Wastewater Treatment and Management Solutions Cost and Energy Savings Process Performance
Wastewater Treatment and Management Solutions Cost and Energy Savings Process Performance
Wastewater Treatment and Management Solutions Cost and Energy Savings Process Performance Sludge Management Process Control Wastewater Treatment and Management Solutions Solutions in wastewater management Today, handling of environmental issues by companies and municipalities, is not just a matter of compliance. The situation is much more complex. Issues like economic and environmental sustainability have gained increasing attention with the public in general, and customers and shareholders in particular. Handling environmental issues should be part of the general asset management of companies and public utilities. Within the wastewater treatment sector there are several key areas that must be considered when dealing with the multidisciplinary exercise of environmental asset management: DHI DHI is an independent consulting and research organisation with a global network of offices. DHI offers a wide range of services and products, including consulting, laboratory and physical model testing, software and IT products and field investigations. DHI has a staff of about 700 in 20 offices worldwide. Consulting services are available across a wide range of engineering and environmental issues within ports and offshore technology, coastal and river engineering, water resources, urban water, water in industries and other areas related to the water environment. We provide consulting services to contractors and consulting companies, industries, government agencies and authorities, and as specialist subconsultants in multidisciplinary teams. DHI participates, at all stages, in projects ranging from prefeasibility to operation and management. Photos: pp2, 3: Scanpix Backcover: Lynetten, Copenhagen All other photos: DHI • Balanced extensions and technological upgrading • Management of industrial point source pollution • Cost and energy savings • Capacity evaluation and process performance • Sludge management • Collection and management of data on WWTP operation • Benchmarking • Communicating environmental strategy to local community and customers/ shareholders. New methods for consulting, construction and operation have emerged in recent years, all focusing on closer cooperation between the client and supplier. Such partnering often includes a common incentive, such as shared cost savings. DHI delivers services and solutions for environmental asset management in the area of wastewater treatment, with focus on close cooperation with our clients. Cost and energy savings All over the world, energy savings are in focus. Savings allow other investments while the cost of operation can remain stable or even be reduced in the long term. This is an important benchmark for the management. Management of industrial point source pollution Identification of pollution sources, assessment of their impacts and description of the potential for reduction of the emissions are essential elements in a water pollution control programme. DHI offers a wide range of services, tools and technologies for pollution prevention, reduction and control: • Strategies for identification of pollution sources • Regulation strategies for industrial pollution sources • Development of limit values for discharges of xenobiotics and heavy metals • Planning and preparation of awareness campaigns on water savings and reuse • Pollution source tracking in urban wastewater networks • Fate of pollutants in sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants • Preparation of discharge permits for complex industries • Data handling, storage and presentation using DHI’s software tool INDUSTRY An energy audit will typically identify a 10-25% reduction in power consumption. Changes with a payback time of less than three years should be implemented immediately. DHI will visit your plant and measure power consumption for aeration, blowers, pumps and ventilation. DHI also provides one-day training courses in energy savings for staff. DIMS online energy and process control system can be installed to maintain and identify new energy savings. Optimisation and new equipment installations are often necessary to realise the savings. DHI will test control adjustments using a simulation program prior to demonstrate and verify the expected savings. Better process performance Requirements for the effluent quality are increasing. Thus, a good understanding and a detailed control of the wastewater treatment processes are essential. At the same time, operating costs should be kept as low as possible. With the aim of optimising the process performance in terms of effluent quality and operation costs, DHI services include: • Troubleshooting • Process control based on online sensors • Systems for monitoring and assessment of operational data • Mathematical process modelling Treatment plant extensions For most WWTPs, a time comes when upgrading is necessary, either to increase the capacity or to introduce more advanced wastewater treatment – typically nutrient removal. DHI’s research laboratory and years of experience will help you build an efficient new plant. DHI prepares feasibility studies including: • Load assessments and forecasts • Preparation of upgrading concepts • Preparation of design guidelines Sludge management All wastewater treatment activities generate sludge.The related treatment and disposal costs are high - often 20-40% of the total operational budget. Restrictions on final disposal are increasing and call for a holistic solution. DHI can prepare integrated sludge handling plans including recommendations for: • Sludge dry solids minimisation measures • Recommendations for best sludge dewatering technology • Solutions for final disposal with a high degree of supply safety Technology tools INDUSTRY is an IT tool for planners, administrators and managers in water companies, industrial estates and municipal administrations. It gives a fast and detailed geographic overview of point sources and their specific loads to a sewer catchment area. INDUSTRY is highly valued for analysing loads to WWTPs and effects of changes in catchments. DIMS is an IT system collecting, presenting and processing data from many sources. It is an excellent tool, which combines data and information for increasing efficiency. At the same time DIMS is a data management system and an intelligent system for optimising operation through SCADA systems. Benefits are: lower costs, increased capacity and a first-rate documentation of operation. Energy and chemical savings using DIMS are high. Together with a possible increase of capacity, cheaper operation gives a short pay back time. WEST is a flexible, open and powerful modelling system for wastewater treatment plants. It can be used to simulate almost any process and configuration of modern WWTPs. Once configured it can forecast and explain performance and test operational design strategies. It is used for troubleshooting, scenario testing and cost estimation. It is valuable for analysing operation and design and is an important decision support tool for operators. Aars WWTP, Denmark The objectives of the project were to increase the capacity by at least 20%, to reduce electricity consumption and to minimise sludge production. Marselisborg WWTP, Aarhus, Denmark Modelling was used to evaluate the effects of internal carbon dosing on denitrification. DIMS was used to introduce a new cost effective state of operation with four basic strategies and a rain operation. The Municipality of Aarhus obtained : The following targets were reached: • Capacity was increased by 25% • Energy consumption (kWh) was reduced by 25% • Considerable savings on effluent tax were achieved • Sludge production was reduced The investment was 80% lower than an ordinary extension with more tanks. Perstorp - a chemical industrial complex in Sweden Perstorp has several production units within the complex. INDUSTRY was used for managing monitoring data to highlight and potentially solve several issues and problems, including: • Identification of heavy metal sources • Establishing the contribution to total load from individual units • Discussions on priority and potential for reductions • Documentation for payment from individual units • Identification of potential for reuse of clean water between the units • Reduced nitrogen discharge from the WWTP and thus reduced environmental tax payment • Pay back time of less than two years for the carbon source project • Justification of future investments in water infrastructure DHI OFFICES Australia DHI Water and Environment Pty Ltd Tel: +61 2 9213 5700 australia@dhigroup.com • www.dhigroup.com Canada DHI Water & Environment Tel: +1 519 650 4545 dhi-ca@dhigroup.com • www.dhigroup.com China DHI China Tel: +86 21 6417 8810 lqm@dhigroup.com • www.dhigroup.com Czech Republic DHI a.s. Tel: +420 267 227 111 office@dhi.cz • www.dhi.cz Denmark GRAS Geographic Resource Analysis & Science A/S Tel: +45 3532 2578 gras@ku.dk • www.gras.ku.dk France DHI Tel: +33 2 4048 4040 dhi@dhi.fr • www.dhi.fr Germany DHI Wasser & Umwelt GmbH Tel: +49 (0)4242 16380 dhi@dhi-umwelt.de • www.dhi-umwelt.de India DHI (India) Water & Environment Pvt Ltd Tel: +91 11 2627 2275 ajay@dhi.co.in • www.dhigroup.com Italy Intecno-DHI Tel: +39 011 56 24 649 Intecno-dhi@intecno-dhi.it • www.intecno-dhi.it New Zealand DHI Water and Environment Ltd Tel: +64 9 912 9638 nz@dhiwae.com • www.dhiwae.com Norway DHI Water & Environment AS Tel: +47 73 54 03 64 dhi@dhi.no • www.dhi.no Poland DHI Polska Ltd Tel: +48 22 635 9332 dhipolska@dhigroup.com • www.dhigroup.com Singapore DHI Water and Environment (S) Pte Ltd Tel: +65 6677 6330 dhi@dhi.com.sg • www.dhi.com.sg Slovak Republic DHI Slovakia s.r.o. Tel: +421 2 4444 2760 office@dhi.sk • www.dhi.sk Spain / Portugal DHI España Tel: +34 91 323 5020 dhi@dhi-es.com • www.dhi-es.com Sweden DHI Water & Environment AB Tel: +46 31 80 87 90 dhi@dhi.se • www.dhi.se United Arab Emirates DHI Gulf Tel: +971 4 360 2873 dhigulf@dhigroup.com • www.dhigroup.com USA DHI Water & Environment Tel: +1 503 827 5900 dhi-or@dhi.us • www.dhi.us Besides, DHI has project and sales offices in Brazil, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam and the United Kingdom. Head Office Agern Alle 5 DK-2970 Hørsholm Denmark Tel: +45 4516 9200 Fax +45 4516 9292 dhi@dhigroup.com www.dhigroup.com Aarhus Office Science Park Gustav Wiedsvej 10 DK-8000 Aarhus Denmark Tel: +45 8620 5100 Fax +45 8619 7511 dhi@dhigroup.com www.dhigroup.com Design: Ole Søndergaard • Printed by Nofo print • September 2007 • Photos: Scanpix • DHI Bulgaria DHI Bulgaria Ltd Tel: +359 2 9454 078 v.bojkov@dhi.cz • www.dhi.cz Malaysia DHI Water & Environment (M) S/B Tel: +60 88 260 780 dhikk@tm.net.my • www.dhi.com.my