NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide - ProcurePoint
NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide - ProcurePoint
NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide A supplier’s guide to the preparation and submission of information into the NSWBuy Suppler Data Portal Version 1.12.1 27 February 2013 NSW Procurement NSW Department of Finance & Services NSW Procurement Client Support Centre Phone: 1800 679 289 Email: nswbuy@finance.nsw.gov.au NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 3 1.1. PURPOSE 3 1.2. INTENDED AUDIENCE 3 1.3. TRAINING AND ASSISTANCE 3 2. QUICK START SUMMARY 4 3. OVERVIEW 6 3.1. CONTEXT 6 3.2. PROCESS 6 3.3. GENERAL DATA REQUIREMENTS - MANDATORY FIELDS 7 3.4. GENERAL DATA REQUIREMENTS - NON-MANDATORY FIELDS 7 3.5. DATA CHECKING AND VALIDATION 7 3.6. SUPPLIER RESPONSIBILITY FOR DATA 8 3.7. COMMERCIALLY SENSITIVE INFORMATION 8 3.8. TIMELINES 8 3.9. CLARIFICATIONS AND / OR FURTHER ENQUIRIES 9 4. UPDATING A CATALOGUE 10 4.1. PRICE UPDATES 10 4.2. ADD A NEW PRODUCT 10 4.3. REMOVAL OF A PRODUCT 10 5. PSX TOOLSET – CHECK DATA 11 5.1. PSX TOOLSET VALIDATION 11 5.2. REPORTS TAB 11 5.2.1. CELL FORMATTING 12 5.2.2. ATTRIBUTE VALUE 12 5.3. 12 REVALIDATION OF THE CATALOGUE DATA 6. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 13 7. APPENDIX A – PSX TOOLSET DATA 14 A division of the Department of Finance & Services i NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 7.1. PSX TOOLSET BMECAT HEADER DATA 15 7.2. PSX TOOLSET ITEM DATA 15 7.3. ATTRIBUTE FORMATTING RULES 27 8. APPENDIX B – ATTRIBUTE EXAMPLES 29 A division of the Department of Finance & Services ii NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 1. Introduction 1.1. Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to suppliers to assist in the presentation of high quality information about goods and services to make it easy for NSW Government staff, and in particular purchasers, to browse, find and view the product details and subsequently purchase the desired items. The key tools to maintain data in the NSWBuy eCatalogues are the PSX Toolset and the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal. This guide explains how to optimise the use of each of these tools, noting that training guides are also available for guidance on basic processes. 1.2. Intended Audience This document is intended for suppliers to NSW Government who wish to update or create a catalogue hosted on NSWBuy, it is particularly well suited to supplier organisational staff responsible for: Tender bids Business development Account/Brand/Marketing/Sales Product Management Inventory and warehouse data Online and offline catalogue production Anyone asked to fill in a NSWBuy PSX Toolset 1.3. Training and Assistance This document has been produced by NSW Procurement (NSWP) which is a division of the Department of Finance and Services. To request training for the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal, including the PSX Toolset, or for any other assistance with NSWBuy eCatalogues, please contact the NSWP Client Support Centre. Phone: 1800 679 289 Email: nswbuy@finance.nsw.gov.au NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 3 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 2. Quick Start Summary The NSWBuy PSX Toolset collects catalogue information for the display in the NSWBuy eCatalogues (https://catalogues.buy.nsw.gov.au/), the online purchasing platform used by NSW Government buyers to find goods and services The PSX Toolset is a spreadsheet with a built-in data checking process that ensures the information is provided in the correct format for uploading to NSWBuy eCatalogues. If you are being invited to supply to NSW Government, then you should seek to have the goods/services that you offer listed on the NSWBuy eCatalogues platform. NSW Government spends approximately $13 billion annually on goods and services, so this is a significant sales channel for any market or category. The NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal system is the online system into which the completed NSWBuy PSX Toolset is uploaded. The NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal will alert suppliers via email when updates are expected; suppliers are then able to access the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal to retrieve their latest version of the PSX Toolset. The PSX Toolset supports the loading of descriptive product information into the NSWBuy catalogue solution. A number of fields are mandatory, these must be filled in – the rest of the fields in each row are offered to provide: o An enhanced buyer experience by making it easy to find items (e.g. by adding keywords that buyers might use to search for products or services). o Richer product information for buyers (e.g. a detailed description of products/services, additional attributes of the item such as size, colour, etc.). o A clear understanding of pricing and methods of delivery and storage for the goods/services (Note: these will have to be in accordance with any agreement with the NSW Government). Inside the PSX Toolset there is supporting information, including instructions for using the PSX Toolset and pop-up help boxes that provide more information about populating the various columns, rows and cells. For further information refer to this document the NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide or contact the NSWP Client Support Centre. Once data entry into the PSX Toolset is completed, an automated data checking process can be initiated to verify items such as the completeness of mandatory fields. On completion of the data checking process, the data should be ready to be converted into a special format file (known as BMEcat) and then compressed into a zipped BMEcat file which is ready for uploading into the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal. The next step is to log into the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal at https://supplierdata.buy.nsw.gov.au/ and upload the zipped BMEcat file along with any media files, such as your image files (which must be contained within a zipped file). NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 4 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide The following diagram is a simple representation of the process showing the PSX data flowing from NSW Government suppliers into NSWBuy and then on to NSW Government buyers, who may then select and purchase items: NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 5 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 3. Overview 3.1. Context NSWBuy is the NSW Government’s next generation electronic procurement platform. This document addresses on two key components of the NSWBuy platform, they are: NSWBuy eCatalogues – an online catalogue for NSW Government agencies and other eligible jurisdictions and customers to seek out and purchase goods and services NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal – an online facility for businesses engaged to supply to the NSW Government to introduce their catalogue data for review and approval prior to being loaded onto NSWBuy eCatalogues. 3.2. Process Existing suppliers whose products/services are currently available on NSWBuy eCatalogues will receive a full copy of their existing catalogue whereas new suppliers whose goods/services are not yet available on NSWBuy eCatalogues will need to populate the PSX Toolset with their product data. The steps for this process are as follows: 1. An email from NSWP will notify suppliers that an update to the catalogue is expected. 2. Supplier logs on to the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal and downloads the PSX Toolset with current catalogue data. 3. Modify the PSX Toolset as required. Use standard Microsoft Excel functionality to assist this process (e.g copy and paste, bulk find and replace for standard information that changes in all fields, spell check, etc.) 4. Run the automated data checks within the PSX Toolset. 5. Generate the BMEcat file from the PSX Toolset. 6. Compress the BMEcat file into a .zip format. 7. Access the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal and upload the zipped BMEcat file and any media or image zip files. 8. Check the validation report and conduct any further supplier review. 9. When all required updates have been made, release the catalogue to catalogue reviewers. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 6 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 3.3. General Data Requirements - Mandatory Fields As a minimum the following data must be provided for each product / service item submitted. (i.e. these are mandatory fields): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Product ID Supplier’s Short Description Contract Identifier Contract Name Price Amount Order Unit Image Name Image Type GST_Flag Regarding images, it is known from past experience that supplier organisations do not always have suitable images on hand for all the products in their catalogue. Accordingly, where suitable images are not available it is requested that a company logo is provided instead. Please note that regular on-line buyers expect to see images of the products they are considering for purchase and where that is not available they will be less likely to make the purchase – especially when an equivalent product is available with a relevant product image. For services (as distinct from tangible goods) this is less of an issue, therefore service suppliers are asked to consider what ‘visual cues’ they might wish to provide to potential buyers to enhance the selection and buying process. 3.4. General Data Requirements - Non-Mandatory Fields The PSX Toolset also contains a number of non-mandatory fields. The non-mandatory data fields can be used by suppliers to increase a product’s profile and/or assist buyers to refine the catalogue search. 3.5. Data Checking and Validation New or updated catalogue data submitted via the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal will be subject to a number of system validation checks and quality reviews prior to publishing in NSWBuy eCatalogues. The data checking and validation occurs at several points in the process: 1. The PSX Toolset has built in data checks for issues such as failure to provide data in a mandatory field. When the zipped BMEcat file is uploaded and transferred into the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal, an automatic validation process occurs to check for appropriate data fields and to compare the new data against what is currently in the NSWBuy catalogue. Any differences between the current catalogue and the uploaded zipped BMEcat file are identified in the validation report. When the zipped BMEcat file is received by NSWP further checks of the data are undertaken to confirm consistency with contractual requirements as well as ensuring NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 7 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide the data can be merged into the Master Catalogue and subsequently uploaded to NSWBuy eCatalogues. Should the updated data fail any of the checks and validation processes, the catalogue will not progress any further until issues identified have been resolved. At the PSX Toolset stage, and at the Supplier Review stage, the supplier can still make changes to the PSX Toolset and re-import the zipped BMEcat file into the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal. 3.6. Supplier Responsibility for Data Please note that suppliers will be responsible for the quality of their catalogue data submitted to NSWP via the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal. It will be assumed by NSWP that suppliers have completed any internal quality checks and/or obtained any necessary management approvals to release details of products and their associated pricing. 3.7. Commercially Sensitive Information The NSWBuy eCatalogues currently presents all of the material provided by suppliers, including media files with the exception of the price field to anyone that visits https://catalogues.buy.nsw.gov.au as a Guest user. Suppliers therefore need to ensure that pricing is not displayed in fields other than the price field, e.g. attached media files or description fields. 3.8. Timelines It is generally expected that a supplier should not take more than two (2) weeks to complete and submit a catalogue update for processing and publishing in NSWBuy eCatalogues. If a supplier anticipates it might take longer to complete the catalogue update process, they should contact their Category Manager and negotiate an appropriate time extension. Should problems be experienced accessing the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal or in submitting a catalogue update, you should contact the NSWP Client Support Centre. 3.9. Recommended Operating System and Application The PSX file is an excel spreadsheet with specialised validation formula and macros that are run during the “Check Data” and “Generate BMEcat file" process. To edit a PSX file and successfully run the "Check Data" and the "Generate BMEcat file" steps the following operating system and applications are recommended; 3.10. Microsoft Windows Operating Systems that support Microsoft Excel 2003 or higher Microsoft Excel 2003 and above Naming the BMEcat file The BMEcat file must not contain a / (forward slash). If your file name does contain a forward slash this needs to be replaced; for example: Company P/L.xml changed to Company Pty Ltd.xml Compnay P/L.zip changed to Company Pty Ltd.zip NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 8 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 3.11. Compressing the BMEcat file The BMEcat file must be compressed before loading into the Supplier Data Portal. The file compression must be in .zip format. Files can be created in the .zip format in some versions of Microsoft Windows using 'Compressed (zipped) Folders', ensure that the name of the file created has a .zip extension. If you cannot see the "Compressed (zipped) Folders" option refer to you IT support or you can use a standalone file compression application. 3.12. Clarifications and / or further enquiries For further information regarding the PSX Toolset, data checks and validations, uploading the zipped BMEcat file, and catalogue reviews, please contact the NSWP Client Support Centre. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 9 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 4. Updating a Catalogue Catalogue updates are completed by contacting the NSWP Client Support Centre and requesting a catalogue be released for updating in the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal. It is vital that supplier catalogues contain accurate and up to date information, particularly around the pricing and availability of products. Suppliers will also recognise the importance of populating as many of the other 'attribute' fields for the respective contract. Large catalogues may represent a significant work effort to populate all desired fields. Accordingly, in such circumstances suppliers may elect to adopt a staged approach to refreshing their catalogue i.e. submit two or three PSX Toolset updates before the catalogue is considered to be full or complete for all product / service items. It is also expected that suppliers will want to submit fresh images and other media attachments. 4.1. Price Updates 1. To update a price, open the PSX Toolset, locate the item that needs to have the price change in the Item Data worksheet. 2. Insert the date your item/s price becomes effective in the column headed ‘Price Eff from’. Format: dd/mm/yyyy. The effective date should be current (i.e. the date the updated catalogue is loaded to NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal). With the exception of items that will go on special, then a future date should be provided. The system is unable to apply retrospective back dates due to the adverse effect on purchase orders. It is recommended that your nominated ‘price effective from date’ should be the same as the date the zipped BMEcat file loaded into the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal. This will minimise any potential adverse impacts on accuracy and understanding when buyers place orders.. 3. Insert the new prices for the item(s) in the Price Amount (ex GST) column. Format: e.g. 27.49 Note: - $ symbol is not required. 4.2. Add a New Product To add a new product select the next empty row and enter ‘ADD’ in the column ‘Article Action’. If there is a similar item already in the PSX Toolset you can copy across the values for that item and then modify the response/s to suit the new item. If the new item does not fit any of the existing items, populate the columns as needed, and nominate the attributes/values that apply to that new item. Utilise the pre-existing ‘Attribute Names’ as examples for similar items. 4.3. Removal of a product To remove an item from your catalogue simply delete the row from your PSX Toolset and the item will be flagged for deletion in the system or change the “ExpireDate” value to a date when the product should lapse. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 10 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 5. PSX Toolset – Check Data After entering your catalogue data in the ‘Item Data’ tab, it needs to be validated to ensure the data has been entered correctly. Files with validation errors cannot be uploaded. Inputs can be checked at any time during your product data entry, allowing you to check your work in blocks, rather than waiting until the entire task is completed. 5.1. PSX Toolset Validation Click on ‘Add-Ins’ menu of the workbook and select the ‘Check Data’ macro from the PSX Toolset Menu Bar. Click ‘OK’ to commence test. Click on OK button once again, and the test results are displayed in the ‘Report’ tab. 5.2. Reports Tab The reports tab displays any errors that have been identified by the PSX Toolset. These errors need to be corrected. Errors need to be addressed and can be actioned by clicking on the Cell Reference hyperlink in Column A which directs you to the relevant cell in ‘Item Data’ tab for correction. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 11 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide Warnings can be safely ignored, however these will be monitored and may need to be addressed in the longer term to ensure all required data sets have been provided and of an appropriate standard. 5.2.1. Cell Formatting Formatting issues e.g. “Value 402.10’ of ‘Price Amount’ is not a number” can be resolved by reformatting the ‘Price Amount’ column via Format Cells Number Decimal places: Two decimal place pricing is customary. A maximum of 3 decimal places can be entered. Click on the ‘OK’ button. 5.2.2. Attribute Value Attribute value errors e.g. values that exceed the character limit. These descriptors need amending to bring the field length equal to or below the character limit, including spacing and commas. 5.3. Revalidation of the Catalogue Data The amended PSX Toolset should be revalidated by re-running the ‘Check Data’ macro until all errors have been resolved. For further information regarding the validation of the PSX Toolset, please contact the NSWP Client Support Centre. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 12 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 6. Frequently Asked Questions NSWP has compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs). The list is available on the Internet at https://www.procurepoint.nsw.gov.au/support-and-self-help/training/supplier-dataportal-training-0 NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 13 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 7. Appendix A – PSX Toolset Data NSWBuy eCatalogues displays products and services as individual items in the catalogue. In other words, product and service information is displayed in NSWBuy eCatalogues on an item name basis. Notes: 1. PSX Toolset must be maintained on whole of catalogue basis i.e. it is not possible to just submit updates for new items and/or remove items from existing catalogues as all fresh PSX Toolset loads will overwrite the pre-existing catalogue data set and any product items not found from the previous version will be flagged for deletion. 2. The PSX Toolset contains an Instruction tab which provides information about the headings and data requirements and a Definition tab that provides details about the data requirements for specific fields. 3. Each line item has specific attributes associated with it. The values of these attributes are used in NSWBuy eCatalogues to help buyers find your products and make comparisons between products. It is highly recommended that you fill in as many of the attributes as possible to ensure that buyers have the maximum amount of information about your products. If preferred, a staged approach can be adopted to populating these non-mandatory fields. 4. In NSWBuy eCatalogues accessories are now maintained either as individual items, bundled items, or in a separate Smartform that will be linked to the parent item as an option which can be mandatory or non-mandatory. Smartforms allow buyers to dynamically select and deselect aspects of a good or service that are optional, so in effect they allow catalogue items to become configurable by the buyer. To obtain more information about Smartforms, please contact the NSWP Client Support Centre. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 14 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 7.1. PSX Toolset BMEcat Header Data All PSX Toolset files issued to suppliers will include system generated text in the BMEcat Heater Data worksheet. Some of the fields include: SupplierName - This field is used by the system to identify the name of the supplier. SupplierID - The ID number issued by the system to uniquely identify each supplier in NSWBuy eCatalogues. CatalogID - The catalogue ID is used by the system to differentiate each supplier’s catalogue per contract. CatalogName - The Catalogue Name identifies the supplier catalogue. Row There are two fields in the BMEcat Header Data worksheet that must be filled in and they are: Field Name Description 13 Email Order Address Enter the organisation’s email address where purchase orders should be sent to. Fax Order Address Enter the organisation’s fax number where purchase orders should be sent to, if the organisation does not have a fax number enter the default value “email” * ** 14 *If you have both an email and fax for receiving orders but prefer to receive orders via email then enter the default value “email” in the Fax Order Address field. **If you are an integrated supplier, the existing trading channel will be utilised. 7.2. PSX Toolset Item Data The following section describes the use of all the columns in the PSX Toolset ‘Item Data’ worksheet. The Item Data worksheet lists all fields that can be completed for each item. There are over 100 fields for each item. This section provides further details on the information that can be entered for each of these fields. Column Field Length Wider explanatory notes are provided for some items where it was considered additional information would be helpful based on our experience in working with suppliers to date. A 3 Action The value for this field is always ‘ADD’. B 32 Product ID Enter the product code that uniquely identifies the item. Field Name Description NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 15 C D E Field Length Column NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 250 64,000 50 Field Name Description Suppliers Short description Enter a short description of the item. The value of this field should not be more than 250 characters, including spaces. This field should only be a brief description of the item as opposed to the ‘Suppliers Long Description’ where further information can be provided to assist buyers make their purchase decision. Marketing information is not permitted in either the Short or Long description fields. Opportunity exists to provide URL links or provide product/service specific marketing information as a media attachment i.e. pdf files. Suppliers Long Description The long description is what buyers will see when they view the product list in NSWBuy eCatalogues and buyer searches will also be compared against this description. This field must only include item descriptors. The inclusion of marketing material is not permitted. Contract Identifier Enter the contract number this item relates to, if not prepopulated. If the item supplied is not on a Whole of Government contract i.e. item supplied on a Government Agency specific contract, please leave field blank and correspondingly the ‘Contract used’ flag should be filled with an ‘N’. If unsure as to what contract number to enter, contact the NSWP Client Support Centre to obtain details. F G H 60 50 1 ContractSub Identifier Enter the contract number sub group this item relates to, if it has not pre-populated by NSWP e.g Lot 9 Contract Name The name of the contract this item relates to. Usually prepopulated, if it has not been populated contact the NSWP Client Support Centre to obtain details of what should be entered. Contract used For all Whole of Government contracts insert the value ‘Y’. For Government Agency specific contracts insert the value ‘N’. Should you be unsure of what to enter seek advice from the NSWP Category Manager. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 16 I Field Length Column NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 1 Field Name Description Info item This field is used to indicate to buyers whether the product item is purchasable or not i.e. a purchase order can be raised via NSWBuy eCatalogues or other supported ERP systems. However, many of the products published in NSWBuy eCatalogues relate to the provision of services and/or goods for which it is necessary to seek and approve a quote from suppliers before a purchase order can be raised. Where the latter situation applies the value 'I' should be inserted in the PSX Toolset so that buyers are aware of such arrangements. As NSWBuy eCatalogues requires that the Price Amount field be populated in the PSX Toolset, suppliers should also enter a zero '0' value in the Price Amount field for all items considered to be non-purchasable where a price is not available for this Info Item. If the item can be purchased through NSWBuy eCatalogues without the need for a quote, suppliers should leave the Info Item field blank. The unit price of the item must not include GST. The price amount can be any positive number to a maximum of 3 decimal places. Do not include dollar symbols in this field. J - Price Amount If the item is free of charge or can be described as non-purchasable (as described in Info Item above) enter 0 in this column. If the item is price on application, enter a ‘0’ in this field and the text ‘Price on Application’ should be inserted under the column ‘AdditionalPriceDisplay’ (located in the column AE). K L 3 - Order Unit The unit of measure (UOM) that the item of supply is to be ordered in. Enter a case-sensitive “Order Unit code” found in the PSX Toolset ‘Definitions’ worksheet in column A. Min Order Qty Enter the lowest purchase order quantity accepted for this item. Can be any positive number. Decimal places are allowed. If blank the system defaults to 1. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 17 Field Length Column NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide M N 2 Field Name Description Step Qty Enter the next largest amount of the item that can be purchased. For example, if the minimum order quantity of an item is 10 and only multiples of 10 can be ordered then the Step Qty would be 10. However, if the minimum order quantity is 10 but any amount of the item over 10 can be ordered then the Step Qty would be 1. GST_Flag Used to indicate if the item attracts GST. Select ‘10’ for yes (attracts GST) or ‘0’ for no (does not attract GST). It is essential that a selection of 0 or 10 is entered in the PSX Toolset. P dd/mm/yyyy O dd/mm/yyyy If the price of the item has a defined validity period (less than the contract duration), specify the start date of the price here. Price Eff from This would be the date from which the price of the item becomes effective. Leave blank if this item will be available for the duration of the contract. When updating pricing, insert the new date your item/s price becomes effective from. While the system does not permit the application of retrospective back dates it can be refreshed with the date of the data load or a future date, where nominated. If the price of the item has a defined validity period (less than the contract duration), specify the end date of the price here. ExpireDate This would be the date when the item price ceases to be effective. Leave blank if this item will be available for the duration of the contract. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 18 Field Length Column NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide Field Name Description This field is used to create volume price discounts. The Price Lower Bound field sets the lowest order quantity required for this price to apply. The ‘Price Lower Bound’ column records the lower boundary price line and is valid for the nominated order quantity. The corresponding price is recorded in the ‘Price Amount’ column. For multiple volumes add the same item line directly below the original line and change the lower bound / price amount, only positive numbers and decimal places are allowed. Q Price Lower Bound For each volume price-break you wish to offer, you will need to use a separate row in the PSX Toolset. For example to offer discounts for bulk purchases: 1-99 items is $10 per item, 100 – 199 items is $9 per item, 200 or more items is $8 per item. You would need to have three rows in the PSX Toolset (with the same ProductID): 1st row: Price Amount = $10, Price Lower Bound = 1 2nd row: Price Amount = $9, Price Lower Bound = 100 3rd row: Price Amount = $8, Price Lower Bound = 200 The ‘Price Lower Bound’ field can be any positive number, decimal places are allowed. If blank, the default value of 1 is applied. Insert the name of the basic item image. Enter the name of the item image in the following convention: “Product Code” followed by stop character and file extension type e.g. “HQVRTMK.jpeg”. Will be shown as a thumbnail and in the item details on NSWBuy eCatalogues. R 40 Image Name The use of clear and representative product images is strongly recommended as it greatly enhances a product profile to buyers. Where suitable product images are not available we request company logos are provided and replaced when product images become available. The image files need to be collated into one zip file and uploaded into the NSWBuy Supplier Data Portal. Note: all images need to be clearly linked to the product or service item to which they apply. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 19 Field Length Column NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide Field Name Description Select the file type of the media asset / image from the dropdown list. Allowed values are: • application/pdf • image/jpeg • image/gif • text/html • url Note: following image and logo specification requirements • Images will only be accepted in pdf (Portable Document Format), jpeg (image), gif (image), html and url formats. The maximum image size is 325 X 325 pixels. S 30 Image Type • Should it be considered necessary to add an appropriate disclaimer text to the image, it is recommended that before adding the 9-point Arial Black text you reduce the image size. This will enable the text to remain legible. Some examples of acceptable wording of disclaimer text are: o o o o o o Item displayed with accessories Image represents product style Image represents product class Items does not include accessories Set up for illustration purposes only Set up for illustration purposes, does not include accessories Select the region of your organisation’s primary geographical location in this field. T 50 Primary Supplier Location The NSW regions are detailed further on the ProcurePoint website: https://www.procurepoint.nsw.gov.au/nswbuy_regions NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 20 Field Length Column NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide Field Name Description Enter NSW regions that you are contracted to service. Where services are provided across multiple regions they should be separated by a comma e.g. if your organisation services the whole of NSW, the string would appear as follows: CU,NP,NS,IW,SE,SW,CC,HU,CW,OR,RI,FN,MN,NE,IL,S H U 50 Regions Serviced Region Internal Region code Cumberland / Prospect CU Nepean NP Northern Sydney NS Inner West IW South East Sydney SE South West Sydney SW Central Coast CC Hunter HU Central West CW Orana / Far West OR Riverina / Murray RI Far North Coast FN Mid North Coast MN New England NE Illawarra IL Southern Highlands SH The NSW regions are detailed further on the ProcurePoint website: https://www.procurepoint.nsw.gov.au/nswbuy_regions V 250 SupplierContactURL Enter your organisation’s website address (only the URL needs to be entered). W 50 Manufacturer Enter the name of a person, business or organisation that manufactured the item. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 21 Column Field Length NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide X 50 Field Name Description Manufacturer ID Enter the unique product code used by the manufacturer to identify this item. Y 60 Brand Identifier Enter the Brand Identifier for the item. This field is usually only used if the Brand name is different to either the Supplier or manufacturer’s name. Z 60 Model Identifier If required, enter the Model identifier for the item. A A Enter the ‘Measurement Unit’ of the ‘Measurement Data’ (in field AB). 60 Measurement Unit Example: The Item is 200mm width x 100mm depth x 300mm height so you would enter in this field ‘millimetre’. Please insert corresponding value/s to measurement unit data above. A B A C A D A E 60 Measurement Data Example: The Item is 200mm width x 100mm depth x 300mm height so you would enter in this field ‘200w x 100d x 300h’. 60 Package Unit Enter Package Unit information for the item. 60 Package Qty Enter Package Quantity information for the item. AdditionalPriceDisplay Enter a line of text to be displayed below the item price. Optional field that allows suppliers to insert additional price text i.e. price on application or call XX XXXX XXXX for more details. Maximum of 50 characters. Note: This information is not passed on to approvers or included in the Purchase Order. 50 NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 22 Field Length Column NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide Field Name Description Enter the UNSPSC code for the item. Note UNSPSC codes can be selected from the list in the ‘Definitions’ Tab. UNSPSC stands for United Nations Standard Products and Services Code. The code provides an open, global multi-sector standard for efficient, accurate classification of products and services. It is also supports the application of taxonomy for more technical searches and also an increasing need for spend analysis and invoice matching in client ERP systems. A F 8 UNSPSC The UNSPSC has a number of classification levels, down to the narrowest level, called the Commodity level. Where possible, products and services provided in the NSWBuy eCatalogues should be classified to the Commodity level per v14.0801 of the UNSPSC table file. If the item cannot be classified down to the Commodity level, it should be codified to the next most appropriate level. Details of the table file can also be found in the PSX Toolset ‘Definitions’ worksheet To understand the different classification levels, including more information about the UNSPSC codes, refer to the website: http://www.unspsc.org/ A G A H A I A J 250 MSDS Enter the file name of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Copies of the relevant PDFs should be zipped and uploaded to the NSWBuy Supplier Data portal. Enter a keyword / synonym that describes the item. Keywords are referenced when a buyer searches the NSWBuy eCatalogues. 50 50 50 Keyword 1 3 additional keyword fields are provided enabling suppliers to include up to a total of 4 search terms to assist buyers with their item search. Keyword 2 Enter an additional keyword / synonym that describes the item. Keywords are referenced when a buyer searches the NSWBuy eCatalogues. There are 3 other keyword fields provided. Keyword 3 Enter an additional keyword / synonym that describes the item. Keywords are referenced when a buyer searches the NSWBuy eCatalogues. There are 3 other keyword fields provided. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 23 A K A L Field Length Column NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 50 250 Field Name Description Keyword 4 Enter an additional keyword / synonym that describes the item. Keywords are referenced when a buyer searches the NSWBuy eCatalogues. There are 3 other keyword fields provided. Attachment Purpose 1 Select from the dropdown list, the purpose of the additional media asset / image being supplied. Allowed values are: • normal = picture will be shown directly • detail = picture will be shown as a clickable link • data_sheet = pdf / html pages • others = attachment will be shown as a clickable link A further four attachment fields groups are provided at the end of the PSX Toolset from column CQ to DF to load additional attachments. A M 60 Attachment File 1 Enter the image file name or file names of additional media asset / image being supplied. A N 250 Attachment Description 1 The entry in this field will form the hyperlink to your image or document in the item details page. A O 30 Attachment Type 1 Select the file type of the media asset / image. Allowed values are: • application/pdf • image/jpeg • image/gif • text/html • url A P 60 Environmentally Positive Attributes Select from the dropdown list, the 'Environmentally Positive Attributes' value for this item. A Q 60 Green Power Select the 'green power' value for this item from the available options. A R 60 Energy Allstars Select the 'energy star rating' value for this item from the available options. A S 60 Energy Star Rating Select the 'energy star rating' value for this item from the available options. A T 60 Energy Star Rating Cooling Select the 'energy star rating cooling' value for this item from the available options. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 24 Column Field Length NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide A U 60 Energy Star Rating Heating Select the 'energy star rating heating' value for this item from the available options. A V 60 Energy Efficient Light Bulbs Select the 'energy efficient light bulbs' value for this item from the available options. A W 60 Recycled Content (percentage) Enter the 'recycled content (percentage)' value for this item as a number between 5 and 100. A X 60 Water Efficiency Star Rating (WELS) Select the ‘Water Efficiency Star Rating (WELS) ' value for this item from the available options. Field Name Description A Y 14 GTIN Enter the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) for the item which is a unique 14 digit identification of products worldwide within the EAN.UCC System. For more information on GTINs go to http://www.gtin.info/. A Z 60 Service Item Enter ’Y’ if item being supplied is a service. Otherwise leave blank. B A 1000 Mandatory Reference Product ID The Product IDs listed here will be a mandatory reference (accessories) to the corresponding parent item, meaning that when a customer buys the parent item all items listed here will have to be purchased as well. If there are multiple mandatory referenced items, separate the Product IDs with "|" (pipe symbol). B B 1000 Optional Reference Product ID The Product IDs listed here will be optional references (accessories) to the corresponding parent item, meaning that when a customer buys the parent item, they can select optional items listed here to purchase. If there are multiple optional referenced items, separate the Product IDs with "|" (pipe symbol). NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 25 Field Length Column NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide Field Name Description Item Attributes allow suppliers to add further classification to their items which provide a greater level of detail about the item to the buyer. To create an attribute, two fields must be entered, the name field describing the attribute and the corresponding value field with the attribute value (see below). The PSX Toolset provides for up to 20 additional data fields via the attribute columns (BC to CP. B C t o C P 60 Attribute Name 1- 20 Each line item has specific attributes associated with it. The values of these attributes are used in NSWBuy eCatalogues to help buyers find your products and make comparisons between products. It is highly recommended that you fill in as many of the attributes as possible to ensure that buyers have the maximum amount of information about your products. If preferred, a staged approach can be adopted. Attribute Values must be entered in standard casing beginning with an uppercase letter followed by lowercase letters. See also section 7.3 Attributes Formatting Rules and Appendix B for examples of Attributes. B D t o C P C Q t o D F 60 20 Attribute Value 1- 20 Attachment Purpose n (n = 2 to 5) Insert your value of the item attribute for the Attribute Name entered in the PSX Toolset. If the Attribute Value cell is left blank, attribute details will not be loaded into NSWBuy. See also section 7.3 Attributes Formatting Rules and Appendix B for examples of Attributes. Select the purpose of the additional media asset / image being supplied. Allowed values are: • normal = picture will be shown directly • detail = picture will be shown as a clickable link • data_sheet = pdf / html pages • others = attachment will be shown as a clickable link A further four attachment fields groups are provided at the end of the PSX Toolset from column CQ to DF should it be desired to load additional attachments. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 26 C Q t o D F C Q t o D F C Q t o D F Field Length Column NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide Field Name Description 250 Attachment File n (n = 2 to 5) Enter the image file name or file names of additional media asset / image being supplied. 250 Attachment Description n (n = 2 to 5) Enter the description of additional media asset / image being supplied. Additional media asset/image - purpose of attached file. Attachment Type n (n = 2 to 5) Select the file type of the media asset / image. Allowed values are: • application/pdf • image/jpeg • image/gif • text/html • url 250 7.3. Attribute Formatting Rules The following rules apply when entering data in the PSX Toolset and populating the fields and attributes for each item: The maximum length of the attribute value is 60 characters, including spaces. Attribute values are to be written in standard casing, i.e. they begin with an upper case letter then lower case follows. The exception is where ‘Measurement Units’ are recorded, which are all in lower case. Where an attribute value is hyphenated, the first letter after the hyphen is to be in lower case. Where an attribute value contains a ‘slash‘ (/ or \), the first letter after the ‘slash‘ is to be in upper case. The following characters MUST NOT be entered in any of the attribute cells: o o o o o o o o o Asterisk Question mark Left parenthesis Right parenthesis Single quote Double quote Copyright symbol Registered symbol Trade Mark symbol * ? ( ) ‘ “ © ® ™ NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 27 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide o Underscore _ There is to be a space after a comma. Where an attribute value has multiple weights and/or measures, a space is to be inserted between the two with the second being in standard casing. For example, 100mm Diameter Weights and measures are to be written in full. For example, centimetre for cm etc. When you have values for multiple dimensions for the ‘Dimension’ attribute (such as Length x Width x Height), it is to be shown in upper case. For example 1000L x 700W x 800H Use a lower case ‘x’ to express ‘by’ in dimensions. Leave a space on each side of the ‘x’. Imperial dimensions, where possible, should be converted to metric, providing all dimensions can be successfully converted. Imperial measurements should only be used when unavoidable. Where deemed necessary please use full spelling i.e. inch and not the “ [Attribute Field Metadata double quote character] abbreviation. Similarly, the ‘ [single quote character] abbreviation should not be used for feet. If all of the attribute values to be presented are whole numbers then there is no need for a decimal point followed by a zero. If there is a mixture of whole numbers and fractions then all of the values for that attribute are to contain the same number of decimal places. When presenting numbers less than one, use a leading zero before the decimal point. (e.g. 0.03 not .03). All tolerances for units of measure shall include the following special characters: o Plus + o Minus o Plus or minus + or – o When a range tolerance is to be expressed, the following format shall apply, for example: -100 to +50 degree Celsius The plus and minus signs are only to be used in a numerical context. In other contexts you must use the whole word i.e. plus, minus. When using compliance data such as Australian Standards, do not include the year or version of the standard. You only need to enter the standard. All values are to be written in the singular (e.g. page not pages). NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 28 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide 8. Appendix B – Attribute Examples The following table shows examples of attribute fields that could be added in the optional Attribute fields in the PSX Toolset. Any Attribute can be added to the PSX Toolset as long as it has an accompanying Attribute Value. Attribute Name Licence data Compliance data Safety data Fire data Colour data Flavour data Fragrance data Attribute Metadata Where an item has restricted usage conditions (computer software). Where the item conforms to a national/international standard, industry convention or a known specification. Safety characteristics, features or information for the item. The items fire rating characteristic such as fire retardant information (flammable or non-flammable) fire class information (Class A - wood, paper, plastic). The standard colour descriptive name, also use for finishes such as "chrome", may also include opacity data. The characteristics of the items taste. Warranty type The characteristics of the items smell. Information about the service provision, delivery, time and other service details. The type of energy used to operate the device. Can include fuel type or energy source. Input a value to indicate if the item is "rechargeable" or "single use". Description of the warning type also includes Dangerous Goods Data. The type of guarantee provided. Warranty data The number of time units representing the period of guarantee. Warranty unit The measurement of time units the warranty data represents. Specification data The primary / significant performance measurement of the item. The unit used to describe the items specification measurement i.e. "volt". The price of the product per kilo, litre, or piece (relating to food). The unit relating to the comparison price kilo, litre, piece, (relating to food). The measureable service/s provided to a client within a given time period. Period in which the service is provided. Service data Energy data Rechargeable data Warning data Specification unit Comparison price Comparison unit Service level Service period Service provider Form data Function data Absorbency data Name of service provider/third party. The type / style / shape of an item as in important sub descriptors (not as in material). What the item is expected to do especially where it is not obvious or is a sub function / can also include usage data e.g. Single Patient Use, Reusable, Disposable etc. The amount of liquid an item will soak up. NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 29 NSWBuy Catalogue Style Guide Attribute Name Capacity data Composition data Concentration data Condition data Content data Operating data Size code Storage data Inscription data Pattern data Lens data Attribute Metadata The volume that this item can store or process (does not substitute for measurement data). The primary / significant material this item is made from (more detail can be consigned to specification reference). The amount of primary / significant component dilution (more detail can be consigned to specification reference). Where the item cannot be assumed to be new i.e Remanufactured". The primary / significant contents of an assembly / kit / set and includes the number of form copies in a book and similar details. The method, type or detail for utilising an item. The standardised size i.e. "small" (can be independent of or supplement measurement data). Information about the item's storage capabilities. The characteristics that forms words / letters / symbols that distinguish the item. The characteristics that do not form words / letters / symbols that distinguish the item. Can also include a range, set or series of products such as clothing, flooring, footwear, luggage and manchester etc., by which manufacturer's name the collection. The characteristic of a lens (eyewear, camera equipment). NSW Procurement - A division of the Department of Finance & Services 30 NSW Department of Finance & Services NSW Procurement McKell Building 2-24 Rawson Place Sydney NSW 2000 T: 1300 683 289 TTY: 1300 301 181