The ESOL Ambassador Volume 15, No. 1: Fall 2013


The ESOL Ambassador Volume 15, No. 1: Fall 2013
Portland Community College: Sylvania Campus
Volume 15, No. 1: Fall 2013
Cover art by: Qi Liu-Richmond
The ESOL Ambassador
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
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The ESOL Ambassador
The ESOL Ambassador is a quarterly publication of the Sylvania ESOL Department. Essays
are written by students at all levels of the program, and submitted for publication by ESOL
Subscriptions: The ESOL Ambassador is distributed to various individuals and departments at PCC. If you wish to receive issues regularly, please contact Sarah Bailie at CT 219
or by email at
Editor: Sarah Bailie
Editorial Board: Sarah Bailie
John Sparks
Mel Z
Minh Le
Phitchapha Pulkasem
Wesam Othman
Qi Liu-Richmond
Special Thanks to:
Patty Berger, Kristyn Kidney, Heather Kalowsky, Kristi French,
Dominique Brillanceau, Luciana Diniz, Kenya Zappa,
Jill Nicholson, Claudia Nawas, Kate Carney, Elise Mclain,
Wendy Kogan , Peggy Attia, Florance Deutsch-Timmons , Megan Esler
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Service Learning
... has been in effect in our ESOL program and various classes for a few years.
What is it our students learn from us and what is it they learn by themselves and from others?
Service learning in our ESOL classes is the perfect example of teaching and learning where
all students become teachers.
A group of regular PCC students volunteers an hour a week in one of our lowest level ESOL classes. When
they get to class, the teacher hands them a “ lesson plan”, that is a series of activities which will promote
interactions with the students. These interactions promote language learning for our ESOL students and
for our service learning tutors, they learn what cannot be learned in a regular classroom . Here it is in
their own words.
“ I felt like I was immersing myself into another culture. It was beautiful, really. ESOL not only bridges the
gap between language but it also bridges the gap between cultures as we talked more about family and
personal life..”
“ I have been encouraged by what I see in those learning English as a second language and will work hard
to emulate their success while learning my own second language. It has taught me not to be embarrassed
by my struggles, but rather embrace the opportunity to improve my verbal communication skills. I have
also learned that if you really want to learn a language you have to put a lot of effort into it because it does
not come naturally.”
Sarah Bailie has been our Service Learning Coordinator since the beginning of the program. Thank you,
Sarah for all your work , helping understanding in our community grow.
Written by: Dominique Brillanceau
The ESOL Ambassador
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
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In November, the level 4 evening students taught the level 3 evening class
how to write paragraphs. It was a great experience for both classes! Here
are the paragraphs some of the level 4 students wrote about the event.
My Teaching Experience
My teaching experience was amazing. It was very interesting because I was doing
something that I had never done before. I learned more about paragraphs, as well. It
was fun because when "my students" saw me, they looked at each other and started
laughing. I was a lot younger than them. It was phenomenal to know that they could understand everything that I was explaining. The examples that I gave them were very
helpful. I would like to teach more often.
Written by: Ulisses Cortes
Being a Teacher
I was a teacher on Nov. 7th in the level 3 class. It was a special experience for
me. First, I prepared two example paragraphs to teach "my students" how to write a
paragraph. While I was teaching, I realized that I needed more vocabulary, too. Second,
it was an interesting experience. My student and I tried to communicate, but we sometimes pronounced words incorrectly. Fortunately, he brought his language translator, so
he could understand the meaning of "title, indent, margin, and format." Finally, thirty
minutes was not enough to teach a student to write a
paragraph, but it was enough to let me know that I
need to improve my English very much. Being a
teaching is a big challenge to me. I need to have a lot
of knowledge, and I need to be patient. I respect all
Written by: Mei Chih Chang
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My favorite holiday is the 24th of December because my whole family gets together.
That night we have a traditional turkey dinner, make punch, break piñatas and most important, we have a pleasant time with family.
Written by: Natalio Ramos
ESOL Level 1
My favorite holiday is the tenth of May, Mother’s Day. My whole family celebrates
my mom, my grandmother and all mothers in my family. Traditional food is the famous
mole and rice, tacos al pastor, fresh Jamaica water and soda. For dessert we have fruit
salad with apple, pineapple, strawberries and nuts, and Neapolitan ice cream. All this
comes with the gift of rest, but most important is to give thanks for having us together.
Written by: Adriana Echevarria Pineda
ESOL Level 1
My Tutor
His name is Brad. He is 24 years old. He lives in Yamhill. He has a girlfriend. He
lives with girlfriend. He has a sister. He doesn’t have kids. He works in construction.
He is tall. His parents live here. He has two dogs. He lives in a house.
Written by: Aide Crtez
ESOL Level 1
The ESOL Ambassador
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My Healthy and Unhealthy Habits
I have many healthy habits. For example, I always brush my teeth twice a day, and I take
a shower once a day. I usually walk for an hour on the weekend. I almost never eat fast food,
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
and I rarely drink soda. Also, I usually go to the gym on the weekend.
I have some unhealthy habits, too. I always drink a lot of coffee. (I love coffee!) I eat
meat almost every day. I drink very little water, but I drink beer and tequila :) I almost never
walk in the winter. I also don’t sleep enough.
Written by: Isidoro Victoriano-Delgado
ESOL Level 2
I have many healthy habits. For example, I always drink milk with quinoa or soy milk with
honey for breakfast. Also, I exercise three times a week. I eat fresh fruit and vegetables every
day. I don’t eat chocolate, and I don’t drink wine or beer. Once a year I visit a doctor. I also
wash my hands very often.
I have some unhealthy habits, too. For example I drink little water because I forget! Also,
I usually eat food with a lot of hot sauce. (I like potatoes with a lot of cheese and hot sauce!)
Sometimes, I don’t have breakfast, but I will improve.
Written by: Irlinda Rojas
ESOL Level 2
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I have many healthy habits. I drink four glasses of water a day. I brush my teeth twice a day.
I also eat fresh fruit and vegetables each day. I floss my teeth, too. Also, I usually spend time with
my friends and family every day. I always wear my seatbelt!
I have some unhealthy habits, too. I don’t sleep eight hours a night. I eat fried food more
than three times a week. I don’t exercise enough. Also, I only visit the dentist when I have pain.
Written by: By Mina Garcia
ESOL Level 2
I have many healthy habits. For example, I usually drink natural juice, and I sometimes eat
vegetables. I always take vitamins. Also, I walk my dogs for 30 minutes every day, and I sometimes
go to the gym.
I have some unhealthy habits, too. I usually drink coffee all day, and I drink coca cola, too. I
go to sleep late. Also, I always eat fast food on the weekend because I like it so much!
Written by: Carmen Salmeron Mendez
ESOL Level 2
I have a few healthy habits. I brush my teeth before sleeping. I usually eat vegetables every
day. I sometimes eat yogurt. I don’t drink. I go to sleep before 11:00 pm. I often drink a lot of water
every day. I wash my hands before eating.
I have many unhealthy habits. I smoked for a long time. I hardly ever exercise. I sleep only six
hours a day. I like fried food.
Written by: David Ni
ESOL Level 2
The ESOL Ambassador
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Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill was born on the 30th of November, 1874 in the United Kingdom. The
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
life of Winston Churchill I use as a role model. He was a brave soldier when he served in the
army. He was a wise politician. He was a writer, a painter, and he was a good family man. He
received the Nobel Prize in Literature, and was the first person to be made an honorary citizen
of the USA. When I think about Winston Churchill I feel a surge of energy. When in my life I
have problems, I always remember the words of Winston Churchill, "Never give in. Never give
in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except
to convictions of honor and good sense.”
Written by: Yuriy Lysyy
ESOL Level 3 Writing
Authority in the Family
My wife has 50% authority and I have 50% authority of all activities in the house and work.
When I cook, she washes the dishes I used. She pays all the bills at home and the credit cards, and I
get to pay the rent for our house and business too. We work together. We are getting jobs and sale
items for store. She makes the new designs for decorations for any party. When we have the event
party, I am the manager and she is the supervisor.
Written by: Armando Sanchez
ESOL Level 3
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The real authority in my life is my mom. She is the biggest part of my life. She is a good person ,
but she is very angry and strong. She always wants me to accept her decisions or feelings because she
gives all her life for me. So she is my real authority.
Written by: Behailu Tadesse
ESOL Level 3
In my Country the power belongs to the men. My father married many women, so everything
belongs to my father, but the women can give advice to their girls, because the girls have a lot of work
to do at home. And the boys get advice from their father. When they grow up, they take their father’s
position. There are five children from my mom. When my father died, I was a little child. My mom took
over the power and raised us up. When I grew up, I knew a lot from her. In my country the power belong to the men, but in my opinion, the power belongs to both men and women.
Written by: Aluiel Chol
ESOL Level 3
My immediate family are my parents. I think that my mommy has 60% of authority. She decides
the schedule about cleaning the house, buying the food, and doing the menu for all week. She tells me
“Daughter” you have to pay the PGE bill. My father says, you have to share activities with your sister. He
gives me permission to go to a party. I love my parents. They are an example to follow.
Written by: Josselyn Rodriguez
ESOL Level 3
The ESOL Ambassador
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Authority in the Family
When my sister and were I kids, my father took care of our education and interests. He had
the real authority. While we lived with our mother as kids, she took care of our health maintenance.
Her communication with us was more based on healthy living. As we gradually grew up, we had our
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
own independence and ideas. Our parents began to allow our opinions to shape our lives. My sister
already has a family. In little things, her family has many common interests. (E.g. food and movies).
They also have different interests. (E.g. sister likes to watch Chinese TV plays while my brother-in-law
likes to play video games). In big decisions, they share authority together. Maybe I’m not talking
about an average family. It’s just my family is very harmonious. For big things two people should decide together. For little things, each person should have their own decision.
Written by: Shannon Guo
ESOL Level 3
My Grandmother
My grandmother was born in North Vietnam. She was a housewife and a business woman. She
was very important to me because she was a widow when she was very young. She didn’t get to marry
again. She was a single mother and she had five children, three girls and one boy. The boy was my father. She spoiled her grandkids and she loved us. When I think about my grandma, I am very cheerful
because she was very nice to everyone.
Written by: Bich Lien Nguyen
ESOL Level 3 Writing
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My Grandmother
My grandmother was born in Mexico City. She was a midwife. She saved the life of my mother when
I was born. I feel proud of the work she did. She helped many poor people. I think of her as a god mother.
She was a good grandmother and she became my role model and my angel.
Written by: Elsa Ovalle
ESOL Level 3 Writing
My Uncle
My uncle was born in Mexico. He worked as a watchman at night. My uncle Felipe was important to
my life because he found a job for me. When I lived in his house he helped me with different things. When I
needed his help he always helped with everything I needed. I feel happy when I remember him. He was
good to me but I’m sad because he died a month before I came to the USA.
Written by: Lucero Calderon
ESOL Level 3 Writing
A Person Who Left me the Most Beautiful Memories
An important person in my memories was my grandmother named Gabriela. She was born in Sevilla,
Colombia. She never worked in her life, because she dedicated herself to her husband and nine children.
She was a very important person to me because she was with me all my childhood. She combed my hair,
she made my favorite food and was very loving. I liked when she told me about her love stories with her
husband. I feel sad when I think about her and cry because I feel I could have done so many more things
for her. I will always have her in my heart.
Written by: Nathalia Rojas
ESOL Writing Level 4
The ESOL Ambassador
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Good Husband
My husband is incredibly amazing for three reasons. First, he is helpful around the
house. When he comes from work, we eat dinner together and after, he does the dishes every
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
day. Second, he is very supportive in my school. When I go to school, he baby sits and when I
am doing my homework, too. Finally, he motivates me to learn new things and have a career.
He encourages me, and he is even willing to assist me if I need it. My husband is kind, loving,
handsome, funny, creative, and of course, the most fabulous companion.
Written by: Asma Dani
ESOL Writing Level 4
The Real Superhero
Superheroes exist and I am lucky because I knew and lived with one of them. My dad
was my superhero for all my childhood. Actually, he is 67 years old, and he is retired. Superheroes also need to rest. My father, the superhero, did many things. He was a soldier, an athlete,
and he ran marathons. He played soccer and tennis. But the most amazing thing that he could
do was to fly ! He was skydiver and every day he practiced to be the best. For his work, he had
to travel a lot, but he always had a time to play and talk with me. He taught me to discover the
world through my senses. Thanks to him I learned to respect and love animals and nature. I also learned to enjoy rock and roll. Today his hair still is brown, but he has some gray hair. Now I
don’t see him as big and tall as he was, but in his eyes I can see the superhero of the past.
Written by:Paula Bahamondes
ESOL Writing Level 4
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The ESOL Ambassador
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My Grandmother
The most interesting person in my family is my grandmother. She is a very interesting person because she is not like other grandparents. She likes to watch football. She knows all the rules and react
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
very strongly to player's mistakes. She also likes action movies and fantasy movies. I remember I was
about six years old I watched with her the movie Rambo and my friends were jealous of me because
their parents did not allow them to watch that kind of movies. My grandmother is seventy-five years old,
and I love her because she is an atypical grandmother
Written by: Muhamed Ishanov
ESOL Writing Level 4
My Heartbreaker
One of the loveliest persons that I know is Bomin Bang, a fourth-grade student at Oak Creek
Elementary School, my little son. He has black short hair, deep black eyes, cute chubby cheeks, and a
big shiny smile. His laughing sounds are so cheerful, and other people find them infectious. After he
takes a shower, he still has baby smell, and his skin is very soft, like velvet. But after he has played soccer, his smell is very strong, like rotten eggs. He likes to wear a T-shirt and short pants even in winter.
We argue about that, but usually he wins. His desk is messy, and his backpack is also messy. Sometimes,
he throws his backpack in front of the door and goes out to play with his friend. But, he is a good student. He studies hard, does his homework well, reads a book every day, and he listens well to what his
homeroom teacher says. Sometimes he breaks my heart, and sometimes he melts my heart. Anyway, Bomin will be my sweet little boy forever.
Written by: by Hye Gyeong Lim
ESOL Level 5 Writing
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Writing a Good Paragraph
Writing a paragraph is easier than many students think. First, you need to brainstorm to find the
best topic. Then, you should write your main idea in a topic sentence. You must indent the first line of your
paragraph. Third, all your sentences in the paragraph are about one topic. You should write the important
details for your topic in the paragraph. Finally, you need to write the concluding sentence. The concluding
sentence is the last sentence in the paragraph. Sometimes, the concluding sentence is the same idea as the
topic sentence, but expressed with different words. Now you know how to write a good paragraph easily.
Written by: by Elaf Almalki
ESOL Level 5 Writing
The Wonderful Sunset
A sunset at Kata Noi beach in Phuket, Thailand was the most beautiful sight that I have ever seen.
I spent the day visiting many places and natural parks. Instead of heading to the hotel, I decided to take a
walk on the crunchy sand to the end of the white beach. The sky was full of speckled clouds, and the temperature was a little hot. I could smell the tangy odor of salt, and the salty sweat ran into my mouth. At
about 6 p.m., the sky cleared completely. As soon as I reached the point, I glimpsed the gentle waves flowing into the bay. I looked out across the bay to see a magnificent mandarin color of the sun. Twenty
minutes later, I watched the sun fall into the dark blue ocean until it was gone. It was the most wonderful
sunset that I have ever seen, and I will probably visit there again.
Written by: Ronnarit Bootkhopt
ESOL Level 5 Writing
The ESOL Ambassador
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
Page 16
How to Check Writing Level 5 Homework Online
Students can get information about homework online through a simple process.
First, open your browser and search for the PCC website. Then, at the top right corner you will see MyPCC. Click on the link and put in your username and password.
Then click on “log in.” You can also set your computer to remind you of your password
if you have a hard time memorizing it. After you log in, you will be able to see your
PCC account from the top left side. There are options provided horizontally. Choose
the option which says “My Courses.” Then you will see a list of courses that you are
taking this term. Click on “Writing Level 5,”which allows you to read important information from the teacher. The last step is to click on the link which says “Class
Webpage.” This link takes you to the actual class webpage. On this page, you will be
able to see all homework assignments organized by week and date. You can also see the
up-coming homework if you want to be more prepared for class. Remember that there
is no excuse for not doing your homework!
Written by :Nefisa Hassen
ESOL Level 5 Writing
A Messy Bedroom
Everything in my bedroom is untidy and not in the right place. First, when you
get in my room, you see plenty of used clothes on the floor. There are two pairs of
jeans in the corner and three black t-shirts in the middle of the floor. There are
some colorful socks everywhere. Under the bed, there is a broken alarm clock. On the
bed are a big red pillow and two cotton blankets convoluted in each other. Next to
the bed, there is a wooden table. On the table is a white towel and cold coffee in a
brown cup. In front of the bed is an old chest of drawers with a soft yellow bear on it.
In my closet are an air sofa and dirty high-heel shoes with a bad smell. If you want to
know what mess is, just come to my bedroom.
Written by Emen Al Budrees
ESOL Level 5 Writing
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The ESOL Ambassador
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
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How to Manage Stress
Stress is inevitable, but it does not
was eight, I went to the beach with my family.
That was the first I can remember when I was
mean you cannot manage it. Here are some
young. I was very excited and anticipating.
tips for you to manage stress. First of all, you
When we arrived at the beach, there were
have to figure out the reason for your stress.
many people in the sea. My mom just sat on
If you can find out what makes you feel
the sand, but I played in the sea with my dad
stressful, then it will help you to know what
and brother. I was on a tube, and they held
you should or should not do to feel better.
onto my tube. Sometimes they released it
Secondly, you have to consider what you can
purposely because they felt it was funny
control and work on it. As soon as you can
when I was afraid. We all had a good time.
see something that you still can control and
Then big waves came at us. We thought, “It
work on, you will feel more secure. Thirdly, do
will be more fun if we go near by the wave.”
something you love. Doing anything you want
So we went near the waves. Then it hit us. At
like playing sports, listening to music or hang
that time, they released my tube, because of
out will make you relax and feel comfortable.
the strong power of the wave. I came off the
Last but not least, you should manage your
tube. I felt scared. I just floundered in the wa-
time. You have to moderate your life and ac-
ter because I didn’t know how to swim. I didn’t
tivities because it is good for your health,
see where my family was. My strength was
makes you stronger and keeps your head up.
gone, and my body was ready to sink. Then a
Those are all the things I do whenever I get
rescue worker found me, and he helped me
stressed, and it really helps me to feel better.
come up from the water. He saved my life!
I hope it can help you, too.
After that, my mom taught me to swim, so
now I can swim a little bit. I like to play in the
water, but I’m still scared. If someone makes
Written by: Quynh Vi Nguyen
ESOL Writing Level 5
me fall into the water, I will fight with him because I don’t want to suffer the same situation!
I Got a New Life
Maybe this story was and always will be the
most terrifying events in my whole life. When I
Written by: Jieun Hwang
ESOL Writing Level 5
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Overcoming Fear
in a playground near my house. I was a hide player. I
When I competed in Taekwondo competitions, I
was looking for a secret place that kept me from be-
met a lot of good players. I felt scared and anxious
ing found. I found an empty room in the office behind
when I competed, but I overcame my fear and I won
the playground , and I hid inside this room. The time
competitions. Many years ago, when I was a fresh-
passed very fast and no one could find me. So I
man at my university, my coach gave me a good op-
thought, I won this game. Suddenly, I turned a knob
portunity during the national Taekwondo champion-
to go outside but I couldn’t open the door. I tried
ship. I was mystified and scared because most players again and again until the sky outside become dark.
were older than me and better than me and I had not
Inside the room, there wasn’t a light. I began crying
had too much experience. I was just a freshman. I was and shouting for someone to help me out. Finally my
scared when I saw the list of matches because I was
dad found me one hour later. My friends told him and
matched against one of the best players in the first
they found me there. He was soothing me for a while
match. He was really famous. Many people looked to and I told him, “ I hate hide and seek and I won’t play
pity me, but I practiced hard every single day for
it again” He laughed at me and said, “It’s a joke”. Of
three months and I trusted myself and I didn't care
course, I didn’t play it for only two days, but I was
about how well he played. I was just thinking about
playing again in three days because I really enjoy hid-
how I could bring all of my practices together to per-
ing and seeking with my friends. I still play hide and
form well. As a result, I won when no one expected
seek now. When I hide, I always think back to that
me to. Most people were agitated by the result, but I
was so happy. First place was one of the best ways to
get over my fear. I realized that I can overcome fear
by trusting myself and having a positive attitude.
Written by:
Written by: Anthony Jung
ESOL Writing Level 5
ESOL Writing
Level 5
Hide and Seek
My most terrifying moment happened when
I was young. Around 6 year old, I liked playing hide
and seek so much. I was playing this with my friends
The ESOL Ambassador
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Eternal Halloween Memory
Have you ever wanted to make a Halloween costume? It’s a wonderful
experience to make an original Halloween costume for your precious
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
ones. Lots of people wish to have the skill and motivation for making an
original costume for their kids on this special occasion. But “Dress Making” sounds difficult to busy moms and dads. Also, Internet shopping has
made everything more convenient and tends to take away our motivation
for new challenges such as traditional craftwork. Let’s think about what
kind of things become special childhood memories. It’s never a MacDonald's hamburger or a 20 dollar bat Halloween costume from Safeway. I’ll
just show you a fun and happy way that I made a Minnie Mouse costume
for my daughter. From my experience, this will help you to imagine how
fun making a costume is and how special it can be.
First, my daughter and I decided which character costume to make. It was Minnie Mouse in our
case. My daughter is going to be 3. Her requests were Hello Kitty or Minnie Mouse. She really wanted to
be Hello Kitty but we talked about how we couldn’t represent Hello Kitty’s huge head design as an actual
costume for a human. After a long argument she finally understood and gave up the crazy big head Kitty
and chose Minnie instead. It was a fun process but still tough to persuade a little kid in a reasonable way.
If your kids are too young to choose a specific character then you can offer them some of your ideas
about which character they can be. After deciding the character, we printed the design out for the shopping materials.
Second, it’s going on to the bittersweet part of actual “Dress Making”. For this part, you need to
measure your kid’s height. This is not only for knowing the amount of the fabric, it’s also a happy chance
to know about kid’s growth every year. Next is the biggest part. ”Pattern Making”. I am a professional
pattern maker, so it is no problem for me. But it is usually the most bothersome part for people .So for
your easiest path of this part, just go to the website “Etsy” or “Alibaba” and buy the character’s paper
pattern in your kid’s size! Now, you have already passed the evil part and can go back to the joyful process again.
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Then, just grab the printed paper with the character design and run to the craft store with your kid to
get all the things ready for sewing. Choosing fabric, materials for decorations, and buttons, is a priceless moment to see that your kid becomes a little designer. At the craft store, my daughter evaluated lots of polka
dot fabrics for her special Minnie Mouse costume and chose a vivid red fabric with a nice big white polka dot.
It was a very exciting experience for her and for me too. After you have gotten ready all the materials, you
have to start working with your spouse on the final part of costume making. Because kids must stay away
from some of the dangerous tools such as marking pins, sewing machine, fabric cutter etc. In the safe part, of
course you can get your kids involved in the making process. I was giving my daughter quizzes on every process like ”What is this part going to be!?” or “what should I do next!?”or ”Where should I put the bow!?”. We
were talking and talking all the time. Even better, my daughter learned the structure of costume dress and
lots of new vocabulary. It was totally fun and good for her language and imagination development.
Finally my daughter and I completed her dream Minnie
Mouse costume. She looked so proud and brilliant in her special
Minnie dress. Making a costume brings you and your kids a lot of
experience, not only the costume itself. Gaining confidence
through a creative work is a healthy way to build up our identity, so
it’s the same for our kids. My family will cherish and share this experience for a long time and remember the bright memories of
Halloween whenever we see the Minnie Mouse costume in the future. Making a costume is good and happy event in your life!
Written by: Asami Seki
ESOL Level 6 Writing
The ESOL Ambassador
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
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I came here with my two children, and I
Learning Real English in the USA
English is very important for my life. Eve-
have studied hard since 2012. I know that my
rything is related to English. To go to a good col-
English skills are getting better, but still I think
lege, to get good marks on exams, to have a good
that I should study harder. Although it is difficult
job, and to succeed in my company, I need to
to learn English, I am happy to study real English
study English. I will give you some information
in the USA, and I hope to have a conversation
about how I know the importance of English.
with other government officers from other coun-
When I was eight years old, I thought eve-
tries in English fluently.
ryone spoke Korean. There was no one who spoke
English at home or outside. While I was watching
Written by: Jinhee Bae
TV, I saw some foreigners who spoke Korean. I
ESOL Level 6 Writing
didn’t know that their voices were not their own
voices until I graduated from elementary school.
During my middle school time, I learned English.
It was very interesting to learn English, but it was
My First Performance
so basic. I wanted to learn more, but it cost a lot of
money at that time. I studied English as a tool to
go to a good college and to have a chance to get a
good job.
After getting my job, I stopped learning
Playing the saxophone is one of my passions, however, the first time I played it in a public event that was the most awful and awesome
experience in my life. I started learning how to
play the saxophone at the age of twelve. My high
English. For years, there was no need to use Eng-
school was organizing the Independence Day cer-
lish. I had a chance to attend a conference with
emony and they chose me to perform. I was really
government officers from other countries. They all
nervous to play the saxophone in front of so many
had a conversation in English. I wanted to partici-
people and was excited to perform for the first
pate in their conversation, and I wanted to speak
English naturally. I was really regretting having
stopped English during the conference. After that,
I registered for an English class at a famous English institution in Deajeon. I didn’t have enough
time to study English, so I quit my job. I decided
to go to the USA to learn real English.
It was September 15th, 1996; it was Independence Day for Costa Ricans. I had arrived
there at 5p.m, one hour before the ceremony began. I did not know the order of the performances.
My teacher told me, “You are the first person to
perform.” At the time, I didn’t know if I should
Page 23
cry or smile. I asked why I had been chosen to play
My first performance was really good. My
first. The song I was going to play is called,
family and teacher were proud of me. I was proud of
“Granada.” Granada is a famous Spanish song that
myself too. To be able to perform at the age of 15
represents the Spanish influence in Costa Rican mu-
was the best experience. I hope more kids in Costa
sical cultural development.
Rica can have the experience of playing music at
People went to the town square early that day
young ages. Something that I learned from this is
to get a good spot to see the performances. The
that if I practice hard with my saxophone, I will feel
whole city was stopped because of the Independence
more comfortable when I perform anywhere.
Day ceremony. The crowd was ready to see me play.
My first performance was really good. My
I spent a lot of time practicing breathing exercises to
family and teacher were proud of me. I was proud of
keep myself calm. I was so nervous, but then I was
myself too. To be able to perform at the age of 15
getting ready to perform in front of 6,000 people.
was the best experience. I hope more kids in Costa
I was scared and excited at the same time.
Rica can have the experience of playing music at
After the national anthem was sung, they called my
young ages. Something that I learned from this is
name. When I started walking toward the micro-
that if I practice hard with my saxophone, I will feel
phone, I was not able to feel my knees; I was shak-
more comfortable when I perform anywhere.
ing. I was holding the saxophone with both hands
and feeling awful. My piano teacher accompanied
me on stage and told me, “We practiced this song a
lot; you are going to do great.” Those words impacted me and calmed me. While I was playing
“Granada,” thoughts came to my mind. For example, I thought about the tips from my teacher that he
taught me in class and how to play when performing.
For a moment, I felt like I was not going to be able
to finish my performance. Happily, I was able to
take a break during the piano solo and got new energy. I did a decent job with this song performance. I
finished playing, picked up my music charts, walked
off stage and felt awesome.
Written by: J. Gabriel Martinez
ESOL Level 7 Writing
The ESOL Ambassador
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
Page 24
Traveling From Old Bolivia to New Bolivia
The Bolivia that I was born in no longer ex- rules or suffer violence and death.
ists! Every time that I start talking about my coun-
Ten years ago, when Evo Morales was
try, I can’t hold back my tears. Ten years ago Evo
elected, the divisions of the cultures in Boliva
Morales Ayma was elected president. He crushed
started. Before his presidency, there was freedom
the identity of my Bolivia and created his new Bo-
and security. One could walk around the city with-
livia. The new Bolivia that Evo Morales created is
out fear of being attacked, insulted or threatened.
not my country.
Bolivian citizens respected one another. However,
Bolivia was a peaceful country before Evo
Morales became President. There have always
now there is tension, hatred and violence between
whites and natives. Evo Morales promoted a vio-
been demonstrations in Bolivia. Occasionally, pro- lent liberation. The president encourages and refessionals protested for fair wages, but most of
wards the native population for acting out violent-
the time, it was dark-skinned indigenous people
ly. They used to close roads, but now they murder
protesting because they wanted to grow coca.
and kill to get what they want, like one time when
They were non-violent protests and no one was
they tortured a white family who tried to use a
hurt. Former Presidents heard their claims that the road that they had blocked. They hung the son,
coca was for medicinal use, but refused to legalize raped the wife in front of the husband, and killed
it because of the effects on the environment, and
all three of them. The president gives in to their
because it would be used as a drug. But Evo Mo-
violence and grants them whatever they ask. Now
rales made cocaine legal. Now the indigenous
violence is very common. If a white man wearing a
have killed other native tribes, like the Tempis, in
suit and tie walked near a group of natives, they
order to have more lands which could produce
would beat him up and force him to take off his
coca; they cleared the land and grow coca. Now
tie. Other times, they are very rude. When I was
cocaine is being exported around the world. Bor-
going to the university, my friends and I would
ders with neighboring countries are being closed
walk home after classes, they would come up in a
as a result of this newly legalized cultivation of co- group they would threaten to rape us, saying,
caine. Bolivia has even been called the
“You ‘Karas’ (Whites), one day you will bear our
“Afghanistan of South America” because in Evo
sons.” In the farmers market, I was pushed
Morales’s dictatorship people must follow his
around, they touched my backside, and looked at
Page 25
me with dirty, disrespectful looks which made me
independence. Everybody could study in the same
really scared. I was told not to touch anything unless
school. Everybody was able to be professional. Giv-
I was going to buy it. This lack of respect was not
en the current situation, many whites just leave Bo-
tolerated until Evo Morales became president and
livia in order to find a more peaceful place to live.
allowed the indigenous to do whatever they want,
The name, “Plurinational State of Bolivia” means all
thus causing the division between cultures in my
the tribes in Bolivia form only one state and Evo
Morales is the head of that government. However,
The next thing the President did was to
according to the president’s statements, whites, or
change the Bolivian flag to include the wipala. The
foreigners who are not from a native tribe, are not
wipala is the flag that represents the Incan Empire
recognized as Bolivians and should be treated as
before the colonization, which united the people
second class citizens. So when he changed the name
who lived in the Andes composed of Bolivia, Argen-
of my country, he made it clear that some Bolivians
tina, Chile, Peru and Colombia. So this wipala does
were not Bolivians anymore and we have to move.
not represent only Bolivia. The wipala flag is made
Despite all these changes, there is only one
of a bunch of squares with many colors. However,
Bolivia in my heart. The name is the Republic of Bo-
the real Bolivian flag has three colors. Red means
livia, whose people respect each other and work
the blood of the soldiers who defended my country,
together for freedom. And the most important
Bolivia, in its fight for independence. Yellow stands
thing, the people honor only one flag, the “tricolor”,
for the gold that my country used to have. And
meaning, the red, the yellow and the green, with all
green represents all the forests in my country. So
the meaning and history. I hope for the sake of my
when the president changed my flag he changed the
country and the family that I left behind, that Bolivia
heritage of my country.
will elect a new president who will again respect the
The last thing he did, and the most painful
one for me, was to change the name of my country.
Since 1825 my country’s name had been the Republic of Bolivia, but ten years ago, it was named The
Plurinational State of Bolivia. The Republic of Bolivia
was free and democratic. Everybody was accepted.
The difference between lights and darks existed but
there was no violence between the two after the
right of all Bolivians, no matter what race they are.
Written by: Cindy Mendoza
ESOL Level 7 Writing
The ESOL Ambassador
Page 26
Jane Eyre
Reading Response
“And when friends are on the eve of separation, they like to spend the little time
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
that remain to them close to each other.” (Page 67, line 27, 28) This passage was especially meaningful for me because it reminds me of my situation the last few days before I left my country. At that moments I realized that how much I like my friends and
how hard it could be for me to be far away from them. I’ve been friends with most of
them for more than twelve years. I spent my twenties with them. These years are the
best years of one’s life. We have a lot of unforgettable memories with each other. We
went to the same university and spent five enjoyable years together. We made every
one of that five years the best years of our life. We spent almost all those days together. It was one hour drive to our university, therefore each time it was one’s turn to
picking up others for university. I remember we started laughing and joking as soon as
we sat in the car. We took most of the classes together, and also after the classes we
got together for studying and of course sometimes for partying! After we graduated
from university every one of us found a job in a different company and even one of us
moved to another near city for working. All of us got involved with our job and our life,
but our friendship never ended. We’ve stayed by each other’s side in good times and
hard times. We have supported and taken care of each other especially at tough times,
not because we wanted something in return, but we have just done it from our hearts.
We have always felt like we can count on each other. We have always been honest and
real with each other, If we think one of us has a problem, we start a conversation
about it and try to solve his/her problem, and if we get mad at each other we never
hide it. We don’t discuss each other behind our back and don’t let other people say
Page 27
something bad about any one of us. As you can see with such great friends it was so
hard and difficult for me to leave after many years of friendship. I spent all my last few
days with them and during those days I reviewed all the memories that we had with
each other. I saw those memories like watching a fast-forward movie in my mind.
Those last few days went so fast, and finally the last day arrived. It was hard for me to
pack my luggage because all of my friends were there and no one was happy. They
gave me ride to the airport. It was the time to say goodbye. I tried hard to avoid tears,
but it didn’t take so long. It was 27 hours flight from my country to here, and know I
understood the meaning of this phrase: "Closeness has nothing to do with distance".
They are still my best friends and they will always be forever.
Written by: Soheil Firouzabadi
ESOL Level 7 Reading
Drawn by PCC student: Phitchapha Pulkasem
The ESOL Ambassador
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
Page 28
Being Beautiful or Handsome is Easier than You Think!
Reading Response
“Overall, the VAST majority of features important to attractiveness are relatively easy to
change.” From Being Beautiful or Handsome is Easier than You Think! By Jeremy Nicholson – chapter 3 Mosaic 1(p 60, lines 45-46)
This passage was especially meaningful to me, but I have another opinion: plastic surgery
can easily change your appearance. In Korea, most women have good grooming and clothing,
but most men want to find a pretty partner. After graduating from high school, most girls figure
out that plastic surgery for a double eyelid is common. I saw some girls who had this plastic surgery during the summer vacation in high school. The plastic surgery for the double eyelid is very
popular for both women and men. Because the cost is only around $1,000 to $1500, some people have the double eyelid plastic surgery done three times for beauty. We have one specific
street which has over three hundred plastic surgery clinics. I was considering the plastic surgery,
and my mother said I could choose having the plastic surgery or going to Australia for my last
high school vacation. I chose to go to Australia. Fortunately, I met my boyfriend, but he doesn’t
like the double eyelid. Sometimes, I ask him if I should do this plastic surgery, but he likes my
natural face.
Written by: Jeongsun Yun (Sunny)
ESOL Level 7 Reading
Page 29
One of the Best Memories in My Life in Saving One Life
I will never forget that day in the hospital that rescued one human from death. I was in
the sixth year of medical school. I worked as a medical intern in the surgery department.
Those days, I always thought that a surgeon can do the best help to humans through surgery.
For this cause, I tried to be a surgeon in the future, but an event in the hospital changed my
belief about help to others. That day is a special day for me and unforgettable.
It was a busy day in the operating room. That day my colleagues and I had to do seven operations. All of the cases for operation were unusual and hard cases for surgery. One of them
had the gall bladder stone with infection and cancer, and another patient had appendicitis, but
she was a very obese women. After the second operation in recovery room with colleagues, we
heard tragic news from the radio. An accident had happened on a highway that had at least
ten killed. After a few minutes of rest, we started the third operation. During the third operation, we heard an emergency code from the pager. Ninety nine or emergency code means that a
major event has happened in the hospital. All of the surgery staff worried because all of the operating rooms were full. We guessed that some injured in that accident were brought to our
hospital. After two minutes, we understood that our guess was correct. One of us must go to
the emergency room. My professor wanted me to leave the operating room and go to the emergency room. I went to the emergency department, and it was unbelievable for me what I saw.
Four injured people from that accident were brought to the hospital. I didn’t know what
happened because we didn’t have any bed or operating room in the hospital. Anyway, I should
start visiting the patients. First, I visited the most critically injured. Fortunately, he needed to
have an elective surgery for his broken bones, and the second and third patient didn’t need to
have surgery. I had a big smile on my face until I visited the fourth patient. He was a middleaged man who had helped another injured person. The fourth patient seemed good but was a
little tired. I noticed that he was very tired and pale. I didn’t like that my guess was correct,
but unfortunately it was correct. He had internal bleeding, but I didn’t know where the bleeding was. His condition quickly worsened, and we didn’t have enough time for diagnostic imaging. I wanted to page ninety nine and ready an operating room for the emergency.
The ESOL Ambassador
Page 30
One of the nurses and I took the patient to the operating room. In the operating room,
my professor asked me to leave the room to rest, but I was upset by his request. He was
my patient, and I wanted to stay in the operating room to participate in the operation. Anyway, I left the operating room. One of the nurses informed me that the cause of my pa-
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
tient’s condition was that his heart ruptured. It was unbelievable and heartbreaking. Six
packs of blood were used for this patient. The blood bank of the hospital announced that
they didn’t have more blood packs of this group. He needed three more packs. This was an
emergency and the operating room couldn’t wait for a blood pack from another center. I
tried to understand the type of his blood group to maybe prepare from a volunteer in the
hospital for blood donation. It was interesting that his blood group was the same as mine,
but I can donate only one or maximum two pack. But I was only person that had this blood
group in the hospital. I got ready to donate blood. During the giving third pack, I fainted.
When I woke up, I asked one of the nurses to tell me about the condition of my patient.
His operation was good, and he was in the recovery room. I saved a life with a simple procedure.
I will never forget that I saved a life without any complex work. I had rescued a life
only with giving my blood. I have changed my opinion about helping others. I learned that
a simple procedure can save a life. Now, I believe even sometimes a little smile can save a
life and don’t need to be a physician or a special person to give help others.
Written by: Nasibeh Vatankhah
ESOL Level 7 Writing
Page 31
The ESOL Ambassador
Page 32
Do you believe that whatever we do in this world comes back to us? If you believe that, then you believe in Karma. Karma is a word that came from the Buddhist
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
religion. I’m not a Buddhist, but I believe that if we do something good, something
good will happen to us. After an incident that happened to me ten years ago, I believe
in this fact more strongly than before.
It was a very cold and snowy day in winter. On that day, I had two classes at the
university. After my last class finished, I walked around ten minutes to my car. I remember that during those ten minutes I was freezing. I cleaned the snow from the
windows, sat down in the car and turned on the heater. After I got warm, I fastened my
seat belt and prepared myself for two hours driving home.
I had been driving for twenty minutes when I saw someone beside the road who
was waving his hand at me. At that time I remembered that my instructors and many of
the students had warned me not to give a ride to anybody on that road, because there
were many people who asked you for help just for theft and fraud, and it had caused
many students to get into big trouble. I was thinking about these things and getting
closer to him. Suddenly, I remembered that I had almost frozen just walking for ten
minutes in that weather. I stopped and called that man to get into the car. I saw the
happiness in his eyes. He came and sat down in the car. He didn’t look like a thief. He
was a 55-year-old man who was a simple worker at a factory. On that morning he
came on his motorcycle to work but because of the bad weather, he couldn’t go back
home on his motorcycle. He was poor and looked tired. He was telling me the story of
his life when suddenly I realized that all the lights on my dash board had turned on and
after a minute, the car turned off in the middle of the dark and snowy road.
Page 33
I got scared because, except for us, there was no other car on that road and I had
never had such a problem with my car before. I felt worse after I realized that I just had
less than 5% charge in my mobile phone and my passenger didn’t have any phone. He got
out of the car and told me, “Don’t worry about that.” I couldn’t believe that he could fix
the car because he didn’t even have a car. After five minutes, he asked me to start it. I
turned the key and my car turned on, so we continued on our way to town.
As you can see, if I didn’t give a ride to that man on that day, for sure I would
have had a big problem. After that incident, I always try to keep my circle positive,
and I understand the meaning of this proverb better than before: “What goes around
comes around.”
Written by: Soheil Firouzabadi
ESOL Level 7 Writing
The ESOL Ambassador
Page 34
What is Happening in our Minds?
Have you ever focused on one thing and just forgotten about everything else? Or
have you ever felt like you could not stop your mind from thinking of how something might
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
go or how you could have done something in a different way? Have you ever asked yourself
why our brains have many different ways of operating? Psychologists have been searching
for a reasonable answer to that question for many years, but most of their work was impractical. It was a breakthrough when Daniel Kahneman found that our brains operate
two major kinds of processes: automatic ones and those that are more effortful. In How to
Understand your Mind, an article about frames of mind, Will Meek says: “Our brains perform so many different functions that living with one can sometimes become a confusing
mess”. As mentioned in his article, frames of mind can be classified according to the kind
of processes they operate into three types: Engaged mind, Automatic mind and Analytic
People who are fully present in the current moment and focused on what is happening here without being distracted by other thoughts are known as people with Engaged
minds. Being in an engaged mind does not mean being happy, because sometimes we connect with sad feelings, events and news. Like crying after losing loved ones, we are being
engaged with sad feelings and focusing on them; but if we meet up with a few friends from
school years after graduation, and by paying full attention we share our interesting stories
about our lives and what happened since the last time we were together, here we are using
our Engaged mind in a more positive way. However, it is a fact that people who use their
engaged mind more often are happier and more settled than people who do not.
The other frame of mind is Automatic mind, which means swimming in a stream of
automated thoughts, feeling and memories, and also being fully aware of what is happening around us. This frame of mind can sometimes affect us negatively if we use it at the
wrong time. Imagine sitting with family having a good time talking about something interesting and then when the talking quietens down a stream of ideas comes to mind: assignments due tomorrow, an aargument with a friend few hours ago, a job meeting next week
and the stream keeps bringing those automated ideas until we are lost from the current
Page 35
moment. On the other hand, Automatic mind is very important to keep us aware of any environmental change.
People with Analytic minds are people who are less likely to make wrong decisions, because they take thoughts, feelings and events then they analyze them to solve complex problems and to come up with more reasonable perspectives. This frame of mind is highly important for us to deal with daily situations that need to be analyzed. If we go back to the previous situation where a stream of automated ideas comes to take us from the current moment
and keep us lost, here comes the job of Analytic mind when we try to step back from these
thoughts and take a few minutes to observe them and decide what most be done, like scheduling a specific hour to finish the assignments, then thinking about what went wrong with the
earlier argument and how should it be fixed, then finally setting up a day to meet with a friend
who went through a job meeting before. In that way our brains analyze the problems we are
facing and help us to be more engaged with our lives.
Engaged mind, Automatic mind and Analytic mind are three types of processes in everyone’s mind and they must work together for us to reach our best. None of the frames beat another; their importance is equal but their work is different. Although we cannot intentionally
go from one frame to another, with training and therapy we can improve and help our brains
to use the right frame at the right time.
Written by: Fai Aldokhi
ESOL Level 8 Writing
The ESOL Ambassador
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
Page 36
Euthanasia: Killing or Mercy?
According to Merriam Dictionary, euthanasia is defined as, ” the act or practice of killing
Assisted suicide should not be an option to end
someone’s suffering, because no one has the right
to take the decision to terminate a life.
or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or in-
Opponents argue that patients and people
jured individuals (as persons or domestic animals)
with disabilities should have the right to stop their
in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy.”
anguish in a quick, dignified and merciful way.
The word mercy seems strange and incomprehen-
They believe that the right to die is protected by
sible to some people, while considered acceptable
the same justifications as right to marriage, repro-
for other people who believe that assisted suicide
duction, and medical treatment. They claim that
would be a good solution to end someone’s suffer-
psychological support can be provided to help the
ing. Euthanasia is legal in four states: Oregon,
patient to take the correct decision. There is a dif-
Montana, Vermont and Washington. According to
ference, however, between killing a person with
Ballot Measure 16, Decided: Nov. 8, 1994 (51%
their approval versus killing someone who cannot
for), "An adult who is capable, is a resident of Or-
make a decision. Based on this, euthanasia would
egon, and has been determined by the attending
not be a good option for a person in a coma, brain
physician and consulting physician to be suffering
damage, or too young to decide. Just as we cannot
from a terminal disease, and who has voluntarily
prevent disabled babies from being born, death is
expressed his or her wish to die, may make a writ-
not considered as a logical choice as well. In addi-
ten request for medication for the purpose of end-
tion, euthanasia weakens society’s respect for the
ing his or her life in a humane and dignified man-
sanctity of life since it makes some people’s lives
ner.” Thus, doctors in Oregon are not prohibited
with disabilities not worth as much as others’
from prescribing controlled drugs to use in physi-
lives. The problem is that able people, who look at
cian-assisted suicide under state law allowing the
things from their point of view, consider that life
action. According to an article written by Alex
with a disability is a calamity and must be ended.
Schoenberg, “The number of assisted suicide pre-
Many doctors are in favor of assisted sui-
scriptions and deaths have, once again, increased
cide. They admit they have the responsibility to
in the State of Oregon in 2012. The number of
stop pain and suffering because sometimes medi-
prescriptions for assisted suicide was 115 in 2012,
cations cannot stop discomfort, especially in the
114 in 2011, 97 in 2010 and 95 in 2009. There has
last months of treatment and so some patients ask
been a 21% increase in the number of prescrip-
to end their life. Doctors do not make these deci-
tions for assisted suicide in Oregon since 2009.”
sions by themselves; they only provide infor-
Page 37
-mation to their patients to help them to make the
Kevorkian killed fifty-two-year-old Thomas Youk.
decision. For instance, Dr. Sandy Bushman, past
Youk, suffering from...Lou Gehrig's disease, had
president of Canada, said that, “Symptoms of some
asked Kevorkian to end his life, and Kevorkian com-
patients have been poorly managed up to that point.
plied by injecting him with poison to stop his heart.”
Maybe they are suffering too much pain, or they are
This was not the first person, who was helped to die
feeling isolated.” However, doctors have a moral re-
by Kevorkian. Kevorkian, who was called “a suicide
sponsibility to keep their patients alive as long as
machine”, has acknowledged that he performed eu-
they can. According to the Hippocratic Oath, which
thanasia for more than 130 people. In the 1990s,
is an oath historically taken by physicians swearing
Kevorkian was convicted of the crime of assisted
to practice medicine honestly, doctors swear that, “I
suicide by three juries in Michigan.
will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor
suggest any such counsel.” Based on this, doctors
should not be turned from saviors to killers by giving
them the power to shorten a person’s life. Pain management should take place at hospitals and clinics to
eliminate patients’ pain. A good example, according
to is Dr. Jack Kevorkian, “Dr. Jack
Some people believe that assisted suicide
would be a good option for patients who do not have
enough money or a supportive family to stay alive.
Buying a medicine to get euthanized is cheaper than
paying for drugs to relieve pain or prolong life. For
instance, elderly people who may have few financial
The ESOL Ambassador
Volume 15 No. 1: Fall 2013
Page 38
feel obliged to take assisted suicide. It is known
find the meaning of his life through going into the
that the last months of a patient’s life are often the
pain and suffering. In addition, putting an end to
most expensive treatment period. Refusing to be
our life if we are sick and not enjoying our life is
treated is considered legal euthanasia for patients
not morally acceptable. Lives are valuable and
who do not have any financial support. Likewise,
deserve to be lived, and the person’s value does
they prefer dying at the hospital surrounded by
not change with sickness. Furthermore, the sick
some of their doctors and nurses to dying alone in
people can be important for others around them,
their houses without feeling any emotion or moral
so if we stop a patient’s life we take that away
support. However, if poor people choose death as
from them. According to, some people
a response to their inability to pay more money to
believe,” We should relieve suffering when we
get treatment, only the rich have the opportunity
can, and with those who suffer, helping them to
to live and to prolong survival. Consequently,
bear their suffering when we cannot. We should
money means life. If you have more money; you
never deal with the problem of suffering by elimi-
will have a chance to live longer. Further, there
nating those who suffer.”
are many charities and organizations that can as-
In conclusion, it has been argued that as-
sist those without resources. If we let the poor die
sisted suicide is the best solution to end someone’s
just because they don’t have money, it assigns a
life for many reasons, like ending suffering, re-
value to humanity.
specting the patients’ wishes, or helping a patient
A number of people support allowing eu-
who lacks financial resources. Even some people
thanasia, because it would be a solution to put an
who were against euthanasia throughout their
end to suffering. They argue that it is not humane
lives, asked for this option when they were sub-
for the patient to feel pain; therefore, dying is a
jected to pain. However, euthanasia would kill
logical option when we stand idly to stop the suf-
human opportunity to survive and affect the bal-
fering. However, suffering may have value. It is a
ance of the community and change the concepts of
good thing to encourage human beings to reach
life. Humans should respect their own values to-
the highest points of what they really are, and al-
ward life. In addition, who knows if the doctor’s
low the patient to be a good example for others
diagnosis of the disease is 100% correct? Dame
and teach them how they can behave through the
Cicely Saunders, Founder of the modern hospice
pain. It is possible that murder disappears under
movement said, “You matter because you are you,
the face of kindness. Spiritual care could be a so-
you matter to the last moment of your life and we
lution to deal with this issue, so the patient can
will do all we can to help you die peacefully, but
also to live until you die.”
Page 39
Works Cited
BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2013.
"EuthanasiaAbout Our Definitions: All Forms of a
Word (noun, Verb, Etc.) Are Now Displayed
on One Page." Merriam-Webster. MerriamWebster, n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2013.
"Hippocratic Oath." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 08 Sept. 2013. Web. 11 Aug. 2013.
"" N.p., n.d. Web. 11
Aug. 2013.
"Oregon Assisted Suicide Deaths Hit Record High in
2012 (2013)." Oregon Assisted Suicide
Deaths Hit Record High in 2012 (2013). N.p.,
n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2013.
"State-by-State Guide to Physician-Assisted Suicide
- Euthanasia -" ProConorg
Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2013.
"State-by-State Guide to Physician-Assisted Suicide
- Euthanasia -" ProConorg
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"What Is the Oregon Death with Dignity Act? - Euthanasia -" ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Aug. 2013.
"Who Was Dr. Jack Kevorkian? - Euthanasia -" ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d.
Web. 11 Aug. 2013.
Written by: Nisreen Mouammar
ESOL Level 8 Writing