Moolap Ace - Moolap Tennis Club Inc.


Moolap Ace - Moolap Tennis Club Inc.
A ce
Saturday, August 4th, 2012
Some of the current
office-bearers, left to right,
Phil Hunt (secretary/juniors),
Rita Nelis (midweek),
Rob Allsopp (treasurer),
Tyler Maisano (social).
Front: John Sanderson (social),
Diana Marshall (president),
Carol Maisano (social)
TENNIS CLUB I N just nine days’ time, on Monday,
HIS November, on the
11th actually, which is also
Armistice Day, Moolap Tennis
Club will gather people from far
and wide, some from times long
gone, to celebrate, reminisce and
ruminate, on the club’s 75th
anniversary; to speak of the
good old days, the present days and the way we were.
Honour boards, premiership
photos and the recorded minutes
of hundreds of club committee
meetings all weave a tale of
the club’s history and more
importantly, tell of the people who
made it all happen, from 1937 right
up to the present day.
The club has formed an “anniversary
committee” to oversee the event.
It’s a daunting task to some degree trying to contact people who were
players and/or committee people two or
three decades back - and more!
But the reward will be well worth the
effort if we can do it successfully.
Invitations will be sent out, phone
calls, emails, whatever it takes to
contact those people. There will be
catering too and perhaps there may also
be a surprise special guest?
It’s certainly not too early to spread
the word on this one - current members,
old members, let everyone know Sunday, November 11th, 2012, time still
to be decided.
Hope to see everyone there!
August 13th, the club’s members will
meet at the clubrooms at 7.30 pm to
elect the people who will oversee the
club’s affairs for the next 12 months.
Club president Diana Marshall will furnish a
report regarding the state of the club, outlining the
highs and lows of the preceding year, before making
the presentation of the 2012 President’s Cup, for the
person who, in her opinion, has best served the
club’s interests during that 12 months period.
Diana will then “vacate the chair”, effectively ending
that period of administration and all positions on the
club’s executive will be declared vacant.
Nomination forms will have been sent, emailed or
handed to members over the weeks leading up to the
meeting and hopefully some “new” people might put
their names forward to join the executive.
A box has been placed in the clubrooms for any such
nomination forms, or they can be handed directly to the
secretary, Phil Hunt.
Nominations will be taken right up to the time of the
elections taking place. It’s never too late!
All members and prospective members, and in fact,
anyone interested, is most welcome to attend. Please
put the date and time in your diary!
Baz will be there!
will be the
guest at
the club’s upcoming annual
general meeting.
A former club president and a life
member of the club, Barry may not play
any more, but he still retains a strong
interest in the club’s progress.
As well as “catching up” to some old
friends and teammates, he will also
adjudicate in the process of the election of
the new office-bearers.
That’s Barry, pictured above with wife
Jenny. They are Grovedale residents with
son Matt. There’s also a large dog and
regular grandchildren visits!
Although a tennis comeback is not on
the agenda for Baz, granddaughter Emilia
just might keep the family flag flying. More
on this in the next Moolap Ace.
So, it’s welcome back to Moolap - for
one night anyway, Baz!
ICONIC Moolapian Dulcie Argent has had somewhat
of an ordinary run in recent times, what with hospital
stays and sundry health problems to contend with.
Then, to add insult to injury, she bangs up the car as well!
Seems that Dulce had a very crook neck and couldn’t turn it very
well. She was backing the car into the garage at home - and missed!
She then informed husband Tony that “she had widened the garage
door - slightly!” Well said Dulce!
Fortunately, Dulce hasn’t lost her sense of humour and was quite
philosophical about it. She is however, out of pennant play this season,
but looking forward to the next one. We did send her some flowers
though, to help soften the blow (pictured).
Dulcie’s a lot better now - and thankfully, so is that garage door!
a vital part of the game
FINALS time is coming up and we look
like having one, or perhaps two playing
participants - all the others are umpiring!
in fact, the only people who don’t actually umpire
are the teams fighting out the grand final!
Tennis Geelong, the governing body of local tennis,
takes umpiring every bit as seriously as playing and in
fact issues a $20 fine per missing umpire.
This leaves Moolap with the unpleasant duty of passing that
fine on to the individual - and we have it in our rules to add in
our own fine as well!
Problems of unavailability arise in just about every season there has been occasions when only one or two turn up to
umpire. Would they be there if they were playing? They would,
for sure!
Everyone concerned with umpiring will be informed of the
date and venue by their team captains and if there really is a
problem, contact Phil Hunt and a “swap” from someone
umpiring on a different day might be worked out.
The upside of umpiring? It can be quite a social day, with the
right attitude. You know most of the people involved in the
match and they give you a nice afternoon tea when it’s over!
THERE’S today and next week,
then the finals commence!
in senior ranks, only the grade 6
blue team are likely to make it to the
playing stage - and they have a good
chance, too, if they can produce their
best when it really counts!
The grade 6 white team has a mathematical chance of making finals. it all
depends on strong results in these last two weeks of home and away matches they may need others to lose too - just a bit of old-fashioned luck, perhaps.
Grades 1, 8 and 10 teams finished well back - unfortunate, but not devastating,
because in the end, it’s all about enjoying the game, the friendships forged and of
course, those few moments of triumph - and there were some of those too!
Juniors has been a totally different story, with both of teams, grade 2 girls and grade
8 boys, enjoying terrific seasons. They are both on top of the ladder in their divisions
and in Olympic vernacular, will surely play in the gold medal match!
Pictured above: grade 1 teammates, left to right, Anneleise, Michael and Paul
Below: some of the 6 blue crew, left to right, Michelle, Jake and Felicia.
Bottom: the grade 8 boys team, left to right, Dillon, Matt, Nickolas, Aidan and Anthony.
OUR website is the best in the entire tennis
community - that’s the general consensus!
it’s regularly updated and has links to all of the
recent editions of our newsletter, Moolap Ace, senior
and junior versions.
As well as that, all senior, junior and midweek results can
be accessed, with up-to-the-minute ladder positions and a
whole lot more.
All this is thanks to our
Moolap player Greg Davis
(pictured), who is always
ready to use his expertise to
keep the website flying - and
it certainly is!
Check the website out on - and we
want your input too and you
can do that by contacting
Go on - let’s hear from U!
not too far away!
DESPITE recent icy
blasts, wet courts and
cloudy skies, believe
it or not, summer well, summer pennant
anyway - starts in
early October.
Winter season reaches its
conclusion with the grand
final, due on September 1st.
The governing body of tennis,
Tennis Geelong, require us to
enter our summer teams just a
week or so later.
All of our current and past
junior and senior players will be
canvassed as to their intentions
re summer competition - there is
a questionnaire in the team folders. Please fill it in!
We are always looking for
new players and may possibly
advertise again for them. Do you
know of anyone interested? If so,
please contact Phil on 5251 3002
THE Bendigo Bank Junior Masters series was hosted by US
back on Sunday, May 19th - but it very nearly didn’t happen,
when the original date, a week prior, was rained out!
The Masters series is a junior singles tournament played from
February until October at a number of different venues, including
Geelong Lawn, Grovedale and Geelong indoor to name a few.
Players are put into age groups (10, 12,
14, 16 and under in girls and boys
divisions). Participants gain points based
on performance at each event and at the
end of the series, points are added up and
each section declares a “Junior Master”.
and a thriving kitchen, run by Mary Sideris,
selling hot dogs, dim sims and drinks to the
hungry masses. Thanks Mary!
Our event was, in the end, a most
successful day, with nearly 40 on-court
participants, heaps of supportive parents
Pictured right, Moolap junior co- ordinator
Phil with 14 & U players Aidan and Justin
(yes, they’re twins)
Moolap already has its name down to
host a Masters day next year!
SHOULDERED OUT! FORMER club president Melissa Paech
(Molly to her mates), held a big bash on
July 21st, to announce (not celebrate,
she reckons) her 40th year!
GRADE 6 White’s Carol
Maisano and dual junior
singles champ Dylan
Dunoon (pictured) have
something in common but they don’t like it one
little bit!
Venue for the celebration was the Max Hotel
in Gheringhap Street, Geelong - the very same
spot that her better half Gary, held his 50th just
over a year back!
All of her family and friends were there, close to 60 of ’em,
including a good number from the tennis club, ensuring that
the brand new 40-year-old had a memorable birthday!
Two days later, Melissa, Gary and John and Libby Sanderson,
departed for a 10 day cruise to Vanuatu and Noumea.
Now that was a great birthday present!
Both have had their sporting
careers put on hold, due to
significant shoulder problems.
Carol recently had an operation and
is progressing well in her recovery, but
is still well and truly out of calculations
for the remainder of this season.
Fortunately, her pennant
team (grade 6 white) has three
ladies rotating, so they have
been getting by without too
much need for an emergency.
Carol is on the club’s committee
and was the organiser of two very
successful fund-raising activities,
the popular bed warmers last year
and more recently, the Maltesers
As for Dylan Dunoon - his injury,
incurred through football, will also
require an operation and at this
stage, he will be out of any real
action for several months yet.
player, Dylan enjoyed a stellar
season last summer, winning the
club’s most improved junior award.
And at least he didn’t get the injury
playing tennis!
From everyone at the club, Carol
and Dylan - please get well and
come back A.S.A.P.!
in the
CLUB coach Paul Anderson
is making an excellent
recovery from his recent
heart by-pass operation.
Paul has made fantastic
progress after a couple of
months on the sidelines and is
now back in action at
Wednesday coaching, looking
better than ever!
Paul has received a number of
get well messages from Moolap
junior players and even a visit.
The new coaching term is now
up and running, with junior players
Jasmine and Stacey helping out.
More on this in the next Ace and
Junior Ace.
Above left: birthday girl Melissa with her Mum Lyn - and right,
it’s Libby and Cathy helping Melissa have a fantastic night!
Gearing up
for summer
COURTNEY and Rob model
our great corporate tennis
gear and it’s all there ready
for you this summer season!
Damp courts and brilliant sunshine - a real
winter’s morning of junior tennis at Moolap
Move on, mouses! FuND-RAiSiNG
has been a
acquisition for Moolap
T.C. - two electronic
rodent repellants!
These fancy devices
just plug into a power
point and then they emit
high frequency sound
waves - humans can’t
hear them - but the
rodents can and it drives
them mad, apparently.
More importantly, they
pack up and leave.
There’s a unit in the bar
and one in the kitchen.
We’ll see if they really do
make a difference for a
long-standing problem.
pretty big issue in recent
times with monies raised
earmarked towards improving
facilities at the club.
Some of the possibilities discussed include purchasing air
conditioning, another vending
machine and perhaps even a
new more efficient bar fridge.
Bus-type shelters are also on
the agenda and we are also looking into that initiative. Self-funding
seems the only alternative, as it’s
becoming increasing difficult to
access council grants for any club
projects - there’s simply too much
competition for that council cash!
More on this issue very soon!
Polo shirts, short-sleeved Tshirts and those fabulous black
dresses. Pick your favourite.
Speak to Phil Hunt or midweek
co-ordinator Rita Nelis if you
want to look great on the court
this summer ... or anytime!
The great big wonderful world of
THE new season of midweek ladies
tennis began on Tuesday, July 17th and it
wasn’t without an early drama or two.
So what’s new?
First off, a new recruit to midweek withdrew just prior to the
commencement of the season, leaving midweek co-ordinator
Rita Nelis sailing close to the wind and crunching numbers.
Then there was some team withdrawals from several clubs
across the region and the tennis governing body, Bellarine
Peninsula Tennis Association, was forced to change the draw and
our teams were involved in the changes.
Originally scheduled to play grade 13, this team now moved to
grade 12. Grade 9 also had a small re-structure, which meant that
Rita needed to re-do most of her paperwork.
Anyway, as always, it all came out in the wash and the season
began in quite good style with some early success for all the teams.
Work commitments have put Linda on the emergency list for
grade 4 with Brooke moving into the team to join Marilyn, Evelyn,
Jenny and Rita, while grade 9 sees Christine, Cathy, Pauline and
Helen playing well and looking set for a good season.
The grade 12 crew has Mary, Marlene, Carol and Sylvia making
up this team, with Marjorie standing by as emergency.
Good luck for a happy and successful season everyone and one
thing’s for sure - there’s always a great arvo tea on offer!
Interesting midweek story coming up with Tennis Geelong
looking at the possibility of starting up a midweek competition.
There’s a meeting of the association to discuss this next week and
everyone will be kept informed of what’s happening.
Pictured: top left, Moolap’s grade 9 midweek team, with their Jan Juc
opposition, enjoying a hearty afternoon tea after a really tough, close
match which featured a couple of tie-breakers. The ‘Laps got over the line
though, which was good news - and the food was great!
Top right: The grade 9 crew at the net, left to right, Christine, Cathy, Helen
and Pauline.
Below right: Moolap’s dauntless grade 4 team, left to right, Evelyn, Marilyn,
Brooke, Jenny and Rita started the season with a win.
Above: Grade 12 played at home against Portarlington recently and
enjoyed a sumptuous afternoon team. Unfortunately we lost the match, but
only narrowly though!
LEOPOLD Sportsman’s Club is the venue for the
club’s senior end of season night out on Saturday,
September 1st, from 6.30 pm.
The club (pictured right), in Kensington Road, Leopold, has hosted
numerous club functions over the years and has proved to be very
popular with our members, for the good and inexpensive fare on offer
and the fact that the venue is in close proximity to the residences of
many of our players.
Hopefully there may be a premiership to celebrate - fingers crossed!
Highlight will be the presentation of the annual Angela Brammer Shield and
trophy for the player with the best personal aggregate in senior pennant.
So please put the date in your diary and come along. Bring your friends too
- everyone is welcome to make a big night of it!