Cover Letter & Resume Guide


Cover Letter & Resume Guide
Cover Letter
& Resume
Welcome ..............................................................................................................2
The Team at Career Services .............................................................................3
Programs and Events .........................................................................................4
Letters .............................................................................................................. 5-8
Elements of a Successful Cover Letter ..................................................6
Sample Cover Letters ...............................................................................7
Sample Follow-up Letters ........................................................................8
Resumes ........................................................................................................ 9-15
Best Resume Advice ................................................................................9
Chronological and Skill Resume Outlines............................................10
Sample Skills Headings & Success Statements ............................ 11-12
Samples A & B ........................................................................................13
Samples C & D ........................................................................................14
References ..............................................................................................15
Coaches’ Favorite Sites ....................................................................................16
Customized Career Action Plan .......................................................................17
Notes Page.........................................................................................................18
Visit Career Services on… – Career Services, Utah State University
Social media has changed the face of hiring. Today:
 92% of employers plan to use social recruiting in their hiring process; and
 73% have hired a job seeker through social recruiting.
Jobvite 2012 Social Recruiting Survey of 1,000 Leading Employers
The following are five strategies to expand your reach in the global job market:
1. Create an effective LinkedIn account and build your network by following organizations/employees of
interest to you;
2. Read/write blogs to demonstrate your knowledge of and passion for your field;
3. Use Twitter to target and follow key individuals to discover what organizations value in new hires;
4. Visit* to create video profiles to match your unique set of skills to employers’ needs;
5. Google your name frequently to see what employers see and guard your personal photos and
information on Facebook.
I encourage you to use social media to improve your networks and reach in the job market. Employers
consistently highlight “fit” as the primary reason for selecting one graduate over another. Visit your Career
Coach for help in using social media to highlight your unique set of skills and personality, thus building your
personal brand.
*CareerBIO is a social networking tool being piloted by a USU alumnus, Fall 2012
Donna Crow, Executive Director
Career Services & Student Success
The Team at Career Services
Front row (left to right): Matt Smith, Melissa Scheaffer, Danene Dustin, Donna Crow; middle row: Maleah Christensen; Kim Latu, Maren
Stromberg, Paula Johnson; back row: Eric Jensen, Barbara Sidwell, Derek Jack (not pictured: Brenda Bohm)
Career Services’ Staff by Specialty
For appointments, please call 435.797.7777
Career Coaching
Donna Crow
Science and Alumni/Returning Students
Testing Services
Eric Jensen
Matt Smith
Melissa Scheaffer
Derek Jack
Education/Human Services and College of the Arts
Maren Stromberg
Business and Agriculture
Barbara Sidwell
HASS and Natural Resources
Student Employment
Paula Johnson
Brenda Bohm
Your Career Coach is:
Employer Relations
Danene Dustin
Job Development
Maleah Christensen
Fair Coordination
Kim Iverson
On-Campus Interviews
For a list of campus Internship Coordinators,
Programs & Events
Visit Your Career Coach Early and Often
Choose a Major/Career
Learn about the career options that fit your
skills, interests, values, and personality.
Access FOCUS for online career exploration
and have your results interpreted by a Career
Coach. Consider enrolling in PSY 1220, Career
and Life Planning, to further explore your
interests as they relate to major and career
On-Campus Recruiting
Interviewing – interview at Career Services
with a variety of employers for internships and
career employment.
Information Session – attend employer
presentations to learn about employment
opportunities and tips for application success.
Social Media Networking
Student Employment
Student Employment has joined Career
Services to offer “one-stop” shopping for all
your employment needs. Your first student
position starts you on your career path. Explore
both on- and off-campus employment
opportunities, including work study.
Alumni Mentor Contacts – network with
2,300 alumni in Career AGGIE
LinkedIn and Facebook – showcase your
skills as they relate to employers’ needs as
you build your network of contacts
CareerBIO – matches job seekers and
employers using video profiles linked
through social media networks with YOU in
control of the message.
Investigate obtaining career-related experience
as an intern. Earn pay, academic credit, and
experience employers are looking for. Over
60% of students receive full-time job offers after
graduation from their internship employers.
One-on-One Career Coaching
Meet in small groups or one-on-one with your
Career Coach to:
 discuss internship and career search
 build a network of alumni and employers;
 manage your social media presence;
 create customized resumes and cover
 prepare for interviews, including mock
 negotiate job/salary offers
 review graduate school applications
Career Search Technologies
Career AGGIE – apply for job openings, oncampus interviews, and network with employers
and alumni.
Going Global – contains resources for finding
international employment in the U.S. and
Fairs and Expos
Connect with organizations for internships,
career opportunities, and graduate/professional
Grad School Fair
Tech Expo
NEW!! Fall Career Fair
Summer Job Fair
Spring Career Fair
Teacher Fair
September 24, 2012
October 9, 2012
October 10, 2012
February 12, 2013
February 27, 2013
March 21, 2013
See website for detailed information.
Grad School Prep/Testing
If graduate school is in your plans, your Career
Coach can help in preparing your grad school
application and personal essays. Exams available
in the Testing area include: CLEP, ACT, TOEFL,
GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MCAT, MAT, Praxis, and FE.
Call (435) 797-1004 to schedule an exam.
Additional information, including professional
licensure and certification exams, can be found on
Career Services’ website under Testing.
Drop-in Resume Edits
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday from 1:30-3:30
Expanded hours on Wednesday from 11:30-3:30
No appointment necessary-Other times available by appointment
As you begin to build a network of contacts to help in your internship or career search, you will need to write a
variety of letters effectively whether sent email, hard copy, or handwritten. Below are skills employers look for;
be sure to incorporate these into your employment documents.
Types of Letters
Tips for Letters
Inquiry Letter – begins the networking process
and asks for an informational interview. Discuss
the organization’s needs and your ability to
contribute to those needs; be the solution.
Cover Letter or Application Letter – relates your
skills to the needs of the organization and asks for
an interview.
Thank You Letter – sent as a follow-up to any
networking opportunity or interview.
Follow-up Letter – an opportunity to inquire about
your previous communications or encounters with a
potential employer.
Accept/Decline Letter – your immediate
acceptance or declination of an employment offer.
Remember to Follow-up
Whether you are following up after an interview or
developing a relationship with a potential employer,
keep the lines of communication open. If you say
you are going to follow-up within a specified time
frame, be sure to do so (see Follow-up, page 8).
Use clear and concise writing.
Address the letter to a specific person if
possible; otherwise, use a subject line
instead of a salutation.
Keep it brief.
Match yourself to the opportunity.
Illustrate your interests and passions.
Create a system to track follow-up
Proofread carefully for grammar, spelling,
and format.
Are Your Attachments
Getting Read?
Save and send your cover letter and
resume as one document—this ensures
your cover letter and resume are read as
one effective marketing tool.
Example: bradykjonesdocuments.pdf
Skills/Qualities Employers Want
(Based on a 5-point scale; 5 = extremely important)
Verbally communicate with persons inside/outside the organization
Work in a team situation
Make decisions and solve problems
Plan, organize, and prioritize work
Obtain and process information
Analyze quantitative data
Technical knowledge related to the job
Proficiency with computer software programs
Create and/or edit written reports
Sell or influence others
Source: Job Outlook 2013, National Association of Colleges & Employers
Elements of a Successful Cover Letter
Elements of a Successful
Cover Letter
Uses consistent format
Clear, concise writing
Correct grammar and
Identify the position you are
applying for
If possible, name any
referral or contact
Create interest or solve a
Link your education and
work experience to the job
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Identify your strongest
qualifications as they relate
to the job
Elaborate on applicable
work, education, or service
Include results-oriented
success statements – use
data or numbers (see
Sample Skills Headings &
Success Statements,
page 11)
Can be paragraph or bullet
point format
Thank the employer
Request an interview
Discuss how and when you
will follow-up
1257 Michigan Avenue
Logan, UT 84321
(Omit return address and date if emailing)
(435) 483-5837
March 14, 20xx
Continental Industries, Inc.
2900 Rosemont Blvd.
Rosemont, IL 60018
(Omit inside address if emailing)
The web developer position posted on Career AGGIE at
Utah State University matches my ability to create and
implement dynamic web content using a variety of
software and design tools. In December 20xx I will
complete my BS degree in management information
systems with a minor in computer science.
My course work and related experience has refined my
skills in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, ezPlug, and HTML.
My experience as a departmental computer consultant
gave me exposure to both PC and Macintosh OSX
platforms, while troubleshooting repairs on over 40 work
stations. Additionally, my summer internship in computing
operations for a major city newspaper enhanced my
knowledge of enterprise systems, content management,
and e-commerce operations.
I will contact you next week to schedule an interview to
discuss my qualifications as they relate to this position.
Should you need to reach me before then, please feel free
to contact me at the phone number or email listed above.
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to
talking with you.
(Omit handwritten signature if emailing)
Maria Lopez
Working towards a BS degree in civil engineering with emphasis
in wastewater management;
Experience building wastewater treatment systems in Chile
working with Engineers Without Borders;
Ability to communicate project status in English and Spanish to
clients, suppliers, and community members;
Produced designs using CAD;
Expanded leadership skills while serving as the ASCE vice
president and student representative on the College of
Engineering Dean’s Council.
David Lawson
Working with local communities as a member of PTC is the way I want to
begin my career. I would appreciate an interview and will contact you next
week to schedule an appointment.
Having recently studied the design-build process used at PTC and
hearing your presentation in Dr. Chen’s research course, I became
interested in joining PTC in order to effectively solve wastewater
management challenges with your international clients. The following is
an outline of the skills that will allow me to be effective on your design
Engineering Division
2930 East Randolph Road
Chicago, IL 84039
1569 Andover Avenue
Logan, UT 84322
(435) 787-xxxx
February 1, 20xx
Cover Letter (Sample A)
If you are unable to address your cover letter to a specific person, use a
subject line in place of the salutation.
Rita Johnson
I am prepared for the opportunity to work with vendors and manage
events for Alcoa. I will be in San Diego on April 15-18 and would like to
discuss how my combination of organizational skills and enthusiasm
could significantly improve relationships with your vendors and guests. I
will contact you on March 12 to schedule an appointment. I look forward
to speaking with you soon.
Last year, while planning an alumni event that attracted 400 people, I
helped launch a new membership recruitment program for Utah State’s
Alumni Center. This strategy resulted in a 36% increase in revenue over
the previous year’s event. My work ethic is supported by outstanding
organizational and networking skills.
After reading about your company’s successful publicity campaign in the
March 3 edition of the Examiner, I became very interested in a marketing
assistant position with your firm. I was given your name by Dr. Vernon
Cluff, a former professor of yours, who suggested I meet with you to
discuss my ability to support your marketing department. As a recent
MBA, I can offer you strong member recruitment and event planning
Dear Ms. Preston:
Ms. Heather Preston
Marketing Manager
12345 West Bernardo Drive
San Diego, CA 92717
March 6, 20xx
196 N. 1220 S. Logan, UT 84321 (435) 787-xxxx
Cover Letter/Letter of Intent (Sample B)
Sample Cover Letters
Sample Follow-up Letters
Sample Resume/Cover Letter Follow-up
4399 Grant Avenue
Logan, UT 84321
(435) 777-7777
January 27, 20xx
Mr. Bryan Robinson
Baylee Financial
5687 Commander Circle
Denver, CO 98483
Sample Interview Follow-Up (Email Version)
Omit return address and date when emailing
Omit inside address when emailing
Dear Mr. Robinson
Dear Dr. Bryan:
On April 6, 20xx, I applied for the financial analyst
position that was posted on Career AGGIE at Utah State
University. I wanted to confirm that you received my
resume and to reiterate my interest in this position. As a
reminder, I will graduate this May with my BS degree in
finance from the Huntsman School of Business at Utah
State University. To this position I can contribute the
Thank you for interviewing me yesterday for the
associate engineer position. I enjoyed meeting you and
learning more about your research and design work. My
enthusiasm for the position and my interest in working for
Atlantic Engineering Systems designing hydraulic
systems were strengthened as a result of the interview.
 Internship experience with Bosch in Germany as a
financial analyst supporting merger and acquisition
 Excellent understanding of quantitative modeling and
market share analysis;
 Leadership experience as president of the Finance
Club; and
 Initiated the development of a streamlined database to
manage high net-worth clients.
I have attached an additional copy of my resume for your
review and am excited to discuss my ability to contribute
to the dynamic work environment at Baylee Financial.
Please contact me at the telephone or email listed above
to schedule an interview.
My education and internship experiences fit nicely with
the job requirements, and I can be immediately effective
given my CAD and design skills. I neglected to mention in
the interview my membership in the Society for Women
Engineers at Utah State University. As a member of this
student organization, I have gained valuable leadership
skills and participated in a variety of community service
I want to reiterate my strong interest in the position and in
working with your staff. You provide the kind of
opportunity I seek, and I would be happy to meet with you
again. Please feel free to call me at (435) 480-1245 or email me at if I can
provide any additional information. Again, thank you for
the interview and your consideration.
Omit handwritten signature when emailing
Jane Hancock
James Gordon
Best Resume Advice
Before you write your resume, ask yourself,
“Is my work experience related to the job
I’m applying for?”
If “yes,” consider using a chronological resume.
If “no,” consider using a skills resume.
Best Resume Advice
Resumes often get less than one minute of an
employer’s time—make that time count for you.
 Be clear, concise, and accurate; make sure
your resume is easily readable.
 Proofread carefully—often when emailing,
people tend to be careless with typos,
spelling, errors, and grammar. See your
Career Coach for assistance in editing.
 Keep your resume to one page (two if you
have advanced degrees or lengthy work
 When mailing or emailing a resume, always
include a well-written cover letter.
 If mailing, use good quality paper; white, offwhite, or buff-colored paper is preferable.
Items to Avoid
 Personal data (height, weight, age, marital
status, religion, or health)
 Titles (“Resume” or “Curriculum Vitae”)
 Reasons for leaving a job
 References—create on a separate sheet
 Salary—discuss in a cover letter if
 Long paragraphs—use success statements
 Hobbies—unless they relate to professional
interests or show traits an employer wants
The resume that “works” for you
is the one that gets you an
interview! Visit your Career
Coach for professional resume
writing assistance.
“I met with my Career Coach at Career Services
to critique my resume and cover letter. She
reviewed the job description for the position I was
applying for and really helped me highlight my
strengths that best fit the job. Her expert advice
made my resume stand out and got me the
interview. I really appreciate the expertise I
received from Career Services.”
Jael Thompson
BS, Sociology
Chronological and Skills Resume Outlines
Chronological Resume
Skills Resume
A chronological resume is often used when you
easily meet the skill, experience, and/or education
requirements for a specific position. This format is
good for demonstrating growth in a single
profession. The work experience section is the
distinguishing characteristic of this resume, as it
ties your job responsibilities and achievements to
specific employers, job titles, and dates.
A skills resume focuses on the professional skills
you have developed rather than the place or time
the skills were acquired. Job titles and employers
play a minor role. The focus is on the skill you
developed and the results you delivered rather than
the dates of a particular job. You may also use a
Hybrid Resume, which is a combination of the two
Header—include name, address, city, state, zip,
telephone number(s), and email address.
Header—include name, address, city, state, zip,
telephone number(s), and email address.
Objective/Headline—some employers look for an
objective, others do not. A targeted objective or
headline can tell the employer what kind of position
you are seeking and helps you match your skills to
the employer’s needs.
Objective/Headline—some employers look for an
objective, others do not. A targeted objective or
headline can tell the employer what kind of position
you are seeking and helps you match your skills to
the employer’s needs.
Education—include for the degree you are
currently obtaining AND for previous degrees
received: degree (BS, MS, PhD, etc.); graduation
date; major(s), minor(s), & emphasis; GPA
(optional); academic institution (city & state or city &
country); academic honors/scholarships (unless
included elsewhere); and certifications/licenses.
Eliminate high school once in your junior year of
Education—include for the degree you are
currently obtaining AND for previous degrees
received: degree (BS, MS, PhD, etc.); graduation
date; major(s), minor(s), & emphasis; GPA
(optional); academic institution (city & state or city &
country); academic honors/scholarships (unless
included elsewhere); and certifications/licenses.
Eliminate high school once in your junior year of
Projects/Research—briefly describe relevant
projects/research using the language of your field,
tools or technologies used, and results obtained.
Relevant Skills & Experience—use subheadings
that outline your skills as they relate to the job you
are seeking. Under each subheading, write
statements that reflect that skill (see Sample Skills
Headings, page 11). Remember each statement
can draw from: academics, projects, employment,
internships, undergraduate research, volunteer
service, leadership, extra-curricular activities, etc.
Work Experience—begins with your most recent
experience and work backwards. For EACH
position include: job title, company name, location
(city & state or city & country), dates of employment
by month and year, and responsibilities with a focus
on quantifying achievements and results.
Computer/Technical Skills—include computer,
field, lab, and other technical skills.
Leadership/Volunteer Service—reflect
contributions made through offices held, projects
completed, services delivered, awards, etc.
Optional Headings—market additional appropriate
skills to an employer. Ideas: Language Skills,
Military Service, Presentations, Honors, etc.
Work/Leadership History—include job titles,
company name, location (city & state or city &
country), and dates of employment by month and
year. DO NOT add any responsibilities or
accomplishments, as these are outlined above in
the Relevant Skills & Experience section.
Sample Skills Headings & Success Statements
Building Effective Success Statements/Bullet Points
An effective success statement used in cover letters, resumes, and online applications should:
 Start with an action VERB and briefly describe a skill, responsibility, or task
 Identify any tools or processes (computer programs, team efforts, equipment) used to accomplish the above
 Use numbers to show results and scope/scale of your success
 Be represented as a bullet point (not written as a complete sentence—no periods)
Planning & Organizational
 Meet deadlines and manage time effectively as a Division I student athlete in tennis
 Assess needs for staffing and create weekly work schedules for 12 employees
 Worked effectively with other students to achieve a 50% increase in recycling in campus housing
 Successfully manage multiple demands at work and school while maintaining a 3.5 GPA
 Led and collaborated with executive council of Social Work Club to develop programs for 37 members
 Oversaw annual inventory for 100,000 square foot production facility
 Organize and present ideas effectively using Prezi for presentations to large and small groups
 Effectively participate in group discussions and brainstorm ideas while serving as Service Vice
President of the Finance Club
 Write and speak French fluently
 Wrote articles and columns for a bi-monthly arts and entertainment publication
Computer and Technical
 Used iMovie to create a 90-second social marketing campaign on childhood vaccines
 Procured, installed, and maintained hardware and software for 60 users
 Applied knowledge of thermodynamics and reactor design to complete simulation from preliminary
 Developed 2D rocket trajectory simulator using MATLAB
Management and Human Resources
 Trained and supervised six customer service associates in a retail setting
 Developed nationwide relocation policy and procedures manual for new employees
Customer Service and Sales
 Contacted vendors to rent booths and sent promotional materials to potential buyers
 Sold home security systems door-to-door earning over $25,000 in three months
 Developed laboratory microcomputer systems for instrument automation and custom test equipment
 Conducted more than 500 manual and computerized assays of steroids and fibrogens in a hospital lab
Social and Human Services
 Worked in a variety of human service programs including supervising adolescents in group homes
 Administered psychological and educational testing for students from kindergarten to fifth grade
Graphic Design
Marketing Audits
Campaign Management
Internet Research
Willing to Relocate *
Translator, Valley Hispanic Center, Logan, UT May 20xx to March 20xx
Translated documents into English for native Spanish speakers
Developed relationships with inter-community agencies
Volunteer, Boys & Girls Club of America, Logan, UT, 20xx to 20xx
Planned activities and assisted with homework for 24 elementary
Volunteer, Pasadena, CA, January 20xx to December 20xx
Developed strong work ethic by working 12 hours a day to meet
specific goals
Supervised up to 10 volunteers
Fluent in reading/writing in Spanish; refined public speaking skills
Member, Spanish Club, USU, Logan, UT, 20xx to Present
Traveled to Mexico City to perform service at a local orphanage
Survey Research
Retail Sales
Data Analysis
Report Writing
Account Manager, Good Luck Rent-a-Car, Chicago, IL, Summer 20xx
Frequently served as store supervisor in the manager’s absence
Developed 26 new corporate accounts
Trained 12 employees in rental procedures and liability issues
Developed database in Access to track frequency of customer usage
Retail Associate Intern, The Buckle, Logan, UT, May 20xx to Present
Demonstrate effective sales skills; received monthly sales award
Provide excellent customer service by phone and in person
Resolve customer complaints including tracking lost items
Selected to lead inventory team
B.S. Degree, Marketing
May 20xx
3.45 GPA
Utah State University, Logan, UT
Spent fall semester 20xx studying in Barcelona; wrote report
comparing customer service practices in the US and Spain
OBJECTIVE A position in the management training program at Target
444 Lion Lane Chicago, IL (839) 738-4938
Chronological Resume—Sample A
(801) 435-3988
May 20xx
3.4 GPA
Solid Works
Microsoft Office
Engineering Ambassador, Utah State University
Activities Committee Chairperson, AIAA
Recipient, Science Academic Achievement Award, Utah State University
Volunteer Math Tutor, Utah State University
Solid Edge
Participated on team of four to design flight mechanics of aircraft that
took first place in NASA national student competition
Served as team leader for group project analyzing incompressible flow
over finite wings
Completed a conceptual design and technical report of a theoretical
imaging satellite
Engineering Intern
May 20xx-June 20xx
Logan, UT
Space Dynamics Lab
Completed thermal/structural modeling and finite element analysis
Conducted research on various launch requirements; coordinated the
drawing package on a satellite
Assisted with the Incident Energy Magnitude and Direction Sensor
Tool Design Intern
Summer 20xx
ATK Thiokol Propulsion
Promontory, UT
Researched and selected flight camera optimized for resolution and
Performed extensive modeling and finite element analysis
Developed a 2D rocket trajectory simulator using MATLAB
B.S. Degree, Mechanical Engineering
Utah State University, Logan, UT
Passed FE Exam, November 20xx
May 20xx
3.7 GPA
Magna, UT 84938
M.S. Degree, Aerospace Engineering
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
94 Willow Drive
Chronological Resume—Sample B
Sample Resumes A&B
Spring 20xx
3.5 GPA
Feature Writer, USU Statesman, Logan, UT, June 20xx to May 20xx
Volunteer News Editor, USU Biology Department, Logan, UT, 20xx to 20xx
President, USU Biology Student Club, Logan, UT, October 20xx to May 20xx
Server, Café Sabor, Logan, UT, June 20xx to January 20xx
French-Speaking Volunteer, Paris, France, 20xx to 20xx
Performed statistical analysis using SPSS, including cross-tabs and
regression analysis
Constructed, administered, and interpreted questionnaires for
Designed an Access database for community literacy program to track
participant and volunteer hours
Used ezPlug to re-design and maintain webpage for the USU French
Student Club (
Proficient in: ezPlug, InDesign, HTML, SPSS, and Microsoft Office
Communication and Interpersonal
Created and taught 10 weekly classes on “Internet Research” to adult
groups of up to 40 people
Worked well under pressure and demonstrated strong customer
relations skills while working as a server
Spoke to large and small groups while a volunteer in France
French tutor for USU students and local high school students
Writing and Editing
Revised the text and design for a 125-page student handbook
distributed to 2,500 freshmen
Contributed article monthly as feature writer for 16,000 circulation
campus newspaper
Organized a staff of 10 proofreaders and copy editors
Designed layout and oversaw final production of monthly student
housing newsletter
Newspaper Layout
B.A., Communications, Print Journalism; French Minor
Utah State University (USU), Logan, UT
Logan, UT 84341
Design Software
Technical Illustrations Client Liaison
PO Box 444
(435) 755-3948
Skills Resume—Sample C
Providence, UT 84332
(435) 234-3948
Willing to Relocate Internationally – Work Permit Eligible
Server, October 20xx to May 20xx
Village Inn, Logan, UT
Served large groups efficiently in a fast-paced environment
Learned to multi-task, problem-solve, and pay attention to detail
Telephone Interviewer, August 20xx to Present
Information Alliance, Logan, UT
Conducted telephone surveys to 30 clients daily
Consistently exceeded call volume goals
Vice President of Activities, Student Alumni Association, 20xx to 20xx
Fundraising Committee Chair, Industrial Hygiene Student Club, 20xx to 20xx
Doctors Without Borders, USU Chapter, 20xx to 20xx
Industrial Hygiene Intern, Summers 20xx and 20xx
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, Ventura, CA
Identified, evaluated, and controlled work place hazards for corporate
headquarters and research center
Conducted air sampling projects, non-ionizing radiation surveys, and
completed Qualitative Exposure Assessments for laboratory and clean
room procedures and tools
Performed internal safety audits
Assisted in teaching ergonomic classes, performed PPE hazard
assessments, and participated in regular safety department meetings
and activities
Wrote professional reports for OSHA compliance and documented all
activities in Excel
Used fluent Mandarin skills to communicate with international clients
and vendors
BA, Public Health, Industrial Hygiene Emphasis
May 20xx
Minor: Chemistry
Utah State University, Logan, UT
Maintained 3.0 GPA while working part-time and participating in campus
leadership positions
49 South 100 West
Hybrid Resume—Sample D
Sample Resumes C&D
Important Tips for a Reference Sheet
 Always ask your references if they are
prepared to give you a good
recommendation. Provide your references
with a resume and job description or type of
job you are applying for so they can speak
about your qualifications effectively.
 Provide three to five references.
 Use at least one (more is better)
employment-related reference. Good
sources include previous supervisors, coworkers, faculty, advisors, or
community/service leaders.
Keep personal references to a minimum.
Use the same color and quality of paper for
the reference sheet as you do for your
Only submit your references when
requested. Otherwise, take your reference
sheet with you to the interview.
Thank your references and anyone else
instrumental in your job search when you
accept a job offer.
As your career builds, keep your reference
list up-to-date.
Sample Reference Sheet
222 Anytown Avenue
(555) 555-5555
Anywhere, USA 88888
Mr. George Hildall
Manager of Production
ACME Company
1234 Address Avenue
City, UT 87888
Former Supervisor
Ms. Gale Strong
Training Supervisor
XYZ Company
9444 Southwest Street
City, UT 87888
Former Supervisor
Dr. Carla Porter
Finance Professor
Business Administration Department
Utah State University
Logan, UT 84322-9999
Current Professor
Mr. Cal Vale
Vice President
Big Firm
987 Avenue Way
City, UT 88888
Community Leader
Are Your Attachments Getting Read?
Save and send your cover letter and resume as one document – this
ensures your cover letter and resume are read as one effective
marketing tool.
Coaches’ Favorite Sites
Career AGGIE is your online resource for
searching job/internship postings,
researching employers, networking with
alumni, and signing up for campus
LOGIN at: Click
Career AGGIE
Click the Students/Alumni login
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Style Guide Used in the Production of This Publication:
How 11: A Handbook for Office Professionals Clark, James L, and Lyn R. Clark, 2009
Publication Date: August 2012