Toxicologic Pathology Mice 1
Toxicologic Pathology Mice 1
Toxicologic Pathology Epididymal Sperm Granuloma Induced by Chronic Administration of 2-Methylimidazole in B6C3F1 Mice Yoshiro Tani, Paul M. Foster, Robert C. Sills, Po C. Chan, Shyamal D. Peddada and Abraham Nyska Toxicol Pathol 2005 33: 313 DOI: 10.1080/01926230590922866 The online version of this article can be found at: Published by: On behalf of: Society of Toxicologic Pathology Additional services and information for Toxicologic Pathology can be found at: Email Alerts: Subscriptions: Reprints: Permissions: >> Version of Record - Apr 1, 2005 What is This? Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Toxicologic Pathology, 33:313–319, 2005 C by the Society of Toxicologic Pathology Copyright ISSN: 0192-6233 print / 1533-1601 online DOI: 10.1080/01926230590922866 Epididymal Sperm Granuloma Induced by Chronic Administration of 2-Methylimidazole in B6C3F1 Mice YOSHIRO TANI,1 PAUL M. FOSTER,2 ROBERT C. SILLS,1 PO C. CHAN,3 SHYAMAL D. PEDDADA,4 AND ABRAHAM NYSKA1 1 4 Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, 2 Laboratory of Molecular Toxicology, 3 Toxicology Operations Branch, and Biostatistics Branch, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709, USA ABSTRACT Two-year mouse and rat bioassay studies of 2-methylimidazole (2-MI) conducted by the National Toxicology Program revealed that epididymal sperm granuloma(SG)s occurred only in male B6C3F1 mice in a dose-related manner. The present study characterized 2-MI-induced SGs in these epididymides. Groups of 50 male B6C3F1 mice were fed diets containing 0, 625, 1250, or 2500 ppm 2-MI for 105 weeks; the doses were equivalent to average daily doses of approximately 13, 40, or 130 mg/kg. Testes and epididymides were histopathologically reexamined. 2-Methylimidazole increased the incidence of epididymal SGs (0%, 0%, 6%, 12%, respectively). Histologically, most of the SGs exhibited rupture of epididymal ducts with focal aggregations of macrophages in interstitia. Lesions occurred in the proximal caput of the epididymis and/or efferent ducts, not in the corpus and cauda. In the testis, incidences of germinal epithelial atrophy (GEA) increased dose-relatedly (2%, 8%, 16%, 28%, respectively). All mice with epididymal SG developed testicular GEA. The grading scores of testicular GEA tended to be more severe in mice with SGs than those without. No epididymal SG or testicular GEA was observed in 6-month-interim-sacrificed mice. The results imply that 2-year treatment of B6C3F1 mice with 2-MI can induce epididymal SGs, primarily followed by more severe testicular GEA. The potential mechanism of SG induction by 2-MI is discussed. Keywords. 2-Methylimidazole; epididymis; sperm granuloma; testis; germinal epithelium; mice. INTRODUCTION The imidazole derivative, 2-methylimidazole (2-MI1 ; C4 H6 N2 ; CAS No. 693-98-1, Figure 1), produced globally by chemical companies, is widely used as a starting or intermediate material in several chemical synthetic processes, such as the production of drugs, dyes, pigments, photographic chemicals, and corrosion inhibitors for metals (Chemical Economics Handbook, 1995). The derivative 2-Methylimidazole is also used as an accelerator for polymerization cross-linking and a catalytic curing agent for epoxy resins (Bogdal et al., 2002). In addition to its industrial use, 2-MI is contained in cigarette smoke (Moree-Testa et al., 1984) and occurs in paper products and as an undesirable by-product in several food products, including caramel coloring, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, wine, ammoniated molasses, and caramelcolored syrups (Nishie et al., 1969). This chemical is watersoluble, absorbed swiftly and completely, distributed rapidly and extensively to a variety of tissues, and eliminated quickly in rats (Johnson et al., 2002). The National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted 2-year bioassay and related toxicity studies for 2-MI because of a lack of specific carcinogenicity test data in the literature. The exposure of F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice of both sexes to 2-MI for 2 years resulted in chemical-related lesions in many organs including, but not limited to, the liver, thyroid gland, and spleen in rats and the liver, thyroid gland, spleen, bone marrow, kidney, epididymis, and testis in mice (National Toxicology Program, 2005). In the epididymis, chronic active inflammatory lesions and sperm granulomas (SGs) were observed in male mice, but not male rats, in a dose-related manner. The definition of chronic active inflammation in the original study included several characteristics appearing singly or in combination: (1) mononuclear cell infiltration, (2) engorgement of ducts with spermatozoa, (3) multinucleated germ cells in the lumen, (4) vacuolization and/or disruption of lining cells, (5) coagulated protein and/or cell debris, and/or (6) fibrosis/edema. Chronic active inflammation was commonly associated with SG. Sperm granuloma, a reaction of the male genital tissues to extravasated spermatozoa, may affect the testis, epididymis, or vas deferens (Jones et al., 1997; Foley, 2001). During spermatogenic development, spermatids and spermatozoa appear in the seminiferous tubules after immune tolerance has been established. Once spermatozoa are leaked into the extravascular tissue following rupture of the male genital tract, they may be recognized as foreign bodies and induce an inflammatory reaction (McDonald, 2000; Lanning et al., 2002). Chemical-induced SGs have been reported mainly in rats. In the present study, we analyzed the histopathological characteristics and localization of epididymal SGs induced in B6C3F1 mice following chronic treatment with 2-MI. Testes were also examined to determine if there were any pathological correlations between the testis and epididymis, as doserelated germinal epithelial atrophy (GEA) of the testis was also recorded in the original study. Address correspondence to: Abraham Nyska, Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, P. O. Box 12233, Mail Drop B3-06, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709, USA; e-mail: 1 Abbreviations: GEA, germinal epithelial atrophy; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; 2-MI, 2-methylimidazole; NTP, National Toxicology Program; SG, sperm granuloma. 313 Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 314 TOXICOLOGIC PATHOLOGY TANI ET AL. FIGURE 1.—Chemical structure of 2-methylimidazole. MATERIALS AND METHODS Chemicals Bulk 2-MI (lot Nos. 08222CN and 04209TQ) was purchased from Aldrich Chemical Company (Milwaukee, WI) and, after the two lots were combined, analyzed for purity using a gas chromatograph. The purity of the bulk 2-MI was 99.5% or higher throughout the study. Dose formulations of 2-MI, admixtures with powdered NTP-2000 diet (Zeigler Brothers, Inc., Gardners, PA), were prepared and stored at room temperature for up to 35 days. Preadministration dose analysis was performed using high performance liquid chromatography. Animals and Study Design The original study was conducted by the NTP to evaluate the chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity of 2-MI (National Toxicology Program, 2005). Animal studies were conducted under contract at Southern Research Institute (Birmingham, AL). All animals were under the supervision of a veterinarian and housed at a facility accredited by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care for the duration of this study. Animal handling and husbandry were conducted in accordance with NIH guidelines. Male and female F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice were obtained from Taconic Farms, Inc. (Germantown, NY). Rats in the chronic core study (total of 240 rats/sex) were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 dose groups (300, 1000, or 3000 ppm for males; 1000, 2500, or 5000 ppm for females) or 1 untreated group (0 ppm), resulting in 60 rats per group. The doses were equivalent to average daily doses of approximately 13, 40, or 130 mg/kg to males and 50, 120, or 230 mg/kg to females. Mice in the chronic core study (total, 240 mice/sex) were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treated groups (625, 1250, or 2500 ppm) or 1 untreated group (0 ppm), resulting in 60 mice per group. The doses were equivalent to average daily doses of approximately 75, 150, or 315 mg/kg to males and 80, 150, or 325 mg/kg to females. Doses for the chronic study were selected based on the results of 13-week subchronic studies. Rats and mice were individually housed (male mice) or group-housed (male rats, up to 3/cage; female rats, up to 5/cage; and female mice, 5/cage). The animals were given dosed or undosed irradiated powdered NTP-2000 diet (Zeigler Bros., Inc.) and city tap water ad libitum and kept in rooms maintained between 69◦ F and 75◦ F, with a rela- tive humidity of 35–65% and 10–20 changes of filtered air per hour. Animals were observed twice daily for mortality and morbidity, and clinical signs of toxicity were recorded every 4 weeks beginning with week 4. Animals were sacrificed when moribund or after 2 years of exposure. Also, at 6 months, 10 animals per sex randomly selected from each dosed and control group were sacrificed as interim-sacrificed animals. A complete necropsy examination was performed on all animals. Tissues were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. All of the slides were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). In the present study, only the testis and epididymis were reevaluated. Grading of GEA of the testis was designated as normal (0), minimal (1) = <10%, mild (2) = 10–25%, moderate (3) = 25–50%, or severe (4) >50%, reflecting the extent of affected tubules. Statistics We used the NTP’s procedure for trend tests and pairwise comparisons that are based on the Poly-3 methodology (Bailer and Portier, 1988; Portier and Bailer, 1989) for detecting significance ( p < 0.05). RESULTS The incidences of pathological changes in the testis and epididymis of mice are shown in Table 1. In mice interimsacrificed at 6 months, no testicular or epididymal lesions were found, even in the high-dose group. At 2 years, the incidence of GEA of the testis was increased in a dose-related manner ( p < 0.01), and the incidences in the 2 highest dose levels (8/50, mid-dose; 14/50, high-dose) were significantly ( p < 0.01) higher than those of the controls (1/50). The numbers of mice with bilateral testicular GEA were comparable between the control and treated groups, but the number of mice with unilateral GEA increased in a dose-related manner (0, 1, 6, and 13 in 0, 625, 1250, and 2500 ppm groups, respectively: p < 0.01). The incidence of SG of the epididymis increased dose-relatedly (0, 0, 3, and 6 in 0, 625, 1250, and 2500 ppm groups, respectively: p < 0.01), and the incidence TABLE 1.—Incidences of neoplasms and selected nonneoplastic lesions of the testis and epididymis in B6C3F1 mice. Male mice 6-month interim study Epididymis Testis 2-year study Epididymis Inflammation, chronic active Sperm granulomac (Bilateral) (Unilateral)c Testis Germinal epithelium, atrophyc (Bilateral) (Unilateral)c Interstitial cell, adenoma Sertoli cell tumor, malignant a 0 ppm 625 ppm 1250 ppm 2500 ppm (10)a (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (50) 1b 0 0 0 (50) 1 1 0 0 1 (50) 3 0 0 0 (50) 4 3 1 0 0 (50) 7 3d 0 3 (50) 8f 2 6f 1 0 (50) 8 6d,e 1 5e (50) 14 f 1 13 f 1 0 Number of animals with tissue examined microscopically. Number of animals with lesions. Dose-related trend in the incidence was significant ( p < 0.01) by the Poly-3 trend test. d These numbers are not consistent with those that appear in NTP TR-516 (National Toxicology Program, 2004), as the reevaluation in this article was performed after the final version of the Technical Report was prepared. e Significantly different ( p < 0.05) from the vehicle control group by the Poly-3 pairwise test. f Significantly different ( p < 0.01) from the vehicle control group by the Poly-3 pairwise test. b c Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Vol. 33, No. 3, 2005 2-MI-INDUCED SPERM GRANULOMAS IN MICE 315 Figures 2–6 FIGURE 2.—Testis and epididymis of mouse treated with 1250 ppm 2-MI. Germinal epithelial atrophy of the testis and sperm granuloma of the epididymis and efferent ductule. H&E. Bar = 500 µm. 3.—Magnified view of the testis in Figure 2. Germinal epithelial cells can be seen degenerated or decreased in number and Sertoli cells occasionally damaged; lumen occupied in places by degenerated spermatozoa. H&E. Bar = 100 µm. 4.—Magnified view of the epididymis in Figure 2. Sperm granuloma in the caput epididymis (lower right) shows rupture and engorgement of tubules. Note absence of spermatozoa in the tubule downstream of the lesions. H&E. Bar = 250 µm. 5.—Sperm granuloma in mouse treated with 2500 ppm 2-MI. Ductular epithelium is ruptured, and granulomatous inflammatory reaction can be seen in the interstitial tissue; mineralization (arrows) is occurring in the granuloma. H&E. Bar = 100 µm. 6.—Sperm granuloma in the caput epididymis of mouse treated with 2500 ppm 2-MI. Degenerated spermatozoa can be seen in the lumina of dilated tubules. The SG lesion is accompanied by azoospermia downstream. H&E. Bar = 250 µm. Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 316 TABLE 2.—The presence or absence of sperm granuloma (SG) of the epididymis and distribution of germinal epithelial atrophy (GEA) of the testis in B6C3F1 mice.a TABLE 4.—Incidences of neoplasms and selected nonneoplastic lesions of the testis and epididymis in F344/N rats. Male rats Distribution of atrophic tubules No. of animals without SG No. of animals with SG 12 6 2 7 Near rete or peripheral Focal/multifocal/diffuse a GEA in the testis from all groups (0, 625, 1250, and 2500 ppm). of the high-dose group was significantly ( p < 0.05) higher than that of controls. The incidence of unilateral SG also increased in a dose-related manner (0, 0, 3, and 5 in 0, 625, 1250, and 2500 ppm groups, respectively: p < 0.01). Only 1 mouse from the high-dose group that had bilateral SGs also exhibited bilateral GEA. Eight other mice with unilateral SG were associated with GEA of the ipsilateral testis. Of 27 mice that displayed testicular GEA, 18 (67%) mice did not have SG in either the ipsilateral or contralateral epididymis. Germinal epithelial atrophy was observed in the testis of mice (Figure 2). In the atrophic seminiferous tubules, germinal epithelial cells were decreased in number, and Sertoli cells were occasionally affected (Figure 3). Some seminiferous tubules with GEA were associated with luminal dilatation. The lumen was sometimes occupied by degenerated spermatozoa that replaced the normal epithelial lining (Figure 3). Seminiferous tubules, tubuli recti, and/or rete testis were sometimes dilated, with cell debris found in the lumen. If only a few tubules appeared to be associated with GEA around the rete testis, they were designated tubuli recti and not counted as GEA. Distribution of atrophic seminiferous tubules varied among animals: focal around the rete testis, focal away from the rete testis, peripheral, multifocal, or diffuse. No relationship, however, was detected between the presence and absence of SG and the distribution of GEA in the testis (Table 2). Sperm granulomas were observed in the efferent ductules and the caput, but not in the corpus and cauda of the epididymis (Figure 2). The wall of ductules of the caput associated with SG was often found to be ruptured, depending on the sectioning, where spermatozoa were extravasated into surrounding interstitial tissues (Figures 4 and 5). Mononuclear cell infiltration caused granulomatous inflammatory lesions (Figures 5 and 6) in which mineralization was occasionally observed (Figure 5). Epididymal ductules around and/or upstream of the SG were markedly engorged with spermatozoa (Figures 2, 4, and 5). This intratubular SG was thought to result in almost complete occlusion, because in lumens of ductules downstream of the SG, a decrease in the number of spermatozoa resulted in oligospermia or azoospermia (Figures 2, 4, and 6). Edema around the ductules was sometimes observed (Figure 6). TABLE 3.—The grade of germinal epithelial atrophy (GEA) of the testis and the sperm granuloma (SG) of the epididymis in B6C3F1 mice.a Grade of GEAb 0–1 2–4 a n Incidence of SG 179 21 1 (0.56%) 8 (38%) Data were taken from all groups (0, 625, 1250, and 2500 ppm). 0, normal; 1, minimal (<10%); 2, mild (10–25%); 3, moderate (25–50%); 4, severe (>50%). b TOXICOLOGIC PATHOLOGY TANI ET AL. 6-month interim study Epididymis Testis 2-year study Epididymis Atrophy Inflammation, chronic Sperm granuloma Testis Atrophyc Germinal epithelium, atrophyc Interstitial cell, adenomac Interstitial cell, hyperplasiac 0 ppm 300 ppm 1000 ppm 3000 ppm (10)a (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (10) (50) 0b 0 0 (50) 7 2 48 1 (50) 1 1 1 (50) 7 3 45 6 (50) 0 1 1 (50) 15 1 42 5 (50) 1 0 1 (50) 13 1 43 12 a Number of animals with tissue examined microscopically. Number of animals with lesions. Numbers of animals with unilateral and bilateral lesions, with or without multiple lesions, are combined. b c A grading from normal (0) to severe (4) was used to characterize GEA of the testis, depending on the extent of the affected tubules, with no animals diagnosed as severe. Table 3 shows the correlation between the grade of GEA of the testis and the incidence of SG. Only 1 mouse (0.56%) showed SG in the epididymis of 179 animals in which there were no (grade 0) or minimal (grade 1) testicular GEA lesions. On the other hand, 8 of 21 mice (38%) showing mild (grade 2) or moderate (grade 3) testicular GEA were found to have SG in the epididymis. We did not, however, apply a statistical test to this data set, as there were numerous animals without testicular lesions that would have affected the test result. In rats, contrary to mice, SGs occurred very rarely in the epididymis. No rats exhibited SG in the control group, and only 1 animal in each treated group was found to have SG in the epididymis (Table 4). Most rats, regardless of the dose levels, exhibited interstitial cell hyperplasia or adenoma, or both, which replaced normal testicular tissues. In rats sacrificed at 6 months, no lesions of the testis and epididymis occurred. DISCUSSION This investigation constitutes the first report showing that chronic administration of 2-MI can induce SGs in the epididymis of B6C3F1 mice. We, however, could not detect an increase in the incidence of 2-MI-induced SGs in rat epididymides. Mechanisms by which 2-MI induces epididymal SG in mice are unknown. Indirect evidence in the present study implied that the most severe presentation of testicular GEA might occur secondarily to epididymal SG. Twenty of all 27 GEA cases were unilateral, while only 7 mice exhibited bilateral GEA (Table 1); the incidence of unilateral GEA increased in a dose-related fashion, whereas that of bilateral GEA was comparable within the groups. For direct testicular toxicity, one would generally expect most, if not almost all, of the lesions to be bilateral. Some chemicals, including methyl chloride (Working et al., 1985), can induce SGs unilaterally or bilaterally. In addition, 8 of 9 SG cases were unilateral, with unilateral, probably ipsilateral, testicular GEA. Only 1 case had bilateral epididymal SGs, which also exhibited bilateral testicular GEA. The current information would suggest that Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 Vol. 33, No. 3, 2005 2-MI-INDUCED SPERM GRANULOMAS IN MICE 317 TABLE 5.—Chemical-induced sperm granulomas and related lesions reported in rodents. Drug/operation Species Straina Lesion with testicular degeneration Benomyl Rat SD Carbendazim Rat SD α-Chlorohydrin Rat SU Methyl chloride Rat F344 Lesion without testicular degeneration L-Cysteine Rat SD Guanethidine Rat SD Lesion with vascular changes Cadmium chloride Rat Albino Lentinan Rat SD Routeb Gavage Gavage Gavage Inhalation IP IP SC IV Dose ∼400 mg/kg ∼800 mg/kg ∼90 mg/kg 3500 ppm × 6 hr/day ∼1000 mg/kg 5 mg/kg 14 mg/kg ∼30 mg/kg Sitec Duration Singled Singled Single or 8 days 9 days in total ED ED E (caput) E (cauda) ∼4 weeks 19 weeks E (corpus, cauda) E (cauda) ∼7 days (daily) 5 weeks E E Incidence 16/68e 18/88 f Unknown 6/6g Reference (Hess et al., 1991) (Nakai et al., 1992) (Ericsson, 1970) (Chapin et al., 1984) 6/6h 6/6 (Sawamoto et al., 2003) (Bhathal et al., 1974) Unknown 12/12 (Mazzanti et al., 1969) (Ishii et al., 1980) a SD, Sprague–Dawley; SU, Spartan and Upjohn. IP, intraperitoneally; IV, intravenously; SC, subcutaneously. c ED, efferent ductules; E, epididymis. d Sacrificed 70 days after gavage. e Data taken from treatment groups given 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg of benomyl. f Data taken from treatment groups given 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg/kg of carbendazim. g At 19 days after commencing exposure to the chemical. h Data from 1000 mg/kg group. b the less severe GEA can be induced by 2-MI in the absence of SGs; thus, 2 independent mechanisms for induction of testicular toxicity may be operating—a direct testicular effect on the seminiferous epithelium and a more severe atrophy as a consequence of granuloma induction. The possibility of this latter mechanism is supported by data for benomyl (Hess et al., 1991). Benomyl, a benzimidazole carbamate fungicide, and its metabolite carbendazim cause occlusion of the efferent ducts and SGs in the efferent ducts and caput epididymis with secondary long-term seminiferous tubular atrophy in rat testes (Hess et al., 1991; Nakai et al., 1992; Hess, 1998). Hess and colleagues have demonstrated that the pathogenesis of the epididymal lesion is linked to a disturbance in reabsorption of seminiferous tubule fluid in the efferent ductules and caput epididymis and that part of the tubular atrophy that is seen occurs due to back pressure of fluid (Nakai et al., 1992; Hess, 1998). Though whether 2-MI affects reabsorption of seminiferous tubular fluid in the efferent ductules and caput epididymis is unknown, 2-MI likely induces SGs primarily following the leakage of spermatozoa into extraluminal tissue (Stevens and Lowe, 1995) followed by testicular GEA. Benomyl and carbendazim, also structurally related imidazoles, induce SGs in a similar location in the epididymis associated with long-term seminiferous tubular atrophy. A single administration of some kinds of imidazoles, such as 2-MI, 4-methylimidazole, imidazole (10–300 mg/kg, sc), or ketoconazole (10–300 mg/kg, gavage), suppresses testicular testosterone secretion, with the weakest effect produced by 2-MI (Adams et al., 1998). Of the imidazoles, ketoconazole is known to inhibit directly some cytochrome P450 enzymes responsible for testosterone biosynthesis (Santen et al., 1983; Sikka et al., 1985); however, no chemicals that decrease blood testosterone, including ketoconazole, have been reported to induce SGs directly. A decrease in blood androgen level, thus is unlikely to be an etiology of SGs. The formation of SGs by methyl chloride treatment is reported to be blocked by treatment with a chemical with antiinflammatory potential (Chellman et al., 1986), even though the SGs, unlike those caused by 2-MI, occur in the cauda epididymis (Chapin et al., 1984; Working et al., 1985). Increased superoxide and decreased nitric oxide are also known to be involved in SG formation (Chatterjee et al., 2001). That some inflammatory mediators may participate in 2-MI-induced SG formation is, therefore, possible. Other chemicals that have been reported to induce SGs associated with testicular lesions are listed in Table 5. Excessive doses of L-cysteine induce SGs with a high frequency, as early as 2 weeks of treatment, in the corpus and cauda epididymis of the rat, much more frequently than in the caput epididymis and efferent ductules (Sawamoto et al., 2003). Guanethidine, an adrenergic neuron blocker, has been reported to induce SGs in the vas deferens of Sprague–Dawley rats, possibly by decreasing contractile responses to nerve stimulation that results in rupture of the vas deferens (Bhathal et al., 1974). Different parts of the epididymis, however, exert different functions, including those involving metabolism, hormonereceptor expression (Montiel et al., 2003; Yamashita, 2004), and anatomical characteristics (Jiang et al., 1994). The presence of a site-specific lesion provides evidence of a probable site-specific mechanism of toxicity. We can, therefore, assume that mechanisms by which chemicals listed above cause SGs are likely to be different from mechanism(s) by which 2-MI induces SGs in the caput epididymis and efferent ductules. Examples exist of chemicals that can induce epididymal SGs in rats by disturbing blood flow of the epididymis and testis (Table 5). Cadmium chloride was reported to cause epididymal SGs (Mazzanti et al., 1969) by testicular epithelial damage induced by an injurious response of the testicular vasculature (Gunn et al., 1963). Sperm granulomas induced by lentinan were thought to be caused by the spread of systemic arteritis to efferent ductules (Ishii et al., 1980). Vascular damage, however, does not seem to be the cause of SGs in 2-MI-treated mice, as we did not see any evidence suggestive of vascular toxicity. The dose–response relationship for the induction of lesions provides additional information. In the NTP studies in rats and mice treated with 2-MI for 15 days and 14 weeks (Chan, 2004), rats given 10,000 ppm (or 560 mg/kg/day as the estimated daily dose level), a 4-fold higher dose than that used in the present study, showed, at 14 weeks, an elevated incidence of testicular degeneration, and rats given 5000 ppm and 10,000 ppm (300 and 560 mg/kg/day) of 4-methylimidazole for 14 weeks also displayed elevated incidences of Downloaded from by guest on September 9, 2014 318 TANI ET AL. degeneration in the testis and hypospermia in the epididymis. Mice, however, treated with up to 10,000 ppm of 2-MI (1740 mg/kg/day) or 4-methylimidazole (1840 mg/kg/day), with estimated daily dose levels 3 times higher than those of rats, did not exhibit any pathological changes in the testis and epididymis (Chan, 2004). These data suggest that rats may be more severely affected, if testicular toxicity is induced by 2-MI or 4-methylimidazole via the same mechanism in both rats and mice. In this study, the maximum dose administered to rats was 130 mg/kg/day (3000 ppm), while that for mice was 315 mg/kg/day (2500 ppm), 2.4 times higher than the rat dosage (National Toxicology Program, 2005). For mice, perhaps 1740 mg/kg/day was insufficient to induce GEA and SG in 14 weeks, but 315 mg/kg/day was sufficient to induce the lesions in 2 years. For rats, 560 mg/kg/day was sufficient to induce GEA in 14 weeks, but 130 mg/kg was insufficient to induce the testicular and epididymal lesions in 2 years. This information might help to explain the reason that only mice developed SGs in the epididymis in the present study. The late onset of these changes in mice is unusual. The generally held wisdom is that male reproductive toxicity in rodents becomes evident within 4 weeks of dosing (Ulbrich and Palmer, 1995). In this study we would assume that for mice a dosing period of more than 2 weeks should be necessary to induce SGs, even at a dose level of 10,000 ppm (1740 mg/kg/day), and that 2 years would be required to induce SGs with a dose level of 2500 ppm (315 mg/kg/day). In this study, only 1 male F344 rat in each dosed group showed epididymal SG. Most rats developed rather spontaneous, common interstitial-cell hyperplasias and/or adenomas (Boorman et al., 1990). Interstitial-cell adenomas were sometimes extremely large, resulting in compression of seminiferous tubules that might cause severe GEA. These interstitial-cell proliferative lesions, therefore, caused difficulty in the assessment of the effect of 2-MI on the testis and epididymis. From these data obtained from our study, including putative dose insufficiency, we cannot estimate the effect of 2-MI on GEA and SG formation. The data do indicate, however, that 2-MI, if given for 2 years, induces SG in the epididymis of B6C3F1 mice by unknown mechanisms. Additional studies are needed to clarify whether inflammatory responses contributed to the formation of sperm granuloma. Although the literature indicates that rats are generally more prone to develop chemically related sperm granuloma, our experiments, nonetheless, suggest that mice can develop this side effect after long-term exposure. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge Ms. Jo Anne Johnson and Drs. June Dunnick and Katsuhiko Yoshizawa from the NIEHS for their critical review of the manuscript. REFERENCES Adams, M. L., Meyer, E. R., and Cicero, T. J. (1998). Imidazoles suppress rat testosterone secretion and testicular interstitial fluid formation in vivo. Biol Reprod 59, 248–54. Bailer, A. J., and Portier, C. J. (1988). Effects of treatment-induced mortality and tumor-induced mortality on tests for carcinogenicity in small samples. 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