April 19, 2015 - Calgary First Mennonite Church


April 19, 2015 - Calgary First Mennonite Church
Looking Ahead...
Thur., April 23
7:00 pm
Deacons’ Meeting
Sat., April 25
10:30 am
Planned Giving & Estate Seminar at FMC
Sun., April 26
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Sunday School for all ages
Worship Service with Pastor Ed: Lamentations
Coffee Time
7:30 pm
Walking with the Bible at Rudy & Betty’s ~ note change
Mon., April 27
Sat., May 2
Highway Clean-up ~ stay tuned for more details
Sun., May 17
No Sunday School - Victoria Day long weekend
May 22 - 24
Alberta Women’s Retreat - Sylvan Lake ~ see poster
Sat., May 30
7:00 pm
June 1 - 3
Theatre of the Beat presents: “A Bicycle Built for Two”
2600 Richmond Road SW, Calgary, AB. T3E 4M3
Phone: 403-249-8784
Fax: 403-249-9722
Email: calgary1st@mennonitechurch.ab.ca
Website: calgaryfirstmennonite.ca
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Christian Faith Studies here at FMC ~ see poster
Wed., June 3
9:00 am
Heritage Retreat at Camp Valaqua ~ see poster in foyer
Sun., June 21
11:00 am
Church Picnic (Potluck) at Camp Valaqua
No service at First Mennonite Church
Here at First
You are encouraged to read the book of Lamentations for next Sunday.
On May 30 at 7:00 pm., the critically acclaimed drama troupe, Theatre of the
Beat, will be presenting “A Bicycle Built for Two” here at First Mennonite. Plan
to join us for a fun and thought-provoking evening as they present a hilarious and
insightful comedy about the ups and downs of marriage. Tickets are $20.00 per
person and can be purchased online through a link on the First Mennonite
Church website.
The Mennonite Church Alberta Congregational Leadership Committee invites you
to attend the Christian Faith Studies Conference here at First Mennonite
Church June 1 - 3. For more information, see the poster & brochures in the foyer.
Your Christian Education Ministry is now accepting Menno Simons Christian
School Tuition Assistance Fund Applications. Please contact Jenny this week
if you have questions.
The Canadian Mennonite University Chamber Choir will be performing along
with the Division II Choir from Menno Simons Christian School on Friday, May
1st at First Mennonite. The concert will begin at 7:30 pm. Come out, enjoy the
music and support our Mennonite schools. Billets are needed for several CMU
students. If you can help, contact Pastor Ed.
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of
this world, but be transformed by the renewing
MENNONITE CHURCH of your mind.” Romans 12:2a NIV
Pastor: Ed Kauffman
Home: 403-500-9924 Cell: 587-226-5061
Email: ed.kauffman@mennonitechurch.ab.ca
Children’s Worker: Christine Hansplant
Email: christine@calgaryfirstmennonite.ca
April 19, 2015
Sunday School Classes ~ 10:00
Worship Service ~ 11:00 am
Ages 3 - Grade 1
Grades 2 - 5
Grades 6 - 12
Adult - Uniform Series
We Gather for Worship
Galilee (Lower Sunday School Wing; left side)
Egypt (Upper Sunday School Wing, right side)
Jericho (Upper Sunday School Wing, left side)
Main floor Sunday School Wing, end of hall
Praise & Prayer Notes
Call to Worship
Songs of Gathering
I am weak and I need thy strength HWB #553
There is a balm in Gilead HWB #627
We Listen for God’s Word
Children’s Feature
Katherine Milevic
Reading the Word
Jer. 18: 1-11 and 8:18 – 9:13
Song of Worship
Lord, listen to your children HWB #353
“Jeremiah, the Reluctant Prophet”
Pastor Ed
We Respond to God and Each Other
Song of Response
Have thine own way HWB #504
Sharing our Gifts
Pastoral Prayer
We Go Out as God’s Missionaries
Beyond First
You are invited to a Butterfly Tea and Bazaar at St. Mark and St. Philip, 1802-33
Ave., SW on Saturday, May 2 from 1:00 - 3:30pm. Admission - $5. See Poster in the
foyer for more details
Do you have a will? Is your family taken care of? Will you pay the least amount of
tax? Is giving to charity important? Do you have incapacity documents? A free
Planned Giving and Estate Planning Seminar by Mennonite Foundation of Canada (MFC), with MCC Alberta, will take place on Saturday, April 25 from 10:30 am 1:30 pm here at First Mennonite Church. Lunch will be provided. Please register by phone at: 1-888-622-6337 or by email: officeab@mccab.ca
Camp Valaqua’s Spring Work Day is coming up! Join us on May 9th as we split
wood, work on cabins, clean up, and work on various other projects to help get the
camp ready for summer. Lunch and coffee will be provided and you are welcome to
stay at Camp on Friday night -just let us know you are coming!
valaqua@xplornet.com, 403-637-2510
Sharing Church Life
Obey my voice HWB #163
Worship Leader: Ted Regehr
Song Leader: Moni Janssen
Accompanist: Linda Scarlett
Mennonite Church Alberta (MCA): First Mennonite, Calgary requests prayers for
God’s spirit to guide them as they look toward the future and seek to align their
program, structure, and resources with what God has in mind for them.
April 25, Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta Annual General Meeting
(11:00 .m.) and celebration of the work of Peter Rempel and the Youth Orientation
Units (1:00 p.m.) at Lendrum Mennonite Brethren Church, 11210 59 Avenue Northwest, Edmonton. For details see poster in the foyer.
Sharing Joys and Concerns
Song of Sending
Mennonite Church Canada: Todd and Jeanette Hanson are long-term Mennonite
Church Canada workers in China with their daughters Claire and Kate. The Hansons
teach English, network with Chinese church leaders and conduct much of the incountry administration for Mennonite ministry through our partner, Mennonite
Partners in China. Pray for energy and wisdom for this work.
The Annual Heritage Retreat for those 50+ will be held on June 3 at Camp Valaqua,
Please see the poster (with brochures) in the foyer for more information.
Ten Thousand Villages Crowchild is looking for an Assistant Manager. This is a
full time position. We are looking for a dynamic individual who has a passion for
fair trade. For more information call Joyce at 403-719-9005.
MDS Urgent needs: High River, Alberta:
Head Cook: May 3 – 8
Asst. Cook: May 3 – Jun. 5