ESOL - Area 12 Family Care Council
ESOL - Area 12 Family Care Council
~ a::J ~c: ~(I) 3: - ~z m ~(I) ~(I) :z: ADULT EDUCATION & ESOL '" ~::::tJ m :;r-O 'S-r- 1il-< "" !s » CD r- r- ...... --7-~~-..".. CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATION: Admissions: (386) 506-3059 Adult Basic Education • Adult High School E-mail: Job prospects provided and average earning by the U.S. Department statements are based on information of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Special Programs • GED • ESOL Adult Basic Education 2 DBCC High School 2 Adult with Disabilities AdultTutoring 3 Services General Educational Development " 3 (GED) ..............•........ GED Test English for Speakers of Other Languages 4 5 (ESOL) 6 Ingles para Personas de Otros Idiom as 7 About DBCC 8 1 Adult Basic Education Adults with Disabilities The Adult Basic Education (ABE) program is a remedial study program intended to bring you to at least a ninth grade level. OBCC counselors and teachers work together to design a spec ific course of study that wi II enable you to reach your educational goals. OBCC's Adult Basic Education and Workplace Readiness Center provides academic, employment and social skill development to adults with documented disabilities. In addition, clients of the Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC), Blind Services, Conklin Center and Work Oriented Rehabilitation Center (WORC) are provided academic and basic life skill development. Classes are provided free of charge to ad uIts (16+) whose academic skills are below ninth grade. Instruction in basic reading, math, language and pre-GEO review is provided during the day and evening at various locations. After achieving this level, you may continue your educational goals in either the OBCC Adult High School or GEO program. DBCC High School Adult Tutoring Services Adult tutoring services are provided through a partnership between OBCC and the Volusia Literacy Council, Inc. Trained tutors work with adults at or below a fourth grade reading level on an individual and/or group basis to improve literacy skills. For more information call (386) 506-3639. You may earn a standard high school academic diploma by successfully completing 24 high school credits and passing the Florida Comprehensive Achievement Test (FCAT). Classes are free and offered during the day and evening at OBCC's Oaytona Beach, New Smyrna Beach-Edgewater and Oeland campuses. Students must purchase their own textbooks. 2 ---------------- 3 ----- - -- -- - - - . The GED Test gives you the opportunity to earn a state of Florida high school diploma. The GED will open doors for you to get a better job, pursue higher education, or achieve personal goals. Passing the GED test certifies that you have attained the academic skills and knowledge in core areas that are associated with high school com pletion. Tests are given monthly at the DSCC Daytona Beach, New Smyrna Beach-Edg.ewater and Deland campuses. Tests are given every other month at the Deltona and Flagler/Palm Coast campuses. The test includes five sections: Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Writing. • Requirements - Test applicants must be 18 years of age or older. A student under 18 years of age must be enrolled in classes a minimum of 30 days and have permission from the instructor to take the GED test. The test incl udes five sections: Mathematics, Reading, Science, Social Studies and Writing PREPARING FOR THE GED TEST OSCC offers three free options to help students whose academic skills are at or above ninth grade level prepare for the GEO Test. • Registration - Advanced registration is required. All test takers must register in person prior to the GED testing date. A valid Florida driver's license or Florida ID card, Social Security card and a $50 fee are required at registration. ONLINE This self-guided learning program will allow you to log on and learn from the comfort of your own home. All you need is access to a computer and the Internet. TRANSITIONING Once you have successfully completed your GEO, contact the Admissions Office to begin your transition into college classes. DSCC has a friendly and dedicated staff that will help register and enroll you into the program of your choice. OSCC offers numerous services that will help you successfully reach your educational goals. ON TV Study at home for your GEO by watching two 30-minute programs which air on OSCC Public Broadcasting, Channel 15 twice a week. Workbooks and a Casio FX260 solar calculator are used to supplement the programs and must be purchased. ON-SITE For more information about the GED program, contact the Admissions Office, at (386) 5063059. CLASSES Traditional on-site classes are available to provide the academic skills and knowledge needed to pass the GEO test. The GED textbook can be purchased at any campus bookstore. DBCC offers more than 100 career programs with an opportunity to take classes for credit toward your AA degree, AS degree, AAS degree, or vocational certificate programs. Enroll in any of these programs today, and you can start tomorrow! 4 INTO COLLEGE CLASSES For more information, I I call (386) 506-3059 5 Ingles para Personas de Otros Idiomas DBCC ofrece clases a ciudadanos estadounidenses nacidos en el extranjero 0 adultos con residencia permanente que desean mejorar su habilidad de hablar el Ingles. La instrucci6n va dirigida a desarrollar destrezas academicas, destrezas de comunicaci6n en la vida diaria y en el trabajo, a estudiantes principiantes, de nivel intermedio 0 avanzado. Para matricularse en las clases de ESOl, siga estos cuatro pasos sencillos: 1. Traiga una forma de identificaci6n personal con foto, 0 su licencia de conducir y Ilene la solicitud. DBCC offers ESOl classes for U.S. citizens or adults with resident alien status who wish to improve their English language skills. Instruction is focused on workforce development, life, and academic skills for the beginner, intermediate or advanced student. To begin ESOL classes, follow these four easy steps: 2. Administraci6n de Pruebas (Testing Center). 3. Reunase con el consejero, quien Ie ayudara a elegi r sus clases. 4. AI concluir la prueba, dirfjase a la oficina de registro y expedientes (Registration Office) y Ilene el formu lario para registrarse. 1. Bri ng a photo ID or driver's Iicense to the Admission's Office and complete the application process. Hay clases disponibles durante el dfa y la noche en los Campus de DBCC en Daytona Beach, Deland, Deltona y Flagler/Palm Coast. Tambien hay clases disponibles en otros lugares en el condado Volusia. 2. Complete the CASAS test at the Assessment (Testi ng) Center. 3. Meet with an adviser who wi II assist you with class selection. 4. After the test, go to the Registration Office and complete a registration form. CLASE DE CIUDADANIA ESOl tambien ofrece seminarios durante todo el ano que proveen informaci6n y destrezas necesarias para prepararse para ser un ciudadano estadounidense. Usted aprendera a: Classes are available during the day and evening at the DBCC Daytona Beach, Deland, Deltona, or Flagler/Palm Coast campuses. Classes are also offered at other Volusia County locations. • L1enar el formulario de Naturalizaci6n. CITIZENSHIP CLASS • Tener exito en la entrevista de Naturalizaci6n. ESOL also offers seminars throughout the year to provide you with the information and skills necessary to prepare to become a U.S. citizen. You wi II learn how to: • Pasar las pruebas de Ingles, de Historia y Gobierno de los Estados Un idos. • Complete the application form for naturalization • Succeed in the naturalization interview • Pass the U.S. history/government and English Iiteracy tests Classes are offered at several tions. 6 DBCC campus locaLas clases se ofrecen en varios de nuestros campus. ! I _...".. ~~•..••• ~" "'"" 7 ~ - •• » (j) :3 (") ~ Q) ro 00-(/) ro ~ -0 C 00r+ (j) 30:3(IJ (j) Q) :::l 0- -0 c(j)00:3r+a Q) () :3 00-Tj ro(")(j)-0» ::J -0 0ro...•. :3 » l) (/) "riro -0 :;;;: z3co0'; (j) » aroi!Qriro ro co r;n :3 20 ri-CT:3(j)8"ro3ro(/) 000 CD CD Q) ()Q Q) CD Q) Q) Q) -+> - '< ...•. 3(") 0» ri-0 Q) Q) 0:3 "TI ()Q 0(") 0:3 Q) Q) :3 3059 andoftransform yourout dreams into aCatalog reality. at program study, check the DBCC Stop by a campus near you or call (386) 506- 0 ro Q) (/) N ro 3(/) -0 ::J