December 31, 2014 - Barry County Advertiser
December 31, 2014 - Barry County Advertiser
Presort Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 68 Cassville, Mo. BOX HOLDER RURAL OR STAR ROUTE LOCAL “Where It Pays To Advertise” Your ad reaches 13,200 mail boxes in Barry County each week volume 47 number 12 Spotlight Advertiser closed The Barry County Advertiser will be closed on Thursday, January 1, in observance of New Year’s Day. All deadlines will be as normal for the following week’s paper. Courthouse closed The Barry County Courthouse and Judicial Center will be closed on Thursday, January 1, in observance of New Year’s Day. Cassville Cruisers meeting The Cassville Cruisers will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 4, at 7 p.m. at the Watley building behind Papa Vito’s. Chamber banquet The Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce annual banquet will be on Saturday, January 31, at 6 p.m. Advance tickets are $20 and tickets at the door are $25. "Like" the Advertiser on Facebook The Barry County Advertiser is now on Facebook. Check us out at www. and become a fan today! Visit us online! The Barry County Advertiser is now available online! Visit us at to view additional photo galleries, check the classifieds and view weekly advertising deals. Inside this issue Upcoming................4 A Obits.....................6-7 A Sports ................... 11 A Classified ......... 14-15 A Auctions................. 12 A cassville, missouri 65625-0488 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 Barry County officials sworn in for 2015 at ceremony Charlea Mills In a ceremony on Monday, December 29, seven Barry County officials were sworn into their positions with the county. Each of them take their seats on January 1, 2015. Those sworn in were the winning candidates from the November General Election, however, the true race was won during the August Primary Election since the all-Republican candidate group drew no opponents from other parties. Candidates Robert Foulke, Lois Lowe, Craig Williams and Gary Youngblood drew no opponents in the Primary Election and were each reelected to their current positions. Foulke is the Associate Circuit Judge for Division II. Lowe is the county’s Treasurer. Youngblood is the Clerk to the County Commission, and Williams is the Circuit Clerk/Recorder of Deeds. Johnnie Cox, who served as Barry County’s Prosecuting Attorney for 12 years, first elected in 2002, was sworn in as the new judge for Associate Circuit Division I. After Judge Victor Head announced his retirement, Cox opted to run for the open judgeship instead of seeking a fourth term as Prosecuting Attorney. The races that drew op- During a ceremony on Monday, December 29, returning and newly elected Barry County officials elected during November’s General Election were sworn in to their respective offices in the County Commissioners’ Chambers at the old courthouse. The officials were sworn in by County Clerk Gary Youngblood. Pictured above, from left to right: Cherry Warren, sixth term as Presiding County Commissioner; Judge Robert Foulke, second term as Associate Circuit Judge Division II; Lois Lowe, sixth term as County Treasurer; Amy Boxx, first term as Prosecuting Attorney; Johnnie Cox, first term as Associate Circuit Judge Division I; Craig Williams, fourth term as Circuit Clerk/Recorder of Deeds; and Gary Youngblood, sixth term as Clerk to the County Commission. position for the Primary Election were for Presiding Commissioner and Prosecuting Attorney. In the Presiding Commissioner race, incumbent of five terms Cherry Warren faced opponents Eddie Davison, Shell Fingerprint matches trio to Seligman burglary Charlea Mills After being arrested and held in the Benton County, Ark., Jail, three people have been connected to a Barry County burglary through fingerprint matching. The three people, Jeffrey Mounts, 23, West Virginia; James Theodore Wagner, 50, Tennessee; and Charlene Ann Hayes, 45, are each currently being held in the Benton County Jail and now face charges in Barry County, as well. The crime occurred on October 5 when Mounts and Wagner burglarized a home on State Highway 37 in Seligman. Mounts cut a screen to gain entry into the home through a window. Once inside, the pair stole $8,816.60 worth of jewelry and a Beretta .25 caliber pistol. When Mounts was arrested in Siloam Springs, Ark., he was still carrying the pistol. They also admitted that Hayes acted as lookout in the vehicle, and then sold most of the stolen property to pawn shops in northwest Arkansas. Hayes was wearing some of the stolen jewelry at the time of her arrest. The three were travelling through Barry County when they stopped in Seligman for the burglary, according to a press release from the Barry County Sheriff ’s Department. Epperly stated that the only way these three individuals were caught was because of the fingerprint that Officer Bill Watkins was able to obtain right after the burglary. Each of the three are being charged with burglary in the second degree and stealing, both class C felonies. They are currently in the Benton County Jail waiting extradition to Barry County. Knob, and Terry Burgess, Seligman. Warren edged out his opponents, taking his sixth term as Presiding Commissioner. Newly elected Prosecuting Attorney Amy Boxx, Monett, also faced two opponents in the Primary race. She was elected by a wide margin after facing Steve Dunker and Matthew Weatherman. Each of the new officials took their oath of office in the County Commissioners’ Chambers at the old Barry County courthouse on Monday at noon in front of a large crowd. County Clerk Gary Youngblood swore in each of the newly elected officials. Above, Youngblood swears in Judge Johnnie Cox. Washburn man jailed after hit-and-run Charlea Mills One man is being charged with three different felonies after an incident involving a hit and run. Daniel Lee Pendergraft, 36, Washburn, is charged with two counts of class B felony assault in the first degree and class C felony endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree. He is currently being held in the Barry County Jail in lieu of a $20,000 bond. Pendergraft was taken into police custody by the Barry County Sheriff ’s Department after he used his vehicle as a weapon, according to the affidavit of probable cause. According to Deputy Chris Hutson, Pendergraft and the victim were arguing when the victim left with her minor child. When Pendergraft saw the victim at the Highway 37 and Highway 90 intersection in Washburn, he purposely hit their vehicle with the truck he was driving, intending to cause serious harm. Pendergraft left and the victim was able to safely drive herself away from the scene. Pendergraft stated Pendergraft that he did not believe that he was in the wrong. He has a prior criminal record. 2A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 Barry County Advertiser Cassville officials sworn in Cassville Cruisers donate to gifts to families in need Cassville City Clerk Darelyn Cooper swore in Jennifer Evans as the Deputy City Clerk at the Cassville City Council meeting on Monday, December 29. The Cassville Cruisers Car Club collected toys and clothes for a local church to help families in need this year at their annual Christmas party. Pictured from left to right are the out going officers. Donna Studivan, Keith Rathbun, Barbara Androsiglio and Carmine Androsiglio. Permsp BUNDLE BUNDLE YOUR YOUR COVERAGE COVERAGE FOR EVEN BIGGER FOR EVEN BIGGER SAVINGS. SAVINGS. CALL FOR A FREE QUOTE. $ 35 & u BEAUTY SHOP 846-0374 10 00 $ E. 248 • 3 Miles CALL FOR A FREE QUOTE. 35tfc BARBER GIRL Roller Sets Burl Mitchell Agency Burl Mitchell Agency 58 S Main St 58 S Main St Cassville, MO 65625 Cassville, MO 65625 Bus: (417) 847-3128 Bus: (417) 847-3128 8:30 am to 5:00 pm 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Open: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. Roeanne Barber Doty Cuts $ 10 & up Now oPEN Mon.-Fri. Very Flexib l Hours e tfc EppErly ElEctric Motor SATOP SAlES & SErVicE 417-652-7842 Drivers License Re-Instatement * Rewinding * Repairing * Single Phase * 3 Phase * Welders * Generators Call for an appointment. 417-847-8417 tfc Insured Also Repairing - Starters & Alternators 5tfc EAGLE ROCK REAL ESTATE FROM “R” FARM YOU TO On The Square in: Cassville: Sat 8-11 417-242-1767 Would Like Your Listing At Freedom Bank in: Shell Knob: Sat 1-4 Golden: Sun 11-2 Check our web sight for listings 39tfc s ’ n Ke ION COLLNITSER CE 712 W. 10th St. (the old Arning bldg.) Cassville, Mo 65625 Towing Rental Cars Computerized Alignments “Available” Karlton Burbridge Birds Fish Farms 30 years at this location. Call for Estimates tfc 417-858-0334 417-342-0947 Scott’s Taxidermy 29521 St. Hwy. 86, Eagle Rock, MO Office - (417)271-3967 Specializing in Table Rock Lake Property CONCRETE All Types ~ Basement Walls Foundations ~ Retaining Walls Flat Work ~ Slabs Garage Floors Custom Storm Shelters 3834 State Hwy HH, Purdy, MO 46 Main St., Cassville, MO Deputy City Clerk Jennifer Evans swore in Cassville City Clerk Darelyn Cooper at the same council meeting. Gameheads & Mammals Bases Professional Quality Guaranteed (417) 835-2053 Rt. 1 Box 1155 • Exeter, MO 65647 tfc 10-12c 417-847-1200 on repair facility.” “The areas finest collisi • Duz Mor Frame / Unibody Repair Equipment • Lazer measuring Equipment • DuPont Refinish Products • Paintless Dent Repair • Windshield Repair / Replacement • Computerized Color Matching LOWE'S AUTO GLASS CALL US TOLL FREE 1-877-797-6926 Local 847-3475 *Free Estimates *Local Pickup & Delivery 10tfc 12c Need Computer Help? Call Paul “CAMO-MAN” Today For your in home appointment! 417-671-1869 The Best Choice for your Computer Service Needs PC, Mac, Tablet, or any Electronic, NO PROBLEM! All Major Credit Cards Accepted tfc 30+ Years of Experience• Experience You can TRUST! 40tfc Barry County Advertiser WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 Cassville students raise money for gifts Purdy man still awaits trial date for Willard couple murder Charlea Mills Robert Campbell, Purdy, is awaiting a trial date for his connection with the 2011 murder of Russell and Rebecca Porter of Willard. Campbell was one of five indicted for the murders in October 2012 after the bodies were found. One of the others charged, Dusty Hicks, took a plea deal last week in Taney County to avoid facing a jury for the charge. The other three have all been convicted and Students at Cassville Middle School had a penny war between the different homerooms. The winners were Mrs. Haynes’s yearbook class, and part of their reward was getting to use the money raised to buy gifts for the Share Your Christmas program. The students went on a shopping spree for gifts for children that would otherwise not have gifts for Christmas. All together, the school raised $1,060. Mrs. Haynes’s students are pictured above, from left to right. In the front row: 1st row: Joua Thao, Avery Brown, Savannah James and Raven Ganoung. Second row: Lauren McManus, Claire Hurst, Marissa Matthews and Samuel Holman. Third row: Jeremiah Davison, Cole Jackson, Kobe Blisard and Jesus Perez. Rocky’s Knockout Haircuts Golden Rural Plumbing 417/271-3555 Seniors/Kids $800 Business Hours Tues-Fri 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sat 8 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Corner 248/112 on Hwy. 76 in Cassville (12 & under) tfc tfc The Barry County Advertiser WE Print all Kinds of Professional Business Cards and Job Forms Barry County weekly misdemeanors • Dalton James Rogers, Rogers, Ark., pled guilty to exceeding the posted speed limit by 11 to 15 miles per hour. He was fined $87.50. • Makayla Marie Smith, Exeter, pled guilty to exceeding the posted speed limit by 11 to 15 miles per hour. She was fined $105.50. • Josue Villasenor, Monett, pled guilty to exceeding the posted speed limit by 11 to 15 miles per hour. He was fined $55.50. Friendly, Fast, and Affordable! Litho Printers Cassville • 847-3155 Established 1966 Mailed to 13,200 homes in Barry County Eggleston Trade & Pawn 417-662-3000 • Seligman, MO (across from the car wash) E STORAGE V A H W O N WE RENT! UNITS FOR Uhaul Truck and Trailer Rentals Available 10x10 Units With 8 Foot Doors Brand New Units! We Fi Propanlel Tanks! Need Extra Cash? We Pawn ANYTHING of Value. We Also Buy Silver and Gold 47tfc Your Number One News Source! Realize Your Perfect Smile! 12-14c Classic Concrete High quality custom concrete at low prices Melton Publications, Inc. Publisher Marty Jenkins Manager Charlea Mills Editor Debbie Stephens Ad Manager/Design Jimmy Williams Advertising Design Elaine Phaneuf Classified Ads/Society Hazel Gripka Circulation Rachael Freeman Accounting/Sports Steve Chapman Ad Sales Sherry Morgan Secretary/Reception Specializing in All types concrete since 1992 free estimates 417-365-0041 / 417-858-6611 Chances Are... We Take Your Insurance! 26tfc #3 Men’s Hair cuts $1000 are serving their sentences except for Campbell. Campbell is currently in the Taney County Jail without bond. His trial date has not yet been set. Campbell is accused of orchestrating the murderfor-hire of his nephew, Russell, and his wife, Rebecca. The Porters were shot execution-style. Campbell’s wife was also charged with perjury, but was found dead in their home last year after being released on bail. 3A 904 West Street P.O. Box 488 Cassville, MO 65625 (417) 847-4475 FAX (417) 847-4523 Join us for worship. (417) 393-1466 34tfc Happy New Year! James Weaver Pastor Downtown on the Square Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. NorthPoint Fellowship Crowder College Cassville Campus Auditorium N. Bus. Hwy 37, Cassville Agent Cassville, MO 417-847-2100 Toll Free 1-888-847-2276 “We’re your Shield. We’re your Shelter!” 9:45 a.m. Worship FelloWship Worship BiBle study 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Terri Lynn DeGraffenreid Affiliate Agent 12c Terry DeGraffenreid BiBle study Start your new year with a new insurance plan for you and your family. Your Shelter Insurance® agent can help you get organized for a fresh start! Fully staffed nursery at all services. 847-2965 tfc 4A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 BARRY COUNTY ADVERTISER Community Calendar December 31st • Seligman Chamber will be hosting a New Years dance on Wednesday, Dec. 31st, at 7:00 p.m. until 12:00 a.m. at the Seligman Chamber Event Center. The band will be Three Hits & A Miss. Admission is $6.00 each. Please bring a snack to share. No alcohol or smoking allowed. For more information, call (417) 662-3612 or (479) 3812133. January 2nd • The Stella Sr. Center will have a dinner and dance Fri- day, Jan 2., starting at 5:30 p.m. They will be serving Frito pie, salad, rolls, dessert and drink for $4.00. Starting at 7:00 p.m. The McDonald County Playboys will start the dance music for $3.00. January 3rd • Cassville Senior Center first dance of the New Year will be held on Jan. 3 at the center located at 1111 Fair St. from Use Cassville’s Masonic Lodge, 18th & Main St. for your next meeting or event. Contact: Gene Writer @ 417-342-3324 for availability and fees. January 7th January 17th • Seligman Senior Center will host bingo from 2:00 4:00 p.m. January 21st • Seligman Senior Center will host lunch 11:30 12:30 p.m. For the Bling in all of us! girly things! A free website with this months issue topics: two sisters Flea Market oF hwy 112 in cassville inside (417) 847-0660 CheCk out my priCes before buying!! i promise to have something you’ll love! 5-12pd RCIA’S GAMEXICAN What you should know about Mental Disorders. And We can be close to God. D&D RESTAURANT 1306 Old Exeter Road, Cassville, MO • 417-847-2200 Discount Grocery Saturday “KidS Special” $ H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H RE 46tfc H H H H H H ounge H Hwy. 37, S. Seligman, MO H Cell: 417-846-6092 Bus: 417-662-7008 H Wed-Thurs 4-10 • Fri-Sat 4-Midnight Locally Owned & Operated ~ Linda Dart ~ H H H H NEW YEARS EVE H H st H Dec. 31 H No Cover Charge H Karaoke 8 pm H H H H FRIDAY/SATURDAY H Pool Tables H Dance Karaoke Floor 8 PM H In the Lounge H H Come join us for good Food & Music! 11-12cH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH M-F 9-6 • Sat. 9-5 We gladly accept: EBT, Debit, Credit Owners, Troy & Stacy M O R E OPEN 479-295-7801 Medical & Dental Clinics Introducing Dr. Michael Fast D.D.S. as a new Dentist to our staff at the Cassville location. Dr. Fast will begin seeing current patients in January. Monday-Friday 8 to 5 Tuesday 8 to 7 • Friday 8 to 2 (Dental Only) Ph: 417-847-0057 ~ Fax: 417-847-0079 4016 Main Street, Cassville, MO 65625 Cassville’s ACCESS Family Care Clinic, your local, trusted Medical and Dental Clinic! We know you have a choice when choosing the healthcare and dental providers for you and your family. We are honored to serve you and strive to provide exceptional customer service. 10-19c 5tfc 7 Days A Week From 10am to 6pm 46tfc &L Party & R HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 417-236-0324 CO DE y R k c i o R RestauRantdge 301 S. Hickory, Monett, Mo RN ITU 299 all kids drinks - only 99¢ all kids meals - only Cassville: Mon. B- blueberry pancakes, sausage patty, pears, or cereal, graham crackers, applesauce. L- chicken sandwich, (cheeseburger), dill slices, cool ranch doritos, carrot sticks, peaches, or salad meal. Tues. B- chicken nuggets, hashbrown. L- chicken and noodles, (steak fingers), gravy, whipped potatoes, peas, tropical fruit, or salad meal. Wed. B.- brfst. burrito, sausage patty, peaches, or cereal, blueberry muffin, pears. L.- Thurs. B- biscuits and gravy, pineapple chunks, or cereal, cinn. toast crunch bar, applesauce and jello. L- pepperoni pizza, (chicken nuggets), potato wedge, corn, juices, or salad meal. Fri. B- sausage biscuit, peaches, or cereal, caramel cup, apple. L- spaghetti, (chicken crispitos), tossed salad, white beans, bread stick, applesauce, or baked potato. Cassville High: Mon. B- biscuits and gravy, hashbrowns, peaches, or cereal, blueberry muffin, orange. L- general's chicken, rice, glazed carrots, egg rolls, fortune cookie, juices, or pizza meal, or salad meal. Tues. B- eggs extravaganza, pancakes, sausage patty, peaches, or cereal, cinnamon toast, applesauce. L- BBQ chicken sandwich, cool ranch doritos, fresh apple coleslaw, green beans, peaches, or chicken nugget meal, or salad meal. Wed. B- blueberry waffles, sausage patty, peaches, or cereal, PB&J, banana. L- shrimp poppers, potato wedge, broccoli and cheese, bread stick, applesauce, or pizza meal, or salad meal. Thurs. B- blueberry muffins, blueberries, or cereal, graham crackers, peaches. L- pepperoni pizza, carrot sticks, corn, cherry crisp, or chicken nugget meal, or salad meal. Fri. B- biscuit and gravy, pop tart, peaches, or cereal, cinn toast cereal bar, tropical fruit. Lcheeseburger, sun chips, baked beans, tropical fruit, or baked potato bar, salad meal. Purdy: Mon. B- whole grain pancake wrap, cereal, whole wheat toast, fresh fruit. L- chicken nuggets, bread, mashed potatoes, green beans, fruit. Tues. B.- breakfast pizza, cereal, yogurt, fruit. L- fish sticks, mac. and cheese, broccoli, fruit. Wed. B- whole grain biscuit, biscuit gravy, sausage patty, cereal, fruit. L- nacho bell grande, refried beans, corn, fruit. Thurs. B- french toast sticks, syrup, cereal, fruit. L- vegetable soup, grilled cheese sandwich, baby carrots, ranch dressing fruit, chocolate chip cookie. Fri. B.- yogurt, cereal, whole wheat toast, fruit. L- hamburger, wheat bun, potato chips, celery sticks, fruit cup. Exeter: Mon. B.-biscuit and gravy, peaches, juice, or cereal, biscuit, peaches. dog, sweet potato fries, broccoli, pineapple. Tues. B.- breakfast burrito, apple, juice, or cereal, pop tart. L- chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, green beans, pears. Wed. B.-.french toast sticks, pineapple juice, or cereal, pop tart, pineapple, juice. L- cheesy breadstick, marinara sauce, salad, yellow squash, peaches. Thurs. B.- muffin, yogurt, orange, juice, or cereal, toast, orange, juice. L- taco, salsa, corn, apricots. Fri. B.- sausage biscuit, banana, juice, or cereal, vertical bar, banana, juice. L.- cheeseburger, baked beans, dill pickle spears, applesauce. FU just oFF meeting Tuesday, January 6, at 7:00 p.m. Meeting will be held in the Watley building behind Papa Vito's. held Jan. 15, at 5:30 p.m. at the road barn. Mirror-Mirror located • The Cassville Cruisers will be holding their monthly • Mineral Springs Road District monthly meeting will be 417-393-5807 / 489-51535tfc Fun, Blingy January 6th January 15th NEW LOCATION BOOTHS AVAILABLE BUY * SELL * TRADE __________ Contact - Jeanette Freeze 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Roaring River Sound Band will be playing with a $4.00 cover charge at the door. All proceeds from this fund raiser will be used to benefit the Senior Center. Finger foods are welcomed. For more information, call (417) 846-5355 or (417) 846-3024. • Seligman Senior Center will host bingo Sat. Jan. 3, at 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. • Seligman Saturday night special dance will be Saturday, January 3 at 7:00 p.m. at Seligman Chamber event center. Band will be Ron Hicks and the Funtimers from Aurora. Please bring a snack to share. For more information, call (417) 662-3612 or (479)381-2311. 12:30 p.m. Flea Market WINTER HOURS • Jan.-Feb. Closed Monday Sun. 1-3 • Tues.-Sat. 10-4 All menus include milk and are subject to change. • Seligman Senior Center will host lunch at 11:30 Raggedy Ann’s BIG RED BUILDING Hwy. 37, 3 miles N. of Purdy School Menus Week of Jan. 5th FINANCING AVAILABLE SELIGMAN, MO PUBLIC NOTICE City of Purdy Candidate Filing for April 7, 2015 Election Pursuant to Section 115.127 of the Revised Missouri Statutes, notice is hereby given that the following offices are to be filled at the Municipal Election to be held on Tuesday, April 8, 2014: MAYOR (TWO YEAR TERM) ALDERMAN - WARD ONE (TWO YEAR TERM) ALDERMAN – WARD TWO (TWO YEAR TERM) Opening Date for Filing: Tuesday, December 16.2014 Closing Date for Filing: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Declaration of Candidacy may be filed with the City Clerk, 101 Front Street, Purdy, Missouri between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Hours will be extended to 5:00 p.m. on the last day of filing. Please note that City Hall will be closed Dec. 21 through Dec. 28, 2014 No person shall be certified as a candidate for a municipal office, nor shall such person’s name appear on the ballot as a candidate for such office, who shall be in arrears for any unpaid city taxes or municipal user fees on the last day to file a declaration of candidacy for the office (Section 115.346 RSMo). BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR AND BOARD OF ALDERMEN Debbie Redshaw - City Clerk - Purdy, Missouri 9-14c Barry County Advertiser Cashes celebrate 50th wedding anniversary Monett Overhead Door Mercury 236-3569 “Nobody Beats Our Deal” Jimmy michel motors 555 South Elliott • Aurora, MO 65605 Norman Troyer Bus: (417) 678-5001 Springfield Direct Line: (417) 831-0238 E-Mail: SAFE-WAY CHAMBERLAIN® LiftMaster GARAGE DOORS ® PROFESSIONAL 5A WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 31, 2014 Make a Statement 52tfc Terry Miller evn Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Nodaway County Ron Beaver 417-235-5500 • Organic Foods • Gluten / Dairy Free • Supplements • Essential Oils • Organic Produce Jeanie Smith and Andy Cash were married January 8, 1965, in Tracy, California. They’re celebrating their 50th Anniversary by renewing their wedding vows January 4, 2015, at the New Site Baptist Church in Monett. An open reception with card tree for family and friends will follow. Michelle Matzenbacher Homes - Farms - Commercial - Auto - Mobile Homes 417-271-3528 A-One 600 Bridle Lane, Monett, MO Store Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm • Sat. 9am-3pm • evn Cassville Discount Grocery Licensed and Insured Service All Makes Management Owned We proudly accept: 846-6022 or 847-2591 Store Hours: evn Mon.-Wed. 9am-5pm EBT Thurs.-Fri. 9am-6pm Cash & Checks Sat. 9am-5pm Credit or Debit Cards SUNDAY CLOSED 902 W. 10th St., Cassville, MO 65625 417-847-5283 tfc Kelly’s Wildcat Storage Includes: REBEL and Outdoor Storage RECYCLING 36tfc 42tfc LIVE Transportation for a safe ride home ENTERTAINMENT courtesy of Country Dodge, Fridays & Saturdays Kwik T Conv. Store & Rowdy Beaver! Season’s Greetings 417-846-0220 (across from Cassville High School) 6-12 evn THE Event Come ring in the New Year at Rowdy Beaver Tavern! Lifetime Pogue Mahonez Band starting at 9 pm. OF A $5 Cover Includes: Party Favors, Champagne Toast at Midnight, Transportation. 2 Dog 2 Karaoke starts Wednesday at 8 pm Family owned since 1945 24 Hr. Service •Lockouts •Tire Change •Jump Start McPherson’s BRIDE AND GROOM Wedding Invitations Stationary, and So Much More! Litho Printers Cassville • 847-3155 Litho Printers Cassville • 847-3155 We hope your Christmas is filled with peace, joy, friendship and love. Hwy. 76/86 West Cassville, MO 846.0485 WE Print all Kinds of Professional Business Cards and Job Forms Friendly, Fast, and Affordable! r a e Y w e N Happy Wishing you the Happiest of Holidays! Climate Control Regular Units J-Class Over 35 Years Experience Plumbing Supplies Well Drilling Available Concrete Well Houses We are your friendly hometown store. 417/271-3555 835-2008 STA-Rite Simple: Stop - Shop - $AVE #1 PUMP SERVICE Exeter, Mo Where discount means more for your buck. Golden Rural Plumbing 12tfc Exceptional Congenial Service Recreational Vehicles Capable All major credit cards accepted AAA Contractor 800-448-4844 406 Main St., Washburn, MO for 2 your choice of side $ 29 99 Rowdy’s Seafood Platter $1699 Serving Barry County 417-826-5415 Enjoy Prime Rib 51-tfc c ls Cassville Specia Monday: Buy One Get One for 99¢ / off Special Menu Tuesday & Wednesday: Surf and Turf for 2 / $19.99 Thursday: Rowdy Gone South Tex Mex Menu / $8.99 Friday: Seafood Platter: Fried Clams, Grilled Shrimp, Glazed Salmon, Cup of Homemade Clam Chowder / $16.99 Saturday: 12 oz Prime Rib Dinner for 2, choice of side / $29.99 Sunday: Homestyle Italian Spaghetti w/Meat sauce served w/salad / $8.99 Family of Four / $26.99 - All You Can Eat 464 State Hwy. 76, Cassville, MO. • 417-847-0498 12c WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 31, 2014 loretta f. tilford Loretta F. Tilford, 76, of Washburn, went home to be with the Lord Sunday, December 28, 2014, in Select Specialty Hospital, Springfield. She was born September 14, 1938, in Exeter, the daughter of Elmus and Elsie (Lee) Snook. On December 31, 1954, she was united in marriage to Jack Wright, and to this union five children were born. Jack preceded her in death on January 28, 1980. In August 1989, she married Bill Tilford, who died Febru- Barry County Advertiser ary 26, 1996. Also preceding her in death were her parents; and one son, Leslie. Surviving are four daughters, Karen Roller and her husband, Wes, of Washburn, Judy Brooks and her husband, David, of Washburn, Jackie Rouse and her husband, Jim, of Marlow, Okla. and Kelly Anderson and her husband, Andy, of Seligman; two sisters, Lois Rose and Judy Amos both of Exeter; nine grandchildren, Leslie, Tori, Matt, Kyle, Cody, Kia, James, Eric and Brent; nine great grandchildren, Haley, Connor, Morgan, Taylor, Lily, Mattison, Ali, Mya and Colton and several nieces and nephews. Loretta grew up and received her education at Wayne. She had been employed at Vasey-Bristol Shoe Company and later Southwest School as custodian. She was a member of Rock Springs Baptist Church where she “A place of ” Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV Obituaries played the piano over thirty years. Some of her favorite pastimes were watching westerns, reading western books and being with family. Graveside services will be held at 12:00 noon Saturday, January 3, 2015, in Washburn Prairie Cemetery, under direction of Fohn Funeral Home, Cassville. Pastors John Henry and Dale Stover will conduct the services. Contributions may be made to Rock Springs Baptist Church in memory of Loretta. Visit for online obituaries, guestbook and private condolences. ruby “darlene” crabtree Ruby “Darlene” Crabtree, 84, of Rocky Comfort, passed away Sunday, December 28, 2014, in Freeman Hospital, Joplin. Funeral services were held today, Wednesday December 31, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. in McQueen Funeral Home, Wheaton. Pastor Paul Wahlert conducted the services. Burial will be in Union Cemetery, Stella. The family received friends from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. Tuesday in McQueen Funeral Home, Wheaton. fohn funeral home Cassville, Mo. 417-847-2141 Visit for online obituaries, guestbook and private condolences. alice lorean lock Wheaton, Mo. 417-652-7268 Mcqueen funeral home gail l. boyd Alice Lorean Lock, 100, of Shell Knob, passed away Saturday, December 27, 2014, in Autumn Hill Nursing Home, Berryville, Ark. Memorial services were held today, Wednesday, December 31, 2014 at 10:30 a.m., in Fohn Funeral Home, Shell Knob. Pastor Brian Chisamore will conduct the services. Burial was in Lake Park Memorial Gardens, Shell Knob. Contributions may be made to American Cancer Society, Alzheimer’s Association or Shell Knob Library in memory of Alice. Gail L. Boyd, 80, of Wheaton, passed away Tuesday, December 23, 2014, in her home. Graveside services were held at 10:00 a.m. Saturday, December 27, 2014, at Dice Cemetery in Fairview, under direction of McQueen Funeral Home, Wheaton. Pastor Paul Wahlert conducted the services. The family received friends from 6:00 until 8:00 p.m. Friday in McQueen Funeral Home, Wheaton. Contributions may be made to Hospice Compassus . Visit for online obituaries, guestbook and praivate condolences. Visit for online obituaries, guestbook and private condolences. fohn funeral home Shell Knob, Mo. 417-858-3151 Sunday Service 10:00 AM Tuesday Service 6:00 PM Pastor James E. Stewart 1-417-847-0560 1-417-846-3782 Mcqueen funeral home Wheaton, Mo. 417-652-7268 Mount Olive Baptist Church 2½ miles East of Cassville FR 2180 Pastor Kevin Hilton 8-12c 1/2 Mile South from the 76/86 Hilltop Junction on Hiway 112 CASSVILLE SENIOR CENTER Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 am Sunday Evening Worship 6:30 pm Wednesday Evening Bible Study 6:30 pm Sunday Morning Radio Program KKBL 95.9 FM 7:45 am Offering 24-hour skilled nursing services Excellent Activity program Home cooked meals Pastor, Russell Bishop - 417-826-5295 JAN. 5: Smothered Steak, Chicken Bites w/Sauce, Rice, California Veg., Homemade Rolls, Cookies & Créme Dessert JAN. 6: Lasagna, Chicken Supreme, Spinach, Yellow Squash, Homemade Rolls, Peach Cobbler JAN. 7: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Hominy, Homemade Rolls, Cinnamon Rolls JAN. 8: Chicken or Beef, Burrito, chili Beans, Tex-Mex Corn, Chips, Pudding Hwy. 248, FR 2150, west 1/2 mile, Cassville, Mo Pastor Wyatt Clevenger tfc Sun. School 9:30 am Sun. Morning Worship 10:45 am Sun. Evening Worship 6:00 pm Wed. Even Bible Study 6:30 pm iver Roaring R ab Reh Health & Salad Bar Available Every Day During Serving Hrs. Skilled Nursing Facility AD SPONSORED BY LOCAL BUSINESSES Special Unit for Elopement Risk evn Fohn Funeral Home Pre-Arrangement Provider Charles McManus Authorized Homesteaders Life Agent 417-847-2184 12c 812 Old Exeter Rd, Cassville, Mo. Sound Teaching Great Fellowship Joyful Worship “I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1 Caring for our Seniors! Cassville Health Care & Rehab Red Rose Health & Rehab Serving Hrs: 11am - 12:30 pm White Funeral Home $350 Contribution age 60 & over BC Advertiser $6 Cost age 59 & under Freedom Bank tfc Grace Baptist Church Sunday School 10:00 am Church 11:00 am Evening 6:30 pm Wednesday 6:30 pm A Friendly Church with Friendly People. Standing Strong to Care For Your Loved One 417-847-3386 Business Hwy. 37, North - Cassville, MO 65625 JAN. 2: Pinto Beans, Catfish, Home Fries, Greens, Cornbread, Bread Pudding Cassville Health Care & Rehab 1300 County Farm Road, Cassville, MO 5tfc Victory Baptist Church WEEKLY MENU in Washburn. The family received friends from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 30th at the funeral home. Pallbearers were James Lee Townsend, Jason Townsend, Jerry Townsend, Marty Townsend, Luther Gardner, Chuck Jester, and Darrell Windle. His brother Kenny Townsend served as honorary pallbearer. Arrangements were under the direction of the White troy l. townsend Funeral Home & Crematory, Troy L. Townsend, 53, of Cassville. Washburn, passed away on Friday, December 26, 2014, at Cox South Hospital in Springfield. Mr. Townsend, son of Herbert and Mary (Walker) Townsend, was robert d. rawlings born on March 21, 1961, in Robert D. Rawlings, 76, of Bentonville, Ark. Prior to his death, Mr. Townsend worked Cassville, passed away Tuesas a landscaper and in the day, December 16, 2014, at construction industry. He Mercy Hospital in Cassville. Memorial services will be loved to watch eagles; he also loved music and muscle cars, held at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 3, 2015, at the especially Oldsmobiles. Survivors include his fa- White Funeral Home and ther, Herbert Townsend, Crematory with Pastor Doyle of Washburn; one brother, Russell and Pastor Rick CooKenny Townsend, of Cass- per officiating. A private famville; two sisters, Lanna Cook ily burial will be held at a later and her husband, David, of date. Memorials contribuBentonville, Ark., and Cathy Townsend, of Washburn; tions may be made to the St. two nephews, Kynan Pratt, Jude Children's Hospital and and Coy Cook; three nieces, entrusted to the White FuAmber Trammell, Brittney neral Home and Crematory, Brace, and Casey Brace; elev- P.O. Box 890, Cassville, MO en great-nephews and great- 65625. nieces; and special friends, Luther and Kathy Gardner, of Pineville. Mr. Townsend was preceded in death by his mother, Mary Townsend, on April 15, 2011, a special friend, Tim McIver, and his special dog in life, Sandy. Funeral services were held today, Wednesday, December 31, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at the White Funeral Home & Crematory in Cassville, with Pastor Jamie Townsend officiating. Burial followed at Washburn Prairie Cemetery tfc We invite you to learn more about the advantages of pre-arranging and funding the funeral plans desired. This can be done at our office or in the comfort of your own home. Cassville Shell Knob Wheaton 417-847-2141 417-858-3151 417-652-7268 43tfc 6A Barry County Advertiser charles arthur garrison Charles Arthur Garrison of Shell Knob, Missouri, died peacefully Sunday, December 28, 2014, after many months of ill health. He was born March 23, 1931, to Charles Elzy Garrison and Marie Anna Berg Garrison in Arkansas City, Kan. On September 25, 1959, he was married to his devoted wife, Dolores Ellis, who survives. Other survivors are his two sons, John and wife, Susan, of Overland Park, Kan. and Phillip and wife, Jancy, of Dubai, UAE; grandchildren, Brandy Armour, Nash Garrison and Braden Garrison; two nephews, Charles Ermey and Max Ermey and a host of other close family members. He was preceded in death by his parents; sister, Maxine and granddaughter, Megan. He attended Arkansas City schools and later graduated from John Brown Military Academy, Siloam Springs, Ark. He was a Korean War veteran serving in the United States Air Force from 1952 to 1956. Following in his father’s footsteps he was employed by the AT& SF Railroad starting at the age of 16 as a clerk in Arkansas City and retired as Road Foreman of Engines in 1993 at Newton, Kan., moving to Shell Knob after retirement. His love for the railroad kept him working as a part time consultant, licensing railroad engineers until his second retirement in 1997. Because of his love of children, he was involved with the Optimist Club sponsoring a children’s fishing tournament, helped with the Boy Scouts program and played the part of Santa Claus many times. He belonged to the Masonic Lodge, High 12 Club and was a member of the Shell Knob Shrine Club, helping with the annual Bass Tournament for many years. He was a former member of the Million Dollar Band, Midian Shrine Club of Wichita, Kan. His activities included being a 50 year member of the VFW, Lions Club member, chairman of the Local Emergency Planning District of Barry and Lawrence Counties, instigator of the home delivered meals program which developed into the Shell Knob Senior Corp and Central Crossing Senior Center, an avid member and supporter of the Central Crossing Fire District and a member of several train modeling clubs. His hobbies were golf, fishing, listening to marching music and working with model trains. He was a member of the Central Community United Methodist Church and his love for Christ was clear to all who knew him. Funeral services with military honors were held today, Wednesday, December 31, 2014, at 1:00 p.m. in Central Community United Methodist Church, Shell Knob, under direction of Fohn Funeral Home, Shell Knob. Pastor Barry Fielder conducted the services. The family received friends from 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, in Fohn Funeral Home, Shell Knob. Contributions may be made to Central Crossing Fire District, Shriners Hospitals for Crippled Children or Central Community United Methodist Church in memory of Charles. Visit for online obituaries, guestbook and praivate condolences. fohn funeral home Shell Knob, Mo. 417-858-3151 WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 31, 2014 Obituaries ina rebecca “becky” lawson Ina Rebecca “Becky” Lawson, 54, of Cassville, passed away Friday, December 26, 2014, at the home of her father. She was born December 18, 1960, in Tachikawa, Tokyo, Japan, the daughter of CMSgt. William “Bill” and Virginia (Moon) Maloney. As an Air Force dependent, Becky grew up in California, Texas and Alaska before the family settled in Missouri. She graduated from Cassville High School in 1979. She received her nursing certification from Northwest Arkansas Community College and was employed as a registered nurse in Southwest Missouri and Northwest Arkansas and was last employed at the Mt. Vernon Veterans Home. During her career she especially loved caring for the elderly. Becky’s family was important to her. She was especially proud of her daughter, Lindsay. She also enjoyed visits from her nieces and nephews, camping, reading and crafting. She loved animals and collected a small menagerie of abandoned pets over the years. Surviving are her father, Bill Maloney of Cassville; one daughter, Lindsay Lawson, of Cassville; one brother, William Timothy Maloney of Las Vegas, Nev.; three sisters, Teresa Boston, of Willow, Alaska, Nancy Riley, of Hallsville, and Sara Maloney of Cassville, as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Preceding her in death were her mother and grandparents. Memorial services will be held at 6:00 p.m. Friday, January 2, 2015, in Fohn Funeral Home, Cassville. The family will receive friends from 5:00 until 6:00 P.M. Friday in Fohn Funeral Home, Cassville. Visit for online obituaries, guestbook and private condolences. fohn funeral home Cassville, Mo. 417-847-2141 Happy New Year 417-847-4800 - 417-858-2400 The market is moving ngs! ur Listi and we need houses to sell. o Y D E Call us to list today! We NE 12c MISSOURI LAND IS IN DEMAND WE ARE ACTIVELY PURSUING HUNTING & FARMLAND LISTINGS IN YOUR AREA. Jared Mayberry Agent, Land Specialist (417) 229-1897 WHITETAILPROPERTIES.COM Whitetail Properties Real Estate, LLC. DBA Whitetail Properties | In the State of Nebraska DBA Whitetail Trophy Properties Real Estate LLC. | Dan Perez, Broker - Licensed in IL, IA, KS, KY, MO, NE & OK | Jeff Evans, Broker - Licensed in AR, GA, IL, MN & TN | Wes McConnell, Broker - Licensed in AL, IL, OH, SD & WI | John Boyken, Broker - Licensed in IN | Sybil Stewart, Broker - Licensed in MI & LA | Chris Wakefield, Broker - Licensed in TN | Joey Bellington, Broker - Licensed in TX Cassville, MO Cappy Harris Realtors (across from Wal-Mart Supercenter) 417-846-1144 Check our Web Page for more listings!!! “Always here for you” FLAT PASTURE 10 AC of fenced pasture w/pond. Would make a great little farm. $30,900 #60015028 PEACE & QUIET 4 BD, 4 BA w/lots of windows on 5 AC. Full finished bsmt. Wrap around deck. 2 master suites. $194,900 #94322 CLOSE TO SCHOOLS 3 BD w/fenced back yard. PENDING Csvl Schls. $45,000 #60014237 NEW PRICE, Good Starter or Rental Opportunity, 3 BD w/CH/A & attached carport. Csvl Schls. $22,505 #94434 NEW LISTING Inexpensive fixer in Wheaton. Good rental or flipper. $10,000 #60013752 PRICE REDUCED 3 BD fixer repo w/a screened-in porch & a one car det garage. Priced to sell! $19,000 #94486 PRICE REDUCED Mini Farm Listing, Cozy 2 BD on over 4 AC w/shop. New Ch/A, flooring, paint, appliances. $34,900 #94415 LIKE NEW 3 BD, 2 BA on level 1/2 AC. Almost 1800 sq ft., vaulted ceilings, master suite w/big Jacuzzi. Deck, detached 2 car garage. $109,900 #94364 SHOWROOM Cassville Square, totally remodeled w/large display windows, loading dock, overhead storage. $140,000 #91931 NEW LOWER PRICE Secluded AC, 19 wooded AC, Jenkins area, elec avail.$34,900 #92892 PRIME HUNTING GROUND 54 AC of wooded land. Elec avail $82,900 #94204 LAKEVIEW 2nd tier lakeview lot in Eagle Rock, comm. water avail. $10,000 #91887 SOLD PRICE REDUCED Seller Wants An Offer! 4 AC w/utilities. PENDING$17,900 #93863 CUSTOM LOG HOME Overlooks the golf course. Cathedral ceilings w/floor to ceiling windows. Almost 4000 sq ft & sold completely furnished. $550,000 #94365 5 AC PURDY REPO 2 BD, 2 BA fixer upper w/24x40 shop. PENDING $29,500 #94433 READY TO BUILD? 2.3 A lot in Raintree Estates. Cassville School. $16,900 #94050 Check us out on Facebook and YouTube. and thank you for a wonderful 2014! 1300 Old Exeter Road 466 St. Hwy. 76, Cassville, MO 65625 BILL 342-1413 / LEIGH ANN 846-5863 7A Skelton and his wife, Cathy, and Glen Skelton and his wife, Delpha, all of Seligman. Memorial contributions may be made to the Wounded Warrior Project and entrusted to the White Funeral Home and Crematory, P.O. Box 890, Cassville, MO 65625. A private family burial will be held at a later date at the New Salem Cemetery in Seligman. Cremation arrangements james “jim” b. jones are under the direction of James "Jim" B. Jones, 90, the White Funeral Home and of Seligman, passed away on Crematory, Cassville. Sunday, December 14, 2014, at Cox Hospital in Monett. Mr. Jones, son of Clifford and Myrl (Butler) Jones was born on May 2, 1924, near Greenfield. He was a United States Army veteran having served during World War II as a paratrooper with Company E of the 11th Airborne 188th Division. Mr. Jones lived in California for forty years, where he was a car dealer- kathleen m. clark ship manager. He later moved Kathleen M. Clark, 73, back to Missouri and opened of Shell Knob, passed away his own dealership. On May Wednesday, December 24, 22, 1986, he was united in 2014, in Roaring River Health marriage to Barbara (Skelton) and Rehabilitation, Cassville. Terry in Miami, Okla. FollowNo services are scheduled ing his retirement he opened at this time. Cremation arflea markets in Cassville and rangements are under direcSeligman. Survivors include his wife tion of Fohn Funeral Home, Barbara Jones, of Seligman; Shell Knob. one daughter Patty Krull, of Visit for online obituaries, guestbook Seligman; one granddaughter, and praivate condolences. Terry Smallwood, and her fiancé, Jeramiah Taylor, of Pur- fohn funeral home Shell Knob, Mo. dy; four great-grandchildren; 417-858-3151 two brothers-in-law, Gayle American Dream Realty Let Us Do The Work! Cappy Harris Joyce Holt 417-342-9239 417-846-6323 Brandon Branham Mike Williams 417-592-5456 Looking to Upgrade! Need More Room! Increase Your Acreage! Something New! 417-489-2935 Cappy Harris Realtors Welcomes Mike Williams to our Team of Professionals. “We Can List and Sell Properties All Over SW MO and NW AR Including Lake Area” We are members of CARTHAGE, SOMO MLS and ARKANSAS REGIONAL MLS! 94178 COUNTRY HOME with Cassville Schools, 3 BD, 2 BA, & 4 AC m/l. $74,900 94501 CLOSE TO ARKANSAS! Must see 3 BD, 2.5 BA, you can see the pride in ownership, large family room, bonus room w/lots of possibilities, beautiful yard, 2 car attached garage, 1 car det, on .93 AC m/l. $104,900 94464 REDUCED!!! Brick & Vinyl 2 yr old home, 4 BD, 2 BA, granite counters, huge master suite, large walk-in closet, jetted tub, walk-in shower & dual vanity, covered patio FP, wood laminate, tiled wet areas, storm shelter, covered patio on 2.36 AC. $184,900 84489 LAND!!! 9.5 AC m/l w/possible seller financing!!! WON’T LAST! $35,000 94246 LOCAL HOTSPOT! A place where good food, cold drinks and music is served! $179,900 94444 BEAUTIFUL LAKE AREA HOME! Beautiful 3 BD, 3 BA home w/FP, vaulted ceilings, loft, shop space in bsmt, 3 car att garage, less than a mile to the lake, on 2.1 AC m/l. $224,900 94465 PURDY HOME! 3 BD, 1.5 BA w/updates, CH/A, metal roof, newer vinyl siding has a 2 car detached garage on a corner lot. $85,900 94329 3-4 BD, 2.5 BA home w/walk-out bsmt, fenced back yard. $87,000 94370 REDUCED! 3 BD, 1.5 BA home, hardwood floor, upgraded windows, storm shelter. $69,000 94333 REDUCED! 2005 built! Victorian style home w/39.6 AC m/l, 5 BD, 5 BA w/5 living areas, brick & plank wood floor, FP, fin bsmt, sports pool, horse barn w/tack room. $474,900 94339 BEAUTIFUL log sided home w/3 BD, 2 BA, recently renovated on over 23 AC, barn w/portable panels, 3 wells, 2 small pole barns! ONLY $249,900 94341 COUNTRY LIVING at its finest! 4 BD, 3.5 BA, lots of wood flooring, open floor plan, media/rec room. $235,000 93631 REDUCED! Saddle Ridge, Executive modern home. 4 BD, 3.5 BA, bsmt, pool. $265,900 93022 REDUCED! Real log home on 36 wooded AC, 3 FP, 3 BD, 3.5 BA, planked flooring, CH/A, rec room, wrap around deck, detached garage. $229,900 94318 REDUCED!!! 4 BD, 2 full BA! Metal roof, brick & vinyl exterior. Nice ! $79,900 94316 FULL BRICK, 3 BD, 2 BA, shop, new cabinets, landscaped pond! $149,900 94314 3 BD, 1½ BA home w/100% finished basement! Must see. $65,000 93953 REDUCED! Affordable! 2 BD, 1 BA in Cassville city limits. REDUCED! $30,000 94261 LARGE manufactured home! 4 BD, 3 full BA! 2.5 AC m/l. $75,500 93652 REDUCED! 3/2 w/attached garage on 1.5 AC. $109,900 94026 REDUCED! Sellers Say Bring Offers!!! Full brick, 3 BD, 3 BA, 2 shop bldgs & possible income form storage! $189,900 93820 REDUCED!! Cedar sided 3 BD, 3 BA, full bsmt on 1 AC m/l. $189,900 93820 REDUCED!! Lg Comm. Bldg w/land! Many possibilities. $99,000 94212 1.25 AC CLOSE to lake! $20,000 “CHECK OUR WEB PAGE FOR MORE LISTINGS!” 12c 44tfc WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 Barry County Advertiser Purdy’s December Character Education medal winners Purdy Elementary Principal Janet Boys announced the Character Education medal winners for the month of December. In partnership with elementary counselor Gary Jurgensen, Purdy’s kindergarten through fourth grade teachers present a different character trait each month. At the end of the month each teacher nominates one stu- dent who best exemplifies the trait presented. These students receive character medals at a special assembly. In December, students focused on generosity. December medal winners are: fourth graders Junior Lamb, Jazmin Rueda and Libby Roden; third graders Austin Ash and Riley Rupp; second graders Taylor Lunceford, Samuel Salas and Randall Kessinger; first graders Jason Villa, Ryan Huse and Courtney Patterson; and kindergartners Ryan Farris, Jesus Serrano and Easton Hughes. Purdy Elementary also honored the generosity of two of its staff members. Donna Terry, who serves as the school’s literacy coach, planned a wonderful recent reading fair for students to enjoy. Joe Hoffman, our elementary custodian, gives generously of his time and talents. Both staff members received cards signed by teachers and students, as well as special tokens of appreciation. The Character Education medal winners are pictured above. Front row, from left to right: Easton Hughes. Second row: Riley Rupp and Taylor Lunceford. Third row: Donna Terry, literacy coach; Austin Ash; Jason Villa; Randall Kessinger; Junior Lamb; Ryan Farris; Courtney Patterson, and Joe Hoffman, elementary custodian. Fourth row: Gary Jurgensen, counselor; Jesus Serrano; Samuel Salas; Echo the Eagle; Jazmin Rueda and Libby Roden. Absent for photo: Ryan Huse. THE #1 MIDWEST DISTRIBUTOR FOR CANNONBALL HAYBEDS! NEW 2015 FORD F-350 REG CAB & CHASSIS XL DRW 4X4 #9505 Blue Jeans Metallic w/Gray 40/20/40 Vinyl Seats, 6.2, 3.73 Gears, Extra Heavy Duty Front Suspension, Heated Mirrors, Vinyl Floor! Retail Customer Cash ..............$2,000 Ford Credit Retail BCC .............$1,000 ‘Dream Big’ Retail CC ..............$1,000 ‘15 Ford Truck Commercial Upfit $750 Installed exclusively at Vollenweider Metal Works EVERYDAY LOW PRICE: 9 175 $ , SAV E! 7 10 0 Includes it all! $ , $ MSRP: 38,920 $ See dealer for details. LES PRICE: * * 31,764 Barry COuntY Sheriff’s Most Wanted The Most Wanted column is a partnership between the Barry County Advertiser and the Barry County Sheriff ’s Department. Sheriff Mick Epperly urges anyone with information about any of the individuals to contact the department at (417) 847-6556 during the daytime hours or (417) 847-3121 after hours. A full list of Barry County’s Most Wanted is available on the Barry County Sheriff ’s website at: Jared Lee Norris Robert J. Castillo Jared Lee Norris, 25, Aurora, is wanted for burglary in the second degree and theft/ stealing. He is 5’ 7” and 125 pounds. Robert J. Castillo, 38, Monett, is wanted for possession of a controlled substance. He is 5’ 7” and 240 pounds. Cassville Library events • The Cassville Branch Library will host a Prime Time Story Time in the library’s NEW 2014 FORD F-150 SUPER CAB XLT 4X4 #1868 Oxford White w/Gray 40/20/40 Cloth, 5.0, V8, 6 Spd., Auto, CD, LCD w/SYNC Blue Tooth, SIRIUS, Rear View Cam, 3.55 Gears, NICE! XLT Special RCC ......................$1,750 Retail Customer Cash .................$500 Ford Credit Retail BCC .............$1,000 ‘Dream Big’ Retail CC ..............$1,000 Retail Trade-In Assn. BC ..........$1,500 ‘14 Farm Bureau eCert Offer .......$500 ER! SAV E OV 9 200 $ , $ MSRP: 41,205 $ LES PRICE: * * 31,947 lower level on Monday, January 5, at 6 p.m. • Dawn of the Planet of the Apes will be shown at the Cassville Branch Library on Thursday, January 8, beginning at 6 p.m. The film is rated PG-13 and is sponsored by the Cassville Area Friends of the Library. • A Friday movie will be presented at the Cassville Branch Library on January 9 starting at 4 p.m. How to Train Your Dragon 2 is rated PG. Nickle’s Flooring We invite you to walk all over us. *Offer ends 01/05/15. See dealer for residency restrictions, qualifications and complete details. See your dealer for details. Not all buyers will qualify. May require financing through Ford Credit. CONVERTIBLE #1099 ! REDUCED $18, 9 8 7 2013 FORD F-150 CREW CAB XLT 4X4 #1852 ! REDUCED $ 29, 9 8 6 Golden Rural Plumbing 2013 FORD FOCUS 5 DOOR HATCHBACK #7828 REDUCED ! 14, 8 7 9 $ #2 Silver, 3.7, V6, Auto, CD, USB, ONLY SYNC, Satellite, Factory Warranty! 28 x x x MILES! Dark Blue, 5.0, V8, 6 Spd., Tow Pkg., ONLY Sliding Rear Glass, Reverse Camera! 29 x x x MILES! Ingot Silver w/2-Tone Leather, 2.0, I4, 4 SHARP! ONLY Cyl, 4 Door, Factory Program Unit, MORE! 33 x x x MILES! 2013 GMC SLE 2012 FORD F-250 2012 FORD FUSION CREW CAB 4X4 #4169 ! REDUCED $ 2 8, 9 6 9 CREW CAB LARIAT 4X4 #3971 ! REDUCED $ 42, 9 9 4 SPORT #2735 $ REDUCED 16, 9 7 6 Dark Red w/Gray Cloth, 5.3, V8, Auto, LOCAL TRADE Remote Start, Dual Zone A/C, OnStar. IN ExCELLENT SHAPE! Two Tone Black Over Adobe Buckets, 6.7L., CLEAN W /ONLY Diesel, Auto, Power Heated Seats, MORE! 43 x x x MILES! Red Candy, Leather, 3.5, V6, 6 Spd., Auto, SYNC, SIRIUS, Driver Info Center. 2010 FORD FLEx 2010 HONDA CROSSTOUR 2012 FORD ESCAPE FWD SE #1292 $ ! REDUCED 13, 9 7 8 Blue Jeans, 3.5L., V6, Auto, SYNC, LOCAL TRADE! 3rd Row Seating, Blue Tooth, NICE! CLEAN INSIDE & OUT! EXL 4X4 #7071 $ ! REDUCED 15, 9 8 7 White w/Charcoal Leather, 3.5L., V6, Auto, ONLY 71x x x MILES! Moonroof, Bluetooth, Dual Zone A/C. tfc WARRANTY WITH ONLY 12 x x x MILES! XLT FWD #3655 $ 417/271-3555 ! of Cassville 1010 Old exeter Rd. 847-2611 ! REDUCED 17, 9 7 8 White Suede w/Adobe Cloth, V6, Auto, FACTORY WARRANTY, 23 x x x MILES! Keyless, Moon Roof, LOADED! Therapeutic Massage by SHARON Hot Stone & Cupping Therapy included 12c 2014 FORD MUSTANG 417-847-2484 9-16pd 8A SHARON PRINK L.M.T. Lic# 2001007648 417-442-3687 20evnc Barry County Advertiser Crowder’s Murphy earns Leadership Award Steve Chapman Courtney Murphy, a student at the Crowder CollegeCassville campus, has been awarded the Missouri Com- munity College Association (MCCA) Student Leadership Award for Crowder College. She was chosen for the award out of the entire Crowder stu- dent body, numbering almost 6,000 and received it at the MCCA annual convention in Branson on November 7. Learning that she would Herrin Animal Hospital hosts toy drive Over 200 toys, including four bicycles, were collected at Herrin Animal Hospital in Cassville. The hospital held a two-week toy drive through December 16 to benefit families enrolled in OACAC’s Share Your Christmas program and served as a drop-off point for those making donations. The toys were taken to the United Methodist Church in Cassville where they were distributed based on the needs of the families selected by OACAC. Pictured with the toys are (from left to right): Dr. Brent Herrin, Sara Crass, Briana Street, Dodie Little and Katie Bradley. Corinth Baptist ChurCh Pastor, Donnie Spears – 417-236-2145 Where It’s All About Jesus. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Are you ready for a new start in Christ, It’s your move! Services: Sunday School: 9:45 am • Morning Service 10:45 am • Evening Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Evening: 6:30 pm 11453 St. Hwy. AA, Cassville, MO 417-847-4165 Most insurance gladly accepted. tfc Dr. Craig A. Hayes 54 S. Main Cassville, MO 65625 Ph. 417-847-1443 Toll Free: 1-888-887-3968 D-tfc receive the award came as a big surprise to Murphy. “I was excited and I cried a little bit,” she said. Robin Kier, Student Services Coordinator at the CrowderCassville campus, nominated Murphy for the award. Kier said she chose to nominate Murphy because she demonstrates a positive attitude and a willingness to do for others. “Courtney is one of the most energetic, positive and outgoing students I’ve ever worked with,” Kier said. “She works full-time while raising a family and goes to school fulltime, but still manages to stay on top of everything and is always willing to go above and beyond for her fellow students.” Murphy has attended Crowder-Cassville for five semesters, during which time she has been pursuing her general education requirements in preparation for the Crowder nursing program. During this time, she worked as a student ambassador for three semesters. Murphy will begin studying nursing in January and is eager to begin. “I’m nervous about it, but I’m really excited,” she said. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 9A Courtney Murphy displays the Student Leadership medallion and certificate awarded to her by the MCCA. “Crowder has one of the most exceptional programs. I’m really excited to start.” Before she decided to become a nurse, Murphy was working at Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) and was planning to study business at the time. She changed her mind when DFA closed. “I didn’t want to sit behind a desk,” she said. “I wanted to help people.” Murphy currently works at Cox-Monett as a patient care associate. When she completes her studies at Crowder, she wants to be a nurse at a local hospital but also plans to get a doctorate in nursing. The MCCA Student Leadership Award is presented each year to a student from each of Missouri’s community colleges who demonstrates exceptional leadership qualities. All of the Crowder students who were nominated for the award had their applications reviewed by a special committee at the college, which ultimately chose Murphy. 10A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 Barry County Advertiser Cassville Senior Center raffles off quilt Arning hands Barry County’s years past out service awards Arning Companies of Cassville handed out their yearly service awards at a special ceremony on December 24. Those receiving awards this year were Jim Stephens, for five years; Kyle Edwards, for five years; Dave Desrochers, for 15 years; Craig Ganoung, for 25 years and three million miles; Fred Keil, for 25 years; and Mike Reed, for 30 years. This hand-made quilt was completed by the ladies at the Cassville Senior Center. The quilt was then raffled off to benefit the Senior Center. The winner, Barbara Burbridge, is shown with the queen-sized sun bonnet quilt. Lee Schmidt, of Aurora, also won a lap-sized quilt in the raffle. That quilt was donated to the Center by Evalina Shippee of Montana. The raffle raised $385 which will be used to benefit the Cassville Senior Citizen Center. The Dogwood Trail Garden Club announced the winners of their Christmas Door Decoration contest as Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sisney, 1st place; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Long, 2nd place; and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ellis, 3rd place. Honorable mentions went to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoover, Mrs. Bill Cooper and Mrs. Nathan Hinds. Six University of Missouri-Columbia students from Barry County received honors as top-ranking undergraduates. They were: Allen R. Johnson and Brenda F. Skelton, of Cassville; Charles B. Cowherd, Matthew A. Renkoski, Ronald C. Renkoski and Steven R. Ruark, of Washburn. 30 years ago Reed, 30 years Nancy England, of Cassville, was named Outstanding Youth Education Assistant of the Year. Dr. Ricky Kime was chosen to practice medicine with South Barry County Hospital. Barry County officials took their oath of office. They were: Sheriff Jim Hopkins, Treasurer Gene Fare, Northern Commissioner Vedes Davis, Public Administrator Shirley Keen, Southern Commissioner Bill Chappell, Coroner Doyle Williamson, and Assessor Glenn D. Nicoll. The oaths were administered by County Clerk Rex Stumpff. Bill McCracken, of Wheaton, was awarded the Bronze Star for his actions in ground combat during WWII. Keil, 25 years Rhonda L. Whitney, of Cassville, graduated from Southwest Missouri State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. Nancy Allison, of Cassville, received an Educational Doctorate from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Helen R. Rose was honored for 30 years of service as executive secretary at Forest Products. Leilani Cole, of Washburn, competed for the title of 1995 Missouri Farm Bureau Queen. Edwards, 5 years Jordan Ball, of Cassville, was named to the Boy’s Soccer All-State Team. Kayla Isaac and Corey Dutra, both of Purdy, went to Washington D.C. to take part in the Presidential Classroom Program and the Presidential Classroom Scholar’s program, respectively. Tammy Hauck, of Golden, erected a memorial of 1,260 crosses for American service people who lost their lives in the Iraqi conflict. The Barry CounTy adverTiser reaches over 13,000 homes each week–more than ALL other area publications combined. Ganoung, 25 years, 3 million miles 40 years ago 20 years ago 10 years ago SANDERS 3rd Generation General Contractor Concrete s Asphalt s Homes Metal Buildings s Additions 417-271-4606 Licensed-Bonded-Insured tfc Desrochers, 15 years SALE NEILL’S HOMESTORE 24959 St. Hwy. 39 SHELL KNOB, MO 417-858-4444 • HOURS: 9AM-5PM 12c NOW Ashley 511 Low-leg Recliner Gunsmoke $499 Southern Motion 2100P Power Recliner Burgundy $499 Ashley 1900 Power Rocker4 Recliner $499 Broyhill 3676 Sofa, chair & Ottoman, Blue $1,879 Lane 2950 High Leg Recliner, Brown $499 Ashely 1240 Sofa Green $499 Lane 2525 High Leg Recliner, Tan $499 Legends AP5105 56” Fireplace entertainment $699 Lane 32743 Reclining Console Loveseat, Tan $999 Southern Motion 698 Chair & Half Recliner, Bonded Leather, Brown $699 Ashley 1510 Wall Recliner, Blue $599 Ashley 1800 Swivel Recliner, Pebble $549 Mayo 1200 Sofa and Chair, Brown $1,949 Mayo 7281 Sofa, Floral $1,299 Lane 2571 Wing Recliner, Tan $499 Lane 32839 Reclining Sofa, Tan $999 Lane 32039 Reclining Sofa, Green $899 BestCraft 101R Rocker Recliner, Brown $599 Largo D195 Table & Four Chairs, Black/Cherry $1,099 Steve Silver AB48 Table & Four Chair, Oak $899 Ashley B619 Queen Bed, Dresser & Mirror Oak $1,599 Largo B1035 Queen Bed, Dresser, Mirror, Chest, Nightstand, Rustic $2,549 Legends ZGM4301 52” TV Console Marble Top $699 Legends HC1200 48” Cherry TV Console $499 Lane 12076 Oak & Glass Sofa Console $349 Southern Motion 570 Reclining Sectional Tan $1,799 Legends 51902 3-Pc Cherry Wall Unit $1,799 Broyhill 3743 Bonded Leather Chair & Ottoman, Brown $1,249 Southern Motion 884 Pw Reclining Console Loveseat & Recliner, Grey (Slightly Used) $1,799 AMANA 2575 25’ Stainless Ice & Water Refrigerator (Slightly Used) $1,199 Visit our website at: THEN $299 $299 $299 $1,299 $299 $299 $299 $399 $599 $399 $399 $399 $1,299 $899 $299 $699 $599 $399 $599 $599 $999 $1,499 $399 $299 $175 $1,299 $1,199 $699 $499 $799 Barry county advertiser WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 Blackhawks, Lady Trojans claim Holiday Tournament titles Lee Stubblefield For two days, the 32nd Annual Southwest Holiday Tournament saw more blowouts than most neighborhood dirt track races. Even the addition of the first-ever girls division to the tournament saw some early runaways. But on Monday night, the slate of trophy games produced some memorable barnburners. The day started with the Galena boys winning the 7th-place game at the expense of the Wheaton Bulldogs. Joey Robbins scored 14 of Wheaton's 27 points, but it wasn't enough to offset Galena's total of 54. Then Josh Brown poured in 19 points to lead Cassville past Haas Hall in the 5thplace game, 52-35. The girls then took the court for the afternoon matinee. Galena topped Wheaton 56-31 to win the 3rd-place game. Then the host Lady Trojans surged past Pea Ridge to win the championship, 67-42. The Lady Blackhawks led 13-10 after one quarter, but Jaime Shrum hit a pair of late treys to give Southwest a 3025 halftime lead. Shrum went wild in the third quarter, scoring 14 of her game-high 28 points in that stanza. The Lady Trojans pulled away to lead 49-34 at the final break, and cruised to the title to the delight of the home crowd. The nightcap saw the Blue Eye and Gentry boys battle for the 3rd-place trophy, and then Southwest and Pea Ridge fought for the championship. Blue Eye led at every break, but Gentry rallied to take a 45-44 lead in the final period. With the game tied at 47-47, Brent Barker scored Crystal Alvardeo brings the ball down the court for the Wheaton Lady Bulldogs. Alvarado was named to the All-Tournament Team. with a tap dunk to give Gentry the lead with a minute to play. Orrin Curbow answered for Blue Eye, and the score was knotted at 49-49 with just 40 seconds remaining. Gentry ran the clock all the way down, and Matt Juillerat swished a short jumper at the buzzer to give the Pioneers the 51-49 win. In the boys championship tilt, Pea Ridge jumped to a 15-3 lead over Southwest, and looked like world beaters as they raced to a 17-9 advantage at the first break. But Southwest's "five in, five out" substitution pattern wore the Blackhawks down in the sec- ond quarter. Brad Daniels, Paton Clay, and Blake Barnes all drained long bombs in the final 4:30 of the half to cut the Pea Ridge lead to 26-24. The Trojans claimed a 3430 lead at the 5:30 mark of the third quarter when Trayvon Johnson sliced through the lane and scored. But the Blackhawks responded with a 10-2 run to finish the period with a 40-36 lead. Southwest just could not get over the hump in the final quarter. Pea Ridge answered every rally and held the host team at bay. A pair of Brad Daniels free throws cut the lead to just 51-49 in the final minute, but the Tro- jans could get no closer. The Blackhawks held on for a 5349 victory. The All Tournament Team for the 1st Southwest Girls Holiday Tournament: MIkhaela Cochran, Pea Ridge Shannon Mitchell, Southwest Jaime Shrum, Southwest Dallas Howard, Galena Maggie Fletcher, Pea Ridge Crystal Alvarado, Wheaton Ashley Stults, Galena Brianna Learned, Southwest Jennifer Anthony, Pea Ridge 11A Dawnelle Lebow, Galena The All Tournament Team for the 32nd Annual Southwest Holiday Tournament: Matt Juillerat, Gentry Robbie Randall, Southwest Blake Sheppard, Pea Ridge Brent Barker, Gentry Adam Butler, Blue Eye Brad Daniels, Southwest Lemuel Reber, Haas Hall Markyse Goad, Blue Eye Joey Hall, Pea Ridge Blake Barnes, Southwest Tournament MVP - Zach Davis, Pea Ridge Cassville’s Gabe Kirk kicks the ball out to his teammate in Wheaton guard Justin Beck is pictured above has he puts the Wildcat’s victory over Haas Hall. Kirk had 7 points and 11 pressure defense on Galena’s Logan Stewart. rebounds in the win. ThreeCorners 417-846-7906 FIREARMS LLC Hwy. 37 Washburn, MO Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 6pm-9pm • Sat. 8am-12pm We would like to invite everyone to come in & check out our Newly Arrived KEN RICHARDSON CUSTOM KNIVES selection & our firearms inventory. NEW Marlin Model 336W 30-30 Winchester SXP 12 ga Mossberg Model 500 12 ga Remington 870 12 ga Henry Octagon Barrel Lever Action .22 Henry Golden Boy .22 Ruger 10-22 Savage Axis Youth .243 w/Scope Savage 110 Trophy Hunter 30-06 w/Scope CVA Optima V2 50 cal Hi-Point Model 995 9mm Carbine w/Light Hi-Point Model 995 9mm Carbine w/Light & Laser Windham Weaponry Model WW15 .223/5.56 30 round. Bushmaster Carbon Multi-15 .223/5.56 30 round NEW HANDGUNS Phoenix .22 Walther .22 Taurus PT 1911 .45 Smith & Wesson M&P C 9mm Smith & Wesson M&P C .45 Ruger GP 100 .357 Mag Ruger Blackhawk .357 Mag Ruger SR 40 40 cal. Ruger LCRX .38 spl. Glock 19 9mm Ruger LCR .380 Ruger LC9 9mm w/Viridian Light USED Remington Model 514 .22 Savage Mark II .22 Winchester Model 68 .22 Stevens Model 125 .22 H&R 10 ga 3½” Mossberg SSI One 12 ga Ultra Turkey Choke Winchester Model 94 30-30 Winchester Model 70 .270 Remington Model 7600 30-06 w/Scope Several Calibers of Ammo. ••••• Some scope bases & rings. 12c 12c 12A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 Barry County Advertiser Barry County’s 2014 Year in Review As we head into the new year, we at the Barry County Advertiser want to thank you, our readers and advertisers, for your support and helping to make 2014 a great year. We wish you and your family a happy and prosperous 2015. We hope you enjoy taking a look back at the headlines and highlights of 2014. MO-ARK SELLS CATTLE MO-ARK EXETER, SELLS CATTLE EXETER, MO EVERY SATURDAY • 11 AM FOR BUYING or SELLING INFORMATION Gary Brown 417-846-3355 / 417-369-1013 Barn 417-835-3000 LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK 12c LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK NEW YEARS DAY January The Eagle Rock - Golden - Mano Fire Department received a grant that allowed residents to get free 911 signs. Senator David Sater prefiled an abortion waitingperiod bill for the 2014 legislative session. Table Rock Lake began the Missouri Clean Marine program to clean the lake. Cassville’s Ryan Pace graduated from the Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Law Enforcement Academy and began working for North Howell and Shannon Counties. Cr-ose Cafe moved from Washburn to a new location in Cassville. The Cassville Chamber of Commerce’s annual banquet featured Jarrett Dougherty, a Branson comedian, and gave McKnight Auction Co. LLC • Verona, Mo. Ralph McKnight (417) 498-6662 THURSDAY, JAN. 1st • 1 PM LOCATION: STANDLEY AUCTION BUILDING, old town center #3, Shell Knob, MO 65747. At (Elementary School) Hwy. 39 & FR 1240 go west to auction building about half block, signs posted on auction day! ANNUAL ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES AUCTION MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK LIVESTOCK AUCTION - - - MO-ARK –– FAMILY OWNED –– 3rd Generation in Auction Business uction Specializing in All Types of Auctions! A with added ESTATE ITEMS Antique Furniture. Large lot of Coins & Silver rounds. Beer signs & bar items. Crock items & cast iron. Pocket knives. Jewelry & misc. glass. Firearms & supplies. Modern furniture. Bedroom sets & dining set. Brad Holder Jeff Holder (417) 689-5582 To view complete listing and see pictures go to user 33768 tfc Service Your Complete Licensed Professional Services Over 50 Years Combined Experience Serving the Tri-Lakes and Four State Area • ANTIQUES • HOUSEHOLD • FARM • ESTATE • LIQUIDATIONS • BANKRUPTCIES • REAL ESTATE (417) 342-3218 •Farm •Livestock •Merchandise •Household •Real Estate For Listings & Sale Dates Contact: tfc Kay Standley 417-858-3901 Col. Red Edens • 847-2480 • Cassville, MO Steve Hodges • 894-1070 • Aurora, MO OVER 50 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE pushed for an investigation on rising propane prices. February Missouri Governor Jay Nixon visited Cassville High School. Judge Victor Head announced he was retiring at the end of 2014 as the Associate Circuit Judge in Barry County. Cassville’s Judge Andrew Hager retired. Fairview’s Jennifer Moerer was charged with five felonies for a fatal wreck on Highway W. Barry County Prosecuting Attorney Johnnie Cox announced his intention to run for the Associate Circuit Judge seat. Cassville hired new municipal judge Randee Stemmons. Mary Jane Flynn retired after 26 years with the Barry County Assessor’s office. The Barry County Advertiser AUCTIONS OF ALL TYPES AUCTION Auction House: 417-858-0192 Brian Standley 417-846-3652 awards to Forever Yours Embroidery, the Cassville R-IV District, Annette Henderson and Bob and Carolyn Bishop. Michael, Matthew and Marc Miller were charged in the kidnapping of a Washburn woman. Tensions rose when SWEPCO planned to run Arkansas power lines through southern Barry and McDonald Counties. Bradley Lueckenhoff and Jerrica Russell were named Cassville High School’s TipOff King and Queen Dusty Reid, former Roaring River Park Superintendent, was hired as the Director of Facilities/Operations at Cassville R-IV Schools. A small fire broke out at the Justin Boot plant. No one was injured. Senator David Sater I’m BIG news!! For over 40 years– Your number one local news source! Elementary Principal Judy Randall retired after 26 years with Southwest Schools. Purdy High School crowned Careya Garcia as Homecoming Queen. March Roaring River’s Opening Day drew 1,900 anglers. Matthew Casas, of Cassville, was arrested on child pornography charges. Cassville Habitat for Humanity begins their fourth housing project. Exeter High School named Rylie Odenbrett and Michael Brattin as Homecoming Queen and King. Trivia Night raised $1,475 for the Cassville Education Fund. Cassville Schools awarded the Lifetime Music Advocacy Award to Carolyn Biggs. Cassville student Bridgette Sutter took third place in the Joplin Glob’es annual spelling bee. Cassville’s Coach David Large announced that he was taking a position at Branson High School for the 2014-2015 school year. Exeter’s Jeffrey Hobbs was sentenced to almost three years in federal prison for a $2 million Butterfield Feed Mill fraud. Southwest hired Jeff Payne as the new Elementary Principal. To be continued next week... Golden Rural Plumbing 12c Green Forest, AR NORTH ARKANSAS LIVESTOCK AUCTION “Community Owned and Operated” BARRY COUNTY LIVESTOCK MARKETING #4 SALE EVERy WEdNESdAy (870) 438-6915 HAPPY NEW YEAR Kirk Powell (870) 654-2205 Ron Wallace (870) 654-6369 Rusty Stone (417) 847-4929 / 417-847-7237 To All Of Our Customers! tfc 417/271-3555 Granger Litter Spreading (417) 235-9686 10-12pd Hope to see you in 2015. SALE EVERY SATURDAY - 2:00 PM including Holiday Weekend! Good Young Stock Cows & Several Calves. ALL CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME! WHEATON, MO Don’t Go Retro. Barn 417-652-7373 An old-school fusebox might still function adequately, but it lacks the safety features that are build into modern circuit breakers. If your home or other building still has one of these antique devices, it’s time for an update. Old Face / New Place 4 Federally Licensed & Bonded 4 Free On Farm Appraisals 4 Portable Corral Systems Available 4 Trucking Available Consult a qualified electrician for a complete review of your electrical wires and fixtures, and replace any outdated equipment that no longer meets safety specifications. Your electric cooperative can also provide guidance and assistance. Receiving cattle on Fridays. Hay and water pens. No Charge for Hay on overnight cattle. For more information, call: Dayne Galyen Kevin Ruddick JR Galyen 417-846-7775 479-790-9272 417-846-7373 Selling: Cattle, Sheep, Goats & Hogs © 2009 A ssociated Electric C ooperative Inc. A ll rights reserved. 12c 12c tfc Barry County Advertiser RESIDENTIAL $104,000 CED! REDU PRICE $89,500 $64,900 94367 - CLOSE TO TABLE ROCK LAKE. 2 bedroom 1 bath with large open living room, dining, & kitchen areas. Emerald Beach Area $104,000. 94404 PRICE REDUCED! 3 bedroom 2 full baths. Rural water, propane, and septic. Just a few miles from town. All appliances stay. 1.9 acres m/l. 93692 - 5 bedroom 2 bath home on .40 acres m/l (according to the seller). Covered front porch, some original wood floors, large rooms. Rural water for the house. Well to water the yard. �������� 94475 - LOCATED CLOSE TO GOLF COURSE. New construction. 3 bedroom 2 bath home with 3-car garage. Owner-agent. $134,900 94028 - VERY WELL BUILT, CLASSY HOME. Custom built cabinets, newer wood flooring, brick fireplace with built - ins. Newer fixtures & more. $184,900 $395,000 $89,900 $189,900 94477 - CLOSE TO GOLF COURSE. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 3 - car garage. Gas log fireplace. Owner Agent. 94436 - ON 12 ACRES M/L of the most beautiful prairie land. This unique home has many extras that it is hard to do justice. Trees shade the patios with space & firepit to entertain friends & family. 94368 - GORGEOUS 3 bedroom 2 bath home. Open floor plan. Extensive tile & woodwork throughout. RESIDENTIAL 94361 - 3 bd 2 ba home on 4 acres m/l. Has new siding & windows. Over 1100 sq ft, ready to move in. Fenced for livestock. $79,900 94511 - CLOSE TO ROARING RIVER. New Wal-Mart Store not far from property in Seligman. Excellent weekend Get-A-Way. $37,000 94335 - REDONE WITH CLASS! 4 bd 2.5 ba has newer hardwood floors, fireplace, & vaulted beamed ceilings. Huge tiled shower. $269,900 94298 - BEAUTIFUL SETTING with mature trees. 3 bedroom 2 bath home has detached 2 - car garage. 10 acres m/l. Pipe corral. ������� 94479 - MINI FARM on paved road. 27.6 acres m/l with 5 bedrooms 2 baths home. Large kitchen & living room. Over 2400 sq ft. $129,900 $209,000 93955 - GREAT CABIN IN THE WOODS. 1 bedroom 1 bath cabin on 6.4 acres m/l. Lots of decks. Workshop & storage shed. Private well & septic. 94230 - LOG CABIN on 20 acres m/l. Paved road. Enjoy the serenity of this 4 bedroom 2 bath log cabin. Huge shop & storage buildings. $149,900 91949 - Nice 2 bd 2 ba home on 3.34 acres m/l. Ch/a & wood stove. Appliances. New garage with roll up doors. 20’x20’ storage building. $64,900 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 RESIDENTIAL $133,000 $189,900 $149,900 94315 - CORNER LOT with lots of room. 3 bedrooms 2.5 baths. Custom cabinets and a covered deck. 3 fireplaces. 94374 - MAINTENANCE FREE COUNTRY HOME. 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths. 2-car garage. Just south of town with over 2000 sq ft living area. 94417 - NOT TOO MANY OF THESE LEFT. 19 acres m/l, 2 bedroom home, huge shop at Cassville City limits. �������� 93546 - NEAT AND CLEAN! 3 bedroom 2 bath home. Insulated windows, deck, split bedroom plan. Storage building. Ch/a. 2-car attached garage. Exterior is partial brick. $389,000 94313 SEVEN BEDROOMS in this 7500 sq ft home on a beautiful 10 acres m/l. 3-story house and 3-car detached garage. Well and rural water. $159,995 94391 - COUNTRY LIVING close to town. All brick home on 3.6 acres m/l. 3 bd, large family room w/ wood burning fireplace. Large country kitchen. Oversized utility room. $79,900 94308 - LARGE FRONT PORCH with new master bedroom, appliances, large lot (110’x225’). Close to school and downtown area. Shop & RV storage. $125,000 94277 - 16 ACRES M/L with very nice doublewide with large master bedroom. Also, 30x40 insulated shop with concrete floor. On State Hwy between Exeter & Wheaton. 94402 - NOTHING LIKE LIVING ON THE LAKE! Beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bath with full walkout basement. Shop & RV canopy plus extra lots. RESIDENTIAL $179,900 94325 - SELLING 1 OF 4 WAYS: 3 bd 2 ba home & 10 acres m/l. $179,900. (Home & 5 acres m/l $159,900) (Home & 2 acres m/l $139,900.) (Home & 1 acres m/l $129,900.) $69,900 93449 - EVERYTHING TOP NOTCH with this 3 bd home that needs a new owner. Oversized attached garage. Metal roof new 2007. Wonderful garden spot. CED! REDU PRICE $32,999 �������� $152,000 $59,900 $74,900 $150,000 $214,000 $49,000 $119,900 $54,900 $220,000 93888 - CAR WASH. 3 bays; one automatic & 2 hand wash bays. 2 vacuum cleaner bays. Heated, concrete floors. Hot water wash. Newer equipment. 91844 HIGHLY VISIBLE FROM STATE HWY 37. 30x40 insulated metal shop bldg. & mfg that was used as an office. City water & sewer on site. 94362 - TWO BUILDINGS SIDE BY SIDE on Main Street, Cassville. Newly remodeled with extensive tile on floors & walls. Excellent retail or restaurant. 93330 - RESTAURANT/ BAR/GRILL. Some kitchen equipment & walk-in cooler stay. Large enclosed back lot. Central air. $124,900 90148 CORNER BUILDING downtown. Over 2500 sq ft of commercial space. Display window, showroom, & electric water heater. $65,000 94453 - ON BUSY MAIN STREET IN CASSVILLE. Separate entrance on North side. Great location for retail or office. Hand elevator in Main Street side. 90268 - UPDATED HOME. 2 bedroom 1 bath home with newer windows, roof, & central h/a. 94480 - OVER 1300 SQ FT. 3 bd 1 bath. Large living room & extra large kitchen. Roof approx. 5 yrs old. Heat & air replaced 2 yrs ago. 2-car garage/shop has electricity. 94456 - 5 acres m/l with 3 bedroom 2.5 baths, brick home on the outskirts of town. 30’x40’ m/l metal building. FARMS 93892 - MUFFLER SHOP. 3 - bays with overhead doors. Heated floors & a/c in the office. Metal building on block foundation. City utilities. 94446 - PRIME LOCATION. This commercial 1 acre m/l tract sits on the northwest corner of junction of State Hwys 37 & 112. Priced to sell at $150,000. 94392 - 3 BEDROOM 2.5 BATH on 18 acres m/l on State Hwy W. Fenced for cattle, out building. Large yard, brick home with patio. $34,900 $69,900 94337 - BUILDING ON MAIN STREET. Multi-level. Has many possible uses. Apartments, retail, manufacturing. City utilities. Let us show you today at only 93796 PRICE REDUCED! 2 bd 1 ba home. Appliances. Detached garage 27’x28’. City utilities. Natural gas heat & central air. 94378 - MOVE IN READY. 1.71 acres m/l. Chainlink fence, storage shed, all beautifully landscaped. Only 4 years old and full of comfort features. 94149 - WHY RENT? This 3 bedroom home is clean and well cared for. Wheaton. COMMERCIAL $22,900 13A $600,000 Jack Nickols Broker (Cell) 417-342-1506 Jean Nickols Larry Daniels (Cell) 417-880-5446 (Cell) 417-846-7306 Lea Hill Bill Hill Cindy Carr 417-847-0156 417-847-3241 417-847-7514 (Office) (Cell) (Cell) $239,900 VACANT LAND / LOTS 93147 - VACANT 3 ACRES M/L. Located on major hwy, close to large employer ..................................................$49,000 24667 - IDEAL LAND FOR THE WALKOUT BASEMENT. Fashionable location. 3.4 acres m/l just out of city limits ............. $33,000 23148 - Newer subdivision ready to sell lots. All lots have beautiful views, electricity, city water & sewer. Paved city streets ............................................................................................................................... $19,900 per lot. 94082 - LOT IN CASSVILLE. All utilities available. Close to downtown, churches, grocery store, & post office .................. $29,900 94300 - VERY NICE 40 ACRES M/L. Some timber, with outbuildings and 3 ponds. Between Aurora, Cassville & Shell Knob .............................................................................................................................................. $129,900 94484 - ALL RIGHT HERE! Office building, shop & carport on 1 acre m/l. City utilities. State Hwy 37 frontage ................... $59,900 23428 - NEAR CASSVILLE. 7.2 acres m/l partially fenced. Rural water. Electricity available ...............................$39,900 91846 - RESIDENTIAL VACANT LOT. Excellent building site. Mature trees. Nice neighborhood .........................$25,000 89622 - EASILY SEEN FROM STATE HWY 60 IN MONETT. Vacant commercial property. City utilities available .................$49,000 94272 - GORGEOUS 90 ACRES M/L. Pond, 30x50 m/l shop building, well. Two 300 gallon holding tanks. Owner finance possible ............................................................................................................................ $180,000 93826 - VACANT LOT. City utilities available. This large lot (155’x178’) has chain link fence on 3 sides. Lot #6 is flat and ready to build on...........................................................................................................................................................$10,000 93512 - DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION! 2.23 acres m/l with mixture of open ground and trees. Electricity, city water & sewer. Fronts State Hwy 37 .........................................................................................................................................$87,000 92888 - VACANT LOTS. Two building lots ready to build on. City utilities. Cattle tight fence ..............................$53,000 94327 - HUNTER GLEN SUBDIVISION. 6.35 acres m/l with rural water on lot. Barry Electricity available. Let us show you your new homesite................................................................................................................................................$39,900 93266 - RURAL SUBDIVISION. 75’x100’ m/l lot ............................................................................................................ $2,000 94330 - 21 acres m/l on State Hwy 248. Vacant land with a pond and a spring. Full frontage on highway ........$34,900 94366 - LOCATED IN WASHBURN. Mobile home lot with city utilities ...................................................................... $6,900 91848 - RESIDENTIAL VACANT LOT. .5 acres m/l. Excellent building site. Mature trees. Nice neighborhood...................... $35,000 90105 - Rolling 4.6 acres m/l. Close to school and parks on Thirteenth Street......................................................$63,900 94297 - 10 acres m/l 1 mile off State Hwy NN in Washburn. Building site with electricity crossing property ....... $35,000 Possible owner finance. 93267 - CORNER LOT in rural subdivision. 90’x100’ m/l ............................................................................................ $5,000 93519 - INSIDE CITY LIMITS. 1.8 acres m/l with city water and city sewer. Nice building site with lots of shade trees. Owner would consider trade of equal value. .............................................................................................................$27,000 87 S. Main Street, Cassville, MO | $143,900 $275,000 $189,000 $850,000 $269,900 $144,000 92938 - BEAUTIFUL 400 acres m/l surrounded by national forest. 60% open pasture. 7 ponds, wet weather creek, springs. Well & electricity. 93873 - NEW LOG CABIN sitting on 80 acres m/l of wilderness. Has own well and septic. All new appliances. Full basement. Pond & spring. 94357 - 37 acres m/l of pure country. Barns, outbuilding, 5 ponds. 2 mfg home with Missouri conservation land on 3 sides. 93889 - SMALL FARM. 35 acres m/l. 3 bd 1.5 ba home being updated. New bath, light fixtures, some new flooring, & paint. 40x60 shop has 7 overhead doors. 93905 - 80 ACRES M/L. 3 bd 2 ba home. Ch/a. carport 24x30 w/ high ceiling. Several outbldgs. Creeks, ponds, & springs. 93481 - BEAUTIFUL HOME on 232.9 acres m/l. Rolling acreage with Flat Creek flowing through the property. 2nd house and several large bldgs. 94304 - 40 ACRE M/L FARM. Close to Table Rock Lake. 3 bd home. Several outbuildings. 92940 - BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE with pasture for livestock. 37 acres m/l with paved road frontage. Great location. Close to lake. 417-847-0156 | 14A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 Barry County Advertiser CLASSIFIEDS Video Mart It’s a AUTOS 1999 NISSAN Quest Van. Runs great. Clean. $2,150. 417-671-2150 FOR SALE 2000 GMC Jimmy SLT, auto 4x4, 138,000 miles, loaded. Good condition. Everything works. $3500. 417-662-0100 Mystery Bookstore! 107 Public Square, Berryville, AR 2013 1742 Blazer Boat, 25, 4 stroke Mercury filler jet, electric start with battery, trolling motor foot control, trailer, spare. 417-723-0140 after 10:00 am. (7-3tp) FOR SALE ‘79 flatbed Ford Truck, 2wd dually. 1 ton conversion, manual transmission, 460V8. Tagged. $1400 obo 417-846-0108 2007 FORD EXPLORER Runs Great, looks great, third row seat, power sunroof, all the extras! Call for details ATTENTION Loggers & Land Owners Exeter, Mo. mill purchasing Scragg/Mini Logs Excellent prices paid! 6”-17” diameter Tree length or call for cut length We also accept standing timber TWO 295/75R 22.5 STEER TIRES 11/32 tread on one, 8/32 tread on other. $150 for both. 1994 FORD TAURUS good condition, runs good. $1,200 Call 417-271-3447 Paying cash for DVDs and Games Westerns, Sci-Fi, Romance PLUS more!! CALL TODAY 835-3644 417-652-3505 GARAGE SALE FISHERMAN’S DREAM! Very nice 181 Champion with trailer, 150 Mercury EFI, 2 locators, spare batteries, Temp gauge, Motor Guide foot control, charging system. 417-723-0140 after 10:00 a.m. (7-3tp) 201 S. MAIN ST. CASSVILLE, MO 417-846-0110 Thank you! 8:30...9:45...11a.m. Sunday Morning Worship New Site Baptist Church Accepting donations of money, furniture, household goods, building supplies, toys, appliances. NO clothing, computer items, or tube-type TVs. Pickup available 1925 FR 1060. Aaron Weibel preaching. (417)235-6135 417-271-3447 Craftsman riding mower FOR SALE STORM SHELTERS FOR SALE Reinforced concrete with warranty. In-ground and above ground. HARRIS EXCAVATION home 442-7331 cell 236-2255 --------------------------------- 19.5 motor, 6 spd 42 in cut. turbo twin engine Runs and cuts great! $350 obo 417-669-3696 SITUATIONS WANTED FOR SALE Electric Cecillio violin, slightly used. Plus, case and 2 bows. $125.00 417-592-7134 WANTED TO BUY Garden Compost For Sale WE BUY FRONT BUCKET SEATS with console for Chevy Silverado. $175. 417-652-3505 guns, coins, gold and silver 417-847-7000 IF YOU are homebound or unable to get out to meetings but need help for the effects of living with alcoholism, become an Al-Anon or Alateen Lone Member. Contact Al-Anon Family Groups, 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, VA 23454 or email IT SHOULDN’T hurt to be a child. Child abuse hurts both the child and the parent. For help call 1-800-392-3738 toll free. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE, Rates, and Policies: Deadlines: Borders (classified display), Monday, 5pm; $5.60 per column inch. Line ads: must be pre-paid and are accepted until 12 noon Tuesday; 50¢ per word, 10 word minimum. Ads must be printed or typed. Check ad first appearance. Refunds only if Advertiser error. One week refund or correction will be provided; must occur within first week. The Advertiser is not responsible for mistakes on handwritten ads; reserves the right to hold ads until account balance is paid; reserves the right to classify ads when no classification is given. Our office is located 1 block north of the Post Office in Cassville. Ph: (417)847-4475; Add: PO Box 488, Cassville, MO 65625; E-mail: - Name Address City Starting Date Amt. Enclosed Credit Card# Phone No. Words Cash STATE SR22 FILINGS See John at STARCHMAN INS. Cassville, MO (417)847-3554 FOR RENT Oak St., Washburn, Mo. 2 bd., 1 ba. duplex $425 per month plus deposit NO PETS 417-858-6385 417-699-0090 STORAGE UNITS FOR RENT (417)271-4071 2 Bd. Apartment CASSVILLE Purdy. All appliances furnished, new with heat and air. $450 w/one year lease and $250 deposit. No pets. (417)489-0575 Beaver’s U-Store-All Mini and Boat Storage. Located at Hwy. 86/H, Golden, MO 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 $5.00 11 $5.50 12 $6.00 13 $6.50 14 $7.00 15 $7.50 16 $8.00 17 $8.50 18 $9.00 19 $9.50 20 $10.00 21 $10.50 22 $11.00 23 $11.50 24 $12.00 25 $12.50 26 27 $13.50 28 $14.00 29 $14.50 30 $15.00 31 $15.50 32 $16.00 33 $16.50 34 $17.00 35 $17.50 36 $18.00 ❑ Autos ❑ For Sale ❑ Wanted To Buy ❑ Garage Sale ❑ Situations Wanted ❑ For Rent ❑ Farm & Livestock ❑ Pets ❑ Services ❑ Real Estate ❑ Help Wanted ❑ Lost & Found ❑ Wanted ❑ Notice ❑ Thank You ❑ Free GUNSMITH Locally Owned Custom Apparel & Screen Printing @ TRACTOR WORK • Backhoe with 12” bucket • Box scraper-grading • Brush hog 417-671-1456 • Barry Cnty COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL RED IRON BUILDINGS Leslie Stanley Email: Cell: 479-640-4781 Home: 417-662-3320 Wheaton, Mo. Bucket truck & chipper service Free estimates • Insured (417)236-4615 • (417)236-2068 (417)652-3876 SO/MO Storage All sizes, 24 hour access, fenced & security gate (417)847-4500 Now Available Extra Nice 3 bd 2 ba Washburn. W/D hookups, CH/A, appliances provided. $525.00/mo Cross Timbers Apartments (417)271-3578 FARM & LIVESTOCK COZY OLD MILL HOUSE HAY FOR SALE (417)435-2481 (479)644-6181 Extra Mile Siding Co. • ALL types of exterior siding • Full line of replacement & new construction windows • Decorative stone • Log cabin siding • Overhangs & decks Lifetime, transferable material warranties. 7 year labor warranty. Bermuda and crabgrass square bales. $5/bale. 417-632-4629 417-592-6150 Metal Roofs 417-342-1208 Beyond Clean House cleaning & detailing services. Home, office, boats, autos, etc. Darlene 858-0676 EAGLE ROCK TREE SERVICE • Owner Operated • Insured • Free Estimates • Reasonable Rates • 24 Hour Service Nice park - Close to town (417)847-3238 (417)271-3447 Senseney Tree Service ☛ 7 SIZES: 10x12 up to 11x32 ☛ Security Cameras ☛ Gate Open: 7am-10pm ☛Owner/Operator lives on-site Seligman area. Good starter for singles or young couples. Multi levels, 1 bedroom, completely furnished, just remodeled & loaded. Stereo, DirecTV, microwave, AC, refrigerator, washer & dryer, high speed internet. On 20 acres with campfire and picnic area. Great view of year round spring fed stream. $500 per month. Deposit & references required. QUALITY 4 1/2’ X 5’ ROUND BALE HAY. CUT THIS YEAR. $35/BALE SERVICES THE TURNING Point AA group meets each Monday, west corner of Mitchell Plaza, Hwy. 1, 2 and 3 bdrm rentals available in Exeter, 86, Eagle Rock, 7:00pm. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Cassville and Butterfield. Applications available at: New Beginnings is now SOS Homes, 290 State meeting at Mitchell’s Plaza, Hwy 76, Cassville MO Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. For Open Mon-Fri, 8 am - 5 pm. more info, call 417-846-6305. 417-846-0324 IF SOMEONE in your family has a drinking problem, you can see what it is doing to them, but can you see what it 3BD/2BA MODULAR home is doing to you? The Cassville for rent, 3 miles from Purdy. Al-Anon Family Group meets 417-342-7529 Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Cassville, First Methodist NOW AVAILABLE Church, Townsend Street for a limited time entrance. Call (417)847-2068. ALANON MEETINGS every 2 bed Apts. in Purdy. $350/mo $200/dep. No pets. Call Thursday at 7:00 pm at Mitchell’s Plaza, Hwy. 86 in after 5pm 417-442-3798 Eagle Rock. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS meeting Wednesday, Friday & Saturday at 7p.m., 1308 4 sizes. AA Hwy. & 112. Harold, Cassville. 417-3429704, 417-342-9706. Reasonable rates. Mobile Home Lots RV Lots 1 $13.00 Too many points or other violations? We can take care of the paper work and get your license back!! Call (417)662-0100 after 6 p.m. or any time weekends Times Run Check No. Exp. Date 5 LOST YOUR LICENSE? Call Aaron Dalton 417-342-4208 One Bdrm Apartment Refrigerator, stove $300 mo.~$300 dep. 847-4929 • 847-7237 2 BDRM. APARTMENT All appliances, CH/A, W/D hookups, no pets. YARD CARE PROVIDED Call: (417)847-0277 Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday • Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday Barry Barry County County advertiser Advertiser SERVICES Scotty T’s Poultry Barn Washing Experienced! (417)342-1075 OZARKS TREE SERVICE Tree trimming & removing Free estimates/insured 417-665-9736 don’t pay too much for your tree service WOLF PACK YOUNG’S SEPTIC SERVICE Call: (417)847-5464 Call: 847-7326 OWNERS Aubrey Wolf Denny Wolf 417-847-5502 417-574-6558 CHECK IT OUT!! (417)652-3505 STARCHMAN INSURANCE FAMILY MAN/HANDY MAN & DIY Guide Specializing in small jobs from drippy faucets to leaf removal. Call Charlie with your ‘honey do’ list. 417-846-0108 • Cassville BLUE HERON ESTATE SALES Recycling The Past one Sale At A Time. We are a liquidating, tag sale service. Not an auction. Moving? Divorce? Death? Bankruptcy? Too much stuff? We will come to your home or business and liquidate items you need to sell. Visit our website: m or call Bev 417-435-2243 417-846-7919. DO YOU NEED... CLEANING, LAUNDRY, GROCERY SHOPPER? 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE. CALL PEGGY IN THE SHELL KNOB AREA: 816-582-7347 “All Types” Homeowners Insurance, Call John @ (417)847-3554 WILDCAT FLOORING Specializing in carpet, vinyl, laminate & tile 846-1125 900 W. 10th St. Next to B&P in Cassville REAL ESTATE 3 Bd. 2 Ba. FP, 2 car gar., metal corral, storm shelter, 10 acres. $99,500 with land. $79,500 for just the house. (417)342-3152 PUBLISHER’S NOTICE: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. OWNER FINANCING 2 bed/1 1/2 bath home newly remodeled, Exeter 417-671-1024 FINANCIACIÓN POR EL PROPIETARIO 2 dormitorios/1.5 baños, Recién reformarse, Exeter 417-671-1024 S UPER C SANDBLASTING AND PRESSURE WASHING Credit Cards Accepted (417)847-7756 TEACHING LESSONS for guitar, lap steel, ukulele. Beginner to advanced theory. Wheaton area. 417-652-3638 Randy Miles ✮ Mobile Home Moving & Set-Up Local or Long Distance CALL: (417)662-3865 ELKHORN CONSTRUCTION, LLC Steve Pendergraft (417)846-7906 Roofs, deck, remodels, framework to complete finishes from the smallest project to the largest. B RIGHTON RIDGE (formerly Tillman’s Septic) SINCLAIR MOBILE HOME TRANSPORT Experienced • Licensed • Insured Wednesday, WEDNESDAY, deCeMBer DECEMBER 31, 31, 2014 2014 CASSVILLE HEALTHCARE & REHAB CASSVILLE - 4 bed, 1 bath on corner lot. 1 car garage with asphalt driveway. New flooring and texture/paint. Open 8 am - 5 pm call 417-846-0324 HELP WANTED ROARING RIVER HEALTH & REHAB (FORMERLY RED ROSE INN) 812 OLD EXETER ROAD, CASSVILLE, MO 417-847-2184 We need a couple exceptional CNAs and CMT We offer very good wages plus shift differential for 2nd/3rd shifts. Holiday pay, vacation & sick pay after 90 days. Insurance available. Please drop in and fill out our new short application form. Battery Outfitters, Inc. in Golden, Mo., is looking for a responsible person to fill a WAREHOUSE POSITION Great work environment, good pay, health/dental insurance, retirement plan. Applicant must have a valid driver’s license. Apply in person only. No phone calls, please. ATTENTION Brighton Ridge of Eureka Springs is seeking qualified individuals to fill the positions of: Dietary Aides Full time & Part time Hiring CNA’s and CNA Sponsorships Brighton Ridge offers a newly remodeled living and working environment located in the beautiful city of Eureka Springs, Ark. Brighton Ridge offers a competitive wage scale, full health insurance, 401K plans, and vacation benefits. Please inquire at the Business Office or send resumes to Jayme Creek. Fax: 479-253-5325 235 Huntsville Road Eureka Springs, AR 72632 479-253-7038 DRIVERS-OTR. MILES! Paid Loaded/Empty on Practical, New Volvos. Benefits! CDL-A. 2 yrs exp. or 636-584-6073. Immediate openings for General production GEORGE’S positions. Both day and night shifts. Day shift starts at $9.85 and night shift is $.50 more. Must be able to provide verifiable references, pass a post offer drug screen and physical. Apply in person. George’s Processing is an equal opportunity employer. EXPERIENCED EMBROIDERY MACHINE OPERATOR Must be able to work with multiple types of hats and apparel. We are open to all types of experience levels in this specific field of embroidery. Salary/pay will DOE. This can be a full or part time position with flexible hours. Apply in Person at Backroad Printing, 23833 Highway 37 Washburn MO or online at DRIVERS: MAKE $1250/wk min. or $70k+ in 2015! Home Every 2-3 days! CDL-A, Hzmt, Tkr. 2 yrs exp. & Good MVR req. Apply: or call: 888-773-8179. Litho Printers & Bindery “Sharing Your Stories for Generations” A Skilled Nursing Facility evenings and nights Books • Magazines • Brochures CMT all shifts ••••••••••••••••••••• NEW PAY SCALE! BENEFITS & VACATION! ••••••••••••••••••••• Apply in person 1300 County Farm Rd. Cassville, MO 65625 For All Your Printing Needs! DOTY Cassville Healthcare & Rehab is an equal opportunity employer. DRIVERS: TEAMS Springfield, MO to California and return, 4 day runs, new trucks, same day pay, 800-769-3993. OWNER OPERATORS needed for family owned company to run in the Midwest. Paid Fridays. Home weekends. 417-846-3861 904 West street cassville, Mo 65625 e-mail: (417) 847-3155 (417) 847-4475 TRASH SERVICE is a locally owned & operated company based out of Aurora, MO that is now servicing your area. “A SATISFIED CUSTOMER IS A LIFELONG CUSTOMER” “We take great pride in our exceptional customer service that we offer, without adding all of those unwanted fuel surcharges, administrative fees, and landfill fees.” Residential - Commercial - Industrial Short story class offered at Eureka Springs The Village Writing School will kick off the new writing year with a workshop on planning and plotting the novel or short story on January 10 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Dr. Pat Carr will discuss core incidents and teach you how to choose events, characters, setting and genre. Learn to find the opening and plot points for your rough draft so that you start off on the right foot. Pat Carr has taught writing in colleges across the South. She’s published 16 books, including an Iowa Fiction Prize winner and a PEN Book Award finalist, and she’s had over a hundred short stories appear in such places as The Southern Review, Yale Review and Best American Short Stories. The Village Writing School is a 501c3 nonprofit organization devoted to helping beginning and established writers improve their craft. The workshop will take place at the Village Writing School, 177 Huntsville Road, Eureka Springs Ark. Cost for the half-day workshop is $25. For more information and to register online, go to or email or phone (479) 292-3665. Proud Member of the Aurora, Mt. Vernon & Shell Knob Chamber of Commerce. OFFICE 417-678-1350 Locally Owned/Operated JIM DOTY, owner 41tfc POWER WASHERS...AIR COMPRESSORS...AIR TOOLS…SAWS...ENGINE LIFT…TRANSMISSION STAND…BOUNCE HOUSE…WET DRY SLIDE FLOOR SANDER…CARPET CLEANER…CARPET STRETCHER…FLOOR STRIPPER…TAMPER RAKES…SAWS…CONCRETE TOOLS…MORTAR MIXER … DOLLYS…RAMPS…POWER TOOLS WEDDING ITEMS…TABLES...CHAIRS…BANQUET ITEMS…SOD CUTTER…PAVING BREAKER TRENCHER…BOBCAT…ROOT GRAPPLE…MINI EXCAVATOR…BOOM LIFT…NAILERS…GENERATOR KEROSENE HEATERS…SNO CONE MACHINE POPCORN MAKER…PANEL LIFT...LAWN AERATOR BILLY GOAT LAWN VAC...JOHNSON PRY BAR THE LIST IS ENDLESS RENT IT At JOURNAGAN TRUE VALUE 1200 E. Church Street Aurora, MO 888-817-7368 48tfc Brighten Your Smile For The New Year New Patients Welcome! DRIVERS, 60,000+, CDL-A, $2500 sign on, 1 month exp., Same Day Pay! Free Health Ins, No CDL? We have free training! 800-7693993 DRIVERS: HOME WEEKLY! Truck w/ fridge & microwave, PAID health Ins, Vacation, Holidays & More. CDL-A w/2yrs recent experience. Standard Transportation Services. 1-888992-4038 ext 133 15a 15A is now accepting applications for LPN Will beat anyone’s prices! HOME IMPROVEMENTS Metal Roofing, Vinyl Siding, Sofit’s, & Replacement Windows DRIVERS, SOLO, 3 or 6 day runs, 44¢ per mi, Free Health Ins. Same Day Pay. 800-7693993 for Details, on line app FREE Upper Teeth Whitening** With complete and decay detecting x-rays for NEW patients! Caring For Your Smile Carolyn Hunter, DMD (417) 847-2461 or (800) 639-4959 77 Smithson Drive, Cassville **Bleaching is non-specialty interest area which is not recognized by the ADA or State of MO. 12-16c Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday • Deadlines: Bordered - 5 p.m. Monday; Line Ads (pre-paid) - 12 noon Tuesday 16A WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2014 BARRY COUNTY ADVERTISER 47 Annual Holiday Sale th 0.9% APR Available on All Certified WAC PROGRAM CARS & TRUCKS PRE-OWNED CARS & TRUCKS UNDER $10,000 2012 FORD FUSION SE Certified 15,554 2013 FORD FOCUS SE Certified 12,863 $ #327286 2013 FORD FUSION SE Certified 16,988 2014 FORD FUSION SE #344409 2014 FORD FOCUS SE k Hatchbac 13,937 2014 FORD MUSTANG CONV. 18,556 #211058 2012 FORD FLEX SEL 2012 FORD ESCAPE XLT Only 14K Miles Certified 19,994 $ #A75439 •Leather #D17475 2013 FORD EDGE SE 19,499 Certified •Leather #A11638 25,789 $ 2006 FORD FIVE HUNDRED LMT #B17415 Certified 8,493 2003 CHEV TRAILBLAZER LS #C49380 37,186 ade r Local T •47K Miles #286221 11,984 $ #220659 2007 CHEV IMPALA LT 6,956 $ #132492 2002 FORD ESCAPE XLT Only 80K Miles 7,439 $ #A46714 2004 CADIALLAC SRX V-8 7,791 $ •Leather •Loaded Leather •4X4 #591591 Leather 7,949 $ 2002 DODGE RAM 1500 #611877 8,330 $ #A49712 2006 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4x4 Reg Cab •Short Bed 8,972 $ #B87701 Pictures for illustration purposes only Only one location with hundreds of vehicles to choose from, in beautiful downtown Aurora, MO! T oll Free 800-838-4830 8,571 $ #162383 2005 DODGE DURANGO LMT 2005 FORD ESCAPE LMT PRE-OWNED CAR DEAL OF THE WEEK 2011 KIA SOUL SPORT 4,426 $ •Roof 4x4 #394758 $ 2004 PONTIAC PRIX GT2 $ •V-6 2014 FORD EXPLORER LMTD •4X4 •Loaded 7,951 Sunroof #175478 20,402 #638976 $ #131169 22,546 5,199 $ 1-Owner AWD $ $ 2014 FORD EDGE LMTD 5,978 #152896 •Leather •Sunroof •Loaded Leather $ •Roof $ Certified #A25712 2004 CHEV MAILBU MAXX LT 2008 PONTIAC G-6 GT 2014 FORD ESCAPE SE Certified #631638 $ $ • 4x4 4,702 $ $ V-6 #136915 Leather Leather #137408 Certified 16,939 Only 90K Miles $ $ #345840 2002 MERCURY SABLE GS 2002 LINCOLN TOWN CAR SIG 8,343 $
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