Barry County Advertiser
Barry County Advertiser
Morgan named FCA Coach of the Year Barry County Advertiser WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 1B Unique Cross Grains joins Cassville Chamber of Commerce Morgan Kelly’s Wildcat Storage Includes: Climate Control Regular Units and (across from Cassville High School) y Ridg k c o R RestauRant e HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H H H H H H ounge H Hwy. 37, S. Seligman, MO H Cell: 417-846-6092 Bus: 417-662-7008 H Wed-Thurs 4-10 • Fri-Sat 4-Midnight Locally Owned & Operated ~ Linda Dart ~ H H WEDNESDAY H H Karaoke FRIDAY/SATURDAY H 6 PM Smoke-Free H Karaoke Dining Area H 8 PM H In the Lounge H H H H Pool H s e l b H Ta Dance H Floor H H Come join us for good H Food & Music! 29pdH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H &L Roark Family Health And Medical Spa Opening June 1st Mother’s Day Special! Schedule now through May 10th for discount • 1 Hour Massage $45 • Microdermabrasion $65 • 10% Discount on IPL Laser Hair Removal, Photo Rejuvenation, Age Spots, Spider Viens and Acne Treatment Members/Non-members Taking Appointments Now! 1101 Main St. Cassville (417) 847-0019 28-30pd Reavis Revival! Water Well McDowell Community Church Featuring: 24 Hour Residential Pump Service Evangelist Paul Wahlert ~~~~~~~ May 4th, 5th and 6th 7:00 p.m. Each Evening Chad Reavis 417-723-5548 Cell: 417-335-0036 Office: Everyone Welcome! “Quality and Service First” 24tfc 29c w o g o o d D 29th Annual POOL TABLES ~ DANCE FLO , Car 417.299.1561 36tfc Outdoor Storage Unique Cross Grains is relocating to 805 Main Street in Cassville. They celebrated their new location and chamber membership with a ribbon cutting on Friday, April 24, at 8:30 a.m. Unique Cross Grains, owned and operated by Matt Hudgins, offers quality rustic furniture, lighting and decor. Many featured unique furniture pieces in the store are made out of reclaimed wood that has its own history. Hudgins’s love for woodworking inspired him to create custom furniture. Unique Cross Grains is open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. For more information about Unique Cross Gains, you can contact them directly at (417) 847-7658 or Pictured above are, from left to right, in the front row: Mindi Artherton, Valerie Speer, Annette Henderson, Leslie Shumaker, Matt Hudgins, Heather Hudgins, Marissa Disabatino, Pami Hudgins and Houston Hudgins. Middle row: Gary Whyte, Bill Shiveley, Leslie Smith, Devon Henderson, Stacy Runnels, Leesa Cieslinski, Michelle Bredeson, Allison Angel, Toni Hayes, Chuck Pilant. Back row: Raylene Hart, Bob Bisop, Justin Gates, Mike McCracken, Ken Cieslinski, Wade Hermansen, Greg Dickson and Tim Vanpelt. FREE IC PUBL SSION ADMI OR Tru ck Cassville, Missouri sti val Southwest’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes coach Linda Morgan was named the Coach of the Year for the South Central Missouri district. Morgan started the FCA group at Southwest in 2012 with eight students. Today, the group has over 85 students attend the huddle meetings each week. Morgan was presented the Coach of the Year award for the district by football star Emmitt Smith at the Christian Athlete and Coach of the Year Banquet at Chateau on the Lake on April 9. Morgan said, “The students who aren’t Christians are coming because of the fun, fellowship and the love that the group shows. This group is one where they don’t feel the peer pressure to drink, do drugs or have premarital relationships. The group hosts special events, community events, and does service projects during the year. e F e & Motorcycl Rain o Shin r e Saturday, May 2, 2015 On the Square - Downtown Cassville Registration: 7:30-9:30 a.m. inside the courthouse. The Cassville Cruisers Special Cruise-In, May 1st 5 - 8 p.m. FAMILY FUN & FOOD SHOW CLASS AWARDS SPECIALTY PICK AWARDS POSSUM HOLLER 50/50 CASH FIDDLERS 10 - 11 A. M. DRAWING LIVE D.J. MU SIC L FESTIVATS T-SHIR FIRST TO REG 100 I WILL R STER ECEIVE GOODY BAGS R THUNDEUARE SQ ON THENoon at 417-847-2814 • Event sponsored by the Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce 29c 2B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 Barry County Advertiser MU Extension seeks out Century Farms If your farm has been in your family since Dec. 31, 1915, you can apply to have it recognized as a Missouri Century Farm. To qualify, farms must meet the following guidelines. The same family must have owned the farm for 100 consecutive years. The line of ownership from the original settler or buyer may be through children, grandchildren, siblings, and nephews or nieces, including through marriage or adoption. The farm must be at least 40 acres of the original land acquisition and make a financial contribution to the overall farm income. “It is important to honor and respect our history,” said Michael Ouart, vice provost for University of Missouri Extension. “These farms represent both Missouri’s cultural heritage and the good stewardship that our farmers strive for.” “Missouri Farm Bureau is a proud partner in the recognition of century farms,” said Blake Hurst, president. “We applaud the hardworking farm families that have kept us fed and clothed for generations. They represent an important part of our heritage and laid a foundation for the bounty Americans enjoy every day.” H PUBLIC AUCTION H H SATURDAY, MAY 2nd, 2015 • 10 AM H Mo State champion auctioneer aR State champion auctioneer Location: caSSViLLE, Mo. From Cassville, go south on Hwy. 112, 2 miles. Auction on east side of hwy. “auction Held inside Large climate controlled Building” Pontoon Boat - SaiL Boat - KUBota 4x4 tRactoR FREDRicK REMinGton BRonZE “WaRRioR” cHEVY aVaLancHE - 18’ BUMPER PULL caMPER - DUnEBUGGY HaRLEY MotoRcYcLE - ZERo tURn MoWER & otHER MoWERS - aUtoS - tooLS - antiQUES & coLLEctiBLES FURnitURE & aPPLiancES - coinS - HoUSEHoLD & MiSc. For applications received by May 1, a $65 fee covers the cost of a certificate, farm sign and booklet for approved applicants. If the application is received between May 1 and May 15, the cost is $75. Applications must be postmarked by May 15, 2015, to be considered. Applications can easily be completed online. For application forms and information, call Extension Publications toll:free at 1:800:292:0969, contact your local MU Extension office, or visit the program website at Applicants certified as owners of a 2015 Missouri Century Farm will be recognized by the MU Extension office in the county where the farm is located. Applicants are presented with a sign and a certificate. The dates of those recognition events vary from county to county. Service Southwest’s Henry receives FFA scholarship Jay Henry of the Southwest High School FFA Chapter receivesd the FFA Alumni Washington Leadership Conference (WLC) Scholarship at the 87th Missouri FFA Convention on April 16, in Columbia. Pictured with Henry is Nathan Chitwood of Centralia, who represented the State FFA Alumni. •Farm •Livestock •Merchandise •Household •Real Estate For Listings & Sale Dates Contact: tfc BoatS: 1990, 20’ Sundance pontoon boat w/115 Evinrude motor, Minnkota foot controlled trolling motor, homemade trailer (no title for trailer). 1974 Venture 21 Sail Boat manufacture #1660, 19’ 5” self bailing cockpit, hull and deck one piece fiberglass, cockpit seats 6, 4 full size berths & trailer (no title for trailer). Stored inside. KUBota: 2005 Kubota L3400 w/LA 463 front loader, 4x4 hydrostat trans, industrial tires, only 500 hrs (nice). HaRLEY MotoRcYcLE: 1983 Shovel head w/saddle bags & Corbin seat. caMPER: 2001 18’ Cabana by Keystone (Expands on both ends) bumper pull. aUtoS: 2004 Chevy Avalanche Z71, 1500, 4x4, sunroof, leather, black, 106xxx miles (nice). 2004 Volkswagen New Beatle Convertible, leather, automatic, 68xxx miles (Nice). DUnE BUGGY: Twister Hammerhead Dunebuggy, 150cc, elect start, FWD/Reverse speedometer, horn, headlights, taillights, turn signals, rearview mirror, 3 pt harness seatbelts, 12V accessory port, amplified speakers w/port to plug in devices, tow ball, storage rack, (sells w/sm reserve). MoWERS: Cub Cadet zero turn 54” cut, 24 hp Kohler engine. Poulan Pro 54” cut, 22 hp, 6 hp riding lawn tractor w/grade blade. Pull behind leaf catcher w/5.5 hp gas engine (like new). tRiMMERS: Swisher 6.25 hp high wheel string trimmer. Several weed eaters. Echo leaf blower. Husqvarna gas powered extendable limb trimmer. Craftsman 8.25 hp tiller. tooLS; Lg Kennedy roll around tool chest. Porter cable 135 PSI, 7 hp 60 gas air compressor. Stihl 009L chain saw w/case. McCulloch chain saw. Old Home Lite chain saw. Log chains. Chain fall. 2 gal Craftsman shop vac. Sewer snake. Reddy heater 35,000 BTU. Wheel barrows. Older Lincoln arc welder w/gas engine. Several metal work benches w/storage below. Nuts, bolts, screws, orgainzers. 20 lb propane bottles. Shop lights. Alum ladders. Long handle tools. Wood step ladder. Oils & cleaners, etc. Misc hand tools. coinS: (24) Silver Morgan & Peace dollars: BU, MS, PL, DMPL. Proof sets ½ and 4 & 8 oz silvers. Proof American Eagles. First Strike gem uncirculated Eagle Gold $5. PCGS, NGC, ICG and other certified coins. Rolls of Mercury dimes, Buffalo nickels & Indian head pennies. antiQUES & coLLEctiBLES: Fredrick Remington Indian Bronze “Warrior”. Store clock wall clock. Tamber clock. Old Anniversary clock. Wooden kitchen clock. Shelf clock. Novelty clock (all clocks key wind). Ant. apple cider press (nice). Old yoke. (2) old scythes. Froe. 200 lb cotton scale w/pea. Wagon hammer. Old loft pulley (2) old RR spikes. Glass insulators (green). Sm old metal fan. Old Fairbanks platform scale w/weights. Old window weights. Misc. old windows. Cast iron train piggy banks. Cast iron horses & stage coach. Kraut Cutter. Lg wood handle potato masher. Old meat grinder. Tinker Toys. Old rug needle. Budweiser lighted sign, showcasing The Clydesdales & Wagon w/clock on top. Pool table sway light w/lead stain glass. Asst. glassware & stoneware. Dulcimer. Old pie safe. Wash stand. Old padded rocking chair. Cedar lined chest. Old lantern. Misc what knot. Several nice wildlife figurines. FURnitURE & aPPLiancES: Full size bed, head & foot board w/frame & matching chest of drawers, dresser w/mirror & night stand (nice). Leather rocker/recliner. Dining table w/leaf & 6 chairs (nice). Bar stools. Curved glass curio cabinet. (2) wood computer desks. Floral pattern sofa. Misc. coffee & end tables. Bar w/brass top & foot rest (nice). Office chairs. Roll around computer desk. Sm drop leaf table. Sm bed side table. Metal desk. Sm kitchen island table. Fish aquarium. Area rugs (nice). Magazine rack. Wall mirror. Pictures. Table lamps. Kenmore frost free upright freezer. GE side by side refrigerator w/water & ice indoor. Maytag HD washing machine. HoUSEHoLD & MiSc.: Air pellet riffle. BB gun. Soft pistol carrying cases. Knife. Misc. fishing items. Sleeping bag. Walkie Talkies. Fish fryer (like new). Fish N Tube water toy. Patio fire pit. Sm live trap. RV extension cords. Plastic lawn chairs. Patio table w/4 chairs & umbrella. Weber BBQ (nice). (6) 1 lb R 12 refrigerant cans. Life vest. Anchor w/rope. Misc. rope. Golf clubs. Floor fans. Water air mattress’. Fireplace set. Metal storage cabinets. Misc. yard ornaments. Misc office supplies. Camera tri pod. Wildlife fabric on roll. Luggage. Handicap Walker. Lot of books. Sm stereo & speakers. 7x7 new carpet remnant. Chrome leaf springs. 30” outdoor fiber optic Santa. 6 ½’ pre lit Christmas tree. Christmas décor. Blinds. Misc. kitchen wares & household items. Exercise equip. Many more items not listed. notE: Come spend the day with us on May 2nd. Most of the auction will be held inside with homemade breakfast & lunch available. We have a lot of nice items in this auction from a couple of different estates. Something here for everyone. Autos, Boat, Tractor, Camper sell with sm Reserve! tERMS: Cash or good check with 2 forms of current ID. Must have valid driver’s license to obtain bidder number. If paying with check on large items, items will be held until check clears the bank unless prior arrangements have been made with the auction company prior to auction day. All sells as is where is with no warranties or guarantees. Any announcements made day of auction supersede any and all printed material. no debit or credit cards accepted. Owners: Robert Bunyar, Bette Salm & Estate of Jane Head Donnie Stumpff HWY. 112 S. Cassville, MO auctioneer: Donnie Stumpff ~ Parker Stumpff OVER 50 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE AUCTIONS OF ALL TYPES • Commercial • Residential *Insured * Free Estimates No Job Too Big or Too Small! McKnight Auction Co. LLC • Verona, Mo. Ralph McKnight (417) 498-6662 CHRIS REIBERT 23tfc H ESTATE AUCTION H H MONDAY, MAY 4th, 2015 • 10 AM H Mo State champion auctioneer aR State champion auctioneer Location: WaSHBURn, Mo. (23305 FR 1055). From the Jcts. of Hwys. 37 & 90, go west on Hwy. 90 9/10 mile then go north on 8th St. 4/10 mile. Turn right on FR 1055 go 4/10 mile to auction. REaL EStatE - FURnitURE & aPPLiancES antiQUES & coLLEctiBLES - tooLS - MoWER - MiSc. FURnitURE & aPPLiancES: Sm. Deacon bench. Dresser. Night stand. Orgasonic organ & bench. Glider (rough). Sm roll top desk (rough). Matching wall mirrors. Wurlitzer piano & bench. Podium. Mag rack. Stereo cabinet. Table lamp (2) metal file cabinets. Wrought iron patio furniture & misc patio furniture. Wall shelf. Matching Maytag Centennial washer & dryer (nice). Whirlpool smooth top elect. Range (black). Whirlpool side by side refrigerator with water & ice in door (black). antiQUES & coLLEctiBLES: Old treadle sewing machine. Old Seth Thomas mantle clock. Ant. desk. Ant. pie crust table. Ant. rectangle table with hidden leaf. Sm ant. table. Old Free Westinghouse sewing machine in cabinet. Old butter churn. Sm wall clock. Misc. oil lamps. Misc. brass items. Several steins. Misc. glassware. Mantle clock. Lot of Bradford Exchange & Knowles Collector Plates w/boxes such as: Norman Rockwell, Elvis Presley, Gone w/the Wind, Wizard of Oz, Disney, 4 Elements, 3D type and many more. tooLS: Tool chest. Sm tool boxes. Come a long. Shop light. Long handle tools. Misc. hand tools. Alum ext. ladder. Gas cans. As we get ready for the auction, there will be more tools added. MoWER: John Deere L110, automatic, 42”, 17.5 hp Kohler engine, riding mower. MiSc.: Concrete yard ornaments, bird baths, basket, etc. Flower planter. Misc. vac’s. Handicap walker w/seat & brake. Old lap top computer. Misc. kitchen wares. Many more items not listed. REAL ESTATE: Fixer Upper, older Barn Style Home on 9 AC m/l: Home features, front entry, opens to a nice foyer w/coat closet, stairway leading upstairs and French doors entering into a private dining room. Kitchen with newer dishwasher, 2 bedrooms, living room w/ceiling fan & fireplace w/Schrade wood burning insert. Full bath and utility room. UPStaiRS FEatURES: Master bedroom w/full bath, walk-in closet & ceiling fan. Also upstairs is a large great room w/ceiling fan. This home also has newer CH/A. New pressure tank & new hot water heater. oUtSiDE aMEnitiES incLUDE: Sm deck, covered side porch, well & septic, sm tool shed, plus 12’x20’ metal shed, all this on 9 acres m/l. notE: The kids have decided to sell the Estate of Mr. & Mrs. Rex Duncan. We will sell a sm amount of personal items then sell the real estate, small acreage close to town on paved road. Hard to find in this price range. We will start the bid at only $40,000. Come prepared to buy. Someone in going to get a great deal!!! tERMS: Cash or good check w/2 forms of current ID. Must have current driver’s license to obtain bidder number. All sells as is where is. No debit or credit cards accepted. REaL EStatE tERMS: Qualified buyers only w/pre-approved bank letter of confirmation. Nonrefundable 10% paid day of auction w/balance due in cash or certified funds within 30 days or less. Buyers and sellers will be responsible for their own portion of their closing cost. Taxes will be prorated to date of close. Sells as is where is with no warranties or guarantees. Bidders, buyers or agent of the buyer is responsible for conducting own inspection of property prior to auction and should rely solely upon their own due diligence and inspection. A 10% buyer’s premium will apply. Sells w/owner confirmation. Any announcements made day of auction supersede any and all printed material. Estate of Rex & Marlene Duncan Donnie Stumpff Parker Stumpff HWY. 112 S. cassville, Mo Parker Stumpff To view complete listing & photos, go to To view complete listing & photos, go to Licensed Broker/Auctioneer MO & AR • State Champion Auctioneer MO & AR 1409 & PB00051442 Col. Red Edens • 847-2480 • Cassville, MO Steve Hodges • 894-1070 • Aurora, MO REBAR MOWING 417-846-7090 417-847-2507 29c auctioneer: Donnie Stumpff ~ Parker Stumpff Licensed Broker/Auctioneer MO & AR • State Champion Auctioneer MO & AR 1409 & PB00051442 417-847-2507 29c Barry County Advertiser Registrations are being taken now for a day-time farm business course for farm women in the Cassville area known as Annie’s Project. The course will begin May 15 from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Cassville Branch Library at 301 W. 17th Street. The series of classes will be held on the Fridays of May 15, 22, 29 and June 5, 12, and 19. University of Missouri Extension and the Barry County Extension Council are sponsoring the classes. University of Missouri Extension specialists will teach the course. Course topics include understanding personality types, business plans, how uction A Kirk Powell (870) 654-2205 Ron Wallace (870) 654-6369 Rusty Stone (417) 847-4929 / 417-847-7237 Jeff Holder tfc (417) 342-3218 Written comments, or a request for an informal public meeting may be made by any person with a direct, personal interest in one or more of the factors that the Staff Director may consider in issuing a permit, as required by The Land Reclamation Act, sections 444.760 to 444.790 RSMo. Mail written comments, or a request for an informal public meeting to: Director, Land Reclamation Program, Department of Natural Resources, PO Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176. All comments and requests for a public meeting must be submitted in writing to the director’s office no later than fifteen days following the final public notice publication date. For more information about this process, please contact the Land Reclamation Program by telephone at 573-751-4041. 28-31c 29c tfc MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK Eagle Rock Construction, PO Box 17, Eagle Rock, MO 65641 has applied to renew their permit from the Department of Natural Resources, Land Reclamation Program, to mine Sand and Gavel on one acre(s) of land located in Barry County, Section(s) 9, Township(s) 21N Range(s) 26W in roaring River. This(ese) operation(s) will be conducted during the approximate dates of June 4, 2015 to April 19, 2030. HYPERLINK “” Green Forest, AR NORTH ARKANSAS LIVESTOCK AUCTION “Community Owned and Operated” 3rd Generation in Auction Business Specializing in All Types of Auctions! Brad Holder ness and may understand agriculture, but struggle with new technologies.” For more information about the course, contact Reagan Bluel at (417) 8473161 or by email at bluelrj@ or the Barry County Extension Center in Cassville by email at Registration brochures are downloadable at http:// and SALE EVERy WEdNESdAy (870) 438-6915 PUBLIC NOTICE OF SURFACE MINING APPLICATION - PERMIT RENEWAL DWIGHT CRUME her husband. Together they did great things, but it was not easy. “The goal is to empower farm women to be better business partners through networking and by managing and organizing critical information,” said Dr. Gordon Carriker, agriculture business specialist, University of Missouri Extension. “This course can help women who are new to the farm business and may be overwhelmed or reluctant to ask questions. It can also help those who are accustomed to the farm busi- –– FAMILY OWNED –– (417) 689-5582 Imogene Hillhouse & Neighbors, Owners McKNIGHT AUCTION COMPANY, LLC (417) 498-6662 - (417) 354-2925 3B EXETER Missouri SATURDAY, MAY 2nd • 12 Noon ALL CLASSES SELL: Baby & Grazing Calves, Feeder Cattle, Holsteins & Jerseys included. Bred Cows, Pairs, Slaughter Cows & Bulls Cattle Received on Friday’s from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. Gary Brown 417-846-3355 / 417-369-1013 Barn 417-835-3000 Thanks from Gary Brown and the MO-ARK Crew for choosing MO-ARK to Market your Cattle. 29c LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LOCATION: 1131 S. RINKER AVE., AURORA, MO. (From Jct. of US Hwy. 60 & 39 (Wal-Mart) go north on Hwy. 39 to Walnut St. then east to Rinker Ave. then left to 1st house on left.). REASON FOR SALE: Selling home. LUNCH & RESTROOMS AVAILABLE - INSPECTION SALE DAY ONLY CAR-HOUSEHOLD-FURNISHINGS: 1993 Mercury car, 2 door convertible w/5 spd trans, 4 cyl w/PW & door locks, red w/black top, nice little car. Real nice walnut tea cart. Nice 4 pc bedroom suite, poster bed, full size. Small ant. rocker. Ant. walnut bed stead. Small roll top desk,nice. 3 leg stand table, nice. Ant. high chair. White cedar lined chest. Floral couch & chair. Oak coffee table. Oak entertainment center. Arm chair. 2 recliners. Glass top end table. Lester piano & bench. Oval wall mirror. Large lot of wall pictures & decor. Cabinet model sewing machine. Several nice table lamps. Pr. mantle lamps. Real nice hanging doll holder & doll. Several real nice dolls. Large cabinet. Folding table. 3 new bed spreads. Afghans. Sheets. Pillow cases & other linen. Metal picnic table & 4 chairs. Lawn chairs. Pr. Eagle candle holders. Small school desk. 2 ant. kitchen chairs & other kitchen chairs. Wooden wall rack. Wall clock w/water picture. Old area rugs. Scoty dog. Childs books. Nice blanket w/red, blue & yellow stripes. 4 Longaberger baskets & 3 bowls. Amtrak blanket. Nice baby stroller. Smoke stand. 2 real old telephones. Horse clock. Cast iron bar stool & other stools. 2 large racks of nice clothes. 11 pc nativity set. Electrical kitchen appliances. Large lot silk flowers. Ant. juicer. GLASSWARE-PRIMITIVES-COLLECTIBLES: Approx. 35 pcs Jadite Fire King cups, saucers, cream & sugar. Roseville 669-12’ vase. Hager USA dish. 2 head vases. Nice pitcher. Crock cream pitcher. Bavaria set of china dishes. Noritake china dishes. Butter dish. Salt & pepper shakers. Red letter Japan childs tea set. Granite coffee cop & cups. Childs tea set made in Brazil. New in box 7 pc cookware set. Crock bowl. Butter mold. 5 beer steins. Lighted counter jar. New Oster cooker. Several alum cooking pans. Milk bottles. Oster Malt mixer. Crown Royal beer mirror. Miller High Life clock. Neon light beer light. Large lot cast iron cookware. Redrock cola Babe Ruth metal sign. Scale model Allis Chalmers tractor in box. Disney Goofy phone. Kodak instant camera in box. Coleman 2 burner camp stove, 2 lanterns & 5 pcs picnic set. Old red metal Coca Cola type cooler. Duck decoys. Glass bricks. Metal 5 gal gas cans. Army gas mask. 2 Army type folding shovels. Antique sickle grinder. B&D rechargeable power station. 2 bench vises. 2 wheel dolly. Cast iron riveter. Set horse shoes. 2 shepherd hooks. Several ball gloves, balls & 3 alum bats. 2 rechargeable flash lights. 12 volt 10 amp jump start charger. 40 channel emergency radio in box. Receiver hitch w/ball. Coca Cola tray. German dollhouse. North Shore pocket watch, 21 jewel & 4 other pocket watches. Commemorative pocket knives & 2 Mason pocket knives. Corn cob pipe. Several old campaign pins. Several old metal & award pins. Tractor metal lawn sprinkler. Lawn & garden tools. Keen cutter axe head. 3”x27’ truck strap. Trailer tail lights. Snow shoes. NOTE: There is a garage full of boxes packed unable to see at time of listing, so come & see all the surprises. SALE PROCEDURE: Sale starts w/small household items, tools & collectibles w/car & furniture at noon. TERMS: Cash or good check. Positive picture ID required. Not responsible for loss or accidents. Statements sale day taken precedence over printed material. the property is titled, leases and legal issues, financial statements, risk management, marketing, computer software tools and more. The six session course has a cost of $75 per person. Pre-registration is needed by May 6 and will be on a firstcome basis. The class size will be limited to 25 women to ensure sufficient group interaction. The course is being partially funded by a grant from the North Central Risk Management Center. Program History Annie’s Project began in Illinois. Annie was a farm wife who grew up in Northern Illinois. She married a farmer and spent her lifetime learning how to be an involved business partner with AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK SATuRDAY, MAY 2nd, 2015 • 9:00 AM Verona, MO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 Extension office to offer Annie’s Project classes LIVING ESTATE AucTIoN RALPH McKNIGHT LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK BaRRY CoUntY LIVeStoCK MaRKetInG Wheaton, Mo Barn 417-652-7373 old Face / new Place SatURDaY, MaY 2nd - 2 PM Customer Appreciation Day 26-29c FLAT CREEK FLAT CREEK House Auction FLAT CREEK FLAT CREEK FLAT CREEK - - FREE - Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Grilled Bologna Auction House Auction Auction House Auction House House Fasco Road Cassville, mo Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks and Dessert are available in Cafe. FascoRoad Road Cassville, mo Fasco Cassville, mo Fasco Cassville, Fasco Road Road Cassville, momo Consignment AuCtion Consignment AuCtion Consignment AuCtion may 2nd Consignment AuCtion Consignment saturday,saturday, mayAuCtion 2nd saturday, may 2nd saturday, may 2nd saturday, may 2nd *** 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to ***9:00 p.m. *** *** 4:00 p.m. *** 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. *** *** 4:00p.m. p.m. to 9:00 p.m. *** *** 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. *** Come early & stay Late Come early & stay Late Come early & stay Late Come early & stay Late Come early & stay Late • Plastic 2 Seat Bass Tracker Boat PP lastic 2 Seat Bass Tracker Boat • Plastic 2 Seat Bass Tracker Boat • • M inn Kota Trolling Motor lastic 2 Seat Bass Tracker Boat • P lastic 2 Seat Bass Tracker Boat inn Kota Trolling Motor • McCoy, Fenton, & Hull Pieces • Minn Kota Trolling Motor • M inn Kota Trolling Motor • M McCoy, Fenton, & Hull Pieces inn Kota Trolling Motor • McCoy, Fenton, & Hull Pieces • • McCoy, Fenton, & Hull Pieces • McCoy, Fenton, & Hull Pieces 40 Head of Calves 400 to 600 lbs - mostly Black All From 1 Farm • Solid Oak Furniture olid Oak Furniture • Solid Oak Furniture • FSood & Drinks • Solid Oak Furniture S• olid Oak Furniture • • Food & Drinks Food & Drinks • Food & Drinks • Food & Drinks MORE ITEMS BEING ADDED DAILY! MORE ITEMS BEING ADDED DAILY! MORE ITEMS BEING ADDED DAILY! Items Auctioned are Subject to Change. MORE ITEMS BEING ADDED DAILY! MORE ITEMS BEING ADDED DAILY! Items Auctioned Subject to Change. Next Auction Will Be are Held on Saturday, 16. Items Auctioned are Subject toMay Change. NextAuction Auction Will Be Held on Saturday, May 16. Consignment hours: Next Will Be Held on Saturday, May 16. Items Auctioned are Change. Consignment hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday - 8 Subject a.m. to 10to a.m. / Wednesday - closed Consignment hours: Items Auctioned are Subject to Change. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - following 8 -a.m. toSaturday, 10 a.m. / a.m. Wednesday Sale Day -Thursday 11 a.m. Will - ??& / Friday Sunday Sale -10 noon to 2/ p.m. Next Auction Be Held May 16.- closed - closed Monday, Tuesday, & Friday 8on a.m. to Wednesday Next Auction Will Be on Saturday, May 16. Day - 11 a.m. ?? following Sale - Sale noonHeld tonoon 2 p.m. Bring your items early space upa.m. fast. --Clean merchandise. Comfortable Sale-Sale Day -fills 11 ??/ /Sunday Sunday following -temperature-controlled to 2 p.m. building. Consignment hours: Bring your items early - more space fillsup upfast. fast. call Clean merchandise. Comfortable temperature-controlled building. For information Walt Hasler at 417-847-3498 or 438-0699. Consignment hours: Bring your items early space fills Clean merchandise. Comfortable temperature-controlled building. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday - 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. / Wednesday - closed 29c more information call Hasler at 417-847-3498 or 438-0699. This is Walt aWalt non-smoking facility. For For more information call Hasler at& 417-847-3498 or 438-0699. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. / Wednesday Sale Day - 11 a.m. This - ?? / Sunday following Sale - noon to 2 p.m. facility. This isisa anon-smoking non-smoking facility. 11 a.m. - ??Comfortable / Sunday following Sale - noon to 2 p.m. Bring your items early - space fills upSale fast. Day Clean- merchandise. temperature-controlled building. For more information, call: Dayne Galyen Kevin Ruddick JR Galyen 417-846-7775 479-790-9272 417-846-7373 closed Selling: ep, Goats & Hogs She tle, Cat 29c WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 Barry County Advertiser ExEtEr School Board MEEting highlightS The Exeter School Board held their monthly meeting on April 8. Board President Eric O’Neill called the meeting to order at 8:30 p.m. with six board members in attendance. A motion was made and carried to approve the agenda. The Public Hearing for review of the proposed 2015 – 2016 school calendar began with a discussion of the fact that the district tries to align its calendar with the Scott Regional Technical Center which services the district’s students. The meeting was adjourned to reorganize the Board. A motion was made and carried to appoint Dr. Raney and Mrs. Stephens Interim Chairperson and Secretary respectively. Eric O’Neill was nominated as Board President and a motion was made and carried. Brad Porter was nominated as Board Vice President and a motion was made and carried. Sammy Hudson was nominated as Board Treasurer and a motion was made and carried. Janice Stephens was nominated as Board Secretary and a motion was made and carried. President Eric O’Neill called the meeting to order. A motion was made and carried to approve the consent agenda . Dr. Raney reviewed the finance report, the utility report and the food service report. Under new business, the Board voted to accept the bid from Trenton Vanzandt for mowing services. Dr. Raney discussed the new insurance rates and the new plans that were presented. Motions were made and carried to accept the new rates and new plans. The next Board meeting is scheduled for May 13. A motion was made to adjourn at 10:25 p.m. Victory Baptist Church Business Hwy. 37, North - Cassville, MO 65625 Pastor, Russell Bishop - 417-826-5295 Sunday School 10:00 am Church 11:00 am Evening 6:30 pm Wednesday 6:30 pm A Friendly Church with Friendly People. SSS Spotlight: Alex Williams Alex Williams is an Elementary Education major who will be graduating from Crowder College in Cassville, in May 2015. After two and a half years at Missouri Southern State University in Joplin, she said she transferred to Crowder because of its location. “I was ready to come home to be close to my family and boyfriend.” She advises incoming students to never give up and take everything one day at a time. Williams stated, “Whenever you are struggling, never be afraid to ask for help.” Williams recently joined Student Support Services (SSS) and, in a short time, picked Jerri Hudson, her SSS Advisor, as her favorite staff member. “Jerri is such a kind and helpful advisor who makes sure all of her advisees are on track and getting the help they need. She always has a smile on her face and will go out of her way to help you.” She has an appreciation for SSS because it has helped her get involved not only with students, but instructors as well. Hudson has this to say about Williams, “Alex is a very hard worker. She has met many new friends here Golden Rural Plumbing tfc Easy Open #3 GARAGE DOOR & OPENER Sales • Service • Installation (417) 442-7942 417/271-3555 tfc Mercy Hospital Co-Worker of the Month Williams at Crowder and is thriving. I believe she has certainly chosen the right field to be in as she is very good with organization and discipline. She genuinely cares about people and believes people should do the right thing. Her substitute teaching has given her the opportunity to be sure this is the career for her. I am very proud of Alex and cannot wait to see her soar in her career and life.” Williams received her Missouri Substitute Certificate in December and has been busy substituting nearly every week since – sometimes multiple times per week. After graduation, Williams is going to take advantage of the Missouri State University’s Teacher Education program that is offered through Crowder, in Cassville, to obtain her bachelor’s degree. “I’m so glad I found out about this opportunity so I can be close to my family and follow my dream at the same time,” she said. C and J Keith Stapleton, Maintenance Tech, was named Mercy Hospital Cassville Co-Worker of the Month for April. Keith has worked for Mercy for five and a half years and resides in Aurora with his wife and two children. Keith enjoys fishing, camping and shooting guns. He says that Mercy is a great place to work and has wonderful benefits. Keith likes knowing that he can help make the hospital a safe and clean place for patients and co-workers. Pictured are Doug Stroemel, Hospital President, (left) and Stapleton (right) Wheaton’s April Students of the Month Wheaton announced their April Students of the Month as Marley Sherwood (left) and Marius Lupescu (right). Marley Sherwood is the junior daughter of Jonathan and Cindy Sherwood Marius Lupescu is the freshman son of Aurel and Olimpia Lupescu. Appliance Service Formerly Carl’s Appliance odd 417-669-0374 • 417-342-0264 Office: 417-652-3230 Carry Out or Eat In 847-5808 28tfc D&D Discount Grocery 301 S. Hickory, Monett, Mo 417-236-0324 GARCIA’S Tues.-Thurs. • 11:00 - 8:00 We gladly accept: EBT, Debit, Credit Rikard Plumbing MEXICAN RESTAURANT & Owners, Troy & Stacy 46tfc Modular in Exeter, MO 3 Bedroom 2 Bath. LLC Backhoe Service Licensed Plumbers - New construction, Service Calls, Sewer Lines Cleaned. 299 All kids drinks - Only 99¢ FOR SALE BY OWNER $ Over 40 yrs experience doing Commercial & Residential Days 417-271-0345 • Evenings 417-271-6623 odd Corinth Baptist ChurCh Pastor, Donnie Spears – 417-236-2145 Where It’s All About Jesus. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 NEW- Siding, Roof, Thermal Pane Windows, Carpet, Deck. Are you ready for a new start in Christ, It’s your move! Possible Owner Financing, Call: Services: Sunday School: 9:45 am • Morning Service 10:45 am • Evening Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Evening: 6:30 pm 29pd odd Golden, Missouri Saturday “KIDS SPECIAL” All kids meals - Only Fri. & Sat. • 11:00 - 8:30 Hwy. 112 South • Cassville, MO 1306 Old Exeter Road, Cassville, MO • 417-847-2200 M-F 9-6 • Sat. 9-5 (417) 847-3753 tfc 4B 11453 St. Hwy. AA, Cassville, MO 417-847-4165 tfc Barry County Advertiser SKITS to present “Mind Over Manor” in May WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 5B Exeter’s Students of the 3rd Quarter Exeter Schools announced their Students of the Quarter for the third quarter. Students are pictured above, from left to right: Joseph Davis, 7th grade; Michael Ortiz, 8th grade; Lena Western, 10th grade; Tori Dean, 11th grade; and Mystree MaMahan, 9th grade. Not pictured: Tammy Stewart, 12th grade. The SKITS actors are pictured above, from left to right. Back row: Sherri Lewis, Susan Ramonette, Rob Holmberg, Merri Magula, Bob Van Dusen and Connie Figgins. Front row: Eileen Ploss, Karin Stanley, Kathie Vice and Barb Van Dusen. least, eccentric. When Jasmine starts to question them fiercely, the residents start to question her motive. Then Jasmine goes missing. The audience will get a chance to guess who did it with a prize awarded to one winner. The play will be performed at the United Methodist Church in Shell Knob on Highways 39 and YY. Play dates are: • Fri., May 8, 7 p.m. • Sat., May 9, at 7 p.m. • Fri., May 15 7 p.m. • Sat., May 16, 7 p.m. • Sun., May 17, 2 p.m. Tickets are $7.00 in advance and $9.00 at the door. They can be purchased in WICKER WELL DRILLING & Pump Service Service All Wells & Pumps Drivers can expect lane closures and occasional traffic delays on Business Route 60 in Neosho and in Barry Co for a resurfacing project beginning the week of May 11, the Missouri Department of Transportation said. Contractor crews will lay new asphalt on a 3.5 mile section of Business Route 60 between Route 60 and Hickory Creek Bridge in Neosho. Drivers should obey flaggers and wait for pilot cars to guide motorists through the work zone. The project also includes resurfacing on several state routes in the Neosho area. The work will be done after the Business 60 project is complete: Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Nodaway County Ron Beaver 417-723-5498 Michelle Matzenbacher CALL 24 HRS. Paul Wicker 417-245-0370 Shell Knob at the Central Crossing Senior Center, Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce, Treasures Now and Then, Service #1 Credit Union and the United Methodist Church. Group and company discounts are available. For more information, call Barb Van Dusen at (417) 858-9590. Find them on Facebook as SKITS Community Theater or at www. Financial assistance for this project has been provided by the Missouri Arts Council, a State Agency. Homes - Farms - Commercial - Auto - Mobile Homes Jamie Wicker 417-229-2825 417-271-3528 12tfc · Route D from Route 59 to Doniphan Drive in Neosho ·Route HH from Route 59/60 in Neosho to Route 86 in Fairview · Route A from Route D near Stella to Route 86 in Wheaton · Shoulders on Routes D, HH and A will be widened by two feet and will have rumble strips added Project Information · Prime contractor: APAC-Missouri, Springfield · Total project cost: $3.6 million · Completion date: November 1, 2015. Although, the entire project is set for completion by the end of August. EppErly ElEctric Motor SAlES & SErVicE 417-652-7842 3834 State Hwy HH, Purdy, MO * Rewinding * Repairing Rabbit Meat & Live Rabbits * Single Phase * 3 Phase Starters & Alternators 27tfc RABBIT MEAT FOR SALE by order/appointment only Conveniently located in the Aurora & Jenkins area. We sell live rabbits too! Burval Farms (417) 574-6159 18-42pd tfc Realize Your Perfect Smile! Chances Are... We Take Your Insurance! tfc (417) 393-1466 34tfc MISSOURI LAND IS IN DEMAND WE ARE ACTIVELY PURSUING HUNTING & FARMLAND LISTINGS IN YOUR AREA. Jared Mayberry Agent, Land Specialist (417) 229-1897 WHITETAILPROPERTIES.COM 40tfc Whitetail Properties Real Estate, LLC. DBA Whitetail Properties | In the State of Nebraska DBA Whitetail Trophy Properties Real Estate LLC. | Dan Perez, Broker - Licensed in IL, IA, KS, KY, MO, NE & OK | Jeff Evans, Broker - Licensed in AR, GA, IL, MN & TN | Wes McConnell, Broker - Licensed in AL, IL, OH, SD & WI | John Boyken, Broker - Licensed in IN | Sybil Stewart, Broker - Licensed in MI & LA | Chris Wakefield, Broker - Licensed in TN | Joey Bellington, Broker - Licensed in TX 44tfc Rehearsals are underway for the fourth and newest play produced by SKITS (Shell Knob in the Spotlight). Mind Over Manor is a comedic drama. The play centers around Jasmine Winters, who is determined to claim her rightful ownership to Summer Meadows Manor, a beautiful mansion. She hires private investigator, Chester Banks to look into the backgrounds of the manor’s current owner, Opal Summers, and the other ragtag tenants. Jasmine and Chester arrive at Summer Meadows looking for the owner. What they meet is a collection of people who are, at the very MoDOT plans resurfacing projects in Barry County l J il Sale! 6B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 BARRY COUNTY ADVERTISER e h c i M y imm m o t o r s Ha new - new - new - new - new - new 2015 fiesta s sedan MSRP $16,275 Jimmy Michel Sale Price 13,796 $ #158658 24,594 $ 2014 fOCUS S sedan 2015 MUSTANG V-6 COUPE 14,717 $ #452391 22,414 #369866 $500 Retail Customer Cash 2015 fUSION S 2014 EDGE SEL Jimmy Michel Sale Price 17,884 #293716 $2000 Retail Customer Cash $1000 Ford Credit Retail Customer Cash 2015 ESCAPE S MSRP $24,345 Jimmy Michel Sale Price 20,068 $ #B94193 $1500 Retail Customer Cash $500 Ford Credit Retail Customer Cash 2015 ESCAPE SE 4WD *4x4 MSRP $28,295 Jimmy Michel Sale Price 22,958 $ #B94194 $500 Special Retail Customer Cash $1500 Retail Customer Cash $500 Ford Credit Retail Customer Cash 2015 EXPLORER XLT MSRP $33,895 Jimmy Michel Sale Price 29,035 $ #B49775 $1500 Retail Customer Cash $500 Ford Credit Retail Customer Cash 2015 F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 Jimmy Michel Sale Price 34,164 $ - F-150 Eco Boost Special Retail ($300) - F-150 Special Retail Customer Cash ($1000) - Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash ($750) - Retail Customer Cash ($500) #A71364 2015 F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4X4 Jimmy Michel Sale Price 38,684 $ Jimmy Michel Sale Price 25,985 $ #B86136 $2500 Retail Customer Cash $1500 Ford Credit Retail Customer Cash Jimmy Michel Sale Price 33,869 $ - F-150 Special Retail Customer Cash ($1750) - Ford Credit Retail Bonus Cash ($1250) - Retail Customer Cash ($1250) #G57479 - Retail Trade In Assistance ($1500) Jimmy Michel Sale Price 37,144 $ - Ford Credit Retail Bonus Cash ($1250) - Retail Customer Cash ($1250) - Retail Trade In Assistance ($1500) Jimmy Michel Sale Price 41,797 $ Jimmy Michel Sale Price 2015 F-150 PLATINUM CREW CAB 4X4 Jimmy Michel Sale Price 46,299 $ - Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash ($750) - Retail Customer Cash ($500) #D09633 Jimmy Michel Sale Price 55,223 2013 ford eSCAPE •Rear Sensing SUV #B52114 •Fuel Saver #C35029 16,967 $ 2013 ford EXPLORER FWD #A04478 18,983 •Low Miles #B27057 23,996 $ $ 2014 ford eSCAPE SE 2014 ford edge limited Leather #A15971 20,404 •Loaded •AWD $ 2014 ford eXPLORER LIMITED 2013 ford FUSION se •Loaded •4X4 Certified #C48964 31,744 #350362 16,920 $ $ pre-owned car deal of THE week Local Trade #152794 2005 JEEP GR CHEROKEE LAREDO •4X4 #629280 8,387 $ 2002 MERCURY SABLE GS de Local Tra #646176 3,864 3,479 $ $ 2003 FORD MUSTANG GT •Leather #329482 Convertible 2006 SCION TC 7,218 6,989 $ 2008 TOYOTA PRIUS •1-Owner #457010 2009 PONTIAC G-6 GT de Fuel Saver Local Tra #158110 10,242 10,533 $ $ 2010 FORD FUSION SE #156762 Fuel Saver 2010 FORD TAURUS SEL Local Trade #156698 9,979 13,528 $ $ 2012 chev CRUZ LT Only 50K #111310 Miles 13,983 2003 GMC YUKON XL 2500 •SLT •Leather •Roof #167691 $ 2006 BMW X3 3.0 AWD #G89121 2007 GMC SIERRA SLT •4X4 1500 •Leather ew Cab r C #519877 15,614 10,991 $ $ 2008 ford F-450 LARIAT Diesel •Crew Cab •4x4 •Dually 6.4 2009 CHEV HHR LT e Local Trad #546197 #B09271 33,749 7,379 $ $ 2010 FORD EDGE LIMITED •Leather 2010 gmc canyon sle 1-Owner •Crew Cab Loaded #120363 #B46687 14,911 17,728 $ $ 2010 GMC SIERRA 1500 SLE •Crew Only 42K Cab Miles #300805 23,911 2014 FORD F-150 STX •Short Reg Cab Bed #E16931 19,341 $ $ 2012 DODGE RAM 3500 LARAMIE •Leather •Roof •Nav •4x4 4X4 10,987 $ •Leather •Roof Hatchback #130440 $ #A54543 27,705 $ $ - Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash ($1500) - Retail Customer Cash ($2500) #C6877 20,828 2013 ford escape SE Leather #A02948 $ 21,268 39,304 2015 F-350 LARIAT 4X4 CREW CAB #A03728 $ $ - Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash ($1500) - Retail Customer Cash ($2500) #B78690 Good Miles 2013 ford edge se 32,596 - F-150 Special Retail Customer Cash ($1000) - Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash ($750) #D09635 - Retail Customer Cash ($500) 2012 ford EDGE SE •AWD •Leather Sporty •V-6 #160181 19,692 27,741 Certified 2000 ford mustang cOUPE •Loaded $ 2012 ford EDGE LIMITED 2015 F-250 XLT 4X4 CREW CAB Jimmy Michel Sale Price Leather 15,988 $ - Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash ($1500) - Retail Customer Cash ($2500) #A87384 2014 ford TAURUS SEL $ Certified #158188 14,491 r Fuel Save #144022 1-Owner •Hatchback $ 2014 ford fusion se - Ford Credit Bonus Customer Cash ($1250) - Retail Customer Cash ($1250) #E14480 - Retail Trade In Assistance ($1500) 2015 F-250 XL 4X4 Certified #111892 13,997 #A93202 2014 F-150 4X4 LARIAT CREW CAB 2014 ford fOCUS se $ 2014 F-150 FX4 4X4 CREW CAB #204681 18,536 •Hatchback $ •Eco Boost $ 2014 ford fIESTA SE Vista Roof #117834 Certified #334161 17,408 2014 F-150 XLT 4X4 CREW CAB PrE-OWNED Cars & trucks 2013 FORD FUSION SE $ Certified •Leather •Loaded 20,921 $ •Leather •Roof Certified MSRP $32,790 $ Certified #181281 These deals won't last long! Just 30 minutes from Springfield Over 350 VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM! 2012 FORD TAURUS LIMITED 2013 FORD FOCUS TITANIUM $ $2000 Retail Customer Cash $500 Ford Credit Retail Customer Cash MSRP $23,325 All Vehicl 15,968 *Manual MSRP $24,820 Jimmy Michel Sale Price ! s g n i v a S e Hug ! o G ST U es M $ #138848 $1000 Retail Customer Cash Jimmy Michel Sale Price Certified *Leather MSRP $32,200 $3000 Retail Customer Cash $1500 Ford Credit Retail Customer Cash MSRP $18,730 2012 ford fusion se 7B Nobody Beats Our Deal! Program Cars & trucks 2015 TAURUS SEL Jimmy Michel Sale Price BARRY COUNTY ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 Deisel •4X4 #247386 2014 FORD F-150 XLT w Super Cre #E38698 44,522 29,513 $ $ Pictures for illustration purposes only T oll Free 800-838-4830 Only one location with hundreds of vehicles to choose from, in beautiful downtown Aurora, MO! 8B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 Barry County Advertiser RESIDENTIAL $69,900 ED! EDUC ICE R PR $79,900 $249,900 $164,900 AXES! LOW T $37,000 $59,999 $199,900 $115,000 CED! REDU E C I R P $179,900 $145,000 60014768 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH HOME. Extra insulation added about 3 yrs ago. Over sized garage has h/a. Metal roof new 2007. Wonderful garden spot. 60019346 - PRICE REDUCED! CLEAN AND READY TO MOVE IN. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, home has a full finished walkout basement. Appliance. 60020507 - BEAUTIFUL FULL BRICK RANCH on 10 acres m/l. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. 1/2 walkout basement. Large shop building. 60013867 - RELAX IN THE JETTED TUB. Sit on the covered deck, snuggle down in front of the gas log fireplace. It feels like home when you walk in the door. Let’s talk comfort! 60013841 - 700+ sq ft cabin close to Roaring River. New Wal-Mart Store not far from cabin in Seligman. Excellent week-end get-a-way. 60016260 FLOOR bedrooms. a partial Exeter. RESIDENTIAL $84,900 60021590 - FIREPLACE, COVERED DECK. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Large covered deck in back. Large workshop, garage plus additional tool building. $149,900 60018934 - Borders Cassville city limits on County Farm Road. 3 bedroom, 2 baths, new roof, newer carpet. Large deck is covered. 3-bay shop/garage. $50,000 ! UCED RED PRICE $140,000 $229,900 60017022 - BRICK, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in quiet established neighborhood. Work shop and chain link fence. $395,000 60014088 - SITTING ON 12 ACRES M/L of beautiful prairie land in Southwest Missouri. Patios where there is a fire pit & room to entertain. Come see all the extras this house has. $87,000 60013683 - NICE 2 bd 2 ba home is move-in ready. Fireplace, builtin oven & cooktop. Storage building. Beautiful shade trees in large fenced back yard. $39,900 $89,900 60014981 - Beautiful log-sided home. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with over 2440 sq ft of living area. Detached garage and more. $99,900 COMMERCIAL $395,000 $195,000 $65,000 PRICE ! UCED RED $99,000 60015191 - LOCATED ON SQUARE IN CASSVILLE. Good visibility & exposure to local traffic. Property will support multiple tenants with ample parking. Appraisal report available. 60015029 - CLOSE TO THE LAKES. On the way to Beaver or Table Rock Lake. Not far from Roaring River. Mobile home park has 7 mobiles with room for 7 more. 60013930 - COUNTRY LIVING ON THE EDGE OF TOWN. 3 bd 2.5 ba, brick home. Fireplace & ch/a. 2 living areas. 30’x40’ m/l shop. $220,000 60022823 - WORKSHOP with nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Sunroom. Central heat & air. 2-car garage. Nice lot. All city utilities. 60014877 - NESTLED in trees next to Table Rock Lake. 3 bd 3 ba home. Wrap around decks. Spacious living/dining w/large windows. 24’x48’ Morton Bldg is insulated & heated. 60016247 - SMELL THE ROSES & other flowers surrounding the patio of this home. Sewing room, breakfast nook, office, covered porch. Garden, barn & outbldgs. $92,700 $129,500 $175,000 60022184 - ALL BRICK HOME with 4 bd 3 ba. Open floor plan. Screened and covered deck. Chain link fence. Nice lot with city water. $125,000 60013450 - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2-car garage in Fox Ridge. Open floor plan. Wood floors and fireplace in living room. Nice size lot. City utilities. $135,000 60017035 - CLEAN & NEAT! 4 bd 4 ba home on 3.6 acres m/l w/city utilities. 30’x36’ shop, RV canopy and lots more. Call for appt to see. OPEN PLAN. 3 Home has basement. 60021850 - BEAUTIFUL BRICK HOME in Southern Hills on 4 acres m/l. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, bonus room upstairs. Floored attic storage. Decks on 3 sides of house. 60014096 - 16 ACRES M/L with very nice doublewide with large master bedroom. 30’x40’ insulated shop with concrete floor. On State Hwy between Exeter & Wheaton. 60013594 - PRICE REDUCED! NEWLY UPDATED 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home. 2 living areas, huge back deck, covered porch & much more. Owner/agent. 60015104 - HARDWOOD FLOORS. 3 bd 1.5 ba home on dead-end street in town. New paint inside and out. Fenced back yard. Large work area under house. 60015683 - PLENTY OF CURB APPEAL with a circle drive. Large 2-car garage with a workroom in the back. Big utility room, large kitchen & comfortable living room w/fireplace. RESIDENTIAL 60023473 - 3 bedrooms & 2 baths. Large lot on dead end street. New paint inside home. 2-car garage. Fenced yard. $89,900 CED! $155,000 60016250 - BRICK & VINYL, 3 bedroom 2 bath home in Wildwood Estates. Move in ready. Hardwood, stainless, gas fireplace. Priced to sell. $259,000 60013675 - LARGE, 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home on over 2 acres of land. Beautiful landscaping with lots of room to play. Full finished basement with a John Deere room. PRICE REDU $72,000 60013587 - NEED 4 BEDROOMS? Plus a family room, beautiful yard, double garage. Cassville Schools, John Deere room, screened covered deck. We have it ready to show you. 60019284 - LAKE FRONT HOME on Table Rock Lake. Gentle walk down. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath home w/covered front porch & covered patio. Incl 10’x24’ boat slip in newer private dock. 60015216 JUST A BLOCK FROM SCHOOL. 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with bamboo flooring. Fenced back yard, shed & so much more. $103,900 60021607 - SILVERLEAF STREET IN EXETER. 3 bd 2 ba home with a large RV building & work shop. House has many updates. Ready to move in. $112,900 $68,500 60014989 - 3 bd 2 ba home with some original wood flooring & beautiful trim, shutters, granite counters, marble flooring, newer fixtures. $179,900 $32,999 60013910 - 2 bd 1 ba home. Appliances. Detached 27’x28’ garage. All city utilities & central natural gas heat & central a/c. $195,900 $109,900 60015000 - LOG CABIN on 20 acres m/l. Paved road. Enjoy the serenity of this 4 bd 2 ba log cabin. Huge shop & storage buildings. $209,000 60017139 - NEWLY UPDATED BRICK HOME. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. New kitchen cabinets. Corner lot with city utilities. $129,900 60013686 - LOCATED IN ONE OF CASSVILLE’S FINER SUBDIVISIONS. Over 3400 sq ft. Inground pool. Circle drive, water fountains in and out. $319,900 $84,900 PRICE CED! REDU $49,900 $139,900 ! UCED E RED PRIC $97,900 $59,900 $429,900 VACANT LAND / LOTS CED! REDU PRICE 60019815 PRICE REDUCED! LAKE FRONT LOT IN GOLDEN. Beautiful homes in the area. Chip and seal road. Easy access to property. King River Marina just across the lake. 60015025 - 18 ACRES M/L. Part in city limits. Plenty of room for a homesite and some livestock. Includes barn and a pond. City utilities available. 60014850 NEAR CASSVILLE. 7.2 acres m/l partially fenced. Rural water. Electricity available. $39,900 60014991 - 90 ACRES M/L SECLUDED LAND. Fenced, 30’x50’ m/l shop, well, pond, 2-car detached garage. Turkey, deer and more. Possible owner financing. $180,000 60015145 - INSIDE CITY LIMITS. 1.8 acres m/l with city water and city sewer. Nice building site with lots of shade trees. Owner would consider trade of equal value. $27,000 $12,500 $53,000 $145,900 60016350 - 5 ACRES M/L just east of Butterfield on U Hwy to Farm Road 1102. Building location with a view. $85,900 60014849 - VACANT LOTS. Two building lots ready to build on. City utilities. Cattle tight fence. $133,000 60015664 - LOT #455 is approximately 75’x172’ Airport Road in Shell Knob. $9,000. $9,000 $169,900 $600,000 $144,000 Jack Nickols Broker (Cell) 417-342-1506 Jean Nickols Larry Daniels (Cell) 417-880-5446 87 S. Main Street, Cassville, MO | (Cell) 417-846-7306 Lea Hill Bill Hill Cindy Carr 417-847-0156 417-847-3241 417-847-7514 (Office) (Cell) 60015802 - A REAL DOLL HOUSE nestled in large trees. 4 bedroom, 2 ba showplace. All city utilities. 60014869 PRICE REDUCED! SHORT DRIVE TO TOWN. 2 bedroom 1 bath home. Several outbuildings. 2 acres m/l. 60020185 - LARGE HOME on 2.5 acres m/l. Kitchen has island & pantry. Two living areas. Two covered decks. Detached 2-car garage. 60013605 - ON THE OUT SKIRTS OF TOWN. 4.5 acres m/l with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, home with 2-car detached garage. 3 carports & paved driveway. 60022979 - ALL BRICK, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2-car garage on large lot. All city utilities. Almost 1800 sq ft. Paved driveway. Storage building. 60013624 - PRICE CHANGE. 10 acres m/l with large outbuilding. Cassville Schools, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, walkout basement. Located on State Hwy 86, 2 miles south of State Hwy 76. 60022695 - LOCATED IN AURORA, MO. 3 bd 1 ba with storage building. Close to downtown, Price Cutter, churches. 1 bedroom does not have a closet. 60021560 - 4 BD, 3 BA HOME with full basement. 2 living areas, 2 kitchens. Metal roof. Beautiful kitchens & hardwood floors. Large master suite. Well water. 35 acres m/l. 60013912 - PLENTY OF ROOM FOR RV PARKING. 3 bd 3 ba home with formal dining, family room & breakfast area. All on 1.4 acres m/l close to the Golf Course. 60015088 CITY UTILITIES on the corner lot home. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, detached 2-car garage with work area. 60015220 - NICE! 3 bd 2.5 ba home on just over 1 acre m/l. Custom cabinets, covered deck. Double car garage. 60013390 NEW CONSTRUCTION. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with 3-car garage. Knotty Alder cabinets. Meadow Estates. FARMS $189,900 60015222 - COMMERCIAL ON MAIN STREET, CASSVILLE. 1800+ sq ft. Can be 2 separate bldgs. Includes hand elevator to upstairs. 60018794 PRICE Two REDUCED! buildings side by side on Main Street, Cassville. Newly remodeled with extensive tile on floors & walls. Excellent retail or restaurant. RESIDENTIAL (Cell) $135,000 60014719 - 80 ACRES M/L. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, home. Ch/a. 24x30 carport tall enough for RV. Several outbuildings. Creeks & ponds & some springs. 60014724 - 400 acres m/l surrounded by national forest. 60% m/l open pasture with 7 ponds & a wet weather creek. Well & electricity. Plenty wildlife. Building sites. 60014757 - BEAUTIFUL BUILDiNG SITE with pasture for livestock. 37 acres m/l with paved road frontage. Great location. Close to the lake. 60015184 FLAG SPRING on 3 sides of this 37 acres m/l. A 3 bedroom 2 bath mfg home plus a 4 bd 2 ba mfg home goes with the property. 417-847-0156 | Barry County Advertiser WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 9B CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE It’s a AUTOS Mystery Bookstore! ‘98 CHEVY 2002 Mahindra 35 hp, 260 hrs, no bucket, 2wd $5,900. 2005 Mahindra 56hp, 206 hrs, bucket, 2wd $14,000. Both always shedded. 3pt sub-soiler $125 16 ft boat, Lund, with trailer, no title $500. 17 ft canoe with outboard motor cut off $300. Westerns, Sci-Fi, Romance PLUS more!! half ton,4 wheel drive, 3 door. $5500 • 417-858-2380 • MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE 2007 Honda VTX 1300 Pearl white. Mileage 22,376. Asking $5250.00 Home number 417-574-6859 after 5:00 p.m. 107 Public Square, Berryville, AR KIRBY vacuum cleaner, all attachments. Plus SENTRIA carpet shampoo system (never used). All other like new. Must see 417-847-5411. FOR SALE: 1999 S-10. 4 cyl., 5 speed, dependable gas saver. Recently inspected. $1,750.00. 417-847-5341. 05 PONTIAC Sun Fire, 2 door sedan. Sharp. New driver window assembly. Cold air. Will make some girl a great graduation car!! $3895.00. See at Bill’s Appliances. 417-8476272, 417-846-5950. FOR SALE FOR SALE tomato plants 417-847-7826 or 417-342-4618 Abramovitz FOR SALE Sunday Morning Worship New Site Baptist Church (417)235-6135 FOR SALE: Reinforced concrete with warranty. In-ground and above ground. 1925 FR 1060. Aaron Weibel preaching. 14x70 2 bed, 1 1/2 bath, newer carpet & vinyl throughout house a few years back. Bought newer bigger model. $5500.00 obo HARRIS EXCAVATION POWER CHAIR, 2013 Pronto M51, like new. Also, Joey power lift for van. Make offer. 417-847-2556. GARAGE SALE Tiller, 4 stroke 25hp Jet x-3 motor guide, foot control, charging system, running lights, spare tire. Call 417-723-0140 or 417-229-1223 STORM SHELTERS FOR SALE 8:30...9:45...11a.m. FOR SALE 2013 BLAZER River Jon 1742 call 417-342-8526 home 442-7331 cell 236-2255 --------------------------------- 417-835-2113 Garden Compost For Sale WANTED TO BUY May Day MAY Parkingday Lot Sale ENCORE parking lot sale Friday, May 1st Video Mart Paying cash for DVDs and Games 9:30-5:30 ENCORE CONSIGNMENT SHOP 1250 OLD HWY 37 CHECK OUT THE BARGAINS! CLASSIFIED DEADLINE, Rates, and Policies: - Phone No. Words Cash Times Run Check No. Exp. Date 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 $5.00 11 $5.50 12 $6.00 5 6 13 $6.50 14 $7.00 15 $7.50 16 $8.00 17 $8.50 18 $9.00 19 $9.50 20 $10.00 21 $10.50 22 $11.00 23 $11.50 24 $12.00 25 $12.50 26 $13.00 31 $15.50 32 $16.00 GARAGE SALE Wednesday-Saturday April 30-May 2, 9am-4pm lots of good stuff come out and look 408 W. 14th St., Cassville GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 2nd Tools, clothes, Craftsman copy crafter, band saw, wood lathes, riding mower, DR trimmer, fishing stuff, much more. 2 miles N. of Exeter on CC Hwy 27 $13.50 28 $14.00 29 $14.50 30 $15.00 33 $16.50 34 $17.00 35 $17.50 36 $18.00 ❑ Autos ❑ For Sale ❑ Wanted To Buy ❑ Garage Sale ❑ Situations Wanted ❑ For Rent ❑ Farm & Livestock ❑ Pets ❑ Services ❑ Real Estate ❑ Help Wanted ❑ Lost & Found ❑ Wanted ❑ Notice ❑ Thank You ❑ Free GARAGE SALE Friday and Saturday Gun cabinet, double stroller, play pen, pub stools, fishing tackle. Lots of misc. 2 miles east of Purdy on C Hwy Warren YARD SALE Fri & Sat, May 1&2, 7am-? girls clothes 4T-6X, baby boy through 3T, baby toys, adult clothes 415 Santee St. Washburn YARD SALE. Friday, 7 am-? Guns, gas powered golf cart, air conditioner, Dell computer, shop tools, gun cabinet, OTC programming tool, fishing tackle, name brand clothing. Take hwy 248 to farm road 2175, turn right. HUGE INSIDE GARAGE SALE 8 am Thur, Fri & Sat Baby, Teen’s & Adult clothes, walkers, strollers, like-new toys, lots of household items. 16th & corner of High St. 201 S. MAIN ST. CASSVILLE “Donate your gently used items to Habitat. We supply homes for the needy.” We appreciate your support in shopping and donation! Pickup available call for appointment • household furniture • household goods • building supplies • appliances • toys NO clothing or TV’s Thank you 417-846-0110 GARAGE SALE Fri. & Sat., May 2nd & 3rd Multi Families having garage sales in Wayne Area. Deadlines: Borders (classified display), Monday, 5pm; $5.60 per column inch. Line ads: must be pre-paid and are accepted until 12 noon Tuesday; 50¢ per word, 10 word minimum. Ads must be printed or typed. Check ad first appearance. Refunds only if Advertiser error. One week refund or correction will be provided; must occur within first week. The Advertiser is not responsible for mistakes on handwritten ads; reserves the right to hold ads until account balance is paid; reserves the right to classify ads when no classification is given. Our office is located 1 block north of the Post Office in Cassville. Ph: (417)847-4475; Add: PO Box 488, Cassville, MO 65625; E-mail: Name Address City Starting Date Amt. Enclosed Credit Card# Exeter, Mo. mill purchasing Scragg/Mini Logs Excellent prices paid! 6”-17” diameter Tree length or call for cut length We also accept standing timber CALL TODAY 835-3644 417-858-6408 -Rear tine tiller, Troy-Bilt, 6 h.p. -Stihl, 1 h.p. small roto-tiller, used to go between rows. -Blue lift chair, used very little. -10 gun cabinet with storage drawer. -Medium size dog carrier. Loggers & Land Owners 417-858-6408 • 2005 Mahindra 56hp, 206 hrs, bucket, 2wd, always shedded, make offer. • 3pt sub-soiler $125 • 16 ft boat, Lund, with trailer, no title $500. • 17 ft canoe with outboard motor cut off $300. boat slip in community dock. Needles Eye Peninsula, Shell Knob. 10x22 ft. Very good condition. $18,975. (417)860-3905 ATTENTION South of Exeter on MM hwy Watch for signs. Rain or Shine. GARAGE SALE Saturday only 7-? tons of name-brand kids clothes, Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, Levis, etc. Boys/Girls clothes all different sizes, Namebrand shoes, boots, women’s clothes. Pier one dining table/chairs, set of 4 dining room chairs, children’s toys, psp & xbox games & lots more. NO EARLY BIRDS 4 mi. south of Exeter on Hwy MM in Wayne YARD SALE. Friday, May 1, 7 to 4, Saturday, May 2, 7 to 1. 90 S. Main. Unbelievable amount of yard ornaments. All kinds of yard decorations and flower-holders. Hand-crocheted doilies and pillowcases. Boxes of salt-and-pepper shakers and lots more. 5 FAMILY YARD SALE! Friday, 7 am - 5 pm Saturday, 7 am - 2 pm Home decor, wheels, golf clubs, recliners, name brand men & women’s clothing. Teen and children’s clothes, 3 months-2T, stroller, high chair, car seat and 31 bags! Take Hwy 112 past the gold course, house is on the left before AA. YARD SALE Thursday & Friday Great Stuff 201 Center St, Cassville Sherwood Forest Division GARAGE SALE, Saturday, May 2nd, 7:30-?. 105 Silverleaf St., Exeter. Lots of women’s clothing sizes medium to plus size 28. Lots of household items, lots of misc. 4 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Friday only 7am-5pm Brand name children’s and adult clothing, baby items, home decor, furniture, bowflex, dvr camcorder, portable dvd player, straightalk Iphone 5, lots of misc. 1408 Nottingham Foxridge Subdivision Cindy Ray’s house LARGE GARAGE SALE all kinds of assortments Friday & Saturday 7-5 from Arvest Bank, 5.3 miles south on 112 on right ROWDY ROOSTER First monthly swap meet May 16th, 8am to whenever Swap meet every 3rd Saturday Spaces $15 for the day at the state line of MO & AR where 94-340 and MO E Hwy meet. Call for information and rules 417-435-2326. Call before 9:30 am or after 9:30 pm. Garage sale every Thursday & Friday. Call for Information. YARD SALE Saturday only, 7 am Army tent, camping gear, chrome grill guard, twin bed with mattress, children’s outdoor play set, kitchen items, lots more!! Just outside Wheaton on Hwy W GARAGE SALE (rain or shine) Sat., May 2nd 7am-??? TONS of like new, name brand Newborn-18 month boy clothing, shoes, baby items, toys, etc. Women’s clothing, maternity clothing, cedar desk, oak coffee table, lots of nick-nacks and misc. 3 miles west of Wheaton on Hwy AButler’s HUGE YARD SALE. FridaySaturday, May 1st&2nd, 7-5 330 Glenwood Circle (Southern Hills) GARAGE SALE April 30, May 1,2 lots of good clothing: girls infant to size 8, ladies 814, Men’s L-XL, and some juniors. Toys, toy kitchen, some furniture, lots of misc. stuff. 105 Kathy Dr., Cassville CARPORT SALE Saturday 5/2/15, 7-2. 102 Washburn St, Exeter. Tools, table saw, fishing stuff, misc. No early sales. SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY May 1 & 2, 8am-? Tools, guns, hunting gear, fishing, doghouse & cage, king bed, twin bunk bed, couch, water heater, beauty supplies, dvd’s, books, name brand clothing, toys, baby items, designer purses, housewares, misc. furniture 104 E Wilson, Wheaton Did you have success with your classified ad? Let us know!! Give us a call at 417-847-4475 GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 2, 7am-? Baby items, kid’s clothes, adult clothes, exercise equipment and misc. 623 Ponderosa Dr., Wheaton Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday • Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday 10B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015Barry County Advertiser THE TURNING Point AA group meets each Monday, west corner of Mitchell Plaza, Hwy. 86, Eagle Rock, 7:00pm. GARAGE SALE REFLECTION RIDGE SUBDIVISION LOST YOUR LICENSE? MOVING SALE Too many points or other violations? We can take care of the paper work and get your license back!! 324 Reflection Ridge, Shell Knob, MO. Also: STATE SR22 FILINGS See John at STARCHMAN INS. Multi-neighborhood garage sales Cassville, MO (417)847-3554 Friday, May 1 8:00-5:00 Saturday, May 2, 8:00-3:00 NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS meeting Wednesday, Friday & Saturday at 7p.m., 1308 Harold, Cassville. 417-3429704, 417-342-9706. ALANON MEETINGS every Thursday at 7:00 pm at Mitchell’s Plaza, Hwy. 86 in Eagle Rock. Anitiques. Furniture: recliners, sofas,desk, tables. Chestfreezer, boating toys, lifejackets, skis, fishing gear. Stereo system & speakers, weight-lifting equipment, yard statues, adirondack chairs, grill, large house plants, tools, yard games, youth archery bows. much, much, more! FOR RENT BEAUTY SALON SPACE Directions: 39 highway in Shell Knob, turn on YY, travel approx. 3.6 miles, turn left on Campbell Point Rd, in 1 block turn left on Reflection Ridge, continue straight on Reflection Ridge to SALES. Cassville square. Available now. High traffic space. Start or grow your salon. Room for storage, two stations and retail products. 417-846-6455 Mobile Home Lots RV Lots SITUATIONS WANTED IT SHOULDN’T hurt to be a child. Child abuse hurts both the child and the parent. For help call 1-800-392-3738 toll free. IF YOU are homebound or unable to get out to meetings but need help for the effects of living with alcoholism, become an Al-Anon or Alateen Lone Member. Contact Al-Anon Family Groups, 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 or email IF SOMEONE in your family has a drinking problem, you can see what it is doing to them, but can you see what it is doing to you? The Cassville Al-Anon Family Group meets Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Cassville, First Methodist Church, Townsend Street entrance. Call (417)847-2068. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS New Beginnings is now meeting at Mitchell’s Plaza, Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. For more info, call 417-846-6305. Nice park - Close to town AVAILABLE NOW 3 bdrm, 2 bath trailer Appliances included, ch/a. Pool, playground, laundry on premises. NO PETS PLEASE . $450/mo Eagle Rock • 417-271-3540 Beaver’s U-Store-All Mini and Boat Storage. Located at Hwy. 86/H, Golden, MO ☛ 7 SIZES: 10x12 up to 11x32 ☛ Security Cameras ☛ Gate Open: 7am-10pm ☛Owner/Operator lives on-site (417)271-3578 City View Apartments 2 bedroom, 1 bath. No Pets. All Appliances Included 847-7051 • 847-7297 FOR RENT 2BED/1BA APARTMENT in Cassville. FULLY REMODELED. Available now. W/S/G included in rent! See pic’s on Craigslist. $425/mo, 1st & last month’s rent. Very nice quiet complex. 417-213-3132 Cross Timbers Apts. in Washburn (417)847-3238 • CUTE!! 2 bd,1 ba, wood floors, W/D hookups, appliances. provided.$400 mo. HENBEST STORAGE (417)435-2481 (479)644-6181 Cheap rates Several Sizes Clean, Quiet Cassville Location NOW AVAILABLE 417-847-2400 NICE HOME FOR RENT 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with an oversized 1 car garage located in a nice subdivision in Exeter. Nice private backyard with a covered porch. New kitchen appliances. $500 deposit, $625/month, 1 year lease. Call 417-652-7166 2 BEDROOM duplex just remodeled. Washer/dryer hookup. 417-847-7297 or 417847-7051. for a limited time 2 bed Apts. in Purdy. $350/mo $200/dep. No pets. Call after 5pm 417-846-5473 FOR RENT nice 3 bedroom 2 bath, mobile on 4 plus acres, 3 outbuildings. located in Exeter. First and last month rent. references required. Great for small farm. Must pass background check. Retaining Walls Face Lift for Gravel Driveway Aeration Dirt & Sod Work Garden Tilling Manure Spreading Many More Services Available 417-628-3518 • 417-312-1906 HAY FOR SALE Bermuda and crabgrass square bales. $5/bale. 417-632-4629 417-592-6150 ALL NEW Happy Jack® Xylecide®: Anti-Fungal shampoo for dogs & horses: treats ringworm and bacterial skin infections without steroids! MFA AGRI SERVICE (8473115) ( POMERANIAN PUPPIES Registered. Adorable. Vet care current. Only $300 cash. 417-342-4208 Have slots open for seasonal or one time. Free estimates. Insured. Call Bob at 417-331-1332 Cassville/Shell Knob area Tree trimming & removing Free estimates/insured 417-665-9736 Beyond Clean House cleaning & detailing services. Home, office, boats, autos, etc. Darlene Steve Pendergraft (417)846-7906 Roofs, deck, remodels, framework to complete finishes from the smallest project to the largest. MIKE’S MOWING Seasonal or one time mowing, any size yard or lot. Call Mike for free estimates 417-489-8222 858-0676 CLINT’S PLUMBING AND REPAIR Services include: • Plumbing • Household Repairs • Rental & Real Estate Clean Up • Junk and Trash Haul Off • other Misc. jobs. Call/text for more info and prices 417-671-1877 CHECK IT OUT!! “All Types” Homeowners Insurance, Call John @ CAREGIVER for your loved one. Food prep, light housekeeping, personal care, shopping, appointments, etc. References provided. 20 years experience. 417-569-8631. GUNSMITH CASSVILLE All sizes, 24 hour access, fenced & security gate (417)847-4500 STARCHMAN INSURANCE (417)847-3554 MUSIC LESSONS Guitar, Lap steel, ukulele, dobro Classical, Blues, Rock, Country, Bluegrass, Folk, Metal. 25+ yrs of exp • 417-652-3638 CALL: (417)662-3865 417-271-3333 TRACTOR WORK • Backhoe with 12” bucket • Water lines, foundations and French drains • Box scraper-grading • Brush hog 417-671-1456 • Barry Cnty Extra Mile Siding Co. • ALL types of exterior siding • Full line of replacement & new construction windows • Decorative stone • Log cabin siding • Overhangs & decks Lifetime, transferable material warranties. 7 year labor warranty. Metal Roofs 417-342-1208 BLUE HERON ESTATE SALES “Recycling The Past one Sale At A Time.” (We are not an Auction Service) We are a Tag Sale Service for Estates, Moving, Divorce, Liquidations, etc. Please visit our website: Call Bev 417-435-2243 or email for more information. We treat your items with respect while offering them for sale to the public. 3 Bd. 2 Ba. FP, 2 car gar., metal corral, storm shelter, 10 acres. $99,500 with land. $79,500 for just the house. (417)652-3505 Experienced • Licensed • Insured (417)342-3152 Locally Owned Custom Apparel & Screen Printing @ YOUNG’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Metal Roofing, Vinyl Siding, Sofit’s, & Replacement Windows Call: (417)847-5464 WOLF PACK SEPTIC SERVICE (formerly Tillman’s Septic) Call: 847-7326 OWNERS Aubrey Wolf Denny Wolf 417-847-5502 417-574-6558 D&D LAWN CARE Clean Master Free Estimates Pressure Washing LLC “We Clean Everything” Damon Brown 417-316-1757 Senseney Tree Service (OMESs"OAT$OCKSs!UTOs0ARKING,OTSs"OATS #OMMERCIAL"UILDINGSs3TRIPINGs26Ss$ECKS7ASHEDAND3EALED #OMMERCIALAND2ESIDENTIAL Must Sell!! Berm home. 3 bd., 2 ba., office, detached garage, 2 acres. 105 Merrimac, Exeter. $89,900 417-671-1232 26 ACRES of wooded land for sale. Mineral Springs Rd, across from Mark Twain forest entrance. Lots of road frontage. $32,900 • 260-750-9500 PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Wheaton, Mo. Bucket truck & chipper service Free estimates • Insured %XPERIENCEDAND)NSUREDWITH2EFERENCES (417) 342-7612 Call for a FREE estimate 3ENIORAND6ETERAN$ISCOUNT ✮ Mobile Home Moving & Set-Up Local or Long Distance REAL ESTATE SINCLAIR MOBILE HOME TRANSPORT FARM & LIVESTOCK LOOKING FOR ground around cassville area to cut hay on. I can do shares 60/40 or buy your part from you. 417-3424344. Randy Miles Eagle Rock Construction don’t pay too much for your tree service ELKHORN CONSTRUCTION, LLC (417)847-7756 Call Ultra Clean Exteriors, LLC Specializing in house washing, deck cleaning & staining, roof cleaning & much more. FULL BLOODED YORKIE PUPPIES SERVICES Credit Cards Accepted BACKHOE • DOZER GRAVEL • SEPTICS NEW CUSTOM HOMES OZARKS TREE SERVICE Born 3/13/15. Tails docked, dew claws removed and first shots. Available 4/24/15. Mom & Dad on site. Private home. Day time (417) 342-2124. Evening time (417) 342-5262. $400. S UPER C SANDBLASTING AND PRESSURE WASHING PROFESSIONAL PRESSURE WASHING Cassville 417-489-5859 Landon Brattin 846-3714 Karen Brattin 342-1148 Call Aaron Dalton 7 years experience. References available. Chris (417)847-7822 (417)342-0801 Red, chocolate, cedar, black, natural • Owner Operated • Insured • Free Estimates • Reasonable Rates • 24 Hour Service MOWING SERVICE BOB’S MOWING SERVICE PETS COLORED MULCH EAGLE ROCK TREE SERVICE YOCK’S Call Bob 417-847-7385 SO/MO Storage BusyBee Landscaping & Backhoe, LLC tfc (417)236-4615 • (417)236-2068 (417)652-3876 Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday • Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday Barry County advertiser Barry County Advertiser REAL ESTATE STMPF teaser AUCTION Monday, May 4, 10 a.m. Washburn, Missouri See Auction Section for more details 417-847-2507 LES JACOBS FORD is looking for a fulltime Service Writer must be customer oriented, have computer skills and automotive knowledge. apply in person with resume B RIGHTON RIDGE ATTENTION Brighton Ridge of Eureka Springs is seeking qualified individuals to fill the positions of: RECEPTIONIST RN LPN Dietary Aides DRIVERS: $70,000 to $80,000 per yr., Exp drivers, free health insurance, 2500 sign on bonus (pays out in 4 mons) Home weekly, Same day pay 2016 Freightliner Cascadia, APU, invertors. Automatic and Standard Transmission. or 800-769-3993 Brighton Ridge offers a newly remodeled living and working environment located in the beautiful city of Eureka Springs, Ark. Brighton Ridge offers a competitive wage scale, full health insurance, 401K plans, and vacation benefits. Please inquire at the Business Office or send resumes to Jayme Creek. Fax: 479-253-5325 235 Huntsville Road Eureka Springs, AR 72632 479-253-7038 BRUNER’S HALLMARK at the Cassville, Shell Knob and Eagle Rock locations. Insurance, paid holidays and competitive wages based on experience. Apply in person at 601 West 14th Street Cassville, Mo. is seeking an outgoing creative person for a part time or full time position. Job description includes creating artistic floral designs, setting store displays and working the front counter POS system. Applicants need to be willing to learn new skills and be flexible. A positive and cheerful disposition are greatly appreciated with our customer service. Submit resume to: Bruner’s Hallmark 321 E. Broadway Monett, MO 65708 or, apply in person Wed & Thurs 8:30-5:00 DRIVERS-OTR. MILES! Paid Loaded/Empty on Practical, new Volvos. Benefits! CDL-A. 1 yr exp. or 636-584-6073. DRIVERS, SOLO, 3 or 6 day runs, 44cents per mi, Free Health Ins. Same Day Pay. 800-769-3993 for Details, on line app IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR: ROARING RIVER HEALTH & REHAB Barry County Ready Mix has openings for CDL DRIVERS -Delivery driver with CDL -Inside sales clerk, full time -Inside sales clerk, part time PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON AT MEEKS SHELL KNOB STORE 11B 11B (FORMERLY RED ROSE INN) 812 OLD EXETER ROAD, CASSVILLE, MO 417-847-2184 We want to hire the following: C.N.A.’S part time and full time We offer good wages Holiday pay, vacation & sick pay after 90 days. Insurance available. Please drop in and fill out our new short application form. BUNDLE BUNDLE YOUR YOUR COVERAGE COVERAGE FOR EVEN BIGGER FOR EVEN BIGGER SAVINGS. SAVINGS. CALL FOR A FREE QUOTE. CALL FOR A FREE QUOTE. A Skilled Nursing Facility- is now accepting applications for CNA’s for all shifts housekeeper/laundry must be avail. weekends •NEW PAY SCALE! BENEFITS & VACATION!• Apply in person: 1300 County Farm Rd. Cassville, MO 65625 or download the app from our website Cassville Healthcare & Rehab is an equal opportunity employer. George’s Processing is an equal opportunity employer. with varied responsibilities needed for busy office • Personable, people oriented, energetic & self motivated. • Knowledge of office supplies. • Willing to do telephone sales. • Light book work. • Sort & distribute mail. • Have good customer service skills. Send response to: subject: Resume CASSVILLE HEALTHCARE & REHAB HELP WANTED Immediate openings for General production GEORGE’S positions. Both day and night shifts. Day shift starts at $9.85 and night shift is $.50 more. Must be able to provide verifiable references, pass a post offer drug screen and physical. Apply in person. Wednesday, aPriL 29, 2015 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 HELP WANTED UPCOMING MAY 4 re REAL ESTATE HWY. 112 S. Cassville, MO Auctioneer Donnie Stumpff POLICE OFFICER WANTED POST certified, reserve and/or part time. Apply in person SELIGMAN POLICE DEPT. 29144 Main St. Seligman, MO 65745 8 SECOND TRUCKING needs Owner Operators. 2-3 yrs. Flat bed experience. 84% of gross revenue, benefit package, fuel card. Call Jerry 417-761-3833 DRIVERS: COMPANY: Great Weekly Pay! PAID Health Insurance, Vacation/Holidays! ownerOps: $1.03 ALL miles plus 100% FS. Paid tolls, scales & more @Standard Transportation Gets you home weekly: 1-888-992-4038 x133 UTILITY ASSISTANT NOTICE NOTICE I’d like to contact every property owner in Chain O Lakes who has ever received a nuisance notice for weeds, trash, or vehicles on their lots. I’d also like to know if you or anyone you’ve talked with had received a phone call for their vote prior to the April 7, 2015, election. If you have any concerns about the Village, please contact: Roger Thomas PO Box 170 Eagle Rock, MO 65641-0170 DRIVERS, 65,000+, CDL-A, $2500 sign on, Bonus Pay out in 4 mo. 1 month exp, Same Day Pay! Free Health Ins, No CDL? We have Free training! 800-769-3993 Cassville Discount Grocery Where discount means more for your buck. Simple: Stop - Shop - $AVE We are your friendly hometown store. Management Owned We proudly accept: Store Hours: Mon.-Wed. 9am-5pm EBT Thurs.-Fri. 9am-6pm Cash & Checks Sat. 9am-5pm Credit or Debit Cards SUNDAY CLOSED 902 W. 10th St., Cassville, MO 65625 417-847-5283 42tfc THE WHEATON CITY WIDE GARAGE SALE WILL BE THIS WEEKEND, MAY 2nd. Maps will be at Stop & Shop and Fastrip on Friday Afternoon. LOST & FOUND FOUND NEAR the Advertiser: ladies black suede boots. Stop by to claim. WANTED needed for the City of Washburn. Starting pay: $9.00/hr If you have a Water or Wastewater Certification, Salary will be commiserate. Background checks are mandatory. Apply within City Hall 35tfc Burl Mitchell Agency Burl Mitchell Agency 58 S Main St 58 S Main St Cassville, MO 65625 Cassville, MO 65625 Bus: (417) 847-3128 Bus: (417) 847-3128 8:30 am to 5:00 pm 8:30 am to 5:00 pm WANTED: Pasture for cattle. Looking for 100 acres or more. No less than 20 acres. BarryLawrence county. Water access. (417)669-1528 1. Joan Haynes - 404 W. Main St. 2. Joy Prier - 531 E. Davidson 3. Janis Prewitt - 301 Wilson 4. Nancy Rosentreter - 202 W. Santee 5. Clara Loftis - 605 Ponderosa 6. Wilma Ruhl - 524 E. Santee 7. Richard Averill - 217 N. Lamberson 8. Dorothy Gunter - 219 Duncan 9. Darrell Johns - 513 E. Davidson 10. Kandy Fiscus - 215 W. Santee 11. Carol Dertinger - 524 Wilson 12. Depot Museum - 311 E. Main 13. Bob’s Peaches - 2117 State Hwy. 76 14. Genie Butler - Hwy. A 15. Ethan Block - 108 E. Goostree 16. Beck McNeill - 623 Ponderosa 17. Amber Schlessman - 203 W. Santee 18. Dawn Schlessman - 617 E. Santee 19. Wanda Hotsenpillar - 1283 State Hwy. W 29c The City of Purdy Annual City Wide Garage Sale Will be held Sat., May 30, 2015 If you are a resident of the City of Purdy and would like to have a garage sale on that day; Please contact City Hall at 442-3273 To have your name placed on the list. Names must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 26, 2015. A list of participants will be available on Friday, May 30, 2015 at local businesses 27-32c 29c Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday • Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday 12B WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 Barry County Advertiser Cassville singers to compete at State The Cassville High School Choir Department competed March 26 in the MSHSAA Southwest District Solo and Small Ensemble Competition. All district 1 ratings will advance to State Competition on May 2. The Choir is directed by Mary Richmiller, Leslie McCullough and Student Teacher Shelby Long. Five solos are advancing with a 1 rating: Levi Pollreisz, Kiley Wolf, Lisa Lambel, Kristen Cox and Drake Thomas. Soloists recieving a two rating: Sky Dill, Jaci Evans, Kassie Graves, Coleman Hoppes, Amanda Jackson, Keely McCracken, Brian Oliphant, Sarah Shumaker, Parker Skinner and Laura Stringer. Small Ensembles advancing to State with a 1 rating: •Pollreisz Mixed: Levi Pollreisz, Drake Thomas, Parker Skinner, Leigh Cox, Kristen Golden Rural Plumbing 417/271-3555 • Cox Girls: Kristen Cox, Jayce Fink, Korissa Latta, Amanda Jackson, Kiley Wolf, and Jena Hilburn. • Fink Mixed: Jackson Kirk, A.J. Goergen, Cheyenne Black, Brenna Pendegraft, Jakob Bredeson, Mason Arndt, Jayce Fink, Amanda Jackson and Mason Jacobson • Rabourn Mixed: Bailey Hendrix, Camille Holman, Lexie Wilson, Korissa Latta, Zach Rabourn, Tre Stewart, Kameron Kalbaugh, Juan Dove and Cameron Irwin. • Wall Girls: Shelby Taylor, Carley Kelwer, Jena Hilburn, Jasmine Bickford, Kaylee Coursey, Kynsey bra- Choir members who earned a 1 rating are pictured above, from left to right. In the front row: Allen Lambel, Anne Sommers, Hope Boston, Lisa Lambel, Kiley Wolf, Savannah Willis, Tre Stewart and Kassie Graves. Middle row: Maidson Stahan, Nicarah Smithson, Jackson Kirk, Coleman Hoppes, Brooke Cornell, Jace Evans, Addyson Nunley, Samantha Mitchell and Megan Richter. Back row: David Griffith, Allen Boston, Parker Skinner, Drake Thomas, Leigh Cox, Jeremiah Hilburn, Kaylee Boxley and Levi Pollreisz. tfc 417-847-1200 712 W. 10th St. (the old Arning bldg.) - Cassville, Mo 65625 Ken Cieslinski Center s ’ n KCeollision 5 Tips for Surviving a Collision Repair Job 1. Beware of low bidders. 2. Ask for a comprehensive damage appraisal with your estimate. 3. Get clear information about the replacement parts the shop will put into your vehicle. 4. Request a written warranty. 5. Before beginning repairs, get information about the experience of bodywork & painting technicians working on your vehicle. 29c #3 Cox, Brooke Cornell, Jaci Evans and Kiley Wolf • Skinner Men: Levi Pollreisz, Drake Thomas, Tre Stewart, Jackson Kirk, Leigh Cox, Jeremiah Hilburn, Parker Skinner, Allen Lambel • Smithson Girls: Nicaraha Smithson, Lisa Lambel, Kaylee Boxley, Addison Nunley, Madison Strahan, Samantha Mitchell, Megan Richter • Griffith Mixed: Allen Boston, Coleman Hoppes, Hope Boston, Savannah Willis, Kassie Graves, Anne Sommers, Jeremiah Hilburn and David Griffith. Small Ensembles that recieved a 2 rating: Campbell Girls: Alexis Cieslinski, Sarah Shumaker, Emily Sink, Laura Stringer, Jaden Fink, Anastasia Martinez, Jordan Campbell. Cochran Girls: Abbi Atkinson, Ambria Vaughn, Sky Dill, Antonia Laizure, Maddie Mason, Madison Olbertz and Brett Cochran. Choir members who earned a 2 rating are pictured above, from left to right. Front row: Brett Cochran, Coleman Hoppes, Lexie Wilson, Amanda Jackson, JayCe Fink, Brenna Pendergraft, Kassie Graves and Jerica Wall. Second row: Keely McCrackin, Shelby Taylor, Abbi Atkinson, Alexis Cieslinski, Allen Almebl, Kameron Kalbaugh, Jordan Campbell, Camille Holman, Sarah Shumaker, Anna Martinez and Kiley Wolf. Third row: Maddie Mason, Jaci Evans, Bailey Hendrix, Kaylee Coursey, Kynsey Branham, Korissa Latta, Carly Klewer, Ambria Vaughn, Jasmine Bickford, Toni Laizure, Jaden Fink and Jena Hilburn. Back row: Emily Sink, Cameron Irwin, Parker Skinner, Jackson Kirk, Brian Oliphant, Zach Rabourn, Tre Stewart, Jakob Bredeson, Mason Arndt, Sky • Paddington, rated PG, • Bingo Night at the liDill, Cheyenne Black, Laura Stringer and Madi Olbertz. will be shown at 4 p.m. on brary will be Thursday, May Friday, May 1. 7, beginning at 6:00 p.m. • A Prime Time Story • Library cards are free to Time will be held in the Barry and Lawrence County Cassville Branch Library’s residents. To get one, bring lower level on Monday, May in a photo ID (18 and older) 4, at 6 p.m. and proof of address. Cassville Library events CASSVILLE DENTAL CARE DOTY CONSCIOUS SEDATION TRASH is a locally owned & operated company based out of Aurora, MO that is now servicing your area. “A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS A LIFELONG CUSTOMER” • It Really Works! You really can relax through your dental appointment. “We take great pride in our exceptional customer service that we offer, without adding all of those unwanted fuel surcharges, administrative fees, and landfill fees.” Residential - Commercial - Industrial • You will have little or no memory of the experience. • Complex dental treatments that often require six to eight appointments, can be done in as little as one or two! • People who have difficulty getting numb will find that sedation dentistry eliminates this problem. SERVICE Cassville Dental Care Dr. Craig A. Hayes 54 S. 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