OBITUARIES How to submit B4


OBITUARIES How to submit B4
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
State and area deaths
Lucille Adele Halverson
Lucille Adele Halverson
passed away June 9, 2014,
Dawn Feller, 39
after suffering a stroke.
Lucille Halverson, 94
Lucille was born in LaDorothy “Dottie” Hertz,
kota, N.D., on Nov. 18, 1919,
Geraldine “Jerry” Viator, to David and Lulu Moore.
She was raised and educated
Robert Eugene “Butch” in Warwick, N.D., where she
met her husband, William
Wombolt, 80
Ha lverson.
They were
Buffalo, Wyo.: Virginia married in
Devils Lake,
M. “Ginny” Knebel, 88
Crow Agency: Patrick N.D., on July
C. Doyle Sr., 52
Glasgow: Sandrea E. They made
Grandchamp Lonebear, 69 their home
Jordan: Ronald Robert- in
Lake, where HALVERSON
son, 64
Sheridan, Wyo.: Wil- Lucille was a
liam “Bill” Laya, 83
Terry: Helen Mathiason, until they moved to Billings
in 1967. Lucille worked as a
Thermopolis, Wyo.: baker at West High School
for 10 years, meeting new
Ruth Irene Nickelson, 100
and lasting friends. After
retiring, she enjoyed many
Dodge, N.D.: Steve trips with friends.
Lucille was a member
Voltz, 93, Columbus
of Lutheran Church of the
Good Shepherd, volunteerCREMATION &
ing with altar guild and
newsletter. She also volunGALLERY
teered with RSVP and the
Billings Schools HOSTS
Cremation & Burial Society of Montana
29 8 St. W. • Billings • 254-2414
Lucille was famous for
Absaroka Beartooth Columbarium
her homemade dinner rolls,
Exclusive Provider
which she often made for
Cremation with Confidence Guarantee
family and friends. Her
enjoyed them, and named
them “Gramma Buns.”
Preceding her in death
was her husband; her
son and daughter-in-law
Dwight “Whitey” and
and Crematory
Cheryll Halverson; two sisServing Billings Area for 110 Years
ters and a brother.
Complete Funeral, Crematory
Survivors include Marand Cemetery Pre-Arrangements
with Cremation Niches, Lawn Crypts
lene (Kyhl) Thomson of
and Mausoleum.
Billings and Kory (RhonReception Facilities Available
da) Thomson, Kurt (Kelli)
Thomson, Sandi (John)
Thompson of Minot, N.D.,
Alecia (Jeremy) Berg, Jason
Adjacent to
Thompson, Kim Broden,
Terrace Gardens Cemetery
304 34TH ST. W
Shannon (Brent) Witcher; as
4 Blocks N. of Central on 34th St. W.
well as 11 great-grandchilTATE — Glenn E., 69,
dren. Also surviving are one
Billings. Graveside sersister, Marlys Barbone, and
vice 1 p.m. Friday, June 13, many nieces and nephews.
at Mountview Cemetery.
Lucille spent the last 15
months of her life at Aspen
Meadows Nursing Home.
We would like to thank the
925 S. 27th
staff for her wonderful care
and the support and kindM., Billings. The famness shown to the family.
ily of Alice Aldrich, who
Memorials may be sent
passed away on Feb. 23,
to Lutheran Church of the
2014, at age 90, will hold
Good Shepherd building
a celebration of her life on
fund or the Billings Food
Thursday, June 12, at 12
p.m. in the Alberta Bair
Memorial services will
Conference Room, St.
be at 10 a.m. Thursday, June
John’s Lutheran Home,
12, at Michelotti-Sawyers
3940 Rimrock Rd.(6/12)
Mortuary, 1001 Alderson
WEISS — Armen H.,
Ave. Interment will be in the
84, of Billings. Cremation
Devils Lake Cemetery.
is planned. A memoCondolences may be
rial service will be 11 a.m.
made online at www.miThursday, June 12th at
Trinity Lutheran Church,
537 Grand Ave.(6/12)
How to submit
315 E. 3rd.
201 N. Broadway
35 N. Diamond St.
Mortuary and Crematory
Serving All Faiths
With Dignity since 1956
Here for you
Before, During and After Services
1001 Alderson Ave.
HALVERSON — Lucille Adele, 94, of Billings.
Memorial service 10 a.m.
Thursday, MichelottiSawyers Mortuary.(6/12)
FELLER — Dawn, 39,
of Billings. Visitation, 2-4
p.m., Fri. at MichelottiSawyers. Cremation to
HERTZ — Dorothy
“Dottie” Althoff Tanner,
86, of Billings. Funeral
Mass 11 a.m. Friday, St.
Pius X. Burial to follow
at Mountview Cemetery.
Donations: Angela’s
Piazza, Women’s Drop-in
Center, 420 Grand Ave.,
Billings, MT 59101.(6/13)
For obituary information, call 406-657-1241
or 800-543-2505. The
deadline is 3 p.m. for next
day publication.
Obituaries can be
e-mailed to, mailed
to Obituary Dept., Billings
Gazette, PO Box 36300,
Billings, MT 59107, faxed to
406-657-1208 or brought
to the Billings Gazette, 401
N. Broadway, after 1 p.m.
All obituaries require
verification from a funeral
home, so please include the
funeral home name and
phone number. The cost
for obituaries is $23.50 per
column inch daily and Saturday, $25.50 on Sundays.
Payment is required before
publication. Free obituaries
are also available; please
inquire as to guidelines.
All obituaries are edited
to conform to AP Style.
Obituaries and photo s are
edited to a standard format.
If you have a special request
for the obituary or photo,
please inform The Gazette
in advance.
Billings Monument Co.
Proudly serving Billings for 115 years!
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MINDER — George Spencer, 58, of Hardin, Mont.
Memorial Service at First American Lutheran Church in
Hardin 1 p.m. Thursday, June 12. 11
HUMPHREY — Traci, 47, of Billings. Vigil on
Wednesday June 11 at 7 p.m. at Dahl Funeral Chapel,
Memorial Service at Holy Rosary Church Thursday, June
12, at 1 p.m. 11
RIEDL — Shirley A., 85, of Billings. Memorial Service
at St. Pius X Catholic Church, Wednesday, June 11, at 11
a.m. 11
Traci Michele
Traci Michele Humphrey, 47, of Billings, died
Wednesday, June 4, 2014, at
Eagle Cliff Manor.
Vigil will be at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, June 11, at Dahl
Funeral Home. MemoDorothy ‘Dottie’
rial service will be at 11 a.m.
(Althoff Tanner) Hertz Thursday, June 12, at Holy
Rosary, with interment after
Dottie Hertz, a guiding luncheon.
mother and loving wife,
died June 8, 2014.
Robert Eugene ‘Butch’
It was a beautiful sumWombolt
mer day and, after having
Robert Eugene “Butch”
gotten ready for Sunday
Mass, Dottie passed on Wombolt, 80, of Billings,
quietly while sitting in her died Friday, June 6, 2014, in
favorite chair. She was 86. Great Falls.
Cremation has taken
She was born in Rosebud, Mont., on Sept. 26, place at O’Connor Funeral
1927, to Lawrence and The- Home in Great Falls. Graveresa Althoff. Dottie grew up side service will be at 10 a.m.
in a large, loving extended Saturday, July 12, at Laurel
farming family.
Her work ethic was notable, derived from her earRuth Irene Nickelson
ly years on the farm.
Dottie moved to the “Big
City” with her best friend — Ruth Irene Nickelson,
and one-year-younger sis- 100, of Thermopolis, died
ter, Birdie, both to attend Sunday, June 8, 2014, at Hot
Billings Senior High for Springs County Memorial
their graduating year. Go Hospital.
Graveside services will
Broncs! What fun memories the “Althoff Girls” be at 11 a.m. Wednesday,
shared of their one-room, June 11, at Monument Hill
walk-up apartment on Cemetery. Mortimore Funeral Home is assisting with
Clark Avenue!
Dottie met W. Paul Tan- arrangements.
ner while attending Eastern Montana College. They
Virginia M. “Ginny”
soon wed. After two wars, a
move to University of MonBUFFALO, Wyo. — Virtana in Missoula and Wyoming with Carter Oil, the ginia M. “Ginny” Knebel,
couple returned to Billings 88, of Buffalo, died Monday,
with their family of three June 9, 2104, at Amie Holt
children: Steve, Karen and Care Center,
Visitation will be from
Jeff. Paul died in 1974. Mom
9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday,
was left a young widow.
Our mom was so blessed June 13, at Harness Funeral
and we were so fortunate Home. Vigil service, rosary
to have Glen Hertz in our and time of sharing will be
lives. Dottie and Glen wed at 6 p.m. Friday, June 13, at
on July 22, 1978, in Cody, St. John the Baptist CathoWyo. What a wonderful lic Church. Mass of Chrismarriage they shared. They tian burial will be at 10 a.m.
were dedicated, loving and Saturday, June 14, at St. John
the Baptist Catholic Church.
so caring of each other.
Dottie also graduated Graveside services and infrom Billings Business terment will follow at WilCollege and enjoyed many low Grove Cemetery.
years in the work world. She
especially enjoyed working at Saunders Lumber.
She met Glen there! Dottie
retired from Yellowstone
County Purchasing Dept.
in 1992. She often spoke of
how much she enjoyed her
Mom was a beautiful seamstress and baker.
She took great pride in her
Paul Love
skills. And we more than
May 26, 1925-May 14, 2014
appreciated the cookies and
pies! We all waited for her
famous chocolate cake on — Paul Love was born in
Silverton, Ore., to Thomas
our birthdays.
It was wonderful to have and Caroline (Tarro) Love.
someone in our lives who He passed away peacegave time so generously, fully of age-related causes
helped us willingly and at Well Springs Meadow
lived lovingly. It was won- Care Center in Hayden
derful to have Dottie in our Lake at the age of 88. He
was preceded in death by
Dottie is survived by his parents; three brothers,
her loving husband and Thomas, Charles and Josoul mate, Glen; sons Steve seph Love; son-in-law Ed;
Tanner (Linda), Jeff Tan- grandson Eddie and grandner (Martha); daughter daughter Alisa.
Paul’s parents (originally
Karen Tanner (Joe Stribley)
and stepson Mark Hertz from Red Lodge) returned
(Elaine, Joshua and Chris- to Billings when Paul was
grandchildren young. He attended school
Theresa, Whitney, Tanner in Billings and joined the
and Stephen; great-grand- Marine Corps at age 17. He
children Zilya and Nolan. served his country proudly
She is also survived by in the South Pacific fighther best friend and sister, ing in Guam and Iwo Jima.
Birdie Walshe. They shared He was decorated for his
an unbreakable bond and distinguished service injourneyed through life to- cluding the Asiatic/Pacific
Campaign Medal with two
You’re in our hearts, Bronze Stars and two LetMom. Butterfl ies will al- ters of Commendation, one
from a commodore and one
ways remind us of you.
Funeral Mass will be from a general. He fought in
at 11 a.m. Friday, June 13, Golden Gloves, played bagat St. Pius X, with burial pipes and was an avid outimmediately following at doorsman.
In 1946, Paul married
Mountview Cemetery. Michelotti-Sawyers Mortuary Helen Bennett of Billings.
is assisting with arrange- They had three children:
ments. Condolences may Tana Love Davis of Billings;
be made online at www. Gregory (Pam) Love of Post
Falls, Idaho; and
Donations may be made thy (Donna) Love of Seeley
to Angela’s Piazza, Wom- Lake. Paul was employed
en’s Drop-in Center, 420 with the Montana DepartGrand Ave., Billings, MT ment of Highways (DOT)
for 30 years working in
both Billings and Missoula.
In 1975, he married Nancy
Sandrea E.
and had son DaGrandchamp Lonebear Williams
vid of San Luis Obispo, CaGLASGOW — Sandrea lif. During this time Paul
E. Grandchamp Lonebear, served as supervisor of the
69, of Glasgow, died Sun- Ephrata, Wash., airport.
day, June 8, 2014, at Frances Paul then helped his oldest
Mahon Deaconess Hospital. son with his construction
Service will be at 1 p.m. business in Palm Springs,
Saturday, June 14, at Bell Calif., and retired to BillMortuary. Private family ings in 1995.
burial is planned.
Paul is survived by
brothers, Carl (Donna) Love
Dawn Marie Feller of Billings and James (Margaret) Love of Swan Lake;
Dawn Marie Feller, 39, sisters, Jewell (Robert) Forof Billings, died Saturday, shee of Billings, Sharon
June 7, 2014.
Love of Billings and Carol
Family will receive (Hank) Rice of Corbett,
friends for visitation from 2 Ore.; and his four children,
to 4 p.m. Friday, June 13, at nine grandchildren and
Michelotti-Sawyers Mor- eight great-grandchildren.
tuary. Cremation will folCremation has taken
low. Scattering of cremated place. Graveside services
remains is planned for a will be at Yellowstone Nalater date at Long Island tional Cemetery on MonSound in Connecticut.
day, June 23, at 1 p.m.
William J. Laya
William J. Laya passed
away at the Sheridan VA
Medical Center, in the presence of his family, on June
9, 2014. “Bill” was born in
Kleenburn, Wyo., on Sept.
1, 1930, the son of Joseph T.
and Mary (Michalek) Laya.
He was a
proud lifelong resident
of Sheridan
As a boy,
many happy
days around
Acme area where he enjoyed hunting and fishing
with his brother Jerry. Bill
played ice hockey on the
Tongue River in the winters
and swam with his sisters in
the summer. Bill was nicknamed “Angel” as a child
because of his close brushes with death, including a
rattlesnake bite and falling
from Tongue River bridge
into the river after touching
a power line.
Bill graduated from
Sheridan High School in
1949 having served as Class
President and Student Body
President. He joined the
Wyoming National Guard
and was called to serve in
the Medical Corps during
the Korean War as a member of the 300th Armored
Field Artillery Battalion.
On June 9, 1951, he saved
the lives of four men near
Sanghok, Korea, while
moving through flying shell
fragments. He was awarded
the Bronze Star with Valor
Device. On the 63rd anniversary of Bill’s courageous
rescue, he passed away. The
years in between have truly
been a gift from God.
When he returned, he
earned a degree in Pharmacy from the University of
Wyoming. On July 23, 1955,
he married Joyce J. Linse at
Holy Name Church, and together, they raised six children. Bill was a successful
business man operating
several pharmacies in Sheridan, Rawlins and Douglas,
Wyo., and Texas. His compassionate spirit carried
over into his work, where he
would take trade items and
extend credit to customers
without the ability to pay
for their medicines, knowing full well he may never be
paid. After over 50 years of
service to the community,
he retired in 2006.
He served as a Sheridan County Commissioner
for 12 years, from 1972 to
1983, with 10 of those years
as Chairman of the Board.
He was instrumental in
expanding the Sheridan
County Airport, The County Court House Addition,
the building of the Sheridan County Fulmer Public Library and the Senior
Citizens Center. County
employees received health
insurance and retirement
benefits for the first time
during his tenure in office.
He was involved in many
other organizations but was
most pleased to be a lifelong
member of Holy Name Parish and was able to serve as
a Trustee. From humble beginnings, Bill was always a
champion of the underdog
and disadvantaged. His
kind and generous spirit
was always willing to help
others in need. Bill loved
reading and vegetable gardening, especially growing
tomatoes, and spending
time on his ranch. A meal
for him was not complete
without mashed potatoes.
He loved traveling and visited Jamaica, Brazil, England, Italy and Poland.
He was preceded in
death by his parents, his
brother Jerry Laya , grandson Gus Spanos, and brothers-in-law Richard Pilch
and Gordon Simmons.
He is survived by his
wife of nearly 59 years,
Joyce (Linse) Laya; his sister Beverly Peckham (Joel)
of Sheridan; children, Dr.
Mary Laya, (John Adams)
of Seattle, Wash., Dr. Joe
Laya, (Debbie) of Redding,
Calif., Dr. Tom Laya, of
Sheridan, Valerie Spanos
(Jim) of Buffalo, Wyo.,
Karen Turner (Curtis) of
Sandy, Utah, Kathleen Laya
(Joaquim Ferrari) of Rio De
Janeiro, Brazil; grandchildren Katie, Nick and Olivia
Spanos, Shelley and Lauren Laya, Jacob, David and
Andrew Turner, and Maria
Chiara Laya-Ferrari; and
many cousins, nieces and
A visitation will be at 6
p.m. with a Rosary at 7 p.m.
on Thursday, June 12, at
Kane Funeral Home. Mass
of the Christian Burial will
be held at 10 a.m. on Friday, June 13, at Holy Name
Catholic Church with Father Ron Stolcis officiating.
Interment will be in the
Elks Memorial Cemetery. A
reception will follow at the
parish hall.
contributions may be made to the
St. Joseph’s Society Clergy
Retirement Fund at P.O.
Box 1468, Cheyenne, WY
Online condolences may
be written at
Kane Funeral Home has
been entrusted with arrangements.
Geraldine ‘Jerry’ Viator
On June 9, 2014, Jerry
Viator’s sweet and gentle
soul was called to be with
the Lord. Her glowing
presence and kindhearted
nature will be missed by
Jerry’s life was fi lled
with family and love. She
enjoyed the simple things
in life and brought a sense
of innocence wherever she
went. Her time was spent
doing the things she loved
most — gardening, painting, sewing, cooking,
crafting and appreciating all that life had to give.
Even the simplest of joys
were had during short rides
around her hometown of
New Iberia, La., and in
Billings. “Fox News” was
her program of choice, as
she enjoyed a good argument with her television
from time to time. She was
known by many names:
Sister, Mom, Granny, Rose
from the “Golden Girls.”
All names were full of love
and affection. A large collection of dusty kitchen
gadgets brought joy into
her life; as shortly after
they were purchased, she’d
forget where they were and
how to use them.
Jerry spent her younger
years providing for her
three girls, working as
hard as any mother could.
A beautician who went on
to become a beauty school
director, she hated doing hair, but she did what
she was good at and what
would provide the best life
for her girls.
Born May 7, 1938, and
raised in New Iberia, La.,
she recently came to live
with her three girls and
their families in Billings,
where she found many mo-
ments of true happiness.
A quick trip to Ross in her
little blue Volkswagen Bug
always put
a smile on
Her wish for
her family
was happiness.
JERRY VIATOR proud of her
three sonsin-law, who
treated her like the queen
she was. Jerry had a wonderful sense of humor and
could laugh at all the silly
things, even if she was the
one doing them.
She is survived by her
daughters, Marla and husband Michael Long, Phyllis
and husband Roger Ditto,
and Ashley and husband
Shane Robichaux; grandchildren Heather and
husband Tim Ware, Ryan
Landry, Morgan Ditto and
life-mate Derek Kirkwood,
Gunnar Robichaux and
Caemin Robichaux; greatgrandchildren Mckenzie
and Fallan Ware, Rhyan
and Tai Landry, Brenner
Kirkwood and Koston Robichaux; sister Brenda and
husband Gill Primeaux;
as well as many beloved
nieces and nephews. She
is preceded in death by her
parents, Ernest and Mable
Myers; sister Peggy Broussard; and nephew, Dax
Services will be held
Wednesday, June 11, at
Dahl Funeral Chapel at
12:30 p.m. A celebration in
Louisiana for family and
friends will be scheduled
to follow. Memories and
condolences may be shared
with the family at www.
Brendon Taylor Laird
Brendon Taylor Laird, 18, of
Greybull, died Friday, June
6, 2014, at St. Vincent Hospital, following a motor vehicle accident.
Celebration of life will be
at 1 p.m. Saturday, June 14, at
Greybull High School gymnasium. Atwood Family Funeral Directors Inc. is assisting with arrangements.