2011 Annual Report


2011 Annual Report
2011 Annual Report
More Than a Boulevard
The Sunset Strip, or The Strip, stretches 1.6 miles through the heart of the
City of West Hollywood from Doheny Road on the west to Havenhurst Drive
on the east, but it is more than just a mile-plus stretch of road. It is an iconic
locale where fashion, music, architecture and a unique history combine. This
is where some of the greatest entertainers – The Doors, Frank Sinatra, Richard
Pryor, Robin Williams – have made their mark. And every night of the week
you can see a new crop of up-and-coming performers from the hottest bands
to comedians testing their material at The Strip’s live entertainment venues.
Starting in the 1920s and ’30s, The Strip gave rise to a generation of glamorous
nightclubs, including Café Trocadero, Players Club and Ciro’s, where Nat
King Cole, Xavier Cugat and Hazel Scott performed. The allure of The Strip’s
entertainment scene and its status as a private getaway for the stars made it
the country’s premier destination.
During the 1960s and ’70s, The Sunset Strip was revived with a new image as
the center of the counterculture movement. Concertgoers and young adults
stayed out all night to see artists such as Buffalo Springfield, Johnny Rivers,
The Byrds and Jimi Hendrix at their favorite nightclubs. The Doors became
the house band at the Whisky A Go-Go in 1967. Many other artists have
been catapulted into legendary status after stints on The Strip, including Van
Halen, Guns N’ Roses, Mötley Crüe, David Bowie, Neil Young and even Bruce
The Strip has even made its mark on the silver and small screens as a stylish
backdrop for movies and television programs, including Sunset Boulevard,
Almost Famous, “Entourage” and “Californication” among others.
Today, The Sunset Strip continues to blaze its own path as the leading
destination for the latest in music, dining, entertainment and fashion. Never
satisfied with the most recent trends, the clubs, restaurants, shops, hotels
and music venues along the untamed Strip continue to boldly break new
ground. Many of these businesses and destinations are consistently featured
on “best of” lists. To help ensure that The Strip retains its allure for years to
come, a group of dedicated businesses established the Sunset Strip Business
Association (SSBA) in 2002.
The Sunset Strip Business Association is…
Our Goals and Commitments
The SSBA is a nonprofit organization run by Sunset Strip business owners in
West Hollywood. There are approximately 175 members comprised mainly of
businesses in the hotel, restaurant, retail, valet/parking and nightlife industries.
Created in 2002, its directive is to manage the Sunset Strip Business
Improvement District under contract with the City of West Hollywood.
“As a West Hollywood resident and owner of two businesses on The Sunset
Strip for 13 years, I have personally seen the influence and impact the Sunset
Strip Business Association has made on the community and nearby residential
areas. The focus on maintaining safety and security on the boulevard has resulted
in a safe environment both on The Strip and in the surrounding neighborhoods.
The SSBA has also helped open the dialog between business owners, creating
a community that supports new development and new ideas.” – SSBA Board
Member Michael Bezerra, Cabo Cantina, The Sunset Trocadero Lounge
The Sunset Strip BID encompasses approximately 1.6 miles on Sunset
Boulevard in West Hollywood. The district is bounded west of Doheny Road
on the west to Havenhurst Drive on the east.
Based upon meetings with and feedback from businesses, City staff, and area
residents, four main service priorities remain the key focus of the SSBA. These
services generally fall into one of four categories:
• Public Safety
• Maintenance
• Public Outreach, Policy Development and Administration
• Marketing The Sunset Strip
The annual report details the accomplishments the SSBA has made during 2011
in enriching and supporting these goals. In addition, the SSBA is committed
to strengthening the business community on The Sunset Strip, engaging the
residents and businesses in a constructive dialogue to address and solve issues
together, continuing to champion and advocate businesses’ needs, further
promoting The Strip as a unique destination, and continuing to provide a safe
and friendly environment on The Strip with the help of the Security Ambassadors.
“The Sunset Strip continues to be a place to be ‘seen and heard.’ Tourists and residents
of Southern California continue to flock to The Strip, to be seen dining, shopping and just
being themselves. Outstanding musicians and recording artists continue to be heard at the
legendary entertainment venues along The Strip. One of the many reasons that people are
seen and heard on The Strip on a continued basis is because of the safety they feel around
them. The continued collaboration between the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station and the
Sunset Strip Business Association’s Security Ambassadors allows the folks who come up to
The Strip to feel secure and safe, but it also allows them to be themselves.” – Lt. David Smith,
West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station
Safety and the positive perception of The Sunset Strip as a safe destination is a key factor in
guests’ decisions to visit this legendary boulevard. The SSBA remains consistent in its goal
to ensure safety both on and off the boulevard through its Security Ambassadors who patrol
the area and provide visitor assistance and outreach for guests.
Approximately 70 percent of the Association’s total assessment dollars are used for the
increased public safety presence currently contracted with Block-by-Block, which provides
up to 9 uniformed, highly visible Security Ambassadors every night. In addition, Block-byBlock provides a security manager, who serves as the Director of Security.
Under the supervision of the Director of Security, Block-by-Block officers provide a presence
on Sunset Boulevard seven nights a week from 8 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. Working closely with the
West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station and the City of West Hollywood, the Security Ambassadors
aim to improve the quality of life for residents and member businesses.
The Security Ambassadors assist by:
Reducing crime and unwanted behavior
Providing crowd control
Providing a positive perception of safety on and near The Strip
Acting as an extra set of eyes and ears for the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station
Deterring visitors from entering residential areas
Reducing noise and stopping people from loitering in neighborhoods
Conducting public relations checks at various businesses
Serving as representatives of The Sunset Strip, offering information and directions to visitors
Assisting motorists and serving as first responders, alerting medical services, in the event
of an emergency
Receiving CPR and first aid training in the event of an emergency
Directing paparazzi away from business entrances when requested
Connecting homeless individuals with appropriate City services, including P.A.T.H. (People
Assisting The Homeless)
Security Ambassadors are deployed to assigned zones to patrol the area
on foot, bicycle and by automobile, and they maintain a strong, working
relationship with local law enforcement. Security Ambassadors complete
documented rounds using the ‘PIPE’ (timekeeping system) guard tour rounds
throughout the district at times specified in the deployment plan. Twenty-six
receivers were strategically placed on and near Sunset to ensure frequent
coverage throughout the District.
Security Ambassadors complete and submit daily activity reports. The
following are the results for 2011:
Visitor Assistance – 22,766
Business Contacts – 6,760
Homeless Assistance - 221
Motorist Assistance – 2,723
Bike Miles Ridden – 2,620
Vehicle Miles – 3,295
In addition, the Director of Security was present at each monthly Board
meeting to update SSBA members of any incidents, activity or problems over
the course of the month and to answer their questions. The Security Ambassadors also helped with the SSBA’s participation in the
15th Annual City Don’t Drink and Drive napkin campaign by distributing
brochures during the holiday season to raise awareness about drinking and
driving. City of West Hollywood recognized the Security Ambassadors for their
participation and support of the campaign.
The Ambassadors also proactively informed neighbors about the Sunset Strip
Music Festival in August and the LA Marathon in March, providing residents
located near the events with road closure information and appropriate contact
information for any questions or concerns they may have had.
The Ambassadors are a vital part of the Sunset Strip BID. In addition to the
safety and hospitality services they provide daily, they are also invaluable
in creating an environment that benefits and champions the needs of the
business community.
Keeping The Strip Clean
Community Relationships
“The clients and staff of SVS greatly appreciate the
opportunity to work for a world-class destination like The
Sunset Strip. The exposure has been tremendous, and
the group is so proud of the work they do.” — Barbara
Haney, Director of Community Development-Lead,
Social Vocational Services
“The SSBA continues its commitment to the residents that live near The Strip. Our neighborhoods
are quieter and safer thanks to their caring concern and quick responses when problems
arise. It’s very reassuring. I’m glad that the SSBA is still going strong.” — West Hollywood
resident Teri Gustafson
With approximately 50,000 vehicles traveling the street
and tens of thousands of people visiting The Sunset
Strip daily, sometimes the boulevard needs a little extra
help staying clean. The SSBA contracts with Social
Vocational Services (SVS) to supply additional cleaning
and maintenance services to the District.
SVS services Sunset Boulevard from the District’s west
to east boundaries and the residential neighborhoods
immediately adjacent to The Sunset Strip. SVS employees
provide street cleaning along the entire length of the District
on Sunset Boulevard and into the adjoining neighborhoods
five days per week – Wednesday through Sunday.
SSBA staff work with SVS supervisors and street teams
to review progress, identify trouble spots and direct
maintenance needs.
SVS keeps records of the numbers of trash bags
collected. During 2011, SVS collected 2,948 bags of
trash that would have otherwise been left unattended.
It is the goal of the SSBA to engage the residents and businesses in a constructive dialogue to
address and solve issues together. As part of this goal, the SSBA continues to develop relationships
with member businesses, City staff, local law enforcement, and area residents in order to form
suggestions for implementing policies that would improve the District.
SSBA staff continues to work with these groups toward specific policies that would improve
traffic, parking and noise abatement. And community members continue to show interest in
the SSBA by attending monthly Board meetings and speaking during the public comment.
The SSBA had presentations on topics impacting The Sunset Strip and the Association
during the monthly Board of Directors meetings. The discussions help provide direction
for the SSBA program of work. Discussions during 2011 included panel presentations on
utilizing social media to promote your business, development projects on the boulevard, the
City’s outdoor smoking ban and the City’s General Plan.
In addition to the above, the SSBA also hosts community engagement meetings with neighbors
to discuss The Sunset Strip and upcoming events. The SSBA held community outreach
meetings in July and August in advance of the fourth annual Sunset Strip Music Festival (SSMF).
The meetings attracted business representatives, City officials and residents. As part of this
year’s SSMF resident ticket program, $3,210 was raised in donations to benefit West Hollywood
Elementary School’s arts and music education programs.
The SSBA also helped support the City of West Hollywood’s
MLK Day of Service, which provided needed landscaping
and cleaning for West Hollywood Elementary School’s front
lawn and playground areas. The project was spearheaded by
SSBA Community Engagement Coordinator Chris Clarkin.
This year, the Sunset Strip Music Festival was selected
to receive the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce’s
prestigious WEHO Beacon Award, honoring innovation in
business. SSMF was honored and acknowledged at the
November 16 dinner and event.
Residents, member businesses and City officials were
also kept informed of SSBA news through the bimonthly
Working with Member Businesses
“The Sunset Strip Business Association is a member driven business improvement district
(BID) that works to continue growing the international recognition of The Sunset Strip and
the businesses on The Strip. This is done through community events, including the Sunset
Strip Music Festival. Our name grows because our members care for the community and
the neighbors surrounding us.” — SSBA Vice President Bruce S. Silberman, AP Parking
Services, Inc.
The SSBA continued to work proactively with businesses to advocate on their behalf as well
as address concerns they had throughout the year.
SSBA staff worked with member businesses and developers based on the results of a
charette with SSBA Board of Directors to address the land-use future of The Sunset Strip
and create a collective vision for the future of The Strip.
The ideas and feedback generated from the charette has provided a blueprint for the SSBA’s
scope of work, and has been utilized as the SSBA considers new projects, events and
proposals. Some of the ideas for the future of The Strip include:
1. Nurturing The Strip as a vital entertainment district.
2. Attracting new businesses and evolve existing ones to attract the next generation of
3. Making The Strip a destination district with at least “four to five things to do” each
4. Providing convenient, reasonably priced parking.
To further increase outreach efforts to the businesses, the SSBA contracted with a
Community Engagement Coordinator this year. As a result, the SSBA was able to provide
direct information and additional outreach to the businesses and surrounding community
members, including information about the Sunset Strip Music Festival and other events
throughout the year.
SXSW Attendance and Promotion
Events, PR and Promotions
The SSBA partnered with West Hollywood Marketing & Visitors Bureau to bring The
Sunset Strip to the South by Southwest interactive, film and music conference and festival
in March 2011. The MVB secured a booth space within the convention center, which was
transformed into “The Sunset Strip, West Hollywood Lounge”. The lounge showcased a
gallery with photos of Sunset Strip performances, a promotional video highlighting SSMF,
West Hollywood and The Sunset Strip, as well as a relaxed environment for attendees to
stop by and learn more about The Sunset Strip.
The SSBA works with member businesses to promote and market The
Sunset Strip throughout the year with press releases, media pitches, special
promotions and events. 2011 was a busy and exciting year as the SSBA
furthered its marketing initiatives, including Gibson GuitarTown on The
Sunset Strip, VIP Club Pass, SXSW Conference & Festival presence, holiday
promotions and the Sunset Strip Music Festival.
Results: The booth and conference participation allowed for direct marketing and
promotions to 10,000 festival attendees through promotional postcards and fliers
as well as ad presence in the SXSW music catalog. This exposure helped further
solidify The Sunset Strip as a premier entertainment and music destination for
visitors. Participation also resulted in SSBA staff meeting with representatives from
the National Association of Recording Merchants, who promoted The Sunset Strip
and showcased a Sunset Strip photo gallery and GuitarTown art guitar at their Los
Angeles conference, May 9-12.
GuitarTown on The Sunset Strip
GuitarTown is a public art exhibit presented in partnership with the Gibson
Foundation that features 26 10-foot tall art guitars placed along the boulevard
celebrating The Sunset Strip’s history. Designs celebrate the architecture and
landscape of the boulevard as well as music genres and musicians who have
made an impact on the boulevard – from The Doors to Motley Crue and Katy Perry.
GuitarTown officially launched on Aug. 12, 2010. The official launch of
GuitarTown and additional celebrity guitar signings by Peter Frampton, Cheech
& Chong, Brian Wilson and Cherie Currie have increased media coverage
throughout the year from outlets including “Good Day LA,” NBC Los Angeles,
ABC 7, LA Weekly, 95.5 KLOS, LAist, Pollstar, WireImage, Yahoo News, Getty
Images, Gibson.com, Examiner, among others.
SSBA staff also worked with a designer to create a walking map highlighting
the guitars, with photos, artist’s name and description. The maps were
distributed to Starline Tours, which also ran an ad promoting GuitarTown on
The Sunset Strip.
Results: GuitarTown has helped increase foot traffic on the boulevard and
further showcases The Sunset Strip as a walkable destination. In December
2011, this round of guitars was auctioned for charity in partnership with the
Gibson Foundation and Julien’s Auctions. Three charities were selected to
receive proceeds from the auction, including the Los Angeles Youth Network,
which provides outreach, food, emergency shelter and educational enrichment
programs for homeless adolescents; the West Hollywood Arts & Cultural
Affairs Commission to further develop public art on The Sunset Strip; and the
West Hollywood Library. The auction raised $54,360 for the selected charities.
The Los Angeles Youth Network received $27,180; City of West Hollywood’s
Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission, $20,385; and West Hollywood Library
Fund, $6,795.
SSBA and City staff members also met with key members of the Downtown Austin BIDs
to discuss similar issues and results they have had balancing an entertainment district with
residential areas. Also discussed successful events, how SXSW impacts their businesses
and how the BID further promotes their businesses.
Vinyl Record Swap
The SSBA hosted a vinyl record swap at the LIVE! On Sunset parking lot on July 9. The
event featured more than 100,000 records and drew fans as they perused the goods and
struck up conversations and discussions about album art and the behind-the-scenes
stories on some of the most notorious recording sessions.
Results: The record swap created a community event that attracted hundreds of
collectors as well as more casual music fans. The event received coverage in the Los
Angeles Times, LA Record, LA Music Blog, Examiner among other press outlets.
ColLAboration Craft Beer Garden
Sunset Strip VIP Club Pass Relaunch
The SSBA partnered with ColLAboration to host a pop-up craft beer garden at the vacant
“James Lot” located at Sunset and Hilldale. The event featured locally produced craft beers
and allowed guests to order food from nearby Sunset Strip restaurants direct to their table.
The event also featured outdoor lawn games including bocce, washers and bean bags. The
21-and-older event took place for three Saturdays during the month of July and attracted
500-700 attendees each weekend.
Entertainment venues partnered with participating Sunset Strip hotels to launch the
first-of-its-kind VIP Pass for hotel guests in 2010. The pass grants Sunset Strip hotel
guests complimentary access to The Comedy Store, The Roxy Theatre, Viper Room,
Whisky A Go-Go, House of Blues, Key Club and Rainbow. The goal of the pass was
to provide visitors with yet another reason to stay on The Sunset Strip, to highlight
the nightlife and live entertainment found on The Strip and to showcase The Sunset
Strip as a community of businesses working together.
Results: The Craft Beer Garden activated an empty space to create a community event that
allowed neighbors and Los Angeles residents the chance to meet up and converse while
also sampling fare from Sunset Strip restaurants and locally produced craft beers. The Craft
Beer Garden received press coverage in Los Angeles Times, Urban Daddy, LAist, KCET, Beer
Advocate, Drink Eat Travel blog, West Hollywood Patch.
Results: The pass was relaunched in April 2011 following a redesign of the card. The
VIP Club Pass continues to be a coveted perk available exclusively to guests staying at
Sunset Strip hotels.
The Sunset Strip Online
“Dia de los Muertos” Tweet Crawl
Businesses along The Sunset Strip partnered with Black Star beer to host a “Dia de los
Muertos”-themed Tweet Crawl in October. Participating businesses, including The Comedy
Store, The Roxy Theatre, Red Rock, Isla, Viper Room, Morrison Room and Coney Dog,
provided the Tweet Crawlers with prizes and menu specials. Additional giveaways were
coordinated via the businesses Twitter accounts.
Results: The Tweet Crawl furthered the businesses’ social reach and encouraged
participants to think of The Sunset Strip as an accessible, walkable destination. More than
120 people attended event, which received press coverage from Examiner.com, Patch
West Hollywood and LAist.
Sunset Strip Holiday Promotions
SSBA staff worked with member businesses to create listings of special events and offers
during the holiday seasons, including New Year’s Eve events, Thanksgiving dinners,
Halloween and St. Patrick’s Day parties.
Results: The listings were publicized to media outlets and posted on TheSunsetStrip.com,
providing increased awareness of Sunset Strip businesses. A Facebook ad campaign was
created to promote New Year’s Eve events and received more than 426,000 impressions during
the two weeks leading up to New Year’s Eve. Additionally, press releases generated coverage
on KCAL/KCBS local news, JustLuxe.com, Examiner.com, Where LA and Patch.com.
TheSunsetStrip.com is the official online destination for The Sunset Strip. It provides
visitors with a database of restaurants, nightlife venues, retailers and hotels as well
as Sunset Strip news.
TheSunsetStrip.com features a calendar, parking section, weekly “Sunset Strip
Picks” article highlighting some of the nightlife, dining and exclusive shopping events
on The Strip for the week, as well as weekly photo galleries and a monthly “Faces Of
The Sunset Strip” interview with Sunset Strip personalities.
Results: The site provides a listing of each SSBA member business in the
categories of Dining, Shopping, Nightlife, Hotels, Music and Parking. The listings
include the address, website and contact information for each business as well
as a photo and brief description (when provided). All members are encouraged to
contact the SSBA whenever updates to the contact information are needed. The
site receives more than 13,000 unique visitors a month. The Sunset Strip also has
online presence through Facebook and Twitter accounts, which reach more than
42,900 people.
Sunset Strip Music Festival
The Sunset Strip’s signature event returned for the fourth year on Aug. 18-20, 2011. The
2011 SSMF kicked-off with a tribute to legendary Sunset Strip rockers Mötley Crüe at the
House of Blues Sunset Strip on Aug. 18. The evening featured words from friends of the
band, including comedian Dane Cook, David Johansen (New York Dolls), Ray Manzarek
(The Doors) and Neil Strauss (author, “The Dirt”). The event was sponsored by Jack Daniel’s
and was hosted by Bob Buchmann (KLOS) and Kennedy (98.7fm). The night concluded
with a performance by the Crash Kings. The venues also hosted a night of music to kick-off
the festival.
Friday, Aug. 19 included the official SSMF party hosted by Virgin America, Black Star
beer and the Mondrian hotel. The party was hosted at the Skybar and attracted guests
including Jamie Foxx, Mötley Crüe, Chad Michael Murray, Jerry Ferrara from “Entourage”
and members of Matt & Kim and Semi Precious Weapons. The venues hosted full nights
of sold-out performances by Ray Manzarek & Robby Krieger of The Doors (Whisky),
Buckcherry (Roxy) Dredg (Key Club), Motion City Soundtrack (House of Blues), Purple
Melon (Viper) and LoL-Apalooza (The Comedy Store). In addition to the performances in the
venues, the Jack Daniel’s Experience stage hosted outdoors in the “James Lot” showcased
acoustic performances and street musicians lined the boulevard from 6-10 p.m. providing
an enhanced walking experience along the boulevard.
The three-day festival concluded on Saturday, Aug. 20 with an all-day street festival on
Sunset Boulevard that featured two outdoor stages, performances by more than 70 bands
in the venues, outdoor rooftop VIP tent, Bud Light beer gardens, Virgin America VIP Lounge
at On The Rox, Jack Daniel’s Experience, Musicians Institute emerging artists stage, food
and merchandise vendors and interactive experiences throughout the day. Approximately
15,000 fans attended to catch performances by artists including Mötley Crüe, Bush, Public
Enemy, Matt & Kim, Cobra Starship, Escape The Fate, She Wants Revenge, The Dirty Heads,
Black Veil Brides and Tribal Seeds on outdoor stages and performances by artists including
Rye Rye, Felix Cartal, Pigeon John, Semi Precious Weapons, Voxhaul Broadcast, Deluka,
Imagine Dragons, Them Jeans in the venues. Outside of the street fest closure, Mickey
Avalon performed at the Viper Room and Motion City Soundtrack at the House of Blues.
Sponsors for SSMF 2011 included Virgin America, Jack Daniel’s, Bud Light, Ticketweb,
98.7FM, Vitaminwater, Hornburg Land Rover on The Sunset Strip, Gibson Guitar, Musicians
Institure, Mondrian, City of West Hollywood, West Hollywood Marketing & Visitors Bureau,
and Signature Creative. Swing House Studios provided the street production. As part of
this year’s SSMF resident ticket program, $3,210 was raised in donations to benefit West
Hollywood Elementary School’s arts and music education programs.
Results: The music festival generated national and international attention for The Sunset
Strip. The festival received extensive coverage in media outlets, including Rolling Stone,
Los Angeles Times, USA Today, OK! Magazine, KTLA, Fuel TV, Billboard, LA Weekly,
LAist, Orange County Register, OC Weekly, Getty Images, WireImage, 944, Clear Channel,
Pollstar, Los Anjealous, ABC News and GRAMMY.com among others. Additionally,
SSMF received more than $1.3 million in media value from promotions that included:
66 Clear Channel digital billboards throughout Los Angeles County (650,500+ impressions).
Three CBS billboards (1.1 million impressions).
Two digital videotrons located on The Strip (250,000+ impressions a week).
Digital videotron located at the Westgate/Target shopping center at La Brea and Santa Monica (54,000 impressions).
Three print billboards on The Sunset Strip located at the Rainbow, Key Club and 8535 Sunset
Blvd. (250,000 impressions a week).
Ads placed in USA Today, LA Weekly, Campus Circle, USC Daily Trojan.
Online ads on Facebook, LA Weekly, Dallas Observer, LA Canvas, Campus Circle.
120 street pole banners spanning 1.6 miles on The Strip.
More than 1,120 thirty-second streaming commercials, 400 promotional announcements and
200 live and pre-recorded mentions on Clear Channel Radio Stations 98.7 fm, 102.7 KISS FM,
104.3 MYfm and HOT 92.3.
Radio promotions in partnership with Virgin America, Gibson and Clear Channel in cities across the
U.S. including: Boston, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Orlando, Washington D.C., Chicago,
Dallas, Ft. Lauderdale.
National “flyaways” were promoted through radio contests with Virgin America, Andaz West
Hollywood and Gibson Guitar to fly ticket winners from Boston, New York, San Francisco, Seattle,
Miami and Washington D.C. to the festival.
Jack Daniel’s created a custom, limited edition Motley Crue bottle. Proceeds from the bottle
benefitted charity.
• SSMF.com received more than 219,000 unique visitors leading to the festival and 566,000
page views.
SSMF’s Facebook ad campaigns generated more than 15 million impressions during July-August.
SSMF contracted a social media manager to focus on online outreach and promotions. From
June – September, SSMF Facebook fan numbers/“likes” increased by approximately 16,000
(25,600 total). SSMF Twitter increased by approx. 8,000 followers (15,000 total).
SSBA 2011-2012 Budget
The 2010-2011 budget and assessment is anticipated to be $591,500. The
SSBA has maintained this budget without increases since 2003.
Of this budget, approximately 69 percent of the funds are earmarked
for security services, while 7 percent go toward cleaning services and the
remaining 24 percent go to administration, operations, office rent and public
outreach functions. Additional monies produced by the street pole banner
sponsorship program and other revenue generators go towards enhancing the
goals of SSBA and specifically for marketing programs, as well as increased
administrative and operating costs.
The SSBA secured Jack Daniel’s as The Sunset Strip banner program sponsor
for the third year. The funds generated through the partnership will support the
most prioritized needs of the Association, including marketing programs. The
120 banners, which stretch from Doheny Road to Havenhurst Drive, provide
visitors with visual markers outlining the length of The Strip.
Looking Ahead To 2012
The SSBA has worked with Gibson Guitar to launch a new installment of GuitarTown on
The Sunset Strip. The first nine guitars were unveiled on March 12, 2012, at Hornburg
Land Rover on The Sunset Strip. The new round of guitars features work by renowned
artists Shepard Fairey, Tristan Eaton, DeeKay, Free Humanity and more and includes works
that celebrate Van Halen, Buffalo Springfield, the Black Eyed Peas, Jane’s Addiction, Rage
Against The Machine and more. More than 15 additional guitars will be unveiled. The
guitars will be auctioned for charity after they complete their “tour” of the boulevard. www.
Based on conversations with the SSBA Marketing Task Force, a plan was developed to
create a “Sunset Strip Market” on the boulevard. The market would add a Sunset Strip
twist on the traditional farmers market by expanding the hours to capitalize on a nighttime,
post-work clientele and incorporating Sunset Strip businesses. The goal is to provide
another community-based event on the boulevard that would be attractive to neighbors,
as well as utilize public spaces. The proposed certified farmers market would take place on
Thursday evenings from 5-9 p.m. in the City Parking Lot centrally located at 8755 Sunset
Boulevard. The SSBA continues to work with a Sunset Market Task Force, which includes
SSBA members, to develop and create the market, with a launch proposed for late spring.
The fifth annual Sunset Strip Music Festival is set for Aug. 16-18, 2012. The festival will
kick off on Thursday, Aug. 16, with a tribute event celebrating Sunset Strip icons at the
House of Blues. The festival includes three nights of live music in the venues and an all-day
street closure on Saturday, Aug. 18. SSMF staff will continue to work with SSBA member
businesses about ways they can be further involved with the festival. www.ssmf.com
The SSBA is working with the West Hollywood Marketing & Visitors Bureau (MVB) to further
a promotional campaign for the “Rock of Ages” movie release and press junket. As part
of the promotions, interested Sunset Strip venues will host an ‘80s-inspired rock night on
Friday, June 1. Throughout the night, actors from the movie will pop-in at the venues and
distribute soundtracks, promotional items and tickets to see the movie to attendees. The
venue night will be promoted through Warner Bros. publicity team as well as KLOS.
Due to the continued success of the Sunset Strip VIP card, the SSBA will continue the
program through 2012. The card grants Sunset Strip hotel guests complimentary access
to The Comedy Store, House of Blues Sunset Strip, Key Club, The Roxy Theatre, Rainbow,
Viper Room and Whisky A Go-Go during the stay. www.thesunsetstrip.com/VIPpass
The SSBA will continue to work with the community and schedule neighborhood outreach
meetings throughout the year.
Additionally, the Security Ambassadors continue their role of informing and educating
member businesses of their services and how members can utilize them.
SSBA will also continue to meet regularly with City staff to discuss proposed projects on the
boulevard as well as formulate ways to bring increased visibility to The Sunset Strip.
SSBA Board of Directors
Mikeal Maglieri
Rainbow Bar & Grill/Whisky A-Go-Go (President)
Nic Adler
The Roxy Theatre (Vice President & Secretary)
David Meyers
House of Blues (Vice President & Treasurer)
Bruce Silberman
Allied Parking (Vice President)
Shelley Armistead
Soho House
Michael Bezerra
Cabo Cantina/Sunset Trocadero
Brent Bolthouse
Il Sole
Kendra Cole
Philip Dailey
Anita Der Mohanessian
Panini Pizzeria
Nick Mathers
Rich Oken
Mondrian Hotel
Andrea Rossetto
Code C
David Vialli
The Standard, Hollywood
Kris Yenbamroong
Members Ex-Officio
Chris Bonbright
Brad Burlingame
West Hollywood Marketing & Visitors Bureau
Jeffrey Huffer
City of West Hollywood
Mark Montgomery
Montgomery Management
Genevieve Morrill
West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce
Todd Steadman
Executive Director
SSBA Contact Information
The SSBA offices are open Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Security Ambassadors are available every night of the week from 8 p.m. – 3:30 a.m.
Phone: 310.659.7368
Fax: 310.659.7364
Email: info@thesunsetstrip.com.
Security Ambassador mobile hotline: 310.210.7622
Sunset Strip Business Association
9040 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 212
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Executive Director Todd Steadman
310.659.7368 x 101
Security Director Kris Zagyva (Block by Block)
310.659.7368 x 103
Communications Manager Courtney Kemp
310.659.7368 x 102
Community Engagement Manager Chris Clarkin
Designed by Signature Creative Inc. www.signaturecreative.com
Photos courtesy of Nate Christenson, Bob Friday, Genie Sanchez, Richard Settle and Erik Voake.
The SSBA is the managing partner of the Sunset Strip Music Festival, LLC.