Mending Hearts...Building Bridges
Mending Hearts...Building Bridges
Share This: Mending Hearts...Building Bridges Dear SACH Supporter, The end of the year is almost here and we at SACH are very proud to announce the official opening of the new Legacy Heritage Children's Home of Save a Child's Heart (see pictures). This home will be able to accommodate many more children. So far this year we've saved the lives of more than 240 children from all over the world, an amount which we look forward to increasing next year! Everyone at the house is packing and getting ready for the big move at the beginning of 2012! We currently have the house filled with laughter and giggling from Angola, Ethiopia, Moldova, Romania, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar. During November 1-4, we hosted the Second Save a Child's Heart International Board Meeting, with SACH board members, supporters and staff coming from USA, Canada, Holland, UK, South Africa, Switzerland and Israel. Over the course of these four days the guests visited the Wolfson Medical Center where they participated in the first SACH Regional Conference on Pediatrics, attended by 15 physicians from the Wolfson Medical Center, 24 Palestinian pediatricians and 3 senior physicians from the Hebei Children's Hospital in China: Lanping Liu, Deputy Director; Jianming Wang, Chief of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and Quansheng Yang, Executive Manager. The guests also attended the opening ceremony of the Legacy Heritage Children's Home and visited hospitals in Ramallah and Nablus after meeting with Dr. Fathi Abumoghli, the Palestinian Minister of Health. In addition they were invited to a dinner at the residence of Israeli board member Debra Silver and her husband, Yossi Carta in Cesarea with guests of honour Dr. Naim Sabra, Director of Hospitals of the Palestinian Health Ministry; Zeharit Zivner, Deputy Director at Wolfson Medical Center and Ms. Yael Dayan, Save a Child's Heart Ambassador. For the past two months, we have had a full house and lots of excitement, so read on and enjoy learning more about our children, doctors, medical missions, supporters and events! We would like to take this opportunity to wish our Dr. Akiva Tamir, head of the Pediatric Cardiology, a big Mazal Tov for his 60th birthday! Make a donation here, and help us save a child’s heart. Best Regards, Sara Mucznik Marketing Manager Save a Child's Heart - Children and Doctors Since January, the children that we have treated have came from Angola, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, Indonesia, Iraq, Moldova, Nigeria, the Palestinian Authority, Panama, the Philippines, Romania, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar with mothers and caretakers from all of these countries, living together in the Save a Child's Heart children's home, sharing experiences and becoming friends. Since the beginning of 2011 we have: saved the lives of more than 240 children from 15 different countries screened over 640 children in Israel and abroad enjoyed 150 volunteers helping out at the SACH home and in the Wolfson Medical Center hosted more than 3000 students and young professionals in the SACH home As part of our medical training program, we are currently training: one doctor from Tanzania in cardiac surgery five doctors from the Palestinian Authority, one from Slovakia and one from Kenya in anesthesiology one doctor from the Palestinian Authority in pediatric intensive care one doctor from the Palestinian Authority in neonatology Help us save a child's heart! Click on the button to make a donation! Opening of the new Legacy Heritage Children's Home of Save a Child's Heart The new Legacy Heritage Children's Home of Save a Child's Heart opened on Wednesday, November 2nd, with a high profile ceremony with more than 130 people who came to the new house on Haviva Reik Street in Holon. The ceremony took place in front of the Save a Child's Heart Children's Building in Memory of it's Founder Dr. Ami Cohen z''l, in the Ganz Family Charitable Foundation International Children’s Playground where the guests were surrounded by the Webkinz playground statues. Click on the image to see the children who are currently in Israel Follow us! Read more about the ceremony here. Blog from the Children's Home SACH Videos on Youtube Sabrina, the Girl With A Hole In Her Heart © 2011 Sabrina, a 10-year-old girl from a rural village in Zanzibar must decide whether to leave her family and fly to a faraway place for a surgery that could save her life. Yared Worde is in Israel! All of us at Save a Child's Heart are so pleased to welcome Yared Worde, an exceptional and heroic young man who had life saving surgery at SACH in 1999 at the age of thirteen. Based on the work of Save a Child's Heart - a true story of hope and big hearts. Find out more about this book here. He is currently in Israel to visit SACH and to commemorate ten years that have passed since our beloved Ami Cohen has left us, and of course to finally see the country that gave him his life back. Yared is staying with Yossi and Sheila Shalhevet (SACH board member and long time volunteer), who consider him to be a part of their family. Yared's story is very moving. Despite all odds and a traumatic childhood Yared is today the Co-Founder and Director of the St. Yared School (St. Yared is the patron saint of liturgical music in Ethiopia), attended by 100 underprivileged children. He is married and the father of two month old Ami, named after Dr. Ami Cohen who performed Yared's surgery and is raising Tamaru who had life saving surgery at SACH in 2009. The First Save a Child's Heart Regional Conference on Pediatrics and Announcement of the First Round up your credit card purchases and donate the difference to SACH SACH FACES International Fellowship in Memory of the late Eph Diamond The First Save a Child’s Heart Regional Conference on Pediatrics took place at the Wolfson Medical Center (WMC) on Wednesday November 2, 2011. This Conference was part of SACH’s activities under its Heart of the Matter Program, co-sponsored by the European Union’s Partnership for Peace Program. This program brings together Palestinians and Israelis by providing cardiac care to Palestinian children and outreach training programs for physicians from the Palestinian Authority. Read here more about the conference and the International Fellowship. Cardiology Clinic in Angola On November 6, Save a Child's Heart set out for one more mission to Angola, to the Hospital Pediátrico David Bernardino, in Luanda, to evaluate new patients and followup on children who have already undergone surgery through SACH. In total 90 children were evaluated. We would like to thank the LR Group for sponsoring the mission to Angola and the subsequent treatment of the children who will arrive in Israel. To date, 70 children have been treated from Angola, all through the sponsorship of the LR Group. Find out more about the clinic here. New project launched in Jimma, Ethiopia On November 10th, Dr. Lior Sasson, Lead Surgeon of SACH and Head of the Cardiothoracic Surgery Department at the Wolfson Medical Center, and Simon Fisher, Executive Director of Save a Child’s Heart, traveled to Ethiopia for three days of meetings with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health and the management of Jimma University Hospital. Read more about the visit here. Montel Williams visits Save a Child's Heart! On October 27, the famous talk show host, Montel Williams visited the Wolfson Medical Center and the SACH children's home as part of his trip to Israel to investigate groundbreaking Israeli advances in medicine, technology and patient care. During his visit, Montel Williams played with the children and chatted with American volunteers who were all very excited to meet such a known figure! SACH International Board Ramallah and Nablus Members visit On November 3, 2011, Dr. Naim Sabra, Director of Hospitals of the Palestinian Health Ministry and Save a Child’s Heart partner, hosted SACH International Board Members in Ramallah and Nablus. Find our more about the visit here. The International President of Rotary visits Save a Child's Heart On November 15, The International President of Rotary, Mr. Kalyan Banerjee, visited Save a Child's Heart accompanied by Israeli Rotary members. The group consisted of Moshe Edlman – District Governor in Israel; Emil El Asmar – District Secretary in Israel; Yoram Cohen – PDG and Chairman of SACH Israel; Yehuda Brin – Past President and Board Member of SACH Israel; Amiram Van Kloeten – Past President and Board Member of SACH Israel; Muhammad Mansur – Past President and Board Member of SACH Israel; and Victor Sterenberg - Past President. Mr. Kalyan and the group were given a tour of the hospital and of the children's home. During the visit, Mr. Banerjee expressed his support for Save a Child's Heart, for which we are so appreciative. News from Our Young Leadership - The fall has brought lots of exciting student activity. The brothers of Alpha Epsilon Pi have been busy spreading the SACH mission and fundraising on campus, including selling bracelets at the University of Illinois. NYU AEPi even rocked outside for 72 hours for their campaign and raised over $8500, well on their way to their first $10,000. - SACH ambassador Marissa Rosenfeld is working hard to launch SACH-U NY, a campus wide network of supporters in the New York City area coming together. Marissa hosted the first SACH-U NY event on her campus, Hunter College; a successful day of arts & crafts while Columbia/ Barnard Yavneh hosted another successful Casino Night in midNovember. Moving west, Michigan State Hillel featured SACH this fall at their annual Israel fest and dedicated students at UC Davis are busy launching their very own SACH club on campus. - 2011 marked SACH's first entrance into the New York City Marathon. Five incredible NYC Young Professionals made up the SACH team and each raised over $1500. Supporters lined the course wearing SACH marathon tees and spreading the word to all of the NYC community on race day. If you are interested in running the 2012 Marathon for SACH contact Visitors to SACH We're always receiving guests to the Save a Child's Heart children's home and the Wolfson Medical Center from all over the world, and we just love it! This past two months we were visited by: Delegation of Mayors from the US with Dr. Sion Houri at the Wolfson Medical Center. • Delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of San Marino, headed by H.E. Mrs. Antonella Mularoni, Minister for Foreign Affairs of San Marino • Prof. Ionica Sbarciu, President of Rotary Romania, Mr. Ephraim PriHar, in charge of PR for Rotary Israel and Dr. Simona Oprita, Pediatric Cardiologist at the Heart Institute for Cardiovascular Heart Disease in Cluj-Napoca, who came to discuss the possibility to create a new program of cooperation between SACH and the Institute in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. • The district Governor of Rotary Israel • Montel Williams, American Talk Show host • Ambassador of Congo, Mr. Marcel Makengo ma Kimboko • Delegation of Rotary from Paris • Australian Trade Union Mission through AIJAC • International President of Rotary, Mr. Kalyan Banerjee • Delegation of Turkish reporters through the Israeli Foreign Ministry • Delegation of Mayors from the US through AJC • Delegation of Australian Reporters through AIJAC • Delegation of Australian Diplomats through AIJAC • Miriam Doris, President of Na'amat Pioneiras São Paulo, Brazil • Reisman Family from Brazil • Prof. Charles McAdams, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Calgary In addition we received six Young Leadership groups, among them: • Machon Maayan - A seminar of girls from North America • Da'at Arza adults from North America • WUJS - World Union of Jewish Students SACH in the news Bridges For Peace - Ethiopian Orphan Saved by Israeli Doctors Now Helps Others Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Ethiopian orphan saved by Israeli docs now saves other Ethiopian children Haaretz - Galeria - Heart full Event (Hebrew) Angola Press - Four children win heart surgery in Israel Washington Square News - NYU fraternity rocks to a good cause Jewish Journal - Healing Hearts in Tel Aviv: How One California Woman Spent Her Post-Grad Months Maariv - Azur News - Big Heart (Hebrew) Yedihot Holon (News Holon) - New heart, new song (Hebrew) Haaretz - Diplomats with heart The Jerusalem Post - Grapevine: A Sultan from Egypt - November 2011 Holon City - The Young Patients Helped by Save a Child’s Heart Get a New Home in Holon Angola Press - Israeli physicians visit David Bernardino Paediatric Hospital Jerusalem Online - Channel 2 News (English) - Doctors from Wolfson visit Esther in Tanzania Channel 2 News (Hebrew) - Doctors from Wolfson visit Esther in Tanzania Ynetnews - Save a Child's Heart raises $400,000 The Sunday Times - Israeli docs build peace in Mid-East Rakyat Merdaka (Bahasa) - Setting foot in the Jewish State Online PR Media - Wonderful Holiday and Family Read: Sabrina, The Girl With A Hole In her Heart by author Wendy Lewis Shalom Life - Save A Child’s Heart ‘Un-Gala’ A Huge Success Other News from Save a Child's Heart Karen Diamond ED SACH Canada, Arie Assaraf TNT, Riva Grinshpan, SACH Canada Board of Directors From SACH US: - On October 3rd, SACH US Executive Director, David Litwack was presented with a cheque of $200,000 by John Hagee Ministries at the Night to Honor Israel at the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. This donation is going to be used towards the construction of the new Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at the Wolfson Medical Center. This is the forth donation from John Hagee Ministries over the past 4 years amounting almost $1,000,000. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Pastor John Hagee for his continuous support. From SACH Germany: - A cheque of 75,000€ was presented to SACH Israel by SACH Germany, as part of the winding down process of SACH Germany due to the retirement of Prof. Bruno Reichart from the Klinikum De Universitat in Munich. The presentation took place at the German Embassy in Tel Aviv in the presence of Godel Rosenberg, Board Member of SACH Germany; Gila Kesten, Board Member of SACH Germany, Dr. Wolfgang Heubisch, Minister of Science, Research and Art; Ronnald Vles, Board Member of SACH Holland; Mira Bornstein, Secretary of SACH Israel; Simon Fisher, Executive Director of SACH and Dr. Lior Sasson Lead Surgeon of SACH and Head of the Cardiothoracic Surgery Department at the Wolfson Medical Center. From SACH Canada: - TNT The Next Trend supports SACH. Arie Assaraf holds photo (see picture on the left) of Kasam Abu Jarad, the child whose surgery was sponsored by $10,000 that was raised at TNT The Next Trend clothing sales. Special thanks to Arie, his staff and customers, and Riva Grinshpan. - On November 17th, 2011, 14-year-old Amanda Belzowski presented the story of Save a Child's Heart to The Funding Network Toronto. In her presentation, Amanda requested support to help fund surgical training for the first pediatric cardiac surgeon from Jimma, Ethiopia. At the Funding Network auction held that evening, over $10,000 was raised to help support this initiative. Thank you to Amanda for her support and to the Funding Network for this great opportunity! - Debra Silver and Bernard Goldman, SACH Board Members are planning to compile and create a book about SACH “Mending Hearts and Building Bridges: The Story of Save a Child's Heart” – which would be a collection or anthology of anecdotes, memoirs, factual history and documented events and numbers of children along with Ami’s personal story and the perspective of helping others through Tikkun Olam. Such a book would be good PR and assist fund raising, student campus awareness and hopefully cross religious and ethnic boundaries. From SACH Israel: - During October 1-5, The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine organized its 24th ESICM Annual Congress in Berlin, Germany. Two SACH doctors, Dr. Racheli Sion Sarid from Israel and Dr. Othman Abu Salah from the Palestinian Authority attended the congress. Their trip was funded by the EU Partnership for Peace program and part of our Heart of the Matter Project. Read Dr. Othman's testimonial here. - The Pearl Foundation from Toronto, Canada, kindly donated 400 teddy bears, 200 to the Wolfson Medical Center in Israel and 200 to the Rafidya Government Hospital, our partner hospital in Nablus. Thank you Pearl Foundation!