New Series! Face To Face With Jesus Joining God and Others


New Series! Face To Face With Jesus Joining God and Others
Joining God and Others
on a Kingdom Journey
for the Sake of the World
February 16, 2014
We Gather to Worship
O Worship The King (144)
Join Together in Praise
Stand And Shout*
Shout To The Lord*
One Thing Remains*
Celebrate the Lord’s
Be Lifted High*
Blessed Be Your Name*
Children Ages 3-5 are Dismissed
to Kid’s Crossing
The Greatest Commands (448)
“Praying With Power”
Doug Peters
Garden of Prayer
Above All*
Crown Him*
Sent Out In the Name
of Christ
Songs marked with an * are not
found in the hymnal. Sheet Music is
available in each foyer.
New Series!
Encounter: Face To Face With Jesus
The Word became flesh and
made his dwelling among us...
John begins his gospel by introducing us to a real live flesh and
blood person - the Person of
Jesus! And knowing Jesus is the
central issue of life. Not just knowing about him, not merely analyzing and debating him - but knowing him personally and intimately.
Join us next week as Doug begins a new message series called
ENCOUNTER. We will explore together some of the face-to-face encounters that Jesus had with real people. The people that met Jesus up
close were personally and profoundly transformed. If Jesus could change
deranged demoniacs, legalistic lawyers and promiscuous prostitutes,
imagine what he can do in your life and in the lives of people you love!
Invite a friend and join us next week as we ENCOUNTER Jesus!
How To Login To CCB
Visit our website at On the left menu of the
front page, click on Member Login. On this page, there is a link to the
CCB Login Page as well as links on how to use CCB and how to print
your contribution statements. Click on the CCB Login Page. This takes
you to the login page for CCB. We recommend you bookmark this page
or save it as a favorite so you can easily navigate to it.
If you are a first time user, click on Sign Up. You will then be prompted
to enter your name, email, and contact phone. If your email matches the
one we already have in the system you will get an email with a link to
set a password. Note, your address must match the one we have for
you in CCB. If the email you use is different, it will send an email to our
CCB administrator (Bret) who must send you the activation link. After
this, you should be logged in and ready to explore the great features of
CCB (Community Church Builder).
Please be sure to update any information that may be incorrect as well
as upload a photo of youself, as this helps us to put names with faces.
1601 North Davis Drive, Arlington, Texas 76012
• NT LTC - 2014
. . . $40 Payment Due Today
• Camp Goddard - 2014
June 16-20, For students entering
4th - 6th grade next year.
To submit bulletin items, email by Thursday at noon.
Adult Ministry
• Arlington Life Shelter Benefit New York, New York: Saturday,
March 29, 6:30-9:00pm in the FLC. •
Tickets go on sale today after worship in all foyers. Price: $30 / Children: $20. Come for a night of dining,
live entertainment and a silent auc•
tion. All proceeds benefit the children at the ALS through Carter’s
Committee for Children’s Charities.
• Transformers
Sign up today following worship in
the Welcome Center to go to the
Bush Presidential Library in Dallas
on Saturday, March 8. They plan to
leave as a group from North Davis
at 9:30am. Tickets are limited.
OLY Family Potluck / Meeting
Today, February 16, 11:30 in the
Fellowship Room. Please bring
enough food for your family +1.
HUB Tonight
Devo Night
Sunday, Feb. 23, 5:30 - 7:30pm
• Day Camp - 2014
July 29-31, For students entering
1st - 3rd grade next year.
• Upcoming Nursery Teams
February 16 & 23, Team #3
led by Nickie Shaw
March 2 & 9, Team #4
led by Melissa Saniuk
• Lubbock Christian University
Presentation: Wed., Feb. 26,
7 - 8pm in the Youth Room.
• Upcoming Events
March 3 - Collide
March 9 - HUB
March 16 - Collide
• Green Thumb Anyone?
March 23 - Devo Night
T. J. Walker is planning a community
March 30 - OLY Family Night
garden for H & H again this year. To
help with this effort please contact
him at:
February 9, 2014 Report
Attendance: 560/384
Offering: $24,694
YTD Average: $24,794
Budget: $24,890
Jamie Bain
Bob Carter
• Grief Support Group Begins
• NT LTC - 2014
Bill Dismuke
Lamar Baptist will begin the video
Coaches and Practice Times:
Allen Griffith
seminar series, GriefShare, on SunArt: Carih Haefs, Sundays in March Nolan Kennedy
day, Feb. 23, 4:30-6pm. It features @ 12:45-3pm
John Patterson
Christian experts on grief and covBible Bowl: Jan Taylor & Stephanie ers recovery topics from a biblical
Morrison, Sundays, 11:45
perspective. For more info, contact (Starts Mar. 2) & Wednesdays
Tom or Susan Green: 817-265-3008;
Feb. 12 & 19, 6-6:30pm
Chorus: Summer Morris, Wednes- days (Starts March 5) 6:30-7pm
• Sonshine Bible School
Drama: Alisa Cantwell & Stephanie
. . . Is for children between 18 mos.
Morrison (Start date TBD)
and 4 yrs. New student registration Puppets: Leslie Anderson, Wednesbegins March 6, 6102 W. Pleasant
days (Starts March 5) 7-7:30pm
Ridge, Arlington. Call 817-483-6424 Sign Language: Michelle Lanford,
Wednesdays (Starts March 5) 6pm
9:00am - Bible Classes for All Ages
10:15am - Worship Assembly
PM - Small Groups in various locations
Wednesday Night Equip!
7:00pm - Join the Journey and be
Equipped for Ministry and Mission.
A Thank You Note. . .
We received a thank you note from
Yolanda Adams and her family expressing gratitude for being a part of such a
caring, loving and giving congregation.
She is so thankful God brought them
here. “You all go above and beyond for
everyone and we appreciate the love
and kindness shown our growing family.”
(Thank you notes are posted on the
north foyer bulletin board).
Scott Souder
Gary Staley
Gil Vollmering, Jr.
Gil Vollmering, Sr.
Rodney Waller
Jim Wren
Suzanne Counts: Ministry Assistant
Beverly Kellar: Equipping Director
Darrell Lanford: Youth Family Minister
Bret Morris: Worship & Connections Min.
Summer Morris: Children’s Family Min.
Janis O’Neal: Administrator
Dr. Doug Peters: Senior Minister
Jane Tenery: Ministry Assistant
Dr. Marilyn Stinson: Counselor
Did You Know. . .
BSA Troop 630 raises money each
month for camps and activities by
recycling newspapers, junk mail,
magazines, etc. A yellow recycling
bin is located near Hearts & Hands
for your convenience in helping with
this project. Recyclers will take thin,
clean cardboard but will not accept
corrugated cardboard or phone books.
Thanks for your participation!