Document 6450330


Document 6450330
Welcome to Worship
We welcome you to our Worship this morning, especially those who are visitors. May you experience God’s love and presence in our midst. We welcome the opportunity to get better acquainted with you and hope to see you again! Welcome & Announcements Call to Worship Songs of Praise & Worship Offering & Dedication Joys & Concerns, Prayer Acceptance of Members Scripture Reading – Mark 12:28-­‐31 Message – “God’s Love, Our Love” Merlin & Shirley Bohn Steven Oswald Pastor Aaron 1 John 4:7-­‐12 Sending Song Benediction We invite you to stay and fellowship with us before Sunday School. Sunday School for all ages begins at 11:00 AM. Manson Mennonite Church
1310 8th Street ~ P.O. Box 627 ~ Manson, Iowa 50563 Aaron Carlson, Pastor June 8, 2014 OUR NURSERY is available to children through age 3. After Joys & Concerns you are welcome to take your children to the nursery area in the Fireside Room. Please pick up your child promptly after the service. Attendant Today – Nicole Oswald, Next Week – Need attendant TODAY begins a new Sunday School study in the Fireside Room for those who are currently parenting children. There will be a separate Sunday School class for adults who are not currently parenting or helping with children’s Sunday School in the Fellowship Hall. IMPORTANT MEETING for ALL VBS Volunteers TODAY! We will have a potluck immediately following Sunday School. Please bring your leader book if one has already been provided for you. We will be going over important information regarding this year's VBS. I AM OVERWHELMED with gratitude to all who generously gave their sympathy and time at the service for Leo, and for the meal after. It was comforting and very much appreciated. God bless you all. Marilyn Eigsti & Family THE FOOD PANTRY is running low on canned fruit if you wish to contribute. Thank you! THE VBS COMMITTEE would like to borrow items for VBS decorations. The theme this year is “Weird Animals.” We are interested in anything unique in texture, sheen, appearance, etc that children would find interesting or appealing. Ideas might be: streamers, beaded curtains, whirly-­‐gigs, plants, fake or real flowers, shiny or sheer curtains, pool noodles and the list goes on. Have questions about a certain item? Talk to April Kaufman or Molly Carlson. THE JUNE NEWSLETTER from Dennis & Connie Byler is on the bulletin board. Please pray for them as they plan their summer trip to the states. DANIEL SUTTER’S new address is 1349 Main Street, Apt. #204, Pella, IA 50219 WE ARE ENDEAVORING to make prayer times more regular as the Holy Spirit leads us. The next prayer meeting will be Thursday, June 19th @ 7 PM. LIBERIA recently experienced a deadly outbreak of Ebola. The Farm Committee was able to give a gift recently towards the work of Samaritan’s Purse to help stop this outbreak. ** A new thank you letter to our church from Franklin Graham is on the bulletin board. WHY STOP NOW WITH PENNY POWER COLLECTIONS? Let’s continue as a church to fill our piggy banks for missions. Mennonite Central Committee has ongoing projects throughout the world related to food, water, health, education and peace needs. Let’s start working towards another mission project to give to. THERE WILL BE a Baked Potato Fundraiser meal for the Bible Memory program on Sunday noon June 22nd. All food will be provided but we will need workers to help on Saturday and Sunday. Talk to Kym or Teresa if you are willing to help. All proceeds after expenses will go to Bible Memory. THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE is starting a fund to replace doors throughout the church. The hope is to replace the southwest door first. If you would like to give towards this cause, please memo your check “New Door Fund.” Thank you for your giving. PLEASE PRAY that the Lord would provide for the leadership needs of the Hmong Mennonite Church of St. Paul. This Week
Today Tuesday Thursday Sunday -­‐ 4:30 PM Good Sam Worship -­‐ 9:30 AM Mom’s Group -­‐ 7:00 PM Stewardship Meeting -­‐ 9:30 AM Worship -­‐10:45 AM Fellowship -­‐11:00 AM Sunday School Coming Dates
June 19 – Prayer Meeting @ 7 PM June 19-­‐22 – CPMC Annual Meeting June 22 – Baked Potato Fundraiser for Bible Memory Prayer Concerns
Please continue to pray for Marilyn Eigsti and family at the passing of Leo. Please pray for Jake & Lois Birkey as Jake takes chemo treatments. Pray for Arlene Sutter and God’s continued healing and wisdom for the doctors as she continues cancer treatments. Please remember Carol Birkey & Bob Sutter who are in the Manson Good Samaritan Home. Please pray for those who are dealing with health concerns and pray for their families and caregivers as well. HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK TO Bob Sutter, Nicole Oswald, Arlene Sutter & Kym Sutter. ATTENDANCE: 6-­‐1-­‐14 Sunday School 43, Worship 83 5-­‐25-­‐14 Sunday School 41 OFFERING: 6-­‐1-­‐14 Budget/General Fund $2,135.66, Special Funds $43.39, Total $2,179.05 Pastor Aaron’s Cell Phone: 712-­‐210-­‐5921 Church Office: 469-­‐3387 Pastor Aaron’s E-­‐Mail: Church Secretary E-­‐Mail: Church Website: Vol. 65 No. 23 Prayer Chain: Kathy Birkey at 469-­‐3136 or 515-­‐408-­‐2555 NOTE: Kathy Birkey is back so you may call her once again with
prayer chain announcements.