ACADEC 2014 Coach Instructions
ACADEC 2014 Coach Instructions
ACADEC 2014 Coach Instructions Course Credit AH 001T California State University, Fresno CREDIT OPTION IMPORTANT DEADLINES ATTENDANCE AT WORKSHOPS IS REQUIRED FOR COURSE CREDIT Date Time Event Send to/location *10.21.2013 4:00-7:00 pm *Art and Science Satellite Student Union Begin turning in Student Admission Gail will be there to pick up packets packets (coach turns in for the team) 1. CSUF Admission Data Form 2. Coach's Recommendation 3. Personal Payment or District Check** Do not substitute forms. They are updated each year. 11.12.2013 4:00-5:15 pm *Literature Satellite Student Union Student Admission packets due: (from Coach for each student) 1. CSUF Admission Data Form 2. Coach's Recommendation 3. Personal Payment or District Check** Do not substitute forms. They are updated each year. 12.9.2013 4:00-7:00 pm 12.13.2013 4:00 PM Confirmation Form Turn in at Dec 9 Workshop or Send by Fax to A & H Dean's office 278-6758 or email attachment to 1.6.2014 deadline! 5:00 PM name of any student who has been Send by Fax to A & H Dean's Office recommended by coach to be administraAttn: Gail 278-6758 tively dropped from AH 1T option or email 4.4.2014 5:00 PM Students' Composite Scoring Arts & Humanities, Dean's Office lists due from Fresno County CSUF Academic Decathlon Office AND 2380 E. Keats Students' Composite Scoring lists from Fresno, CA 93740-8024 Out of County Schools email: 6.6.2014 5:00 PM *History and Music World War I Satellite Student Union Submission of Credit/No Credit CSUF Admissions & Records Reports for decathlon students Joyal Administration enrolled in AH 1T to Records Shaw & Maple Ave Office from Arts & Humanities Fresno, CA 93740-0057 *dates and/or topics subject to change By 6.15, an official transcript may be requested for a fee of $4.00 at CSUF, Joyal Bldg., Public Service Window of Admissions, Records and Evaluations. Or, student may request by letter to the Office of Admissions, Records and Evaluations, CSUF, 5150 N. Maple, Fresno, CA 93740-0057. **Payment must accompany application. Application will not be processed without payment and completed forms. Checks must be made payable to: Fresno State or California State University Fresno. All others will be returned for reissue. PLEASE READ AH 001 T COLLEGE CREDIT OPTION FOR ACADEMIC DECATHLON PARTICIPANT CSUF Catalog #17071 Schedule #36007 Schedule #36006 Schedule #36005 AH 001T (4 units) AH 001T (3 units) AH 001T (2 units) 80 minimum contact hours 60 minimum contact hours 40 minimum contact hours 1. ELIGIBILITY: A. All qualified Academic Decathlon participants (Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores) (They do not necessarily have to be on the final competition team) B. Grade point average of "C" (2.0) or above C. Completion of a minimum of 20 instructional contact hours per unit. D. Composite passing score of 3000. 2. COURSE INFORMATION: A. Lower division Humanities course in the College of Arts & Humanities listed as AH 1T, Topics in Humanities (selected topics in the Humanities not normally covered by regular course offerings) B. Equivalent to 2, 3 or 4 college units earned on a credit/no credit basis (i.e. no letter grade given, only college credit upon successful completion of course requirements and Academic Decathlon score of 3000 and above) 3. ADMISSION PROCEDURE: A. Coaches identify and select Academic Decathlon Participants B. Coaches shall turn in all application material for eligible academic participants at their school to Gail no later than the second workshop on November 12, 2013. a. Completed University Admission Data Form, all designated paperwork and payment b. Recommendation Form: to be completed by high school coach and signed by both High School Coach and Principal. 4. CONFIRMATION Confirmation Form: Coaches shall forward the Confirmation Form listing their School's Academic Decathlon participants eligible to register for credit in AH 1T by December 9, 2013 via email to Gail at or turn it in at the third workshop on December 02, 2012. This form should include each student’s name and which recommended AH 1T section student should be registered for. (i.e. # of units and the corresponding schedule number, depending on estimated hours spent 1 studying) This form should be updated if students drop or change the number of credit hours no later than January 6, 2014. No drops will be accepted after this date. Fresno State’s I.D. # will be added to the Confirmation form by our staff after the student is admitted. This confirmation form information will be forwarded to the Registrar. 5. REGISTRATION PROCEDURE: A. Until further notice, the Office of the Registrar at Fresno State will still register your students. 6. COLLECTION OF REGISTRATION FEE: A. A reduced fee waiver for California residents participating in this project has been requested from the CSU Chancellor's Office. This has generated a reduced registration fee for Decathlon participants in the AH 01T credit option. B. Payment: The University no longer sends out invoices for payment. Payment must accompany the registration form. Registration will not be submitted without payment. Registration will not occur if there is an outstanding balance from prior semesters for any course taken. Make checks payable to Fresno State or California State University Fresno. Checks will be returned for reissue if the “payable to” is not correct. The Fee Structure has been changed to: 0 units – 4 units $40 4.1 units – 7.0 units $60 7.1 units and above $80 2 College of Arts and Humanities 2014 Academic Decathlon Workshop Series Satellite Student Union Final Schedule Date World War I October 21 4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Early Twentieth Century European and American Art (c. 1900 – 1930) Dr. Susana Sosa Department of Art Fresno City College 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. An Introduction to Genetics Dr. Alejandro Calderón-Urrea Department of Biology November 12 4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises Dr. Chris Hensen Department of English December 9 4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. World War I Dr. Melissa Jordine Department of History 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. An Introduction to Early Twentieth-Century Music Dr. John Karr Department of Music ACADEC 2014 Student Instructions Course Credit AH 001T College of Arts and Humanities 2014 Academic Decathlon Workshop Series Satellite Student Union Final Schedule Date World War I October 21 4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Early Twentieth Century European and American Art (c. 1900 – 1930) Dr. Susana Sosa Department of Art Fresno City College 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. An Introduction to Genetics Dr. Alejandro Calderón-Urrea Department of Biology November 12 4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises Dr. Chris Hensen Department of English December 9 4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. World War I Dr. Melissa Jordine Department of History 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. An Introduction to Early Twentieth-Century Music Dr. John Karr Department of Music CSUF STUDENT APPLICATION FOR THE ACADEMIC DECATHLETE Please pay particular attention to the following: RECOMMENDATION FORM: PLEASE TYPE: Sometimes handwriting is hard to read and could be misread causing delays in admitting. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: Be sure to include on all forms along with Fresno State ID number, if you have one. (enrolled last year) ADMISSION DATA FORM: Please include your Social Security Number If you know your Fresno State ID number, please complete. Leave the AH 01T class number blank. It will be completed by us after you are admitted. NEW FRESNO STATE WEB ID NUMBER: Fresno State’s Registration system is on the WEB. When a student is admitted, they are issued a new I.D. number besides their Social Security number. Once the student is issued this number, it will become his permanent ID number to be used as long as the student is registering at Fresno State. Once you are admitted, you will be advised as to your permanent number. To avoid confusion, you will be registered by the Fresno State Registrar. U.S. CITIZEN BOX: Be sure to check the box with a yes or no. If you have checked NO (You are NOT a U.S. Citizen), Complete the Residency Questionnaire Form attached to the Admission Form. You must also attach a photocopy of your residency card AND a copy of one of your parent’s or guardian’s residency card, both front and back, to the Questionnaire. (You cannot be admitted without a copy of these cards.) A note stating your belongings are in your home country, will not be accepted as documentation. If you have checked Yes (you are a U.S. Citizen), you do not need to complete the attached Residency Questionnaire. SIGNATURE: Be sure to SIGN the admission data form at the bottom and also the blue residency questionnaire, if applicable. (Application will not be processed without your signature.) Dean’s Office Cash ___ CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO ADMISSION DATA FORM ACADEC Decathlon SPRING 2014 DATE Fee Status Name First Last Phone # ( (M or F) U.S. Citizen* (Yes or No) State ( ) Message # Sex CSUF ID AH 001T ____36007/4 units ____36006/3 units ____36005/2 units Other Name(s) City ) Date of Birth H Middle Address MO___ _____________________________ Receipt No. Social Security # Check___ *If answer is “NO” list country of birth: (and complete Residence Questionnaire) Anticipated High School Graduation Date: Name of High School: Name of Counselor: High school class level at time of college attendance: Do you plan to work while attending CSUF: Soph YES JR SR Month NO Year If yes, how many hours per week: What extracurricular activities are you involved in? What colleges do you plan to apply to and attend? First Choice: Second Choice: Third Choice: For Office Use Only ETHNIC IDENTITY Please enter a code in this box: 1-American Indian or Alaskan native, tribe 2-Black, non-Hispanic, including African-American 3-Mexican-American, Mexican, Chicano A-Central American V-Vietnamese B-South American T-Thai Q-Cuban S-Other Southeast Asian P-Puerto Rican G-Guamanian 4-Other Latino, Spanish-origin, H-Hawaiian Hispanic C-Chinese N-Samoan J-Japanese 6-Other Pacific Islander K-Korean 7-White R-Asian Indian F-Filipino 5-Other Asian 8-Other M-Cambodian 9-No response L-Laotian D-Decline to state Applicant’s Signature Uni-Track 9/00 Fourth Choice: Date 0 Major Code Major Code Class Level Degree Objective Accom Status Enroll. Status 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 6 Res. Status Perm. Res C C Trans Degree Held N 0 Inst of Origin NOTE: All non-U.S. citizens must complete a Residence Questionnaire. $40 registration fee must be included with application. If you are not a citizen Do not forget to attach Copy of the front and back of your residence card And Copy of the front and back of parent/guardian’s residence card California Nonresident Tuition Exemption For Eligible California High School Graduates (The law passed by the Legislature in 2001 as “AB 540”) GENERAL INFORMATION Any student, other than a nonimmigrant alien, who meets all of the following requirements, shall be exempt from paying nonresident tuition at the California Community Colleges, the California State University and the University of California (all public colleges and universities in California). · Requirements: o o o · · · · · The student must have attended a high school (public or private) in California for three or more years. The student must have graduated from a California high school or attained the equivalent prior to the start of the term (for example, passing the GED or California High School Proficiency exam). An alien student who is without lawful immigration status must file an affidavit with the college or university stating that he or she has filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status, or will file an application as soon as he or she is eligible to do so. Students who are non immigrants [for example, those who hold F (student) visas, B (visitor) visas, etc.] are not eligible for this exemption. The student must file an exemption request including a signed affidavit with the college that indicates the student has met all applicable conditions described above. Student information obtained in this process is strictly confidential unless disclosure is required under law. Students eligible for this exemption who are transferring to another California public college or university must submit a new request (and documentation if required) to each college under consideration. Nonresident students meeting the criteria will be exempted from the payment of nonresident tuition, but they will not be classified as California residents. They continue to be “nonresidents”. AB540 does not provide student financial aid eligibility for undocumented alien students. These students remain ineligible for state and federal financial aid. PROCEDURES FOR REQUESTING THIS EXEMPTION FROM NONRESIDENT TUITION California Community Colleges: Complete the form on the reverse. Submit it to the Admissions Office at the community college where you are enrolled or intend to enroll. You may be required to submit additional documentation. Call the college Admissions Office if you have questions. University of California: Complete the form on the reverse and submit it to the Office of the Registrar at the UC campus where you are enrolled or intend to enroll. Your campus has established deadlines for submission of exemption requests; however, requests are not to be submitted until you have been admitted to a UC campus. Some students, such as transfer, graduate, and professional students, also must submit their official high school transcripts; check with your campus for specific instructions. Once you are determined to be eligible for the exemption, you will continue to receive it as long as you fulfill the eligibility requirements or until the University no longer offers this exemption. The exemption covers the Nonresident Tuition Fee and the Educational Fee differential charged to nonresident students. Applying for the exemption does not alter your responsibility to pay by the campus deadline any nonresident tuition and associated fees that may be due before your eligibility is determined. For general information, visit the following website: For campus-specific instructions regarding documentation and deadline dates, contact the campus Office of the Registrar. California State University: Complete the form on the reverse. Contact the Office of Admission and Records at the CSU campus where you are enrolled or intend to enroll for instructions on submission, deadline information, and additional requirements. You will be required to submit final high school transcripts and appropriate records of high school graduation or the equivalent, if you have not done so already. Call the Office of Admissions and Records at the campus if you have questions. Spring 2002 California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request For Eligible California High School Graduates Return Completed Form to Campus Admission’s Office Complete and sign this form to request an exemption from Nonresident Tuition. You must submit any documentation required by the College or University (for example, proof of high school attendance in California). Contact the California Community College, University of California or California State University campus where you intend to enroll (or are enrolled) for instructions on documentation, additional procedures and applicable deadlines. ELIGIBILITY: I, the undersigned, am applying for a California Nonresident Tuition Exemption for eligible California high school graduates at (specify the college or university)____________________________________________ and I declare the following: Check YES or NO boxes: o Yes o No I have graduated from a California high school or have attained the equivalent thereof, such as a High School Equivalency Certificate, issued by the California State GED Office or a Certificate of Proficiency, resulting from the California High School Proficiency Examination. o Yes o No I have attended high school in California for three or more years. Provide information on all school(s) you attended in grades 9 - 12: City State Dates: From – Month/Year To – Month/Year School Documentation of high school attendance and graduation (or its equivalent) is required by the University of California, The California State University and some California Community Colleges. Follow campus instructions. Check the box that applies to you -- check only one box: o I am a nonimmigrant alien as defined by federal law, [including, but not limited to, a foreign student (F visa) or exchange visitor (J visa)]. OR o I am NOT a nonimmigrant alien (including, but not limited to, a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or an alien without lawful immigration status). AFFIDAVIT: I, the undersigned, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information I have provided on this form is true and accurate. I understand that this information will be used to determine my eligibility for the nonresident tuition exemption for eligible California high school graduates. I hereby declare that, if I am an alien without lawful immigration status, I have filed an application to legalize my immigration status or will file an application as soon as I am eligible to do so. I further understand that if any of the above information is untrue, I will be liable for payment of all nonresident charges from which I was exempted and may be subject to disciplinary action by the College or University. Print Full Name (as it appears on your campus student records) Campus/Student Identification Number Print Full Mailing Address (Number, Street, City, State, Zip Code) Email Address (Optional) Phone Number (Optional) Signature Date RETURN WITH HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT CSU Residence Questionnaire (rev. 08/07) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS REQUIRED TO DETERMINE YOUR RESIDENCE STATUS. COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM TO THE CAMPUS OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS. The information requested is deemed relevant and necessary to a proper determination of your residence status for tuition purposes pursuant to Education Code Section 68041. Failure to answer all questions may cause you to be classified as a nonresident. You may submit additional information you believe will establish your California residence. Questions about residence regulations should be referred to a campus residence specialist. A summary of the regulations is printed in campus catalogs and in the application for admission booklet. If you disagree with the campus residence determination, you have the right to appeal that decision to the Office of General Counsel, The California State th University, 401 Golden Shore, 4 Floor, Long Beach, California 90802-4210 within 120 days from the date of the final residence determination by the campus. Note: You may be requested to furnish documentation in support of your responses. Name ______________________________________________________________________ Social Security No. _______________________________ Last Name First Birth date _______/_______/_____ Month 1. Day Middle Campus _____________________________________ Term applying for __________________/______________ Year Specify Campus Term If you will be 19 years of age or older by the residence determination date, check here and Answer 2 through 16 as they pertain to you. ○ If you will be younger than 19 years of age by the residence determination date, check here and Answer 2 through 16 as they pertain to the natural or adopted parent with whom you most recently resided and whose name and whereabouts you will provide below. ○ Name/Relationship _____________________________________________________________ Present actual whereabouts ______________________________________________________ Year Residence Determination Dates Quarter Calendars Semester Calendars Fall……….………. September 20 Fall………….…… September 20 Winter…. ..................... January 5 Winter ..…………… January 5 Spring …………. .............. April 1 (Stanislaus only) Summer……….……………July 1 Spring …………………January 25 Summer……….……………June 1 CalState TEACH Stage 1 ..………….September 20 Stage 3 ……………….…….June 1 Stage 2 ..………………January 5 Stage 4 ……………..September 20 2. What State do you regard as your permanent home? ________________________ 3. If California, when did your present stay begin? _____/_____/_____ Month Day Year 4. Are you claimed as a dependent on the military record of any member of the U.S. armed forces? Yes ○ No ○ If “yes,” explain the relationship and answer #6 for the service person. 5. Member or veteran of U.S. armed forces? Yes ○ No ○ Date joined _____________ From what state ______________ Date separated from active duty, if any _______________ 6. Most recent permanent address on military records_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Stationed ____________________________________________________________________ From ___________________ To ____________________________ 7. Have you ever registered to vote? Yes ○ No ○ List all states where registered and date of registration Date registered _____/_____/_____ Month Day Year State ________________ Date registered _____/_____/_____ Month Day Year 8 Do you possess a driver’s license and/ or ID Card? State ________________ ○ Yes No ○ If yes: State ______ Date issued Previous State ______ Date issued 9. Current registration of all vehicles owned or operated in CA ○ No State ______ Date issued ○ 10. Are all personal effects located in California? Yes 11. Purchase date(s) and location(s) of California residence(s) owned _____/_____/_____ Month Day Year If “no,” attach explanation on a separate piece of paper. Last Voted _____/_____/_____ Month Day Year Last Voted _____/_____/_____ Month Day Year _____/_____/_____ Day Year _____/_____/_____ Month Day Year State ______ Date Issued _____/_____/_____ Month Day Year Location ____________________________________________________________ Location ____________________________________________________________ 12. Purchase date(s) and location(s) of other residence(s) owned 13. Did you attend a California High School for at least 3 years and graduate or obtain a California G.E.D? 14. Employed in California in the past year? Yes 15. State where last three state income tax returns filed on total income and year covered by each. 16. Address shown on most current W-2 form ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date _____/____/____ Month Day Year Date _____/____/____ Month Day Year ○ No ○ Date _____/____/____ Month Day Year Location ___________________________________________________________ Yes ○ No ○ Employer(s) _______________________________________________ From State _____ Year _____ _____/_____/_____ To _____/_____/_____ Month Day Year Month Day Year State _____ Year _____ State _____ Year ____ Certification – To be read and signed by all applicants to certify the accuracy of the information provided. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements and any other information submitted by me in connection with the determination of my residence are true, complete, and accurate. I certify that so long as I am a student at this institution, I will advise the residence specialist if there is a change in any of the facts upon which the residence determination was made, such as the state of residence and military status of my parent if I am a minor or, if not, changes in any of the above for me or my spouse, if any; changes in the California State University employment status of my spouse, parent, or myself; or changes in my teaching employment or credential status. I authorize release of any information submitted by me in connection with my application for admission and determination of residence to any person, firm, corporation, association or government, whether federal, state, local, or foreign, but only as necessary to verify or explain the information, to obtain pertinent records, or in connection with perjury proceedings. Signed at _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City and County Applicant’s Signature Date PLEASE TYPE FRESNO COUNTY ACADEMIC DECATHLON, 2014 RECOMMENDATION FORM PARTICIPATION IN THE COLLEGE CREDIT OPTION* (Due no later than November 12, 2013) Student's Name:___________________________________________________ _______ Address:___________________________________________Zip code ______________ Phone Number:______________________ email: _________________________ Social Security Number:_______________ CSUF ID ________________________ Student's GPA:______________________ (Must be 2.0 or better to earn college credits) High School:_________________________ ____________________________________ High School Courses: 1________ 2 ________ 3 ________ 4 ________ 5 ________ 6 ________ I have participated in previous ACADEC Workshop Series _______________________ Coach/Instructor: __________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Coachʼs Email: ________________________ Address:___________________________________ Zip ___________________ Estimated Number of Contact Hours: Fall, 2012:_________________ Spring, 2013:_______________ Course (credit) recommended by Coach AH 1T # 36007 AH 1T # 36006 AH 1T # 36005 (4 units) (80 hrs) (3 units) (60 hrs) (2 units) (40 hrs) _____________________________________ Instructor/Coach Signature: _____________________________________ School Principal Signature *Some Districts require that students be fully enrolled in high school (360 minutes) to participate in this program. JUSTIFICATION FOR AH 1 T CREDIT Please make a copy for seniors who might be applying to a California university, an out of state university or a private university. They will need to attach this justification to their transcripts. All California State University’s will accept the AH 1 T credit. Others may question the course California State University, Fresno AH 1T/HUMANITIES 0001 T Special Offering for the ACADEMIC DECATHLON Course Description: A combination of relevant study of cultural and critical topics with strong reasoning skills designed for high school students who are members of the Academic Decathlon teams primarily in Fresno County. Participants in the Academic Decathlon earn 2 -4 units of credit upon successful completion of the course requirements: 40-80 hours in an instructional setting and test scores in the areas of mathematics, science, fine arts, economics, language and literature, social science, speech and writing along with three workshops given by California State University, Fresno professors in the above disciplines. Each year the Academic Decathlon has a different theme and the Fresno State workshops cover this theme along with the areas of study listed above. Students also match wits during a “Super Quiz” based solely on the designated theme for that year. 2013-2014 Academic Decathlon theme: World War I Spring ’14 AH 1T- Catalog #17071 2 units: Schedule #36005 3 units: Schedule #36006 4 units: Schedule #36007 2012-2013 Academic Decathlon theme: Russia Spring ’13 AH 1T- Catalog #17071 2 units: Schedule #36027 3 units: Schedule #36026 4 units: Schedule #36025 2011-2012 Academic Decathlon theme: The Age of the Empire Spring ’12 AH 1T – Catalog #17071 2 units: Schedule #35941 3 units: Schedule #35942 4 units: Schedule #35943 2009-2010 Academic Decathlon theme: The French Revolution Spring ’10 AH 1T – Catalog #17071 2 units: Schedule #37401 3 units: Schedule #37402 4 units: Schedule #37403 2008-2009 Academic Decathlon theme: Latin America, with a focus on Mexico Spring ’09 AH 1T — Catalog #17071 2 units: Schedule #37131 3 units: Schedule #37132 4 units: Schedule #37133 2007-2008 Academic Decathlon theme: The Civil War Spring ’08 AH 1T — Catalog #17071 2 units: Schedule #43503 3 units: Schedule #43504 4 units: Schedule #43505 2006-2007 Academic Decathlon theme: China and Its Influence on the World Spring ’07-Hum 0001T — Catalog #17071 2 units: Schedule #36912 3 units: Schedule #36913 4 units: Schedule #36914 2005-2006 Academic Decathlon theme: European Renaissance Spring ’06-Hum 0001T – Catalog #17071 2 units: Schedule #36527 3 units: Schedule #36529 4 units: Schedule #36530 2004-2005 Academic Decathlon theme: Exploring the Ancient World Spring ’05-Hum 0001T – Catalog #17071 2 units: Schedule #38903 3 units: Schedule #38904 4 units: Schedule #38905 2003-2004 Academic Decathlon theme: America: The Growth of a Nation Spring '04 - Hum 0001T - Catalog #17071 2 units: Schedule #36810 2002-2003 Academic Decathlon theme: Understanding the Natural World Spring ’03 – Hum 0001T – Catalog #17071 2 units: Schedule #51144 3 units: Schedule #51145 4 units: Schedule #51146 2001-02 Academic Decathlon theme: E-Communication: The Internet and Society & Understanding Others Spring ’02 – Hum 0001T – Catalog #16406 2 units: Schedule #40320 3 units: Schedule #40331 4 units: Schedule #40342 2000-01 Academic Decathlon theme: Understanding the Self Spring ’01 – Hum 0001T – Catalog #16403 2 units: Schedule #46546 3 units: Schedule #46550 4 units: Schedule #46561 1999-00 Academic Decathlon theme: The Sustainable Earth Spring ‘00 - Hum 0001T - Catalog #14944 2 units: Schedule #37730 3 units: Schedule #37741 4 units: Schedule #37752 1998-99 Academic Decathlon theme: The Brain: Looking Inward Spring ‘99 - Hum 0001T - Catalog #14363 2 units: Schedule #38021 3 units: Schedule #38032 4 units: Schedule #38043 1997-98 Academic Decathlon theme: Globalization: The New Economy Spring ‘98 - Hum 0001T - Catalog #12390 2 units: Schedule #40784 3 units: Schedule #40795 4 units: Schedule #40806 1996-97 Academic Decathlon theme: The Information Revolution Spring ‘97 - Hum 001T - Catalog #12390 2 units: Schedule #36245 3 units: Schedule #36256 4 units: Schedule #36260 1995-96 Academic Decathlon theme: Competition & Cooperation - The United Nations Spring ‘96 - Hum 001T - Catalog #12390 2 units: Schedule #42076 3 units: Schedule #42980 4 units: Schedule #42991 BULLDOG DIAMOND AQUATICS CENTER H P P Q GROSSE INDUSTRIAL TECH L M MCKEE FISK ENGINEERING WEST SOCIAL SCIENCE SAN RAMON AVE PEACE GARDEN HENRY MADDEN LIBRARY E STUDENT RIDESHARE ONLY M PROFESSIONAL HUMAN SERVICES EDUCATIONAL ANNEX THE QUAD FAMILY & FOOD SCI ASPEN ORE SYCAM BIRCH HEALTH CENTER X P WATER TOWER Boiler Plant ENGINEERING EAST Chiller P POLICE/ PUBLIC SAFETY VITICULTURE AND ENOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER M R VITICULTURE ENOLOGY EAST RAISIN LAB N AG OPERATIONS CAMPUS FARM T VETERINARY UNIT HORSE UNIT PLANETARIUM MUSEUM SCIENCE II BEEF FINISH UNIT EAST PORTALS AVE SHIP/ REC FOOD STORAGE O'NEILL PARK P P V MATOIAN WAY DOJ FORENSICS LAB MAIL PRINTING CENTER SERVICES U BEEF CATTLE UNIT W RECYCLE CALF BARN CENTER DAIRY SCIENCE PROCESSING GREENHOUSES BARSTOW AVE P DOWNING PLANETARIUM P UNIVERSITY BUSINESS CENTER B Allergy Free Demonstration Garden P P JUDGING PAVILION ANIMAL SCIENCE PAVILION AGRONOMY POULTRY UNIT SHEEP UNIT Y SWINE UNIT FEED MILL STUDENT HORSE CENTER DAIRY UNIT GRADUATE LAB P FUEL STATION CATI ICWT/WET CIT TESTING Parking Coupon Code: 261404 LOT 1, LOT 2 & LOT 4 Authorized Overflow Student Parking Save Mart Center Parking RODEO SIERRA VISTA AVE PETERS EDU CENTER LOT 2 LOT 5 MATOIAN WAY LOT 3 LOT 6 SERVICES AUXILIARY 8/12 SHAW AVE AT FRESNO STATE SAVE MART CENTER EMERGENCY TELEPHONE LYLES CENTER STUDENT RECREATION CENTER Non-Event - Student Parking Permit Required Evening Event - Student Parking Permit Required. Must exit lot by 3:30. Day Event - SMC Parking Permit Required, No Student Parking. LOT 1 LOT 4 PARKING METERS P MOTORCYCLE PARKING DESIGNATED SMOKING AREAS SMITTCAMP ALUMNI HOUSE VISITORS CENTER Meteorology Lab CONLEY ART PETERS BUSINESS SCIENCE PBAT M UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL JOYAL ADMIN PRICE AVE SAFE LIGHTING PATH C IAN W AY MATO M P M P SAN RAMON AVE ENOLOGY UNIT O M AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES SATELLITE STUDENT UNION ALLEN LEW MEMORIAL GROVE FRANK W. THOMAS ROSE GARDEN SPEECH ARTS I FARM MACHINERY CENTER AG MECHANICS The COLLEGIAN MUSIC SAVEMART CENTER PARKING DAILY PARKING P PERMIT DISPENSERS MAIN ENTRANCE KREMEN SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AMPHITHEATER KEATS THE FOUNTAIN BOOKSTORE POST OFFICE MCLANE HALL UNIV STUDENT UNION FREE SPEECH AREA UNIVERSITY CENTER D KEATS AVE LAB SCHOOL BLUE PERMIT DISABLED PARKING GOLD PERMIT SPECIAL USE PARKING WOODROW AVE BARSTOW AVE K M ROPES COURSE UNIVERSITY DINING HALL MANAHGOME EMENT HALL UNIVERSITY COURTYARD ATR IUM HALL M F P PL ANT OPERATIONS BAKER SOUTH GYM SAN BRUNO AVE NORTH GYM NORTH GYM ANNEX P GRAVE S POOL L N HAL HOMA IA SEQU O SHAW AVE GREEN PERMIT YELLOW PERMIT JACKSON AVE 5241 North Maple Avenue Fresno, CA 93740 t 559.278.4240 MAPLE AVE MAPLE AVE CAMPUS DRIVE CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO FACULTY/STAFF PARKING STUDENT/PUBLIC PARKING BARTON AVE WARMERDAM FIELD SPALDING G. WATHEN TENNIS COURTS SCOTT AVE G P ROWELL AVE CHESTNUT AVE CHESTNUT AVE ROSA PONDE FRONTAGE ROAD CEDAR CEDAR AVE CEDAR AVE
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