April 26, 2015 - Calgary First Mennonite Church


April 26, 2015 - Calgary First Mennonite Church
Looking Ahead...
Mon., April 27
7:30 pm
Walking with the Bible at Rudy & Betty’s ~ note change
Fri., May 1
7:30 pm
CMU and MSCS Choirs at First Mennonite Church
Sat., May 2
Sun., May 3
10:00 am
11:00 am
Sunday School for all ages
Worship Service with Pastor Ed ~ Book of Ezekiel
Mon., May 5
7:30 pm
Council of Church Ministries
Sun., May 10
10:00 am
11:00 am
Sunday School for all ages
Worship Service with Pastor Ed ~ Book of Daniel
Tues., May 12
7:30 pm
Helping Hands Women in Mission Strawberry Tea
11:00 am
No Sunday School - Victoria Day long weekend
Worship Service with Pastor Ed ~ Book of Hosea
10:00 am
11:00 am
Sunday School for all ages
Worship Service with Elroy Senneker
Sun., May 17
Sun., May 24
May 22 - 24
Highway Clean-up ~ sign-up sheet in the foyer
2600 Richmond Road SW, Calgary, AB. T3E 4M3
Phone: 403-249-8784
Fax: 403-249-9722
Email: calgary1st@mennonitechurch.ab.ca
Website: calgaryfirstmennonite.ca
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Alberta Women’s Retreat - Sylvan Lake ~ see poster
Fri., May 29
11:30 am
Seniors’ Lunch here at First Mennonite Church
Sat., May 30
7:00 pm
Theatre of the Beat presents: “A Bicycle Built for Two”
Sun., May 31
12:00 pm
Soup & Pie Fundraiser here at First Mennonite Church
June 1 - 3
Christian Faith Studies here at FMC ~ see poster
Wed., June 3
7:30 pm
Council of Church Ministries
Wed., June 3
9:00 am
Heritage Retreat at Camp Valaqua ~ see poster in foyer
Sun., June 21
11:00 am
Church Picnic (Potluck) at Camp Valaqua
No service at First Mennonite Church
Beyond First
Camp Valaqua’s Spring Work Day is on May 9. Join us to help get the camp ready for summer.
Lunch & coffee will be provided & you are welcome to stay at Camp on Friday night - just let
us know you are coming: 403-637-2510 or by email: valaqua@xplornet.com.
The Annual Heritage Retreat for those 50+ will be held on June 3 at Camp Valaqua. Please see
the poster (with brochures) in the foyer for more information.
CommonWord Bookstore and Resource Centre at Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) isn’t
just for locals. CommonWord provides thousands of home & congregational resources. Take
advantage of competitive pricing as well as free shipping & downloads. We are the largest
Anabaptist resource centre in Canada. Visit commonword.ca today!
Join young adult peace builders from around the world in an evening of sharing at Foothills
Mennonite Church, Wednesday, May 20 at 7:00 pm. Participants from MCC's Planting Peace
program will present on their 2 weeks of learning & their dreams for peace in their home
communities. For more information, go to the MCC Canada website or call: 403-275-6935.
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2a NIV
Pastor: Ed Kauffman
Home: 403-500-9924 Cell: 587-226-5061
Email: ed.kauffman@mennonitechurch.ab.ca
Children’s Worker: Christine Hansplant
Email: christine@calgaryfirstmennonite.ca
April 26, 2015
Sunday School Classes ~ 10:00 am
Worship Service ~ 11:00 am
Ages 3 - Grade 1
Grades 2 - 5
Grades 6 - 12
Adult - Uniform Series
We Gather for Worship
Galilee (Lower Sunday School Wing; left side)
Egypt (Upper Sunday School Wing, right side)
Jericho (Upper Sunday School Wing, left side)
Main floor Sunday School Wing, end of hall
Praise & Prayer Notes
Call to Worship
We Listen for God’s Word
Children’s Feature
Richard Gorecki
Chapter 1
Based on Lamentations
Pastor Ed
I will come to you in the silence
(STS #49)
Mennonite Church Canada: Pray for AnaSara Rojas (Mennonite Church Canada worker
in South Korea) as she shares her gifts with two Anabaptist congregations in South Korea – the Dream Church & the Peace N Joy Church.
Mennonite Church Alberta (MCA): Please pray for wisdom and the ability to discern
the guidance of the Holy Spirit as Holyrood Mennonite Church seeks God’s will as to how
to proceed with an aging building which requires extensive repairs.
Here at First
Chapter 2
Create in me a clean heart
Chapter 3
Great is thy faithfulness
(HWB #327)
Chapter 4
My life flows on
vv. 1 & 2 (HWB #580)
Chapter 5
Lift every voice and sing
(HWB #579)
We Respond to God and Each Other
Offering our Gifts
The Canadian Mennonite University Chamber Choir will be performing along with
the Division II Choir from Menno Simons Christian School on Friday, May 1 here at First
Mennonite Church at 7:30 pm. Enjoy the music and support our Mennonite schools.
Billets are needed for several CMU students. If you can help, contact Pastor Ed.
On May 30 at 7:00 pm., the critically acclaimed drama troupe, Theatre of the Beat, will
be presenting “A Bicycle Built for Two” here at First Mennonite Church. Plan to join us
for a fun and thought-provoking evening as they present a hilarious and insightful comedy about the ups and downs of marriage. Tickets are $20.00 per person and can be purchased online through a link on the First Mennonite Church website.
On Sunday, May 31, we will have a Soup & Pie Fundraiser after church to help offset
the costs of the 2015 MCC Charity Auction and Sale.
Sharing Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
The Mennonite Church Alberta Congregational Leadership Committee invites you to
attend the Christian Faith Studies Conference here at First Mennonite Church from
June 1 - 3. For more information, see the poster & brochures in the foyer.
We Go Out as God’s Missionaries
First Mennonite Church has been asked to make 40 pies for the Bake Sale at the MCC
Charity Auction and Sale (June 5 & 6 in Didsbury). Pie plates will be supplied. If you can
make some pies for the Sale in June, please talk to Jim Griffeth.
Sharing Church Life
Song of Sending
THANK YOU to all the volunteers who came to help with the Spring Clean-up of the
church building on April 17 & 18. Over 150 hours were put in by 29 volunteers: Jim,
Betty W, Harvey, Ellie, Corey, Rudy, Wayne, Austin, Marlene, Alfred, Paul, Moni, Jade,
Mikka, Teyo, Ed, Gay, Erv, Birgit, Daniel, Lisa M, Andrew, Elsie, Dan and Marguerite &
their 3 grandkids, and Karen.
Great is the Lord (HWB #87)
Worship Leader: Erv Thiessen
Song Leader: Lisa Burgess
Accompanist: Elsie Wiebe
Following the service, join us downstairs
for Coffee Time.
You are encouraged to read the following as Pastor Ed continues his Books of the Bible
Series: May 3 – Ezekiel; May 10 – Daniel; May 17 – Hosea.
Mennonite Central Committee/Thrift Shop/Mennonite Mutual Insurance
About 3 years ago, MCC, the MCC Calgary Thrift Shop, and MMI began conversations
about their current building in Calgary. A year ago, the three organizations agreed to
an expansion, which will help each of us. Work should begin in late June with an estimated cost of 1.5 to 1.8 million. Please write or call any of us if you have questions or