el mariachi - Barry County Advertiser
el mariachi - Barry County Advertiser
Barry County Advertiser WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 1B Table Rock Lake Plan comment deadline April 17 The United States Army Corps of Engineers is in the process of drafting a new Shoreline Management Plan for Table Rock Lake. According to information released by the Corps of Engineers, the current Shoreline Management Plan was adopted in 1982, and was last updated in 1996. The new Shoreline Management Plan will govern the utilization of the shoreline and set limitations and requirements for boat docks. Adoption of the new shoreline plan is the culmination of the process tat began with the creation of a new Master Plan for Table Rock, which was adopted by the Corps of Engineers in 2014. Though no Shoreline Management Plan proposals have provided to the public, the Corps of Engineers is requiring the public to make any comments concerning it prior to April 17, 2015. Last year significant changes were made in the Master Plan with the designation of approximately two-thirds of the Table Rock shoreline as “Environmentally Sensitive”. The Master Plan does not define how the “Environmentally Sensitive” areas will be administered, but it appears the Corps does not intend to allow vegetation removal or mowing permits in these areas. What uses will be allowed in the areas designated “Environmentally Sensitive” will enunciated in the new Shoreline Management Plan. Prior to the moratorium now in place the Corps of Engineers granted Vegetation Permits which allow property owners to cut small trees and shrubs and to mow and maintain the government property adjacent to their homes. Part of the historical basis for allowing homeowners to mow and remove vegetation was to reduce the risk of fire. In addition under the existing Shoreline Management Plan homeowners, with a permit were allowed to remove dad trees that endangered their homes, build” meandering pathways” out of natural materials across the government property to access the lake and do erosion control. How existing Vegetation Permits will be treated under the new Shoreline Management Plan appears to be up in the air. According to the documents distributed by the Corps there are a number of ideas being considered that could make major changes in what would be allowed. Currently in areas that the Corps of Engineers has granted Vegetation Permits, homeowners are allowed to remove underbrush and trees which are less than 2 inches in diameter at a point on the tree four feet off the ground. The Vegetation permits generally allows the homeowner to remove vegetation within 200 feet of a habitable structure. It appears that one of the issues the Corps of Engineers will consider is whether 200 feet is the proper distance to allow vegetative removal? From documents the Corps has provided it appears there may be proposals to reduce the distance from homes that vegetation management would be allowed. The Corps has not said whether homeowners with existing vegetation permits would be grandfathered allowing them to continue to manage vegetation up to 200 feet from their homes or if the existing permits would be reduced when and if they are renewed. The “Major Items For Consideration” distributed Golden Rural Plumbing #1 417/271-3555 Chris Yockey Owner / Operator * Experience & Insured * Landscape Maintenance * Quality Lawn Care * Commercial & Residential 24-31pd tfc 18405 Farm Rd. 1170 Cassville, MO 65625 417-847-7822 Free Estimates Cassville Discount Grocery Where discount means more for your buck. permit or possibly even the renewal of a permit. Other ideas raised in the “Major Items For Consideration” include: Whether the diameter of trees that are allowed to be removed under the existing Vegetative Permits will be changed from the existing 2-inch diameter at 4-feet off the ground standard? Whether homeowners may remove invasive species? Whether the footpaths are allowed and whether homeowners would be allowed to remove dead trees? A complete copy of the “Major Items For Consideration is at the end of the article. The Major Items For Consideration also raises questions concerning what boat docks will be allowed on the lake, the location and makeup of the docks, including removal of the restriction of the minimum number of slips, changing the parking requirements and restricting the new dock permits/slips to adja- cent landowners. The Corps in its Major Items For Consideration has also raised proposals concerning Shoreline Zoning. The first proposal is to “Eliminate Table Rock specific shoreline allocation, roll these into the 4 nationwide required shoreline allocation, The Corps has given no information of what that statement means or how it would affect Table Rock. This could be in reference to the unique characteristics of Table Rock Lake which has significant private ownership of boat dock slips rather than the requirement that all slips be controlled by the zoning. To access the form online, visit http://go.us.gov/ MGqH. From there, click on “Table Rock SMP Comment Card” to submit your comments to the Corps of Engineers. Bill’s Appliance is opening a consignment shop! Appliances, Furniture, Tools, Lawn Mowers, Weed Eaters, Chain Saws, Fishing Tackle, Anything of Value. You don’t pay until it’s sold! Great traffic area, lots of room. Call: (417) 847-6272 or (417) 846 5950 25-26c INDUSTRIAL BUILDING For Sale In Cassville Simple: Stop - Shop - $AVE REBAR MOWING 417-846-7090 We are your friendly hometown store. Management Owned We proudly accept: • Commercial • Residential *Insured * Free Estimates No Job Too Big or Too Small! CHRIS REIBERT by the Corps, included a list of ideas including whether a property owner should be required to obtain a survey of his property prior to obtaining a Vegetation Permit? Since a typical survey can cost between $1500 and $2000 the question becomes will homeowners be required to get the survey prior to their vegetative permit being renewed or is this proposal only for new vegetative permits. Another idea included in the “Major Items For Consideration” is whether the new Shoreline Management Plan will require homeowners to have a vegetation management plan as condition for a permit. The Corps has offered no suggestion of what a vegetation management plan would consist of, but sources have reported that proposals have been floated to require a professional botanist or arborist prepare a vegetation management plan as a condition of granting a Store Hours: Mon.-Wed. 9am-5pm EBT Thurs.-Fri. 9am-6pm Cash & Checks Sat. 9am-5pm Credit or Debit Cards SUNDAY CLOSED 902 W. 10th St., Cassville, MO 65625 417-847-5283 23tfc OVER 32,000 SQ FT ON 4.5 ACRES M/L IN THE INDUSTRIAL PARK 42tfc EL MARIACHI MEXICAN RESTAURANT Mon.-Sat. 11am-9pm • Sun. 11am-4pm Tuesdays FREE drinks for Senior Citizens with meal purchase Wednesdays 4 pm to 9 pm Fridays Happy Hour FREE drinks w/meal 5 pm to Close Deals for You! MLS #60020387. Building is located on Fasco Road in Cassville. This building has heat and a/c throughout. All public utilities include natural gas. 3-phase electricity and the front work area has 220 volts. There are 2 dock-high loading docks. And, a paved park- Saturdays ing lot for 40 vehicles m/l. Happy Hour FREE desserts w/meal purchase of $15 or more 5 pm to 7 pm Sundays All Day Additional photos are available. Give Us A Call for a Personal Tour! FREE drinks for children 12 and under Thank you, customers, for your wonderful support! 482 St. Hwy. 76, Cassville, MO 65625 • 417-847-5565 The back work area has 26pd www.fourseasonscassville.com 417-847-0156 25-26c 2B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 Barry County Advertiser Barry County 4-H benefit slated for April 10 The Barry County 4-H program will be holding a benefit dinner and auction to raise funds for scholarships for Barry County youth. The benefit will be held on Friday, April 10, at 6:00pm at the Crowder College Community Building, 4020 Main St., Cassville. Many local businesses and individuals have donated auction items to the event. Among those items are a conservation print donated by Bass Pro Shops, 30 days of horse training by Stan Patton Quarter Mo State champion auctioneer Horses, New Holland Tractor brand apparel donated by S&H Farm Supply, homemade items from our very own 4-H youth, and many more. Barry County 4-H has recently found new life and has grown quite a bit in the last year. The local 4-H clubs and their members work tirelessly to make the best of their clubs and communities, and to make the best better. These young people have made great achievements within their county, and we would like to make it possible for these young people to experience 4-H outside of Barry County. There are countless regional, state, and national 4-H opportunities for these young people to partake in. The proceeds from this event will be awarded to outstanding 4-H youth in Barry County in the form of scholarships to attend regional, state, and national events. All are welcome. Please join us Friday night to celebrate these young people and to support their futures. The cost is $12 per person. H ESTATE AUCTION H H SATURDAY, APRIL 11th, 2015 • 10 AM H aR State champion auctioneer Location: SHELL KnoB, Mo. (24990 FR 2200). From the Plaza go north on Hwy. 39, 9/10 mile. Turn right on FR 2200. Follow signs. REaL EStatE - FoRD F-150 - RiDinG MoWER - tooLS - PRoPanE tanK (Full) - SoME oLD MonEY - FURnitURE- antiQUES & coLLEctiBLES - aUtoMoBiLE PaRtS & MoRE PicK UP: 2001 Ford F-150 Lariat Crew cab 4x2, leather, tail gate extender, good tires, Red, newer crate motor w/only approx 25xxx miles (sells w/sm reserve). MoWERS: Toro LX 460, 20 hp Kohler, 46” cut riding mower. Assorted push mowers. tooLS: Campbell Hausfeld 125 PSI 20 gal air compressor. Very lg vice. Med vice. Sears HD engine starter/ battery charger. Craftsman 6.0 hp wet/dry vac. (3) Craftsman roll around tool chest. Torch set. Drill press. Grinder on stand. Skil 18v cordless drill. Chain saw sharpener. Welding helmet. Drop lights & ext cords. Engine stand. Welding rods. Gages. Bolt puller set. Fiberglass step ladder. Fiberglass ext ladder. Saw horses. Poulan chain saw. Come a long. Asst power tools. Asst hand saws (some old). Poulan Pro 20” chain saw (new). Wheel barrow. Nuts, bolts, screws, nails, etc. Lots of ratchets, sockets, (Craftsman & more). Channel lock pliers. Lot of various hammers. Some pneumatic tools. Open end wrenches. Clamps. Drill bits. Levels. Grease guns. Gas cans. Creeper. Portable air tank. Lot of hand tools of all kinds. Weed eater. Yard cart. Chains. 20 lb propane bottles. Boat gas tanks. Tarps. aUtoMotiVE PaRtS: Lg asst. of old car parts, gaskets, bulbs, plugs, ec. Volkswagen & other imports. Sm locking parts cabinet. FURnitURE & aPPLiancES: Samsung SS side-by-side with water & ice in door refrigerator (Only 1½ yr old). (Older propane clothes dryer). Samsung 50” flat screen TV. Pioneer stereo receiver. Stereo speakers. VHS/DVD combo player. TV stand. (2) rocker/recliners. Sm china cabinet. Table lamps. Sleeper sofa. Turn table. Matching blonde bedroom set. Full size bed, chest of drawers, dresser and night stand. Misc. end tables. Lighted picture & misc. pictures. Sm Emerson TV/VHS combo. 7 gun glass door gun cabinet. Handmade oak king size bed frame w/mattress (nice). Dresser w/mirror. Wood computer desk. Maple buffet. Office chairs. oLD MonEY: 1922 Silver dollar. 1899 half dollar. Buffalo nickels. Steel pennies. Ike silver dollars. Tax tokens. Restrike Confederate coin. State quarters. Sacagawea dollars. PaPER MonEY: $1 Silver Certificate. $10 Gold Certificate. (2) Red letter 1953 A & 1953 B $2 dollar bills. 7¾ MM Black Pearl. 7MM Cream Pear. AR Diamond. Sterling ring. Misc. old rings Some old silverware antiQUES & coLLEctiBLES: Old CF Orvis Maker Manchester, UT glass minnow trap. Old boat motors, Johnson, Seahorse 18 & old Mariner. 10 gal milk can. Old metal ammo box. Old records 45’s, 33’s, etc. Old belt buckles. Misc. costume jewelry, mens watches. Old metal hand warmers. Marbles. Everlight match. Handmade bow. Old boot stretcher. Arrow quiver. Old ladies lace collar. Horse shoes. Old Coleman cooler. Old BB/Pellet pistol. Several hunting knives. Old metal fan. American flag enclosed in shadow box. Pike fish mount. Several baskets. Old china & misc. collectible glassware. Tea kettle collection. Old lariat ropes. FURnitURE: Ant. sq top table w/glass ball and claw ft (nice). Old chair. Sm old rocker w/ rattan bottom. Misc old end tables. Ant dresser (nice). Old wicker rocking chair. Old high chair. Old trunk. Old wood trunk. Station Master pendulum wall clock. Ant. decorative mirror. MiSc. Misc. scrap iron. Automatic dog feeder. Baby/pet gates. Bicycle. Folding chairs. Old golf clubs. Misc. camping items. Misc fishing gear. Firewood. Firewood holder. Misc old lumber. Old grills. UniFlame BBQ. (4) patio chairs. Misc. kitchenware’s & sm kitchen appliances. Cordless phone system. Misc. books. Old meal detectors. Sony boom box. Jars. Several life jackets. REaL EStatE: Berm home with 1344 sq ft, 2 bedroom, 1 full bath, kitchen dining combo, living room, utility room, covered and screened front porch. CH/A, with backup propane heat. This home was built to add a 2nd story on top if so desired. oUtSiDE aMEnitiES: Include 20’x50’ shop with partial concrete floor and 16’x20’ shed, well and septic, lg mature pine trees landscapes the long driveway in this country setting and yet still very close to Shell Knob business district and only 2.3 miles to public boat launch on Table Rock Lake. Fishermans paradise, great summer getaway. Real Estate sells at 12 noon. Go to www. stumpffauction.com for more info & photos. notE: We will be offering the estate of Howard Stepp at public auction. Howard was a life long mechanic working on Volkswagen, Imports and many others. Lots of tools & parts. Real Estate will sell at 12:00 PM Noon. This would make a great summer getaway, only 2.3 to a public boat launch on Table Rock Lake. 1st time home owner or investors, bidding will start way below market value, so come prepared to Buy it!!! See you April 11th. tERMS: Cash or good check w/2 forms of current ID. Must have current driver’s license to obtain bidders number. All sells as is where is w/no warranties or guarantees. If paying by check on titled items, items will be held until check clears the bank unless prior arrangements have been made with auction company before auction date. Any announcements made day of auction supersede any and all printed material. REaL EStatE tERMS: Qualified buyers only w/pre-approved bank letter of confirmation. Nonrefundable 10% paid day of auction w/balance due in cash or certified funds within 30 days or less. Buyers and sellers will be responsible for their own portion of their closing cost. Taxes will be prorated to date of close. Sells as is where is with no warranties or guarantees. Bidders, buyers or agent of the buyer is responsible for conduction own inspection of property prior to auction and should rely solely upon their own due diligence and inspection. A 10% buyer’s premium will apply. Sells w/owner confirmation. Any announcements made day of auction supersede any and all printed material. no debit/credit cards accepted. Read All About It In The Barry County Advertiser Your #1 Local News Source for Over 40 Years ESTATE AucTion SATuRDAY, APRiL 11th, 2015 • 9:30 AM LOCATION: 605 N. 4th ST., PURDY, MO. (From Jct. of Hwy. 37 & C Hwy. in Purdy take Hwy. C 1/2 mile east to 4th St. (Library) then north on 4th 1/2 mile to sale). LUNCH & RESTROOMS AVAILABLE • INSPECTION SALE DAY ONLY MOST OF SALE HELD UNDER COVER IN CASE OF RAIN FURNITURE-GLASSWARE-LINEN-TOOLS: 5 pc poster bedroom suite queen size w/large dresser and chest of drawers, real nice. Couch. Recliner. Lift chair 1 yr old w/heater & vibrator. Full size bed. Kitchen table w/2 leaves & 6 chairs. Cedar hand made desk. Swivel rocker & foot stool. Dresser. Unique wall mirror. Kirby sweeper w/shampoo system & attachment. Storage bench. Small Sansui flat screen TV, like new. Several end tables & table lamps. 5 kerosene lamps. Pr. wooden lamp holder. Wall pictures & décor. Whirlpool refrigerator. Small chest type deep freeze. 2 metal kitchen storage cabinets. Kitchen step stool. Cabinet model sewing machine. Roll away bed. Portable sewing machine. 4 shelf wall rack w/salt & pepper collection. Plastic round table & 4 chairs. 2 baskets. Hammock. Nesco roaster pan w/metal stand. Ant. wall telephone box. 1 lot of books. Large lot fancy linen including tea towels, dollies , scarves & other linen. Quilts, blankets bed spreads, towels. Several sugar loaf Kostume kid dolls. Unique handmade wooden stagecoach & horses. Pr cow night lights. Cook books. Pressure cooker. 41 pcs collection of Blue Carnival glass including, punch bowl & 12 cups, pitcher & 6 glasses, hen on nest, 2 canister jars, 4 glasses. Egg plate, creamer & sugar & others. Extra large collection of Holstein cow figurines, including canister sets, cookie jars, creamer & sugar, salt & peppers, napkin holder & several others. Corning ware bowls, Pyrex bowls. Corelle dishes. Pressed glass pcs. Platters. Everyday dishes, pots & pans. Electrical kitchen appliance. 6 cast iron skillets. Granite pan & canners. Rolling pin w/cow kicker holder. 12 pc setting of Prestige china dishes, nice set. Set of Christmas dishes. Coke pitcher & glasses. Blender. Apple peeler. Aluminum roaster pan. Donut & biscuit cutter. Meat grinder. 2 kerosene lanterns. Metal tool box & tools. Like new wheel chair & walker w/wheels & brakes. Electric drills & skil saw. Wood plane. 10 gallon milk can . Lawn & garden tools. Wheel barrow. 2 wheel dolly. Lawn spreader. 2 garden push plows. 2 galv. wash tubs. Lawn chairs. Lots of other items not listed. To see complete list go to web page. SALE PROCEDURE: Sale starts with small house items, glassware, tools then furniture. TERMS: Cash or good check. Positive picture ID required. Not responsible for loss or accidents. Statements sale day take precedence over printed material. HWY. 112 S. Cassville, MO Sandy Thomas, Per. Rep. To view complete listing & photos, go to www.stumpffauction.com auctioneer: Donnie Stumpff ~ Parker Stumpff Licensed Broker/Auctioneer MO & AR • State Champion Auctioneer MO & AR 1409 & PB00051442 417-847-2507 26c Golden Rural Plumbing #2 RALPH McKNIGHT Verona, MO DWIGHT CRUME (417) 498-6662 - (417) 354-2925 26c www.mcknightauctionco.com HYPERLINK “http://ww.mcknightauctionco.com” Mo State champion auctioneer 417/271-3555 tfc WE Print all Kinds of Professional Business Cards and Job Forms McKNIGHT AUCTION COMPANY, LLC Friendly, Fast, and Affordable! Litho Printers Cassville • 847-3155 H PUBLIC AUCTION H H MONDAY, APRIL 13th, 2015 • 10 AM H aR State champion auctioneer Location: SHELL KnoB, Mo. (26807 Bobcat Lane). From the Shell Knob Plaza go south on Hwy. 39, 7.4 miles, turn right on Kings River Road. Go 1 mile. Turn left into Turkey Trot Acres. Follow sign. From carr Lane go N on Hwy. 39, 2 miles. Turn left on Kings River Road. Go 1 mile, turn left into Turkey Trot Acres. Follow signs. tooLS - MoWER - FURnitURE - antiQUES & coLLEctiBLES GEnERaL HoUSEHoLD - MiSc. tooLS: Snap On YA 219, 120 v mig welder w/sm cart. (4) adjustable roller stands. Folding ladders. Spray gun kit. Jack stands. 15 ga 12 v sprayer. Rockwell super 90 radial arm saw. 14” Sthil chain saw. 30 gal air compressor (needs work). Long handle tools. Tool rack. Mech stool. Tire chains. Sm dolly. Elect weed eater. Tow master. Nuts, bolts, screws, etc. Lawn seeder. Wheelbarrow. 20 lb propane bottle Misc. sheets of plywood. MoWER & MiSc.: Craftsman GT 5000, 48” riding mower. Yard wagon. Metal lawn cart. FURnitURE: Vintage look dining table & 6 chairs. Glass top dining table. Sm entry bench. Bakers rack. Love seat & matching sofa w/recliners on both ends. Oriental vase stand. Queen size sleep number bed. Misc. coffee table & end tables. Table lamps. China cabinet (nice). Queen size head board. (2) bar stools w/padded seats & chrome legs. Misc. book shelves. Metal desk. Misc. 2 drawer file cabinets. Victorian style sofa. Round high top table w/claw feet & 4 stools w/claw feet. (2) matching recliners. Air mattress. Zenith TV. Sm old teak wood table. Buffet that’s been cut down and put on rollers. Queen size bed w/Serta mattress (nice). Wood rocking chairs. 8’ folding table. Old dining table & 4 chairs. Lg mirrors. Wall hangings. Oil on canvas picture, mountain and lake scene. antiQUES & coLLEctiBLES: Very old photos in old frames. (2) old wood school desk. The Bradford Edition Collectibles. Misc. collectible glass & dishes: such as Fuji China made in Occupied Japan. Blue dishes, clear cut glass, vases, etc. Granite coffee pot. Canister sets. Cast iron Dutch oven. Serving trays. Coke bottles. Ball caps. Lot of sm collectibles, such as lighted ornament swags, tea light lanterns, toad houses, angels, solar light lanterns, etc. (new). Swag light. Decorative sleighs. Snow men. Several sm doll chairs. Lot of teddy bears. GEnERaL HoUSEHoLD & MiSc.: 12’x12’ portable canopy. Fishing poles.. CB radios. Tent. TV antenna. Lawn chairs. BBQ. Sunbean microwave. Kenmore microwave. Misc. sm kitchen appliances. Lot of kitchen wares such as: Pyrex baking dishes & misc bakeware, pots & pans. Tupperware, roaster pan, glasses, cup & saucers, utensils, etc. Several household plants. Books. Misc. linens. Paper products. Bird houses. Picnic table. Cleaning supplies. Some nice shelving. Lot of puzzles. Baskets. Candles. TV trays. Several window blinds. Plastic shelf. 7x35 binoculars. 7½’ Christmas tree & asst Christmas décor. Plastic & metal storage cabinets. Bicycle. Misc. oak kitchen cabinets. notE: Note the time, Monday, April 13th, 10:00 AM. Mrs. Breit will be selling her home and moving out of state so we will offer many nice items at public auction to the highest bidder. Everything is neat & clean. Catering and restroom on site. See you Monday the 13th. tERMS: Cash or good check w/2 forms of current ID. Must have current driver’s license to obtain bidders number. All sells as is where is w/no warranty or guarantee. Any announcements made day of auction supersede any and all printed material. No debit or credit cards. Owner, Donna Breit Donnie Stumpff Parker Stumpff The Southwest R-5 Agriculture Department will be hosting a Concealed Carry course on May 2 from 8 a.m. until finished. The class will be held at Southwest Agriculture Department with live rounds off campus. Price will be up to $100 (based on number that sign up) and will have to be paid before the class. Those taking the class will need at least 50 rounds of ammunition for their choice of handgun to bring with them. To sign-up or for questions please contact Rachael Brown at (417) 388-1959. Spots are limited and sign-up closes April 26. Estate of Maggie Chitwood Estate of Howard Stepp Donnie Stumpff SW Ag. offers concealed carry class HWY. 112 S. Cassville, MO www.stumpffauction.com auctioneer: Donnie Stumpff ~ Parker Stumpff Licensed Broker/Auctioneer MO & AR • State Champion Auctioneer MO & AR 1409 & PB00051442 Parker Stumpff 417-847-2507 26s Barry County Advertiser Purdy inducts new NHS members WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 Service 3B •Farm •Livestock •Merchandise •Household •Real Estate For Listings & Sale Dates Contact: tfc Col. Red Edens • 847-2480 • Cassville, MO Steve Hodges • 894-1070 • Aurora, MO OVER 50 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE AUCTIONS OF ALL TYPES McKnight Auction Co. LLC • Verona, Mo. Ralph McKnight (417) 498-6662 www.mcknightauctionco.com Green Forest, AR NORTH ARKANSAS LIVESTOCK AUCTION “Community Owned and Operated” SALE EVERy WEdNESdAy (870) 438-6915 Kirk Powell (870) 654-2205 Ron Wallace (870) 654-6369 Rusty Stone (417) 847-4929 / 417-847-7237 tfc BRIDE AND GROOM Available At Litho Printers A Invitations Accessories Napkins Reception Gifts Attendant’s Gifts And More!! Brad Holder (417) 689-5582 tfc (417) 342-3218 SAT., APRIL 11th • 12 NOON ALL CLASSES SELL: 140 Country Fresh Feeder from 9 Local Producers. They consist of 52 Yellow hided Heifers & Steers 500 to 600 lb 12 Black 5 WT Heifer from Purdy Balance will be Blacks, Reds & Cross Breeds weighing 275 to 750 lbs. All cattle from Barry, Lawrence, Stone & McDonald County. Gary Brown 417-846-3355 / 417-369-1013 Barn 417-835-3000 Thanks from Gary Brown and the MO-ARK Crew for choosing MO-ARK 26c to Market your Cattle. PLEASE NOTE: STARTING TO SELL COINS AT 9:00 A.M. • EXPANDED FACILITIES • INDOOR RESTROOM CLINES EQUIPMENT CO., LLC CONSIGNMENT AUCTION CLINES EQUIPMENT CO., CLINES EQUIPMENT CO., LLC LLC CRANE, MISSOURI Cassville • 847-3155 Jeff Holder Missouri LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK McPherson’s uction EXETER LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK The Aubrey Keeling Chapter of the National Honor Society at Purdy High School inducted 11 new members into its ranks at a special ceremony on Friday, March 20. New inductees formally signed the membership roster, escorted by their parents. President Juaquin Robles led the new members in the National Honor Society pledge, after which all members and special guests enjoyed a cake and punch reception. The Purdy National Honor Society operates under the guidance of Adviser Lisa Reid. New members are pictured above. In the front row, from left to right: Megan Thomas, Rion Boyd, Andrea Humphrey, Skylar Lakey, Morgan Schilly, Hannah White and Kailey Pettit. Back row: Courtney White, Steven Murray, Kaden Propps and Sami –– FAMILY OWNED –– House. 3rd Generation in Auction Business Specializing in All Types of Auctions! AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK SPRING RIVER AUCTIONS CONSIGNMENT AUCTION CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Saturday, AprilCRANE, 11, 2015MISSOURI - 9:00 a.m. Rain or Shine CRANE, MISSOURI Directions: 5 miles south of Aurora on 39 Highway to TT Highway east 3 ½ miles to sale. From Crane, 2 April miles west11, on D2015 Highway TT Highway, west 3 ½or miles to sale. Saturday, --to9:00 a.m. Shine Saturday, April 11, 2015 9:00 a.m. Rain Rain or Shine Unknown Buyer Must Have Bank Letter of Credit. Checks Accepted with Proper ID. Sat., APRIL 11, 2015 • 9:00 a.m. •••• MERCHANDISE TO BE REMOVED BY SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 • • • • Directions: Directions:55miles milessouth southofofAurora Auroraon on39 39Highway HighwaytotoTT TTHighway Highwayeast east33½½miles milestotosale. sale. FROM I-44 EXIT 46 APPROX 6 MILES SOUTH OF MT. VERNON, MO ON HWY 39 TO HWY P TURN RIGHT, APPROX 4 MILES TO FARM ROAD 2187, TURN RIGHT, FIRST PLACE ON RIGHT OR 4 MILES WEST OF AURORA, MO ON HWY 60 TO VERONA EXIT, TURN RIGHT, 1 MILE TO HWY P OR MAIN STREET, TURN LEFT, 2 MILES TO FARM ROAD 2187, TURN LEFT, 1ST PLACE ON RIGHT, OR 8 MILES EAST OF MONETT, MO ON HWY 60 TO VERONA EXIT. WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGN Unknown Buyer Have Letter ofofCredit. Checks with ID. Unknown BuyerMust Must Have Bank Letter Credit. Checks Accepted withProper Proper ID. Loading available until lastBank truck leaves on sale dayAccepted & No Sunday Loading COINS SELL FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. • VEHICLES BUILDING MATERIALS AT NOON FOLLOWED BY FURNITURE • GUNS SELL AT 1:00 P.M. FOLLOWED BY AMMO TRAPS KNIVES • 2ND RING STARTS AT 9:00 A.M. AND WILL BE SELLING ALL DAY From 22miles west DDHighway totoTT 33½½miles totosale. AUCTION NOTES: This ison a full day auction!!!! Lunchwest available on the grounds. FromCrane, Crane, miles west on Highway TTHighway, Highway, west miles sale. We’re expecting many itemsLunch by dayavailable of auction** AUCTION NOTES: This day auction!!!! on AUCTION** NOTES: Thisisisaafull full daymore auction!!!! Lunch available onthe thegrounds. grounds. For Moreavailable Information Larry-Home 417-723-5344 417-830-0912 Loading until last leaves Sunday Loading Loading available untilCall: lasttruck truck leaveson onsale saleday day&&No NoCell: Sunday Loading ALL STATEMENTS DAY OF AUCTION SUPERCEDE ALL OTHERS. Items are subject to prior sale ** We’re expecting many more items day of auction** **MADE We’re expecting many more itemsby by day ofTHEFT auction** NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS, FIRE, OR For More Information Call: Larry-Home 417-723-5344 Cell: 417-830-0912 Forlistings More may Information Larry-Home 417-723-5344 Cell: 417-830-0912 Pictures and additional be seen atCall: midwestauction.com and http://www.auctionzip.com/Listings/2402790.html ALL Itemsare aresubject subjecttotoprior priorsale sale ALLSTATEMENTS STATEMENTSMADE MADEDAY DAYOF OFAUCTION AUCTIONSUPERCEDE SUPERCEDEALL ALLOTHERS. OTHERS.Items PHOTOS AND COMPLETE LISTS AT AUCTION ZIP.COM #25998 • SECURITY ON PREMISES NOT NOTRESPONSIBLE RESPONSIBLEFOR FORACCIDENTS, ACCIDENTS,FIRE, FIRE,OR ORTHEFT THEFT Pictures and http://www.auctionzip.com/Listings/2402790.html Tractors Misc. Picturesand andadditional additionallistings listingsmay maybe beseen seenatatmidwestauction.com midwestauction.com Local Farmer Selland Outhttp://www.auctionzip.com/Listings/2402790.html IHC 1066 Cab/Air Super Nice 2 Hyd 3pt 2 PTO Northern Tractor Tractors Tractors JD 2840 w/JD 148 Loader IHC IHC1066 1066Cab/Air Cab/AirSuper SuperNice Nice IHC 1086 Cab/Air w/IHC 2350 Loader Hyd 3pt Northern Tractor HydCab/Air 3pt22PTO PTO Northern Tractor JD224720 w/JD 400x Loader JD 2840 Loader JDHydro 2840w/JD w/JD 148 Loader79 hrs 1 owner Fancy Trans148 1 remote IHC 1086 Cab/Air w/IHC 2350 Loader IHC 1086 Cab/Air w/IHC 2350 Loader NH T2420 Cab/Air FWA JD 4720 w/JD JDw/NH 4720Cab/Air Cab/Air w/JD400x 400x Loader 270TL Loader 590 Loader hrs Hydro Trans 1 remote 79 hrs 1 Fancy HydroBX1800 Trans 1FWA remote 79 hrs 1owner Fancy Kubota w/Loader &owner B Mower NH NHT2420 T2420Cab/Air Cab/Air FWA NH TC34DA FWAFWA w/ NH 240TL Loader & w/NH w/NH270TL 270TLLoader Loader 590hrs hrs Belly Mower 396 hrs590 Very Nice Kubota Kubota BX1800 FWA w/Loader&&BBMower Mower JD 5420BX1800 Cab/AirFWA FWAw/Loader NH TC34DA FWA NH 240TL Loader NHw/ TC34DA FWAw/ w/ NHHand 240TL Loader & JD541 Loader Left Rev 3600 & hrs. Belly Mower Nice Belly Mower 396hrs hrsVery Very Nice595 Loader Ford 7740 SLE 396 Cab/Air w/Allied JD 5420 Cab/Air FWA JD 2950 5420 FWA Cab/Air FWA JD w/JD 260 Loader JD541 Loader w/ JD541 LoaderLeft LeftHand HandRev Rev3600 3600hrs. hrs. JDw/ 5310 FWA Ford 7740 SLE Cab/Air 595 Loader Fordw/JD 7740540 SLE Cab/Airw/Allied w/Allied 5953800hrs Loader Loader/Left Hand Rev JD 2950 FWA w/JD 260 Loader JD 2950 FWA w/JD 260 Loader Zetor 6211 2WD Canopy (fuel pump problems) JD JD5310 5310FWA FWA Case/IHC 2594 Cab/Air w/JD 540 Hand w/JD 540 Loader/Left HandRev Rev3800hrs 3800hrs Case 1690 W/Loader/Left Loader Zetor 6211 2WD (fuel pump Zetor 6211 2WDCanopy Canopy (fuel pumpproblems) problems) JD 2950 Cab/Air w/JD 148 Loader Case/IHC 2594 Case/IHC 2594Cab/Air Cab/Air JD 4050 Cab/Air w/JD 158 Loader Case 1690 W/ Loader Casew/Joystick 1690 W/ Loader Qd Trans 5989 hrs 3 Hyd JD Cab/Air w/JD JD2950 2950 Cab/Air w/JD 148Loader Loader Deutz 3006 (clutch out)148 JD w/JD 158 JD4050 4050Cab/Air Cab/Air w/JD 158Loader Loader McCormick Deering WK-40 will run w/Joystick Qd Trans 5989 hrs 33Hyd w/Joystick Qd Trans hrs Hyd McCormick Deering W-305989 does not run Deutz 3006 (clutch out) Deutz 3006 (clutch out) 2000 NH TC29 2WD 141 hrs Like New McCormick Deering will McCormick Deering WK-40 willrun run Kubota M125X FWAWK-40 Cab/Air McCormick Deering W-30 does McCormick Deering W-30 doesnot notrun run w/Loader 2000 hrs 1 owner 2000 Like 2000NH NHTC29 TC29 2WD141 141hrs hrs LikeNew New Ford 4000 Gas 2WD Wide Front Select-o-Trans Kubota M125X FWA Cab/Air Kubota M125X FWA Cab/Air 1944 Farmall A w/Cultivator w/Loader 2000 hrs 11owner w/Loader 2000 hrsFt owner Massey 333 3pt Wide New Tires & Paint Ford Ford4000 4000Gas GasWide WideFront FrontSelect-o-Trans Select-o-Trans 1944 Farmall A w/Cultivator 1944 Farmall A w/Cultivator Massey Wide &&Paint Massey 333 3pt WideFtFtNew NewTires Tires Paint 12 pc333 Hyd3pt Aluminum Shoring Sections 5’-7’ Sections & Pump Canister 24”-36” Expandable Widths 12 12pc pcHyd HydAluminum AluminumShoring ShoringSections Sections 5’-7’ 5’-7’Sections Sections&&Pump PumpCanister Canister 24”-36” Expandable 24”-36” ExpandableWidths Widths Industrial Equipment Case 75XT Skid steer NH LS 190 Skid steer Cab/Air 2spd Industrial Equipment Industrial Equipment 1225 hrs Hyds 1 owner Case steer Case75XT 75XT Skid steer(fits skid steer) Bradco 617Skid Trencher NH LS 190 Skid steer Cab/Air 2spd NH LS 190 Skid steer Cab/Air 2spd Model F8 Sod Master Meter Matic Top Dresser Hyds 1225 hrs Hyds1Dozer 1owner owner 20001225 CAThrs D6RXL Cab/Air St Blade Bradco Trencher (fits skid steer) Bradco617 617 Trencher (fits skid steer) w/Hyd Tilt Rear Ripper Sod Meter Dresser Model SodMaster Master MeterMatic Matic Top Dresser ModelF8 F8 1 Operator VeryTop Nice & Clean 2000 D6RXL Dozer Cab/Air 2000CAT CAT D6RXL Dozer Cab/Air Blade 1988 JD 610C Backhoe Cab FWAStStBlade w/Hyd Tilt Rear Ripper w/Hyd Tilt Rear Ripper w/Extendahoe 11Operator Very Nice Clean Operator VeryWheel Nice&&Loader Clean 1986 Kobelco LK 300A 1988 610C 1988JD JD 610CBackhoe Backhoe CabFWA FWA Articulated 5500 Cab hrs w/Extendahoe w/Extendahoe 1986 1986Kobelco KobelcoLK LK300A 300AWheel WheelLoader Loader Articulated 5500 Trucks & Trailers Articulated 5500hrs hrs Most 1 owner & all have been shedded (1) Ford 6610 II Cab/Air, 3700 hrs Farmer Out 2Local hyd front weightsSell *Fancy Local Farmer Sell Out& Clean* Most 11owner all been (2) 3000&& Diesel, 8 speed, P/S, 1 Hyd, MostFord owner allhave have beenshedded shedded (1) 3100 hrs. Nice (1) Ford Ford6610 6610II IICab/Air, Cab/Air,3700 3700hrs hrs front weights *Fancy (3) 2New 5209 Discbine 9ft&X-Nice 2hyd hydIdea front weights *Fancy &Clean* Clean* (2) Diesel, 88speed, (4) Ford/NH Dolly Rake (2) Ford Ford3000 3000260 Diesel, speed,P/S, P/S,11Hyd, Hyd, (5) 3100 Ford/NH 256 3100hrs. hrs. Nice NiceDolly Rake (3) New Idea 5209 Discbine 9ft (6) (3) NH NewDual IdeaRake 5209 Hitch Discbine 9ftX-Nice X-Nice (4) 260 Rake (7) NH 163 17 ft,Dolly Hay (4) Ford/NH Ford/NH 260 DollyTedder Rake (5) 256 Dolly Rake (8) Rhino 6 ft, 3pt, Finish Mower (5) Ford/NH Ford/NH 256 Dolly Rake (6) (6) NH NHDual DualRake RakeHitch Hitch (7) (7) NH NH163 16317 17ft, ft,Hay HayTedder Tedder (8) (8) Rhino Rhino66ft, ft,3pt, 3pt,Finish FinishMower Mower Frontier Pallet Forks w/Euro Hook Ups Landpride 48” Finish Mower 3pt Misc. Misc.Choice RT04-52 3pt Tiller First Frontier Pallet Forks Frontier Pallet Forksw/Euro w/EuroHook HookUps Ups IHC 2001 Loader Landpride 48” Mower Landpride 48”Finish Finish Mower3pt 3pt Schwart 1900 QT Loader First RT04-52 3pt FirstChoice Choice RT04-52 3ptTiller Tiller Bush Hog 2620 20 ft Cutter IHC IHC2001 2001Loader Loader Tye 104-4404 7ft NoTil w/2 Boxes Very Clean Schwart 1900 QT Loader Schwart 19007ft QTHeavy Loader Rhino GR84 Duty 3pt Cutter Bush Hog 2620 Bush Hog 262020 20ft3pt ftCutter Cutter Alamo A84HD 7ft Cutter Tye 104-4404 7ft NoTil w/2 Very Tye 104-4404 7ft NoTil w/2Boxes Boxes VeryClean Clean New Delta 24ft & 28ft Chain Harrows Rhino GR84 7ft Duty 3pt Rhino5100 GR84 7ftHeavy Heavy DutyNice 3ptCutter Cutter IHC Grain Drill 16x7 Alamo A84HD 7ft 3pt Cutter Alamo 7ft 73pt JD 750 A84HD 15ft NoTil ½ Cutter Spacings New &&28ft NewDelta Delta24ft 24ft 28ft Chain Harrows w/Hyd Markers XChain CleanHarrows Like New IHC Grain Drill IHC5100 5100 Grain Drill16x7 16x7 Nice Rhino F4-15 Phantom 15ft Nice Cutter JD 750 15ft NoTil 7 ½ Spacings JD MX6 750 15ft JD 3ptNoTil Cutter7 ½ Spacings Hay & Forage Equipment Markers XXClean w/Hyd Markers Clean LikeNew New Neww/Hyd 5’x10’x7/8” Thick RollerLike 2010 JD 468 4x6 Bales Mega Wide, Net, Rhino Phantom 15ft RhinoF4-15 F4-15 Phantom 15ft Cutter Delta 34ft Chain Harrow onCutter Cart Kicker, 5300 Bales 1 owner JD MX6 3pt Cutter JD MX6 3pt Cutter Hay &&Forage Equipment 36ft Chain Harrow on Cart Hay648 Forage Equipment NH Baler 4x5 Bales New Roller New5’x10’x7/8” 5’x10’x7/8” Thick Roller Very Clean 2010 4x6 Bales Mega Brillion 1481 12ftThick Cultimulcher 2010JD JD 468 4x6 Bales MegaWide, Wide,Net, Net, Kuhn FC468 302R Disc Bine Delta Chain on Delta34ft 34ft ChainHarrow Harrow#375 onCart Cart Kicker, 5300 Bales 1 owner KilBros Gravity Wagon Kicker, 5300 Bales 1 owner IHC 35 Rake Hyd Drive 36ft Chain Harrow on Cart 36ft Chain Harrow on Cart NH Baler 4x5 Bales Taylor-way 6ft Offset Disc NH648 648 Baler 4x5Caddy Bales Lely Disc Mower Brillion 1481 Cultimulcher Brillion 148112ft 12ft CultimulcherVery VeryClean Clean Kuhn FC 302R Disc Bine 8ft Kewannee Disc Kuhn FC 302R Disc Bine New 3pt Bale Unrollers KilBros Wagon #375 KilBrosGravity Gravity Wagon #375 IHC Rake Hyd Cammond 10ft Land Leveler IHC35 35 Rake Hyd Drive New Idea 5410 3ptDrive Disc Mower 10 ft Taylor-way 6ft Offset Disc Taylor-way 6ft Offset Disc Lely Disc Mower Caddy Koyker K5 Loader Lely Disc3ptMower Caddy Deweze Bale Unroller 8ft 8ftKewannee Kewannee Disc New Bale Kewanee 14ftDisc Cultimulcher New3pt 3pt BaleUnrollers Unrollers 2013 Vermeer SW5000 Bale Unroller Self-Ld. Cammond Cammond 10ftLand Land Leveler New Idea 3pt Disc Mower 10 Melroe 1010ft Shank 3ptLeveler Chisel Plow NewWrapped Idea5410 5410less 3ptthan Disc1000 Mower 10ft Bales 1ftowner Koyker K5 Loader Koyker K5 Loader Deweze 3pt Bale Unroller JD Cultimulcher 15ft Deweze 3pt2400 Bale3pt Unroller Vicon CH Disc Mower 8 ft Kewanee 14ft Cultimulcher Kewanee13ft 14ftCultimulcher Cultimulcher 2013 Vermeer SW5000 Bale Unroller Self-Ld. Brillion 2013 Vermeer SW5000 Bale Unroller Self-Ld. Case IH 8530 Inline Square Baler Melroe 3pt Chisel Melroe 10Shank Shank 3pt4WD/2Seats ChiselPlow Plow150 hrs Like New less than 1000 Bales JD 55010 UTV Gator Wrapped less than5x6 1000 Bales11owner owner NHWrapped 855 Round Baler Clean JD 15ft JDCultimulcher Cultimulcher 15ft1000 RPM Vicon JD Hx15 15ft Cutter ViconCH CH2400 24003pt 3ptDisc Disc Mower Case/IHC 3309 Disc BineMower 9 ft 88ftft Brillion 13ft Cultimulcher Brillion 13ft Cultimulcher Case IH 8530 Bestway 500gal Sprayer w/Tandum Axles Case IHRake 8530Inline InlineSquare SquareBaler Baler JD 640 JD Gator JD550 550 UTVBooms Gator4WD/2Seats 4WD/2Seats150 150hrs hrsLike LikeNew New NH Baler & UTV 40ft NH855 855 Round Baler5x6 5x6Clean Clean IHC 35 Round Rake w/Dolley JD 15ft Cutter 1000 JDHx15 Hx15 15ft Cutter 1000RPM RPM Case/IHC 3309 Disc Bine 9 ft Bush Hog 2620 20ft Cutter Salvage Case/IHC 3309 Disc Bine 9 ft Vermeer 605XL w/Net 5x6 9500 Bales Bestway 500gal Sprayer w/Tandum Axles Bestway Sprayer w/Tandum Axles JD Rake Good500gal gear boxes & drive shaft, bad deck JD640 640 Rakespent on rebuild April 2014) ($5000 &&40ft Booms 40ft10ft Booms IHC w/Dolley JD MX10 Pull Type Cutter IHC35 35Rake Rake w/Dolley NH 488 Haybine 9ft cut like new late model Bush 2620 20ft Cutter BushHog Hog 2620 20ftWagon CutterSalvage Salvage Vermeer 605XL w/Net 5x6 9500 Bales Knight 3300 Mixer Vermeer 605XL w/Net 5x6 9500 Bales JD 468 w/Net Mega Wide Pickup, Kicker, Good gear drive shaft, Good gearboxes boxes&&4x4 drive shaft,bad baddeck deck ($5000 spent on 2013 Bulldog BD700 UTV ($5000bales spentVery onrebuild rebuild April2014) 2014) 11000 GoodApril JD 10ft Pull JDMX10 MX10 10ftEngine PullType Type Cutter NH Haybine 9ft like model w/Subaru & 1Cutter owner NH488 488 Haybine 9ft cut likenew newlate late model 2014 Rhino VR10 10cut Wheel Speed Rake Knight 3300 Mixer Knight 3300 MixerWagon Wagon JD 468 w/Net Mega Wide Pickup, Kicker, 3pt Wood Splitter/Rhino 3pt Post Hole Digger JD 468 w/Net Mega Wide Pickup, Kicker, Enorossi DMP/7 9ft 3pt Disc Mower New 2013 BD700 4x4 2013Bulldog Bulldog BD700 4x4UTV UTV 11000 bales Good Large Assortment of New Gates & Panels 11000 bales Very GoodMower New Enorossi DM6 8ftVery 3pt Disc w/Subaru Engine &&11owner w/Subaru Engine owner 2014 Rhino VR10 10 BushHog 2840 Loader 2014 Rhino VR1011 10½Wheel Wheel SpeedRake Rake JD 835 Discbine ft CutSpeed w/Rollers 3pt Wood Splitter/Rhino 3pt Post 3ptJD Wood Splitter/Rhino 3pt PostHole HoleDigger Digger Enorossi DMP/7 9ft 3pt Disc Mower New 2MX-8 8ft Pull Type Cutters Enorossi DMP/7 9ft 3pt Disc Mower New NH BR 740 4x5 Baler Crop Cutter Large Assortment New Large Assortment New Gates Panels Enorossi 8ft 3pt Mower Both used lessofof than 50Gates hours&&Panels Enorossi DM6 8ftPickup, 3ptDisc DiscNet Mower New ExtraDM6 Sweep, WrapNew BushHog 2840 Loader BushHog 2840 Loader JD 835 Discbine 11 ½ ft Cut w/Rollers 3 Disc Plow 3pt JD 835 Discbine 11 ½ ft Cut w/Rollers NH BR740 4x5 Bales Twins Only 2Pull Type Cutters 2-JD JDMX-8 MX-8 8ft Pull Type Cutters NH 4x5 Baler Crop Cutter Ferguson 3pt8ft Coil Tine Cultivator NHBR BR740 740 4x54x6 Baler Crop Cutter Vermeer 604K Bales, Net, Kicker used than Both usedless less than50 50hours hours Extra Pickup, Net IHCBoth 2pt 2BTM Plow ExtraSweep, Sweep,Classic Pickup, NetWrap Wrap Vermeer 504M Silage Bales, 4x5 3BushHog 3pt 3Disc DiscPlow Plow 3pt NH 4x5 Bales Twins Only 305 5ft Pull Type Cutter NHBR740 BR740 4x5 Bales Twins Only 7600 Bales Very Clean Ferguson 3pt Coil Tine Cultivator Ferguson Coil Tine Cultivator Vermeer 604K 4x6 Bales, Net, New Tri-L3pt Electric/Hyd Bale Spike Vermeer 604K 4x6Net, Bales, Net,Kicker Kicker JD 567 5x6 Bales, Kicker, Mega Wide IHC 2pt 2BTM Plow IHC 2pt 2BTM Plow Vermeer 504M Classic Silage Bales, 4x5 Industrias America 8ft 3pt Blade Vermeer 504M Classic Silage Bales, 4x5 JD 457 4x5 Bales, Tucker Wheels BushHog 5ft Type Cutter BushHog305 305 5ftPull Pull Type Cutter 7600 Industrias America #155 10ft 3pt Hyd Blade 7600Bales Bales Very Clean w/Hyd BaleVery RampClean New Tri-L Electric/Hyd New Tri-L Electric/HydBale BaleSpike Spike JD Net, Kicker, Mega JD 5ft 3pt Blade JD567 5675x6 5x6Bales, Bales,4x5 Net, Kicker, MegaWide Wide JD 458 Standard Bales Nice Industrias America 8ft 3pt Blade Industrias America 8ft 3pt Blade JD 457 4x5 Bales, Tucker Wheels Miller Big 40 Welder (needs repairs) JD 458 457 4x5 4x5 Bales Bales,w/Net, TuckerMega Wheels JD Wide, Industrias America #155 10ft 3pt Industrias HydBlade Blade w/Hyd Bale Ramp JD 4BTM America 3pt Plow #155 10ft 3ptHyd w/Hyd Bale Ramp2600 Bales Super Nice Hyd Bale Ramp, JD Blade JD5ft 5ft 3pt Blade JD Bales Nice 12ft JD3pt Swather JD458 458Standard Standard 4x5 Bales Nice JD 458 4x5 Bales4x5 Mega Wide Hyd Ramp Miller 40 (needs MillerBig Big 40Welder Welder (needsrepairs) repairs) JD 458 4x5 Bales w/Net, Mega Wide, AGRE Tiller 4ft 3pt JD 458 4x5 Bales w/Net, Mega Wide, Vermeer WR22 10 Wheel Rake Plow JD4BTM 4BTM 3pt Plow Hyd Bales Brush Hog3pt 3210 10ft Pull Type Cutter HydBale BaleRamp, Ramp,2600 2600 BalesSuper SuperNice Nice JD NH 1432 13ft Discbine w/Impellers 2003 Ford F350 4x4 6 speed 12ft 12ftJD JDSwather Swather JD 4x5 Bales Mega Trucks &&Trailers Knight 8018 Manure Spreader Bed JD458 458 4x5 Bales MegaWide WideHyd HydRamp Ramp Trucksw/Harsh Trailers NH 1431 13ft Discbine w/Rollers Mixer Bed AGRE 4ft AGRETiller Tiller 4ft3pt 3pt Vermeer WR22 10 Wheel Rake Central City 8x10 Livestock Scale Vermeer WR22 10 Wheel Rake Hesston 1091 Haybine 1991 Chevy Kodiak Service Truck, Brush Hog 10ft Pull Cutter Brush Hog3210 3210 10ftw/34ft PullType Type Cutter NH 1432 13ft 2003 4x4 66speed 500 Gallon Sprayer Booms NH1209 1432HaybineJD 13ftDiscbine Discbine w/Impellers 2003Ford Ford F350 4x4 speed Service Bed, JD 224w/Impellers Square Baler CatF350 Motor 5x2 Trans, Knight 8018 Manure Spreader Knight 8018 Manure SpreaderBed Bed NH 1431 13ft Discbine w/Rollers w/Harsh Mixer Bed NH 1431605F 13ft Discbine w/Harsh320 Mixer Vermeer 5x6 Balesw/Rollers w/new belts w/IMT HydBed Crane & Outriggers Hesston Central CentralCity City8x10 8x10Livestock LivestockScale Scale 1091 Haybine 1991 Chevy Kodiak Service Truck, Hesston 1091 Haybine 1991 Chevy Kodiak Service Truck, JD 456 4x5 Bales Silage Special Vulcan 50 ton Low Boy w/Hyd Ramps 500 500Gallon GallonSprayer Sprayerw/34ft w/34ftBooms Booms JD 224 Cat Trans, Service JD1209 HaybineJD 224Square SquareBaler Baler CatMotor Motor 5x2 Trans, ServiceBed, Bed, &1209 W HaybineJD 4590 4x5 Bales w/Net Gooseneck Trailer5x2 Flatbed w/Dovetail Ramps M w/IMT 320 Hyd Crane &&Outriggers Vermeer605F 605F5x6 5x6Bales Balesw/new w/newbelts belts w/IMT 320Axle HydTruck Cranew/Cummins, Outriggers Vermeer 1989 Ford Single JD Vulcan ton Boy w/Hyd JD456 4564x5 4x5Bales BalesSilage SilageSpecial Special Vulcan50 50 tonLow Low BoyKit w/HydRamps Ramps 9 speed & Wet 4x5 Bales Gooseneck Trailer Flatbed w/Dovetail M&&W W4590 4590 4x5 Bales w/Net All New &w/Net Fits Skid Steer Gooseneck Trailer Flatbed w/Dovetail Ramps M 2001 Ford F550 w/Altec Utility Bed Ramps New Items Arriving Daily! 1989 Ford Single Axle Truck w/Cummins, *Lowe Post Hole Digger 1989 Ford Single Axle Truck w/Cummins, & Bucket Taking Consignments up until 9 speed & Wet Kit *3-Stout Brush Grapples 9 speed & Wet Kit 1989 Ford F350 w/Hoswel Hay Bed 4x4 All &&Fits Skid AllNew New Fits SkidSteer Steer DayArriving of Sale. Daily! 2001 New *Stout 6ft Bucket 2001Ford FordF550 F550w/Altec w/AltecUtility UtilityBed Bed NewItems Items Arriving Daily! *Lowe Post Digger *LoweForks PostHole Hole Digger &&Bucket *Pallet w/Hyd Forks Bucket Check Listing Online Taking Consignments up Taking Consignments upuntil until *3-Stout Brush Grapples *3-Stout Brush Grapples 1989 1989Ford FordF350 F350w/Hoswel w/HoswelHay HayBed Bed4x4 4x4 for Day of *Stout DayUpdates. ofSale. Sale. *Stout6ft 6ftBucket Bucket *Pallet Check *PalletForks Forksw/Hyd w/HydForks Forks CheckListing ListingOnline Online for forUpdates. Updates. 26pd SILVER AND COINS SILVER BULLION 6 100 OZ ENGLEHARD 999 FINE SILVER BARS • 1993 NGC MS-67 SILVER PANDA DOLLARS 1799 VF-35 DRAPED BUST DOLLAR (WOW) • 1878-S PCGS MS-63, 1879O ANACS MS-61, 1887-S AU+, 1889-S MS-65, 1878 8TF VAM8 HOT 50 ANACS AU-50, 1902-O PCGS MS-62, 1888-O MS-64, 1904-O MS-63, 1900 MS-63, 1900-O MS-64, 1896 MS-63, 1903 MS-63, 1899-O MS-64 AND MANY OTHER MORGANS • 1924 NGC MS-63, 1923-S PCGS UNC AND OTHER PEAC DOLLARS HALVES 1831 AU-55 CAPPED BUST • 1921 MISSOURI CENTENNIAL 2*4 IN FIELD COMMEMORATIVE • 1921, 1921-S, 1938-D VF+, 1938-D VF AND LOTS OF OTHER WALKING LIBERTYS • 1963 NGC MS-64, 1950 NGC MS-64, 1960D PCGS MS-64 1963-D NGC MS-64 AND OTHER HIGH GRADE FRANKLIN HALVES • 1964 KENNEDY HALVES • 40% SILVER KENNEDY HALVES QUARTERS 1835 XF CAPPED BUST QUARTER • 1858 XF SEATED LIBERTY • 1896-S PCGS G-6, 1895-O 1899-O AND OTHER BARBERS • 1917 TYPE I MS-63 AND OTHER STANDING LIBERTYS • 1932-D VF-35, 1935-D NGC AU-55, 1941 ANACS MS-63, 1944-S PCGS MS-65, 1941-D ANACS MS-63, 1949 PCGS MS-64, 1954-S PCGS MS-66 1955 PCI MS-66 AND OTHER QUALITY WASHINGTON QUARTERS • 1875-S VF AND 1875-S VG 20 CENT PIECES DIMES 1853 VF SEATED LIBERTY • 1892 MS-63 1896-O FINE, 1909-S AND OTHER BARBERS, 2 1921 VF+ AND OTHER MERCURYS, 1949-D NGC MS66 AND OTHER ROOSEVELTS NICKELS 1885, 1886, 1888, 1894, 1904 AU, 1912-S AND LOTS OF OTHER LIBERTY HEAD V NICKELS • 1913 D AND S TYPE I, 1913 D AND S TYPE II, 1914 D AND S, 1915 D AND S, 1916 D AND S, 1917 D AND S 1918 D AND S, 1919 D AND S, 1921-S 1924-S, 1926-S, 1931-S AND LOTS OF OTHER BUFFALO NICKELS • SILVER WAR NICKELS CENTS AND HALF CENT 1865 VF, 1859 XF, 1869, 1909-S VF-20, 1908-S BU, 1908 ICG MS-60, 1900 ANACS MS-63 RB, 1900 MS-63 AND LOTS OF OTHER INDIAN HEAD CENTS • 1909-S VDB XF, 1914-D VF, 1914-D ANACS VG-8, 1914-D VG-8, 1931-S XF-45, 1931-S VF, 1924-D ANACS VF-20, 1924-D VF-20, 1910-S, 1911-S, 1912-S, 1913-S, 1914-S 1915-S AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER WHEAT CENTS • 1808 8 OVER 7 HALF CENT PROOF AND MINT SETS 1998 1999 AND 2013 SILVER PROOF SETS • 1974 1976 1982 1989 AND 1998 US PROOF SETS • LOTS OF US MINT SETS • LOTS OF PROOF AND UNC COMMEMORATIVE DOLLARS AND 2 PIECE COIN SETS VEHICLES MOWER BOAT TRAILER 1999 FORD EXPLORER 4X4 V-6 AUTO TRANSMISSION 1 OWNER PAMPERED 140,000 MILES • 1988 FORD F150 XLT LARIAT 4X4 DUALLY ALL METAL FLATBED WITH STOW-AWAY BALE MOVER •1985 BASS TRACKER GUIDE V-16 16 FT BOAT AND TRAILER WITH 25 HP MERCURY MOTOR • KUBOTA T1600 HST DIESEL RIDING MOWER 42 INCH SHAFT DRIVE DECK HYDROSTATIC DRIVE 1 OWNER ONLY 220 HRS • 24 FT FLATBED GOOSENECK TRAILER GOOD HEAVY DUTY FRAME NEEDS FLOOR BUILDING MATERIALS 50,000 LINEAL FT 8 INCH COLUMBIA CEDAR BEVEL LAP SIDING IN 8 10 12 14 AND 16 FT LENGTHS • 360 PCS 10 FT 1X10 CEDAR CHANNEL SIDING • 2600 LINEAL FT 5/4X8 ROUGH SAW CEDAR TRIM BOARDS • 120 PCS 8 FT CEDAR 1X10 BEVEL SCALLOPED EDGE LAP SIDING • 234 PCS 6 FT 5/4 X6 RADIUS EDGE CEDAR DECKING • 50 PCS 4X8 STUCCO BOARD CEMENT SIDING • 750 PCS 7 1/2 INCH 12 FT HARDIBOARD CEMENT SIDING • 3000 SQ FT GLAZED PORCELAIN TILE (SEVERAL COLORS IN LARGE LOTS) • NEW WHIRLPOOL WALK IN TUB • 2-NEW WHIRLPOOL 3 FTX6 FT TUBS • 3 NEW 30X60 TUBS • 3000 LINEAL FT 1X6 KNOTTY PINE T&G CARR SIDING • 120 PCS 8 FT KNOTTY PINE 1X6 LAP CARR SIDING • 4 SETS NEW OAK WOOD PREFINISHED RAISED PANEL KITCHEN CABINETS • 6 ROLLS NEW CARPET PAD • 19 ROLLS 15# FELT • 10 NEW CHAMPION 3X3 ALUMINUM FIXED GLASS WINDOWS • NEW LIGHT FIXTURES PENDANT LIGHTS ETC. • 4-24 FT TRUSSES FURNITURE GAS RANGE ETC. LIKE NEW KENMORE GAS RANGE • OLD ANTIQUE OAK WARDROBE • ANTIQUE WASHSTAND WITH PITCHER AND BOWL • DUNCAN PHYFE DINING TABLE AND CHAIRS • ROUND OAK PEDASTAL DINING TABLE WITH LEAFS • OLD SOLID OAK FILING CABINET • GLIDER ROCKER • SMALL KNEE HOLE DESK • BAR STOOLS • NEW TYCHEM HAZ MAT VAPOR PROTECTOR SUITS • 10 SPEED BIKE • NEW CHARCOAL GRILL GUNS FFL BACKGROUND CHECK IS REQUIRED FOR ALL FIREARM BUYERS RIFLES WINCHESTER MODEL 1910 CAL SER#7XX (NICE) • BROWNING HI-POWER 264 WIN MAG (MADE IN BELGIUM) • NIB WINCHESTER MODEL 94 ANTLERED GAME COMMEMORATIVE 30-30 • REMINGTON MODEL 700 22-250 CAL • NIB ATI OMNI HYBRID 5.56-223 CAL AR-15 • WINCHESTER MODEL 100 308 WIN • MARLIN MODEL 336 35 REM CAL • WINCHESTER RUBIN MODEL 1911 CARBINE 7.5 SWISS CAL • WINCHESTER MODEL 94AE 44 REM MAG • REMINGTON MODEL 770 308 CAL WITH SCOPE • NIB MOSSBERG INTERNATIONAL MODEL 715T FLATTOP 22 LR • CUSTOM MAUSER ACTION 300 SAVAGE CAL • NORINCO SKS 7.62X39 • MARLIN MODEL 925M 22 WIN MAG • UNITED KINGDOM NO. 4 MK2 303 BRITISH • REMINGTON MODEL 7400 308 WITH SCOPE • LNIB KEYSTONE SPORTING ARMS CRICKET 22 CAL • BSA • SPORTER MODEL 7MM MAG • ROSSI SINGLE SHOT 223 REM CAL • ITALIAN CORCANO 6.5 CORCANO CAL • MARLIN MODEL 60 SB 22 LR • REMINGTON MODEL 514 22 CAL • H&R MODEL 365 22 CAL• NIB RUGER 10-22 22 LR TAKE DOWN STAINLESS AND BLACK WITH WATERPROOF CASE • NIB RUGER AMERICAN 243 CAL HAND GUNS KIMBER ULTRA CARRY II 45 ACP • COLT MARK IV SERIES 80 OFFICERS MODEL 45 ACP • TAURUS RAGING BULL 44 MAG 6 1/2 INCH BARREL WITH SCOPE • INTRATEC MODEL TEC-DC9 9MM LUGER • SMITH AND WESSON LEMON SQUEEZE 38 CAL REVOLVER • LNIB RUGER NEW MODEL BLACK HAWK 44 MAG • NIB WALTHER COLT GOLD CUP TROPHY 1911 22 LR • 2-NIB TAURUS MODEL 85 CARRY ON 38 SPL • RUGER SINGLE SIX 22 CAL (3 SCREW) • NIB GLOCK 42 380 AUTO • NIB HIGH STANDARD MODEL 1911 AT-FS 45 ACP • NIB BRWONING MODEL 1911-22 22 LR BERETTA MODEL 92FS 9MM • TAURUS MODEL PT 1911-AR 45 ACP • NIB TAURUS PT 24/7 G2C 45 ACP • GLOCK 22 40NS&W • 2 NIB TAURUS MODEL 738 TCP CARRY ON 380 AUTO • NIB HERITAGE ROUGH RIDER 22 CAL • LNIB CAI RSA MODEL T99 9MM PARA • NIB TAURUS PT92AF 9MM PARA • BERETTA PX4 STORM 9MM SUB COMPACT • RSA SUPER COMANCHE 45 CAL • CZ MODEL 75B 9MM LUGER • NIB COBRA MODEL C22 LR 22 LR DERRINGER • NIB MIGHTY MIGHT MODEL 2205 22 LR DERRINGER • NIB GLOCK 42 380 AUTO • NIB WALTHER PPX 9MM • NIB KEL-TEC P11 9MM SHOTGUNS SAVAGE FOX MODEL B 16 GA DOUBLE BARREL VENT RIB • WINCHESTER MODEL 1912 20 GA SER#326XX • WINCHESTER SUPERX MODEL 2 MAGNUM 3 1/2 INCH • REMINGTON MAGNUM WINGMASTER MODEL 870 12 GA • NORINCO MODEL UNC 1201 12 GA WITH LIGHT • REMINGTON WINGMASTER MODEL 870 12 GA • STEVENS MODEL 350 12 GA • MOSSBERG MODEL 695 12 GA • MOSSBERG MODEL 500A 12 GA • NIB CAI 12 GA DOUBLE BARREL COACHGUN • NIB ATI 12 GA HOME DEFENSE MODEL AMMO TRAPS KNIVES BOX 500 ROUNDS OLD CANUCK STANDARD VELOCITY GREASED 22 LR • BOX 500 ROUNDS MOHAWK BY REMINGTON KLEANBORE PRIMING HIGH VELOCITY 22 LR • 2 BOXES 500 WINCHESTER XPERT HV HOLLOW POINT 22 LR • 2 BOXES 525 WINCHESTER PLATED HOLLOW PINT 22 LR • 7 BOXES 325 FEDERAL AUTO MATCH 22 LR • 4 BOXES 100 WINCHESTER SUPERX SUPER SPEED PLATED HOLLOW POINT 22 LR • BOX 1000 ROUNDS WOLF FMJ 223 REM • 14 BOXES 20 SILVER BEAR BIMETAL HOLLOW POINT 223 REM • OVER 70 OLD STEEL TRAPS ALL SHAPES AND SIZES • NEW KNIVES HUNTING KNIVES POCKET KNIVES SHRADE UNCLE HENRY OLD TIMER ETC. FOOD BOOKS AND MISC. BREAKFAST CEREALS • TWIX M&M MILKY WAY 3 MUSKETEERS AND OTHER CANDY BARS • DOVE CHOCOLATES • LINDT CARAMEL BROWNIE AND STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE CHOCOLATES • PINTO BEANS • NILLA WAFERS • POPCORN • SALT • SNACK CHIPS • STARBURSTS • MACARONI AND CHEESE • JELLY AND PRESERVES • SALSA DOG AND CAT FOOD • CHARCOAL BRIQUETTES • NEW SOLAR LIGHTS • TOILET TISSUE • NEW USA MADE TOOLS • NEW LEATHER GLOVES • NEW KIDS SWIM GEAR • NEW SUMMER SHOES AND FLIP FLOPS • CAST IRON DECOR • JANETTE OAKE ZANE GREY LOUIS LAMOUR HARDY BOYS AND OTHER BOOKS • COMIC BOOKS • CAULKING • AA AAA AND D BATTERIES • LOTS OF OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION _____________________________________________________________________________ NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. CASH OR CHECKS WITH PROPER ID. NO CREDIT CARDS PLEASE. ALL STATEMENTS MADE DAY OF SALE SUPERCEDE ANY PRINTED MATERIAL. _____________________________________________________________________________ 26c For More Info Call Auctioneer: DAVID MAST • 417-366-0198 or ELI BURKHOLDER • 417-498-6414 4B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 Barry County Advertiser – AUCTION – SATURDAY, APRIL 11th, 2015 • 10 AM LOCATION: 27540 ST. HWY. 86, EAGLE ROCK, MO. One mile north of Eagle Rock on Hwy. 86 (Between the Junctions of F Hwy. and E Hwy.) From downtown Cassville, Mo, take Hwy. 112 south 7 miles to the Junction F Hwy. (At Roaring River State Park). Follow F Hwy. 5 miles to the end. (To the auction). Watch for signs. TRACTORS & EQUIPMENT: 1710 Ford 3 cyl diesel tractor (approx. 30 HP) w/Ezeon front end loader (joystick control), 2300 hrs, (like new rear tires), all around excellent condition. 332 John Deere lawn & garden tractor, like new. 16 HP diesel motor/remote hydraulics, directional rear tires, wheel weights & hydraulic front blade (great shape & ready to go to work). 261 John Deere 60 in 3 pt finish mower (heavy duty & very good shape). 5 ft fully adjustable 3 pt blade (very good). 48” 3 pt rock rake. 3 pt subsoiler. Brand new 42” John Deere pull behind seeder. Like new metal lawn mower trailer. 100 gal diesel tank on stand w/electric (12 volt) pump. 10 gal 12 volt sprayer on cart. HIT & MISS ENGINE-ANTIQUE-TRAINS: McCormick Deering 1½ HP stationary hit & miss gasoline engine ( in great shape & working condition) mounted on roll around steel wheel cart. International Harvester belt drive stationary grist mill w/belts, great condition (used w/above engine). Sold separately. Lg. approx 10 gal iron kettle. Old Western Flyer bicycle in great shape. 027 - 1976 Centennial Train set w/3 engines. 14 or more cars (Chesse System) w/controllers lot of stationary track, nice set up. TRAILER-WELDERS-SHOP TOOLS: New 2 wheel shop built trailer w/removable cradle, designed to haul 30 ft logs. Sportsman 3250 (4000 watt) portable generator. Miller 225 arc welder w/30 ft heavy leads. Cebora 160 amp MIG wire feed welder w/Argon assist (very nice). Oxyacetylene torch set w/cart & extra tips, like new. Good pedestal & bench top drill press. 6 & 8 in heavy duty bench grinders on stands. 30” shop fan. Like new Craftsman 33 gal 150 psi air compressor. Triton jaw horse. 10” table saw. Jepson 10” chop saw on stand. 8 ft factory work bench. Heavy steel work table. 2 or more sm Campbell Hausfeld air compressors. Electric power washer. New roll around shop cart. Like new creepers & work stools. 2 ton chain falls. Lot of heavy duty brand name power tools including, saws, drills, grinders, sanders & more. Lot new drill bits & grinding wheels, all sizes. Lot good box & end wrenches, hammers, vice grips, bar clamps, crescent wrenches, etc. 12 amp booster battery chargers. Bench vises. Welding helmets, set of leathers & new welding rod. Good shop vac. 2 wheel dolly. Organizers loaded new bolts etc. Jack stands, floor jacks. More shop related items not listed. OUTDOOR TOOLS-MISC.-NEW & SCRAP STEEL: 20 ft aluminum ladder. 8 ft fiberglass step ladder. New propane grass burner w/bottle. Misc. lawn & garden tools. Wheel barrow. Toro 21 in push mower. George front tire tiller. 40 ft 220 ext cord. Lot heavy electric cords. 15 or more bags of good concrete. Electric & gas weed eaters. Leaf blowers. Lot good garden hose. New roll poultry wire. Push lawn seeders. Lg lot new commercial guttering w/down spouts, elbows, hangers & all. Lot steel roofing 26 ga, 36” wide. Some new pipe. Bar & box steel. Lot scrap steel & iron. Outdoor lawn furniture. Lot exercise equipment. More not listed. NOTE: Mr. Fessler’s tractors, tools & equipment are in great shape & ready to go to work for you. Don’t miss the opportunity to buy quality. Large shop building available in case of inclement weather. Tractors well at 11:00 AM. Please be on time as sale won’t last a real long time. Bring a Drink or Snack. TERMS: Statements made day of sale supersede any or all printed material. Cash or good check. Nothing to be removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents, sickness, illness, lost or stolen items, on or around Auction site. For pictures go to Auction Zip.com Auctioneer ID# 35501 Cassville Library events • Front Porch Conversations With Garden People will meet at the Cassville Branch Library on Thursday, April 9, at 6 p.m. Five gardeners will share tips in a Collective Wisdom forum. • The movie double feature Friday will be April 10. At 4:00 p.m. there will be a showing of Song of the Sea, rated PG, followed by The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies, rated PG-13, at 6:00 p.m. • Interstellar, rated PG13, with a run time of 169 minutes, will be shown at the Cassville Branch Library in a special viewing on Sunday, April 12, at 2 p.m. in the library’s lower level. Bring your own snacks. • Celebrate National Library Week April 12 through 18 with the library. Special events are planned for each day. • Yoga practice is held each Tuesday at 6:00 pm. • Technology Thursday is set for April 16 at 6 p.m. Bring your electronic devices and questions for individualized assistance. The Barry County Advertiser Owner, Duane Fessler Auction Conducted by: HOLDERS AUCTION SERVICE Your Number One News Source! Butterfield, MO Brad Holder 417-689-5582 Charlie Holder 417-342-8528 26c Jeff Holder 417-342-3218 BaRRY CoUntY LIVeStoCK MaRKetInG Wheaton, Mo Barn 417-652-7373 PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 11th, 2015 - 9 AM LOCATION: 27696 ST. HWY. 39 SHELL KNOB, MO. From Central Crossing Bridge in Shell Knob, continue south 1.8 miles to auction on east side of hwy. WATCH FOR “EDENS & HODGES AUCTION TODAY” SIGNS FOOD SERVICE & RESTROOMS AVAILABLE FURNITURE-APPLIANCES: Octagon dinning table w/4 chairs. Solid oak high back bench. Glass door entry table cabinet. Book shelves. Matching glider & glider ottoman. Solid wood rocker. Painted credenza. Matching triple dresser & headboard. Misc. antique wood chairs. Night stands & small tables. 2 door glass china or curio cabinet. Corner shelf. Glass top dining table. 4 wrought iron cushioned chairs. Very nice “L” shaped corner bench. Suitable for dining room table. Painted open curio shelf. Magazine rack lamp & table combo. Primitive table. Metal folding chairs. Maytag large capacity HD washer. Kenmore electric dryer. Maytag performa side-by-side refrigerator freezer. Like new Whirlpool flat-top electric range, used very little. Electric radiator & several misc. electric heaters. Panasonic microwave. Sanyo 19” color flat screen TV. Kenmore HD electric dryer. Ventless gas log heater insert style. Sony home stereo with 5 disk changer. Huge lot misc. stereos, radios, speakers & other electronics. HOUSEHOLD-MISC.: World globe on stand. Huge selection of VHS movies. Huge selection of jigsaw puzzles. Large lot of home decorator items, pictures, knick knacks & much much more. Christmas items. Ceramic pitcher & bowl. Various bedding. Table lamps. Antique kerosene lamps. Cast iron tea kettle. Lamp globes. 2 unusual marble buffalo figurines. Decorator plates. Blue jars. Milk bottles. Ceramic canister set. Apple peeler. Set of china. Lot misc. kitchen items, dishes, etc. Lot old license plates. Cookie jar. Misc. counter top appliances. Electric dart board. Ceramic milk can. Large lot record albums. Misc. floor rugs. Much more in this category, not individually listed. MOWERS-OUTDOOR ITEMS-YARD DECOR: Arins EZ Rider 1648, 16 HP, 48” flex-n-float deck, zero turn mower, B&S V-twin engine. Craftsman 21” walk behind string trimmer 4.5 HP engine. Yard Machines push mower. Toro electric leaf blower. Push lawn seeder. Ames easy roller lawn cart. Misc. lawn & garden tools. T-post driver. 2 - 100# propane bottles. Redmax Zenoah gas powered backpack blower. Large outdoor lighted Santa. Metal sun dial. Tomato cages. Metal plant stand. Rabbit wire. Sun and moon wall decor. Plastic patio table, chairs & umbrella. BBQ grills. Cast iron rooster bell. Firewood rack. Bird bath fountain. Large concrete horse. Antique milk cart, needs bed. Donkey & cart. Boy & dog. Concrete basket. Outdoor park bench. Many various concrete animals & planters. SHOP & WOODWORKING EQUIP.-TOOLS-ETC.: Craftsman 2 HP twin cyl air compressor, 125 PSI, approx. 20 gallon tank. Real good Craftsman 15 drawer roll around tool chest. 2 ton floor jack. Dewalt planer. Craftsman edger/router with table. Craftsman belt/disc combo sander. Porter cable plate joiner. Craftsman 12” band saw sander. Craftsman contractor series scroll saw. HD 6” Craftsman planer. Radial arm saw. Pipe vise, cutting tools & tripod. Older key making machine, with a few blanks. Metal crossover truck tool box. 100’s of used chain saw chains. Hitachi C12FCH laser chop saw. Saw horses. 16’ articulated ladder. 7’ fiberglass step ladder. Misc. wooden step ladders. Dual bench grinder. Electric power washer. Electric motors. Cables & chairs. 16’ aluminum ext ladder Sears 4 & 5½ bench vises. Quick grip mini bar clamps. Misc. doors, windows, electrical & plumbing. PVC pipe. Lot misc. trim. Lot misc lattice panels, no full sheets. Lot oils, paints & misc. garage items. Lot circular saw blades. 3-10 drawer filing cabinets used in shop. Numerous organizers, all sorts. Large lot handheld electric shop tools of all sorts. Tool boxes. Carpenter & mechanics tools of all sorts, many name brand. Pipe wrenches. Sockets. Wrenches. Hammers. Levels. Screw drivers. Hand saws. Freon gauge set. Numerous ext. cords. Metal shop shelves. 5 drawer HD filing cabinet. Lot small ratchet straps. Drill bits. Nuts & bolts. Lots of tools! CAMERA COLLECTION: Unbelievable quantity of cameras, camera equipment, etc. Absolutely no way to describe it all, old, new, etc. Some very unique items in this category. Please see this collection if you are in anyway interested in cameras. Many other items not listed. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Due to the passing of Mr. Erickson, Nancy has decided to sell her property and move into senior housing. Very large quantity here. Plan on spending the day with us. Unable to list many items due to being in storage at time of listing. Sure to be a surprise here. See you April 11, 2015. 9:00 AM. TERMS: Cash. No property removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents, sickness or loss of articles. Current & positive picture ID required of all buyers to acquire buyers number. Bank letter of credit required by anyone not known by auctioneers. Everything is being sold as is where is no guarantees expressed or implied. Statements sale day supersede all printed material. Property of Nancy & the late Larry Erickson AUCTIONEERS STEVE HODGES old Face / new Place SatURDaY, aPRIL 11 - 2 PM th AURORA, MO 417-894-1070 417-678-4733 RED EDENS CHECK OUR AD ON AUCTIONZIP.COM Aucitoneerr ID 31831 FOR COMPLETE LISTING & PICTURES CASSVILLE, MO 26c Good Stock Cows 417-847-2480 417-342-2664 MSHP saturation executed in Barry County Captain Juan Villanueva, commanding officer, Troop D Headquarters, Springfield, announced the results of a hazardous motor vehicle saturation that was held in Barry County on April 4, 2015, by the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The following is a list of enforcement contacts for the operation: • 17 Speed Violations • 8 Seat Belt Violations • 3 Non-Moving Violations • 1 Driving While Suspended Arrest • 1 Misdemeanor Warrant Arrest • 50 Warnings • 50 Vehicles Stopped In support of “The Drive To ZERO Highway Deaths,” the Patrol encourages motorists to protect themselves and their passengers by making sure everyone in the vehicle is properly restrained in a seat belt or child restraint. Watercraft operators should ensure that everyone in the vessel is wearing an approved life jacket. Click It 4 Life And Wear It. Road closure notice The Barry County Commission is replacing a Box Culvert on Farm Road 1135 between Farm Road 2175 and 2180 being Wednesday April 8, so the road will be closed to through traffic for approximately 30 days. Golden Harvest meeting The Golden Harvest Club will meet on Tuesday, April 14, at noon. The meeting will be held at Cr-ose Restaurant on Main Street in Cassville. The speaker for the meeting will be Sheriff Mick Epperly. FLAT CREEK Auction House aLL ConSIGnMentS WeLCoMe! Fasco Road Come By and Check Us out! everyone Welcome! Cassville, mo Consignment AuCtion saturday, April 11 *** 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. *** Come early & stay Late 4 Federally Licensed & Bonded 4 Free On Farm Appraisals 4 Portable Corral Systems Available 4 Trucking Available • Helbros 17 Jewel Watch • Japanese Cheetah Knife • Fancy Buck Knife • Old Minnow Bucket • Air Compressor • Weed Eaters • Post Hole Digger • Bolt & Nut Organizer • 2 Red Wagons - one like new Receiving cattle on Fridays. Hay and water pens. No Charge for Hay on overnight cattle. • Bee Smoker • Horse Equipment • Large Bird House • 6 Bird Houses on a Pole • Pet Taxi • Blue Theater Light • 3 Wire Milk Crates • 2 Old Benches • Lawn Chairs • Cookware • Small Number of Shingles • Cookbooks • Complete Bunk Bed • Coca Cola Glasses • Iron 3/4 Bed • Salt & Pepper Shakers • Lamps • Doll Collection • Fans • Chicken Figurines • Old Press • Pig Figurines • Sofa • Movies • Couch & Two Matching Chairs Items Auctioned are Subject to Change. Next Auction Will Be Held on Saturday, April 25. For more information, call: Consignment hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday - 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. / Wednesday - closed Sale Day - 11 a.m. - ?? / Sunday following Sale - noon to 2 p.m. Bring your items early - space fills up fast. Clean merchandise. Comfortable temperature-controlled building. For more information call Walt Hasler at 417-847-3498 or 438-0699. 26c This is a non-smoking facility. Dayne Galyen Kevin Ruddick JR Galyen 417-846-7775 479-790-9272 417-846-7373 Selling: Cattle, Sheep, Goats & Hogs 26c Barry County Advertiser RESIDENTIAL $84,900 IN MOVE Y! READ $69,900 60021590 - FIREPLACE, COVERED DECK. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Large covered deck in back. Large workshop, garage plus additional tool building. 60014768 WELL INSULATED, 3 bedroom, 1 bath home. Metal roof. Oversized garage with shop. Seller has been very diligent about maintaining this home. $164,900 60013912 - PLENTY OF ROOM FOR RV PARKING. Close to RR & Table Rock Lake. Inground storm shelter. 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. 60017035 - GREAT VALUE! Well maintained and beautifully decorated. 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, 2-car attached garage. Cabin in yard will sleep 5 adults. 3.6 acres m/l. 60013867 - CLEAN AS A PIN! 3 bedroom, 2 bath with all the neat stuff. Granite counter tops, gas log fireplace, covered deck, & cathedral ceiling. $319,900 60013686 - LARGE 4 BEDROOM HOME with in-ground pool. Large trees shading water feature. 2.5 lots in Chinquapin Subdivision, Cassville. $133,000 60015220 - NICE! 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home on just over 1 acre m/l. Custom cabinets, fireplace. Fenced yard with fenced dog run. City utilities & a double garage. $145,900 $229,900 $112,900 $129,500 $29,900 $32,999 $129,900 $79,900 $149,900 60020185 - LARGE HOME on 2.5 acres m/l. Kitchen has island & pantry. Two living areas, two covered decks. Detached 2-car garage. 60013450 - FOXRIDGE. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, 2-car garage. New roof & siding. Brick & stone on front of house. Concrete driveway. All city utilities. 60021969 - 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with large deck. 1-car garage. City utilities. Needs some TLC. 60013910 - 2 bd 1 ba home. Appliances stay. Detached 27’x28’ garage. Home has city utilities & central natural gas heat & central a/c. 60017139 - NEWLY UPDATED BRICK HOME. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. New kitchen cabinets. Corner lot with city utilities. 60019346 - NICELY DONE. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths on a quiet street. Wood deck in a fenced back yard. 60015043 - NICE 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOME on 3.34 acres m/l. Ch/a and wood stove. Kitchen appliances. New garage with roll up doors & insulated roof. 20’x20’ storage building. RESIDENTIAL $175,000 $259,000 PRICE CED! REDU $115,000 $189,900 $199,900 60014877 - NESTLED in trees next to Table Rock Lake. 3 bd 3 ba home. Wrap around decks. View from spacious livingroom/ dining windows. 24x48 m/l Morton Building. 60013675 - LARGE 4 BD, 3.5 BA HOME on over 2 acres of land. Beautiful landscaping with lots of room to play. Full finished basement with a John Deere room. 60014096 - PRICE REDUCED! 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, fireplace, 16 acres m/l on State Hwy. Shop/ garage is 1200 sq ft m/l with insulation & concrete floor. 60015170 - EAGLE ROCK MARINA IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. A great, well maintained home that is move in ready. 3 bd, 2 ba, 2 gas log fireplaces. Comfortable. 60021850 - OVER 2400 SQ FT living space in this all brick home. Open beam ceilings, custom built cabinets are every woman’s dream. 3 bd 3 ba. All city utilities. $60,000 60020121 - 3 bedrooms, freshly updated. Chain link fence. Corner lot & all city utilities. CED! $117,900 60013532 PRICE REDUCED! ONE OF A KIND! This new constructed house has much to offer. Bath & half, appliances, lots of windows, garden, spring, large deck (lighted) $117,900. $429,900 60021560 - 4 BD, 3 BA HOME with full bsmt. 2 living area, 2 kitchens. Newer metal roof. Beautiful kitchens & hardwood floors. Has own well. All this & 35 acres m/l. REDU PRICE 60015216 - CORNER LOT CLOSE TO WHEATON SCHOOL. Nice 3 bd 1 ba with attached garage. Plus a shed in the back yard. $72,000 60014992 VERY WELL BUILT CLASSY HOME. Custom built cabinets, newer wood flooring, brick fireplace with built-ins. Newer fixtures & more. $134,900 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 RESIDENTIAL 60016247 - TALL TREES furnished a screen of privacy. Home was built for comfortable living with a fireplace, large garden, barn, & outbuildings. $92,700 60013406 - OVER 1300 SQ FT with 3 bedrooms & 1 bath. Large living room & kitchen. 2-car garage/ shop has electricity & concrete floors. A/C replaced 2 years ago. 60013587 - NEED 4 BEDROOMS? Plus a family room, beautiful yard, double garage, Cassville Schools, John Deere room, screened covered deck. Ready to show to you. $69,900 $195,900 60018934 - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths home & kitchen appliances transfer. 9x60 covered deck. Fenced yard with large 3-bay shop/garage. $149,900 PRICE CED! REDU $140,000 60015683 - PRICE REDUCED! Beautiful home on a large lot with plenty of comfortable features. Sunroom, fireplace, deck, & extra big garage. 60013841 - 700+ sq ft cabin close to Roaring River. New Wal-Mart Store not far from cabin in Seligman. Excellent week-end Get-A-Way. $37,000 ! UCED RED PRICE $139,900 60014714 PRICE REDUCED! CASSVILLE SCHOOLS, not far from Roaring River. Granite counter tops, vaulted ceiling, wood flooring in living & dining. Ceramic tile in baths, $139,900. 60016250 - BEAUTIFUL HOME in Wildwood Estates. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors, stainless appliances. All city utilities. $160,000 E! OR ON F O W T $149,900 60015225 TWO HOMES, ONE PRICE. 3 bd 2.5 ba home. Must sell with MLS 60015226. Carport & storage bldg. Total price for 2 homes & acreage is $149,900. 60015226 TWO HOMES, ONE PRICE. 4 bd 2 ba home must sell with MLS #60015225. Storage building. Total price for 2 homes & 3 acres m/l is $149,900. COMMERCIAL $195,000 PRICE ! UCED RED $99,000 $65,000 $395,000 60015029 - CLOSE TO THE LAKES. On the way to Beaver or Table Rock Lake. Not far from Roaring River. The mobile home park has seven mobiles with room for seven more. 60018794 PRICE REDUCED! TWO BUILDINGS SIDE BY SIDE on Main Street, Cassville. Newly remodeled with extensive tile on floors & walls. Excellent retail or restaurant. 60015222 VERY MOTIVATED SELL FOR THIS DOWNTOWN LOCATION. Main Street in Cassville. Corner with possible 2 offices or retail locations. Hand elevator in front location. 60015191 - 15,000 sq ft of retail space on The Square in Cassville. Sufficient traffic flow to support multiple businesses in this bldg. Appraisal Report available. RESIDENTIAL $197,500 $349,000 $59,900 $103,900 $50,000 $249,900 60013594 - LOTS OF OAK THROUGHOUT this 4 bd, 2.5 ba home. In-ground pool, huge deck, newly updated interior. Owner/agent. 60014511 FULL BASEMENT with John Deere room. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, office with built-in storage. Gourmet kitchen & more. 60016260 OPEN FLOOR PLAN. 3 bedrooms. Home has a partial basement. Exeter. 60021607 - LARGE RV SHELTER, work shop, carport, plus a garage. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. A must see to appreciate the inside appearance. 60015104 - HARDWOOD FLOORS. 3 bd 1.5 ba home on dead-end street in town. New paint inside & out. Fenced back yard. Large work area under the house. 60020507 - BEAUTIFUL FULL BRICK RANCH on 10 acres m/l. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. 1/2 walkout basement. Large shop building. $68,500 60014989 - 3 bd 2 ba home with some original wood flooring & beautiful trim, shutters, granite counters, marble flooring, newer fixtures. $145,000 60017022 - 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with newer kitchen. Family room. Outside workshop & craft room. Poured driveway. Quiet neighborhood. $115,000 60013624 - NEAT 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with walkout basement, Cassville Schools. 10 acres m/l fenced for cattle. Ch/a with backup wood stove. $89,900 VACANT LAND / LOTS 60014929 - CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN for convenient shopping, church & post office. Ready to build your new home on this vacant lot ............................................................................. $35,000 60015025 - DIRT FOR SALE. 18 acres m/lof dirt for you to build your dream home on. You also get a pond and a barn .......................................................................................................... $99,900 60014942 - 21 acres m/l on State Hwy 248. Vacant land with 1 pond and a spring. Full frontage on highway ......................................................................................................... $34,900 60018417 - FENCED, well, septic, electricity. Cassville Schools. 20+ acres m/l. Front level, back wooded ........................................................................................ $63,900 60014734 - 3/4 acre m/l of Lake Front Property on Table Rock Lake. Paved road. Nice neighborhood .......................................................................................................... $49,900 60014849 - VACANT LOTS. Two building lots ready to build on. City utilities. Cattle tight fence ........................................................................................................................... $53,000 60014889 - VACANT COMMERCIAL PROPERTY in Monett. City utilities available. Easily seen from State Hwy 60 ................................................................................................................ $49,000 60014933 - RESIDIDENTIAL VACANT LOT. Excellent building site. Mature trees. Nice neighborhood .................................................................................................................... $25,000 60014850 - Near Cassville. 7.2 acres m/l partially fenced. Rural water. Electricity available ........ $39,900 60019815 - LAKE FRONT LOT IN GOLDEN. Beautiful homes in the area. Chip & seal road. Easy to access property. Kings River Marina just across the lake ........................................... $43,000 60016162 - STATE HWY 37 FRONTAGE. Office, large shop with built - in storage container. Large carport and 1 acre m/l ............................................................................................... $59,900 60014836 - 3.5 acres m/l on First Street. Ideal building location with 2 entrances, city utilities, and lots of potential !! .......................................................................................................... $49,900 5B $179,900 $89,900 $135,000 $87,000 60021419 - ROOM FOR A HORSE on this 1.9 acres m/l. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, full kitchen with appliances. Large rear deck. Central heat & a/c. 60013605 - UPDATED 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on 4.5 acres m/l. Newly updated inside & our. Paved driveway. All appliances stay. 60013205 - ENJOY YOUR PRIVACY. Close to town. 3 bd 2 ba home. Wood flooring, fireplace, full basement. 1.76 acres m/l. 60014981 - Beautiful log-sided home. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with over 2440 sq ft of living area. Detached garage and more. 60013683 - NICE 2 BD 2 BA HOME in well established neighborhood. Fireplace, built-in oven & cooktop. Large crawl space could be a storm shelter. Deck. Storage building. FARMS $700,000 $144,000 $600,000 Jack Nickols Broker (Cell) 417-342-1506 Jean Nickols Larry Daniels (Cell) 417-880-5446 87 S. Main Street, Cassville, MO | (Cell) 417-846-7306 Lea Hill Bill Hill Cindy Carr 417-847-0156 417-847-3241 417-847-7514 (Office) (Cell) (Cell) $280,000 60014863 - BEAUTIFULLY UPDATED HOME on 232.9 acres m/l. 90% open pastures of rolling ground. Flat Creek runs through it. 3 wells. 2nd home and several large outbuildings. 60014757 - BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE with pasture for livestock. 37 acrs m/l with paved road frontage. Great location. Close to lake. 60014724 - 400 acres m/l surrounded by national forest. Approximately 60% open pasture. 7 ponds. Well & electricity. Abundant wildlife. Several building sites. $600,000. 60014776 - WORKING CATTLE LAND. 80 acres m/l. Includes barn, ponds, electric cattle waterers. 417-847-0156 | www.fourseasonscassville.com 6B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015Barry County Advertiser THE CLASSIFIEDS BUY-SELL-FIND AUTOS 2002 PONTIAC MONTANA Drives good. $2000 417-826-5640 ‘06 DODGE RAM 1500 quad. 3.7 L Automatic, 2 w/d. All new 275/60 R20’s, window shades, chrome running boards. 168k miles. Very good condition. $8500. 417-652-3505 2013 BLAZER River Jon 1742 417-671-2150 FOR SALE Loggers & Land Owners Tiller, 4 stroke 25hp Jet x-3 motor guide, foot control, charging system, running lights, spare tire. Call 417-723-0140 or 417-229-1223 Exeter, Mo. mill purchasing Scragg/Mini Logs Excellent prices paid! 6”-17” diameter Tree length or call for cut length We also accept standing timber CALL TODAY 835-3644 FOR SALE GARAGE SALE Craftsman 24 hp, 42” mower. Hydrostat, bumper, wheel weights, low hours, exceptional condition. $750 • (417) 271- YARD SALE 4562 ‘03 BUICK LeSabre excellent condition. Body in good shape. Wife’s car. asking $2195 ATTENTION 90 Main St. Cassville, MO Across from Ramey’s Saturday 4-11-15 FOR SALE: 14x70 2 bed, 1 1/2 bath, newer carpet & vinyl throughout house a few years back. Bought newer bigger model. $5500.00 obo GARAGE SALE. 180 Glenwood Circle. Saturday, April 11th. 8am-12pm. HUGE INDOOR SALE April 10th & 11th, 8 am - ? woodworking tools, refrigerator, butcher block, beer lights & much much more. Lake Shore Acres, Eagle Rock Watch for signs. 417-835-2113 FOR SALE: boat slip in community dock. Needles Eye Peninsula, Shell Knob. 10x22 ft. Very good condition. $18,975. (417)860-3905 8:30...9:45...11a.m. Sunday Morning Worship New Site Baptist Church 1925 FR 1060. Aaron Weibel preaching. It’s a (417)235-6135 Mystery Bookstore! Westerns, Sci-Fi, Romance PLUS more!! STORM SHELTERS FOR SALE 107 Public Square, Berryville, AR www.itsmystery.biz 55 GALLON AQUARIUM Storage stand base included. Excellent condition. Asking $125.00. Reinforced concrete with warranty. In-ground and above ground. YARD SALE HARRIS EXCAVATION Friday, April 10, 8:00 - 5:00 Sat., April 11, 8:00 -11:00 home 442-7331 cell 236-2255 --------------------------------- 417-671-1489 FOR SALE Garden Compost For Sale Brother run way sewing machine. Brand new. Never used. asking $150. WANTED TO BUY 417-847-5411 SALE: Fri. & Sat. 9-5 Hwy 37, 3 miles south past Ford Dealership. Mowers, tillers, tools, furniture, big Men’s shirts, truck tool box, upright freezer. Lots of misc. Generator, tire chains, chipper/shredder, dishes, small appliances, wall heater, fishing tackle, serger, books, coffee table, desk chair and lots of misc. 1303 Clare Ave. Cassville Video Mart Paying cash for DVDs and Games YARD SALE. Friday 8-5. 1107 Presley Drive, Cassville. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE, Rates, and Policies: Deadlines: Borders (classified display), Monday, 5pm; $5.60 per column inch. Line ads: must be pre-paid and are accepted until 12 noon Tuesday; 50¢ per word, 10 word minimum. Ads must be printed or typed. Check ad first appearance. Refunds only if Advertiser error. One week refund or correction will be provided; must occur within first week. The Advertiser is not responsible for mistakes on handwritten ads; reserves the right to hold ads until account balance is paid; reserves the right to classify ads when no classification is given. Our office is located 1 block north of the Post Office in Cassville. Ph: (417)847-4475; Add: PO Box 488, Cassville, MO 65625; E-mail: class@4bca.com. - Name Address City Starting Date Amt. Enclosed Credit Card# 1 No. Words Cash 2 7 Phone 3 8 4 9 Times Run Check No. Exp. Date 5 Thank you 417-846-0110 SAT. APRIL 11, 7 am-? 18499 FR 2285 Lake Shore Acres Eagle Rock Scentsy, Celebrating Home, canning jars, oil lamps, men’s & women’s clothes. lots of misc. YARD SALE Friday & Saturday 7 to 5 1504 High Street, Cassville. There’s something for everyone! YARD SALE Fri & Sat 8 am Drop leaf table, dehumidifier, kitchen ware, bedding, ShopVac, cook books, misc. 504 West 1st St Cassville CITY OF GATEWAY CRAFT FAIR/ COMMUNITY YARD SALE May 1 - 3 at City Park Reserve your booth now by calling 479-640-8712 Booths are $25 GARAGE SALE Fri & Sat April 10 & 11 7 am-3 pm Household furnishings, home decor, crystal, suitcases, snow skis & much more. 27262 Walnut Drive Eagle Rock Garage Sale 6 Neosho, Mo. 10 $5.00 11 $5.50 12 $6.00 $6.50 14 $7.00 15 $7.50 16 $8.00 17 $8.50 18 $9.00 19 $9.50 20 $10.00 21 $10.50 22 $11.00 23 $11.50 24 $12.00 25 $12.50 26 27 $13.50 28 $14.00 29 $14.50 30 $15.00 31 $15.50 32 $16.00 33 $16.50 34 $17.00 35 $17.50 36 $18.00 ❑ Autos ❑ For Sale ❑ Wanted To Buy ❑ Garage Sale ❑ Situations Wanted ❑ For Rent ❑ Farm & Livestock ❑ Pets ❑ Services ❑ Real Estate ❑ Help Wanted ❑ Lost & Found ❑ Wanted ❑ Notice ❑ Thank You ❑ Free Friday, April 10, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, April 11, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Something for everyone! Shop and have lunch - hot dogs, homemade chili, soups and desserts All Faith UMC on Hwy. 86 in Eagle Rock SITUATIONS WANTED FOR RENT IF SOMEONE in your family has a drinking problem, you can see what it is doing to them, but can you see what it is doing to you? The Cassville Al-Anon Family Group meets Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Cassville, First Methodist Church, Townsend Street entrance. Call (417)847-2068. $425 mo. FREE LOT RentTHE TURNING Point AA group for 6 months meets each Monday, west corner of Mitchell Plaza, Hwy. Bring your home to 86, Eagle Rock, 7:00pm. Wheaton Tower Village ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MHP This Spring! Your New Beginnings is now home must be 10 years meeting at Mitchell’s Plaza, old or newer to move in. Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. For 479-249-5702 more info, call 417-846-6305. IF YOU are homebound or unable to get out to meetings FOR RENT but need help for the effects of 2 bedroom. Freshly painted living with alcoholism, become and new flooring. Smoke free. an Al-Anon or Alateen Lone $400 a Month, $300 deposit. Member. Contact Al-Anon Family Groups, 1600 NO PETS. Ph 417-846-6839. Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 or e- FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house. mail wso@al-anon.org. $420/mo plus deposit. 417NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS 847-2985. meeting Wednesday, Friday & Saturday at 7p.m., 1308 2 Bd., 2 Bath Trailer Harold, Cassville. 417-3429704, 417-342-9706. Exeter, paved roads Friday & Saturday April 17th & 18th Over 400 residents, churches & civic groups holding sales. http://www.tinyurl.com/neoshocityw ide For more information, call (417)451-1925. MAJOR DOWN-SIZING GARAGE SALE Sat. only, April 11 tons of baby clothes, adult clothes, home decor, tools. You name it, we probably have it! 175 Glenwood Circle Southern Hills (417)835-2053 City View Apartments 2 bedroom, 1 bath. No Pets. All Appliances Included 847-7051 • 847-7297 LOST YOUR LICENSE? Too many points or other violations? We can take care of the paper work and get your license back!! STATE SR22 FILINGS 27TH ANNUAL Missouri’s Largest 13 $13.00 201 S. MAIN ST. CASSVILLE “Donate your gently used items to Habitat. We supply homes for the needy.” We appreciate your support in shopping and donation! Pickup available call for appointment • household furniture • household goods • building supplies • appliances • toys NO clothing or TV’s LARGE GARAGE SALE See John at STARCHMAN INS. Cassville, MO (417)847-3554 ALANON MEETINGS every Thursday at 7:00 pm at Mitchell’s Plaza, Hwy. 86 in Eagle Rock. IT SHOULDN’T hurt to be a child. Child abuse hurts both the child and the parent. For help call 1-800-392-3738 toll free. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY for rent: 2 bedroom/1 bath, ch/a City limits. $475/mo, $300/dep 847-3255 (day) 271-4504 (eve) Mobile Home Lots RV Lots Nice park - Close to town (417)847-3238 2 BEDROOM duplex just remodeled. Washer/dryer hookup. 417-847-7297 or 417847-7051. COMMUNITY GARAGE SALES Sat April 11th 8 am to ? Lake Shore Acres Eagle Rock, Missouri Hwy 86 to FR 2275 Follow signs Something for Everyone! Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday • Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday Barry County Advertiser CASSVILLE FOR RENT SO/MO Storage BEAUTY SALON SPACE All sizes, 24 hour access, fenced & security gate (417)847-4500 Cassville square. Available now. High traffic space. Start or grow your salon. Room for storage, two stations and retail products. FARM & LIVESTOCK POULTRY SWAP 417-846-6455 Saturday, April 11, 2015 Sellers: $2.00 Buyers: Free Flea Market Items Welcome Y Hwy., Cassville HENBEST STORAGE 417-847-2400 (417)847-3763 Cheap rates Several Sizes Clean, Quiet Cassville Location HAY FOR SALE Bermuda and crabgrass square bales. $5/bale. 417-632-4629 417-592-6150 NOW AVAILABLE for a limited time 2 bed Apts. in Purdy. $350/mo $200/dep. No pets. Call after 5pm 417-846-5473 Beaver’s U-Store-All Mini and Boat Storage. Located at Hwy. 86/H, Golden, MO CHECK IT OUT!! 4 sizes. AA Hwy. & 112. Reasonable rates. “All Types” Homeowners Insurance, Call John @ STARCHMAN INSURANCE (417)271-4071 (417)847-3554 Available for a lmtd time: 3 bdrm, 2 bath trailer. Appliances included, ch/a. Pool, playground, laundry on premises. NO PETS PLEASE . $450/mo Eagle Rock • 417-271-3540 LOOKING FOR YARDS TO MOW no matter how big or small. Will plant and trim shrubbery. Very dependable. Reasonable rates. Please call- (417)435-2481 (479)644-6181 417-342-4787 Eagle Rock Construction 417-271-3333 PROFESSIONAL PRESSURE WASHING Specializing in house washing, deck cleaning & staining, roof cleaning & much more. Call Ultra Clean Exteriors, LLC (417)342-0801 Locally Owned Custom Apparel & Screen Printing @ backroadprinting.com COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL RED IRON BUILDINGS Leslie Stanley S UPER C SANDBLASTING AND PRESSURE WASHING Credit Cards Accepted (417)847-7756 ELKHORN CONSTRUCTION, LLC Retaining Walls Face Lift for Gravel Driveway Aeration Dirt & Sod Work Garden Tilling Manure Spreading Many More Services Available 417-628-3518 • 417-312-1906 (417)236-4615 • (417)236-2068 (417)652-3876 YOUNG’S BOB’S MOWING SERVICE BLUE HERON ESTATE SALES “Recycling The Past one Sale At A Time.” (We are not an Auction Service) We are a Tag Sale Service for Estates, Moving, Divorce, Liquidations, etc. Please visit our website: blueheronspringsfarm.com Call Bev 417-435-2243 or email bwardlaw@leru.net for more information. We treat your items with respect while offering them for sale to the public. Steve Pendergraft (417)846-7906 Roofs, deck, remodels, framework to complete finishes from the smallest project to the largest. OZARKS TREE SERVICE Tree trimming & removing Free estimates/insured 417-665-9736 don’t pay too much for your tree service Have slots open for seasonal or one time. Free estimates. 417-331-1332 Call Bob at Cassville/Shell Knob area MUSIC LESSONS MCCULLAH Mowing Service Commercial • Residential $30 Minimum (417)847-3229 (417)846-5351 Call Doug MIKE’S MOWING Seasonal or one time mowing, any size yard or lot. Call Mike for free estimates 417-489-8222 TRACTOR WORK • Backhoe with 12” bucket • Water lines, foundations and French drains • Box scraper-grading • Brush hog 417-671-1456 • Barry Cnty Scotty T’s Poultry Barn Washing No barn to dirty! Reliable Service. Competitive prices. (417)342-1075 D&D LAWN CARE Damon Brown 417-316-1757 Clean Master Pressure Washing LLC “We Clean Everything” HELP WANTED (417)652-3505 Experienced • Licensed • Insured Randy Miles ✮ Mobile Home Moving & Set-Up Local or Long Distance YOCK’S MOWING SERVICE 7 years experience. References available. Chris (417)847-7822 CAREGIVER for your loved one. Food prep, light housekeeping, personal care, shopping, appointments, etc. References provided. 20 years experience. 417-569-8631. PYLE’S PYLE’S MOWING SERVICE SERVICE Commercial Commercial & & Residential. Residential. $30 minimum. $30 minimum. Free Estimates Estimates. Free Call Chad: 417-669-2936 417-669-2936 417-442-3134 417-442-3134 PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. (417) 342-7612 Call for a FREE estimate • Owner Operated • Insured • Free Estimates • Reasonable Rates • 24 Hour Service Call Aaron Dalton 417-342-4208 tfc COLORED MULCH Red, chocolate, cedar Landon Brattin 846-3714 Karen Brattin 342-1148 (417)342-3152 PROGRESSIVE 300 Cow Dairy in SWMO looking for Parlor Manager and spouse to team milk. Position includes housing with a starting salary of $40,000.00. Additional compensation available with willingness to work outside the parlor. No previous dairy experience is required, however preference given to teams with general ag experience. Please email resumes to tandmdairy@gmail.com 8 SECOND TRUCKING needs Owner Operators. 2-3 yrs. Flat bed experience. 84% of gross revenue, benefit package, fuel card. Call Jerry 417-761-3833 DRIVERS: COMPANY: Great Weekly Pay! PAID Health Insurance, Vacation/Holidays! OwnerOps: $1.03 ALL miles plus 100% FS. Paid tolls, scales & more @Standard Transportation Gets you home weekly: 1-888-992-4038 x133 Immediate openings for General production GEORGE’S positions. Both day and night shifts. Day shift starts at $9.85 and night shift is $.50 more. Must be able to provide verifiable references, pass a post offer drug screen and physical. Apply in person. George’s Processing is an equal opportunity employer. SEEKING HAIRDRESSER/ Nail Tech. Call for more information. 417-342-2854 %XPERIENCEDAND)NSUREDWITH2EFERENCES EAGLE ROCK TREE SERVICE 3 Bd. 2 Ba. SINCLAIR MOBILE HOME TRANSPORT (OMESs"OAT$OCKSs!UTOs0ARKING,OTSs"OATS #OMMERCIAL"UILDINGSs3TRIPINGs26Ss$ECKS7ASHEDAND3EALED #OMMERCIALAND2ESIDENTIAL 3ENIORAND6ETERAN$ISCOUNT $89,000. Call 479-644-5082 to see. FP, 2 car gar., metal corral, storm shelter, 10 acres. $99,500 with land. $79,500 for just the house. REAL ESTATE Free Estimates Washburn. Inviting home for living, playing and enjoying friends! 1900+ sq. fit. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, media room, large open kitchen and dining room. large backyard-4 city lots, deck, rv storage, shed with electric, central heat and air, on paved road. New metal roof, interior remodeled and painted in 2014. Guitar, Lap steel, ukulele, dobro Classical, Blues, Rock, Country, Bluegrass, Folk, Metal. 25+ yrs of exp • 417-652-3638 CALL: (417)662-3865 Cell Joe Lester - Seligman, MO BusyBee Landscaping & Backhoe, LLC Bucket truck & chipper service Free estimates • Insured SEPTIC SERVICE (formerly Tillman’s Septic) GUNSMITH Wheaton, Mo. Call: (417)847-5464 Email: leslie138@centurytel.net Home: 417-662-3320 • CUTE!! 2 bd,1 ba, wood floors, W/D hookups, appliances. provided.$400 mo. Senseney Tree Service WOLF PACK Cell: 479-640-4781 Cross Timbers Apts. in Washburn 858-0676 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Metal Roofing, Vinyl Siding, Sofit’s, & Replacement Windows OPENING Small Daycare Cassville. 2 snacks, 2 meals. Quality care. References available 6 am-5:30 pm • 417-559-5050 Darlene 7B HOUSE FOR SALE House cleaning & detailing services. Home, office, boats, autos, etc. Metal Roofs BACKHOE • DOZER GRAVEL • SEPTICS NEW CUSTOM HOMES 417-669-0927 or 417-489-3531 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015 Beyond Clean 417-342-1208 POMERANIAN PUPPY registered female 8 wks old black & white. Adorable current on vet care. $475.00 Cassville. 417-847-3432. New business! Mowing, weed eating, edging, seeding, fertilizing and more! For estimates call: STORAGE UNITS Lifetime, transferable material warranties. 7 year labor warranty. PETS N&N LAWN CARE (417)271-3578 • ALL types of exterior siding • Full line of replacement & new construction windows • Decorative stone • Log cabin siding • Overhangs & decks Call: 847-7326 OWNERS Aubrey Wolf Denny Wolf 417-847-5502 417-574-6558 SERVICES ☛ 7 SIZES: 10x12 up to 11x32 ☛ Security Cameras ☛ Gate Open: 7am-10pm ☛Owner/Operator lives on-site Extra Mile Siding Co. UPCOMING STUMPFF REAL ESTATE APRIL 11 Auction AUCTION teaser Saturday, April 11, 10 a.m. Shell Knob, Missouri HWY. 112 S. Cassville, MO Auctioneer Donnie Stumpff www.stumpffauction.com See Auction Section for more details 417-847-2507 Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday • Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday 8B 8B WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY,APRIL APRIL8,8,2015 2015 BARRY BarryCouNtY CountyADvERtISER Advertiser HELP WANTED OXFORD WE’RE hiring wk 25 CASSVILLE Cassville R-IV School District Has an opening for a wks FULL-TIME CUSTODIAN 25 & CUSTODIAN for 2nd Shift. 26 Benefits include: Health Insurance 2x3 Retirement Plan Sick Leave Personal Business Leave $10.50 per hour Applications available online at: https://cassville.schoolrecruiter.net/ Did you have success with your classified ad? Let us know!! Give us a call at 417-847-4475 Barry County Emergency Services E-911 Accepting applications for Receptionist/Office Clerk until noon, Friday, April 10, 2015. • 24 hr/week- M, W, F (may become full time position). • $9.18 -10.25 Hourly (DOQ). • Must have minimum of 2+ years in office environment, type minimum of 35+wmp, Quickbooks experience preferred. • High School Diploma or equivalent. Apply in person at 4011 Main St. Cassville (We are located south of Barry Electric; entrance on Farm Road 1107). Barry County E 9-1-1 is an equal opportunity employer 25-26c Barry County Emergency Services E-911 Accepting applications for Emergency Telecommunicator until 4 p.m. Friday, April 10th. Site Supervisor & FT Security Officer Opening in Cassville No experience needed Will train the right person Apply online at Countryside Care Center is looking for energetic, dependable, self-motivate individuals to join our team in the growing health care profession. We are currently looking for caregivers for all shifts. Please apply in person at: 385 S. Eisenhower Monett, MO LOOKING FOR part time licensed plumber, could develop into full time... Inquire by calling 417-271-0345 8-5, M-F or 417-271-6623 after 5:30, any time CASSVILLE HEALTHCARE & REHAB A Skilled Nursing Facility is now accepting applications for WINTECH RECEPTIONIST POSITION WinTech is accepting resumes for the receptionist position. Other duties include: assisting the accounting department with A/P and A/R entries and general office work. The position requires experience with Microsoft Office Suite. Must be comfortable working with the public in a professional manner and have excellent communication skills. 401k, company retirement plan, health insurance, holiday and vacation pay. Send resume to: WinTech, P.O. Box 480, Monett, MO 65708 Attn: Human Resources, or email mary@wintechinc.com LPN evenings and nights CNA’s ••••••••••••••••••••• NEW PAY SCALE! BENEFITS & VACATION! ••••••••••••••••••••• Apply in person 1300 County Farm Rd. Cassville, MO 65625 Cassville Healthcare & Rehab is an equal opportunity employer. ROARING RIVER HEALTH & REHAB (FORMERLY RED ROSE INN) 812 OLD EXETER ROAD, CASSVILLE, MO 417-847-2184 We want to hire the following: C.N.A. C.N.A./DIETARY HELP COOK We offer good wages Holiday pay, vacation & sick pay after 90 days. Insurance available. Please drop in and fill out our new short application form. DRIVERS: $70,000 to $80,000 per yr., Exp drivers, free health insurance, 2500 sign on bonus (pays out in 4 mons) Home weekly, Same day pay 2016 Freightliner Cascadia, APU, invertors. Automatic and Standard Transmission. www.trailiner.com or 800-769-3993 Barry County Ready Mix has openings for CDL DRIVERS at the Cassville, Shell Knob and Eagle Rock locations. Insurance, paid holidays and competitive wages based on experience. Apply in person at 601 West 14th Street Cassville, Mo. WANTED www.SecuritasJobs.com EOE/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabilities ASSISTANT IN professional office. 20 hours per week. Send resume to Job Applications General Delivery Cassville, or call 417-847-2515 mornings only. B RIGHTON RIDGE ATTENTION Brighton Ridge of Eureka Springs is seeking qualified individuals to fill the positions of: RN LPN Dietary Aides Brighton Ridge offers a newly remodeled living and working environment located in the beautiful city of Eureka Springs, Ark. Brighton Ridge offers a competitive wage scale, full health insurance, 401K plans, and vacation benefits. Please inquire at the Business Office or send resumes to Jayme Creek. jcreek@victoriahealthcare.net Fax: 479-253-5325 235 Huntsville Road Eureka Springs, AR 72632 479-253-7038 POLICE OFFICER WANTED POST certified, reserve and/or part time. Apply in person PART TIME SEASONAL WORKER Lawn care and General Maintenance up to 32hrs a week as needed. Position Starts April 15th - November Apply in person, City Hall, 29144 Main Street Seligman SELIGMAN POLICE DEPT. NOW HIRING 2nd or 3rd shift will train 29144 Main St. Seligman, MO 65745 Cedar Ridge Care Center is looking for CMA Wastewater operator, D License required. Apply in person at City Hall, 29144 Main Street, Seligman “We’re still looking for the cream of the crop” DRIVERS, SOLO, 3 or 6 day runs, 44cents per mi, Free Health Ins. Same Day Pay. 800-769-3993 for Details, on line app www.trailiner.com DRIVERS, 65,000+, CDL-A, $2500 sign on, Bonus Pay out in 4 mo. 1 month exp, Same Day Pay! Free Health Ins, No CDL? We have Free training! www.trailiner.com 417-847-5546 800-769-3993 JOB FAIR on-site at Big M Marina Friday, April 10, 11am to 4pm Interviewing for Cook, Host, Dock Hands, Store Clerk. Seasonal, must be available weekends/holidays. Application and descriptions available bigmmarina.com/jobs. 417-271-3853 •12 hour rotating shifts/ 80 hrs every two weeks. •$11.22 Hourly (DOQ). •Dental, Vision & Health Insurance, Vacation, Retirement. •Must pass Background Check, pass written test, and be able to type minimum 35 wpm. Apply in person at 4011 Main St. Cassville (We are located south of Barry Electric; entrance on Farm Road 1107). Applications are also available on our website: www.barrycountye911.org Barry County E 9-1-1 is an equal opportunity employer 24-26c D&D Discount Grocery 301 S. Hickory, Monett, Mo 417-236-0324 M-F 9-6 • Sat. 9-5 We gladly accept: EBT, Debit, Credit Owners, Troy & Stacy 46tfc DRIVERS: CDL-A. PTT Hiring OTR. Earn .40 cpm base then bonus! Hard running Solos/Teams FT/PT available. 866-312-7919 A-One Blue cell phone. Long slim ATT. Person with heart condition. Needs. Possibly lost around Sun Rise cafe. Cannot add minutes to it. Please turn into the Advertiser or call: 417-716-0694. Reward. FOUND NEAR the Advertiser: ladies black suede boots. Stop by to claim. 835-2008 Exeter, Mo LOST & FOUND LOST PUMP SERVICE STA-Rite J-Class Over 35 Years Experience Plumbing Supplies Well Drilling Available Concrete Well Houses Licensed and Insured Service All Makes 846-6022 or 847-2591 evn NOTICE ADOPTIONYOUNG professional with lots of love to give desires to be first time mom. Expenses Paid. Legal/Confidential. Please call or text Vanessa: 973-4328765. Did you have success with your classified ad? Let us know!! Give us a call at 417-847-4475 26c Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday • Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday
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