Business Pl a n for


Business Pl a n for
Busi n e ss Pl a n
for F Y14 – F Y15
C ommissio n e r ’ s M essage
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
May 2013
The Executive Team and I are pleased to present the new Business Plan for FY 2014-15. This plan
builds on the key priorities to deliver our mission:
VDOT will plan, deliver, operate and maintain a transportation system that is safe, enables
easy movement of people and goods, enhances the economy and improves our quality of life.
The Governor and General Assembly placed enormous trust in our ability to do our job via the
historic transportation funding package they enacted in the 2013 legislative session. For the first
time in 27 years, Virginia has new, sustainable revenue sources to build, operate and maintain the
state’s transportation infrastructure.
The Six-Year Improvement Program is 50 percent larger than the plan of 10 years ago. The eight
goals in this new Business Plan address key challenges VDOT will face – and overcome – as we
deliver the new and expanded program. This work, in turn, will support mobility, connectivity and
accessibility to keep Virginia’s economy moving forward in concert with VDOT’s mission.
Our focus is simple: We will plan the work and work the plan.
It is the people of VDOT who are the main factor in how we will successfully deliver our plan.
Whether we work at a desk, in a traffic operations center, behind a snowplow, on the road, in a work
zone or out in the field, we are One VDOT, working together to get this important job done for all
Gregory A. Whirley
C o n te n ts
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Vision, Mission and Values
Summary of Goals
Action Items: Goal 1
Action Items: Goal 2
Action Items: Goal 3
Action Items: Goal 4
Action Items: Goal 5
Action Items: Goal 6
Action Items: Goal 7
Action Items: Goal 8
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
In February 2013, the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) adopted the VTrans2035
Update. Vtrans is the long-range statewide multimodal policy plan that lays out the overarching
vision and goals for transportation in the Commonwealth. It identifies transportation investment
priorities and provides direction to the transportation agencies on strategies and policies to be
incorporated into their plans and programs. The plan identifies seven goals, which are used to
determine specific action steps listed in the VTrans Action Plan. The VTrans Action Plan
coordinates the actions that each agency in the state’s transportation directorate needs to take to
successfully advance multimodal transportation in Virginia.
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has incorporated elements of these documents
into the VDOT Business Plan. The business plan is aligned to the seven goals in the VTrans2035
Update. Because our employees are a vital part of executing the plan, VDOT also has a Human Capital
goal, which addresses issues concerning staffing, training and process improvement. By integrating the
multimodal focus into the business plan for efficient and effective operations, VDOT is well poised to
do its part to achieve the vision for multimodal transportation in Virginia.
Action Plan
VDOT Business Plan
VDOT Business Plan Implementation
and Performance Monitoring
Day-to-Day Operations
V i s io n , M i s s io n , Va l u e s
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Virginia’s Transportation Goal
The Council on Virginia’s Future has established seven goals for the Commonwealth. Transportation,
being vital to the economy of Virginia, is one of those goal areas. The goal for transportation is:
Ensure Virginia has a transportation system that is safe, enables the easy movement of people
and goods, enhances the economy and improves our quality of life.
VTrans2035 Update Vision for Multimodal Transportation in Virginia
Virginians envision a multimodal transportation system that is safe, strategic, and seamless.
Travel for people and goods will be safe and uninterrupted. Transportation improvements will consider
the environment and the quality of life in Virginia’s communities while enhancing economic
opportunity. Transportation improvements will respect and reflect the varied needs of Virginia’s diverse
communities and regions. Investments in transportation will be adequate to meet current and future
needs. Transportation decisions will be guided by sustained, informed involvement of Virginia’s
community leaders and citizens. Full accountability and enduring trust will be the hallmarks of
transportation planning and investment decisions throughout the Commonwealth.
VDOT Mission Statement
As the agency responsible for the highway network that connects the various modes, VDOT plays
a vital part in the planning of multimodal connections and in the carrying out of the day-to-day
operations that ensure the long-term success of the transportation system. VDOT’s Mission is:
VDOT will plan, deliver, operate and maintain a transportation system that is safe, enables
easy movement of people and goods, enhances the economy and improves our quality of life.
VDOT Values
Just as important as the job we do, is how we go about it. VDOT has a set of values that guide
employees in how they are to conduct themselves in their jobs. These values are:
• Be responsive to customer needs, consider what VDOT does in terms of how it benefits our
customers, and treat customers with respect, courtesy, and fairness
• Commit to safety and continuous improvement in everything we do, learning from mistakes and
successes alike
• Trust, respect, support, and encourage each other
• Respect and protect the public investment
• Make decisions based on facts and sound judgment and accept accountability for our actions
• Strengthen our expertise in using information, tools, and technology to achieve high performance
and stay on the cutting edge
• Think ahead, acting and planning creatively for today and tomorrow
S u mma r y of G oa l s
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Goal 1: Safety and Security
• To improve the quality and accessibility of crash data so it becomes a more efficient tool in
developing a list of safety improvements for future implementation
• To identify, prioritize and implement safety improvements that will help reduce crashes and deaths
• To identify high-priority sections of Corridors of Statewide Significance where crash data warrant
safety improvements, which may include clear pavement markings and improved reflectivity and
visibility of signs
Goal 2: System Maintenance and Preservation
• To develop and implement strategies to maintain and meet pavement and bridge condition targets
• To ensure vendors, contractors and other service providers deliver a quality product by improving
contracts terms and conditions and contract administration and by monitoring services provided
Goal 3: Mobility, Connectivity, and Accessibility
• To decrease by 5 percent the percentage of incidents taking more than 30 minutes to clear
• To implement a state-of-the-art traffic-management program that maximizes the use of existing
infrastructure and reduces the footprint of future roadway improvements needed to address
• To actively manage and operate highways, bridges and tunnels so they are safe, incidents are cleared
quickly and travel times are reliable
• To enhance VDOT’s use of real-time traffic data and traffic-simulation technology to predict and
assess the impact of traffic management decisions
• To develop a Park-and-Ride investment strategy
Goal 4: Environmental Stewardship
o protect the environment as VDOT builds, operates and maintains highways
Summary of Goals (Continued)
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Goal 5: Economic Vitality
• To improve access to multimodal facilities and major employment/industrial centers by
December 2015
• To communicate the economic and operational benefits from projects in the Six-Year
Improvement Program (SYIP)
Goal 6: Coordination of Transportation and Land Use
o strengthen planning and programming processes for construction, maintenance and operations
projects to maximize the use of available funding
Goal 7: Program Delivery
o ensure development of a Six-Year Improvement Plan (SYIP) that effectively leverages available
revenues and efficiently programs projects to meet CTB goals
o accelerate and improve the project development and delivery process
Goal 8: VDOT Human Capital
• To improve employee morale, retention and productivity
• To ensure adequate resources and staffing are assigned to various business disciplines to effectively
deliver the expanding construction, maintenance and operations programs
• To promote public and workforce safety awareness through education
• To establish, document and implement a process-improvement approach that regularly reviews and
improves key business processes, guidance memoranda and management reports to increase
productivity, based on an acceptable level of risk
A ctio n I tems : G oa l 1
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Goal 1: Safety and Security – To provide a safe and secure transportation system
Objective 1.1: To improve the quality and accessibility of crash data so it becomes a more
efficient tool in developing a list of safety improvements for future implementation
Action Items:
1.1.1 Develop and implement strategies to improve data integrity and improve accessibility to the
data by June 30, 2014
• Work with data owners to update data dictionary and use a GIS format wherever practicable
• Explore feasibility of deploying a data mart to facilitate safety study analysis and creating
performance measures that comply with MAP-21 requirements.
1.1.2 Enhance analytical tools to evaluate crash data by developing and implementing a list of
enhancements to the Roadway Network System (RNS) crash-data module by June 30, 2014
Objective 1.2: To identify, prioritize and implement safety improvements that will help reduce
crashes and deaths
Action Items:
1.2.1 Create a pipeline of safety projects to include in the Six-Year Improvement Program (SYIP)
by December 31, 2013
1.2.2 Fully leverage the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) and the Strategically
Targeted Area Roadway Solutions (STARS) program to identify potential safety and congestion
enhancements by December 31, 2013
1.2.3 Launch a truck-parking study to identify areas where commercial truck parking is needed
along Corridors of Statewide Significance to provide safe places for truckers to rest so they do not
impede traffic by parking on entrance and exits ramps by June 30, 2014
Action Items: Goal 1(Continued)
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Objective 1.3: To identify high-priority sections of Corridors of Statewide Significance
where crash data warrant safety improvements, which may include clear pavement
markings and improved reflectivity and visibility of signs
Action Items
1.3.1 Issue a request for proposals (RFP) to implement safety improvements to improve Interstate 77
between mile markers 0 and 12 where fog has created unsafe conditions by September 30, 2013
1.3.2 Identify other sections on Corridors of Statewide Significance with high crash rates and
develop a plan to improve safety conditions by September 30, 2013
A ctio n I tems : G oa l 2
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Goal 2: System Maintenance and Preservation – To preserve and maintain the
condition of the existing transportation system
Objective 2.1: To develop and implement strategies to maintain and meet pavement and bridge
condition targets
Action Items
2.1.1 Maintain the interstate system pavement-condition target of 82 percent in fair or better
condition in all districts, with no sections of road with a critical condition index (CCI) of less
than 30 by investing approximately $100 million in interstate paving in FY 2014 and $100
million in FY 2015
2.1.2 Maintain the primary system pavement-condition target of 82 percent in fair or better
condition by investing approximately $160 million in primary paving in FY 2014 and at least
$202 million in FY 2015
2.1.3 Meet the secondary pavement-condition target of 65 percent in fair or better condition
in all districts by June 30, 2018
• Meet interim targets of 61 percent by FY 2014, 62 percent by FY 2015, 63 percent by FY 2016,
64 percent by FY 2017 and 65 percent by FY 2018
2.1.4 Maintain the bridge-condition target of 92 percent of bridges that are not structurally
deficient by June 30, 2014
• Invest approximately $22 million in bridge preventative maintenance
• Invest approximately $194 million in bridge rehabilitation and reconstruction projects
Objective 2.2: To ensure vendors, contractors and other service providers deliver a quality
product by improving contracts terms and conditions and contract administration and by
monitoring services provided
Action Items
2.2.1 Evaluate interstate maintenance contracts to identify areas to improve the enforcement
provisions that ensure contract compliance by September 30, 2013
2.2.2 Develop and conduct training sessions for interstate monitors and contract administrators
to ensure consistency in administering contracts by September 30, 2013
A ctio n I tems : G oa l 3
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Goal 3: Mobility, Connectivity and Accessibility – To facilitate the easy movement
of people and goods, improve interconnectivity of regions and activity centers and
provide access to different modes of transportation
Objective 3.1: To decrease by 5 percent the percentage of incidents taking more than
30 minutes to clear
Action Items
3.1.1 Partner with Virginia State Police to deliver incident-management courses to first responders
around the commonwealth to improve quick clearance of incidents by June 30, 2014
3.1.2 Increase the number of real-time travel times display in major corridors in Northern Virginia
and Hampton Roads to provide travelers the opportunity to take alternate routes by June 30, 2015
3.1.3 Enhance the 511 mobile app to provide alternate-route and transit information along Interstate
95 north of Fredericksburg and travel times on additional routes by June 30, 2014
Objective 3.2: To implement a state-of-the-art traffic-management program that maximizes
the use of existing infrastructure and reduces the footprint of future roadway improvements
needed to address congestion
Action Items
3.2.1 Partner with the private sector to implement a statewide traffic operations center (TOC)
that provides interoperability among the five existing TOCs and provide a base for future
innovations and expansion of services by February 1, 2014
3.2.2 Improve information exchange and integration of the TOCs and Customer Service Center
(CSC) systems to include implementation of a single-service request system by April 1, 2014
3.2.3 Explore resource-sharing opportunities to use VDOT right-of-way to fill gaps in the
fiber-optic network by June 30, 2014
Action Items: Goal 3 (Continued)
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Objective 3.3: To actively manage and operate highways, bridges and tunnels so they are safe,
incidents are cleared quickly and travel times are reliable
Action Items
3.3.1 Prioritize recommendations in the Tunnels Investment Plan and include funding to perform
the work in future Six-Year Improvement Plans and maintenance programs by July 1, 2013
3.3.2 Implement an active traffic management system on Interstate 66 in Northern Virginia by
September 30, 2015
3.3.3 Expand the program to place automatic vehicle locator (AVL) devices in snowplow trucks so
the VDOT website can display the location of these vehicles, in real time, so residents can see where
the vehicles are working; phase in remaining districts as feasible and cost effective during the winter
of 2013-2014
Objective 3.4: To enhance VDOT’s use of real-time traffic data and traffic-simulation
technology to predict and assess the impact of traffic-management decisions
Action Items
3.4.1 Enhance traffic-analysis, system-simulation and condition-assessment capabilities by
June 30, 2014
3.4.2 Establish criteria to identify sections of highways to routinely run simulation models to
determine easy solutions to improve operations (e.g., extension of acceleration and deceleration lanes,
hard running shoulders, etc.) by September 30, 2013
3.4.3 Implement a pilot study through VCTIR and the University of Virginia’s Smart Travel Lab to
use real-time travel data to evaluate and provide feedback on district operational decisions involving
at least two incidents, two work zones and two weather events by June 30, 2014
Objective 3.5: To develop a Park-and-Ride investment strategy
Action Item
3.5.1 Develop a commuter Park-and-Ride investment strategy for each construction district to guide
funding for demand-management strategies to address congestion in Virginia by March 1, 2014
A ctio n I tems : G oa l 4
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Goal 4: Environmental Stewardship – To protect the environment and improve the
quality of life for Virginians
Objective 4.1: To protect the environment as VDOT builds, operates and maintains highways
Action Items
4.1.1 Strengthen a program for environmental commitments and compliance assistance for projects
throughout the state by June 1, 2014
4.1.2 Strengthen the environmental inspection program for road-related municipal separate storm-sewer
systems (MS4) by June 30, 2014
4.1.3 Investigate the feasibility of using a higher percentage of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) with
new asphalt and optimize the binder content to use a growing amount of RAP, reduce the cost of paving
and maintain quality by October 1, 2013
4.1.4 Investigate other uses of RAP as a base, sub-base and general fill material by June 30, 2014
4.1.5 Finalize criteria for in-place pavement recycling deployment and identify additional projects to
employ in-place pavement recycling by December 1, 2013
4.1.6 Achieve 100 percent compliance on environmental compliance reports
A ctio n I tems : G oa l 5
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Goal 5: Economic Vitality – To provide a transportation system that supports
economic prosperity
Objective 5.1: To improve access to multimodal facilities and major employment/industrial
centers by December 2015
Action Items
5.1.1 Build a ramp from high-occupancy vehicle lanes on Interstate 395 to the Mark Center in
Northern Virginia
5.1.2 Provide access to intermodal connector facility in Hampton Roads
5.1.3 Begin construction of new U.S. 460 corridor in Hampton Roads
Objective 5.2: To communicate the economic and operational benefits from projects in the
Six-Year Improvement Program (SYIP)
Action Items
5.2.1 Work with the transportation industry to convey job and economic benefits of projects by
June 30, 2014
5.2.2 Analyze and communicate operational benefits of at least 25 projects in Northern Virginia
between January 1, 2013, and January 1, 2017
A ctio n I tems : G oa l 6
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Goal 6: Coordination of Transportation and Land Use – To promote livable
communities and reduce transportation costs by facilitating the coordination of
transportation and land use
Objective 6.1: To strengthen planning and programming processes for construction,
maintenance and operations projects to maximize the use of available funding
Action Items
6.1.1 Plan and conduct a transportation-planning and land-use forum with localities, regional
transportation organizations and other key stakeholders to promote the important linkage between
transportation and land use by June 30, 2014
6.1.2 Conduct a meeting with each construction district and their Commonwealth Transportation
Board (CTB) members to discuss the planning process as it relates to VTrans 2035, the Surface
Transportation Plan and maintenance projects to show how they are linked to development of project
concepts for the Six-Year Improvement Program by June 30, 2014
6.1.3 Develop and implement a plan to meet the commonwealth’s teleworking goal by June 30, 2014
A ctio n I tems : G oa l 7
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Goal 7: Program Delivery – To achieve excellence in the execution of programs and
delivery of service
Objective 7.1: To ensure development of a Six-Year Improvement Plan (SYIP) that effectively
leverages available revenues and efficiently programs projects to meet CTB goals
Action Items
7.1.1 Work with the Northern Virginia Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Hampton
Roads MPO to implement the regional component of the state’s new Transportation Funding Bill HB
2313 by July 1, 2013
7.1.2 Implement processes and manage resources to ensure the construction and maintenance
programs are accelerated to match the planned increase in funding by July 1, 2013
7.1.3 Hold a public hearing on the draft SYIP in all districts to provide the opportunity for public
input into the program’s development by June 30, 2014
7.1.4 Leverage innovative financing tools to provide funding for projects while ensuring compliance
with funding guidelines by June 30, 2014
• Innovative strategies may include design-build finance, the FHWA TIFIA and Rural
TIFIA program, leasing air rights, GARVEE bonds and other financing strategies that
warrant investigation.
7.1.5 Continue to monitor and evaluate the financial and operating health of existing toll-road
operations by June 30, 2014
7.1.6 Update the pipeline for public-private partnership (P3) projects to advance P3 projects by
December 31, 2013
7.1.7 Ensure the SYIP includes a minimum of $130 million to $150 million of the annual
construction program for the preliminary-engineering phase of new project starts for each year of the
SYIP by July 1, 2013
7.1.8 Convene quarterly strategy sessions with industry representatives and VDOT staff to identify
opportunities to accelerate schedules, reduce costs and deliver quality construction and maintenance
projects starting July 1, 2013
Action Items: Goal 7 (Continued)
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Objective 7.2: To accelerate and improve the project development and delivery process
Action Items
7.2.1 Advertise $2.2 billion in projects between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2013
7.2.2 Develop shortened standard schedules and milestones for consultant procurement by
December 1, 2013
7.2.3 Use pre-scoping funding available in the Six-Year Program to scope and initiate consultant
procurement by December 1, 2013
7.2.4 Conduct a forum for staff, contractors and design consultants to review best practices and
identify lessons learned to improve construction of future projects by July 1, 2014
7.2.5 Identify and implement strategies to address bottlenecks in the project-development process by
September 30, 2013
7.2.6 Expand outreach methods and communications in public involvement by incorporating
more interactive and technology-based outreach strategies into the public-involvement process by
March 2014
7.2.7 Identify opportunities and implement programs (federal DBE program, SWAM) for large
and small consultants and contractors to participate in every facet of highway transportation by
December 1, 2013
7.2.8 Conduct the second annual Local Programs Workshop to improve the partnership between
VDOT and localities administering projects by June 30, 2014
7.2.9 Deliver maintenance and construction projects on time and on budget. Targets for FY 2014 are
as follows:
• On time: 77 percent
• On budget: 85 percent
7.2.10 Increase overall customer satisfaction with VDOT from its current level of 43 percent by
June 30, 2014
A ctio n I tems : G oa l 8
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Goal 8: Develop and maintain a competent and stable workforce, which maximizes
human capital
Objective 8.1: To improve employee morale, retention and productivity
Action Items
8.1.1 Review compensation initiatives and identify additional opportunities to attract and retain
talent by June 30, 2014
8.1.2 Continue to assess and prioritize VDOT facilities needs statewide into the Long-Range Facilities
Plan to ensure our facilities meet agency business needs by June 30, 2014
Objective 8.2: To ensure adequate resources and staffing are assigned to various
business disciplines to effectively deliver the expanding construction, maintenance
and operations programs
Action Items
8.2.1 Ensure adequate staffing and contracting resources are available to handle the expanding
program by July 1, 2013
8.2.2 Ensure development and availability of a rigorous training program so skills and certifications
are adequate to operate an efficient transportation network by June 30, 2014
8.2.3 Implement a succession plan by June 30, 2014
Action Items: Goal 8 (Continued)
V D O T ’ s B u si n ess P l a n fo r F Y 1 4 – F Y 1 5
Objective 8.3: To promote public and workforce safety awareness through education
Action Item
8.3.1 Promote and enforce a workforce safety plan to achieve a 3 percent reduction in injuries and
lost-time accidents from the FY 2013 baseline for FY2014
Objective 8.4: To establish, document and implement a process-improvement approach that
regularly reviews and improves key business processes, guidance memoranda and management
reports to increase productivity, based on an acceptable level of risk
Action Item
8.4.1 Develop and implement business-process architecture and a methodology to systematically
identify, review and improve business processes by December 31, 2013
Contact us:
800-FOR-ROAD (800-367-7623) (TTY-TDD users call 711)
Email questions or comments to:
Follow us online:
Twitter @VaDOT
© 2013 Commonwealth of Virginia, Job 13063, 500
Front cover:
The 495 Express Lanes, two high-occupancy toll lanes
in each direction on the Capital Beltway (Interstate
495) in Virginia, opened in November 2012. The lanes
run approximately 14 miles between the Springfield
interchange and just north of the Dulles Toll Road.
Back cover:
The project to replace the Gilmerton Bridge on
Military Highway in the Hampton Roads District
reached a major milestone when engineering
and construction crews conducted a highly complex
“float-in” operation of the lift-span to connect the
bridge’s two towers.