HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT SUCCESS? P"O$"%&&' O) *+' *"%,-,-$ .'&,-%"
HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT SUCCESS? P"O$"%&&' O) *+' *"%,-,-$ .'&,-%"
Promotion of EU funded Programme and Project results. HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT SUCCESS? P"O$"%&&' O) *+' *"%,-,-$ .'&,-%" 29–30 January 2013, Riga, Latvia .P'%/'". %-D '1P'"*.2 &r4 %-D",. "56,-.7 Managing Director of DDB Latvia (part of DDB Worldwide Communications Group Inc) &r4 J'%- 9+",. 6,-'**,7 General Manager of Convis Consult & Marketing GmbH (Germany) and Owner of Convis SARL (France) &r4 )"%-/ .9+-',D'"7 Head of Communications Unit, Central Europe Programme (transnational cooperation programme) &s4 ,"&% %.*"%5./%,*'7 Communication Officer, European Territorial Cooperation Programme funded by the ERDF EVENT AND EXPERTS .................................................. 1 PROGRAMME – DAY 1 ................................................. 2 PROGRAMME DAY 2 ................................................... 3 PRACTICALITIES ................................................................ 4 REGISTRATION ................................................................... 5 ABOUT EVENT AND EXPERTS With the motto „Sharing experience and excellence” invites you to join the practical training seminar devoted to promotion and communication of EU programmes and projects. The programming period of 20072013 is steadily moving from the implementation stage to closure. Therefore, the question ‘How to speak about success?’ is of utmost importance. We have constructed this workshop as a very practical training and experience exchange with speakers from the Member States and acknowledged experts from the private sector. Existing practices in the public and private sector will be presented as case studies by the experts and the possibil ity of using such practices in the promotion of EU programme results will be discussed by the experts and participants. During the event you will be able to speak with your fellow professionals in the communication field, exchange the best practices from your programmes and learn from experts about achieving communication goals within budget limits. *%"$'* $"O5P.2 ;e recommend this EorFshop for2 Decisionmaking professionals on communication issues in EU fund administrating organisations; Communication/PR specialists, information managers and experts; Specialists involved in daily work with EU fund communication issues. 6enefits for participants2 Familiarize yourself with the best practices from professionals working in the field of EU communications and private sector; Train with private sector experts – from fusing the private and public sector experience to achieving communication goals within budget limits; Learn good experience examples in branding and “telling success stories”, practical work on case studies; Exchange experience and speak with experts and colleagues from other Member States regarding best experiences in the promotion of Programme results. &r4 %-D",. "56,-.7 Director of DDB Latvia, to put it short, is one of the most recognized marketing experts in the Baltic countries. He has been leading a number of awardwinning marketing campaigns for private and public bodies and is the board member of the Latvian art directors club, as well as Partner of the Social Business Fashion company MAMMU. The contribution of Mr. Rubīns to this training seminar can be put in his own words: “we may forget numbers and figures, but most definitely we will remember an interesting story!” &r4 J'%- 9+",. 6,-'**, as the General Manager of Convis Consult & Marketing GmbH (Germany) and Owner of Convis SARL (France)has been involved in communication consulting for the ESF and ERDF on the national and regional level for more than 15 years. His experience also includes communication trainings of Managing Authorities of various EU countries, participation as the communications expert in the training programmes organised by DG REGIO and advisory on communication strategies and plans, PR and media campaigns. Moreover, Mr.Binetti has significant consulting experience for various private sector organisations. &r4 )"%-/ .9+-',D'" has worked in the fields of public relations, public affairs and journalism for profit and nonprofit organisations in various European countries. Mr.Schneider has led the communication unit of the European Railway Association (CER) in Brussels, advised a highlevel EU project (EU Advisory Group) and the Prime Minister’s office in Armenia on communications. In addition, he is specifically trained in international project management and has gained experience as a project manager in the 7th European Research Framework Programme. &s4 ,"&% %.*"%5./%,*' has been involved in the communication’s expert in the European Territorial Cooperation Programmes cofinanced by ERDF since 2008 as Communication officer. She has expertise planning and implement ing communication activities in international context for cross border and interregional cooperation programmes as well as projects. Before that Ms. Astrauskaite was working in the private sector where she gathered international experience in journalism, contemporary media and public relations. 1 DAY 1, 29 JANUARY 2013 8.30 9.10 Registration, coffee 9.10 9.20 Introduction 9.20 10.30 RESULT FOCUSED COMMUNICATION Communication objective – implementing planned actions or delivering the message? Requirements for communication activities: practicalities and challenges Expected communication results – informed society? Q/A session 10.30 10.50 Coffee break 10.50 12.20 COMMUNICATION CHALLENGES Mr. Frank Schneider Challenge of creating the identity Planning promotion strategy from project results to programme success Attracting media attention Reaching the stakeholders – general public, beneficiaries, decision makers Q/A session 12.20 13.30 Lunch break 13.30 15.00 COMMUNICATION IN TRADITIONAL AND SOCIAL MEDIA Mr. Jean Chris Binetti How and when to use it? Necessity of an interesting story Reaching target groups – myths and realities Resources and input needed for successful communication in traditional/social media Q/A session 15.00 15.20 Coffee break 15.20 16.50 CREATIVITY SESSION Mr. Jean Chris Binetti Mr. Frank Schneider A moderated creativity session in groups – participants are requested to work within an existing programme communication strategy with the assumption ““Be creative” – what communication strategy would you choose if there were no limitations?” Presentation of results Expert feedback and Q/A session 20:00 Moderated discussion, feedback from the experts RECEPTION FOR PARTICIPANTS 2 DAY 2, 30 JANUARY 2013 9.00 10.30 !"#$%&'()%*#)&+#$,)$'+)-#-."$/0#),%."&#,: PRIVATE SECTOR PERSPECTIVE 1 What is the promotion of the results in private sector? How to reach audience what makes people remember? Key elements of successful campaign – are they systematic or each case is different? Mr.Andris Rubīns From idea to campaign – practical case studies Q/A session 10.30 10.50 Coffee break 10.50 12.20 !"##$%&'()*+!',+--",,: PRIVATE SECTOR PERSPECTIVE 2 Case study on successful examples of promotion of results: perspective and analysis Case study on promotion activities low budget, impressive results Time to work – group activities for participants Q/A session 12.20 13.30 Lunch break 13.30 15.00 MEASURING RESULTS OF COMMUNICATION Implementation of communication strategy for EU funds – practical example Regional differences and specificities of communication in various MSs Linking communication results to next programming period Measuring success of communication Q/A session 15.00 15.20 Coffee break 15.20 16.00 COMMUNICATION CHALLENGES Conclusions from the private sector Conclusions of the workshop Group discussion Mr.Andris Rubīns Ms.Irma Astrauskaite Overview from moderator, discussion and feedback from the experts %;%"D O) 9'"*,),9%*' Farewell reception 3 PRACTICALITIES P"O$"%&&' The programme will start on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 at 09:00 and will finish on Wednesday, 30 January at 16:00. J'-5' The workshop will take place at the Tallink Hotel Riga, 24 [/ Elizabetes, Riga, LV1050, Latvia. K%-$5%$' The workshop language is English. P",9' Special price until 22 December 2012 (including all taxes) – 419 EUR. Normal price as of 23 December 2012 – 489 EUR. +O*'K "'.'"J%*,O-. has arranged for you the opportunity for booking in the Venue hotel. We have made a block booking at Tallink Hotel Riga **** ( Together with confirmation of registration you will recieve booking instructions. Payment is to be made directly and personally to the hotel on checking out. Please note that if you register after the closing date, hotel reservations cannot be guaranteed. If you want to choose any other hotel, feel free to do it! &'%K. Lunch will be served at the Venue hotel restaurant. Should you require a special menu (e.g. vegetarian, diabetic), please inform the Workshop organiser so that this can be arranged. "'$,.*"%*,OKindly complete the registration form and return it before 18 January 2013 to, Riga, Latvia, LV1013, tel.: +37178555605, fax: +371 29371538, email: You can also submit the online registration form, which can be found on the website under the section „Train ings“, or you can follow the link in the brochure! Your name and address will be part of the database for our mailing purposes only. If you do not wish to be included in our mailing database, notify us when making the registration. 9O-),"&%*,OConfirmation of registration will be sent via email to the participants upon receipt of the completed registration form. P%L&'-* Payment of the event fee should be done immediately upon receipt of invoice. Cancellations must be issued in writing. Cancellation by the participant is described in the Terms of Service. 9%-9'KK%*,O- POK,9L has the right to change experts/speakers and to modify the event if and where necessary while sustaining the overall content of the event. Registered participants will be informed if the event is cancelled (for example, due to force majeure/problems at the venue/an insufficient number of participants/etc.). Event cancellation notice due to an insuffi cient number of participants is issued no later than three (3) weeks before the date of the event. 4 BOOKING FORM BOOKING REFERENCE WORKSHOP TITLE WORKSHOP DATE 29 – 30 January 2013 Promotion of EU funded Programme and Project results. HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT SUCCESS? PW20130! WORKSHOP FEES Fee for 1 person Fee for 2+ persons Regular fee Early registration 419 EUR per person Early registration 356 EUR per person 489!"#$ per person PARTICIPANT DETAILS NAME, SURNAME POSITION EMAIL ADDRESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. INVOICE DETAILS CONTACT DETAILS Name: Organisation: Department: Address: Registration No: Postal code: Country: Telephone: Fax: Email: Name: Organisation: Department: Address: Registration No: Postal code: Country: Telephone: Fax: Email: Workshop details will be sent to the email of each registered participant. Same as contact details. PAYMENT Payment of the event fee should be done immediately upon receipt of invoice. The participation fee includes participation in the seminar, documents, lunch and coffee breaks, participation certificate. The participants will receive invoice via email for the payment of the registration fee. If invoice neces sary in paper version, please tick here ! CONFIRMATION I agree to notify of cancellations according to terms stated in the workshop programme. Signature: ......................................... Date: ................................................... Please email to or or fax to +371 29371538
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