Windsor News - North Vancouver School District


Windsor News - North Vancouver School District
Dates to Note:
• May 18 – Victoria Day –
No classes
• May 23 – Cabaret Night
• May 24 – Drive 4 UR
School Basketball
Fundraiser @ Windsor
• May 27 – 9:50 am Late
• May 31 – Graduation
Ceremony @ the
• June 1 – PAC Meeting
7:30 pm Library
• June 6 – Graduation
Banquet @ The Pinnacle
Harbourfront Hotel
• June 9 – Awards Night
• June 17 – Music Recital
at Mount Seymour
United Church
• June 19 – Term 3 ends
in unless required for
exam prep.
• June 19
9 am - Science 10 Exam
1 pm – English 12 Exam
2-3 pm Homeroom &
Locker Cleanout
• June 22 - 9 am Communications 12
• June 23
9 am – Math 10 Exam
1 pm – FRAL 12 Exam
• June 24
9 am – English 11 Exam
1 pm – Socials Studies 11
• June 26 – Report Card &
Yearbook Distribution in
9:30 am – Gr 8, 9 & 10
11 am – Gr 11 & 12
12 noon – School Spirit
Windsor News
May 2015
Attendance Line 604-903-3707
Principal’s Message
The May long weekend
marks the transition into
one of the busiest times in
the school calendar. During
this period, students need to
balance to finish strong
academically while at the
same time celebrating their
achievements through
special events and the
school awards night. To
maximize student success,
even the most talented
students will likely need our
coaching and
encouragement through this
intense period.
Windsor is looking
forward to hosting the two
remaining school sponsored
graduation events: the
Graduation Ceremony at the
prestigious Orpheum
Theatre and Graduation
Banquet at the Pinnacle
Vancouver Harbourfront
hotel. We are aware that
this time in our senior
students’ lives brings both
excitement and trepidation.
While we may share these
same feelings, we need to
remind them of the need for
safety and prudence.
New this year, and
sponsored by the Canadian
Parents for French (CPF), is
the French Immersion
Graduation Breakfast which
will bring together
immersion students in
grades 7, 8, and 11 to
celebrate the grade 12
students earning a CPF
bilingual certificate. The
event is being organized by a
grade 11 parent group with
the support of our French
Immersion teachers, and
grade 11 students are
providing the “personpower” to run the event.
The planning work for the
Seismic Upgrade to Windsor
Secondary has continued
through the spring. We are
currently in the design
development stage and may
see some work begin in the
summer months. I have
been providing updates at
our Parent Advisory Council
(PAC) meetings and will
continue to do so going
Attached to the back of
this newsletter is the June
calendar for 2015. The
calendar includes the most
up to date “snapshot” of the
month of June including
provincial exams, yearbook
and report card distribution.
In is important to note that
regular classes will run
through to June 19 .
During the period between
June 22 and 25 , the
school will host “review,
completion and enrichment”
(RCE) days. During this RCE
period students have the
opportunity to meet with
their teachers in the event
that they would like to
review the course material
from the year, with teacher
permission complete
additional or missed work to
meet the minimal
requirements for a course or
to sign up in advance for
enrichment activities.
In closing, I want to thank
you for your continued
support in our work for your
sons and daughters and
encourage you to follow up
with the school if you have
any questions or concerns
about your child’s progress
as the school accelerates to
the finish.
Adam Baumann
Windsor News
Page 2 of 15
Community Clean Up Helps Neighborhood Shine
The Windsor Green Team
hosted its 6 Annual
Community Cleanup on
Wednesday, April 22 in
celebration of Earth Day.
The event was a success as
usual! The weather came
around and over 35 full bags
of garbage and recycling
were collected from the
school grounds and the
Blueridge area. The event
was led by the Green Team
who was in charge of sorting
collected items, but it would
not have been possible
without all the students,
teachers, and staff who
Next up, the Green Team
will be participating in the
Adopt-A-Street Program in
collaboration with the
District of North Vancouver.
Members will be in charge
of collecting garbage on
Lytton Street and of
reporting any maintenance
that is needed. A sign on the
parkway will soon be
installed identifying the
efforts and responsibility of
Windsor's Green Team.
Grade 12 Leaders Creating Change
Since September, a group of
passionate young women in
Grade 12 have been
volunteering with the Create
Change Foundation, a local
charity that helps empower
young women in Northern
Ghana through education.
Through Create Change's
High School Marketing
Leadership Program the
students have gained tons of
marketing skills and
strategies to fundraise for
this amazing cause. They
quickly took the community
by storm, going out
canvassing, selling chocolate
and bracelets as well as
other marketing initiatives.
They have also been raising
awareness through various
social media campaigns. As
they learn skills from
Vancouver’s top marketers,
they have become a group
of excellent and
knowledgeable leaders!
So far, they have raised the
funds to send 10 girls to
school (the equivalent of
$3000) and hope to continue
their success as their
program comes to a close.
They will be presenting in
Windsor in the coming
months about the initiative
and why they feel so
passionate about it, and are
always looking for new
individuals interested in
changing lives. If you would
like to find out how you can
help please email the team
leader Annika at
Together we can create
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Windsor News
Grad Ceremony and Banquet Information
The graduation ceremony
will once again take place at
the beautiful Orpheum
Theatre on Granville Street
at 11 am on Sunday, May
31 . Grads must be there at
10:15 am. Each grad that has
paid their Grad Fees will
receive four tickets to the
ceremony. Extra tickets are
on sale at the office for $8
each right up to May 29
while tickets last.
The Grad Banquet is on
Saturday, June 6 at the
Pinnacle Hotel Vancouver
(formerly the Renaissance)
starting with the group
photo at 6 pm sharp.
All grade 12 students are
encouraged to attend this
gala affair, as well as their
parents and guests. Tickets
are $95.00 each and have
been on sale for the last two
weeks at lunch in Rm 403.
Table arrangements are
generally groups of ten or
twelve and, in most cases,
parents and grads sit
together. The Pinnacle Hotel
has a capacity of 500 guests,
so with approximately 160
grads expected, we will be
able to accommodate grads
plus two parent/guardians
for the dinner. Extra tickets
may be available after the
collection of table forms on
Tues, May 19 . If interested
in purchasing an extra ticket
please make sure to sign up
at a table that has extra
seats available (ex: 10
instead of 12 guests).
Canadian Parents for French
North Vancouver Chapter News
The Grade 8 French
Immersion trip to Quebec
left on Sunday, May10.
Thank you to the teachers
who made it possible this
year. Fourteen lucky Windsor
students were able to
Socio Cultural grant funding
and CPF North Vancouver
sponsored Theatre Seizième
acting workshops all day on
April 9th. Windsor Grade 9
students enjoyed direction
from French actors during
this in school event.
CPF would like to thank
students for preparing their
Concours d’oratoire and
representing Windsor on
April 13 at the Education
Services Centre. Well done.
The CPF national newsletter
this month has a great article
written by our own Laura
Stewart, a French immersion
teacher at Windsor on page
23. If you are wondering
where French Immersion
could take your child, have a
read and share this with your
son or daughter. Thank you
Ms. Stewart for all you do for
our students.
The 2015 BC Francophone
Games take place in Victoria,
BC from May 15-18 this year.
The grade 11 parents are
busy getting ready to host
the grade 12 CPF grad
breakfast. Thank you to our
generous parent volunteers.
This will take place on May
28 during the late start.
CPF BC has committed to a
free on-line French
homework help line Monday
to Thursdays 4-7 pm. Read
the newsletter to find out
how to access this.
CPF North Vancouver is
introducing the “schools
grant”. Funds will be
available for up to $400 to be
spent at Windsor, during the
2015/2016 school year.
Teachers can apply for this
grant to bring live theatre or
events to school.
Registration for the DELF
exams through the Alliance
Francaise, is open till May
15, 2015 for the exam
sessions in June.
CPF needs two executive
members for the North
Vancouver branch. If you
would like to support CPF in
North Vancouver, please
contact me below, we are
losing 3 key members this
year, as our own children in
grade 12, leave the high
school system. CPF meets
once a month on the first
Wednesday; our AGM is
being planned now, for June,
where elections will take
place. Anyone is welcome to
attend our AGM. Engage in
your school community by
joining CPF.
For more information on
anything French, please
Life is not about warming
yourself by the fire, life is
about building the fire.
And generosity is the
match...If you want
happiness for an hour,
take a nap, but if you
want happiness for a
lifetime, help somebody.
Larry Luchino
Businesman, Boston Red
Sox President
Windsor News
Page 4 of 15
Windsor athletics in for busy season
Spring time is always the
busiest time of the year for
Windsor athletes. The Senior
girls and Junior girls soccer
teams have gotten off to
strong starts to their seasons
with both teams in first
place in their regular
seasons as the playoffs
approach. The Senior
ultimate team currently has
a 2 win and 1 loss record
while the Junior team sits in
first place with a 3-0 record.
The girls rugby team has
continued to build on their
strong showing at the BC
Provincials last year and are
looking to return this year
and challenge for a top
finish. After a short absence
the school again has a boys
alumni invited to
lace up and pour
it out on the court
On May 22nd & 23rd the
Windsor Senior boys’
basketball team will be
hosting an alumni basketball
tournament. The event is
open to all Windsor alumni
who played basketball for
Windsor and are interested
in lacing up the sneakers
again. Games will take place
Friday afternoon/evening
and continue on Saturday,
ending by 6pm with a final
game against next year’s
senior team. Any alumni
interested or looking for
more information should
contact Mr. Alec Lewis at
rugby team with 26 students
signed up for the Junior
team. The team is made up
of a mix of grade 8/9/10's
and are learning a lot. The
future looks bright for both
Windsor rugby programs.
The Track & Field team has
started the season strong as
well and with the
qualification meets
beginning soon the team is
getting ready to challenge
for a title. This is the second
year that Windsor has a
hockey team and the team is
stronger than ever. Two
games remain before the
playoffs and the boys are
looking to build on a strong
first year and go deeper into
the playoffs this year.
Inside the gyms the Senior
and Junior badminton teams
have been training and
playing hard. While the wins
aren't racking up the team
are having a lot of fun and
getting better each day.
There are 17 grade 8 boys
playing volleyball this spring
and they are developing
quickly with some great
coaching. The golf team sits
in first with a 4-0 record and
look to return to the BC
Provincials again this year.
The mountain bike team has
had great weather to start
out the season and there
have been some great
individual results so far.
Burger & Bevvie Night at Seymours
Do you like burgers? Do you like door prizes, silent and live
auctions? Do you like having fun? Do you like supporting
Windsor basketball? If you answered yes to any of the
questions buy a ticket for $20 that will get you a burger, a
cold beverage and access to more fun than you can
imagine while supporting the Sr. boys basketball team.
Saturday May 23rd at 7pm the parents of the senior boys
basketball team will be hosting a fundraiser at Seymours at
the Holiday Inn. For tickets, to donate prizes or more
information please contact Danny Filippone at
Drive 4 UR School B-ball fundraiser
Sr. Boys Basketball Drive
4 UR School Fundraiser is
on Sunday May 24 .
Come to the Windsor
parking lot between
10am-3pm to test drive a
new Ford vehicle. For
every test drive Ford will
donate $20 to support
the Windsor Senior boys
basketball tour to Hawaii
in December 2015 and the
purchase of new shot clocks
in the large gym. Bring your
friends and test drive a new
Ford and help the Windsor
basketball program at the
same time. Curious about
what models will be
available to drive? Come on
out and check it out on
Sunday, May 24 !
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Windsor News
Windsor and Argyle recognized in BC Legislature April 23
Parent and MLA Jane
Thornthwaite congratulated
student performance at the
BC Gymnastic Provincials.
“Madame Speaker, it’s with
great pleasure that I rise in
the House today to talk
about the great success
North Shore athletes had at
a recent province-wide
Last month, two North
Shore high schools took the
podium’s top spots at the
2015 BC Secondary Schools
Gymnastics Championships.
North Vancouver’s
Sutherland Secondary
hosted the event, which saw
more than 250 athletes from
50 schools across B.C.
compete in five different
skill levels.
North Shore athletes
dominated many events,
including vault, pommels
and parallel bars. Windsor
Secondary came out on top,
winning the overall team
title, while Argyle Secondary
finished second.
On the girls’ side, Windsor
Secondary’s Claire Bent
finished third in the Level 5
all-around and came in
second on the vault and
parallel bars. On the boys’
side, Argyle’s Michael Sibley,
won the Level 5 all-around
title and finished first in five
out of six events .
Also finishing on the podium
were Greg Burns, Jacob
Piccolo, Sabrina Perera,
Olivia Terretta and Braeden
Massullo of Windsor
Secondary… Sport has the
power to bring communities
together, and is one of the
many aspects that make the
North Shore such an
amazing place to call home.
We are known for our
commitment to health
and fitness, and our
dedication to athletic
development. On behalf of
the community, I want to
congratulate all of our
winners, and wish them well
as they continue to refine
their skills and work toward
representing the province
and the country in future
Windsor Music Booster Association presents
A Night in Havana, continuing the
celebration of our greatly successful trip to
Havana, Cuba this past March. Prepare
yourself to enjoy a wide variety of treats,
bright decorations, photos from the trip and,
of course, music that will really make you
want to dance!
Tickets are $30.00 each. You may pre-order
as many as you like, however, a limited
amount of tickets are available.
Pre-Order Tix here!
Tickets must be picked up in advance at the
school with payment in full. Cheques are to
be made payable to WINDSOR SECONDARY
SCHOOL. Pick up times are Monday, May 11
and Tuesday, May 19 at 3pm in the Music
PAC News
If you wish to be on the
PAC email list, please
A Night in Havana
Saturday, May 23
7 pm
Mt Seymour United Church
1200 Parkgate Ave
North Vancouver
Appetizers, cash bar, silent auction
Tix $30 in advance
Windsor News
Page 6 of 15
Work Experience Opportunities
We get many students
dropping by our Room in 203
looking for volunteer or paid
positions. Please encourage
them to view our blog spot….
There are many open
houses, jobs (both volunteer
and paid) on the Career
board located on the 200
floor by the stairs.
Course programming is upon
us….this is the time to think
about your future. Get credit
for a job you may have if it is
in your focus area!!! Options
are available for you….
Room Bottle
Ms. Drew and her
hardworking crew would
like to extend their thanks
to all the contributors to
the Windsor Resource
Room Bottle Drive in
Before the drive, the
Resource Room was
fourth in the standings
but through your
participation they
anticipate winning the
first prize of $1,000.
Recycling truly is a winwin situation!
Work Experience WEX12A or
WEX12B (4 credit) During
Grade 11 and 12, students
are placed with local
employers in positions that
align with their interest and
future career goals. The
community becomes the
classroom where students
gain experience in the
workplace and are provided
with a frame of reference to
review or revise their career
goals. Through employer
assessment, students receive
valuable feedback about
their employability skills and
technical skills related to
specific occupations.
Work Experience is
comprised of pre-placement
classroom assignments,
placement activities
including successful
completion of 100 hours
(minimum) at a community
worksite(s), and postplacement assignments.
Work Experience Teachers
and the Work Experience
Facilitator will work with
students individually and in
small groups to assist
students with choosing and
obtaining relevant and
meaningful placements.
This year, our students went
out on some very successful
placements. Syncro
Metalworks hosted Jakob
Goodsmith, Grade 11, where
he learned how to use a
plasma cutter, weld, and
accompanied the owner on
site visits to quote jobs.
Marika Allen-Mangold,
Grade 10, worked at Bark
Avenue Grooming and Bath
where they were so
impressed with her
performance they offered
her a paid position. Bentley
Heathcote, Grade 11,
completed his placement in a
neurobiology lab at SFU.
Bentley worked alongside
researchers studying genes
required for the correct
navigation of neuronal
processes towards their
targets. Josh Johnson, Grade
12, spent a week at
Westworks Construction
where he learned the basics
of framing when starting a
new construction project.
Mihalea Georgescu, Grade
12, worked with the Deep
Cove Stage Society and
assisted in the production of
The Butler Did It, recently
playing from April 3-18.
Claire Dunne, Grade 11,
worked at Creativ Music
Center, assisting in
production, equipment set
up and all aspects of the
music store. Rowan Stabler,
Gr 12, worked at The Bay
Cosmetics in their beauty
department and has been
recently offered a job full
time. Carly Russell, Grade 12,
assisted clients with painting,
glazing, and firing at Bella
Secondary School
Apprenticeship (SSA)
Windsor Secondary School
offers Secondary School
Apprenticeship (SSA) in
conjunction with the
Industry Training Authority
(ITA). We have two programs
through our district presently
running, carpentry and the
culinary program.
Please see the following link
if you want more
If you do, we would also
welcome a call or email from
you. We always welcome
new job placement
opportunities!!! Contact
Mrs. Reid at
or 604-903-3700.
Page 7 of 15
Windsor News
Windsor “Reading Buddies” mentor future Dukes
The Windsor /Seymour
Heights Reading Buddies
literacy initiative is in its fifth
successful year! Each
January, a grade 2/3 class
from Seymour Heights joins
up with Ms. Peacock's LC
class to read together over
six sessions. The primary
students from Seymour
Heights, or as we like to call
them "Future Dukes", LOVE
to read with their 'big
buddies'. The older reading
mentors play an important
role in supporting early
literacy ~ they also earn
volunteer credits for their
help in building the love of
reading! Their involvement
and leadership is
appreciated by both their
primary buddies and the
staff involved. We are very
proud of them as they show
how critical it is to model
and support reading. The
older students also help
students to predict, discuss,
question and reflect upon
what they are reading to
further increase literacy
Next fall, the first cohort of
readers from five years ago
will arrive at Windsor for
grade eight. We are excited
to make connections with
our Windsor Family of
School readers and to
welcome them to high
931 Broadview Drive
North Vancouver, BC
V7H 2E9
(604) 903-3700
(604) 903-3701
(604) 903-3700
We’re on the Web!
See us at:
Go to Events on the home page and
click on the heading to access our
most up-to-date event listings!
School Fees
Just a reminder as the year is coming to a
close that many projects or extra activities
that students have done in classes were
budgeted on the payment of school fees.
For grads, fees must be paid in order for you
to receive your four ceremony tickets, cap and
gown. For anyone getting a yearbook it is a
much quicker process if your fees are paid in
Awards Night
Windsor’s annual awards night is scheduled for Tuesday June
9th at 7 p.m. in the large gymnasium. Admission is free!
Students receiving awards will be contacted by telephone in
advance of this evening. We will not reveal the nature of the
award you may be receiving until the actual presentations. That
would just take away from the excitement of the moment!
Awards Night is a major event at Windsor and we encourage
award winners to invite family and friends to attend and witness
firsthand the level of involvement and excellence that is our
Windsor Community! Congratulations in advance to all of our
award winners. You are just a phone call away from an amazing
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Windsor News
Year-end exams are just around the corner!
With just a few weeks of classroom instruction remaining, students are starting to think about year end
exams. There are two types of year end exams…Provincial Exams and In-School exams. Provincial exams
affect students in grades 10, 11 and 12. Here is our Provincial Exam Schedule.
All textbooks are due in on Friday, June 19th. However, texts required for exam study may be kept with
permission of your teacher until the exam. Once the exam is written (or before if the teacher requests it) the
text must be returned to the teacher so don’t forget to bring it with you.
EXAM SCHEDULE Friday , JUNE 19, 2015 (6,7,5,8)
9:00am 9:00am -
Sciences 10 (Provincial)
Science 10 (Provincial)
501 & 503
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
English 12 (Provincial)
Large Gym
9:00am -
Com 12 (Provincial)
EXAM SCHEDULE Tuesday June 23, 2015
9:00am 9:00am - noon
Apprenticeship/Workplace Math 10 (Prov)
Foundations of Math & Pre Cal (Provincial)
Large Gym
1:00pm – 4:00 pm
Francais Langue 12 (Provincial)
501 & 503
EXAM SCHEDULE Wednesday JUNE 24, 2015
9:00am -
English 10
1:00pm - 4:00pm
1:00pm – 4:00pm
Social Studies 11 (Provincial)
Sciences Humaines 11 (Provincial)
Large Gym
501 and 503
In-School exams are at the discretion of the teacher and his/her department. Not all teachers offer year-end
exams. Your child should confirm with each of their teachers as to whether or not there will be a year-end
exam in their subject area. Teachers, of course, will let students know if such exams will be provided, the date
and period of that exam. It is, however, always good that students verify such expectations.
Page 9 of 15
Windsor News
Term 2 Honour Roll
Grade 8
Honour Roll Distinction
Honour Roll
Honourable Mention
89.5% - 100%
85.5% - 89.4%
79.5% - 85.4%
Bent, Claire
Branch, Olivia
Capobianco, Oliver
Chee, Maddie
Chu, Jason
Clarke, Nadia
Coan, Zen
Copland, Lauren
Couldwell-Warrington, Olivia
Dickin, Katherina
Ferreira, Abbey
Gardner-Everton, Emily
Green, Emma
Haslam, Spencer
Jobst-Smith, Nina
Jones, Robbie
Lehto, Tanner
Leone, Sofia
Lin, Albert
Manness, Hunter
Maquignaz, Brooke
Martino, Emma
Mendes, Flora
Mitchell, Cameron
Munro, Emily
Overgaard, Nathan
Palomo, Michaela
Sandor, Rory
Sardary, Yasmin
Spieker, Ethan
Townsend, Mitchell
van de Wetering, Logan
Barclay, Carlyn
Barker-Mulleder, Braydon
Bridgman, Cleo
Brown, Cleo
Bueschkens, Johanna
Burd, Jake
Cinnamond, Maya
Clayford-Beckie, Katie
Duggan, Zachary
Dunne, Kiera
Fisher, Kelsey
Gallagher, Aidan
Goh, Linnea
Hastings, Andrew
Kokuryo, Treyton
Layton, John
Martel, Nicole
Merletti, Andy
Middlemass, Alexandra
Mohammad Zadeh, Ana
Patterson, Brigid
Petersen, Elizabeth
Pollard, Matthew
Pratt, Carson
Pringle, Julia
Tan, Jarel
Tse, Talya
Vaux, Nicky
Vogt, Ella
Voth, Aaron
White, Keelan
Adler, Emilie
Ajikan, Niema
Akelaitis, Michael
Amini, Donya
Arredondo, Andrea
Barbera, Ashley
Beed, JJ
Berukoff, Faith
Campbell, Alexandre
Clarke, Kaitlyn
Culhaoglu, Burak
Dobie, Hayden
Feng, Cindy
Feyer, Michael
Fillipone, Justin
French, Sarah
Gelacio, John
Gerber, Lindsay
Goergen, Matthew
Hassani, Parham
Henderson, John
Hillier, Taylor
Hombach, Ocian
Kampert, Megan
Kim, Seo Yeon
Knifton, Gordon
Laursoo, Jessica
Lloyd, Dylan
MacMillan, Alexander
Makarevski, Sasha
Matthews, Sophia
Mayall, Lucas
McLewin, Kaylie
Mina, Ashley
Mitchell, Jenna
Monterrosa, Schyler
Ormandy, Meghan
Ouchi, Malcolm
Paul, Liam
Premji, Aleena
Robinson, Alicia
Sauer, Alec
Shipley, Eric
Sihota, Pavel
Sinaeien, Arman
Sinclair, Jeremy
Slichter, Samuel
Strandt, Lauren
Terretta, Owen
Treasure, Sydney
Van Dijk, Emma
Vlahos, Sara
Zaimovic, Mirza
Zarrabi, Macy
Page 10 of 15
Windsor News
Term 2 Honour Roll
Grade 9
Honour Roll Distinction
Honour Roll
Honourable Mention
89.5% - 100%
85.5% - 89.4%
79.5% - 85.4%
Baker, Ryan
Ajikan, Tania
Armstrong, Shelby
Chen, Lucas
Badua, Princess Romelyn
Bartolozzi, Ethan
Dent, Jayne
Batten, Nicholas
Bradshaw-White, Billy
Diaz Lopez, Andres
Cascayan, Darren
Carter, Stephanie
Hodgins, Emily
Cohen, Julie
Dowding, Devon
Hugdahl, Randi
Da Costa, Kian
Elliott, Kristie
James, Zoe
Dakin, Nicholas
Gorgounis, Jordan
Kaine, Rebecca
Deane, William
Hack, Dayne
McFarlane, Larissa
Diallo, Abdoul
Jonn, Miranda
McGuire, Caolinn
Dyer, Hollie
Jurca, Tasha
McRae, Ashlea
Farrell, Michael
Kim, Elijah
Mort, Alex
Gallilee, Braiden
Lozano, Diego
Pataky, Nick
Gavin, Hayley
McQuarrie, Thomas
Pendreigh, Kate
Hanna, Jacob
Meyers, Jack
Pirouz, Daniel
Herrera, Micaela
Munro, Tyler
Schulz, Armin
Kask, Ashley
Murphy, Owen
Sutcliffe, Joe
Kay, Carter
Phillips, Zoe
Kim, Rachel
Rose, Sierra
Kwan, Olivia
Rowe, Lilly
Magee, Caleb
Rowlands, Benjamin
Navratil, Ernie
Sander, Sasha
Norris, Chloe
Stabler, Mason
Perera, Sabrina
Stamper, Aly
Petersen, Aislin
Steele-Falconer, Olivia
Pratt, Connor
Tom, Megan
Tourgostar, Pauneez
Watson, Nicole
Wallace, Jazzie
Webber, Brittney
Whitbread, Thomas
Wilson, Teah
Wong, Kirsten
Woznow, Callum
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Windsor News
Term 2 Honour Roll
Grade 10
Honour Roll Distinction
Honour Roll
Honourable Mention
89.5% - 100%
85.5% - 89.4%
79.5% - 85.4%
Albu, Nika
Barker, Nina
Barbera, Melissa
Allen-Mangold, Marika
Boudreau, Danielle
Berkmann, Morgan
Anderson, Emma
Brown, Gavin
Bradshaw-White, Katie
Beed, Abigail
Campbell, Baeylea
Dill, Sydney
Black, Siobhan
Cannon, Andrew
Dupasquier, Olivia
Campbell, Ashley
De Haas, Christophe
Dura, Jakub
Copland, Iain
Desrosiers, Halle
Furstenwald, Maya
Cunningham, Sally
Forssander, John
Graf Von Der Schulenburg, Leopold
Diaz-Lopez, Ximena
Goodison, Maya
Green, Samantha
Dunne, Brennan
Kain, Kristin
Grehan, Taylor
Elholm, Mitchell
Kay, Tyler
Gross, Anne
Escarcha, Jonah
Kobayashi, Alec
Janzen, Mikaela
Feyer, Lauren
Lee, Cecilia
Kanegae, Ariel
Gandossi, Braelyn
MacDonald, Stephen
Kjernisted, Bryn
Graham, Nicole
MacMillan, Christopher
Lewis, Sarah
Hollyer, Khia
Muirhead, Claire
Lonne, Kristen
Kavanagh, Patricia
Park, Jason
Manness, Cassidy
Kocsis, Lukas
Shipway, Jack
McLeod, Sidney
Legault, Madison
Sooksavath, Justin
Murphy, Julia
Martsynovskyy, Vadym
Teja, Felisha
Przybylski, Katelyn
McKay, Paul
Wada, Erika
Samson, Vien Mikhaela
Middlemass, Lauren
Wing, Kiana
Shivji, Yaseen
Park, Yuna-Yunbin
Stewart-Bosch, Iris
Patterson, Shane
Suarez, Malcolm
Rae, Andrew
Van den Dool, Nicholas
Read, Taylor
Walker, Kate
Reisner, June
Xu, Daniel-Hengyue
Spieker, Jacob
Steffen, Piper
Tucker, Matthew
Vaux, Isobelle
Wong, Markus
Yamamoto, Jennifer
Zavislak, Brylie
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Windsor News
Term 2 Honour Roll
Grade 11
Honour Roll Distinction
Honour Roll
Honourable Mention
89.5% - 100%
Biro, Stefan
85.5% - 89.4%
Bartok, Kyle
79.5% - 85.4%
Blank, Sarah
Steenken, Johan
Carley, Cameron
Culhaoglu, Sinem
Brown, Matthew
Suri, Siddharth
Clayford-Beckie, Hailey
Dai, Lin-Yinglin
Cai, Helen-Xiaomeng
Tuck, Emma
Clayford-Beckie, Sarah
Dunne, Claire
Tucker, Benjamin
De Haas, Julia
Gavin, Laurel
Carvalho Junqueira,
Chiu, Victoria
Gallilee, Carys
Gelacio, Ralph Ervin
Gencay, Rana
Strandt, Patrick
Vandespyker, Ryan
Webber, Erica
Heathcote, Bentley
Da Cunha Motta Carvalho,
DeFaveri, Zoe
Jasper, Austyn
Hendricks, Nathan
Dominguez, Christian
Zhang, Evian - Yiyun
Juwono, Stephen
Jang, Megan
Dyer, Emily
Zhou, Royce-Yanheng
Kovacik, Nicole
Kellmann, Lauren
Edmonds, Jacob
Liu, Peter
Macdonald, Anna
Edmonds, John
MacDonald, Liam
Mason, Lewis
Fazio, Samantha
Maquignaz, Benjamin
Maxwell, Jordann
Gonzales, Lemuel Elmar
Murphy, Rhiannon
McKenzie, Charlotte
Hirst, Emily
Nisic, Marko
Merletti, Ally
Holmes, Rose
O’Keefe, Taryn
Neal, Robby
Jamison, Sarah
Rahmatian, Parisa
Otero, Sarah
Jurca, Doran
Reisner, Ivy
Pankratz, Nathan
Kampert, Alicia
Tom, Colby
Stock, Liam
Kay, James
Village, Jason
Suri, Siddharth
Laursoo, Ashley
Vogt, Tiana
Tucker, Benjamin
Llanas Huerta, Eric
Walter, Zoey
Ma, Joy-Jiayi
Williamson, Aya
Maisey, Jacqueline
Yang, Will-Jinghan
Mauriello, Angela
Zhang, Evian - Yiyun
McDade, John
Pringle, Emma
to all Windsor’s
Ravening, Hannah
Reed, Austin
Rivers, Hayden
Robinson, Christine
Sovdat, Nickolas
Wong, Melissa
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Windsor News
Term 2 Honour
Grade 12
Honour Roll Distinction
Vann, Joshua
Honourable Mention
89.5% - 100%
Wada, Arito
79.5% - 85.4%
Armstrong, Jack
Wilson, Chris
Bhangoo, Puneet
Stamper, Emily
Bishop, Shaelin
Wilson, Kristina
Brown, Joanna
Townsend, Jake
Bolton, Christopher
Wright, Preston
Burns, Greg
Wallace, Sean
Bowman, Samantha
Wright, Taylor
Cupit, Vanessa
Watanabe, Mao
Bueschkens, Emily
Wu, Julia
Desmet, Isabelle
Clausius, Sophie
Conquergood, Nicole
Elkington, Bailey
Ellis, Bradley
Curran, Zachary
Honour Roll
Gait, Tyrell
Curtis, Emma
85.5% - 89.4%
Gregori, Lukas
Darmaraj, Vikas
Aroeste, Livana
Heesterman, Wyatt
Elliott, Jeremy
Bent, Cole
Heikkila, Isabel
Georgescu, Mihaela
Cox, Danielle
Hsueh, Nicole
Grehan, Colleen
Cross, Roy
Johnson, Joshua
Hollyer, Kayley
Duke, Spencer
Kanno, Jeffrey
Hui, Kenny
Eberwein, Kelsey
Labron, Jason
Jones, Rowen
Findlay, Julia
Lorenz, Jackson
Kavanagh, Fiona
Gandossi, Jacob
Lozano, Maria
Kim, Yenah
Holowaty, John
Margo, Andre
Lonergan, Gillian
Jorgenson, Abby
Meyers, Brandon
Lund-Phillips, Astra
Kiudorf, Erik
Mort, Eveonne
MacDonald, Rakel
Knight, Taylor
Nonen, Erika
Marbella, Alexa
Knox, Paul
Paproski, Chris
Marbella, Archie
Kretlow, Sierra
Pataky, Amanda
Martin, Connor
Legault, Brooklyn
Paterson, Dylan
Martz, Gabriel
Mabritto, Francesca
Pendreigh, Sarah
McRae, Aerin
Manshreck, Katherine
Person, Britta
O'Shaughnessy, Teagan
McFarlane, Annika
Pitcher, Jack
Pankratz, Owen
Mundie, Alex
Rae, Nicholas
Pickrell, Liam
Mundie, Jordie
Romero, Cristina
Puri, Lucas
Myers, Brooklin
Routledge, Sam
Richard, Paul
Pasquino, Francesco
Russel, Carly
Sands, Julia
Premji, Shaziya
Schmidt Sarah
Smart, Emily
Schmidt, Larissa
Shi, Zheying
Studer, Jordan
Slight, Cole
Smith, Brooklyn
Uy, Ashley
Wardas, Jacob
Sorko, Teagan
The Long-Tongued Gossip ~ SARA PIROUZ
The Mirror-Eyed Gazer ~ GILLIAN
The Medicated Gloom ~ JULIA SANDS
The Regular Thump ~ JACK PITCHER
The Constant Twitting ~ ASTRA LUNDPHILLIPS
The Great Guzzler ~ AISLIN PETERSEN
The Mistress ~ ZOIE PHILLIPS
Assistant Director ~ BENJAMIN TUCKER
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Windsor News