Document 6468145


Document 6468145
Vol 59
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
May 12, 2013
NO 19
Sunday School
Worship Service
Chorister: Kyle Miller
Scripture Reading: Bob Miller
Pre-Service Music
Sharing Time
Congregational Prayer
Offertory – Eleya Raim
Worship in Music
Scripture Reading – Proverbs 31:10-31
Message – “Thanks Mom” by Pastor Steve Nelson
Closing Song
Nursery Schedule during Worship Service:
TODAY: Manny & Ruth
NEXT SUNDAY: Merle & Sandy
The nursery, located on the 2nd floor, is available for children
ages 0-3.
SERMON PREPARATION – Pastor Don would be interested in
any questions you may have about Galatians 6:1-10 since it
contains many of the verses that we tend to use regularly as
Mennonites. If you have a question that you would be willing to
share with Don, please feel free to call him or email them to him
sometime this coming week.
Church News
Pastor Don will be out of the office on Monday because of the
Ministers meeting on Tuesday this week.
Ladies: Spring Fling Salad Luncheon is this Tuesday evening,
May 14th at 6:30 PM. You are encouraged to bring along: a
friend/family member and a salad to share. Following the meal
we will have a short program with mothers, grandmothers,
daughters sharing with us. Our evening will be spent in the
church fellowship hall so we invite you to use the basement
entrance. If you have any questions or need transportation,
contact one of the Women's Ministry Team.
MYF will meet at Ron & Lorene Bender’s at 7pm
Wednesday night to continue a study on
“Using your Gifts”.
Baked items are welcome for Crowded Closet bake sale on
Saturday May 18th. Bring your items to Anna Hochstetler's
home or to the front entry door of the church by 9:00 that
We are thankful for our church family and your impact on
Cody’s life. We would like to extend our invitation for you to
attend Cody’s Graduation Party following IMS’s Baccalaureate on
Saturday, May 18th from 8-10 p.m. Party will be held at our
home, 1635 Kiwi Avenue, Wellman. We hope to see you!
~Lyle, Lori, Kylie, Cody, and Kaycee Miller
It’s that time again! Time to update the church directory. If
you have new pictures to submit, changes to make, or if you
would like a new picture taken please contact the church office
by May 19th.
In your mailboxes today you will find a copy of the letter from
Central Plains Conference in response to the fall regional
meetings regarding Faith Mennonite Church. There are also
copies of the summary part of the letter on the literature rack
below the bulletin board in the foyer.
Register for May 5, 2013
Sunday School Attendance
Sunday School Offering
Church Attendance
Offering last Sunday
$ 7,862.50
Upcoming Events
May 14 – Ladies Spring Fling
May 18 – IMS Baccalaureate 6 pm Celebration Hall
May 19 - Sunday’s message will be “As You Sow” from
Galatians 6:1-10 by Pastor Don.
May 19 – IMS Commencement 6 pm Celebration Hall
May 21 – Community Awareness Event 7 pm Parkside in Wellman
May 22 – MP Baccalaureate 7 pm Shiloh Church
May 26 – MP Commencement 1:30 pm MP High School
May 31-June 1 – MCC Sale
July 15-18 – Bible Memory Camp – Crooked Creek
July 28 – Aug 1 – Vacation Bible School
This Week’s Celebrations!
May 12 – Eldon Miller
May 17 – Dale Marner
May 16 – Jason & Mindy Boller
School & Community Announcements
Crooked Creek Christian Camp:
●Reminder that tomorrow, Monday May 13 is the last day for
early bird registration at Crooked Creek Christian Camp.
Register online at Don't miss out!
●On June 8, 7-9 p.m., there will be a farewell reception for
Mary Lou Farmer recognizing her years of service to Crooked
Creek Christian Camp. Watch your church mailbox for an
invitation to this event.
Pleasantview Home:
●The Aging Well Group will meet Tuesday, May 14th at 10:00
in the Friendship Center at Pleasantveiw Home. Norma
Brenneman will present “Writing Your Story”. She works at the
Kalona Historical Museum and is currently writing her own
story. Norma has researched the topic and is familiar with the
process of writing a story. Come to learn how you can write and
pass on your story. Everyone is welcome.
●Volunteer(s) needed to join the Steering Committee for the
PV Benefit Sale. Contact Nyle Kauffman (354-3304) or Julie
Gingerich at Pleasantview (656-2421).
Community Awareness Event Plan to attend this meeting to
learn about a new and legal drug that is deadly and is being used
by many of our young people. You will hear from parents who
know the danger from experience with their own children as well
as from experts in law enforcement. This event, which is for
ages 5th grade through adult, will be held on May 21st, 7 p.m. at
the Parkside Activity Center. If you have questions, need
childcare, or need transportation, please call Kelly Galiher (319)
There is still time to
volunteer to provide a meal for sale at the Annual MCC Sale to
be held May 31 and June 1.
To list your meal for proper
advertising, contact Marcia Miller at 319 656-3242, cell phone
319 430-3376 or email at
There will be a special "shopping with a cause" fundraiser
event at Fairview Mennonite Church, Saturday May 25th
between 10:00-1:00. Haitian Creations is a part of Heartline
Ministries to Haiti and is raising funds to build a much needed
maternity center and also provides jobs for Haitian women,
enabling them to support themselves and learn more about
Christ's love in the process. The cash and carry items up for
sale include beautiful, handmade purses and bags, jewelry, metal
work and more. You can view their complete line of products on
their webpage at
For more info
about this exciting event, please contact Dorothy Miller at or call 319-325-9357
College internships: Crowded Closet is seeking to fill two parttime summer internships. Term runs mid-May through midAugust. Positions are each 30 hours per week including
Saturdays. A stipend is available. Submit a resume by May 10th.
Mennonite Mission Opportunities:
●Considering service? Get your feet wet this summer, with
Youth Venture: a 2-3 week, service and learning experience for
14-20 year olds! Serve in Alaska, Florida or Texas. Apply by
June 1. More info and applications can be found at:
●Want to use your degree and impact the neighborhood? Join
an MVS faith community! Live, learn and serve together for one
year. Must be age 20+. Apply by June 1. More info and
applications at:
●There's still time to apply for a Service Adventure year!
Participants ages 17-20 will serve, learn and grow spiritually with
the unit and leaders.
Apply by June 1. More info and
applications at:
Mennonite Central Committee would like to invite you to a
Learning Tour to Haiti November 2-12, 2013. This 10 day tour
will give you a first-hand look at the problems Haiti is still
facing in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, Hurricane
Sandy, and other social- economic issues. If you are interested
in being an active participant, dedicated to learning and being
transformed through interactions with Haitians, then this is the
learning tour for you. Space is very limited. Please respond to
Anna Yoder by Monday June 3, 2013 at or
The Center for Faith and Business is offering “Jubilee: God’s
Good News for the Faith and Business Community”, a 3-part
study and discussion that will provide an opportunity for people
to reflect together on how we can embrace business as a
spiritual calling. The class will run June 3rd and 10th at 7:00 pm
at the Kalona Chamber of Commerce and on June 17th at 7pm at
Geyer's Oven in Oxford, Iowa. Registration deadline is May 27;
$35 for all three classes or $15 at the door per session. For
more information and to register, see the poster in the church
MCC Want List: (see bulletin board for full details)
●We are collecting books to sell at the MCC sale. Books that
sell well are Children’s books, “Bonnet” books, recently published
books, mysteries, and newer appearing books.
●Donations of new and gently used items are needed for the
MCC Sale Children's Auction.
●Are you a woodworker, crafter, carpenter, or artist? The
auction committee is accepting donations of handcrafted items.
Prayer Needs
You are encouraged to post this sheet listing prayer needs in an
area where you will see it often in the following week.
Pray for those with health needs: Verle Marner, Chance
Miller, Pearl Miller, Henry Mullet, Marc Plank and Ethel
 Pastor Don Patterson
 Associate Pastor Steve Nelson
 Elders: Joel Brokaw, Ron Bender, and Brent Yoder
 Women’s Ministry Leader – Marcia Miller
Pray for our PHUSION Youth: MYF – Cody Miller
JYF – Cole Ours
Pray for those who are serving in Prison Ministry at
Central Plains Conference - Pray for Nate Larson,
associate pastor at Mercy Church in Sioux Falls, South
Dakota, as he is licensed toward ordination today. Pray
for a fruitful ministry for Nate and Mercy Church.
Mennonite Mission Network - Pray that God would grant
wisdom, joyful surprises, and renewal to Mennonite
Mission Network personnel who are also mothers, as they
learn how to parent third-culture kids far from extended
families and familiar support systems.
Our brothers and sisters locally and globally
Pray for Pastors Floyd Helmuth and Floyd Yutzy and the
Sunnyside Conservative Mennonite congregation.
Pray for Kenton, Kidron & Mira Miller as they prepare to
serve in Berlin, Germany.