neri St. Philip Neri Catholic Church
neri St. Philip Neri Catholic Church July 28, 2013 St. Philip Neri Catholic Church “A Spirit of Caring and Giving” - est. 1993 Under the direction of the Rock Hill Oratory Rev. John Giuliani, C.O., Pastor 803-548-7282 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. Dr. Joseph Pearce, C.O., Vicar Br. Michael Young, C.O., Asst. Pastoral Assoc. for the Summer - 803-327-2097 Deacon Jon Dwyer 803-548-2741 Deacon Steve Rhodes 803-802-4370 Parish Office 292 Munn Rd. Fort Mill, SC 29715 Phone: 803-548-7282 Fax: 803-547-2999 Hours: 9am-3pm Monday-Friday Webpage: Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: Sunday: Daily Mass: saintphilipneri 803-324-7744/ 5:30 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am - Choir (Nursery available) 11:30 am - Children’s Liturgy of the Word, (Nursery Available) 5:30 pm - Contemporary Music 9:30 am (Morning Prayer promptly at 9:10 am) Confessions every Wednesday from 7:00-7:30 pm We are a Catholic Community united to form a church family dedicated to continuing the ministry of Christ. We will strive to be examples to others through open minds, open hearts, and open arms. 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance: # 542 Praise the Lord Ye Heavens Preparation of Gifts: # 426 Seek Ye First Communion: # 323 Bread of Life Sending Forth: # 557 Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow Mass Intentions for the Week Saturday, July 27 5:30 pm Leonard Miller from Barb Beidel Sunday, July 28 8:00 am Uncle Chester from Gene’s Crew 9:30 am Donaline Taylor from Sandi Shach 11:30 am Pete Richard from Kent family 5:30 pm Joseph Keslin from the Miller & Elliott families Monday, July 29 9:30 am Ellen Dwyer from Larry Dwyer Tuesday, July 30 9:30 am Frances Stone from Josephine Sciacca & Children Wednesday, July 31 9:30am Rosalena Gutierrez from Chato Sison Thursday, August 1 9:30 am Joseph Donohue, Jr. from Michael Lane Friday, August 2 9:30am Thanksgiving from Rose & Rolly Ramos Saturday, August 3 5:30 pm Hilda Pena from the Cordova Family Sunday, August 4 8:00 am Eugenia Misik from Jerry & Kay Misik 9:30 am Dominga Santana from Lucy Lugaro 11:30 am Vincent Cavalieri from Clarice Tavenner 5:30 pm Jon Norton from Jim Norton Flowers for the Altar Flowers for the Altar are in memory of John Frega are from his wife, Maria and Family July 28, 2013 This week in our Parish Sunday, July 28 1:00p K of C 4th Degree PC Monday, July 29 6:00p Bridge Club 7:00p Boy Scouts 7:00p K of C Officers mtg. Rm 212 Rm 103 Rm 214 Tuesday, July 30 10:00a Bible Study 6:30p Toastmasters 7:00p Boy Scout Leader Team Rm 214 Rm 103 Rm 207 Wednesday, July 31 10:30a Legion Of Mary 7:00p ADHD Rm 213 Rm 205 Thursday, August 1 10:00a Adoration 7:00p Women’s Emmaus AC Rm 21 St. Philip Neri Scholarship Golf Tournament IN SEARCH OF SPONSORS AND PLAYERS PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS Please consider sponsoring this year’s tournament and participating. We will tee off at 1:30 on the afternoon of Friday September 27 at Tega Cay Golf Club. The youth of our parish are the direct beneficiaries of the proceeds from the tournament. Check out the tourney website or contact us if needed. Tim Gunnels: (803) 493-9048 Eric Deer: (704) 634-2538 Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 7th at 7:00 pm in room 103 in the ministry building. Any practicing Catholic of Irish descent (you don't have to be 100% Irish, just a little) or married to an AOH member may join. Come and see what we are all about!! If you have any questions, please contact Debbie McElhoe at or 803412-5754. Attention All SPN Ministries, Groups and Parishioners Just a reminder that anyone who wishes to use any of the rooms on the Parish campus MUST fill out a form and get the approval of the pastor. Contact Maria in the Parish Office for more information at 803-548-7282 or July 28, 2013 Please pray for the sick and shut-ins. Our sick list is posted on the bulletin board in the Gathering Area. Sacristans Needed We are in need of Sacristans for all Masses. This very important ministry sets up the Altar before Mass and cleans the vessels after Mass. Please contact Lucy Aspiras at or 803-548-7283. Young Adult Group Everyone in their 20’s and early 30’s married or single is invited to join. It is a social, charitable and spiritual group. They are having a covered dish on Sunday, July 28th after 5:30 pm mass. This will be held in the Café Room in the church. Please come and join the other young adults in our parish. The Family and Respect Life Annual Conference The Family and Respect Life Annual Conference for the Diocese of Charleston will be on August 17, 2013, at St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Columbia, starting with registration at 8:30am. There will be several workshops including defending marriage, religious liberty and end of life issues. For more information contact the Office of Family Life 803 547 5063. Women’s Emmaus Retreat Join us for the 2013 Women’s Emmaus Retreat October 4th through the 6th at the Rock Hill Oratory. "Were Our Hearts Not Burning Within Us”?! Luke 24:32 Come walk with us to a deeper Faith and Relationship with Christ through Fellowship and Spiritual Growth on the Road to Emmaus! For more information, questions or to register please contact Gabrielle Blum by email at: or 803-804-6476. Sponsored by The St. Philip Neri Women’s Emmaus Ministry. Ladies Ages 18 & up Welcome. Pastor ’s Pen My Dear Parishioners, You may notice that the amount on our construction loan has gone down. We have begun to make payments on our debt. I thank you for your generosity in the past and especially in the future. In Christ's Peace, Fr. John, C.O. Collection Week of 7-21-13 Year to Date Total: Regular $22,421 $97,593 Budget $24,309 $97,236 Surplus/ (Deficit) ($1,888) Below Budget $357 Children’s Bell Fund $18 (19 Env. ) $98 Tithe: Pilgrim’s Inn $2,242 Building Fund $2,403 $38,360 Capital Campaign 2011-2014 Funds Pledged to date $2,529,698 Less Pledges Received $ 2,070,624 Remaining Pledges Due Building Fund Balance Net of Expenditures Construction Loan $ 459,074 $5,389,477 ($8,426,019) $2,980,158 Attendance: 2,617 Tithe for July 28: Pastor’s Discretion Are you Being Called? LOOKING FOR A FEW CORE TEAM MEMBERS FOR THE EDGE....If you enjoy working with middle schoolers and are willing to share your Faith & have some fun, please consider volunteering with The EDGE! You do not need to have a student in the group to join us! The Faith Formation Program is looking for volunteers to teach this up coming school year. All materials are provided. It is not a difficult as you may think. Please take some time to consider this important ministry. We have a great need for Confirmation teachers. Confirmation meets Sunday evening from 6:458:30, twice a month. For more information contact Mary Harden at 803-548-4282 #3 or July 28, 2013 Faith Formation - Grades K-6th REGISTRATION IS IN FULL SWING!!! REGISTER EARLY TO RESERVE THE SESSION YOU NEED. SUNDAY SESSION FILLS QUICKLY AND IS ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS!! Second and Third grade on Sunday is Closed and only a few spots remain for first and third grades. EDGE (7th & 8th grades) Mark your calendars .... Next EDGE Summer Fun Night Weds, August 14 7:00-9:00 (weather permitting) Be sure to register your student for EDGE so you will receive our e-mail updates! Any questions, contact Jeanette 803-984-6271 or e-mail Edge Summer Fun Night. Lots of games, fun and friendship!! LIFE TEEN EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS: A BIG THANK YOU to the Ellis, Graiger, and Patak families for donating sofa’s for the LifeTeen Room!!! Ask to join our Facebook page, Saint Philip Neri Life Teen … it’s a great way to find out what’s happening in LifeTeen over the summer. Registration Information: Registration forms for 2013/2014 are available in the parish office, at the reception desk at the church, and on the parish website. Please register your high school teen so you can receive e-mail updates on Life Teen events/retreats. Contact Johanna Pierce for more information or if you have any questions … or 548-7282 ext. 227. The teens after the ‘Life Teen Water Wars’ night with St. Philip Neri!! July 28, 2013 20 13 Sun Mon Tue Wed Legend: CIT: Careers in Transition LAOH: Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians RL/GP: Respect Life/Gabriel Project L of M: Legion of Mary K of C: Knights of Columbus IAC: Italian American Club SVDP: St Vincent DePaul PSG: Parent Support Group Thu 1 9:30a Fr John 10:00a Adoration Fri Sat 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 30 9:30a Fr John 31 9:30a Fr John 5:30p Fr. Paul 7:00pm Women’s Emmaus 7:00pm Reconciliation Every Wednesday 4 8:00a Fr John 9:30a Fr John 11:30a Fr Joe 5:30p Fr Joe 11 8:00a Fr Joe 9:30a Fr Joe 11:30a Fr John 5:30p Fr John 18 8:00a Fr John 9:30a Fr John 11:30a Fr John 5:30p Fr John 5 9:30a Fr Joe 6:30p Bridge Club 7:00p Boy Scouts 9:3oa Fr John 10:00a Bible Study 7:00p Parish Council 7 8 10:30a L of M 10:00a Adoration 7:00p LOAH 7:00p Women’s Emmaus Virtus Class 15 9:30a Fr John 12 13 14 6:30 p Bridge Club 10:00a Bible Study 7:00p K of C Boy Scouts Bereavement 6:30p Toastmasters 7:00p Finance Council 10:30a L of M 7:00p Assumption Vigil Mass Fr. John 7:00p CIT 19 20 21 9:30a Fr John 9:30a Fr John 6:30 p Bridge Club 9:30a Fr John 9:30a Fr John 9:30a Fr John 9:30a Fr Joe 9:30a Fr John 9:30a Fr John 10:00a Adoration 7:00p Assumption Mass Fr. John Women’s Emmaus 9:30a Fr John 9:30a Fr Joe 5:30p Fr John 5:30p Fr John Feast of the Assumption 22 9:30a Fr Joe 10:00a Bible Study 7:00p Baptism Class Woman’s Group 10:30a L of M 10:00a Adoration 7:00P Men’s Club 7:00p Women’s Emmaus Virtus Class 26 9:3oa Fr Joe 27 9:3oa Fr John 28 9:3oa Fr John 29 9:30a Fr Joe 6:30 p Bridge Club 7:00p Boy Scouts Team Leader 6:30p Toastmasters 10:30a L of M 10:00a Adoration 7:00p CIT 7:00p Women’s Emmaus 7:00p Boy Scouts PSG 25 8:00a Fr Joe 9:30a Fr Joe 11:30a Fr John 5:30p Fr John 6 9:30a Fr John 5:30p Fr. John 5:30p Fr Joe July 28, 2013 Saint Philip Neri Makes a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land & Jordan Discover Your Heritage, Grow in Holiness & Have Fun Join us as we follow in the Footsteps of Jesus 2014 October 9th through October 19th Tour Cost : between $3800 - $3950 pp/dbl occupancy. For single occupancy add $565.00 This price includes: Roundtrip airfare from Charlotte, NC/New York JFK, to Tel-Aviv Airline taxes/fuel surcharges as currently levied Accommodations in First Class hotels All hotel taxes Meals as per itinerary Land transportation by deluxe motor-coach All transfers & baggage handling Comprehensive sightseeing with all entrances fees as per itinerary Jordanian entry visa Israel/Jordan border crossing taxes Fr. David Wathen, O.F.M. the Holy Land; Tour Guide Daily Mass All you need is an up-to-date passport. No visas, no shots. Registration opens August 1st, 2013. For more information at this time please contact: Rachida at 803-325-1795 Adoration Chapel is now Open Imagine Our Blessed Mother, the Pope, or the President inviting you to set aside one special hour each week to be with them. You would feel like the most important person in the world! You would be overjoyed. You would tell all of your friends about it. You would be faithful every week in keeping your scheduled time. You would let nothing interfere with your meeting with someone so important as Our Lady, Our Holy Father, or the President. Should you respond to Our Blessed Lord’s invitation with any less enthusiasm? Is Jesus important enough to you to set aside one special hour each week to be with Him? Just one hour, once a week, is all that He is asking. This is simply a matter of putting first things first. In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success (Prov 3:6-10). Adoration Chapel is open for Eucharistic Adoration on Thursdays 10:00 am until Saturday 5:00 pm. To make sure it runs smoothly we need at least two persons for each hour. Open hours where we do not have any one: Friday & Saturday nights 11:00-midnight hour Hours where we need a second person: Thursday Noon – 1:00pm, 4:00 pm, 11pm Friday: 1:00am, 4:00am Saturday: Midnight till 4:00 am, 8:00 am, 12 Noon, 1:00 pm Please consider taking up one or more hours to be with the Lord. You can sign up online at the link for Adoration on the church website (under Adult Spirituality), or email your hour at, or call John De Jong at (704) 907 9475. Looking For a fun Night Out? Please come and join us for our mixed couples “Saints & Sinners” bowling league. It meets every other Saturday night starting at 7:15pm at Strikers Bowling alley in Rock Hill and runs from September to April with time off for the holidays. This is a handicapped recreational league so don’t worry about your skill level, it’s all about meeting new people and just having a fun night out twice a month. Single or don’t have a complete team, please don’t let that stop you from joining us. We will match you up best we can with other teammates and a team. We are also looking for a few substitutes that can bowl when regulars are not able to make a particular week of bowling. Please contact Randy Ewald at 612-272-6202 or, if you are interested in joining or have any questions. July 28, 2013 Truly You have formed my inmost being; You knit me in my Mother’s womb. Psalm 139:1 Respect Life On July 4th we were reminded of our nation’s blessings and freedoms. The 4th of July was also the closing day of our Church’s Fortnight For Freedom observance. At the Mass on June 22 dedicating the fortnight, our Bishop Guglielmone expressed his deep concern over the threats our nation is experiencing against our Freedom to exercise our Religion and our conscience. In his words, “ Never since our nation’s founding have our Freedoms been so threatened.” “The most basic of our Freedoms is the Freedom of Conscience. If Americans are not free to follow their conscience in belief or corporal works of mercy, none of our freedoms have any meaning.” After a beautiful Eucharistic celebration, participants processed to the steps of our South Carolina State House, strewing rose petals on Assembly Street before our Blessed Sacrament carried by the bishop and escorted by the K of C in full regalia. The procession culminated in Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on the steps of the State House. When government attacks religious freedom – especially when it attacks our freedom to respect and revere life at its most defenseless – the fabric of our society is placed at risk. Two years before he wrote the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson said, “ The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time.” Yet some state and federal governments have : 1.) Demanded almost every man and woman in America, as well as religious institutions that help the needy, only provide or purchase health coverage including a wide array of sterilization and “contraceptive” methods, including drugs to induce abortion. ( U.S. Department of HHS.) 2.) U.S. Health and Human Services took away a federal grant from the Catholic Church’s migration and refugee services office that had provided service to victims of human trafficking and gave the money to less qualified secular agencies because the Catholic agency would not violate its moral principles on human life. 3.) Already Catholic agencies providing adoption services have had to close because they insist on placing children in homes headed by an intact couple consisting of a father and mother in a traditional marriage. Today those promoting the “right” to abortion manifest an intolerance toward those who would choose in favor of God’s gift of life. Federal lawmakers may act to maintain and improve current protection for life and liberty – or they may mandate expanded taxpayer funding for the destruction of unborn children and allow abuses against religious freedom to continue. Americans who believe in the sacredness of human life and the right to religious freedom need to raise their voices now. WHAT CAN YOU AND I DO TO PROTECT OUR FREEDOM OF RELIGION AND CONSCIENCE? PRAY: Almighty God, Father of all nations, for freedom You have set us free in Christ Jesus. ( Gal. 5:1). We praise and bless you for the gift of religious liberty, the foundation of human rights, justice and the common good. Grant to our leaders the wisdom to protect and promote our liberties; by Your grace may we have the courage to defend them, for ourselves and for all who live in this blessed land. We ask this through the intercession of Mary Immaculate, our nation’s patroness, and in the name of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, with whom You live and reign forever. CONTACT OUR FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVES: Sen. Lindsey Graham (202-224-5972); Sen. Tim Scott (202-224-6121) and Representative Mick Mulvaney (202-225-5501). Michele M. Jasper, DDS - PARISHIONER Our 20th year serving the Fort Mill area Voted 2012 & 2013 “Best of Fort Mill” Cosmetic & General Dentistry by Fort Mill Times Readers Voted Charlotte Magazine’s “Top Dentist” for the 6th year in a row 2752 Pleasant Road, Suite 106 • Fort Mill, SC 803•548•4353 Are you ever alone? You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." Less than $1 per day Suzanne Nguyen“Win” • No Long-Term Contracts • Price Guarantee • A+ Rating with BBB • Made and Monitored in the USA Call Today to learn more about our Special Offer. Realtor SC/Broker NC Parishioner You will “Win” with Suzanne Nguyen! 1.877.801.8608 Toll Free 803-984-8688 Cell The Sponsors Who Appear On This Bulletin. It Is Through Their Support That This Bulletin Is Made Possible. Business Owners Interested In Advertising Please Call Visit: J.S. Paluch 1-800-432-3240 DR. MARK ESPINAL, Parishioner • Accepting New Patients • Implant Placement & Restorations • Invisalign Clear Braces • Cosmetic Dentistry • Crowns & Bridges • TMJ Treatment • Snoring / Sleep Apnea • Root Canal Therapy • Inlays/Onlays 2049 Carolina Place Drive Fort Mil , SC 29708 (Across from Baxter) 803.327.4166 803.802.7788 ORTHODONTICS for children and adults Are you 50 or older? 1741 Gold Hill Road Suite 200 Fort Mill, SC Is there a family history of colon cancer? 29708 Fax: 803.327.2086 1144-F India Hook Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29732 If the answer is yes to either of these, You need to consider colon cancer screening. To make an appointment to discuss this important topic call: Making Life Easier Non-Medical In Home Care in the Comfort of your home, retirement communities, nursing home, hospital or rehab center. Employees are bonded & insured. 704-813-4789 (cell) 803-831-9929 www.HomeHelpers.CC Owner & Parishioner– 170 Amendment Ave. 1700 First Baxter Crossing, Suite 102 Shirley MacMillan CSA Rock Hill, SC Fort Mill, SC 803.802.2580 Digestive Disease Associates PIANO TUNING 803-324-7607 JOSEPH D. GOTTA, RPT 001238 St Philip Neri Church (B) 704-563-8230 WWW. A 440 PIANO. COM For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Concrete Specialists Residential/Commercial Local family owned & operated 803-631-4444 Spinning Gold Patios, Driveways, Floors, Overlays, Foundations, Stamped, Stained & Decorative Concrete Free Estimates Call 704-208-8790 JASON Gus J . Leotta Professional Mobile Disc Jockey Service Insurance Broker — NC & SC / Parishioner & Caregiver Medicare, Health, LTC, Life & Annuities Fort Mill, SC 803.396.5563 Jerry Avossa Parishioner OWNED BY DEACON GREG & MAUREEN WEIGOLD Catholic Books ✟ Bibles ✟ Jewelry ✟ Statues, Sacrament Gifts ✟ Wall Art ✟ Videos The only full-service, full-time Catholic store in the Midlands! Practice Specialty: Sr. Market — Know Your Options 649 St. Andrews Road (3/10 mile off I-26) Columbia, SC 704.617.4208 • 12319 Lazy Oak Lane • Charlotte, NC 28273 803-561-9733 Loan Pham Alterations JONNA J. MORESCHI, D.M.D. Complete Alteration Service for Men and Women ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Parishioner Specializing in Wedding Gowns • New & Emergency Patients Seen Mon.-Fri. • No Referral Necessary Beaded Gowns - St. John Knits 2752 Pleasant Road Bus. 803 328-5100 832 Mt. Gallant Rd. 803-548-4445 Suite #104, Fort Mill, SC 29708 Cell 803 524-4543 Rock Hill, SC 29730 Dry Eye • Glaucoma • Diabetic Eye • Cataracts • Red Eye Eyestrain • Headache • Lazy Eye • Glasses • Contacts Browse over to at the corner of Celanese & India Hook in Rock Hill or dial us at 803.985.2020 PAUL BURT, O.D., Parishioner Healthy Eyes + Exceptional Service + Quality Products Home Healthcare When You Need It Available to you 24 hours seven days a week! Companion Services Personal Care Live-in Caregivers Transportation Meal Preparation Light Housekeeping Medication Reminders & More All Ages & Needs Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1175 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 855 Gold Hill Rd, Suite 103 Fort Mill, SC 29708 Eddie & Brett Haughey, Parishioners 803-802-9091 Conveniently Located in Fort Mill “Tomorrow’s answer to a healthy lifestyle” Parishioner Owned and Operated Bill and Nicole Ross Voted Best Heating and Air Company in York County 2010, 2011 & 2012 Locally Owned and Operated Since 1965 Owner/Operators St. Mary’s Parishioners — Robert, Judy and Matthew Sy 8431 Charlotte Hwy. Indian Land, SC 29707 803-578-4142 Parishioner “YOUR COMFORT FOR LIFE” 1010 E. White Street Rock Hill, SC Ask about Discounts on Our Maintenance Program with the 803.324.7572 “Thank You Ad” and Present It ✂ThePleaseNextCutTimeOutYouThisPatronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 001238 St Philip Neri Church (A) Pain Relief Without the Fear! Computerized, Comfortable, Consistent Technology! Puts all fears of manual manipulation to rest! Gentle, Effective Relief for: • Headaches • Plantar Fascitis • Neck Pain • Herniated Discs • TMJ Pain • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome • Back Pain • Pinched Nerves One-On-One Tutoring • Fibromyalgia and More Specializing in Tutoring • Resume Writing Personalized Cover Letters Mackenzie Vattimo 803-831-9429 Auto Accident Victims Seen Same Day! We bill responsible party Painless Treatment No Twisting, Neuromuscular/Orthopedic Massage Therapy No Popping, No Cracking, *20% Discount to Fellow Parishioners* No Turning KAMEGO CHIROPRACTIC WELLNESS CENTER 1735 Heckle Blvd. • Rock Hill • • 803-328-2440 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 July 28, 2013 Parish Staff Ext. Email: Maria Cordova, Administrative Assistant………..225…...… Sheilah Reuille, Accountant………………………228……...… Mary Harden, Director of Faith Formation……...226….…… Linda Liberty, Director of Music Ministry………..245….….….… Johanna Pierce, Lifeteen coordinator….………..227….… Jeanette Swint, Edge Coordinator…………………………………… Jenny Funk, Coordinator of Volunteers………..229….... Jennifer Ross, Receptionist……………………...221……… Child Development Center Debbie Strait, Director 803-548-8789 Class Hours: 9:00 am—12:00 pm Mon. Fri. for 2,3,4 yr. olds. Pastoral Council David Bartholomew Richard Gagnon Shelley Hawk Carol Herrmann Josephine Sciacca Elizabeth Simpson Building Committee Peter Baldridge, Chairperson Linda Liberty Paul Blackann Sybil Mitchell Cindy Kelly Roberta Whitaker Andy Miller Mike McCullough Finance Council Debra Dugas , Chairperson Paul Heinrichs Rose Parmeter Donna Rinchisen The Gabriel Project for Unplanned or Crisis Pregnancy: 803-367-1397 St. Vincent De Paul Hotline Emergency Assistance: 803-548-7508 Parish Registration: We welcome new families to St. Philip Neri. Please register as soon as possible. Registration is required before the parish can issue a sponsorship certificate for those asked to be Sacrament Sponsors. You must be a registered, contributing Catholic member for at least three months before a certificate or school voucher will be approved. Registration forms and welcome packets are available in the Parish Office to acquaint new members with Parish life. Baptism Preparation: Baptism classes are the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm. Please call the Parish Office for more information and to register for the class. Marriages: Arrangements should be made with the Pastor at least 6 months prior to proposed date of marriage. Bulletin Deadline: Deadline for announcements is 9 days prior to the bulletin date. Call the Parish Office or email: Diocesan Office of Child Protective Services: 843-853-2130 ext. 209 Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister: 800-921-8122 Safe Environment Coordinator: Mary Harden - 803-548-7282 Adoration John de Jong 803-547-6682 Altar Servers Nancy Sims 803-493-1815 Ancient Order of Hibernians Don Buchanan 803-548-0049 Bereavement Ministry Martha Went 980-225-5997 Boy Scouts Jim Navey Cancer Ministry LifeNotes Sal Boccio 704-497-7999 Legion of Mary Marie Lamparter 803-746-5198 Men’s Club Kerry Clish 704-806-7460 803-372-7257 Nursery Carrie Seekings 803-802-1619 Mary Rapp 803-327-7705 OICA/RCIA Church Office 803-548-7282 Careers in Transition Tony Armeni 803-802-0614 Pilgrims’ Inn Lunches Betty Adams 803-548-2875 Children's’ Liturgy Sabina Fernandez 803-802-5764 Prayer Shawl Ministry Kathie Fennel 803-328-6526 Cub Scouts Chris Fitzgibbon 704-942-8680 Red Cross Emergency DJ Sherlock 803-348-5003 Emmaus - Men Ted Harden 803-322-7608 Respect Life Christy Brown 803-548-4817 Emmaus - Women Gabby Blum 803-804-6476 Eucharistic Ministers Christine Charlonis 704-904-1954 Sacristan Lucy Aspiras 803-548-7283 Greeters Jim Funk 704-241-4730 Small Christian Comm. Barry & Carol Kane 803-396-2757 Home & Hospital Visit. John de Jong 803-547-6682 Toastmasters Adam Zollinger 704-607-6615 Home & Hospital Visit. Spanish - Lucy Lugaro 704-779-6422 IACYC/Italian Club Art Durazzi 803-810-2994 Hospitality Noreen Muha 803-980-7062 Sound and Video Rick Rebovich 704-541-9745 Italian Festival Denny Rodino 803-327-3643 Knights of Columbus Theron Simpson, Jr. 803-548-0723 Ushers Jim Thompson 803-548-7282 Lectors Richard Hamlett 803-487-5354 Wise Owls Liz Pebbles 803-547-2518 Ladies Anct Ord Hibernians Debbie McElhoe 803-412-5754 Women’s Club Andrea Drake 704-577-2266