February 1, 2015 - Nutana Park Mennonite Church


February 1, 2015 - Nutana Park Mennonite Church
Anita Retzlaff 373-3472
Patrick Preheim 955-2928
Sarah Unrau – Youth Leader 291-8604
374-2144 e-mail:npmc@npmc.net web page:www.npmc.net
February 1, 2015
4th Sunday of Epiphany
Vol. L
11:00 a.m.
No. 5
Worship Leader: Tammy Forrester
Accompanist: Sharon Klassen
Song Leader: Jake Ens
Greeters: Debra Heinrichs & Stan Bartel
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship
Jesus Be the Center
Hymn of Praise
God of Our Strength
Lighting of the Peace Lamp
With the Children
The Butterfly Song
HWB No. 36
Jake Ens
Child care is provided for ages 1 & 2, Sunday School for Preschool – Grade 6
Psalm Reading
Congregational Prayer
Help Us to Help Each Other
Special Music
Peace in the Valley
Community and Autonomy
Heart with Loving Heart United
Spoken Benediction
Sung Benediction
Go Now in Peace
Psalm 111
HWB No. 362
Romans 12:1-8
Patrick Preheim
HWB No. 420
Thank you for turning off all cell phones/electronic devices.
Spotlight on Community Life
Spotlight on World Day of Prayer
Thank God today for how he provides
for strangers and aliens, that he isn't
partial to one group. Ask God to help
you partner with him in that. Today and
in the next few days look for ways to
pay attention to the stranger in the
same way God does.
World Day of Prayer will be held on
March 6. The planning committee would like a
representative from our congregation to help
with this task. The meeting will be at St. Peter
& Paul RC Church on February 12 at 2:00 pm.
If someone is willing to be part of this
Ecumenical meeting, please contact our
church office or Gloria at 306-374-3346.
This Week
9:00 am Contemplative prayer in the sanctuary.
No Adult choir rehearsal -- will resume March 1.
9:45 am Adult Ed: Using technology as individuals to find and
build community. Facilitator Winona Senner.
11:00 am Worship; Patrick Preheim speaking.
11:15 am Sunday School for preschool through grade six.
Noon Care Group 4 – visitors are invited to join us for lunch.
2:00 pm Ecumenical Bible Study; lounge.
10:00 am Women’s Bible Study.
7:00 pm Venture Club for grades 3 – 6.
6:00 pm Supper for young adults, career group and Sonrisa girls.
An evening of getting acquainted, games and music.
Host members bring either a salad or dessert for 10
people. Sign-up sheet in foyer. Help is needed for set-up
and clean-up. All are welcome.
7:00 pm FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE at Rosthern Junior College. Youth
from grades 6-12, youth leaders, parents, and pastors
are all invited. RSVP to val@rjc.sk.ca.
11 am – 7pm The Youth Farm Corn Maze is hosting Wintertainment.
Skating (bring your own skates), CORN MAZE!, carnival
games, bonfire, fireworks, food served all day, and more!
Admission $5. All proceeds go towards the ministry of
the Youth Farm Bible Camp.
Coming Up
Next Sun.
9:00 am Contemplative prayer in the sanctuary.
9:45 am Adult Ed: Church, community and local government.
Facilitator Renata Klassen.
11:00 am Worship; Anita Retzlaff speaking on the book of Job.
11:15 am Sunday School for preschool through grade six.
Potluck following the service: A-H, bring casserole, help
with clean-up; I-Z, bring salad and dessert, help set-up.
Feb. 10
1:30 pm Women’s Coffee & Conversation time; lounge.
Feb. 13, 14
Academy of Discipleship seminar sessions at Warman
Mennonite Church. Speakers Alan & Eleanor Kreider
from AMBS. See the bulletin board for more information.
Feb. 14
6:00 pm Annual Memorial March for Missing and Murdered
Indigenous Women. 6:00-7:30 pm, starting at City Hall.
Shekinah’s Annual Winter Fun Day. Come out and
share a day of skating, skiing, tubing and other kinds of
family fun with us!
Feb. 18
8:15 am Lenten Prayer Service and breakfast at NPMC;
leading the service is Nutana Park Mennonite Church.
Feb. 20
7:30 pm Musical Jam Session; lounge. Bring your instruments
and voices for an evening of singing popular songs.
March 13, 14
2015 Mennonite Church Sask Annual Delegate
Sessions at Mount Royal Mennonite Church. Forms are
on the mailbox table. See mcsask@mcsask.ca or
contact Alison Jantz at 306-270-1532.
Feb. 16
Christian Education “Looking at Ourselves”
Thanks to all who participated in the discussion during last Sunday’s
worship hour. Your thoughtful input is appreciated. We will follow up with
comments and recommendations at our Annual Meeting in March.
A summary of the discussion has been sent to everyone who has an email
address. The same summary is posted on the Sunday School bulletin board
in the education wing.
Children’s Sunday School
The third quarter of Children’s Sunday School begins on March 1. We need
three teachers for each class. Please volunteer on the sign-up sheet
on the Sunday School bulletin board.
Romans 12:1-8
1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers
and sisters, by the mercies of God, to
present your bodies as a living
sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,
which is your spiritual worship. Do not
be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your
minds, so that you may discern what is
the will of God—what is good and
acceptable and perfect. 3 For by the
grace given to me I say to everyone
among you not to think of yourself
more highly than you ought to think,
but to think with sober judgement,
each according to the measure of faith
that God has assigned. For as in one
body we have many members, and
not all the members have the same
function, so we, who are many, are
one body in Christ, and individually6 we
are members one of another. We
have gifts that differ according to the
grace given to us: prophecy,
proportion to faith;
ministry, in
the teacher, in teaching;
the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver,
in generosity; the leader, in diligence;
the compassionate, in cheerfulness.
Used by permission
National Council of Churches
Nutana Park Mennonite Church welcomes into fellowship and membership all
persons who confess faith in Jesus Christ, without regard to their race, ethnic
background, gender, age, sexual orientation, income, education, ability, and
other factors that give rise to discrimination and marginalization.
Nutana Park Ecumenical Committee invites us to Lenten Prayer Service and
Breakfast beginning at 8:15 am on February 18 and continuing every
Wednesday until April 1. They are held at Nutana Park Mennonite Church.
The Academy of Discipleship, in partnership with the Roman Catholic
Diocese of Saskatoon, Mennonite Central Committee, Micah Mission, and
Micah on Campus, is pleased to offer an *Introduction to Restorative Justice*.
The six-week course will meet Mondays, 7:00-9:00 p.m., from February 23
through March 30, at Resurrection Lutheran Church, 310 Lenore Drive.
Cost is $50, with assistance available. To register, contact Cindy Wallace at
cynthiarwallace@gmail.com or 306-381-7230.
Urgent: Billets are needed for delegates attending the MCSask sessions at
Mount Royal Mennonite Church for one night, Friday, March 13. Please sign up
on the sheet in the Education Wing or call the coordinator for billeting, Grace
Poettcker at 306-664-3475 or email gepoett@yahoo.ca.
The NPMC Photo Directory is updated -- give Helen your own flash drive and
she will copy the directory onto it and place it back into your mailbox or phone
the office if you wish to borrow a flash drive (there are 4 available). Those who
requested a hard copy of the directory will find the pages in their mailboxes.
Mennonite Church Saskatchewan is inviting applications for the position
of Area Church Minister. This will be a part time position (.5-.7 FTE)
beginning in March. A job description can be viewed at www.mcsask.ca.
Please direct inquiries to Bruce Jantzen: bjantzen@xplornet.net or
From Earthkeepers: MCCanada says that it "believes that God
is calling us to commit ourselves to discern the paths of
faithfulness to be good stewards of the earth". Discerning
requires information. Consider joining a local organization which
can help start or continue the discernment process. Among
those organizations: Permaculture Research Institute of
Saskatchewan; Saskatoon Nature Society; Saskatchewan
Environmental Society; Eco-friendly Saskatchewan.
MCC Connects: Did you know that each purchase you make at an MCC Thrift
shop helps to fund local and international work? To make this happen,
volunteers are needed. For more information on MCC Thrift Shops contact
Erica Baerwald at 306.665.2555 or go to mccsk.ca/thriftshops.
Saskatoon Open Door Society invites us to Senior’s Storytelling Circle on
Friday afternoons from 1:00-3:00 pm, January 30 – March 20. Held at
Saskatoon Council on Aging, 2020 College Drive. To register phone Shannon
306-653-4464, ext. 386 or smason@sods.sk.ca
Saskatoon Food Bank: Canned Vegetables, Flour, Rice
A mission of the Mennonite church in Montreal since 1974, the Maison de
l’amitié continues to welcome and support new arrivals to Canada and Quebec
through our English and French language classes and our community-focussed
student residence. You can support the ministries of the Maison de l’amitié this
summer by having fun! Come visit Montreal and stay in our Summer
Guestrooms! Rates start as low as $45 per night. Visit our website to find out
more: www.residencema.ca
Be an Outtatown Site Leader! There are one-semester positions in Burkina
Faso, and two-semester positions in Guatemala and South Africa. Currently we
are accepting applications for the 2015/16 program year (start date late August,
2015); applications will be reviewed upon receipt and will be accepted until the
positions are filled. For full job description, please visit cmu.ca/employment.
We invite all interested women to come to a monthly
Coffee and Conversation time in the church lounge.
We will meet at 1:30 pm Tuesday afternoons on:
February 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
The Caring and Visitation Committee
Community Life Calendar
Care Groups: February 15 – Group 3
March 8 – Group 5
March 22 – Group 1
February 22 – Group 1
March 15 – Group 2
Sherbrooke Community Centre Services: March 8
Bethany Manor: February 22 at 10:45 am
Special Events:
Young Adult/Career Group Supper and Social: February 5 at 6:00 pm
50th Church Anniversary: April 25 and 26
Yard Sale: May 23
Weddings and Baby Showers: TBA