
Proposal Element 1:
PROGRAM TITLE: Central Texas Regional TAIP
1st Year
2nd Year
Victims Services
Project Spotlight
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
Gang Surveillance
Primary Program Code:
Secondary Program Code(s):
(Code is DMVB for all BIPPs)
Facility Category (CRS)
Program Contact Information:
Lila Oshatz
Mailing Address: PO Box 1748
Austin, TX 78767
Telephone: 512-854-4600
Fax: 512-854-4606
E-mail: lila.oshatz@co.travis.tx.us
Vendor: Does contract service provider provide services? No
Proposal Element 2: PROBLEM/NEED DATA
1. TDCJ-CJAD planning staff will gather additional problem/need data from the MCSCR, Offender
Profile Data, and CSTS to establish need.
2. Indicate Historic/Programmatic Information that substantiates your jurisdiction’s need for this
program (optional).
It is well documented that most of the offenders in the Criminal Justice System have committed a
crime related to alcohol or drug use or were under the influence of such at the time the offense was
committed. About 45% of the offenders on community supervision in the Central Texas TAIP Region
have a substance abuse related arrest.
Since 1995 the Central Texas TAIP region is made up of six counties; McLennan, Williamson, Travis,
Hays, Caldwell and Comal. The six CSCD jurisdictions have entered into a inter-local agreement to
deliver TAIP funded services to offenders. It is a collaborative effort to provide offenders with
screening, assessment, referral and treatment placement services. If the offender is deemed chemically
dependent and unable to pay for their substance abuse assessment and/or treatment services, TAIP will
fund these services and place the offender with a state licensed provider. The levels of service the
offender may receive are assessments, detoxification, supportive and intensive outpatient treatment
services, intensive and regular residential treatment services. The Central Texas TAIP continuum of
treatment services, seeks to provide an effective combination of treatment services to reduce the
impact of substance abuse problems for the offender and as a result, reduce continuing criminal
activity and community protection.
The TAIP program is designed to be a linkage between the community-based substance abuse
treatment system and the criminal justice system in order to serve a common population more
efficiently. It is also designed to divert chemically dependent offenders from incarceration by
providing a series of community based sanctions rather than incarceration. It offers offenders
substance abuse treatment and the skills necessary for living a drug-free life. Utilizing the cognitive
and life skills training that the offender obtains in treatment , the offender can actively work to reduce
the risk of re-arrest. TAIP's goal is to identify substance abusing offenders at the earliest possible
point of contact with the criminal justice system, to clinically assess their substance abuse needs for
treatment, and screen for medical indigence. The Central Texas Regional TAIP has long identified a
continuing need for a broad range of substance abuse services in Central Texas. The waiting lists for
outpatient and residential treatment services are continually growing. Here in the Central Texas
Region, the waiting period for a bed/slot is presently running between 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the
type of service needed. While there are several agencies providing TCADA and city funded treatment
services, our criminal justice offender has limited access to these services. Such funding is primarily
targeted for community substance abuse needs.
3. What other services, that meet this need, are available to the offender in this jurisdiction?
Treatment services available to the Central Texas Regional TAIP are the SMART Program and
Central Texas Treatment Center units, where offenders can be referred and their substance abuse
treatment needs can be met. There are however, some offenders that are not eligible for such
programs due to a Title 5 offense or some serious physical and/or mental disability. The SMART unit
serves only about 250 offenders of the targeted population in Travis County a year. The Travis County
Sheriff’s Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program and the State Jail facilities are other programs that are
available to the Central Texas Regional TAIP, but utilization by offenders is also limited. Many
offenders have been given a short commitment stay in jail, or have been given credit for time served
and probated out into the community. They do not have time to successfully complete the program.
The Alcohol and Drug Treatment Program can only serve a limited amount of Travis County's
targeted population a year. It is also important to note, that while referrals to these specific programs
are made, they are not guaranteed a treatment bed when they arrive at the facility. The Inpatient
Substance Abuse Continuum provides substance abuse treatment for dually diagnosed offenders
through a contractual agreement with Austin Travis County MHMR including TCOMI support
through the Mental Health MOU. This program also offers a continuum of services to include
aftercare services on an outpatient basis for serially mentally ill offenders. Travis County CSCD also
has a specialized Substance Abuse Unit that provides intensive rehabilitation supervision for high
risk/high need substance abusing offenders. This Substance Abuse Unit brings the supervision and
treatment components into a partnership. Travis County CSCD recognizes that this is an important
element of the treatment process. The Supervision and Treatment Units work closely together,
collaborating to exchange information to enhance the offender's recovery. This unit however, is only
equipped to handle and work with about 850 offenders of our targeted population. The Central Texas
Regional TAIP continues to identify and maximize the use of community resources, however, it
recognizes that services for special needs offenders, dual diagnosis and assaultive offenders, still do
not match offender need. The major thrust in this proposal is the development of services that match
the offender’s actual area of need.
Proposal Element 3: TARGET POPULATION
Please note that the Target Population element does not require narrative description. TDCJ-CJAD staff will gather
additional information from the MCSCR, Offender Profile Data, and CSTS.
Felony only
Misdemeanor only
Male only
Female only
c. Age restriction?
If yes, describe: The participant must be 17 years old or older
d. Offense-related characteristics or exclusions None
e. Are participant referrals accepted from outside your jurisdiction?
If yes, what proportion are from other jurisdictions 30 %.
Is this program designed to serve any specific cultural, ethnic, or gender group?
If yes, please identify and cite proportions, if applicable.
g. Is this program designed to serve MHMR participants?
h. Are participants who are not on community supervision accepted in this program? (e.g. pre-trial, jail inmates, state jail
confinees, family members, or others)
If yes, please identify. Pretrial Offenders, jail inmates (assessments and referrals)
Do participants meet specifications in TX Government Code §76.017 Treatment Alternative to Incarceration Program
The Central Texas TAIP Continuum of Treatment Services seeks to continue to provide an effective
combination of treatment services to reduce the impact of substance abuse problems in the individual
probationers' lives and as a result, reduce continuing criminal activity.
Broad agreement exists within this region's criminal justice community that treatment services tailored to meet
the needs of chemically dependent offenders can lower recidivism and revocation rates. The Central Texas
Regional TAIP is designed as a diversionary program. Instead of incarceration, offenders are referred to TAIP
for treatment on substance abuse issues.
The Central Texas Regional TAIP treatment continuum is specifically designed to divert offenders from
incarceration by:
1. providing a series of community-based sanctions rather than incarceration,
2. teaching skills necessary for drug-free living
3. reduce the risk of re-arrest through cognitive skills training, life skills training, culturally specific material
and family
4. communicating and cooperating with the local CSCD's and other criminal justice entities to attain the
mutual goal of
defendant habilitation and prevention of re-incarceration, and
5. targeting historically under served high-risk populations.
This continuum can be utilized as a condition of pretrial release, probation, and an alternative to a motion to
revoke probation, or as a sanction by the Judge to prevent re-arrest or revocation. While this proposal cannot
identify specific direct service vendors due to an on-going RFP solicitation, historically, providers in this
continuum have extensive experience with the criminal justice system and its clients, and are committed to
maintaining cooperative and responsive relations with the TAIP initiative. The providers have joined together
with the Central Texas Regional TAIP to develop a comprehensive continuum of treatment services.
The mission of TAIP is to provide drug and alcohol treatment to substance abusing offenders in the criminal
justice system and to reduce the rate of recidivism incident to alcohol and drug abuse.
To achieve these goals, the Program shall utilize the following strategies:
1. To identify substance abusing offenders at the earliest (possible) point of contact with the criminal justice
2. Clinically assess their needs for treatment,
3. Screen for medical indigency and insure that no one is denied access to treatment for his or her inability
to pay for those services,
4. Provide drug and alcohol treatment services for those offenders who are identified as substance abusing
or addicted,
5. Work toward the continual development of collaborative efforts of the component parts of the criminal
justice system and the treatment community.
6. Ensuring that the treatment provider staff are properly trained in Dr. Edward Latessa’s "What Works
Initiative” and are utilizing a validated cognitive component in their treatment curriculum as outlined by
the “What Works “ literature, such as "Thinking for a Change".
7. It is mandatory for all Central Texas TAIP Vendors to utilize a validated cognitive program in their
treatment service delivery. The Central Texas Regional TAIP Coordinator per the Interlocal Agreement
will coordinate all referrals in the region. The Central Texas Regional TAIP Coordinator will receive all
screening and assessment documentation and will initiate all referrals to vendors. The Central Texas
Regional TAIP Coordinator will be responsible for referring offenders to treatment and insuring that
paperwork gets processed from the CSCD office to appropriate vendors as well as facilitate client access
for appropriate services. The Central Texas Regional TAIP Coordinator will be assisted by three
CSCDTAIP Coordinators who will facilitate referrals for offenders in their CSCD. There will be a CSCD
TAIP coordinator in McLennan, Williamson and Caldwell/Hays/Comal Counties.
The Central Texas Regional TAIP Coordinator or the CSCD TAIP Coordinator will be responsible for vendor
verification of client participation ( tracking "SHOW"/"NO SHOW" offender activity). Vendors will submit all
invoices to the Travis County CSCD Manager of Planning and Community Resources to verify and to insure
that only TAIP referred clients appear on the billing form. The Travis County CSCD Manager of Planning and
Community Resources will be responsible for vendor contract negotiation, contract monitoring and compliance
and program evaluation tracking.
Each CSCD will be responsible for screening offenders and for generating diagnostic assessments in-house or
contracting with a vendor. Currently, in McLennan and Williamson counties, assessments are contracted out to
local Councils on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse. In Travis and Caldwell (Hays/Comal) Counties, assessments
are provided in-house by CSCD staff. All screening and assessments will be completed using TDCJ-CJAD
approved procedures.
The following are some standard operating procedures that TAIP utilizes when referring a probation or pretrial
client for outpatient treatment; Once the client has been assessed, the case staffed, a recommendation
formalized, and the client is determined eligible for TAIP funding, the TAIP Counselor will:
1. Inform the client of the outpatient treatment recommendation and have the client sign the Outpatient
Treatment Agreement form, directing him to contact the treatment facility by a designated date. The
designated date or the "date of contact" will be set a week from the day the client was assessed.
2. Advise the client that failure to contact the vendor by the designated date will constitute a "No Show" and
the client will be in direct violation of their conditions of probation or Pretrial agreement.
3. Process all paperwork according to Standard Office Procedure; fill out TAIP's chrono sheet, if necessary,
organize file, review for completeness, send a copy of the Admission Approval Form to the CSO/Contact
person, with the designated date of contact indicated, fax the treatment vendor a copy of the Outpatient
Treatment Agreement Form and, also provide the TAIP Clerk with a copy of this form.
4. Enter the client in Mapper under the treatment facility and level of service that the client is to attend.
Indicate the contact date that the client was given under the "Start Date" column and also, enter the date
the client signed the Outpatient Treatment Agreement Form on the "Date Notified" column.
Upon Receiving the Outpatient Treatment Agreement Form, the TAIP Clerk will:
1. Complete and maintain a list of all clients referred to treatment.
2. Provide the Vendors on a weekly basis, with a copy of a Start Date List of clients referred to their
Treatment Program that particular week. Also noted on the Start Date List will be the client's designated
contact date.
3. Pull the client's files and make vendor packets for all clients on the Start Date List and have them ready
for pick up by 3 p.m.
every Friday.
4. Review the Admission Approval Form for inaccuracies, ensuring that the following information is
a. Correct Vendor and level of service indicated on AAF.
CSO/contact person, Unit and fax number is indicated.
Case ID number is indicated (if one has been assigned) or cause number.
TAAF dated after Sept. 1st of the current fiscal year.
If a new TAAF is generated and needs the client's signature, ensure that "Please have Client sign and
return signed copy with billing" is indicated on TAAF's comment section.
f. Ensure that the SAE and SASSI is appropriately completed and if it is not, will need to bring it to the
interviewing counselor’s attention so it can be corrected, after a copy has been given to the TAIP
g. Ensure that a copy of the TAAF is kept in the client's files
Upon receiving a call from the client the Treatment Vendor will:
1. Place the client on a waiting list and notify the client as soon as an opening is available.
2. Pick up the vendor packets belonging to clients referred to their program that week after 4 p.m. on
3. Send the CSO/Contact person a TAIP Confirmation Form reflecting the client's treatment compliance
(i.e., "Show" "No Show" or "Exits").
4. Reschedule the client's initial intake interview, if the client contacts the vendor and expresses an
unforeseen verifiable emergency as the reason why they cannot keep their appointment.
5. Inform the TAIP Coordinator immediately if the client's start date is rescheduled.
6. To help encourage compliance, the Vendor will attempt to contact the clients themselves before
determining the client is a "No Show."
7. Provide the TAIP Coordinator with the weekly TAIP Coordinator's Confirmation Form every Tuesday,
reflecting the program's client activity, i.e., "shows," "no shows," or "exits" for the previous week.
8. For every client accepted into treatment, submit with the monthly invoice a signed Admission Approval
Form indicating the date the client began treatment services.
9. Provide the TAIP Coordinator with a copy of the waiting list every month.
For PSI and Jail inpatient/outpatient treatment referrals the following standard operating procedures are
Once the client has been assessed, the case staffed, and is determined eligible for TAIP funding, the TAIP
Counselor will:
1. Inform the client that their case will be staffed and a recommendation will be made to the Courts as to the
level of treatment that would best meet their counseling needs.
2. Staff the case and formalize the recommendation.
3. Place clients on a waiting list by entering the client's name in Mapper under the recommended treatment
facilities rid.
4. Process all paperwork according to Standard Office Procedure, fill out the TAIP chrono sheet, organize
file, and review for completeness, send a copy of the Admission Approval Form to the CSO/Contact
person indicating that the client has been placed on a waiting list.
The TAIP Coordinator will:
Check and update the waiting list for all treatment vendors on a daily basis.
Compile and maintain a list of all clients referred to treatment.
Check client's probation status and update information.
Provide the TAIP Clerk with the Start Date List of clients set to begin treatment the following week.
Secure a start date from the treatment vendor for those clients that were in jail or PSI jail referrals at the
time of the TAIP assessment.
6. Contact the client’s CSO/Contact person to verify the need for the treatment bed and inform them of
availability of beds.
7. Provide the transport officer with a start date list of the clients set to begin treatment.
8. On inpatient treatment rids will enter the clients treatment start dates into Mapper.
Upon receiving the start date list from the TAIP Coordinator the TAIP Clerk will:
1. Pull the client's files and make vendor packets for all clients on the Start Date List and have them ready
for pick up by 3 p.m. every Monday. For Vendors in Waco, San Marcos, and San Antonio the TAIP
Clerk will fax the complete packet.
2. Review the Admission Approval Form for inaccuracies ensuring that the following information is
a. Correct vendor and level of service is indicated on TAAF.
b. CSO/contact person, unit and fax number is indicated. All TAAF with PSI officer information is to be
updated. (TAIP Coordinator is to provide TAIP Clerk with updates.)
c. Case ID number is indicated (if one has been assigned).
d. TAAF dated after Sept. 1st of the current fiscal year.
e. If a new TAAF is generated and needs the client's signature, ensure that "Please have client sign and
return signed copy with billing" is indicated on TAAF's comment section.
f. Ensure that a copy of the TAAF is completely filled out and a copy is kept in the client's file.
g. Ensure that the SAE and SASSI is appropriately completed and if not, will need to bring it to the
interviewing Counselor’s attention so it can be corrected, after a copy has been given to the TAIP
The Treatment Vendor will:
1. Provide the TAIP Coordinator with a treatment start date.
2. Pick up the vendor packets every Monday after 4 p.m. for those clients scheduled to begin treatment the
following week.
3. Send the CSO/contact person a TAIP Confirmation Form reflecting the client's treatment compliance, i.e.,
"Show" "No Show" or "Exits."
*NOTE: Clients failure to show for the initial intake will constitute a “no show.”
4. For outpatient clients, reschedule the client's initial intake interview if the client contacts the vendor and
expresses an unforeseen verifiable emergency as the reason whey they cannot keep their appointment.
5. For inpatient referrals, inform the TAIP Coordinator immediately if the client’s start date is rescheduled.
6. For inpatient referrals, inform the TAIP Coordinator by phone of any unexpected discharges.
7. For outpatient referrals, attempt to contact the client prior to the client's start date to help avoid no shows
and encourage compliance.
8. Provide the TAIP Coordinator with the weekly TAIP Coordinator's Confirmation Form every Tuesday,
reflecting the program's client activity, i.e., "Shows," "No Shows" or "Exits" for the previous week.
9. For every client accepted into treatment, submit with the monthly invoice a signed copy of the TAAF
indicating the date the client began treatment services.
This program recognizes the principles of responsivity in developing and implementing the program design.
Responsivity issues are initially addressed during the screening/placement process. When appropriate, staff
assignment will include the offender being matched with a CSO/Counselor/designated staff whose
characteristics would be most effective in establishing rapport with the offender. All direct service staff will
receive special needs population training to enhance responsivity and ensure effective service delivery.
Contract Monitoring
The Department has an annual plan to monitor contracts for compliance using a standardized Site Visit process
or desktop audit process. A Site Visit Team or Audit Team, composed of CSOs and Supervisors, will use a
contract compliance monitoring instrument to monitor contracts based on vendors service delivery compliance
with the vendor's operational plan and other contractual requirements. Any identified deficiencies in contract
compliance will result in specific recommendations to vendor(s) to achieve contract compliance. Vendors will
be required to submit an Action Plan on how they will achieve contract compliance. The Department will
provide technical assistance to the vendor as needed. Documentation of offender compliance to program
expectations will be completed by appropriate staff.
On an annual basis, the Department will track program outputs and monitor outcomes to assess utilization of
services and supervision activities.
TAIP SOP's are on file and available for review. Vendor SOP's will be available by No 2003, after completion
of RFP process.
Court Ordered
Assessment Process
Self Referral
All offenders referred for TAIP-funded treatment services will be screened and assessed by trained CSOs,
LCDCs, or QCCs. All screening and assessments will meet TDCJ-CJAD guidelines. Currently, the SASSI and
ASI/ SAE are the screening and assessment instruments in use. The regional referral process includes referral
by a CSO or the Court for a TAIP assessment. Only those offenders who are determined to be appropriate for a
specific TCADA licensure level of treatment will be eligible for TAIP funded services. Those offenders who
are found to be appropriate are referred for treatment. Depending on the severity and chronicity of the offender's
chemical dependency, treatment options can include TAIP funded vendors as well as SAFPF Units,
SATF/CRTC facilities, non-TAIP funded contract residential services and local non-TAIP funded substance
abuse providers.
If the offender clearly does have adequate insurance or resources to afford treatment, they will be provided with
a list of local treatment providers from which to choose. If the offender has health insurance it does not
necessarily mean that the defendant can afford treatment and a referral to a TAIP vendor may be appropriate. If
the offender is placed on a waiting list, they will also be referred, if at all possible, to educational or outpatient
services for the interim. Referrals to on-going, community support groups will be made where appropriate.
In the case that the defendant is denied TAIP funding for treatment, explanations will be given to the offender
and other appropriate referrals provided. There are no exclusionary criteria to deny funding, as each case is
assessed individually. Reasons for denial of funding would be 1) the offender had their own resources for
treatment, whereby they would be provided with a list of appropriate treatment providers 2) the offender was
deemed to be too aggressive or violent for the available community-based agencies 3) that the offender refused
to cooperate in the screening, assessment or referral process 4) that the client was unable to make a
commitment to participate in and complete treatment. If funding is denied, other appropriate referrals are made
where available. Such offenders are eligible to be re-screened at the discretion of the person who made the
TAIP referral, and previous denial of funding does not necessarily effect later screening decisions.
Each offender screened and assessed by TAIP who is determined to be chemically dependent will be referred to
a level of substance abuse treatment appropriate to their need. If a treatment slot/bed is available at the time of
referral, the offender will be referred immediately to the designated vendor for intake by the CSCD TAIP
Coordinator. If a treatment slot/bed is not available, the offender will be given a referral date to the vendor with
instructions to contact the vendor for a treatment date within one week. Failure to contact the vendor within the
stated time period, will cause the offender to be placed in a "NO SHOW" status. Offenders in "NO SHOW"
status will be referred back to the CSO for supervision sanctions per CSCD policies. "NO SHOW" status
offenders may still be referred by the CSO back to the CSCD TAIP Coordinator for a second referral. Once
vendor intake has been completed, the offender must complete all program activities to successfully complete
treatment. Because the Central Texas Regional TAIP is currently under RFP solicitation, specific vendors are
unknown at this time. As a result, specific program steps cannot be detailed at this time. The Region will
contract with vendors to provide the following levels of substance abuse treatment service:
1. Detoxification Services - One to five days of treatment.
2. Outpatient Services (Intensive and Supportive)
3. Intensive - 60 Hours of substance abuse treatment. Participant would attend 10 to 12 hours a week and
the program must be completed within 5 to 6 weeks. The program is to include 3 hours of individual
counseling sessions.
4. Supportive - 2.5 hours of substance abuse treatment per week, not to exceed a period of 6 months. The
program is to include
3 hours of individual counseling.
5. Intensive Residential Services - 30 days of residential substance abuse treatment.
6. Residential Services - 60 to 90 days of regular residential substance abuse treatment.
7. Intensive Residential and Residential treatment services will be provided for special needs offenders and
medication support will be included. TAIP recognizes a need for a continued aftercare treatment
component for a client who is initiating a serious recovery program. TAIP's assessment includes a clear
recommendation for such aftercare services. Everyone assessed as chemically dependent and in need of
treatment is recommended to attend at least 6 months of aftercare, as well as, continued attendance of
AA/NA, or self help groups. However, due to the lack of funding resources, aftercare services for clients
are very limited and/or virtually non-existent. The Central Texas Regional TAIP also recognizes that a
relapse episode(s), is also part of recovery. To specifically address relapse issues the Central Texas
Region is currently funding an eight-week outpatient relapse program.
The Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (TCADA) (1998) and Texas Criminal Justice Policy
Council (1994) concur that the substance abuse problem for those arrested far exceeds that experienced by the
general population. In 1998 report, (Substance Use Among Texas Department of Corrections Inmates) TCADA
interviewed incarcerated adults of both genders and Texas adults in the general population and found that drug
use is a contributing factor to incarceration. The study's findings posed a clear connection between drug use
and criminal activities. Male inmates, in comparison with non-incarcerated adult male Texans were more likely
to have used substances, twice as likely to have abused or be dependent on alcohol and six times more likely to
be dependent on illegal drugs, than non-incarcerated Texas males. The study found that heavy drug use is
associated with intense criminal involvement, high illegal incomes, employment problems, violence and
recidivism. Seventy-one percent of the inmates interviewed also reported that they were intoxicated at the time
of their offense. They also reported that they would not have committed the offense if they had not been under
the influence of alcohol or drugs. With regards to female inmates, the TCADA study findings also clearly
reflect a significantly higher rates of lifetime use for all substances, except for psychedelics, in comparison to
non-incarcerated Texas adult females.
“While research clearly shows that treatment programs for substance abuse reduce both drug use and related
crime, the vast majority of drug users do not get treatment…there are not enough treatment programs.” This
was reported in the American Journal of Health Prevention (Nov/Dec. 1999) and highlighted in the Substance
Abuse Report newsletter (Jan. 2000). The researchers estimate that only one in four individuals needing
treatment obtains appropriate treatment. It was further found that 30-50% of those who do go through treatment
stay off drugs. Further underscoring the physiological aspects of addiction, the rate is the same as that for
asthmatics and diabetics who are able to keep their condition under control (p. 4).
There are several levels of treatment. Research literature indicates that the least intrusive/restrictive treatment
that matches the individual’s assessed level of dependency/addiction should be attempted first as it may have
greater efficacy and is less costly.
Research also indicates that approaches to treatment that make use of behavioral and cognitive-behavioral
techniques are best suited for offenders. Factors such as "Risk", "Need" and "Responsivity", must be
considered in working with our criminal justice population.
The most recent literature on “What Works” to reduce recidivism in criminal justice offenders indicates that
programs that include a “cognitive-behavioral” component have increased probability of reducing recidivism
(Latessa, 2000). Therefore, criminal justice substance abuse program of all types must include such
components regardless of modalities used. Interestingly, a 1989 National Institute of Health, NIAA research of
1,726 patients (the largest clinical trial of various substance abuse therapist to date according to TCADA,
Provider Bulletin, Vol. 18, p. 18-21) in outpatient, inpatient and aftercare programs for alcoholics also found
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Twelve-Step Facilitation (TSF, included one-on-one counseling) to
be significant therapies in sustained improvement in the increased percentage of abstinent days (Project
MATCH, NIAAA/NIH 1990). Those in the “aftercare” section were more successful in abstinence than other
outpatients even though more alcohol dependent initially.
1. Staff (Title) Central Texas Regional TAIP Coordinator 100% TAIP TIME
Process activities: Coordinate all offender referrals to treatment vendors; facilitate offender access to services
in Travis County; establish regional referral policies and procedures; complete vendor operational plans to
reflect vendor service delivery process and activity; insure that paperwork gets processed from CSCD to
vendors; vendor verification of client participation; provide all liaison functions necessary to maintain
appropriate service delivery levels; liaison between Travis County TAIP assessment staff and Travis County
CSOs; schedule and chair regional meetings; participate in vendor site visits; participate in vendor RFP review
process; generate TAIP quarterly reports.
2. Staff (Title) TAIP Clerk 100% TAIP TIME
Process activities: Coordinate all Travis County screening and assessment referrals; process offender
paperwork; liaison between offender, Travis County assessment staff; and treatment Vendor; assists with TAIP
regional mailings
3. Staff (Title) Assessment Counselors 100% TAIP TIME
Process activities: Administer the SASSI and ASI/SAE for substance abuse screening and assessment of Travis
County/Caldwell County offenders at the Pre-Trial and community supervision level; make referrals for
appropriate level of treatment service. These are not directly funded positions as they are reimbursed from the
assessment line item fund.
4. Staff (Title) Assessment Counselor/CSO 100% TAIP TIME
Process activities: Administer the SASSI and ASI/SAE for substance abuse screening and assessment of Travis
County offenders at the Pre-Trial and community supervision level, make referrals for appropriate level of
treatment service. This position is funded by Travis County CSCD.
5. Staff (Title) Assessment Counselor IN-KIND 50% TAIP TIME
Process activities: Administer the SASSI and the ASI/SAE for substance abuse screening and assessment of
Travis County offenders at the Pre-Trial and community supervision level, make referrals for appropriate level
of treatment service. This position funded by Travis County Pre-Trial Services.
6. Staff (Title) TAIP CSCD Coordinators IN-KIND 20% TAIP TIME
Process activities: Assist with offender referrals to treatment vendors; facilitate assessment referral process for
offenders within their CSCD for assessment and treatment referral; attend regional TAIP meetings; insure that
paperwork is processed from CSCD to vendor; participate in vendor site visits; participate in vendor RFP
process; vendor verification of client participation
7. Staff (Title) Travis County CSCD Manager of Planning and Community Resources IN-KIND 20% TAIP
TIME Process activities: Vendor contract negotiation, contract monitoring and compliance and program
evaluation tracking; supervises billing verification; schedule and conduct site visits; schedule and conduct RFP
process; monitors vendor utilization and makes budget adjustments.
8. Staff (Title) Travis County CSCD Budget Analyst IN-KIND 10% TAIP TIME
Process activities: Completes TDCJ-CJAD TAIP budget adjustment forms and maintains TAIP budget
book/related correspondence.
9. Staff (Title) Travis County CSCD Central Referral Specialist IN-KIND 70% TAIP TIME
Process activities: Processes monthly vendor invoices for payment; liaison to vendor on billing issues; tracks
monthly vendor expenditures for Manager of Planning and Community Resources; enters data for monthly
vendor/offender tracking for output/outcome measures; computer programming for development of TAIP
tracking systems for Quarterly Report and outcome measures.
10. Staff (Title) Travis County Financial Manager IN-KIND 5% TAIP TIME
Process activities: Oversight on all Budget processes for Department.
11. Staff (Title) Travis County Purchasing Assistant IN-KIND 10% TAIP TIME
Process activities: Prepares purchase orders and vendor payments for County Auditor's Office and processes
payables and coordinates purchase of supplies, training, and mileage.
Please indicate that program design and/or staff training includes sensitivity to gender, race, ethnicity,
culture and differing physical abilities.
Proposal Element 5. PROGRAM MILESTONES
Is this a new program?
Proposal Element 6. OBJECTIVES
B. Outcome 1.
Projected Successful Program Completion Table
Risk/Need (Higher) Case Classification Misdemeanants
Level at Program Admission
Special Population
Projected Successful Program Completion Table
Outpatient 75%
Outpatient 75%
Residential 80%
Residential 75%
*Community Supervision Completion, Recidivism, and (Re) incarceration will be gathered by TDCJCJAD staff through CSTS.