2010 Annual Report
2010 Annual Report
2010 Annual Report 1 MORE THAN A BOULEVARD The Sunset Strip, or The Strip, stretches 1.6 miles through the heart of the City of West Hollywood from Doheny Road on the west to Havenhurst Drive on the east, but it is more than just a mile-plus stretch of road. It is an iconic locale where fashion, music, architecture and a unique history combine. This is where some of the greatest entertainers – The Doors, Frank Sinatra, Richard Pryor, Robin Williams – have made their mark. And every night of the week you can see a new crop of up-and-coming performers from the hottest bands to comedians testing their material at The Strip’s live entertainment venues. Starting in the 1920s and ’30s, The Strip gave rise to a generation of glamorous nightclubs, including Café Trocadero, Players Club and Ciro’s, where Nat King Cole, Xavier Cugat and Hazel Scott performed for glittering stars. The allure of The Strip’s entertainment scene and its status as a private getaway for the stars made it the country’s premier destination. During the 1960s and ’70s, The Sunset Strip was revived with a new image as the center of the counterculture movement. Concertgoers and young adults stayed out all night to see artists such as Buffalo Springfield, Johnny Rivers, The Byrds and Jimi Hendrix at their favorite nightclubs. The Doors became the house band at the Whisky A Go-Go in 1967. Many other artists have been catapulted into legendary status after stints on The Strip, including Van Halen, Guns N’ Roses, Mötley Crüe, David Bowie, Neil Young and even Bruce Springsteen. The Strip has even made its mark on the silver and small screens as a stylish backdrop for movies and television programs, including Sunset Boulevard, Almost Famous, “Entourage” and “Californication” among others. Today, The Sunset Strip continues to blaze its own path as the leading destination for the latest in music, dining, entertainment and fashion. Never satisfied with the most recent trends, the clubs, restaurants, shops, hotels and music venues along the untamed Strip continue to boldly break new ground. Many of these businesses and destinations are consistently featured on “best of” lists. To help ensure that The Strip retains its allure for years to come, a group of dedicated businesses established the Sunset Strip Business Association (SSBA) in 2002. www.thesunsetstrip.com 2 Mayor John Heilman, councilmember Abbe Land and mayor pro tempore John Duran officially “re-open” The Sunset Strip following the Sunset Strip Beautification Project THE SUNSET STRIP BUSINESS ASSOCIATION IS… OUR GOALS AND COMMITMENTS The SSBA is a nonprofit organization run by Sunset Strip business owners in West Hollywood. There are approximately 175 members comprised mainly of businesses in the hotel, restaurant, retail, valet/parking and nightlife industries. Created in 2002, its directive is to manage the Sunset Strip Business Improvement District under contract with the City of West Hollywood. “The relationships that have formed between business owners, residents and the sheriff’s station through the Sunset Strip Business Association have helped create a unique community on the world famous Sunset Boulevard. We are all working together for the good of The Sunset Strip, and I am grateful for being a part of this continuous community development.” – SSBA President Mikeal Maglieri, Whisky A Go-Go/Rainbow Bar & Grill The Sunset Strip BID encompasses approximately 1.6 miles on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood. The district is bounded west of Doheny Road on the west to Havenhurst Drive on the east. Based upon meetings with and feedback from businesses, City staff, and area residents, four main service priorities remain the key focus of the SSBA. These services generally fall into one of four categories: • Public Safety • Maintenance • Public Outreach, Policy Development and Administration • Marketing The Sunset Strip The annual report details the accomplishments the SSBA has made during 2010 in enriching and supporting these goals. In addition, the SSBA is committed to strengthening the business community on The Sunset Strip, engaging the residents and businesses in a constructive dialogue to address and solve issues together, continuing to champion and advocate businesses’ needs, further promoting The Strip as a unique destination, and continuing to provide a safe and friendly environment on The Strip with the help of the Security Ambassadors. 3 • Acting as an extra set of eyes and ears for the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station • Deterring visitors from entering residential areas • Reducing noise and stopping people from loitering in neighborhoods • Conducting public relations checks at various businesses • Serving as representatives of The Sunset Strip, offering information and directions to visitors • Assisting motorists and serving as first responders, alerting medical services, in the event of an emergency • PUBLIC SAFETY: KEEPING THE SUNSET STRIP SAFE “The ongoing partnership between the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station, and the invaluable Sunset Business Improvement District Security Officers, has continued to evolve The Sunset Strip into a desired destination for all. From the fashionable clothing stores, to the delectable restaurants, to the world famous night clubs and hotels, The Strip is again a place to be seen. But without the continual safety factor, which the Sheriff’s Department and the Sunset Business District Security Officers provide, The Strip could not be as ‘notorious’ as it currently is, without jeopardizing the safety of its guests.” – Lt. David Smith, West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station Safety and the positive perception of The Sunset Strip as a safe destination is a key factor in guests’ decisions to visit this legendary boulevard. The SSBA remains consistent in its goal to ensure safety both on and off the boulevard through its Security Ambassadors who patrol the area and provide visitor assistance and outreach for guests. Approximately 70 percent of the Association’s total assessment dollars are used for the increased public safety presence, currently contracted with Block-byBlock, which provides up to 9 uniformed, highly visible Security Ambassadors every night. In addition, Block-by-Block provides a security manager, who serves as the Director of Security for the SSBA. Under the supervision of the Director of Security, Block-by-Block officers provide a presence on Sunset Boulevard seven nights a week from 8 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. Working closely with the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station and the City of West Hollywood, the Security Ambassadors aim to improve the quality of life for residents, visitors and member businesses. The Security Ambassadors assist by: 4 • Reducing crime and unwanted behavior • Providing crowd control • Providing a positive perception of safety on and near The Strip Directing paparazzi away from business entrances when requested Security Ambassadors are deployed to assigned zones to patrol the area on foot, bicycle and by automobile, and they maintain a strong, working relationship with local law enforcement. Security Ambassadors complete documented rounds using the ‘PIPE’ (timekeeping system) guard tour rounds throughout the district at times specified in the deployment plan. Twenty-six receivers were strategically placed on and near Sunset to ensure frequent coverage throughout the District. Security Ambassadors complete and submit daily activity reports. The following are the results for 2010: • • • • • • Visitor Assistance: 23,173 Business Contacts: 9,336 Homeless Assistance: 275 Motorist Assistance: 490 Bike Miles Ridden: 2,510 Vehicle Miles: 1,436 In addition, the Director of Security was present at each monthly Board meeting to update SSBA members of any incidents or activity over the course of the month and to answer their questions. The Security Ambassadors also helped with the SSBA’s participation in the 14th Annual City Don’t Drink and Drive napkin campaign by distributing brochures during the holiday season to raise awareness about drinking and driving. The City of West Hollywood recognized the Security Ambassadors for their participation and support of the campaign. The Ambassadors also proactively informed neighbors about the Sunset Strip Music Festival in August and the LA Marathon in March, providing residents located near the events with road closure information and appropriate contact information for any questions or concerns they may have had. The Ambassadors are a vital part of the Sunset Strip BID. In addition to the safety and hospitality services they provide daily, they are also invaluable in creating an environment that benefits and champions the needs of the business community. MAINTENANCE: KEEPING THE STRIP CLEAN PUBLIC OUTREACH: COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS “The clients and staff of SVS greatly appreciate the opportunity to work for a world-class destination like The Sunset Strip. The exposure has been tremendous, and the group is so proud of the work they do… they feel embraced by the shop owners and the citizens who praise them and reward their efforts.” — Barbara Haney, Director of Community Development-Lead, Social Vocational Services “As far as I’m concerned, there is no hotter place to live than near The Sunset Strip. I’m literally at the pulse of rock star glam. I love walking to the best venues for eclectic music and delicious restaurants, not to mention the vibrant nightlife! Yet I still feel very much a part of a safe, well taken care of community.” – West Hollywood resident Matthew Shaffer With approximately 50,000 vehicles traveling the street and tens of thousands of people visiting The Sunset Strip daily, sometimes the boulevard needs a little extra help staying clean. The SSBA contracts with Social Vocational Services (SVS) to supply additional cleaning and maintenance services to the District. SVS services Sunset Boulevard from the District’s west to east boundaries and the residential neighborhoods immediately adjacent to The Sunset Strip. SVS employees provide street cleaning along the entire length of the District on Sunset Boulevard and into the adjoining neighborhoods five days per week – Wednesday through Sunday. SSBA staff work with SVS supervisors and street teams to review progress, identify trouble spots and direct maintenance needs. SVS keeps records of the numbers of trash bags collected. During 2010, SVS collected 3,025 bags of trash that would have otherwise been left unattended. SSBA also worked with City staff on preparations for the City’s Sunset Strip Beautification Project, which was completed in August 2010. The SSBA staff assisted with keeping stakeholders informed on the status of the project, including lane closures. The beautification project included repaving The Strip, replacing damaged sidewalks, updating crosswalks, synchronizing traffic lights and creating “tree districts” along the boulevard. 5 It is the goal of the SSBA to engage the residents and businesses in a constructive dialogue to address and solve issues together. As part of this goal, the SSBA continues to develop relationships with member businesses, City staff, local law enforcement, and area residents in order to form suggestions for implementing policies that would improve the District. SSBA staff continues to work with these groups toward specific policies that would improve traffic, parking and noise abatement. And community members continue to show interest in the SSBA by attending monthly Board meetings and speaking during the public comment. The SSBA had presentations on topics impacting The Sunset Strip and the Association during the monthly Board of Directors meetings. The discussions help provide direction for the SSBA program of work. Discussions during 2010 included panel presentations on utilizing social media to promote your business, development projects on the boulevard and the City’s General Plan. In addition to the above, the SSBA also hosts neighborhood receptions for residential and business neighbors to discuss The Strip and the Business Improvement District. The SSBA held a neighborhood reception at the House of Blues, which attracted more than 100 business representatives, City officials and residents. Residents, member businesses and City officials were also kept informed of SSBA news through the bimonthly e-newsletter. POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION: WORKING WITH MEMBER BUSINESSES “Since its inception, the SSBA has worked with member businesses to encourage an atmosphere of community and cooperation along the boulevard. As a collective group, member businesses have been able to address important issues that affect the livelihood of the boulevard, share ideas and work together to create events that have benefited the entire Sunset Strip.” – SSBA Vice President Jan Henningsen, The Standard, Hollywood The SSBA worked proactively with businesses to advocate on their behalf as well as address concerns they had throughout the year. Among the issues addressed included: • Worked with LSC Consulting to conduct a Nightlife Economic Impact Study. The goal of the study was to provide the City, businesses and residents with an understanding of the nightlife industry’s scope and contributions as well as to help identify additional sponsorship and marketing efforts related to nightlife. The study found that: 1. The Sunset Strip attracts an estimated 1.75 million annual nighttime patrons. 2. Approximately 49% visit restaurants or bars, while 42% are attending live music venues. 3. Nighttime patrons spent an estimated annual total of $141.3 million on The Sunset Strip, of which $102.9 million was subject to retail sales tax or transient occupancy (hotel) tax. 4. Taxable sales from nighttime activity generated $2.26 million in taxes to the City of West Hollywood. • The SSBA continued to work with member businesses and stakeholders based on the results of a charette with SSBA Board of Directors to address the land-use future of The Sunset Strip and create a collective vision for the future of The Strip. The ideas and feedback generated from the charette has provided a blueprint for the SSBA’s scope of work, and has been utilized as the SSBA considers new projects, events and proposals. Some of the ideas for the future of The Strip include: 1. Nurturing The Strip as a vital entertainment district. 2. Attracting new businesses and evolve existing ones to attract the next generation of customers. 3. Making The Strip a destination district with at least “four to five things to do” each visit. 4. Providing convenient, reasonably priced parking. 6 7 MARKETING THE SUNSET STRIP: EVENTS, PR AND PROMOTIONS The SSBA works with member businesses to promote and market The Sunset Strip throughout the year with press releases, media pitches, special promotions and events. 2010 was a busy and exciting year as the SSBA added new marketing and promotional campaigns to the plan, including the launch of GuitarTown on The Sunset Strip, the “All Access Pass” and a mass happy hour as well as the continuation of the signature event – the Sunset Strip Music Festival. GuitarTown on The Sunset Strip GuitarTown is a public art exhibit that features 26 10-foot tall art guitars placed along the boulevard celebrating The Sunset Strip’s history. Designs celebrate the architecture and landscape of the boulevard as well as music genres and musicians who have made an impact on the boulevard – from The Doors to Mötley Crüe and Katy Perry. Sunset Strip All Access Pass Entertainment venues partnered with participating Sunset Strip hotels to launch the first-of-its-kind All Access Pass for hotel guests. The pass grants Sunset Strip hotel guests complimentary access to the Cat Club, The Comedy Store, The Roxy Theatre, Viper Room, Whisky A Go-Go, House of Blues, Key Club and Rainbow. The goal of the pass was to provide visitors with yet another reason to stay on The Sunset Strip, to highlight the nightlife and live entertainment found on The Strip and to showcase The Sunset Strip as a community of businesses working together. A press release announcing the program was distributed to national media outlets in February 2010 and received coverage in Forbes, Associated Press, Yahoo News, and in cities including New York, Chicago, Miami, Austin, Nashville, among others. The total impact of the release reached more than 113 million viewers. Additionally, concert industry publication Pollstar wrote an article about the pass, and the Los Angeles Business Journal covered the pass. Palm Springs radio station 100.5 FM also ran a promotional campaign, with a minimum of eight 60-second spots daily during a three-week period. Sunset Strip Parking & Walking Map GuitarTown officially launched on Aug. 12, 2010, with a Sunset Strip Block Party celebrating the completion of the Sunset Strip Beautification Project. Participating businesses offered dining, drink and shopping specials, live entertainment, extended hours and photo exhibits. Promotional flyers and a press release were created to promote the block party and the launch of GuitarTown, which received coverage in NBC Los Angeles, ABC 7, Good Day LA, LA Weekly, 955 KLOS, LAist, Pollstar, LA Daily News, Getty Images, Salt Lake Tribune, Yahoo News, Weho News and WireImage. GuitarTown has helped increase foot traffic, with more and more visitors stopping to take photos with the guitars and provided a walking tour of the boulevard. And guitar signings with celebrities Peter Frampton, Cheech & Chong, Brian Wilson and Cherie Currie have created increased media coverage from outlets including “Good Day LA,” ABC 7, LA Weekly, LAist, Pollstar, WireImage, Yahoo News, 95.5 KLOS, Examiner, Getty Images, Patch. com, Weho Daily News, LAsnark, Guitar News Daily, Examiner, Rock.com and Gibson.com. SSBA staff also worked with a designer to create a walking map highlighting the guitars, with photos, artist’s name and description. The maps were distributed to Starline Tours, which also ran an ad promoting GuitarTown on The Sunset Strip. 8 As a way to further illustrate the walkable boulevard and challenge perceptions that parking on The Sunset Strip is difficult to find, the SSBA worked with City staff to create a printed map and online component that highlights The Strip’s accessibility and public parking options (with hours and rates). The map also highlights restaurants, retailers, hotels, venues, parking lots on The Strip and GuitarTown locations. More than 10,000 maps were printed and distributed to local restaurants, retailers, hotels and Starline Tours. Sunset Strip Mass Happy Hour In an effort to promote The Sunset Strip as an affordable and accessible destination, and to drive attention to businesses on slower nights of the week, the SSBA launched the Summer Mass Happy Hour in June 2010. As part of the promotion, participating businesses offered extended happy hour and $4 Sunset Strip cocktails on Wednesday evenings. The SSBA also created promotional posters and postcards, which were mailed to more than 2,000 nearby residents, to promote the event. KABC, Thrillist, LA Independent, LAist, LA Daily News, Examiner covered the program. Sunset Strip Music Festival The Sunset Strip’s signature event returned for the third year on Aug. 26-28, 2010. The 2010 SSMF kicked-off with a tribute to legendary guitarist Slash at the House of Blues Sunset Strip on Aug. 26. The evening featured words from friends Lemmy, Jerry Cantrell, Nikki Sixx, Conan O’Brien, George Lopez, Billy Gibbons and Mikeal Maglieri and concluded with performance by the Head Cat featuring Lemmy, Slim Jim Phanton and Danny B. Harvey with a special appearance by Slash. Friday, Aug. 27 also included the official SSMF party hosted by Virgin America, V Australia, Black Star Beer and the Andaz West Hollywood hotel. Located on the hotel’s rooftop, the party attracted guests including Slash, Jeremy Piven (“Entourage”), Joe Manganiello (“True Blood”), Grey Damon (“Friday Night Lights”), singer Katherine McPhee, actress Olivia Munn, and TV personalities Lauren Bosworth and Stephanie Pratt. The clubs featured performances by P.O.D. (Whisky A Go-Go), Unwritten Law and Nico Vega (Key Club), Warner Drive (Viper Room), Kix (House of Blues), The Expendables (The Roxy Theatre), Golden State and The Outline (The Cat Club) and LOL-Apalooza (The Comedy Store). The three-day festival concluded on Saturday, Aug. 28 with an all-day street festival on Sunset Boulevard that featured two outdoor stages, performances by more than 70 bands in the venues, outdoor rooftop VIP tent, beer gardens, food and merchandise vendors and interactive experiences throughout the day. Approximately 13,000 fans attended to catch performances by artists including The Smashing Pumpkins, Slash featuring Myles Kennedy and Fergie, Common, Kid Cudi, Travie McCoy, Semi Precious Weapons, Neon Trees, Big B and Saint Motel on the outdoor stages. In the venues, more than 70 artists performed including Nikki & Rich, Tomorrows Bad Seeds, Oh No Not Stereo, Billy Boy On Poison and Vanaprasta. The music festival received coverage in local, national and international media outlets, including Rolling Stone, Los Angeles Times, Variety, MTV World, People.com, US Weekly, NBC Los Angeles, KTLA, ABC 7, KLOS, LA Weekly, Orange County Register, Metromix, Pollstar, KTLA, Reuters, NME and LAist among others. Additionally, SSMF received more than $1.2 million in media value from promotions that included: 70 Clear Channel digital billboards throughout Los Angeles County, two digital videotrons located on The Strip (Key Club and Van Wagner, across from Andaz), one digital videotron located at the Westgate/Target shopping center (La Brea and Santa Monica), five billboards on The Sunset Strip (Rainbow, Key Club and 8535 Sunset Blvd.), advertising on 22 lifeguard towers along Venice and Santa Monica beaches, 120 street pole banners spanning 1.6 miles on The Strip, and 400 promotional announcements and 200 live and prerecorded mentions on Clear Channel Radio Stations 98.7, 102.7 KIIS FM, 104.3 MYfm and HOT 92.3. Additionally, SSMF was promoted through radio contests with Virgin America, Andaz West Hollywood and Gibson Guitar to fly ticket winners from Boston, New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Miami and Washington D.C. to the festival. SSMF also contracted with a social media expert to extend the festival’s reach this year. The results included an increase in the number of Facebook fans (now 9,770+) and Twitter followers (4,700). A Facebook advertising campaign promoting SSMF received more than 9 7.1 million impressions. Additionally, SSMF advertised in the LA Times and Variety, organized street teams to distributed flyers and posters through Los Angeles and Orange County specifically targeting music venues and shows, secured advertising at Universal CityWalk’s AMC movie theater and poster sniping throughout the city. Email blasts to Ticketmaster, Virgin America and Clear Channel databases and promoting SSMF through a highlight reel at participating West Hollywood hotels also helped increase the promotional value and awareness of SSMF 2010. Sponsors for SSMF 2010 included Virgin America, V Australia, Jack Daniel’s, Ticketmaster, 98.7FM, Andaz West Hollywood, City of West Hollywood, West Hollywood Marketing & Visitors Bureau, Whole Foods West Hollywood, Signature Creative, Brand X, Coca-Cola Zero, Southern California Mini Dealers, Honest Tea, and Monte Carlo Music. Swing House Studios provided the street production. Sunset Strip Holiday Guides SSBA continued to work with member businesses to receive information about events throughout the year, specifically those that revolve around holidays like New Year’s Eve, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Thanksgiving, etc. The information received is compiled to create an online guide that is promoted to The Sunset Strip’s online community (10,600 Twitter, 8,400 Facebook and 13,000 unique visitors a month on TheSunsetStrip.com). Additionally, the information is distributed to local media outlets. The Sunset Strip Online TheSunsetStrip.com is the official online destination for The Sunset Strip. It provides visitors with a database of restaurants, nightlife venues, retailers and hotels as well as Sunset Strip news. TheSunsetStrip.com features a calendar, parking section, weekly “Sunset Strip Picks” article highlighting some of the nightlife, dining and exclusive shopping events on The Strip for the week, as well as a weekly recap of news and celebrity sightings on The Sunset Strip, weekly photo galleries and a monthly “Faces Of The Sunset Strip” interview with Sunset Strip personalities. The site provides a listing of each SSBA member business in the categories of Dining, Shopping, Nightlife, Hotels, Music and Parking. The listings include the address, website and contact information for each business as well as a photo and brief description (when provided). All members are encouraged to contact the SSBA whenever updates to the contact information are needed. The site is promoted through The Sunset Strip banners and Google, and receives more than 13,000 unique visitors a month. The Sunset Strip also has online presence through Facebook and Twitter accounts. SSBA 2010-2011 BUDGET The 2010-2011 budget and assessment is anticipated to be $591,500. The SSBA has maintained this budget without increases since 2003. Of this budget, approximately 69 percent of the funds are earmarked for security services, while 7 percent go toward cleaning services and the remaining 24 percent go to administration, operations, office rent and public outreach functions. Additional monies produced by the street pole banner sponsorship program and other revenue generators go towards enhancing the goals of SSBA and specifically for marketing programs, as well as increased administrative and operating costs. Sponsorship The SSBA secured Jack Daniel’s as The Sunset Strip banner program sponsor for the third year. The funds generated through the partnership will support the most prioritized needs of the Association, including marketing programs. The 120 banners, which stretch from Doheny Road to Havenhurst Drive, provide visitors with visual markers outlining the length of The Strip. Looking Ahead To 2011 Due to the success of the Sunset Strip VIP card, the SSBA is re-launching this program, which grants Sunset Strip hotel guests complimentary access to the Cat Club, The Comedy Store, House of Blues Sunset Strip, Key Club, The Roxy Theatre, Rainbow, Viper Room and Whisky A Go-Go during the stay. The re-launched card will include a new design and updated media release. www.thesunsetstrip.com/VIPpass The West Hollywood Marketing & Visitors Bureau (MVB) and the Sunset Strip Business Association are partnering to bring The Sunset Strip to the South by Southwest Interactive, Film & Music Festival and Conference in Austin. The MVB secured a booth that will be transformed into The Sunset Strip Lounge at the conference tradeshow, featuring a Sunset Strip photo gallery and promoting The Sunset Strip and West Hollywood as a premiere travel destination. SXSW attracts more than 150,000 visitors to Austin, with tens of thousands of conference attendees interacting daily with the booths in the Austin Convention Center. The lounge will also help launch and promote the 2011 Sunset Strip Music Festival. Nearly a quarter of the registrants are International visitors, which illustrates the importance of marketing to an audience that is comfortable with traveling distances for music events and festivals. The fourth annual Sunset Strip Music Festival is set for Aug. 18-20, 2011. The festival will kick off on Thursday, Aug. 18, with a tribute event honoring Sunset 10 Strip rockers Mötley Crüe at the House of Blues. The festival includes three nights of live music in the venues and an all-day street closure on Saturday, Aug. 20. www.ssmf.com The SSBA has worked with Gibson Guitar to add an additional 10 art guitars to GuitarTown on The Sunset Strip. This will bring the total number to 36 guitars on the boulevard and will further the walking experience on the boulevard. The SSBA will also work with Julian’s to auction the guitars for charity this fall. www.gibson.com/sunset-strip Based on conversations with the SSBA Marketing Task Force, a plan was developed to create a “Sunset Strip Market” on the boulevard. The market would add a Sunset Strip twist on the traditional farmers market, expanding the hours to capitalize on a nighttime, postwork clientele and would incorporate Sunset Strip businesses. The goal is to provide another community-based event on the boulevard that would be attractive to both neighbors and visitors, as well as utilize public spaces. The SSBA continues to work with organizations to develop and create the market. The SSBA will continue to work with the community and schedule neighborhood outreach meetings throughout the year. Additionally, the Security Ambassadors continue their role of informing and educating member businesses of their services and how members can utilize them. SSBA will also continue to meet regularly with City staff and stakeholders to discuss proposed projects on the boulevard as well as formulate ways to bring increased visibility to The Sunset Strip. SSBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Members Ex-Officio Mikeal Maglieri Rainbow Bar & Grill/Whisky A-Go-Go (President) Chris Bonbright Ramsey-Shilling Jan Henningsen The Standard (Vice President) Brad Burlingame West Hollywood Marketing & Visitors Bureau Nic Adler The Roxy Theatre (Secretary) Jeffrey Huffer City of West Hollywood Bruce Silberman Allied Parking (Vice President) Mark Montgomery Montgomery Management Co. Marcus Nicolaidis House of Blues Sunset Strip (Treasurer) Genevieve Morrill West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Shelley Armistead Soho House Michael Bezerra Cabo Cantina/Sunset Trocadero Brent Bolthouse Il Sole/Trousdale Kendra Cole Skybar Anita Der Mohanessian Panini Pizzeria Alf LaMont The Comedy Store Michel Morauw Andaz West Hollywood Rich Oken Mondrian Hotel Kris Yenbamroong Talesai/Night+Market Todd Steadman Executive Director 11 SSBA CONTACT INFORMATION The SSBA offices are open Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Security Ambassadors are available every night of the week from 8 p.m. – 3:30 a.m. Phone: 310.659.7368 Fax: 310.659.7364 Email: info@thesunsetstrip.com. Security Ambassador mobile hotline: 310.210.7622 Sunset Strip Business Association 9040 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 212 West Hollywood, CA 90069 Executive Director Todd Steadman 310.659.7368 x 101 steadman@thesunsetstrip.com Security Director Kris Zagyva 310.659.7368 x 103 kzagyva@smsholdings.com Communications Manager Courtney Kemp 310.659.7368 x 102 kemp@thesunsetstrip.com Community Engagement Coordinator Chris Clarkin 323.596.1211 clarkin@thesunsetstrip.com www.thesunsetstrip.com Facebook.com/TheSunsetStrip @TheSunsetStrip Designed by Signature Creative Inc. www.signaturecreative.com Photos courtesy of Nate Christenson, Bob Friday, Richard Settle, Chris Victorio and Erik Voake. The SSBA is the managing partner of the Sunset Strip Music Festival, LLC. 12
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