R O M A N I A Scoala cu cls. I-VIII Nr. 7 Barlad,”Cpt. Grigore Ignat
R O M A N I A Scoala cu cls. I-VIII Nr. 7 Barlad,”Cpt. Grigore Ignat
MOZAIC ECOLOGIC ECOLOGICAL MOSAIC R O M A N I A Scoala cu cls. I-VIII Nr. 7 Barlad,”Cpt. Grigore Ignat”’ Grade one-eight number seven School Barlad Barlad – Vaslui – Romania PROIECT MULTILATERAL “VALORIZATION OF NATURAL SITES” COLECTIVUL DE REDACTIE: ELEVII:MIHALACHE FLORIS POPA VLAD RIPAN VLADIMIR COMSA ALEXANDRU –CLS A VIII-A PROF.BUSCA FELICIA PROF.STOIAN IRINA PROF BUSCA CONSTANTIN COMPETITIE LA NIVELUL SCOLII IN VEDEREA ALEGERII UNUI LOGO: The competition at the school level in order to select a logo. REALIZAREA EXPOZITIEI DE DESENE ―’PASITI CU NOI SPRE PORTILE VIITORULUI‖’ SCOALA NOASTRA A PARTICIPAT CU LOGOUL CASTIGATOR , IN LUNA NOIEMBRIE ,LA INTALNIREA DE PROIECT DIN SPANIA, SPANIA . The performing of an exhibition of drawings '' Let’s Cross Together To The Future’s Gates! “ Our school participated with the winning logo in November at a meeting project in Spain. IN URMA CONCURSULUI INTERNATIONAL CARE A AVUT LOC IN CADRUL PROIECTULUI NOSTRU ,ECHIPA DE ELEVI CASTIGATOARE A FOST DE LA SCOALA GIMNAZIALA ,JONISKIS– LITUANIA. ACTIVITATI DIN ARIA PROTEJATA - ROMANIA: . Activities ADOPTAREA UNEI ARII PROTEJATE: Elevii de la Scoala nr. 7 ,Barlad, si-au protejata ,curtea scolii terestru o ,cu noastre,fiind biocenoza ales ca arie un ecosistem bogata in plante ca:brad,castan,dud,arin,,stejar.artar.maces.plante dar si animale ieboase :insecte,ciocanitoare,pitulice,vrabiute.In cadrul proiectului ―’Valorificarea siturilor naturale‖’,elevii scolii noastre ,in aria lor protejata si nu numai, au fost implicati in activitati scop ecologice ,recreative, avand drept formarea unei atitudini pozitive, constiente fata de mediu , aceasta cunostintelor garanteaza reprezinta prevazute continuarea terminarea scolii. insusirea de temeinica a scolare si programele acestor activitati si dupa from the Protected Area: ADOPTINON OF A PROTECTED AREA:The students from NR.7 School from Birlad, have chosen as a protected area, their school yard, because this one is considered a terrestrial ecosystem having a rich biocoenosis consisted of plants such as the pine, the chestnut, the mulberry, the alder, but also the animals and the insects, the woodpeckers, the wrens ,the sparrows . With this project "The Valorization of Natural Sites", the students from our school, in their protected area and not only this one, have been involved in ecological, recreational, aiming to form a positive attitude, a self-consciously attitude regarding the environment, it is acquiring thorough knowledge of curriculum and guarantees provid- ECOLOGICAL DICTIONARY adaptation -- Change in a organism resulting from natural selection; a structure which is the result of such selection. diversity -- Term used to describe numbers of taxa, or variation in morphology. evolution -- Darwin's definition: descent with modification. The term has been variously used and abused since Darwin to include everything from the origin of 1. man to the origin of life. evolutionary tree -- A diagram which depicts the hypothetical phylogeny of the taxa under consideration. The points at which lineages split represent ancestor taxa to the descendant taxa appearing at the terminal points of the cladogram. extinction -- When all the members of a clade or taxon die, the group is said to be extinct. gradualism -- A model of evolution that assumes slow, steady rates of change. Charles Darwin's original concept of evolution by natural selection assumed gradualism. Contrast with punctuated equilibrium. hierarchy -- A series in which each element is categorized into successive ranks or grades with each level subordinate to the one above. abyssal plain -- The ocean floor offshore from the continental margin, usually very flat with a slight slope. asphalt -- A dark bituminous substance found in natural beds. Residue from petroleum distillation. basement rock -- n. The oldest rocks in a given area; a complex of metamorphic and igneous rocks that underlies the sedimentary deposits. Usually Precambrian or Paleozoic in age. basin -- n. Any large depression in which sediments are deposited. carbonate -- n. A mineral composed mainly of calcium (Ca) and carbonate (CO3) ions, may also include magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe) and others. n. Rock or sediments derived from debris of organic materials composed mainly of calcium and carbonate (e.g., shells, corals, etc.) or from the inorganic precipitation of calcium (and other ions) and carbonate from solution (seawater). For example, limestone or dolomite. carbonate platform - n. A broad (hundreds of meters), flat, shallow submarine expanse of carbonate rock, more common in the early-middle Paleozoic. carbonate bank – n. A narrow (tens of meters), fairly flat, shallow, submarine plateau of carbonate rock, more common from the middle-late Paleozoic to the present, e.g., the Bahama Banks. conglomerate -- A coarse-grained sedimentary rock, with clasts larger than 2 mm. deposition -- Any accumulation of material, by mechanical settling from water or air, chemical precipitation, evaporation from solution, etc. erosion -- n. The processes by which materials of the Earth's crust are worn away, loosened, or dissolved while being transported from their place of origin. fault -- n. (v.) into or alongside a fault; fault zone- n. an area with multiple faults. A fracture, or large crack, in the Earth's crust where one side moves up/down/ sideways relative to the other; fault block- n. pieces of crust that have slipped floodplain -- n. The flat area on either side of an active river channel that can be covered in water when the river is in flood. When the channel is breached, sediment-laden waters spread across the floodplain. When the waters recede, a layer of sediment is left behind. When the floodplain is not covered with water, it commonly supports vegetation and soil formation. fold -- Bent rock strata. fossil -- Any evidence of past life, including remains, traces, imprints as well as life history artifacts. Examples of artifacts include fossilized bird's nests, bee hives, etc. fossil record -- All of the fossils that have existed throughout life’s history, whether they have been found or not. fossiliferous -- adj. Rich in fossils. geologic maps -- Maps that show the types and ages of rock of an area. These maps are used by paleontologists to find areas that are likely to contain fossils they are interested in. loess -- n. A widespread, loose deposit consisting mainly of silt; most loess deposits formed during the Pleistocene as an accumulation of wind-blown dust carried from deserts, alluvial plains, or glacial deposits. lowland -- n. (adj.) Large area of relatively low relief, usually applied to coastal regions that do not rise high above sea level. upland, highland – ant. metamorphic rock -- Any rock derived from other rocks by chemical, mineralogical and structural changes resulting from pressure, temperature or shearing stress. metamorphism -- n. The process of altering the chemical or mineralogical composition of a rock through different amounts of heat and pressure below the surface of the Earth; metamorphose- v; metamorphic - adj. DICTIONARY-DICTIONAR-GREETING English Espańa Greetings Saludos Tervitused Hello! Hi! ˇ Hola! Tere! / Tsau! Good ˇBuenos días! Tere morning! Good EESTI Greetings hommikust! ˇBuenos días! Tere päevast! Italia Lietuva Salutations Saluti Linkëjimai Salutǎri Salut, bonjour Salve! Ciao! Sveiki! Bunǎ! Bonjour (du Buongiorno! Labas rytas! Buna dim Romania ineaţa! matin) Bonjour (de Buon l’aprčs-midi) pomeriggio! Tere őhtust! Bonsoir Buonasera! Labas vakaras! Head ööd! Bonne nuit Buona notte! Labanakt! Afternoon! Good evening! ˇ Buenas France Laba diena! Buna ziua ! tardes! Good night! ˇBuenas Bunǎ! noches! How are you? ż QUÉ TAL Kuidas käsi Comment vas- Come Come ESTAS? käib? / Kuidas tu / allez- läheb? vous? I’m fine, thank Bien, gracias! Hästi, tänan you Noapte küsimast. Bien, merci Kaip sekasi? faceţi ? stai/state? Sto bene, grazie Ce mai AČIŰ, VISKAS PUIKU. Bine, mulţumesc Vizita noastra de documentare-Our visit documentaries Masivul Ceahlău este unul din munții cu cea mai mare importanță turistică din Carpații Orientali. Este situat pe teritoriul județului Neamț, la mică distanță de orașul Bicaz și de lacul Izvorul Muntelui. La circa 900 de m altitudine se află stațiunea turistică Durău. The Ceahlau Massif is one of the highest mountains of the Eastern Carpathians having a very touristic importance. It is located in the county Neamt, a short distance from the town and the Lake of the Mountain Bicaz. At about 900 m altitude there is the tourist Ceahlăul are două vârfuri cu înălțimi foarte apropiate: resort Durau. Ceahlau has two peaks with the same approximate Ocolașul Mare (197 m) și Toaca (1904 m). heights : Ocolasul Mare (197 m) and Toaca (1904 m). The Fauna and The Flora: In the Ceahlau mountains Fauna si Flora:In muntii Ceahlau exista numeroase there are many species of plants ,about 1250 inferior specii de plante circa 1250 plante inferioare si plants and 1540 and vascular plants, including species protected by the law such as the edelweiss, the 1540 plante vasculare,printre care specii ocrotite blood’s brave, the gentian, the mountains’ wild carnade lege cum ar fi:floarea de colt,sangele voinicului,gentiana,garofita de munte.Regasim arbori si tions . Some trees and shrubs, the fir trees ,the spruce, the larch, junipers . Besides the rich floarbusti ;brazi,molizi,zada,ienuperi,jnepeni.Pe langa ra ,the fauna is diversified: there are the lynx, the flora bogata avem si fauna diversificagrouse, the Carpathian stag, the black chamois ta :rasul,cocosul de munte,cerbul carpatin,capra (legally protected), the amphibians, reptiles, inneagra(protejate de lege),amfibieni,reptile,insecte. sects. Rezervația paleontologică CozlaPietricica-Cernegura ed the continuity of these activities after the continuity of the school . Munții Cozla (679 m), Pietricica (530 m) și Cernegura (852 m) străjuiesc orașul Piatra Neamț la nord, est și, respectiv, sud, reprezentând ultima treaptă a Carpaților la zona de contact cu Subcarpații. Formarea lor este legată de existența pe aceste locuri cu 60 milioane de ani în urmă a unei mari. În rocile din care sunt alcătuiți (marne, gresii, șisturi disodilice) s-au descoperit numeroase fosile de pești și scoici, care pot fi văzute la Muzeul de Științe Naturale din Piatra Neamț. The Paleontological Reservation Cozla-PietricicaCernegura The Cozla Mountains (679 m), Pietricica (530 m) and Cernegura (852 m) guard the city of Piatra Neamt in the North, East, respectively, The South, representing the last step of the Carpathians in contact with the Sub Carpathians -area. Their formation is bounded by the dependent on these places by 60 million years ago a large. The rocks that make up (marl, sandstone, shale disodilice) have found numerous fossils of fish and shellfish, which can be seen at the Museum of Natural Sciences in Piatra Neamt. CUM SE FACE UN IERBAR? HERBARIUM METHOD OF WORK PASUL 1:se scot plantele din pamant cu ajutorul unui Deplantator(lopatica).,se inlatura pamantul si se aseaza planta intr-o botaniera. PASUL2:plantele aduse acasa se aseaza in foi de ziar sau sugativa, se intind perfect dupa care se pun la presat cu ajutorul unor chingi sau in lipsa putem folosi greutati. PASUL 3:Hartia se schimba zilnic. PASUL 4:Dupa presare ,plantele se fixeaza pe coli de ierbar iar in dreapta jos ,pe o eticheta ,se noteaza denumirea popular a plantei ,denumirea stiintifica si locul si data colectarii. STEP 1: Remove the plants from the ground with a shovel. Remove soil and put the plant into a botaniera. Step2: The plants which were brought home are placed inside the sheets of the newspaper or the blotting paper, extend them perfectly then pressed using the straps or we can use weights. STEP 3: Daily the paper must be changed . STEP 4: After the pressing, the plants are fixed in the herbarium sheets and down side in the right, on a label is mentioned the popular name of the plant, the scientific name and place and date of collecting. INTERVIUL INTERVIEW REPORTER:CATE REZERVATII EXISTA PE TERITORIUL JUDETULUI NOSTRU? The Reporter: HOW DO THE RESERVATIONS EXIST IN YOUR AREAS ? EXPERT:PE RAZA JUDETULUI NOSTRU EXISTA NOUA SITURI NATURALE ,PRINTRE CARE 7 SUNT REZERVATII NATURALE (DE EX. FANATUL DE LA GLODENI,MOVILA LUI BURCEL,HARBOANCA,BALTENI,BADEANA,SEACAMOVILENI,RUPTURILE TANACU) SI 2 SUNT REZERVATII FOSILIERE(EX HULUBAT, PUNCTUL FOSILIFER DE LA MALUSTENI)) The Expert: On the territory of our areas there are nine sites,seven are natural reservations (for example: Fanatul from Glodeni ;the Burcel’s hill , Harboanca, Bălteni, Badeana, Seaca -Movileni, the Tearing of Tanacu) and there are two 2 Fosilier Reservations (EX Hulubat, fossil POINT OF Măluşteni). REPORTER: AVEM IN ROMANIA O LEGISLATIE CARE PROTEJEAZA MEDIUL INCONJURATOR? EXPERT: PRINCIPALA LEGE PRIN CARE ROMANIA PROTEJEAZA REZERVATIILE, PARCURILE NATIONALE ,SPECIILE DE PLANTE SI ANIMALE PE CALE DE DISPARITIE ESTE CEA DIN ANUL 1997 ,NR 127,dar mai sunt si legi care protejeaza specii de plante si animale pe cale de disparitie. REPORTER: CUM S-A FORMAT RELIEFUL DIN ZONA NOASTRA? EXPERT:SUPRAFATA JUDETULUI VASLUI SE SUPRAPUNE PE UNITATEA GEOMORFOLOGICA A PODISULUI MOLDOVENESC ,PRINCIPALA FORMA DE RELIEF FIIND CUESTELE (O FORMA DE RELIEF POZITIV),FORMA VERSANTILOR FIIND ORIENTATI SPRE N-S, PASTRAND UNUL DIN FACTORII GENETICI CE A DUS LA FORMAREA ACESTOR DEALURI SI ANUME RETRAGEREA APELOR MARII SALMASTRICE ,LA FINAL DE PRIOGEN ,ACUM DOUA MILIOANE DE ANI IN URMA. REPORTERI :-MIHALACHE FLORIS -POPA VLAD RIPAN VLADIMIR EXPERT: MUZEOGRAFUL URSACHI LAURENTIU Reporter: Do we have in Romania a legislation that protects the environment? EXPERT: The main law in Romania which protects the Reservations, the National Parks, the species of plants and the animals endangered is the one in 1997, No 127. Reporter: How is formed the relief in our area? EXPERT: The surface of Vaslui county overlap on the Geomorphology Moldavian’s Plateau. The main form of the relief (a form of positive relief), being oriented to the North –South , preserving one of the factors which led to the formation of these hills, in particular the withdrawal of the Salmastrice Sea at the end of Priogen,more then two millions of years ago. Reporter- FLORIS MIHALACHE - VLAD POPA - VLADIMIR RIPAN Expert: Curator LAURENTIUURSACHI IN COLLABORATION WITH THE MUSEUM "'Vasile Parvan" BARLAD. Rezervatia forestiera si botanica Seaca-Movileni-Bogatiile noastre naturale Este un rest din padurile xeroterme ale silvostepei ce se oara în Colinele Tudovei şi care s-a menţinut în zona Seaca -Movileni com. Coroieşti apreciate iniţial la o suprafaţă de 500 ha. În general, aceste păduri sunt într-un stadiu avansat de degradare, slab pro- ductive si continuu înlocuite cu salcam. Astazi acest fragment in suprafata de 44,1 ha este situata pe un teren valurat, cu o altitudine in jur de 200 metri pozitionat la N-NE de comuna Coroieşti Climatul este specific stepei, iar solul este tip cernoziom cambic cu grade diferite de eroziune de suprafată. Din speciile mai importante citam: clopotei (Campanula macrostacha), flocosele (Lychnis coronaria), ghiocei (Galanthus graecus), gusa porumbelului (Silene otites), tataneasa de padure (Symphytum ottomanum) etc. The Forest and Botanical Reservation Seaca-Movileni. –Beauties of Nature It is a remainder o f xeroterme steppe forests that once stretched in Tudovei hills and remained in the SeacaMovileni-com. Coroieşti initially rated an area of 500 ha. Generally, these forests are in an advanced stage of degradation, poor productive and continuously replaced by Acacia. Today this piece having a surface of 44.1 hectares is located on a waved land, having an altitude of about 200 feet located at NNE of the Coroieşti village. The climate is specific for the steppe and its type of the soil is having degrees of the surface erosion. From the most important species are mentioned: the bells (Campanula macrostacha) flocosele (Lychnis coronaria), snowdrops (Galanthus graecus), the mow of the dove (Silene otites) the forest tataneasa (Symphytum ottomanum) etc.. Besides the rich and varied flora, and vegetation in fitocenotic interesting relation, it presents a distinct phytogeographic significance of the existence of the gahnite , species situated at the northern limit of the area. PROTEJATI LALEAUA PESTRITA! SPECIE PE CALE DE DISPARITIE Fritillaria meleagris (Laleaua pestriţă), identificată în rezervaţia naturală de la Bălteni , dar apărută în pădurea “Neştian” de la Perieni (pădure care nu e rezervaţie) Frumoasa plantă pe care o admirăm cu toţii a a apărut şi pe meleagurile vasluiene , zona Bârladului , în pădurea "Neştian” din comuna Perieni. E apărută de foarte mult timp în această pădure. Se cunosc nenumărate legende despre această fermecătoare floare: se spune că " această floare minunată purta în trecut denumirea de Floare de şah, denumire care i-a fost dată de Daria, nepoata unui vistiernic de la curtea Şahului Persiei. Legenda spune că Daria avea grijă de grădina palatului în care existau cele mai alese soiuri de lalele. Într-o noaptea a avut un vis în care o tânără care purta o rochie alb liliachiu a venit în grădină la ea şi ea cerut flori pentru mama ei care era bolnavă. Daria i-a oferit un buchet de flori dar în schimb i-a cerut să îi aducă o lalea pestriţă pe care o dorea de mult timp. După un timp a apărut în grădina palatului o lalea pestriţă care a fost îngrijită şi dăruită demnitarilor care veneau din ţările vecine. În acelaşi timp unchiul ei care era un pasionat matematician a inventat jocul de şah pentru ai alunga plictiseala care îl cuprindea adesea pe Marele Şah. Când unchiul ei s-a înfăţişat cu jocul de şah, Daria a adus floarea pe care a numit-o Floare de şah”. O altă poveste spune că "lalelele au devenit pestriţe de la amarul lacrimilor deoarece se crede că localnicii din Frătăuţii Noi care erau uniţii, au plâns soarta bucovinească, au căutat alinare în şoaptele codrului, pe potecile naturii, în locurile unde au crescut aceste flori. Elevii:Donciu Ilona-cls a VIII-a Ciortan Iuliana-cls a VIII-a Laleaua pestriţă PRODUSE OBTINUTE PE BAZA DE PLANTE EXPOZITIE DE PRODUSE ECO - MATERIALE SI USTENSILE :HARTIE ALBA SAU COLI COLORATE,FOARFECE,PLANTE SALBATICE PRESATE SAU USCATE ,SEMINTE DE PLANTE ,PAHARE DE PLASTIC,BIDOANE DE PLASTIC. ELEVII CASELOR A VII-A SI A VIII –A ,AU REALIZAT O EXPOZITIE DE PRODUSE ECO EI,CU PRILEJUL MARTISORULUI ,IN ,CONFECTIONATE DE SARBATORIRII CADRUL ZILEI PROIECTULUI COMENIUS .SCOPUL PROIECTULUI A FOST DE A STIMULA POTENTIALUL ARTISTIC ELEVILOR ,IMAGINATIA , PRIN PRODUSE ECO:MARTISOARE,VAZE SI CREATIV REALIZAREA AL DE ECO ,FELICITARI CE VOR IMBOGATI MUZEUL DE PRODUSE ECO AL SCOLII. NOASTRE. Fabrication of plants based products by students ECO PRODUCTS EXHIBITION Materials and tools: The white paper or colored papers, scissors, pressed or dried wild plants, plant seeds, plastic cups, cans, plastic. The students from the 7th and 8th grade, have realized themselves an exhibition with Eco products , celebrating the special day of “Martzishor” from the Comenius project. The project’s purpose was to stimulate the students’ artistic and creative potential and their imagination by realizing these Eco products: Eco vases, Eco postcards ;these will enrich our school’s museum . Galerie foto-the European Day of Natural Park SAVE THE PROTEJATI NATURA ! SESIUNI DE The sessions of information INFORMARE! CE SUNT ARIILE NATURALE PROTEJATE? ARIILE NATURALE POTEJATE SUNT ZONE TERSTRE ,ACVATICE SAU SUBTERANE IN CARE EXISTA SPECII DE PLANTE SI ANIMALE SALBATICE ,ELEMENTE SI FORMATIUNI BIOGEOGRAFICE,PEISAGISTICE ,PALEONTOLO GICA,SPEOLOGICA SAU DE ALTA NATURA ,CU VALOARE ECOLOGICA ,STIINTIFICA SAU CULTURALA DEOSEBITA ,SI CARE AU UN REGIM SPECIAL DE PROTECTIE SI CONSERVARE STABILIT IN BAZA UNOR LEGI. WHAT ARE THE NATURAL PROTECTED AREAS? The Natural Areas are those terrestrial or water areas where species of plants and wild animals, elements and formations Biogeography, landscape, Paleontology , having an ecological scientific value , have a special protection and preservation established under the laws. CE TREBUIE SA NU FACETI IN ARIILE NATURALE PROTEJATE: SA NU RUPETI,RECOLTATI SAU UCIDETI ANIMALE SI PLANTE SA NU DISTRUGETI OUALE SI CUIBURILE DE ANIMALE SA NU DISTRUGETI LOCURILE DE ODIHNA SI DE REPRODUCERE A VIETATILOR SA NU DISTRUGETI SEMNELE DE MARCAJ ,PANOURILE INFORMATIVE SAU ALTE LOCURI AMENAJATE. NU DEPOZITATI DESEURI DECAT IN LOCURI SPECIAL AMENAJATE. NU AVETI VOIE SA FACETI FOCUL SAU SA INTRATI CU MASINA NU EXPLOATATI ROCILE ,FOSILILE, VEGETATIA DIN REZERVATII. NATURE! WHAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO IN THE PROTECTED NATURAL AREAS: Do not shred, do not harvest or kill the animals and the plants! Do not destroy the nests, the eggs and the animals ! Do not destroy the relaxing places and the reproducing creatures’ places! Do not destroy the signs, the information boards and other arranged places! Store the waste things only in the arranged areas! Do not park the cars and do not use the fire! Do not exploit the rocks, the fossils and the vegetation inside the reservations! The poster competition ! SAVE THE NATURE! Elev— Stratulat Razvan-cls a III-a Elev-Chimu Florin-cls aIV-a Elev-Ardeleanu Irina-cls a IV_a Radu George-cls— VI-a Ta bus Sorin –cls aVII-a Elev Codreanu Razvan-cls a VI-a PRODUSE OBTINUTE PE BAZA DE PLANTE LEGENDA MARTISORULUI IN ROMANIA LEGENDA ne spune o frumoasa poveste,ca ,in trecut ,Soarele si-a luat chip uman pentru a participa la dansurile satenilor.Vazand frumusetea si bunatatea Soarelui,Dragonul cel rau l-a rapit si a blocat soarele intr-un templu.Un tanar ,un satean ,a decis sa plece din sat in cautarea Dragonului cu scopul de a elibera Soarele ,pe parcursul a anotimpuri:vara,toamna,iarna ,tanarul cautarea castelului.In chipes sfarsit,pe iarna ,barbatul chipes gaseste castelul trei este timp in de balaurului,se lupta cu el ,si,in cele di urma ajunge la soare.A fost eliberat, a ajuns la cer ,si de atunci el incalzeste,din nou si din oamenilor.Tanarul nou a pamantul,redand fost grav ranit bucurie de dragon,si moment oamenii sangele lui curgea pe zapada alba. Legenda spune ca din acel tineri,satenii au inceput sa tese ciucuri:un fir alb,care simbolizeaza puritatea ghiocelului-prima vesteste primavara si un floare care The legend of “the Martzishor”’ fir rosu,ceea ce inseamna The sange sau dragostea pentru frumos. Eleva:Mihalache Floris –cls.a VII-a legend tells a nice story ,that in the past the Sun took a human face to participate to the villagers of the dances.Seeing the beaty and kindness Sun the bad Dragon kidnapped and locked the sun in a temple.A young man ,a villager ,decided to leave the village in looking for the Dragon in order to release theSun;he was looking for the young sons:summer,autumn and man three sea- winter.At the end of the winter time ,the handsome man finds the dragon castle,is fighting with him,beat the dragon and leased finally ,it releases reached heats ,again the the sky sun.Being and re- since then and again the Earth ,restoring peo- ple's joy.The young man was seriously wounded by the dragon,and his blood was dripping on the white snow.The legend says that since that moment young people,the villagers have started to weave tassels: a white thread,which symbolizes the purity of the snowdrop -the first flower that heralds spring and a red thread ,which means the blood or love for the beautiful handsome. COLTUL COMENIUS EXEMPLE DE BUNA PURTARE –FII MAI BUN ,FII ECO! Consumatorul din zilele noastre este tot mai atent si mai responsabil cu mediul inconjurator .Sau ar trebui sa fie!Te-ai intrebat vrodata ce s-a intampla cu gunoaiele pe care le arunci la intamplare ? ,dar acestea din urma determina poluarea aerului,apei,solului prin emisii de CO2 in atmosfera ori prin patrunderea substantelor chimice in pamant si in panza freatica.Toate astea afecteaza ,la randul lor sanatatea oamenilor ,plantelor,animalelor. Pentru formarea unei atitudini responsabile cu privire la ocrotirea mediului inconjurator ,elevii scolii nr 7,Barlad ,participa cu mult entuziasm la activitatile care sprijine natura si care contribuie la pastrarea frumosului.Motto-ul nostru este:”Respecta-te pe tine si pe cei din jurul tau ,dar si mediul in care traiesti!” EXAMPLES OF A GOOD BEHAVIOR, BE BETTER, BE ECO! Nowadays consumer is more careful and more responsible with the environment. Or should be! Did you ask yourself what had happened with the garbage you throw it away? This one causes the air’s pollution, water’s pollution, the soil’s pollution because of CO2’s emissions in the atmosphere or by the penetration of chemicals into the groundwater .All these affect, in turn, the human health, plants, animals. To form a responsible attitude regarding the environmental protection ,the students from No. 7, School, Birlad, enthusiastically have participate at some activities that help preserving the nature and its good looking. . Motto is: "Respect yourself and those around you, including your own environment !" ECOLOGIZARE IN ARIA NOASTRA PROTEJATA! URMAND DEVIZA COMENIUS “’OMUL ,CA SA DEVINA OM ,TREBUIE FORMAT”’ELEVII DE LA SCOALA NR 7 ,BARLAD IN PARTENERIAT CU OCOLUL SILVIC VASLUI AU ORGANIZAT SI DESFASURAT ACTIVITATI PRACTICE :DE PLANTARE DE PUIETI IN CURTEA SCOLII LOR. AU PRIMIT INFORMATII DESPRE MODUL DE SADIRE DE LA UN SPECIALIST PADURARUL PETRU SOFLAU .OBIECTIVELE ACESTUI PROGRAM TREBUIE TRANSPUS IN ACTIVITATI SPECIFICE ,PENTRU INTELEGEREA LEGATURILOR CAUZALE INTRE EVENIMENTE ,FORMAREA DE PRICEPERI SI DEPRINDERI ACTIVE DAR SI DEZVOLTAREA CONSTIINTEI CIVICE . Invatand de la natura! Learning from the nature! Captarea cetii s-a observant prima data la gandacul Stenocara ,care isi foloseste carapacea pentru a colecta apa din ceata din zori .Ceata de dimineata trece pe spatele gandacului Stenocara ,iar picaturile de apa se lipesc de protuberante .Picaturile curg apoi spre gura carabusului ,ca sa poata bea. In loc sa deterioram ecosistemele de ce sa nu incepem sa le cream? Gradinile vericale ,pereti vii,loturi vertical inseamna sa ne transformam orasele in ferme urbane durabile ,in care sa cultivam pe si in interiorul cladirilor noastre . STIATI CA…. Albinele sunt considerate “’santinelele mediului”,ele sunt amenintate de virusi,acarieni,poluare .”Nu uitati ,cel putin o treime din hrana oamenilor depinde de polenizare,marea parte a acestei polenizari -peste 80 % -se realizeaza de catre albine .Trebuie sa conservam polenizarea naturala,pentru a ne proteja hrana.” Producerea unei tone de hartie necesita o cantitate de apa echivalenta cu apa din sase piscine. Folosirea ,o ora, a unei masini electrice de tuns iarba,polueaza cat o masna care parcurge 563 km . Daca o familie obisnuita ar recicla toate recipientele din sticla folosite timp de un an ,energia economisita ar putea alimenta televizorul lor circa 100 ore. The fog’s capture was firstly observed at the Stenocara beetle, which uses its shell to collect the water from the fog in the morning. The fog in the morning goes on behind the beetle Stenocara and the water drops are sticking to the bumps.The drops flow then to the beetle's mouth, in this way it can drink. Instead of damaging ecosystems why do not we begin to create them? The vertical gardens, the alive walls, the vertical batch ,all these mean to transform the cities in sustainable urban farms, being able to cultivate on and inside our buildings. Did you know .... The bees are considered "the sentinels of the environment," they are threatened by viruses, mites, pollution. "Remember, at least one third of human’s food depends on pollination, most of the pollination-over 80% is done by the bees. We must preserve the natural pollination, to protect our food. Producing one ton of paper requires an amount of water is the equivalent of six pools. Using for an hour an electric lawnmower cars, it pollutes as much as a car which rIf a typical family would recycle all glass containers used for one year, the energy saved could power their TV about 100 hours. A ton of paper recycled means 24 trees uncut, 4000 kwh not consumed, 31 liters of water. uns 563 km. O tona de de hartie reciclata inseamna 24 de de copaci netaiati ,4000kwh neconsumati,31 l de apa. Stop poluarii! Poluarea deterioreaza si reduce rezervele de apa curate .Unele tipuri de poluare ,precum frunzele si noroiul sunt natural si inevitabile ; altele sunt produse chiar de noi .Daca vom avea mai multa grija cu deseurile si vom lucra a la diminuarea poluarii existente ,vom putea recastiga si proteja mediul pentru anii urmatori. -Stop Pollution! Pollution damage and reduce the clean water’s reserves. Some types of pollution, such as leaves and mud are natural and unavoidable, some are even produced by us.. If we take better care of waste and we will work to reduce the existing pollution, we can regain and protect the environment for years to come. -Ca sa ajutam la reducerea poluarii in localitatea noastra ,am organizat in cadrul proiectului ecologic derulat in scoala noastra ,finantat de Uniunea Europena ,o zi ,in care toti elevii si toate cadrele didactice au strans selectiv hartie si plasticul din zonele poluate din jurul scolii. -To help reducing pollution in our city, inside our Eco project funded by the European Union, we have organized in our school a day in which all the students and all the teachers have selectively collected paper and plastic from polluted areas. FII UN Be a local hero! EROU LOCAL! BANNERS Elev Ripan Vladimir -LITERNATURA REPORTER IN ESTONIA “TERVITUSED” sau, mai pe romaneste ,”Salutari!,va spunem di n Tallinn Estonia.Fiind un popor civilizat si un adevarat model de urmat ,aceasta este forma de intampinare a estonienilor fata de oricine ,oriunde. 1.Putina miscare nu strica…. La rezervatia Varbola ,unde am parcurs distant a de 6 km ,pe jos ,am avut prilejul de a vedea o padure mlastinoasa ,cu o bogata biocenoza ,cu specii de plante interesante pentru noi cum ar fi:Tupp-villpea,kanarbik,afine . 2.Muzeul Albu Kordu: ne-am simtit ca in urma cu 100 de ani in Estonia,plin de traditie ,cultura,istorie. 3.Marea Baltica “ne-a stat la picioare”,in vizita noastra de studiu din Estonia,admirand peisajul mirific . REPORTER IN ESTONIA TERVITUSED "or, in Romanian," Regards, We tell you from Tallinn Estonia. Being a civilized people and a true model to follow, it is a welcome form of Estonians towards anyone, anywhere. 1.A little movement does not hurt .... The reserve Varbola where I walked 6 km distance on foot, I had the opportunity to see a marshy forest, with a rich biocoenosis having interesting plant species such as: Tupp-villpea, kanarbik, blueberries. 2.Albu Kordu Museum: laid down our feet ,we felt that after 100 years in Estonia, full of tradition, culture, history. Baltic 3.Marea "We stood toe" in our study visit in Estonia, admiring the wonderful landscape. Elevii:Mihalache Floris,Popa Vlad Acest material a fost realizat cu sprijinul financiar primit in cadrul programului sectorial Comenius al Programului de Invatare pe Tot Parcursul vietii. Continutul publicatiei reprezinta responsabilitatea exclusiva a autorului, A N si Comisia europeana nu sunt responsabile pentru modul in care continutul informatiei va fi folosit. This material has been realized with the financial support from the Comenius Lifelong Learning Programme. The contents of this piblication represents the author’ s exclusive responsabiliy. A N and the European Commision are not responsable for the way the content of this information will be used.