January 25, 2015 - Nutana Park Mennonite Church


January 25, 2015 - Nutana Park Mennonite Church
Anita Retzlaff 373-3472
Patrick Preheim 955-2928
Sarah Unrau – Youth Leader 291-8604
374-2144 e-mail:npmc@npmc.net web page:www.npmc.net
January 25, 2015
3rd Sunday of Epiphany
Vol. L
11:00 a.m.
No. 4
Worship Leader: Patrick Preheim
Greeters: Janet & Norman Barnes
Ushers: Lorene & Arnie Nickel
Gathering Hymn
God of Grace and God of Glory
HWB No. 366
HWB No. 725
Table Groups
HWB No. 726
Thank you for turning off all cell phones/electronic devices.
Joys & Concerns
Wayne & Carry Dueck will be accepted into membership this morning at First
Mennonite Church in Kelowna, BC. We wish them God’s blessing as they
contribute to the life of the church in Kelowna.
The Saskatune Singers are worshipping at Osler Mennonite this morning.
Spotlight on
Community Life
Remembering when --Make a list in your head
or on paper in the many
ways God has touched
your life. When you look
back on your encounters
with God and remember
them you can feel God's
presence anew. You will
know that God is still and
always will be in our
midst and our lives. He
really is everywhere.
Spotlight on Mennonite Church Canada
Early indicators are suggesting that Mennonite Church
Canada is facing a donation shortfall as we approach our
fiscal year-end on Jan. 31, 2015. Meanwhile, workers
Nathan and Taryn Dirks serving in Botswana recently wrote
a blog post called “The Numbers Game” in which they
describe the difference generous donors from across
Canada are making (http://ntdirks.com/the-number-games/).
Theirs is just one of many impact stories of the work we do
together as a national church in 25 countries around the
world, and in Canada. Consider making an over-and-aboveusual-giving gift to Mennonite Church Canada so that
together we can continue to share God’s good news and
start the new fiscal year in a strong position! Donate online
via donate.mennonitechurch.ca or by mailing a cheque to
600 Shaftesbury Blvd, Wpg. MB R3P 0M4.
This Week
9:00 am Contemplative prayer in the sanctuary.
9:25 am Adult choir rehearsal.
9:45 am Adult Ed: Using technology to build our church
community. Facilitators Patrick Preheim (and others).
11:00 am Worship; We will engage the entire congregation in the
questions of how we grow in the faith and transmit faith
(to children, youth, seekers, visitors). Our worship hour
will be designed in such a way that we hear from each
other on these important questions.
Noon Care Group 1 – visitors are invited to join us for lunch.
2:00 pm Ecumenical Bible Study; lounge.
No Women’s Bible Study.
7:00 pm Venture Club for grades 3 – 6.
1:30 pm Caring & Visitation meeting at the home of Ruth Wiens.
7:00 pm Young Adult gathering, NPMC.
Feb. 5
6:00 pm Supper for young adults, career group and Sonrisa girls.
An evening of getting acquainted, games and music.
Host members bring either a salad or dessert for 10
people. Sign-up sheet in foyer. Help is needed for set-up
and clean-up. All are welcome.
Feb. 6
7:00 pm FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE at Rosthern Junior College. Youth
from grades 6-12, youth leaders, parents, and pastors
are all invited. RSVP to val@rjc.sk.ca.
Feb. 7 11 am – 7pm The Youth Farm Corn Maze is hosting Wintertainment.
Skating (bring your own skates), CORN MAZE!, carnival
games, bonfire, fireworks, food served all day, and more!
Admission $5. All proceeds go towards the ministry of
the Youth Farm Bible Camp.
Feb. 8
Potluck following the service: A-H, bring casserole, help
with clean-up; I-Z, bring salad and dessert, help set-up.
Feb. 13, 14
Academy of Discipleship seminar sessions at Warman
Mennonite Church. Speakers Alan & Eleanor Kreider
from AMBS. See the bulletin board for more information.
Feb. 14
6:00 pm Annual Memorial March for Missing and Murdered
Indigenous Women. 6:00-7:30 pm, starting at City Hall.
Feb. 16
Shekinah’s Annual Winter Fun Day. Come out and
share a day of skating, skiing, tubing and other kinds of
family fun with us!
March 13, 14
2015 Mennonite Church Sask Annual Delegate
Sessions at Mount Royal Mennonite Church. Forms are
on the mailbox table. See mcsask@mcsask.ca or
contact Alison Jantz at 306-270-1532.
Community Life Calendar
Care Groups: February 1 – Group 4
February 22 – Group 1
March 15 – Group 2
February 15 – Group 3
March 8 – Group 5
March 22 – Group 1
Sherbrooke Community Centre Services: March 8
Bethany Manor: February 22 at 10:45 am
Special Events:
Young Adult/Career Group Supper and Social: February 5 at 6:00 pm
50th Church Anniversary: April 25 and 26
Yard Sale: May 23
Weddings and Baby Showers: TBA
Coming Up
Next Sun.
9:00 am Contemplative prayer in the sanctuary.
9:25 am Adult choir rehearsal.
9:45 am Adult Ed: Using technology as individuals to find and
build community. Facilitator Winona Senner.
11:00 am Worship; Patrick Preheim speaking.
11:15 am Sunday School for preschool through grade six.
Nutana Park Mennonite Church welcomes into fellowship and membership all
persons who confess faith in Jesus Christ, without regard to their race, ethnic
background, gender, age, sexual orientation, income, education, ability, and
other factors that give rise to discrimination and marginalization.
Nutana Park Mennonite Church
December 31, 2014
Surplus (loss)
Note: Above Surplus does not include the 2014 Audit Fees.
Thank you to all that made it possible to go from a loss to a surplus
on the last Sunday in December 2014.
Saskatoon Food Bank: Canned Vegetables, Flour, Rice
Urgent: Billets are needed for delegates attending the MCSask sessions at
Mount Royal Mennonite Church for one night, Friday, March 13. Please sign up
on the sheet in the Education Wing or call the coordinator for billeting, Grace
Poettcker at 306-664-3475 or email gepoett@yahoo.ca.
The photo directory is updated -- give Helen your own flash drive and she will
copy the directory onto it and place it back into your mailbox or phone the office
if you wish to borrow a flash drive (there are 4 available). Those who requested
a hard copy of the directory will find the pages in their mailboxes.
Mennonite Church Saskatchewan is inviting applications for the
position of Area Church Minister. This will be a part time position
(.5-.7 FTE) beginning in March. A job description can be viewed at
www.mcsask.ca. Please direct inquiries to Bruce Jantzen:
bjantzen@xplornet.net 306-467-4807.
From Earthkeepers: Saskatchewan Community Wind
(www.saskwind.ca) has a vision of 20% of Saskatchewan's
electricity generated from wind energy by 2030 with at least half
of that produced by community owned turbines/wind farms.
Plans are already in the works for a solar power cooperative near
Saskatoon with information available at
MCC Connects: Take chances. Make mistakes. Get messy. Be challenged.
Spend a year living somewhere that you never dreamed you'd go . . . start now.
Serving and Learning Together (SALT) is a year-long, cross-cultural service
experience. Serve internationally in areas such as education, agriculture,
healthcare, information technology, peace and more! SALT applications are due
February 15, 2015. Contact Erica Baerwald, 306.665.2555 or
ericabaerwald@mccsk.ca or visit mcccanada.ca/get-involved/serve/gsl.
This Will Lead To Dancing
Many of us are struggling with the issue of faithfulness and the inclusion of our
LGBTQ friends in our church communities. Theatre of the Beat (creators of
"Gadfly," "Forgiven/Forgotten," "This Prison," "A Bicycle Built for Two") wants to
engage audiences in this conversation with a play, and is currently fundraising
for a new project entitled "This Will Lead to Dancing."
Community Mennonite Church (in Stouffville, ON) has agreed to accept
donations on behalf of this project and will be issuing receipts for any and all
donations. Please send donations to: Community Mennonite Church of
Stouffville, P.O. Box 95028, Stouffville, ON, L4A 1J1, with "TOTB Project" on
the Memo line. Thank you for your generosity and being part of this important
Saskatoon Open Door Society invites us to Senior’s Storytelling Circle on
Friday afternoons from 1:00-3:00 pm, January 30 – March 20. Held at
Saskatoon Council on Aging, 2020 College Drive. To register phone Shannon
306-653-4464, ext. 386 or smason@sods.sk.ca
Message from Mennonite Church Saskatchewan:
Canadian Mennonite Magazine Inquiry -- We are looking for suggestions of
people who might be good candidates to be on our board. This is not a formal
nominations process. It’s an attempt to build a pool of potential candidates from
rural/urban MCSask churches. The skills we’re looking for presently would
include: involved in small business (human resources or financial); or
knowledgeable about new technologies (web or communication). Marianne
Harder, CMPS Board member. mgharder@sasktel.net or phone 232-9000.
Looking at ourselves in our church family
Objective: To engage the entire congregation in the questions of how we grow
in the faith and transmit faith (to children, youth, seekers, visitors).
Our worship hour today will be designed in such way that we hear from each
other on these important questions. After a gathering hymn and 5 minute
meditation in the sanctuary on the origins and hopes for the morning, we will
break into groups.
Guidelines for the activity:
 Table groups of 6 to 8
 Include persons from at least 4 decades at each table. Try for more.
 Everyone in the group is equally important. All must have opportunity to
answer each question.
 There are no wrong answers.
 Appoint a group leader/timekeeper and a recorder.
 If your child may tire of the verbal nature on the activity, pick up an
activity bag on your way to a table. (one for preschool to age 6, the
other for age 6/7 to 9.) Use at your discretion.
The questions:
1. What are the two or three most important reasons why you come to
church on Sunday morning?
2. What are two or three of your favorite ways to worship God and
enhance your Christian understandings?
3. If there is extra time, please share a story of a church experience that
stands out in your memory.
4. From what you have heard this morning, are there additional ways that
would enhance our church programs of Christian education?
Conclusion: Each group will conclude their time with prayer. (This could
include sharing of joys and concerns and a benediction.)
Background for this discussion:
Our congregation has a strong history of commitment to Christian education. In
the fifty years of our history, we have always had Sunday School classes for all
ages, weeknight clubs for children, and usually formal youth programs. After
some lean years, we once again have a sizable group of toddlers and young
However we live in new and different times. There are more community options
for sports, arts, and music activities that our children participate in. Activities
occur on weeknights and on Sundays, including Sunday mornings. There are
many new demands on parents to support their children’s programs as
volunteers. Our past structures and ways of supporting them are no longer
serving our needs.
This has affected all our children’s programming. Three years ago we moved
children’s Sunday School to the worship hour, reducing the time from 1 hour to
30 minutes and eliminating children’s singing. Parents strongly support this
change. However attendance continues to be very sporadic. The age of
Sunday School classes has been reduced from age 3 to grade 12 to age 3 to
grade six. Even now, some of the older children ask to be excused from
In the past year, we have had two new teacher volunteers. We rely heavily on
teachers who have been teaching for years and are burning out. We have
trouble replacing program leaders.
Most of the young adults who attend the Thursday evening discussion group
are not those who grew up in our congregation. What does this mean?
We see parents of toddlers who spend time caring for their children while they
visit with each other during the worship service, rather than placing their
children into the supervised daycare room. How are we supporting young
families in the challenge of raising their children?
Those of us who are involved in program planning in Christian Education have
concerns. We are looking to the entire congregation to help us reflect on
Christian faith and how it grows. As we reflect together on our joint experience,
we expect to receive new insights that will help us plan more effectively for the