
American Baptist Women’s Ministries of New Jersey
Winter 2013 / 2014
Upcoming events
Love Gift and Spring Rally
March 29th
Yardville Baptist Church
Annual Conference & Women’s Retreat
May 29th – 31st Harvey Cedars, LBI
Intergenerational Retreat for women & Girls
July 26th – 29th Green Lake WI
From our President
I have lived in New Jersey all my life. I moved to Piscataway in the early 1980's. When I joined
the First Baptist Church of New Market in Piscataway. In the next few years I became active in
the American Baptist Women of my church and have been active every since. I went to my first
state conference around 1995 after which I went to my first national conference in Greenlake in
1996. Every since then I have been active locally, in the state and nationally. The American
Baptist women have helped me develop both spiritually and personally. This year I will
conclude my Presidency of the women of New Jersey.
I would like to thank each and every American Baptist women who I have met. You have
encouraged me and inspired me with your dedication to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
He is our inspiration as we continue our work. This is the "Time to Serve." Join me this year at
our Love Gift/ Rally in March and the State Retreat the end of May to be inspired, grow in Christ,
have fun, and most important to serve Christ.
Adele H. Hueston
Thank you and please continue to support our mission /outreach ministries. We are grateful and
I am sure that our missionaries in the field say thank you also. ABW does an important work for
so many people through our National Office as well as locally. Your support is greatly
appreciated because mission outreach is what ABW is all about.
I appeal to you on behalf of ABWMNJ to support our global missions. Through our collective
efforts, we can continue to make a difference here in the US and globally. I ask that you take a
moment and send a check for your designated fund of your choice. I encourage each church to
send your ABW Association dues as well. This is based on how many women are in your
congregation. Normally $2 per woman or whatever you decide. Please call me at 973-6730385 or 973-820-8405 for further explanation of any of the funds or projects. Thank you for
being a blessing to others through our various ministries. Listed are designated funds that you
can make your check payable to ABWMNJ. My address is 125 Oak St., East Orange, N J
07018. I look forward to hearing from you as God speaks to you and your congregation.
Gail Gillespie
Check our website for further details about the funds at www.abwminnj.org.
Association Fees-Supports our Local Association
SSF-State Support Fund-Supports our local mission work
NSF-National Support Fund-Supports, salaries,officer travel expenses, etc.
Love Gift-Supports American Baptist Mission and Ministry-Send directly to
ABW Valley Forge
Degenring Fund-Supports for Women who are preparing for Christian Service in church related
mission field vocations
State Project-Supports a local organization that is designated as our conference project.
Themes vary.
Refit-Supports ABC Missionaries as they return to the mission Field or transfer to another
mission location
The twenty twenty campaign. The Board of Managers realized that if each of us gave $20.20
Love Gift-Supports missions-Send it directly through your church treasurer to ABW, P.O. Box
851, Valley Forge, PA 19482
ational News
White Cross-Supports needed supplies for our Mission Workers
Cedars of Lebanon 2020– Supports the Ministries for children at Camp Lebanon-Goal-To raise
$7,000.00 by 2020
Women & Girls Fund-Supports our mission projects- Send directly to the National Office-ABW,
P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482
Hopefully, everyone is well on their way to fulfilling their White Cross requests (not called
"quotas" anymore!). For the 2013-2014 year, we received requests from the First Baptist Church
of Trenton and Philadelphia Park Racetrack ministry. We received purchase plan requests from
Bolivia, Myanmar, and India. Handiwork requested for the Congo includes roller bandages (3" x
10 yds), baby blankets (36" x 36"), infant baby gowns, and cotton squares. Donations for health
and school kits for the Philippines are also requested.
Church White Cross contacts, please complete your White Cross reports and send them to your
Association Chairperson by the deadline on your report form. Association Chairwomen, please
compile your church reports and send Tracy Willard your Association report by May 30, 2014.
Everyone should have received the appropriate reporting forms when they received their
request. These reports are VERY important and many overlook them. These reports are
helpful for the distribution of requests in the following year, and are important for Overland and
Overseas White Cross Coordinators to know what is happening in the state. They have no
other way of knowing. We want to make sure that the national office in Valley Forge is aware of
all that women in NJ are doing for White Cross!
Stay tuned for changes in White Cross in the next year or two..... If you have any questions,
concerns, or need to find your Association Chairperson, please contact me at (443) 553-3207 or
Tracy Willard
Tracy Willard has been serving as the NJ White Cross chairperson for five years. She attends the First
Baptist Church of Woodstown, in Salem County (West Association) where she is a Deacon. Tracy has
an interest in mission activities, such as support of students in Haiti, Family Promise (a program to assist
homeless families), and Samaritans Purse, as well as church outreach activities. The best way to reach
Tracy is via her cell phone (443) 553-3207.
A Time to Serve: Deepening Relationships
An intergenerational retreat for women and girls
July 26 – 29, 2014
Green Lake Conference Center, Green Lake WI
Retreat facilitator: Rev. Yana J.C. Pagan AB Minister, Chaplain and professor
Information for program fee and housing is available at www,info@abwministries. org
A time to serve: A time to prepare
Cruise the Bahamas with ABW Ministries and AB Women in Ministry
September 19-22 2014
Keynote speakers Rev. Dr. Debora Jackson and Dr. Lisa L Croft Special music with Joyce
Sinclair Lake aboard the Royal Caribbean “Enchantment of the Seas” departing from Port
Canaveral, FL.
How do we attend to our spiritual and physical health to help us be effective disciples? What
practices can we adopt to help us continue to grow as faithful women while we are called into an
ever-deepening relationship with God? Spend a day in the beauty of Nassau and enjoy
CocoCay, the exclusive, private island.
Gathering Work Week in New Orleans
August 3 – 9, 2014
Girls who have completed grade 6 thru grade 12 join with the Ecumenical
work week in New Orleans. More information will be available soon.
Go to abwministries.org and click on the stay up-to-date with our newsletter box and provide
your email address to receive the Leaders Reader, the monthly web publication from National
Now available— two new two programmatic resources in a new series for women’s ministry,
entitled In Their Shoes: Women Walking with Women Worldwide. The resources are In Their
Shoes: Economic Empowerment and In Their Shoes: Immigrants and Refugees. Each In Their
Shoes book includes fact sheets, Bible studies, program sessions, activities for children,
Scriptures for reflection, resource listings, and suggestions for ways to engage in the issue
AB Women's Ministries has updated much of the 1991 version of
The Guide for American
Baptist Women's Ministries– with a brand new look! Currently, booklets for officers,
Promoting Your Women's and Girls' Ministries, and Planning Events Effectively are available to
I hope this newsletter finds you warm and safe in this season of cold and
snowy weather. I encourage you to remember those within our church family
and in our communities who may not be warm and safe. How can we help?
Our prayers certainly help but we also need to remember our local food
pantries and other resources that help provide clothing and warmth to those
in need.
Our conference is coming up sooner than we think in sunny May. I ask all women to think about
what they do throughout the year to help others. When I was asked to do this, I drew a blank.
We are accustomed to the activities that we do each year but many not realize how much our
women actually do help others. Each ABWM helps many different groups throughout the year.
We are asking each Women’s’ group to prepare a poster of the work done throughout the year
for display at our conference.
There are many resources available for our use. Resources include Information about our
missionaries, their current work, and their needs in the field. Much information is available on
the ABC-USA website. I also have a supply of handouts. If you need help in obtaining
resources, please contact me.
Eileen Kreiling
Eileen is a member of Memorial Baptist Church in Yardville and have been active with ABWM for 13
years. I enjoy Conference each year for the fellowship, worship, relaxation, and meeting our
missionaries. For me it brings to life the work that we do all year to support them. I can be reached at
eileenk2@verizon.net or 609-587-9247.
Through Degenring. Our 2013 scholarship recipient, Dr. Ruth Alerte is now “Mrs. Jones”.
Congratulations to Chad and Ruth as they were joined in marriage on July 1 st. Ruth has served
ABW on the NLT leading the Young Women of Purpose and as the Coordinator of AB GIRLS.
She is currently in seminar and is an ophthalmologist.
Over the years, ABW NJ has supported women who are seeking God’s will for their lives
through serving in ministry. Some have gone on to be full time pastors, others missionaries.
Your financial support makes it possible to give annual scholarships, but money is only a part.
Please remember not only Ruth in prayer, but those scholarship women who haven’t come to us
for aid. Please pray for women beginning their journey, those who are making strides, and
those who have completed their studies and are awaiting God’s call. If you know of any AB
women who is interested in applying for a scholarship, please contact Wendy Ventura, (973)
770 0154 or at wrventura@hotmail.com.
Supporting Cedars of Lebanon 2020 Campaign
At the Fall Board of Managers meeting it was decided that ABW Ministries of NJ would support
the Camp Lebanon Campaign by raising $1,000 a year for the next 7 years. We would like you
to consider the 20/20 approach to help us meet that goal. You can pledge to contribute $20.20
weekly, monthly, etc to help meet our goal. More details will be given at the Love Gift / Spring
support ministry through our Conference Project. At our gathering on
Long Beach Island in June, we will be hearing from Odalys Banks, a
representative from First Choice Women’s Resources Centers.
To show our support for their ministry, we will have a list of gift items we
can collect and bring to conference for a baby shower. They will use the
following to make layette gift bags for their clients:
Baby blankets, bath towels, wash cloths, teethers, pacifiers, bottles
Diaper bags, diapers (all sizes, but especially size 1)
Care items: baby shampoo, wash, lotion, ointment, powder, wipes
Bibs, onesies, sleepers, outfits, gowns size 0 -3 months
This way when we contribute we can allow this ministry a tangible gift for these women in crisis.
Since 1985, First Choice Women’s Resource Centers (formerly Friendship Pregnancy Centers
has counseled mover 18,000 women in unplanned pregnancies and has reached over 52,000
high school students through Straight Talk, their interactive abstinence presentation. Clients are
served at four strategic locations in Morristown, Montclair, Newark and Jersey City. There they
receive accurate information, select medical services, and support to help them make healthy
decisions. First Choice provides all services for free and relies on volunteers, financial
contributions, and dedicated prayer of men and women just like you. They are members of the
Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, Care New, and IMPACT Association.
STATE PROJECT 2013-2014 SUPPORTS FAMILIES To continue our support of women in
crisis, we will be collecting until June 2014 items which will be distributed through Gloucester
County Violence Safe House for Family Services. The residential coordinator, Mary Love has
given us a list of new items that are always in need:
Journals; children’s socks, underwear, pajamas in all sizes; women’s sweatpants, sports bras,
t-shirts in all sizes; canned or dry goods; giftcards for walmart, target; kitchen utensils
(preferably stainless steel) dish towels and pot holders, silverware and gadgets.
To make your donation, please contact Mary Love at 856-728-0622 or mlover@certerffs.org to
arrange delivery.
Many of our churches have wonderful gifted women who make a difference in
the lives of others through their commitment to ministry. Some of these
“She-roes” can be found teaching Sunday School, taking care of children,
feeding the hungry, running Thrift shops, mentoring women, using their
professional talents in a volunteer setting, or advocating for social change.
These women who work tirelessly serving their communities, often receive little acclaim. We
would like you to tell Her-stories so we can acknowledge these she-roes and we need your help.
Our President, Adele Hueston will be accepting examples of the impact of these women for
acknowledgement at a future event. Get writing so we can publicly say thank you to these sheroes. Stay tuned…
Christian Women’s Conference
Sponsored by the American Baptist Women’s Ministries of NJ
May 29th, May 30th
May 31st, 2014
Harvey Cedars Bible Conference
12 Cedar Ave., Harvey Cedars, NJ
(on Long Beach Island)
Our own Reverend April Van Ness will be the
Bible Study Leader this year. Pastor April always
blesses us with her creative ways she brings forth
the Word of God.
Begins 5 PM Thursday- Concludes 7 PM Saturday
Bring your girls grades 7 -12 (contact Joan for details)
See registration form for rates and information.
Make checks payable to American Baptist Women’s
Conference Fund. Send registration with payment to:
Joan Moyer
243 Forrest St. Turnersville, NJ 08012.
Phone 609-706-9074
email: moyerjb@msn.com
Eget habitasse elementum est, ipsum
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 29, May 30th, May 31st, 2014
No Phone registrations or walk-ins. Payment must be received to reserve a room.
Please print clearly!!!
One registration form per person.
Phone (_______)_______________________EMAIL ADDRESS___________________________________
Who are you rooming with?___________________________FirstTimer?_________Clergy?___________
Emergency Contact (Name and Number)___________________________________________________
Please check all that apply:
____I require handicapped accessible bathroom
______I require ground level accommodation
_____ Thursday Night only
______Friday Night Only
2-4 per
Two nights
$223 per
______Thursday and Friday Both
One Night
$177 per
1) From the table above calculate your fee.
2) If you put an advance hold on your room deduct the $20 you sent in.
3) If you are planning to come for a day, please indicate the day- Friday or Saturday (circle 1)
fee of $60 per day (include all meals) Girls- $40.00 per day (program for girls held on Saturday only)
4) Thursday Night Dinner (5:30 PM) is available for an additional $12.00. Yes or No (Circle)
Make checks payable to American Baptist Women’s Conference Fund
Send registration with payment to:
Joan Moyer, 243 Forrest Dr. Turnersville, NJ 08012 609-706-9074 moyerjb@msn.com
American Baptist Women’s Ministries of NJ
Spring Rally & Love Gift Luncheon
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Memorial Baptist Church
17 Highland Avenue
Yardville, NJ 08620-2906
AM Session – Services Empowering Rape Victims “SERV”
Tamika Solomon, Gloucester County Center for Family Service
PM Session – Love Gift Speaker
Rev. Carla Romarate-Knipel
Pastor of Central Baptist Church-Woodbury
Registration and coffee hour beginning at 8:30 am
Program starts at 9:00 am
Everyone loves a 2 for 1 bargain - this is yours!
Come, learn and be inspired!!!
Reserve Early – Deadline March 17, 2014
For information and to register contact:
Pat Foltz
609-586-5756 or e-mail: soupladypat@optonline.net
Eileen Kreiling – Church & Community Coordinator
609-587-9247 or e-mail: EileenK2@verizon.net
You can bring your donations for Gloucester County Violence Safe House
List of items on last page of State Directory
Please confirm your attendance by March 17, 2014 - call or e-mail one of the contact persons listed
above. THEN, send in registration form with your registration fee
One form for each participant – thank you
Registration fee is $7.00. Send the Registration Fee directly to Memorial Baptist Church.
Check payable to: Memorial Baptist Church, 17 Highland Avenue, Yardville, NJ 08620.
Attn. Pat Foltz
Name __________________________ Church ____________________________________
Contact Info: Phone: ___________________ e-mail _______________________________