CAKES to BAKE – Home baking made easy for everyone


CAKES to BAKE – Home baking made easy for everyone
– Home baking made easy for everyone
sweet delight
Huge potential for cake products
Today the trend is towards indulgence, savouring cosy
moments in the company of friends while enjoying
delicious food. Market surveys indicate that the
European market holds tremendous potential for
cakes and flour confectionary if they are easy and
quick to prepare. In response, Faerch Plast launches
the CAKES to BAKE concept. This focuses on creating
added value for consumers of all ages, and gives
them the opportunity to delight their friends, family,
and themselves to a freshly baked cake.
On the following pages you can read more about
CAKES to BAKE and how the concept can help to
increase the attraction and value of your cake
Caroline and her friend Lisa
arrive home from school.
They find a cake in the fridge.
Supervised by an adult, they
remove the plastic film and place
the cake in the oven.
Caroline and Lisa have learned to
take the cake out of the oven
using oven gloves.
They decorate it with the
enclosed decoration and have
fun eating the cake. Yummy!
The aroma of baking
Choose from Large Cake range
There is nothing quite like the homely, comforting
aroma of home baking. With CAKES to BAKE it is
simplicity itself to take a deliciously aromatic, homebaked cake out of the oven. Whether you start with
a frozen cake only requiring reheat, a prepared cake
mix, or a finished dough product, it is easy for your
customer to quickly finish off and bake a cake with a
minimum of fuss and cleaning afterwards.
Shown trays are
Pamper yourself
Cakes for today’s consumer
CAKES to BAKE products are those offering a simple,
quick, and practical alternative to baking a cake from
scratch. In the frantic pace of modern life, is there
anything quite as wonderful as taking the time to
enjoy a good, home baked cake. This is where CAKES to
BAKE succeeds, and if surprised by unexpected guests,
you barely need to leave them in order to get the cake
baking. Shortly thereafter, the house fills with the
wonderful aroma of freshly baking cake, the guests
decide to stay a little longer, and the conversation
A world of possibilities
»» Tarts
»» Flour mixes
»» Frozen cakes
»» Dough mixes
»» Etc.
Alex has a date with a girl coming
round for an evening meal.
He wants to impress her with a nice
cake. In the fridge stands a part-baked brownie that only needs baking.
After the meal, he places the
brownie in the oven and soon the
sweet smell of fresh home baking fills
the apartment. They enjoy the
cake and the girl praises the
excellent taste…
Simple Preparation
Cakes for every persons needs
The simplicity, quick and easy preparation of
CAKES to BAKE can be a success in all manner of home
scenarios. The child, who under adult supervision,
would like to cook something delicious for a friend,
the single person that wishes to impress a new date,
or the busy professional working outside the home
who has guests coming over for a relaxing evening.
Young children can quickly learn how to prepare a
cake for cooking, and once cooled, the children can
have even more fun decorating it.
Did you know?
facts about CPE
Due to its high t
(-40°C to +220°C
for Ready Meals
products and can
from the freezer
a conventional o
This also makes
to BAKE products
temperature stability
C), CPET is well-suited
and Ready to Cook
n be taken directly
r and heated in either
or microwave oven.
CPET ideal for CAKES
Easy for one
Single portions for single living
Although there are more people living alone today
than ever before, the reasons for single households
remain unchanged. Those recently leaving home,
the career minded, relationship breakdown, the
elderly, and not forgetting those who prefer it that
way. Faerch Plast has developed CAKES to BAKE trays
particularly suited to this market group. Trays that can
be snapped into individual portion packs. This offers
the choice of preparing an individual, two, or more
portions, while unopened products remaining in the
tray retain their freshness and quality.
Shown trays are
Sofie is eating supper with
the family. She is in a hurry. In an
hour, her friends will be arriving
for a cosy girls’ evening.
She wants to serve something
delicious with coffee and has
bought a ready-bake muffin
After her friends arrive, Sofie
goes into the kitchen and
places the muffins in the oven.
In no time at all she serves
the delicious muffins, and all
her friends are begging her for
the fantastic recipe.
Cakes with more to them
Big advantages and new possibilities
With CAKES to BAKE, Faerch Plast wants to expand the
opportunities to bake a good cake for every occasion,
quickly and easily. Cake baking must be easy for
the child, the single person, the busy professional
working outside the home, and the elderly. For cake
producers, the concept offers substantial advantages
and a whole new world of possibilities. The function
of the new packaging can add value to the product,
while making the product more attractive to the
consumer. Additionally, the new trays adapt easily
to automated production minimising any internal
change required to exploit the growing potential of
the cake product market.
In addition to the CAKES to BAKE concept, cake
producers have further alternatives to traditionally
used Aluminium Foil trays, by utilising a whole series
of existing Faerch trays suitable for cake baking.
Tempted? Then contact Faerch Plast to find out more
about the possibilities CAKES to BAKE can offer you.
”The Swan”
The Nordic
Printed on paper that treats the
earth gently throughout its life
cycle - from the gathering of raw
materials to the paper’s eventual
disposal. | March 2008
Færch Plast
Færch Plast Northern Europe
Færch Plast Central Europe
Rasmus Færchs Vej 1
PO box 1040
DK-7500 Holstebro
Tel.: +45 99 10 10 10
Fax: +45 99 10 10 99 / 98
Færch Plast Region South
5, rue des Ateliers, ZAE Sud
F-67210 Obernai
Tel.: +33 (0) 388470430
Fax: +33 (0) 388470439
Harrison Europac Ltd.
Stayton House, 93 Stayton Road
Sutton, Surrey SM1 2PS
Great Britain
Tel.: +44 20 8254 2300
Fax: +44 20 8254 2301