concours dans le cadre des programmes Rai afin de promouvoir et documenter la manifestation ; - la diffusion sur Internet, aux seules fins promotionnelles, d’un vidéo-clip de chaque production en compétition. Ledit vidéo-clip d’une durée de 60 secondes devra être mentionné par l’organisme proposant sur la fiche d’inscription ; - la publication du programme récompensé sur le site du Prix Italia à des fins de promotion et sans but lucratif. Ledit programme sera en ligne, sans possibilité de téléchargement, pendant 5 jours max. après le festival. Cette vitrine vise à mettre en lumière la créativité des lauréats et la qualité des œuvres en publiant tous les programmes récompensés. A cette fin, les concurrents devront expressément accorder leur autorisation sur la fiche d’inscription. A défaut de cette dernière autorisation à être publiés sur le site du Prix Italia, les programmes pourront néanmoins participer aux concours. 9 Les récompenses en numéraire seront remises par la Société Expo 2015 Spa. aux personnes indiquées par le télédiffuseur lauréat du concours. 10 Pour tout ce qui n’est pas prévu dans le présent règlement, fera foi le Règlement Radio et TV du Prix Italia. 397 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life REGOLAMENTO 1 Il Premio Speciale "Expo 2015 - Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita" è promosso dalla Società Expo 2015 Spa. L’Expo 2015 è un evento universale volto a dare visibilità alla tradizione, alla creatività e all’innovazione nel settore dell’alimentazione. Il tema dell’Esposizione intende sviluppare risposte concrete ed efficaci ai problemi inerenti l’alimentazione e la nutrizione umana, sia in termini di food safety (cibo ed acqua sani, salubri e sicuri), sia di food security (cibo ed acqua sufficienti e facilmente accessibili per tutte le popolazioni del pianeta), in un’ottica di sviluppo sostenibile. 2 Per l’anno in corso verranno assegnati due premi: - un premio di Euro 4.000 lordi destinato a broadcaster televisivi membri del Prix Italia; - un premio di Euro 4.000 lordi (articolato, a sua volta, in due premi rispettivamente di Euro 2.500 lordi e Euro 1.500 lordi) riservato ai giovani talenti di tutto il mondo (A Day at Expo 2015). Tale premio è regolamentato separatamente. 3 Il Premio Speciale "Expo 2015 - Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita", riservato ai broadcaster membri del Prix Italia, è dedicato a: - programmi televisivi che hanno per oggetto l’alimentazione come energia vitale del Pianeta necessaria per uno sviluppo sostenibile basato su un corretto e costante nutrimento del corpo, sul rispetto delle pratiche fondamentali di vita di ogni essere umano, sulla salute. In particolare è rivolto a programmi attinenti a temi quali: rafforzare la qualità e la sicurezza dell’alimentazione; assicurare un’alimentazione sana e di qualità a tutti gli esseri umani per eliminare la fame, la sete, la mortalità infantile e la malnutrizione, debellando carestie e pandemie; prevenire le nuove grandi malattie sociali della nostra epoca; innovare con la ricerca, la tecnologia e l’impresa l’intera filiera alimentare, per migliorare le caratteristiche nutritive dei prodotti, la loro conservazione e distribuzione; educare ad una corretta alimentazione per favorire nuovi stili di vita, in particolare per i bambini, gli adolescenti, gli anziani; valorizzare la conoscenza delle "tradizioni alimentari" come elementi culturali e etnici. In tal modo, il Premio Speciale vuole premiare la qualità della produzione televisiva in sintonia con gli obiettivi generali del Prix Italia; - programmi televisivi che promuovono l’evento Milano Expo 2015. Il premio verrà assegnato da una giuria internazionale che si riunirà a Torino nel corso del Prix. 4Ogni broadcaster può partecipare con un massimo di due programmi televisivi. Possono concorrere anche i programmi iscritti alla sezione ufficiale del concorso TV o ad altro Premio Speciale. Il programma vincitore del concorso dovrà riportare il logo Prix Italia nei credits e sul materiale promozionale. 5 I programmi in concorso non dovranno essere stati presentati nelle precedenti edizioni. 6I broadcaster partecipanti dovranno essere in regola con il pagamento della quota annuale. 7 Per partecipare, si deve fare riferimento alla speciale scheda di iscrizione (Special Prize Milano Expo 2015 for Prix Italia Members) pubblicata nel sito del Prix Italia I programmi in concorso dovranno pervenire nei tempi e nei modi indicati dal Segretariato (iscrizione e riassunti entro il 30 marzo – programmi e altro materiale entro il 30 aprile). Il programma, se editato in una lingua diversa dall’inglese, deve essere 398 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life sottotitolato o accompagnato almeno da una traduzione nella suddetta lingua. I partecipanti sono invitati a fornire anche materiale fotografico e informativo relativo ai programmi iscritti. 8 Gli organismi aderenti devono fornire al Segretariato in tempo utile la scheda di iscrizione firmata in cui autorizzano: - la massima diffusione dei programmi presentati in concorso, facilitando il più possibile la messa a disposizione dei propri programmi agli organismi che ne fanno richiesta; - l’ascolto o la visione dei programmi da parte di giurati, delegati, giornalisti accreditati, osservatori, studiosi o invitati del Segretariato; -il riversamento dei programmi presentati in concorso nell’Archivio digitalizzato del Prix Italia. La consultazione di tale Archivio è riservata ai Soci del Prix. Su speciale richiesta si autorizza la consultazione per scopi di documentazione, studio e ricerca accademica. Non è prevista possibilità di download dei programmi; - la produzione da parte del Prix Italia di un eventuale DVD promozionale contenente un massimo di 3 minuti di ciascun programma presentato in concorso; - l’utilizzo di un massimo di 3 minuti di ciascuna opera presentata in concorso nell’ambito dei programmi realizzati da Rai per promuovere e documentare la manifestazione; - l’utilizzo in Internet, a scopo promozionale, delle clip dei programmi presentati in concorso. Tali clip, della durata di 60 secondi, dovranno essere indicate dall’organismo proponente sulla scheda di iscrizione; - la pubblicazione sul sito del Prix Italia del programma vincitore. Tale programma sarà on line, senza possibilità di download, per un massimo di cinque giorni dopo la sessione, a scopo promozionale e senza fini di lucro. Il Prix Italia intende in questo modo celebrare la creatività dei vincitori e la qualità delle loro opere, pubblicando sul proprio sito tutti i programmi premiati. L’autorizzazione a tale utilizzo dovrà essere espressamente comunicata sulla scheda di iscrizione. L’eventuale mancanza di quest’ultima autorizzazione da parte dell’organismo membro non impedisce la partecipazione in concorso del programma stesso. 9 Il premio in denaro sarà consegnato dalla Società Expo 2015 Spa ai beneficiari indicati dal broadcaster vincitore. 10 Per tutto quanto non previsto dal presente Regolamento, si fa riferimento al Regolamento Prix Italia per i concorsi Radio e TV. 399 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Young Talents A Day at Expo REGULATIONS 401 SPECIAL PRIZES SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Prix Italia Members Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life Open to Young Talents Worldwide Prix Italia and Expo Milano 2015 are organising a competition for audio-visual programmes focusing on Expo issues Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. In 2015, the Special Prize is being divided into two competitions: one, which is for Prix Italia member broadcasters and is being held for the fourth year in a row and another for young talents, which is being organised for the second year in succession. This latter competition is once again being put together in cooperation with Rai Expo, the Rai department which has been created in collaboration with Expo Milano 2015, dealing with news about issues lying at the very core of the Universal Exhibition (nutrition, agriculture and food security). REGULATIONS 1 Prix Italia, Rai Expo and Expo Milano 2015 are launching a competition for youngsters worldwide presenting videos connected to the theme of the Universal Exhibition of Milano 2015: Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. 2 The competition, entitled A day at Expo 2015, is open to youngsters who have planned to visit Expo Milano 2015 between 1st May and 31st August 2015. 3 The competition is open to competitors of every nationality who must be between 18 and 35 years old. 4 In order to take part a video is required lasting between one and three minutes at the most. 5 The video should be shot inside the Universal Exhibition of Milano 2015 and deal with the Exhibition’s themes and/or the Exhibition itself. 6 The short may be made using any kind of filming instrument and any kind of technique (video camera, camera, smartphone, tablet). It may be shot in any language, although preference will be given to videos whose message is international and transcends its language. Were the video to contain an off-screen voice or dialogue, a transcript of them in English needs to be attached to the entry form. 7 Applications may be sent between 1st May 2015 until midnight 31st August 2015 CET. Applications sent after the deadline will not be accepted. The contestant should fill out the special entry form which may be found on the site and then send video material by following the instructions which will be sent on registering. Together with the application, permission should be given for the video to be posted on Prix Italia’s web site and Rai Expo’s web site A statement is furthermore required certifying that the submitted video is original, specifically made for the competition and that it had never been previously broadcast or posted on the Internet. Providing a false statement will automatically lead to expulsion from the competition. 402 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Young Talents A Day at Expo 8 From the moment Rai receives the work it automatically reserves to exercise the right to use and make use of the video, both directly as well as through third parties, in whatever venue, form, time and without any kind of restriction. 9 A mixed Prix Italia/Rai Expo committee, whose decision will be final, will select the best entries, adopting in their selection the following criteria: overall quality of the work, originality of idea; ability to communicate and pertinence to the theme. The selected videos will be posted and promoted on the Prix Italia website. 10 The selected videos will be submitted to a jury composed of persons whose names have been jointly agreed by Prix Italia, Rai Expo and Expo Milano 2015. The jury will announce the competition winner and runner-up during a special Prix Italia ceremony in the Italian pavilion on 25th September 2015. 11 The two winners will receive prize money: the first-placed Euro 2,500 (Gross) and second-placed Euro 1,500 (Gross). 12 Following the award ceremony, the winning videos will be posted on both Prix Italia’s website and Rai Expo’s. 403 PRIX SPECIAL EXPO 2015 Nourrir la Planète, Energie pour la Vie Réservé aux jeunes talents du monde entier Le Prix Italia et l’Expo 2015 organisent un concours pour les programmes audiovisuels dédiés aux thèmes de l’exposition Nourrir la Planète, Energie pour la Vie. Pour l’édition 2015, le Prix Spécial sera divisé en deux concours : le premier, institué depuis déjà trois ans, sera réservé aux diffuseurs membres du Prix Italia ; et le second, institué depuis 2014, sera réservé aux jeunes talents. Ce dernier concours sera réalisé cette année encore avec la contribution de Rai Expo, une structure de la Rai qui collabore avec l’Expo Milan 2015 en se consacrant à l’information sur les grands thèmes au cœur de l’Exposition Universelle (alimentation, agriculture, sécurité alimentaire). REGLEMENT 1 Le Prix Italia, Rai Expo et Expo 2015 ouvrent un concours réservé aux jeunes du monde entier en les invitant à réaliser un short en thème avec l’Exposition Universelle de Milan 2015 : Nourrir la Planète, Energie pour la Vie. 2 Le concours, intitulé Un jour a l’Expo 2015 – A day at Expo 2015 s’adresse aux jeunes ayant programmé une visite à l’Expo 2015 de Milan entre le 1° mai et le 31 août 2015. 3 Le concours est ouvert aux concurrents de toute nationalité ayant entre18 et 35 ans. 4 Pour participer au concours, il suffit de présenter une vidéo d’une durée allant d’un minimum d’1 minute à un maximum de 3 minutes. 5 Le short devra être tourné dans l’enceinte de l’Exposition Universelle de Milan 2015 et avoir comme sujet les thèmes de la manifestation et/ou avoir comme sujet la manifestation. 6 Le short pourra être réalisé sur n’importe quel support de tournage et avec n’importe quelle technique (télécaméra, photocaméra, smartphone, tablette) et en toutes les langues. Ce étant, indépendamment de la langue choisie, seront privilégiées les vidéos ayant un message de portée internationale. Au cas où le produit aurait des répliques ou/et des voix off, le concurrent devra obligatoirement joindre à la demande de participation la transcription en anglais desdites répliques ou/et voix off. 7 La demande de participation au concours devra être envoyée entre le 1° mai 2015 et le 31 août 2015 à minuit (heure italienne). Toute demande envoyée au-delà des susdits délais sera rejetée. Le concurrent devra remplir la fiche d’inscription à sa disposition sur le site : et envoyer successivement le matériel vidéo en suivant les instructions qu’il recevra au moment de l’inscription. Il devra en outre, autoriser la diffusion de son œuvre sur les sites web du Prix Italia et de Rai Expo : Il devra enfin signer une déclaration attestant que la vidéo est originale, qu’elle a été réalisée spécialement pour le concours du Prix Italia et qu’elle n’a jamais été diffusée et/ou publiée sur Internet. Toute fausse déclaration ou déclaration mensongère entraînera l’exclusion immédiate du concurrent. 404 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Young Talents A Day at Expo 8 Au moment où l’œuvre sera en compétition, RAI en acquerra automatiquement tous les droits d’utilisation et d’exploitation, directement ou indirectement, sans limitation aucune. 9 Un comité composé de représentants du Prix Italia et de Rai Expo sélectionnera selon son jugement sans appel les meilleures vidéos en compétition selon les suivants critères de sélection : la qualité globale de l’œuvre, l’originalité de l’œuvre, sa capacité de communication et son à-propos avec le sujet. Les shorts sélectionnés seront publiés et feront l’objet de publicité sur le site du Prix Italia. 10 Les vidéos sélectionnées seront soumises à un jury composé de personnalités choisies de commun accord par le Prix Italia, Rai Expo et Expo Milan 2015. Ledit Jury annoncera les 2 lauréats du concours au cours d’une cérémonie spéciale, organisée par le Prix Italia, qui se tiendra le 25 septembre 2015 dans le Pavillon Italie. 11 Le Prix consiste en deux récompenses en numéraire. Les 2 premiers lauréats remporteront respectivement 2.500 euros brut et 1.500 euros brut. 12 Après la remise des Prix les shorts lauréats du concours seront diffusés sur le site du Prix Italia et sur celui de Rai Expo. 405 PREMIO SPECIALE EXPO MILANO 2015 Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita Dedicato ai giovani talenti di tutto il mondo Il Prix Italia ed Expo Milano 2015 organizzano un concorso per prodotti audiovisivi dedicati ai temi dell’esposizione Nutrire il pianeta, energia per la vita. Nel 2015 Il Premio Speciale è diviso in due concorsi: uno riservato ai broadcaster membri del Prix Italia, indetto per il quarto anno consecutivo, ed uno dedicato ai giovani talenti, indetto per il secondo anno consecutivo. Quest’ultimo è realizzato anche quest’anno con il contributo di Rai Expo, la struttura Rai creata in collaborazione con Expo Milano 2015 e dedicata all’informazione sui temi che sono al centro dell’Esposizione Universale (alimentazione, agricoltura, sicurezza alimentare). REGOLAMENTO 1 Prix Italia, Rai Expo ed Expo Milano 2015 indicono un concorso rivolto ai giovani di tutto il mondo per la realizzazione di filmati legati al tema dell’Esposizione Universale di Milano del 2015: Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita 2 Il concorso, dal titolo Un giorno all’Expo 2015 – A day at Expo 2015 è rivolto a giovani che abbiano programmato una visita all’Expo 2015 di Milano nel periodo compreso tra il 1 maggio e il 31 agosto 2015. 3 Il concorso è aperto a concorrenti di tutte le nazionalità. Per partecipare è necessario avere un’età compresa tra i 18 e i 35 anni compiuti. 4 Per partecipare è necessario produrre un video della durata minima di 1 minuto e massima di 3 minuti. 5 Il filmato dovrà essere realizzato all'interno dell'Esposizione Universale di Milano 2015 e dovrà vertere sui temi della manifestazione e/o sulla manifestazione stessa. 6 Potrà essere utilizzato qualunque strumento di ripresa (telecamera, fotocamera, smartphone, tablet). Potrà essere in qualunque lingua, ma saranno privilegiati i video il cui messaggio sia internazionale e indipendente dalla lingua scelta. Qualora il video preveda una voce fuori campo o dei dialoghi, sarà necessario allegare alla domanda la relativa trascrizione in lingua inglese di tale voce fuori campo o di tali dialoghi. 7 Le domande potranno essere inviate dal 1 maggio 2015 alla mezzanotte del 31 agosto 2015, ora italiana. Domande inviate oltre questo termine non verranno accettate. L’utente dovrà compilare l’apposita entry form disponibile sul sito e successivamente inviare il materiale video seguendo le istruzioni che verranno inviate al momento dell’iscrizione. Contestualmente alla domanda è necessario dare l’assenso all’utilizzo del filmato sul sito web di Prix Italia e sul sito web di Rai Expo . È inoltre necessario sottoscrivere una dichiarazione che attesti che il filmato è originale, realizzato appositamente per 406 SPECIAL PRIZE EXPO MILANO 2015 For Young Talents A Day at Expo 8 il concorso e mai andato in onda né pubblicato su Internet in precedenza. L’eventuale mendacità di questa dichiarazione comporterà l’esclusione dal concorso. A decorrere dall’acquisizione dell’opera, la Rai esercita il diritto di utilizzare e sfruttare la medesima sia direttamente sia tramite terzi, in qualunque sede, forma e modo, senza limiti di spazio né di altro genere. 9 Un comitato misto Prix Italia/Rai Expo selezionerà, a proprio insindacabile giudizio, i migliori tra i filmati pervenuti, utilizzando i seguenti criteri: qualità complessiva dell’opera, originalità della stessa, capacità comunicativa e pertinenza al tema. I filmati selezionati verranno pubblicati e pubblicizzati sul sito del Prix Italia. 10 I filmati selezionati verranno sottoposti a una giuria composta da personalità scelte di comune accordo tra il Prix Italia, Rai Expo ed Expo Milano 2015. La giuria annuncerà il primo ed il secondo qualificato durante una apposita cerimonia del Prix Italia il 25 settembre 2015 all’interno del padiglione Italia. 11 Il premio consiste in somme di denaro, i primi due qualificati vinceranno rispettivamente 2500 euro lordi, 1500 euro lordi. 12 Dopo la consegna dei premi, i filmati vincitori saranno pubblicati sul sito del Prix Italia e anche sul sito di Rai Expo. 407 SPECIAL PRIZES GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS ENTRIES GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS AUSTRALIA ABC DOCU-FEATURE In One Ear and Out the Other BELINDA LOPEZ DOCUMENTARY Inaudible Me LIZ THOMPSON DOCUMENTARY Yulu’s Coal AUSTRIA ORF MUSIC & ART FEATURE Pictures of an Exhibition BELGIUM ACSR FICTION/DRAMA Pamela ANNA RAIMONDO SPECIAL PRIZES SOUND WALK/ RADIO ART Play Babel MAGALI SCHUERMANS DOCUMENTARY Katia VRT PUBLIC INTEREST The Biggest Employment Agency in the World 410 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS CANADA CBC DRAMA (ORIGINAL) WireTap – The Dating Game RADIOTOPIA’S THE HEART FICTIONALIZED DOCUMENTARY Movies in Your Head VERONICA SIMMONDS RADIO DOCUMENTARY Dr. Clock CANADA, DENMARK, ICELAND ANNA FRIZ AND KONRAD KORABIEWSKI RADIO ART Trilogy for Night and Radio: Radiotelegraph, Night Fall, Relay DENMARK DR A RADIO EXPLORATION The Voyage into the Unknown – The Location 2:3 MARIA DØNVANG The West Road RADIO24SYV SATIRE Genialos! – The Year in Review 2014 THIRD EAR FEATURE RADIO DOCUMENTARY PODCAST In a Relationship with... 411 SPECIAL PRIZES REPRESENTATION/ POETRY/STAGING GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS FINLAND RADIOMEDIA RY RADIO DOCUMENTARY The Silent Ones FRANCE ANGELIQUE TIBAU DOCUMENTARY Silent Zone ARTE FRANCE CREATION Total Vocal DINAH BIRD HORSPIEL/RADIO CREATION RECORD A Box of 78s ELSA FAYNER DIAPORAMA SONORE I Help My Body Out LA FABRIQUE DOCUMENTAIRE DOCUMENTARY My Village is Called Kinshasa SPECIAL PRIZES PHAUNE RADIO RADIO/PODCAST Polyphaune #6: Courtship Display RADIO FRANCE RADIO CREATION DOCUMENTARY The Trench 412 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS GERMANY ARD RADIO DRAMA AS AN AUDIOGAME IN 3D-SOUND FOR MOBILE DEVICES 39 - Audio Game in 3D Sound GRACE YOON RADIODRAMASOUNDART "Mumbling" Adapted from the Play "Murmel, Murmel" by Dieter Roth HTW BERLIN TRANSMEDIA RADIO DRAMA/MOBILE AUDIO GAME Blowback IRELAND GREY HERON MEDIA DOCUMENTARY/ SOUNDSCAPE Limerick 2014: As It Lives & Breathes - Episode 1 Summer MACCANA TEORANTA RADIO DRAMA Coma NATURAL ENVIRONMENT An Irish Sanctuary - Part 2 RTÉ RADIO ART The Savage Bull 413 SPECIAL PRIZES NEAR FM GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS ISRAEL BENNY BECKER DOCUMENTARY Michael & Leah ISRAEL STORY - MISHI HARMAN DOCUMENTARY Love Syndrome SIPUR ISRAELI - ADAM BIZANSKY DOCUMENTARY The Badir Bro’s ITALY GIANLUCA STAZI DOCUMENTARY Achilles and the Tortoise GIOVANNI MORANDINI LITERATURE/MUSIC Lunatics in Literature LAURA FAGGIN - PAOLO CORLEONI RADIO STORYTELLING Mocku. Possible Stories SPECIAL PRIZES RADIO BULLETS NEWS PODCAST 20 November 2014 - News RAI ENTERTAINING Fiorello at Radio Fuori Programma ROBERTA NICOLAI THEATRICAL JAM SESSION Absolutely Live 414 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS MACEDONIA KANAL103 RADIO DOCUMENTARY/ REPORTAGE Good Soil POLAND FUNDACJA GLOS EWANGELII REPORTAGE Childhood Whispers SERBIA SBC/RTS RADIOPHONIC WORK Play It with Your Voice SNEŽANA RISTIC’ & RADONJA LEPOSAVIC’ SHORT FORM Beethoven’s Tinnitus (Readymade) SLOVENIA RTVSLO RADIOPHONIC It Happened in a City That Didn’t Exist... AND MULTIMEDIA PERFORMANCE (LIVE) PROTOPHONIC SCIENCE FICTION AUDIO Brad Lansky and the Rogue Era SWEDEN SVERIGES RADIO P3 HUMOUR/SATIRE Thor Radio 415 SPECIAL PRIZES SOUTH AFRICA GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS SWITZERLAND RADIO PICNIC PUNCA, COLONIAL, AUDIOPHOBIC The Sound of Punca TURKEY TRT FM ENTERTAINMENT/ TALK SHOW The Most Radio Programme of the World UNITED KINGDOM BBC RADIO DOCS/MUSIC Wireless Nights: BBC Philharmonic Presents ... LOFTUS MEDIA FEATURE Where Are You Going? RESONANCE FM RADIO ART Fifth Sketch for Ascent and Descent UNITED STATES CRIMINAL - A PODCAST SPECIAL PRIZES PODCAST I’m about to Save Your Life LOVE + RADIO AND EVERYTHING IS DOCUMENTARY/ INTERVIEW Sesquipedalian LU OLKOWSKI RADIO DOCUMENTARY Cargoland: The Pirate MINI-SERIES 416 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS LUKE QUINTON HISTORY, SCIENCE No Inoculation Without Representation MITRA KABOLI DOCUMENTARY The Hurricane RADIO DIARIES RADIO DOCUMENTARY Teenage Diaries Revisited RADIOLAB AUDIO TOUR The Year that Broke Austin STACY BOND AND AUDIOLUXE SERIAL, VERITE, REALITY-NEWS Meet Sonic SF VANESSA LOWE PODCAST STORYTELLING; INTERVIEW-BASED; SOUND-RICH What the Baker Saw UNITED STATES, CANADA SPECIAL PRIZES KAREN ROBINS EXPERIMENTAL AUDIO Sacred Operator DOCUMENTARY/ EXPERIMENTAL AUDIO NARRATIVE 417 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS AUSTRALIA ABC Australian Broadcasting Corporation IN ONE EAR AND OUT THE OTHER (DOCU-FEATURE) Direction: Tim Hinman Production: Tim Hinman Editing: Tim Hinman Producing organisations: ABC, Radio National Creative Audio Unit Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 9/11/2014 Original language: English Running time: 40’ 31’’ In One Ear and Out the Other Where does the sound go when it gets inside your ears? For centuries philosophers and thinkers have puzzled over the nature of human perception – and in more recent times, neuroscientists and cognitive psychologists have sought to map out how our brains perform the functions that let us perceive and understand the world around us. In One Ear and Out the Other takes a bizarre trip inside the brain of Producer Tim Hinman, as he does his best to follow the pathways of cognition to the source – only to be confronted with a stranger and stranger inner universe. With help from a few seasoned Danish scholars, In One Ear and Out the Other is a radio first: a real live reportage from inside a living brain. Well … almost. AUSTRALIA BELINDA LOPEZ INAUDIBLE ME SPECIAL PRIZES (DOCUMENTARY) Direction: Belinda Lopez Supervising Producer: Jesse Cox Sound Engineer: Steven Tilley Producing organisations: ABC, Radio National: Creative Audio Unit Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 17/8/2014 Original language: English Running time: 31’ 35’’ Inaudible Me Search for "Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response", or ASMR, on YouTube and you will find an online community of video makers and watchers who give each other the "tingles". Some of these videos are viewed millions of times and the ASMR artists have hundreds of thousands of loyal fans who hinge on every whisper and intimate sound they make. While outsiders might think ASMR is plain weird, those on the inside say these videos calm you down and help you sleep, and can even help ease anxiety and depression. Radio Producer and Sound Lover Belinda Lopez stumbled across this YouTube community and became curious and later transfixed by this world of "tingles". In this radio feature, Belinda talks to some of the big name international ASMR video makers, searches for the science (does it exist?) and finds herself making videos of her own. 418 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Sound design: Liz Thompson Russell Stapleton Production: Sound recording: Liz Thompson Tarryn Miller and Liz Thompson Editing: Script: Liz Thompson Liz Thompson and Russell Stapleton Music: Title of series: Russell Stapleton Yulu’s Coal and Nathan May Producing organisations: ABC and Tigereye Productions Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 26/1/2015 Original language: English and Adnyamthanha Running time: 110’ AUSTRALIA LIZ THOMPSON YULU’S COAL (DOCUMENTARY) Yulu’s Coal Yulu the Kingfisher Man, is a major Creation Ancestor for the Adnyamathanha people of the Northern Flinders Ranges in South Australia.. "Adnya" means rock, "mathanha" people, "we are the rock people". Adnyamathanha culture, songs, stories and Law are part of Yuramuda (Dreaming). Yulu’s Coal explores the journey of Yulu and two Arkurra, Giant Rainbow Serpents, as they brought the Country into being, and left some Law behind for the Adnyamathanhas. We travel with Senior Cultural Custodians learning about sacred sites and events that created them, about the sacred ochre, the arcane language of the old people, the impact of missionaries and colonialism as well as efforts to preserve the culture and Country for future generations. We learn of connections linking the indigenous people and scientific understanding of Country which often sees sacred sites being exploited for their resources. Today Leigh Creek Coal Mine is digging up the embers of Yulu’s fire from the ground, "That’s Yulu’s coal". Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 14/12/2014 Original language: German Running time: 56’ 40’’ Pictures of an Exhibition The concept of this "Jet Lag All Stars Radio Show" is synesthetic. The main topic (Pictures of an Exhibition) is mirrored in the dramatization and the dramatis personae: instead of a presenter there is an audio guide, operated by a female character, who navigates through an array of audio files. She creates the programme by switching from one file to the other, from picture descriptions to music inspired by visual arts. A comparison is made of how the main Viennese museums sound, while the museum custodians speak about their favourite painting and read excerpts from Thomas Bernhard’s novel Old Masters. Songs and classical music are delicately linked to the things described. On the Ö1 website users can navigate through an audio gallery showing the custodians in front of their choice painting. 419 AUSTRIA ORF Österreichischer Rundfunk PICTURES OF AN EXHIBITION (MUSIC & ART FEATURE) SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Astrid Schwarz, Rainer Elstner Production: Rainer Elstner Title of series: Jet Lag All Stars Radio Show Producing organisation: ATORF GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS BELGIUM ACSR PAMELA (FICTION / DRAMA) Direction: Sebastian Dicenaire Script: Sebastian Dicenaire Adapted from: Pamela, by Sebastian Dicenaire Music: Sebastian Dicenaire Sound: Pierre Devalet, Jeanne Debarsy Editing: Christophe Rault Actors: Géraldine Frippiat, Nicolas Matthys Foley Artist: Elias Vervecken Title of series: Pamela Producing organisation: ACSR Coproducing organisations: RTBF, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, SCAM-SACD Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 18/2/2015 Original language: French Running time: 96’ 2’’ Pamela In a nutshell, Pamela is a sentimental, saccharine radio drama infested with a poetic, yet trashy virus called the Process, intermingling everything and wreaking havoc in the highly conventional maudlin universe of Pamela and John. BELGIUM ANNA RAIMONDO PLAY BABEL SPECIAL PRIZES (SOUND WALK - RADIO ART) Direction: Anna Raimondo Production: Constant Asbl Script: Anna Raimondo Sound: Anna Raimondo Editing: Anna Raimondo Broadcast on Radio Alma and Radio Panik and on streaming Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 15/10/2014 Original language: French Running time: 59’ 20’’ Play Babel Play Babel is a sonic immersion in the St. Gilles (Brussels) neighbourhood using untranslatable words, a soup of false friends, a salad of accents. After having met and recorded some local residents talking about their relationship with languages, the artist here proposes an alternative way to explore the district, through a sound walk. 420 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Magali Schuermans Production: L. Productions Music: Colleen Sound: Magali Schuermans Editing: Magali Schuermans Year of production: 2013 Broadcast date: 4/11/2013 Original language: French Running time: 46’ 2’’ BELGIUM MAGALI SCHUERMANS KATIA (DOCUMENTARY) Katia To give life is like accepting death, a symbolical death. For Katia, this death however turned out to be very real. Didier died in a violent way when she was three months pregnant. She decided that her pregnancy would be a gift. Like a perpetuation of their love. A life impulse that was so powerful. Katia opted to be radiant; it was her way of trying to face up to her misfortune .. which did not mean she was not extremely sad. It has been two years now since he died; two years she has been telling me her story. Her daughter is here and time is passing. Soon school is coming! A documentary about birth and loss…intimate, delicate and fragile as the thread of life itself. Direction: MNM Coproducing organisation: VDAB Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 16/2/2015 Original language: Dutch (Flemish) Running time: 45’ BELGIUM VRT Vlaamse Radio-en Televisieomroep HET GROOTSTE ARBEIDSBUREAU VAN DE WERELD 421 (PUBLIC INTEREST) SPECIAL PRIZES The Biggest Employment Agency in the World The Biggest Employment Agency in the World is an interactive MNM project aimed at helping young, unemployed people find a job. During the 14-day project, listeners give each other tips and useful strategies/tricks concerning jobs, job applications and anything work related, via the digital and social platforms MNM provides. Interesting content peppered with fun features in both the morning and evening show and in a special afternoon programme on radio. For the radio project we work very closely together with VDAB, a public employment service. During the project, MNM, together with VDAB, also organised the Grootste Arbeidsdag, (The Biggest Employment Day), a day in which young people could do a practical observation session at the VRT. The radio project was supported by the Flemish government. GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS CANADA CBC/SRC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/ Société Radio - Canada WIRETAP – THE DATING GAME (ORIGINAL DRAMA) Direction: Jonathan Goldstein Production: Mira Burt-Wintonick, Cristal Duhaime Script: Jonathan Goldstein, Mira Burt-Wintonick, Cristal Duhaime Sound: Jonathan Goldstein, Mira Burt-Wintonick, Cristal Duhaime Editing: Jonathan Goldstein, Mira Burt-Wintonick, Cristal Duhaime Actors: Claire Galea, Dennis John Cahill, Jonathan Goldstein, Mira Burt-Wintonick, Dara Jade-Moats, Amy Chartrand, Leigh Kotsilidis, Ezra Birkbeck Producing organisation: CBC Radio One Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 14/2/2015 Original language: English Running time: 26’ 30’’ WireTap – The Dating Game In this special Valentine’s Day episode of WireTap, a woman jumps through hoops to find romance in a new video game. Plus, what would the man or woman of your dreams smell like? Montreal’s Scientists For Love match up lonely hearts through their five senses. And a teenage boy navigates the waters of young love with the help of his trusty lists. CANADA RADIOTOPIA’S THE HEART MOVIES IN YOUR HEAD SPECIAL PRIZES (FICTIONALIZED DOCUMENTARY) Direction: Kaitlin Prest Production: Kaitlin Prest, Shani Aviram, Shira Bannerman Script: Kaitlin Prest Music: Shani Aviram Sound: Shani Aviram, Kaitlin Prest Editing: Sharon Mashihi, Mitra Kaboli, Shani Aviram Actors: Kaitlin Prest, Mitra Kaboli, Shira Bannerman, Shani Aviram Producing organisation: The Heart Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 22/6/2014 Original language: English Running time: 22’ 23’’ Movies in Your Head How does one’s sense of reality fail when falling in love? This audio piece is a documentary experiment. It began with questions about how perception is altered in early romantic relationships. Why do we sometimes find ourselves lost in dreams of the future, with someone we’ve met once or twice? Months of research and 17 interviews later, a single narrative emerged. 422 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Veronica Simmonds Production: Veronica Simmonds Script: Veronica Simmonds Music: John Spence Editing: Julie Shapiro Producing organisation: ABC RN Soundproof Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 13/2/2015 Original language: English Running time: 6’ 54’’ CANADA VERONICA SIMMONDS DR. CLOCK (RADIO DOCUMENTARY) Dr. Clock Dr. Clock is a horologist living in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is in the business of time fixing, testing, buying and selling clocks and watches. His whole life revolves around helping people figure out what time it is. But he is the first person to tell you that time doesn’t exist. Dr Clock by Veronica Simmonds and John Spence is an audio mindscape, rich with the ticking and tocking of this conundrum of a man in search of an answer to the question: what time is it? Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 14/12/2014 Original language: English Running time: 44’ 53’’ CANADA, DENMARK, ICELAND Trilogy for Night and Radio: Radiotelegraph, Night Fall, Relay The three parts of the trilogy - Radiotelegraph, Night Fall, and Relay - explore landscapes experienced in solitude and isolation, and the descent into darkness for the long northern winter night, featuring the village of Seyðisfjörður, East Iceland. The town was the site of the first trans-Atlantic telegraph cable laid from Europe to Iceland in 1906. The first part of the trilogy features a performed text in spoken Morse code. The second part mixes Morse code, electronic sounds and radio to accompany the end of the day from sundown into full darkness. In the third part, geographically distant spaces overlap through recordings made in empty night-time post-industrial houses or factories in Ljubljana and Seyðisfjörður, using tactile transducers on the surfaces of the buildings and re-recording these sounds with contact microphones. (RADIO ART) Editing: Anna Friz, Konrad Korabiewski Title of series: The Remote Series Producing organisations: Creative Audio Unit, Radio National, Australian Broadcasting Corporation Coproducing organisation: Skálar FM 423 ANNA FRIZ AND KONRAD KORABIEWSKI TRILOGY FOR NIGHT AND RADIO: RADIOTELEGRAPH, NIGHT FALL, RELAY SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Anna Friz, Konrad Korabiewski Production: Anna Friz, Konrad Korabiewski Script: Anna Friz Music: Anna Friz, Konrad Korabiewski Sound: Anna Friz, Konrad Korabiewski GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS DENMARK DR Danmarks Radio REJSEN TIL DET FREMMEDE – STEDET 2:3 (A RADIO EXPLORATION) Direction: Susanna Sommer Music: Beats Antiqua, Amon Tobin, Sigur Ros Sound: Susanna Sommer Editing: Susanna Sommer Title of series: Rejsen til det fremmede Producing organisation: DR Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 25/12/2014 Original language: Danish Running time: 56’ 42’’ The Voyage into the Unknown – The Location 2:3 Susanna Sommer travels to a little fishing village in Thailand, all alone – except for a suitcase packed with voices. She lives in a stilt house, cracks coconuts, befriends the son of the local restaurant owner, greets loneliness on the golden beach and feels small under foreign stars. All along the way, both experts in topography and travellers from the present and distant past challenge and complement her experiences. The Voyage into the Unknown is a sensuous kaleidoscopic and personal portrait of the human craving to travel, and the modern need for an authentic experience. It is a story full of pilots, sailors, explorers, everyday tourists and one sweaty narrator. The Voyage into the Unknown is a radio series, and over the course of three episodes we examine the concepts of journey, location and traveller. DENMARK MARIA DØNVANG VESTVEJEN SPECIAL PRIZES (REPRESENTATION/ POETRY/STAGING) Direction: Maria Dønvang Production: Maria Dønvang Script: Johannes Bech Dalsgaard, Maria Dønvang Adapted from: Johannes Bech Dalsgaard’s Untitled Poem Music: Asher Kurtz, Ronnie Lanzilotta Sound: Maria Dønvang Editing: Maria Dønvang Actors: Maria Dønvang Producing organisation: Independent production Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 27/3/2015 Original language: Danish Running time: 6’ 41’’ The West Road This winter I drove my mother and her husband Bill from their house in Denmark to the local airport. They were off to Gran Canaria. Driving home through the fog and gloom of the north Jutland winter, I lost control of the car and crashed through the guardrail off of Vestvejen (The West Road). I was alone. Later that night I spoke to my close friend Johannes about the experience and he wrote a poem about it. The next day, with the bodily and psychic shock of the event still upon me – I went out to a nearby frozen lake and started to throw stones out over the ice. The rocks careening over the surface gave off a strange and almost technological sound. I recorded it. Subsequently I was not able to separate the wrecked Polo from the sound of the stones on the ice. This is an attempt to present the experience in sound. 424 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Music: Otto Lerche Kristiansen Radio24syv Mariachi Orchestra Production: Editing: Wingman As Otto Lerche Kristiansen Script: Title of series: Otto Lerche Kristiansen Genialos Adapted from: Producing organisation: Mads Brüggers Dream Radio24syv Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 31/12/2014 Original language: Danish Running time: 51’ 40’’ DENMARK RADIO24SYV GENIALOS! - ÅRET DER GIK 2014 (SATIRE) Genialos! – The Year in Review, 2014 The Danish public service radio station Radio24syv has a fresh take on the traditional New Year’s programme format The Year in Review. The station has established a tradition of inviting "Denmark’s smartest man" and a man considered by many to be the country’s "dumbest man" to converse about the year’s highlights in the programme Genialos! The wise man is Holger Bech Nielsen, Professor at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, a recipient of the prestigious Humboldt Award who has several atomic physics theories named after him. On Genialos!, he meets Denmark’s uncrowned king of reality TV, Sidney Lee, who holds the unofficial Danish record for reality show appearances. It’s nothing less than the sound of two of the most peculiar particles in the universe colliding! Sound: Tim Hinman Editing: Tim Hinman Title of series: Third Ear Producing organisation: Third Ear Year of production: 2013 Broadcast date: 18/12/2013 Original language: Danish Running time: 66’ In a Relationship with … The perfect love story as a documentary? A perfect storm of obstacles and problems, a family fortune and an ever-increasing complex network of friends and enemies all help to determine the destiny of the star-crossed lovers, Amanda and Kasper. But all is most definitely not what it seems, as Amanda one day discovers the true identity of the man she has fallen in love with and exactly who his friends and family really are. Who is Kasper? A man whose many identities and many secrets are just about to catch up with him. Created by the award-winning makers of the feature documentary podcast "Third Ear", this true story offers a twist that will have you jumping out of your seat. Aimed at a new generation of podcast listeners, this bold narrative, long format podcast has become a viral hit in Denmark. 425 DENMARK THIRD EAR I ET FORHOLD MED... (FEATURE RADIO DOCUMENTARY PODCAST) SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Krister Moltzen Production: Tim Hinman Script: Krister Moltzen And Tim Hinman Original music: Tim Hinman GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS FINLAND RADIOMEDIA RY HILJAISET (RADIO DOCUMENTARY) Direction: Katarina Blomqvist Production: Katarina Blomqvist Script: Katarina Blomqvist Sound: Katarina Blomqvist Editing: Katarina Blomqvist Title of series: The Silent Ones Producing organisation: Slap Media Oy Coproducing organisation: Superson Oy Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 12/2/2015 Original language: Finnish Running time: 4’ 4’’ The Silent Ones The Silent Ones – A series of short radio documentaries in a campaign and a popular movement combatting loneliness. The strength of this concept is its innovative communicational settings: on a commercial radio station a very short radio documentary is heard instead of a radio commercial. It really surprises the listener! This series offers ten different perspectives on loneliness and a voice to those people not usually heard in society. Lonely people have signed up for interviews via the campaign’s web site and the documentaries can also be listened to there. These short radio documentaries may be heard on every commercial radio station in Finland, which means over 70 stations. The Silent Ones begins as a campaign, but remains alive as an Internet-based service to reduce the amount of loneliness in Finland. FRANCE ANGELIQUE TIBAU ZONE DE SILENCE SPECIAL PRIZES (DOCUMENTARY) Direction: Tibau Angelique/ Casadamont Amandine Production: Casadamont Amandine Music: Casadamont Amandine Sound: Tibau Angelique/ Casadamont Amandine Editing: Tibau Angelique Producing organisations: A.C.R/ France Culture/ Radio France Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 3/7/2014 Original languages: Spanish, French Running time: 56’ 27’’ Silent Zone Zone de Silence: the 26th North Parallel, just slightly East of the Bermuda Triangle - Mexico, Bolson of Mapimi, at the Tripoint of three states: Durango, Coahuila and Chihuahua. 400.000 square meters of desert. This zone is considered a "Red Zone" by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because of problems linked to narcotrafficking . Every sound you hear was recorded in that very zone, then edited, sculpted, mixed in Paris. For better listening, we recommend a headset as well as a quiet environment. An invitation to travel, although not just on any journey: the crossing of a desert, almost lunar, zone. We recorded the sounds of those adventuring across it, from their very first steps, but also the sounds we imagined and perceived. 426 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Nicolas Guadagno Production: Silvain Gire Script: Nicolas Guadagno Music: Nicolas Guadagno Sound: Arnaud Forest Editing: Nicolas Guadagno Title of series: Total Vocal Producing organisation: ARTE Radio Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 3/2/2015 Original language: French Running time: 11’ FRANCE ARTE FRANCE TOTAL VOCAL (CREATION) Total Vocal Do Automated Voices Have a Soul? From GPS to ATM, from voice servers to audio guides, automated voices are part of our daily lives. They are so informative that it’s easy to forget they’re machines. Nicolas Guadagno dreams up a world where automated voices go off the rails, revolt and express themselves. As a young sound engineer, Nicolas made this series at home from A-Z using only his own equipment and talent. He gave his texts to an array of automated voices to read in order to obtain the desired effect, making Total Vocal the first ever radio drama without actors! Direction: Dinah Bird Coproducing organisation/s: La Scam, La Muse en Circuit Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 21/12/2014 Original language: English Running time: 24’ 34’’ FRANCE DINAH BIRD A BOX OF 78S A Box of 78s This is the story of a box. A leather box that is over eighty years old. It contains over fifty 78 rpm recordings of classical music and opera hits of the day. The box and its contents were inherited by my grandmother, who was born on the Gulf Islands, British Columbia, in 1910. She grew up on Salt Spring. She took the box with her when she left the island in 1925 and carried it to her various adult homes until her death in 2000. In September 2012 I retraced the box’s long journey and took the records back to the island where they were first played. This piece is about rekindling lost, and perhaps forgotten, sounds. Are they so very different to those my grandmother heard? The final piece is a record which is currently being relayed between 25 worldwide radio stations, mirroring the journey my grandmother’s records made. 427 SPECIAL PRIZES (HORSPIEL/RADIO CREATION RECORD) GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS FRANCE ELSA FAYNER JE VIENS EN AIDE À MON CORPS (DIAPORAMA SONORE) Direction: Elsa Fayner, Hélène David Production: Radio France Script: Elsa Fayner Sound: Frédéric Changenet Editing: Hélène David, Anna Tillet Title of series: Petites discussions avec la douleur Producing organisation/s: Radio France Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 14/1/2015 Original language: French Running time: 3’ 43’’ I Help My Body Out Margaux Chrétien is the leader of the French synchronized swimming team. Pain is her daily life; moving beyond pain is her specialty. How strong is her mind enabling her body to extend its boundaries? What techniques are employed? FRANCE LA FABRIQUE DOCUMENTAIRE MON VILLAGE, C’EST KINSHASA SPECIAL PRIZES (DOCUMENTARY) Direction: Benjamin Bibas Sound: Sebastien Lecordier Producing organisation: La fabrique documentaire Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 1/6/2014 Original language: French Running time: 50’ My Village is Called Kinshasa Recorded in June, 2013 in Kinshasa, this audio documentary opens its microphone and speaks with people in the working-class districts of the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the second city of sub-Saharan Africa with a population of more than 10 million. From one district to another, the microphone walks or travels on fula-fula (minibus), to pick up the sounds of the everyday difficulties, enjoyments and dreams of the inhabitants of Kinshasa, to paint a portrait of Kinshasa as much sound as documentary. 428 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Floriane Pochon Editing: Tony Regnauld Title of series: Polyphaunes Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 13/3/2014 Original language: French / English Running time: 30’ FRANCE PHAUNE RADIO POLYPHAUNE #6: PARADE AMOUREUSE (RADIO / PODCAST) Polyphaune #6: Courtship Display 24 hours a day, Phaune Radio invites you to explore animality and its worlds of sounds, to travel ever closer to wild and imaginary biotopes. Here is a cabinet of sound curiosities, ever moving... Phaune Radio releases bubbling sounds: windows open on soundscapes from the wider world, bold, tousled or horizontal music, documentaries and creative works, original soundtracks, tiny tunes, time stretching…The plan: to transform radio into an experience of "wild listening" in tune with the animal world and its particular sound universe…To fully sense Phaune Radio’s touch, in 30 minutes flat, here are "Polyphaunes", our monthly podcast. The sixth episode: Courtship Display: Fierce seduction games, flaws of attraction, ritual ballets and hand-to-hand flights for dancing swains, welcome to the parade. Take it or lick it. Collection of stereoscopic images Baptiste Murier Producing organisation: Radio France Nouveaux médias pour France Bleu Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 7/11/2014 Original language: French Running time: 6’ 15’’ The Trench The sound of 75 mm cannon shells, that of 58 mm mortar shells, the whistling of bullets from Lebel rifles – what did the soldiers actually hear, during the First World War? The Trench is a 3D film that goes to the heart of their lives in the trenches, through a reinterpretation of contemporary archives. Although imaginary, this sound piece of work is document-based before being echoed by original stereoscopic images as to augment the immersive effect created by the sound. 429 FRANCE RADIO FRANCE LE BOYAU (CRÉATION SONORE DOCUMENTAIRE) SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Jérôme Lefdup Anne Franchini Production: Cécile Queguiner Bruitage: Patrick Martinache Mixage: Hervé Déjardin GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS GERMANY ARD Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 39 - HÖRSPIEL FÜR MOBILE DEVICES (RADIO DRAMA AS AN AUDIOGAME IN 3D-SOUND FOR MOBILE DEVICES) GERMANY GRACE YOON MURMEL NACH DEM THEATERSTÜCK SPECIAL PRIZES (RADIODRAMA-SOUNDART) Direction: Martin Zylka, Achim Fell Production: Dear Reality Unity 3D: Redplant Script: Achim Fell, Martin Ganteföhr, Tim Staffel Sound: Dear Reality Video Trailer: Http:// Producing organisation: Westdeutscher Rundfunk Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 2/2/2015 Original language: German Running time: 84’ 59’’ 39 - Audio Game in 3D Sound 39 is an interactive radio game-cum-play in 3D-Audio. And a mystery-thriller in two versions: as a radio play - and as a game app for mobile devices. Richard Hannay wakes up in hospital with a bullet in his head. Who shot him? And why? The search for answers leads onto the trail of an enigmatic conspiracy. On the radio, listeners pursue a paranoid thriller. In the app, players navigate through the action by touch; discovering additional levels of the narrative and reactivating Hannay’s recollections. Using impressive 3D sound for headphones or following the story interactively, 39 harnesses the interactive capabilities of mobile devices and the visual idiom of games to create a novel, game-oriented form of story-telling, in essence restoring the dimension of play to a radio play. Direction: Grace Yoon Production: DRL, SWR Script: Grace Yoon Adapted from: Dieter Roth Music: Grace Yoon Sound: Grace Yoon Editing: Herman Leppich, Jan Fraune Producing organisation: DLR Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 28/3/2014 Original language: German Running time: 41’ 10’’ "Mumbling" Adapted from the Play "Murmel, Murmel" by Dieter Roth Mumble, Mumble, Mumble, Mumble, Mumble, Mumble, Mumble, Mumble ... In 1974 Dieter Roth wrote a play which got by on 176 pages with the use of a single word: "Mumble". Pure Minimalism. Comparable only to the 60 minute sound-poem by Joseph Beuys "yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, no, no, no, no", which was never put down on paper. Performance Artist Grace Yoon adapted "the world’s most boring play" for radio. Thereby, she uses the remains of meaningless language and evolves a new universe from six letters..."because people’s words are mumbling, when they get close..." wrote Husayn ibn Mansur al-Halladsch in 800 AD. Dieter Roth (1931-1998) was a Swiss action and object artist and an important representative of Concrete Poetry. 430 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Elisabeth Putz Sound: Project Manager: Mario Weise Production: Bernd Friebel, Wolfgang Stangl Assistants: Carsten Busch, Stefanie Hoster Technician: Gunde Herke Gerald Michel, Anke Beims Idea and Concept: Editor Radio Drama: Graphics: Sandra Leidecker Jana Wuttke, Katrin Moll Barbara Gerland Producing organisation: Script: Elodie Pascal Editor Game: Katrin Moll HTW Berlin/ Deutschlandradio Kultur Level Dramaturgy: Actors: Philip Steimel Maryam Zaree, Manfred Lehmann, Year of production: 2015 Stefan Krause, Udo Schenk, Broadcast date: 19/1/2015 Game Development: Carmen Maja Antoni, Florian Conrad, Julian Löhr, Original language: German Martin Engler, Luise Lunow, Robert Meyer, Stefanie Grieger Running time: 50' 31'' Sabine Falkenberg, and others GERMANY HTW BERLIN BLOWBACK (TRANSMEDIA RADIO DRAMA/ MOBILE AUDIO GAME) Blowback Blowback is a trans-media project for radio and mobile devices. It consists of two parts: Blowback/The Assignment is a science fiction radio drama. It is set in 2047, drinking water is scarce. A geophysicist holding the geodata of the last big freshwater reservoir is kidnapped and held captive in a mysterious underwater hotel. An agent is given the assignment of finding her. Blowback/The Search is an audio game for iOS and Android devices. It recreates the set of the story in a real-time 3D audio environment. Players can explore the places and interact with the characters known from the radio drama using only their ears for orientation. By diving into the auditory game world and solving the remaining mysteries of the radio drama players are enabled to continue the story on their own and become part of it. Sound: Producing organisation: Diarmuid McIntyre, Grey Heron Media Mairead O’Connor, Coproducing organisations: Mary McDonnell RTE Lyric FM & Editing: Limerick’s Live 95FM Diarmuid Mcintyre, Year of production: 2014 Mairead O’Connor, Broadcast date: 12/10/2014 Mary Mcdonnell Original language: English Title of series: Running time: 9’ 35’’ Limerick 2014: As It Lives & Breathes Limerick 2014: As It Lives & Breathes - Episode 1 Summer Limerick 2014: As It Lives & Breathes is an innovative sound portrait of Limerick, Ireland, taking the listener over 12 themed episodes on an aural adventure. Jointly commissioned by the national classical music station and the local commercial radio station, it had to meet the creative challenge of appealing to two very different audiences. Episode 1 is a carefully composed exploration of "Summer". Both allusive and direct, the soundscape is an illustration of the experience of summer and the suggestion of a universal feeling of "summer". The poetic approach is echoed in the use of multi-layered sound to reinforce and counterpoint. Every sound in this series was recorded by the Grey Heron Team in Limerick. The piece is carefully paced, building steadily towards a bold climax, mixing a choir rehearsal with a thunderous storm. 431 IRELAND GREY HERON MEDIA LIMERICK 2014: AS IT LIVES & BREATHES EPISODE 1 SUMMER (DOCUMENTARY/ SOUNDSCAPE) SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Diarmuid McIntyre, Mairead O’Connor, Mary McDonnell Production: Diarmuid McIntyre, Mairead O’Connor, Mary McDonnell Script: Diarmuid McIntyre, Mairead O’Connor, Mary McDonnell GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS IRELAND MACCANA TEORANTA COMA (RADIO DRAMA) Direction: Kevin McCann Production: Kevin McCann Script: Kevin McCann/Peter Murphy Music: Kevin McCann Sound: Madhu Kambamettu/Shane O’Connor/Paddy Greenan Editing: Seamus Callagy Actors: Catriona O’Reilly, James McInerney, Michael Olwill, Orla Cahill, Zoe Hickey, Joanne Brennan, Hugo Leddy, Fergal McAloon, Regina Donohoe, Seán Nulty Title of series: Coma Producing organisation: Maccana Teoranta Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 22/11/2014 Original language: English Running time: 50’ 9’’ Coma Coma is a daily radio soap opera drama series exploring 10 inner dramas from 5 Irish women and 5 Irish men. Each short episode of Coma features one character from a small town visiting a young man in a coma. Each episode is done in a confession format and covers important issues in Irish society such as faith, marital abuse, prejudice, greed, betrayal, dishonesty, suicide, infidelity and guilt. Coma primarily used improvisation with non-professional actors in the recording phase, and a very lengthy editing process to create a new form of drama and audio experience that is brave and original. IRELAND NEAR FM AN IRISH SANCTUARY PART 2 SPECIAL PRIZES (NATURAL ENVIRONMENT) Direction: Edd Kealy Production: Edd Kealy Script: Edd Kealy Sound: Edd Kealy Editing: Edd Kealy Actors: Ray Kennedy Title of series: An Irish Sanctuary: The History and Natural History of the North Bull Island Producing organisation: Near FM Coproducing organisation: Near FM Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 4/12/2014 Original language: English Running time: 29’ 54’’ An Irish Sanctuary – Part 2 An Irish Sanctuary: "The History and Natural History of the North Bull Island" is a 3-part series which looks at the fascinating history and natural history of the North Bull Island, home to over 1100 species of organisms including plants, insects, birds and mammals. In winter the island holds more than 35,000 wildfowl including internationally significant numbers of the iconic Brent Goose. It also plays host to thousands of human visitors each year who come to take in the rugged beauty of the island or use it for activities ranging from swimming and golf to kite-surfing and bird watching. Join Producer and Presenter Edd Kealy as he takes us on a journey of discovery in this fascinating natural history series. 432 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Bernard Clarke Production: Rté Lyric Fm Script: Bernard Clarke Music: Mozart; Troels Folmann Sound: Bernard Clarke Editing: Bernard Clarke Actors: Sami Moukaddem Producing organisation: RTÉ lyric fm Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 29/9/2014 Original language: English Running time: 56’ 58’’ IRELAND RTÉ Radió Teilifís Éireann THE SAVAGE BULL (RADIO ART) The Savage Bull The Savage Bull by Bernard Clarke is a radio art diptych depicting the brutalization of war. The first part of this work "Tracing A-7063" is a Holocaust commemoration; whilst part 2, "Human Shields", is a portrait of the intense conflict in Gaza in July 2014 as it unfolded over the airwaves. Producing organisation: Israel Story Coproducing organisation: Vox Tablet Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 19/2/2015 Original language: English Running time: 6’ 29’’ ISRAEL BENNY BECKER MICHAEL & LEAH (DOCUMENTARY) Michael & Leah Michael and Leah have been together for 37 years, living in Moshav Mevo Modi’in, which has a population of just 252. Their community is made up of followers of a major figure in religious Jewish counter-culture, The Singing Rabbi, Shlomo Carlebach. The couple reflect back on their time together and also take a look forward at the uncertainties lying ahead in the future. 433 SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Benny Becker Production: Benny Becker Music: Collin Oldham Editing: Yochai Meital, Mishy Harman, and July Subrin GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS ISRAEL ISRAEL STORY MISHI HARMAN LOVE SYNDROME (DOCUMENTARY) Direction: Mishy Harman Production: Yochai Maital, Mishy Harman, Julie Subrin Script: Mishy Harman, Yochai Maital, Julie Subrin Music: Pejk Malinowski Producing organisation: Tablet Magazine Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 22/9/2014 Original language: English Running time: 57’ 6’’ Love Syndrome Chaya grew up as Enid, in a traditional Jewish family in Rockaway, N.Y. Midway through college, she left that world behind to study sea otters in Fairbanks, Alaska. Fast-forward a decade: Enid is now married to a Catholic salmon fisher named Stan. She’s just given birth to her sixth child, and discovers he has Down syndrome. Many parents in her position would be devastated. Some might place their baby in an institution, or put them up for adoption. For Enid, the birth of Angkor started her on an incredible journey - to Tzfat, Israel, and from there to court rooms, hospitals, ultraOrthodox yeshivas, and wedding halls, all so she could do right by her child and the other special-needs children she picked up along the way. At the centre of the story is the most unusual and unpredictable love affair you have heard in a while. ISRAEL SIPUR ISRAELI ADAM BIZANSKY THE BADIR BROS SPECIAL PRIZES (DOCUMENTARY) Direction: Adam Bizansky Production: Yochai Maital, Mishy Harman Script: Adam Bizansky, Yochai Maital Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 1/8/2014 Original language: Hebrew Running time: 55’ 51’’ The Badir Bros In 2001, the biggest cyber-crime ever experienced by Israel reached the courts. The indictment included hacking, theft, impersonating federal employees, criminal conspiracy. After over 200 witnesses had been heard - it was finally time for the verdict. In the courthouse, several people in expensive suits gathered: representatives from every major telecommunications company, the Shin Bet, the Mossad. It is they who are the victims in this trial. The judge begins to read her verdict. All eyes are however on three young men, sitting quietly on the defendants’ bench: Mozher, Mundir and Shadi Badir. They hear the commotion, they understand they are probably on their way to prison. But amid all the tension, it is hard not to notice a smile on their faces. It is as if they are thinking: "Honestly? Not bad for three blind brothers from Kfar Qasim." 434 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Gianluca Stazi Year of production: 2013 Broadcast date: 28/3/2015 Original language: Italiano Running time: 28’ 20’’ ITALY GIANLUCA STAZI ACHILLE E LA TARTARUGA (DOCUMENTARY) Achilles and the Tortoise A journey through the soundscape of a theatrical company in rehearsal: the word, gesture, music, dance, vocalization, the sound of an idea taking form."Dear Gianluca, I’m working really hard because this play is so complexly layered. It puts into motion source analysis, thoughts on theatre and personal emotions, and then goes beyond that to throw them into a scenario that is Kafkaesque, Praguian, magical, arcane, a spiritual and historical map unknown to me … So, I have these absurd and premonitory dreams, I see shadows … in other words, it’s very intense. The workshop was really good. The casting is done and is wonderful. I imagine we’ll start rehearsals on February 20th." Roberta Nicolai Direction: Giovanni Morandini Title of series: Juke Box Letterario Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 17/10/2014 Original language: Italian Running time: 15’ 15’’ ITALY GIOVANNI MORANDINI FORA DE TESTA LETTERARI Lunatics in Literature Juke Box Letterario is a column with a strong ironic twist. The author approaches the greatest writers and their literary masterpieces in a fresh mode, emphasizing curious and funny aspects and spacing out the spoken part with music suitable to the subject in question. In this episode entitled, Fora de testa letterari (Lunatics in Literature), Orlando Furioso, betrayed but spirited, resolves to take action that risks provoking the wrath of environmentalists, but they probably would not have the courage to face such a raving lunatic. We’ll find out in this episode that the pernicious habit of lovers exchanging "hearts" was already in vogue at the time of Ariosto, only then they were not sent via Facebook but engraved on trees and rocks. And all of this, while listening to the swing of Gualazzi and Jamiroquai, moving onto Vivaldi and with some slight interference from Vasco. 435 SPECIAL PRIZES (LITERATURE/MUSIC) GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS ITALY LAURA FAGGIN PAOLO CORLEONI MOCKU. STORIE POSSIBILI (RADIO - STORYTELLING) ITALY RADIO BULLETS 20 NOVEMBRE 2014 - NOTIZIARIO SPECIAL PRIZES (NEWS PODCAST) Direction: Laura Faggin/Paolo Corleoni Production: Laura Faggin/Paolo Corleoni Script: Laura Faggin/Paolo Corleoni Adapted from: The Original Story Appeared on The Guardian: Http://www.theguardian. com/artanddesign/2013/ feb/10/giles-duleyphotography-amputee Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 27/3/2015 Original language: Italian Running time: 15’ 23’’ Mocku. Possible Stories Mocku tells stories of ordinary people who once in a lifetime did something worth being told. Challenges, wars, loves, anecdotes, adventures. Mocku follows one only rule: not all the stories that are told are true”. This is the beginning of each episode: Mocku is a show that tells winning stories. They could be true (about real existing, but not popular people), but then again they might also be fictional. Stories are told in first person, set and sound edited as a documentary (in the case of a real story) or a mockumetary (if fictional). This is where the radioshow Mocku gets its name. The audience is engaged since the very beginning of each episode thanks to a hit formula: guessing whether the story is true or not. The "thin line between real and possible", which is the subheading, invites the audience to immerse itself in the plot and to listen to find out whether told events really happened. The story’s truthfulness is certificated through information, videos, pictures, links broadcasted through social medias, or in case of a fictional story, a comic strip especially drawn for the show enhancing the fictional set… Mocku is written and produced by Laura Faggin and Paolo Corleoni. Direction: Alessia Cerantola and Barbara Schiavulli Production: Alessia Cerantola Script: Alessia Cerantola and Barbara Schiavulli Music: Butterfly Tea, Dragon Tales Editing: Alessia Cerantola Title of series: Notiziario Producing organisation: Radio Bullets Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 20/11/2014 Original language: Italian Running time: 23’ 9’’ 20 November 2014 – News Radio Bullets is a new web newspaper, daily reviewing world news and edited by journalists Barbara Schiavulli and Alessia Cerantola. It offers brief information so as to give an idea of what happens beyond our borders and to thus get a better understanding our own country, Italy. The style is simple and immediate, conceived as a way to keep track of the flux of the world events. This news, fired on the web like "bullets", do not claim to be comprehensive, but to intrigue and stimulate listeners’ interest in subjects more often than not neglected by the Italian, foreign media. Each country is then analysed in a series of in-depth journalistic and cultural programmes, put together with the help of experts in history, psychology, archaeology, philosophy and the environment. 436 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Script: Rosario Fiorello, Francesco Bozzi, Pierluigi Montebelli, Federico Taddia, Claudio Fois Music: Rosario Fiorello, I gemelli di Guidonia Sound: Marco Lolli Actors: Gabriella Germani Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 5/5/2014 Original language: Italiano Running time: 20’ Fiorello at Radio Fuori Programma From May to December 2014, Monday to Friday, 25 minutes from 8:35 to 9:00 am (then again from 1:35 to 1:50 pm) and on weekends at the same time with the Best of the week. Fiorello went on air with his radio show Fuori Programma, the only Italian radio programme ever recorded live, with a smartphone and all its audio features. It is a show that in fact could be recorded just about anywhere, even in a bathroom. Actually, Fiorello records his programme in a mysterious bar in the North of Rome, at dawn, along with friends, ordinary people plus a special guest every day. In the first months, Fiorello broadcast together with his legendary sidekick, Marco Baldini. Later it was presented just by Fiorello and Gabriella Germani, actress and comedienne, highly popular with her mimicking of a whole range of important Italians, such as Parliamentary Speaker Laura Boldrini. In 2011, the success of Fiorello’s press review on Twitter and YouTube, Edicola Fiore, lead to the launch of the Radio1 programme, an ironic review of the press, perfectly in tune with a network which provides live news 24 hours a day. Fiorello tells stories, acts and sings. This free pioneering programme was dreamt up, written and aired with new criteria to also swamp the internet and social networks. Direction: Roberta Nicolai Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 28/3/2015 Original language: Italiano Running time: 36’ 27’’ ITALY RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana FIORELLO ALLA RADIO FUORI PROGRAMMA (ENTERTAINING) ITALY ROBERTA NICOLAI ABSOLUTELY LIVE (THEATRICAL JAM SESSION) Absolutely Live The game is easy, no collective rehearsals before the performance and prior info about the cast.. the actors will be given their part just 36 hours before the show. No tricks, everything is "absolutely live"! Artistic direction Roberta Nicolai. Absolutely live is a multimedia format combining the live performing arts with the audio documentary for radio broadcasting. A theatre jam session. 7 rules given and no collective rehearsals. Absolutely Live. And live is also the recording of an audio book produced as a gift to the community. The first live experiment was on A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Shakespeare. The event, staged at Brancaccino, Rome, on february 25, 2015, involved 11 amongst the most known actors of the National contemporary scene who used their talent to create, without rehearsing, an artistic work where their individual skills and sensitivities played a collective game. 437 SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Marco Lolli Production: Radio 1 Rai/Head of Radio1, Flavio Mucciante Title of series: Fiorello alla radio fuori programma GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS MACEDONIA KANAL103 GOOD SOIL (RADIO DOCUMENTARY/ REPORTAGE) Direction: Toni Dimitrov Editing: Toni Dimitrov Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 10/3/2015 Original language: Macedonian Running time: 26’ 31’’ Good Soil Talks, interviews and statements focusing on Macedonia’s first food cooperative in Good Soil, an informal group of people and households getting their organic products straight from producers. Food Cooperative provides an alternative to the current system because the relationship between producer and consumer is autonomous, communications are direct, prices are negotiated directly, interpersonal trust is also created directly – produce is moreover seasonal, regional and environmental – respecting every normal principle laid down by nature. POLAND FUNDACJA GLOS EWANGELII SZEPTY DZIECINSTWA SPECIAL PRIZES (REPORTAGE) Direction: Henryk Dedo, Waldemar Kasperczak Production: Fundacja Glos Ewangelii Script: Waldemar Kasperczak Music: Bruno De Roux Sound: Henryk Dedo, Waldemar Kasperczak Editing: Waldemar Kasperczak Producing organisation: Fundacja Glos Ewangelii Year of production: 2013 Broadcast date: 6/10/2013 Original language: Polish Running time: 41’ 38’’ Childhood Whispers When the bees would swarm, my grandpa used to climbs trees and gather them into his swarm bag. His hands may have been strong, but they were at the same time also very gentle and rough. With the air filled with propolis and herbs, I can never forget our bee-trips, each one arousing strong emotions. Our grandfather had three apiaries, at least one hundred hives and yet he always protected each and every single bee. I remember calling him whenever a bee fell into the rainwater or a pot of honey. He would just stop whatever he was doing at that time, rush up and rescue the bee. Then he would put it on a leaf so that other bees could lick and help it recover. He respected all his little friends. The portrait of 100 year old Beekeeper Wincenty Brycko (b. 1913) is a simple story, about his simple love for people, nature and God. 438 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Jakov Munizaba Production: Predrag D. Stamenkovic Music: Srdjan Markovic Sound: Jakov Munizaba Year of production: 2013 Broadcast date: 29/12/2013 Original language: Serbian Running time: 10’ 58’’ SERBIA SBC/RTS Serbian Broadcasting Corporation SVIRAJ MI GLASOM (RADIOPHONIC WORK) Play It with Your Voice Recorded in several locations in Belgrade and edited in a studio in Belgrade. The idea was to analyse recorded speech from a musical angle, convert it to a series of musical notes, and then use it as a starting point for a music composition. In order to convert it into musical notes, specialized computer software was used to produce a series of MIDI notes to re-trigger virtual instruments (VST instruments) such as a piano, a synthesizer and a drum set. The idea was to leave the original musical form of the actual spoken word intact, and then slowly add other elements and a more elaborated form to it. The general approach adopted in building this piece was docu-style with an aim to revealing its basic idea, meaning an experiment with spoken text and a quest to discover the musical content harboured in them. Music: Ludwig Van Beethoven Sound: Snežana Ristic’, Radonja Leposavic’ Editing: Snežana Ristic’, Radonja Leposavic’ Producing organisation: Artworksaudio Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 28/2/2015 Original language: English Running time: 1’ 8’’ Beethoven’s Tinnitus (Readymade) Beethoven’s Tinnitus is a short radiophonic form which we periodically produce for our weekly show City. Features are in direct or meta-relation to the topic. Beethoven’s Tinnitus was broadcast in a show where one topic was the current crisis related to the European Union. Beethoven’s Tinnitus is based on the reasonable assumption that Beethoven was completely deaf, after years of suffering from Tinnitus (medical def: a condition causing you to hear ringing or roaring sounds that only you can hear) when composing his 9th Symphony. 439 SERBIA SNEŽANA RISTIC’ AND RADONJA LEPOSAVIC’ BETOVENOV TINITUS (SHORT FORM) SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Snežana Ristic’, Radonja Leposavic’ Production: Snežana Ristic’, Radonja Leposavic’ Script Snežana Ristic’, Radonja Leposavic’ GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS SLOVENIA RTVSLO Radiotelevizija Slovenija BILO JE V MESTU, KI GA NI... (RADIOPHONIC AND MULTIMEDIA PERFORMANCE - LIVE) Direction: Igor Likar Production: Radio Slovenija - 3. Programme Ars Script: Gregor Strniša/Igor Likar Adapted from: Gregor Strniša’s Drama Euri.. and His Poetry Music: Aldo Kumar, Darja Hlavka Godina Sound: Sonja Strenar, Matjaž Mikliè, Miran Kazafura Editing: Sonja Strenar, Matjaž Mikliè Actors: Lena Hribar, Zvone Hribar, Sabinakogovšek, Lotos Vincenc Šparovec,Brane Grubar Producing organisation: Radio Slovenija Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 29/8/2014 Original language: Slovene Running time: 39’ 50’’ It Happened in a City That Didn’t Exist... The radiophonic sound play (performance) It Happened in a City That Didn’t Exist …was conceived for the special open air programme The Nights in The Old City of Ljubljana, organized by Radio Slovenija. This poetic multimedia play (performance) – complete, including the music – was presented live on stage in front of an audience. It was at the same time transmitted on the radio via video streaming (see: https:// It is based on the dialogues spoken by characters in Strniša’s play The Unicorn, mirroring the author’s view of two worlds: the female main character is presented as innocence and arrogance, while the male takes his place in the world as a knight, old man and a merrymaker. SOUTH AFRICA PROTOPHONIC BRAD LANSKY AND THE ROGUE ERA SPECIAL PRIZES (SCIENCE FICTION AUDIO) Direction: Stephen Jennings Production: Protophonic Productions Script: J.D. Venne Music: Cosmic Dial Tone Sound: Dieter Zimmermann Editing: Dieter Zimmermann Actors: Susan Danford, Matthew Roberts, Dieter Zimmermann, Shannyn Fourie, Nigel Vermaas, Adrian Galley, Jennifer Beattie, Jayne Batsofin, Kathryn Grody, Sally Toosey Title of series: Brad Lansky Producing organisation: Protophonic Productions Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 19/3/2015 Original language: English Running time: 84’ 20’’ Brad Lansky and the Rogue Era In a future dominated by AI’s, an invisible rogue planet on a perfect collision course with Earth catches everyone by surprise, even GAIA (General Artificial Intelligence Assembly). What is to be done? Moving a planet is beyond the combined capabilities of all of Sol System’s resources, and there is no "planet B". Even worse, many class 12 AI’s don’t think biological or that "B-life" deserves to survive - after all, extinction in this universe is the rule, not the exception. There is a woman, Brinn, a scientist who has scoured the entire DNA database for the best biological capabilities, plant and animal alike. These she has integrated into her own biome, evolved to the pinnacle of B-life in a single package. She has lived to give B-life a fighting chance in a cruel cosmos. She will determine the nature of the Rogue Era. 440 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Mårten Andersson, Emir Kobilic, Sanjin Klucanin Production: Mårten Andersson, Emir Kobilic, Sanjin Klucanin Actors: Sanjin Klucanin, Ninsun Poli, Sanna Sundqvist Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 15/3/2015 Original language: Swedish Running time: 50’ 12’’ SWEDEN SVERIGES RADIO P3 THOR RADIO (HUMOUR/SATIRE - NEW RADIO FORMAT) Thor Radio Thor Radio is the comedy programme about how Sweden actually feels. We give you something completely original, with a tough new attitude. The sketches are quicker and the tempo faster with more action than anything that has ever been heard before on Swedish radio. Countless characters turn up in this wacky new world. Politicians, junkies, nobility, spoilt brats, violent police and completely normal Swedes – close encounters of the startling kind. Thor Radio is a slap in the face, a comic explosion and a programme that never apologises. Sensitive listeners – you have been warned! Sound: Coproducing organisations: Roberta Wjm Andreucci Fsrc, Laptopradio and Mat Pogo Year of production: 2014 Editing: Broadcast date: Roberta Wjm Andreucci 13/7/2014 and Mat Pogo Original language: Actors: Mix between English and Italian Roberta Wjm Andreucci Running time: and Mat Pogo 58’ 10’’ The Sound of Punca Recalling Jealousy Party‘s twenty years long musical process in an instant one hour broadcast. With the residency at Picnic Radio original founders members of Jealousy Party, Roberta WJM Andreucci and Mat Pogo retraced their almost twenty year musical project. After selecting material from an archive of published and unreleased studio and live tracks, they decided the best way to tell their own story was to perform it live instead of giving it a chronological or archival slant. In order also to be true to the spontaneous use of playback devices that has become one of Jealousy Party’s most crucial trademarks, in a musical frame that is neither ever 100% improvised nor 100% prearranged. 441 SWITZERLAND RADIO PICNIC THE SOUND OF PUNCA (PUNCA, COLONIAL, AUDIOPHOBIC) SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Roberta Wjm Andreucci and Mat Pogo Production: Radio Picnic Music: Roberta Wjm Andreucci and Mat Pogo GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS TURKEY TRT FM DÜNYAN N EN RADYO PROGRAM (ENTERTAINMENT/ TALK SHOW) Direction: Amber Türkmen Production: Erhan Konuk Script: Erhan Konuk Music: Turkish Popular Music + Using Music Bed (from Alihan Samedov) Editing: Live Show Actors: Erhan Konuk, Bay J, Muzo, Erkan Yavas (moderator) Title of series: The Most Radio Programme of the World Producing organisation:TRT Coproducing organisation: TRT FM Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 15/1/2015 Original language: Turkish Running time: 120’ The Most Radio Programme of the World The "Most" Radio Programme of the World (DERP) first started in 2015 on Turkey’s most listened-to radio station, TRT FM is one of a kind. Every Thursday, between 7 pm - 9 pm through DERP, 4 famous Turkish radio presenters meet listeners both live and simultaneously from stations based in Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir as if they were broadcast in the very same studio. Assertive about its music content, DERP on the 19th of March 2015 was broadcast from studios in Azerbaijan, Germany and Bosnia Herzegovina to gain remarkable popularity, making radio history. Our target: to reunite the radio presenters in countries where Turkish is also spoken, in a long-running programme at TRT. Our goal: to broadcast from America, Australia, Africa and Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans and set a brand new Guinness Record. UNITED KINGDOM BBC British Broadcasting Corporation WIRELESS NIGHTS: BBC PHILHARMONIC PRESENTS ... SPECIAL PRIZES (RADIO DOCS/ MUSIC) Direction: Laurence Grissell and Neil McCarthy Production: Laurence Grissell and Neil McCarthy Script: Jarvis Cocker Music: Jarvis Cocker and the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Maxime Tortelier Editor: John Goudie Title of series: Wireless Nights Producing organisation: BBC Radio Documentaries Coproducing organisation: BBC Philharmonic Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 13/10/2014 Original language: English Running time: 27’ 45’’ Wireless Nights: BBC Philharmonic Presents ... Take singer and storyteller Jarvis Cocker, add radio documentary producers, and a full symphony orchestra – and the result is a unique experiment in telling stories about music and the night, mixing pre-recorded audio with live song and symphonic scores. Jarvis Cocker joined the BBC Philharmonic, with an audience of 200, for a performance with stories ranging from President Nixon’s nocturnal love of loud Rachmaninov to the re-discovery of Schumann’s Violin Concerto at a séance. This collaboration united two BBC teams – radio documentary makers and orchestral musicians – who would never normally meet in the same studio, let alone make a programme together. They are now working on a new project for a bigger stage. 442 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Catherine Carr Production: Jo Coombs Sound: Jon Calver Producing organisation: Loftus Media Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 15/3/2014 Original language: English Running time: 49’ 28’’ UNITED KINGDOM LOFTUS MEDIA WHERE ARE YOU GOING? (FEATURE) Where Are You Going? The man on his way to welcome his first grandchild, without the wife who longed for just this; a man with a diamond ring in his pocket; the veteran with the war wounds that won’t heal and can’t be seen… In this series Catherine Carr asks strangers the question: Where Are You Going? On a journey from the heart of the UK to the Western-most tip of Africa, Catherine collected tales of love and loss, loneliness and hope, heartache and happiness. They all spilled out in the seconds snatched en route. The result was poetic and beautiful. The production was all about the art of finding a rhythm to the tales that people told. Effortlessly global, naturally interactive – the idea is simple, the results are astonishing. Every interrupted journey is a portal into somebody’s life… Producing organisation: Resonance FM Coproducing organisation: Hearsay Festival Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 3/12/2014 Original language: English Running time: 29’ 40’’ Fifth Sketch for Ascent and Descent A site-specific piece of live radio-art created by the Resonance Radio Orchestra in the remote Irish rural community of Kilfinane. The text retells the local legend of freedom fighter Staker Wallace, here reincarnated in the person of Bobby Driscoll (the former Disney child star whose last role was as a nun in Piero Heliczer’s underground movie Dirt). The work's aesthetic purpose is to create a palpable psychological object through a distinctive and idiosyncratic radiophonic event; to expose the unique grain of the human voice; and to bring spontaneity, contingency and even error to the fore in an audibly live performance. Its themes are the atomisation of time and space afforded by communications technologies; and the fugitive expressionistic shifts in meaning offered uniquely by radio. 443 UNITED KINGDOM RESONANCE FM FIFTH SKETCH FOR ASCENT AND DESCENT (RADIO ART) SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Sound: Ed Baxter Big Bear Sound and Paul Richardson Production: Ed Baxter Editing: Script: Ed Baxter and Paul Richardson Ed Baxter Actors: Willy Carr Music: Ed Baxter and Peter Lanceley Peter Lanceley and Sarah Nicol GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS UNITED STATES CRIMINAL A podcast I’M ABOUT TO SAVE YOUR LIFE Direction: Lauren Spohrer/Phoebe Judge Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 30/10/2014 Original language: English Running time: 19’ 1’’ (PODCAST) I’m about to Save Your Life In 1977, a mild-mannered aeronautical engineer sideswiped a parked car in Compton, CA. He stopped his car to see the damage, and all of a sudden a man opened his car door, jumped in the car and said, I’m about to Save Your Life. What happened next would torture him for the rest of his life. UNITED STATES LOVE + RADIO AND EVERYTHING IS SESQUIPEDALIAN SPECIAL PRIZES (DOCUMENTARY/INTERVIEW) Direction: Love + Radio and Everything Is Stories Production: Brendan Baker, Garret Crowe, Mike Martinez, Nick Van Der Kolk, Tyler Wray Sound: Brendan Baker Producing organisation: Love + Radio Coproducing organisation: Everything Is Stories Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 29/7/2014 Original language: English Running time: 51’ 18’’ Sesquipedalian As a child, Charles Farrell was a prodigious piano player living in a middle-class household. But after running away from home aged 12, he grew up on the streets of Boston, embracing what he calls low-life culture. He became as a street hustler, a con-artist and played piano in mafia-owned clubs. Eventually, he discovered the hustle that would make him rich: rigging professional boxing matches. All the while, he continued to develop as an avant-garde pianist. In this story, Farrell reflects on his life, the ethics of boxing, playing the piano and whether or not a hustler can ever truly change. 444 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Lu Olkowski Production: Lu Olkowski Script: Lu Olkowski Music: Multiple Artists Sound: Brendan Baker, Lu Olkowski Editing: Sean Cole, Samara Freemark, Brendan Baker Actors: John Ostoich Sr., John Ostoich Jr., Joey Ostoich Title of series: Cargoland Producing organisation: Independent Producer Lu Olkowski Coproducing organisation: KCRW’s Independent Producer’s Project Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 5/12/2014 Original language: English Running time: 27’ 10’’ UNITED STATES LU OLKOWSKI CARGOLAND: THE PIRATE (RADIO DOCUMENTARY MINI-SERIES) Cargoland: The Pirate The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach cover over ten thousand acres in California. Almost half of everything that Americans buy flows through those two ports. Yet most people don’t know anything about the ports or the people who work there. As part of KCRW’s Independent Producer Project, Lu Olkowski created Cargoland, a radio and podcast mini-series about the changes facing the waterfront: the machines are going to take over, it is inevitable and a way of life will disappear. In this instalment, The Pirate, Lu Olkowski meets one man who embodies the spirit of the fast-fading waterfront. Morning sunlight streams through the blinds as Johnny O pours his first bourbon of the day; a cigarette hangs from his lips; his parrot, Bok-Bok, rests on his shoulder; and Roy Orbison plays in the background… Direction: Luke Quinton Music: All Original Music/ Sound Design by Luke Quinton Editing: Annie McEwan Producing organisation: PRX Coproducing organisation: Sloan Foundation Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 29/9/2014 Original language: English Running time: 9’ 4’’ UNITED STATES LUKE QUINTON NO INOCULATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION No Inoculation Without Representation In 1776, America is at war with England and George Washington’s army has taken back Boston. But in the middle of this terrifying time, Abigail Adams, the future first lady of the United States, makes a fateful decision to travel to Boston and use a controversial new scientific technique to protect her five children against a threat more dangerous than an army of English Redcoats. 445 SPECIAL PRIZES (HISTORY, SCIENCE) GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS UNITED STATES MITRA KABOLI THE HURRICANE (DOCUMENTARY) Direction: Mitra Kaboli Production: Mitra Kaboli Script: Mitra Kaboli Sound: Kaitlin Prest Editing: Kaitlin Prest Actors: Mitra Kaboli, Lucas Adams Producing organisation: The Heart Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 3/3/2015 Original language: English Running time: 16’ 7’’ The Hurricane Eintagsliebe, a sort of real German word meaning "one-day’s love" or, a "fling". It can be analogous to the mayfly, eintagsfliege. The mayfly sneaks in through an open window and lives her mayfly life to the fullest - perhaps even finding her true mayfly love. Before she knows it, death has overtaken her. She lies limply on the windowsill. It was October 2012 and Hurricane Sandy was slowly descending upon the city of New York. Two people find themselves together during the storm. As the floods rise, so does their attraction to one another. UNITED STATES RADIO DIARIES TEENAGE DIARIES REVISITED SPECIAL PRIZES (RADIO DOCUMENTARY) Direction: Joe Richman and Sarah Kate Kramer of Radio Diaries Production: Joe Richman and Sarah Kate Kramer of Radio Diaries Editing: Deborah George and Ben Shapiro of Radio Diaries, Chris Turpin and Alison Macadam of NPR Producing organisation: Radio Diaries Coproducing organisation: NPR Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 17/1/2014 Original language: English Running time: 59’ Teenage Diaries Revisited More than 16 years ago, Joe Richman of Radio Diaries gave a group of young people tape recorders to report on their own lives for the NPR series, Teenage Diaries. Since that time, many listeners have asked Where are they now? In this one-hour special, some of those diarists return to chronicle their grown-up lives in Teenage Diaries Revisited. A lot of life happens in 16 years. 446 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS Direction: Ellen Horne Production: Lynn Levy, Ellen Horne, Jorge Just, Alexander Overington Script: Lynn Levy Music: Alexander Overington, Alejandro Rose-garcia, Sarah Lipstate, Helga Davis Sound: Alexander Overington Actors: Barbara Chisholm Jad Abumrad, Soren Wheeler, Ben Adair, Latif Nasser, Gareth Malkowski Producing organisation: Radiolab Coproducing organisation: Detour Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 13/3/2015 Original language: English Running time: UNITED STATES RADIOLAB THE YEAR THAT BROKE AUSTIN (AUDIO TOUR) 71’ 53’’ The Year that Broke Austin The Year that Broke Austin is an interactive audio tour that tells the true story of eight unsolved murders from the year 1885. Moving at their own pace and assisted by GPStriggered narration, participants are led on an expedition that engages all the senses. There’s a whiff of historic aftershave, the fragile feel of pages from a policeman’s 1885 log book, the sounds of an original murder ballad — all concluding with an unexpectedly breath-taking view from high above the location of the last murder. As this experience is only possible in these very specific Austin locations, we have submitted video documentation of the journey. Sound: Ellison Libiran, Nick Lamb, Collin Chesbro, Dug Winningham Editing: Stacy Bond, Ellison Libiran Correspondents: Dana Hall, Maggie Caldwell, Ellison Libiran, Rob Little and Olivia Christian; Web Design and Execution: Robyn Graham Title of series: SonicSF Producing organisation: AudioLuxe Media Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 15/7/2014 Original language: English Running time: 38’ 55’’ Meet Sonic SF SonicSF is a serial radio show and podcast with an interleaved narrative. Scenes with different correspondents fade in and out: young adults living in the city of San Francisco. One finds a mysterious suitcase filled with ephemera of a Japanese-American family, including two love letters from the 1950s, one opened, one unopened. He decides to find the women they were destined for. Another correspondent attends a party, while another feels lost among new roommates. The structure of the narrative lets storylines part and come together again. This first episode establishes the quest each correspondent will pursue in further episodes. Eventually, the quests become more topical, but in the early episodes the stories are personal, setting the stage for a unique combination we call reality-news, a play on TV’s reality show format. 447 UNITED STATES STACY BOND AND AUDIOLUXE MEET SONIC SF (SERIAL, VERITE, REALITY-NEWS) SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Stacy Bond Production: Stacy Bond, Ellison Libiran, Chloe Davidson, Nick Lamb, Collin Chesbro Script: Stacy Bond, Ellison Libiran, Chloe Davidson, Olivia Christian, Nick Lamb Music: Ellison Libiran GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS UNITED STATES VANESSA LOWE WHAT THE BAKER SAW Direction: Vanessa Lowe Title of series: Nocturne Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 22/1/2015 Original language: English Running time: 21’ 51’’ (PODCAST - STORYTELLING; INTERVIEW-BASED; SOUND-RICH) What the Baker Saw While working at night in the wilds of the Marin Headlands, Baker Eduardo Morell witnesses the struggle between life and death. This struggle plays out all around us all the time, in ways both large and small. UNITED STATES, CANADA KAREN ROBINS SACRED OPERATOR SPECIAL PRIZES (EXPERIMENTAL AUDIO DOCUMENTARY/ EXPERIMENTAL AUDIO NARRATIVE) Direction: Karen Robins Production: Karen Robins Sound: Karen Robins Editing: Karen Robins Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 15/7/2014 Original language: English Running time: 12’ 21’’ Sacred Operator Sacred Operator is an experimental audio narrative about a day in the life of a tarot hustler that takes an unexpected turn.. 448 SPECIAL PRIZES GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS REGULATIONS GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS REGULATIONS 1 The Prix Italia Golden Award for New Radio Formats is being introduced in the year 2015 celebrating the most innovative, unconventional, "groundbreaking", daring and bold radio/audio format. This radio/audio programme with no limit of genre, platform and length, may also be only designed and created for the exclusive broadcasting in streaming or podcast and produced with or without the support of archive material. Participation is free and open to Prix Italia member organisations and other players, such as independent producers who must be at least 18 years old. 2 The prize money, amounting to Euro 7,000 (Gross), is offered by Prix Italia. 3 The selection of the prize-winner will be made by a jury composed of internationally renowned personalities invited by Prix Italia, who will meet in Torino during the course of the Festival. The jury will take into consideration the following criteria on deciding the winner: -originality; - a stimulating ability to delight, surprise, engage and challenge the listener; - an unconventional approach to audio/radio; - excellence in storytelling; - innovative sound design and innovative communicational settings. 4 Each player can enter only one programme which, in the case of Prix Italia member broadcasters, will not be calculated in the overall total number and length of the programmes submitted in the competition as envisaged by Prix Italia’s Radio and TV Regulations. 5 The programmes in competition: - should have been broadcast or posted online between 19th September 2013 and 30th March 2015 in the same form in which they have been submitted; - should not have been entered in previous Prix Italia competitions; - may compete, even if entered in the official sections of the Radio competition. The winning programme of the competition must show the Prix Italia logo in its credits and promotional material. 6 To participate, please see the special entry form (Prix Italia Golden Award for New Radio Formats) posted on the Prix Italia site The programmes in competition should arrive in the format and within the deadline set by the Secretariat (entry form and synopses by 30th March – programmes and translated text by 30th April). Participants should further send the Secretariat: - the synopsis of the programme in English and French; - the recording of the programme, made according to the format stated in the entry form; - the text of the programme, only via email to this address, translated into English and, if possible, also into French; - any illustrative material and information which aid an understanding of the programme, such as explanatory notes, biographies, filmographies and photographs of the creators. 452 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS 7 By submitting the signed entry forms, organisations authorise: - the widest possible broadcasting of the entries, making it as easy as possible for the programmes to be used by the organisations requesting them; - the listening of programmes by jurors, delegates, accredited members of the press, observers, academics or persons invited by the Secretariat; - the placing, in Prix Italia’s central digitalized Archive, of a copy of the submitted programme. The Archive may be exclusively consulted by members of Prix Italia. On special request, consultation may be authorised for the purpose of documentation, study or academic research. It is not possible to download programmes; - Prix Italia to produce a promo DVD at the most containing up to 3 minutes of each programme running in the competition; - the use of up to 3 minutes of each work in competition during programmes made by Rai to promote and report the Festival; - the use on the Internet, for the purpose of promo, of clips of the competing programmes. These clips, lasting 60 seconds, should be written in the entry form. - the promotional and no-profit posting on the Prix Italia site of the winning programmes. These programmes will be online, with no possibility of download, for up to five days after the Festival. Prix Italia intends in this way to celebrate the creativity of the winners and the quality of their works posting on its site every awardwinning programme. The showcasing of the programmes on the Prix Italia website must be specifically authorised on the entry form. Were the submitting organisation/player not to have provided the Prix Italia Secretariat with the latter authorisation, the programme is nonetheless eligible to compete. 8 For anything not envisaged in this set of Regulations, please refer to the Prix Italia Radio and TV Regulations. 453 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS REGLEMENT 1 Le Prix Italia a institué en 2015 un nouveau Prix : le Prix Italia Golden Award pour récompenser un format radio/audio se distinguant pour ses caractéristiques novatrices, non-conventionnelles, provocatrices, hors du commun et audacieuses. Ce programme radio/audio sans restriction aucune en matière de genre, plateforme et durée peut en outre n’avoir été conçu et réalisé que pour le streaming ou le podcasting et peut également contenir du matériel d'archives. Le concours est ouvert, à titre gratuit, aux diffuseurs membres du Prix Italia et à tout autre sujet, tels que les producteurs indépendants qui devront avoir 18 ans au moins. 2 Le Prix consiste en une récompense en numéraire de 7.000,00 euros brut offerte par le Prix Italia. 3 Sur invitation du Prix Italia, un jury international se réunira à Turin au cours du Festival pour décerner le Golden Award pour les nouveaux formats radio. Pour attribuer ladite récompense le jury tiendra compte des critères suivants : - l’originalité du produit ; - ses caractéristiques visant à divertir, surprendre et faire participer l’auditeur de façon provocatrice ; - son approche non-conventionnelle à l’outil audio/radio ; - la qualité narrative ; - la structure sonore novatrice et l’usage des nouveaux moyens de communication. 4 Chaque sujet ou radiodiffuseur peut participer au concours avec un seul programme. En ce qui concerne les radiodiffuseurs membres du Prix Italia, leurs programmes ne seront pas comptabilisés ni dans le nombre, ni dans la durée totale des programmes en compétition prévus par le Règlement officiel du Prix Italia. 5 Les programmes en compétition : - doivent avoir été diffusés ou publiés en ligne dans une période comprise entre le 19 septembre 2013 et le 30 mars 2015 sous le même format avec lequel ils ont été présentés ; - ne doivent pas avoir été présentés dans les éditions précédentes du Prix Italia ; - peuvent participer en étant également inscrits à la section officielle du concours radio. Le programme récompensé devra afficher le logo Prix Italia sur son générique et le matériel de promotion. 6 Pour participer, les concurrents devront remplir le formulaire d’inscription (Prix Italia Golden Award for New Radio Format) disponible sur le site web du Prix Italia Les programmes en compétition devront parvenir dans les délais et les conditions indiqués par le secrétariat (inscription et synopsis des programmes non au-delà du 30 mars – Programme et matériel complémentaire non au-delà du 30 avril). Les participants devront en outre faire parvenir au Secrétariat : - un bref résumé du programme en anglais et en français ; - une copie de l’enregistrement du programme, réalisée conformément aux standards indiqués sur le formulaire d’inscription ; - le texte du programme, traduit en anglais et si possible en français, devra rigoureusement être envoyé par courrier électronique à l’adresse suivante : ; - tout document illustratif et informatif visant à une meilleure compréhension de la production, y-compris des notes, des biographies, des filmographies et des photos des auteurs. 454 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS 7 En envoyant le formulaire d’inscription dûment signé, les organismes adhérents autorisent : - la plus ample diffusion des programmes en lice en en facilitant par tous les moyens leur mise à disposition aux organismes qui en feront demande ; - les délégués, les journalistes accrédités, les observateurs, les chercheurs et experts, ainsi que les invités du Secrétariat à écouter les programmes en compétition ; - le dépôt dans les Archives numériques du Prix Italia de tous les programmes présentés. Il est précisé que l’accès aux Archives est réservé aux membres du Prix Italia. Cependant, dans certains cas et à la demande explicite, les productions pourront être consultées à des fins de documentation, d’études et de recherches académiques. Le téléchargement des programmes reste toutefois rigoureusement interdit ; - la réalisation, à la charge du Prix Italia, d’un éventuel DVD promotionnel de l’œuvre présentée d’une durée maximum de 3 minutes ; - l’utilisation de 3 minutes maximum de chaque œuvre participant au concours dans le cadre des programmes Rai afin de promouvoir et documenter la manifestation ; - la diffusion sur Internet, aux seules fins promotionnelles, d’un vidéo-clip de chaque production en compétition. Ledit vidéo-clip d’une durée de 60 secondes devra être mentionné sur la fiche d’inscription. - la publication du programme récompensé sur le site du Prix Italia à des fins de promotion et sans but lucratif. Ledit programme sera en ligne, sans possibilité de téléchargement, pendant 5 jours max. après le festival. Cette vitrine vise à mettre en lumière la créativité des lauréats et la qualité des œuvres en publiant tous les programmes récompensés. A cette fin, les concurrents devront expressément accorder leur autorisation sur la fiche d’inscription. A défaut de cette dernière autorisation à être publiés sur le site du Prix Italia, les programmes pourront néanmoins participer aux concours. 8 Pour tout ce qui n’est pas prévu dans le présent règlement, fera foi le Règlement Radio et TV du Prix Italia. 455 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS REGOLAMENTO 1 2 3 Viene istituito per l’anno 2015 il Prix Italia Golden Award per i Nuovi Formati Radiofonici che premia il format radio/audio che si distingue per essere particolarmente innovativo, non convenzionale, "fuori dal comune", provocatorio e coraggioso. Tale programma radio/audio, senza limite di genere, piattaforma e durata può anche essere stato ideato e realizzato per la sola diffusione in streaming o podcast e può utilizzare o meno materiale d’archivio. Il Premio è aperto ai broadcaster membri del Prix Italia e ad altri soggetti quali produttori indipendenti, purchè maggiorenni. La partecipazione è gratuita. Il riconoscimento consiste in un premio di Euro 7.000 lordi offerto da Prix Italia. L’assegnazione del premio è decisa da una giuria di fama internazionale, invitata da Prix Italia, che si riunirà a Torino nel corso del festival. La giuria nell’assegnazione del premio adotterà i seguenti criteri: -originalità; - capacità di divertire, sorprendere e coinvolgere l’ascoltatore in maniera provocatoria; - approccio non convenzionale al mezzo audio/radiofonico; - qualità della narrazione; - sound design innovativo e nuove modalità di comunicazione. 4Ogni player potrà partecipare con un solo programma che, nel caso dei broadcaster aderenti al Prix Italia, non verrà considerato nel numero totale e nella durata totale dei programmi in concorso previsti dal Regolamento Radio e TV del Prix Italia. 5 6 I programmi in concorso: - devono essere stati trasmessi o pubblicati online nell’arco di tempo compreso tra il 19 settembre 2013 e il 30 marzo 2015 nella stessa forma in cui sono stati presentati; - non devono essere stati presentati nelle precedenti edizioni del Prix Italia; - possono concorrere anche se iscritti alla sezione ufficiale del concorso Radio. Il programma vincitore del concorso dovrà riportare il logo Prix Italia nei credits e sul materiale promozionale. Per partecipare, si deve fare riferimento alla speciale scheda di iscrizione (Prix Italia Golden Award for New Radio Formats) pubblicata sul sito del Prix Italia I programmi in concorso dovranno pervenire nei tempi e nei modi indicati dal Segretariato (iscrizione e riassunti entro il 30 marzo - programmi e testo tradotto entro il 30 aprile). I partecipanti dovranno inoltre far pervenire al Segretariato: - il riassunto del programma in inglese e francese; - una copia della registrazione del programma, realizzata secondo gli standard previsti sulla scheda di iscrizione; - il testo del programma, esclusivamente per e-mail all’indirizzo, tradotto in inglese e, se possibile, anche in francese; - tutto il materiale illustrativo e informativo che si ritiene utile alla migliore conoscenza del programma, come pure eventuali notizie esplicative, biografie, filmografie e fotografie degli autori. 456 GOLDEN AWARD FOR NEW RADIO FORMATS 7 Gli organismi aderenti, inviando la scheda di iscrizione firmata autorizzano: - la massima diffusione dei programmi presentati in concorso, facilitando il più possibile la messa a disposizione dei propri programmi agli organismi che ne fanno richiesta; - l’ascolto dei programmi da parte di giurati, delegati, giornalisti accreditati, osservatori, studiosi o invitati del Segretariato; -il riversamento dei programmi presentati in concorso nell’Archivio digitalizzato del Prix Italia. La consultazione di tale Archivio è riservata ai Soci del Prix. Su speciale richiesta si autorizza la consultazione per scopi di documentazione, studio e ricerca accademica. Non è prevista possibilità di download dei programmi; - la produzione da parte del Prix Italia di un eventuale DVD promozionale contenente un massimo di 3 minuti di ciascun programma presentato in concorso; - l’utilizzo di un massimo di 3 minuti di ciascuna opera presentata in concorso nell’ambito dei programmi realizzati da Rai per promuovere e documentare la manifestazione; - l’utilizzo in Internet, a scopo promozionale, delle clip dei programmi presentati in concorso. Tali clip, della durata di 60 secondi, dovranno essere indicate sulla scheda di iscrizione; - la pubblicazione sul sito del Prix Italia dei programmi vincitori. Tali programmi saranno on line, senza possibilità di download, per un massimo di cinque giorni dopo il festival, a scopo promozionale e senza fini di lucro. Il Prix Italia intende in questo modo celebrare la creatività dei vincitori e la qualità delle loro opere, pubblicando sul proprio sito tutti i programmi premiati. L’autorizzazione a tale utilizzo dovrà essere espressamente comunicata sulla scheda di iscrizione. L’eventuale mancanza di quest’ultima autorizzazione non impedisce la partecipazione in concorso del programma stesso. 8 Per tutto quanto non previsto dal presente Regolamento, si fa riferimento al Regolamento Prix Italia per i concorsi Radio e TV. 457 SPECIAL PRIZES GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS ENTRIES GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS CANADA CBC/SRC The Book of Negroes – Episode 4 CZECH REPUBLIC CTV Václav Havel – Living in Freedom DENMARK DR Snowden’s Great Escape FRANCE FRANCE 2 Annihilation - The Destruction of Europe’s Jews The End of Illusions (Ep. 1/8) - The Survivors (Ep. 6/8) GERMANY ARD 14 – Diaries of the Great War – The Beginning ZDF SPECIAL PRIZES The Team ITALY MEDIASET/RTI Romeo and Juliet ITALY RAI Beauty and the Beast 460 GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS MALTA PBS Malta – Watering an Island SPAIN RTVE The E-waste Tragedy SWEDEN SVT Blue Eyes SWITZERLAND SRG SSR Friedrich Dürrenmatt – In Labyrinth UNITED STATES CPB/PBS SPECIAL PRIZES Shakespeare Uncovered: Series 2 461 GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS CANADA CBC/SRC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation/Société Radio Canada THE BOOK OF NEGROES Direction: Clement Virgo Production: Damon D’Oliveira, Clement Virgo Script: Clement Virgo, Lawrence Hill Adapted from: Lawrence Hill The Book of Negroes Music: Philip Miller Photography: Giulio Biccari Sound: David McCallum, David Rose Editing: Susan Shipton Actors: Aunjanue Ellis, Lyriq Bent, Ben Chaplin, Allan Hawco, Greg Bryk, Cara Ricketts, Dwain Murphy, Rick Roberts, Cuba Gooding Jr. Other countries: United States, South Africa Title of series: The Book of Negroes Producing organisation: Conquering Lion Pictures Coproducing organisations: Out of Africa Entertainment, Idlewild Films, CBC Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 28/1/2015 Original language: English Sales: Damon D’Oliveira Ph:14169671055 Running time: 44’ 2’’ The Book of Negroes – Episode 4 As peace is declared after the American Revolution, slavers go to New York in search of runaway slaves. Aminata is offered a job by the British Navy to help recruit Black Loyalists to join them in Canada as free citizens. Aminata registers thousands in The Book of Negroes. When it is her turn to leave, authorities stop her, as a slaver has made a claim upon her. She lets her husband, Chekura, go ahead and is herself held for trial. In court, she is acquitted on evidence given by her former "owner", who vouches he gave Aminata her freedom. After being freed, she arrives in Nova Scotia to find no sign of her husband. CZECH REPUBLIC CTV Ceska Televize SPECIAL PRIZES ŽIVOT PODLE VÁCLAVA HAVLA Direction: Andrea Sedláèková Production: Alena Müllerová Script: Andrea Sedláèková Music Quentin Sirjacq Photography: David Cysaø Sound: Ivan Horák Editing: Boris Machytka Other country: France Producing organisations: Ceska Televize, ARTE G.E.I.E Coproducing organisations: Alegria Productions; Negativ, s.r.o.; Václav Havel Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 1/1/2015 Original language: Czech Subtitled in: English, French Running time: 70’ 54’’ Václav Havel – Living in Freedom Despite hundreds of hours of film material about Václav Havel, a biography film portraying the life story of this great European had not yet been made. The colourful life of Václav Havel – his family, childhood, his loves, playwriting career and political engagement – is here captured in the 70-minute-long documentary directed by Andrea Sedláèková. She portrays Havel during every stage and role in his life: an intellectual rebel, admirer of women, a lover of life, and a fan of the underground and rockers. This portrayal of Havel was developed as the first ever co-production of Czech Television and Arte, the French-German TV Network. 462 GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS Direction: Poul-Erik Heilbuth, John Goetz Production: Sidsel Marie Jabobsen Script: Poul-Erik Heilbuth, John Goetz Music: Flemming Nordkrogt Photography: Klaus Nedergaard Sound: Klaus Nedergaard, Alex Pavlovic Editing: Klaus Nedergaard Other countries: Germany, France Producing organisation: DR, Danish Broadcasting Corporation Coproducing organisations: NDR, WDR, La Compagnie des Taxi-Brousse, supported by Planete and Crime Investigation, SVT, NRK, RTS, Ghostvfx, Nordvision Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 12/1/2015 Original language: English Sales: DR Sales Running time: 58’ 12’’ DENMARK DR Danmarks Radio SNOWDENS STORE FLUGT Snowden’s Great Escape June 5th, 2013, the first revelations arising from the documents provided by ex-NSA Employee Edward Snowden were published in The Guardian. This documentary offers unique insight into his life as a fugitive in Hong Kong. His documents exposed topsecret United States and British government mass surveillance programmes so that the 29-year old computer specialist became the "USA’s public enemy number one", turning him into a major pawn on the chessboard of international politics. After applying for asylum in 20 countries, it is Russia’s Putin who comes to his rescue. With exclusive access to key players such as Julian Assange, Sarah Harrison, Edward Snowden and Michael Hayden, the film creates a nail-biting reconstruction, showing what really went on in the days Snowden tried to elude one of the largest manhunts the world has ever seen. Editing: Stéphanie Mahet Other country: Germany Title of series: Jusqu’au dernier La destruction des Juifs d’Europe Producing organisations: Zadig Productions, Looks FILM Coproducing organisations: France 2, ZDF Info Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 26/1/2015 Original language: French Dubbed in: English Sales: Zed Productions Ph: +33 1 53 09 96 96 Running time: 110’ 46’’ Annihilation – The Destruction of Europe’s Jews – The End of Illusions (Ep. 1/8) The Survivors (Ep. 6/8) Seventy years after the liberation of Auschwitz, our eight-part film about the annihilation of Europe’s Jews sets out to explore a story dating back to before the start of the 20th century, which is still playing out today. With just one question in mind: how, and not why, could the Shoah have been conceived, planned and implemented in Germany, although also in every other country occupied by the Reich and its collaborationists? Our film examines how the "Final Solution" derived from some men aspiring to destroy the physical presence, language and even memory of other men. 463 FRANCE FRANCE 2 France Télévisions JUSQU’AU DERNIER - LA DESTRUCTION DES JUIFS D’EUROPE ‘LA FIN DES ILLUSIONS’ (EP 1/8), ‘LES DISPARUS’ (EP 6/8) SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: William Karel, Blanche Finger Production: Pawel Rozenberg, Céline Nusse Script: William Karel, Blanche Finger Music: Gréco Casadesus Photography: Olivier Raffet Sound: Thomas Perlmutter GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS GERMANY ARD Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 14 - TAGEBÜCHER DES ERSTEN WELTKRIEGS: DER AUFBRUCH GERMANY ZDF Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen SPECIAL PRIZES THE TEAM (PART 1/4 ) Direction: Jan Peter Production: Gunnar Dedio, Looks Film & TV GmbH Script: Yury Winterberg, Jan Peter Music: Laurent Eyquem Editing: Susanne Schiebler Other countries: The Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Wales Producing organisations: SWR, WDR, NDR, ARTE Coproducing organisations: NTR/VPRO, CTVC London, AB Productions, CWMNIDA Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 27/5/2014 Original language: German Subtitled in: English Running time: 43’ 20’’ 14 – Diaries of the Great War – The Beginning 100 years after its outbreak, this series lets viewers experience WWI solely through the eyes of those who lived through it. Europe in 1914 is a continent riddled with tensions. The major powers have formed alliances in an attempt to hold each other in check and are locked in armaments races. When the heir to the Austrian throne and his wife are murdered in Sarajevo, the system of alliances runs its inevitable course. War begins: with naive excitement, the soldiers move to the front. "We’ll be home by Christmas", is the belief expressed by every country’s soldier. But by the end of 1914 one million men have fallen. Still more have been wounded or taken prisoner. No one had anticipated such a bloody outcome. Direction: Kathrine Windfeld Production: Wolfgang Cimera, Peter Nadermann, Andi Wecker, Thomas Heinesen, Jean De Clerq, John Lueftner Script: Mai Brostrom, Peter Thorsboe Music: Jean-Paul Wall Photography: Morton Soborg Sound: Geert Viegels Editing: Per K. Kirkegaard Actors: Lars Mikkelsen, Jasmin Gerat, Veerle Baetens, Nicolas Ofzarek etc. Other countries: Denmark, Austria, Sweden Producing organisations: Network Movie, Nordisk Film, Lunanime/Lumiere, Sup Coproducing organisations: ZDF/ARTE, ORF, SVT, VTM Year of production: 2014 The Team Broadcast date: 22/2/2015 Original languages: English, German, Danish, Flemish Subtitled in: English Dubbed in: German Sales: ZDF Enterprises GmbH Ph: +4961319911600 Fax: +4961319911552 Running time: 111’ 24’’ Three prostitutes in Antwerp, Berlin and Copenhagen are found dead, all shot through their left eye and with a finger cut off – just hours after Belgian Journalist Jean Louis Poquelin (Carlos Leal) had visited them. Europol sets up a Joint Investigation Team under Harald Bjørn (Lars Mikkelsen) from Denmark, Jackie Mueller (Jasmin Gerat) from Germany and Alicia Verbeek (Veerle Baetens) from Belgium. What first appeared to be a brutal murder series at the hands of a single perpetrator, soon turns into a much larger case when the connection to the killing of a fourth woman six years ago is established. In addition more lives seem to be at stake... many more. The investigation takes The Team all over Europe, to soon fight against a widespread criminal network. 464 GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS Direction: Riccardo Donna Production: Lux Vide S.p.a. Script: Lea Tafuri, Riccardo Donna Adapted from: William Shakespeare’s Play Music: Andrea Guerra Photography: Title of series: Armando Buttafava Bonalloggi Romeo and Juliet Sound: Producing organisation: Mix Studio Lux Vide S.p.A. Editing: Coproducing organisations: Alessio Doglione RTI,Telecinco Cinema, Beta Film Actors: Year of production: 2013 Alessandra Mastronadri, Broadcast date: 3/12/2014 Martin Rivas Original language: English Other countries: Running time: 192’ 8’’ Spain, Germany ITALY MEDIASET/RTI ROMEO E GIULIETTA Romeo and Juliet Juliet Capulet, a brave and sincere girl, raised to love her family and hate the Montagues - a house seeking to overthrow the Capulets in the struggle to dominate the city. Twenty year-old Romeo Montague, the leader and heir of his house, has little doubts about his life, but when he looks into Juliet’s eyes he finally finds something worth fighting for: his love. Through unforeseen, boundless passion, Romeo and Juliet find the strength to stand up for peace and to renounce violence and prejudice. To save their new found love the two young lovers will face overwhelming odds: the hate and jealousy of their siblings, ambushes in meandering alleys, the painful losses of Mercutio and Tebaldo. In the end, only Romeo and Juliet’s tragic death will move their families to understand how foolish their hatred had been. Beauty and the Beast France, towards the end of the 18th century. This is the story of a prince, Leon Dalville, a man who had it all: love, beauty, youth. In the course of one terrible night, he loses everything, including his handsome face. He becomes a man full of secrets, hated and feared, with part of his face covered by a silver mask...The Beast. But this is also the story of a pure and fearless girl. Bella Dubois is brimming with life and dreams, with an overwhelming desire to travel by sea. The Beauty. To save her father from a large debt, she goes to the Prince’s castle offering to work as a maid. She enters the lair of the Beast, and soon risks falling prey to him. But Leon underestimates Beauty’s courage and the power and attraction of her purity. Little does he know that he will be the one falling into a trap... 465 ITALY RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana LA BELLA E LA BESTIA SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Actors: Title of series: Fabrizio Costa Blanca Suarez (Bella), Beauty and the Beast ( 2 x 100’) Alessandro Preziosi (Leon), Coproduction: Producing organisation: Lea Bosco (Hélène), Rai Fiction, Lux Vide, RAI Fiction Massimo Wertmuller Telecinco Cinema Coproducing organisations: (Maurice Debois), Telecinco/ Lux Vide/ Pampa Script: Andy Luotto (Armand), Francesco Arlanch e Lea Tafuri Productions Cecilia Dazzi (Albertine), Music: Andrea Guerra Year of production: 2014 Tommaso Ramenghi (Olivier), Photography: Jaime Olias (André) Broadcast date: 27/12/2014 Maurizio Calvesi Original language:Italian Costume Design: Enrica Biscossi Editing: Luciana Pandolfelli Subtitled in: English Scenography: Cosimo Gomez Production: Sales: RAI Com Other country: Spain Matilde e Luca Bernabei Running time: 200’ 2’’ GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS MALTA PBS Public Broadcasting Services MALTA - WATERING AN ISLAND Direction: Adrian Paul Spiteri Production: Godfrey Smith Music: Terry Devine - King Photography: Adian Borg Ghigo Sound: Leslie Galea Editing: Jeremy Dalli Other countries: Cyprus, Egypt, France, Jordan, Palestine, Spain, Tunisia, Italy Title of series: Joussours Producing organisations: PBS, RAI, ASBU Coproducing organisations: CYBC, ERTU, FR3, JRTV, PBL, RTVE, Television Tunisi Year of production: 2013 Broadcast date: 25/11/2013 Original language: Maltese Subtitled in: English Running time: 9’ 34’’ Malta – Watering an Island Nowadays, the effective use of water in Malta is a real problem. Agriculture and other economic activities use too much water in relation to available resources. This documag presents the experience and the fight of a couple of farmers and the technologies for water sustainability to reduce water consumption and improve rationalization. SPAIN RTVE Radiotelevision Española SPECIAL PRIZES LA TRAGÈDIA ELECTRÒNICA Direction Cosima Dannoritzer Production Joan Úbeda, Fabrice Estève, Christian Popp Script Cosima Dannoritzer Other countries France, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Ireland, Belgium Producing organisations TVE, MEDIA 3.14, YUZU Productions Coproducing organisations TVE, ARTE France, Al Jazeera English, Televisiò de Catalunya Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date 20/5/2014 Original languages Spanish, Catalan, English, French and German. Subtitled in English Running time: 86’ The E-waste Tragedy This documentary reveals a world of millions of tons of electronic wastes, which is currently destroying the environment and jeopardising the lives of thousands of people in Africa and Asia. It is the latest work from Cosima Dannoritzer, Director of Buy, Throw Away, Buy, a documentary about planned obsolescence that has had a huge impact around the world, which has been released in more than 30 countries and has won ten international awards. 466 GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS Direction: Sound: Per Sundström Producing organisation: Henrik Georgsson, Strix Drama Editing: Fredrik Edfeldt, Fredrik Morheden, Coproducing organisations: Emiliano Goessens Andreas Nilsson, Håkan Karlsson, SVT Sveriges Television, Production: Kristoffer Nordin, Anders Nylander ZDF, Film i Väst Zoula Pitsiava, Mia Sohlman Actors: Year of production: 2014 Script: Louise Peterhoff, Broadcast date: 30/11/2014 Alex Haridi, Björn Paqualin, Karin Franz Körlof, Original language: Swedish Antonia Pyk, Veronica Zacco Kjell Wilhelmsen, Subtitled in: English Adam Lundgren et al Photography: Sales: ZDF Enterprises Simon Pramsten, Mats Axby, Other country: Germany Running time: 114’ 46’’ Linus Eklund SWEDEN SVT Sveriges Television BLÅ ÖGON Blue Eyes Sweden is preparing its general elections when right-wing politician Annika Nilsson is murdered. Her daughter Sofia is convinced that immigrants killed her mother. In her hunt for scapegoats, Sofia comes across a violent, extreme-right movement called Veritas, which is carrying out attacks against Swedish society. If all goes according to plan, their actions will culminate in a spectacular bombing of the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Meanwhile, in the Ministry of Justice, Elin Johansson becomes aware that something is wrong in the department. Not only important documents are missing, but her predecessor also disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The deeper she digs, the more trails she finds pointing in the same direction: Ludvika, the town where Annika Nilsson lived... Photography: Matthias Günter Editing: Andreas Winterstein Other country: France Producing organisation: SRF Coproducing organisation: ARTE G.E.I.E. Year of production: 2014 Broadcast date: 1/2/2015 Original language: German Subtitled in: German/English/Italian Voiced over in: Swiss German, German Running time: 52’ 42’’ Friedrich Dürrenmatt – In Labyrinth As an innovative monument, the film pays tribute to the man, writer and painter Friedrich Dürrenmatt. A fictionalised autobiography, it has been compiled using the countless national and international film, radio and television broadcasts in which he recalls his life, talks about his work and analyses the world. The narrative of the film has been fabricated, with the writer, in his sixties, living secluded in his house overlooking Lake Neuchâtel. This autobiographical account has been composed by consolidating and processing authentic footage. It creates the illusion of a first-person narrative. Strictly-speaking, although not exactly true, it is nonetheless truthful. 467 SWITZERLAND SRG SSR Société Suisse de Radiodiffusion et Télévision FRIEDRICH DÜRRENMATT IM LABYRINTH SPECIAL PRIZES Direction: Sabine Gisiger Production: Das Kollektiv für Audiovisuelle Werke GmbH Script: Sabine Gisiger Music: Peter Von Siebenthal GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS UNITED STATES CPB/PBS Public Broadcasting Service SHAKESPEARE UNCOVERED: SERIES 2 Direction: Richard Denton Music: Glenn Keiles Photography: Jay Dacey, Charlie Laing, Richard Wyllie, Make Garner, Brian Hwang, Kev Robertson Sound: Richard Coles, Paul Thompson, Kuz Randhawa, Merce Williams, Rob Eade, Steve Hopkins, Grant Lawson, Paul Nathan, Steve Hubbard Editing: Jamie Hay, John McAvoy, Bruce Law, Safi Ferrah Other country: United Kingdom Title of series: Shakespeare Uncovered: Series 2 Producing organisations: Thirteen Productions LLC for WNET PBS Coproducing organisations: Blakeway Productions, Sky Arts Year of production: 2015 Broadcast date: 30/1/2015 Original language: English Running time: 55’ 35’’ SPECIAL PRIZES Shakespeare Uncovered: Series 2 Shakespeare Uncovered is a multi-component public television project that is building a comprehensive video resource on the Complete Plays of William Shakespeare – for television, online and educational use. Co-produced by Thirteen Productions LLC for WNET and Blakeway Productions, with the special participation of Shakespeare’s Globe in London, the series explores the text and the context of Shakespeare’s plays, in programmes presented by some of the most legendary actors and directors in the world. 468 SPECIAL PRIZES GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS 469 SPECIAL PRIZES GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS REGULATIONS GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS REGULATIONS 1 The Prix Italia Golden Award for International TV Coproductions is being introduced for the Year 2015, celebrating the best international TV coproduction, regardless of genres and with no limit of length. The programme has to be the result of a coproduction by the submitting member organisation with at least one further broadcaster from a different country, and possibly with other partners, such as independent producers, institutional partners or sponsoring organisations. 2 The prize money, amounting to Euro 7,000 Gross, will be offered by Prix Italia to the submitting/winning broadcaster. The cash prize will be given to the winning Prix Italia-member broadcaster by the Secretariat. 3 The selection of the prize-winner will be made by a jury composed of internationally renowned personalities invited by Prix Italia, who will meet in Torino during the course of the Festival. The jury will take into consideration the following criteria on deciding the winner: - outstanding overall editorial and technical quality; - innovative and courageous trans-national storytelling; - a strong attention to the needs of fruitful cross-cultural communication; - excellence of creative networking and coproduction design; - an innovative interpretation of traditional collaboration values adapted to the need of globalising societies. 4 Every broadcaster may take part with only one programme which will not be considered in the total number of the programmes envisaged in the competition by Prix Italia’s Radio and TV Regulations. The submitting Prix Italia-member broadcaster should state it has been authorised by the other coproducers to enter and use the programme at the Festival. 5 The programmes in competition: - should be entered by Prix Italia member broadcasters, which are up to date with payment of fees, that must have taken part in the making of this same coproduction together with at least another broadcaster of another nationality, possibly with other partners, such as independent producers, institutions of various sponsors; - may not be submitted by more than one competing organisation. Were this found to be the case, only the organisation which was the first to submit the programme may enter it in the competition; - should be broadcast and/or posted online between the period starting from 19th September 2013 until 30th March 2015 in the same form in which they were submitted. Were the coproduction to have spawned other versions in different countries, the jury will solely refer to the version entered in the competition; - should not have been submitted to previous editions of the competition; - may compete even if entered in the official section of the TV competition or another Special Prize. The winning entries must show a Prix Italia logo in their credits and promotional/press material. 6 To participate, please see the special entry form (Prix Italia Golden Award for International TV Coproductions) posted on the Prix Italia site The programmes in competition should arrive in the format and within the deadline set by the Secretariat (entry form and synopses by 30th March – programme and translated text by 30th April). Participants should further send the Secretariat: 472 GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS - the synopsis of the programme in English and French (to be included in the special boxes at the bottom of the entry forms); - a short report for the Jury clarifying how the coproduction was made. It is to be sent to; - the recording of the programme, made according to the format stated in the entry form; - the programme, if edited in a language other than English, should be subtitled or at least accompanied by an English translation. This translation should be only sent to; - any illustrative material and information which aid an understanding of the programme, such as explanatory notes, biographies, filmographies and photographs of the creators. 7 By submitting the signed entry forms, organisations authorise: - the widest possible broadcasting of the entries, making it as easy as possible for the programmes to be used by the organisations requesting them; - the vision of programmes by jurors, delegates, accredited members of the press, observers, academics or persons invited by the Secretariat; - the placing, in Prix Italia’s central digitalised Archive, of a copy of the submitted programme. The Archives may be exclusively consulted by members of Prix Italia. On special request consultation may be authorised for the purpose of documentation, study or academic research. It is not possible to download programmes; - Prix Italia to produce a promo DVD at the most containing up to 3 minutes of each programme running in the competition; - the use of up to 3 minutes of each work in competition during programmes made by Rai to promote and report the Festival; - the use on the Internet, for the purpose of promo, of clips of the competing programmes. These clips, lasting 60 seconds, should be written in the entry form by the submitting organisation. - the promotional and no-profit posting on the Prix Italia site of the winning programmes. These programmes will be online, with no possibility of download, for up to five days after the Festival. Prix Italia intends in this way to celebrate the creativity of the winners and the quality of their works posting on its site every awardwinning entry. The showcasing of the programmes on the Prix Italia website must be specifically authorised on the entry form. Were the submitting organisation not to have provided the Prix Italia Secretariat with the latter authorisation, the programme is nonetheless eligible to compete. 8 For anything not envisaged in this set of Regulations, please refer to the Prix Italia Radio and TV Regulations. 473 GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS REGLEMENT 1 Pour l’édition 2015, nous avons institué le Prix Italia Golden Award visant à récompenser les programmes TV issus de coproductions internationales de tout genre et sans limite de durée. Le Programme doit être le fruit d’une coproduction entre un organisme membre du Prix Italia, qui se chargera de son inscription au concours, et d’un autre télédiffuseur au moins de nationalité différente, et d’éventuels autres partenaires, tels que des producteurs indépendants, des institutions ou autres sponsors. 2 Le Prix consiste en une récompense en numéraire de 7.000,00 euros brut offerte par le Prix Italia. Ladite récompense sera versée par le Secrétariat au télédiffuseur lauréat du concours et membre du Prix Italia. 3 Sur invitation du Prix Italia, un jury international se réunira à Turin au cours du Festival pour décerner le Golden Award à la meilleure coproduction TV. Pour attribuer ladite récompense le jury tiendra compte des critères suivants : - la qualité du produit aussi bien sur le plan technique que de l’édition ; - la structure narrative devra être novatrice et aborder des thèmes transnationaux ; - le produit devra présenter des éléments facilitant la communication cross-culturelle ; - la créativité dans le networking et la coproduction design ; - l’interprétation innovatrice des valeurs de collaboration traditionnelles appliquées à la mondialisation de la société. 4 Chaque télédiffuseur peut participer au concours avec un seul programme qui ne sera pas comptabilisé dans l’ensemble des programmes en compétition prévus par le Règlement Radio et TV du Prix Italia. Au moment de l’inscription du programme au concours, le télédiffuseur membre du Prix Italia doit déclarer par écrit d’en avoir été autorisé par le/les autres coproducteurs et d’avoir en outre été autorisé à ce que ledit programme soit utilisé dans le cadre de la manifestation. 5 Les programmes en compétition : - sont présentés par les diffuseurs membres du Prix Italia à condition que ces derniers soient en règle avec leur cotisation annuelle. Lesdits diffuseurs doivent, en outre, avoir participé à la réalisation du produit en coproduction avec au moins un autre diffuseur de nationalité différente et d’éventuels autres partenaires, tels que des producteurs indépendants, des institutions ou autres sponsors ; - le programme ne peut être proposé que par un seul organisme participant. En cas contraire, l’organisme qui aura inscrit le programme en premier sera retenu compétent ; - doivent avoir été diffusés et/ou publiés en ligne dans une période comprise entre le 19 septembre 2013 et le 30 mars 2015 sous le même format dans lequel ils ont été présentés. Au cas où la coproduction aurait plusieurs versions dans différents pays, le jury ne tiendra en compte que la version présentée au concours ; - ne doivent pas avoir été présentés dans les éditions précédentes du concours ; - peuvent participer même si déjà en lice dans la section officielle du concours TV ou autre Prix Spécial. Le programme récompensé devra afficher le logo Prix Italia sur son générique et le matériel de promotion. 6 Pour participer, les concurrents devront remplir le formulaire d’inscription (Prix Italia Golden Award for international TV Coproductions) disponible sur le site web du Prix Italia Les programmes en compétition devront parvenir dans les délais et les conditions indiqués par le secrétariat (inscription et 474 GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS synopsis des programmes non au-delà du 30 mars – Programme et matériel complémentaire non au-delà du 30 avril). Les participants devront en outre faire parvenir au Secrétariat : - un bref résumé du programme en anglais et en français (à joindre au formulaire d’inscription) ; - une courte relation sur les modes de réalisation de la coproduction, réservée exclusivement au jury et qui devra être expédiée par courrier électronique à l’adresse suivante : ; - une copie de l’enregistrement du programme, réalisée conformément aux standards indiqués sur le formulaire d’inscription ; - si réalisé dans une autre langue que la langue anglaise, le programme devra être sous-titré ou accompagné d’une traduction en anglais. Ladite traduction devra rigoureusement être envoyée par courrier électronique à l’adresse suivante : ; - tout document illustratif et informatif visant à une meilleure compréhension de la production, y-compris des notes, des biographies, des filmographies, des photos des auteurs. 7 En envoyant le formulaire d’inscription dûment signé, les organismes adhérents autorisent : - la plus ample diffusion des programmes en lice en en facilitant par tous les moyens leur mise à disposition aux organismes qui en feront demande ; - les délégués, les journalistes accrédités, les observateurs, les chercheurs et experts, ainsi que les invités du Secrétariat à visionner les programmes en compétition ; - le dépôt dans les Archives numériques du Prix Italia de tous les programmes présentés. Il est précisé que l’accès aux Archives est réservé aux membres du Prix Italia. Cependant, dans certains cas et à la demande explicite, les productions pourront être consultées à des fins de documentation, d’études et de recherches académiques. Le téléchargement des programmes reste toutefois rigoureusement interdit ; - la réalisation, à la charge du Prix Italia, d’un éventuel DVD promotionnel de l’œuvre présentée d’une durée maximum de 3 minutes ; - l’utilisation de 3 minutes maximum de chaque œuvre participant au concours dans le cadre des programmes Rai afin de promouvoir et documenter la manifestation ; - la diffusion sur Internet, aux seules fins promotionnelles, d’un vidéo-clip de chaque production en compétition. Ledit vidéo-clip d’une durée de 60 secondes devra être mentionné par l’organisme proposant sur le formulaire d’inscription. - la publication des programmes récompensés sur le site du Prix Italia à des fins de promotion et sans but lucratif. Lesdits programmes seront en ligne, sans possibilité de téléchargement, pendant 5 jours max. après le festival. Cette vitrine vise à mettre en lumière la créativité des lauréats et la qualité des œuvres en publiant tous les programmes récompensés. A cette fin, les concurrents devront expressément accorder leur autorisation sur le formulaire d’inscription. A défaut de cette dernière autorisation à être publiés sur le site du Prix Italia, les programmes pourront néanmoins participer aux concours. 8 Pour tout ce qui n’est pas prévu dans le présent règlement, fera foi le Règlement Radio et TV du Prix Italia. 475 GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS REGOLAMENTO 1 Viene istituito per l’anno 2015 il Prix Italia Golden Award per le Coproduzioni Televisive Internazionali che premia questo tipo di programmi, indipendentemente dal genere e dalla durata. Il programma deve essere il risultato di una coproduzione tra un organismo membro del Prix Italia, che lo iscrive in concorso, e almeno un altro broadcaster di diversa nazionalità, oltre eventuali altri partner, come produttori indipendenti, istituzioni o altri sponsor. 2 Il riconoscimento consiste in un premio di Euro 7.000 lordi offerto da Prix Italia. Il premio in denaro sarà consegnato dal Segretariato al broadcaster vincitore membro di Prix Italia. 3 L’assegnazione del premio è decisa da una giuria internazionale, invitata da Prix Italia, che si riunirà a Torino nel corso del festival. La giuria nell’assegnazione del premio adotterà i seguenti criteri: - migliore qualità tecnica ed editoriale; - narrazione innovativa e di carattere coraggiosamente trans-nazionale; - particolare attenzione alle necessità proprie di una proficua comunicazione cross-culturale; - migliore capacità di creative networking e coproduction design; - interpretazione innovativa dei valori di collaborazione tradizionali applicati alle realtà di una società globalizzata. 4Ogni broadcaster può partecipare con un solo programma, che non verrà considerato nel totale dei programmi previsti in concorso dal Regolamento Radio e TV del Prix Italia. Il broadcaster proponente, membro del Prix Italia, deve dichiarare di aver ottenuto l’autorizzazione all’iscrizione e all’utilizzo del programma nell’ambito della manifestazione da parte degli altri coproduttori. 5 6 I programmi in concorso: - devono essere presentati dai broadcaster membri del Prix Italia, purchè in regola con il pagamento delle quote annuali, i quali devono aver partecipato alla realizzazione della coproduzione stessa insieme ad almeno un altro broadcaster di diversa nazionalità, oltre eventuali altri partner, come produttori indipendenti, istituzioni o sponsor diversi; - non possono essere proposti da più di un organismo partecipante. Se ciò accadesse, il programma può essere presentato soltanto dall’organismo che per primo lo ha iscritto; - devono essere stati trasmessi e/o pubblicati online nell’arco di tempo compreso tra il 19 settembre 2013 e il 30 marzo 2015 nella stessa forma in cui sono stati presentati. Nel caso in cui la coproduzione abbia dato origine a più versioni nei diversi paesi, la giuria farà riferimento esclusivamente alla versione presentata in concorso; - non devono essere stati presentati nelle precedenti edizioni; - possono partecipare anche se iscritti alla sezione ufficiale del concorso TV o ad altro Premio Speciale. Il programma vincitore del concorso dovrà riportare il logo Prix Italia nei credits e sul materiale promozionale. Per partecipare, si deve fare riferimento alla speciale scheda di iscrizione (Prix Italia Golden Award for International TV Coproductions) pubblicata sul sito del Prix Italia I programmi in concorso 476 GOLDEN AWARD FOR INTERNATIONAL TV COPRODUCTIONS dovranno pervenire nei tempi e nei modi indicati dal Segretariato (entry e riassunti entro il 30 marzo – programma e altro materiale entro il 30 aprile). I partecipanti dovranno inoltre far pervenire al Segretariato: - il riassunto del programma in inglese e francese (da inserire nella scheda di iscrizione); - un breve report sulle modalità di realizzazione della coproduzione destinato esclusivamente alla giuria (da inviare via mail a; - una copia della registrazione del programma, realizzata secondo gli standard previsti sulla scheda di iscrizione; - il programma che, se editato in una lingua diversa dall’inglese, deve essere sottotitolato o accompagnato almeno da una traduzione nella suddetta lingua. Tale traduzione deve pervenire esclusivamente per e-mail all’indirizzo; - tutto il materiale illustrativo e informativo che si ritiene utile alla migliore conoscenza del programma, come pure eventuali notizie esplicative, biografie, filmografie e fotografie degli autori. 7 Gli organismi aderenti, inviando la scheda di iscrizione firmata autorizzano: - la massima diffusione dei programmi presentati in concorso, facilitando il più possibile la messa a disposizione dei propri programmi agli organismi che ne fanno richiesta; - la visione dei programmi da parte di giurati, delegati, giornalisti accreditati, osservatori, studiosi o invitati del Segretariato; -il riversamento dei programmi presentati in concorso nell’Archivio digitalizzato del Prix Italia. La consultazione di tale Archivio è riservata ai Soci del Prix. Su speciale richiesta si autorizza la consultazione per scopi di documentazione, studio e ricerca accademica. Non è prevista possibilità di download dei programmi; - la produzione da parte del Prix Italia di un eventuale DVD promozionale contenente un massimo di 3 minuti di ciascun programma presentato in concorso; - l’utilizzo di un massimo di 3 minuti di ciascuna opera presentata in concorso nell’ambito dei programmi realizzati da Rai per promuovere e documentare la manifestazione; - l’utilizzo in Internet, a scopo promozionale, delle clip dei programmi presentati in concorso. Tali clip, della durata di 60 secondi, dovranno essere indicate dall’organismo proponente sulla scheda di iscrizione; - la pubblicazione sul sito del Prix Italia dei programmi vincitori. Tali programmi saranno on line, senza possibilità di download, per un massimo di cinque giorni dopo il festival, a scopo promozionale e senza fini di lucro. Il Prix Italia intende in questo modo celebrare la creatività dei vincitori e la qualità delle loro opere, pubblicando sul proprio sito tutti i programmi premiati. L’autorizzazione a tale utilizzo dovrà essere espressamente comunicata sulla scheda di iscrizione. L’eventuale mancanza di quest’ultima autorizzazione da parte dell’organismo membro non impedisce la partecipazione in concorso dei programmi stessi. 8 Per tutto quanto non previsto dal presente Regolamento, si fa riferimento al Regolamento Prix Italia per i concorsi Radio e TV. 477 SPECIAL PRIZES SIGNIS SPECIAL PRIZE Signis, the World Catholic Association for Communication, embracing organisations representing 140 countries, is once again in 2015 to assign its Special Prize to the television programme making a major contribution to the promotion of human values. PRIX SPÉCIAL SIGNIS Signis – l’Association Catholique Mondiale pour la Communication à laquelle adhèrent des associations de 140 pays du monde – décernera de nouveau en 2015 un prix spécial au programme télévisé en lice qui contribuera au mieux à la promotion des valeurs humaines. PREMIO SPECIALE SIGNIS SPECIAL PRIZES Signis, l’Associazione Cattolica Mondiale per la Comunicazione, che riunisce membri di 140 paesi, assegna anche nel 2015 il suo premio speciale al programma televisivo in concorso che meglio contribuisca alla promozione dei valori umani. 479