YARD SALE - Barry County Advertiser
YARD SALE - Barry County Advertiser
Barry County Advertiser 3B WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2016 5B BarryCountyadvertiser Classifieds FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 2013 John Deere Trail Gator RSX850I, 62hp, 53mph, 102 miles. AS NEW. 4x4, 14” alum. wheels. Loaded, snow plow, full enclosure. Paid $15,600 Now $12,500 Selling for health reasons. 417-847-7094 BUYING semi storage trailers call 417-847-6732 Boat Covers on Sale for August! FOR SALE FOR SALE PACKWOOD FURNITURE 208 Main St, Cassville, 417847-1287. Side-by-side fridge, was $199.00 now $175.00. Corner China, was $169.00 now $149.00. Large glass curio, was $499.00 now $350.00. 5 pc oak BRS, was $699.00 now $549.00. Treadmil Pro Form, was $199.00 now $125.00. Leaded glass China, was $499.00 now $399.00. Large oak chest, was $199.00 now $125.00. New recliners $299.00. New sofas 10% off. WHIRLPOOL WASHING Machine. Good condition. $50 or best offer. 417-671-1252. WANTED TO BUY No early sales. Cash only. Patio table & 2 chairs & umbrella. Large Charcoal BBQ grill from Lowes Video Mart B ENEFIT R UMMAGE S ALE It’s a Mystery Bookstore! Westerns, Sci-Fi, Romance PLUS more!! 107 Public Square, Berryville, AR www.itsmystery.biz FOR SALE • Story & Clark upright piano • Meade ETX-90EL telescope, tri-pod, case, lenses • 2005 Myacht houseboat 10’x35’ 90 HP Merc at Kings River Marina • 2007 Arctic fox fifth wheel 2 slide outs, extras contact for info R.L.KNIGHT@hughes.net (hearing loss prevents phone conversation) BIG SALE! We have a 8x12 shed for only $64.00 per month, a 10x16 for only $74.00 per month! Free delivery and set up NO CREDIT CHECK Gantt Steel Buildings 417-847-3108 or 417-846-5319 2 BUILDINGS FOR SALE • 50’x48’ metal • 50’x50’ quonset hut make an offer buyer must remove 417-847-6732 RANDY’S USED BOOKS buy/sell • FR 1040, Exeter Back to School Specials... • Free back packs! (one per child while supplies last) • Free kids’ books Now with air-conditioning! Over 1000 DVDs • 40,000 books 417-671-1142 • 417-622-0231 1990 PACE ARROW motor home. Runs, drives great. Good shape. Solar power and much more $7,500 • 417-342-4331 FOR SALE Nice one bedroom house You move $26,000.00 417-846-6438 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE, Rates, and Policies: Deadlines: Borders (classified display), Monday, 5pm; $5.60 per column inch. Line ads: must be pre-paid and are accepted until 12 noon Tuesday; 50¢ per word, 10 word minimum. Ads must be printed or typed. Check ad first appearance. Refunds only if Advertiser error. One week refund or correction will be provided; must occur within first week. The Advertiser is not responsible for mistakes on handwritten ads; reserves the right to hold ads until account balance is paid; reserves the right to classify ads when no classification is given. Our office is located 1 block north of the Post Office in Cassville. Ph: (417)847-4475; Add: PO Box 488, Cassville, MO 65625; E-mail: class@4bca.com. HARRIS EXCAVATION Garden Compost For Sale Paying cash for DVDs and Games GARAGE SALE GARAGE & MOVING SALE Phone No. Words Cash YARD SALE August 5th & August 6th Cassville Heights Apartments Not responsible for accidents HORNER ANNUAL Garage Sale. 5-Families. Saturday, August 6, 7am-? 1411 Vine St., Wildwood Estates. GARAGE SALES 2 Families Friday/Saturday August 5-6, 7:30-? Fenton & Carnival Glass. Day bed. Table Saw. Much more! Take 86 to J. 1 mi. N on J. Straight on RA 3 mi. then right on FR 2260 & left on Deer Run Dr. Follow Signs. YARD SALE Rainbow Drive Friday & Saturday 7am-? men’s, women’s & boys’ clothes, toys, home decor misc. 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 5 $5.00 11 402 Gravel Street Friday 7-4, Saturday 7-12 Times Run Check No. Exp. Date 12 “Donate your gently used items to Habitat. We build homes in Barry County.” Where friendly staff, inviting atmosphere, and spectacular deals make every visit feel like a treat! Pickup available call for appointment • household furniture • household goods • building supplies • appliances • toys NO clothing, pianos, printers, computers or TV’s Thank you 417-846-0110 4 FAMILY YARD SALE August 5th & 6th 6:00 - 5:00 330 Glenwood Circle Southern Hills LOST YOUR LICENSE? Too many points or other violations? We can take care of the paper work and get your license back!! STATE SR22 FILINGS See John at STARCHMAN INS. Cassville, MO (417)847-3554 IT SHOULDN’T hurt to be a child. Child abuse hurts both the child and the parent. For ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS help call 1-800-392-3738 toll New Beginnings is now free. meeting at Mitchell’s Plaza, FOR RENT Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. For more info, call 417-846-6305. HOUSE FOR RENT. 3 ALANON MEETINGS every bedroom 2 bath house. Rental Thursday at 7:00 pm at references. $685 rent, $600 Mitchell’s Plaza, Hwy. 86 in deposit. call or text 417-847Eagle Rock. 7051. SITUATIONS WANTED Rain or Shine $6.00 WHEATON LOCAL GARAGE SALE HOUSING Saturday only 7-2pm wks 41, 42, 43, 44 charge Bashan Hill boat motor, tools, air compressor, Harley gear, household appliances and much more 13 $6.50 14 $7.00 15 $7.50 16 $8.00 17 $8.50 18 $9.00 19 $9.50 20 $10.00 21 $10.50 22 $11.00 23 $11.50 24 $12.00 19879 Farm Road 1025 25 $12.50 26 27 $13.50 28 $14.00 29 $14.50 30 $15.00 MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE 31 $15.50 32 $16.00 33 $16.50 34 $17.00 35 $17.50 36 $18.00 $13.00 201 S. MAIN ST. CASSVILLE IF YOU are homebound or unable to get out to meetings but need help for the effects of living with alcoholism, become an Al-Anon or Alateen Lone Member. Contact Al-Anon Family Groups, 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 or email wso@al-anon.org. THE TURNING Point AA group meets each Monday, west corner of Mitchell Plaza, Hwy. 86, Eagle Rock, 7:00pm. IF SOMEONE in your family has a drinking problem, you can see what it is doing to them, but can you see what it is doing to you? The Cassville Al-Anon Family Group meets Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Cassville, First Methodist Church, Townsend Street entrance. Call (417)847-2068. Too much to mention - Lots! 6 $5.50 for the cancer treatments of Bob Robbins! Exeter community Building, August 5th & 6th, 8 am to ? Lots of items have been donated to sell! Furniture, household items, tools, camping supplies, toys, NICE clothing of all sizes. Bake sale and donation jar will also be on site. Please come show your support to the Robbins family and find yourself some good deals! lots of odds & ends Friday & Saturday 9am-? 12967 FR 2218, Cassville GARAGE SALE - Name Address City Starting Date Amt. Enclosed Credit Card# YARD SALE FOR SALE 417-847-3226 Excellent Condition!! Clean, non-smokers, surround sound system. No Pets. $7,000 See pics on Craigslist Joplin-Stella 417-592-7135 Reinforced concrete with warranty. In-ground and above ground. GARAGE SALE home 442-7331 cell 236-2255 --------------------------------- 417-847-3108 or 417-846-5319 2004 TRAIL VISION 26 FOOT CAMPER STORM SHELTERS FOR SALE Friday & Saturday, August 5 & 6, 8:00 am to ??? Washburn, HWY 90 then North 1 mile on 2nd Street, then West 3/4 mile on FR 2230, follow signs. Charlene Paul Family Piano, queen size bed, hutch, dining table, office desk & other furniture. Household items, small appliances, dishes, mason jars, books, seasonal decor, Tupperware, Home interior, linens, collectibles & misc. Some tools, hardware. Gantt Steel Buildings We have a 18x26x8 for only $1,395.00. Free installation on your pad USA MADE Just a small deposit locks in the sale price! Gantt Steel Buildings 417-847-3108 or 417-846-5319. Serving the Ozarks since 1995 417-342-1082 402-672-0392 417-847-7607 We have a 10x16 for only $116.00 per month! Free metal roof with your choice of colors. Free delivery and set up. NO CREDIT CHECK. J&M Pallet Co LLC Cars • Trucks • ATV’s Motorcycles • Tractors 2 - 44’ Semi trailers for storage. Retired trailers, great dry storage. Dolly for sale as well, $500 for that. $1700 each for the trailers. You move. Currently located four miles from Cassville. STORAGE SHED WITH LOFTS! ❑ Autos ❑ For Sale ❑ Wanted To Buy ❑ Garage Sale ❑ Situations Wanted ❑ For Rent ❑ Farm & Livestock ❑ Pets ❑ Services ❑ Real Estate ❑ Help Wanted ❑ Lost & Found ❑ Wanted ❑ Notice ❑ Thank You ❑ Free Thurs., 8/4 1pm-5pm Friday, 8/5 8am-6pm Great BTS clothes, home decor, too much to list! 127 Sunset Heights, Cassville Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday • Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday 6B 4B WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2016 Beaver’s U-Store-All FOR RENT 2 BDRM. APARTMENT All appliances, CH/A, W/D hookups, no pets. Mini and Boat Storage. Located at Hwy. 86/H, Golden, MO ☛ 7 SIZES: 10x12 up to 11x32 ☛ Security Cameras ☛ Gate Open: 7am-10pm ☛Owner/Operator lives on-site YARD CARE PROVIDED Call: (417)847-0277 House for rent in the country Washburn School District. $500/month with $200 deposit. References required. Background check possible. 417-342-9887 (417)271-3578 2 BED MOBILE Cassville $450/mo call 417-880-1613 1 Bed duplex w/d, ch/a, No Pets. References required. In country. Large yard. $425 rent. $300 deposit. AVAILABLE FOR RENT 417-342-3152 2 bed, 1 bath, washer/dryer hookup, c/h/a, gas, city. No Smoking, No Pets. Reference and deposits required. $425/mo, 1 yr contract. 417-342-1767 Cassville Heights Apartments CASSVILLE Across from Wal-Mart HEIGHTS 3 Bd/2 Ba $410 AVAILABLE NOW Apartments 22 Bd/1 Ba3 $345 Bd. & Bd. Cassville family looking for a Clean 3-4 Bd. Rental in a quiet neighborhood. Prefer 4 bd., but spacey 3 bd. considered. Non-smokers, good references, stable careers. Would like a space for flowers and veggie gardens and a nice yard for the kids to play in. Quiet, responsible renters, former home owner, and handy around the house. Must be Cassville School District, but subdivision or country setting is OK. Pet friendly is a must. Some flexibility with movein date. Call 417-830-8997 3 Bd/2 Ba $410 Call Marilee 2 Bd/1 Ba $345 417-342-0477 • 417-846-0454 417-846-0454 Certain income limits apply We encourage and support the nation's affirmative housing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or familial status. Very nice with available homes. No modulars please. 2 bedroom/1 bath mobile Large yard. Yard care provided. HENBEST STORAGE $450 rent $300 deposit 417-342-3152 417-847-2400 CASSVILLE Cheap rates Several Sizes Clean, Quiet Cassville Location All sizes, 24 hour access, fenced & security gate FARM & LIVESTOCK SO/MO Storage (417)847-4500 ROUND BALES 4 x 51/2 net wrapped bales $15 417-846-0883 FOR RENT 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick home with 2 car garage. East of Seligman on Hwy 112 3 miles. 417-662-3449 BarryCountyadvertiser HANDYMAN REMODELING CONSTRUCTION No job too big or small Patio decks Experienced in all trades call 417-665-9521 Lowe’s House Cleaning ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tired of cleaning your home? Call us! 847-3804 Detailed house cleaning, carpets, etc. Always on time and dependable Mobile Power Wash Bermuda and crabgrass square bales. $5/bale. 417-632-4629 417-592-6150 FOR RENT 3 BR in Cassville near the schools. $600 per month plus deposit. No pets. References required. 417-342-1413 or 417-846-5863 SERVICES Now Available YOUNG’S 2 bedroom trailer $325.00/mo Appliances included. NO PETS. Eagle Rock 417-271-3540 HOME IMPROVEMENTS Metal Roofing, Vinyl Siding, Sofit’s, & Replacement Windows STORAGE UNITS Randy Miles Call: (417)847-5464 4 sizes. AA Hwy. & 112. Reasonable rates. (417)236-5737 417-342-9863 417-671-2802 HESTON AUTO DETAIL WOLF PACK SINCLAIR MOBILE HOME TRANSPORT (417)652-3505 Experienced • Licensed • Insured OZARKS TREE SERVICE Tree trimming & removing Free estimates/insured 417-665-9736 don’t pay too much for your tree service BACKHOE • DOZER GRAVEL • SEPTICS NEW CUSTOM HOMES 417-271-3333 CHECK IT OUT!! “All Types” Homeowners Insurance, Call John @ STARCHMAN INSURANCE S UPER C SANDBLASTING AND PRESSURE WASHING Credit Cards Accepted (417)847-7756 a detailed cleaning company • cleaning houses • dockside boat detailing • auto detailing • power washing • carpet cleaning and much more call Darlene 417-858-0676 BRUSH HOG BusyBee Landscaping & Backhoe, LLC • By The Hour • By The Acre Retaining Walls Face Lift for Gravel Driveway Aeration Dirt & Sod Work Garden Tilling Manure Spreading (417)671-1456 (cell) 417-312-1906 4 hire SEPTIC SERVICE (formerly Tillman’s Septic) Call: 847-7326 OWNERS Aubrey Wolf Denny Wolf 417-847-5502 417-574-6558 GOT JUNK? FREE pickup Air conditioners, lawn, garden equipment 417-671-1252 Cassville BOB’S MOWING SERVICE Accepting new customers for the season or one time. Free estimates. Call 417-331-1332 Cassville/Shell Knob area SOLD KNOB SHELL D L SO HWY. 112 S. Cassville, MO Auctioneer Donnie Stumpff www.stumpffauction.com Another Property STUMPFF Sold at Auction SOLD SPRINGFIELD D L SO HWY. 112 S. Cassville, MO Auctioneer Donnie Stumpff www.stumpffauction.com OWNER FINANCE!!! NO CREDIT CHECK!!! 3-4 bedroom, 1 bath house on approximately one acre. Located outside of town. Cassville Schools Call 417-846-0324 PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. Must Sell!! Berm home. 3 bd., 2 ba., office, detached garage, 2 acres. 105 Merrimac, Exeter. $89,900 417-671-1232 For Sale by owner 3-4 bedroom, 1 bath, new central h/a, fireplace, metal roof, fenced yard, spare lot, water access, large storage building, attached garage & carport. Cassville city. $75,000 417-846-5163 HELP WANTED DRIVERS: 2-3 day runs to IL/IN/OH or 6 day runs to CA/AZ. Excellent Pay, Benefits, Paid Vacation & Bonuses! Same Day Pay! 2015-2017 Freightliner Cascadia. www.trailiner.com. 800769-3993. ROARING RIVER HEALTH & REHAB (FORMERLY RED ROSE INN) 812 OLD EXETER ROAD CASSVILLE, MO 417-847-2184 We need: CNAS We offer great pay, holiday pay, vacation & sick pay after 90 days. Health insurance available. Please drop in and fill out our new short application form. ELKHORN CONSTRUCTION, LLC Steve Pendergraft (417)846-7906 Roofs, deck, remodels, framework to complete finishes from the smallest project to the largest. BARRY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE has an opening for the position of: D&R Senior Accountant 5, 6 or 7 bar heavy weld up gates. Special 6-bar gate. 10 ft & up $10/ft located in Wheaton, MO for info call: in the Finance Department Fencing and Gates Delbert Taylor 417-342-1896 Randal Taylor 479-330-0525 (417)847-3554 Beyond Clean • call Ricky 417-846-5249 40 years experience reaches over 13,000 homes each week–more than ALL other area publications combined. 417-628-3518 trimming, topping and removal 20 years experience Free estimates, licensed and insured. Contact Scotty CALL: (417)662-3865 Many More Services Available TreeTech Brick & Cement Mason Honest & Reliable House Cleaning The Barry CounTy adverTiser 417-342-1208 Triple H Mobile Home Moving & Set-Up Local or Long Distance (417)846-7784 Metal Roofs Home Repair LLC Professional Auto Detailing Full details starting at $75 call for estimate 417-342-8641 hestonautodetail@gmail.com Another Property STUMPFF Sold at Auction Lifetime, transferable material warranties. 7 year labor warranty. Journeyman Christy Coghan 479-330-0340 Nice park - Close to town • ALL types of exterior siding • Full line of replacement & new construction windows • Decorative stone • Log cabin siding • Overhangs & decks Tree Service & Logging ✮ Mobile Homes for rent RV Lots for rent Extra Mile Siding Co. Heated High Pressure Houses & Decks Height no problem Boats • Docks • Parking lots • Heavy equipment Eagle Rock Construction 417-271-3333 cell 417-847-7006 Eagle Rock Construction HAY FOR SALE Barry County Advertiser REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 8.2 acres in the country. Park like setting on dead end road. 16x80 3 bed 2 bath mobile home. Great condition. 30x40 metal building, storage shed. Must See. $89,000 417-846-3723 Home & Land For Sale 48 acres, 2400 sf home, secluded, 2 year round springs, heavily wooded. • $275,000 (417)846-1638 FOR SALE BY OWNER 4 bedroom, 1 bath with potential to be commercial 103 Cass Ave., Exeter, MO zillow.com or 417-342-9604 FOR SALE by owner 2 bedroom, 2 bath, basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, c/a & heat, kitchen appliances included. Cassville city. $68,000 417-846-5163 This position will report to the Executive Vice President. Primary duties include, but are not limited to: • Responsible for all financial and accounting for the Cooperative to include, but not limited to, General Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable (Other), payroll, Tax preparation, Banking and Financial and Statistical month-end reports. • Maintaining the cash receipts of the Cooperative and its subsidiaries and reconciling all accounts to general ledger. • Performs special projects as requested by the Executive Vice President by analyzing, reviewing, preparing and evaluating financial information. • Assists outside auditors by providing information requested, answering questions and offering assistance. • Providing for a complete, accurate and systematic general ledger accounting system in accordance with RUS Uniform System of Accounts and other accepted accounting standards. Skills/Knowledge/Abilities required for this position: • Must possess a minimum of a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting or Finance. In addition, the acquisition of a Certified Public Accountant designation is desirable. • Must possess strong organizational skills, allocate time effectively, and handle multiple demands and competing priorities with a high degree of accuracy and attention to detail. • Must become familiar with the RUS Uniform System of Accounts and RUS Work Order Procedures within a reasonable amount of time. This is typically accomplished through the successful completion of the RUS Work Order Procedures Course and the RUS Uniform System of Accounts Course. • Sets high standards of performance, drives for results and success, demonstrates sound business ethics and maintains confidentiality. • Ability to build rapport, cultivates relationships, and presents a positive attitude toward external customers, internal customers and visitors. • Ability and willingness to take on additional tasks and responsibilities as necessary. Submit resume with two professional and two personal references along with last five year salary history to: Kerry Mattingly, HR, Barry Electric Cooperative, PO Box 307 Cassville, MO 65625 kmattingly@barryelectric.com Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday • Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday B arry County Advertiser 4B WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2016 7B BarryCountyadvertiser HELP WANTED NOTICE CASSVILLE HEALTHCARE & REHAB A Skilled Nursing Facility- is now accepting applications for CNA’s for all shifts • LPN’s • CMT’s •NEW PAY SCALE! BENEFITS & VACATION!• 2 FT Security Officers needed in the Cassville Area. Graveyard and weekend shifts are needed. Computer experience a plus! $9.00/hr No experience needed Will train the right person Apply online at www.SecuritasJobs.com EOE/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabilities 417-886-9400 Now Hiring Behavior Support Technicians in Monett Providing Innovative Behavioral Services. Implement professionally developed behavior support plans for children and youth services provided in the home starting at $9.75 - $10.75 HS diploma or GED, insured driver, at least 21 years old. Apply Online/In Person: 1010 Old Airport Rd Monett MO 65708 417-354-0071 thearcoftheozarks.org Pallet Lumber and Hardwood Lumber in Exeter are now accepting applications for MACHINE OPERATORS & GENERAL LABORERS Please apply in person M-F from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm in our office at 9193 State Highway 76 Exeter, MO. Benefits after 90 days and paid vacation after one year. Please no phone calls! B RIGHTON RIDGE ATTENTION Brighton Ridge of Eureka Springs is seeking qualified individuals to fill the positions of: RN LPN Dietary Aides Brighton Ridge offers a newly remodeled living and working environment located in the beautiful city of Eureka Springs, Ark. Brighton Ridge offers a competitive wage scale, full health insurance, 401K plans, and vacation benefits. Please inquire at the Business Office or send resumes to Jayme Creek. jcreek@victoriahealthcare.net Fax: 479-253-5325 235 Huntsville Road Eureka Springs, AR 72632 479-253-7038 DRIVERS-OTR. MILES! Paid Loaded/Empty on Practical, new Volvo’s. Benefits! CDL-A. 1YR EXP. www.climateexpress.com or 636-584-6073 GEORGE’S HEAVY equipment Immediate opening for: Heavy Equipment refrigeration Refrigeration mechanic Mechanic Candidates must • be at least 21 years of age • have a valid driver’s license • have a minimum of 1 year of Thermo King or Carrier Transport Refrigeration Technician experience or a minimum of 1 year of automotive or heavy duty equipment repair experience • must have own complete set of hand tools • be able to work the 2nd shift, if needed. 608 and 609 Certification preferred. Pay based on experience Verifiable references are needed, and applicants must pass a post offer drug screen and physical. Apply in person: 9066 State Hwy W Cassville, MO 65625 (Butterfield Plant) George’s Processing is an equal opportunity employer. THE CITY OF PURDY currently has an opening in its Public Works Department A CDL will be required at the time of employment. Water and sewer licenses will also be required at the time of employment or to be able to obtain in a length of time to be determined by the Board of Aldermen. Applications may be picked up at Purdy City Hall 101 Front Street during regular office hours. Apply in person: 1300 County Farm Rd. Cassville, MO 65625 or call 417-847-3386 for more information Cassville Healthcare & Rehab is an equal opportunity employer. Paralyzed lady needs care-giver. Part-time, day/night shift. Excellent job for school kid. 417-847-2650 ROARK DIESEL is looking for experienced diesel mechanic. Must have own tools and valid drivers license. 417-847-6560 EXETER R-VI School District will be taking applications for a MAINTENANCE/ CUSTODIAL POSITION Benefits include retirement, health insurance and personal sick leave. Qualified applicants may pick up an application in the Superintendent’s office weekdays 8:00am-2:00pm Please call 417-835-2922 ext. 5 with any questions PLUMBER/ ELECTRICIAN Part time with full time potential depending on work. Must pass security background check. 417-858-2436 Hill and Hill 1-888-992-4038 ext 120 800-234-5710 CITY OF SELIGMAN has an opening for Full time general labor position apply in person for details starting pay $9/hr based upon experience 29144 Main St, Seligman CLASSIC CONCRETE, LLC is now hiring concrete finishers/laborers with at least 1 year experience in construction or concrete. Must be reliable and have transportation The City of Purdy is an equal opportunity employer The City of Purdy participates in Everify call/text 417-365-0041 DRIVERS: TEAMS DRIVER: Entry level, 1 140,000+, $5000 sign on bonus, 4 month pay out, HOME WEEKLY, Coast to Coast. Excellent Benefits, including paid Vacation. Paid Daily! 2015-2017 Freightliner Cascadia. 800-769-993 or www.trailiner.com month exp., NO CDL, FREE training! $60,000/1st Year. Excellent Benefits including paid Vacation. Paid Daily! Home weekly! Solo: West 6 day runs. 800-769-3993 www.trailiner.com. 417-846-6679 417-847-3200 Barry County Ready Mix is accepting applications for a U-CUT FIREWOOD School District PARAPROFESSIONAL POSITION Applicants must have Missouri Paraprofessional Certification and/or a minimum requirement of 60 hours. Benefits include retirement, health insurance, and personal and sick leave. Free. On the ground. Just pile the brush. 417-826-1945 FREE FIRE WOOD need someone to clean up after loggers 417-442-7919 417-489-1163 Qualified applicants may pick up an application in the Superintendent’s Office weekdays, 7:30am-2:00pm. Please call 417-835-2922 ext. 5 with any questions. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE The charity program, Boys Building Boats, has suspended operations indefinitely as the most recent participant has left the program prior to completion. As a result, the materials used to construct the boat, including glue, wood, fiberglass assembly kit, boat construction plans, and the incomplete boat itself, are to be auctioned off so that the program may recoup its investment and continue to operate for the next child in need. Please submit your sealed bids to: Berlan Crouch attn: Boys Building Boats, 13791 Farm Road 2175 Cassville, MO 65625 Highest bid will be accepted, the bidder will be notified, and materials exchanged on Friday, September 2, 2016. All bids are final. Inspection of the boat and materials is available by appointment by contacting: Dan Hennis at 417-396-0228 Bidding is set to start at $725. DRIVERS: TEAMS. CA to OH, preloaded trailers, Home Weekends! Excellent Benefits including Paid Vacation. 2015-2017 Freightliners. 800-769-3993 www.trailiner.com FLATBED TRUCK DRIVER wanted for local regional operation. $1,000.00 per week, 300 to 600 mile runs and back to home each week. call Jerry 417-761-3833 Did you sell your item in a day? Have lots of calls on your rental? 42tfc Litho Printers & Bindery “Sharing Your Stories for Generations” Let us know your classified success story!! Books • Magazines • Brochures Give us a call at For All Your Printing Needs! 417-847-4475 904 West street cassville, Mo 65625 e-mail: litho@mchsi.com (417) 847-3155 (417) 847-4475 in professional office Requires people skills Send resume to: 504 West St. Cassville, MO 65625 Excellent Pay & Benefits. Bonuses + New Equipment. Van or Flatbed, you Choose. CDL-A apply in person at 601 West 14th St, Cassville FREE PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT DRIVERS: HOME WEEKLY! Experienced dump truck driver must have class A CDL also, Mixer truck driver class B CDL required EXETER R-VI Get work with your service ad? DRIVERS: HOME WEEKLY! PAID Health Ins, Vacation, Holidays & More. Truck w/ fridge & Microwave. CDL-A w/ 2yrs recent experience. Standard Transportation Services HELP WANTED Notice of Public Hearing A hearing will be held at 6:30 P.M., August 11, 2016, at the Southwest R-V High School Library. At this time, citizens may be heard on the property tax rates proposed to be set by Southwest R-V, a school district located in Barry and McDonald counties. The tax rates are set to produce the revenues, which the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016 shows to be required from the property tax. Each tax rate is determined by dividing the amount of revenue needed by the current assessed valuation. The result is multiplied by 100 so the tax rate will be expressed in cents per $100 valuation. Assessed Valuation (by categories) Real Estate Personal Property Total Year 2015-2016 $26,873,004 $9,144,354 $36,017,358 Year 2016-2017 $27,005,956 $9,817,693 $36,823,649 Amount of Property Tax Revenue Budgeted $1,012,649 $0 $313,001 $1,325,650 Proposed Tax Rate Per $100 $2.75 $0.00 $0.85 $3.60 The following Tax rates are proposed: Assessed Valuation: $36,823,649 Fund Incidental Teachers Debt Service Total New Construction (Total) $214,974 New Revenue from New Construction and Improvements: $ 7,739 Percentage of total revenue from New Construction 0.597% Respectfully Submitted: Southwest R-V Board of Education By: Tosha Tilford, Superintendent Judy Brooks, Board Secretary 43&44c Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday • Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday
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