Document 6508788
Document 6508788
. -, THE STAR * Friday, November 16, 2012 OHN 5111 OKUMU HOW TO LAUNCH ON KISS TV MADONNA PERFORMS GANGNAM STYLE Madonna per formed cult hit 'Gangnam Style' with South Korean pop star Psy on stage in New York Cit y as part of her worldw ide 'MONA Tour'. The Girl Gone Wild singer unveiled t he South Korean pop sensat ion as her special guest at the concer t at the cit y's Madison Square Garden , where th ey performed a mash-up of her song Give It To Me and his cu lt smash Gangnam St yl e. The event comes ju st a week after the 54-year-old star was "rejec ted" by Lady Gaga whe n she asked her to sing w it h her on stage . She told a crowd in Minnesota earlier this month: "I have the best fans in t he who le world. So take t hat , Lady Gaga. "You know, I invit ed her to sing w ith me on stage but she turned me down. It' s OK. I've been rejected before. It 's good to build character: Madonna has previously criticised Lady Gaga for copyi ng her song Express Yourself on her hit Born This Way. She said: "I thought, this is a wonderful way to redo my song. I mean, I recognised the chord changes. I thought it w as... int erest ing: KENYA'S famed TV perso nality, John Sibi- Okumu (left) has joined KISS TV as a host of a ma jor news show that premieres on December 3. The new one-hour show, titled JSO @ 7, will include the latest news updates fro m across the country as well as interv iews with newsmakers at 7pm . every evening. It will mark the launch of KISS TV's 2013 new season of programm ing. "I am excited to be back on TV after.the remarkable success of The Summit, which set the standard for TV interview shows in Kenya. It is time we changed the face of TV again," Sibi-Okumu said. The new show to be broadcast dai ly from the Kiss TV news centre in Na irobi will focus on news analysis and social network interaction. "By the time every TV station news is on we have already heard the news. T he challenge is to interpret the news in a way that lets our viewer understa nd and take parr in the events shaping Kenya and the world," Sibi O kumu said. John Sibi-Okumu's career has been an interes ting one. He is the only TV person ality to have had a one-on -one media interview with President Daniel MoL He has also interviewed Robert Mugabe, PaulKagame, Luis Moreno" Ocampo, Mwai Kibaki, Uhuru Kenyatta, Raila Odinga, Wangari Maathai, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Stephen Sackur and man y dignitaries. "We are extremely excited by this new development. John is a Kenyan icon and his joinin g us signals our seriousness abo ut becoming a major player in the TV market. He is not afraid to ask the tough questions and to champion the truth. The coming season on Kiss TV will affirm our ambition to become the home for exciting, gripp ing and fresh content," said Makari Kituyi, Head of Kiss TV. In preparation fof the new show, Kiss TV is building new studios at their Lion Place offices and designing a revolutionary set. "The trade-off is that we have to go off-air with the news for the next three weeks to prepare for this exciting new product," Kituyi said. Celine Dion joins African celebs for World Prematurity Day I ,. CELINEDion (below) will lend her voice in support of World Prematurity Day tomorrow, together with African celebrity ambassadors such as MTV Award winning art iste Tuface and Nollywood actors Francis Duru and EjikeAsiegbu, who wonderfully stand to make a life saving difference aga inst the mortality rates of pre-term babies on the African continent and globally. Little Big Souls, one of the Founde rs of World Prematurity Day, started this initiative of saving babies born too early and giving a voice to voiceless families affected by pre-term birth to share their stories, celebrate their miracles and help in chang ing the care and perception of prema tu rity and the terribly high deat h rates it claims da ily. Med ical profess ionals families and the genera l publ ic will be simultaneously joining hands to honour the 15 million babies that are born each year prematurely. In Kenya, N igeria, Ghana , Sout h Africa and Egypt, Little Big Souls Internation al Charita ble Foundation and its Little Big Souls Network will mark the da y with its Every Breat h Counts camp aign and Walk for Love, Walk for Babies that will be held in Accra, in Abuja and in Egypt and South Africa . To take part in the initiative yo u can start by wearing purple and sharing your experiences on Little BigSouls. com or world prematurity Facebook page. Nairobi hosts stone art exhibition AN exhibition organised by the African Stones Talk International will be held in Nairobi starting today till November 30. The hem of tbe,.African Stone Sculpture xfiioi 0 i· in :!Rea e.and harmony tho gh art In stone. lJJ a. statement the chaitman of'fhe cCommjttee Elkanah Ong'esa said intemational arti rs from Ghana, Uganda, Bulgaria, South Africa, Egypt and Kenya will feature in the exhibition which will take place at Kenya Railways Museum Art Gallery. The artists participated in the first and second Africa Stones Talk Symposium in Tabaka, Kisii County. Ong'esa said other special features will 'be live demonstrations of traditional Kisii stone carving techniques, ancient Kisii rock art heritage, traditional music and dance, poetry and Christmas and souvenir gift Items on sale. The exhibitions will feature stone sculptures, engravings, incising or pecking will be presented in the form of regalia, in stories or in photographs and videos or slides shows . Among the international artists to be featured are Cephus Agbemenue (Ghana) , George Cockott (South Africa ) LillianNabulime and AllanBwambale (Uganda), Tsenthanka Koikova (Bulgaria), HanyFaisal (Egypt ), Gerald Motondi (Kenya) and O ng' esa. Got a tu: far us? emai; It to us on: Dancehall's Bad Gyal, Cecile co ms Kenya trip JAMAICAN self pro claimed ' Bad Girl' has anno unced on her Faceboo k fan page that th at she will be back in Kenya next year. Cecile, who visited Nairobi last year alongside her baby daddy and fellow musician Chris Martin, has put Kenya among her first rour s for next year. Cecile had taken a break fro m performi ng since she gave birt h to her baby girl four months ago. "My first show overseas will be in Guadelou pe on Nov ember 24. So all my Guadelo upe fans come out and show support. To all my Kenya fans see you in 2013, To all my fans look out for me in a city near you bad gyal seh dar," read part of her update. The singer, who now calls her self an adopted Kenyan bad girl on her twitter profile is yet to reveal her to ur dates . Efforts ro reach her on details of her concert were futile as she did not reply to our ema ils by the time we went to press. AddItional repor ting: Catherine Mukei and Angwenyi Gichana