0 Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville,MO The Object and
0 Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville,MO The Object and
0 Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO / J Jr I I Treatment of The Object and Aim of Osteopathy Is to Improve and Advance Our Present Systems of Surgery, Obstetrics and General Diseases to a More Satisfactory Position Than Thev Now Hold . VOL. I. KIRKSVILLE, MISSOURI, JANUARY 1895 NO. 9 f you now and mot my desire . talc(" heed It has been said t( r me should die even ROW your children that. you on improve your present opportunity for gaining thebread of Osteopathic would have much to be proud of ." knowledge fro" , headquarters But I say if I die crow put on am extra I, may be called on to tra shovel of dirt for the things I You dispenseit in Europe Asia andother have failed to accomplish, but if I to it the globe . See die in 18 months from mow cast off' distant points of kind . is of the right the added amount for the mew tits that your supply of no favors to make in this Am Osteopath asks discoveries 1 bolt(, drugs-if you go out to your patient science by that time . taught accompanied by a physician is am informal school This request benefit and al ow himto sug estvarious medicines If for your at mydisgraced as remedies them yon have you make one subject thoroughly it diploma. This will take all your brains subject your God is God or He is mot. Either yourself, if yon jest is . roam . Know is Cod's law and do better do it in <r years yon will Osteopathy whoever cam improve on Gods law iago I duo, than I did in :1 :r, Tear, himself. out of the superior to one skeleton after another God Osteopathy opens your eyes to seeand lee sand heaps of the Indian burial diseases add fields of until I was truly ; it covers grounds and studied them that keeps life in moof, is the law and familiar with the use and structure every Moue in the human system . tion . As am electrician controls the elecFrom this I went on to tile study of Osteopath muscles . ligaments tissues arteries, tric currents, so an controls the life cur ents, andrevives etc. It has been my lifework and' forces . for me to learn, natural yet there are thingsto the school mow incandescent '1'o turn on the blaze of am You are admitted make a hyperdermicinjectioninto the as an accommodation lweause you deseent light, would you did mot know that t his building would 'fail to be ready for occupancy at the would you give a dose wire . belladonna promised time You see one die al- ! Or apply eoc^ :times no ways calls for more to cover it up . would. be 9114!11 it proceedure your payment of idol more DO mot think that ridiculous than pouring appearance of a Luau physically tired On Monday morning January will make nre '.(31r1'ly. $500 .00 Smell , those things into Mali, who is but a 14th the students "-:,f Osteopathy out and exclaimed --well. after d far rather machine . 'rake the course of Vi,met in the lecture room of the A.- T.Still Infirmary out and exclaimed "well after laboring all day Ihave succeeded in getting all day Ihave succeededin getting out 160 papers, I is not the ease . I would have a much needed rest than add (loll), study to :and Dr. Stillad res ed themin the fol owing characteristic understand bones your money, pmt since yon are here muscles ligaments . nerves blood 'ro-(lay- such is the rapidity with . 1 will teach you ill I cam . Yon wild supply, and tic manner which our giaut printing presses everything pertaining to Good morning I'm from Virginia work that with ease 680,000 copies enter upon mew fields of learning lint this human engine . allot if your work and shall introduce myself dry saying are struck off in 1'? hours. But so do mot think for a moment that after be well done ; you wild have it under How are you? I am mot very accustomed are we to the magnitude L or 3 months of class work you will perfect control. yon will lied when weld in. myself but in --we of that little - of the results obtained in this day be shoved into the operating rooms diptheria is raging and its viedrawback wild talk to you for a short that we fail to appreciate the greatness of our acre. That is a procedure ill which I have tins dying at tile rate of 11-1 per I )teem bitten . Before entering ti le day, a was tile case in time As I said . I is from Virginia but :1 came welt at an early day and Nothing looks large to us mow. In Operating rooms yon must make a Where my son is located . that 1)v grade of 90 on a scale of 100 in playing along the limes of sensation, am pratlically a Western man. the past a spoonful of. castor : '1'o admit you there " My father was a minister--in ()o( oilas umed enormous proportions.to-day motion and nutrition--if you do mot grad Anatomy so ner er would, be tocon iveAyour uin. play u s missionary . I've said it does mot for it is seldom seem and ignorantly--you wild win the reto make yon marvelous, to send yon wnrol due your intelligence . prayers ? mile long as long g as the isy .to use only among the stupid . and out in the world to make money . to' mot longest ,e,}±,tI chapter in the Bible)-said But I will not assail the M. 1)'s, a single case . You ,viii also those prayers as 1 walked between some of them have come and placed j Make yon think that Solomon's bend meet that terror to the ordinary physician disease.let me make i would be too small to fill your hat the plow handles that a lapse of themselves among us and when a in that direction might mot man sweats in agony over a lost memory Motion begins in tile human foetus am illustration along that dine, by ' result in a ;,trapping- from tit ;- father . cause (even fears being kicked out ;' at about 4 1/2 months after conception . the in were of of the lunatic asylum) ^it would be Activity Of the Osteopath begins at , comparing progressions kidneys diseasetothe dif erent stages Those the days small thin'-s. father's salary the first year t111 ungenerous to (INN-ell our his defeat . about tile same date . of milk . Place milk in a pan it is was the munificent one of $6.09 After I year in school yon will ar ive at he stagewherewithout proper, simply- milk and represents tile kidneys in aturalworking order : leave Think of it ye Beecher's and Spur - Between yon and me as far as the - Spurgeon's and your with Talmge's lunatic asylum is concerned I would er guidance you are likely to take a the milk at little longer maid it is cos tabernacles awl your salaries as soon go to a sausage mill :( to hammer to a looking glass . At the (rid, diet, it corresponds to diabetes, = rising high in the thousands. enter one. cud of 18 months provided volt have leave it until it, rots, and you have ` Our schools were of amide western Homeopathy has reduced the dose gone out into the world you reach Bright's disease. l nature, and one paper to a family in drugs and in tile same ratio has tile point where yon are anxious to Even here you wild mot experience was a big thing. While I was at Allopathy found it possible to get see Pap defeat, for with your accurate knowledgeof thehuman machinery you school in Tennessee. the editor . of the along with less of those deadly artiIn two years yon just learn that Holstein Journal-a paper in which cles . Every step that drops even 1 steam blows up but do mot yet know will mot only know, but meet all its my father war interested-carne to grain of drugs develops mind that how to control it . requirements ; and so it will I)( " all our house one evening hearing every' sees more deity and less drugs. It is a privilege for yon to begin continued on 5th page thousand A © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO the early- days of Osteopathy . In HONOR TO OSTEOPATHY . the opposite corner is the present residence . In the lower left corner Dr . Still's Magnificent Near Building the large new boarding house and in Dedicated . lower right corner the magnificent In the centre is It was a Splendid Occasion . A Great Crowd . THE GRAND AND IMPOSING NEW BUILDING infirmary ., building Music and Eloquence Galore . Speeches a very large picture of Dr . Still, ERECTED BY DR . A . T, STILL DEDIby Mr . Greenwood, Judge Ellison, seated in a large rocker ; with the CATED TO THE SCIENCE OF Dr, Still, Prof. Laughlin, Mr . most natural and pleasing expression OSTEOPATHY . Millan, Mr . Pickier and oil his face yet :seen in a photo . BeOthers . the margin are A BRILLIANT AND MEMORABLE OCCA- tween and along SION IN THE ANNALS OF THIS photos of the mother of Osteopathy, Frcm Kirksville Journal . SCHOOL bits . Still, and all the children . besidesare photos of Mesdames Bol es With a brilliant program ultofs o nvg and eloquence and in the presence The Building Thronged With Students, Paand Huat and Secretary Patterson of a brilliant audience in " Memorial tients and Friends From Morning and wife . It is a fine piece of work Hall, 1)r . Still's Till Late at Night . and was presented by Mr . Parcell . On new building devoted to the American School of Osthis floor is also situated the gentlemen's waiting ro m and ten operat- teopathy, was dedicated last Thursl l 111 of I CAT E From Kirksville Democrat . The preparation for the dedication of I)1 Stills grand new Infirmary building culminated last night in a most brilliant event, which was largely attended by students, patients and friends of the institution and its now far-famed Founder . THE BUILDING The building, 88 by 44, three stories, borders on the Old Colonial style of architecture and is modern in all its appointments . The foundation is of stone and brick and the walls of fine pressed brick laid in rest mortar . The stone trimmings are all of Callloway county sand stone . A description of the exterior of this building and its picturesque sur oundings have be n ino- rooms . The third floor is divided into a class room 20 by 30, finely carpeted, furnished and equipped with all the appliances of the class room . Across the hall is the private office of Dr . Still, which is finished in terra cotta and the furniture upholstered in moroc oAdorning thewal s of this beautiful room is a large oil painting 36 by 56 inches, of the Doctor's birthplace in Jonesborough Lee county, Va ., the handiwork of Mrs . Furrow, this city . Numerous other pictures and gifts also adorn this room . n the large glass hook case' are many valuable volumes, among them a set of Mr . Jolts Musick's works-the Columbian Historical Novels, 12 volumes, presented by the Author . A splendid marine view in oil, by Mrs . C . E . Still, of Red given heretofore this minutely in paper: ndaswenowhavetodealmore with the interior, we will not attempt Wing Minn ., and a steel engraving to reprint the details of its exterior . presented b,y Mr . and Mrs, .J . W . The first floor is divided into sev- 1 Henderson also ornament the walls . en operating rooms, gentlemen's A bath and toilet adjoins this office . toilet and bath, large store roost Last, but by no means least, is the and hall, besides boiler and fuel- memorial or lecture hall . This room rooms, all of which are finished in is delicately painted in gold and hard wood with granitoid floors . white, is seated with 250 veneered Entering the second floor from the sugar-tree opera chairs and lighted broad veranda, the visitor is im with 85 incandescent lights . On the pressed with the elegance of the in- rostrum is a rosewood piano, and an terior . The large hall running the en- elegant new silk flag, 6 by 10 feet, tire length of the building . i s covered with gold stars, gold fringe and eagle-top edstaf . Itcost $75 and isa with matting and the walls artistical-, ly painted . Near the front, the wall present from the students . Just is adorned with a handsome clock, a back of the lecture stand hangs a present from the Thomas Jewelry rare oil painting, 40 by 60 inches . House, and an electric annunciator representing a landscape, with a thirty numbers, large buck at the water's edge -e., the containing connecting all the rooms in the house. The handiwork of Mrs . J . M. Kennedy, (irst door to the right leads into the this city, and presented by her to Secretary's office, carpeted in Dr . Still . On the side walls hang handsomeBrus els. Totheleftis theladies waitingro m, about 20 by30 the crayon portraits of Dr . Still and all the members of the family . The feet with toilet room adjoining . paneled ceiling quite resembles that The tinting of the walls and - gen- of the senate chamber at Jefferson eral tone of the beautiful Brus- City, except in color . sels carpet in this room is of robin's egg blue . A unique disAnd thus is Osteopathy more thinplay of art was mounted against ly established and more elegantly It was . housed . The School is making rapid the east wall of this room . photographic history of progress and fast coming to the a Osteopathyplanedand executedby H. front as a science . A large number G . Parcell, this city . The photos of wealthy patients from different are encased in a fine frame 30 by 36 cities and states are now taking d m an addle,_ b11 . S 31 . Picks by ,, Pickler a piano solo by Miss Smith of Denver ; speeches by Mr . Dodge of Sedalia . and Mr . Stripe of St . Louis ; the presentation of a stunt! number of handsome gifts to Dr . Still ; the sing ing of an ode t Osteopathy : and the benediction pronounced by Rev . John Gillies Such was the menu, musical . literary and spiritual, of the evening . With the exception of Mrs . F . I) . Parker - who was accompanist at the piano, all those who 1o ,C l contributed to the musical part of the pro,grain were connected with the Osteopathic institution aseitherpatients 01, students. It may°be truly said that the program frombegin ingtoendwas evening. View it in any light you please . creditable to those who took part in the dedication of the Osteopatliv it and worthy of the splendid occasion building was a notable event--notable on account of the multitude of HOME OF OSTEOPATHY . people in attendance ; notable on account of the services themselves and Dr, A . T . Still's Infirmary and the American those who participated in them ; notschool of Osteopathy at Kirksville able on account of the significance of Dedicated Last Thursday. the occasion-the fair promise and the hope which Osteopathy offers to From Mason Times . afflicted humanity. Thursday, the 10th of Janury wasad y forKirksvil eS veral hundredvistors of visitors were attracted Hundreds to the public reception which was given Thursday afternoon, but they from various points, together with the whole population of the were in hardly a number circumstancein comparisonto the multitude thatinundated thehal s, parlors town turned out to attend the dedication of Dr . A . T . Still's InThursday lors and operating roosts and sugared firmary and the American School round the building in the evening of Osteopath_ This new system Standing room was the !test that any- of healing, of surgery without one could reasonably hope to gain the knife and of medical treatand hundreds were unable so much ment without drugs has fre- as to get into the building at all . The dedicatory services took place in memorial hall . Thomas Still, the architect of the building . was master of ceremonies and did the honors of the evening very creditably . On the right of the platform sat Dr . A . T . Still himself, Judge Andrew Ellison, P . F . Greenwood, S . M . Pickler Prof. G . II . Laughlin, Ehler Roszell and Dr . Harry Still and others . At the left were the piano and the ladies and gentlemen' that furnished the music of the occasionOccasion quently been referred to in the Times . It now promises to rival in popularity and prominence, Dr . Keeley's Dwight Institute . The Osteopathic college is situated at the end of a pretty street running west from the Wabash depot . The ground area is 44 by 88 feet . The front elevation is of two stories and the main structure of three . Around the south and east front runs an old colonial porch 11 feet wide . Outside of this is a paved driveway The program comprised an over- of macadam, which makesau unture by the band ; an invocation by usually handsome carriage cart Rev . E . Roszell ; a bar barytone solo, The building contains thirty Molloy's "Postilion," sung by Mr . rooms besides the halls . At the G . 11 . Miller of St . Louis : the ad res ofwelcomeby Mr.P.F. I right upon entering is the secretary's office, finished in quarter Greenwood ; White's " : C), That I sawed red cal:, and decorated with the utmost taste . Opposite this, or, the left of the entrance is a spacious ladies' parlor with a large boudoir back . The carpetings of allthe of ices ; parlorsand lecture rooms is costly and elaborate . There is an elaborate steam heating and hot and cold Judge Andrew Ellison : Verdi's I water service, connections being The "Tempest of the Heart ° sung by made with every room . Thos . A . Still ; an address by Prof . plumbing contract alone was for over $3,000. H. ; Milde's The electric bell G. Laughlin Serenade a vocal quartette. by Mrs. service from every room to all Berryhill, Mrs. Bolles . Mr . Parker the offices is intricate and com- Could Be Loved," sung by Miss Ervine ; -A Kansas Baby," Emma an original poem in praise of Osteopathy, by Mrs . Steadley of Carthage an address on --Osteopathy," by Dr . A . T. Still ; Millard's "Waiting" sung by Mrs . _-Margaret Porter Ber yhil ofSt. Paul ; an ad res by inches . Starting with the upper left treatment and new patients hand corner, is a photo of the dwellcontinually arriving. The class of students and Mr . Miller ; an - address by Mr . plete . The gentlemen's waiting ing occupied by the Still family dur- is now quite large and many will en- H . F . Millan : Cowes's "Mission of room and the linen room coining the struggles and hardships of ter next term . the Rose," sung by Miss Nettie FurContinued on 3d page © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO patients will set all doubts at RECOLLECTIONS OF BALDWIN, KANSAS . of Intelligence will cost you great rest as to the wonderful efficacy labor. Every muscle in your (Continued from 2d page.) The following lecture was deof his treatment. As told by the body aids in the winning of this livered to the class in Anatomy Doctor, it is the simplest and coronet . When you first enter plete the front wing of the building Extending back of these, most logical system of heaping by 1)t' . A . '1, . Still nn \Vednesday upon life the muscles move before is the in the world . He positively dis- morning Jan . 23rd, in Memorial the mind reasons. What are ten operating rooms, five oil claims the least suggestion of hall of the A- '1 T. Still Infirmary at a, first. thought on looking LADIES AND GENTLEMEN each side- III these, specially deThat it new born bake sucking mysticism or mind control The faces that - greet me this is a wonderful m machine which signed operating tables of moroc- theory is that health is the nor- The with the exception of puts itself i n motion for self pre co covering constitute the fur- rnal condition of mankind, and morning nishings . In the second story that impeded circulation and un- those belonging to members of servation, by using the facial, front is a. spacious class room natural articulation will explain the class, are strange ones_ I gustatory- nutritive and other have no time to make use of adjectivesbut wil speak briefly muscles . for the study of anatomy, which of the disorders most is pursued more thoroughly here many prevalentAl the ac epted hygenic tTheno,iItnflaes itungs t- : Twenty-one years ago I deliv- 'and yells, making than at most medical colleges a principles are endorsed . 4hP' use of other .Ieis I i the first lecture on Osteopathy to alarge and `attentive organs, and ir-t rile tell yon - the full six month's study being re- no crankiness about it . A per- I ered quired upon the one branch . feet knowledge of anatomy is the louder it . yelp-, the better stock it Skeletons and manikins of con- fnuntintiou of the science Drugs audience-more attentive, perhaps even this one.My is . If it does not squall at a tensiderable number confront the are done away with and the der age it is sure to be stupid in visitor upon his entrance .Op osite acros the Bal , is 1)r. lance frowned upon . Asked to lecture room on than occasion after years . I would rather my define the word "Osteopathy" was in the basement story of the children would pulp hair until at. Baldwin Still's office than which it would, which he bad coined, Dr- Still Baker University they were bald headed and strike be difficult to imagine one more said, "It is the science of reme- Kansas- It was full of cobwebs, blows to bring blood from their convenient, elegant or tasty. Oil dies . It signifies app that is broken glass, old boots and the noses than to be lifeless, inert, paintings and engravings adorn meant by the word - remedies .' accuumlated dirt of - years . My putty children . the walls, a well-stocked library The innuipulation of the muscles. audience was a man by the name The cl aft of Osteopathy has fills the shelves on one side of the bones, blood vessels replacing of John Wesley Reynolds, a man been launched upon the sea of room, morrocco furniture sug- them in their natural and healthy who wore a slouch hat and was 'tithefind pike the ironclads that gests elegance and ede. sweep the bosom of earth's condition is our system of treat- of uncouth appearance . We shut Taking the stairs from this ment . We use the fingers instead the doors, pulped oil' our hats oceans it has proved its seaapartment we come directly up of the knife.'* "Throw physic to and the tall: begun during which worthiness and commands the ad- I said to my audience of 1 that I respect. of other vessels . It, has tothat chamber of horrors, the the dogs" is Shakespeare's was firmly convinced of the fact been thoroughly tried in every roomvice, but the kind-hearted adherdissecting situated in the attic. There - are the pickling ents of Osteopathy think this is that either the existing system quarter ;in(] not found wanting, vats and gruesome vaults and cruelty not to be practiced even of medicine was a system of false- its engineers compel the respect marble tables ready for use. But on dumb animals- Said Dr .Still : hoods or else God had made a of woodcraft which has done its the apartment de "This system can be thoroughly failure . It' medicine was the best duty and %vas considered good in is explained on scientific principles- remedial agency He could devise times past . Memorial Hall, thelecture room of the for the relief of humanity then I institution . It is decorated believe in keeping and Dungleson tells you that Ostein We ivory and gold, seated with opera maintaining a.complete circuit of the felt that l could improve on it . opathy is, Leone disease . I tell chairs, with a capacity of 350, forces of the motor, sensory and At that time, it was- no - more you that it means all that the hung with paintings, and its sympathetic nerves, to and from popular to talk against medicine A'I . I+'s have tried to mean by the whole appearance is of comfort the brain and all the organs tis- than -against religion word "Remedy" for J0t1 years. where they fail, be0 other and elegance . 7 electric lamps sues, blood and vessels . To give you :t fair idea of' It succeeds illuminate the hall- Here it was We make some variation from priesteraft in Baldwin in that cause it is bound to the motor the exercises of dedication were the old customs which we think day pet me tell you that from the laws of Deity . Osteopathy- is an held . Descending to the base- are better in results. In our ob- pulpit of a church which my unerring law but it is not a new ment %,,e find it cemented stetrics we address our attention money lead helped to build . a paw for all law is eternal. You throughout, containing me as an rode into the world en the law of seven to the suppression of a !I unneces- minister denounced additional operating rooms, a sary excitement ." apostate of the firstwater--declaring that I must either change , life and you will will ride out out of it oil man barber shoji . and extensive store Dr . Martin of Chicago, wt ho arthe law of death and no rooms . Immense boilers provide rived the day of the dedication tnv tactics oi- land in help . So knoweth which of these laws is the steam heat which keeps every and went under treatment for stroll .-, in fact, was his denunci- the stronger . How ion .- does an said to a part of the building- at an even ation that on the followin-Tues- apple exist as a green apple? It locomotor ataxia reporter "It isdoubtful ifthereis day as I passed down the street passes in swift successive stages Exteriorly the temperature ap ear nce of the buildngis imposingad solid,AnAmerican a better equipped school of inedi- !I more than 200 children fled from from a, beautiful blossum to ripe cine in your state than this one. !, Ink - path as though I were an Ill]- perfection . We 'e would not love Eagle surmounts the whole and I have not seen them app, but I clean leper, a, huge serpent or a trod if he left all our apples green through most of wild borer from Russia typifies the National character have been I had as the apples of ignorance are. of the institution- A big golden them ." the whole road to myself. All Now the apple of intelligence has dragon . the weather vane, In the afternoon on Thursday this because 1 dared totnlk upon red streaks, upon its sides, showmounts guard oil top . The slate from 1, : 1,500 to 2,000 persons "at-' the streets of a coming philoso- in .,- great advancement o- " towards roof is broken by semicircular tended the public reception at' phy that was to revolutionize advancement towards Green apples give you dormers, giving light to fhe up er story- The inscription on the college building Fifty prom- the old order of things, to free stomach ache, so does gamboge inert citizens of Kirksville, went' man from the slavery of drugs and aloes Ripe apple takes the corner-stone tells the story : lug white satin badges, escorted and restore to him his inaliena- hold of the proper nerves and "The Science of Osteopathy,` the throng through the building . ble right to heap . muscles and removes the aches discovered by A, T- Still, 1874 ." I welcome you here to-day to and illsThe building above is a An hour before the dedicatory' see the wonderful progress this No wonder there has been a monument to hislove of science and services began at night . the'' science has made, to show you great, deal said about Eve's aphis labors for the alleviation of building was thronged with peo-' something of the fruition of my ples . Poor %woman . I suppose human suffering. pie. Stone life workOsteopathy has they were the best she had There Governor was detained at home by official business,' fought -in(] fought hard foreverv is one apple with a red streak oil has He from two to four hun- but sent a congratulatory tele . step gained, its path has not it up in Minnesota ; it does not dred patients under treatment gram . It is impossible to give been strewn with flowers but cut off the tonsils in case of so app the while, sufferers from app l the program in full, but it was I lined with the stones of opposi- called diphtheria but deals intelligently over the country . No matter interesting to III in attendance rice, tion . with the nerves that ca rhow skeptical the inquirer as to among whom were mane promiI3nt yon will ever find that be- r Blood to and from theaf ected parts and destroys thedisease his methods may be at first, a nent citizens from other parts of fore wearing- a crown yon must (Continued on 6th page.) Missouri few minutes talk with one of his expend much effort . Your crown n Journal t Osteopathy © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO Journal Journal l of Osteopathy ISSUED MONTHLY BY THE American School of Osteopathy STILL . EDITOR-IN CHIEF MISS BLANCHE 1)R . A . T . STILL . PRESIDENT e. F. GREENWOOD _ BUSINESS MANAGER II . E. PATTERSON S1 SECRETARY exception) to it the rule by votaries have be n pushed from push dehost to post, and catch tong' manded more room ; how we Can remain in this building we dolt know . Visit us now and far as we will make amends as I i: ; within our power To tile intel igent and gentlemanly members new one farms tile general I no of the Kirksville Boy's Mind, the you so part taken by and artistical y escorted marked you JOURNAL OF OSTEOPATHY Kirksville, MO geniuses in this--soul stirring is Entered lit the Kirksville Post Office as muse--your zeal commendable your ambition laudable Second Class Matter . attain perfection--press forward and on . :1t each successive step in advance, draw your sight draft on the bank of good will \\ -e reproduce in this issue of and kind recollections, doing of this science has fought its the the description The above cut represents the JOURNAL publishedby other papers,oftheex- business under the firm name Southern front Mid Eastern side battles single handed and alone; School of terior and interior of the new The but has lived to see it successfulof the building, completed and ; also, American Osteopathy where the samewil behonoredwithoutfail. G. ly triumph over all opposition . Osteopathic building ; and dedicated, 711th, on January upon The ,acted trust, of defending, their comments the dedica 1895 This building. is situated upholding and elaborating the tory exercises . If in it all, there The bill introduced in the Senside of Jefferson Principles of this science, by the is any y exaggeration, we have not lite and Houseof Representatives on the North been able to detect it . the JOURNAL of the Missouri legislature, au- Street in the Western portion of laws of nature, must soon be intrustedothersHow wel tha not attempt any further thorizing the registration of the city of Kirksville County of will description of that memorable graduates of leglally incorporate Adair and State of Missouri . trust may be executed, time. alone can answer event in the history of this new The building is of modern tit'schools of Osteopathy, we feel .L, science, But embraces this op-' certain cannot fail to receive the artistic de " y u and, finish nl,.h,. conveniently The success or failure of the inopportunity to acknowledge to the support of each and every iently arranged and admirably individual members of this class, press its appreciation of the inhave, a member of that body, who has taken located . Kirksville enjoys the a l practitioners will terest taken in behalf of truth : the pains distinction of possessing the marked and potent influence to inform himself as to and the success which always re-! ever upon the future of Osteopathy . the merits of this new departure first . and, only . building wards and crowns its votaries, erected, designed, and dedicated What that influene will be, dein treating diseases without the upon Nor is the JOURNAL forgetful of use of drugs . Were it necessary especially to teaching the theory pends tile the lasting gratitude under which solely intel igence moral honesty. integrity, we could produce thousands of and practice of Osteopathy . A founder teacher and pupil . i n letters from those who have been class of 50, gentlemen a lid ladies, and industry of the pupils of this have placed cured, or their conditions materi- is in daily attendance, receiving institution You are members this school been to la and gentlemen, who ally bettered by this system of instructions in this new science, of the first class of students, so nobly and generously responded treating disease, but it has been j which seems destined to revolu- taught in a legally incorporated ell to the program and made the the aim of the discoverer of this tionize the theory and practice school of Osteopathy . To you entertainment a musical and lit the will, first be committed tile system to avoid falling into of medicine ; as taught literary success. '1'o attempt to, that by r e c o g n i z e d n i z e d s c h o l s o f m e d i c n e f o r charge of defending, upholding mode of advertising .Osteopathy is notin anymanindividuate would be unjust as! past centuries. and teaching, as well as practicing space precludes the possibility of': any The theory taught in this ing, this science. Without: a ner it hinderance to othjustice to all. The is school that diseases can be j thorough knowledge of all the er system of healing, but an doing recollection andappreciation of noble successfully treated without the laws of this science : and a, fatnilaid . Its votaries make no claim, sentiments expressed,of superstitions dethroned by the advance use of drugs. Opposed to this iarity and nor indeed do they desire to use proficiency in the drugs in practice of this science. theory, stands one of tile most practice . you cannot succeed . and triumphal march They disclaim the drug theory influential, powerful, and learned But by intelligent study, close of intellectual progress; exaltedand hailed in toto . :1t this early date in the I professions: backed by an array application and thorough investigation youcanthoroughly by the mellow sweet strains of history of Osteopathy, young as of authors, colleges, professors, vocal and instrumental music. it is, larceny of the science has and teachers : added to which master the science; thereby preparing will live on and in memory foral been pted by unscrupulous may be classed, the most scien- paring yourselves to convince atteProtect tile honest edua bright oasis, around which parties. tific experts and theorists : as others what you profess and friendships laureled wreath with' cated Osteopath, who has spent well as in general, practice is based on natural laws man-kind years of time and sinus of mongolden ties will last throughout ey, lit gaining a knowledge of Like other discoveries, this sci- and truth . The conflict in which eternity, Nor unmindful of the this system by making it ! ence conflicts with the theories you will be engaged, requires of unlawful forany oneto practice Oste- and ideas advanced and taught the Osteopath the production of prized and treasured gifts made j and generous friends, opathy, unless duly qualified as by all rather schools and authors evidence that what he affirms is by noble an Osteopath . . they serve to call Back to! 'This conflict will cease, when the true, and that evidence must Ile memory happy hours, and ex-' votaries of Osteopathy, succeed sufficient to convince beyond a UEST Q RE ;tilted thoughts of a higher and in convincing; There is now pending before the the intelligent 'reasonable doubt, that the af irmationis true, untilyou areable better °'_' friendship beyond . To the Legislature of Missouri, a bill to mind, that it is a science guided friends who assembled to see and permit graduates of a legally directed and controlled bv natural , and prepared to furnish to the al laws . The community in world the required proof, you enjoy the exercises, be assured chartered school of Osteopathy your presence lent encouragement to be registered as such-and to which this system of healing, dis- must fail . The affirmative of an and gave impetus to higher aims permit them to practice Oste ease was first. introduced . was issue is susceptible of proof, the and more noble desires. To the olmthy in this State. A11 friends as slow, to accord to it, a place negative retluires no proof. The hundreds who came and failed to and all patients, who know- any- amongst the healing arts, as any opportunity and facilities are community could given to yon by which o you may gain admission, and to those thing about Osteopathy, and de- intelligent who secured admission but not sire its growth and perpetuity, have been . But the actual re- successfully prepare for- this conflict whetheryou wil do so or seats, Aye extend our most profound will assist the measure by writ- stilts, witnessed by their own found regrets. We realized then, ing your Representatives at Jef- eyes, have attached to this not, lies with you-fly honoring. scienceaconfidenc andfaith unsrpasedin£al ynewdiscovery the science, yon honor your profes ionyourself .and your Alma as now . the building was too ferson City, Mo ., truthfully what small-but the law of science is they know and can say about of the present age . The discoverer Mater . based on progression, and this this science. Subscription cue year 50 cents All subscriptions must be paid in :i,1. address sauce Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO If Journal of Continued from 1st page No mother with soft touch of lips rained kisses on its face, but chill winds of indifference blew coldly on its form, And those who guessed its parentage had wish to do it harm . But God bad meant that child to live and so to it he drew The kindly care of Genius and Inspiration true along the lice of surgery obstetrics null general diseases . If success does not attend your efforts, it is licit tit(, fault of this science : whose every working is exact . hut of yourself Tho small young- thing they did adopt and took it to their home You who make this y your life Thence from the shelter of their love it never sought to roam . work will go out into the world as Thoy placed it in the lap of Thought. it representatives of the only exact nursed from Wisdom's breast, method of healing. You will be In bright robes of Intelligence its winsome form wasdres ed. recognized is graduates of a legally incorporated school, and will never It wore tin: sandals white of Truth, was crowned with Purity, know the ridicule, the obloquy, the contempt that were heaped up- And grew as swiftly passed the years, a youth most fair to see. on me when I first tried to make Hr " passed the hours in solitude all quiet known this beautiful tl'uth . and alone, preacher will pray for you, The only playthings which he sought No were various bits of bone . as one possessed of a devil, no inSo when his foster-parents called him nocent child will 11X- from your Osteopathy . presence in fear of one spoken of They chose a fitting cognomen, I'm sure as a lunatic . .\'o, your fate will yon will agree. A ghastly skull with .11`11111111,; teed .-a not be fate, for my untiring gruesome sight to sec-my ef orts placed this science,and its An ulna, radius, femur or spinal verteexponents upon a footing to brae . com andtherespect and admiration ' A clavicle or scapula gave him intense of the world . delight, lie pored in studious thought o'er them from morn to dewy night, ODE, Columbia" Air-"Hal And when be found thier every use in nature's wondrous plan Hail to Osteopathy, He dived yet deeper into thought and Let your praise be loud ;and free'. Studied living man . 'Twill superstition drive away . Brains, tissues, nerves and arteries and And usher in a glorious day. then, without a shiver . Alt beautiful, this science new, Passed boldly on to lungs and heart to All beautilul its teachings truediaphragm and liver. Full many ;t battle it bas waged. This human engine soon be learned so While foes around have fiercely razed: skillfully to guide But . now, to-day it conquering stands, quick response unto his touch it seemingly took pride. In Its fame emblazoned in all lards. CHORUS .oJurfbile d'atTyis : Osteopahy fCre Cheer from ever}- vale and bill, Loudly cheer for Andrew Still, e Hail to thee loved President : As an angel thou Overt sent A minister to all mankind: Thou art to selfish interest blind, Fair Honor is thy coat of mail 'Thine eyes shall see the Holy Grail For purity of thought and deed And noble life . shall win such meed : The sick, the blind, the halt, the lame Are healed by thee, and bless thy name. Hail unto the lieli,ers, too, ;tiding all with precepts true ; They' shed abroad the light of truth 1'o bless old a ge as well as youth. A welcome warm to friends we give flay good betide them while they live . Now' let us ever firmly stand, Heart to heart and hand to band : And may this day engravers be, Upon the page of History. -Mrs . M. I -I. STEADLEY Mo. KANSAS BABY, Way out to wind-swept Kansas in oighteen seventy-four 1 babe lay girt in swaddling clothes-of it volt will bear more It, was a , tiny youngster, not great in breadth or length, But was possessed of Titan soul ;and will of wondrous strength . Ao cradle song of love was crooned above its tiny bed For 'twits a homeless little waif--no place to lay its head . No father with an air of pride clasped it in close embrace The Palace r Wear Headquarters for Everything in the CLOTHING Ana can and will se Ianythig lyou In the line of LINE, Overcoats, Suits, Underwear, Hats Cap". Etc, at Bed Hock Priers, Special low price made to reduce our stock . SOUTH SIDE, H, MARKS, Manager, Their bayonets are surgeon's knives, their canteens full of gall . Their war song is- "Thou shalt not cure, while we have power to kill For if your wondrous work goes on who Elegant Line of will our grave yard fill ." But Sturdy Osteopathy with shield of, Silver Novelties and Souvenirs knowledge bright Meets them alone upon the field and pui their ranks to flight The Although they strive with might and main they gain no vantage point And beat a double quick retreat with Osteopathic noses out of ,joint . Tit(- victors blow with laurel most fitting is crowned Souvenir The while with praise of his great deed ; the whole earth doth resound This youth, grown up to mans estate, tonightloth comeof age And makes his twenty-first year bow to you upon this stage. And now I'm sure you'll drink: his health, The wonders that he daily wrought were clink glasses while we cry told throughout the land God speed this science in its work and And brought to him in search of health a let at live for aye. a sorry- looking band . But all their troubles lied away beneath his healing touchNotice. The paralytic rose and walked the cripple dropped his crutch, The \\'abash in connection with The blind received anew his sight. the the A . T. & S . F. is running; a dumb spoke loud in praise through Pullman Tourist Sleeper Till lo, the whole wide questioning world from Kirksville to Los Angeles, stood silent in amaze. Yet there were foes on every- Land, their Cal ., without change via Kansas City, each Saturday night. hearts with envy rife Who sought, as Herod did of old, to take Sleeping car fare from Kirksville a young child's life to Kansas City $1 .00 . From Now it you'll kindly lend your ears (I'll Kirksville to Los Angeles $5.50. give them back again) I'll tell a little history of these most "The (Treat Wabash Route." W . E. NOONAN Agt., wicked men. Long years ago dark Ignorance with SuKirksville, Mo . perstition wed C. S. CRANE G . P . & T. A. A horde of strong unruly boys they ycry St' Louis, Mo . quickly bred Bold Allopath, and Homeopath and young Electic tooAnd Hydropath with vapor bath ;ind each appliance new, Coffee, Coffee . Electropath and Vitapath ;and other paths galore Until to name them every one would tax my memory sore Each bore strong hatred in his heart to We are "cranky" oil Coffee, as every (idler one And strove to compass his downfall from many others are, and to get the rise to set of sun. But now in seeming friendship fair, they best results ant} have peace in do their force unite Against Young Osteopathy to wage a bit- the family, and not (pet a two-weeks lay-offbuy ter fight, They" call their brave battallions forth and with most firey glance Against their foe, who stands alone, they BORN COFFEE For sale by do at once advance. Their cannon balls are quinine pills. their gunshot pellets small L. C . SIGLER. Spoon, Solid Silver Skeleton Handle with fine photo of Dr. Still, Founder of American School of Osteopathy, in theBowl Special Prices on Watches, Jewelry , Etc To Osteopathic Patients . Thomas Jewelry I louse. NEAR N. E. CORNER SQUARE McKeehan & Reed, Proprietors of THE PANSY DRUG STORE Pure Drugs. Medicines, paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Shades and Fixtures, Wall paper, Stationery, Perfumery, Sponges, Brushes, Soaps, Fancy and Toilet Articles . Choice line of Imported and Domestic Cigars . TINSMAN & MOORE, Leading Photographers . Photos of Dr . A. T. Still and of the operators for sale . Also the Graduating Class in Osteopathy . -TEDI © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO NEW AND COMPLETE fan Scientist-but if you were a To-day Osteopathy takes pos- ;' would of its new building, session puts cow and kicked me, you LINES ()F find the Christian element want- on its own hat, all paid for. j r . Z 1 cpage .r ! ing-; neither am I a masseuse, for This house is mine . I make it Dry Goads, Clothing, Shoes, of ignoranceand force. yours on each Is it really diphtheria : green massage is a combination from Hats, Caps, Notions . Wednesday morning and gladly welcome you to apple says, yes-red apple says,' All stock Fresh, ('lean and desirable . Some thought to find me with its rooms. no . After a thorough examina 'I Best lightest and much the largest Store Room in Kirksville . Call anti see. tion of the best known authorities it is decided,hat red apple a sort of con conjuring machine in EDUCATION OF DOCTORS my sleeve out of wilich I squirted NORTH SIDE . The heartily endorses rill is right . This red striped apple . a healing fluid . I gm often askedby intel igent people-I)o you that huts been said the this intelligent Osteopath says regarding necsityaof higerand{letr education tofhepracti onersmof dicne. as all Osteopat"s d(1 ; that dip hypnotize? 1 answer" yes, set 13 . day Are now nicely fixed in 1t11 they are Diptheria t ( .,Iv . sor throat e till al I w ' hips in one AN We would even go further and say their new store room ' lIlC 1'lill - t icn redulo s winktheir e1t ell to rot . In the first stage of that the time spent in me,il', .,al colleges SQUARE ARE, _ S rot it is like blink y milk, i11 the me off in one corner and implore cannot lie made too long . N E . CORN CORNER second stage it is like clabbered fire fn a whisper to really tell Many who attend medical colleges Where they want you to milk, in the 3rd stage it is like ; them the truth about theinatter . and receive diplomas are known to :till and see them . milk that is utterly disorgirnized Osteopathy is no magical secret, he ignorant and incompetent--at the All Kinds of Produce and Game Wanted. gild tender the old method of it is a i ;rillciple old as tire(', true time the degrees are conferred upon Deity lasting as eternity . them--by college officials. Many treatment this 3rd stage of rot as Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest . results usually in death But This principle runs through the who are at large, to-(lay ought to b "," in the slay eye the Osteopath with hits thorough emir(± universerestrained of their liberties, as dangerous WILL HANNAH knowledge of file laws that govern have constellations of worlds, to society and it menace to era life loses not a case, You in the body, constellations of 'life, through their stupidity and ignorance of the nature and use of For a Clean Shave or a First-Clas may possibly think rot a strange molecules In the shy the have hair Cut rain cloud , . ;, in the body lying for name a disease but I want to poisonous drug's which they arc daily administering Two Doors East (.f Pool's Hotel . tell yon these truth . i n words atoll alongside the vehis are the lymphatics NOdch prepare water and you will not forget . It you want A HERO . R Burn to tail: unintelligibly you may as pass it into the veins thinningthe crop o f blood. This analogy well begin by saying arene else po qua I . M que to 7(( ma monce ete. But if you may be carried our indefinitely . COAL . in long cycling years a giant soul is STAHL Once do so, any one who takes the Once again I will speak to you The Best Coal \V(st of flit born trouble to open your clamshell of fibroid tumors, a repetition That dwells, in thounrht . upon the Alleghanies with t II(' tongs of will find of these things is necessary in mountain height, order to firmly impress them on And sees afar the glorious dawn of a new Pennsylvania Coal Company, only a fool inside . Now-a-days a clay, At the season of the year when you .' memory Office with State Building and Loan While multitudes below yet wall: in woman cannot be fashionable Association . vegetation decays Scarlet fever night . a stalks abroad it begins with cold ritiless she possesses fibroid tit- Such souls bear deep the impress ess of the and in fair, red haired children is nor, I tell you that more of Infinite : C. BORNEMAN have been these followed by rash mid sore throat Ali helmeted with Truth they- dauntless stand, excrescences removed il one(la dayinMil Minesota -as a general thing it touches Merchant - Tailor . interventhan during t the years And wage Earth's fiercest battles of fire the little one with dark locks North Side Square on same ing- between the presidency of mind and write very li lightly floor with Par cell's Gallery. Washinbton and Jackson . Every True words of Guidance with prophetic The_medical a1 l\01 hand . . f ( tcannot . ( t deeffect has its corresponding cause A Full Line of Samples of Foreign and Dofine fever further l than t.(1 say it a and it behooves yon to search I Just such a soul of Titan build dwells mestic Goods Always on Hand . with us now . is a, peculiar increase above the for it . And rears the white flower of a blameless life; normal temperature The Osteopath Latest Styles and Workmanship Guaranteed teed' I remember a hutch woman opath says it is a an increased eased flow I As 1u t.e as Galahad as wise as Merlin , of elect electricity - e. scarlet .. l fill 1.1 ,(a a lid came to our house (lace to sell sage ; me some limberger cheese, My other form . of fever by the a ap lication As brave as Lancelot his years as rife . City _ impression \nits that my first of scientific let%) distend generousd I With noble, .el, (c as° Arthur's A s Only Exclusive House in of the use of ( 1 111 r, S, OverC'OII1 P4, feet had gone into the third stage the good kingthe city . Repairing neatto excuse of lot and I wanted the foe with man as with an electric light he sup ly forcemust And kin :_; he is with loyal objects Fame, true, ly done. found myself before the woman leaves I Crowned with the laurel of I3 . F I L Cx >; F' -z I 'h L , it out. But when she explained and incense of equal or be -renter than the demandorthe lightwil be fe ble s. E. ton. SQUARE hearts for her business toll u(1 the odor Sweet praise from grateful ., life made new I THE caused by the cheese . and the man will be Frail . 1f r ou All hail to him the eager throngs now have a No . 4 incandescent light Now if you hunt for the cause cry! thrice hail' fed by a No. 3 battery I per cent of the alarming increase in fibroid The dumb lips speak, once sightless State Building and Loan of the force is toasted on the aaproachingwiresandthelightis tumors you will fin=, that it lies eyes es now see, in quinine . tincture of iron and The halt and maimed are healed as when ' Association in days of old dim . If you have a No . 4 trouble belladonna . Here is the place WARREN HAMILTON, secretary They followed Truth in far off Galilee for you on to gain a knowledge of No . 4 battery with and a Money to Loan . which to meet it you will make a. this science which will enable you True benefactor of the world, unto the child the and to go out into world failure-in both cases, strengthen Of thy great brain . Fair Osteopath)- , Interest " paid to Depositors. the battery and the result will be vanquish all such diseases . We bring our incense.' Nourished by ally But you must not be like a mind satisfactory . L . A . PATTERSON, politcian who en caled on unexpctedly for aspechmadea 'Twill reach perfection in the clays to be Dividing the body at the umbilicus s And tongues from every distant clime t the upper part may be speak its praise, PRO PROMPT P T I TRANSFER considered an acid, the lower as failure because he had ieft }his Fromwill sunny Southern vale to towering little note-book at home . Carry alkali in When granite hill, KIRKSVILLE, MO, property an increase or improper distribution your little pool: in your head Its virtues will be sung . Anti deep. for aye, in loving hearts of acid causes sore throat, throw and be ready to meet guy emerKENNEDY & KINNEAR, trill be enshrined the name of ANDREW up alkali from below and neutral- gency' Dealers in - n O nowt to }far neutralize it and the sore throat: will You "are rc,' 1ecf learning (I i disappear p peat'. ness the horse that pulls the If we eat well, sleep well, (end Agricultural Implements, Some of you thought you were load of life - See to it that Your I keep our bones in place we may to live out oural oted Buggies Wagons Etc. coming here to a faith doctor . lesson is well learned and no ends you Some of thought me a Christian left loose. days in peace and comfort . MISSOURI. KIRKSVILLE 11 a © Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO NEW AND NICELY FURNISHED. ingly of the .Jews and yet were HAS 21 ROOMS teaching with enthusiasm, ideas THE STILL BOARDING HOUSE, which thev had absorbed from M. D. COLE, Proprietor . ANTI-JUDAISM UNAMERICAN. Maimonides and Spinoza . the and philosophers, two Modern conveniences, Electric Lights, Call Bells, Water Heat Throughout . The Jew Compares Favorably With the Christgreatest omit ing Kant, since I'lato'sday_ ain, Weighed Fairly, both of whom were Jews. ROBERT CLARK, There is not a drop of Jewish I have he=ard musicians deblood in my veins; I am not con- nounce Jews and then spend days Hardware, Largest Line of Surries and Buggies in the City . P11 Kinds of City Plumbing Done . nected with the Jews by the mar- and nights trying to interpret the beauties of Rossini, Aleyerriage of any near or distant West Side Square . Kirksville, Mo . kinsman ; I owe no Jew a dollar beer and Mendelssohn--all Jews. and no Jew owes me. I speak I talked the other day with a Were you ever taken in by a DR . A. B. JOHNSON from the vantage ground of ab- gifted actress and heard both' Methodist class leader on a real her husband sweepingly DENTIST and her solute independence It is a confidentially, of estate trade" Did you ever get Teeth Extracted Without Pain . a Specialsplendid race, splendid in their condemn into close quarters with a Presbyterian speculator? Did you tv . All Work Guaranteed First-Class patience, in their love for one an- course, the whole race of Jews Call on him. other, in their endurance, in their and yet that woman would give ever buy mining stock on the re- OVER UNION BANK Kill, KIRKSVILLE MO. sagacity and temperate habits, half her remaining life if she presentations of an Episcopalian and splendid in their inflexible could only reach the heights'; broker? Did you ever take a Kirksville Stem Laundry . adherence to their Mosaic ideals . which the great queen of man's word any quicker because t r a g e d y R a c h e l , t r o d w i t h s u c h m a j e s t y a n d p o w e r a n d R a c h e l w a s Do you want an aristocracy of JACKSON & MONROE . he was a Baptist or a Roman blood and birth'? The Jews " re Catholic? Did you never see a S. E. Cor. Sqr. Kirksville, Mo . the purest blooded people and a Jewess . stone weighing twenty pounds Here in Washington I have have the best established descent concealed in a bale of cotton AIRS, B. I. HADES, . in the world Not, Mirabeau in heard aspiring politicians, when grown by a Southerner? I)id you beyond the reportthe reach of the French convention nor Patrick Henry in the house of burer's pencil, sneer at Jews, and never find lard in the butter sold Plants and Cut Flowers, by a new England Puritan? OF ALL VARIETIES . gesses, riot ' Sam" Adams in old yet it was a Jew who made The belief that the Jew is more England's que nempres of India, colonial days ever said a more Kirksville, Mo . dishonest than the Gentileis one- Near 0. K. Depot, thrilling thing than Disraeli said and it was a Jew who was for half nonsense and the other half in the English commons in reply years the adroit and sagacious prejudice and falsehood . The Kirksville Bottling Works, to the charge that he was a Jew : chairman of the national com- anti-Jewish feeling which now MANUFACTURE mittee of one of our great "Yes, I am a. .Jew! When the un- Soda Water, Ginger Ale and Light Summer seems to be rising again is political parties. The brainiest man ancestors of the on rableg ntlemanwer brutalsav gesona Drinks, in the southern confederacy was christian, inhuman A. M . Omer, Proprietor andun-American No man canshareit who unknown island, mine were Judah 1' . Benjamin, a Jew, and believes in the universal fatherChase when managing our natA. L. HOLMES . N. D. SMITH . priests in the temple!" bood of God and the universal G . W, LOOMIS Do you seek an aristocracy of ional finances in a perilous tame brotherhood of man. It is born LOOMIS, HOLMES & SMITH. talent'? The great church histor-' owed much of his success to the of the devil and is detestable . KIRKSVILLE IRON WORKS. constant advice of a New York =ail, Neander, was a Jew ; GEORGE R. WENDLING General Repairing and Manufacturing . Napoleon's marshals, Soult and MasenawereJews; thebril iantand Jew . i uincy and Trenton . That youneversee a Jew tramp KHIKSVILLE, man MISSOURI . Arrangements havejust been or a Jew drunkard is a proverb; Heine cynical was a Jew and-"To Live, You Must Eat." but the world's roll of great sol- that you never meet a Jew beg- perfected whereby the Q ., O. &, K . C. R. R . will issue special Invalid gar is a commonplace, and is Go To it diers, authors, musicians, paint Tickets from Quincy to Kirksville a statistical fact that there are ers, poets, philosophers and RS HEINZMAN BROTHERS financiers contains more Hebrew j relatively fewer inmates of our and from Trenton to Kirksville For all kinds of Fresh and Salt Melts. Green Meat Market . names than I could recite in hospitals, jails and workhouses at less than half the regularfare . This reduction is made for the furnished by the Jews than any many hours. benefit of those desiring- to come PASS L 8z SON, Are you looking for an aristoc- other race contributes . ; Dr . Still for treatment once or to Convert the Jews! Let us first Manufactures of and Wholesale Dealers in racy of wealth? The combined' and will be twice a week, sold to convert our modern Christians financial power of the Jews in Wagons, Buggies Surries, Etc. Europe can prevent the floating to genuine Christianity Sup- such only . See them for first class work in Tickets will be on sale at Quincyand Trenton. score of Rus of almost any national loan press the Jews! Repairing and Horse Shoeing. which may be put upon the mar-' sian czars cannot do it. Every ' 201 Son th Main St, Kirksville _I , Missouri people on earth has tried it and ket of the world! MRS . E . J . DUNKIN It is a spurious, false Christian- failed . They have outlived the ity that hates Jews. The mys- Tudors and the I'lantagenets, Private Boarding tery of the incarnation found ex- the Romanoffs, the tyranny of TIME Spain the dynasties of France, pression in the flesh and blood TABLEGOING SOUTH. Large pleasant rooms. South front. of a Jew, an d, therefore, in a. Charlemagne, Constantine, the No . 2, St- L. & K. C . Mail 10 :09 a. m. First house east Baptist Church . Exp 12 :04 a. m . a .Jew. We get Caesars the Babylonian kings i:0 . 8, . . sense we worship 22, Local Freight . 12 :45 p. m. our ten commandments-the and the Egyptian Pharoahs It No. No . 98, Through Freignt . 11 :43 a. m. Commercial Club Cigar for 4,000 very foundation of our civilizationthrough the Jews.We was God's own race GOING NORTH years, and the awful persecution :7o. 3, Ottumwa b=ail . . 4:56 p. m. FOR 5 CENTS . 7, Des Moines & St . P. Ex . 3:30a. m. sing Jewish psalms are uplifted it has survived for 2,000 more No No. 21, Local Freight . . 12 :45 a. m. Manufactured by by the passions and poetry of stamps it as a race still bearing No. 97 . Through Freight - 9:20 a. m . C. N. Cook, Kirksuille, Mo . 7 and 8 daily. 2 and 3 daily except Jewish prophets, and rely on some mysterious relation to the Sunday . 97 and 98 carry passengers Jewish biographies for the only plans of the Eternal . The beau- Sundays only . _ history we have of Christ . We ty and fidelity of Jewish women Q. O. & K. C . 11 . R. TIME CARD . Hotel. get our Pauline theology from a command my homage, and Ivie GOING WEST . Jew, and we catch our clearest among wealthy and educated No. 1 . Mail and Express . . . . . 11 :30 a m N . E, CORNER SQUARE, & Q. Express . . . . . . . 7:30 p m glimpse ofthe next world through Jews the exquisite refinement of No. 3.5. K. Through Freight . . . . . . 3:06 a in No* I, MISSOURI the sublime apocalyptic vision of Jewesses, their culture and high arrives 12 :45 p m KI RKSVILLE No. 7. Local Freight 2 :15 p m leaves a Jew . Then forsooth, we Chris-' breeding, blended with a sort of Heat is electricity passing GOING EAST . t=ans turn about and sneer at Oriental grace and dignity, put No. 2. Mail and Express . . . . . . 8 :45 p m through the body . them among the most charming No . 4. K. & Q. Express . . . . . . 7:30 a m Jews! No . 6. Stock Express . . . . . . . . . 8:45 p m i I have conversed with teachers women in the world. Man reasons: God cannot-for arrives 11 :30a m But the Jew is tricky! Is he'? No, 8. Local Freight leaves of philosophy who spoke slighthe is knowledge . 12 :45 m Journal l of Osteopathy A Wabsh 0 Still National Osteopathic Museum, Kirksville, MO Journal of Osteopathy OFFICERS AND FACULTY OF THE went of the hones of the human frame is a leading feature in this treatment, RECONSTRUCTED KIRKSVILLE ROLLER MILLS, CHAS . R . MILBANK, Propr . Aphorisms, From American Investment>. MANUFACTURER ()F American Sdiool of Osteopathy . Misfortunes travel in droves, DR. A. T. STILL .. . .... . President. I :Moderate things endure the H E. PATTERSON Secretary. I HIGH . . GRADE GRADES OF FLOUR MRS. NETTIE H. BOLLES . Instructor in Anatomy . longest. I'niversal respect is a good \VHEAT . FROM SELECTED WINTER 'File object of the American School nightcap . of Osteopathy is to improve the presCu .,torn Controls Inell more BRANDS ent systems of Surgery . ( Obstetrics . than reason . SNOW BALL . `HIGH PATENT." PRIDE OF ADAIR. and treatment lit General Diseases Better forget than talk about, IMPERIAL our misfortunes OSTEOPATHY Special Prices to Farmers on 500 Pound Lots . The slow promiser is a sure PROCESS. keeper of his word FULL ROLLER The vanity of giving is often The New Science of Healing Which is Attract-' confounded with liberality v, ing Universal Attention, Money can serve us well, but Advertising Co . Seal Printing and It: is a, dangerous master . Globe-Democrat Jan. 10 Nloney wrongly acquired is alit KIRKSVILLE MISSOURI On the Wabash Railroad, 205 to be unwisely expended . Cheapest Printing House On Earth, Write Us For Samples and Price. miles north of St . Louis. lies the No T man has vet made a safe! pretty little town of Kirksville SIGLER & MATLICK -Proprietors . the home of I)r . A . '1' . Still, the that another cannot break into . virtue is required during founder and discoverer of the More prosperity than during adversiT. F. BAL®W1111, science of Osteopathy It is now ty . the great Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime He who is lenient to his borMecca for invalids particularly those suffering from AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL, in hone diseases dislocations and rower fatteneth his account heaven . A, H, NELSON, Manager, Kirksville, Missouri, similar affections . To and fro The worm cheweth up fame there surges a throng of ailing quicker than the sun melteth the SAMPLE ROOMS BATH ROOMS humanity sincere in purpose as tsnow the Eastern devotee who kneels HOTEL, THE CENTRAL fortune puts her arms at the tomb of Mohammed lint When around a marl she frequently SHOLLY Proprietor . J. H. the results accomplished are not hugs a fool . First ('lass Accommodations to Every Respeet . Rates, Four to Five Dollars a Week visionary or fanciful, they are The lawyer cannot wear into KIRKSVILLE, MISSOURI and Marvelous real practical even unto the miraculous are eternity the skin he taketh front his client . some me of tho cures, ;lull yet they If you have any doubts about are all treated in a natural find B. F. LAMKIN WILLARD HOTEL the value of money try to borrow sortie. KIRKSVILLE, 310 . scientific manner under the laws The! of science, this old reliable Phoenix Dry Goods plan of Kirksville Mo..is wide awake and the first in the field FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. investor is That the happiest as usual with a new, and carefully selected Fall and which plain unpretentious unassuming titan Winter stock of the highest quality. who can learn from the dangers WILLARD & CO . . Proprietors. daily proves are nature's lairs. Dress Goods . by . others Dr. Still Our was a practitioner in encountered line of Dress Goods is wonderful in correction the medical profession lion for years; KIRKSVILLE . of Elegant designs, and fabrics of the newest and Pool's HOTEL most popular fashions and sure to please the most lie was surgeon in the army durfastidious. The of Dr . T . Home A . Still . ing the war and obtained a high Headquarters j Kirksville property is in demand and is reputation as an anatomist For On Trimmings, Corsets, Groves, Handkerchiefs , the past twenty years lie has devotedhimself to the studyofte a 11 desirable location for those 'who are j Hosierv and Stylish Novleties in everything . human system, and claims to have discovered new laws relating to the cause andcure of diseases without the use of drugs. from these laws he has developed a science which he calls "Osteopathy" TheOsteopathadjusts the machinery of the system and depends upon nature to rebuild andrestoreitsnormal condit on Neil Nearly 400 patients, from all parts of the country, are receiving treatment from him and his assistant- s, and yet he never advertises except as one patient may speak to another He has three sons oneofwhom, Mr. Charles 1:. Still, has a similar mid successful institution in seeking pleasant homes and active busiShoes. Fine ness surroundings . Although she has Steam Heat South FrontJ. N. RHODES & SON Prop's Drew Selby & Co's fine custom made Shoes for never been boomed and advertised like Ladies, Misses and Children . An kinds, sizes and many other cities, she has extended her styles:from A to EE. Only complete line in town . ti trade , and widened her proportions durJ . E. OWENS Underwear, ing the last few years through public Hats, Caps, and Gents furnishing goods, Desiraenergy combined with many natural adble Goods and Low Prices, Give us a trial . vantages Private Boarding B . F. LAMKIN . b she is particularly fortunate m haying Dr. A. T. Still's School of Osteopathy, Within one block of Dr. Still's making it a very desirable place for the Model Bakery afflicted. She has two large Public Schools sad MRS. PARKS For fresh bread, cakes, etc . Fine a number of business . social, literary cakes a specialty . and musical clubs as wen as secret and benevolent organizations. PRIVATE WARDING HOUSE Oysters in all Styles . The State Normal is located a 1; (11 WILSON I So \' . on com anding sight: its ightis no les comfn same block with Dr . Still manding than its importance : also a large anti commodious Business College, Have one, of the best systems of Water W. A . COLE, A . TOWNSEND Works in the State. Coal and wood are abundant . Property sells reasonable and Hardware AND Furniture . cheap, abundant fuel and water for the Private Boarding House Factories . Kirksville ksville has given thousands East Side of dollars to public enterptises and will CENTRALLY LOCATED. give liberal inducements at an times for l the location of Factories or other enterprisLOWEST LIVING t' It PRICES Is MMY MOTTO ing interests. If you are undecided as to a Livery, When you want cheap future home we bid you welcome and ingo to vite you fo locate in our prosperous, Plumbing and and All Kinds of Pumps Work beautiful and fast growing city . 'T . E. GRAVES, Minneapolis. He possesses a thorough knowledge of Osteopathy, and is likewise performing cures which mystify the doctors. Osteopathy lays DO claim to, nor has it any sympathy with Christian Science, massive or mental I treatment . The perfect adinst- Correspondence solicited . ENGLEHART BROS, Real Estate . One block south of square . The oldest and most reliable livery man in the city Remember M. D . COLE . UNDERTAKER
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