Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus 1890 20 22 60


Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus 1890 20 22 60
Lo-Call 1890 20 22 60
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
What is Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH)?
The brain and spinal cord are surrounded by a clear fluid
called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This fluid is produced
and stored in cavities in the brain called ventricles. It
circulates around the brain, moving from ventricle to
ventricle. The purposes of the fluid are to cushion and
protect the brain and spinal cord, to supply them with
nutrients, and to remove some of their waste products.
Any excess fluid drains away from the brain and is
absorbed by other tissues.
Hydrocephalus is a condition in which there is too much CSF in the ventricles. This occurs
when the natural system for draining and absorbing extra CSF does not work right. The
ventricles enlarge to accommodate the extra fluid and then press on different parts of the
brain, causing a number of different symptoms. Hydrocephalus has many different causes.
Some people are born with the condition, while others develop it during their lives.
Normal pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH) is a type of Hydrocephalus that occurs in adults,
usually older adults. The average age of people with NPH is older than 60 years. NPH is
different than other types of Hydrocephalus in that it develops slowly over time. The
drainage of CSF is blocked gradually, and the
excess fluid builds up slowly. The slow
enlargement of the ventricles means that the
fluid pressure in the brain may not be as high as
in other types of Hydrocephalus. However, the
enlarged ventricles still press on the brain and
can cause symptoms. (The term “normal
pressure” is somewhat misleading.)
The parts of the brain most often affected in
NPH are those that control the legs, the
bladder, and the “cognitive” mental processes such as memory, reasoning, and problem
solving, and speaking. This decline in mental processes, if it is severe enough to interfere
everyday activities, is known as dementia. Other symptoms include abnormal gait
(difficulty walking), inability to hold urine (urinary incontinence), and, occasionally, inability
to control the bowels.
Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland (Registered Charity (CHY) 5833)
National Resource Centre, Old Nangor Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
00353 (0)1 457 2329  00353 (0) 1 457 2328  
Lo-Call 1890 20 22 60
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Note: The symptoms of NPH can be similar to those of diseases such as Alzheimer's and
Parkinson’s. Experts believe that many cases of NPH are misdiagnosed as one of these
What causes NPH?
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus can occur after a head injury, bleeding around the brain
(due to a blow to the head), stroke, meningitis (infection of a protective layer of tissue
around the brain), or brain tumour. It can also happen after surgery on the brain. How
these conditions lead to NPH is not clear. In most cases, the cause of NPH is never known.
What are the symptoms of NPH?
At first, the symptoms of normal pressure Hydrocephalus are usually very subtle. They
worsen very gradually.
Symptoms of dementia include:
Memory loss
Speech problems
Apathy (indifference) and withdrawal
Changes in behaviour or mood
Difficulties with reasoning, paying attention, or judgment
Walking problems
Leg weakness
Sudden falls
Shuffling steps
Difficulty taking the first step, as if feet were stuck to the floor
“Getting stuck” or “freezing” while walking
Urinary symptoms
Inability to hold urine
Inability to hold stool, or faeces (less common)
Frequent urination
Urgency to urinate
Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland (Registered Charity (CHY) 5833)
National Resource Centre, Old Nangor Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
00353 (0)1 457 2329  00353 (0) 1 457 2328  
Lo-Call 1890 20 22 60
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
The following symptoms can be related to increased pressure in the brain:
Difficulty focusing eyes
When to Seek Medical Care for NPH
Some people think that memory loss; difficulty finding words, walking problems, or urination
problems are normal parts of aging. In many cases, however, these are symptoms of
treatable conditions. Any of these problems, or changes in mood or behaviour, warrants a
visit to your health care provider.
How is NPH Diagnosed?
The symptoms of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus can occur in Alzheimer's disease and
Parkinson's disease. However, the combination of dementia-like symptoms, walking
problems, and urinary problems should alert your health care provider to the possibility of
NPH. Making the distinction is very important because the treatments for these conditions
are quite different. Tests are available that can diagnose NPH. At any point in this process,
your health care provider may refer you to a specialist in brain disorders (neurologist or
neurosurgeon) to complete the evaluation and begin treatment.
What is the Treatment for NPH?
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus generally cannot be cured. It is a long-term condition.
However, many people with the condition obtain substantial relief through surgical
treatment. For those who are not candidates for surgery, treatment consists of measures to
relieve mood and behavioural problems, cope with physical problems such as
incontinence and walking difficulties, and maximize physical, mental, and social
Surgery for NPH
Occasionally the cause of the Hydrocephalus can be treated directly through surgery. For
example, a brain tumour blocking drainage of the CSF can be removed. In most cases,
however, the underlying problem is not known or cannot be treated. The treatment in
these cases is a shunt operation.
Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland (Registered Charity (CHY) 5833)
National Resource Centre, Old Nangor Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
00353 (0)1 457 2329  00353 (0) 1 457 2328  
Lo-Call 1890 20 22 60
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
A shunt is a thin tube that is implanted in the brain by a neurosurgeon. It is inserted into the
ventricles to drain excess CSF away from the brain. The tube is routed under the skin from
the head to another part of the body, usually the peritoneum (the lower belly). The shunt is
equipped with a valve that opens to release fluid when the pressure builds up. The fluid
drains harmlessly and is later absorbed by the bloodstream. The pressure setting on the
valve sometimes must be readjusted. The newer shunts allow adjustment without another
A shunt operation is not a cure. It does not treat the underlying cause of NPH. It can,
however, relieve the symptoms. The shunt remains in place indefinitely. If properly
implanted, the shunt often is not obvious to other people.
Shunt operations do not work for everyone with NPH.
Many people who undergo a shunt operation have
substantial symptom relief. In some, the symptoms improve
and then start to worsen again. Others benefit little, if at
all. Even the experts are not able to predict perfectly who
will benefit and who will not. Many surgeons perform a
spinal tap before surgery to test whether the symptoms
better with removal of fluid. In some cases, the
person is hospitalized for a few days while fluid is drained
slowly through a small tube called a catheter. This is
another way of checking whether removing extra fluid will
help symptoms.
The earlier the NPH is diagnosed, the better the chances
that the surgery will help. In
general, people with milder
symptoms have better outcomes with this surgery. Like any
surgery, the shunt operation can cause complications.
Such complications include
infection of the shunt and blood clots around the brain.
Your neurologist or neurosurgeon will discuss the pros and cons of this operation and
whether it might work for you.
Another operation is sometimes used instead of shunt placement. In Endoscopic Third
Ventriculostomy, an endoscope (thin tube with a lighted camera on the end) is used to
create a small hole in the floor of the ventricles. The hole provides another way for CSF to
drain from the brain.
Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland (Registered Charity (CHY) 5833)
National Resource Centre, Old Nangor Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
00353 (0)1 457 2329  00353 (0) 1 457 2328  
Lo-Call 1890 20 22 60
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Prevention of NPH
There is no known way to prevent NPH. A healthy lifestyle, including not smoking,
maintaining a healthy weight, and regular exercise, may help avoid conditions such as
high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke that might contribute to NPH.
Wearing a seatbelt and safety helmet when indicated can help avoid head injury, another
cause of NPH.
For further information on Shunts and Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy please see “What is
a Shunt” and “What is Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy”
Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland (Registered Charity (CHY) 5833)
National Resource Centre, Old Nangor Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
00353 (0)1 457 2329  00353 (0) 1 457 2328  