2005 Spring - Tartan Ten Class
2005 Spring - Tartan Ten Class
As we approachour sailing seasonwe are still working on issuesto continuethe competitivenessand athactionor our fleet. I would like to thankall of the T-10 Classmembersthat havetakentheir personaltime to work on these,helpingto maintain the integrity of the future for our class. RebuildGuide: As our fleetagesandthe levelof competitioncontinuesto rise it is more importantthan everto havea comprehensive Teupeed flevr Published independently for the Tartan Ten Association. Editor: Christy ParsonsKoeth All Association members are encouraged to submit articles, classifreds, photographs and advertisements. Please forward information to: Christy Parsons Koeth 841 ExchangeSt. Vermilion, Ohio 44089 bowbunny 342@yahoo. com Next Deadline: July 10th, 2005 outlineof acceptedprocedures for rebuildingour boats.A tremendouseffort hasgoneinto the creationof the RebuildGuideby a committeeof peoplewith great knowledge,experience andideas to preservecompetitiveneutrality andpromoteenhancements to the basicplatformwe race. As with anycollaborative effort an openexchangeof ideas canleadto conflictingopinions andthe searchfor a solutioncan generatemorequestionsthan answers. In undertakinga documentof this naturecompromise allowsus to establisha starting point to move forward. When the RebuildGuideis presented to the fleet keepin mind that it is a living document,subjectto changebasedon our Bi-Laws and ClassRulesasfuture requirementsandtechnologydictate. I promisethat this guide,as an interpretationof rules for acceptedproceduresandmeasurementswill not pleaseeveryone on everysubjectbut it is a necessaryfirst stepto maintainingthe integrity of our fleet. A majorconcernis balancingthe needsof rebuilding boatswithout creatingan overwhelmingcompetitiveadvantage. In reviewofthe exchanges betweenthe committeeI am certain that the driving intent wasto keepboatsin line with the original constructionprocesses.The committeehasdonea goodjob of identifyingareasthat could havea measurableaffect on performanceandrulesthat wereunder-definedandcouldbe "interpreted"to an advantage. Another effort taking placein manyfleetsthis yearis to get boatsweighed.We will alsobe requestingthat all boats attendingtheNAC's to have beenweighed.The intentis to developa database of weightsso we canget a true understanding wherewe areandanothercheckpoint for boatsthat havebeen rebuiltto pass. The currentprocessfor determiningdisplacementis fairly nebulousand needsbetterdefinition. Ideas havebeenput forth and a determinationwill be comingfrom (Continued on page 2) Page I (ContinuedJrompageI) 2005 lassOffice Prcsidcnt the Chief Mea$rer on the new process.Yes,this hasthe potential to causeminor inconveniencefor somebut it will resolve manyquestionsin the future. Tsn Pease 3341S. ilinois Ave Milwaukee, WI 53207 (4r4) 482-1442(h) (414) 97s-5991O stjacket@wi.n com Vlce Prcridcnl VoteParticipation: I want to thank every body that respondedto the issues that went to vote. StanMehaffey reportsthat we hadabout75 responsesto ballot issuesput out for vote. Your input is valued andnecessaryto help promotea fleet that reflectsthe members. Michrel Luli 542 Fsmdale Vermillioa OH,l40t9 4d,0-.967-7716 mike.luli@rad.con.mm ErccutlvcSccrctera StanMehaffey 360 E. Raddph St., Apt. 803 Chicago,IL 60601 G0 312-1614766 (CP)312-316{930 smehafrey@o.com Trcrrurcr NAC Regatta: The MilwaukeeBay Fleet2l is working hardto ensurethat a goodtime will be had by all attendingthe 2005NAC Regatta.MilwaukeeBay Fleet DaveTristch E00HmisonDrive Columbus, OH 43204 {614\t7s4761 ttriten@aol.cnm Chief Mcrsurcr larry P€t€rssrl 1036Bed$hire CrossePointc Padq MI48230 (313)-EEr-905E laryd.p€t€rs€o@dtn€t DonFriE 2939 Don St. ToledqOH 43607 humpheybogarts4@mmpusenre. com DebbieBrueswwitr 39ll E. Monis Ave. Cudahy,WI 53110 (414)744-276s bruesewitz@sbcglobal. net Lekc Eric V.P. Karen SackettRmpe 5450 Pinehill Dr. Mentor, OH ,14066 Looking forwardto the startof the season, Tom Pease pcommg ailmg Resattas USSARcprcrcnttdvc FlcctCrptein CaptainDebbieBruesewitzreports that her variouscommitteesplan on incorporatingsome of the traditional fun eventswith opportunitiesto enjoya true Milwaukeeexperience.There'sa link on the T-10 web-sitewww. tten.comto the SSYCT-10National site. Keepan eyeon it as detailsbecomeavailable.We hopeto seeyou andwill appreciateearly indicationsif you plan to attend. A generalideaof the levelof participationwill greatly to assistFleet2l in preparations provideyou with a first class event. DetroitNOOD Regatta ChicagoNOOD Regaffa J u n e 3 -5 June17- 19 ChicagoYachtClub BayviewYachtClub 44U2s7-7672(rr) ksrampe@hoenail.com LdaSt CleirV.P. MikeEikstein 21630 Rosedale St Clair Shorps,MI 48080 5tG774-8851HM 5tG36elt8l cL mike.eckstein@wt.com LdaMichlgenVJ. DougBaker 4415 North llamlin Ave. Chicago,IL 50625 (773)98E-9900(773)5884388 Dbaker@interaccess.com PestPrcsidcnt(intertn) (248)s84# Page2 JeffSunpson 336 E. Oalxidgr Femdate,MI4t220 (h) {313}-e3l-1400*122{w} Jefr@lono.com BacardiBayview Raceto Mackinac MackinacIslandRace July 16th,2005 July 23,2005 BayviewYachtClub ChicagoYachtClub RuleChang allotItemsfor Proposed ITEM l: ProposedChange APPROVED 53 FOR 19 AGAINST 10.2One'DesignSait Material (Jib) Changeto allowthe useof Kevlar (Aramid)in the ClassJib. Current Rule I 1.2.3Minimumclothweightfor Mylar (or DI 65/75)one-desigrr Class genoashallbe 4.5 ounces.TheMylar (or DI 65/75)one-design genoamust be of singleply construction asprovidedby Rule 10.2,exceptasspecifically providedin this paragraph. Chief Measurer'sRuling: No Kevlar, DimensionDI65/75, Mylar, tri-axialor otherexoticmaterialsarepermitted. Only cotton,Dacron,or nylon arepermittedassail materialexceptasspecifically providedotherwisewith respect to the one-desigrgenoa. Chief Measurer'sRuling: All onedesignsailsshallbe constructed ofa singlelayerofsuch fabricexceptfor permittedreinforcements, construction seams,tablings,reefingsandanti-chafe patches,camberlines,numbersand repairsto damage.Thematerialusedin one-design sailsshallbe suchthatwhen thematerialis torn it shallbe possible to separatethe fiberswithout leaving evidenceof a film, exceptthat a onedesigngenoamaybe madeof or may ncludepolyestersubsfiateMy lar ftlm lamlnates,includingDimensionDI 65/75laminatematerial. Chief Measurer'sRuling: Theonedesigngenoashallbe madeof either wovenpolyesteror polyestersubstrate/ p olyesterlilm lamlnate. Advantages: All majorsailmakers wereaskedfor opinionson costanddurability. All agreedthatthe costwould be equivalent or marginallymorethanthe sails beingmadetoday. All agreedthat durability wouldbe improvedandsail would likely remaincompetitive longer. All agreedthatthe lower stretchmaterialswould allow for a more stablesail shapethrougha wider rangeof wind loadings.Ali agreedthat the causeof ararnidracinesailsto be replacedwasfor shapedegradationdue to laminateshrinkageandnot caused of the fiber by failuredueto weakness from UV or flex issues. Disadvantages; Performance of an Aramidgenoacould force retirementof polyestersubstrate Aramid sailssoonerthananticipated. fibers aremoresusceptibleto derogation from flex andW (but not during the expectedracelife expectancy). Classrule wouldneedto be modified from clothweightto sometypeof 'bag weight'. ITEM 2: Proposedchange: APPROVED 69 FOR 3 AGAINST 10.10.3(e) Battens: Changeto Allow an additional6"-8"in the lower2 battensof the ClassJib Theone-design 10.10.3Measurement: genoashallbe laid flat andheldat the head.Theheadintersectionis the starting point for all measurements, except LP. I e. Battens:No morethan threebatspacedat tensshall be permittedo evenintervalsalongthe leech(plus or minus.5 feet).The width of the battensshallnot exceed2.5inches and the length shall nol exceed2.5 exceptthat the top batten may extendto the luff of the sail.The battensmay be removableto facilitate storageof the sail.No adjustmentof the battensshallbe madewhile racing. Advantages Manyclasseshavemadethis change with greatresults.The longerbattens will addlongevityandwill not increase costs. Existingjibs couldbe modified to includethe longerbattenat minimal costif ownerso desires. NOT APPROVED27 FORvs 45 AGAINST. Currentrule; 7.1 MastRigging:The standingrieging shallbe of stainlesssteelwire consmlction andshallconsistof only:. . . d) Onebackstayofnot lessthan3/16 inchdiametershallbe atiachedto the masthead on a cranenot lessthan6.5 inchesin length. Backgrounddata; Weightof wire backstayWbridal no blocks& tackIe.........5.5 lbs. Aramidbackstay............ 1.6lbs. BreakingStrengthof 3/16wire: 3960lbs Breakingstrengthof 3116Vectron: 5500lbs Costof wire& swags............$175.00 Costof ropewithsplices......$156.00 plusyears Longevity of wire..........10 Longevity 3 of rope.........estimated yearsor less* tBridal haslesslongevity Advantages; Lighterweightoverallandaloft Lessfrustation in light air with batten hangingup on backstay Helpskeepboatup to datewith other classes Is easierto handlewhentrailorineto regattas Disadvantages; Unnecessary expensebecauseexisting systemis adequate Windageis the same Recommend the splicesandbridal be professionally manufactured Costis higherin the long nln lLsmore frequentreplacement is required. Disadvantages; None listed ITEM 3: Proposedchange: 7.1 (d) Backstay Allow useof an Aramid Backstav: Page3 ilwaukeeFleet#2 Hoststhe 200s North American Championships Milwaukee'sT-10 Fleet 2l and South Shore Yacht Club welcomeyou to the 2005 North American Championship! We are looking forward to a memorableandchallengingT-10 event on the watersof Lake Michigan. The racing begins on August 1lth and endsAtrgustl4th, with a practice race that may consist ofseveral practicestartsand finish in a windward/leewardrace. Registration, measuring and crew weigh-in will begin on August9th....somark your calendars. Drop us a line at bruesewitz@sbcglobal.net or 414-7442765 to let us know if you are planningon attending! What I learnedfrom competing on T-10s for the last few yearsis the competitorssail with passionand they party the same way! What a thrill to host the 2005 North American Championship in Milwaukee this year! We createddozen-pluscommitteesto take careofevery aspect of the regatta. With the new regatta regulations in place, we should have challenging races out on the water.....Andwith Tl0ers in mind we will havesome fun activities off the water that will includeblenders,beer,brats and boating! (and awards,dinners, and a variety of entertainmentandgames!) SSYC is locatedin Milwaukee's southern section in the neighborhoodof Bay View and the city's South Shore Park. There are hundredsof slips and moorings, a beautiful restaurant and bar upstairs,a numberof tables with a large sunken bar downstairs,a large tent and picnic tablesoutsideall overlooking Lake Michigan. Fleet 2l currently consists of ten boatswith 40 activemembers and growing. We have an awesomegroupof volunteersfor race committee and support boats. SSYChashosteda number of large regattas including the 1999T-10NAC regatta! Page 4 The yacht club has a number of slips and bulkheadsavailable for docking on a first come first servebasis. If you cannot sail here, boat launching and mast steppingwill be availableat Harborside Yacht Center...check out this site for detailsand directions. Anyone not out on the water Milwaukee will have a number of greatthingsto do in Milwaukee! The city hoststhe Wisconsin StateFair August4th through the l4th. The WisconsinState fair offers action packed days filled with agriculture, food, shopping, and national headlining entertainment! Make your Milwaukee hotel reservations soon....thispopular event will create a demandfor rooms that may causea shortageduring the NAc....check out this web site for detailsandhousing. The Notice of Race will b€ availableafter April 1, 2005 so checkbackwith us! Looking forward to seeing you on the water, DebbieBruesewitz Fleet Captain 2005NACEvenfs Wednesday:T-10 National Meeting ReceiveRaceInformation Free Rail Beer Thursday: Blender Party Donatea bottle of Rum and we'll provide the mixers Dinnerwill be seryed Karaoke Knot & ShotsChallenge X'reeRail Beer! Friday: Pub Crawl Seethe local hot spotsin Milwaukee and leavethe driving to us ' Bus will mn from 7-11:45pm Stopsat Walkers Point, Water Street, the Third Ward and more Saturday: T-10 Party I)innerwill be sened Live Music & Dancing Free Rail Beer! Sunday: Awards Ceremony Brat Fry Announcements & Awards FreeRail Beer! More Detailson All Eventsto Come!! Page5 FORSALE #34 In Chicago,readyfor racing. The first "Wild Norwegian",well maintained& improved. New instruments,bunks recovered,etc. Theboathasbeentemplated,re'cored,faired with maststep rebuiltandis very solid. New main andjib available. DaveFinlay@ 630.7lO.75M davesails@sbcglobal.net sl4,s00 FORSALE Ballsanall, #236 FormerNationalChamp(1991) Like newMain andJib,manyother sailsincluded. New Yanmarl8 horseDieselandnew MartecPropeller. Sailcomp,many otherupdatedcomponentsandextras. Contactfor more info. $19,500 Pete@ ptd973@cs.com NQR"SAI,F Glassifiedsi AgR.SAI,E T.IO BREEZE (Mentor Harbor Yacht Club) IITJLL#259 REPOWERED MUST SELL, MAKE OFFFER EXCELLENTSIIAPE Naomi Guttuann 440 209-0993 emailngutt@aol.com Hs[-ghnmsr FULL BORE HULL #32 AVAILABLE FOR CHARTERFORKEY WESTRACE WEEK. NOW IN TT{EWATER IN CLEARWATERFLOzuDA. CAN BE TRAILEREDOR SAILED TO KEY WEST. CONTACTDONALD FRITZ AT HUMPHREYBOGARTS4@CS. coM oR r.800.6ls.BoAT(2628\ HARSALI StarTen Hull#292, White Hull, new interior, nearlynewmain,ClassJib, andGenoa with upgradeddeckhardwareanddependableFarymanI I HPDiesel,TacTick tnstruments, RadiosandGPS, with Baltoplatebottom. A lottayachtfor 20K ContactJackSeelie 440-333-3030 Jseelie@aol.com ForSale-hu[#352SofaKing. Red Awlgripw/clearcoattopsides.Excellentcondition.Oneof the least racedand bestmaintained T-10s afloat.$20,000. Forcompletedetailscontact: Hull #75 KenTanner@ kt25389@comcast. 1978 9HPFarymann rebuilt2000, net or call586296-6591. newstiarterand generator,Recored2000,newselftailingwinches 2000,newMk lll prop2000,Autohelm1000,newinterior2003.Many otherupgradesand improvements, callfor details. DanBell $18,500. CC)N,IPI FfE RIGGING SOLUTIONS (216)883€619. FlyingTurns@AOL.com Complimentary FORSALE Lizard 1984,Hull # 355 Very clean Most of the usualstuff. KVH Sailcomp.Yanmar 2GM. Brandnew, neverused(still on order)spinnaker. ContactDavidMayer, (day) 312.886.590a (eve) 847.251.5718 Hsx^Snlg 1980#260In goodsoundcondition, riggedandreadyfor racing,full setof sails,9 HP Farymandiesel,instrumentationandcradle$14,500Detroiq ML 2484784880 walterbrian@prodiry.net Rlgtek, lnc, Rigging Consultation* 2 7 1 2 N . Car npf;ell Ave. Chicago, ll- 6()647 (//3 ) 5 O5- O9O9 \trJv, rigtek, corrl iiJ q ng =c€ Tc-hnclcg ir,ding Sysrems rrlel,tres Soa6 Page 6 cs T-10 Spinnaker.BrandNew,neverout of the bag,still at UK awaitingyour sail number.Paid$1800.Will sell for $1500. Whitewith bluetrim/edging. Call Now! David Mayer 312/886-s904 CHICAGO T- T EN RECESS H U LL #290, R A C E READY, MANY UPGRADESI HAS SOME W OR KFOR TH E OFF SEASO N. P LE A S E C ON TACT: K E ITH E IC K E NBERG 3L2-595-1115 0R 2MFIGB LOOMB ERG . NET Glassifieds HsrSnle Panacea GregoryA. Koskl Doyle Cleveland Ptone:(216yl8e5732 Fax (216) 48&5828 doylecloveland@aol.com DoyleBuffalo Phone (716) rf47-9766 Fax(716) 47-9770 Doylecle@en.com www.doylecallr.com Vermilion FiberGlass 653SANDUSKYST. VERMILION,OH 44089 PH6gFAX:(44o) 967-T636 REPAIR- REFINISH- CUSTOM ONEDESIGN SPECIALIZINGIN T _ 10REFITTING 6gRECONDITIONING BILLBUCKLES Hull #313 EdgewaterYachtClub,Cleveland White Hull, Interior redonelastyear Farymanndiesel,fully equippe4 Very good condition Price$20,000.m Contact:Art Fee 216-37r-2345 216-320-9460fax njj2@concentric.net &s, 1118.WockerDrive,Suite 2650 Chicogo,IL 60601 3l?.228.0088fox:3 12.228.0011 TonKnorr@ool.com T-10:Merocious - Chartermonohulls& catamarans - Over 800yachts,all fully licensed & bonded - BareBoated,skippered,luxury crewedor flotilla in 18 - 36 cruisingdestinations countriesin the world. - Destinations:Carribean,Mediter- vermilion_fiberglass@yahoo.com hb"."-lfiu*&*ffilsr 111E. WockerDrive,Suite 2650 ChesapeakeNgging and Annapolis Spars: Licensed spar supplier and mast steps. (+10)285- 0es6 Fairport Yoclrs: Has many original TTen parts molds. (#o) 3s7- 6612 Leitch Woodworfung:Supplies official keel and rudder templates. (4.+O) 3s4- 8121 Chicago,IL60601 3l?.?28.0088fox:3 12.228.0011 TomKorr@ool.com T-10:Merocious Premiumcigarsfeaturedfrom around the world. Otherproductsincludethe largestselectionof Importedand domestictobaccos, smokers'accessories, humidorsandlighters. No. 1 in On*D*ign North Sails One-Designtldtrest SkipDieball skip@od. northsails. com 5556EdgewaterDr. Toledo,OH43611 i PH:(419)726-2933 FX:(419)7262225 Notlfi SailgOne..Design Central GregFisher greg@od. northsails. com 4374ChateauMorseDr., Columbus, OH43231 PH:(614),f1&9410 FX:(614)4'18-9411 Nor$ Sails tld$,ort Perry Lewis perry@od. northsails.com 1665N. ElstonAve. Chicago,lL 60622 PH:(773)48$'1308 FX:(773)489.9820 North Salb Vermlllon Gary Hanis gary@od.nortbails.com 6531/2MainSt. Vermilion,OH 44089 PH:(440)967-9576 FX:(440)967-51s4 i|- Eenlrr Seilr f fhe driudngJorcs... BanksSailsyotn T-10 Specialists. Make sureyou contactus for our T-10 Winter Discountson Sails,rigging, high techhalyards andlines. BanksSails- Cleveland 5439St. ClaireAve. Cleveland,OH 44103 216- 361-160 1 www.bankssails.com e-mail: liasknab@aol.com Page 7 =UF|= 2OO5 TARTANTEN MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIgN Address: Crty: BoatName: Home Phone: Email: State: &: fHl #_ Sail # Work Phone Checkone& enclose2005Dues RegularMember$50.00(Boat OwnersandParbrerships) AssociateMember$20.00(Crew,non-boatowner) $5.00Subscriptionto Tenspeed(includedin RegularAssociationMemberships) an extra$25.00andwe'll sendthe Tenspeed to 6 of ygry crew (sendtheir Addresses) MakBCheckspoyableto the T-TenClassAssociationand Mail ro: StanMehaffey 360 E. RandolphSt.,Apt. 803 Chicago,IL60601 ***Don't missan issue!If your duesarenot received,your namemaybe droppedfrom the mailinglist. *** Thrtan TenClassAssociation Christy ParsonsKoeth 841 ExchangeSt. Vermilion, OH 44089 ---d.4* ''*dd# *d-F* .-.-.**F Ted Mahoney 2655S. BelvoirBlvd. University Hgts,OH 44118 Pleaseretnrn undeliverablemail Page8 + * i :.l S + Ert l j I'1,'l'l,,i,,,li",lli',1,,1,,iii,,,i1,,11'','i,i,,i,i,'ll',