
Issue Date: February 12, 2013
Title: VDOT Customer Service Center System 2.0
Commodity Codes: 20800 20827 20832 91500 91528 91551
Issuing Agency:
Cover Sheet - Page 1
RFP# 150796-FH
Commonwealth of Virginia
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
Central Office Mail Center – Loading Dock Entrance
1401 East Broad Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Attn: Frederick Haasch, Contract Officer
Locations Where Work Will Be Performed:
VDOT Central Office (Richmond);
Commonwealth Enterprise Solutions Center (CESC); 11751 Meadowville Ln; Chester, VA 23836;
Salem Customer Service Center; 1596 Deborah Ln.; Salem, VA 24153;
Northern Virginia Customer Service Center; 4890 Alliance Dr.; Fairfax, VA 22030 Initial Period Of Contract is two (2) years with the effective date determined at time of award,
with three (3) successive optional one-year renewal periods.
Pre-Proposal Conference: A Mandatory Pre-proposal Conference Will Be Held on February 27,
2013 at 10:00 a.m. at 1401 East Broad Street; Richmond, VA 23219. Refer to Section VIII.
Sealed Proposals Will Be Received Until March 18, 2013, 2:00 p.m. For Furnishing The
Goods/Services Described Herein.
All Inquires For Information Should Be Directed To: Frederick Haasch, Contract Officer, via email: Provide all questions by February 21, 2013.
If Proposals Are Mailed, Hand Delivered, Sent By FedEx, UPS, Or Other Courier, Send Directly To
Issuing Agency Address Shown Above. See Special Terms and Conditions for more information.
In Compliance With This Request For Proposal And To All The Conditions Imposed Therein And
Hereby Incorporated By Reference, The Undersigned Offers And Agrees To Furnish The
Goods/Services In Accordance With The Attached Signed Proposal Or As Mutually Agreed Upon
By Subsequent Negotiation.
Name and Address of Firm:
(Signature In Ink)
(Type or Print)
(___) ____________________________
Note: This public body does not discriminate against faith-based organizations in accordance
with the Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4343.1 or against an Offeror because of race, religion, color,
sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law relating to
discrimination in employment.
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RFP #150796-FH VDOT Customer Service Center System 2.0
I. DEFINITIONS............................................................................. 5
II. PURPOSE…………………………………………………………………………………….………..... 7
A. Schedule of Activities
III. BACKGROUND………………………………………………………………....................... 7
A. Overview of the CSC
B. Current Volume of Requests for Service and Information
C. Existing CSC Infrastructure
D. CSC Improvement Effort
IV. STATEMENT OF NEEDS………………………………………………………………………….. 13
A. Project Scope
B. Required Services
C. Core Functionality-Phase 1 Deployment
D. Secondary Functionality-Phase 2 Deployment
E. CSC Business Architecture
F. Project Planning
G. Project Management Approach
H. Risk Management Approach
I. Issue Management Approach
J. Quality Management
K. Configuration Management
L. Project Communications
M. Staffing Requirements
N. System Development Life Cycle Overview
O. System Development Life Cycle Details
A. General Instructions
B. Specific Proposal Requirements
VI. EVALUATION AND AWARD CRITERIA……………………………………………………. 60
A. Evaluation Criteria
B. Award of Contract
A. Project Deliverables
B. Deliverable Review
C. Stage Gate Reviews
D. SWaM Reporting
IX. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS…………………………………………………….. 63
X. SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS……………………………………………………. 71
XI. METHOD OF PAYMENT………………………………………………………………………….. 84
A. Payment
B. Invoices
XII. ATTACHMENTS and APPENDICES……………………………………………………………... 85
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List of RFP Tables and Figures:
Table 1 – Schedule of Activities............................................................ 7
Figure 1 – VDOT CSC Locations and Staffing.......................................... 9
Figure 2 – Volume of Customer Requests for Service and Information……. 10
Table 2 – CSC Improvement Effort Approach........................................ 12
Table 3 – Phased Deployment of CSC System 2.0 Functionality............... 14
Figure 4 – Current State of CTI in the CSC........................................... 17
Figure 5 – VDOT Customer Service Business Architecture....................... 22
Table 4 – Sample System Requirements Response Summary Form.......... 59
Table 5 – RFP Evaluation Criteria......................................................... 60
Customer Service Center 2.0 Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
Current VDOT and CSC Technology Components
Response to Scope of Work Form
System Requirements Response Matrix
System Requirements Response Summary Form
Pricing Schedule
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MPLS (p16)
Commercial Off-the-Shelf
Commonwealth of Virginia
Central Processing Unit
Customer Relationship Management
Customer Service Center
Computer Telephony Integration
Data Exchange Broker
Deliverable Expectation Document
Department of Minority Business Enterprise
Electronic Change Management System
Eastern Standard Time
Federal Employer Identification
Geographic Information System
Integrated Master Schedule
Interactive Voice Response
Linear Referencing System
Multiprotocol Label Switching
Project Management Body of Knowledge
Project Management Institute
Request For Proposal
State Corporation Commission
Systems Development Life Cycle
System Investigation Requests
Service Request Management System
Small, Women-owned and Minority-owned Business Enterprises
Team Foundation Server
User Acceptance Test
U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
Virginia Information Technologies Agency / Northrop Grumman partnership
Voice over Internet Protocol
Virtual Private Network
Virginia Public Procurement Act
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Whenever used in this solicitation or in the contract documents, the following terms have the meanings
indicated, which are applicable to both the singular and plural and the male and female gender thereof:
1. Agency: The term, agency, unless otherwise indicated, shall mean the owner.
2. Agents or CSC Agents: Refers to customer service representatives (called “CSC Agents” or
3. Commonwealth: The term “Commonwealth” shall mean the owner which is the Commonwealth
of Virginia. The Commonwealth’s agent is the official with the authority to sign the contract on
behalf of the Commonwealth.
4. Concept of Operations (CONOPS): A document that describes in business terms the features,
functions, and capabilities of an IT system. The CONOPS is often used as a tool to generate
consensus and clarity of purpose among stakeholders leading into a large and/or complex IT
5. Contract: The agreement executed by VDOT and the Offeror selected to be the Contractor to
provide the goods or services described in this RFP.
6. Contractor: The Offeror awarded the Contract to supply goods or services described in this
solicitation is referred to as a “Contractor”.
7. Critical Infrastructure (CI): The systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to
Virginia that the incapacity or destruction of such systems and assets would have a debilitating
impact on security, economy, public health or safety, or any combination thereof. Critical
Infrastructure includes but is not limited to: Customer Service Center, VDOT Central Office,
District and Operation Center Offices, data systems, security systems and Information
Technology infrastructure.
8. CSC Portal: A custom built, web-enabled, GIS application that is accessible on the
Commonwealth of Virginia’s MPLS network used to capture and submit service request
9. Data Exchange Broker (DEB) : A collection of technologies used to manage data integration
across VDOT. The DEB currently supports 23 VDOT applications, including interfaces with
other agencies.
10. Department: The Virginia Department of Transportation, an agency of the Commonwealth of
Virginia, is referred to as “Department” or “VDOT”.
11. Equipment: As used herein, the terms equipment, product, or system shall include hardware and
software (when applicable) and any materials or supporting documentation. Such documentation
may include but is not limited to: users’ guides, operations manuals with part lists, copies of all
applicable warranties, and any other pertinent information necessary for the proper operation and
maintenance of the equipment being acquired.
12. Final Acceptance: The agency’s acceptance of the project from the Contractor upon
confirmation from the project inspector and the contractor that the project is totally complete in
accordance with the Contract requirements and that all defects have been eliminated. Final
acceptance is confirmed by the making of final payment of the contract amount including any
change orders or adjustment thereto.
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13. Notice to Proceed: A written notice given by the Owner to the Contractor fixing the date on
which the contract time will commence for the Contractor to begin the prosecution of the work in
accordance with the requirements of the Contract documents.
14. Offeror: Each firm submitting a valid proposal is referred to as an “Offeror”
15. OAuth: An open protocol to allow secure authorization in a simple and standard method from
web, mobile and desktop applications
16. Owner: The Commonwealth of Virginia, i.e., an agency, institution, or department, with whom
the contractor has entered into a Contract and for whom the work or services is to be provided.
17. Project: Refers to the CSC System 2.0 consisting of system development, system interfaces, data
conversion, data integrity, operational transition, testing, training, organizational change, disaster
recovery, system security, and data security.
18. Proposal: The Offeror’s submittal in response to the VDOT request for such proposals under
Section V of this RFP, including supplements, if any.
19. Representative: Refers to the VDOT Contract Administrator or designee who will be
administering the Contract.
20. Software: As used herein, the terms software, product, or software products shall include all
related materials and documentation whether in machine readable or printed form.
21. Submittal: All drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, and other data required by the
contract documents which are specifically prepared by or for the Contractor to illustrate some
portion of the work and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedules, performance charts,
instructions, diagrams, and other information prepared by a supplier and submitted by the
22. Subcontractor: An individual, partnership or corporation having a direct contract with
Contractor or with any other subcontractor for the performance of the work.
23. Substantial Completion: The work which is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the
Contract documents, so that the Project can be utilized by the Owner for the purposes for which
it is intended.
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The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit sealed proposals to establish a contract
through competitive negotiation for the development and implementation of a technology solution,
hereinafter called “CSC System 2.0” for the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), an
Agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The CSC System 2.0 should effectively leverage private
sector innovation and expertise in the delivery of customer service support in a call center
environment that operates twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year
(24x7x365). This RFP states the instructions for submitting proposals, the procedure and criteria by
which a Contract may be awarded, and the contractual terms which will exclusively govern the
contract between VDOT and the Contractor.
The table below is the proposed schedule of important activities associated with this solicitation
and the anticipated dates/times for each activity.
List of Activities
RFP Release Date
Written Questions Due from Offerors
Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference
Written Responses Due from VDOT
Proposals Due
Negotiations Begin
Notice of Intent to Award
Contract Award
Project Start Date (estimated) **
Date and Time
February 12, 2013
February 21, 2013
February 27, 2013
March 6, 2013
March 18, 2013
Week of May 6, 2013
Week of June 17, 2013
July 1, 2013
July 1, 2013
Table 1 – Schedule of Activities
** The estimated Project Start Date is provided to assist Offerors in preparing their responses
and defining preliminary project schedules. The estimated Project Start Date is not binding on
any party. The actual project start date will be defined mutually by VDOT and the selected
Contractor during contract negotiations.
Launched in March 2010, the VDOT CSC is an in-bound call center that provides customers
throughout Virginia with a single means to contact VDOT in order to:
Report unsafe and hazardous road conditions.
Submit work requests for state-maintained roads.
Request information related to Virginia’s roads, including road conditions, traffic conditions,
and constructions projects.
Receive answers to transportation questions or other questions about VDOT.
Since the CSC’s launch, VDOT has made continuous, incremental improvements to CSC operations
and technology. After approximately two (2) years in operation, VDOT has recognized the need to
make significant enhancements to CSC operations and technology. Enhancements in these key areas
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will enable the CSC to more effectively coordinate the sharing of information across the VDOT
enterprise and more efficiently respond to customer requests for service and information. Appendix
1 – Customer Service Center 2.0 Concept of Operations (CONOPS) defines VDOT’s vision and
objectives for CSC technology and operational components. Desired benefits of CSC operational
and technological enhancements include, but are not limited to:
Better accessibility to VDOT information by CSC staff for responding to customer inquiries.
Increased volume of first call resolutions.
Broader customer engagement through the enablement of additional, automated
communications channels (e.g. on-line self-service portal, e-mail and text management,
subscription services, web chat, etc.).
Improved customer follow-up and support through the tracking of customer interactions
(improves VDOT’s ability to “close the loop” with its customers).
Improved operational data and reporting to enable more effective decision making.
The CSC operates twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, and 365 days a year
(24x7x365) and handles a variety of requests from the public that are received via the telephone
or the VDOT public website (, including routine service requests and
reports of emergencies. CSC Agents leverage information from a variety of internal and on-line
resources and process a wide range of customer requests for information and/or service. Service
requests received by the CSC are forwarded to and processed by many different VDOT
divisions, business units, and work groups throughout Virginia.
During normal daytime operations the CSC is staffed by 15-20 customer service representatives
(also called “CSC Agents” or “Agents”) depending on variations in call volume due to seasonal
or event-driven factors. The CSC utilizes six to nine temporary, part-time Agents to provide
flexibility with managing staffing levels based on then-current needs. Peak call volumes
generally correspond with morning and evening traffic commutes, and staffing levels are planned
accordingly. Overnight hours and weekend hours generally result in lower call volumes, with
one key exception being holiday weekends. During emergencies or severe weather events CSC
staff is augmented by remote agents in order to meet significant spikes in call volume. CSC
remote agents are located throughout the state, with a concentration of agents in the VDOT
Salem and Northern Virginia Districts, and in the VDOT Central Office in Richmond, VA.
The CSC is comprised of two regional call centers located in Southwest Virginia and Northern
Virginia, as illustrated below:
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Figure 1 – VDOT CSC Locations and Staffing
The CSC currently receives customer requests for service and information through two primary
1. Telephone: Customers dial 1-800-FOR-ROAD (1-800-367-7623) or perform a 511 outdial to speak to a CSC Agent.
2. Report a Road Problem: Customers access the Report a Road Problem webpage on the
VDOT public website at:
Customers can complete the Online Work Request Form to request assistance from VDOT.
While the Online Work Request Form is intended primarily to handle the submission of roadway
maintenance requests (e.g. potholes, road debris, sign repair, and dead animals) the form allows
customers to submit any type of request they wish. The CSC receives a range of service requests
through the Report a Road Problem webpage, including Tort Claims, Land Use Permits, and
Speed and Safety Studies, among others.
Processing customer requests for service and information that are submitted through the Report a
Road Problem webpage requires a significant amount of manual effort by the CSC. Once a
customer completes and submits the Online Work Request Form, the customer’s request
information is sent via e-mail to the CSC mailbox. CSC Agents monitor the CSC mailbox for
new requests, print hard copies of new requests as they arrive, and then manually key service
request information into the CSC Portal.
The chart below provides telephone call and Report a Road Problem e-mail volumes received by
the CSC between August 2011 and August 2012. During that period the CSC received an
average of 10,958 telephone calls and 1,477 Report a Road Problem e-mails per month.
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Figure 2 – Volume of Customer Requests for Service and Information
The CSC is currently supported by three (3) primary technology components:
CSC Portal: used to capture and submit service request information.
The CSC Portal is a custom built, web-enabled, GIS application that is accessible on the
Commonwealth of Virginia (COV) MPLS network. The CSC Portal is used by the CSC
to record and process citizen requests for service throughout the state including roadway
maintenance, permit requests, damage claims, traffic studies, and information requests,
among others. The key components of the current CSC Portal are contained in Appendix
2 – Current VDOT and CSC Technology Components.
VDOT desires to replace the current CSC Portal with a new technology solution that will
support customer service operations well into the future, and will satisfy the objectives
outlined in this RFP. In particular, VDOT desires to replace the CSC Portal with a system
more capable of proactively managing customer relationships, managing communications
with customers across multiple channels, and providing sophisticated operational reports.
The system that replaces the CSC Portal will reside on the COV MPLS network and be
subject to all applicable COV information security policies, standards, and guidelines
Avaya Telephony System: used to handle telephone-based customer interactions.
The Avaya Telephony System, deployed in fall 2010, is a Voice over Internet Protocol
(VoIP) solution that uses skills-based routing for assigning calls to CSC Agents. Key
characteristics of the Avaya telephony system include:
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Located on a private, dedicated VDOT network (out-of-scope to the
Commonwealth of Virginia’s MPLS network)
A front-end interactive voice response (IVR) solution provided by Verizon
Business (through the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Covanet telephony contract)
that provides call routing to the Avaya ACD
SIP-based session management
Skills-based routing to CSC Agents (currently based primarily on the location of
the caller)
Call capacity of up to 120 concurrent calls
Call analysis and reporting tools
Full system redundancy
Appendix 2 – Current VDOT and CSC Technology Components contains a detailed list
of Avaya Telephony System components, a network diagram of the Avaya technical
environment, and the current CSC IVR routing configuration.
While VDOT intends to replace the current CSC Portal application, VDOT intends to
retain the Avaya Telephony System. It is expected that the Avaya Telephony System will
require modifications to the current configuration in order to meet VDOT’s requirements
as specified in this RFP. Modifications to the Avaya Telephony System could require
creating and/or modifying vectors, call profiles, and announcements, among other things.
The Avaya Telephony System will remain on the private, dedicated VDOT network on
which it currently resides.
CSC Agent Workstations: used by CSC Agents to run multiple applications necessary to
respond to customer needs.
CSC Agent workstations are provided by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency /
Northrop Grumman partnership. A detailed list of current CSC Agent workstation
specifications are contained in Appendix 2 – Current VDOT and CSC Technology
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The current effort to enhance CSC operations and technology encompasses multiple key
activities, as outlined in Table 2 below:
Activity Description
Develop a Concept of
Operations (CONOPS)
Issue a Request for
Information (RFI)
Design Future State
CSC Business Processes
Define System
Issue a Request for
Proposals (RFP)
Design and Implement a
New CSC Technical
In May 2012 VDOT developed a CSC ConOps document to
clearly define its vision and objectives for the future state of the
CSC. All future efforts associated with the enhancement of CSC
operations and technology should align with the content of the
ConOps document.
In May 2012 VDOT issued a Request for Information (RFI) to
learn more from the private sector about available technologies
and industry best practices related to customer service centers and
customer engagement. VDOT used findings identified in Offeror
RFI responses to validate its future-state vision and objectives for
the CSC, as outlined in the CSC CONOPS document. VDOT has
also incorporated multiple findings identified in Offeror RFI
responses into its system requirements document.
In August 2012 VDOT completed the design of multiple new
business processes intended to support future state CSC
In August 2012 VDOT completed the gathering and definition of
functional and technical requirements to guide the development
of a new CSC technical solution. Those functional and technical
requirements are contained in Appendix 4 – System Requirements
Response Matrix.
This document (see Section II – Purpose above for the purpose of
this document). See also Section II.A – Schedule of Activities for
details regarding VDOT’s planned procurement schedule.
Upon receipt and evaluation of Offeror responses to this RFP
document, VDOT intends to enter into a contract with a qualified
firm to provide system design and implementation services for a
technical solution that shall support and align with the CSC
CONOPS document, the CSC’s future state business processes,
the CSC’s system requirements, and all other requirements
contained in this RFP document. Additionally, the new CSC
technical solution must improve VDOT’s ability to fulfill the
mission statement of the CSC, which is to:
Provide an initial point of contact for citizen
inquiries and requests for service 24 hours a
day, seven days a week that facilitates and
tracks effective communication between VDOT
and its customers in a professional, courteous
and timely manner.
Table 2 – CSC Improvement Effort Approach
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VDOT intends to enter into a multi-year Contract with a qualified firm to provide system design
and implementation services for a technical solution that will support the CSC System 2.0 with a full
range of IT system development lifecycle activities. The Contractor shall furnish and be
responsible for all software, labor, materials, technical expertise, etc. in providing the services
required in this solicitation. The Contractor shall provide all contract deliverables to the VDOT
Contract Administrator in accordance with the defined project schedule, and the deliverable
requirements contained in this solicitation.
Data Needs and System Interfaces
In order to meet VDOT’s requirements, the CSC System 2.0 must have access to a wide
variety of services, information, and data that reside in multiple databases and datasets
both internal and external to the COV network. All customer service requests must be
associated with a specific address or location (such as a physical address or a mile marker
on an Interstate). Based on the geo-coded location of a service request, the CSC System
2.0 will pull information relevant to that location from other VDOT systems and present
it to the CSC Agent. Information relevant to a specific geo-coded location may include,
among other things, planned lane closures, construction projects, VDOT maintenance
activities, and real-time traffic conditions.
Data Exchange Broker (DEB)
Appendix 2 – Current VDOT and CSC Technology Components provides a high-level
overview of CSC data needs, the systems in which the data resides, and other relevant
information. Data Exchange Broker (DEB) is a collection of technologies used to
manage data integration across the enterprise. The DEB utilizes Microsoft BizTalk to
manage data exchange functionality and currently supports twenty-three (23) VDOT
applications, including interfaces with other agencies. VDOT is actively adding new
systems and interfaces on an on-going basis. Appendix 2 – Current VDOT and CSC
Technology Components outlines the components that comprise the current state of the
The information contained in the data needs table in Appendix 2 is provided in the event
that individual interfaces must be created between the CSC System 2.0 and each of the
listed systems. However, to lessen the level of effort required to design, implement, and
maintain system interfaces, and to provide greater flexibility in meeting the CSC’s future
information needs, VDOT ‘s Data Exchange Broker (DEB) should be used to facilitate
the exchange of data between the CSC System 2.0 and other systems. The number of
required CSC System 2.0 system-to-system interfaces should be the least posssible.
Offerors shall propose the development of a DEB Configuration Plan that will ensure the
DEB is capable of supporting the specific, dynamic data needs of the CSC System 2.0.
Offerors shall, in their DEB Configuration Plan, define how the DEB and the CSC
System 2.0 solution could be integrated in an efficient and timely manner.
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CSC System 2.0 Deployment
The CSC System 2.0 shall be designed and implemented with the core components listed
in Table 3 below. It is VDOT’s strong preference that, to the extent possible, each of
these components be based on proven, commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products. This
section of the RFP document should be read in conjunction with Appendix 4 – System
Requirements Response Matrix.
In an effort to manage project complexity, risk, and quality, VDOT prefers to deploy
CSC System 2.0 functionality in phases. As outlined in Section V.B. – Specific Proposal
Requirements, VDOT requires Offerors to provide with their responses a fully defined,
resource loaded and leveled project schedule with all the tasks and associated effort to
deliver the Offeror’s proposed CSC solution. Offerors’ project schedules should be
designed to support VDOT’s phased approach. During the planning phase of the project
VDOT will work with the selected Contractor to define prioritized deployment plans.
The following table outlines VDOT’s desired approach for deploying core and secondary
Phase Description
Initial phase for deployment of
high-priority, Core Functionality
Core Functionality
 Telephone Call Handling
 Customer Relationship Management
 Computer Telephony Integration
 Service Request Creation and Management
 Management Reporting
 E-mail and Text Management
 CSC Agent User Interface
Subsequent phase for
deployment of Secondary
Secondary Functionality
 IVR/Web Call-Back
 Customer Self-Service Portal
 Web Chat Management
 Subscription Services Management
 Social Media Management
 Mobile Technology Management
Phase 2 deployment should
occur 8-12 weeks following
Phase 1 deployment
Table 3 – Phased Deployment of CSC System 2.0 Functionality
The Contractor shall provide the following services in supporting VDOT with the design and
implementation of the CSC System 2.0:
System requirements validation services
Software configuration/customization services
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Hardware/infrastructure implementation services
System interfaces design and implementation services
Data conversion services
Computer–telephony integration (CTI) services
Geospatial data integration services
System testing services
User training services
System deployment services
On-going system maintenance and support services
Telephone Call Handling
The Contractor shall provide a telephony system capable of operating several features not
available in the current telephony system including soft-phone functionality, wait time
announcements, text-to-speech, and IVR/Web call back. Implementation of these and
other telephony features will improve the telephone call handling experience for both
customers and CSC Agents, and they will also significantly increase the efficiency of
CSC Agent efforts. Details regarding the functionality that VDOT requires to improve
the telephone call handling process are contained in the following section.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
The CSC is not able to easily identify customers, including frequent callers, or track
customer interactions over time in the current environment. To enable the CSC to gain a
360 degree view of the customer, to better support customer needs, and to provide the
customer with self-service options, the CSC requires the implementation of customer
accounts that are managed through CRM functionality.
The Contractor shall provide a system capable of maintaining customer accounts that are:
Created by the customer through the customer self-service portal.
Created by a CSC Agent (on behalf of a customer) through the CSC System 2.0
user interface.
Created by the system as an unnamed account for service requests that the system
cannot associate with an existing account.
In May 2012 VDOT launched a re-designed 511 website that is hosted by a third party
and which does not reside on the COV MPLS network. The new 511 website enables
customers to create personal accounts and manage personal preferences (see and click on the My 511 tab).
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The Offeror’s Proposal should include a solution to conduct customer account
management in an integrated manner across all customer-facing platforms and integrate
new CSC System 2.0 customer accounts with existing 511 customer accounts.
The proposed solution should be capable of the following, while minimizing the impact
of customer account integration on the 511 architecture:
Providing an account structure that supports and integrates with key CSC System
2.0 functionality, such as the creation, submission, and tracking of service
requests; management of subscription services; management of personal
communications preferences; management of personal contact information; etc.
Managing user authentication, including OAuth and other protocols for federated
identity management.
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)
The Contractor shall provide computer telephony integration (CTI) for data sharing
purposes between the two (2) core pieces of the CSC System 2.0:
a. Avaya telephony components – located on a dedicated, private VDOT network.
b. Computer system components – located on the COV MPLS network.
As outlined in the RFP document, CTI is necessary to support a significant number of
essential system functions. CTI is perhaps the single most important VDOT requirement
for the CSC System 2.0. The Virginia Information Technologies Agency / Northrop
Grumman partnership (VITA/NG) will play a significant role in configuring CTI for CSC
System 2.0 computer components that will reside on the COV MPLS network.
The implementation of CTI will require VDOT and the selected Offeror to work closely
with VITA/NG to configure an interface between the existing Avaya Telephony System
components and the computer system components of the CSC System 2.0 such that the
interface provides real-time, two-way data exchange. The team will work to define an
approach to implementing CTI in an environment in which the telephony and computer
components of the CSC System 2.0 reside on different networks (see Figure 4 – Current
State of CTI in the CSC below), taking into account COV MPLS network security
(Note: hardware required to enable CTI in the Avaya telephony environment has already
been purchased and deployed. See Appendix 2 – Current VDOT and CSC Technology
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CSC Telephony System
CSC Portal & Supporting Systems
Currently No Computer
Telephony Integration
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Response Only
Located on a Dedicated Private VDOT Network
Located on the COV MPLS Network
Figure 4 – Current State of CTI in the CSC
Service Request Creation and Management
The core of CSC operations involves capturing and submitting customer requests for
service. Customer requests for service that are submitted through the CSC System 2.0
will be assigned a unique tracking number and will be pushed to a VDOT Service
Request Management System (SRMS) via a real-time system-to-system interface where
those requests will be assigned to the appropriate VDOT business unit or work group for
resolution. The CSC System 2.0 must work in concert with the VDOT SRMS through
real-time information exchange to manage the full life-cycle of a service request
including creation, submission, assignment, tracking, monitoring, and closing. All
functions performed by the VDOT SRMS are out of scope to this RFP.
The CSC System 2.0 must be capable of identifying the appropriate business unit or work
group to which service requests should be assigned based on the geographic location of
the request, the type of request, the problem/issue type, and other relevant information.
The CSC System 2.0 must be capable of generating automated notifications and alerts to
customers and VDOT personnel in connection with service requests, including:
Notifications Generated by SRMS
o Service request assignment notification – sent to the appropriate VDOT
business unit or work group to which a service request has been assigned.
Contains all relevant details associated with the service request.
Notifications Generated By CSC System 2.0
o Service request reminder notification – sent to VDOT business units or work
groups in advance of service request deadlines, in accordance with business
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o Service request confirmation – sent to customers upon receipt of a valid
service request.
o Service request closure notification – sent to customers upon closure of a
service request. Provides the option for the customer to re-open a service
request in the event the customer’s needs were not met to their satisfaction.
Management Reporting
The CSC System 2.0 reporting tool must be capable of three (3) primary functions:
generating standard, pre-defined reports; generating ad hoc reports; and displaying an
interactive management dashboard.
Standard Reports – The proposed solution should generate standard reports in
accordance with a pre-defined schedule, with recurring frequency, and using predefined parameters. Standard reports will be distributed to pre-defined recipients,
including both individuals and distribution groups. While the solution should be
flexible enough for VDOT to modify standard report parameters over time as
needed, it is anticipated that standard report components will generally remain
Ad Hoc Reports – The proposed solution should provide an interactive, dynamic,
ad hoc reporting capability that enables all end-users to create reports. End-users
must be able to define, generate, and distribute ad hoc reports through selfservice, without “power user” status, and without technical support. The ad hoc
reporting tool should be:
o Web-based so that end-users can generate reports from any Internet
o Capable of generating and displaying reports on both computers and mobile
o Flexible so that end-users can dynamically modify report views and
parameters using drag-and-drop and similar functionality.
o Capable of displaying report data in charts, tables, etc.
o Capable of utilizing data from multiple, disparate sources.
Management Dashboard – The proposed CSC System 2.0 shall be capable of
displaying an interactive management dashboard containing real-time and
historical CSC operational data. The dashboard should be capable of displaying
data that is based on, at a minimum:
o Communication channels
o Call volumes
o Call types
o Problem types
o Specific roadways
o Geography (e.g. geographical boundaries; caller locations)
o Date ranges
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o Time ranges
o Real-time CSC status (e.g. number of active Agents)
o Various combinations of the parameters listed above
Reporting functionality must utilize integrated data from both the telephony and
computer components of the solution. Reporting functionality must also be integrated
into the primary end-user interface for use by internal VDOT users. The reporting
functionality must enable end-users to share reports with both CSC and non-CSC staff
through e-mail, text messaging, web chat, and other effective means. The solution should
enable users to share reports using attachments and dynamic links.
E-mail and Text Management
The Offeror’s proposed solution must include a tool to manage in-bound and out-bound
e-mail and text-based interactions with customers. The e-mail and text management tool
must provide authoring capabilities including the ability to generate suggested responses
based on key words or phrases contained in e-mails received by the CSC.
The e-mail and text management tool must be fully integrated with the CSC System 2.0.
and be capable of coordinating with other CSC System 2.0 tools and applications (e.g.
telephony, web chat) to manage CSC Agent availability status, and to manage the routing
and assignment of customer transactions. For example, CTI must be in place to ensure
the e-mail and text management tool is able to coordinate CSC Agent assignments with
the Avaya Telephony System’s call routing functionality. The tool must also be capable
of routing text and e-mail assignments to CSC Agents in specific skill groups based on
business rules. .
CSC Agent User Interface
In the current environment it is common for CSC Agents to run multiple applications
simultaneously in order to respond to customer calls. Applications commonly used
simultaneously by CSC Agents include the CSC Portal, the VDOT Asset Management
System (AMS), InsideVDOT (VDOT’s intranet), (VDOT’s public
website), Microsoft Outlook, and Google (or other search engine), among others. CSC
Agents spend a significant amount of time searching multiple information sources for
answers to customer questions, and despite the number of applications a CSC Agent may
have running at a time, CSC Agents are often not able to find a satisfactory answer.
Numerous service requests are created that would not be necessary if the CSC were
equipped with a system capable of searching, compiling, and presenting information from
multiple, disparate sources through a single user interface.
As outlined above, the CSC System 2.0 must be designed to provide a single user
interface that displays information retrieved from multiple VDOT systems and data
sources, thus eliminating the need for CSC Agents to use multiple applications
simultaneously. The core of the CSC Agent user interface should be based around a
mapping function for dynamically geo-coding customer requests for service. The
mapping and geo-coding functions must incorporate multiple layers of GIS data,
including data from VDOT's Linear Referencing System (the VDOT LRS stores and
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integrates disparate roadway attributes using the linear locations of those attributes as a
common link), geographic boundary data for counties, cities, and towns in Virginia, and
geographic boundary data for VDOT jurisdictions, among others. The CSC Agent user
interface must also include pop-up window functionality that presents information,
notifications, and alerts relevant to plotted geographic points and customer information.
The CSC Agent user interface must also include a powerful search function for
performing searches of both internally and externally based VDOT content. VDOT’s
current enterprise search function is supported by a Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010
for SharePoint Enterprise Farm (comprised of three servers). At this time, VDOT’s
deployment of FAST is used exclusively to support enterprise search of InsideVDOT –
VDOT’s SharePoint 2010-based intranet site.
Offerors’ proposed solutions should incorporate Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for
SharePoint to support CSC Agent searches for VDOT information located on
InsideVDOT, the VDOT external website (, and the Virginia 511 site
IVR/Web Call-Back
Offerors’ proposed solutions shall have IVR/Web call-back functionality to enable
customers to schedule a call back from the CSC on a specified date and time. CTI is an
essential supporting component of IVR/Web call-back.
IVR call-back functionality shall be proactively offered through an automated
announcement to callers that are waiting in queue. Callers will be able to schedule an
IVR call-back by using either voice commands or the telephone key pad to select specific
menu options in the CSC IVR and to request a specific data and time for the call-back.
Web call-back functionality shall be available to all visitors of the customer self-service
portal (authentication not required) by completing and submitting a simple electronic
Customer Self-Service Portal
Offerors’ proposed solutions shall have a customer self-service portal that is accessible to
customers via the Internet and which enables customers to create and manage personal
accounts. Offerors proposals must include a conceptual design for a customer selfservice portal that enables submission of service requests, tracking and viewing of service
request status, web chat with CSC Agents, e-mail messaging, enrollment and
disenrollment in subscription services, the scheduling of a call-back from the CSC, the
searching of VDOT FAQs (link for frequently asked questions is )
and the search of VDOT information sources. The customer self-service portal should be
simple in design and functionality, and it must be designed to comply with appropriate
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Web Chat Management
Offerors’ proposed solutions shall have a tool to manage web chat conversations between
customers and CSC Agents. VDOT does not currently engage in web chat conversations
on its external website and intends to use web chat primarily to instruct customers in the
use of the customer self-service portal. Customers that engage in web chat conversations
with the CSC that prefer to submit a service request will be instructed to access the
customer self-service portal or to call the CSC.
The web chat management tool shall be capable of proactively offering customers a web
chat conversation with a CSC Agent through a pop-up window that is triggered when the
customer accesses specific web pages or links in the self-service portal. Customers must
also be able to request web chat conversations with the CSC by clicking a link. The web
chat management tool must be configured to allow the CSC to easily make web chat
available or unavailable to customers based on operational demands.
The web chat tool shall be fully integrated with the CSC System 2.0. The tool must be
capable of coordinating a CSC Agent’s assignment and availability status with other CSC
System 2.0 tools and applications, such as telephony and e-mail transactions. The tool
must be capable of routing web chat assignments to CSC Agents in specific skill groups
based on business rules.
Subscription Services Management
Offerors’ proposed solutions shall have functionality that enables customers to enroll in
subscription services through personal accounts. Subscription services functionality must
be designed such that messages, alerts, and notifications can be proactively pushed to the
customer via the customer’s preferred channel of communication, with a frequency
defined by the customer. Customers must be able to receive subscription services via email, text message, or text-to-speech functionality. Examples of subscription services
include VDOT press releases, traffic alerts, and construction project information.
Social Media Management
Offerors’ proposed solutions shall have a tool to monitor multiple social media platforms
including, but not limited to: Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, YouTube,
Google+, Flickr, and Pinterest. The social media monitoring tool must provide the
capability to alert the CSC when pre-defined key words or phrases are identified. VDOT
requires the social media monitoring tool be fully integrated with the CSC System 2.0.
VDOT welcomes Offeror recommendations for additional, value-added uses of the social
media tool not specifically required in this RFP document.
Mobile Technology Management
Offerors’ proposed solutions shall provide a CSC System 2.0 capable of interfacing and
exchanging data with a mobile application. The mobile application will be required to
function in the Apple iOS and Android operating systems.
The primary purpose of the mobile application will be to facilitate the remote capture and
submission of service requests by customers – anywhere, anytime. To support this
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purpose the mobile application will require a simple service request submission form, the
capability to attach photographs to the service request submission form, the capability to
attach files (e.g., documents and e-mails) to the service request submission form, and the
capability to enable users to securely access personal customer accounts. To help ensure
VDOT receives the most accurate location information related to a service request, the
mobile application will capture and transmit to the CSC System 2.0 the customer’s
latitude and longitude coordinates.
The mobile application must be designed in accordance with VITA mobile application
standards located at:
Additionally, the web-based, customer-facing components of the solution (i.e. the
Customer Self-Service Portal) shall be designed with mobile web browsing functionality
such that customers may access the self-service portal through web-enabled mobile
devices. Solution components designed with mobile web browsing functionality must
The diagram in Figure 5 below provides an illustration of the business architecture VDOT
envisions for supporting customer service operations in the CSC going forward. Offerors’
proposed approaches to the CSC System 2.0 design and implementation should support and,
where possible, enhance VDOT’s envisioned business architecture.
Verizon IVR
CSC Telephony System
CSC System 2.0 &
Supporting Systems
CSC System 2.0
COV MPLS Network
Interfaces with
Other VDOT
Skill Group 1
Skill Group 2
Skill Group 4
Skill Group 3
Integrated Agent
Virtual Agents
Self-Service Portal
IVR / Web Call-Back
Skill Group 5
Service Request Mgmt
E-mail Mgmt
Mobile App
Dedicated Private
VDOT Network
Text Mgmt
Skill Group 6
Subscription Services
Web Chat
Customer Data
Social Media Mgmt
COV MPLS Network
Figure 5 – VDOT Customer Service Business Architecture
External Network(s)
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The objective of project planning activities is for the Contractor and the Department to create the
overarching planning documentation for the Project. Offerors shall submit the core planning
deliverables as specified in Section IV.G. – Project Management Approach. The Contractor
shall be prepared to perform project management, solution design, and testing activities in
Richmond, Salem and Fairfax Virginia, as required by the approved Project plan.
1. Project management shall be an on-going task for the duration of the Project. Offerors
should propose a Project Manager with Project Management Professional (PMP)
certification. The Project Manager will have overall responsibility for the successful delivery
of the Project and will represent the Contractor on a day-to-day basis. The Project Manager
must be a full-time employee of the Contractor. The Contractor shall manage the Project in
accordance with a Project Management Plan approved by VDOT.
2. Offerors’ project management approach shall be in compliance with Project Management
Institute’s (PMI) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) standards for project
3. The Contractor’s Project Manager must maintain regular communications with the VDOT
Contract Administrator or designee.
4. The Contractor shall actively manage subcontractor performance to ensure it meets project
requirements. The Contractor shall coordinate with the VDOT Contract Administrator or
designee regarding activities performed by VDOT staff or other State staff.
5. The Project Manager’s name, e-mail address, and phone number shall be provided to VDOT
in the Offeror's Proposal.
6. Contractor Project Management Responsibilities:
a. Develop and maintain a Project Management Plan (PMP).
b. Manage and direct Contractor staff to execute the Project Management Plan and develop
project deliverables.
c. Manage the project in accordance with the approved project schedule.
d. Revise the Project Management Plan, project schedule and all other project management
materials as authorized through the change control process.
e. At the direction of the Department, develop project management administrative templates
for use throughout the Project.
f. Prepare and submit weekly project status reports.
g. Participate in weekly project status meetings.
h. Participate in Executive Steering Committee meetings.
i. Prepare and distribute the minutes of all meetings led by the Contractor.
j. Facilitate project-related meetings as necessary to fulfill responsibilities as specified in
this RFP.
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k. Identify risks, issues, and opportunities and participate in risk and issue meetings.
l. Identify any scope issues and participate in scope management meetings.
m. Ensure adherence to the project management standards and guidelines as established in
cooperation with the Department.
n. Ensure deliverables conform to VDOT standards provided in Section VII.A – Project
o. Establish communication procedures with input of all project participants and
p. Prepare formal reports and presentations to support project meetings.
q. Participate and cooperate in project audits, reviews, and independent verification and
validation activities as required.
7. VDOT Project Management Responsibilities:
a. Work with the Contractor to develop or approve project management administrative
b. Define reporting structures between various participants in the Project (project
c. Monitor the availability and participation of Department staff.
d. Facilitate the timely resolution of issues.
e. Review and, if appropriate, approve the resolution of escalated risks, issues, and
f. Review and, if appropriate, approve schedule updates and other changes to the Project
Management Plan.
g. Participate in the change control process.
h. Review and approve project status reports.
i. Negotiate changes of scope when and if new regulations or requirements require revised
or additional functionality.
j. Coordinate with stakeholders to prepare for the implementation of the proposed CSC
k. Coordinate the independent verification and validation with the Contractor to evaluate
and incorporate report recommendations into the Project plans.
l. Support the Contractor by providing information needed to satisfy internal Department
inquiries or reviews in a timely manner.
1. Offerors shall develop a Risk Management Plan as part of the Project Management Plan and
participate in risk management activities in accordance with the developed plan and the
Department’s risk management standards.
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2. Offerors shall develop a list of risks associated with this Project, describe each risk event,
evaluate the impact and likelihood of each risk occurring in both quantitative and qualitative
terms, prioritize risks, plan risk mitigation, and monitor risk status. During risk analysis, the
Offeror must address all aspects of the Project (e.g., system development, system interfaces,
data conversion, data integrity, operational transition, testing, training, organizational change,
disaster recovery, system security, and data security).
3. Contractor Risk Management Responsibilities:
a. Develop a Risk Management Plan for the Project.
b. Identify risks and maintain risk log for all identified risks.
c. Conduct quantitative and qualitative risk analysis including impacts to resources,
schedule, budget, and quality.
d. Plan risk mitigation strategies for high probability risks.
e. Plan and implement strategies to address findings of the independent verification and
validation, and audit reports.
f. Monitor risks.
g. Plan and facilitate risk meetings.
4. VDOT Risk Management Responsibilities
a. Review and approve the Risk Management Plan.
b. Assist with quantitative and qualitative risk analysis.
c. Assist with the development of risk mitigation strategies for high probability risks.
d. Assist with the development of strategies to address findings in independent verification
and validation, and audit reports.
e. Monitor risks.
f. Participate in risk meetings.
1. Offerors shall develop a list of issues associated with this Project, describe each issue,
evaluate the impact of each issue, prioritize issues, plan issue resolution (action items), and
monitor issue status. Offerors shall develop an Issue Management Plan.
2. Contractor Issue Management Responsibilities:
a. Create an Issue Management Plan.
b. Identify issues and maintain the issue log for all identified issues.
c. Analyze and prioritize issues including impacts to resources, schedule, budget, and
d. Work to resolve issues.
e. Monitor issues.
f. Report issues to the VDOT Contract Administrator or designee.
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g. Revise deliverables, as necessary, to address issues.
3. VDOT Issue Management Responsibilities:
a. Review and approve the Issues Management Plan.
b. Identify issues.
c. Assist with prioritizing issues.
d. Assist with the resolution of issues.
e. Monitor issues.
1. Quality management must be ongoing for the duration of the Contract. Quality controls must
be built into every stage of the Project by the Contractor, subject to the approval of the
VDOT Contract Administrator or designee. Systematic approaches for planning, scheduling,
comparing deliverables to their requirements, problem reporting and obtaining acceptance
are critical to ensuring that the dependent phases of the Project remain on schedule.
2. The Contractor shall implement a quality management program to ensure high quality,
reliable deliverables in accordance with the VDOT-approved Project Management Plan. The
Quality Management Plan should be used as the guideline for quality management ensuring
quality in the delivered CSC System as well as with the execution of the Project. Quality
management activities must include software design and code reviews, review of system
testing, problem identification and tracking, corrective action review, and documentation
3. Every deliverable must go through the Contractor’s internal quality assurance process before
submission to VDOT. The Contractor shall maintain records of results from internal quality
assurance. The internal quality assurance logs must be made available to the Agency upon
4. Contractor Quality Management Responsibilities
a. Develop an overall Quality Management Plan as a section of the Project Management
b. Develop quality assurance standards for the associated deliverable expectation document
for each project deliverable.
c. With each deliverable, provide a narrative description of quality assurance measures
applied to the deliverable.
d. Provide project information required for quality assurance monitoring to the VDOT
Contract Administrator or designee.
e. Develop quality assurance review reports resulting from quality management activities.
f. Provide plans, staffing, and schedules for addressing any deficiencies identified through
the quality management process.
5. VDOT Quality Management Responsibilities
a. Review and approve the Contractor’s quality plan and quality assurance deliverable
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b. Review and approve plans and schedules for addressing identified deficiencies.
c. Review and approve project deliverables as conforming to project quality standards.
d. Communicate the findings of the independent verification and validation project reviews
and assist in the development of a plan and schedule for addressing the deficiencies
identified during the quality assurance process.
1. The Offeror shall document how software changes will be controlled and managed, how the
system hardware and software configuration will be maintained and controlled, and how
proposed hardware and software changes will be tracked, approved, and implemented. The
Offeror’s configuration control process must address all configurable items (e.g., hardware,
software, and documents such as work products, deliverables and meeting minutes).
2. The Contractor’s configuration control process must adhere to VDOT’s IT Change
Management requirements, which include:
a. Submission of all change requests through VDOT’s Electronic Change Management
System (ECMS).
b. Documentation of desired change(s).
c. Completion and documentation of 508 compliance certification testing.
d. Completion and documentation of system stress testing.
e. Demonstration and approval of desired changes by VDOT’s IT Director.
f. Submission of the Data Dictionary, Data Schema, and Metadata.
g. Submission of an Operations Manual to include, at a minimum:
Description of the system including business purpose, history, development tools,
number of users, etc.
URLs, CNAMES, ARECORDs and Service Accounts
System installation instructions
Description of system security (ex: password, Active Directory, etc.)
Backup and recovery procedures
Operational requirements
3. Contractor Configuration Management Responsibilities
a. Develop a Configuration Management Plan as a section of the Project Management Plan.
b. Establish an effective configuration control system and process in collaboration with the
VDOT Contract Administrator or designee.
c. Identify, classify, and document the project’s configuration items. Collaborate with the
VDOT Contract Administrator or designee on the identification of configuration items
pertinent to the proposed solution.
d. Baseline all configuration items in collaboration with the VDOT Contract Administrator
or designee.
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e. Plan and conduct the promotion and versioning of configuration items in collaboration
with the VDOT Contract Administrator or designee.
f. Plan and conduct the release and delivery of configuration items and related
documentation in collaboration with the VDOT Contract Administrator or designee.
g. Provide project documents and formal deliverables to the CSC System 2.0 project
management team for review and storage in the project’s document management system,
MS SharePoint 2010.
h. Plan, schedule, direct and conduct audits of configuration items in collaboration with the
VDOT Contract Administrator or designee.
4. VDOT Configuration Management Responsibilities
a. Review and approve the Contractor’s configuration management plan.
b. Collaborate with the Contractor’s team on all configuration management processes.
c. Review and approve plans and schedules for release and delivery of configuration items.
d. Provide a MS SharePoint 2010 repository for document-related deliverables.
1. Effective organizational change management is a critical success factor for the Project.
Critical components of organizational change management that are the responsibility of the
Contractor are a communications plan, the end user training program, and a user support
2. The Offeror shall provide a project communications strategy documented in a
Communications Management Plan.
3. Contractor Communications Responsibilities
a. Conduct stakeholder analysis and organizational assessment for identifying and
confirming project communications needs.
b. Develop a Communications Management Plan as part of the Project Management Plan.
c. Establish appropriate communication channels with the Department’s CSC stakeholders
responsible for core customer service business processes.
d. Report issues related to the Project that concern the Stakeholders, to the VDOT Contract
Administrator or designee.
e. Conduct implementation readiness evaluations.
f. Provide project documents and formal deliverables to the VDOT Contract Administrator
or designee for review and storage in the project’s document management system, MS
SharePoint 2010.
4. VDOT Communications Responsibilities
a. Lead the development and execution of an overall organizational Change Management
Plan. The Contractor’s communications responsibilities are a subset of the broader work
of organizational change management.
b. Participate in change management personnel planning.
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c. Review and approve all project communications deliverables.
1. The Offeror’s proposed staff and organization must be sufficient to provide the required
services throughout the Contract. Proposed individuals’ skill levels should be consistent with
the Contractor’s proposed solution and services. Proposed staff résumés must be provided
and must reflect experience with technologies and project(s) of similar size and complexity
utilizing the software products being proposed and must reflect the abilities for the proposed
task assignments. VDOT reserves the right to reject any proposed team members throughout
the duration of the Project.
2. The Contractor shall staff the Project with key personnel identified in their response, which
are considered by VDOT to be essential to this Project. The Contractor shall notify and
obtain written approval from the VDOT Contract Administrator or designee of any proposed
personnel substitution.
Written justification should include documentation of the
circumstances requiring the change and sufficient detail to permit evaluation of the
qualifications and impact to the Project. VDOT, at its discretion, may agree to accept
personnel of equal or superior qualifications in the event that circumstances necessitate the
replacement of previously assigned personnel.
3. The Contractor shall submit RFP Attachment E – Subcontractor Approval Request to the
VDOT Contract Officer if there is a change in subcontractors during the contract period. No
portion of the work shall be subcontracted without prior written consent of VDOT. In the
event that the Contractor desires to subcontract some part of the work specified herein, the
Contractor shall furnish to VDOT the names, qualifications and experience of their proposed
1. The Contractor shall work closely with the Department to conduct system design and
implementation efforts according to defined systems development life cycle (SDLC)
activities. SDLC activities that will be core to the CSC System 2.0 project include:
a. Requirements Validation
b. Functional Design
c. Technical Design
d. Data Conversion
e. Interface Definition
f. Code and Unit Testing
g. System Integration Testing
h. User Acceptance Testing
i. Installation and Implementation
j. Production Pilot
k. Training
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l. Maintenance and Operations – CSC System 2.0 Computer Components
m. Maintenance and Operations – CSC System 2.0Avaya Telephony Components
n. Warranty Support
2. The information contained in Section IV.O. – System Development life Cycle Details on the
following pages provide additional details regarding SDLC activities, including:
a. The descriptions and delineation of responsibilities between VDOT and the Contractor
for conducting key SDLC activities.
b. Deliverables the Contractor must complete and submit to VDOT in connection with key
SDLC activities.
1. Requirements Validation
a. Objective: Contractor shall validate the requirements provided in the RFP with various
system stakeholders and elaborate those requirements to generate specific, functional, and
technical/non-functional requirements.
b. Contractor Responsibilities:
Provide a defined methodology to validate and maintain requirements including the
process of how requirement validation sessions will be conducted.
Ensure that the Contractor’s functional and technical experts are on-site during the
requirement validation sessions to address and answer any questions.
Provide agenda for each requirement validation session at least three (3) days in
advance to the participants.
Conduct and document requirement validation sessions.
Provide report of each requirement validation session, including but not limited to:
issues addressed, decisions made, and business rules linked to the requirements,
workflows, forms, etc. within three (3) days of conclusion of requirement validation
Gain the necessary understanding of the Agency’s processes, requirements, and data.
Identify any gaps between current and future processes.
Prepare the requirements validation deliverable.
Revise deliverables as a result of the review and approval process.
Document issues and decisions in the requirements sessions.
c. VDOT Responsibilities:
Review and approve requirements validation schedule or return to the Contractor with
instructions regarding revisions within ten (10) days of receipt.
Assist with the coordination and scheduling of requirements validation sessions.
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Review and approve all requirements validation deliverables.
Provide the Contractor with comments and revisions to system requirements
specification document.
Provide subject matter experts to clarify the Department’s business processes.
Provide policy, regulation, forms, and procedural reference material and
interpretations as needed.
Provide leadership in coordinating efforts with CSC stakeholders for requirements
d. Deliverables:
Requirements Validation Document
Software Requirements Specification Document
Requirements Traceability Matrix
2. Functional Design
a. Objective: Create a visual representation of the system to be built. This phase transforms
the detailed, defined requirements into complete, detailed functional specifications that
document each form, screen, and report within the system in order to guide the work of
the Technical Design Phase.
b. Contractor Responsibilities:
i. Prepare the functional system design deliverables.
ii. Validate needs through prototyping of forms/screens, menu navigation, and business
iii. Conduct a walk-through of the functional system design.
iv. Revise deliverables and functional system design as a result of the review and approval
c. VDOT Responsibilities:
i. Review and approve the functional system design.
ii. Provide policies, regulations, laws, forms, and procedural reference material and
interpretations of such material as needed.
d. Deliverables:
i. Conceptual System Design Document
ii. Functional System Design Document
iii. Functional System Design Issues Log
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3. Technical Design
a. Objective: Convert the functional design specifications into technical specifications for
programmers to begin coding and unit testing.
b. Contractor Responsibilities:
i. Prepare the technical system design deliverables.
ii. Create and refine the database design.
iii. Document technical system design issues and decisions in the deliverables.
iv. Conduct a walk-through of the deliverables.
v. Revise deliverables as a result of the review process.
c. VDOT Responsibilities:
i. Review and approve the technical system design deliverables.
ii. Provide policy, regulation, forms, and procedural reference material and interpretations
as needed.
d. Deliverables:
i. Technical System Design Document
ii. Updated Requirements Traceability Matrix
iii. Technical System Design Issues Log
4. Data Conversion
a. Objective: Plan, coordinate, execute and monitor all data conversion activities to ensure
required data is accessible to the system as designed.
b. Contractor Responsibilities:
i. Develop a comprehensive data conversion plan.
ii. Develop data conversion specification documents for users and support staff.
iii. Develop data conversion schedule.
iv. Develop data conversion routines.
v. Conduct full mock data conversion.
vi. Produce reports of likely duplicate entities/records.
vii. Develop and run legacy system downloads to feed to the data conversion routines.
viii. Develop and test the data conversion routines.
ix. Develop and test automated data cleanup routines.
x. Run data conversion software for unit test, integration test, system test, performance
test, stress test, and acceptance test.
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xi. Test data conversion software in accordance with the implementation and roll out
xii. Run data conversion software in accordance with the implementation and roll out
strategy, converting all data to the production system.
xiii. Determine with VDOT staff assistance the legacy system source data fields and the
proposed solution target data fields for all legacy system data elements.
xiv. Document legacy system coded fields, combinations of codes, and history of changes
to codes.
xv. Identify missing data (i.e., data needed by the proposed solution but unavailable from
existing systems).
xvi. Recommend procedures for handling missing data, data exceptions, and default values.
xvii. Recommend the method for combining duplicate entities/records into one record.
xviii. Develop data conversion migration test reports.
c. VDOT Responsibilities:
i. Review and approve data conversion plan.
ii. Provide support to enable the Contractor’s staff to write and execute data extract
programs for legacy systems.
iii. Approve procedures for handling missing data, data exceptions, and default values.
iv. Approve the conditions when two or more records are to be combined as one record.
v. Approve the proposed method to combine multiple records into one record.
vi. Approve the proposed method to divide a record into multiple records.
vii. Determine the level of manual effort and provide the staff needed.
viii. Verify correctness of data conversion routines.
ix. Perform manual data cleanup (if any).
x. Perform manual data entry (if any).
xi. Assist with manual entity merges (if any).
xii. Review and approve data conversion design deliverables.
xiii. Approve the data conversion process as complete.
xiv. Complete review of data conversion test results.
xv. Complete review of mock data conversion results.
d. Deliverables:
Data Conversion Plan
Data Conversion Specification Document
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5. Interface Definition
a. Objective: Describe each interface in detail. Specify purpose, format, content, frequency,
and processing for each interface transaction.
b. Contractor Responsibilities:
Provide documentation on interfaces specifying purpose, format, content,
frequency and processing for each interface transaction.
Provide meeting minutes of each interface session, including issues addressed and
decisions made.
Prepare the interface deliverables.
Revise deliverables as a result of the review and approval process.
c. VDOT Responsibilities:
Work with the Contractor to develop the prioritized scope of interfaces to be
Assist the Contractor in facilitation of activities with external agencies.
Provide a memorandum of understanding with each agency prior to development
of the interface.
Review and approve interface deliverables.
Provide subject matter experts to clarify interface issues.
Provide policy, regulation, forms, and procedural reference material and
interpretations as needed.
vii. Provide leadership in coordinating efforts with CSC stakeholders for interface
d. Deliverables:
System Interfaces Requirements Specification Document
6. Code and Unit Testing
a. Objective: Convert the deliverables of the Design Phase into a complete information
system. Develop the software and test each programmed unit code independent of the
other programs.
b. Contractor Responsibilities:
Implement a defect tracking and reporting system.
Provide VDOT with direct access to the defect tracking and reporting system.
Document, analyze and classify System Investigation Requests (SIRs).
Create new or modified objects.
Code new or modified programs.
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Create unit test cases, test data and test environment.
vii. Design and perform unit testing.
viii. Report unit test results.
Prepare code and unit test deliverables.
Revise deliverables as a result of the review and approval process.
Load new or modified code into VDOT’s Team Foundation Server (TFS) on a
daily basis.
c. VDOT Responsibilities:
Review system objects for conformance with software development and
documentation standards.
Provide clarification of requirements and design option decisions.
Monitoring of integration and stress testing.
Review and approve the code and unit test deliverables.
d. Deliverables:
Development and Testing Guidelines
e. Important Note Regarding Development Activities:
VDOT recognizes that it is not practical for all system development activities to
be conducted in VDOT facilities. Therefore, VDOT will permit Contractor
development activities to be conducted anywhere within the borders of the United
States. However, VDOT requires that all development work be conducted in the
VDOT development environment, which is located on the COV MPLS network,
and which has specific authentication requirements. Generally, as a matter of
policy, the COV does not permit non-COV assets from connecting to the COV
MPLS network. Therefore, COV computers may be required for all project
resources, regardless of location. VDOT will work with the selected Contractor
during contract negotiations to define an approach to ensure development
activities can be done remotely while satisfying COV security requirements.
7. System Integration Testing
a. Objective: Prove that the completely developed system satisfies the validated
requirements. The system will be tested to ensure that each program interacts with other
program(s) appropriately to yield the desired result. Other tests such as stress testing,
performance testing, usability testing shall also be conducted during this phase.
b. Contractor Responsibilities:
Integration testing to confirm that assembled units, modules, and COTS
application modules operate effectively together and to ensure that functional
objectives are being achieved;
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Interface testing to exercise every interface and confirm that each interface
operates according to the interface technical design specifications including
interfaces to COTS packages;
System testing to exercise the assembled system and confirm that it operates as
expected including all system security and user profiles;
Stress testing to exercise the system to the limits of its requirements and beyond
those limits to confirm graceful failure including COTS packages;
Performance testing to confirm satisfaction of performance requirements in a
simulated test environment;
Usability testing to evaluate the man-machine interface and the web browser
interface; and
vii. Regression testing to verify core application functionality for all software builds.
viii. The Contractor shall track status of test planning and test conduct and report on
this status in status meetings and status reports The Contractor shall provide to the
Agency test plans and test results for each of the above tests. The Agency
reserves the right to participate in any testing activity.
c. VDOT Responsibilities:
Review and approve the system integration testing deliverables.
Review and approve the Contractor’s integration test result documentation.
Review and approve the Contractor’s interface test result documentation.
Review and approve the Contractor’s system test result documentation.
Review and approve the Contractor’s stress test result documentation.
Review and approve the Contractor’s performance test result documentation.
vii. Review and approve the Contractor’s usability test result documentation.
d. Deliverables:
System Integration Testing Documentation
8. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
a. Objective: Test the entire system functionality and ensure that all requirements are met
as per the agreed upon design. Verify the following:
Adherence to all requirements and design documentation;
Documentation of any defects existing in the software;
Full installation of the application software;
Conversion of legacy data;
Completeness and accuracy of system documentation;
Response time and overall system performance;
vii. System hardware, software, and telecommunications performance;
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viii. System, data, and application security; and
Accuracy/performance of system interfaces.
b. Contractor Responsibilities:
Develop all user acceptance testing deliverables.
Establish the application in the acceptance test environment.
iii. Configure the system to the most current production version of all underlying
software, tools, and databases, unless the Agency agrees to an exception.
iv. Supply training needed for acceptance test.
Create acceptance test data and files needed for initial testing as well as for retesting (if any).
vi. Generate acceptance test plan, test scenarios, and test result logs.
vii. Update requirements traceability matrix to reflect the relationship between
requirements and planned acceptance tests.
viii. Provide support during acceptance test.
ix. Document and correct issues.
Develop acceptance test analysis reports.
c. VDOT Responsibilities:
i. Review and approve acceptance test plan.
ii. Arrange for acceptance test staff availability.
iii. Execute acceptance test plan.
iv. Provide support during acceptance test.
v. Review and approve documentation and correction of issues.
vi. Review and approve acceptance test analysis reports.
vii. Review and approve acceptance test deliverables.
d. Deliverables:
i. UAT Environment
ii. Install Application in UAT Environment
iii. UAT Documents (test cases, test scripts, test data and test files)
iv. Updated Requirements Traceability Matrix
v. UAT Issues Log
9. Installation and Implementation
a. Objective: Conduct the installation of all system components.
b. Contractor Responsibilities:
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i. Develop an infrastructure plan based on a validated server sizing study.
ii. Complete implementation deliverables.
iii. Revise deliverables as a result of the review and approval process.
iv. Work with Agency resources for planning and coordination for installation of all
hardware and software supporting the proposed CSC solution.
v. Deploy the proposed CSC solution to all locations as required by the
infrastructure design.
vi. Provide on-site support at each location during the implementation.
vii. Conduct all hardware and software installations.
c. VDOT Responsibilities:
i. Review and approve the installation and implementation deliverables.
ii. Assist the Contractor in planning, coordination and execution of hardware and
software installations.
iii. Provide a physical location where the servers will be installed (if needed).
d. Deliverables:
i. Hardware Specifications Document
ii. Hardware Installation Plan (if needed)
iii. Software Specifications Document
iv. Software Installation and Promotion Plan
v. Software Configuration Manual
10. Production Pilot
a. Objective: Certify that the solution is ready for statewide implementation.
production pilot shall test and confirm:
All functional aspects of the system.
Operability and stability of software.
iii. Accuracy of conversion of legacy data and manual data.
iv. Impact of missing and erroneous data.
Completeness and accuracy of system documentation.
vi. Impact on workflow and staff productivity.
vii. Response time and overall system performance.
viii. System hardware, software and telecommunications performance.
ix. Accuracy of system, data and application security.
Accuracy and performance of system interfaces.
xi. Inclusion of on-line and/or batch reports relevant to new functionality.
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xii. Ad hoc access to any new data.
xiii. Remote internal user access (test VPN).
b. Contractor Responsibilities:
i. Prepare pilot planning and implementation deliverables.
ii. Define an approach for managing and reconciling the entry of live data in both the
current production system and the new CSC solution during the Production Pilot.
iii. Revise deliverables as a result of the review process.
iv. Deploy the proposed CSC solution production pilot.
v. Provide on-site support at the production pilot sites.
c. VDOT Responsibilities:
i. Review and approve pilot test plan.
ii. Select pilot test sites.
iii. Execute pilot test plan.
iv. Review and approve the Contractor’s pilot test analysis report.
d. Deliverables:
i. Production Pilot Plan
ii. Production Pilot Operations Report
11. Training
a. Objective: Confirm all system users receive role-based training to ensure they have the
knowledge and skills necessary to effectively employ the new application and supporting
b. Contractor Responsibilities:
i. Develop all training deliverables.
ii. Functional end-users – This target group involves supervisors, specialists, and
support staff.
iii. Develop and deliver all core module training.
iv. Test training participants to ensure that expected proficiency levels are achieved.
v. Super users – This target audience includes functional and technical analysts,
trainers, key Agency staff, and other staff as identified by the Agency.
vi. Customer service / help desk / user support specialists - The Contractor will develop
and implement a customer service, help desk and user support specialist training
program that ensures designated staff members are capable of providing effective
help desk and user support services. The training for help desk/user support staff
members must cover all core module training plus the following knowledge and
skill areas:
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1. Application security and access controls
2. Software maintenance
3. Reporting, ad hoc querying, and data warehousing
vii. Technical Support – The Contractor shall develop a training program for technical
support. The training must cover all core module training plus the following
knowledge and skill areas:
1. Knowledge of the proposed CSC solution application architecture
2. The proposed CSC solution web services
3. Firewall and network infrastructure support
4. Application security and access controls
5. Software maintenance
6. Printing
viii. The Contractor will facilitate knowledge transfer to Agency stakeholders and all
other Project team members concerning all aspects of the functionality, use, and
reporting capability of the proposed CSC solution, as well as the Contractor’s
approach to planning, analysis, design, construction, configuration, and
implementation of the proposed CSC solution application software.
ix. The Contractor must incorporate a mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of the
training and ensure user competency into the training program. The evaluation
method must be based on an industry standard assessment. If this evaluation
indicates that the training is inadequate, the Contractor must revise the training
program and training materials to improve the training.
c. VDOT Responsibilities:
i. Develop and deliver training related to operational procedures and policy changes as
a result of the proposed CSC solution implementation. The delivery mechanism for
this training may be instructor led, and the Contractor will be expected to provide
resources with expertise in the customer service area and the proposed CSC solution
functionality to participate during the Department’s procedure training to answer any
questions related to the functionality of the proposed CSC solution.
ii. Work closely with the Contractor regarding planning, monitoring, and delivery of
iii. Assign a training team leader from the Department’s project team.
iv. Monitor all training provided by the Contractor.
v. Review evaluation forms and provide feedback on training design and delivery
throughout the implementation training period.
vi. Provide training facilities, as required.
vii. The Department is responsible for scheduling the training class dates, reserving
classrooms, providing in-class liaison staff, scheduling attendees, and providing
logistical support.
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d. Deliverables:
i. Training Plan and Schedule
ii. Role Based Training Materials
iii. Training Sessions
12. Maintenance and Operations – CSC System 2.0 Computer Components
a. Objective: Ensure the system achieves and maintains stability in order to support
operational needs. Ensure the system remains up-to-date and operates as designed.
b. Contractor Responsibilities:
i. Prepare operations and maintenance deliverables.
ii. Revise deliverables as a result of the review and approval process.
iii. Correct reported deviations to approved designs in the CSC solution including all
levels of retesting and making all the corresponding documentation changes.
iv. Lead the prioritization of maintenance updates.
v. Develop, test and install maintenance updates.
vi. Evaluate impact of software upgrades on the CSC solution.
vii. Keep all software licenses current and active.
viii. Provide maintenance of COTS software packages.
ix. Provide help desk support.
x. Provide on-site support (if required).
c. VDOT Responsibilities:
i. Review and approve operations and maintenance deliverables.
ii. Review and approve post warranty work.
iii. Assist with prioritization of maintenance updates.
d. Deliverables:
i. System Maintenance and Operations Plan, to include:
ii. Operator support
iii. System administration
iv. Database administration
v. Problem troubleshooting and coordination
vi. Preventive maintenance and repair
vii. Help desk services
viii. Monthly Operations Report
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ix. Operations and Maintenance Transition Plan
13. Maintenance and Operations – CSC System 2.0 Avaya Telephony Components
a. Objective: Ensure the system achieves and maintains stability in order to support
operational needs. Ensure the system remains up-to-date and operates as designed.
b. Contractor Responsibilities
i. Prepare operations and maintenance deliverables.
ii. Revise deliverables as a result of the review and approval process.
iii. Correct reported deviations to approved designs in the Avaya solution including all
levels of retesting and making all the corresponding documentation changes.
iv. Lead the prioritization of maintenance updates.
v. Develop, test and install maintenance updates.
vi. Evaluate impact of software upgrades on the Avaya solution.
vii. Keep all software licenses current and active.
viii. Provide maintenance of Avaya software packages.
ix. Provide help desk support.
x. Provide on-site support (if required).
c. VDOT Responsibilities
i. Review and approve operations and maintenance deliverables.
ii. Review and approve post warranty work.
iii. Assist with prioritization of maintenance updates.
d. Deliverables
i. System Maintenance and Operations Plan, to include:
ii. Operator support
iii. System administration
iv. Database administration
v. Problem troubleshooting and coordination
vi. Preventive maintenance and repair
vii. Help desk services
viii. Monthly Operations Report
ix. Operations and Maintenance Transition Plan
14. Warranty Support
a. Objective: Provide a warranty specifically for the software developed for the CSC
System 2.0, and for integration of all software in the proposed CSC System 2.0, for a
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period of at least 365 calendar days after full operational capability is declared and
the proposed CSC System 2.0 is fully accepted by VDOT. The start and end dates of
the warranty and maintenance periods for the CSC System 2.0 will be driven by the
system implementation schedule and may not align fully with the contract renewal
dates, depending on the user acceptance date of the CSC System 2.0 by VDOT.
b. Contractor Responsibilities
i. Prepare warranty support deliverables.
ii. Revise deliverables as a result of the review and approval process.
iii. Correct reported deviations to approved designs in the CSC System 2.0 including all
levels of retesting and making all the corresponding documentation changes.
iv. Provide standard warranty available with the commercial product (COTS software).
v. Coordinate warranty repair, resolution of warranty issue, testing of warranty
resolution, and installation of warranty repairs.
vi. Continue to follow the Change Control process as defined for any scope changes.
c. VDOT Responsibilities
i. Review and approve warranty support deliverables.
ii. Coordinate with the Contractor to resolve any warranty issues.
d. Deliverables
i. Warranty Support Plan
ii. Warranty Completion Report
1. RFP Response:
a. In order to be considered for selection, Offerors must submit a complete response to this
RFP. The forms furnished in this solicitation must be used when submitting a response.
Forms are to be filled out electronically or in ink, and are to be signed by an authorized
signatory and dated. Offerors shall submit the following response requirements:
b. One (1) signed original (marked “Original”), fifteen (15) copies, each bound in a three (3)
ring binder, and one (1) electronic copy, in an Adobe Acrobat PDF file format, on a
compact disk or flash drive.
c. One (1) readacted version (marked “Redacted”) bound in a three (3) ring binder, and one
(1) electronic copy, in an Adobe Acrobat PDF file format, on a compact disc or flash
drive, if proprietary information is included in Offeror’s Proposal. The redacted version
of the Proposal must have all proprietary and trade secret information deleted from the
document. Section numbers which are redacted should be identified as follows:
Example: Section 3, paragraph B: “Redacted”. The redacted versions of the Proposal
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must be carefully edited, altered, and refined by the Offeror in order to protect and
maintain complete confidentiality of protected information. VDOT will not accept
responsibility for any public disclosure of proprietary information that is a result of
improper redaction by the Offeror.
d. No other distribution of the Proposal shall be made by the Offeror.
2. Proposal Preparation
a. Proposals shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Offeror. All required
information must be submitted. Failure to submit all required information may result in
VDOT requiring prompt submission of missing information and/or giving a lowered
evaluation of the Proposal. Proposals that are substantially incomplete or lack key
information may be rejected by VDOT.
b. Mandatory requirements are those areas required by law or regulation or are such that
they cannot be waived and are not subject to negotiation. The use of “shall” or “must”
indicates a mandatory requirement. As used in this RFP, the terms “must”, “shall”
"should" and “may” identify the criticality of requirements. "Must" and "shall" identify
requirements whose absence will have a major negative impact on the suitability of the
proposed solution. Items labeled as "should" or “may” are highly desirable, although
their absence will not have a large impact and would be useful, but are not necessary.
Depending on the overall response to the RFP, some individual “must” and “shall” items
may not be fully satisfied, but it is the intent to satisfy most, if not all, “must” and “shall”
requirements. The inability of an Offeror to satisfy a "must" or "shall" requirement does
not automatically remove that Offeror from consideration; however, it may seriously
affect the overall rating of the Offeror’s Proposal.
c. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a straightforward,
concise description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of the RFP. Emphasis
should be placed on completeness and clarity of content. The Offeror is responsible for
all costs of Proposal preparation. VDOT will not compensate Offeror for the cost of
Proposal preparation or any activities requested or required of the the Offeror during the
evaluation process whether or not an award is made.
d. Proposals should be organized in the order in which the requirements are presented in the
RFP. All pages of the proposal should be numbered. Each paragraph in the Proposal
should reference the paragraph number of the corresponding section of the RFP. It is also
helpful to cite the paragraph number, subletter, and repeat the text of the requirement as it
appears in the RFP. If a response covers more than one (1) page, the paragraph number
and subletter should be repeated at the top of the next page. The Proposal should contain
a table of contents which cross-references the RFP requirements. Information which the
Offeror desires to present that does not fall within any of the requirements of the RFP
should be inserted at an appropriate place or be attached at the end of the Proposal and
designated as additional material. Proposals that are not organized in this manner risk
elimination from consideration if the evaluators are unable to find where the RFP
requirements are specifically addressed.
e. Each copy of the proposal should be bound or contained in a single volume where
practical (and excluding Tab 6: Appendix 6 – Pricing Schedule). All documentation
submitted with the proposal should be contained in that single volume. It is preferable
that the section, Tab 6: Appendix 6 – Pricing Schedule, original and 15 copies be
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provided in a separate envelope within the proposal package.
requirements include:
Proposal format
(i) 8½ x 11 inch paper size (larger pages are allowed for figures or tables, but they must
be folded into the overall proposal and used sparingly)
(ii) All portions of the Proposal shall be limited to 160 pages (financial information,
attachments, and appendices do not count toward the page limit), with text a
minimum of 10-point font. Text contained in Figures and Tables should also be a
minimum of 10-point font.
Ownership of all data, materials, and documentation originated and prepared for VDOT
pursuant to the RFP shall belong exclusively to VDOT and be subject to public
inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Trade secrets or
proprietary information submitted by an Offeror shall not be subject to public disclosure
under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act provided the Offeror invokes the
protections of Section 2.2-4342F of the Virginia Public Procurement Act, in writing,
either prior to, or upon submission of the data or other materials. The written notice must
specifically identify the data or materials to be protected and state the reasons why
protection is necessary. The proprietary or trade secret material must be identified by
some distinct method such as highlighting or underlining and must indicate only the
specific words, figures, or paragraphs that must constitute trade secret or proprietary
information. The classification of the entire Proposal document, line item prices, and/or
total Proposal prices as proprietary or trade secrets is not acceptable and will result in
rejection of the Proposal. The Offeror must provide with their Proposal a summary of
any proprietary information on the RFP Attachment D – Proprietary/Confidential
Information Summary Form.
3. Oral Presentations
Offerors who submit proposals in response to this RFP may be required to give an Oral
presentation of their proposal to VDOT. This provides an opportunity for the Offeror to
clarify or elaborate on their proposal. VDOT will schedule the time and location of these
presentations if required. Oral presentations are an option of VDOT and may or may not be
Proposals should be as thorough and detailed as possible so that VDOT may properly evaluate
your capabilities to provide the required services. Offerors are required to submit the following
items as their complete Proposal and must adhere to following section Tabs:
TAB 1 – RFP Cover Sheet and Addenda; Attachments D and E; Executive Summary
1. The RFP Cover Sheet -Page 1 and all addenda acknowledgments, if any, must be signed and
filled out as required. An officer or an employee authorized to bind the Offeror to its
provisions and to the provisions of any contract resulting from this RFP must sign the
2. The Offeror shall complete and return a Proprietary/Confidential Information Summary
Form, Attachment D, to specifically indentify data or materials to be protected that the
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Offeror considers trade secrets or proprietary information and not subject to public disclosure
(mark “N/A” or “None” if proposal contains no proprietary information), and a State
Corporation Commission Form, Attachment E;
3. The Offeror’s response shall include a brief Executive Summary demonstrating an
understanding of the project, the problem presented, and the needs specified in this RFP. The
Offeror shall provide a statement indicating any items where the Proposal is not in
compliance with RFP requirements and provide an explanation for why the deviation should
not be viewed detrimentally by VDOT. State if the Proposal complies with all requirements
of the Statement of Needs and your firm accepts the Commonwealth’s General Terms and
Conditions and Special Terms and Conditions without modification or exception. It is the
Offeror’s responsibility to make all partners, subcontractors and/or third-party providers
aware of these requirements. The Offeror shall identify any actual or perceived conflict of
interest of Offeror or any Subcontractor and shall describe in detail the plan to eliminate or
mitigate any identified conflicts of interest. Offeror must address both personal and
organizational conflicts.
The Offeror shall warrant that all personnel assigned to work on this project are free from
any conflict of interest with the Department. Prior to starting work on the Project, all
assigned personnel must pass a criminal history records check and complete a non-disclosure
form (to be provided by VDOT at the time of contract award).
4. The Offeror’s response shall include a Table of Contents and cross-reference table mapping
the Offeror’s response to the RFP requirements. The cross-reference for each section shall
be formatted in a matrix as follows:
a. RFP Page(s) – The RFP page number where the requirement is found.
b. RFP Section – The RFP Section number where the requirement is found.
c. RFP Subject – The subject/topic of the RFP requirement.
d. Response Section Title – The title of the section where the Offeror has responded to the
e. Response Page(s) – The page number in the Offeror’s response where the requirement
response is found.
TAB 2 – Project Management and Governance
The Offeror shall demonstrate its understanding of the Department’s business needs, processes,
and objectives as detailed in this RFP, its attachments and referenced supporting documentation
for the following:
a. Overall Approach – Describe the overall approach for accomplishing the tasks described
in Section IV – STATEMENT OF NEEDS. Include, where appropriate, a description of
how the proposed approach will encourage participation, seek input, and build consensus
among all stakeholders.
b. Project Management – Describe the proposed project management approach and
methodology for managing the CSC System 2.0 project. Explain the benefits and risks
associated with the methodology. Refer to Section IV.F – Project Planning and Section
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IV.G – Project Management Approach. Identify any industry standards incorporated into
the project management approach.
c. Project Schedule – Provide a fully defined, resource loaded and leveled project schedule
with all the tasks and associated effort to deliver the Offoror’s proposed CSC solution.
Identify proposed milestones. The Project schedule should be baselined in accordance
with Project Management Institute (PMI) standards and capable of being used as an
Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) with appropriate performance metrics. Describe the
standard used, if any, for defining the software development and maintenance tasks (e.g.,
ISO 12207).
d. Project Management Plans – Describe the proposed approach and methodology for
project planning including project execution, monitoring, controlling, and closing that
will guide the decision making that occurs throughout the project. Include a definition of
your approach and methodology for each of the project management processes defined in
Section IV.F.6 – Contractor Project Management Responsibilities. Provide an outline of
the proposed Project Management Plan including all sub-components.
TAB 3 – Proposed Solution
The Offeror shall address the following:
a. Solution Overview
Provide a detailed overview of the proposed solution. In order to facilitate the
evaluation of the responses, responses shall be organized to align with the
deployment and the key business and technology functions listed below (refer also to
Phase 1 – Core Functionality
o Telephone Call Handling
o Customer Relationship Management
o Computer Telephony Integration
o Service Request Creation and Management
o Management Reporting
o E-mail and Text Management
o User Interface
Phase 2 – Secondary Functionality
o IVR/Web Call-Back
o Customer Self-Service Portal
o Web Chat Management
o Social Media Management
o Subscription Services Management
o Mobile Technology Management
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Describe a detailed approach for implementing the core system functionality
including an approximate phase 1 timeline for the initial system deployment.
Describe a detailed approach for implementing secondary system functionality in
phases, within 8 – 12 weeks of the initial deployment.
Describe how the proposed solution will enhance VDOT’s flexibility in managing
day-to-day customer service functions.
Describe how customers will interact with the system to obtain VDOT information
and services, with an emphasis on the service request management process.
Describe the proposed approach for working with VDOT and VITA/NG technical
resources to configure CTI such that the interface provides real-time, two-way data
Describe how the proposed solution will support VDOT in logging, submitting, and
tracking customer requests for service.
Describe how various VDOT user groups – as defined by the Offeror – will interact
with the system to perform their activities.
Describe how the proposed solution will enable all users to interact, collaborate and
communicate with each other to achieve the goals and objectives of the CSC.
Describe how the proposed solution will manage and coordinate assignment and
routing of customer interactions to agent skill groups and CSC Agents across
communication channels (e.g. telephone, e-mail, web chat, etc.).
Describe the proposed approach to integrating new CSC System 2.0 customer
accounts with existing 511 customer accounts in support of VDOT’s desire to manage
customer accounts in an integrated manner across all customer-facing platforms.
Describe the proposed approach for working with VDOT staff to create a DEB
Configuration Plan that will ensure the DEB is capable of supporting the specific,
dynamic data needs of the CSC System 2.0.
b. System Development
Describe the proposed system design and development methodology that supports the
requirements of Section IV.O – System Development Life Cycle Details.
Describe the proposed requirements validation approach and methodology for this
project. Refer to Section IV.O.1 – Requirements Validation.
Describe the proposed functional design approach and methodology for this project.
Refer to Section IV.O.2 – Functional Design.
Describe the proposed technical design approach and methodology for this project.
Refer to Section IV.O.3 – Technical Design.
Describe the proposed data conversion approach and methodology for this project.
Refer to Section IV.O.4 – Data Conversion. The data conversion assumptions are to
be used by the Offeror in order to properly size and estimate the data conversion
effort that will be needed. These are high level requirements that are not intended to
provide an exclusive list of all data that will be converted. The complete list will
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depend on the solution selected and the application and database architecture and
Describe the proposed interface design and implementation approach and
methodology for this project. Refer to Section IV.O.5 – Interface Definition.
vii. Describe the proposed code and unit test approach and methodology for this project.
Refer to Section IV.O.6 – Code and Unit Testing.
viii. Describe the proposed location for software development activities (VDOT offices;
Contractor’s offices).
Describe resources Contractor requires from the
Commonwealth of Virginia to perform software development activities. Refer to
Section IV.O.6 – Code and Unit Testing.
Describe the proposed system integration testing approach and methodology for this
project. Refer to Section IV.O.7 – System Integration Testing.
Describe the proposed user acceptance testing approach and methodology for this
project. Refer to Section IV.O.8 – User Acceptance Testing.
Describe the proposed installation and implementation approach and methodology for
this project. Refer to Section IV.O.9 – Installation and Implementation.
xii. Describe the proposed production pilot approach and methodology for this project.
Refer to Section IV.O.10 – Production Pilot.
xiii. Describe the proposed end user training approach and methodology for this project.
Refer to Section IV.O.11 – Training.
xiv. Provide a list and description of all deliverables associated with the proposed CSC
solution. Refer to Sections IV.O.1 – VII.F.14.
Provide a proposed set of service level agreements, in addition to those contained in
Appendix 4 – System Requirements Response Matrix, and Section VII.F – System
Development Life Cycle Details for the Design, Development, and Implementation
and Operations and Maintenance phases of the Project.
Note: The use of staff, resources, facilities, systems, applications, and tools located outside of
the United States is prohibited and shall not be proposed.
c. Technical Description
Provide a description of the general system architecture of the proposed solution,
including the telephony and computer components. Describe the benefits of the
proposed system architecture and how it supports the needs and objectives of the
Provide a detailed description of the technical architecture for the proposed solution,
including the telephony and computer components. Describe the benefits of the
proposed technical architecture and how it supports the needs and objectives of the
Provide a detailed description of the data and information architecture for the
proposed solution. Describe the benefits of the proposed data and information
architecture and how it supports the needs and objectives of the CSC, particularly in
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regards to gathering data from multiple sources and using that data to support
operational reporting needs. Refer to Section IV.C.5 – Management Reporting.
From a technical perspective, describe how the proposed solution will satisfy the
defined CSC System 2.0 functional requirements as specified in Appendix 4 – System
Requirements Response Matrix.
From a technical perspective, describe how the proposed solution will satisfy the
defined CSC System 2.0 technical requirements as specified in the System
Requirements Matrix (Appendix 4 – System Requirements Response Matrix).
If proposing Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) products within the proposed
solution, describe the proposed approach and strategy of handling necessary
configurations to the COTS products to support the requirements without
compromising the architecture or maintenance of the products. It is VDOT’s
preference that, to the extent possible, Offeror’s proposed solutions be based on
COTS products. Offerors proposing solutions based on non-COTS products shall
indicate which COTS products were considered, if any, and why the non-COTS
products are considered more suitable for the proposed VDOT solution.
vii. Describe the reliability, availability, and disaster recovery capabilities of the
telephony and computer components of the proposed solution. (Note: In responding
to this requirement, Offerors should keep in mind that the infrastructure/hardware
components that will support the computer components of the CSC System 2.0 will
be physically located in a VITA/NG data center not accessible to VDOT and
Contractor staff.)
viii. Describe any components of current COV ITRM Policies and Standards (found at to which the Offeror’s
proposed solution will not comply, including details that specify the Standard/Policy
and how the proposed solution will not comply.
Describe the interface strategy for the proposed solution. Refer to Section IV.A.1 –
Data Needs and System Interfaces and to Appendix 2 – Current VDOT and CSC
Technology Components.
Describe how interfaces to Commonwealth systems will comply with or have
approved exceptions to all applicable Commonwealth Data Standards as found at
Provide a detailed list of the hardware required for the proposed CSC solution to
function as intended. If the hardware listed is COTS or Proprietary, the item must be
identified as such. The response, at a minimum, must include descriptions and
optimal configurations for the following (if proposed):
Printers and Peripheral Equipment
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Other Required Hardware for the proposed CSC Solution
Important Note: Hardware purchases for Commonwealth of Virginia technology systems
are generally sourced through the Virginia Information Technologies Agency and Northrop
Grumman Partnership (VITA/NG). It is therefore unlikely that the selected Contractor will
be required to supply hardware components as part of the system implementation.
However, the Contractor shall support VDOT in accurately defining hardware components
necessary for the Contractor’s solution to function optimally. The Contractor shall support
VDOT in identifying necessary hardware components as soon as reasonably possible
following project initiation to ensure there is sufficient lead time for VDOT to procure
hardware components through VITA/NG.
In the event the solution requires COTS or Proprietary hardware components in order to
function optimally, Offeror’s shall clearly indicate such requirements in their responses.
Offerors shall also describe why non-COTS or non-Proprietary hardware components are
not sufficient to support the proposed solution. VDOT will work with the Contractor and
VITA/NG during the negotiations phase to define an approach for purchasing COTS or
Proprietary hardware components as appropriate.
xii. Provide a detailed list of the software required for the proposed CSC solution. If the
software listed is COTS or Proprietary, the item must be identified as such. The
response, at a minimum, must include descriptions for the following (if proposed):
Proposed Application Software
Operating System Software (for both Servers and Workstations)
Network Software
Network Management Software
Data Management Software
System Software Tools
Development Tools
Security and Controls Software
Version Control Software
Business Rule Management Software
Other Required Software for the Proposed Solution
In defining the detailed list of software required for the proposed CSC solution, Offerors
must consider opportunities for incorporating existing VDOT enterprise tools and
software into the proposed system design. See Appendix 2 – Current VDOT and CSC
Technology Components for a list of key business and technical functions and the
enterprise tools VDOT currently uses to support those functions. If Offerors propose
tools or software for specified functions other than what is listed in Appendix 2, a
detailed description shall be provided that clearly demonstrates the benefits and
advantages of the Offeror’s proposed tools or software.
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xiii. Provide recommended specifications for CSC Agent workstations that will ensure
adequate performance of Offeror’s proposed solution. The response must provide, at
a minimum, recommended specifications for the following workstation components:
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Random Access Memory (RAM)
Operating System
Video Card
Hard Drive
Other Recommended Components
d. Warranty, Maintenance, and Operations
Describe the proposed approach for providing warranty, maintenance and operations
services in support of the computer components of the CSC System 2.0. Refer to
Section VII.F.12 – Maintenance and Operations – CSC System 2.0 Computer
Describe the proposed approach for providing warranty, maintenance and operations
services in support of the Avaya Telephony System. Refer to Section VII.F.13 –
Maintenance and Operations – CSC System 2.0 Avaya Telephony Components.
Detail a proposed approach for transferring day-to-day operational management of
the CSC solution (inclusive of computer and telephony components) to VDOT
following implementation.
Describe the skill sets, training, and technologies needed for VDOT staff to provide
day-to-day operational support of the proposed CSC solution (inclusive of computer
and telephony components).
Describe the proposed approach to handling version upgrades during implementation
to ensure the most recently available version(s) of software (for both computer and
telephony components) is used at the time of system deployment.
The Offeror is encouraged to propose Value-Added Services and Solution Innovations:
VDOT prefers to team with a Contractor that proposes a solution that strikes the appropriate
balance between cost and functionality to meet VDOT CSC objectives, requirements and
needs. VDOT intends to acquire an innovative and technically comprehensive CSC System
2.0 Solution, based on defined requirements contained in Appendix 4 – System
Requirements Response Matrix.
Although VDOT has provided a statement of need and mandatory requirements for Offerors,
these are not intended to limit Offerors’ innovations or creativity in preparing a response to
accomplish VDOT’s goals. Responses to this RFP may include recommendations for valueadded services or innovative ideas not specifically required in the RFP document, but which
the Offeror believes will enhance VDOT’s ability to effectively deliver customer service,
efficiently manage request for service, and share information across the VDOT enterprise.
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Offerors that recommend value-added services or innovative ideas beyond specifically
defined requirements shall provide clear rationale for such recommendations and must
clearly state the anticipated quantitative and/or qualitative benefits, as appropriate and
include as an additional section to TAB 6 – Appendix 6 – Pricing Schedule - Additional
The solution is to be scalable, flexible, and expandable to match VDOT’s needs over time.
Offerors that choose to propose innovative solutions that go beyond VDOT’s specific
requirements should leverage their understanding of VDOT’s needs and requirements – as
defined in this RFP document – and their knowledge of customer service best practices.
Offerors may propose additional options as part of their base delivered solution, or as
optional items above and beyond the Offeror’s base pricing that VDOT would acquire by
issuing a task order.
For example, the design and success of the CSC System 2.0 technical solution is dependent
on the existence of a reliable and robust Service Request Management System (SRMS).
VDOT does not currently have specific plans, however, to implement an SRMS, and is
considering multiple alternatives to provide this functionality. Offerors, therefore, may
choose to propose options as part of their proposals for the development of SRMS
requirements and the design and implementation of an SRMS solution.
Additional costs associated with value added services or innovative ideas proposed by the
Offeror and shall be submitted with the TAB 6 - Appendix 6 – Pricing Schedule as an
additional section included. While cost information is required for proposed value-added
services and innovative ideas, they will not be used in deriving each Offeror’s overall cost
score. Rather, proposed value-added services and innovative ideas will be considered based
on their merits and anticipated value to VDOT.
TAB 4 – Company and Team Qualifications
Offeror shall provide the firm’s organization profile, experience with similar projects,
qualifications of personnel who will be assigned to this project, and information concerning
financial viability as follows:
1. Company Profile and Experience
a. Provide the requested information below which will demonstrate the Offeror’s and
Subcontractor(s)’s ability to complete this project. The Offeror's, and any proposed
Subcontractor(s), information shall be shown separately.
The Offeror and its Subcontractor(s) must provide:
Full, legal name.
Federal Employer Identification Number.
Proof of legal entity and authorization to do business with the Commonwealth of
Country and state of incorporation.
Principal place of business.
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Description of the Offeror’s organization, including number of years in business,
subsidiaries, parent corporations, and number of employees.
Company policy of equal employment. (If this policy is lengthy it may be provided as
an attachment to Offeror’s response and will not count against response page
Brief description of the Offeror’s principal type of business and history and what
uniquely qualifies it for this work.
State whether the Offeror has filed for bankruptcy protection in the past five years or
is currently in the process of filing or planning to file for bankruptcy protection or
financial restructuring or refinancing. If so provide court and case numbers as
b. The following specifically apply to the prime Offeror and should be addressed as such:
Provide the names and addresses of all affiliated or related companies, partnerships or
associations (including subcontractor, if any) and a brief description of their
relationship to the Offeror.
If proposing to use any subcontractors for the Project, Offerors shall describe in detail
their experience as a prime contractor in dealing with subcontractors and how they
plan to manage and coordinate any proposed subcontractors.
If proposing to use any sub-contractors for the Project, Offerors shall describe in
detail their previous project experience with each Subcontractor. If this would be the
first joint-venture with the proposed sub-contractor, explain why each was selected
for this project.
Provide detailed descriptions of any and all contracts or agreements that have already
been entered into with a sub-contractor to provide goods or services under any
contract related to this RFP (provide copies of the contract(s) or agreement(s) with
the Subcontractor, signed by an officer representing each party).
2. Past Performance References
a. Submit a minimum of three (3) references for whom your firm has provided similar
services as described in this RFP within the past three (3) years, on the RFP Attachment
A – Offeror Data Sheet. A contact name, address and telephone number must be
provided for each reference.
a. The Offeror must describe its experience in implementing a similar customer service
system(s) in a call center environment as specifically contemplated in this RFP. The
Offeror must also describe other relevant or related work experience. For each
experience provided, Offerors should indicate whether they were the prime contractor or
a Subcontractor and whether they worked in cooperation with a Subcontractor.
b. Offerors must provide a detailed description of any work for the CSC System 2.0 project
that they plan to accomplish through sub-contractors. Offerors must describe the
qualifications and relevant experience of any proposed sub-contractors in relation to the
Subcontractor’s proposed project activities and deliverables.
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c. Offerors must include in their responses a list of contracts, accounts, projects, and/or
engagements that were lost or cancelled in the past three (3) years and the reason(s) the
contracts, accounts, projects, and/or engagements were lost or cancelled.
d. VDOT may consider any information or evidence which comes to its attention that
reflects upon an Offeror’s capability to fully meet the requirements contained in this RFP.
e. VDOT may consider any information or evidence which comes to its attention that
reflects upon an Offeror’s ability to perform at the level of integrity and reliability that
VDOT determines is required to assure performance of the requirements contained in this
3. Personnel Experience and Skills
a. Referenced Offeror experiences should reflect the overall capabilities of the company
and, to the extent possible, should be work that was done by the individuals who will be
assigned to the CSC project. Where applicable, Offerors should clearly note project
experience which includes individuals who will be assigned to this project and their roles
on past projects.
b. The Offeror’s response must provide information demonstrating the Offeror has the
personnel with the experience to provide the products and services requested in this RFP
and its attachments. A concise, but thorough, description of relevant experience for each
individual of the proposed project team is desired. If the Offeror is proposing subcontractors, then the Offeror's and the proposed Subcontractor(s), information shall be
provided separately.
The Offeror and its Subcontractor(s) must provide:
A project organization chart including all the project team members and their role
titles within the project.
A chart depicting staffing levels over the duration of the project.
A table with the following columns, listing for each of the proposed project team
Name – Team member name and role title.
Role – Team member role description and responsibilities.
Duration – Expected timeframe for team member’s role on this project.
Location – Physical location(s) where team member will perform their work for
this project.
Experience – Evidence of team member’s previous experience with similar tasks
on a large scale project.
Tenure – How long the team member has been with the company, or if they are
contract staff.
Résumés of the personnel assigned to work on this project describing their work
experience, education, and training as it relates to the requirements of this RFP.
The Offeror’s Project Manager must be a full-time employee of the Offeror’s
firm, which must be demonstrated on the Project Manager’s résumé.
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A Project Manager that is certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP)
through the Project Management Institute (PMI) is preferred.
Each Offeror should use their own resume template for all team members proposed
for this project. Resumes shall be limited to two (2) pages per individual. For all
resumes submitted for this project, the following disclosures must also be provided:
For all team members describe (1) education, (2) professional certifications, (3)
professional and business affiliations, (4) previous work experience (in general)
and (5) work experience specifically related to this project.
For team members that are contracted individuals or subcontractors, clearly note
the name of their current employer. VDOT reserves the right to request
references for each proposed member of the project team including
4. Offeror Financial Information
The Offeror must demonstrate the financial resources necessary to carry out this Project. The
Offeror shall provide copies of audited financial statements for the two (2) most recent
completed fiscal years or, if audited statements are not available, copies of unaudited
statements and quarterly financial statements for every quarter since the latest audited annual
financial statement, or equivalent financial information. (These statements shall equate to
two fiscal years of financial information.) Financial statement information must include the
a. Opinion letter (auditor’s report)
b. Balance sheet
c. Income statement
d. Calculated Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA)
e. Statement of changes in cash flow, to include:
Clearly indicate payments for debt
Clearly indicate payments for subordinated
Provide calculated cash flow to total debt
f. Footnotes
Important Note: Financial statements and information must be for the Offeror’s firm. If the
Offeror is a subsidiary or division of a parent company or organization, financial statements
must be provided for the Offeror’s company only and not for the parent company. The
Offeror’s name contained in the submitted financial statements must match the Offeror’s
name listed on RFP Cover Sheet (Page 1).
Financial statements must be prepared in English and prepared either in accordance with U.S.
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“U.S. GAAP” or, if prepared in accordance with
principles other than U.S. GAAP, a letter must be provided from a certified public accountant
discussing the areas of the financial statements that would be affected by a conversion to
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TAB 5 – Attachments and Appendices
1. Attachment B – Small Business Subcontracting Plan (submit with Proposal)
The Offeror shall complete and return Attachment B with their response and indicate its
planned utilization of Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE) certified small
businesses under the resulting contract and Offeror’s status as a DMBE certified small
2. RFP Appendices
Offerors are strongly encouraged to review the content of the Appendices listed below.
Some appendices are provided for informational purposes only, while other Appendices
require completion by the Offeror. Offeror’s must include in their response to this RFP
completed Appendices as appropriate.
a. Appendix 3 – Response to Scope of Work Form: (Offeror response is required.)
The Offeror shall complete and submit Appendix 3 – Response to Scope of Work Form,
which enables Offeror’s to propose modifications to the draft SOW language provided in
Section IV.A – Project Scope of this RFP. All proposed modifications are subject to
negotiations and do not imply consent or agreement by VDOT.
b. Appendix 4 – System Requirements Response Matrix: (Offeror response is required.)
The Offeror shall complete and submit Appendix 4 – System Requirements Response
Matrix to demonstrate Offeror’s ability to satisfy the Department’s defined functional and
technical system requirements. The Offeror must provide a response to all requirements
contained in Appendix 4 in the Microsoft Excel response template provided with the
The response shall be submitted electronically as both a Microsoft Excel 2007 (or
later) version and an Adobe Acrobat PDF file format. A printed copy of the System
Requirements Response Matrix should not be included in the Offeror’s response.
The System Requirements Response Matrix template includes the following columns
pre-populated by VDOT:
1. Requirement ID: The identifying number of the requirement.
2. Requirement Type: The group to which the associated requirement relates.
3. Requirement Description: The requirement.
The Offeror shall complete the other four (4) columns (see numbers 1 – 4 below) of
the System Requirements Response Matrix for each individual requirement, which
1. Proposal Page Number: The location in the Offeror’s response where the
requirement fulfillment is documented.
2. Offeror Response: The Offeror’s response to each requirement must be coded
as follows:
0 = Cannot Support Requirement: The business function is not included in
the base product. The base product cannot be configured or customized
software cannot be developed to meet the required functionality.
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1 = Customization Required: The business function requires:
o Customized changes to the base product or software development
apart from the base product’s existing design, process, or structure;
o Customized software to be developed to meet the required
functionality or to integrate with other software products.
2 = Configuration Required: The business function can be met by
configuring the base product. In this context, “configuration” means that
software coding is not required.
3 = Included in Base Product: The business function can be met by
configuring the base product. In this context, “configuration” means that
software coding is not required
Extent of Effort: This field is required if the Offeror’s Response to a
requirement is 1 or 2 (“Customization Required” or “Configuration
Required”). The Extent of Effort must be coded as follows:
Trivial = 8 hours or less
Low = 9 hours to 80 hours
Medium = 81 hours to 240 hours
High = 241 hours and above
Offeror Comments: Offeror’s comments may be recorded in this column. The
Offeror is requested to limit comments to three (3) sentences or less.
c. Appendix 5 – System Requirements Response Summary Form: (Offeror response is
The Offeror shall complete Appendix 5 – System Requirements Response Summary Form
based on their responses in Appendix 4 – System Requirements Response Matrix. The
summary form includes a matrix to be populated with the total count of each Offeror’s
Response as well as the total count of the Extent of Effort responses for Offeror Response
values 1 and 2. The summary counts are provided to give each evaluator a high level
look at how each Offeror's proposed system meets the System Requirements included in
the RFP. Offerors must fill in the totals column based on the Offeror’s responses in
Appendix 4. A sample of the form included as Appendix 5 is provided below.
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Offeror Response
Extent of Effort
0 – Cannot Support Requirement
1 – Customization Required
2 – Configuration Required
3 – Included in Base Product
0 Total
1 Total
2 Total
3 Total
Table 4 – Sample System Requirements Response Summary Form
TAB 6 – Appendix 6 - Pricing Schedule (must be submitted in a separate, sealed envelope)
Each Offeror shall use the forms provided in Appendix 6 – Pricing Schedule to provide a
firm, fixed price for the services requested in this solicitation. Failure to complete any or all
blanks on the forms may result in rejection of the response. An authorized representative of
the Offeror must sign the Appendix 6 – Pricing Schedule.
The Offeror shall not include any references to the Appendix 6 – Pricing Schedule or its
contents in the Proposal. This includes, but is not limited to, costs, fees, prices, rates, profit,
bonuses, discounts, rebates, or the identification of free services, labor, materials, or
licensing fee sharing arrangements.
The costs provided shall include the cost of all services, materials, and expenses necessary
to accomplish the services outlined in this RFP and its attachments and the Offeror’s
response hereto. Footnotes, notations, exceptions, and limitations made to the Appendix 6 –
Pricing Schedule form shall not be considered.
The Offeror must submit a completed and signed Appendix 6 – Pricing Schedule using the
Microsoft Excel response template provided with the RFP. In addition to the signed original
printed version, Appendix 6 – Pricing Schedule shall be submitted as both a Microsoft Excel
2007 (or later) version and an Adobe Acrobat PDF file format.
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Proposals shall be evaluated by VDOT using the following criteria:
Evaluation Criteria
Offeror’s articulation of their project approach, the innovation of the
approach, and the ability of the approach to meet the requirements
contained in this RFP.
 Overall Approach
 Project Management Approach
 Project Management Plans
 Project Schedule
 Approach Innovations
Offeror’s articulation of their solution and the ability of the solution to
meet the requirements of this RFP.
 Solution Overview
 System Development
 Technical Description
 Functional Requirements
 Technical Requirements
 Warranty, Maintenance and Operations
 Solution Innovations
Offeror references and track record working in complex project
environments and implementing similar systems to the one specified
in this RFP. Experience and skills of proposed staff relative to the
proposed approach and solution.
 Company Profile and Experience
 Past Performance References
 Personnel Experience and Skills
 Company Financial Viability
SWAM PARTICIPATION /Small Business Subcontracting Plan
COST (Appendix 6)
Table 5 – RFP Evaluation Criteria
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Selection shall be made of two or more Offerors deemed to be fully qualified and best suited
among those submitting proposals on the basis of the evaluation factors included in the Request
for Proposals, including price, if so stated in the Request for Proposals. Negotiations shall be
conducted with the Offerors so selected. Price shall be considered, but need not be the sole
determining factor. After negotiations have been conducted with each Offeror so selected, the
Department shall select the Offeror which, in its opinion, has made the best proposal, and shall
award the Contract to that Offeror; however, the Contract may be awarded to a reasonably
ranked DMBE-certified small business Offeror, even if this is other than the highest ranking
Offeror. The Commonwealth may cancel this Request for Proposals or reject proposals at any
time prior to an award, and is not required to furnish a statement of the reasons why a particular
proposal was not deemed to be the most advantageous (Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4359D). Should
the Commonwealth determine in writing and in its sole discretion that only one Offeror is fully
qualified, or that one Offeror is clearly more highly qualified than the others under consideration,
a contract may be negotiated and awarded to that Offeror. The award document will be a
contract incorporating by reference all the requirements, terms and conditions of the solicitation
and the Offeror’s proposal as negotiated.
1. The Contractor shall initiate Project activities within two (2) weeks from the notice to
proceed. The VDOT Contract Administrator or designee may choose to corroborate with the
Contractor in order to agree on a firm timeframe to begin Project activities. Such an
agreement shall be in writing. Contractor shall not initiate Project activities without written
instruction from the VDOT Contract Administrator or designee.
2. The Contractor shall prepare, deliver, and maintain progress reports requested by the VDOT
Contract Administrator or designee. A deliverable expectation document (DED) shall be
developed by the Contractor for all required deliverables. The DED shall be submitted to the
VDOT Contract Administrator or designee and approved as part of Project initiation
activities. The DED will include the contents, scope, quality standards, quality assurance
measures, approval process, approval criteria and reviewers.
3. All Project deliverables, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, charts, databases or other
Project artifacts will be provided in a mutually agreed-upon format currently supported by
VDOT. VDOT’s standards include the Microsoft Office Suite 2007, Microsoft Project 2010,
Adobe Acrobat 8.0/9.0, and Visio 2010.
4. The agreed upon format and content of each deliverable shall be documented by the
Contractor and approved by VDOT. Each deliverable shall be submitted in accordance with
the approved Project Management Plan for review and comment by the VDOT Contract
Administrator or designee.
5. Each deliverable shall require review and testing (as appropriate) by VDOT and shall be
deemed accepted only upon formal written approval by VDOT.
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6. The Contractor shall be responsible for the completion of the Project deliverables. The
Contractor shall maintain and update deliverables throughout the Project life cycle and term
of the Contract as required by VDOT.
1. All deliverables require VDOT Contract Administrator or designee approval. If the
Contractor proceeds with subsequent tasks before a deliverable is approved by VDOT, this
work is performed solely at the Contractor’s risk, and VDOT shall not be responsible,
financially or otherwise, for any re-work to the subsequent tasks, however minor or extensive
they may be, that result from changes to the deliverable. VDOT will review and approve or
disapprove each deliverable or revision within ten (10) business days of submission by the
Contractor unless otherwise specified within the Scope of Work.
2. The primary focus of the review of each deliverable will be on its content and presentation,
to determine compliance with the deliverable criteria and the terms and requirements of the
Contract. Each deliverable shall be complete within and of itself and shall be consistent with
any deliverable previously produced. After a deliverable has been approved by VDOT, if
subsequent work invalidates some or all of the deliverable’s content, the Contractor must
update the deliverable and resubmit it. Updated deliverables that were previously approved
by VDOT are also subject to re-approval by VDOT. VDOT and the Contractor will agree
upon an appropriate remedy and/or compensation adjustment, if any, depending upon the
magnitude of the change.
3. Upon approval of a deliverable, the VDOT Contract Administrator or designee will send a
written notice to the Contractor. A copy of the approval notice for each deliverable must be
submitted with the applicable invoice to receive payment. Payment will not be rendered
without the deliverable approval letter(s).
1. The Contractor’s project schedule shall be based on a series of “stage gates” that provide
formal check points between VDOT and the Contractor.
2. Stage gates will be conducted in formal review meetings. The purpose of stage gate review
meetings will be for a comprehensive project health status check, to authorize payment for
the phase (as appropriate), and to authorize the Contractor to proceed to the next project
phase. The Contractor may begin work in a subsequent project phase prior to the stage gate
review only upon the express written authorization of VDOT.
3. If the stage gate is not approved, resolution of any outstanding issues will be managed
through the issue management process and the change control process, as appropriate.
4. Meetings shall be held with the VDOT project management team during project
implementation at sites and dates specified by VDOT. The Contractor shall be responsible
for own lodging, travel, and miscellaneous expenses associated with these meetings.
Each task order will have a written scope, agreed upon budget, and payment terms, and
authorization agreed to by the Contractor and VDOT prior to the Contractor’s starting work.
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Payment will be made under a purchase order. The Contractor will not be compensated for
unauthorized work or cost overruns.
If the Contractor is not a DMBE-certified small business, the Contractor shall provide to VDOT,
documentation that the Contractor has utilized SWaM in accordance with the Offeror’s Proposal
Attachment B – Small Business Subcontracting Plan, Section B, SWaM utilization plan.
Documentation shall be provided quarterly as required by VDOT, using RFP Attachment C –
A mandatory pre-proposal conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. EST on February 27, 2013 at the
VDOT Central Office (Auditorium in the Old Highway Building); 1401 East Broad Street; Richmond,
VA 23219. The purpose of this conference is to allow potential Offerors an opportunity to present
questions and obtain clarification relative to any facet of this solicitation.
Due to the importance of all Offerors having a clear understanding of the specifications/scope of work
and requirements of this solicitation, attendance at this conference will be a prerequisite for submitting
a Proposal. Proposals will only be accepted from those Offerors who are represented at this preproposal conference. Attendance at the conference will be evidenced by the representative’s signature
on the attendance roster. No one will be admitted after 10:10 a.m. EST.
Offerors should bring copies of the RFP document, RFP attachments, RFP appendices and other
supporting materials provided with the solicitation with them to the pre-proposal conference as copies
will not be distributed to conference attendees by VDOT. Any changes resulting from this conference
will be issued in a written addendum to the solicitation.
Attendees should allow enough time to arrive, park, walk and gain entry to the VDOT Central Office
facility to ensure that they arrive prior to the conference start time. Visitors will need to sign-in at the
Security Desk at 1401 E. Broad St. to enter VDOT Central Office facilities.
Prior to admittance to the conference, a photo-ID will have to be checked (example: a valid driver’s
license or a valid passport), and complete and sign a Critical Infrastructure Information/Sensitive
Security Information (CII/SSI) Multi-Purpose Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Offerors are encouraged to submit questions prior to the mandatory pre-proposal conference by the
close of business on February 21, 2013, and may submit multiple groups of questions. Questions
concerning this RFP shall be submitted in writing to Frederick Haasch, Contract Officer, via email
VENDORS MANUAL: This solicitation is subject to the provisions of the Commonwealth of
Virginia Vendors Manual and any changes or revisions thereto, which are hereby incorporated into
this contract in their entirety. The procedure for filing contractual claims is in section 7.19 of the
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Vendors Manual. A copy of the manual is normally available for review at the purchasing office and
is accessible on the Internet at under “Vendors Manual” on the vendors tab.
APPLICABLE LAWS AND COURTS: This solicitation and any resulting contract shall be
governed in all respects by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and any litigation with respect
thereto shall be brought in the courts of the Commonwealth. The agency and the contractor are
encouraged to resolve any issues in controversy arising from the award of the contract or any
contractual dispute using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) procedures (Code of Virginia, § 2.24366). ADR procedures are described in Chapter 9 of the Vendors Manual. The contractor shall
comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations.
ANTI-DISCRIMINATION: By submitting their proposals, Offerors certify to the Commonwealth
that they will conform to the provisions of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, as well
as the Virginia Fair Employment Contracting Act of 1975, as amended, where applicable, the
Virginians With Disabilities Act, the Americans With Disabilities Act and § 2.2-4311 of the Virginia
Public Procurement Act (VPPA). If the award is made to a faith-based organization, the organization
shall not discriminate against any recipient of goods, services, or disbursements made pursuant to the
contract on the basis of the recipient's religion, religious belief, refusal to participate in a religious
practice, or on the basis of race, age, color, gender or national origin and shall be subject to the same
rules as other organizations that contract with public bodies to account for the use of the funds
provided; however, if the faith-based organization segregates public funds into separate accounts, only
the accounts and programs funded with public funds shall be subject to audit by the public body.
(Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4343.1E).
In every contract over $10,000 the provisions in 1. and 2. below applies:
The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of
race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by state law
relating to discrimination in employment, except where there is a bona fide occupational
qualification reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the contractor. The Contractor
agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment,
notices setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause.
The Contractor, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the
Contractor, will state that such contractor is an equal opportunity employer.
Notices, advertisements and solicitations placed in accordance with federal law, rule or regulation
shall be deemed sufficient for the purpose of meeting these requirements.
During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows:
The contractor will include the provisions of 1. above in every subcontract or purchase order over
$10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor.
ETHICS IN PUBLIC CONTRACTING: By submitting their proposals, offerors certify that their
proposals are made without collusion or fraud and that they have not offered or received any
kickbacks or inducements from any other offeror, supplier, manufacturer or subcontractor in
connection with their proposal, and that they have not conferred on any public employee having
official responsibility for this procurement transaction any payment, loan, subscription, advance,
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deposit of money, services or anything of more than nominal value, present or promised, unless
consideration of substantially equal or greater value was exchanged.
IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT OF 1986: By entering into a written contract
with the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Contractor certifies that the Contractor does not, and shall not
during the performance of the contract for goods and services in the Commonwealth, knowingly
employ an unauthorized alien as defined in the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
DEBARMENT STATUS: By submitting their proposals, Offerors certify that they are not currently
debarred by the Commonwealth of Virginia from submitting bids or proposals on contracts for the
type of goods and/or services covered by this solicitation, nor are they an agent of any person or entity
that is currently so debarred.
ANTITRUST: By entering into a contract, the contractor conveys, sells, assigns, and transfers to the
Commonwealth of Virginia all rights, title and interest in and to all causes of action it may now have
or hereafter acquire under the antitrust laws of the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia,
relating to the particular goods or services purchased or acquired by the Commonwealth of Virginia
under said contract.
to submit a proposal on the official state form provided for that purpose may be a cause for rejection of
the proposal. Modification of or additions to the General Terms and Conditions of the solicitation may
be cause for rejection of the proposal; however, the Commonwealth reserves the right to decide, on a
case by case basis, in its sole discretion, whether to reject such a proposal.
CLARIFICATION OF TERMS: If any prospective Offeror has questions about the specifications or
other solicitation documents, the prospective Offeror should contact the buyer whose name appears on
the face of the solicitation no later than five working days before the due date. Any revisions to the
solicitation will be made only by addendum issued by the buyer.
To Prime Contractor:
Invoices for items ordered, delivered and accepted shall be submitted by the contractor directly to
the payment address shown on the purchase order/contract. All invoices shall show the state
contract number and/or purchase order number; social security number (for individual contractors)
or the federal employer identification number (for proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations).
Any payment terms requiring payment in less than 30 days will be regarded as requiring payment
30 days after invoice or delivery, whichever occurs last. This shall not affect offers of discounts
for payment in less than 30 days, however.
All goods or services provided under this contract or purchase order, that are to be paid for with
public funds, shall be billed by the contractor at the contract price, regardless of which public
agency is being billed.
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The following shall be deemed to be the date of payment: the date of postmark in all cases where
payment is made by mail, or the date of offset when offset proceedings have been instituted as
authorized under the Virginia Debt Collection Act.
Unreasonable Charges. Under certain emergency procurements and for most time and material
purchases, final job costs cannot be accurately determined at the time orders are placed. In such
cases, contractors should be put on notice that final payment in full is contingent on a
determination of reasonableness with respect to all invoiced charges. Charges which appear to be
unreasonable will be researched and challenged, and that portion of the invoice held in abeyance
until a settlement can be reached. Upon determining that invoiced charges are not reasonable, the
Commonwealth shall promptly notify the contractor, in writing, as to those charges which it
considers unreasonable and the basis for the determination. A contractor may not institute legal
action unless a settlement cannot be reached within thirty (30) days of notification. The
provisions of this section do not relieve an agency of its prompt payment obligations with respect
to those charges which are not in dispute (Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4363).
To Subcontractors:
A contractor awarded a contract under this solicitation is hereby obligated:
(1) To pay the subcontractor(s) within seven (7) days of the contractor’s receipt of payment from
the Commonwealth for the proportionate share of the payment received for work performed
by the subcontractor(s) under the contract; or
(2) To notify the agency and the subcontractor(s), in writing, of the contractor’s intention to
withhold payment and the reason.
The Contractor is obligated to pay the subcontractor(s) interest at the rate of one percent per month
(unless otherwise provided under the terms of the contract) on all amounts owed by the contractor
that remain unpaid seven (7) days following receipt of payment from the Commonwealth, except
for amounts withheld as stated in (2) above. The date of mailing of any payment by U. S. Mail is
deemed to be payment to the addressee. These provisions apply to each sub-tier contractor
performing under the primary contract. A contractor’s obligation to pay an interest charge to a
subcontractor may not be construed to be an obligation of the Commonwealth.
Each prime contractor who wins an award in which provision of a SWAM procurement plan is a
condition to the award, shall deliver to the contracting agency or institution, on or before request
for final payment, evidence and certification of compliance (subject only to insubstantial shortfalls
and to shortfalls arising from subcontractor default) with the SWAM procurement plan. Final
payment under the contract in question may be withheld until such certification is delivered and, if
necessary, confirmed by the agency or institution, or other appropriate penalties may be assessed
in lieu of withholding such payment.
The Commonwealth of Virginia encourages contractors and subcontractors to accept electronic
and credit card payments.
PRECEDENCE OF TERMS: The following General Terms and Conditions VENDORS MANUAL,
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CONDITIONS, CLARIFICATION OF TERMS, PAYMENT shall apply in all instances. In the event
there is a conflict between any of the other General Terms and Conditions and any Special Terms and
Conditions in this solicitation, the Special Terms and Conditions shall apply.
QUALIFICATIONS OF OFFERORS: The Commonwealth may make such reasonable
investigations as deemed proper and necessary to determine the ability of the offeror to perform the
services/furnish the goods and the offeror shall furnish to the Commonwealth all such information and
data for this purpose as may be requested. The Commonwealth reserves the right to inspect offeror’s
physical facilities prior to award to satisfy questions regarding the offeror’s capabilities. The
Commonwealth further reserves the right to reject any proposal if the evidence submitted by, or
investigations of, such offeror fails to satisfy the Commonwealth that such offeror is properly qualified
to carry out the obligations of the contract and to provide the services and/or furnish the goods
contemplated therein.
M. TESTING AND INSPECTION: The Commonwealth reserves the right to conduct any
test/inspection it may deem advisable to assure goods and services conform to the specifications.
ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT: A contract shall not be assignable by the contractor in whole or in
part without the written consent of the Commonwealth.
CHANGES TO THE CONTRACT: Changes can be made to the Contract in any of the following
The parties may agree in writing to modify the scope of the contract. An increase or decrease in
the price of the contract resulting from such modification shall be agreed to by the parties as a part
of their written agreement to modify the scope of the contract.
The Purchasing Agency may order changes within the general scope of the contract at any time by
written notice to the contractor. Changes within the scope of the contract include, but are not
limited to, things such as services to be performed, the method of packing or shipment, and the
place of delivery or installation. The contractor shall comply with the notice upon receipt. The
contractor shall be compensated for any additional costs incurred as the result of such order and
shall give the Purchasing Agency a credit for any savings. Said compensation shall be determined
by one of the following methods:
By mutual agreement between the parties in writing; or
By agreeing upon a unit price or using a unit price set forth in the contract, if the work to be done
can be expressed in units, and the contractor accounts for the number of units of work performed,
subject to the Purchasing Agency’s right to audit the contractor’s records and/or to determine the
correct number of units independently; or
By ordering the contractor to proceed with the work and keep a record of all costs incurred and
savings realized. A markup for overhead and profit may be allowed if provided by the contract.
The same markup shall be used for determining a decrease in price as the result of savings
realized. The contractor shall present the Purchasing Agency with all vouchers and records of
expenses incurred and savings realized. The Purchasing Agency shall have the right to audit the
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records of the contractor as it deems necessary to determine costs or savings. Any claim for an
adjustment in price under this provision must be asserted by written notice to the Purchasing
Agency within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the written order from the Purchasing
Agency. If the parties fail to agree on an amount of adjustment, the question of an increase or
decrease in the contract price or time for performance shall be resolved in accordance with the
procedures for resolving disputes provided by the Disputes Clause of this contract or, if there is
none, in accordance with the disputes provisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia Vendors
Manual. Neither the existence of a claim nor a dispute resolution process, litigation or any other
provision of this contract shall excuse the contractor from promptly complying with the changes
ordered by the Purchasing Agency or with the performance of the contract generally.
DEFAULT: In case of failure to deliver goods or services in accordance with the contract terms and
conditions, the Commonwealth, after due oral or written notice, may procure them from other sources
and hold the contractor responsible for any resulting additional purchase and administrative costs.
This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies which the Commonwealth may have.
TAXES: Sales to the Commonwealth of Virginia are normally exempt from State sales tax. State
sales and use tax certificates of exemption, Form ST-12, will be issued upon request. Deliveries
against this contract shall usually be free of Federal excise and transportation taxes. The
Commonwealth’s excise tax exemption registration number is 54-73-0076K.
This item is intentionally blank.
This item is intentionally blank.
INSURANCE: By signing and submitting a proposal under this solicitation, the offeror certifies that if
awarded the contract, it will have the following insurance coverage at the time the contract is awarded.
For construction contracts, if any subcontractors are involved, the subcontractor will have workers’
compensation insurance in accordance with §§ 2.2-4332 and 65.2-800 et seq. of the Code of Virginia.
The offeror further certifies that the Contractor and any subcontractors will maintain these insurance
coverage during the entire term of the contract and that all insurance coverage will be provided by
insurance companies authorized to sell insurance in Virginia by the Virginia State Corporation
Workers’ Compensation - Statutory requirements and benefits. Coverage is compulsory for
employers of three or more employees, to include the employer. Contractors who fail to notify the
Commonwealth of increases in the number of employees that change their workers’ compensation
requirements under the Code of Virginia during the course of the contract shall be in
noncompliance with the contract.
Employer’s Liability - $100,000.
Commercial General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence. Commercial General Liability is to
include bodily injury and property damage, personal injury and advertising injury, products and
completed operations coverage. The Commonwealth of Virginia must be named as an additional
insured and so endorsed on the policy.
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Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARD: Upon the award or the announcement of the decision to award a
contract as a result of this solicitation, the purchasing agency will publicly post such notice on the
DGS/DPS eVA VBO ( for a minimum of 10 days.
DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE: During the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees to (i)
provide a drug-free workplace for the contractor's employees; (ii) post in conspicuous places, available
to employees and applicants for employment, a statement notifying employees that the unlawful
manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance or marijuana
is prohibited in the contractor's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against
employees for violations of such prohibition; (iii) state in all solicitations or advertisements for
employees placed by or on behalf of the contractor that the contractor maintains a drug-free
workplace; and (iv) include the provisions of the foregoing clauses in every subcontract or purchase
order of over $10,000, so that the provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor or vendor.
For the purposes of this section, “drug-free workplace” means a site for the performance of work done
in connection with a specific contract awarded to a contractor, the employees of whom are prohibited
from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of any
controlled substance or marijuana during the performance of the contract.
W. NONDISCRIMINATION OF CONTRACTORS: A offeror or contractor shall not be discriminated
against in the solicitation or award of this contract because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin,
age, disability, faith-based organizational status, any other basis prohibited by state law relating to
discrimination in employment or because the bidder or offeror employs ex-offenders unless the state
agency, department or institution has made a written determination that employing ex-offenders on the
specific contract is not in its best interest. If the award of this contract is made to a faith-based
organization and an individual, who applies for or receives goods, services, or disbursements provided
pursuant to this contract objects to the religious character of the faith-based organization from which
the individual receives or would receive the goods, services, or disbursements, the public body shall
offer the individual, within a reasonable period of time after the date of his objection, access to
equivalent goods, services, or disbursements from an alternative provider.
procurement solution, website portal, streamlines and automates government
purchasing activities in the Commonwealth. The eVA portal is the gateway for vendors to conduct
business with state agencies and public bodies. All vendors desiring to provide goods and/or services
to the Commonwealth shall participate in the eVA Internet eprocurement solution either through the
eVA Basic Vendor Registration Service or eVA Premium Vendor Registration Service. All bidders or
offerors must register in eVA and pay the Vendor Transaction Fees specified below; failure to register
will result in the bid/proposal being rejected.
Effective July 1, 2011, vendor registration and registration-renewal fees have been discontinued.
Registration options are as follows:
a. eVA Basic Vendor Registration Service: eVA Basic Vendor Registration Service includes
electronic order receipt, vendor catalog posting, on-line registration, electronic bidding, and the
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ability to research historical procurement data available in the eVA purchase transaction data
b. eVA Premium Vendor Registration Service: eVA Premium Vendor Registration Service includes
all benefits of the eVA Basic Vendor Registration Service plus automatic email or fax
notification of solicitations and amendments.
Vendor transaction fees are determined by the date the original purchase order is issued and are as
a. For orders issued prior to August 16, 2006, the Vendor Transaction Fee is 1%, capped at a
maximum of $500 per order.
b. For orders issued August 16, 2006 thru June 30, 2011, the Vendor Transaction Fee is:
(i) DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, capped at $500 per order.
(ii) Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, capped at $1,500 per order.
c. For orders issued July 1, 2011 thru June 30, 2013, the Vendor Transaction Fee is:
(i) DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 0.75%, capped at $500 per order.
(ii) Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 0.75%, capped at $1,500
per order.
d. For orders issued July 1, 2013 and after, the Vendor Transaction Fee is:
(i) DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, capped at $500 per order.
(ii) Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, capped at $1,500 per
The specified vendor transaction fee will be invoiced, by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department
of General Services, approximately 30 days after the corresponding purchase order is issued and
payable 30 days after the invoice date. Any adjustments (increases/decreases) will be handled through
purchase order changes.
AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS: It is understood and agreed between the parties herein that the
agency shall be bound hereunder only to the extent of the funds available or which may hereafter
become available for the purpose of this agreement.
SET-ASIDES. This solicitation is set-aside for DMBE-certified small business participation only
when designated “SET-ASIDE FOR SMALL BUSINESSES” in the solicitation. DMBE-certified
small businesses are those businesses that hold current small business certification from the Virginia
Department of Minority Business Enterprise. This shall not exclude DMBE-certified women-owned
and minority-owned businesses when they have received the DMBE small business certification. For
purposes of award, bidders/offerors shall be deemed small businesses if and only if they are certified
as such by DMBE on the due date for receipt of bids/proposals.
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AA. BID PRICE CURRENCY: Unless stated otherwise in the solicitation, offerors shall state offer
prices in US dollars.
organized as a stock or nonstock corporation, limited liability company, business trust, or limited
partnership or registered as a registered limited liability partnership shall be authorized to transact
business in the Commonwealth as a domestic or foreign business entity if so required by Title 13.1 or
Title 50 of the Code of Virginia or as otherwise required by law. Any business entity described above
that enters into a contract with a public body pursuant to the Virginia Public Procurement Act shall not
allow its existence to lapse or its certificate of authority or registration to transact business in the
Commonwealth, if so required under Title 13.1 or Title 50, to be revoked or cancelled at any time
during the term of the contract. A public body may void any contract with a business entity if the
business entity fails to remain in compliance with the provisions of this section.
AS BUILT DRAWINGS: The contractor shall provide the Commonwealth a clean set of reproducible
“as built” drawings and wiring diagrams, marked to record all changes made during installation or
construction. The contractor shall also provide the Commonwealth with maintenance manuals, parts
lists and a copy of all warranties for all equipment. All “as built” drawings and wiring diagrams,
maintenance manuals, parts lists and warranties shall be delivered to the Commonwealth upon
completion of the work and prior to final payment.
AUDIT: The Contractor shall retain all books, accounting records, subcontracting records, and other
evidence supporting services performed and the costs incurred relative to this Contract for five (5)
years after final payment, or final audit, whichever is later. Such evidence shall be maintained at the
Contractor’s office and made available to the Department at reasonable times. Such evidence will be
subject to audit and inspection at any time by the Department.
PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE PERIOD: Any proposal in response to this solicitation shall be valid
for 120 days. At the end of the 120 days the proposal may be withdrawn at the written request of the
Offeror. If the proposal is not withdrawn at that time it remains in effect until an award is made or the
solicitation is canceled.
CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT: VDOT reserves the right to cancel and terminate any resulting
contract, in part or in whole, without penalty, upon 60 days written notice to the Contractor. In the
event the initial contract period is for more than 12 months, the resulting contract may be terminated
by either party, without penalty, after the initial 12 months of the contract period upon 60 days written
notice to the other party. Any contract cancellation notice shall not relieve the Contractor of the
obligation to deliver and/or perform on all outstanding orders issued prior to the effective date of
CONTRACTOR’S TITLE TO MATERIALS: No materials or supplies for the work shall be
purchased by the Contractor or by any subcontractor subject to any chattel mortgage or under a
conditional sales or other agreement by which an interest is retained by the seller. The Contractor
warrants that he has clear title to all materials and supplies for which he invoices for payment.
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IDENTIFICATION OF PROPOSAL: The signed Proposal should be returned in a separate
envelope or package, sealed and identified as follows:
Name of Offeror
Street or Box Number
City, State, Zip Code
Due Date
RFP Title
Name of Contract Officer: Frederick Haasch
The envelope should be addressed as directed on the RFP Cover Page 1 of the solicitation. Proposals
not received at the time and place designated on the RFP Cover Page 1, even if received at other
VDOT offices or locations, will be considered late. Proposals received after the date and time
specified for receipt shall not be considered.
If a proposal is mailed, the Offeror takes the risk that the envelope or package, even if marked as
described above, may be inadvertently opened and the information compromised which may cause the
proposal to be disqualified. Proposals may be hand delivered to the designated location. Please note
that hand delivered proposals will not be accepted at the VDOT, 1201 East Broad Street
No other correspondence or other proposals should be placed in the envelope.
INDEMNIFICATION: The Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the
Commonwealth of Virginia, its officers, agents, and employees from any claims, damages and actions
of any kind or nature, whether at law or in equity, arising from or caused by the use of any materials,
goods, or equipment of any kind or nature furnished by the contractor/any services of any kind or
nature furnished by the contractor, provided that such liability is not attributable to the sole negligence
of the using agency or to failure of the using agency to use the materials, goods, or equipment in the
manner already and permanently described by the contractor on the materials, goods or equipment
INSTALLATION: All items must be assembled and set in place, ready for use. All crating and other
debris must be removed from the premises.
MAINTENANCE MANUALS: The Contractor shall provide operations and maintenance manual
with wiring diagrams, parts list, and a copy of all warranties. The Contractor shall provide the owner
with a minimum of two (2) copies of operating, maintenance and parts manuals for all equipment
provided in the Project. Further specific requirements may be indicated in the specifications.
1. It is the goal of the Commonwealth that 40% of its purchases be made from small businesses. This
includes discretionary spending in prime contracts and subcontracts. All potential Offerors are
required to submit a Small Business Subcontracting Plan. Unless the Offeror is registered as a
DMBE-certified small business and where it is practicable for any portion of the awarded contract
to be subcontracted to other suppliers, the contractor is encouraged to offer such subcontracting
opportunities to DMBE-certified small businesses. This shall not exclude DMBE-certified womenowned and minority-owned businesses when they have received DMBE small business
certification. No Offeror or subcontractor shall be considered a Small Business, a Women-Owned
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Business or a Minority-Owned Business unless certified as such by the Department of Minority
Business Enterprise (DMBE) by the due date for receipt of proposals. If small business
subcontractors are used, the prime contractor agrees to report the use of small business
subcontractors by providing the purchasing office at a minimum the following information: name
of small business with the DMBE certification number, phone number, total dollar amount
subcontracted, category type (small, women-owned, or minority-owned), and type of
product/service provided.
2. Each prime contractor who wins an award in which provision of a small business subcontracting
plan is a condition of the award, shall deliver to the contracting agency or institution on a quarterly
basis, evidence of compliance (subject only to insubstantial shortfalls and to shortfalls arising from
subcontractor default) with the small business subcontracting plan. When such business has been
subcontracted to these firms and upon completion of the contract, the contractor agrees to furnish
the purchasing office at a minimum the following information: name of firm with the DMBE
certification number, phone number, total dollar amount subcontracted, category type (small,
women-owned, or minority-owned), and type of product or service provided. Payment(s) may be
withheld until compliance with the plan is received and confirmed by the agency or institution. The
agency or institution reserves the right to pursue other appropriate remedies to include, but not be
limited to, termination for default.
3. Each prime contractor who wins an award valued over $200,000 shall deliver to the Department on
a quarterly basis, information on use of subcontractors that are not DMBE-certified small
businesses. When such business has been subcontracted to these firms and upon completion of the
contract, the Contractor agrees to furnish the purchasing office at a minimum the following
information: name of firm, phone number, total dollar amount subcontracted, and type of product
or service provided.
PRIME CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES: The Contractor shall be responsible for
completely supervising and directing the work under this Contract and all subcontractors that he may
utilize, using his best skill and attention. Subcontractors who perform work under this Contract shall
be responsible to the prime contractor. The Contractor agrees that he is as fully responsible for the
acts and omissions of his subcontractors and of persons employed by them as he is for the acts and
omissions of his own employees.
PRODUCT INFORMATION: The Offeror shall clearly and specifically identify the product being
offered and enclose complete and detailed descriptive literature, catalog cuts and specifications with
the Proposal to enable the Commonwealth to determine if the product offered meets the requirements
of the solicitation.
SUBCONTRACTS: No portion of the work shall be subcontracted without prior written consent of
the purchasing agency. In the event that the contractor desires to subcontract some part of the work
specified herein, the contractor shall furnish the purchasing agency the names, qualifications and
experience of their proposed subcontractors. The Contractor shall, however, remain fully liable and
responsible for the work to be done by its subcontractor(s) and shall assure compliance with all
requirements of the contract.
WARRANTY (COMMERCIAL): The Contractor agrees that the goods or services furnished under
any award resulting from this solicitation shall be covered by the most favorable commercial
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warranties the Contractor gives any customer for such goods or services and that the rights and
remedies provided therein are in addition to and do not limit those available to the Commonwealth by
any other clause of this solicitation. A copy of this warranty should be furnished with the Proposal.
WORK SITE DAMAGES: Any damage to existing utilities, equipment or finished surfaces
resulting from the performance of this contract shall be repaired to the Commonwealth’s satisfaction at
the Contractor’s expense.
will result in one PO for the development/installation, and one per year for annual maintenance with
the eVA transaction fee specified below assessed for each order.
1. For orders issued prior to August 16, 2006, the Vendor Transaction Fee is 1%, capped at a
maximum of $500 per order.
2. For orders issued August 16, 2006 thru June 30, 2011, the Vendor Transaction Fee is:
a. DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $500 per order.
b. Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $1,500 per order.
3. For orders issued July 1, 2011 thru June 30, 2013, the Vendor Transaction Fee is:
a. DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 0.75%, Capped at $500 per order.
b. Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 0.75%, Capped at $1,500 per
4. For orders issued July 1, 2013, and after, the Vendor Transaction Fee is:
a. DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $500 per order.
b. Businesses that are not DMBE-certified Small Businesses: 1%, Capped at $1,500 per order.
The specified vendor transaction fee will be invoiced, by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department
of General Services, approximately 30 days after the corresponding purchase order is issued and
payable 30 days after the invoice date. Any adjustments (increases/decreases) will be handled through
purchase order changes.
The eVA Internet electronic procurement solution, website portal , streamlines
and automates government purchasing activities in the Commonwealth. The portal is the gateway for
vendors to conduct business with state agencies and public bodies.
1. The Contractor recognizes that the services under this contract are vital to the Department and
must be continued without interruption and that, upon contract expiration, a successor, either the
Department or another contractor, may continue them. The Contractor agrees:
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a. To exercise its best efforts and cooperation to effect an orderly and efficient transition to a
b. To make all COV owned facilities, equipment, and data available to any successor at an
appropriate time prior to the expiration of the Contract to facilitate transition to successor;
c. That the VDOT Contract Officer shall have final authority to resolve disputes related to the
transition of the contract from the Contractor to its successor.
2. The Contractor shall, upon written notice from the Contract Officer, furnish phase-in/phase-out
services for up to ninety (90) days after this contract expires and shall negotiate in good faith a
plan with the successor to execute the phase-in/phase-out services. This plan shall be subject to the
Contract Officer’s approval.
3. The Contractor shall be reimbursed for all reasonable, pre-approved phase-in/phase-out costs (i.e.,
costs incurred within the agreed period after contract expiration that result from phase-in, phaseout operations) and a fee (profit) not to exceed a pro rata portion of the fee (profit) under this
contract. All phase-in/phase-out work fees must be approved by the Contract Officer in writing
prior to commencement of said work.
Virginia, §2.2-4311.2 subsection B, a bidder or offeror organized or authorized to transact business in
the Commonwealth pursuant to Title 13.1 or Title 50 is required to include in its bid or proposal the
identification number issued to it by the State Corporation Commission (SCC). Any bidder or offeror
that is not required to be authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth as a foreign business
entity under Title 13.1 or Title 50 or as otherwise required by law is required to include in its bid or
proposal a statement describing why the bidder or offeror is not required to be so authorized. Indicate
the above information on the SCC Form provided. Contractor agrees that the process by which
compliance with Titles 13.1 and 50 is checked during the solicitation stage (including without
limitation the SCC Form provided) is streamlined and not definitive, and the Commonwealth’s use and
acceptance of such form, or its acceptance of Contractor’s statement describing why the bidder or
offeror was not legally required to be authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth, shall not
be conclusive of the issue and shall not be relied upon by the Contractor as demonstrating compliance.
1.Except as otherwise specified, all work shall be guaranteed by the Contractor against defects
resulting from the use of inferior materials, equipment, or workmanship for one (1) year from the
date of final acceptance of the entire project by the Department in writing.
2.If, within the guarantee period, defects are noticed by the Department which require repairs or
changes in connection with the guaranteed work, those repairs or changes being in the opinion of the
owner rendered necessary as the result of the use of materials, equipment or workmanship, which are
defective, or inferior or not in accordance with the terms of the Contract, then the Contractor shall,
promptly upon receipt of notice from the Department, such notice being given not more than two (2)
weeks after the guarantee period expires, and without expense to the Department:
a. Place in satisfactory condition in every particular all of such guaranteed work and correct all
defects therein;
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b. Make good all damage to the structure, site, equipment, or contents thereof, which is the result of
the use of materials, equipment, or workmanship which are inferior, defective, or not in
accordance with the terms of the contracts; and
c. Make good any work, materials, equipment, contents of structures, and/or disturbance of the site
in fulfilling any such guarantee.
3.In any case, where in fulfilling the requirements of the contract or any guarantee embraced in or
required thereby, the Contractor disturbs any work guaranteed under contract, he shall restore such
work to a condition satisfactory to the Department and guarantee such restored work to the same
extent as it was guaranteed under such other contract.
4.If the Contractor, after notice, fails to proceed promptly to comply with the terms of the guarantee,
the Department may have the defects corrected and the Contractor and his surety shall be liable for
all expense incurred.
5.All special guarantees applicable to definite parts of the work that may be stipulated in the
specifications or other papers forming a part of the Contract shall be subject to the term of this
section during the first year of the life of such special guarantee.
6.Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to establish a period of limitation with respect to
any other obligation which the contractor might have under the Contract documents, including
liability for defective work under these terms and conditions. This paragraph relates only to the
specific obligation of the Contractor contained in this section to correct the work and does not limit
the time within which his obligation to comply with the Contract documents may be sought to be
enforced, nor of the time within which proceedings may be commenced to establish the Contractor’s
liability with respect to his other obligations under this contract.
7.In the event the work of the Contractor is to be modified by another contractor, either before or after
the final inspection, the first contractor shall remain responsible in all respects under the guarantee of
work and under any other warranties provided in the contract or by law. However, the Contractor
shall not be responsible for any defects in material or workmanship introduced by the contractor
modifying its work. Both the first contractor and the contractor making the modifications shall each
be responsible solely for the work done by each. The Contractor modifying the earlier work shall be
responsible for any damage to or defect introduced into the work which he is modifying. If any
contractor shall claim that another contractor has introduced defects of materials and/or
workmanship into the work of the first, it shall be the burden of the contractor making the claim to
clearly demonstrate the nature and extent of such introduced defects and the responsibility of the
other contractor. Any contractor modifying the work of another shall have the same burden if he
asserts defects to have been caused by the contractor whose work he is modifying.
CERTIFICATION TESTING PERIOD – SYSTEMS: The system specified in the Contract shall be
considered ready for testing upon receipt of documentation from the Contractor that a successful
system audit or diagnostic test was performed at the site demonstrating that the system meets the
minimum design/performance capabilities stipulated in the Contract. The sixty (60) day user
acceptance testing period shall commence on the next calendar day following receipt of this
documentation. Upon request, the Department will provide written confirmation of its acceptance
following successful completion of the certification period. This user acceptance shall not be
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conclusive of complete conformance in all respects to the Contract specifications and other
requirements, or the nonexistence of potential latent defects.
CERTIFICATION TESTING PERIOD – HARDWARE: Equipment ordered herein shall be
subject to inspection and a 30-day testing period by the Department. Contractor equipment which is
found to not meet the specifications or other requirements of the Contract may be rejected and
returned to the vendor at no cost (including return transportation) by the Department. Unless
otherwise notified or mutually agreed, acceptance shall become effective at the end of the 30-day
testing period. Such acceptance shall not be conclusive of complete conformance in all respects to the
Contract specifications and other requirements, or the nonexistence of potential latent defects.
CONFIDENTIALITY (Commonwealth): The Commonwealth agrees that neither it nor its
employees, representatives, or agents shall knowingly divulge any proprietary information with
respect to the operation of the software, the technology embodied therein, or any other trade secret or
proprietary information related thereto, except as specifically authorized by the Contractor in writing
or as required by the Freedom of Information Act or similar law. It shall be the Contractor’s
responsibility to fully comply with § 2.2-4342F of the Code of Virginia. All trade secrets or
proprietary information must be identified in writing or other tangible form and conspicuously labeled
as “proprietary” either prior to or at the time of submission to the Commonwealth.
CONFIDENTIALITY (Contractor): The Contractor assures that information and data obtained as to
personal facts and circumstances related to patients or clients will be collected and held confidential,
during and following the term of this agreement, and will not be divulged without the individual’s and
the Department’s written consent. Any information to be disclosed, except to the agency, must be in
summary, statistical, or other form which does not identify particular individuals. The Contractor’s
personnel working on this project will be required to sign a confidentiality statement.
DATA MANAGEMENT COMPLIANCE: The Contractor agrees that all proposed interfaces to
Commonwealth systems shall comply with or have approved exceptions to all applicable
DEMONSTRATIONS: By submitting a proposal, the Offeror certifies that the specified equipment is
in productive use and capable of demonstration in the proposed configuration. The Commonwealth
reserves the right to require Offerors to demonstrate the functionality of proposed equipment to its
satisfaction prior to making an award decision. Such demonstration is intended to show that a
vendor’s products will perform in a completely satisfactory manner and that they will meet or exceed
the performance specifications contained in the solicitation. Failure to promptly comply with a request
for demonstration could result in their proposal being rejected. Failure to reject shall not relieve the
Contractor of its obligation to fully comply with all requirements of the Contract.
EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENT: Environmental specifications for any equipment to be delivered
under the resulting contract shall be furnished in writing along with the Offeror’s proposal, should any
such requirements be applicable. These specifications must be in sufficient detail to permit all
installed equipment to function efficiently from an environmental perspective. Unless otherwise stated
in the solicitation, it will be the Department’s responsibility to prepare the site at its own expense to
meet the environmental specifications provided.
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AA. EXCESSIVE DOWNTIME: Equipment or software furnished under the Contract shall be capable of
continuous operation. Should the equipment or software become inoperable for a period of more than
24 hours, the Contractor agrees to pro-rate maintenance charges to account for each full day of
inoperability. The period of in operability shall commence upon initial notification. In the event the
equipment or software remains inoperable for more than two (2) consecutive calendar days, the
Contractor shall promptly replace the equipment or software at no charge upon request of the
Department. Such replacement shall be with new, unused product(s) of comparable quality, and must
be installed and operational within two (2) days following the request for replacement.
BB. LATEST SOFTWARE VERSION: Any software product(s) provided under the contract shall be the
latest version available to the general public as of the due date of this solicitation.
1. Option 1 – Software licensed by Supplier:
a. Contractor grants to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) a fully paid,
perpetual, worldwide, nonexclusive, transferable, irrevocable object code license to use,
copy, modify, transmit and distribute the Software and Documentation including any
subsequent revisions, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein and subject
only to the limitations and/or restrictions explicitly set forth in this Contract. It is expressly
understood that “perpetual” license rights shall commence upon delivery of the Software to
VDOT and shall exist in perpetuity unless otherwise terminated in accordance with the
applicable provisions of the Contract. The Software is the property of Contractor, and no title
or ownership of the Software or any of its parts, including Documentation, shall transfer to
b. VDOT shall have the right to use, copy, modify, transmit and distribute the Software for their
benefit, for government use and purposes, and for the benefit of their agents, including
internal and third-party information processing.
c. VDOT may allow access to the Software by third party vendors who are under contract with
VDOT to provide services to or on behalf of VDOT, or by other entities as required for
conducting the business of government. Access includes loading or executing the Software
on behalf of VDOT or their agents.
d. The license fee includes a test system copy, which consists of the right to use the Software
for non-production test purposes, including but not limited to, problem/defect identification,
remediation, and resolution, debugging, new version evaluation, Software interface testing,
and disaster recovery technique analysis and implementation.
e. In the event that all of VDOT’s copies of the Software, including all backup copies, are
destroyed, irreparably damaged or otherwise lost due to fire, explosion, sabotage, flood or
other disaster, Contractor shall provide to VDOT, at no additional cost, replacement copies of
the Software and Documentation. Nothing contained in this Section shall obligate Contractor
to replace or assist in the recovery of data lost concurrent with the loss of the Software.
f. VDOT may make a reasonable number of copies of the Software and Documentation for use
in training, support, demonstrations, backup, archiving, disaster recovery and development,
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and may run the Software concurrently at a back-up site, for no additional license fees or
costs. VDOT agrees that any copies of the Software or Documentation that it makes under
this Contract shall bear all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices included
therein by Contractor. VDOT may add its own copyright or other proprietary notice, or
copyright or other proprietary notice of the Commonwealth, to any copy of the Software or
Documentation, which contains modifications to which the Commonwealth or VDOT has
ownership rights pursuant to this Contract.
g. Except as expressly authorized, VDOT shall not distribute the Software to any third party
without Contractor’s prior written consent.
h. Except as provided or allowed by law, no party shall reverse engineer, decompile,
disassemble, or otherwise attempt to derive source code or other trade secrets from any
software or other intellectual property of any other party.
2. Option 2—Software licensed by Software Publisher
a. Contractor shall provide Software as part of its Solution. Such Software shall be licensed
directly from the Software Publisher through an end user licensing agreement.
DD. LIMITATION OF USE: The Commonwealth’s right to use computer software developed entirely at
private expense may be limited by the Contractor as stipulated in this Contract. Notwithstanding any
provision to the contrary however, the Commonwealth shall have at a minimum: unlimited use of the
software on the equipment for which it is purchased; use of the software on a secondary system for
backup purposes should the primary system become unavailable, malfunction, or is otherwise rendered
inoperable; use of the software at another Commonwealth site should the system be entirely
transferred to that location; the right to make a backup copy for safekeeping; the right to modify or
combine the software with other programs or materials at the Commonwealth’s risk; and the right to
reproduce any and all documentation provided such reproduction is for the sole use of the
Commonwealth. These rights are perpetual and irrevocable; in the event of any actual or alleged
breach by the Commonwealth, the contractor’s sole remedy shall be to pursue a monetary claim in
accordance with § 2.2-4363 of the Code of Virginia.
EE. MAINTENANCE: Upon expiration of the specified warranty period and at the Commonwealth’s
option, the Contractor shall provide up to three (3) additional successive one-year periods of on-site
maintenance (including labor, parts, and travel) at the prices set forth in the pricing schedule.
Maintenance shall not include external electrical work, providing supplies, and adding or removing
accessories not provided for in the Contract. Maintenance shall also not include repairs of damage
resulting from: acts of God, transportation between state locations, negligence by state personnel, or
other causes not related to ordinary use in the production environment in which installed. Each
successive year of maintenance may be ordered by the Commonwealth in writing at least thirty (30)
days prior to expiration of the existing maintenance period. The start and end dates of the warranty
and maintenance periods for the CSC System 2.0 will be driven by the system implementation
schedule and may not align fully with the contract renewal dates, depending on the user acceptance
date of the CSC System 2.0 by VDOT.
FF. NEW EQUIPMENT: Unless otherwise expressly stated in this solicitation, any equipment furnished
under the Contract shall be new, unused equipment.
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GG. OPERATIONAL COMPONENTS: Unless otherwise requested in the solicitation, stated equipment
prices shall include all cables, connectors, interfaces, documentation for all components, and any other
items necessary for full systems operation at the user site. This does not include consumable supplies
such as paper, tapes, disks, etc., unless such supplies are expressly identified in the pricing schedule.
HH. OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: All copyright and patent rights to all papers,
reports, forms, materials, creations, or inventions created or developed in the performance of this
contract shall become the sole property of the Commonwealth. On request, the Contractor shall
promptly provide an acknowledgment or assignment in a tangible form satisfactory to the
Commonwealth to evidence the Commonwealth’s sole ownership of specifically identified intellectual
property created or developed in the performance of the contract.
PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION: During the term of the Contract, the Contractor is not authorized to
substitute any item for that product and/or software identified in the solicitation without the prior
written consent of the Contract Officer or designee.
QUALIFIED REPAIR PERSONNEL: All warranty or maintenance services to be performed on the
items specified in this solicitation as well as any associated hardware or software shall be performed
by qualified technicians properly authorized by the manufacturer to perform such services. The
Commonwealth reserves the right to require proof of certification prior to award and at any time
during the term of the Contract.
KK. RELOCATION OF EQUIPMENT: Should it become necessary to move equipment covered by the
contract to another location, the Commonwealth reserves the right to do so at its own expense. If
contractor supervision is required, the Commonwealth will provide prior written notice of the move at
least thirty (30) days in advance, in which case the contractor shall provide the required services and
be reasonably compensated by the Commonwealth. Both the compensation to be paid and any
adjustment to the maintenance terms resulting from the move shall be as mutually agreed between the
parties. Regular maintenance charges shall be suspended on the day the equipment is dismantled and
resume once the equipment is again certified ready for operational use.
LL. RENEWAL OF MAINTENANCE: Maintenance of the hardware or software specified in the
resultant contract may be renewed by the mutual written agreement of both parties for three (3)
additional successive one-year periods, under the terms and conditions of the original contract except
as noted herein. Price changes may be negotiated at time of renewal; however, in no case shall the
maintenance costs for a succeeding one-year period exceed the prior year’s contract price(s), increased
or decreased by more than the percentage increase or decrease in the Services category of the CPI-W
Table 6 section of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index, for the latest twelve
months for which statistics are available.
MM. REPAIR PARTS: In the event that the performance of maintenance services under the Contract
results in a need to replace defective parts, such items may only be replaced by new parts. In no
instance shall the contractor be permitted to replace defective items with refurbished, remanufactured,
or surplus items without prior written authorization of the Commonwealth.
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1. All Vendors, Contractors or other Persons accessing VDOT’s CII/SSI material in any form shall be
required to comply with VDOT’s CII/SSI Policy Guide for Employees, Vendors, Contractors or
other Persons Accessing VDOT’s CII/SSI. This guide can be located at;
2. A Criminal History Record Check (CHRC) shall be required of all employees of the Contractor
and all subcontractors for work conducted at, or in support of the VDOT Central Office.
3. A Criminal History Record Check (CHRC), through VDOT Personnel Security Section (PSS),
shall be required of all employees of the Contractor and all subcontractors of the contractor for
work conducted at all other VDOT locations, where VDOT is directly responsible for the day-today management of staff, or the individual has unrestricted access to Critical Infrastructure (CI),
Critical Infrastructure Information (CII), Sensitive Security Information (SSI), or Personally
Identifiable Information (PII).
4. All costs for the CHRC will be the responsibility of the Contractor.
5. All individuals undergoing the CHRC shall be required to complete and sign any VDOT required
forms necessary to release personal information or to agree to non-disclosure of VDOT critical,
sensitive or personal information.
6. CHRC records search timelines vary depending on records found on file (if any). In the event nonfavorable records exist, VDOT reserves the right to approve and deny issuance of any Security
Clearance. Upon denial, there are no available appeals.
7. Upon CHRC clearance and approval, Contractor and subcontractor (if any) personnel shall be
required to obtain a VDOT issued access identification badge prior to working on VDOT’s
premises, unless a written waiver is approved by the PSS.
8. Contractor and subcontractor personnel shall wear VDOT-issued access identification badge at or
above waist level on the outermost garment at all times while on VDOT’s premises.
9. For safety concerns regarding the badge display requirement, the VDOT Personnel Security
Section, Contact Administrator, Project Manager or designee may waive the above requirement.
The Contractor’s employees shall possess the VDOT access identification badge at all times to be
available for display.
10. The Contractor shall return all VDOT access identification badges on the day any employee is no
longer assigned to VDOT’s premises and upon contract expiration. The Contractor shall notify
Contract Administrator within eight business hours upon discovery of any lost, stolen or damaged
access identification badge. Failure to return access identification badges or notify the Contract
Administrator that access identification badge has been lost, stolen or damaged may be cause for
debarment. See: Commonwealth of Virginia, Vendor’s Manual Section 7.20.
11. The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the PSS whenever an employee or subcontractor
employee is charged with any criminal violation. Notification shall be made no later then the next
regular business day of finding.
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In the event of loss, suspected loss or compromise of any VDOT CII/SSI material, the Contractor
having possession of the said CII/SSI material will immediately upon having knowledge of the
loss, suspected loss or compromise of any VDOT CII/SSI material, notify the VDOT project
manager. If the loss is a result of a theft or suspected theft, of either the actual CII/SSI material or
any device containing or storing CII/SSI material, the Contractor will immediately file a report
with a law enforcement agency having jurisdiction and forward a copy of the report to the VDOT
project manager.
OO. SERVICE PERIOD (EXTENDED): Due to the criticality of the applications for which the
equipment and/or software is purchased, the contractor shall provide 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
maintenance support, including state holidays. On-site response time shall be within twenty-four (24)
hours following initial notification. All necessary repairs or corrections shall be completed within
forty-eight (48) hours of the initial notification.
PP. SERVICE PERIOD (ROUTINE): Contractor shall provide 24 hour toll-free phone support with a
hour return call response time. On-site maintenance services shall carry an eight (8) hour response
time following initial notification and be available during the normal working hours of 8 A.M. to 5
P.M. Monday through Friday, excluding state holidays. All necessary repairs or corrections shall be
completed within forty-eight (48) hours of the initial notification.
QQ. SERVICE REPORTS: Upon completion of any maintenance call, the Contractor shall provide the
Department with a signed service report that includes, at a minimum: a general statement as to the
problem, action taken, any materials or parts furnished or used, and the number of hours required to
complete the repairs.
RR. SOFTWARE UPGRADES: The Commonwealth shall be entitled to any and all upgraded versions of
the software covered in the contract that becomes available from the Contractor. The maximum
charge for upgrade shall not exceed the total difference between the cost of the Commonwealth’s
current version and the price the Contractor sells or licenses the upgraded software under similar
SS. SOURCE CODE: In the event the Contractor ceases to maintain experienced staff and the resources
needed to provide required software maintenance, the Commonwealth shall be entitled to have, use,
and duplicate for its own use, a copy of the source code and associated documentation for the software
products covered by the contract. Until such time as a complete copy of such material is provided, the
Commonwealth shall have exclusive right to possess all physical embodiments of such contractor
owned materials. The rights of the Commonwealth in this respect shall survive for a period of twenty
(20) years after the expiration or termination of the contract. All lease and royalty fees necessary to
support this right are included in the initial license fee as contained in the pricing schedule.
TT. TERM OF SOFTWARE LICENSE: Unless otherwise stated in the solicitation, the software
license(s) identified in the pricing schedule shall be purchased on a perpetual basis and shall continue
in perpetuity. However the Commonwealth reserves the right to terminate the license at any time,
although the mere expiration or termination of this contract shall not be construed as an intent to
terminate the license. All acquired license(s) shall be for use at any computing facilities, on any
equipment, by any number of users, and for any purposes for which it is procured. The
Commonwealth further reserves the right to transfer all rights under the license to another state agency
to which some or all of its functions are transferred.
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UU. THIRD PARTY ACQUISITION OF SOFTWARE: The Contractor shall notify the Department in
writing should the intellectual property, associated business, or all of its assets be acquired by a third
party. The contractor further agrees that the contract’s terms and conditions, including any and all
license rights and related services, shall not be affected by the acquisition. Prior to completion of the
acquisition, the contractor shall obtain, for the Commonwealth’s benefit and deliver thereto, the
assignee’s agreement to fully honor the terms of the contract.
VV. TITLE TO SOFTWARE: By submitting a proposal, the Offeror represents and warrants that it is the
sole owner of the software or, if not the owner, that it has received all legally required authorizations
from the owner to license the software, has the full power to grant the rights required by this
solicitation, and that neither the software nor its use in accordance with the contract will violate or
infringe upon any patent, copyright, trade secret, or any other property rights of another person or
WW. WARRANTY AGAINST SHUTDOWN DEVICES: The Contractor warrants that the equipment
and software provided under the Contract shall not contain any lock, counter, CPU reference, virus,
worm, or other device capable of halting operations or erasing or altering data or programs.
Contractor further warrants that neither it, nor its agents, employees, or subcontractors shall insert any
shutdown device following delivery of the equipment and software.
XX. WARRANTY OF SOFTWARE: The Contractor warrants the operation of all software products for a
period of twelve (12) months from the date of acceptance. During the warranty period, the Contractor
shall provide hour toll free phone support and all patches, fixes, revisions, updates, upgrades, and
minor releases to both the software and its supporting documentation. In addition, the Contractor shall
provide a two hour return call response time and complete all necessary patches/fixes within fortyeight (48) hours of initial notification. The start and end dates of the warrenty and maintenenace
periods for the CSC System 2.0 will be driven by the system implementation schedule and may not
align fully with the contract renewal dates, depending on the user acceptance date of the CSC System
2.0 by VDOT.
YY. NONVISUAL ACCESS TO TECHNOLOGY: All information technology which, pursuant to this
agreement, is purchased or upgraded by or for the use of any COV agency or institution or political
subdivision of the Commonwealth (the “Technology”) shall comply with the following nonvisual
access standards from the date of purchase or upgrade until the expiration of this agreement:
1. effective, interactive control and use of the Technology shall be readily achievable by nonvisual
2. the Technology equipped for nonvisual access shall be compatible with information technology
used by other individuals with whom any blind or visually impaired user of the technology
3. Nonvisual Access Technology shall be integrated into any networks used to share
communications among employees, program participants or the public; and
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4. the Technology for nonvisual access shall have the capability of providing equivalent access by
nonvisual means to telecommunications or other interconnected network services used by
persons who are not blind or visually impaired.
Compliance with the foregoing nonvisual access standards shall not be required if the head of the
Department, institution or political subdivision determines that (i) the Technology is not available
with nonvisual access because the essential elements of the Technology are visual and (ii) nonvisual
equivalence is not available.
Installation of hardware, software or peripheral devices used for nonvisual access is not required
when the Technology is being used exclusively by individuals who are not blind or visually impaired,
but applications programs and underlying operating systems (including the format of the data) used
for the manipulation and presentation of information shall permit the installation and effective use of
nonvisual access software and peripheral devices.
If requested, the Contractor must provide a detailed explanation of how compliance with the
foregoing nonvisual access standards is achieved and a validation of concept demonstration.
The requirements of this Paragraph shall be construed to achieve full compliance with the
Information Technology Access Act, §§ 2.2-3500 through 2.2-3504 of the Code of Virginia.
TERM OF CONTRACT: The initial Contract period will be for two (2) years with the effective
date determined at time of award, with the opportunity for three (3) year renewals.
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1. Milestone payments shall be made for each deliverable shown on the pricing schedule in
accordance with the intermediate milestones reflected in the approved project schedule.
2. Payment for Software support Services, including Maintenance, shall be annually in
arrears. No invoice shall include any costs other than those identified in the executed
order, which costs shall be in accordance with the pricing schedule. Should the contract
be terminated prior to the end of the maintenance period to be paid for in arrears, VDOT
will compensate the supplier in a straight-line proration for support time that has been
provided during the maintenance period up to the effective date of termination.
1. Invoices for goods/services ordered, delivered, and accepted shall be submitted based on
the agreed upon delivery schedule by the Contractor directly to the address shown on the
purchase order. Invoices must reference the Purchase Order and Contract Number
Federal Employer Identification (FIN), or for individual contractors Social Security
Number, Itemized Description of Supplies/Services provided (issued first by VDOT) to
be valid for Billing Period, and Total Amount Due.
2. Payments will be made within thirty (30) days after receipt of a properly presented
invoice and acceptance of completed work. The Contractor shall submit invoices by the
10th of the month following the month a deliverable was approved by VDOT to:
John Nahm, PMP
VDOT Information Technology
1401 E. Broad St.
Richmond, VA 23219
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Attachments and Appendices to this RFP are contained on the following pages and include:
Appendix 1 - Customer Service Center 2.0 Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
Appendix 2 - Current VDOT and CSC Technology Components
Appendix 3 - Response to Scope of Work Form
Appendix 4 - System Requirements Response Matrix
Appendix 5 - System Requirements Response Summary Form
Appendix 6 - Pricing Schedule
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QUALIFICATIONS OF OFFEROR: The Offeror must have the capability and capacity in all respects to fully
satisfy all of the contractual requirements.
YEARS IN BUSINESS: Indicate the length of time you have been in business providing this type of service.
_______ Years ______ Months
REFERENCES: Indicate either below or by attachment a listing of at least three (3) clients that your firm has
provided the products and/or services described in the proposal. Include the dates service was furnished, and the
name, address, email address, telephone and fax number of the person the purchasing agency has your permission to
contact. A narrative statement should be provided for each reference, describing the scope, size and type of service
provided to each reference. Please verify that the contact persons whom you have listed below are still employed
with these firms prior to submitting their names.
4. Is your firm currently registered as an eVA vendor? __No ___Yes
5. Is your firm a faith-based organization? ___No ____Yes
Registration is a requirement to receive an award.
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Failure to complete, sign and return Section A or B of this Attachment as per the Special Terms and Conditions of
this solicitation may result in your proposal being rejected
If you have any questions contact Frederick Haasch at
for assistance.
This solicitation contains a small business participation plan, Attachment B, as explained in Section J of the Special
Terms and Conditions. This must be completed by all Offerors. Subcontractors included in section B of the Small
Business Participation Plan must be certified as a small business by the Department of Minority Business Enterprise
(DMBE) prior to the due date of this solicitation to be considered.
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Small Business Subcontracting Plan
All small businesses must be certified by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Minority Business
Enterprise (DMBE) by the due date of the solicitation to participate in the SWAM program. Certification
applications are available through DMBE online at (Customer Service).
“Small Business'' means a business, independently owned and controlled by one or more individuals who are U.S.
citizens or legal resident aliens, and together with affiliates, has 250 or fewer employees, or average annual gross receipts
of $10 million or less averaged over the previous three years. One or more of the individual owners shall control both the
management and daily business operations of the small business.
(Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4310)
“Women-Owned Business'' means a business that is at least 51% owned by one or more women who are U.S. citizens or
legal resident aliens, or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51%
of the equity ownership interest is owned by one or more women who are U.S. citizens or legal resident aliens, and both
the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more women.
(Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4310)
“Minority-Owned Business'' means a business that is at least 51% owned by one or more minority individuals who are
U.S. citizens or legal resident aliens, or in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other
entity, at least 51% of the equity ownership interest in the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other
entity is owned by one or more minority individuals who are U.S. citizens or legal resident aliens, and both the
management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more minority individuals.
(Code of Virginia, § 2.2-4310)
Offeror Name: _____________________________________________
Preparer Name: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________
A. If you are certified by the Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE) as a small business, complete only
Section A of this form. This shall not exclude DMBE-certified women-owned and minority-owned businesses when
they have received DMBE small business certification.
B. If you are not a DMBE-certified small business, complete Section B of this form. For the Offeror to receive credit for
the small business subcontracting plan evaluation criteria, the Offeror shall identify the portions of the contract that
will be subcontracted to DMBE-certified small businesses for the initial contract period as indicated in Section B in
relation to the Offeror’s total price.
Section A
If your firm is certified by the Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE), are you certified as a (check
only one below):
______ Small Business
______ Small and Women-owned Business
______ Small and Minority-owned Business
Certification number:_______________________ Certification Date:___________________________
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Small Business Subcontracting Plan
Section B
Populate the table below to show your firm's plans for utilization of DMBE-certified small businesses in the
performance of this contract. This shall not exclude DMBE-certified women-owned and minority-owned businesses
when they have received the DMBE small business certification. Include plans to utilize small businesses as part of
joint ventures, partnerships, subcontractors, suppliers, etc.
Plans for Utilization of DMBE-Certified Small Businesses for this Procurement
Small Business Name
& Address
DMBE Certificate #
Totals $
Status if
Business is
Contact Person,
Telephone & Email
Type of Goods
Period (2
years) of the
During Initial
Period (2
years) of the
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The Prime Contractor is required to submit a SWaM Compliance Report to the contract administrator on payments made to all
subcontractors as specified in Small Business Subcontracting Plan in the Special Terms & Condition to include Small, Women-owned
and Minority-owned Business Enterprises (SWaM) certified by DMBE and non- SWaM businesses for the designated quarterly
reporting period if required. All amounts paid to certified SWaM businesses are subject to monitoring and enforcement mechanisms. It
is the responsibility of the prime contractor to provide evidence of SWaM payments in response to the small business plan provided in
the solicitation for this contract.
The instructions below correspond to each item on the report. Please follow the instructions.
Contractor/ Tax I.D. No. enter the complete name of the prime contractor and their federal tax identification number.
Contract Name indicate the name of the contract as it appears on contract documents
District indicate the VDOT responsible district where the contract is being performed. See list of districts in these instructions
Contract No. provide contract number
Period Ending indicate the reporting period based on the Reporting Schedule listed in these instructions
Subcontractor/Vendor Telephone Number and Certification Number enter the names of all subcontractors and suppliers that
participate on this contract whether SWaM or not if required. For SWaM vendors please provide the certification number
provided by the Virginia Department of Minority Business Enterprise (DMBE)
4. Tax I.D. No. insert the tax identification number of the vendor that appears in the preceding column
5. SWaM Category S,W,M, None indicate the SWaM status of each vendor identified as a subcontractor or vendor. This number is
issued by DMBE and can be located on their website at
6. Subcontract Amount indicate the subcontract amount for any vendor listed on this form.
7. Subcontractor Payment this section identifies the prime expenditures to vendors listed on this form for SWaM vendors on
contracts valued at or above $100,000 and non-SWaM vendors for contracts valued at or above $200,000.
7a. This Quarter indicate the amount paid to each subcontractor per reporting period. If no payments were made during this period
enter $0.
7b. Year to Date summarizes all payments made to the vendor to date.
8. Type of Work or Commodity indicate scope of work or commodity acquired from the subcontractor
Effective October 5, 2007 all Form ASD-63’s for a particular reporting period shall be submitted preferably in an electronic format to
the contract administrator or responsible district personnel by the dates of each calendar year.
July 1 – September 30
October 1 – December 31
January 1 - March 31
April 1 – June 30
Five(5) working days after the reporting period
Five(5) working days after the reporting period
Five(5) working days after the reporting period
Five(5) working days after the reporting period
If the submittal date falls on a weekend/holiday, the forms shall be submitted to the VDOT contract administrator or responsible
district personnel on the following business day.
Central Office
Hampton Roads
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(1) Contractor/Tax I.D. No.
(1a) Contract Name
(1c) Contract No._________________________
(1b) District ___________________
(3) Subcontractor/ Vendor
Tele No., Certification No.
(4) Tax I.D.
All amounts paid to
subcontractors/vendors are to be
reported and submitted by VDOT's
quarterly submittal schedule. See
(5) SWaM
S, W, M,
(6) SubContract
Page ______ of ______
(2) Period Ending __________
(7) Subcontractor Payment
(8) Type of Work or Commodity
(7a)This Quarter
(7b) To Date
I/We under penalty of law that the information provided herein is
accurate, current and complete to the best of my/our knowledge.
Signature and Title of Company Official
_________________________ Date _____
Print Name and Phone No. of Individual Completing Report
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*Identify the reason for withholding from disclosure in accordance with the Code of Virginia § 2.2-434
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State Corporation Commission Form
Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC) registration information. The Oofferor:
 is a corporation or other business entity with the following SCC identification number: ____________ -OR is not a corporation, limited liability company, limited partnership, registered limited liability partnership, or business
trust -OR is an out-of-state business entity that does not regularly and continuously maintain as part of its ordinary and customary
business any employees, agents, offices, facilities, or inventories in Virginia (not counting any employees or agents in
Virginia who merely solicit orders that require acceptance outside Virginia before they become contracts, and not
counting any incidental presence of the offeror in Virginia that is needed in order to assemble, maintain, and repair goods
in accordance with the contracts by which such goods were sold and shipped into Virginia from offeror’s out-of-state
location) -OR is an out-of-state business entity that is including with this proposal an opinion of legal counsel which accurately and
completely discloses the undersigned offeror’s current contacts with Virginia and describes why those contacts do not
constitute the transaction of business in Virginia within the meaning of § 13.1-757 or other similar provisions in Titles
13.1 or 50 of the Code of Virginia.
**NOTE** >> Check the following box if you have not completed any of the foregoing options but currently have
pending before the SCC an application for authority to transact business in the Commonwealth of Virginia and wish to be
considered for a waiver to allow you to submit the SCC identification number after the due date for proposals (the
Commonwealth reserves the right to determine in its sole discretion whether to allow such waiver): 
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No portion of the work (including equipment) shall be subcontracted to another firm or individual without
prior written consent of Virginia Department of Transportation (herein referred to as VDOT). In the event
that the Contractor desires to subcontract some part of the work specified herein, the Contractor shall furnish
VDOT with the names, qualifications, and experience of their proposed subcontractors for agency approval.
The primary contractor shall, however, remain fully liable and responsible for the work performed by its
subcontractor(s) and shall assure compliance with all requirements of the contract.
List proposed subcontractor(s), including name, address, contact person, and type of work to be performed
under this contract below.
Please indicate which above proposed subcontractors are certified (with DMBE) as Small, Women Owned or
Minority Businesses.
Company Name:
Certification Number:
The proposed subcontractor(s) listed above is/are approved and accepted under the terms and conditions of the
contract requirements herein.
Signature of Contract Officer
Telephone Number