C T Daughters of the King


C T Daughters of the King
228 W. Edenton St., Raleigh NC 27603-1790
(919) 832-7535
The Website
Edition of
Volume XLII, Number 19 May 12 - 18, 2013
Also available online at www.esumc.org/communicator
You and The Special Women
in Your Life
are Invited to the
ESUMC.org has a new look, updated
content, and more! Since a church website
has replaced Yellow Pages ads as the “first
impression,” the content’s been restructured
with the visitor in mind. Ministry areas
and their related news are organized by
age. To help communicate our programs
to the community, our partners: ECP, CDC,
Sheets Center, and Doorstep Ministry are all
accessible from the footer (on every page).
With this makeover, you’ll now have quick
access to key resources including current
news, email subscription form, online
donations, and the ACS member login.
While we hope the site’s structure makes
things quicker and easier to access, there
are three tools to help you find what you’re
looking for: search in the top toolbar, site
index link from the home page (in the green
circle), and from the abbreviated site map
available in the footer of every page.
Highlights include:
ww Designed for the future members of
ESUMC - our visitors - and supports
our vision statement.
ww Improved search results on the
internet and visibility on mobile
ww More imagery of our healthy
congregation in worship, mission, and
ww Ease to highlight news and events
with flexibility.
Daughters of the King
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Edenton Street United Methodist Church
Kerr Hall, 6 to 8 pm
$10.00 a person
For reservations, call the
church office 919-832-7535 by May 8.
We will have a delicious meal and then hear a word from our
speaker, Polly Green, with her husband William. She will be
talking about what it means to be a Daughter of the King and
how we can reflect that in our everyday life regardless of where
we are. Polly is a member of First United Methodist Church
in Cary, works with the youth of the church and with their
contemporary service. When we met with her we were struck by
her enthusiasm, her love for the Lord, and her excitement as to
the word she has to share with us.
Some of the middle school girls, “Girls of Grace,” and the high
school girls, “Kings Princesses”, will participate in the program.
These two groups meet once a month for fellowship and Bible
study. Eleven years ago the idea for a special evening for women
of all ages was “born” from these two groups. It’s nice to have a
couple of hours out of our busy schedules to hear God’s Word
and be with other believers. Please join us!
“You belong to God, my dear children.” 1 John 4:4
ESUMC is a community of faith: inviting all to encounter Jesus,
preparing believers to deepen their dependence on God,
A Gathering Series
May 12 - June 2
In a recent book by World Vision
President Richard Stearns, he writes “Do
you believe all the right things, go to
church, and faithfully read your Bible but
still feel that something is missing? You
may be right. God has invited you to join
him in a world-changing mission. And
if you are not personally participating,
you could be missing the very thing he
created you to do.” What a tragedy that
would be!
And yet the unfortunate truth is
that many of us have done just that.
We’ve settled for simply hearing and
regurgitating Christian ideas again and
again rather than living them out. Well,
this May in the Gathering we’re going to
move our faith from concept to reality
because we believe that God has called
us to do something with what we’ve
heard. We’re calling it “Greenlight” and we
hope you’ll join us May 12 - June 2.
ww To the family of John Gale, who died
April 27
ww To Wendy Kennedy on the death of
her mother, April 29
ww To Laura Cox on the death of her
grandmother, April 29
ww To Dr. Gerry Ingram and Melanie
Armstrong on the death of their son
and brother respectively, April 30
ww To the family of Rose Melvin who
died May 4
ww Charles Creech and Robyn Roberts
on their marriage May 4.
ww William Patrick Stout, II,
March 31, son of Patrick and Leah
Catherine Stout
Mostly Mozart:
Choral Jewels of
Mozart and Haydn
The 2012-2013 Edenton Street Live!
Fine Arts Series concludes on Sunday,
June 9 at 4:00 pm in the sanctuary with
performances of Mozart’s Missa brevis et
solemnes in C (Organ Solo Mass), Haydn’s
Missa brevis No. 7 in Bb (Little Organ
Mass) and Mozart’s Church Sonata in C
(K. 263) presented by the ESUMC Chancel
Choir, Josh Dumbleton, organist, and
professional orchestra.
Habitat for Humanity
We have teamed up with other
downtown churches to sponsor a
house for Habitat for Humanity. Join
us for these rewarding workdays and
fellowship! All skill levels are welcome
and needed.
Our church is signed up to work the
following Saturdays: May 11, May 18,
June 1, and June 22. To register, please
visit the webpage/ Missions or go to
the following link: http://tinyurl.com/
Help Us Show Radical
Do you like to talk with new people, play
with kids, prepare meals, help behind the
scenes or provide transportation? If so,
join us for a great opportunity to show
radical hospitality as we welcome families
in the Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network
(WIHN) program for the week of May
We’ll provide temporary housing while
these families get back on their feet
financially, and have the chance to share
Christ’s extraordinary love with them.
Sign-up today! Contact wihn@esumc.org
or read online about specific items and
help needed.
EStreeters ( 55+)
Tuesday, May 21
Behind the Scenes Program at
the Raleigh Sonoco Recycle Plant
Ever wonder about what happens to
your recycle items the city picks up?
Picnic Box lunch at Anderson Point
Park (rain location for lunch - room 251)
Motor coach leaves at 10:30 am and
returns at 2:00 pm. Cost of lunch and
transportation: $12. Please RSVP and
send payment to Robin at ext. 212 by May
15. Please note on your payment that it is
for the Sonoco trip.
Tuesday, June 18 12:00 pm
Join us for a presentation: Hand Beading
on Textiles Art with Eric Ennis of Raleigh.
We will see exhibits of Ennis’ beaded
art and learn about his unique craft
and pictures of his gowns designed for
NC Governors’ wives, numerous bridal
parties, debutantes, beauty pageant
entries, fifteen years dressing Miss North
Carolinas and five Miss Americas. Cost $6.
RSVP by June 13.
Adoption, Foster
Care, Advocacy
What’s it Like?
Come spend an hour to hear from families
who have adopted domestically and
internationally, become foster parents, or
are advocates for children who face the
possibility of being placed in foster care.
Join us 5:00-6:00 pm, on Sunday, May 19
in room 124, ESUMC families will share
their struggles and joys as they have
journeyed with children in need of loving
homes. Join us in supporting these
families, and if you feel the call to adopt,
foster or advocate, learn more about how
you too can come alongside a child.
By Our Gifts - April 28
General Budget Received this Week $91,394.55
Received Year-to-Date
By Our Presence - May 5
Worship 8:40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
9:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
10:55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474
11:11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Worship Total . . . . . 1245
caring for those who are hurting, sending ordinary people
into the world equipped to do extraordinary things.
Music and Worship
Arts Camp
for Children and Youth
Monday, Aug. 5 - Friday, Aug. 9
9:00 am - 12:45 pm
All rising 1st through 8th graders are
invited to join us for a fun week of music,
drama, dance, drumming, handbells, and
choir! Registration has begun. Pickup
a youth or children’’s form today or visit
the webpage for details. There will be
courses for each age group and interest.
Music and Arts Camp is an exciting
opportunity for children and youth
to grow in their faith through music,
drama, and art. The children are shown
God’s love in a supportive and creative
environment by a caring group of
individuals who give freely of their time.
Activities include worship, storytelling,
choir, handbells, art, drama, rhythm
and percussion, creative movement, set
design and costuming.
Vacation Bible School
Music Available
Pick up a VBS music cd Sunday, May 12
and Sunday, May 19 anytime between
9:00-11:00 in the 2nd floor Alcove. Enjoy
learning fun songs in preparation for this
year’s Vacation Bible School. One cd per
registered family.
Play, Pray & Worship!
eStreet Youth
Join us for an exciting family focused
weekend to play, pray and worship
together at ESUMC’s Family Retreat! ALL
families are invited to head east to Camp
Seagull, September 13-15, 2013. We will
enjoy the use of Camp Seagull’s outdoor
activities (www.seagull-seafarer.org)
while sharing the love of Christ with our
immediate family and our church family.
Our prayer is that families will come
home refreshed, reconnected and ready
to “Share Christ from the Heart of Raleigh”
with new energy!
ww June 2 - Senior High Recognition and
Youth Sunday
Cost $350/family, includes meals (except
for Friday night), lodging (private cabins)
and camp activities. A $100 deposit is
required by June 15 to hold your family’s
reservation. Deposits can be made
online or by contacting Robin Ellison at
the church office to pay by check.
Ruth Sheets Center
Immediate opening for a part-time
bookkeeper for the Sheets Center (501
c3), 10-12 hours a month. Requires
bookkeeping experience with
QuickBooks and accounts payable and
receivables. For full details, contact Susan
at 919-832-7535 ext. 219.
ww June 24 - 28 - Camp Shalom
ww July 6 - 12 - MS Mission Trip Cincinnati,
ww July 21 - 28 - HS Haiti Pilgrimage
ww August 5 - 9 - Music and Worship Arts
Camp (Middle School)
Join us for eStreet fun for 6th- 12th
graders. Contact Bert or Wes
for info: bsnyder@esumc.org or
Interested in
If you are feeling called to become
part of this church family, please
make plans to attend Planting Day for
new members! Our Summer Planting
Day will take place on Saturday, June
22 from 8:45 am - 1 pm to prepare
you for being received into the life of
Edenton Street on Sunday, June 23 at
the service you choose.
Please contact Joy Owen, Director
of Welcoming Ministries, jowen@
esumc.org or ext. 350, at your earliest
convenience so she can prepare for
you to join.
Current Sermon Information:
Sunday Servants - May 19
May 12
Musicians: Greeters:
Home Cooking
Luke 10:38-41
Rev. Ned Hill
Luke 4:1-13
Rev. Justin Morgan
May 19
Cooking for a Crowd
Luke 9:10-17
Rev. Bruce Stanley
Acts 2:1-11
Rev. Justin Morgan
8:40 Michael Clinkscales 10:55
8:40 Mel and Doris Good, Gary Pelletier
10:55 Jerre and Celeste Parker, Karen Padgett,
Jim and Norma Stewart, Judy Jeffries
Gathering Team:
8:40 Richard Chandler, Nita Lawrence, Chris Squires, Albert Wade, Stuart Matthews
10:55 Johnny Neese, Bryant Paris, Roger Earnhardt, Jon Sasser, Jim Stewart, Louis Wilkerson,
Frank Koontz, Ed Upchurch, David Greenlee,
Bryan Everett, Jerry Stoltz, Carl Turner, John Draz, Cathy Draz
Nursery Coordinators: Emily Funderburk, Sean and Courtney Clark, David and Laura Cole, Brent and Amy Covington
Parking Group: Iannello
Sunday Driver: Jim Stewart
ww May 18 - Habitat Workday
ww May 19 - Adoption, Foster Care and
Advocacy Seminar
ww May 21 - EStreeters Fellowship
ww May 24 - Moms in Mission
ww May 27 - Church Office Closed
ww June 1 - Habitat Workday
ww June 2 - Senior High Recognition and
Youth Sunday
ww June 9 - Mostly Mozart Performance
ww June 10 - Administrative Board
ww June 12 - 15 - NC Annual Conference
ww June 22 - Planting Day for New
ww June 24 - 28 - Camp Shalom
ww July 4 - Church Office Closed
ww July 8 - Administrative Board
ww July 22 - 26 - Vacation Bible School
ww August 5 - 9 - Music and Worship Arts
12:30 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm 7:00 pm
Neighbor 2 Neighbor (offsite)
Women’s Bible Study (168)
Praise Band (Bulla)
New Testament Study (165)
Youth Group (Bulla), Disciple (Parlor)
Cub Scout Class (Chp Annex)
Monday, May 13
9:30 am Fitness Class (357)
12:00 pm Finance Committee (251), Education
Committee (Chp Annex)
6:00 pm Christian Believer (251)
6:30 pm Disciple I (164)
7:00 pm Cub Scouts (Bulla)
Tuesday, May 14
9:30 am UMW Board Mtg (251)
9:45 am Zumba Class (124)
6:00 pm Daughter’s of the King Banquet (Kerr),
Small Group (Prayer Rm)
7:00 pm Young Adult Basketball
Wednesday, May 15
9:30 am Fitness Class (357)
9:45 am Zumba Class (124)
10:30 am Wednesday Morning Bible Study (321),
Academy Board (162)
12:00 pm Intercessory Prayer
6:00 pm Triangle Young Nonprofit Mtg (161)
6:30 pm Disciple 1 (251), Financial Peace University
(163), COM Mtg (164)
7:00 pm Boy Scouts (Bulla), Board of Trustees (Chp
ww Sept. 2 - Church Office Closed
Thursday, May 16
12:30 pm Ruth Sheets Center Board (251)
5:00 pm Methodist Home for Children Families
Dinner (124)
6:00 pm The Gathering Worship Team (Kerr), Youth
Group Leader Mtg (offsite)
7:00 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Homeless
Ministry Team (161)
Friday, May 17
5:00 pm Capp/Roberts Rehearsal (Sanct.)
Saturday, May 18
8:00 am Habitat for Humanity Workday (offsite)
5:00 pm Capp/Roberts Wedding (Sanct.)
News Connections:
A weekly email newsletter is available.
Sign up online with the link from
the ESUMC.org home page or text
ESUMCNEWS to 22828. To continue
receiving The Communicator by mail, call
the church office at (919) 832-7535.
Contacting ESUMC
Office Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Mon.-Fri.
Office: (919) 832-7535; Fax (919) 829-5780
Inclement Weather: Main number, option 2
Emergency on-call: (919) 345-8435
Submit newsletter content to:
communicator@esumc.org by Wed. 12pm
Plan Ahead Dates
Sunday, May 12
Sermon recordings at estreet
Internet: Live video streaming at
9:30 am Contemporary Service
Internet: Live video streaming and
sermon recordings www.esumc.
Radio (Live): 5/12/13 off air 5/19/13 WPTF
Television (One week delay): 12:00 pm on
Raleigh CTV Channel 22
10:55 am Traditional Service
More Ways to Worship
8:40am Traditional Worship
9:30am The Gathering Contemporary
Worship (Kerr)
9:45am Sunday School
10:55am Traditional Worship
11:11am The Gathering Contemporary
Worship (Kerr)
Sunday Mornings
THE COMMUNICATOR: (USPS: 167-620) is published weekly except the weeks of July
4 and Dec. 25. Periodicals Postage Paid by Edenton Street United Methodist Church,
228 W. Edenton Street, Raleigh NC 27603-1790, (919) 832-7535. POSTMASTER: Send
address changes to The Communicator, Edenton St. United Methodist Church at 228
W. Edenton Street, Raleigh NC 27603-1790.